*CLI> core show channels Channel Location State Application(Data) [ ... here was some more calls, but not 1111 or 2222 are involved in them ...] SIP/1111-0839cf48 897792222@fromoffice Up ChanSpy(SIP/2222,q) 9 active channels 8 active calls 55231 calls processed *CLI> core show channel SIP/1111-0839cf48 -- General -- Name: SIP/1111-0839cf48 Type: SIP UniqueID: 1237461970.111676 Caller ID: 1111 Caller ID Name: User Name DNID Digits: 897792222 Language: ru State: Up (6) Rings: 0 NativeFormats: 0x8 (alaw) WriteFormat: 0x40 (slin) ReadFormat: 0x8 (alaw) WriteTranscode: Yes ReadTranscode: No 1st File Descriptor: 89 Frames in: 441243 Frames out: 290787 Time to Hangup: 0 Elapsed Time: 6h46m18s Direct Bridge: Indirect Bridge: -- PBX -- Context: fromoffice Extension: 897792222 Priority: 2 Call Group: 32768 Pickup Group: 32768 Application: ChanSpy Data: SIP/2222,q Blocking in: (Not Blocking) Variables: RTPAUDIOQOS=ssrc=494426059;themssrc=161996084;lp=1;rxjitter=0.024068;rxcount=441243;txjitter=0.000000;txcount=290787;rlp=0;rtt=0.000000 SIPCALLID=E199F6D2-9C24-4C76-B629-C977B8C94454@10.x.x.x SIPDOMAIN=sipproxy.int.domain.tld SIPURI=sip:1111@10.x.x.x:5060 CDR Variables: level 1: clid="User Name" <1111> level 1: src=1111 level 1: dst=897792222 level 1: dcontext=fromoffice level 1: channel=SIP/1111-0839cf48 level 1: lastapp=ChanSpy level 1: lastdata=SIP/2222,q level 1: start=2009-03-19 14:26:10 level 1: answer=2009-03-19 14:26:10 level 1: duration=24378 level 1: billsec=24378 level 1: disposition=ANSWERED level 1: amaflags=DOCUMENTATION level 1: uniqueid=1237461970.111676 *CLI> sip show channels Peer User/ANR Call ID Format Hold Last Message [... here some more channels to, but they are from another sip peers ...] 10.x.x.x 1111 E199F6D2-9C24-4 0x8 (alaw) No Rx: BYE 26 active SIP dialogs *CLI> sip show channel E199F6D2-9C24-4 * SIP Call Curr. trans. direction: Incoming Call-ID: E199F6D2-9C24-4C76-B629-C977B8C94454@10.x.x.x Owner channel ID: SIP/1111-0839cf48 Our Codec Capability: 14 Non-Codec Capability (DTMF): 1 Their Codec Capability: 1038 Joint Codec Capability: 14 Format: 0x8 (alaw) T.38 support No Video support No MaxCallBR: 384 kbps Theoretical Address: 10.x.x.x:5060 Received Address: 10.x.x.x:5060 SIP Transfer mode: open NAT Support: Always Audio IP: (local) Our Tag: as7dd34524 Their Tag: 1035276519073 SIP User agent: SJphone/1.60.289a (SJ Labs) Username: 1111 Peername: 1111 Original uri: sip:1111@10.x.x.x:5060 Caller-ID: 1111 Need Destroy: No Last Message: Rx: BYE Promiscuous Redir: No Route: sip:1111@10.x.x.x:5060 DTMF Mode: rfc2833 SIP Options: (none) Session-Timer: Inactive *CLI> core show locks ======================================================================= === Currently Held Locks ============================================== ======================================================================= === === (times locked) === ======================================================================= *CLI> [... really, no locks above ...] *CLI> soft hangup SIP/1111-0839cf48 Requested Hangup on channel 'SIP/1111-0839cf48' *CLI> core show channels Channel Location State Application(Data) [...] SIP/1111-0839cf48 897792222@fromoffice Up ChanSpy(SIP/2222,q) 5 active channels 4 active calls 56142 calls processed *CLI> sip show channels Peer User/ANR Call ID Format Hold Last Message [...] 10.x.x.x 1111 E199F6D2-9C24-4 0x8 (alaw) No Rx: BYE 35 active SIP dialogs *CLI> core show locks ======================================================================= === Currently Held Locks ============================================== ======================================================================= === === (times locked) === ======================================================================= *CLI> [... still no locks ...] [... this commands: 'core show channel SIP/1111-0839cf48' 'sip show channel E199F6D2-9C24-4' shows exactly the same, except duration/billsec cdr values ...]