System configuration and debug output. Demo OS Linux demopbx.local 2.6.18-53.1.14.el5 Prod OS Linux prodpbx.local 2.6.18-92.1.18.el5 Demo IAX Config type=peer qualify=yes host= deny=all allow=alaw&ulaw context=from-internal trunk=yes Prod IAX config type=peer qualify=yes host= deny=all allow=alaw&ulaw context=from-internal trunk=yes Turned on IAX debug and when dialing out from the demo system the error is: [Dec 9 16:04:13] VERBOSE[6455] logger.c: VERSION : 2 [Dec 9 16:04:13] VERBOSE[6455] logger.c: CALLED NUMBER : xxxxxxxxxx [Dec 9 16:04:13] VERBOSE[6455] logger.c: CODEC_PREFS : (ulaw|gsm|alaw) [Dec 9 16:04:13] VERBOSE[6455] logger.c: CALLING NUMBER : 7000 [Dec 9 16:04:13] VERBOSE[6455] logger.c: CALLING PRESNTN : 0 [Dec 9 16:04:13] VERBOSE[6455] logger.c: CALLING TYPEOFN : 0 [Dec 9 16:04:13] VERBOSE[6455] logger.c: CALLING TRANSIT : 0 [Dec 9 16:04:13] VERBOSE[6455] logger.c: CALLING NAME : Operator [Dec 9 16:04:13] VERBOSE[6455] logger.c: LANGUAGE : en [Dec 9 16:04:13] VERBOSE[6455] logger.c: FORMAT : 4 [Dec 9 16:04:13] VERBOSE[6455] logger.c: CAPABILITY : 57358 [Dec 9 16:04:13] VERBOSE[6455] logger.c: ADSICPE : 2 [Dec 9 16:04:13] VERBOSE[6455] logger.c: DATE TIME : 2008-12-09 16:04:12 [Dec 9 16:04:13] VERBOSE[6455] logger.c: [Dec 9 16:04:13] VERBOSE[6448] logger.c: Rx-Frame Retry[ No] -- OSeqno: 000 ISeqno: 001 Type: IAX Subclass: REJECT [Dec 9 16:04:13] VERBOSE[6448] logger.c: Timestamp: 00007ms SCall: 13924 DCall: 16384 [] [Dec 9 16:04:13] VERBOSE[6448] logger.c: CAUSE : No such context/extension [Dec 9 16:04:13] VERBOSE[6448] logger.c: CAUSE CODE : 3 [Dec 9 16:04:13] VERBOSE[6448] logger.c: [Dec 9 16:04:13] WARNING[6448] chan_iax2.c: Call rejected by No such context/extension Debug from prod system [Dec 9 16:04:13] NOTICE[20963] chan_iax2.c: Rejected connect attempt from, request 'xxxxxxxxxx@default' does not exist As the log show the prod system thinks the contex is default instead of from- internal. I changed the debug statement in chan_iax2.c to include context and extension and here is the output [Dec 9 16:04:13] WARNING[6448] chan_iax2.c: Call rejected by No such context/extension from-internal s It is clear that the demo system is sending the correct context.