asterix*CLI> misdn set debug 5 changing debug level for all ports to 5 asterix*CLI> core set debug 5 Core debug was 0 and is now 5 P[ 1] handle_frm: frm->addr:42000103 frm->prim:3f082 P[ 1] channel with stid:0 not in use! P[ 1] handle_frm: frm->addr:42000103 frm->prim:30582 P[ 1] set_channel: bc->channel:0 channel:1 P[ 1] I IND :NEW_CHANNEL oad:3081459853 dad:12 pid:227 state:none P[ 1] --> channel:1 mode:TE cause:16 ocause:16 rad: cad: P[ 1] --> info_dad: onumplan:2 dnumplan:0 rnumplan: cpnnumplan:0 P[ 1] --> caps:Audio 3.1k pi:0 keypad: sending_complete:1 P[ 1] --> screen:0 --> pres:0 P[ 1] --> addr:0 l3id:200a2 b_stid:0 layer_id:50010180 P[ 1] --> facility:Fac_None out_facility:Fac_None P[ 1] --> urate:0 rate:16 mode:0 user1:0 P[ 1] --> bc:81c68d4 h:0 sh:0 P[ 1] --> bc_state:BCHAN_CLEANED P[ 1] Chan not existing at the moment bc->l3id:200a2 bc:0x81c68d4 event:NEW_CHANNEL port:1 channel:1 P[ 1] NO USERUESRINFO P[ 1] find_free_chan: req_chan:1 P[ 1] --> found chan (preselected): 1 P[ 1] set_chan_in_stack: 1 P[ 1] $$$ Setting up bc with stid :10010100 P[ 1] setup_bc: with dsp P[ 1] --> Channel is 1 P[ 1] --> TRANSPARENT Mode P[ 1] $$$ Bchan Activated addr 50010102 P[ 1] BC_STATE_CHANGE: l3id:200a2 from:BCHAN_CLEANED to:BCHAN_ACTIVATED P[ 1] lib Got Prim: Addr 42000103 prim 30582 dinfo 200a2 P[ 1] I IND :SETUP oad:3081459853 dad:12 pid:227 state:none P[ 1] --> channel:1 mode:TE cause:16 ocause:16 rad: cad: P[ 1] --> info_dad: onumplan:2 dnumplan:0 rnumplan: cpnnumplan:0 P[ 1] --> caps:Audio 3.1k pi:1 keypad: sending_complete:1 P[ 1] --> screen:0 --> pres:0 P[ 1] --> addr:50010102 l3id:200a2 b_stid:10010100 layer_id:50010180 P[ 1] --> facility:Fac_None out_facility:Fac_None P[ 1] --> urate:0 rate:16 mode:0 user1:0 P[ 1] --> bc:81c68d4 h:0 sh:0 P[ 1] --> bc_state:BCHAN_ACTIVATED P[ 1] --> Bearer: Audio 3.1k P[ 1] --> Codec: Alaw P[ 1] --> Bearer: Audio 3.1k P[ 1] --> Codec: Alaw P[ 0] --> * NEW CHANNEL dad:12 oad:3081459853 P[ 1] read_config: Getting Config P[ 1] config_jb: Called P[ 1] --> * CallGrp: PickupGrp: P[ 1] --> CTON: Unknown P[ 1] --> EXPORT_PID: pid:227 P[ 1] --> PRES: Restricted (0) P[ 1] --> SCREEN: Unscreened (0) P[ 1] * Queuing chan 0x82cd7d0 P[ 1] CONTEXT:eingehend P[ 1] I SEND:PROCEEDING oad:03081459853 dad:12 pid:227 P[ 1] --> bc_state:BCHAN_ACTIVATED P[ 1] --> channel:1 mode:TE cause:16 ocause:16 rad: cad: P[ 1] --> info_dad: onumplan:2 dnumplan:0 rnumplan: cpnnumplan:0 P[ 1] --> caps:Audio 3.1k pi:1 keypad: sending_complete:1 P[ 1] --> screen:0 --> pres:0 P[ 1] --> addr:50010102 l3id:200a2 b_stid:10010100 layer_id:50010180 P[ 1] --> facility:Fac_None out_facility:Fac_None P[ 1] --> urate:0 rate:16 mode:0 user1:0 P[ 1] --> bc:81c68d4 h:0 sh:0 P[ 1] Sending msg, prim:30280 addr:41000104 dinfo:200a2 P[ 1] GOT SETUP OK P[ 1] P[ 1] Freeing Msg on prim:30582 P[ 1] BCHAN: bchan ACT Confirm pid:227 * IND : Indication [3] from 12 P[ 1] * IND : ringing pid:227 P[ 1] --> * IND : ringing pid:227 P[ 1] I SEND:ALERTING oad:03081459853 dad:12 pid:227 P[ 1] --> bc_state:BCHAN_ACTIVATED P[ 1] --> channel:1 mode:TE cause:16 ocause:16 rad: cad: P[ 1] --> info_dad: onumplan:2 dnumplan:0 rnumplan: cpnnumplan:0 P[ 1] --> caps:Audio 3.1k pi:1 keypad: sending_complete:1 P[ 1] --> screen:0 --> pres:0 P[ 1] --> addr:50010102 l3id:200a2 b_stid:10010100 layer_id:50010180 P[ 1] --> facility:Fac_None out_facility:Fac_None P[ 1] --> urate:0 rate:16 mode:0 user1:0 P[ 1] --> bc:81c68d4 h:0 sh:0 P[ 1] P[ 1] Sending msg, prim:30180 addr:41000104 dinfo:200a2 --> * SEND: State Ring pid:227 P[ 1] --> incoming_early_audio off Really destroying SIP dialog '2963988219@192_168_150_17' Method: REGISTER P[ 1] * ANSWER: P[ 1] --> Connection is without BF encryption P[ 1] --> None P[ 1] --> empty cad using dad P[ 1] I SEND:CONNECT oad:03081459853 dad:12 pid:227 P[ 1] --> bc_state:BCHAN_ACTIVATED P[ 1] --> channel:1 mode:TE cause:16 ocause:16 rad: cad:12 P[ 1] --> info_dad: onumplan:2 dnumplan:0 rnumplan: cpnnumplan:0 P[ 1] --> caps:Audio 3.1k pi:1 keypad: sending_complete:1 P[ 1] --> screen:0 --> pres:0 P[ 1] --> addr:50010102 l3id:200a2 b_stid:10010100 layer_id:50010180 P[ 1] --> facility:Fac_None out_facility:Fac_None P[ 1] --> urate:0 rate:16 mode:0 user1:0 P[ 1] --> bc:81c68d4 h:0 sh:0 P[ 1] Sending msg, prim:30780 addr:41000104 dinfo:200a2 P[ 1] handle_frm: frm->addr:42000103 frm->prim:30f82 P[ 1] $$$ bc already upsetted stid :10010100 (state:BCHAN_ACTIVATED) P[ 1] ph_control: c1:2100 c2:0 P[ 1] ec_enable P[ 1] Sending Control ECHOCAN_ON taps:128 P[ 1] Taps is 128 P[ 1] lib Got Prim: Addr 42000103 prim 30f82 dinfo 200a2 P[ 1] I IND :CONNECT_ACKNOWLEDGE oad:03081459853 dad:12 pid:227 state:CONNECTED P[ 1] --> channel:1 mode:TE cause:16 ocause:16 rad: cad:12 P[ 1] --> info_dad: onumplan:2 dnumplan:0 rnumplan: cpnnumplan:0 P[ 1] --> caps:Audio 3.1k pi:1 keypad: sending_complete:1 P[ 1] --> screen:0 --> pres:0 P[ 1] --> addr:50010102 l3id:200a2 b_stid:10010100 layer_id:50010180 P[ 1] --> facility:Fac_None out_facility:Fac_None P[ 1] --> urate:0 rate:16 mode:0 user1:0 P[ 1] --> bc:81c68d4 h:0 sh:0 P[ 1] --> bc_state:BCHAN_ACTIVATED P[ 1] Freeing Msg on prim:30f82 REGISTER attempt 1 to P[ 1] PH_CONTROL: channel:1 oad2:03081459853 dad0:12 P[ 1] --> DTMF TONE: 7 P[ 1] I IND :DTMF_TONE oad:03081459853 dad:12 pid:227 state:CONNECTED P[ 1] --> channel:1 mode:TE cause:16 ocause:16 rad: cad:12 P[ 1] --> info_dad: onumplan:2 dnumplan:0 rnumplan: cpnnumplan:0 P[ 1] --> caps:Audio 3.1k pi:1 keypad: sending_complete:1 P[ 1] --> screen:0 --> pres:0 P[ 1] --> addr:50010102 l3id:200a2 b_stid:10010100 layer_id:50010180 P[ 1] --> facility:Fac_None out_facility:Fac_None P[ 1] --> urate:0 rate:16 mode:0 user1:0 P[ 1] --> bc:81c68d4 h:0 sh:0 P[ 1] --> bc_state:BCHAN_ACTIVATED P[ 1] --> DTMF:7 P[ 1] PH_CONTROL: channel:1 oad2:03081459853 dad0:12 P[ 1] --> DTMF TONE: 2 P[ 1] I IND :DTMF_TONE oad:03081459853 dad:12 pid:227 state:CONNECTED P[ 1] --> channel:1 mode:TE cause:16 ocause:16 rad: cad:12 P[ 1] --> info_dad: onumplan:2 dnumplan:0 rnumplan: cpnnumplan:0 P[ 1] --> caps:Audio 3.1k pi:1 keypad: sending_complete:1 P[ 1] --> screen:0 --> pres:0 P[ 1] --> addr:50010102 l3id:200a2 b_stid:10010100 layer_id:50010180 P[ 1] --> facility:Fac_None out_facility:Fac_None P[ 1] --> urate:0 rate:16 mode:0 user1:0 P[ 1] --> bc:81c68d4 h:0 sh:0 P[ 1] --> bc_state:BCHAN_ACTIVATED P[ 1] --> DTMF:2 P[ 1] PH_CONTROL: channel:1 oad2:03081459853 dad0:12 P[ 1] --> DTMF TONE: 6 P[ 1] I IND :DTMF_TONE oad:03081459853 dad:12 pid:227 state:CONNECTED P[ 1] --> channel:1 mode:TE cause:16 ocause:16 rad: cad:12 P[ 1] --> info_dad: onumplan:2 dnumplan:0 rnumplan: cpnnumplan:0 P[ 1] --> caps:Audio 3.1k pi:1 keypad: sending_complete:1 P[ 1] --> screen:0 --> pres:0 P[ 1] --> addr:50010102 l3id:200a2 b_stid:10010100 layer_id:50010180 P[ 1] --> facility:Fac_None out_facility:Fac_None P[ 1] --> urate:0 rate:16 mode:0 user1:0 P[ 1] --> bc:81c68d4 h:0 sh:0 P[ 1] --> bc_state:BCHAN_ACTIVATED P[ 1] --> DTMF:6 P[ 1] PH_CONTROL: channel:1 oad2:03081459853 dad0:12 P[ 1] --> DTMF TONE: 1 P[ 1] I IND :DTMF_TONE oad:03081459853 dad:12 pid:227 state:CONNECTED P[ 1] --> channel:1 mode:TE cause:16 ocause:16 rad: cad:12 P[ 1] --> info_dad: onumplan:2 dnumplan:0 rnumplan: cpnnumplan:0 P[ 1] --> caps:Audio 3.1k pi:1 keypad: sending_complete:1 P[ 1] --> screen:0 --> pres:0 P[ 1] --> addr:50010102 l3id:200a2 b_stid:10010100 layer_id:50010180 P[ 1] --> facility:Fac_None out_facility:Fac_None P[ 1] --> urate:0 rate:16 mode:0 user1:0 P[ 1] --> bc:81c68d4 h:0 sh:0 P[ 1] --> bc_state:BCHAN_ACTIVATED P[ 1] --> DTMF:1 P[ 1] PH_CONTROL: channel:1 oad2:03081459853 dad0:12 P[ 1] --> DTMF TONE: # P[ 1] I IND :DTMF_TONE oad:03081459853 dad:12 pid:227 state:CONNECTED P[ 1] --> channel:1 mode:TE cause:16 ocause:16 rad: cad:12 P[ 1] --> info_dad: onumplan:2 dnumplan:0 rnumplan: cpnnumplan:0 P[ 1] --> caps:Audio 3.1k pi:1 keypad: sending_complete:1 P[ 1] --> screen:0 --> pres:0 P[ 1] --> addr:50010102 l3id:200a2 b_stid:10010100 layer_id:50010180 P[ 1] --> facility:Fac_None out_facility:Fac_None P[ 1] --> urate:0 rate:16 mode:0 user1:0 P[ 1] --> bc:81c68d4 h:0 sh:0 P[ 1] --> bc_state:BCHAN_ACTIVATED P[ 1] --> DTMF:# P[ 1] * IND : Indication [18] from 12 P[ 1] --> * Unknown Indication:18 pid:227 P[ 1] PH_CONTROL: channel:1 oad2:03081459853 dad0:12 P[ 1] --> DTMF TONE: # P[ 1] I IND :DTMF_TONE oad:03081459853 dad:12 pid:227 state:CONNECTED P[ 1] --> channel:1 mode:TE cause:16 ocause:16 rad: cad:12 P[ 1] --> info_dad: onumplan:2 dnumplan:0 rnumplan: cpnnumplan:0 P[ 1] --> caps:Audio 3.1k pi:1 keypad: sending_complete:1 P[ 1] --> screen:0 --> pres:0 P[ 1] --> addr:50010102 l3id:200a2 b_stid:10010100 layer_id:50010180 P[ 1] --> facility:Fac_None out_facility:Fac_None P[ 1] --> urate:0 rate:16 mode:0 user1:0 P[ 1] --> bc:81c68d4 h:0 sh:0 P[ 1] --> bc_state:BCHAN_ACTIVATED P[ 1] --> DTMF:# P[ 1] * IND : Indication [-1] from 12 P[ 1] --> * IND : -1! (stop indication) pid:227 P[ 1] --> None P[ 2] handle_frm: frm->addr:42000203 frm->prim:3f082 P[ 2] channel with stid:0 not in use! P[ 2] handle_frm: frm->addr:42000203 frm->prim:30582 P[ 2] set_channel: bc->channel:0 channel:1 P[ 2] I IND :NEW_CHANNEL oad:1773502701 dad:12 pid:228 state:none P[ 2] --> channel:1 mode:TE cause:16 ocause:16 rad: cad: P[ 2] --> info_dad: onumplan:2 dnumplan:0 rnumplan: cpnnumplan:0 P[ 2] --> caps:Speech pi:0 keypad: sending_complete:1 P[ 2] --> screen:0 --> pres:0 P[ 2] --> addr:0 l3id:4007d b_stid:0 layer_id:50010280 P[ 2] --> facility:Fac_None out_facility:Fac_None P[ 2] --> urate:0 rate:16 mode:0 user1:0 P[ 2] --> bc:81d25bc h:0 sh:0 P[ 2] --> bc_state:BCHAN_CLEANED P[ 2] Chan not existing at the moment bc->l3id:4007d bc:0x81d25bc event:NEW_CHANNEL port:2 channel:1 P[ 2] NO USERUESRINFO P[ 2] find_free_chan: req_chan:1 P[ 2] --> found chan (preselected): 1 P[ 2] set_chan_in_stack: 1 P[ 2] $$$ Setting up bc with stid :10010200 P[ 2] setup_bc: with dsp P[ 2] --> Channel is 1 P[ 2] --> TRANSPARENT Mode P[ 2] $$$ Bchan Activated addr 50010202 P[ 2] BC_STATE_CHANGE: l3id:4007d from:BCHAN_CLEANED to:BCHAN_ACTIVATED P[ 2] lib Got Prim: Addr 42000203 prim 30582 dinfo 4007d P[ 2] I IND :SETUP oad:1773502701 dad:12 pid:228 state:none P[ 2] --> channel:1 mode:TE cause:16 ocause:16 rad: cad: P[ 2] --> info_dad: onumplan:2 dnumplan:0 rnumplan: cpnnumplan:0 P[ 2] --> caps:Speech pi:0 keypad: sending_complete:1 P[ 2] --> screen:0 --> pres:0 P[ 2] --> addr:50010202 l3id:4007d b_stid:10010200 layer_id:50010280 P[ 2] --> facility:Fac_None out_facility:Fac_None P[ 2] --> urate:0 rate:16 mode:0 user1:0 P[ 2] --> bc:81d25bc h:0 sh:0 P[ 2] --> bc_state:BCHAN_ACTIVATED P[ 2] --> Bearer: Speech P[ 2] --> Codec: Alaw P[ 2] --> Bearer: Speech P[ 2] --> Codec: Alaw P[ 0] --> * NEW CHANNEL dad:12 oad:1773502701 P[ 2] read_config: Getting Config P[ 2] config_jb: Called P[ 2] --> * CallGrp: PickupGrp: P[ 2] --> CTON: Unknown P[ 2] --> EXPORT_PID: pid:228 P[ 2] --> PRES: Restricted (0) P[ 2] --> SCREEN: Unscreened (0) P[ 2] * Queuing chan 0x838f408 P[ 2] CONTEXT:eingehend P[ 2] I SEND:PROCEEDING oad:01773502701 dad:12 pid:228 P[ 2] --> bc_state:BCHAN_ACTIVATED P[ 2] --> channel:1 mode:TE cause:16 ocause:16 rad: cad: P[ 2] --> info_dad: onumplan:2 dnumplan:0 rnumplan: cpnnumplan:0 P[ 2] --> caps:Speech pi:0 keypad: sending_complete:1 P[ 2] --> screen:0 --> pres:0 P[ 2] --> addr:50010202 l3id:4007d b_stid:10010200 layer_id:50010280 P[ 2] --> facility:Fac_None out_facility:Fac_None P[ 2] --> urate:0 rate:16 mode:0 user1:0 P[ 2] --> bc:81d25bc h:0 sh:0 P[ 2] P[ 2] Sending msg, prim:30280 addr:41000204 dinfo:4007d GOT SETUP OK P[ 2] P[ 2] Freeing Msg on prim:30582 * IND : Indication [3] from 12 P[ 2] BCHAN: bchan ACT Confirm pid:228 P[ 2] * IND : ringing pid:228 P[ 2] --> * IND : ringing pid:228 P[ 2] I SEND:ALERTING oad:01773502701 dad:12 pid:228 P[ 2] --> bc_state:BCHAN_ACTIVATED P[ 2] --> channel:1 mode:TE cause:16 ocause:16 rad: cad: P[ 2] --> info_dad: onumplan:2 dnumplan:0 rnumplan: cpnnumplan:0 P[ 2] --> caps:Speech pi:0 keypad: sending_complete:1 P[ 2] --> screen:0 --> pres:0 P[ 2] --> addr:50010202 l3id:4007d b_stid:10010200 layer_id:50010280 P[ 2] --> facility:Fac_None out_facility:Fac_None P[ 2] --> urate:0 rate:16 mode:0 user1:0 P[ 2] --> bc:81d25bc h:0 sh:0 P[ 2] --> * SEND: State Ring pid:228 P[ 2] Sending msg, prim:30180 addr:41000204 dinfo:4007d P[ 2] --> incoming_early_audio off P[ 2] * ANSWER: P[ 2] --> Connection is without BF encryption P[ 2] --> None P[ 2] --> empty cad using dad P[ 2] I SEND:CONNECT oad:01773502701 dad:12 pid:228 P[ 2] --> bc_state:BCHAN_ACTIVATED P[ 2] --> channel:1 mode:TE cause:16 ocause:16 rad: cad:12 P[ 2] --> info_dad: onumplan:2 dnumplan:0 rnumplan: cpnnumplan:0 P[ 2] --> caps:Speech pi:0 keypad: sending_complete:1 P[ 2] --> screen:0 --> pres:0 P[ 2] --> addr:50010202 l3id:4007d b_stid:10010200 layer_id:50010280 P[ 2] --> facility:Fac_None out_facility:Fac_None P[ 2] --> urate:0 rate:16 mode:0 user1:0 P[ 2] --> bc:81d25bc h:0 sh:0 P[ 2] Sending msg, prim:30780 addr:41000204 dinfo:4007d P[ 2] handle_frm: frm->addr:42000203 frm->prim:30f82 P[ 2] $$$ bc already upsetted stid :10010200 (state:BCHAN_ACTIVATED) P[ 2] ph_control: c1:2100 c2:0 P[ 2] ec_enable P[ 2] Sending Control ECHOCAN_ON taps:128 P[ 2] Taps is 128 P[ 2] lib Got Prim: Addr 42000203 prim 30f82 dinfo 4007d P[ 2] I IND :CONNECT_ACKNOWLEDGE oad:01773502701 dad:12 pid:228 state:CONNECTED P[ 2] --> channel:1 mode:TE cause:16 ocause:16 rad: cad:12 P[ 2] --> info_dad: onumplan:2 dnumplan:0 rnumplan: cpnnumplan:0 P[ 2] --> caps:Speech pi:0 keypad: sending_complete:1 P[ 2] --> screen:0 --> pres:0 P[ 2] --> addr:50010202 l3id:4007d b_stid:10010200 layer_id:50010280 P[ 2] --> facility:Fac_None out_facility:Fac_None P[ 2] --> urate:0 rate:16 mode:0 user1:0 P[ 2] --> bc:81d25bc h:0 sh:0 P[ 2] --> bc_state:BCHAN_ACTIVATED P[ 2] Freeing Msg on prim:30f82 P[ 2] PH_CONTROL: channel:1 oad2:01773502701 dad0:12 P[ 2] --> DTMF TONE: 7 P[ 2] I IND :DTMF_TONE oad:01773502701 dad:12 pid:228 state:CONNECTED P[ 2] --> channel:1 mode:TE cause:16 ocause:16 rad: cad:12 P[ 2] --> info_dad: onumplan:2 dnumplan:0 rnumplan: cpnnumplan:0 P[ 2] --> caps:Speech pi:0 keypad: sending_complete:1 P[ 2] --> screen:0 --> pres:0 P[ 2] --> addr:50010202 l3id:4007d b_stid:10010200 layer_id:50010280 P[ 2] --> facility:Fac_None out_facility:Fac_None P[ 2] --> urate:0 rate:16 mode:0 user1:0 P[ 2] --> bc:81d25bc h:0 sh:0 P[ 2] --> bc_state:BCHAN_ACTIVATED P[ 2] --> DTMF:7 P[ 2] PH_CONTROL: channel:1 oad2:01773502701 dad0:12 P[ 2] --> DTMF TONE: 2 P[ 2] I IND :DTMF_TONE oad:01773502701 dad:12 pid:228 state:CONNECTED P[ 2] --> channel:1 mode:TE cause:16 ocause:16 rad: cad:12 P[ 2] --> info_dad: onumplan:2 dnumplan:0 rnumplan: cpnnumplan:0 P[ 2] --> caps:Speech pi:0 keypad: sending_complete:1 P[ 2] --> screen:0 --> pres:0 P[ 2] --> addr:50010202 l3id:4007d b_stid:10010200 layer_id:50010280 P[ 2] --> facility:Fac_None out_facility:Fac_None P[ 2] --> urate:0 rate:16 mode:0 user1:0 P[ 2] --> bc:81d25bc h:0 sh:0 P[ 2] --> bc_state:BCHAN_ACTIVATED P[ 2] --> DTMF:2 P[ 2] PH_CONTROL: channel:1 oad2:01773502701 dad0:12 P[ 2] --> DTMF TONE: 6 P[ 2] I IND :DTMF_TONE oad:01773502701 dad:12 pid:228 state:CONNECTED P[ 2] --> channel:1 mode:TE cause:16 ocause:16 rad: cad:12 P[ 2] --> info_dad: onumplan:2 dnumplan:0 rnumplan: cpnnumplan:0 P[ 2] --> caps:Speech pi:0 keypad: sending_complete:1 P[ 2] --> screen:0 --> pres:0 P[ 2] --> addr:50010202 l3id:4007d b_stid:10010200 layer_id:50010280 P[ 2] --> facility:Fac_None out_facility:Fac_None P[ 2] --> urate:0 rate:16 mode:0 user1:0 P[ 2] --> bc:81d25bc h:0 sh:0 P[ 2] --> bc_state:BCHAN_ACTIVATED P[ 2] --> DTMF:6 Really destroying SIP dialog '3caf5627000ca8e756078967341bf26b@' Method: REGISTER P[ 2] PH_CONTROL: channel:1 oad2:01773502701 dad0:12 P[ 2] --> DTMF TONE: 1 P[ 2] I IND :DTMF_TONE oad:01773502701 dad:12 pid:228 state:CONNECTED P[ 2] --> channel:1 mode:TE cause:16 ocause:16 rad: cad:12 P[ 2] --> info_dad: onumplan:2 dnumplan:0 rnumplan: cpnnumplan:0 P[ 2] --> caps:Speech pi:0 keypad: sending_complete:1 P[ 2] --> screen:0 --> pres:0 P[ 2] --> addr:50010202 l3id:4007d b_stid:10010200 layer_id:50010280 P[ 2] --> facility:Fac_None out_facility:Fac_None P[ 2] --> urate:0 rate:16 mode:0 user1:0 P[ 2] --> bc:81d25bc h:0 sh:0 P[ 2] --> bc_state:BCHAN_ACTIVATED P[ 2] --> DTMF:1 P[ 2] PH_CONTROL: channel:1 oad2:01773502701 dad0:12 P[ 2] --> DTMF TONE: # P[ 2] I IND :DTMF_TONE oad:01773502701 dad:12 pid:228 state:CONNECTED P[ 2] --> channel:1 mode:TE cause:16 ocause:16 rad: cad:12 P[ 2] --> info_dad: onumplan:2 dnumplan:0 rnumplan: cpnnumplan:0 P[ 2] --> caps:Speech pi:0 keypad: sending_complete:1 P[ 2] --> screen:0 --> pres:0 P[ 2] --> addr:50010202 l3id:4007d b_stid:10010200 layer_id:50010280 P[ 2] --> facility:Fac_None out_facility:Fac_None P[ 2] --> urate:0 rate:16 mode:0 user1:0 P[ 2] --> bc:81d25bc h:0 sh:0 P[ 2] --> bc_state:BCHAN_ACTIVATED P[ 2] --> DTMF:# P[ 2] * IND : Indication [18] from 12 P[ 2] --> * Unknown Indication:18 pid:228 P[ 2] PH_CONTROL: channel:1 oad2:01773502701 dad0:12 P[ 2] --> DTMF TONE: # P[ 2] I IND :DTMF_TONE oad:01773502701 dad:12 pid:228 state:CONNECTED P[ 2] --> channel:1 mode:TE cause:16 ocause:16 rad: cad:12 P[ 2] --> info_dad: onumplan:2 dnumplan:0 rnumplan: cpnnumplan:0 P[ 2] --> caps:Speech pi:0 keypad: sending_complete:1 P[ 2] --> screen:0 --> pres:0 P[ 2] --> addr:50010202 l3id:4007d b_stid:10010200 layer_id:50010280 P[ 2] --> facility:Fac_None out_facility:Fac_None P[ 2] --> urate:0 rate:16 mode:0 user1:0 P[ 2] --> bc:81d25bc h:0 sh:0 P[ 2] --> bc_state:BCHAN_ACTIVATED P[ 2] --> DTMF:# P[ 2] * IND : Indication [-1] from 12 P[ 2] --> * IND : -1! (stop indication) pid:228 P[ 2] --> None P[ 2] handle_frm: frm->addr:42000203 frm->prim:34582 P[ 2] lib Got Prim: Addr 42000203 prim 34582 dinfo 4007d P[ 2] I IND :DISCONNECT oad:01773502701 dad:12 pid:228 state:CONNECTED P[ 2] --> channel:1 mode:TE cause:16 ocause:16 rad: cad:12 P[ 2] --> info_dad: onumplan:2 dnumplan:0 rnumplan: cpnnumplan:0 P[ 2] --> caps:Speech pi:8 keypad: sending_complete:1 P[ 2] --> screen:0 --> pres:0 P[ 2] --> addr:50010202 l3id:4007d b_stid:10010200 layer_id:50010280 P[ 2] --> facility:Fac_None out_facility:Fac_None P[ 2] --> urate:0 rate:16 mode:0 user1:0 P[ 2] --> bc:81d25bc h:0 sh:0 P[ 2] --> bc_state:BCHAN_ACTIVATED P[ 2] $$$ find_holded: --> holded:0 channel:0 P[ 2] $$$ find_holded: --> holded:0 channel:0 P[ 2] --> org:2 nt:0, inbandavail:1 state:11 P[ 2] hangup_chan called P[ 2] --> queue_hangup P[ 2] I SEND:RELEASE oad:01773502701 dad:12 pid:228 P[ 2] --> bc_state:BCHAN_ACTIVATED P[ 2] --> channel:1 mode:TE cause:16 ocause:-1 rad: cad:12 P[ 2] --> info_dad: onumplan:2 dnumplan:0 rnumplan: cpnnumplan:0 P[ 2] --> caps:Speech pi:8 keypad: sending_complete:1 P[ 2] --> screen:0 --> pres:0 P[ 2] --> addr:50010202 l3id:4007d b_stid:10010200 layer_id:50010280 P[ 2] --> facility:Fac_None out_facility:Fac_None P[ 2] --> urate:0 rate:16 mode:0 user1:0 P[ 2] --> bc:81d25bc h:0 sh:0 P[ 2] Freeing Msg on prim:34582 P[ 2] Sending msg, prim:34d80 addr:41000204 dinfo:4007d P[ 2] handle_frm: frm->addr:42000203 frm->prim:35a82 P[ 2] lib Got Prim: Addr 42000203 prim 35a82 dinfo 4007d P[ 2] I IND :RELEASE_COMPLETE oad:01773502701 dad:12 pid:228 state:CONNECTED P[ 2] --> channel:1 mode:TE cause:16 ocause:-1 rad: cad:12 P[ 2] --> info_dad: onumplan:2 dnumplan:0 rnumplan: cpnnumplan:0 P[ 2] --> caps:Speech pi:8 keypad: sending_complete:1 P[ 2] --> screen:0 --> pres:0 P[ 2] --> addr:50010202 l3id:4007d b_stid:10010200 layer_id:50010280 P[ 2] --> facility:Fac_None out_facility:Fac_None P[ 2] --> urate:0 rate:16 mode:0 user1:0 P[ 2] --> bc:81d25bc h:0 sh:0 P[ 2] --> bc_state:BCHAN_ACTIVATED P[ 2] hangup_chan called P[ 2] --> No need to queue hangup P[ 2] --> queue_hangup P[ 2] release_chan: bc with l3id: 4007d P[ 2] * RELEASING CHANNEL pid:228 ctx:eingehend dad:12 oad:01773502701 state: CLEANING P[ 2] --> * State Down P[ 2] --> Setting AST State to down P[ 2] $$$ CLEANUP CALLED pid:228 P[ 2] $$$ Cleaning up bc with stid :10010200 pid:228 P[ 2] --> ec_disable P[ 2] Sending Control ECHOCAN_OFF P[ 2] ph_control: c1:2319 c2:0 P[ 2] $$$ Bchan deActivated addr 50010202 P[ 2] BC_STATE_CHANGE: l3id:4007d from:BCHAN_ACTIVATED to:BCHAN_RELEASE P[ 2] BC_STATE_CHANGE: l3id:4007d from:BCHAN_RELEASE to:BCHAN_CLEANED P[ 2] empty_chan_in_stack: 1 P[ 2] Freeing Msg on prim:35a82 P[ 2] handle_frm: frm->addr:42000203 frm->prim:3f182 P[ 2] --> lib: RELEASE_CR Ind with l3id:4007d P[ 2] --> lib: CLEANING UP l3id: 4007d P[ 2] I IND :CLEAN_UP oad: dad: pid:228 state:none P[ 2] $$$ CLEANUP CALLED pid:228 P[ 2] $$$ Already cleaned up bc with stid :0 P[ 2] BCHAN: DeACT Conf pid:228 P[ 2] BCHAN: MGR_DELLAYER|CNF pid:228 P[ 1] handle_frm: frm->addr:42000103 frm->prim:34582 P[ 1] lib Got Prim: Addr 42000103 prim 34582 dinfo 200a2 P[ 1] I IND :DISCONNECT oad:03081459853 dad:12 pid:227 state:CONNECTED P[ 1] --> channel:1 mode:TE cause:16 ocause:16 rad: cad:12 P[ 1] --> info_dad: onumplan:2 dnumplan:0 rnumplan: cpnnumplan:0 P[ 1] --> caps:Audio 3.1k pi:8 keypad: sending_complete:1 P[ 1] --> screen:0 --> pres:0 P[ 1] --> addr:50010102 l3id:200a2 b_stid:10010100 layer_id:50010180 P[ 1] --> facility:Fac_None out_facility:Fac_None P[ 1] --> urate:0 rate:16 mode:0 user1:0 P[ 1] --> bc:81c68d4 h:0 sh:0 P[ 1] --> bc_state:BCHAN_ACTIVATED P[ 1] $$$ find_holded: --> holded:0 channel:0 P[ 1] --> org:2 nt:0, inbandavail:1 state:11 P[ 1] hangup_chan called P[ 1] --> queue_hangup P[ 1] I SEND:RELEASE oad:03081459853 dad:12 pid:227 P[ 1] --> bc_state:BCHAN_ACTIVATED P[ 1] --> channel:1 mode:TE cause:16 ocause:-1 rad: cad:12 P[ 1] --> info_dad: onumplan:2 dnumplan:0 rnumplan: cpnnumplan:0 P[ 1] --> caps:Audio 3.1k pi:8 keypad: sending_complete:1 P[ 1] --> screen:0 --> pres:0 P[ 1] --> addr:50010102 l3id:200a2 b_stid:10010100 layer_id:50010180 P[ 1] --> facility:Fac_None out_facility:Fac_None P[ 1] --> urate:0 rate:16 mode:0 user1:0 P[ 1] --> bc:81c68d4 h:0 sh:0 P[ 1] Freeing Msg on prim:34582 P[ 1] Sending msg, prim:34d80 addr:41000104 dinfo:200a2 P[ 1] * IND : HANGUP pid:227 ctx:eingehend dad:12 oad:03081459853 State:CONNECTED P[ 1] --> l3id:200a2 P[ 1] --> cause:16 P[ 1] --> out_cause:16 P[ 1] --> state:CONNECTED P[ 1] --> Channel: mISDN/1-u608 hanguped new state:CLEANING P[ 1] handle_frm: frm->addr:42000103 frm->prim:35a82 P[ 1] lib Got Prim: Addr 42000103 prim 35a82 dinfo 200a2 P[ 1] I IND :RELEASE_COMPLETE oad:03081459853 dad:12 pid:227 state:CLEANING P[ 1] --> channel:1 mode:TE cause:16 ocause:16 rad: cad:12 P[ 1] --> info_dad: onumplan:2 dnumplan:0 rnumplan: cpnnumplan:0 P[ 1] --> caps:Audio 3.1k pi:8 keypad: sending_complete:1 P[ 1] --> screen:0 --> pres:0 P[ 1] --> addr:50010102 l3id:200a2 b_stid:10010100 layer_id:50010180 P[ 1] --> facility:Fac_None out_facility:Fac_None P[ 1] --> urate:0 rate:16 mode:0 user1:0 P[ 1] --> bc:81c68d4 h:0 sh:0 P[ 1] --> bc_state:BCHAN_ACTIVATED P[ 1] ast_hangup already called, so we have no ast ptr anymore in event(RELEASE_COMPLETE) P[ 1] hangup_chan called P[ 1] --> No need to queue hangup P[ 1] Cannot hangup chan, no ast P[ 1] release_chan: bc with l3id: 200a2 P[ 1] $$$ CLEANUP CALLED pid:227 P[ 1] $$$ Cleaning up bc with stid :10010100 pid:227 P[ 1] --> ec_disable P[ 1] Sending Control ECHOCAN_OFF P[ 1] ph_control: c1:2319 c2:0 P[ 1] $$$ Bchan deActivated addr 50010102 P[ 1] BC_STATE_CHANGE: l3id:200a2 from:BCHAN_ACTIVATED to:BCHAN_RELEASE P[ 1] BC_STATE_CHANGE: l3id:200a2 from:BCHAN_RELEASE to:BCHAN_CLEANED P[ 1] empty_chan_in_stack: 1 P[ 1] Freeing Msg on prim:35a82 P[ 1] handle_frm: frm->addr:42000103 frm->prim:3f182 P[ 1] --> lib: RELEASE_CR Ind with l3id:200a2 P[ 1] --> lib: CLEANING UP l3id: 200a2 P[ 1] I IND :CLEAN_UP oad: dad: pid:227 state:none P[ 1] $$$ CLEANUP CALLED pid:227 P[ 1] $$$ Already cleaned up bc with stid :0 P[ 1] BCHAN: DeACT Conf pid:227 P[ 1] BCHAN: MGR_DELLAYER|CNF pid:227 asterix*CLI>