01. Read the documentation at first. Do this even if you have a guide specific to your Asterisk distribution. The documentation will always be kept up-to-date with the features provided by the patch. 02. There is no support for either older versions of the patch or older versions of Asterisk. 03. Use the example XML configuration files (SEPMAC.cnf.xml, dialtemplate.xml, softkeys.xml, featurepolicy.xml) when provisioning phones. 04. Phones should be using the latest version of their firmware. 05. Only use TCP as the transport protocol. UDP is not supported. 06. Verify that the XML configuration files are valid using xmllint. 07. If Asterisk crashes you will need to provide a backtrace: https://wiki.asterisk.org/wiki/display/AST/Getting+a+Backtrace. 08. SIP protocol errors require a SIP trace, From the CLI run: sip set debug ip .