Asterisk manager interface - AMI -------------------------------- Some additional parameters to the commands Park, ParkCalls and Redirect. Park - command -------------- PC2026*CLI> PC2026*CLI> manager show command Park Action: Park Synopsis: Park a channel Privilege: call,all Description: Park a channel. Variables: (Names marked with * are required) *Channel: Channel name to park *Channel2: Channel to announce park info to (and return to if timeout) Timeout: Number of milliseconds to wait before callback Parkinglot: Parking lot to park the call into NEW Position: Park position within the parking lot to park the call to NEW Exten: Extension within the dialplan to handle the 2nd leg (Channel2) NEW Context: Context within the dialplan to handle the 2nd leg (Channel2) NEW RetrieveChannel: Connect 2nd leg (Channel2) with RetrieveChannel NEW Variable: Channel variable to set for 2nd leg (Channel2). NEW Specify parkinglot: Action: Park Channel: SIP/1234-08200698 Channel2: SIP/3456-081f6608 Parkinglot: datusparklot !!! Specify position to park the call: Action: Park Channel: SIP/1234-08200698 Channel2: SIP/3456-081f6608 Parkinglot: datusparklot Position: 703 !!! Don't hangup 2nd leg (Channel2) but transfer it through dialplan using "Exten" and "Context": Action: Park Channel: SIP/1234-08200698 Channel2: SIP/3456-081f6608 Parkinglot: datusparklot Exten: 5555 !!! Context: datus !!! Don't hangup 2nd leg (Channel2) but bridge it with "RetrieveChannel": Action: Park Channel: SIP/1234-08200698 Channel2: SIP/3456-081f6608 Parkinglot: datusparklot RetrieveChannel: SIP/5555-08200232 !!! ParkCalls - command ------------------- PC2026*CLI> PC2026*CLI> manager show command ParkedCalls Action: ParkedCalls Synopsis: List parked calls Privilege: Description: List parked calls. Variables: (Names marked with * are required) Parkinglot: Only show parked calls of this parking lot. NEW Specify parkinglot as filter: Action: ParkedCalls Parkinglot: datusparklot !!! Redirect - command ------------------ PC2026*CLI> PC2026*CLI> manager show command Redirect Action: Redirect Synopsis: Redirect (transfer) a call Privilege: call,all Description: Redirect (transfer) a call. Variables: (Names marked with * are required) *Channel: Channel to redirect ExtraChannel: Second call leg to transfer (optional) *Exten: Extension to transfer to *Context: Context to transfer to *Priority: Priority to transfer to Variable: Channel variable to set (Channel) NEW ExtraExten: Extension to transfer second call leg to NEW ExtraContext: Context to transfer second call leg to NEW ExtraPriority: Priority to transfer second call leg to NEW ExtraVariable: Channel variable to set for 2nd leg (ExtraChannel) NEW RetrieveChannel: Connect second leg with RetrieveChannel NEW ActionID: Optional Action id for message matching. Don't hangup 2nd leg (ExtraChannel) but transfer it through dialplan using "ExtraExten" and "ExtraContext": Action: Redirect Channel: SIP/1234-08200698 ExtraChannel: SIP/3456-081f6608 ActionID: 3216 Exten: 5555 Context: datus Priority: 1 ExtraExten: 2233 !!! ExtraContext: datus !!! ExtraPriority: 1 !!! Bridge "Channel" with "RetrieveChannel": Action: Redirect Channel: SIP/3456-081f6608 ActionID: 3216 RetrieveChannel: SIP/5555-08200232 Priority: 1