1. (gdb) bt 2. #0 0xb694343b in find_user (name=0xb68f8b0a "4504504500", realtime=1) at chan_sip.c:3854 3. #1 0xb696a685 in check_user_ok (p=0x833d540, of=0xb68f8b0a "4504504500", req=0xb68f9074, 4. sipmethod=5, sin=0xb68f92c0, reliable=XMIT_RELIABLE, rpid_num=0xb68f8c26 "4504504500", 5. calleridname=0xb68f8bf4 "HENRY STEPHANE", 6. uri2=0xb68f89b0 "sip:5143161617@") at chan_sip.c:11247 7. #2 0xb696ec53 in check_user_full (p=0x833d540, req=0xb68f9074, sipmethod=5, 8. uri=0x833d143 "sip:5143161617@", reliable=XMIT_RELIABLE, sin=0xb68f92c0, 9. authpeer=0x0) at chan_sip.c:11590 10. #3 0xb696eda5 in check_user (p=0x833d540, req=0xb68f9074, sipmethod=5, 11. uri=0x833d143 "sip:5143161617@", reliable=XMIT_RELIABLE, sin=0xb68f92c0) 12. at chan_sip.c:11618 13. #4 0xb69869da in handle_request_invite (p=0x833d540, req=0xb68f9074, debug=0, seqno=102, 14. sin=0xb68f92c0, recount=0xb68f901c, e=0x833d143 "sip:5143161617@", 15. nounlock=0xb68f9018) at chan_sip.c:16398 16. #5 0xb698e91d in handle_incoming (p=0x833d540, req=0xb68f9074, sin=0xb68f92c0, 17. recount=0xb68f901c, nounlock=0xb68f9018) at chan_sip.c:18029 18. #6 0xb698f524 in handle_request_do (req=0xb68f9074, sin=0xb68f92c0) at chan_sip.c:18207 19. #7 0xb698ef78 in sipsock_read (id=0x833ed98, fd=22, events=1, ignore=0x0) 20. at chan_sip.c:18130 21. #8 0x080cf531 in ast_io_wait (ioc=0x833abf8, howlong=1000) at io.c:287 22. #9 0xb69905cc in do_monitor (data=0x0) at chan_sip.c:18530 23. #10 0x0813e6f6 in dummy_start (data=0x833ec90) at utils.c:870 24. #11 0xb7c0b46b in start_thread () from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libpthread.so.0 25. ---Type to continue, or q to quit--- 26. #12 0xb7cf56de in clone () from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libc.so.6 27. 28. 29. ================================================================ 30. (gdb) bt full 31. #0 0xb694343b in find_user (name=0xb68f8b0a "4504504500", realtime=1) at chan_sip.c:3854 32. iterator = (struct sip_user *) 0xfffbfffd 33. next = (struct sip_user *) 0xfffbfffd 34. found = (struct sip_user *) 0x0 35. u = (struct sip_user *) 0xb68f88ac 36. #1 0xb696a685 in check_user_ok (p=0x833d540, of=0xb68f8b0a "4504504500", req=0xb68f9074, 37. sipmethod=5, sin=0xb68f92c0, reliable=XMIT_RELIABLE, rpid_num=0xb68f8c26 "4504504500", 38. calleridname=0xb68f8bf4 "HENRY STEPHANE", 39. uri2=0xb68f89b0 "sip:5143161617@") at chan_sip.c:11247 40. res = 137603152 41. user = (struct sip_user *) 0xb6938fc1 42. debug = 910985852 43. #2 0xb696ec53 in check_user_full (p=0x833d540, req=0xb68f9074, sipmethod=5, 44. uri=0x833d143 "sip:5143161617@", reliable=XMIT_RELIABLE, sin=0xb68f92c0, 45. authpeer=0x0) at chan_sip.c:11590 46. from = "\"HENRY STEPHANE\" to continue, or q to quit--- 51. of2 = 0xb68f8980 "sip:4504504500@" 52. rpid_num = "4504504500\00064.34.164.254>;privacy=off;screen=no\000\000" 53. rpid = 0x833d2ce "\"HENRY STEPHANE\" ;privacy=off;screen=no" 54. res = 28 55. calleridname = "HENRY STEPHANE", '\0' 56. uri2 = 0xb68f89b0 "sip:5143161617@" 57. __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "check_user_full" 58. #3 0xb696eda5 in check_user (p=0x833d540, req=0xb68f9074, sipmethod=5, 59. uri=0x833d143 "sip:5143161617@", reliable=XMIT_RELIABLE, sin=0xb68f92c0) 60. at chan_sip.c:11618 61. No locals. 62. #4 0xb69869da in handle_request_invite (p=0x833d540, req=0xb68f9074, debug=0, seqno=102, 63. sin=0xb68f92c0, recount=0xb68f901c, e=0x833d143 "sip:5143161617@", 64. nounlock=0xb68f9018) at chan_sip.c:16398 65. res = 1 66. gotdest = 0 67. p_replaces = 0xb69a1aa2 "" 68. replace_id = 0x0 69. required = 0xb69a1aa2 "" 70. required_profile = 0 71. c = (struct ast_channel *) 0x0 72. reinvite = 0 73. ---Type to continue, or q to quit--- 74. rtn = 109 75. p_uac_se_hdr = 0x0 76. p_uac_min_se = 0xb69b357c "\200Ô\a" 77. uac_max_se = -1 78. uac_min_se = -1 79. st_active = 0 80. st_interval = 0 81. st_ref = SESSION_TIMER_REFRESHER_AUTO 82. dlg_min_se = -1 83. __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "handle_request_invite" 84. à#5 0xb698e91d in handle_incoming (p=0x833d540, req=0xb68f9074, sin=0xb68f92c0, 85. recount=0xb68f901c, nounlock=0xb68f9018) at chan_sip.c:18029 86. cmd = 0x833d13c "INVITE" 87. cseq = 0x833d27d "102 INVITE" 88. useragent = 0x833d295 "Voice Network Inc 1b" 89. seqno = 102 90. len = 3 91. respid = 0 92. res = 0 93. debug = 0 94. e = 0x833d143 "sip:5143161617@" 95. error = 0 96. __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "handle_incoming" 97. ---Type to continue, or q to quit--- 98. #6 0xb698f524 in handle_request_do (req=0xb68f9074, sin=0xb68f92c0) at chan_sip.c:18207 99. p = (struct sip_pvt *) 0x833d540 100. recount = 0 101. nounlock = 0 102. lockretry = 100 103. __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "handle_request_do" 104. #7 0xb698ef78 in sipsock_read (id=0x833ed98, fd=22, events=1, ignore=0x0) 105. at chan_sip.c:18130 106. req = {rlPart1 = 0x833d13c "INVITE", 107. rlPart2 = 0x833d143 "sip:5143161617@", len = 874, headers = 14, method = 5, 108. lines = 12, sdp_start = 0, sdp_end = 0, debug = 0 '\0', has_to_tag = 0 '\0', 109. ignore = 0 '\0', header = {0x833d13c "INVITE", 110. 0x833d169 "Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK0aed562e;rport", 111. 0x833d1ab "From: \"HENRY STEPHANE\" ;tag=as43e55551", 112. 0x833d1f1 "To: ", 113. 0x833d215 "Contact: ", 114. 0x833d23e "Call-ID: 1487a109600c99f11c17244054981083@", 115. 0x833d277 "CSeq: 102 INVITE", 0x833d289 "User-Agent: Voice Network Inc 1b", 116. 0x833d2ab "Max-Forwards: 70", 117. 0x833d2bd "Remote-Party-ID: \"HENRY STEPHANE\" ;privacy=off;screen=no", 0x833d315 "Date: Wed, 02 Apr 2008 13:22:01 GMT", 118. 0x833d33a "Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, OPTIONS, BYE, REFER, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY", 119. 0x833d37e "Content-Type: application/sdp", 0x833d39d "Content-Length: 242", 120. ---Type to continue, or q to quit--- 121. 0x833d3b2 "", 0x0 }, line = {0x833d3b4 "v=0", 122. 0x833d3b9 "o=root 17640 17640 IN IP4", 0x833d3e2 "s=session", 123. 0x833d3ed "c=IN IP4", 0x833d405 "t=0 0", 124. 0x833d40c "m=audio 13924 RTP/AVP 0 101", 0x833d429 "a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000", 125. 0x833d43f "a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000", 0x833d462 "a=fmtp:101 0-16", 126. 0x833d473 "a=silenceSupp:off - - - -", 0x833d48e "a=ptime:20", 0x833d49a "a=sendrecv", 127. 0x833d4a6 "", 0x0 }, data = 0x833d130, socket = {lock = 0x0, 128. type = SIP_TRANSPORT_UDP, fd = 22, port = 50195, ser = 0x0}} 129. sin = {sin_family = 2, sin_port = 50195, sin_addr = {s_addr = 4272169536}, 130. sin_zero = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"} 131. res = 874 132. len = 16 133. readbuf = "INVITE sip:5143161617@ SIP/2.0\r\nVia: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK0aed562e;rport\r\nFrom: \"HENRY STEPHANE\" ;tag=as43e55551\r\nTo: to continue, or q to quit--- 143. t = 1207142521 144. reloading = 0 145. __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "do_monitor" 146. #10 0x0813e6f6 in dummy_start (data=0x833ec90) at utils.c:870 147. __cancel_buf = {__cancel_jmp_buf = {{__cancel_jmp_buf = {-1212043276, 0, 148. -1232102512, -1232104488, 187097235, 869109230}, __mask_was_saved = 0}}, __pad = { 149. 0xb68f9490, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}} 150. __cancel_routine = (void (*)(void *)) 0x807080b 151. __cancel_arg = (void *) 0xb68f9b90 152. not_first_call = 0 153. ret = (void *) 0x0 154. a = {start_routine = 0xb6990304 , data = 0x0, 155. name = 0x833eca0 "do_monitor", ' ' , "started at [18563] chan_sip.c restart_monitor()"} 156. #11 0xb7c0b46b in start_thread () from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libpthread.so.0 157. No symbol table info available. 158. #12 0xb7cf56de in clone () from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libc.so.6