globals.extra_systable_prefixes = 'dd_;' [[SQLAllocHandle]]**** in PGAPI_AllocEnv ** ** exit PGAPI_AllocEnv: phenv = 135886584 ** [[SQLSetEnvAttr]] att=200,3 [[SQLGetEnvAttr]] 200 [[SQLAllocHandle]]PGAPI_AllocConnect: entering... **** PGAPI_AllocConnect: henv = 135886584, conn = 135891512 EN_add_connection: self = 135886584, conn = 135891512 added at i =0, conn->henv = 135886584, conns[i]->henv = 135886584 [[SQLSetConnectAttr]] 103 PGAPI_SetConnectAttr 103 PGAPI_SetConnectOption: entering fOption = 103 vParam = 10 [[SQLSetConnectAttr]] 113 PGAPI_SetConnectAttr 113 [SQLConnect]PGAPI_Connect: entering... globals.extra_systable_prefixes = 'dd_;' CC_connect: entering... CC_connect(): DSN = 'blueface-services', server = '', port = '5432', sslmode = 'prefer', database = 'blueface-service', username = 'postgres', password='xxxxx' connecting to the server connecting to the database using as the server the size is 20 connection to the database succeeded. connection to the database succeeded. CC_lookup_pg_version: entering... PGAPI_AllocStmt: entering... SC_Constructor: entering ... SC_Constructor: created stmt = 135971992 **** PGAPI_AllocStmt: hdbc = 135891512, stmt = 135971992 CC_add_statement: self=135891512, stmt=135971992 PGAPI_ExecDirect: entering... recycle statement: self= 135971992 PDATA_free_params: ENTER, self=135972424 **** PGAPI_ExecDirect: hstmt=135971992, statement='select version()' PGAPI_ExecDirect: calling PGAPI_Execute... PGAPI_Execute: entering... PGAPI_Execute: clear errors... recycle statement: self= 135971992 PDATA_free_params: ENTER, self=135972424 PGAPI_NumParams: entering... Exec_with_parameters_resolved: copying statement params: trans_status=1, len=16, stmt='select version()' stmt_with_params = 'select version()' Sending SELECT statement on stmt=135971992, cursor_name='SQL_CUR81ac498' send_query(): conn=135891512, query='select version()' LIBPQ_execute_query: entering ... in QR_Constructor exit QR_Constructor LIBPQ_execute_query: get next result with status = 2 LIBPQ_execute_query: query = select version() LIBPQ_execute_query: rest types ... LIBPQ_execute_query: recent_processed_row_count = 1 CC_mapping: entering ... CC_mapping: rows = 1, columns = 1 CC_mapping: column = 0 CC_mapping: set field info: name = version, typ = 25, typlen = 8190, attypmod = -1 in TL_Constructor exit TL_Constructor CC_mapping: fetch column = version, value = PostgreSQL 8.2.6 on i686-pc-mingw32, compiled by GCC gcc.exe (GCC) 3.4.2 (mingw-special) send_query: done sending query with status: 2 QR_fetch_tuples: cursor = '', self->cursor=0 QR_fetch_tuples: past CI_read_fields: num_fields = 1 MALLOC: tuple_size = 100, size = 800 done sending the query: extend_column_bindings: entering ... self=135972128, bindings_allocated=0, num_columns=1 exit extend_column_bindings PGAPI_ExecDirect: returned 0 from PGAPI_Execute PGAPI_Fetch: stmt = 135971992, stmt->result= 135910728 manual_result = 1, use_declarefetch = 0 **** SC_fetch: manual_result extend_getdata_info: entering ... self=135972348, gdata_allocated=0, num_columns=1 exit extend_gdata_info fetch: cols=1, lf=0, opts = 135972128, opts->bindings = 135904976, buffer[] = 0 PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=135971992 value = 'PostgreSQL 8.2.6 on i686-pc-mingw32, compiled by GCC gcc.exe (GCC) 3.4.2 (mingw-special)' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 0, fCType = 1, field_type = 25, value = 'PostgreSQL 8.2.6 on i686-pc-mingw32, compiled by GCC gcc.exe (GCC) 3.4.2 (mingw-special)' copy_and_convert: field_type = 25, fctype = 1, value = 'PostgreSQL 8.2.6 on i686-pc-mingw32, compiled by GCC gcc.exe (GCC) 3.4.2 (mingw-special)', cbValueMax=128 DEFAULT: len = 88, ptr = 'PostgreSQL 8.2.6 on i686-pc-mingw32, compiled by GCC gcc.exe (GCC) 3.4.2 (mingw-special)' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 88, cbValueMax = 128, rgbValueBindRow = 'PostgreSQL 8.2.6 on i686-pc-mingw32, compiled by GCC gcc.exe (GCC) 3.4.2 (mingw-special)' Got the PostgreSQL version string: 'PostgreSQL 8.2.6 on i686-pc-mingw32, compiled by GCC gcc.exe (GCC) 3.4.2 (mingw-special)' Extracted PostgreSQL version number: '8.2' PGAPI_FreeStmt: entering...hstmt=135971992, fOption=1 QResult: in DESTRUCTOR TupleList: in DESTRUCTOR TupleList: exit DESTRUCTOR QResult: free memory in, fcount=101 QResult: free memory out QResult: exit DESTRUCTOR SC_Destructor: self=135971992, self->result=0, self->hdbc=135891512 APD_free_params: ENTER, self=135972244 IPD_free_params: ENTER, self=135972308 PDATA_free_params: ENTER, self=135972424 ARDFields_free 81ac520 bookmark=819bdd0ARD_unbind_cols freeall=1 allocated=1 bindings=819bed0 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=135972128, bindings_allocated=1, icol=1 APD_free_params: ENTER, self=135972244 IPD_free_params: ENTER, self=135972308 GDATA_unbind_cols freeall=1 allocated=1 gdata=819c998 SC_Destructor: EXIT CC_send_settings: entering... PGAPI_AllocStmt: entering... SC_Constructor: entering ... SC_Constructor: created stmt = 135971992 **** PGAPI_AllocStmt: hdbc = 135891512, stmt = 135971992 CC_add_statement: self=135891512, stmt=135971992 PGAPI_ExecDirect: entering... recycle statement: self= 135971992 PDATA_free_params: ENTER, self=135972424 **** PGAPI_ExecDirect: hstmt=135971992, statement='set DateStyle to 'ISO'' PGAPI_ExecDirect: calling PGAPI_Execute... PGAPI_Execute: entering... PGAPI_Execute: clear errors... recycle statement: self= 135971992 PDATA_free_params: ENTER, self=135972424 PGAPI_NumParams: entering... Exec_with_parameters_resolved: copying statement params: trans_status=1, len=22, stmt='set DateStyle to 'ISO'' stmt_with_params = 'set DateStyle to 'ISO'' it's NOT a select statement: stmt=135971992 send_query(): conn=135891512, query='set DateStyle to 'ISO'' LIBPQ_execute_query: entering ... in QR_Constructor exit QR_Constructor LIBPQ_execute_query: get next result with status = 1 LIBPQ_execute_query: query = set DateStyle to 'ISO' LIBPQ_execute_query: recent_processed_row_count = -1 The query was executed successfully and the query did not return any result send_query: done sending command PGAPI_ExecDirect: returned 0 from PGAPI_Execute CC_send_settings: result 0, status 1 from set DateStyle PGAPI_ExecDirect: entering... recycle statement: self= 135971992 QResult: in DESTRUCTOR QResult: free memory in, fcount=0 QResult: free memory out QResult: exit DESTRUCTOR PDATA_free_params: ENTER, self=135972424 **** PGAPI_ExecDirect: hstmt=135971992, statement='set geqo to 'OFF'' PGAPI_ExecDirect: calling PGAPI_Execute... PGAPI_Execute: entering... PGAPI_Execute: clear errors... recycle statement: self= 135971992 PDATA_free_params: ENTER, self=135972424 PGAPI_NumParams: entering... Exec_with_parameters_resolved: copying statement params: trans_status=1, len=17, stmt='set geqo to 'OFF'' stmt_with_params = 'set geqo to 'OFF'' it's NOT a select statement: stmt=135971992 send_query(): conn=135891512, query='set geqo to 'OFF'' LIBPQ_execute_query: entering ... in QR_Constructor exit QR_Constructor LIBPQ_execute_query: get next result with status = 1 LIBPQ_execute_query: query = set geqo to 'OFF' LIBPQ_execute_query: recent_processed_row_count = -1 The query was executed successfully and the query did not return any result send_query: done sending command PGAPI_ExecDirect: returned 0 from PGAPI_Execute CC_send_settings: result 0, status 1 from set geqo PGAPI_ExecDirect: entering... recycle statement: self= 135971992 QResult: in DESTRUCTOR QResult: free memory in, fcount=0 QResult: free memory out QResult: exit DESTRUCTOR PDATA_free_params: ENTER, self=135972424 **** PGAPI_ExecDirect: hstmt=135971992, statement='set extra_float_digits to 2' PGAPI_ExecDirect: calling PGAPI_Execute... PGAPI_Execute: entering... PGAPI_Execute: clear errors... recycle statement: self= 135971992 PDATA_free_params: ENTER, self=135972424 PGAPI_NumParams: entering... Exec_with_parameters_resolved: copying statement params: trans_status=1, len=27, stmt='set extra_float_digits to 2' stmt_with_params = 'set extra_float_digits to 2' it's NOT a select statement: stmt=135971992 send_query(): conn=135891512, query='set extra_float_digits to 2' LIBPQ_execute_query: entering ... in QR_Constructor exit QR_Constructor LIBPQ_execute_query: get next result with status = 1 LIBPQ_execute_query: query = set extra_float_digits to 2 LIBPQ_execute_query: recent_processed_row_count = -1 The query was executed successfully and the query did not return any result send_query: done sending command PGAPI_ExecDirect: returned 0 from PGAPI_Execute CC_send_settings: result 0, status 1 from set extra_float_digits PGAPI_FreeStmt: entering...hstmt=135971992, fOption=1 QResult: in DESTRUCTOR QResult: free memory in, fcount=0 QResult: free memory out QResult: exit DESTRUCTOR SC_Destructor: self=135971992, self->result=0, self->hdbc=135891512 APD_free_params: ENTER, self=135972244 IPD_free_params: ENTER, self=135972308 PDATA_free_params: ENTER, self=135972424 ARDFields_free 81ac520 bookmark=819be90ARD_unbind_cols freeall=1 allocated=0 bindings=0 APD_free_params: ENTER, self=135972244 IPD_free_params: ENTER, self=135972308 GDATA_unbind_cols freeall=1 allocated=0 gdata=0 SC_Destructor: EXIT CC_lookup_lo: entering... PGAPI_AllocStmt: entering... SC_Constructor: entering ... SC_Constructor: created stmt = 135971992 **** PGAPI_AllocStmt: hdbc = 135891512, stmt = 135971992 CC_add_statement: self=135891512, stmt=135971992 PGAPI_ExecDirect: entering... recycle statement: self= 135971992 PDATA_free_params: ENTER, self=135972424 **** PGAPI_ExecDirect: hstmt=135971992, statement='select oid from pg_type where typname='lo'' PGAPI_ExecDirect: calling PGAPI_Execute... PGAPI_Execute: entering... PGAPI_Execute: clear errors... recycle statement: self= 135971992 PDATA_free_params: ENTER, self=135972424 PGAPI_NumParams: entering... Exec_with_parameters_resolved: copying statement params: trans_status=1, len=42, stmt='select oid from pg_type where typname='lo'' stmt_with_params = 'select oid from pg_type where typname='lo'' Sending SELECT statement on stmt=135971992, cursor_name='SQL_CUR81ac498' send_query(): conn=135891512, query='select oid from pg_type where typname='lo'' LIBPQ_execute_query: entering ... in QR_Constructor exit QR_Constructor LIBPQ_execute_query: get next result with status = 2 LIBPQ_execute_query: query = select oid from pg_type where typname='lo' LIBPQ_execute_query: rest types ... LIBPQ_execute_query: recent_processed_row_count = 1 CC_mapping: entering ... CC_mapping: rows = 1, columns = 1 CC_mapping: column = 0 CC_mapping: set field info: name = oid, typ = 26, typlen = 4, attypmod = -1 in TL_Constructor exit TL_Constructor CC_mapping: fetch column = oid, value = 16742 send_query: done sending query with status: 2 QR_fetch_tuples: cursor = '', self->cursor=0 QR_fetch_tuples: past CI_read_fields: num_fields = 1 MALLOC: tuple_size = 100, size = 800 done sending the query: extend_column_bindings: entering ... self=135972128, bindings_allocated=0, num_columns=1 exit extend_column_bindings PGAPI_ExecDirect: returned 0 from PGAPI_Execute PGAPI_Fetch: stmt = 135971992, stmt->result= 135910728 manual_result = 1, use_declarefetch = 0 **** SC_fetch: manual_result extend_getdata_info: entering ... self=135972348, gdata_allocated=0, num_columns=1 exit extend_gdata_info fetch: cols=1, lf=0, opts = 135972128, opts->bindings = 135904944, buffer[] = 0 PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=135971992 value = '16742' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 0, fCType = -16, field_type = 26, value = '16742' copy_and_convert: field_type = 26, fctype = -16, value = '16742', cbValueMax=4 Got the large object oid: 16742 PGAPI_FreeStmt: entering...hstmt=135971992, fOption=1 QResult: in DESTRUCTOR TupleList: in DESTRUCTOR TupleList: exit DESTRUCTOR QResult: free memory in, fcount=101 QResult: free memory out QResult: exit DESTRUCTOR SC_Destructor: self=135971992, self->result=0, self->hdbc=135891512 APD_free_params: ENTER, self=135972244 IPD_free_params: ENTER, self=135972308 PDATA_free_params: ENTER, self=135972424 ARDFields_free 81ac520 bookmark=819be70ARD_unbind_cols freeall=1 allocated=1 bindings=819beb0 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=135972128, bindings_allocated=1, icol=1 APD_free_params: ENTER, self=135972244 IPD_free_params: ENTER, self=135972308 GDATA_unbind_cols freeall=1 allocated=1 gdata=819c998 SC_Destructor: EXIT CC_lookup_characterset: entering... send_query(): conn=135891512, query='select pg_client_encoding()' LIBPQ_execute_query: entering ... in QR_Constructor exit QR_Constructor LIBPQ_execute_query: get next result with status = 2 LIBPQ_execute_query: query = select pg_client_encoding() LIBPQ_execute_query: rest types ... LIBPQ_execute_query: recent_processed_row_count = 1 CC_mapping: entering ... CC_mapping: rows = 1, columns = 1 CC_mapping: column = 0 CC_mapping: set field info: name = pg_client_encoding, typ = 19, typlen = 64, attypmod = -1 in TL_Constructor exit TL_Constructor CC_mapping: fetch column = pg_client_encoding, value = UTF8 send_query: done sending query with status: 2 QR_fetch_tuples: cursor = '', self->cursor=0 QR_fetch_tuples: past CI_read_fields: num_fields = 1 MALLOC: tuple_size = 100, size = 800 QResult: in DESTRUCTOR TupleList: in DESTRUCTOR TupleList: exit DESTRUCTOR QResult: free memory in, fcount=101 QResult: free memory out QResult: exit DESTRUCTOR CC_connect: returning... PGAPI_Connect: returning... [SQLGetFunctions][SQLGetInfo(30)]PGAPI_GetInfo: entering...fInfoType=77 PGAPI_GetInfo: p='03.00', len=5, value=0, cbMax=20 [SQLGetInfo(30)]PGAPI_GetInfo: entering...fInfoType=10000 CONN ERROR: func=PGAPI_GetInfo30, desc='', errnum=209, sqlstate=, errmsg='Unrecognized key passed to SQLGetInfo30.' CONN ERROR: func=SQLGetInfo30, desc='', errnum=209, sqlstate=, errmsg='Unrecognized key passed to SQLGetInfo30.' [[SQLAllocHandle]]**** in PGAPI_AllocEnv ** ** exit PGAPI_AllocEnv: phenv = 135908096 ** [[SQLSetEnvAttr]] att=200,3 [[SQLGetEnvAttr]] 200 [[SQLAllocHandle]]PGAPI_AllocConnect: entering... **** PGAPI_AllocConnect: henv = 135908096, conn = 135981656 EN_add_connection: self = 135908096, conn = 135981656 added at i =1, conn->henv = 135908096, conns[i]->henv = 135908096 [[SQLSetConnectAttr]] 103 PGAPI_SetConnectAttr 103 PGAPI_SetConnectOption: entering fOption = 103 vParam = 10 [[SQLSetConnectAttr]] 113 PGAPI_SetConnectAttr 113 [SQLConnect]PGAPI_Connect: entering... globals.extra_systable_prefixes = 'dd_;' CC_connect: entering... CC_connect(): DSN = 'blueface-voicemail', server = '', port = '5432', sslmode = 'prefer', database = 'blueface-voicemail', username = 'postgres', password='xxxxx' connecting to the server connecting to the database using as the server the size is 20 connection to the database succeeded. connection to the database succeeded. CC_lookup_pg_version: entering... PGAPI_AllocStmt: entering... SC_Constructor: entering ... SC_Constructor: created stmt = 136035040 **** PGAPI_AllocStmt: hdbc = 135981656, stmt = 136035040 CC_add_statement: self=135981656, stmt=136035040 PGAPI_ExecDirect: entering... recycle statement: self= 136035040 PDATA_free_params: ENTER, self=136035472 **** PGAPI_ExecDirect: hstmt=136035040, statement='select version()' PGAPI_ExecDirect: calling PGAPI_Execute... PGAPI_Execute: entering... PGAPI_Execute: clear errors... recycle statement: self= 136035040 PDATA_free_params: ENTER, self=136035472 PGAPI_NumParams: entering... Exec_with_parameters_resolved: copying statement params: trans_status=1, len=16, stmt='select version()' stmt_with_params = 'select version()' Sending SELECT statement on stmt=136035040, cursor_name='SQL_CUR81bbae0' send_query(): conn=135981656, query='select version()' LIBPQ_execute_query: entering ... in QR_Constructor exit QR_Constructor LIBPQ_execute_query: get next result with status = 2 LIBPQ_execute_query: query = select version() LIBPQ_execute_query: rest types ... LIBPQ_execute_query: recent_processed_row_count = 1 CC_mapping: entering ... CC_mapping: rows = 1, columns = 1 CC_mapping: column = 0 CC_mapping: set field info: name = version, typ = 25, typlen = 8190, attypmod = -1 in TL_Constructor exit TL_Constructor CC_mapping: fetch column = version, value = PostgreSQL 8.2.6 on i686-pc-mingw32, compiled by GCC gcc.exe (GCC) 3.4.2 (mingw-special) send_query: done sending query with status: 2 QR_fetch_tuples: cursor = '', self->cursor=0 QR_fetch_tuples: past CI_read_fields: num_fields = 1 MALLOC: tuple_size = 100, size = 800 done sending the query: extend_column_bindings: entering ... self=136035176, bindings_allocated=0, num_columns=1 exit extend_column_bindings PGAPI_ExecDirect: returned 0 from PGAPI_Execute PGAPI_Fetch: stmt = 136035040, stmt->result= 135910848 manual_result = 1, use_declarefetch = 0 **** SC_fetch: manual_result extend_getdata_info: entering ... self=136035396, gdata_allocated=0, num_columns=1 exit extend_gdata_info fetch: cols=1, lf=0, opts = 136035176, opts->bindings = 135996120, buffer[] = 0 PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136035040 value = 'PostgreSQL 8.2.6 on i686-pc-mingw32, compiled by GCC gcc.exe (GCC) 3.4.2 (mingw-special)' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 0, fCType = 1, field_type = 25, value = 'PostgreSQL 8.2.6 on i686-pc-mingw32, compiled by GCC gcc.exe (GCC) 3.4.2 (mingw-special)' copy_and_convert: field_type = 25, fctype = 1, value = 'PostgreSQL 8.2.6 on i686-pc-mingw32, compiled by GCC gcc.exe (GCC) 3.4.2 (mingw-special)', cbValueMax=128 DEFAULT: len = 88, ptr = 'PostgreSQL 8.2.6 on i686-pc-mingw32, compiled by GCC gcc.exe (GCC) 3.4.2 (mingw-special)' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 88, cbValueMax = 128, rgbValueBindRow = 'PostgreSQL 8.2.6 on i686-pc-mingw32, compiled by GCC gcc.exe (GCC) 3.4.2 (mingw-special)' Got the PostgreSQL version string: 'PostgreSQL 8.2.6 on i686-pc-mingw32, compiled by GCC gcc.exe (GCC) 3.4.2 (mingw-special)' Extracted PostgreSQL version number: '8.2' PGAPI_FreeStmt: entering...hstmt=136035040, fOption=1 QResult: in DESTRUCTOR TupleList: in DESTRUCTOR TupleList: exit DESTRUCTOR QResult: free memory in, fcount=101 QResult: free memory out QResult: exit DESTRUCTOR SC_Destructor: self=136035040, self->result=0, self->hdbc=135981656 APD_free_params: ENTER, self=136035292 IPD_free_params: ENTER, self=136035356 PDATA_free_params: ENTER, self=136035472 ARDFields_free 81bbb68 bookmark=81b21d8ARD_unbind_cols freeall=1 allocated=1 bindings=81b22d8 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136035176, bindings_allocated=1, icol=1 APD_free_params: ENTER, self=136035292 IPD_free_params: ENTER, self=136035356 GDATA_unbind_cols freeall=1 allocated=1 gdata=81b28c8 SC_Destructor: EXIT CC_send_settings: entering... PGAPI_AllocStmt: entering... SC_Constructor: entering ... SC_Constructor: created stmt = 136035040 **** PGAPI_AllocStmt: hdbc = 135981656, stmt = 136035040 CC_add_statement: self=135981656, stmt=136035040 PGAPI_ExecDirect: entering... recycle statement: self= 136035040 PDATA_free_params: ENTER, self=136035472 **** PGAPI_ExecDirect: hstmt=136035040, statement='set DateStyle to 'ISO'' PGAPI_ExecDirect: calling PGAPI_Execute... PGAPI_Execute: entering... PGAPI_Execute: clear errors... recycle statement: self= 136035040 PDATA_free_params: ENTER, self=136035472 PGAPI_NumParams: entering... Exec_with_parameters_resolved: copying statement params: trans_status=1, len=22, stmt='set DateStyle to 'ISO'' stmt_with_params = 'set DateStyle to 'ISO'' it's NOT a select statement: stmt=136035040 send_query(): conn=135981656, query='set DateStyle to 'ISO'' LIBPQ_execute_query: entering ... in QR_Constructor exit QR_Constructor LIBPQ_execute_query: get next result with status = 1 LIBPQ_execute_query: query = set DateStyle to 'ISO' LIBPQ_execute_query: recent_processed_row_count = -1 The query was executed successfully and the query did not return any result send_query: done sending command PGAPI_ExecDirect: returned 0 from PGAPI_Execute CC_send_settings: result 0, status 1 from set DateStyle PGAPI_ExecDirect: entering... recycle statement: self= 136035040 QResult: in DESTRUCTOR QResult: free memory in, fcount=0 QResult: free memory out QResult: exit DESTRUCTOR PDATA_free_params: ENTER, self=136035472 **** PGAPI_ExecDirect: hstmt=136035040, statement='set geqo to 'OFF'' PGAPI_ExecDirect: calling PGAPI_Execute... PGAPI_Execute: entering... PGAPI_Execute: clear errors... recycle statement: self= 136035040 PDATA_free_params: ENTER, self=136035472 PGAPI_NumParams: entering... Exec_with_parameters_resolved: copying statement params: trans_status=1, len=17, stmt='set geqo to 'OFF'' stmt_with_params = 'set geqo to 'OFF'' it's NOT a select statement: stmt=136035040 send_query(): conn=135981656, query='set geqo to 'OFF'' LIBPQ_execute_query: entering ... in QR_Constructor exit QR_Constructor LIBPQ_execute_query: get next result with status = 1 LIBPQ_execute_query: query = set geqo to 'OFF' LIBPQ_execute_query: recent_processed_row_count = -1 The query was executed successfully and the query did not return any result send_query: done sending command PGAPI_ExecDirect: returned 0 from PGAPI_Execute CC_send_settings: result 0, status 1 from set geqo PGAPI_ExecDirect: entering... recycle statement: self= 136035040 QResult: in DESTRUCTOR QResult: free memory in, fcount=0 QResult: free memory out QResult: exit DESTRUCTOR PDATA_free_params: ENTER, self=136035472 **** PGAPI_ExecDirect: hstmt=136035040, statement='set extra_float_digits to 2' PGAPI_ExecDirect: calling PGAPI_Execute... PGAPI_Execute: entering... PGAPI_Execute: clear errors... recycle statement: self= 136035040 PDATA_free_params: ENTER, self=136035472 PGAPI_NumParams: entering... Exec_with_parameters_resolved: copying statement params: trans_status=1, len=27, stmt='set extra_float_digits to 2' stmt_with_params = 'set extra_float_digits to 2' it's NOT a select statement: stmt=136035040 send_query(): conn=135981656, query='set extra_float_digits to 2' LIBPQ_execute_query: entering ... in QR_Constructor exit QR_Constructor LIBPQ_execute_query: get next result with status = 1 LIBPQ_execute_query: query = set extra_float_digits to 2 LIBPQ_execute_query: recent_processed_row_count = -1 The query was executed successfully and the query did not return any result send_query: done sending command PGAPI_ExecDirect: returned 0 from PGAPI_Execute CC_send_settings: result 0, status 1 from set extra_float_digits PGAPI_FreeStmt: entering...hstmt=136035040, fOption=1 QResult: in DESTRUCTOR QResult: free memory in, fcount=0 QResult: free memory out QResult: exit DESTRUCTOR SC_Destructor: self=136035040, self->result=0, self->hdbc=135981656 APD_free_params: ENTER, self=136035292 IPD_free_params: ENTER, self=136035356 PDATA_free_params: ENTER, self=136035472 ARDFields_free 81bbb68 bookmark=81b2298ARD_unbind_cols freeall=1 allocated=0 bindings=0 APD_free_params: ENTER, self=136035292 IPD_free_params: ENTER, self=136035356 GDATA_unbind_cols freeall=1 allocated=0 gdata=0 SC_Destructor: EXIT CC_lookup_lo: entering... PGAPI_AllocStmt: entering... SC_Constructor: entering ... SC_Constructor: created stmt = 136035040 **** PGAPI_AllocStmt: hdbc = 135981656, stmt = 136035040 CC_add_statement: self=135981656, stmt=136035040 PGAPI_ExecDirect: entering... recycle statement: self= 136035040 PDATA_free_params: ENTER, self=136035472 **** PGAPI_ExecDirect: hstmt=136035040, statement='select oid from pg_type where typname='lo'' PGAPI_ExecDirect: calling PGAPI_Execute... PGAPI_Execute: entering... PGAPI_Execute: clear errors... recycle statement: self= 136035040 PDATA_free_params: ENTER, self=136035472 PGAPI_NumParams: entering... Exec_with_parameters_resolved: copying statement params: trans_status=1, len=42, stmt='select oid from pg_type where typname='lo'' stmt_with_params = 'select oid from pg_type where typname='lo'' Sending SELECT statement on stmt=136035040, cursor_name='SQL_CUR81bbae0' send_query(): conn=135981656, query='select oid from pg_type where typname='lo'' LIBPQ_execute_query: entering ... in QR_Constructor exit QR_Constructor LIBPQ_execute_query: get next result with status = 2 LIBPQ_execute_query: query = select oid from pg_type where typname='lo' LIBPQ_execute_query: rest types ... LIBPQ_execute_query: recent_processed_row_count = 1 CC_mapping: entering ... CC_mapping: rows = 1, columns = 1 CC_mapping: column = 0 CC_mapping: set field info: name = oid, typ = 26, typlen = 4, attypmod = -1 in TL_Constructor exit TL_Constructor CC_mapping: fetch column = oid, value = 90429 send_query: done sending query with status: 2 QR_fetch_tuples: cursor = '', self->cursor=0 QR_fetch_tuples: past CI_read_fields: num_fields = 1 MALLOC: tuple_size = 100, size = 800 done sending the query: extend_column_bindings: entering ... self=136035176, bindings_allocated=0, num_columns=1 exit extend_column_bindings PGAPI_ExecDirect: returned 0 from PGAPI_Execute PGAPI_Fetch: stmt = 136035040, stmt->result= 136034424 manual_result = 1, use_declarefetch = 0 **** SC_fetch: manual_result extend_getdata_info: entering ... self=136035396, gdata_allocated=0, num_columns=1 exit extend_gdata_info fetch: cols=1, lf=0, opts = 136035176, opts->bindings = 135996088, buffer[] = 0 PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136035040 value = '90429' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 0, fCType = -16, field_type = 26, value = '90429' copy_and_convert: field_type = 26, fctype = -16, value = '90429', cbValueMax=4 Got the large object oid: 90429 PGAPI_FreeStmt: entering...hstmt=136035040, fOption=1 QResult: in DESTRUCTOR TupleList: in DESTRUCTOR TupleList: exit DESTRUCTOR QResult: free memory in, fcount=101 QResult: free memory out QResult: exit DESTRUCTOR SC_Destructor: self=136035040, self->result=0, self->hdbc=135981656 APD_free_params: ENTER, self=136035292 IPD_free_params: ENTER, self=136035356 PDATA_free_params: ENTER, self=136035472 ARDFields_free 81bbb68 bookmark=81b2278ARD_unbind_cols freeall=1 allocated=1 bindings=81b22b8 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136035176, bindings_allocated=1, icol=1 APD_free_params: ENTER, self=136035292 IPD_free_params: ENTER, self=136035356 GDATA_unbind_cols freeall=1 allocated=1 gdata=81b28c8 SC_Destructor: EXIT CC_lookup_characterset: entering... send_query(): conn=135981656, query='select pg_client_encoding()' LIBPQ_execute_query: entering ... in QR_Constructor exit QR_Constructor LIBPQ_execute_query: get next result with status = 2 LIBPQ_execute_query: query = select pg_client_encoding() LIBPQ_execute_query: rest types ... LIBPQ_execute_query: recent_processed_row_count = 1 CC_mapping: entering ... CC_mapping: rows = 1, columns = 1 CC_mapping: column = 0 CC_mapping: set field info: name = pg_client_encoding, typ = 19, typlen = 64, attypmod = -1 in TL_Constructor exit TL_Constructor CC_mapping: fetch column = pg_client_encoding, value = UTF8 send_query: done sending query with status: 2 QR_fetch_tuples: cursor = '', self->cursor=0 QR_fetch_tuples: past CI_read_fields: num_fields = 1 MALLOC: tuple_size = 100, size = 800 QResult: in DESTRUCTOR TupleList: in DESTRUCTOR TupleList: exit DESTRUCTOR QResult: free memory in, fcount=101 QResult: free memory out QResult: exit DESTRUCTOR CC_connect: returning... PGAPI_Connect: returning... [SQLGetFunctions][SQLGetInfo(30)]PGAPI_GetInfo: entering...fInfoType=77 PGAPI_GetInfo: p='03.00', len=5, value=0, cbMax=20 [SQLGetInfo(30)]PGAPI_GetInfo: entering...fInfoType=10000 CONN ERROR: func=PGAPI_GetInfo30, desc='', errnum=209, sqlstate=, errmsg='Unrecognized key passed to SQLGetInfo30.' CONN ERROR: func=SQLGetInfo30, desc='', errnum=209, sqlstate=, errmsg='Unrecognized key passed to SQLGetInfo30.' [[SQLAllocHandle]]PGAPI_AllocStmt: entering... SC_Constructor: entering ... SC_Constructor: created stmt = 136230712 **** PGAPI_AllocStmt: hdbc = 135891512, stmt = 136230712 CC_add_statement: self=135891512, stmt=136230712 [[SQLGetStmtAttr]] Handle=136230712 10010 PGAPI_GetStmtAttr Handle=136230712 10010 [[SQLGetStmtAttr]] Handle=136230712 10011 PGAPI_GetStmtAttr Handle=136230712 10011 [[SQLGetStmtAttr]] Handle=136230712 10012 PGAPI_GetStmtAttr Handle=136230712 10012 [[SQLGetStmtAttr]] Handle=136230712 10013 PGAPI_GetStmtAttr Handle=136230712 10013 [SQLPrepare]PGAPI_Prepare: entering... **** PGAPI_Prepare: STMT_ALLOCATED, copy [SQLBindParameter]PGAPI_BindParameter: entering... extend_parameter_bindings: entering ... self=136230964, parameters_allocated=0, num_params=1 exit extend_parameter_bindings extend_iparameter_bindings: entering ... self=136231028, parameters_allocated=0, num_params=1 exit extend_iparameter_bindings extend_putdata_info: entering ... self=136231144, parameters_allocated=0, num_params=1 exit extend_putdata_info PGAPI_BindParamater: ipar=0, paramType=1, fCType=1, fSqlType=1, cbColDef=17, ibScale=0, rgbValue=-63857722, *pcbValue = -777, data_at_exec = 0 [SQLExecute]PGAPI_Execute: entering... PGAPI_Execute: clear errors... recycle statement: self= 136230712 PDATA_free_params: ENTER, self=136231144 PDATA_free_params: EXIT PGAPI_NumParams: entering... Exec_with_parameters_resolved: copying statement params: trans_status=1, len=40, stmt='SELECT * FROM sipaccounts WHERE name = ?' ResolveOneParam: from(fcType)=1, to(fSqlType)=1 stmt_with_params = 'SELECT * FROM sipaccounts WHERE name = 'BruceMcAlisterE61'' Sending SELECT statement on stmt=136230712, cursor_name='SQL_CUR81eb738' send_query(): conn=135891512, query='SELECT * FROM sipaccounts WHERE name = 'BruceMcAlisterE61'' LIBPQ_execute_query: entering ... in QR_Constructor exit QR_Constructor LIBPQ_execute_query: get next result with status = 2 LIBPQ_execute_query: query = SELECT * FROM sipaccounts WHERE name = 'BruceMcAlisterE61' LIBPQ_execute_query: rest types ... LIBPQ_execute_query: recent_processed_row_count = 1 CC_mapping: entering ... CC_mapping: rows = 1, columns = 56 CC_mapping: column = 0 CC_mapping: set field info: name = id, typ = 1043, typlen = 36, attypmod = 36 CC_mapping: column = 1 CC_mapping: set field info: name = name, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 2 CC_mapping: set field info: name = accountcode, typ = 1043, typlen = 20, attypmod = 20 CC_mapping: column = 3 CC_mapping: set field info: name = amaflags, typ = 1043, typlen = 13, attypmod = 13 CC_mapping: column = 4 CC_mapping: set field info: name = callgroup, typ = 1043, typlen = 10, attypmod = 10 CC_mapping: column = 5 CC_mapping: set field info: name = callerid, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 6 CC_mapping: set field info: name = canreinvite, typ = 1042, typlen = 3, attypmod = 3 CC_mapping: column = 7 CC_mapping: set field info: name = context, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 8 CC_mapping: set field info: name = defaultip, typ = 1043, typlen = 15, attypmod = 15 CC_mapping: column = 9 CC_mapping: set field info: name = dtmfmode, typ = 1043, typlen = 7, attypmod = 7 CC_mapping: column = 10 CC_mapping: set field info: name = fromuser, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 11 CC_mapping: set field info: name = fromdomain, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 12 CC_mapping: set field info: name = fullcontact, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 13 CC_mapping: set field info: name = host, typ = 1043, typlen = 31, attypmod = 31 CC_mapping: column = 14 CC_mapping: set field info: name = insecure, typ = 1043, typlen = 11, attypmod = 11 CC_mapping: column = 15 CC_mapping: set field info: name = language, typ = 1042, typlen = 2, attypmod = 2 CC_mapping: column = 16 CC_mapping: set field info: name = mailbox, typ = 1043, typlen = 50, attypmod = 50 CC_mapping: column = 17 CC_mapping: set field info: name = md5secret, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 18 CC_mapping: set field info: name = nat, typ = 1043, typlen = 5, attypmod = 5 CC_mapping: column = 19 CC_mapping: set field info: name = deny, typ = 1043, typlen = 95, attypmod = 95 CC_mapping: column = 20 CC_mapping: set field info: name = permit, typ = 1043, typlen = 95, attypmod = 95 CC_mapping: column = 21 CC_mapping: set field info: name = mask, typ = 1043, typlen = 95, attypmod = 95 CC_mapping: column = 22 CC_mapping: set field info: name = pickupgroup, typ = 1043, typlen = 10, attypmod = 10 CC_mapping: column = 23 CC_mapping: set field info: name = port, typ = 1043, typlen = 5, attypmod = 5 CC_mapping: column = 24 CC_mapping: set field info: name = qualify, typ = 1042, typlen = 4, attypmod = 4 CC_mapping: column = 25 CC_mapping: set field info: name = restrictcid, typ = 1042, typlen = 1, attypmod = 1 CC_mapping: column = 26 CC_mapping: set field info: name = rtptimeout, typ = 1042, typlen = 3, attypmod = 3 CC_mapping: column = 27 CC_mapping: set field info: name = rtpholdtimeout, typ = 1042, typlen = 5, attypmod = 5 CC_mapping: column = 28 CC_mapping: set field info: name = secret, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 29 CC_mapping: set field info: name = type, typ = 1043, typlen = 6, attypmod = 6 CC_mapping: column = 30 CC_mapping: set field info: name = username, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 31 CC_mapping: set field info: name = disallow, typ = 1043, typlen = 100, attypmod = 100 CC_mapping: column = 32 CC_mapping: set field info: name = allow, typ = 1043, typlen = 100, attypmod = 100 CC_mapping: column = 33 CC_mapping: set field info: name = mohsuggest, typ = 1043, typlen = 100, attypmod = 100 CC_mapping: column = 34 CC_mapping: set field info: name = regseconds, typ = 23, typlen = 4, attypmod = -1 CC_mapping: column = 35 CC_mapping: set field info: name = ipaddr, typ = 1043, typlen = 15, attypmod = 15 CC_mapping: column = 36 CC_mapping: set field info: name = regexten, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 37 CC_mapping: set field info: name = cancallforward, typ = 1042, typlen = 3, attypmod = 3 CC_mapping: column = 38 CC_mapping: set field info: name = setvar, typ = 1043, typlen = 100, attypmod = 100 CC_mapping: column = 39 CC_mapping: set field info: name = inserted, typ = 1184, typlen = 8, attypmod = -1 CC_mapping: column = 40 CC_mapping: set field info: name = lastregister, typ = 1184, typlen = 8, attypmod = -1 CC_mapping: column = 41 CC_mapping: set field info: name = useragent, typ = 1043, typlen = 128, attypmod = 128 CC_mapping: column = 42 CC_mapping: set field info: name = natsendkeepalives, typ = 1042, typlen = 1, attypmod = 1 CC_mapping: column = 43 CC_mapping: set field info: name = natconnectionstate, typ = 1042, typlen = 1, attypmod = 1 CC_mapping: column = 44 CC_mapping: set field info: name = outboundproxyport, typ = 1043, typlen = 5, attypmod = 5 CC_mapping: column = 45 CC_mapping: set field info: name = outboundproxy, typ = 1043, typlen = 31, attypmod = 31 CC_mapping: column = 46 CC_mapping: set field info: name = voicemailextension, typ = 1043, typlen = 128, attypmod = 128 CC_mapping: column = 47 CC_mapping: set field info: name = pstncallerid, typ = 1043, typlen = 24, attypmod = 24 CC_mapping: column = 48 CC_mapping: set field info: name = dialplan, typ = 1043, typlen = 64, attypmod = 64 CC_mapping: column = 49 CC_mapping: set field info: name = whitelabelid, typ = 1043, typlen = 32, attypmod = 32 CC_mapping: column = 50 CC_mapping: set field info: name = localcallprefix, typ = 1043, typlen = 10, attypmod = 10 CC_mapping: column = 51 CC_mapping: set field info: name = comment, typ = 1043, typlen = 512, attypmod = 512 CC_mapping: column = 52 CC_mapping: set field info: name = createdbyuser, typ = 1042, typlen = 3, attypmod = 3 CC_mapping: column = 53 CC_mapping: set field info: name = progressinband, typ = 1043, typlen = 5, attypmod = 5 CC_mapping: column = 54 CC_mapping: set field info: name = call-limit, typ = 23, typlen = 4, attypmod = -1 CC_mapping: column = 55 CC_mapping: set field info: name = regserver, typ = 1043, typlen = 100, attypmod = 100 in TL_Constructor exit TL_Constructor CC_mapping: fetch column = id, value = 50f2f1af-18be-404d-b188-4de0a52397b6 CC_mapping: fetch column = name, value = BruceMcAlisterE61 CC_mapping: fetch column = accountcode, value = myaccountcode123456 CC_mapping: fetch column = amaflags, value = NULL CC_mapping: fetch column = callgroup, value = NULL CC_mapping: fetch column = callerid, value = Bruce McAlister <304242> CC_mapping: fetch column = canreinvite, value = no CC_mapping: fetch column = context, value = VoiceMail CC_mapping: fetch column = defaultip, value = CC_mapping: fetch column = dtmfmode, value = rfc2833 CC_mapping: fetch column = fromuser, value = CC_mapping: fetch column = fromdomain, value = CC_mapping: fetch column = fullcontact, value = CC_mapping: fetch column = host, value = dynamic CC_mapping: fetch column = insecure, value = NULL CC_mapping: fetch column = language, value = NULL CC_mapping: fetch column = mailbox, value = 3031 CC_mapping: fetch column = md5secret, value = NULL CC_mapping: fetch column = nat, value = yes CC_mapping: fetch column = deny, value = NULL CC_mapping: fetch column = permit, value = NULL CC_mapping: fetch column = mask, value = NULL CC_mapping: fetch column = pickupgroup, value = NULL CC_mapping: fetch column = port, value = 57274 CC_mapping: fetch column = qualify, value = no CC_mapping: fetch column = restrictcid, value = NULL CC_mapping: fetch column = rtptimeout, value = NULL CC_mapping: fetch column = rtpholdtimeout, value = NULL CC_mapping: fetch column = secret, value = 47p00k$! CC_mapping: fetch column = type, value = friend CC_mapping: fetch column = username, value = BruceMcAlisterE61 CC_mapping: fetch column = disallow, value = CC_mapping: fetch column = allow, value = CC_mapping: fetch column = mohsuggest, value = NULL CC_mapping: fetch column = regseconds, value = 1204282587 CC_mapping: fetch column = ipaddr, value = CC_mapping: fetch column = regexten, value = CC_mapping: fetch column = cancallforward, value = yes CC_mapping: fetch column = setvar, value = CC_mapping: fetch column = inserted, value = 2007-09-01 17:48:54.464028+01 CC_mapping: fetch column = lastregister, value = 2008-02-22 10:45:23+00 CC_mapping: fetch column = useragent, value = X-Lite release 1011s stamp 41150 CC_mapping: fetch column = natsendkeepalives, value = n CC_mapping: fetch column = natconnectionstate, value = d CC_mapping: fetch column = outboundproxyport, value = CC_mapping: fetch column = outboundproxy, value = CC_mapping: fetch column = voicemailextension, value = 3031 CC_mapping: fetch column = pstncallerid, value = 0035318262900 CC_mapping: fetch column = dialplan, value = CC_mapping: fetch column = whitelabelid, value = blueface CC_mapping: fetch column = localcallprefix, value = NULL CC_mapping: fetch column = comment, value = Provisioned by bruce.mcalister on 01 Sep 2007 17:48:54. CC_mapping: fetch column = createdbyuser, value = yes CC_mapping: fetch column = progressinband, value = no CC_mapping: fetch column = call-limit, value = 10 CC_mapping: fetch column = regserver, value = send_query: done sending query with status: 2 QR_fetch_tuples: cursor = '', self->cursor=0 QR_fetch_tuples: past CI_read_fields: num_fields = 56 MALLOC: tuple_size = 100, size = 44800 done sending the query: extend_column_bindings: entering ... self=136230848, bindings_allocated=0, num_columns=56 exit extend_column_bindings [SQLNumResultCols]PGAPI_NumResultCols: entering... SC_pre_execute: status = 3 PGAPI_NumResultCols: result = 136267256, status = 3, numcols = 56 [[SQLFetch]]PGAPI_ExtendedFetch: stmt=136230712 SQL_FETCH_NEXT: num_tuples=1, currtuple=-1 PGAPI_ExtendedFetch: new currTuple = -1 manual_result = 1, use_declarefetch = 0 **** SC_fetch: manual_result extend_getdata_info: entering ... self=136231068, gdata_allocated=0, num_columns=56 exit extend_gdata_info fetch: cols=56, lf=0, opts = 136230848, opts->bindings = 136267456, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=1, opts = 136230848, opts->bindings = 136267456, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=2, opts = 136230848, opts->bindings = 136267456, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=3, opts = 136230848, opts->bindings = 136267456, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=4, opts = 136230848, opts->bindings = 136267456, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=5, opts = 136230848, opts->bindings = 136267456, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=6, opts = 136230848, opts->bindings = 136267456, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=7, opts = 136230848, opts->bindings = 136267456, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=8, opts = 136230848, opts->bindings = 136267456, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=9, opts = 136230848, opts->bindings = 136267456, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=10, opts = 136230848, opts->bindings = 136267456, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=11, opts = 136230848, opts->bindings = 136267456, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=12, opts = 136230848, opts->bindings = 136267456, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=13, opts = 136230848, opts->bindings = 136267456, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=14, opts = 136230848, opts->bindings = 136267456, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=15, opts = 136230848, opts->bindings = 136267456, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=16, opts = 136230848, opts->bindings = 136267456, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=17, opts = 136230848, opts->bindings = 136267456, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=18, opts = 136230848, opts->bindings = 136267456, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=19, opts = 136230848, opts->bindings = 136267456, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=20, opts = 136230848, opts->bindings = 136267456, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=21, opts = 136230848, opts->bindings = 136267456, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=22, opts = 136230848, opts->bindings = 136267456, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=23, opts = 136230848, opts->bindings = 136267456, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=24, opts = 136230848, opts->bindings = 136267456, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=25, opts = 136230848, opts->bindings = 136267456, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=26, opts = 136230848, opts->bindings = 136267456, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=27, opts = 136230848, opts->bindings = 136267456, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=28, opts = 136230848, opts->bindings = 136267456, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=29, opts = 136230848, opts->bindings = 136267456, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=30, opts = 136230848, opts->bindings = 136267456, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=31, opts = 136230848, opts->bindings = 136267456, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=32, opts = 136230848, opts->bindings = 136267456, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=33, opts = 136230848, opts->bindings = 136267456, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=34, opts = 136230848, opts->bindings = 136267456, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=35, opts = 136230848, opts->bindings = 136267456, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=36, opts = 136230848, opts->bindings = 136267456, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=37, opts = 136230848, opts->bindings = 136267456, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=38, opts = 136230848, opts->bindings = 136267456, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=39, opts = 136230848, opts->bindings = 136267456, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=40, opts = 136230848, opts->bindings = 136267456, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=41, opts = 136230848, opts->bindings = 136267456, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=42, opts = 136230848, opts->bindings = 136267456, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=43, opts = 136230848, opts->bindings = 136267456, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=44, opts = 136230848, opts->bindings = 136267456, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=45, opts = 136230848, opts->bindings = 136267456, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=46, opts = 136230848, opts->bindings = 136267456, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=47, opts = 136230848, opts->bindings = 136267456, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=48, opts = 136230848, opts->bindings = 136267456, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=49, opts = 136230848, opts->bindings = 136267456, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=50, opts = 136230848, opts->bindings = 136267456, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=51, opts = 136230848, opts->bindings = 136267456, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=52, opts = 136230848, opts->bindings = 136267456, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=53, opts = 136230848, opts->bindings = 136267456, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=54, opts = 136230848, opts->bindings = 136267456, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=55, opts = 136230848, opts->bindings = 136267456, buffer[] = 0 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.1.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136267256, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=0, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 0 fieldname = 'id' describeCol: col 0 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 0 column_size = 36 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=0, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 0 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 0 *pcbColDef = 36 describeCol: col 0 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 0 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136230712 value = '50f2f1af-18be-404d-b188-4de0a52397b6' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 0, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '50f2f1af-18be-404d-b188-4de0a52397b6' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '50f2f1af-18be-404d-b188-4de0a52397b6', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 36, ptr = '50f2f1af-18be-404d-b188-4de0a52397b6' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 36, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '50f2f1af-18be-404d-b188-4de0a52397b6' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.2.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136267256, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=1, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 1 fieldname = 'name' describeCol: col 1 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 1 column_size = 80 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=1, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 1 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 1 *pcbColDef = 80 describeCol: col 1 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 1 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136230712 value = 'BruceMcAlisterE61' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 1, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = 'BruceMcAlisterE61' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = 'BruceMcAlisterE61', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 17, ptr = 'BruceMcAlisterE61' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 17, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'BruceMcAlisterE61' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.3.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136267256, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=2, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 2 fieldname = 'accountcode' describeCol: col 2 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 2 column_size = 20 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=2, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 2 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 2 *pcbColDef = 20 describeCol: col 2 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 2 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136230712 value = 'myaccountcode123456' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 2, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = 'myaccountcode123456' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = 'myaccountcode123456', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 19, ptr = 'myaccountcode123456' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 19, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'myaccountcode123456' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.4.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136267256, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=3, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 3 fieldname = 'amaflags' describeCol: col 3 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 3 column_size = 13 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=3, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 3 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 3 *pcbColDef = 13 describeCol: col 3 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 3 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136230712 value = '(null)' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 3, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '(null)' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.5.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136267256, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=4, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 4 fieldname = 'callgroup' describeCol: col 4 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 4 column_size = 10 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=4, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 4 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 4 *pcbColDef = 10 describeCol: col 4 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 4 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136230712 value = '(null)' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 4, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '(null)' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.6.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136267256, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=5, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 5 fieldname = 'callerid' describeCol: col 5 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 5 column_size = 80 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=5, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 5 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 5 *pcbColDef = 80 describeCol: col 5 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 5 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136230712 value = 'Bruce McAlister <304242>' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 5, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = 'Bruce McAlister <304242>' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = 'Bruce McAlister <304242>', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 24, ptr = 'Bruce McAlister <304242>' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 24, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'Bruce McAlister <304242>' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.7.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136267256, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=6, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 6 fieldname = 'canreinvite' describeCol: col 6 fieldtype = 1042 describeCol: col 6 column_size = 3 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=6, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 6 *pfSqlType = 1 describeCol: col 6 *pcbColDef = 3 describeCol: col 6 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 6 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136230712 value = 'no ' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 6, fCType = 1, field_type = 1042, value = 'no ' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1042, fctype = 1, value = 'no ', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 3, ptr = 'no ' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 3, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'no ' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.8.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136267256, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=7, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 7 fieldname = 'context' describeCol: col 7 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 7 column_size = 80 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=7, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 7 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 7 *pcbColDef = 80 describeCol: col 7 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 7 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136230712 value = 'VoiceMail' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 7, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = 'VoiceMail' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = 'VoiceMail', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 9, ptr = 'VoiceMail' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 9, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'VoiceMail' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.9.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136267256, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=8, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 8 fieldname = 'defaultip' describeCol: col 8 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 8 column_size = 15 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=8, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 8 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 8 *pcbColDef = 15 describeCol: col 8 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 8 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136230712 value = '' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 8, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 0, ptr = '' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 0, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.10.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136267256, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=9, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 9 fieldname = 'dtmfmode' describeCol: col 9 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 9 column_size = 7 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=9, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 9 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 9 *pcbColDef = 7 describeCol: col 9 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 9 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136230712 value = 'rfc2833' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 9, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = 'rfc2833' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = 'rfc2833', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 7, ptr = 'rfc2833' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 7, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'rfc2833' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.11.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136267256, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=10, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 10 fieldname = 'fromuser' describeCol: col 10 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 10 column_size = 80 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=10, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 10 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 10 *pcbColDef = 80 describeCol: col 10 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 10 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136230712 value = '' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 10, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 0, ptr = '' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 0, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.12.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136267256, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=11, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 11 fieldname = 'fromdomain' describeCol: col 11 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 11 column_size = 80 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=11, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 11 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 11 *pcbColDef = 80 describeCol: col 11 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 11 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136230712 value = '' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 11, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 0, ptr = '' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 0, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.13.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136267256, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=12, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 12 fieldname = 'fullcontact' describeCol: col 12 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 12 column_size = 80 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=12, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 12 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 12 *pcbColDef = 80 describeCol: col 12 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 12 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136230712 value = '' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 12, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 0, ptr = '' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 0, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.14.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136267256, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=13, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 13 fieldname = 'host' describeCol: col 13 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 13 column_size = 31 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=13, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 13 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 13 *pcbColDef = 31 describeCol: col 13 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 13 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136230712 value = 'dynamic' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 13, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = 'dynamic' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = 'dynamic', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 7, ptr = 'dynamic' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 7, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'dynamic' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.15.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136267256, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=14, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 14 fieldname = 'insecure' describeCol: col 14 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 14 column_size = 11 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=14, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 14 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 14 *pcbColDef = 11 describeCol: col 14 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 14 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136230712 value = '(null)' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 14, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '(null)' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.16.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136267256, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=15, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 15 fieldname = 'language' describeCol: col 15 fieldtype = 1042 describeCol: col 15 column_size = 2 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=15, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 15 *pfSqlType = 1 describeCol: col 15 *pcbColDef = 2 describeCol: col 15 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 15 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136230712 value = '(null)' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 15, fCType = 1, field_type = 1042, value = '(null)' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1042, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.17.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136267256, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=16, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 16 fieldname = 'mailbox' describeCol: col 16 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 16 column_size = 50 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=16, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 16 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 16 *pcbColDef = 50 describeCol: col 16 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 16 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136230712 value = '3031' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 16, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '3031' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '3031', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 4, ptr = '3031' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 4, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '3031' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.18.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136267256, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=17, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 17 fieldname = 'md5secret' describeCol: col 17 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 17 column_size = 80 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=17, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 17 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 17 *pcbColDef = 80 describeCol: col 17 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 17 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136230712 value = '(null)' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 17, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '(null)' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.19.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136267256, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=18, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 18 fieldname = 'nat' describeCol: col 18 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 18 column_size = 5 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=18, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 18 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 18 *pcbColDef = 5 describeCol: col 18 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 18 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136230712 value = 'yes' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 18, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = 'yes' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = 'yes', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 3, ptr = 'yes' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 3, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'yes' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.20.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136267256, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=19, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 19 fieldname = 'deny' describeCol: col 19 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 19 column_size = 95 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=19, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 19 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 19 *pcbColDef = 95 describeCol: col 19 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 19 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136230712 value = '(null)' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 19, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '(null)' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.21.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136267256, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=20, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 20 fieldname = 'permit' describeCol: col 20 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 20 column_size = 95 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=20, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 20 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 20 *pcbColDef = 95 describeCol: col 20 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 20 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136230712 value = '(null)' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 20, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '(null)' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.22.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136267256, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=21, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 21 fieldname = 'mask' describeCol: col 21 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 21 column_size = 95 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=21, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 21 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 21 *pcbColDef = 95 describeCol: col 21 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 21 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136230712 value = '(null)' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 21, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '(null)' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.23.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136267256, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=22, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 22 fieldname = 'pickupgroup' describeCol: col 22 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 22 column_size = 10 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=22, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 22 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 22 *pcbColDef = 10 describeCol: col 22 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 22 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136230712 value = '(null)' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 22, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '(null)' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.24.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136267256, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=23, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 23 fieldname = 'port' describeCol: col 23 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 23 column_size = 5 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=23, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 23 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 23 *pcbColDef = 5 describeCol: col 23 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 23 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136230712 value = '57274' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 23, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '57274' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '57274', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 5, ptr = '57274' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 5, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '57274' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.25.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136267256, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=24, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 24 fieldname = 'qualify' describeCol: col 24 fieldtype = 1042 describeCol: col 24 column_size = 4 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=24, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 24 *pfSqlType = 1 describeCol: col 24 *pcbColDef = 4 describeCol: col 24 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 24 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136230712 value = 'no ' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 24, fCType = 1, field_type = 1042, value = 'no ' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1042, fctype = 1, value = 'no ', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 4, ptr = 'no ' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 4, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'no ' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.26.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136267256, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=25, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 25 fieldname = 'restrictcid' describeCol: col 25 fieldtype = 1042 describeCol: col 25 column_size = 1 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=25, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 25 *pfSqlType = 1 describeCol: col 25 *pcbColDef = 1 describeCol: col 25 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 25 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136230712 value = '(null)' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 25, fCType = 1, field_type = 1042, value = '(null)' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1042, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.27.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136267256, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=26, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 26 fieldname = 'rtptimeout' describeCol: col 26 fieldtype = 1042 describeCol: col 26 column_size = 3 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=26, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 26 *pfSqlType = 1 describeCol: col 26 *pcbColDef = 3 describeCol: col 26 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 26 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136230712 value = '(null)' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 26, fCType = 1, field_type = 1042, value = '(null)' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1042, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.28.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136267256, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=27, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 27 fieldname = 'rtpholdtimeout' describeCol: col 27 fieldtype = 1042 describeCol: col 27 column_size = 5 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=27, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 27 *pfSqlType = 1 describeCol: col 27 *pcbColDef = 5 describeCol: col 27 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 27 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136230712 value = '(null)' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 27, fCType = 1, field_type = 1042, value = '(null)' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1042, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.29.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136267256, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=28, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 28 fieldname = 'secret' describeCol: col 28 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 28 column_size = 80 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=28, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 28 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 28 *pcbColDef = 80 describeCol: col 28 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 28 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136230712 value = '47p00k$!' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 28, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '47p00k$!' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '47p00k$!', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 8, ptr = '47p00k$!' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 8, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '47p00k$!' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.30.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136267256, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=29, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 29 fieldname = 'type' describeCol: col 29 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 29 column_size = 6 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=29, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 29 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 29 *pcbColDef = 6 describeCol: col 29 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 29 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136230712 value = 'friend' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 29, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = 'friend' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = 'friend', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 6, ptr = 'friend' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 6, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'friend' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.31.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136267256, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=30, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 30 fieldname = 'username' describeCol: col 30 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 30 column_size = 80 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=30, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 30 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 30 *pcbColDef = 80 describeCol: col 30 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 30 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136230712 value = 'BruceMcAlisterE61' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 30, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = 'BruceMcAlisterE61' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = 'BruceMcAlisterE61', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 17, ptr = 'BruceMcAlisterE61' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 17, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'BruceMcAlisterE61' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.32.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136267256, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=31, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 31 fieldname = 'disallow' describeCol: col 31 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 31 column_size = 100 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=31, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 31 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 31 *pcbColDef = 100 describeCol: col 31 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 31 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136230712 value = '' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 31, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 0, ptr = '' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 0, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.33.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136267256, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=32, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 32 fieldname = 'allow' describeCol: col 32 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 32 column_size = 100 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=32, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 32 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 32 *pcbColDef = 100 describeCol: col 32 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 32 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136230712 value = '' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 32, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 0, ptr = '' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 0, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.34.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136267256, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=33, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 33 fieldname = 'mohsuggest' describeCol: col 33 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 33 column_size = 100 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=33, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 33 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 33 *pcbColDef = 100 describeCol: col 33 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 33 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136230712 value = '(null)' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 33, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '(null)' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.35.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136267256, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 describeCol: col 34 fieldname = 'regseconds' describeCol: col 34 fieldtype = 23 describeCol: col 34 column_size = 10 describeCol: col 34 *pfSqlType = 4 describeCol: col 34 *pcbColDef = 10 describeCol: col 34 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 34 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136230712 value = '1204282587' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 34, fCType = 1, field_type = 23, value = '1204282587' copy_and_convert: field_type = 23, fctype = 1, value = '1204282587', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 10, ptr = '1204282587' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 10, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '1204282587' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.36.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136267256, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=35, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 35 fieldname = 'ipaddr' describeCol: col 35 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 35 column_size = 15 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=35, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 35 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 35 *pcbColDef = 15 describeCol: col 35 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 35 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136230712 value = '' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 35, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 12, ptr = '' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 12, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.37.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136267256, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=36, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 36 fieldname = 'regexten' describeCol: col 36 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 36 column_size = 80 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=36, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 36 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 36 *pcbColDef = 80 describeCol: col 36 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 36 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136230712 value = '' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 36, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 0, ptr = '' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 0, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.38.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136267256, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=37, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 37 fieldname = 'cancallforward' describeCol: col 37 fieldtype = 1042 describeCol: col 37 column_size = 3 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=37, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 37 *pfSqlType = 1 describeCol: col 37 *pcbColDef = 3 describeCol: col 37 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 37 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136230712 value = 'yes' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 37, fCType = 1, field_type = 1042, value = 'yes' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1042, fctype = 1, value = 'yes', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 3, ptr = 'yes' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 3, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'yes' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.39.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136267256, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=38, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 38 fieldname = 'setvar' describeCol: col 38 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 38 column_size = 100 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=38, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 38 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 38 *pcbColDef = 100 describeCol: col 38 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 38 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136230712 value = '' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 38, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 0, ptr = '' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 0, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.40.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136267256, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getTimestampColumnSize: type=1184, col=39 getTimestampDecimalDigits: type=1184, col=39 atttypmod1=-1 atttypmod2=-1 getTimestampDecimalDigits: type=1184, col=39 atttypmod1=-1 atttypmod2=-1 describeCol: col 39 fieldname = 'inserted' describeCol: col 39 fieldtype = 1184 describeCol: col 39 column_size = 26 describeCol: col 39 *pfSqlType = 93 describeCol: col 39 *pcbColDef = 26 describeCol: col 39 *pibScale = 6 describeCol: col 39 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136230712 value = '2007-09-01 17:48:54.464028+01' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 39, fCType = 1, field_type = 1184, value = '2007-09-01 17:48:54.464028+01' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1184, fctype = 1, value = '2007-09-01 17:48:54.464028+01', cbValueMax=2048 2stime fr=464028000 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.41.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136267256, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getTimestampColumnSize: type=1184, col=40 getTimestampDecimalDigits: type=1184, col=40 atttypmod1=-1 atttypmod2=-1 getTimestampDecimalDigits: type=1184, col=40 atttypmod1=-1 atttypmod2=-1 describeCol: col 40 fieldname = 'lastregister' describeCol: col 40 fieldtype = 1184 describeCol: col 40 column_size = 26 describeCol: col 40 *pfSqlType = 93 describeCol: col 40 *pcbColDef = 26 describeCol: col 40 *pibScale = 6 describeCol: col 40 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136230712 value = '2008-02-22 10:45:23+00' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 40, fCType = 1, field_type = 1184, value = '2008-02-22 10:45:23+00' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1184, fctype = 1, value = '2008-02-22 10:45:23+00', cbValueMax=2048 2stime fr=0 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.42.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136267256, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=41, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 41 fieldname = 'useragent' describeCol: col 41 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 41 column_size = 128 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=41, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 41 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 41 *pcbColDef = 128 describeCol: col 41 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 41 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136230712 value = 'X-Lite release 1011s stamp 41150' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 41, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = 'X-Lite release 1011s stamp 41150' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = 'X-Lite release 1011s stamp 41150', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 32, ptr = 'X-Lite release 1011s stamp 41150' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 32, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'X-Lite release 1011s stamp 41150' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.43.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136267256, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=42, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 42 fieldname = 'natsendkeepalives' describeCol: col 42 fieldtype = 1042 describeCol: col 42 column_size = 1 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=42, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 42 *pfSqlType = 1 describeCol: col 42 *pcbColDef = 1 describeCol: col 42 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 42 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136230712 value = 'n' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 42, fCType = 1, field_type = 1042, value = 'n' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1042, fctype = 1, value = 'n', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 1, ptr = 'n' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 1, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'n' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.44.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136267256, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=43, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 43 fieldname = 'natconnectionstate' describeCol: col 43 fieldtype = 1042 describeCol: col 43 column_size = 1 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=43, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 43 *pfSqlType = 1 describeCol: col 43 *pcbColDef = 1 describeCol: col 43 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 43 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136230712 value = 'd' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 43, fCType = 1, field_type = 1042, value = 'd' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1042, fctype = 1, value = 'd', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 1, ptr = 'd' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 1, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'd' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.45.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136267256, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=44, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 44 fieldname = 'outboundproxyport' describeCol: col 44 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 44 column_size = 5 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=44, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 44 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 44 *pcbColDef = 5 describeCol: col 44 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 44 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136230712 value = '' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 44, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 0, ptr = '' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 0, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.46.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136267256, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=45, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 45 fieldname = 'outboundproxy' describeCol: col 45 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 45 column_size = 31 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=45, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 45 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 45 *pcbColDef = 31 describeCol: col 45 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 45 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136230712 value = '' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 45, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 0, ptr = '' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 0, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.47.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136267256, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=46, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 46 fieldname = 'voicemailextension' describeCol: col 46 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 46 column_size = 128 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=46, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 46 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 46 *pcbColDef = 128 describeCol: col 46 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 46 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136230712 value = '3031' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 46, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '3031' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '3031', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 4, ptr = '3031' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 4, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '3031' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.48.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136267256, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=47, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 47 fieldname = 'pstncallerid' describeCol: col 47 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 47 column_size = 24 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=47, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 47 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 47 *pcbColDef = 24 describeCol: col 47 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 47 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136230712 value = '0035318262900' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 47, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '0035318262900' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '0035318262900', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 13, ptr = '0035318262900' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 13, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '0035318262900' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.49.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136267256, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=48, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 48 fieldname = 'dialplan' describeCol: col 48 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 48 column_size = 64 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=48, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 48 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 48 *pcbColDef = 64 describeCol: col 48 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 48 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136230712 value = '' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 48, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 0, ptr = '' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 0, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.50.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136267256, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=49, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 49 fieldname = 'whitelabelid' describeCol: col 49 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 49 column_size = 32 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=49, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 49 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 49 *pcbColDef = 32 describeCol: col 49 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 49 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136230712 value = 'blueface' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 49, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = 'blueface' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = 'blueface', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 8, ptr = 'blueface' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 8, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'blueface' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.51.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136267256, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=50, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 50 fieldname = 'localcallprefix' describeCol: col 50 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 50 column_size = 10 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=50, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 50 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 50 *pcbColDef = 10 describeCol: col 50 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 50 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136230712 value = '(null)' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 50, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '(null)' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.52.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136267256, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=51, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 51 fieldname = 'comment' describeCol: col 51 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 51 column_size = 512 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=51, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 51 *pfSqlType = -1 describeCol: col 51 *pcbColDef = 512 describeCol: col 51 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 51 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136230712 value = 'Provisioned by bruce.mcalister on 01 Sep 2007 17:48:54.' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 51, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = 'Provisioned by bruce.mcalister on 01 Sep 2007 17:48:54.' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = 'Provisioned by bruce.mcalister on 01 Sep 2007 17:48:54.', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 55, ptr = 'Provisioned by bruce.mcalister on 01 Sep 2007 17:48:54.' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 55, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'Provisioned by bruce.mcalister on 01 Sep 2007 17:48:54.' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.53.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136267256, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=52, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 52 fieldname = 'createdbyuser' describeCol: col 52 fieldtype = 1042 describeCol: col 52 column_size = 3 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=52, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 52 *pfSqlType = 1 describeCol: col 52 *pcbColDef = 3 describeCol: col 52 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 52 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136230712 value = 'yes' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 52, fCType = 1, field_type = 1042, value = 'yes' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1042, fctype = 1, value = 'yes', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 3, ptr = 'yes' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 3, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'yes' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.54.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136267256, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=53, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 53 fieldname = 'progressinband' describeCol: col 53 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 53 column_size = 5 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=53, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 53 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 53 *pcbColDef = 5 describeCol: col 53 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 53 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136230712 value = 'no' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 53, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = 'no' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = 'no', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 2, ptr = 'no' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 2, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'no' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.55.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136267256, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 describeCol: col 54 fieldname = 'call-limit' describeCol: col 54 fieldtype = 23 describeCol: col 54 column_size = 10 describeCol: col 54 *pfSqlType = 4 describeCol: col 54 *pcbColDef = 10 describeCol: col 54 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 54 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136230712 value = '10' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 54, fCType = 1, field_type = 23, value = '10' copy_and_convert: field_type = 23, fctype = 1, value = '10', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 2, ptr = '10' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 2, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '10' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.56.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136267256, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=55, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 55 fieldname = 'regserver' describeCol: col 55 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 55 column_size = 100 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=55, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 55 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 55 *pcbColDef = 100 describeCol: col 55 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 55 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136230712 value = '' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 55, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 0, ptr = '' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 0, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '' [[SQLFreeHandle]]PGAPI_FreeStmt: entering...hstmt=136230712, fOption=1 QResult: in DESTRUCTOR TupleList: in DESTRUCTOR TupleList: exit DESTRUCTOR QResult: free memory in, fcount=101 QResult: free memory out QResult: exit DESTRUCTOR SC_Destructor: self=136230712, self->result=0, self->hdbc=135891512 APD_free_params: ENTER, self=136230964 APD_free_params: EXIT IPD_free_params: ENTER, self=136231028 IPD_free_params: EXIT PDATA_free_params: ENTER, self=136231144 PDATA_free_params: EXIT ARDFields_free 81eb7c0 bookmark=81ea7f8ARD_unbind_cols freeall=1 allocated=56 bindings=81f46c0 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136230848, bindings_allocated=56, icol=1 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136230848, bindings_allocated=56, icol=2 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136230848, bindings_allocated=56, icol=3 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136230848, bindings_allocated=56, icol=4 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136230848, bindings_allocated=56, icol=5 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136230848, bindings_allocated=56, icol=6 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136230848, bindings_allocated=56, icol=7 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136230848, bindings_allocated=56, icol=8 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136230848, bindings_allocated=56, icol=9 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136230848, bindings_allocated=56, icol=10 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136230848, bindings_allocated=56, icol=11 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136230848, bindings_allocated=56, icol=12 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136230848, bindings_allocated=56, icol=13 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136230848, bindings_allocated=56, icol=14 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136230848, bindings_allocated=56, icol=15 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136230848, bindings_allocated=56, icol=16 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136230848, bindings_allocated=56, icol=17 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136230848, bindings_allocated=56, icol=18 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136230848, bindings_allocated=56, icol=19 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136230848, bindings_allocated=56, icol=20 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136230848, bindings_allocated=56, icol=21 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136230848, bindings_allocated=56, icol=22 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136230848, bindings_allocated=56, icol=23 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136230848, bindings_allocated=56, icol=24 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136230848, bindings_allocated=56, icol=25 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136230848, bindings_allocated=56, icol=26 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136230848, bindings_allocated=56, icol=27 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136230848, bindings_allocated=56, icol=28 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136230848, bindings_allocated=56, icol=29 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136230848, bindings_allocated=56, icol=30 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136230848, bindings_allocated=56, icol=31 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136230848, bindings_allocated=56, icol=32 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136230848, bindings_allocated=56, icol=33 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136230848, bindings_allocated=56, icol=34 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136230848, bindings_allocated=56, icol=35 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136230848, bindings_allocated=56, icol=36 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136230848, bindings_allocated=56, icol=37 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136230848, bindings_allocated=56, icol=38 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136230848, bindings_allocated=56, icol=39 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136230848, bindings_allocated=56, icol=40 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136230848, bindings_allocated=56, icol=41 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136230848, bindings_allocated=56, icol=42 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136230848, bindings_allocated=56, icol=43 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136230848, bindings_allocated=56, icol=44 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136230848, bindings_allocated=56, icol=45 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136230848, bindings_allocated=56, icol=46 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136230848, bindings_allocated=56, icol=47 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136230848, bindings_allocated=56, icol=48 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136230848, bindings_allocated=56, icol=49 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136230848, bindings_allocated=56, icol=50 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136230848, bindings_allocated=56, icol=51 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136230848, bindings_allocated=56, icol=52 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136230848, bindings_allocated=56, icol=53 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136230848, bindings_allocated=56, icol=54 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136230848, bindings_allocated=56, icol=55 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136230848, bindings_allocated=56, icol=56 APD_free_params: ENTER, self=136230964 IPD_free_params: ENTER, self=136231028 GDATA_unbind_cols freeall=1 allocated=56 gdata=8200cf0 SC_Destructor: EXIT [[SQLAllocHandle]]PGAPI_AllocStmt: entering... SC_Constructor: entering ... SC_Constructor: created stmt = 136230712 **** PGAPI_AllocStmt: hdbc = 135891512, stmt = 136230712 CC_add_statement: self=135891512, stmt=136230712 [[SQLGetStmtAttr]] Handle=136230712 10010 PGAPI_GetStmtAttr Handle=136230712 10010 [[SQLGetStmtAttr]] Handle=136230712 10011 PGAPI_GetStmtAttr Handle=136230712 10011 [[SQLGetStmtAttr]] Handle=136230712 10012 PGAPI_GetStmtAttr Handle=136230712 10012 [[SQLGetStmtAttr]] Handle=136230712 10013 PGAPI_GetStmtAttr Handle=136230712 10013 [SQLPrepare]PGAPI_Prepare: entering... **** PGAPI_Prepare: STMT_ALLOCATED, copy [SQLBindParameter]PGAPI_BindParameter: entering... extend_parameter_bindings: entering ... self=136230964, parameters_allocated=0, num_params=1 exit extend_parameter_bindings extend_iparameter_bindings: entering ... self=136231028, parameters_allocated=0, num_params=1 exit extend_iparameter_bindings extend_putdata_info: entering ... self=136231144, parameters_allocated=0, num_params=1 exit extend_putdata_info PGAPI_BindParamater: ipar=0, paramType=1, fCType=1, fSqlType=1, cbColDef=17, ibScale=0, rgbValue=-63857722, *pcbValue = -777, data_at_exec = 0 [SQLExecute]PGAPI_Execute: entering... PGAPI_Execute: clear errors... recycle statement: self= 136230712 PDATA_free_params: ENTER, self=136231144 PDATA_free_params: EXIT PGAPI_NumParams: entering... Exec_with_parameters_resolved: copying statement params: trans_status=1, len=40, stmt='SELECT * FROM sipaccounts WHERE name = ?' ResolveOneParam: from(fcType)=1, to(fSqlType)=1 stmt_with_params = 'SELECT * FROM sipaccounts WHERE name = 'BruceMcAlisterE61'' Sending SELECT statement on stmt=136230712, cursor_name='SQL_CUR81eb738' send_query(): conn=135891512, query='SELECT * FROM sipaccounts WHERE name = 'BruceMcAlisterE61'' LIBPQ_execute_query: entering ... in QR_Constructor exit QR_Constructor LIBPQ_execute_query: get next result with status = 2 LIBPQ_execute_query: query = SELECT * FROM sipaccounts WHERE name = 'BruceMcAlisterE61' LIBPQ_execute_query: rest types ... LIBPQ_execute_query: recent_processed_row_count = 1 CC_mapping: entering ... CC_mapping: rows = 1, columns = 56 CC_mapping: column = 0 CC_mapping: set field info: name = id, typ = 1043, typlen = 36, attypmod = 36 CC_mapping: column = 1 CC_mapping: set field info: name = name, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 2 CC_mapping: set field info: name = accountcode, typ = 1043, typlen = 20, attypmod = 20 CC_mapping: column = 3 CC_mapping: set field info: name = amaflags, typ = 1043, typlen = 13, attypmod = 13 CC_mapping: column = 4 CC_mapping: set field info: name = callgroup, typ = 1043, typlen = 10, attypmod = 10 CC_mapping: column = 5 CC_mapping: set field info: name = callerid, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 6 CC_mapping: set field info: name = canreinvite, typ = 1042, typlen = 3, attypmod = 3 CC_mapping: column = 7 CC_mapping: set field info: name = context, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 8 CC_mapping: set field info: name = defaultip, typ = 1043, typlen = 15, attypmod = 15 CC_mapping: column = 9 CC_mapping: set field info: name = dtmfmode, typ = 1043, typlen = 7, attypmod = 7 CC_mapping: column = 10 CC_mapping: set field info: name = fromuser, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 11 CC_mapping: set field info: name = fromdomain, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 12 CC_mapping: set field info: name = fullcontact, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 13 CC_mapping: set field info: name = host, typ = 1043, typlen = 31, attypmod = 31 CC_mapping: column = 14 CC_mapping: set field info: name = insecure, typ = 1043, typlen = 11, attypmod = 11 CC_mapping: column = 15 CC_mapping: set field info: name = language, typ = 1042, typlen = 2, attypmod = 2 CC_mapping: column = 16 CC_mapping: set field info: name = mailbox, typ = 1043, typlen = 50, attypmod = 50 CC_mapping: column = 17 CC_mapping: set field info: name = md5secret, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 18 CC_mapping: set field info: name = nat, typ = 1043, typlen = 5, attypmod = 5 CC_mapping: column = 19 CC_mapping: set field info: name = deny, typ = 1043, typlen = 95, attypmod = 95 CC_mapping: column = 20 CC_mapping: set field info: name = permit, typ = 1043, typlen = 95, attypmod = 95 CC_mapping: column = 21 CC_mapping: set field info: name = mask, typ = 1043, typlen = 95, attypmod = 95 CC_mapping: column = 22 CC_mapping: set field info: name = pickupgroup, typ = 1043, typlen = 10, attypmod = 10 CC_mapping: column = 23 CC_mapping: set field info: name = port, typ = 1043, typlen = 5, attypmod = 5 CC_mapping: column = 24 CC_mapping: set field info: name = qualify, typ = 1042, typlen = 4, attypmod = 4 CC_mapping: column = 25 CC_mapping: set field info: name = restrictcid, typ = 1042, typlen = 1, attypmod = 1 CC_mapping: column = 26 CC_mapping: set field info: name = rtptimeout, typ = 1042, typlen = 3, attypmod = 3 CC_mapping: column = 27 CC_mapping: set field info: name = rtpholdtimeout, typ = 1042, typlen = 5, attypmod = 5 CC_mapping: column = 28 CC_mapping: set field info: name = secret, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 29 CC_mapping: set field info: name = type, typ = 1043, typlen = 6, attypmod = 6 CC_mapping: column = 30 CC_mapping: set field info: name = username, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 31 CC_mapping: set field info: name = disallow, typ = 1043, typlen = 100, attypmod = 100 CC_mapping: column = 32 CC_mapping: set field info: name = allow, typ = 1043, typlen = 100, attypmod = 100 CC_mapping: column = 33 CC_mapping: set field info: name = mohsuggest, typ = 1043, typlen = 100, attypmod = 100 CC_mapping: column = 34 CC_mapping: set field info: name = regseconds, typ = 23, typlen = 4, attypmod = -1 CC_mapping: column = 35 CC_mapping: set field info: name = ipaddr, typ = 1043, typlen = 15, attypmod = 15 CC_mapping: column = 36 CC_mapping: set field info: name = regexten, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 37 CC_mapping: set field info: name = cancallforward, typ = 1042, typlen = 3, attypmod = 3 CC_mapping: column = 38 CC_mapping: set field info: name = setvar, typ = 1043, typlen = 100, attypmod = 100 CC_mapping: column = 39 CC_mapping: set field info: name = inserted, typ = 1184, typlen = 8, attypmod = -1 CC_mapping: column = 40 CC_mapping: set field info: name = lastregister, typ = 1184, typlen = 8, attypmod = -1 CC_mapping: column = 41 CC_mapping: set field info: name = useragent, typ = 1043, typlen = 128, attypmod = 128 CC_mapping: column = 42 CC_mapping: set field info: name = natsendkeepalives, typ = 1042, typlen = 1, attypmod = 1 CC_mapping: column = 43 CC_mapping: set field info: name = natconnectionstate, typ = 1042, typlen = 1, attypmod = 1 CC_mapping: column = 44 CC_mapping: set field info: name = outboundproxyport, typ = 1043, typlen = 5, attypmod = 5 CC_mapping: column = 45 CC_mapping: set field info: name = outboundproxy, typ = 1043, typlen = 31, attypmod = 31 CC_mapping: column = 46 CC_mapping: set field info: name = voicemailextension, typ = 1043, typlen = 128, attypmod = 128 CC_mapping: column = 47 CC_mapping: set field info: name = pstncallerid, typ = 1043, typlen = 24, attypmod = 24 CC_mapping: column = 48 CC_mapping: set field info: name = dialplan, typ = 1043, typlen = 64, attypmod = 64 CC_mapping: column = 49 CC_mapping: set field info: name = whitelabelid, typ = 1043, typlen = 32, attypmod = 32 CC_mapping: column = 50 CC_mapping: set field info: name = localcallprefix, typ = 1043, typlen = 10, attypmod = 10 CC_mapping: column = 51 CC_mapping: set field info: name = comment, typ = 1043, typlen = 512, attypmod = 512 CC_mapping: column = 52 CC_mapping: set field info: name = createdbyuser, typ = 1042, typlen = 3, attypmod = 3 CC_mapping: column = 53 CC_mapping: set field info: name = progressinband, typ = 1043, typlen = 5, attypmod = 5 CC_mapping: column = 54 CC_mapping: set field info: name = call-limit, typ = 23, typlen = 4, attypmod = -1 CC_mapping: column = 55 CC_mapping: set field info: name = regserver, typ = 1043, typlen = 100, attypmod = 100 in TL_Constructor exit TL_Constructor CC_mapping: fetch column = id, value = 50f2f1af-18be-404d-b188-4de0a52397b6 CC_mapping: fetch column = name, value = BruceMcAlisterE61 CC_mapping: fetch column = accountcode, value = myaccountcode123456 CC_mapping: fetch column = amaflags, value = NULL CC_mapping: fetch column = callgroup, value = NULL CC_mapping: fetch column = callerid, value = Bruce McAlister <304242> CC_mapping: fetch column = canreinvite, value = no CC_mapping: fetch column = context, value = VoiceMail CC_mapping: fetch column = defaultip, value = CC_mapping: fetch column = dtmfmode, value = rfc2833 CC_mapping: fetch column = fromuser, value = CC_mapping: fetch column = fromdomain, value = CC_mapping: fetch column = fullcontact, value = CC_mapping: fetch column = host, value = dynamic CC_mapping: fetch column = insecure, value = NULL CC_mapping: fetch column = language, value = NULL CC_mapping: fetch column = mailbox, value = 3031 CC_mapping: fetch column = md5secret, value = NULL CC_mapping: fetch column = nat, value = yes CC_mapping: fetch column = deny, value = NULL CC_mapping: fetch column = permit, value = NULL CC_mapping: fetch column = mask, value = NULL CC_mapping: fetch column = pickupgroup, value = NULL CC_mapping: fetch column = port, value = 57274 CC_mapping: fetch column = qualify, value = no CC_mapping: fetch column = restrictcid, value = NULL CC_mapping: fetch column = rtptimeout, value = NULL CC_mapping: fetch column = rtpholdtimeout, value = NULL CC_mapping: fetch column = secret, value = 47p00k$! CC_mapping: fetch column = type, value = friend CC_mapping: fetch column = username, value = BruceMcAlisterE61 CC_mapping: fetch column = disallow, value = CC_mapping: fetch column = allow, value = CC_mapping: fetch column = mohsuggest, value = NULL CC_mapping: fetch column = regseconds, value = 1204282587 CC_mapping: fetch column = ipaddr, value = CC_mapping: fetch column = regexten, value = CC_mapping: fetch column = cancallforward, value = yes CC_mapping: fetch column = setvar, value = CC_mapping: fetch column = inserted, value = 2007-09-01 17:48:54.464028+01 CC_mapping: fetch column = lastregister, value = 2008-02-22 10:45:23+00 CC_mapping: fetch column = useragent, value = X-Lite release 1011s stamp 41150 CC_mapping: fetch column = natsendkeepalives, value = n CC_mapping: fetch column = natconnectionstate, value = d CC_mapping: fetch column = outboundproxyport, value = CC_mapping: fetch column = outboundproxy, value = CC_mapping: fetch column = voicemailextension, value = 3031 CC_mapping: fetch column = pstncallerid, value = 0035318262900 CC_mapping: fetch column = dialplan, value = CC_mapping: fetch column = whitelabelid, value = blueface CC_mapping: fetch column = localcallprefix, value = NULL CC_mapping: fetch column = comment, value = Provisioned by bruce.mcalister on 01 Sep 2007 17:48:54. CC_mapping: fetch column = createdbyuser, value = yes CC_mapping: fetch column = progressinband, value = no CC_mapping: fetch column = call-limit, value = 10 CC_mapping: fetch column = regserver, value = send_query: done sending query with status: 2 QR_fetch_tuples: cursor = '', self->cursor=0 QR_fetch_tuples: past CI_read_fields: num_fields = 56 MALLOC: tuple_size = 100, size = 44800 done sending the query: extend_column_bindings: entering ... self=136230848, bindings_allocated=0, num_columns=56 exit extend_column_bindings [SQLNumResultCols]PGAPI_NumResultCols: entering... SC_pre_execute: status = 3 PGAPI_NumResultCols: result = 136267256, status = 3, numcols = 56 [[SQLFetch]]PGAPI_ExtendedFetch: stmt=136230712 SQL_FETCH_NEXT: num_tuples=1, currtuple=-1 PGAPI_ExtendedFetch: new currTuple = -1 manual_result = 1, use_declarefetch = 0 **** SC_fetch: manual_result extend_getdata_info: entering ... self=136231068, gdata_allocated=0, num_columns=56 exit extend_gdata_info fetch: cols=56, lf=0, opts = 136230848, opts->bindings = 136267456, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=1, opts = 136230848, opts->bindings = 136267456, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=2, opts = 136230848, opts->bindings = 136267456, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=3, opts = 136230848, opts->bindings = 136267456, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=4, opts = 136230848, opts->bindings = 136267456, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=5, opts = 136230848, opts->bindings = 136267456, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=6, opts = 136230848, opts->bindings = 136267456, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=7, opts = 136230848, opts->bindings = 136267456, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=8, opts = 136230848, opts->bindings = 136267456, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=9, opts = 136230848, opts->bindings = 136267456, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=10, opts = 136230848, opts->bindings = 136267456, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=11, opts = 136230848, opts->bindings = 136267456, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=12, opts = 136230848, opts->bindings = 136267456, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=13, opts = 136230848, opts->bindings = 136267456, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=14, opts = 136230848, opts->bindings = 136267456, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=15, opts = 136230848, opts->bindings = 136267456, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=16, opts = 136230848, opts->bindings = 136267456, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=17, opts = 136230848, opts->bindings = 136267456, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=18, opts = 136230848, opts->bindings = 136267456, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=19, opts = 136230848, opts->bindings = 136267456, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=20, opts = 136230848, opts->bindings = 136267456, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=21, opts = 136230848, opts->bindings = 136267456, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=22, opts = 136230848, opts->bindings = 136267456, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=23, opts = 136230848, opts->bindings = 136267456, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=24, opts = 136230848, opts->bindings = 136267456, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=25, opts = 136230848, opts->bindings = 136267456, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=26, opts = 136230848, opts->bindings = 136267456, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=27, opts = 136230848, opts->bindings = 136267456, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=28, opts = 136230848, opts->bindings = 136267456, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=29, opts = 136230848, opts->bindings = 136267456, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=30, opts = 136230848, opts->bindings = 136267456, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=31, opts = 136230848, opts->bindings = 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buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=44, opts = 136230848, opts->bindings = 136267456, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=45, opts = 136230848, opts->bindings = 136267456, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=46, opts = 136230848, opts->bindings = 136267456, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=47, opts = 136230848, opts->bindings = 136267456, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=48, opts = 136230848, opts->bindings = 136267456, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=49, opts = 136230848, opts->bindings = 136267456, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=50, opts = 136230848, opts->bindings = 136267456, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=51, opts = 136230848, opts->bindings = 136267456, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=52, opts = 136230848, opts->bindings = 136267456, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=53, opts = 136230848, opts->bindings = 136267456, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=54, opts = 136230848, opts->bindings = 136267456, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=55, opts = 136230848, opts->bindings = 136267456, buffer[] = 0 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.1.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136267256, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=0, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 0 fieldname = 'id' describeCol: col 0 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 0 column_size = 36 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=0, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 0 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 0 *pcbColDef = 36 describeCol: col 0 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 0 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136230712 value = '50f2f1af-18be-404d-b188-4de0a52397b6' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 0, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '50f2f1af-18be-404d-b188-4de0a52397b6' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '50f2f1af-18be-404d-b188-4de0a52397b6', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 36, ptr = '50f2f1af-18be-404d-b188-4de0a52397b6' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 36, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '50f2f1af-18be-404d-b188-4de0a52397b6' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.2.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136267256, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=1, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 1 fieldname = 'name' describeCol: col 1 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 1 column_size = 80 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=1, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 1 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 1 *pcbColDef = 80 describeCol: col 1 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 1 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136230712 value = 'BruceMcAlisterE61' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 1, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = 'BruceMcAlisterE61' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = 'BruceMcAlisterE61', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 17, ptr = 'BruceMcAlisterE61' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 17, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'BruceMcAlisterE61' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.3.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136267256, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=2, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 2 fieldname = 'accountcode' describeCol: col 2 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 2 column_size = 20 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=2, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 2 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 2 *pcbColDef = 20 describeCol: col 2 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 2 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136230712 value = 'myaccountcode123456' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 2, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = 'myaccountcode123456' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = 'myaccountcode123456', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 19, ptr = 'myaccountcode123456' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 19, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'myaccountcode123456' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.4.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136267256, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=3, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 3 fieldname = 'amaflags' describeCol: col 3 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 3 column_size = 13 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=3, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 3 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 3 *pcbColDef = 13 describeCol: col 3 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 3 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136230712 value = '(null)' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 3, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '(null)' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.5.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136267256, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=4, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 4 fieldname = 'callgroup' describeCol: col 4 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 4 column_size = 10 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=4, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 4 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 4 *pcbColDef = 10 describeCol: col 4 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 4 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136230712 value = '(null)' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 4, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '(null)' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.6.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136267256, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=5, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 5 fieldname = 'callerid' describeCol: col 5 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 5 column_size = 80 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=5, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 5 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 5 *pcbColDef = 80 describeCol: col 5 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 5 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136230712 value = 'Bruce McAlister <304242>' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 5, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = 'Bruce McAlister <304242>' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = 'Bruce McAlister <304242>', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 24, ptr = 'Bruce McAlister <304242>' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 24, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'Bruce McAlister <304242>' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.7.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136267256, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=6, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 6 fieldname = 'canreinvite' describeCol: col 6 fieldtype = 1042 describeCol: col 6 column_size = 3 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=6, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 6 *pfSqlType = 1 describeCol: col 6 *pcbColDef = 3 describeCol: col 6 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 6 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136230712 value = 'no ' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 6, fCType = 1, field_type = 1042, value = 'no ' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1042, fctype = 1, value = 'no ', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 3, ptr = 'no ' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 3, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'no ' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.8.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136267256, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=7, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 7 fieldname = 'context' describeCol: col 7 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 7 column_size = 80 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=7, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 7 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 7 *pcbColDef = 80 describeCol: col 7 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 7 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136230712 value = 'VoiceMail' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 7, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = 'VoiceMail' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = 'VoiceMail', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 9, ptr = 'VoiceMail' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 9, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'VoiceMail' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.9.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136267256, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=8, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 8 fieldname = 'defaultip' describeCol: col 8 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 8 column_size = 15 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=8, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 8 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 8 *pcbColDef = 15 describeCol: col 8 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 8 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136230712 value = '' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 8, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 0, ptr = '' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 0, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.10.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136267256, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=9, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 9 fieldname = 'dtmfmode' describeCol: col 9 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 9 column_size = 7 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=9, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 9 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 9 *pcbColDef = 7 describeCol: col 9 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 9 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136230712 value = 'rfc2833' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 9, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = 'rfc2833' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = 'rfc2833', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 7, ptr = 'rfc2833' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 7, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'rfc2833' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.11.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136267256, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=10, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 10 fieldname = 'fromuser' describeCol: col 10 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 10 column_size = 80 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=10, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 10 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 10 *pcbColDef = 80 describeCol: col 10 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 10 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136230712 value = '' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 10, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 0, ptr = '' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 0, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.12.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136267256, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=11, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 11 fieldname = 'fromdomain' describeCol: col 11 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 11 column_size = 80 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=11, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 11 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 11 *pcbColDef = 80 describeCol: col 11 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 11 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136230712 value = '' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 11, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 0, ptr = '' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 0, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.13.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136267256, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=12, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 12 fieldname = 'fullcontact' describeCol: col 12 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 12 column_size = 80 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=12, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 12 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 12 *pcbColDef = 80 describeCol: col 12 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 12 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136230712 value = '' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 12, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 0, ptr = '' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 0, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.14.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136267256, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=13, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 13 fieldname = 'host' describeCol: col 13 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 13 column_size = 31 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=13, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 13 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 13 *pcbColDef = 31 describeCol: col 13 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 13 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136230712 value = 'dynamic' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 13, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = 'dynamic' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = 'dynamic', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 7, ptr = 'dynamic' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 7, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'dynamic' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.15.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136267256, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=14, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 14 fieldname = 'insecure' describeCol: col 14 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 14 column_size = 11 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=14, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 14 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 14 *pcbColDef = 11 describeCol: col 14 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 14 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136230712 value = '(null)' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 14, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '(null)' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.16.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136267256, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=15, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 15 fieldname = 'language' describeCol: col 15 fieldtype = 1042 describeCol: col 15 column_size = 2 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=15, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 15 *pfSqlType = 1 describeCol: col 15 *pcbColDef = 2 describeCol: col 15 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 15 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136230712 value = '(null)' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 15, fCType = 1, field_type = 1042, value = '(null)' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1042, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.17.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136267256, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=16, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 16 fieldname = 'mailbox' describeCol: col 16 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 16 column_size = 50 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=16, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 16 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 16 *pcbColDef = 50 describeCol: col 16 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 16 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136230712 value = '3031' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 16, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '3031' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '3031', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 4, ptr = '3031' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 4, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '3031' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.18.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136267256, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=17, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 17 fieldname = 'md5secret' describeCol: col 17 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 17 column_size = 80 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=17, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 17 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 17 *pcbColDef = 80 describeCol: col 17 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 17 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136230712 value = '(null)' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 17, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '(null)' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.19.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136267256, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=18, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 18 fieldname = 'nat' describeCol: col 18 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 18 column_size = 5 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=18, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 18 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 18 *pcbColDef = 5 describeCol: col 18 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 18 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136230712 value = 'yes' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 18, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = 'yes' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = 'yes', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 3, ptr = 'yes' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 3, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'yes' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.20.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136267256, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=19, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 19 fieldname = 'deny' describeCol: col 19 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 19 column_size = 95 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=19, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 19 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 19 *pcbColDef = 95 describeCol: col 19 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 19 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136230712 value = '(null)' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 19, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '(null)' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.21.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136267256, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=20, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 20 fieldname = 'permit' describeCol: col 20 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 20 column_size = 95 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=20, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 20 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 20 *pcbColDef = 95 describeCol: col 20 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 20 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136230712 value = '(null)' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 20, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '(null)' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.22.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136267256, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=21, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 21 fieldname = 'mask' describeCol: col 21 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 21 column_size = 95 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=21, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 21 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 21 *pcbColDef = 95 describeCol: col 21 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 21 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136230712 value = '(null)' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 21, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '(null)' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.23.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136267256, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=22, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 22 fieldname = 'pickupgroup' describeCol: col 22 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 22 column_size = 10 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=22, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 22 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 22 *pcbColDef = 10 describeCol: col 22 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 22 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136230712 value = '(null)' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 22, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '(null)' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.24.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136267256, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=23, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 23 fieldname = 'port' describeCol: col 23 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 23 column_size = 5 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=23, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 23 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 23 *pcbColDef = 5 describeCol: col 23 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 23 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136230712 value = '57274' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 23, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '57274' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '57274', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 5, ptr = '57274' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 5, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '57274' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.25.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136267256, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=24, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 24 fieldname = 'qualify' describeCol: col 24 fieldtype = 1042 describeCol: col 24 column_size = 4 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=24, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 24 *pfSqlType = 1 describeCol: col 24 *pcbColDef = 4 describeCol: col 24 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 24 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136230712 value = 'no ' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 24, fCType = 1, field_type = 1042, value = 'no ' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1042, fctype = 1, value = 'no ', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 4, ptr = 'no ' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 4, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'no ' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.26.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136267256, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=25, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 25 fieldname = 'restrictcid' describeCol: col 25 fieldtype = 1042 describeCol: col 25 column_size = 1 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=25, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 25 *pfSqlType = 1 describeCol: col 25 *pcbColDef = 1 describeCol: col 25 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 25 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136230712 value = '(null)' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 25, fCType = 1, field_type = 1042, value = '(null)' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1042, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.27.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136267256, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=26, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 26 fieldname = 'rtptimeout' describeCol: col 26 fieldtype = 1042 describeCol: col 26 column_size = 3 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=26, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 26 *pfSqlType = 1 describeCol: col 26 *pcbColDef = 3 describeCol: col 26 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 26 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136230712 value = '(null)' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 26, fCType = 1, field_type = 1042, value = '(null)' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1042, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.28.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136267256, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=27, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 27 fieldname = 'rtpholdtimeout' describeCol: col 27 fieldtype = 1042 describeCol: col 27 column_size = 5 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=27, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 27 *pfSqlType = 1 describeCol: col 27 *pcbColDef = 5 describeCol: col 27 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 27 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136230712 value = '(null)' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 27, fCType = 1, field_type = 1042, value = '(null)' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1042, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.29.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136267256, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=28, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 28 fieldname = 'secret' describeCol: col 28 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 28 column_size = 80 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=28, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 28 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 28 *pcbColDef = 80 describeCol: col 28 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 28 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136230712 value = '47p00k$!' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 28, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '47p00k$!' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '47p00k$!', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 8, ptr = '47p00k$!' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 8, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '47p00k$!' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.30.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136267256, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=29, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 29 fieldname = 'type' describeCol: col 29 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 29 column_size = 6 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=29, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 29 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 29 *pcbColDef = 6 describeCol: col 29 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 29 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136230712 value = 'friend' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 29, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = 'friend' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = 'friend', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 6, ptr = 'friend' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 6, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'friend' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.31.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136267256, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=30, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 30 fieldname = 'username' describeCol: col 30 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 30 column_size = 80 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=30, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 30 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 30 *pcbColDef = 80 describeCol: col 30 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 30 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136230712 value = 'BruceMcAlisterE61' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 30, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = 'BruceMcAlisterE61' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = 'BruceMcAlisterE61', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 17, ptr = 'BruceMcAlisterE61' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 17, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'BruceMcAlisterE61' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.32.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136267256, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=31, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 31 fieldname = 'disallow' describeCol: col 31 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 31 column_size = 100 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=31, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 31 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 31 *pcbColDef = 100 describeCol: col 31 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 31 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136230712 value = '' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 31, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 0, ptr = '' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 0, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.33.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136267256, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=32, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 32 fieldname = 'allow' describeCol: col 32 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 32 column_size = 100 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=32, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 32 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 32 *pcbColDef = 100 describeCol: col 32 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 32 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136230712 value = '' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 32, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 0, ptr = '' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 0, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.34.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136267256, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=33, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 33 fieldname = 'mohsuggest' describeCol: col 33 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 33 column_size = 100 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=33, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 33 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 33 *pcbColDef = 100 describeCol: col 33 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 33 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136230712 value = '(null)' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 33, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '(null)' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.35.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136267256, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 describeCol: col 34 fieldname = 'regseconds' describeCol: col 34 fieldtype = 23 describeCol: col 34 column_size = 10 describeCol: col 34 *pfSqlType = 4 describeCol: col 34 *pcbColDef = 10 describeCol: col 34 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 34 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136230712 value = '1204282587' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 34, fCType = 1, field_type = 23, value = '1204282587' copy_and_convert: field_type = 23, fctype = 1, value = '1204282587', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 10, ptr = '1204282587' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 10, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '1204282587' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.36.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136267256, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=35, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 35 fieldname = 'ipaddr' describeCol: col 35 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 35 column_size = 15 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=35, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 35 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 35 *pcbColDef = 15 describeCol: col 35 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 35 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136230712 value = '' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 35, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 12, ptr = '' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 12, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.37.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136267256, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=36, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 36 fieldname = 'regexten' describeCol: col 36 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 36 column_size = 80 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=36, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 36 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 36 *pcbColDef = 80 describeCol: col 36 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 36 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136230712 value = '' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 36, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 0, ptr = '' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 0, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.38.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136267256, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=37, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 37 fieldname = 'cancallforward' describeCol: col 37 fieldtype = 1042 describeCol: col 37 column_size = 3 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=37, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 37 *pfSqlType = 1 describeCol: col 37 *pcbColDef = 3 describeCol: col 37 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 37 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136230712 value = 'yes' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 37, fCType = 1, field_type = 1042, value = 'yes' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1042, fctype = 1, value = 'yes', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 3, ptr = 'yes' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 3, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'yes' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.39.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136267256, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=38, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 38 fieldname = 'setvar' describeCol: col 38 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 38 column_size = 100 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=38, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 38 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 38 *pcbColDef = 100 describeCol: col 38 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 38 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136230712 value = '' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 38, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 0, ptr = '' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 0, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.40.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136267256, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getTimestampColumnSize: type=1184, col=39 getTimestampDecimalDigits: type=1184, col=39 atttypmod1=-1 atttypmod2=-1 getTimestampDecimalDigits: type=1184, col=39 atttypmod1=-1 atttypmod2=-1 describeCol: col 39 fieldname = 'inserted' describeCol: col 39 fieldtype = 1184 describeCol: col 39 column_size = 26 describeCol: col 39 *pfSqlType = 93 describeCol: col 39 *pcbColDef = 26 describeCol: col 39 *pibScale = 6 describeCol: col 39 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136230712 value = '2007-09-01 17:48:54.464028+01' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 39, fCType = 1, field_type = 1184, value = '2007-09-01 17:48:54.464028+01' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1184, fctype = 1, value = '2007-09-01 17:48:54.464028+01', cbValueMax=2048 2stime fr=464028000 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.41.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136267256, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getTimestampColumnSize: type=1184, col=40 getTimestampDecimalDigits: type=1184, col=40 atttypmod1=-1 atttypmod2=-1 getTimestampDecimalDigits: type=1184, col=40 atttypmod1=-1 atttypmod2=-1 describeCol: col 40 fieldname = 'lastregister' describeCol: col 40 fieldtype = 1184 describeCol: col 40 column_size = 26 describeCol: col 40 *pfSqlType = 93 describeCol: col 40 *pcbColDef = 26 describeCol: col 40 *pibScale = 6 describeCol: col 40 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136230712 value = '2008-02-22 10:45:23+00' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 40, fCType = 1, field_type = 1184, value = '2008-02-22 10:45:23+00' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1184, fctype = 1, value = '2008-02-22 10:45:23+00', cbValueMax=2048 2stime fr=0 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.42.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136267256, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=41, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 41 fieldname = 'useragent' describeCol: col 41 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 41 column_size = 128 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=41, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 41 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 41 *pcbColDef = 128 describeCol: col 41 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 41 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136230712 value = 'X-Lite release 1011s stamp 41150' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 41, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = 'X-Lite release 1011s stamp 41150' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = 'X-Lite release 1011s stamp 41150', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 32, ptr = 'X-Lite release 1011s stamp 41150' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 32, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'X-Lite release 1011s stamp 41150' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.43.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136267256, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=42, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 42 fieldname = 'natsendkeepalives' describeCol: col 42 fieldtype = 1042 describeCol: col 42 column_size = 1 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=42, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 42 *pfSqlType = 1 describeCol: col 42 *pcbColDef = 1 describeCol: col 42 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 42 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136230712 value = 'n' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 42, fCType = 1, field_type = 1042, value = 'n' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1042, fctype = 1, value = 'n', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 1, ptr = 'n' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 1, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'n' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.44.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136267256, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=43, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 43 fieldname = 'natconnectionstate' describeCol: col 43 fieldtype = 1042 describeCol: col 43 column_size = 1 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=43, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 43 *pfSqlType = 1 describeCol: col 43 *pcbColDef = 1 describeCol: col 43 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 43 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136230712 value = 'd' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 43, fCType = 1, field_type = 1042, value = 'd' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1042, fctype = 1, value = 'd', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 1, ptr = 'd' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 1, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'd' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.45.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136267256, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=44, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 44 fieldname = 'outboundproxyport' describeCol: col 44 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 44 column_size = 5 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=44, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 44 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 44 *pcbColDef = 5 describeCol: col 44 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 44 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136230712 value = '' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 44, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 0, ptr = '' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 0, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.46.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136267256, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=45, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 45 fieldname = 'outboundproxy' describeCol: col 45 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 45 column_size = 31 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=45, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 45 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 45 *pcbColDef = 31 describeCol: col 45 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 45 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136230712 value = '' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 45, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 0, ptr = '' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 0, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.47.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136267256, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=46, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 46 fieldname = 'voicemailextension' describeCol: col 46 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 46 column_size = 128 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=46, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 46 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 46 *pcbColDef = 128 describeCol: col 46 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 46 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136230712 value = '3031' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 46, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '3031' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '3031', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 4, ptr = '3031' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 4, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '3031' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.48.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136267256, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=47, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 47 fieldname = 'pstncallerid' describeCol: col 47 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 47 column_size = 24 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=47, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 47 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 47 *pcbColDef = 24 describeCol: col 47 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 47 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136230712 value = '0035318262900' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 47, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '0035318262900' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '0035318262900', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 13, ptr = '0035318262900' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 13, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '0035318262900' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.49.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136267256, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=48, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 48 fieldname = 'dialplan' describeCol: col 48 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 48 column_size = 64 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=48, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 48 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 48 *pcbColDef = 64 describeCol: col 48 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 48 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136230712 value = '' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 48, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 0, ptr = '' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 0, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.50.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136267256, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=49, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 49 fieldname = 'whitelabelid' describeCol: col 49 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 49 column_size = 32 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=49, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 49 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 49 *pcbColDef = 32 describeCol: col 49 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 49 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136230712 value = 'blueface' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 49, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = 'blueface' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = 'blueface', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 8, ptr = 'blueface' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 8, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'blueface' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.51.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136267256, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=50, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 50 fieldname = 'localcallprefix' describeCol: col 50 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 50 column_size = 10 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=50, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 50 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 50 *pcbColDef = 10 describeCol: col 50 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 50 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136230712 value = '(null)' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 50, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '(null)' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.52.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136267256, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=51, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 51 fieldname = 'comment' describeCol: col 51 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 51 column_size = 512 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=51, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 51 *pfSqlType = -1 describeCol: col 51 *pcbColDef = 512 describeCol: col 51 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 51 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136230712 value = 'Provisioned by bruce.mcalister on 01 Sep 2007 17:48:54.' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 51, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = 'Provisioned by bruce.mcalister on 01 Sep 2007 17:48:54.' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = 'Provisioned by bruce.mcalister on 01 Sep 2007 17:48:54.', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 55, ptr = 'Provisioned by bruce.mcalister on 01 Sep 2007 17:48:54.' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 55, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'Provisioned by bruce.mcalister on 01 Sep 2007 17:48:54.' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.53.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136267256, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=52, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 52 fieldname = 'createdbyuser' describeCol: col 52 fieldtype = 1042 describeCol: col 52 column_size = 3 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=52, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 52 *pfSqlType = 1 describeCol: col 52 *pcbColDef = 3 describeCol: col 52 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 52 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136230712 value = 'yes' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 52, fCType = 1, field_type = 1042, value = 'yes' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1042, fctype = 1, value = 'yes', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 3, ptr = 'yes' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 3, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'yes' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.54.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136267256, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=53, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 53 fieldname = 'progressinband' describeCol: col 53 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 53 column_size = 5 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=53, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 53 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 53 *pcbColDef = 5 describeCol: col 53 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 53 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136230712 value = 'no' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 53, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = 'no' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = 'no', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 2, ptr = 'no' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 2, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'no' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.55.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136267256, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 describeCol: col 54 fieldname = 'call-limit' describeCol: col 54 fieldtype = 23 describeCol: col 54 column_size = 10 describeCol: col 54 *pfSqlType = 4 describeCol: col 54 *pcbColDef = 10 describeCol: col 54 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 54 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136230712 value = '10' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 54, fCType = 1, field_type = 23, value = '10' copy_and_convert: field_type = 23, fctype = 1, value = '10', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 2, ptr = '10' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 2, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '10' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.56.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136267256, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=55, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 55 fieldname = 'regserver' describeCol: col 55 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 55 column_size = 100 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=55, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 55 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 55 *pcbColDef = 100 describeCol: col 55 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 55 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136230712 value = '' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 55, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 0, ptr = '' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 0, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '' [[SQLFreeHandle]]PGAPI_FreeStmt: entering...hstmt=136230712, fOption=1 QResult: in DESTRUCTOR TupleList: in DESTRUCTOR TupleList: exit DESTRUCTOR QResult: free memory in, fcount=101 QResult: free memory out QResult: exit DESTRUCTOR SC_Destructor: self=136230712, self->result=0, self->hdbc=135891512 APD_free_params: ENTER, self=136230964 APD_free_params: EXIT IPD_free_params: ENTER, self=136231028 IPD_free_params: EXIT PDATA_free_params: ENTER, self=136231144 PDATA_free_params: EXIT ARDFields_free 81eb7c0 bookmark=81ea8d8ARD_unbind_cols freeall=1 allocated=56 bindings=81f46c0 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136230848, bindings_allocated=56, icol=1 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136230848, bindings_allocated=56, icol=2 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136230848, bindings_allocated=56, icol=3 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136230848, bindings_allocated=56, icol=4 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136230848, bindings_allocated=56, icol=5 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136230848, bindings_allocated=56, icol=6 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136230848, bindings_allocated=56, icol=7 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136230848, bindings_allocated=56, icol=8 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136230848, bindings_allocated=56, icol=9 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136230848, bindings_allocated=56, icol=10 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136230848, bindings_allocated=56, icol=11 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136230848, bindings_allocated=56, icol=12 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136230848, bindings_allocated=56, icol=13 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136230848, bindings_allocated=56, icol=14 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136230848, bindings_allocated=56, icol=15 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136230848, bindings_allocated=56, icol=16 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136230848, bindings_allocated=56, icol=17 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136230848, bindings_allocated=56, icol=18 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136230848, bindings_allocated=56, icol=19 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136230848, bindings_allocated=56, icol=20 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136230848, bindings_allocated=56, icol=21 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136230848, bindings_allocated=56, icol=22 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136230848, bindings_allocated=56, icol=23 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136230848, bindings_allocated=56, icol=24 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136230848, bindings_allocated=56, icol=25 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136230848, bindings_allocated=56, icol=26 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136230848, bindings_allocated=56, icol=27 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136230848, bindings_allocated=56, icol=28 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136230848, bindings_allocated=56, icol=29 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136230848, bindings_allocated=56, icol=30 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136230848, bindings_allocated=56, icol=31 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136230848, bindings_allocated=56, icol=32 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136230848, bindings_allocated=56, icol=33 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136230848, bindings_allocated=56, icol=34 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136230848, bindings_allocated=56, icol=35 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136230848, bindings_allocated=56, icol=36 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136230848, bindings_allocated=56, icol=37 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136230848, bindings_allocated=56, icol=38 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136230848, bindings_allocated=56, icol=39 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136230848, bindings_allocated=56, icol=40 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136230848, bindings_allocated=56, icol=41 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136230848, bindings_allocated=56, icol=42 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136230848, bindings_allocated=56, icol=43 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136230848, bindings_allocated=56, icol=44 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136230848, bindings_allocated=56, icol=45 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136230848, bindings_allocated=56, icol=46 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136230848, bindings_allocated=56, icol=47 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136230848, bindings_allocated=56, icol=48 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136230848, bindings_allocated=56, icol=49 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136230848, bindings_allocated=56, icol=50 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136230848, bindings_allocated=56, icol=51 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136230848, bindings_allocated=56, icol=52 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136230848, bindings_allocated=56, icol=53 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136230848, bindings_allocated=56, icol=54 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136230848, bindings_allocated=56, icol=55 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136230848, bindings_allocated=56, icol=56 APD_free_params: ENTER, self=136230964 IPD_free_params: ENTER, self=136231028 GDATA_unbind_cols freeall=1 allocated=56 gdata=8200cf0 SC_Destructor: EXIT [[SQLAllocHandle]]PGAPI_AllocStmt: entering... SC_Constructor: entering ... SC_Constructor: created stmt = 136257360 **** PGAPI_AllocStmt: hdbc = 135891512, stmt = 136257360 CC_add_statement: self=135891512, stmt=136257360 [[SQLGetStmtAttr]] Handle=136257360 10010 PGAPI_GetStmtAttr Handle=136257360 10010 [[SQLGetStmtAttr]] Handle=136257360 10011 PGAPI_GetStmtAttr Handle=136257360 10011 [[SQLGetStmtAttr]] Handle=136257360 10012 PGAPI_GetStmtAttr Handle=136257360 10012 [[SQLGetStmtAttr]] Handle=136257360 10013 PGAPI_GetStmtAttr Handle=136257360 10013 [SQLPrepare]PGAPI_Prepare: entering... **** PGAPI_Prepare: STMT_ALLOCATED, copy [SQLBindParameter]PGAPI_BindParameter: entering... extend_parameter_bindings: entering ... self=136257612, parameters_allocated=0, num_params=1 exit extend_parameter_bindings extend_iparameter_bindings: entering ... self=136257676, parameters_allocated=0, num_params=1 exit extend_iparameter_bindings extend_putdata_info: entering ... self=136257792, parameters_allocated=0, num_params=1 exit extend_putdata_info PGAPI_BindParamater: ipar=0, paramType=1, fCType=1, fSqlType=1, cbColDef=17, ibScale=0, rgbValue=-63857712, *pcbValue = -777, data_at_exec = 0 [SQLExecute]PGAPI_Execute: entering... PGAPI_Execute: clear errors... recycle statement: self= 136257360 PDATA_free_params: ENTER, self=136257792 PDATA_free_params: EXIT PGAPI_NumParams: entering... Exec_with_parameters_resolved: copying statement params: trans_status=1, len=40, stmt='SELECT * FROM sipaccounts WHERE name = ?' ResolveOneParam: from(fcType)=1, to(fSqlType)=1 stmt_with_params = 'SELECT * FROM sipaccounts WHERE name = 'BruceMcAlisterE61'' Sending SELECT statement on stmt=136257360, cursor_name='SQL_CUR81f1f50' send_query(): conn=135891512, query='SELECT * FROM sipaccounts WHERE name = 'BruceMcAlisterE61'' LIBPQ_execute_query: entering ... in QR_Constructor exit QR_Constructor LIBPQ_execute_query: get next result with status = 2 LIBPQ_execute_query: query = SELECT * FROM sipaccounts WHERE name = 'BruceMcAlisterE61' LIBPQ_execute_query: rest types ... LIBPQ_execute_query: recent_processed_row_count = 1 CC_mapping: entering ... CC_mapping: rows = 1, columns = 56 CC_mapping: column = 0 CC_mapping: set field info: name = id, typ = 1043, typlen = 36, attypmod = 36 CC_mapping: column = 1 CC_mapping: set field info: name = name, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 2 CC_mapping: set field info: name = accountcode, typ = 1043, typlen = 20, attypmod = 20 CC_mapping: column = 3 CC_mapping: set field info: name = amaflags, typ = 1043, typlen = 13, attypmod = 13 CC_mapping: column = 4 CC_mapping: set field info: name = callgroup, typ = 1043, typlen = 10, attypmod = 10 CC_mapping: column = 5 CC_mapping: set field info: name = callerid, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 6 CC_mapping: set field info: name = canreinvite, typ = 1042, typlen = 3, attypmod = 3 CC_mapping: column = 7 CC_mapping: set field info: name = context, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 8 CC_mapping: set field info: name = defaultip, typ = 1043, typlen = 15, attypmod = 15 CC_mapping: column = 9 CC_mapping: set field info: name = dtmfmode, typ = 1043, typlen = 7, attypmod = 7 CC_mapping: column = 10 CC_mapping: set field info: name = fromuser, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 11 CC_mapping: set field info: name = fromdomain, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 12 CC_mapping: set field info: name = fullcontact, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 13 CC_mapping: set field info: name = host, typ = 1043, typlen = 31, attypmod = 31 CC_mapping: column = 14 CC_mapping: set field info: name = insecure, typ = 1043, typlen = 11, attypmod = 11 CC_mapping: column = 15 CC_mapping: set field info: name = language, typ = 1042, typlen = 2, attypmod = 2 CC_mapping: column = 16 CC_mapping: set field info: name = mailbox, typ = 1043, typlen = 50, attypmod = 50 CC_mapping: column = 17 CC_mapping: set field info: name = md5secret, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 18 CC_mapping: set field info: name = nat, typ = 1043, typlen = 5, attypmod = 5 CC_mapping: column = 19 CC_mapping: set field info: name = deny, typ = 1043, typlen = 95, attypmod = 95 CC_mapping: column = 20 CC_mapping: set field info: name = permit, typ = 1043, typlen = 95, attypmod = 95 CC_mapping: column = 21 CC_mapping: set field info: name = mask, typ = 1043, typlen = 95, attypmod = 95 CC_mapping: column = 22 CC_mapping: set field info: name = pickupgroup, typ = 1043, typlen = 10, attypmod = 10 CC_mapping: column = 23 CC_mapping: set field info: name = port, typ = 1043, typlen = 5, attypmod = 5 CC_mapping: column = 24 CC_mapping: set field info: name = qualify, typ = 1042, typlen = 4, attypmod = 4 CC_mapping: column = 25 CC_mapping: set field info: name = restrictcid, typ = 1042, typlen = 1, attypmod = 1 CC_mapping: column = 26 CC_mapping: set field info: name = rtptimeout, typ = 1042, typlen = 3, attypmod = 3 CC_mapping: column = 27 CC_mapping: set field info: name = rtpholdtimeout, typ = 1042, typlen = 5, attypmod = 5 CC_mapping: column = 28 CC_mapping: set field info: name = secret, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 29 CC_mapping: set field info: name = type, typ = 1043, typlen = 6, attypmod = 6 CC_mapping: column = 30 CC_mapping: set field info: name = username, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 31 CC_mapping: set field info: name = disallow, typ = 1043, typlen = 100, attypmod = 100 CC_mapping: column = 32 CC_mapping: set field info: name = allow, typ = 1043, typlen = 100, attypmod = 100 CC_mapping: column = 33 CC_mapping: set field info: name = mohsuggest, typ = 1043, typlen = 100, attypmod = 100 CC_mapping: column = 34 CC_mapping: set field info: name = regseconds, typ = 23, typlen = 4, attypmod = -1 CC_mapping: column = 35 CC_mapping: set field info: name = ipaddr, typ = 1043, typlen = 15, attypmod = 15 CC_mapping: column = 36 CC_mapping: set field info: name = regexten, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 37 CC_mapping: set field info: name = cancallforward, typ = 1042, typlen = 3, attypmod = 3 CC_mapping: column = 38 CC_mapping: set field info: name = setvar, typ = 1043, typlen = 100, attypmod = 100 CC_mapping: column = 39 CC_mapping: set field info: name = inserted, typ = 1184, typlen = 8, attypmod = -1 CC_mapping: column = 40 CC_mapping: set field info: name = lastregister, typ = 1184, typlen = 8, attypmod = -1 CC_mapping: column = 41 CC_mapping: set field info: name = useragent, typ = 1043, typlen = 128, attypmod = 128 CC_mapping: column = 42 CC_mapping: set field info: name = natsendkeepalives, typ = 1042, typlen = 1, attypmod = 1 CC_mapping: column = 43 CC_mapping: set field info: name = natconnectionstate, typ = 1042, typlen = 1, attypmod = 1 CC_mapping: column = 44 CC_mapping: set field info: name = outboundproxyport, typ = 1043, typlen = 5, attypmod = 5 CC_mapping: column = 45 CC_mapping: set field info: name = outboundproxy, typ = 1043, typlen = 31, attypmod = 31 CC_mapping: column = 46 CC_mapping: set field info: name = voicemailextension, typ = 1043, typlen = 128, attypmod = 128 CC_mapping: column = 47 CC_mapping: set field info: name = pstncallerid, typ = 1043, typlen = 24, attypmod = 24 CC_mapping: column = 48 CC_mapping: set field info: name = dialplan, typ = 1043, typlen = 64, attypmod = 64 CC_mapping: column = 49 CC_mapping: set field info: name = whitelabelid, typ = 1043, typlen = 32, attypmod = 32 CC_mapping: column = 50 CC_mapping: set field info: name = localcallprefix, typ = 1043, typlen = 10, attypmod = 10 CC_mapping: column = 51 CC_mapping: set field info: name = comment, typ = 1043, typlen = 512, attypmod = 512 CC_mapping: column = 52 CC_mapping: set field info: name = createdbyuser, typ = 1042, typlen = 3, attypmod = 3 CC_mapping: column = 53 CC_mapping: set field info: name = progressinband, typ = 1043, typlen = 5, attypmod = 5 CC_mapping: column = 54 CC_mapping: set field info: name = call-limit, typ = 23, typlen = 4, attypmod = -1 CC_mapping: column = 55 CC_mapping: set field info: name = regserver, typ = 1043, typlen = 100, attypmod = 100 in TL_Constructor exit TL_Constructor CC_mapping: fetch column = id, value = 50f2f1af-18be-404d-b188-4de0a52397b6 CC_mapping: fetch column = name, value = BruceMcAlisterE61 CC_mapping: fetch column = accountcode, value = myaccountcode123456 CC_mapping: fetch column = amaflags, value = NULL CC_mapping: fetch column = callgroup, value = NULL CC_mapping: fetch column = callerid, value = Bruce McAlister <304242> CC_mapping: fetch column = canreinvite, value = no CC_mapping: fetch column = context, value = VoiceMail CC_mapping: fetch column = defaultip, value = CC_mapping: fetch column = dtmfmode, value = rfc2833 CC_mapping: fetch column = fromuser, value = CC_mapping: fetch column = fromdomain, value = CC_mapping: fetch column = fullcontact, value = CC_mapping: fetch column = host, value = dynamic CC_mapping: fetch column = insecure, value = NULL CC_mapping: fetch column = language, value = NULL CC_mapping: fetch column = mailbox, value = 3031 CC_mapping: fetch column = md5secret, value = NULL CC_mapping: fetch column = nat, value = yes CC_mapping: fetch column = deny, value = NULL CC_mapping: fetch column = permit, value = NULL CC_mapping: fetch column = mask, value = NULL CC_mapping: fetch column = pickupgroup, value = NULL CC_mapping: fetch column = port, value = 57274 CC_mapping: fetch column = qualify, value = no CC_mapping: fetch column = restrictcid, value = NULL CC_mapping: fetch column = rtptimeout, value = NULL CC_mapping: fetch column = rtpholdtimeout, value = NULL CC_mapping: fetch column = secret, value = 47p00k$! CC_mapping: fetch column = type, value = friend CC_mapping: fetch column = username, value = BruceMcAlisterE61 CC_mapping: fetch column = disallow, value = CC_mapping: fetch column = allow, value = CC_mapping: fetch column = mohsuggest, value = NULL CC_mapping: fetch column = regseconds, value = 1204282587 CC_mapping: fetch column = ipaddr, value = CC_mapping: fetch column = regexten, value = CC_mapping: fetch column = cancallforward, value = yes CC_mapping: fetch column = setvar, value = CC_mapping: fetch column = inserted, value = 2007-09-01 17:48:54.464028+01 CC_mapping: fetch column = lastregister, value = 2008-02-22 10:45:23+00 CC_mapping: fetch column = useragent, value = X-Lite release 1011s stamp 41150 CC_mapping: fetch column = natsendkeepalives, value = n CC_mapping: fetch column = natconnectionstate, value = d CC_mapping: fetch column = outboundproxyport, value = CC_mapping: fetch column = outboundproxy, value = CC_mapping: fetch column = voicemailextension, value = 3031 CC_mapping: fetch column = pstncallerid, value = 0035318262900 CC_mapping: fetch column = dialplan, value = CC_mapping: fetch column = whitelabelid, value = blueface CC_mapping: fetch column = localcallprefix, value = NULL CC_mapping: fetch column = comment, value = Provisioned by bruce.mcalister on 01 Sep 2007 17:48:54. CC_mapping: fetch column = createdbyuser, value = yes CC_mapping: fetch column = progressinband, value = no CC_mapping: fetch column = call-limit, value = 10 CC_mapping: fetch column = regserver, value = send_query: done sending query with status: 2 QR_fetch_tuples: cursor = '', self->cursor=0 QR_fetch_tuples: past CI_read_fields: num_fields = 56 MALLOC: tuple_size = 100, size = 44800 done sending the query: extend_column_bindings: entering ... self=136257496, bindings_allocated=0, num_columns=56 exit extend_column_bindings [SQLNumResultCols]PGAPI_NumResultCols: entering... SC_pre_execute: status = 3 PGAPI_NumResultCols: result = 136230984, status = 3, numcols = 56 [[SQLFetch]]PGAPI_ExtendedFetch: stmt=136257360 SQL_FETCH_NEXT: num_tuples=1, currtuple=-1 PGAPI_ExtendedFetch: new currTuple = -1 manual_result = 1, use_declarefetch = 0 **** SC_fetch: manual_result extend_getdata_info: entering ... self=136257716, gdata_allocated=0, num_columns=56 exit extend_gdata_info fetch: cols=56, lf=0, opts = 136257496, opts->bindings = 136263648, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=1, opts = 136257496, opts->bindings = 136263648, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=2, opts = 136257496, opts->bindings = 136263648, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=3, opts = 136257496, opts->bindings = 136263648, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=4, opts = 136257496, opts->bindings = 136263648, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=5, opts = 136257496, opts->bindings = 136263648, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=6, opts = 136257496, opts->bindings = 136263648, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=7, opts = 136257496, opts->bindings = 136263648, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=8, opts = 136257496, opts->bindings = 136263648, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=9, opts = 136257496, opts->bindings = 136263648, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=10, opts = 136257496, opts->bindings = 136263648, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=11, opts = 136257496, opts->bindings = 136263648, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=12, opts = 136257496, opts->bindings = 136263648, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=13, opts = 136257496, opts->bindings = 136263648, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=14, opts = 136257496, opts->bindings = 136263648, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=15, opts = 136257496, opts->bindings = 136263648, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=16, opts = 136257496, opts->bindings = 136263648, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=17, opts = 136257496, opts->bindings = 136263648, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=18, opts = 136257496, opts->bindings = 136263648, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=19, opts = 136257496, opts->bindings = 136263648, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=20, opts = 136257496, opts->bindings = 136263648, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=21, opts = 136257496, opts->bindings = 136263648, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=22, opts = 136257496, opts->bindings = 136263648, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=23, opts = 136257496, opts->bindings = 136263648, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=24, opts = 136257496, opts->bindings = 136263648, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=25, opts = 136257496, opts->bindings = 136263648, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=26, opts = 136257496, opts->bindings = 136263648, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=27, opts = 136257496, opts->bindings = 136263648, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=28, opts = 136257496, opts->bindings = 136263648, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=29, opts = 136257496, opts->bindings = 136263648, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=30, opts = 136257496, opts->bindings = 136263648, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=31, opts = 136257496, opts->bindings = 136263648, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=32, opts = 136257496, opts->bindings = 136263648, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=33, opts = 136257496, opts->bindings = 136263648, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=34, opts = 136257496, opts->bindings = 136263648, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=35, opts = 136257496, opts->bindings = 136263648, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=36, opts = 136257496, opts->bindings = 136263648, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=37, opts = 136257496, opts->bindings = 136263648, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=38, opts = 136257496, opts->bindings = 136263648, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=39, opts = 136257496, opts->bindings = 136263648, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=40, opts = 136257496, opts->bindings = 136263648, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=41, opts = 136257496, opts->bindings = 136263648, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=42, opts = 136257496, opts->bindings = 136263648, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=43, opts = 136257496, opts->bindings = 136263648, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=44, opts = 136257496, opts->bindings = 136263648, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=45, opts = 136257496, opts->bindings = 136263648, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=46, opts = 136257496, opts->bindings = 136263648, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=47, opts = 136257496, opts->bindings = 136263648, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=48, opts = 136257496, opts->bindings = 136263648, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=49, opts = 136257496, opts->bindings = 136263648, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=50, opts = 136257496, opts->bindings = 136263648, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=51, opts = 136257496, opts->bindings = 136263648, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=52, opts = 136257496, opts->bindings = 136263648, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=53, opts = 136257496, opts->bindings = 136263648, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=54, opts = 136257496, opts->bindings = 136263648, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=55, opts = 136257496, opts->bindings = 136263648, buffer[] = 0 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.1.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136230984, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=0, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 0 fieldname = 'id' describeCol: col 0 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 0 column_size = 36 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=0, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 0 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 0 *pcbColDef = 36 describeCol: col 0 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 0 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136257360 value = '50f2f1af-18be-404d-b188-4de0a52397b6' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 0, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '50f2f1af-18be-404d-b188-4de0a52397b6' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '50f2f1af-18be-404d-b188-4de0a52397b6', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 36, ptr = '50f2f1af-18be-404d-b188-4de0a52397b6' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 36, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '50f2f1af-18be-404d-b188-4de0a52397b6' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.2.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136230984, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=1, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 1 fieldname = 'name' describeCol: col 1 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 1 column_size = 80 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=1, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 1 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 1 *pcbColDef = 80 describeCol: col 1 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 1 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136257360 value = 'BruceMcAlisterE61' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 1, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = 'BruceMcAlisterE61' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = 'BruceMcAlisterE61', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 17, ptr = 'BruceMcAlisterE61' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 17, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'BruceMcAlisterE61' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.3.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136230984, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=2, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 2 fieldname = 'accountcode' describeCol: col 2 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 2 column_size = 20 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=2, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 2 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 2 *pcbColDef = 20 describeCol: col 2 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 2 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136257360 value = 'myaccountcode123456' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 2, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = 'myaccountcode123456' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = 'myaccountcode123456', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 19, ptr = 'myaccountcode123456' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 19, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'myaccountcode123456' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.4.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136230984, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=3, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 3 fieldname = 'amaflags' describeCol: col 3 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 3 column_size = 13 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=3, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 3 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 3 *pcbColDef = 13 describeCol: col 3 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 3 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136257360 value = '(null)' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 3, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '(null)' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.5.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136230984, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=4, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 4 fieldname = 'callgroup' describeCol: col 4 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 4 column_size = 10 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=4, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 4 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 4 *pcbColDef = 10 describeCol: col 4 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 4 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136257360 value = '(null)' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 4, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '(null)' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.6.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136230984, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=5, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 5 fieldname = 'callerid' describeCol: col 5 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 5 column_size = 80 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=5, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 5 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 5 *pcbColDef = 80 describeCol: col 5 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 5 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136257360 value = 'Bruce McAlister <304242>' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 5, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = 'Bruce McAlister <304242>' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = 'Bruce McAlister <304242>', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 24, ptr = 'Bruce McAlister <304242>' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 24, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'Bruce McAlister <304242>' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.7.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136230984, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=6, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 6 fieldname = 'canreinvite' describeCol: col 6 fieldtype = 1042 describeCol: col 6 column_size = 3 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=6, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 6 *pfSqlType = 1 describeCol: col 6 *pcbColDef = 3 describeCol: col 6 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 6 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136257360 value = 'no ' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 6, fCType = 1, field_type = 1042, value = 'no ' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1042, fctype = 1, value = 'no ', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 3, ptr = 'no ' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 3, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'no ' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.8.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136230984, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=7, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 7 fieldname = 'context' describeCol: col 7 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 7 column_size = 80 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=7, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 7 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 7 *pcbColDef = 80 describeCol: col 7 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 7 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136257360 value = 'VoiceMail' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 7, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = 'VoiceMail' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = 'VoiceMail', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 9, ptr = 'VoiceMail' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 9, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'VoiceMail' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.9.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136230984, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=8, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 8 fieldname = 'defaultip' describeCol: col 8 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 8 column_size = 15 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=8, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 8 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 8 *pcbColDef = 15 describeCol: col 8 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 8 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136257360 value = '' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 8, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 0, ptr = '' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 0, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.10.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136230984, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=9, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 9 fieldname = 'dtmfmode' describeCol: col 9 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 9 column_size = 7 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=9, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 9 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 9 *pcbColDef = 7 describeCol: col 9 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 9 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136257360 value = 'rfc2833' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 9, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = 'rfc2833' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = 'rfc2833', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 7, ptr = 'rfc2833' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 7, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'rfc2833' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.11.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136230984, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=10, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 10 fieldname = 'fromuser' describeCol: col 10 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 10 column_size = 80 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=10, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 10 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 10 *pcbColDef = 80 describeCol: col 10 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 10 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136257360 value = '' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 10, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 0, ptr = '' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 0, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.12.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136230984, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=11, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 11 fieldname = 'fromdomain' describeCol: col 11 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 11 column_size = 80 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=11, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 11 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 11 *pcbColDef = 80 describeCol: col 11 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 11 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136257360 value = '' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 11, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 0, ptr = '' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 0, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.13.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136230984, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=12, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 12 fieldname = 'fullcontact' describeCol: col 12 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 12 column_size = 80 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=12, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 12 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 12 *pcbColDef = 80 describeCol: col 12 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 12 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136257360 value = '' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 12, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 0, ptr = '' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 0, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.14.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136230984, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=13, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 13 fieldname = 'host' describeCol: col 13 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 13 column_size = 31 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=13, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 13 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 13 *pcbColDef = 31 describeCol: col 13 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 13 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136257360 value = 'dynamic' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 13, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = 'dynamic' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = 'dynamic', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 7, ptr = 'dynamic' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 7, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'dynamic' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.15.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136230984, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=14, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 14 fieldname = 'insecure' describeCol: col 14 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 14 column_size = 11 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=14, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 14 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 14 *pcbColDef = 11 describeCol: col 14 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 14 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136257360 value = '(null)' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 14, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '(null)' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.16.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136230984, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=15, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 15 fieldname = 'language' describeCol: col 15 fieldtype = 1042 describeCol: col 15 column_size = 2 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=15, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 15 *pfSqlType = 1 describeCol: col 15 *pcbColDef = 2 describeCol: col 15 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 15 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136257360 value = '(null)' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 15, fCType = 1, field_type = 1042, value = '(null)' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1042, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.17.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136230984, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=16, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 16 fieldname = 'mailbox' describeCol: col 16 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 16 column_size = 50 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=16, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 16 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 16 *pcbColDef = 50 describeCol: col 16 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 16 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136257360 value = '3031' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 16, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '3031' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '3031', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 4, ptr = '3031' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 4, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '3031' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.18.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136230984, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=17, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 17 fieldname = 'md5secret' describeCol: col 17 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 17 column_size = 80 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=17, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 17 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 17 *pcbColDef = 80 describeCol: col 17 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 17 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136257360 value = '(null)' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 17, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '(null)' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.19.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136230984, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=18, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 18 fieldname = 'nat' describeCol: col 18 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 18 column_size = 5 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=18, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 18 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 18 *pcbColDef = 5 describeCol: col 18 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 18 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136257360 value = 'yes' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 18, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = 'yes' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = 'yes', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 3, ptr = 'yes' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 3, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'yes' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.20.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136230984, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=19, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 19 fieldname = 'deny' describeCol: col 19 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 19 column_size = 95 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=19, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 19 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 19 *pcbColDef = 95 describeCol: col 19 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 19 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136257360 value = '(null)' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 19, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '(null)' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.21.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136230984, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=20, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 20 fieldname = 'permit' describeCol: col 20 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 20 column_size = 95 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=20, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 20 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 20 *pcbColDef = 95 describeCol: col 20 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 20 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136257360 value = '(null)' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 20, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '(null)' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.22.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136230984, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=21, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 21 fieldname = 'mask' describeCol: col 21 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 21 column_size = 95 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=21, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 21 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 21 *pcbColDef = 95 describeCol: col 21 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 21 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136257360 value = '(null)' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 21, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '(null)' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.23.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136230984, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=22, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 22 fieldname = 'pickupgroup' describeCol: col 22 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 22 column_size = 10 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=22, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 22 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 22 *pcbColDef = 10 describeCol: col 22 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 22 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136257360 value = '(null)' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 22, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '(null)' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.24.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136230984, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=23, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 23 fieldname = 'port' describeCol: col 23 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 23 column_size = 5 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=23, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 23 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 23 *pcbColDef = 5 describeCol: col 23 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 23 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136257360 value = '57274' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 23, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '57274' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '57274', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 5, ptr = '57274' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 5, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '57274' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.25.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136230984, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=24, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 24 fieldname = 'qualify' describeCol: col 24 fieldtype = 1042 describeCol: col 24 column_size = 4 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=24, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 24 *pfSqlType = 1 describeCol: col 24 *pcbColDef = 4 describeCol: col 24 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 24 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136257360 value = 'no ' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 24, fCType = 1, field_type = 1042, value = 'no ' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1042, fctype = 1, value = 'no ', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 4, ptr = 'no ' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 4, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'no ' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.26.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136230984, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=25, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 25 fieldname = 'restrictcid' describeCol: col 25 fieldtype = 1042 describeCol: col 25 column_size = 1 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=25, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 25 *pfSqlType = 1 describeCol: col 25 *pcbColDef = 1 describeCol: col 25 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 25 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136257360 value = '(null)' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 25, fCType = 1, field_type = 1042, value = '(null)' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1042, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.27.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136230984, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=26, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 26 fieldname = 'rtptimeout' describeCol: col 26 fieldtype = 1042 describeCol: col 26 column_size = 3 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=26, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 26 *pfSqlType = 1 describeCol: col 26 *pcbColDef = 3 describeCol: col 26 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 26 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136257360 value = '(null)' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 26, fCType = 1, field_type = 1042, value = '(null)' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1042, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.28.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136230984, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=27, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 27 fieldname = 'rtpholdtimeout' describeCol: col 27 fieldtype = 1042 describeCol: col 27 column_size = 5 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=27, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 27 *pfSqlType = 1 describeCol: col 27 *pcbColDef = 5 describeCol: col 27 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 27 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136257360 value = '(null)' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 27, fCType = 1, field_type = 1042, value = '(null)' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1042, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.29.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136230984, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=28, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 28 fieldname = 'secret' describeCol: col 28 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 28 column_size = 80 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=28, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 28 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 28 *pcbColDef = 80 describeCol: col 28 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 28 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136257360 value = '47p00k$!' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 28, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '47p00k$!' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '47p00k$!', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 8, ptr = '47p00k$!' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 8, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '47p00k$!' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.30.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136230984, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=29, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 29 fieldname = 'type' describeCol: col 29 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 29 column_size = 6 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=29, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 29 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 29 *pcbColDef = 6 describeCol: col 29 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 29 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136257360 value = 'friend' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 29, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = 'friend' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = 'friend', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 6, ptr = 'friend' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 6, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'friend' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.31.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136230984, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=30, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 30 fieldname = 'username' describeCol: col 30 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 30 column_size = 80 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=30, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 30 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 30 *pcbColDef = 80 describeCol: col 30 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 30 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136257360 value = 'BruceMcAlisterE61' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 30, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = 'BruceMcAlisterE61' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = 'BruceMcAlisterE61', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 17, ptr = 'BruceMcAlisterE61' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 17, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'BruceMcAlisterE61' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.32.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136230984, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=31, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 31 fieldname = 'disallow' describeCol: col 31 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 31 column_size = 100 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=31, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 31 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 31 *pcbColDef = 100 describeCol: col 31 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 31 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136257360 value = '' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 31, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 0, ptr = '' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 0, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.33.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136230984, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=32, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 32 fieldname = 'allow' describeCol: col 32 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 32 column_size = 100 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=32, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 32 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 32 *pcbColDef = 100 describeCol: col 32 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 32 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136257360 value = '' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 32, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 0, ptr = '' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 0, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.34.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136230984, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=33, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 33 fieldname = 'mohsuggest' describeCol: col 33 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 33 column_size = 100 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=33, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 33 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 33 *pcbColDef = 100 describeCol: col 33 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 33 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136257360 value = '(null)' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 33, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '(null)' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.35.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136230984, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 describeCol: col 34 fieldname = 'regseconds' describeCol: col 34 fieldtype = 23 describeCol: col 34 column_size = 10 describeCol: col 34 *pfSqlType = 4 describeCol: col 34 *pcbColDef = 10 describeCol: col 34 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 34 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136257360 value = '1204282587' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 34, fCType = 1, field_type = 23, value = '1204282587' copy_and_convert: field_type = 23, fctype = 1, value = '1204282587', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 10, ptr = '1204282587' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 10, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '1204282587' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.36.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136230984, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=35, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 35 fieldname = 'ipaddr' describeCol: col 35 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 35 column_size = 15 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=35, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 35 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 35 *pcbColDef = 15 describeCol: col 35 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 35 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136257360 value = '' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 35, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 12, ptr = '' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 12, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.37.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136230984, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=36, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 36 fieldname = 'regexten' describeCol: col 36 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 36 column_size = 80 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=36, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 36 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 36 *pcbColDef = 80 describeCol: col 36 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 36 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136257360 value = '' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 36, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 0, ptr = '' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 0, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.38.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136230984, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=37, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 37 fieldname = 'cancallforward' describeCol: col 37 fieldtype = 1042 describeCol: col 37 column_size = 3 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=37, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 37 *pfSqlType = 1 describeCol: col 37 *pcbColDef = 3 describeCol: col 37 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 37 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136257360 value = 'yes' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 37, fCType = 1, field_type = 1042, value = 'yes' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1042, fctype = 1, value = 'yes', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 3, ptr = 'yes' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 3, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'yes' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.39.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136230984, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=38, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 38 fieldname = 'setvar' describeCol: col 38 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 38 column_size = 100 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=38, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 38 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 38 *pcbColDef = 100 describeCol: col 38 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 38 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136257360 value = '' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 38, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 0, ptr = '' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 0, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.40.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136230984, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getTimestampColumnSize: type=1184, col=39 getTimestampDecimalDigits: type=1184, col=39 atttypmod1=-1 atttypmod2=-1 getTimestampDecimalDigits: type=1184, col=39 atttypmod1=-1 atttypmod2=-1 describeCol: col 39 fieldname = 'inserted' describeCol: col 39 fieldtype = 1184 describeCol: col 39 column_size = 26 describeCol: col 39 *pfSqlType = 93 describeCol: col 39 *pcbColDef = 26 describeCol: col 39 *pibScale = 6 describeCol: col 39 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136257360 value = '2007-09-01 17:48:54.464028+01' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 39, fCType = 1, field_type = 1184, value = '2007-09-01 17:48:54.464028+01' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1184, fctype = 1, value = '2007-09-01 17:48:54.464028+01', cbValueMax=2048 2stime fr=464028000 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.41.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136230984, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getTimestampColumnSize: type=1184, col=40 getTimestampDecimalDigits: type=1184, col=40 atttypmod1=-1 atttypmod2=-1 getTimestampDecimalDigits: type=1184, col=40 atttypmod1=-1 atttypmod2=-1 describeCol: col 40 fieldname = 'lastregister' describeCol: col 40 fieldtype = 1184 describeCol: col 40 column_size = 26 describeCol: col 40 *pfSqlType = 93 describeCol: col 40 *pcbColDef = 26 describeCol: col 40 *pibScale = 6 describeCol: col 40 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136257360 value = '2008-02-22 10:45:23+00' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 40, fCType = 1, field_type = 1184, value = '2008-02-22 10:45:23+00' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1184, fctype = 1, value = '2008-02-22 10:45:23+00', cbValueMax=2048 2stime fr=0 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.42.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136230984, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=41, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 41 fieldname = 'useragent' describeCol: col 41 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 41 column_size = 128 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=41, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 41 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 41 *pcbColDef = 128 describeCol: col 41 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 41 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136257360 value = 'X-Lite release 1011s stamp 41150' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 41, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = 'X-Lite release 1011s stamp 41150' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = 'X-Lite release 1011s stamp 41150', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 32, ptr = 'X-Lite release 1011s stamp 41150' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 32, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'X-Lite release 1011s stamp 41150' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.43.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136230984, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=42, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 42 fieldname = 'natsendkeepalives' describeCol: col 42 fieldtype = 1042 describeCol: col 42 column_size = 1 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=42, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 42 *pfSqlType = 1 describeCol: col 42 *pcbColDef = 1 describeCol: col 42 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 42 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136257360 value = 'n' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 42, fCType = 1, field_type = 1042, value = 'n' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1042, fctype = 1, value = 'n', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 1, ptr = 'n' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 1, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'n' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.44.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136230984, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=43, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 43 fieldname = 'natconnectionstate' describeCol: col 43 fieldtype = 1042 describeCol: col 43 column_size = 1 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=43, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 43 *pfSqlType = 1 describeCol: col 43 *pcbColDef = 1 describeCol: col 43 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 43 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136257360 value = 'd' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 43, fCType = 1, field_type = 1042, value = 'd' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1042, fctype = 1, value = 'd', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 1, ptr = 'd' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 1, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'd' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.45.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136230984, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=44, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 44 fieldname = 'outboundproxyport' describeCol: col 44 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 44 column_size = 5 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=44, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 44 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 44 *pcbColDef = 5 describeCol: col 44 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 44 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136257360 value = '' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 44, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 0, ptr = '' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 0, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.46.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136230984, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=45, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 45 fieldname = 'outboundproxy' describeCol: col 45 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 45 column_size = 31 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=45, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 45 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 45 *pcbColDef = 31 describeCol: col 45 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 45 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136257360 value = '' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 45, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 0, ptr = '' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 0, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.47.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136230984, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=46, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 46 fieldname = 'voicemailextension' describeCol: col 46 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 46 column_size = 128 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=46, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 46 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 46 *pcbColDef = 128 describeCol: col 46 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 46 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136257360 value = '3031' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 46, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '3031' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '3031', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 4, ptr = '3031' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 4, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '3031' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.48.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136230984, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=47, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 47 fieldname = 'pstncallerid' describeCol: col 47 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 47 column_size = 24 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=47, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 47 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 47 *pcbColDef = 24 describeCol: col 47 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 47 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136257360 value = '0035318262900' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 47, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '0035318262900' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '0035318262900', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 13, ptr = '0035318262900' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 13, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '0035318262900' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.49.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136230984, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=48, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 48 fieldname = 'dialplan' describeCol: col 48 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 48 column_size = 64 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=48, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 48 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 48 *pcbColDef = 64 describeCol: col 48 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 48 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136257360 value = '' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 48, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 0, ptr = '' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 0, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.50.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136230984, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=49, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 49 fieldname = 'whitelabelid' describeCol: col 49 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 49 column_size = 32 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=49, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 49 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 49 *pcbColDef = 32 describeCol: col 49 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 49 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136257360 value = 'blueface' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 49, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = 'blueface' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = 'blueface', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 8, ptr = 'blueface' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 8, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'blueface' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.51.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136230984, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=50, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 50 fieldname = 'localcallprefix' describeCol: col 50 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 50 column_size = 10 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=50, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 50 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 50 *pcbColDef = 10 describeCol: col 50 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 50 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136257360 value = '(null)' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 50, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '(null)' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.52.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136230984, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=51, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 51 fieldname = 'comment' describeCol: col 51 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 51 column_size = 512 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=51, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 51 *pfSqlType = -1 describeCol: col 51 *pcbColDef = 512 describeCol: col 51 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 51 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136257360 value = 'Provisioned by bruce.mcalister on 01 Sep 2007 17:48:54.' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 51, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = 'Provisioned by bruce.mcalister on 01 Sep 2007 17:48:54.' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = 'Provisioned by bruce.mcalister on 01 Sep 2007 17:48:54.', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 55, ptr = 'Provisioned by bruce.mcalister on 01 Sep 2007 17:48:54.' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 55, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'Provisioned by bruce.mcalister on 01 Sep 2007 17:48:54.' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.53.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136230984, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=52, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 52 fieldname = 'createdbyuser' describeCol: col 52 fieldtype = 1042 describeCol: col 52 column_size = 3 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=52, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 52 *pfSqlType = 1 describeCol: col 52 *pcbColDef = 3 describeCol: col 52 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 52 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136257360 value = 'yes' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 52, fCType = 1, field_type = 1042, value = 'yes' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1042, fctype = 1, value = 'yes', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 3, ptr = 'yes' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 3, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'yes' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.54.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136230984, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=53, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 53 fieldname = 'progressinband' describeCol: col 53 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 53 column_size = 5 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=53, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 53 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 53 *pcbColDef = 5 describeCol: col 53 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 53 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136257360 value = 'no' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 53, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = 'no' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = 'no', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 2, ptr = 'no' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 2, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'no' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.55.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136230984, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 describeCol: col 54 fieldname = 'call-limit' describeCol: col 54 fieldtype = 23 describeCol: col 54 column_size = 10 describeCol: col 54 *pfSqlType = 4 describeCol: col 54 *pcbColDef = 10 describeCol: col 54 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 54 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136257360 value = '10' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 54, fCType = 1, field_type = 23, value = '10' copy_and_convert: field_type = 23, fctype = 1, value = '10', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 2, ptr = '10' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 2, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '10' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.56.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136230984, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=55, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 55 fieldname = 'regserver' describeCol: col 55 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 55 column_size = 100 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=55, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 55 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 55 *pcbColDef = 100 describeCol: col 55 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 55 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136257360 value = '' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 55, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 0, ptr = '' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 0, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '' [[SQLFreeHandle]]PGAPI_FreeStmt: entering...hstmt=136257360, fOption=1 QResult: in DESTRUCTOR TupleList: in DESTRUCTOR TupleList: exit DESTRUCTOR QResult: free memory in, fcount=101 QResult: free memory out QResult: exit DESTRUCTOR SC_Destructor: self=136257360, self->result=0, self->hdbc=135891512 APD_free_params: ENTER, self=136257612 APD_free_params: EXIT IPD_free_params: ENTER, self=136257676 IPD_free_params: EXIT PDATA_free_params: ENTER, self=136257792 PDATA_free_params: EXIT ARDFields_free 81f1fd8 bookmark=81ea878ARD_unbind_cols freeall=1 allocated=56 bindings=81f37e0 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136257496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=1 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136257496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=2 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136257496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=3 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136257496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=4 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136257496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=5 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136257496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=6 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136257496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=7 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136257496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=8 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136257496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=9 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136257496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=10 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136257496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=11 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136257496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=12 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136257496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=13 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136257496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=14 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136257496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=15 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136257496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=16 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136257496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=17 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136257496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=18 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136257496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=19 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136257496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=20 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136257496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=21 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136257496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=22 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136257496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=23 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136257496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=24 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136257496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=25 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136257496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=26 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136257496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=27 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136257496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=28 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136257496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=29 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136257496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=30 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136257496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=31 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136257496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=32 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136257496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=33 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136257496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=34 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136257496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=35 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136257496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=36 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136257496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=37 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136257496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=38 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136257496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=39 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136257496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=40 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136257496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=41 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136257496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=42 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136257496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=43 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136257496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=44 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136257496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=45 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136257496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=46 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136257496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=47 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136257496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=48 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136257496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=49 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136257496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=50 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136257496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=51 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136257496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=52 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136257496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=53 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136257496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=54 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136257496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=55 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136257496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=56 APD_free_params: ENTER, self=136257612 IPD_free_params: ENTER, self=136257676 GDATA_unbind_cols freeall=1 allocated=56 gdata=8200e20 SC_Destructor: EXIT [[SQLAllocHandle]]PGAPI_AllocStmt: entering... SC_Constructor: entering ... SC_Constructor: created stmt = 136260744 **** PGAPI_AllocStmt: hdbc = 135891512, stmt = 136260744 CC_add_statement: self=135891512, stmt=136260744 [[SQLGetStmtAttr]] Handle=136260744 10010 PGAPI_GetStmtAttr Handle=136260744 10010 [[SQLGetStmtAttr]] Handle=136260744 10011 PGAPI_GetStmtAttr Handle=136260744 10011 [[SQLGetStmtAttr]] Handle=136260744 10012 PGAPI_GetStmtAttr Handle=136260744 10012 [[SQLGetStmtAttr]] Handle=136260744 10013 PGAPI_GetStmtAttr Handle=136260744 10013 [SQLPrepare]PGAPI_Prepare: entering... **** PGAPI_Prepare: STMT_ALLOCATED, copy [SQLBindParameter]PGAPI_BindParameter: entering... extend_parameter_bindings: entering ... self=136260996, parameters_allocated=0, num_params=1 exit extend_parameter_bindings extend_iparameter_bindings: entering ... self=136261060, parameters_allocated=0, num_params=1 exit extend_iparameter_bindings extend_putdata_info: entering ... self=136261176, parameters_allocated=0, num_params=1 exit extend_putdata_info PGAPI_BindParamater: ipar=0, paramType=1, fCType=1, fSqlType=1, cbColDef=26, ibScale=0, rgbValue=-41760208, *pcbValue = -777, data_at_exec = 0 [SQLBindParameter]PGAPI_BindParameter: entering... extend_parameter_bindings: entering ... self=136260996, parameters_allocated=1, num_params=2 exit extend_parameter_bindings extend_iparameter_bindings: entering ... self=136261060, parameters_allocated=1, num_params=2 exit extend_iparameter_bindings extend_putdata_info: entering ... self=136261176, parameters_allocated=1, num_params=2 exit extend_putdata_info PGAPI_BindParamater: ipar=1, paramType=1, fCType=1, fSqlType=1, cbColDef=7, ibScale=0, rgbValue=-63433832, *pcbValue = -777, data_at_exec = 0 [SQLExecute]PGAPI_Execute: entering... PGAPI_Execute: clear errors... recycle statement: self= 136260744 PDATA_free_params: ENTER, self=136261176 PDATA_free_params: EXIT PGAPI_NumParams: entering... Exec_with_parameters_resolved: copying statement params: trans_status=1, len=53, stmt='SELECT * FROM sipaccounts WHERE name = ? AND host = ?' ResolveOneParam: from(fcType)=1, to(fSqlType)=1 ResolveOneParam: from(fcType)=1, to(fSqlType)=1 stmt_with_params = 'SELECT * FROM sipaccounts WHERE name = 'BruceMcAlisterE61-081ed9f8' AND host = 'dynamic'' Sending SELECT statement on stmt=136260744, cursor_name='SQL_CUR81f2c88' send_query(): conn=135891512, query='SELECT * FROM sipaccounts WHERE name = 'BruceMcAlisterE61-081ed9f8' AND host = 'dynamic'' LIBPQ_execute_query: entering ... in QR_Constructor exit QR_Constructor LIBPQ_execute_query: get next result with status = 2 LIBPQ_execute_query: query = SELECT * FROM sipaccounts WHERE name = 'BruceMcAlisterE61-081ed9f8' AND host = 'dynamic' LIBPQ_execute_query: rest types ... LIBPQ_execute_query: recent_processed_row_count = 0 CC_mapping: entering ... CC_mapping: rows = 0, columns = 56 CC_mapping: column = 0 CC_mapping: set field info: name = id, typ = 1043, typlen = 36, attypmod = 36 CC_mapping: column = 1 CC_mapping: set field info: name = name, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 2 CC_mapping: set field info: name = accountcode, typ = 1043, typlen = 20, attypmod = 20 CC_mapping: column = 3 CC_mapping: set field info: name = amaflags, typ = 1043, typlen = 13, attypmod = 13 CC_mapping: column = 4 CC_mapping: set field info: name = callgroup, typ = 1043, typlen = 10, attypmod = 10 CC_mapping: column = 5 CC_mapping: set field info: name = callerid, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 6 CC_mapping: set field info: name = canreinvite, typ = 1042, typlen = 3, attypmod = 3 CC_mapping: column = 7 CC_mapping: set field info: name = context, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 8 CC_mapping: set field info: name = defaultip, typ = 1043, typlen = 15, attypmod = 15 CC_mapping: column = 9 CC_mapping: set field info: name = dtmfmode, typ = 1043, typlen = 7, attypmod = 7 CC_mapping: column = 10 CC_mapping: set field info: name = fromuser, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 11 CC_mapping: set field info: name = fromdomain, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 12 CC_mapping: set field info: name = fullcontact, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 13 CC_mapping: set field info: name = host, typ = 1043, typlen = 31, attypmod = 31 CC_mapping: column = 14 CC_mapping: set field info: name = insecure, typ = 1043, typlen = 11, attypmod = 11 CC_mapping: column = 15 CC_mapping: set field info: name = language, typ = 1042, typlen = 2, attypmod = 2 CC_mapping: column = 16 CC_mapping: set field info: name = mailbox, typ = 1043, typlen = 50, attypmod = 50 CC_mapping: column = 17 CC_mapping: set field info: name = md5secret, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 18 CC_mapping: set field info: name = nat, typ = 1043, typlen = 5, attypmod = 5 CC_mapping: column = 19 CC_mapping: set field info: name = deny, typ = 1043, typlen = 95, attypmod = 95 CC_mapping: column = 20 CC_mapping: set field info: name = permit, typ = 1043, typlen = 95, attypmod = 95 CC_mapping: column = 21 CC_mapping: set field info: name = mask, typ = 1043, typlen = 95, attypmod = 95 CC_mapping: column = 22 CC_mapping: set field info: name = pickupgroup, typ = 1043, typlen = 10, attypmod = 10 CC_mapping: column = 23 CC_mapping: set field info: name = port, typ = 1043, typlen = 5, attypmod = 5 CC_mapping: column = 24 CC_mapping: set field info: name = qualify, typ = 1042, typlen = 4, attypmod = 4 CC_mapping: column = 25 CC_mapping: set field info: name = restrictcid, typ = 1042, typlen = 1, attypmod = 1 CC_mapping: column = 26 CC_mapping: set field info: name = rtptimeout, typ = 1042, typlen = 3, attypmod = 3 CC_mapping: column = 27 CC_mapping: set field info: name = rtpholdtimeout, typ = 1042, typlen = 5, attypmod = 5 CC_mapping: column = 28 CC_mapping: set field info: name = secret, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 29 CC_mapping: set field info: name = type, typ = 1043, typlen = 6, attypmod = 6 CC_mapping: column = 30 CC_mapping: set field info: name = username, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 31 CC_mapping: set field info: name = disallow, typ = 1043, typlen = 100, attypmod = 100 CC_mapping: column = 32 CC_mapping: set field info: name = allow, typ = 1043, typlen = 100, attypmod = 100 CC_mapping: column = 33 CC_mapping: set field info: name = mohsuggest, typ = 1043, typlen = 100, attypmod = 100 CC_mapping: column = 34 CC_mapping: set field info: name = regseconds, typ = 23, typlen = 4, attypmod = -1 CC_mapping: column = 35 CC_mapping: set field info: name = ipaddr, typ = 1043, typlen = 15, attypmod = 15 CC_mapping: column = 36 CC_mapping: set field info: name = regexten, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 37 CC_mapping: set field info: name = cancallforward, typ = 1042, typlen = 3, attypmod = 3 CC_mapping: column = 38 CC_mapping: set field info: name = setvar, typ = 1043, typlen = 100, attypmod = 100 CC_mapping: column = 39 CC_mapping: set field info: name = inserted, typ = 1184, typlen = 8, attypmod = -1 CC_mapping: column = 40 CC_mapping: set field info: name = lastregister, typ = 1184, typlen = 8, attypmod = -1 CC_mapping: column = 41 CC_mapping: set field info: name = useragent, typ = 1043, typlen = 128, attypmod = 128 CC_mapping: column = 42 CC_mapping: set field info: name = natsendkeepalives, typ = 1042, typlen = 1, attypmod = 1 CC_mapping: column = 43 CC_mapping: set field info: name = natconnectionstate, typ = 1042, typlen = 1, attypmod = 1 CC_mapping: column = 44 CC_mapping: set field info: name = outboundproxyport, typ = 1043, typlen = 5, attypmod = 5 CC_mapping: column = 45 CC_mapping: set field info: name = outboundproxy, typ = 1043, typlen = 31, attypmod = 31 CC_mapping: column = 46 CC_mapping: set field info: name = voicemailextension, typ = 1043, typlen = 128, attypmod = 128 CC_mapping: column = 47 CC_mapping: set field info: name = pstncallerid, typ = 1043, typlen = 24, attypmod = 24 CC_mapping: column = 48 CC_mapping: set field info: name = dialplan, typ = 1043, typlen = 64, attypmod = 64 CC_mapping: column = 49 CC_mapping: set field info: name = whitelabelid, typ = 1043, typlen = 32, attypmod = 32 CC_mapping: column = 50 CC_mapping: set field info: name = localcallprefix, typ = 1043, typlen = 10, attypmod = 10 CC_mapping: column = 51 CC_mapping: set field info: name = comment, typ = 1043, typlen = 512, attypmod = 512 CC_mapping: column = 52 CC_mapping: set field info: name = createdbyuser, typ = 1042, typlen = 3, attypmod = 3 CC_mapping: column = 53 CC_mapping: set field info: name = progressinband, typ = 1043, typlen = 5, attypmod = 5 CC_mapping: column = 54 CC_mapping: set field info: name = call-limit, typ = 23, typlen = 4, attypmod = -1 CC_mapping: column = 55 CC_mapping: set field info: name = regserver, typ = 1043, typlen = 100, attypmod = 100 in TL_Constructor exit TL_Constructor send_query: done sending query with status: 2 QR_fetch_tuples: cursor = '', self->cursor=0 QR_fetch_tuples: past CI_read_fields: num_fields = 56 MALLOC: tuple_size = 100, size = 44800 done sending the query: extend_column_bindings: entering ... self=136260880, bindings_allocated=0, num_columns=56 exit extend_column_bindings [SQLNumResultCols]PGAPI_NumResultCols: entering... SC_pre_execute: status = 3 PGAPI_NumResultCols: result = 136267128, status = 3, numcols = 56 [[SQLFetch]]PGAPI_ExtendedFetch: stmt=136260744 SQL_FETCH_NEXT: num_tuples=0, currtuple=-1 [[SQLFreeHandle]]PGAPI_FreeStmt: entering...hstmt=136260744, fOption=1 QResult: in DESTRUCTOR TupleList: in DESTRUCTOR TupleList: exit DESTRUCTOR QResult: free memory in, fcount=101 QResult: free memory out QResult: exit DESTRUCTOR SC_Destructor: self=136260744, self->result=0, self->hdbc=135891512 APD_free_params: ENTER, self=136260996 APD_free_params: EXIT IPD_free_params: ENTER, self=136261060 IPD_free_params: EXIT PDATA_free_params: ENTER, self=136261176 PDATA_free_params: EXIT ARDFields_free 81f2d10 bookmark=81ea7f8ARD_unbind_cols freeall=1 allocated=56 bindings=81f6c70 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136260880, bindings_allocated=56, icol=1 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136260880, bindings_allocated=56, icol=2 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136260880, bindings_allocated=56, icol=3 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136260880, bindings_allocated=56, icol=4 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136260880, bindings_allocated=56, icol=5 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136260880, bindings_allocated=56, icol=6 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136260880, bindings_allocated=56, icol=7 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136260880, bindings_allocated=56, icol=8 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136260880, bindings_allocated=56, icol=9 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136260880, bindings_allocated=56, icol=10 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136260880, bindings_allocated=56, icol=11 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136260880, bindings_allocated=56, icol=12 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136260880, bindings_allocated=56, icol=13 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136260880, bindings_allocated=56, icol=14 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136260880, bindings_allocated=56, icol=15 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136260880, bindings_allocated=56, icol=16 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136260880, bindings_allocated=56, icol=17 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136260880, bindings_allocated=56, icol=18 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136260880, bindings_allocated=56, icol=19 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136260880, bindings_allocated=56, icol=20 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136260880, bindings_allocated=56, icol=21 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136260880, bindings_allocated=56, icol=22 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136260880, bindings_allocated=56, icol=23 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136260880, bindings_allocated=56, icol=24 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136260880, bindings_allocated=56, icol=25 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136260880, bindings_allocated=56, icol=26 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136260880, bindings_allocated=56, icol=27 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136260880, bindings_allocated=56, icol=28 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136260880, bindings_allocated=56, icol=29 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136260880, bindings_allocated=56, icol=30 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136260880, bindings_allocated=56, icol=31 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136260880, bindings_allocated=56, icol=32 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136260880, bindings_allocated=56, icol=33 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136260880, bindings_allocated=56, icol=34 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136260880, bindings_allocated=56, icol=35 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136260880, bindings_allocated=56, icol=36 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136260880, bindings_allocated=56, icol=37 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136260880, bindings_allocated=56, icol=38 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136260880, bindings_allocated=56, icol=39 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136260880, bindings_allocated=56, icol=40 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136260880, bindings_allocated=56, icol=41 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136260880, bindings_allocated=56, icol=42 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136260880, bindings_allocated=56, icol=43 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136260880, bindings_allocated=56, icol=44 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136260880, bindings_allocated=56, icol=45 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136260880, bindings_allocated=56, icol=46 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136260880, bindings_allocated=56, icol=47 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136260880, bindings_allocated=56, icol=48 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136260880, bindings_allocated=56, icol=49 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136260880, bindings_allocated=56, icol=50 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136260880, bindings_allocated=56, icol=51 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136260880, bindings_allocated=56, icol=52 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136260880, bindings_allocated=56, icol=53 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136260880, bindings_allocated=56, icol=54 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136260880, bindings_allocated=56, icol=55 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136260880, bindings_allocated=56, icol=56 APD_free_params: ENTER, self=136260996 IPD_free_params: ENTER, self=136261060 GDATA_unbind_cols freeall=1 allocated=0 gdata=0 SC_Destructor: EXIT [[SQLAllocHandle]]PGAPI_AllocStmt: entering... SC_Constructor: entering ... SC_Constructor: created stmt = 136268960 **** PGAPI_AllocStmt: hdbc = 135891512, stmt = 136268960 CC_add_statement: self=135891512, stmt=136268960 [[SQLGetStmtAttr]] Handle=136268960 10010 PGAPI_GetStmtAttr Handle=136268960 10010 [[SQLGetStmtAttr]] Handle=136268960 10011 PGAPI_GetStmtAttr Handle=136268960 10011 [[SQLGetStmtAttr]] Handle=136268960 10012 PGAPI_GetStmtAttr Handle=136268960 10012 [[SQLGetStmtAttr]] Handle=136268960 10013 PGAPI_GetStmtAttr Handle=136268960 10013 [SQLPrepare]PGAPI_Prepare: entering... **** PGAPI_Prepare: STMT_ALLOCATED, copy [SQLBindParameter]PGAPI_BindParameter: entering... extend_parameter_bindings: entering ... self=136269212, parameters_allocated=0, num_params=1 exit extend_parameter_bindings extend_iparameter_bindings: entering ... self=136269276, parameters_allocated=0, num_params=1 exit extend_iparameter_bindings extend_putdata_info: entering ... self=136269392, parameters_allocated=0, num_params=1 exit extend_putdata_info PGAPI_BindParamater: ipar=0, paramType=1, fCType=1, fSqlType=1, cbColDef=26, ibScale=0, rgbValue=-41760208, *pcbValue = -777, data_at_exec = 0 [SQLExecute]PGAPI_Execute: entering... PGAPI_Execute: clear errors... recycle statement: self= 136268960 PDATA_free_params: ENTER, self=136269392 PDATA_free_params: EXIT PGAPI_NumParams: entering... Exec_with_parameters_resolved: copying statement params: trans_status=1, len=40, stmt='SELECT * FROM sipaccounts WHERE name = ?' ResolveOneParam: from(fcType)=1, to(fSqlType)=1 stmt_with_params = 'SELECT * FROM sipaccounts WHERE name = 'BruceMcAlisterE61-081ed9f8'' Sending SELECT statement on stmt=136268960, cursor_name='SQL_CUR81f4ca0' send_query(): conn=135891512, query='SELECT * FROM sipaccounts WHERE name = 'BruceMcAlisterE61-081ed9f8'' LIBPQ_execute_query: entering ... in QR_Constructor exit QR_Constructor LIBPQ_execute_query: get next result with status = 2 LIBPQ_execute_query: query = SELECT * FROM sipaccounts WHERE name = 'BruceMcAlisterE61-081ed9f8' LIBPQ_execute_query: rest types ... LIBPQ_execute_query: recent_processed_row_count = 0 CC_mapping: entering ... CC_mapping: rows = 0, columns = 56 CC_mapping: column = 0 CC_mapping: set field info: name = id, typ = 1043, typlen = 36, attypmod = 36 CC_mapping: column = 1 CC_mapping: set field info: name = name, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 2 CC_mapping: set field info: name = accountcode, typ = 1043, typlen = 20, attypmod = 20 CC_mapping: column = 3 CC_mapping: set field info: name = amaflags, typ = 1043, typlen = 13, attypmod = 13 CC_mapping: column = 4 CC_mapping: set field info: name = callgroup, typ = 1043, typlen = 10, attypmod = 10 CC_mapping: column = 5 CC_mapping: set field info: name = callerid, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 6 CC_mapping: set field info: name = canreinvite, typ = 1042, typlen = 3, attypmod = 3 CC_mapping: column = 7 CC_mapping: set field info: name = context, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 8 CC_mapping: set field info: name = defaultip, typ = 1043, typlen = 15, attypmod = 15 CC_mapping: column = 9 CC_mapping: set field info: name = dtmfmode, typ = 1043, typlen = 7, attypmod = 7 CC_mapping: column = 10 CC_mapping: set field info: name = fromuser, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 11 CC_mapping: set field info: name = fromdomain, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 12 CC_mapping: set field info: name = fullcontact, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 13 CC_mapping: set field info: name = host, typ = 1043, typlen = 31, attypmod = 31 CC_mapping: column = 14 CC_mapping: set field info: name = insecure, typ = 1043, typlen = 11, attypmod = 11 CC_mapping: column = 15 CC_mapping: set field info: name = language, typ = 1042, typlen = 2, attypmod = 2 CC_mapping: column = 16 CC_mapping: set field info: name = mailbox, typ = 1043, typlen = 50, attypmod = 50 CC_mapping: column = 17 CC_mapping: set field info: name = md5secret, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 18 CC_mapping: set field info: name = nat, typ = 1043, typlen = 5, attypmod = 5 CC_mapping: column = 19 CC_mapping: set field info: name = deny, typ = 1043, typlen = 95, attypmod = 95 CC_mapping: column = 20 CC_mapping: set field info: name = permit, typ = 1043, typlen = 95, attypmod = 95 CC_mapping: column = 21 CC_mapping: set field info: name = mask, typ = 1043, typlen = 95, attypmod = 95 CC_mapping: column = 22 CC_mapping: set field info: name = pickupgroup, typ = 1043, typlen = 10, attypmod = 10 CC_mapping: column = 23 CC_mapping: set field info: name = port, typ = 1043, typlen = 5, attypmod = 5 CC_mapping: column = 24 CC_mapping: set field info: name = qualify, typ = 1042, typlen = 4, attypmod = 4 CC_mapping: column = 25 CC_mapping: set field info: name = restrictcid, typ = 1042, typlen = 1, attypmod = 1 CC_mapping: column = 26 CC_mapping: set field info: name = rtptimeout, typ = 1042, typlen = 3, attypmod = 3 CC_mapping: column = 27 CC_mapping: set field info: name = rtpholdtimeout, typ = 1042, typlen = 5, attypmod = 5 CC_mapping: column = 28 CC_mapping: set field info: name = secret, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 29 CC_mapping: set field info: name = type, typ = 1043, typlen = 6, attypmod = 6 CC_mapping: column = 30 CC_mapping: set field info: name = username, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 31 CC_mapping: set field info: name = disallow, typ = 1043, typlen = 100, attypmod = 100 CC_mapping: column = 32 CC_mapping: set field info: name = allow, typ = 1043, typlen = 100, attypmod = 100 CC_mapping: column = 33 CC_mapping: set field info: name = mohsuggest, typ = 1043, typlen = 100, attypmod = 100 CC_mapping: column = 34 CC_mapping: set field info: name = regseconds, typ = 23, typlen = 4, attypmod = -1 CC_mapping: column = 35 CC_mapping: set field info: name = ipaddr, typ = 1043, typlen = 15, attypmod = 15 CC_mapping: column = 36 CC_mapping: set field info: name = regexten, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 37 CC_mapping: set field info: name = cancallforward, typ = 1042, typlen = 3, attypmod = 3 CC_mapping: column = 38 CC_mapping: set field info: name = setvar, typ = 1043, typlen = 100, attypmod = 100 CC_mapping: column = 39 CC_mapping: set field info: name = inserted, typ = 1184, typlen = 8, attypmod = -1 CC_mapping: column = 40 CC_mapping: set field info: name = lastregister, typ = 1184, typlen = 8, attypmod = -1 CC_mapping: column = 41 CC_mapping: set field info: name = useragent, typ = 1043, typlen = 128, attypmod = 128 CC_mapping: column = 42 CC_mapping: set field info: name = natsendkeepalives, typ = 1042, typlen = 1, attypmod = 1 CC_mapping: column = 43 CC_mapping: set field info: name = natconnectionstate, typ = 1042, typlen = 1, attypmod = 1 CC_mapping: column = 44 CC_mapping: set field info: name = outboundproxyport, typ = 1043, typlen = 5, attypmod = 5 CC_mapping: column = 45 CC_mapping: set field info: name = outboundproxy, typ = 1043, typlen = 31, attypmod = 31 CC_mapping: column = 46 CC_mapping: set field info: name = voicemailextension, typ = 1043, typlen = 128, attypmod = 128 CC_mapping: column = 47 CC_mapping: set field info: name = pstncallerid, typ = 1043, typlen = 24, attypmod = 24 CC_mapping: column = 48 CC_mapping: set field info: name = dialplan, typ = 1043, typlen = 64, attypmod = 64 CC_mapping: column = 49 CC_mapping: set field info: name = whitelabelid, typ = 1043, typlen = 32, attypmod = 32 CC_mapping: column = 50 CC_mapping: set field info: name = localcallprefix, typ = 1043, typlen = 10, attypmod = 10 CC_mapping: column = 51 CC_mapping: set field info: name = comment, typ = 1043, typlen = 512, attypmod = 512 CC_mapping: column = 52 CC_mapping: set field info: name = createdbyuser, typ = 1042, typlen = 3, attypmod = 3 CC_mapping: column = 53 CC_mapping: set field info: name = progressinband, typ = 1043, typlen = 5, attypmod = 5 CC_mapping: column = 54 CC_mapping: set field info: name = call-limit, typ = 23, typlen = 4, attypmod = -1 CC_mapping: column = 55 CC_mapping: set field info: name = regserver, typ = 1043, typlen = 100, attypmod = 100 in TL_Constructor exit TL_Constructor send_query: done sending query with status: 2 QR_fetch_tuples: cursor = '', self->cursor=0 QR_fetch_tuples: past CI_read_fields: num_fields = 56 MALLOC: tuple_size = 100, size = 44800 done sending the query: extend_column_bindings: entering ... self=136269096, bindings_allocated=0, num_columns=56 exit extend_column_bindings [SQLNumResultCols]PGAPI_NumResultCols: entering... SC_pre_execute: status = 3 PGAPI_NumResultCols: result = 136270952, status = 3, numcols = 56 [[SQLFetch]]PGAPI_ExtendedFetch: stmt=136268960 SQL_FETCH_NEXT: num_tuples=0, currtuple=-1 [[SQLFreeHandle]]PGAPI_FreeStmt: entering...hstmt=136268960, fOption=1 QResult: in DESTRUCTOR TupleList: in DESTRUCTOR TupleList: exit DESTRUCTOR QResult: free memory in, fcount=101 QResult: free memory out QResult: exit DESTRUCTOR SC_Destructor: self=136268960, self->result=0, self->hdbc=135891512 APD_free_params: ENTER, self=136269212 APD_free_params: EXIT IPD_free_params: ENTER, self=136269276 IPD_free_params: EXIT PDATA_free_params: ENTER, self=136269392 PDATA_free_params: EXIT ARDFields_free 81f4d28 bookmark=81ea8d8ARD_unbind_cols freeall=1 allocated=56 bindings=81f3770 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136269096, bindings_allocated=56, icol=1 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136269096, bindings_allocated=56, icol=2 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136269096, bindings_allocated=56, icol=3 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136269096, bindings_allocated=56, icol=4 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136269096, bindings_allocated=56, icol=5 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136269096, bindings_allocated=56, icol=6 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136269096, bindings_allocated=56, icol=7 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136269096, bindings_allocated=56, icol=8 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136269096, bindings_allocated=56, icol=9 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136269096, bindings_allocated=56, icol=10 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136269096, bindings_allocated=56, icol=11 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136269096, bindings_allocated=56, icol=12 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136269096, bindings_allocated=56, icol=13 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136269096, bindings_allocated=56, icol=14 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136269096, bindings_allocated=56, icol=15 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136269096, bindings_allocated=56, icol=16 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136269096, bindings_allocated=56, icol=17 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136269096, bindings_allocated=56, icol=18 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136269096, bindings_allocated=56, icol=19 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136269096, bindings_allocated=56, icol=20 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136269096, bindings_allocated=56, icol=21 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136269096, bindings_allocated=56, icol=22 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136269096, bindings_allocated=56, icol=23 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136269096, bindings_allocated=56, icol=24 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136269096, bindings_allocated=56, icol=25 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136269096, bindings_allocated=56, icol=26 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136269096, bindings_allocated=56, icol=27 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136269096, bindings_allocated=56, icol=28 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136269096, bindings_allocated=56, icol=29 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136269096, bindings_allocated=56, icol=30 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136269096, bindings_allocated=56, icol=31 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136269096, bindings_allocated=56, icol=32 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136269096, bindings_allocated=56, icol=33 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136269096, bindings_allocated=56, icol=34 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136269096, bindings_allocated=56, icol=35 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136269096, bindings_allocated=56, icol=36 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136269096, bindings_allocated=56, icol=37 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136269096, bindings_allocated=56, icol=38 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136269096, bindings_allocated=56, icol=39 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136269096, bindings_allocated=56, icol=40 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136269096, bindings_allocated=56, icol=41 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136269096, bindings_allocated=56, icol=42 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136269096, bindings_allocated=56, icol=43 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136269096, bindings_allocated=56, icol=44 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136269096, bindings_allocated=56, icol=45 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136269096, bindings_allocated=56, icol=46 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136269096, bindings_allocated=56, icol=47 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136269096, bindings_allocated=56, icol=48 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136269096, bindings_allocated=56, icol=49 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136269096, bindings_allocated=56, icol=50 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136269096, bindings_allocated=56, icol=51 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136269096, bindings_allocated=56, icol=52 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136269096, bindings_allocated=56, icol=53 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136269096, bindings_allocated=56, icol=54 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136269096, bindings_allocated=56, icol=55 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136269096, bindings_allocated=56, icol=56 APD_free_params: ENTER, self=136269212 IPD_free_params: ENTER, self=136269276 GDATA_unbind_cols freeall=1 allocated=0 gdata=0 SC_Destructor: EXIT [[SQLAllocHandle]]PGAPI_AllocStmt: entering... SC_Constructor: entering ... SC_Constructor: created stmt = 136267528 **** PGAPI_AllocStmt: hdbc = 135891512, stmt = 136267528 CC_add_statement: self=135891512, stmt=136267528 [[SQLGetStmtAttr]] Handle=136267528 10010 PGAPI_GetStmtAttr Handle=136267528 10010 [[SQLGetStmtAttr]] Handle=136267528 10011 PGAPI_GetStmtAttr Handle=136267528 10011 [[SQLGetStmtAttr]] Handle=136267528 10012 PGAPI_GetStmtAttr Handle=136267528 10012 [[SQLGetStmtAttr]] Handle=136267528 10013 PGAPI_GetStmtAttr Handle=136267528 10013 [SQLPrepare]PGAPI_Prepare: entering... **** PGAPI_Prepare: STMT_ALLOCATED, copy [SQLBindParameter]PGAPI_BindParameter: entering... extend_parameter_bindings: entering ... self=136267780, parameters_allocated=0, num_params=1 exit extend_parameter_bindings extend_iparameter_bindings: entering ... self=136267844, parameters_allocated=0, num_params=1 exit extend_iparameter_bindings extend_putdata_info: entering ... self=136267960, parameters_allocated=0, num_params=1 exit extend_putdata_info PGAPI_BindParamater: ipar=0, paramType=1, fCType=1, fSqlType=1, cbColDef=17, ibScale=0, rgbValue=-41760208, *pcbValue = -777, data_at_exec = 0 [SQLBindParameter]PGAPI_BindParameter: entering... extend_parameter_bindings: entering ... self=136267780, parameters_allocated=1, num_params=2 exit extend_parameter_bindings extend_iparameter_bindings: entering ... self=136267844, parameters_allocated=1, num_params=2 exit extend_iparameter_bindings extend_putdata_info: entering ... self=136267960, parameters_allocated=1, num_params=2 exit extend_putdata_info PGAPI_BindParamater: ipar=1, paramType=1, fCType=1, fSqlType=1, cbColDef=7, ibScale=0, rgbValue=-63433832, *pcbValue = -777, data_at_exec = 0 [SQLExecute]PGAPI_Execute: entering... PGAPI_Execute: clear errors... recycle statement: self= 136267528 PDATA_free_params: ENTER, self=136267960 PDATA_free_params: EXIT PGAPI_NumParams: entering... Exec_with_parameters_resolved: copying statement params: trans_status=1, len=53, stmt='SELECT * FROM sipaccounts WHERE name = ? AND host = ?' ResolveOneParam: from(fcType)=1, to(fSqlType)=1 ResolveOneParam: from(fcType)=1, to(fSqlType)=1 stmt_with_params = 'SELECT * FROM sipaccounts WHERE name = 'BruceMcAlisterE61' AND host = 'dynamic'' Sending SELECT statement on stmt=136267528, cursor_name='SQL_CUR81f4708' send_query(): conn=135891512, query='SELECT * FROM sipaccounts WHERE name = 'BruceMcAlisterE61' AND host = 'dynamic'' LIBPQ_execute_query: entering ... in QR_Constructor exit QR_Constructor LIBPQ_execute_query: get next result with status = 2 LIBPQ_execute_query: query = SELECT * FROM sipaccounts WHERE name = 'BruceMcAlisterE61' AND host = 'dynamic' LIBPQ_execute_query: rest types ... LIBPQ_execute_query: recent_processed_row_count = 1 CC_mapping: entering ... CC_mapping: rows = 1, columns = 56 CC_mapping: column = 0 CC_mapping: set field info: name = id, typ = 1043, typlen = 36, attypmod = 36 CC_mapping: column = 1 CC_mapping: set field info: name = name, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 2 CC_mapping: set field info: name = accountcode, typ = 1043, typlen = 20, attypmod = 20 CC_mapping: column = 3 CC_mapping: set field info: name = amaflags, typ = 1043, typlen = 13, attypmod = 13 CC_mapping: column = 4 CC_mapping: set field info: name = callgroup, typ = 1043, typlen = 10, attypmod = 10 CC_mapping: column = 5 CC_mapping: set field info: name = callerid, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 6 CC_mapping: set field info: name = canreinvite, typ = 1042, typlen = 3, attypmod = 3 CC_mapping: column = 7 CC_mapping: set field info: name = context, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 8 CC_mapping: set field info: name = defaultip, typ = 1043, typlen = 15, attypmod = 15 CC_mapping: column = 9 CC_mapping: set field info: name = dtmfmode, typ = 1043, typlen = 7, attypmod = 7 CC_mapping: column = 10 CC_mapping: set field info: name = fromuser, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 11 CC_mapping: set field info: name = fromdomain, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 12 CC_mapping: set field info: name = fullcontact, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 13 CC_mapping: set field info: name = host, typ = 1043, typlen = 31, attypmod = 31 CC_mapping: column = 14 CC_mapping: set field info: name = insecure, typ = 1043, typlen = 11, attypmod = 11 CC_mapping: column = 15 CC_mapping: set field info: name = language, typ = 1042, typlen = 2, attypmod = 2 CC_mapping: column = 16 CC_mapping: set field info: name = mailbox, typ = 1043, typlen = 50, attypmod = 50 CC_mapping: column = 17 CC_mapping: set field info: name = md5secret, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 18 CC_mapping: set field info: name = nat, typ = 1043, typlen = 5, attypmod = 5 CC_mapping: column = 19 CC_mapping: set field info: name = deny, typ = 1043, typlen = 95, attypmod = 95 CC_mapping: column = 20 CC_mapping: set field info: name = permit, typ = 1043, typlen = 95, attypmod = 95 CC_mapping: column = 21 CC_mapping: set field info: name = mask, typ = 1043, typlen = 95, attypmod = 95 CC_mapping: column = 22 CC_mapping: set field info: name = pickupgroup, typ = 1043, typlen = 10, attypmod = 10 CC_mapping: column = 23 CC_mapping: set field info: name = port, typ = 1043, typlen = 5, attypmod = 5 CC_mapping: column = 24 CC_mapping: set field info: name = qualify, typ = 1042, typlen = 4, attypmod = 4 CC_mapping: column = 25 CC_mapping: set field info: name = restrictcid, typ = 1042, typlen = 1, attypmod = 1 CC_mapping: column = 26 CC_mapping: set field info: name = rtptimeout, typ = 1042, typlen = 3, attypmod = 3 CC_mapping: column = 27 CC_mapping: set field info: name = rtpholdtimeout, typ = 1042, typlen = 5, attypmod = 5 CC_mapping: column = 28 CC_mapping: set field info: name = secret, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 29 CC_mapping: set field info: name = type, typ = 1043, typlen = 6, attypmod = 6 CC_mapping: column = 30 CC_mapping: set field info: name = username, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 31 CC_mapping: set field info: name = disallow, typ = 1043, typlen = 100, attypmod = 100 CC_mapping: column = 32 CC_mapping: set field info: name = allow, typ = 1043, typlen = 100, attypmod = 100 CC_mapping: column = 33 CC_mapping: set field info: name = mohsuggest, typ = 1043, typlen = 100, attypmod = 100 CC_mapping: column = 34 CC_mapping: set field info: name = regseconds, typ = 23, typlen = 4, attypmod = -1 CC_mapping: column = 35 CC_mapping: set field info: name = ipaddr, typ = 1043, typlen = 15, attypmod = 15 CC_mapping: column = 36 CC_mapping: set field info: name = regexten, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 37 CC_mapping: set field info: name = cancallforward, typ = 1042, typlen = 3, attypmod = 3 CC_mapping: column = 38 CC_mapping: set field info: name = setvar, typ = 1043, typlen = 100, attypmod = 100 CC_mapping: column = 39 CC_mapping: set field info: name = inserted, typ = 1184, typlen = 8, attypmod = -1 CC_mapping: column = 40 CC_mapping: set field info: name = lastregister, typ = 1184, typlen = 8, attypmod = -1 CC_mapping: column = 41 CC_mapping: set field info: name = useragent, typ = 1043, typlen = 128, attypmod = 128 CC_mapping: column = 42 CC_mapping: set field info: name = natsendkeepalives, typ = 1042, typlen = 1, attypmod = 1 CC_mapping: column = 43 CC_mapping: set field info: name = natconnectionstate, typ = 1042, typlen = 1, attypmod = 1 CC_mapping: column = 44 CC_mapping: set field info: name = outboundproxyport, typ = 1043, typlen = 5, attypmod = 5 CC_mapping: column = 45 CC_mapping: set field info: name = outboundproxy, typ = 1043, typlen = 31, attypmod = 31 CC_mapping: column = 46 CC_mapping: set field info: name = voicemailextension, typ = 1043, typlen = 128, attypmod = 128 CC_mapping: column = 47 CC_mapping: set field info: name = pstncallerid, typ = 1043, typlen = 24, attypmod = 24 CC_mapping: column = 48 CC_mapping: set field info: name = dialplan, typ = 1043, typlen = 64, attypmod = 64 CC_mapping: column = 49 CC_mapping: set field info: name = whitelabelid, typ = 1043, typlen = 32, attypmod = 32 CC_mapping: column = 50 CC_mapping: set field info: name = localcallprefix, typ = 1043, typlen = 10, attypmod = 10 CC_mapping: column = 51 CC_mapping: set field info: name = comment, typ = 1043, typlen = 512, attypmod = 512 CC_mapping: column = 52 CC_mapping: set field info: name = createdbyuser, typ = 1042, typlen = 3, attypmod = 3 CC_mapping: column = 53 CC_mapping: set field info: name = progressinband, typ = 1043, typlen = 5, attypmod = 5 CC_mapping: column = 54 CC_mapping: set field info: name = call-limit, typ = 23, typlen = 4, attypmod = -1 CC_mapping: column = 55 CC_mapping: set field info: name = regserver, typ = 1043, typlen = 100, attypmod = 100 in TL_Constructor exit TL_Constructor CC_mapping: fetch column = id, value = 50f2f1af-18be-404d-b188-4de0a52397b6 CC_mapping: fetch column = name, value = BruceMcAlisterE61 CC_mapping: fetch column = accountcode, value = myaccountcode123456 CC_mapping: fetch column = amaflags, value = NULL CC_mapping: fetch column = callgroup, value = NULL CC_mapping: fetch column = callerid, value = Bruce McAlister <304242> CC_mapping: fetch column = canreinvite, value = no CC_mapping: fetch column = context, value = VoiceMail CC_mapping: fetch column = defaultip, value = CC_mapping: fetch column = dtmfmode, value = rfc2833 CC_mapping: fetch column = fromuser, value = CC_mapping: fetch column = fromdomain, value = CC_mapping: fetch column = fullcontact, value = CC_mapping: fetch column = host, value = dynamic CC_mapping: fetch column = insecure, value = NULL CC_mapping: fetch column = language, value = NULL CC_mapping: fetch column = mailbox, value = 3031 CC_mapping: fetch column = md5secret, value = NULL CC_mapping: fetch column = nat, value = yes CC_mapping: fetch column = deny, value = NULL CC_mapping: fetch column = permit, value = NULL CC_mapping: fetch column = mask, value = NULL CC_mapping: fetch column = pickupgroup, value = NULL CC_mapping: fetch column = port, value = 57274 CC_mapping: fetch column = qualify, value = no CC_mapping: fetch column = restrictcid, value = NULL CC_mapping: fetch column = rtptimeout, value = NULL CC_mapping: fetch column = rtpholdtimeout, value = NULL CC_mapping: fetch column = secret, value = 47p00k$! CC_mapping: fetch column = type, value = friend CC_mapping: fetch column = username, value = BruceMcAlisterE61 CC_mapping: fetch column = disallow, value = CC_mapping: fetch column = allow, value = CC_mapping: fetch column = mohsuggest, value = NULL CC_mapping: fetch column = regseconds, value = 1204282587 CC_mapping: fetch column = ipaddr, value = CC_mapping: fetch column = regexten, value = CC_mapping: fetch column = cancallforward, value = yes CC_mapping: fetch column = setvar, value = CC_mapping: fetch column = inserted, value = 2007-09-01 17:48:54.464028+01 CC_mapping: fetch column = lastregister, value = 2008-02-22 10:45:23+00 CC_mapping: fetch column = useragent, value = X-Lite release 1011s stamp 41150 CC_mapping: fetch column = natsendkeepalives, value = n CC_mapping: fetch column = natconnectionstate, value = d CC_mapping: fetch column = outboundproxyport, value = CC_mapping: fetch column = outboundproxy, value = CC_mapping: fetch column = voicemailextension, value = 3031 CC_mapping: fetch column = pstncallerid, value = 0035318262900 CC_mapping: fetch column = dialplan, value = CC_mapping: fetch column = whitelabelid, value = blueface CC_mapping: fetch column = localcallprefix, value = NULL CC_mapping: fetch column = comment, value = Provisioned by bruce.mcalister on 01 Sep 2007 17:48:54. CC_mapping: fetch column = createdbyuser, value = yes CC_mapping: fetch column = progressinband, value = no CC_mapping: fetch column = call-limit, value = 10 CC_mapping: fetch column = regserver, value = send_query: done sending query with status: 2 QR_fetch_tuples: cursor = '', self->cursor=0 QR_fetch_tuples: past CI_read_fields: num_fields = 56 MALLOC: tuple_size = 100, size = 44800 done sending the query: extend_column_bindings: entering ... self=136267664, bindings_allocated=0, num_columns=56 exit extend_column_bindings [SQLNumResultCols]PGAPI_NumResultCols: entering... SC_pre_execute: status = 3 PGAPI_NumResultCols: result = 136271000, status = 3, numcols = 56 [[SQLFetch]]PGAPI_ExtendedFetch: stmt=136267528 SQL_FETCH_NEXT: num_tuples=1, currtuple=-1 PGAPI_ExtendedFetch: new currTuple = -1 manual_result = 1, use_declarefetch = 0 **** SC_fetch: manual_result extend_getdata_info: entering ... self=136267884, gdata_allocated=0, num_columns=56 exit extend_gdata_info fetch: cols=56, lf=0, opts = 136267664, opts->bindings = 136263608, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=1, opts = 136267664, opts->bindings = 136263608, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=2, opts = 136267664, opts->bindings = 136263608, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=3, opts = 136267664, opts->bindings = 136263608, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=4, opts = 136267664, opts->bindings = 136263608, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=5, opts = 136267664, opts->bindings = 136263608, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=6, opts = 136267664, opts->bindings = 136263608, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=7, opts = 136267664, opts->bindings = 136263608, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=8, opts = 136267664, opts->bindings = 136263608, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=9, opts = 136267664, opts->bindings = 136263608, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=10, opts = 136267664, opts->bindings = 136263608, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=11, opts = 136267664, opts->bindings = 136263608, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=12, opts = 136267664, opts->bindings = 136263608, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=13, opts = 136267664, opts->bindings = 136263608, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=14, opts = 136267664, opts->bindings = 136263608, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=15, opts = 136267664, opts->bindings = 136263608, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=16, opts = 136267664, opts->bindings = 136263608, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=17, opts = 136267664, opts->bindings = 136263608, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=18, opts = 136267664, opts->bindings = 136263608, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=19, opts = 136267664, opts->bindings = 136263608, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=20, opts = 136267664, opts->bindings = 136263608, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=21, opts = 136267664, opts->bindings = 136263608, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=22, opts = 136267664, opts->bindings = 136263608, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=23, opts = 136267664, opts->bindings = 136263608, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=24, opts = 136267664, opts->bindings = 136263608, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=25, opts = 136267664, opts->bindings = 136263608, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=26, opts = 136267664, opts->bindings = 136263608, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=27, opts = 136267664, opts->bindings = 136263608, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=28, opts = 136267664, opts->bindings = 136263608, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=29, opts = 136267664, opts->bindings = 136263608, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=30, opts = 136267664, opts->bindings = 136263608, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=31, opts = 136267664, opts->bindings = 136263608, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=32, opts = 136267664, opts->bindings = 136263608, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=33, opts = 136267664, opts->bindings = 136263608, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=34, opts = 136267664, opts->bindings = 136263608, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=35, opts = 136267664, opts->bindings = 136263608, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=36, opts = 136267664, opts->bindings = 136263608, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=37, opts = 136267664, opts->bindings = 136263608, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=38, opts = 136267664, opts->bindings = 136263608, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=39, opts = 136267664, opts->bindings = 136263608, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=40, opts = 136267664, opts->bindings = 136263608, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=41, opts = 136267664, opts->bindings = 136263608, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=42, opts = 136267664, opts->bindings = 136263608, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=43, opts = 136267664, opts->bindings = 136263608, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=44, opts = 136267664, opts->bindings = 136263608, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=45, opts = 136267664, opts->bindings = 136263608, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=46, opts = 136267664, opts->bindings = 136263608, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=47, opts = 136267664, opts->bindings = 136263608, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=48, opts = 136267664, opts->bindings = 136263608, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=49, opts = 136267664, opts->bindings = 136263608, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=50, opts = 136267664, opts->bindings = 136263608, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=51, opts = 136267664, opts->bindings = 136263608, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=52, opts = 136267664, opts->bindings = 136263608, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=53, opts = 136267664, opts->bindings = 136263608, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=54, opts = 136267664, opts->bindings = 136263608, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=55, opts = 136267664, opts->bindings = 136263608, buffer[] = 0 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.1.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136271000, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=0, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 0 fieldname = 'id' describeCol: col 0 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 0 column_size = 36 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=0, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 0 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 0 *pcbColDef = 36 describeCol: col 0 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 0 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267528 value = '50f2f1af-18be-404d-b188-4de0a52397b6' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 0, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '50f2f1af-18be-404d-b188-4de0a52397b6' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '50f2f1af-18be-404d-b188-4de0a52397b6', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 36, ptr = '50f2f1af-18be-404d-b188-4de0a52397b6' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 36, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '50f2f1af-18be-404d-b188-4de0a52397b6' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.2.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136271000, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=1, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 1 fieldname = 'name' describeCol: col 1 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 1 column_size = 80 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=1, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 1 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 1 *pcbColDef = 80 describeCol: col 1 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 1 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267528 value = 'BruceMcAlisterE61' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 1, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = 'BruceMcAlisterE61' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = 'BruceMcAlisterE61', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 17, ptr = 'BruceMcAlisterE61' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 17, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'BruceMcAlisterE61' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.3.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136271000, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=2, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 2 fieldname = 'accountcode' describeCol: col 2 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 2 column_size = 20 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=2, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 2 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 2 *pcbColDef = 20 describeCol: col 2 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 2 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267528 value = 'myaccountcode123456' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 2, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = 'myaccountcode123456' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = 'myaccountcode123456', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 19, ptr = 'myaccountcode123456' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 19, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'myaccountcode123456' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.4.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136271000, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=3, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 3 fieldname = 'amaflags' describeCol: col 3 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 3 column_size = 13 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=3, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 3 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 3 *pcbColDef = 13 describeCol: col 3 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 3 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267528 value = '(null)' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 3, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '(null)' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.5.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136271000, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=4, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 4 fieldname = 'callgroup' describeCol: col 4 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 4 column_size = 10 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=4, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 4 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 4 *pcbColDef = 10 describeCol: col 4 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 4 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267528 value = '(null)' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 4, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '(null)' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.6.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136271000, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=5, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 5 fieldname = 'callerid' describeCol: col 5 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 5 column_size = 80 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=5, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 5 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 5 *pcbColDef = 80 describeCol: col 5 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 5 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267528 value = 'Bruce McAlister <304242>' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 5, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = 'Bruce McAlister <304242>' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = 'Bruce McAlister <304242>', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 24, ptr = 'Bruce McAlister <304242>' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 24, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'Bruce McAlister <304242>' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.7.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136271000, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=6, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 6 fieldname = 'canreinvite' describeCol: col 6 fieldtype = 1042 describeCol: col 6 column_size = 3 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=6, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 6 *pfSqlType = 1 describeCol: col 6 *pcbColDef = 3 describeCol: col 6 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 6 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267528 value = 'no ' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 6, fCType = 1, field_type = 1042, value = 'no ' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1042, fctype = 1, value = 'no ', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 3, ptr = 'no ' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 3, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'no ' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.8.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136271000, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=7, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 7 fieldname = 'context' describeCol: col 7 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 7 column_size = 80 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=7, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 7 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 7 *pcbColDef = 80 describeCol: col 7 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 7 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267528 value = 'VoiceMail' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 7, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = 'VoiceMail' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = 'VoiceMail', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 9, ptr = 'VoiceMail' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 9, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'VoiceMail' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.9.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136271000, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=8, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 8 fieldname = 'defaultip' describeCol: col 8 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 8 column_size = 15 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=8, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 8 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 8 *pcbColDef = 15 describeCol: col 8 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 8 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267528 value = '' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 8, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 0, ptr = '' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 0, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.10.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136271000, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=9, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 9 fieldname = 'dtmfmode' describeCol: col 9 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 9 column_size = 7 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=9, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 9 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 9 *pcbColDef = 7 describeCol: col 9 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 9 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267528 value = 'rfc2833' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 9, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = 'rfc2833' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = 'rfc2833', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 7, ptr = 'rfc2833' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 7, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'rfc2833' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.11.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136271000, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=10, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 10 fieldname = 'fromuser' describeCol: col 10 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 10 column_size = 80 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=10, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 10 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 10 *pcbColDef = 80 describeCol: col 10 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 10 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267528 value = '' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 10, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 0, ptr = '' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 0, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.12.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136271000, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=11, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 11 fieldname = 'fromdomain' describeCol: col 11 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 11 column_size = 80 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=11, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 11 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 11 *pcbColDef = 80 describeCol: col 11 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 11 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267528 value = '' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 11, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 0, ptr = '' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 0, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.13.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136271000, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=12, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 12 fieldname = 'fullcontact' describeCol: col 12 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 12 column_size = 80 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=12, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 12 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 12 *pcbColDef = 80 describeCol: col 12 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 12 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267528 value = '' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 12, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 0, ptr = '' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 0, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.14.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136271000, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=13, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 13 fieldname = 'host' describeCol: col 13 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 13 column_size = 31 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=13, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 13 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 13 *pcbColDef = 31 describeCol: col 13 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 13 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267528 value = 'dynamic' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 13, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = 'dynamic' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = 'dynamic', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 7, ptr = 'dynamic' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 7, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'dynamic' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.15.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136271000, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=14, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 14 fieldname = 'insecure' describeCol: col 14 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 14 column_size = 11 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=14, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 14 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 14 *pcbColDef = 11 describeCol: col 14 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 14 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267528 value = '(null)' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 14, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '(null)' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.16.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136271000, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=15, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 15 fieldname = 'language' describeCol: col 15 fieldtype = 1042 describeCol: col 15 column_size = 2 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=15, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 15 *pfSqlType = 1 describeCol: col 15 *pcbColDef = 2 describeCol: col 15 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 15 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267528 value = '(null)' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 15, fCType = 1, field_type = 1042, value = '(null)' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1042, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.17.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136271000, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=16, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 16 fieldname = 'mailbox' describeCol: col 16 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 16 column_size = 50 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=16, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 16 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 16 *pcbColDef = 50 describeCol: col 16 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 16 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267528 value = '3031' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 16, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '3031' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '3031', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 4, ptr = '3031' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 4, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '3031' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.18.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136271000, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=17, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 17 fieldname = 'md5secret' describeCol: col 17 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 17 column_size = 80 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=17, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 17 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 17 *pcbColDef = 80 describeCol: col 17 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 17 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267528 value = '(null)' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 17, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '(null)' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.19.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136271000, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=18, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 18 fieldname = 'nat' describeCol: col 18 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 18 column_size = 5 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=18, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 18 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 18 *pcbColDef = 5 describeCol: col 18 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 18 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267528 value = 'yes' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 18, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = 'yes' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = 'yes', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 3, ptr = 'yes' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 3, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'yes' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.20.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136271000, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=19, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 19 fieldname = 'deny' describeCol: col 19 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 19 column_size = 95 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=19, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 19 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 19 *pcbColDef = 95 describeCol: col 19 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 19 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267528 value = '(null)' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 19, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '(null)' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.21.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136271000, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=20, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 20 fieldname = 'permit' describeCol: col 20 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 20 column_size = 95 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=20, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 20 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 20 *pcbColDef = 95 describeCol: col 20 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 20 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267528 value = '(null)' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 20, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '(null)' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.22.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136271000, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=21, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 21 fieldname = 'mask' describeCol: col 21 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 21 column_size = 95 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=21, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 21 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 21 *pcbColDef = 95 describeCol: col 21 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 21 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267528 value = '(null)' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 21, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '(null)' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.23.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136271000, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=22, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 22 fieldname = 'pickupgroup' describeCol: col 22 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 22 column_size = 10 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=22, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 22 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 22 *pcbColDef = 10 describeCol: col 22 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 22 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267528 value = '(null)' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 22, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '(null)' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.24.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136271000, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=23, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 23 fieldname = 'port' describeCol: col 23 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 23 column_size = 5 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=23, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 23 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 23 *pcbColDef = 5 describeCol: col 23 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 23 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267528 value = '57274' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 23, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '57274' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '57274', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 5, ptr = '57274' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 5, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '57274' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.25.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136271000, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=24, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 24 fieldname = 'qualify' describeCol: col 24 fieldtype = 1042 describeCol: col 24 column_size = 4 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=24, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 24 *pfSqlType = 1 describeCol: col 24 *pcbColDef = 4 describeCol: col 24 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 24 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267528 value = 'no ' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 24, fCType = 1, field_type = 1042, value = 'no ' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1042, fctype = 1, value = 'no ', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 4, ptr = 'no ' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 4, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'no ' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.26.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136271000, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=25, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 25 fieldname = 'restrictcid' describeCol: col 25 fieldtype = 1042 describeCol: col 25 column_size = 1 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=25, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 25 *pfSqlType = 1 describeCol: col 25 *pcbColDef = 1 describeCol: col 25 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 25 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267528 value = '(null)' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 25, fCType = 1, field_type = 1042, value = '(null)' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1042, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.27.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136271000, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=26, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 26 fieldname = 'rtptimeout' describeCol: col 26 fieldtype = 1042 describeCol: col 26 column_size = 3 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=26, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 26 *pfSqlType = 1 describeCol: col 26 *pcbColDef = 3 describeCol: col 26 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 26 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267528 value = '(null)' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 26, fCType = 1, field_type = 1042, value = '(null)' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1042, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.28.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136271000, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=27, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 27 fieldname = 'rtpholdtimeout' describeCol: col 27 fieldtype = 1042 describeCol: col 27 column_size = 5 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=27, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 27 *pfSqlType = 1 describeCol: col 27 *pcbColDef = 5 describeCol: col 27 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 27 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267528 value = '(null)' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 27, fCType = 1, field_type = 1042, value = '(null)' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1042, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.29.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136271000, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=28, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 28 fieldname = 'secret' describeCol: col 28 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 28 column_size = 80 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=28, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 28 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 28 *pcbColDef = 80 describeCol: col 28 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 28 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267528 value = '47p00k$!' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 28, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '47p00k$!' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '47p00k$!', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 8, ptr = '47p00k$!' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 8, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '47p00k$!' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.30.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136271000, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=29, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 29 fieldname = 'type' describeCol: col 29 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 29 column_size = 6 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=29, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 29 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 29 *pcbColDef = 6 describeCol: col 29 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 29 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267528 value = 'friend' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 29, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = 'friend' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = 'friend', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 6, ptr = 'friend' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 6, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'friend' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.31.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136271000, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=30, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 30 fieldname = 'username' describeCol: col 30 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 30 column_size = 80 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=30, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 30 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 30 *pcbColDef = 80 describeCol: col 30 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 30 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267528 value = 'BruceMcAlisterE61' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 30, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = 'BruceMcAlisterE61' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = 'BruceMcAlisterE61', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 17, ptr = 'BruceMcAlisterE61' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 17, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'BruceMcAlisterE61' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.32.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136271000, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=31, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 31 fieldname = 'disallow' describeCol: col 31 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 31 column_size = 100 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=31, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 31 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 31 *pcbColDef = 100 describeCol: col 31 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 31 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267528 value = '' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 31, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 0, ptr = '' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 0, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.33.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136271000, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=32, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 32 fieldname = 'allow' describeCol: col 32 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 32 column_size = 100 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=32, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 32 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 32 *pcbColDef = 100 describeCol: col 32 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 32 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267528 value = '' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 32, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 0, ptr = '' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 0, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.34.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136271000, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=33, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 33 fieldname = 'mohsuggest' describeCol: col 33 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 33 column_size = 100 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=33, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 33 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 33 *pcbColDef = 100 describeCol: col 33 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 33 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267528 value = '(null)' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 33, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '(null)' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.35.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136271000, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 describeCol: col 34 fieldname = 'regseconds' describeCol: col 34 fieldtype = 23 describeCol: col 34 column_size = 10 describeCol: col 34 *pfSqlType = 4 describeCol: col 34 *pcbColDef = 10 describeCol: col 34 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 34 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267528 value = '1204282587' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 34, fCType = 1, field_type = 23, value = '1204282587' copy_and_convert: field_type = 23, fctype = 1, value = '1204282587', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 10, ptr = '1204282587' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 10, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '1204282587' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.36.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136271000, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=35, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 35 fieldname = 'ipaddr' describeCol: col 35 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 35 column_size = 15 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=35, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 35 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 35 *pcbColDef = 15 describeCol: col 35 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 35 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267528 value = '' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 35, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 12, ptr = '' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 12, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.37.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136271000, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=36, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 36 fieldname = 'regexten' describeCol: col 36 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 36 column_size = 80 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=36, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 36 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 36 *pcbColDef = 80 describeCol: col 36 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 36 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267528 value = '' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 36, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 0, ptr = '' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 0, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.38.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136271000, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=37, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 37 fieldname = 'cancallforward' describeCol: col 37 fieldtype = 1042 describeCol: col 37 column_size = 3 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=37, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 37 *pfSqlType = 1 describeCol: col 37 *pcbColDef = 3 describeCol: col 37 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 37 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267528 value = 'yes' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 37, fCType = 1, field_type = 1042, value = 'yes' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1042, fctype = 1, value = 'yes', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 3, ptr = 'yes' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 3, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'yes' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.39.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136271000, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=38, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 38 fieldname = 'setvar' describeCol: col 38 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 38 column_size = 100 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=38, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 38 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 38 *pcbColDef = 100 describeCol: col 38 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 38 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267528 value = '' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 38, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 0, ptr = '' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 0, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.40.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136271000, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getTimestampColumnSize: type=1184, col=39 getTimestampDecimalDigits: type=1184, col=39 atttypmod1=-1 atttypmod2=-1 getTimestampDecimalDigits: type=1184, col=39 atttypmod1=-1 atttypmod2=-1 describeCol: col 39 fieldname = 'inserted' describeCol: col 39 fieldtype = 1184 describeCol: col 39 column_size = 26 describeCol: col 39 *pfSqlType = 93 describeCol: col 39 *pcbColDef = 26 describeCol: col 39 *pibScale = 6 describeCol: col 39 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267528 value = '2007-09-01 17:48:54.464028+01' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 39, fCType = 1, field_type = 1184, value = '2007-09-01 17:48:54.464028+01' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1184, fctype = 1, value = '2007-09-01 17:48:54.464028+01', cbValueMax=2048 2stime fr=464028000 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.41.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136271000, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getTimestampColumnSize: type=1184, col=40 getTimestampDecimalDigits: type=1184, col=40 atttypmod1=-1 atttypmod2=-1 getTimestampDecimalDigits: type=1184, col=40 atttypmod1=-1 atttypmod2=-1 describeCol: col 40 fieldname = 'lastregister' describeCol: col 40 fieldtype = 1184 describeCol: col 40 column_size = 26 describeCol: col 40 *pfSqlType = 93 describeCol: col 40 *pcbColDef = 26 describeCol: col 40 *pibScale = 6 describeCol: col 40 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267528 value = '2008-02-22 10:45:23+00' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 40, fCType = 1, field_type = 1184, value = '2008-02-22 10:45:23+00' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1184, fctype = 1, value = '2008-02-22 10:45:23+00', cbValueMax=2048 2stime fr=0 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.42.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136271000, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=41, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 41 fieldname = 'useragent' describeCol: col 41 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 41 column_size = 128 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=41, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 41 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 41 *pcbColDef = 128 describeCol: col 41 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 41 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267528 value = 'X-Lite release 1011s stamp 41150' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 41, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = 'X-Lite release 1011s stamp 41150' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = 'X-Lite release 1011s stamp 41150', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 32, ptr = 'X-Lite release 1011s stamp 41150' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 32, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'X-Lite release 1011s stamp 41150' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.43.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136271000, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=42, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 42 fieldname = 'natsendkeepalives' describeCol: col 42 fieldtype = 1042 describeCol: col 42 column_size = 1 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=42, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 42 *pfSqlType = 1 describeCol: col 42 *pcbColDef = 1 describeCol: col 42 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 42 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267528 value = 'n' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 42, fCType = 1, field_type = 1042, value = 'n' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1042, fctype = 1, value = 'n', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 1, ptr = 'n' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 1, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'n' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.44.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136271000, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=43, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 43 fieldname = 'natconnectionstate' describeCol: col 43 fieldtype = 1042 describeCol: col 43 column_size = 1 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=43, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 43 *pfSqlType = 1 describeCol: col 43 *pcbColDef = 1 describeCol: col 43 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 43 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267528 value = 'd' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 43, fCType = 1, field_type = 1042, value = 'd' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1042, fctype = 1, value = 'd', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 1, ptr = 'd' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 1, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'd' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.45.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136271000, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=44, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 44 fieldname = 'outboundproxyport' describeCol: col 44 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 44 column_size = 5 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=44, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 44 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 44 *pcbColDef = 5 describeCol: col 44 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 44 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267528 value = '' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 44, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 0, ptr = '' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 0, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.46.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136271000, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=45, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 45 fieldname = 'outboundproxy' describeCol: col 45 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 45 column_size = 31 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=45, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 45 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 45 *pcbColDef = 31 describeCol: col 45 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 45 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267528 value = '' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 45, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 0, ptr = '' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 0, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.47.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136271000, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=46, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 46 fieldname = 'voicemailextension' describeCol: col 46 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 46 column_size = 128 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=46, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 46 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 46 *pcbColDef = 128 describeCol: col 46 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 46 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267528 value = '3031' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 46, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '3031' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '3031', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 4, ptr = '3031' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 4, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '3031' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.48.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136271000, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=47, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 47 fieldname = 'pstncallerid' describeCol: col 47 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 47 column_size = 24 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=47, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 47 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 47 *pcbColDef = 24 describeCol: col 47 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 47 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267528 value = '0035318262900' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 47, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '0035318262900' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '0035318262900', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 13, ptr = '0035318262900' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 13, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '0035318262900' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.49.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136271000, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=48, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 48 fieldname = 'dialplan' describeCol: col 48 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 48 column_size = 64 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=48, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 48 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 48 *pcbColDef = 64 describeCol: col 48 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 48 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267528 value = '' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 48, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 0, ptr = '' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 0, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.50.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136271000, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=49, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 49 fieldname = 'whitelabelid' describeCol: col 49 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 49 column_size = 32 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=49, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 49 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 49 *pcbColDef = 32 describeCol: col 49 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 49 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267528 value = 'blueface' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 49, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = 'blueface' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = 'blueface', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 8, ptr = 'blueface' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 8, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'blueface' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.51.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136271000, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=50, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 50 fieldname = 'localcallprefix' describeCol: col 50 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 50 column_size = 10 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=50, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 50 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 50 *pcbColDef = 10 describeCol: col 50 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 50 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267528 value = '(null)' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 50, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '(null)' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.52.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136271000, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=51, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 51 fieldname = 'comment' describeCol: col 51 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 51 column_size = 512 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=51, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 51 *pfSqlType = -1 describeCol: col 51 *pcbColDef = 512 describeCol: col 51 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 51 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267528 value = 'Provisioned by bruce.mcalister on 01 Sep 2007 17:48:54.' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 51, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = 'Provisioned by bruce.mcalister on 01 Sep 2007 17:48:54.' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = 'Provisioned by bruce.mcalister on 01 Sep 2007 17:48:54.', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 55, ptr = 'Provisioned by bruce.mcalister on 01 Sep 2007 17:48:54.' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 55, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'Provisioned by bruce.mcalister on 01 Sep 2007 17:48:54.' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.53.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136271000, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=52, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 52 fieldname = 'createdbyuser' describeCol: col 52 fieldtype = 1042 describeCol: col 52 column_size = 3 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=52, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 52 *pfSqlType = 1 describeCol: col 52 *pcbColDef = 3 describeCol: col 52 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 52 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267528 value = 'yes' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 52, fCType = 1, field_type = 1042, value = 'yes' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1042, fctype = 1, value = 'yes', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 3, ptr = 'yes' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 3, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'yes' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.54.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136271000, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=53, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 53 fieldname = 'progressinband' describeCol: col 53 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 53 column_size = 5 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=53, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 53 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 53 *pcbColDef = 5 describeCol: col 53 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 53 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267528 value = 'no' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 53, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = 'no' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = 'no', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 2, ptr = 'no' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 2, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'no' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.55.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136271000, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 describeCol: col 54 fieldname = 'call-limit' describeCol: col 54 fieldtype = 23 describeCol: col 54 column_size = 10 describeCol: col 54 *pfSqlType = 4 describeCol: col 54 *pcbColDef = 10 describeCol: col 54 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 54 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267528 value = '10' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 54, fCType = 1, field_type = 23, value = '10' copy_and_convert: field_type = 23, fctype = 1, value = '10', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 2, ptr = '10' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 2, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '10' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.56.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136271000, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=55, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 55 fieldname = 'regserver' describeCol: col 55 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 55 column_size = 100 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=55, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 55 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 55 *pcbColDef = 100 describeCol: col 55 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 55 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267528 value = '' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 55, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 0, ptr = '' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 0, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '' [[SQLFreeHandle]]PGAPI_FreeStmt: entering...hstmt=136267528, fOption=1 QResult: in DESTRUCTOR TupleList: in DESTRUCTOR TupleList: exit DESTRUCTOR QResult: free memory in, fcount=101 QResult: free memory out QResult: exit DESTRUCTOR SC_Destructor: self=136267528, self->result=0, self->hdbc=135891512 APD_free_params: ENTER, self=136267780 APD_free_params: EXIT IPD_free_params: ENTER, self=136267844 IPD_free_params: EXIT PDATA_free_params: ENTER, self=136267960 PDATA_free_params: EXIT ARDFields_free 81f4790 bookmark=81ea8f8ARD_unbind_cols freeall=1 allocated=56 bindings=81f37b8 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267664, bindings_allocated=56, icol=1 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267664, bindings_allocated=56, icol=2 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267664, bindings_allocated=56, icol=3 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267664, bindings_allocated=56, icol=4 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267664, bindings_allocated=56, icol=5 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267664, bindings_allocated=56, icol=6 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267664, bindings_allocated=56, icol=7 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267664, bindings_allocated=56, icol=8 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267664, bindings_allocated=56, icol=9 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267664, bindings_allocated=56, icol=10 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267664, bindings_allocated=56, icol=11 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267664, bindings_allocated=56, icol=12 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267664, bindings_allocated=56, icol=13 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267664, bindings_allocated=56, icol=14 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267664, bindings_allocated=56, icol=15 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267664, bindings_allocated=56, icol=16 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267664, bindings_allocated=56, icol=17 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267664, bindings_allocated=56, icol=18 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267664, bindings_allocated=56, icol=19 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267664, bindings_allocated=56, icol=20 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267664, bindings_allocated=56, icol=21 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267664, bindings_allocated=56, icol=22 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267664, bindings_allocated=56, icol=23 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267664, bindings_allocated=56, icol=24 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267664, bindings_allocated=56, icol=25 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267664, bindings_allocated=56, icol=26 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267664, bindings_allocated=56, icol=27 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267664, bindings_allocated=56, icol=28 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267664, bindings_allocated=56, icol=29 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267664, bindings_allocated=56, icol=30 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267664, bindings_allocated=56, icol=31 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267664, bindings_allocated=56, icol=32 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267664, bindings_allocated=56, icol=33 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267664, bindings_allocated=56, icol=34 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267664, bindings_allocated=56, icol=35 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267664, bindings_allocated=56, icol=36 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267664, bindings_allocated=56, icol=37 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267664, bindings_allocated=56, icol=38 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267664, bindings_allocated=56, icol=39 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267664, bindings_allocated=56, icol=40 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267664, bindings_allocated=56, icol=41 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267664, bindings_allocated=56, icol=42 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267664, bindings_allocated=56, icol=43 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267664, bindings_allocated=56, icol=44 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267664, bindings_allocated=56, icol=45 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267664, bindings_allocated=56, icol=46 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267664, bindings_allocated=56, icol=47 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267664, bindings_allocated=56, icol=48 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267664, bindings_allocated=56, icol=49 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267664, bindings_allocated=56, icol=50 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267664, bindings_allocated=56, icol=51 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267664, bindings_allocated=56, icol=52 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267664, bindings_allocated=56, icol=53 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267664, bindings_allocated=56, icol=54 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267664, bindings_allocated=56, icol=55 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267664, bindings_allocated=56, icol=56 APD_free_params: ENTER, self=136267780 IPD_free_params: ENTER, self=136267844 GDATA_unbind_cols freeall=1 allocated=56 gdata=8203330 SC_Destructor: EXIT [[SQLAllocHandle]]PGAPI_AllocStmt: entering... SC_Constructor: entering ... SC_Constructor: created stmt = 136268488 **** PGAPI_AllocStmt: hdbc = 135891512, stmt = 136268488 CC_add_statement: self=135891512, stmt=136268488 [[SQLGetStmtAttr]] Handle=136268488 10010 PGAPI_GetStmtAttr Handle=136268488 10010 [[SQLGetStmtAttr]] Handle=136268488 10011 PGAPI_GetStmtAttr Handle=136268488 10011 [[SQLGetStmtAttr]] Handle=136268488 10012 PGAPI_GetStmtAttr Handle=136268488 10012 [[SQLGetStmtAttr]] Handle=136268488 10013 PGAPI_GetStmtAttr Handle=136268488 10013 [SQLPrepare]PGAPI_Prepare: entering... **** PGAPI_Prepare: STMT_ALLOCATED, copy [SQLBindParameter]PGAPI_BindParameter: entering... extend_parameter_bindings: entering ... self=136268740, parameters_allocated=0, num_params=1 exit extend_parameter_bindings extend_iparameter_bindings: entering ... self=136268804, parameters_allocated=0, num_params=1 exit extend_iparameter_bindings extend_putdata_info: entering ... self=136268920, parameters_allocated=0, num_params=1 exit extend_putdata_info PGAPI_BindParamater: ipar=0, paramType=1, fCType=1, fSqlType=1, cbColDef=26, ibScale=0, rgbValue=-41760208, *pcbValue = -777, data_at_exec = 0 [SQLBindParameter]PGAPI_BindParameter: entering... extend_parameter_bindings: entering ... self=136268740, parameters_allocated=1, num_params=2 exit extend_parameter_bindings extend_iparameter_bindings: entering ... self=136268804, parameters_allocated=1, num_params=2 exit extend_iparameter_bindings extend_putdata_info: entering ... self=136268920, parameters_allocated=1, num_params=2 exit extend_putdata_info PGAPI_BindParamater: ipar=1, paramType=1, fCType=1, fSqlType=1, cbColDef=7, ibScale=0, rgbValue=-63433832, *pcbValue = -777, data_at_exec = 0 [SQLExecute]PGAPI_Execute: entering... PGAPI_Execute: clear errors... recycle statement: self= 136268488 PDATA_free_params: ENTER, self=136268920 PDATA_free_params: EXIT PGAPI_NumParams: entering... Exec_with_parameters_resolved: copying statement params: trans_status=1, len=53, stmt='SELECT * FROM sipaccounts WHERE name = ? AND host = ?' ResolveOneParam: from(fcType)=1, to(fSqlType)=1 ResolveOneParam: from(fcType)=1, to(fSqlType)=1 stmt_with_params = 'SELECT * FROM sipaccounts WHERE name = 'BruceMcAlisterE61-081ed9f8' AND host = 'dynamic'' Sending SELECT statement on stmt=136268488, cursor_name='SQL_CUR81f4ac8' send_query(): conn=135891512, query='SELECT * FROM sipaccounts WHERE name = 'BruceMcAlisterE61-081ed9f8' AND host = 'dynamic'' LIBPQ_execute_query: entering ... in QR_Constructor exit QR_Constructor LIBPQ_execute_query: get next result with status = 2 LIBPQ_execute_query: query = SELECT * FROM sipaccounts WHERE name = 'BruceMcAlisterE61-081ed9f8' AND host = 'dynamic' LIBPQ_execute_query: rest types ... LIBPQ_execute_query: recent_processed_row_count = 0 CC_mapping: entering ... CC_mapping: rows = 0, columns = 56 CC_mapping: column = 0 CC_mapping: set field info: name = id, typ = 1043, typlen = 36, attypmod = 36 CC_mapping: column = 1 CC_mapping: set field info: name = name, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 2 CC_mapping: set field info: name = accountcode, typ = 1043, typlen = 20, attypmod = 20 CC_mapping: column = 3 CC_mapping: set field info: name = amaflags, typ = 1043, typlen = 13, attypmod = 13 CC_mapping: column = 4 CC_mapping: set field info: name = callgroup, typ = 1043, typlen = 10, attypmod = 10 CC_mapping: column = 5 CC_mapping: set field info: name = callerid, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 6 CC_mapping: set field info: name = canreinvite, typ = 1042, typlen = 3, attypmod = 3 CC_mapping: column = 7 CC_mapping: set field info: name = context, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 8 CC_mapping: set field info: name = defaultip, typ = 1043, typlen = 15, attypmod = 15 CC_mapping: column = 9 CC_mapping: set field info: name = dtmfmode, typ = 1043, typlen = 7, attypmod = 7 CC_mapping: column = 10 CC_mapping: set field info: name = fromuser, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 11 CC_mapping: set field info: name = fromdomain, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 12 CC_mapping: set field info: name = fullcontact, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 13 CC_mapping: set field info: name = host, typ = 1043, typlen = 31, attypmod = 31 CC_mapping: column = 14 CC_mapping: set field info: name = insecure, typ = 1043, typlen = 11, attypmod = 11 CC_mapping: column = 15 CC_mapping: set field info: name = language, typ = 1042, typlen = 2, attypmod = 2 CC_mapping: column = 16 CC_mapping: set field info: name = mailbox, typ = 1043, typlen = 50, attypmod = 50 CC_mapping: column = 17 CC_mapping: set field info: name = md5secret, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 18 CC_mapping: set field info: name = nat, typ = 1043, typlen = 5, attypmod = 5 CC_mapping: column = 19 CC_mapping: set field info: name = deny, typ = 1043, typlen = 95, attypmod = 95 CC_mapping: column = 20 CC_mapping: set field info: name = permit, typ = 1043, typlen = 95, attypmod = 95 CC_mapping: column = 21 CC_mapping: set field info: name = mask, typ = 1043, typlen = 95, attypmod = 95 CC_mapping: column = 22 CC_mapping: set field info: name = pickupgroup, typ = 1043, typlen = 10, attypmod = 10 CC_mapping: column = 23 CC_mapping: set field info: name = port, typ = 1043, typlen = 5, attypmod = 5 CC_mapping: column = 24 CC_mapping: set field info: name = qualify, typ = 1042, typlen = 4, attypmod = 4 CC_mapping: column = 25 CC_mapping: set field info: name = restrictcid, typ = 1042, typlen = 1, attypmod = 1 CC_mapping: column = 26 CC_mapping: set field info: name = rtptimeout, typ = 1042, typlen = 3, attypmod = 3 CC_mapping: column = 27 CC_mapping: set field info: name = rtpholdtimeout, typ = 1042, typlen = 5, attypmod = 5 CC_mapping: column = 28 CC_mapping: set field info: name = secret, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 29 CC_mapping: set field info: name = type, typ = 1043, typlen = 6, attypmod = 6 CC_mapping: column = 30 CC_mapping: set field info: name = username, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 31 CC_mapping: set field info: name = disallow, typ = 1043, typlen = 100, attypmod = 100 CC_mapping: column = 32 CC_mapping: set field info: name = allow, typ = 1043, typlen = 100, attypmod = 100 CC_mapping: column = 33 CC_mapping: set field info: name = mohsuggest, typ = 1043, typlen = 100, attypmod = 100 CC_mapping: column = 34 CC_mapping: set field info: name = regseconds, typ = 23, typlen = 4, attypmod = -1 CC_mapping: column = 35 CC_mapping: set field info: name = ipaddr, typ = 1043, typlen = 15, attypmod = 15 CC_mapping: column = 36 CC_mapping: set field info: name = regexten, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 37 CC_mapping: set field info: name = cancallforward, typ = 1042, typlen = 3, attypmod = 3 CC_mapping: column = 38 CC_mapping: set field info: name = setvar, typ = 1043, typlen = 100, attypmod = 100 CC_mapping: column = 39 CC_mapping: set field info: name = inserted, typ = 1184, typlen = 8, attypmod = -1 CC_mapping: column = 40 CC_mapping: set field info: name = lastregister, typ = 1184, typlen = 8, attypmod = -1 CC_mapping: column = 41 CC_mapping: set field info: name = useragent, typ = 1043, typlen = 128, attypmod = 128 CC_mapping: column = 42 CC_mapping: set field info: name = natsendkeepalives, typ = 1042, typlen = 1, attypmod = 1 CC_mapping: column = 43 CC_mapping: set field info: name = natconnectionstate, typ = 1042, typlen = 1, attypmod = 1 CC_mapping: column = 44 CC_mapping: set field info: name = outboundproxyport, typ = 1043, typlen = 5, attypmod = 5 CC_mapping: column = 45 CC_mapping: set field info: name = outboundproxy, typ = 1043, typlen = 31, attypmod = 31 CC_mapping: column = 46 CC_mapping: set field info: name = voicemailextension, typ = 1043, typlen = 128, attypmod = 128 CC_mapping: column = 47 CC_mapping: set field info: name = pstncallerid, typ = 1043, typlen = 24, attypmod = 24 CC_mapping: column = 48 CC_mapping: set field info: name = dialplan, typ = 1043, typlen = 64, attypmod = 64 CC_mapping: column = 49 CC_mapping: set field info: name = whitelabelid, typ = 1043, typlen = 32, attypmod = 32 CC_mapping: column = 50 CC_mapping: set field info: name = localcallprefix, typ = 1043, typlen = 10, attypmod = 10 CC_mapping: column = 51 CC_mapping: set field info: name = comment, typ = 1043, typlen = 512, attypmod = 512 CC_mapping: column = 52 CC_mapping: set field info: name = createdbyuser, typ = 1042, typlen = 3, attypmod = 3 CC_mapping: column = 53 CC_mapping: set field info: name = progressinband, typ = 1043, typlen = 5, attypmod = 5 CC_mapping: column = 54 CC_mapping: set field info: name = call-limit, typ = 23, typlen = 4, attypmod = -1 CC_mapping: column = 55 CC_mapping: set field info: name = regserver, typ = 1043, typlen = 100, attypmod = 100 in TL_Constructor exit TL_Constructor send_query: done sending query with status: 2 QR_fetch_tuples: cursor = '', self->cursor=0 QR_fetch_tuples: past CI_read_fields: num_fields = 56 MALLOC: tuple_size = 100, size = 44800 done sending the query: extend_column_bindings: entering ... self=136268624, bindings_allocated=0, num_columns=56 exit extend_column_bindings [SQLNumResultCols]PGAPI_NumResultCols: entering... SC_pre_execute: status = 3 PGAPI_NumResultCols: result = 136270528, status = 3, numcols = 56 [[SQLFetch]]PGAPI_ExtendedFetch: stmt=136268488 SQL_FETCH_NEXT: num_tuples=0, currtuple=-1 [[SQLFreeHandle]]PGAPI_FreeStmt: entering...hstmt=136268488, fOption=1 QResult: in DESTRUCTOR TupleList: in DESTRUCTOR TupleList: exit DESTRUCTOR QResult: free memory in, fcount=101 QResult: free memory out QResult: exit DESTRUCTOR SC_Destructor: self=136268488, self->result=0, self->hdbc=135891512 APD_free_params: ENTER, self=136268740 APD_free_params: EXIT IPD_free_params: ENTER, self=136268804 IPD_free_params: EXIT PDATA_free_params: ENTER, self=136268920 PDATA_free_params: EXIT ARDFields_free 81f4b50 bookmark=81ea858ARD_unbind_cols freeall=1 allocated=56 bindings=81f3d50 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136268624, bindings_allocated=56, icol=1 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136268624, bindings_allocated=56, icol=2 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136268624, bindings_allocated=56, icol=3 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136268624, bindings_allocated=56, icol=4 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136268624, bindings_allocated=56, icol=5 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136268624, bindings_allocated=56, icol=6 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136268624, bindings_allocated=56, icol=7 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136268624, bindings_allocated=56, icol=8 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136268624, bindings_allocated=56, icol=9 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136268624, bindings_allocated=56, icol=10 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136268624, bindings_allocated=56, icol=11 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136268624, bindings_allocated=56, icol=12 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136268624, bindings_allocated=56, icol=13 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136268624, bindings_allocated=56, icol=14 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136268624, bindings_allocated=56, icol=15 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136268624, bindings_allocated=56, icol=16 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136268624, bindings_allocated=56, icol=17 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136268624, bindings_allocated=56, icol=18 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136268624, bindings_allocated=56, icol=19 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136268624, bindings_allocated=56, icol=20 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136268624, bindings_allocated=56, icol=21 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136268624, bindings_allocated=56, icol=22 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136268624, bindings_allocated=56, icol=23 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136268624, bindings_allocated=56, icol=24 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136268624, bindings_allocated=56, icol=25 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136268624, bindings_allocated=56, icol=26 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136268624, bindings_allocated=56, icol=27 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136268624, bindings_allocated=56, icol=28 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136268624, bindings_allocated=56, icol=29 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136268624, bindings_allocated=56, icol=30 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136268624, bindings_allocated=56, icol=31 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136268624, bindings_allocated=56, icol=32 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136268624, bindings_allocated=56, icol=33 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136268624, bindings_allocated=56, icol=34 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136268624, bindings_allocated=56, icol=35 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136268624, bindings_allocated=56, icol=36 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136268624, bindings_allocated=56, icol=37 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136268624, bindings_allocated=56, icol=38 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136268624, bindings_allocated=56, icol=39 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136268624, bindings_allocated=56, icol=40 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136268624, bindings_allocated=56, icol=41 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136268624, bindings_allocated=56, icol=42 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136268624, bindings_allocated=56, icol=43 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136268624, bindings_allocated=56, icol=44 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136268624, bindings_allocated=56, icol=45 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136268624, bindings_allocated=56, icol=46 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136268624, bindings_allocated=56, icol=47 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136268624, bindings_allocated=56, icol=48 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136268624, bindings_allocated=56, icol=49 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136268624, bindings_allocated=56, icol=50 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136268624, bindings_allocated=56, icol=51 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136268624, bindings_allocated=56, icol=52 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136268624, bindings_allocated=56, icol=53 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136268624, bindings_allocated=56, icol=54 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136268624, bindings_allocated=56, icol=55 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136268624, bindings_allocated=56, icol=56 APD_free_params: ENTER, self=136268740 IPD_free_params: ENTER, self=136268804 GDATA_unbind_cols freeall=1 allocated=0 gdata=0 SC_Destructor: EXIT [[SQLAllocHandle]]PGAPI_AllocStmt: entering... SC_Constructor: entering ... SC_Constructor: created stmt = 136268440 **** PGAPI_AllocStmt: hdbc = 135891512, stmt = 136268440 CC_add_statement: self=135891512, stmt=136268440 [[SQLGetStmtAttr]] Handle=136268440 10010 PGAPI_GetStmtAttr Handle=136268440 10010 [[SQLGetStmtAttr]] Handle=136268440 10011 PGAPI_GetStmtAttr Handle=136268440 10011 [[SQLGetStmtAttr]] Handle=136268440 10012 PGAPI_GetStmtAttr Handle=136268440 10012 [[SQLGetStmtAttr]] Handle=136268440 10013 PGAPI_GetStmtAttr Handle=136268440 10013 [SQLPrepare]PGAPI_Prepare: entering... **** PGAPI_Prepare: STMT_ALLOCATED, copy [SQLBindParameter]PGAPI_BindParameter: entering... extend_parameter_bindings: entering ... self=136268692, parameters_allocated=0, num_params=1 exit extend_parameter_bindings extend_iparameter_bindings: entering ... self=136268756, parameters_allocated=0, num_params=1 exit extend_iparameter_bindings extend_putdata_info: entering ... self=136268872, parameters_allocated=0, num_params=1 exit extend_putdata_info PGAPI_BindParamater: ipar=0, paramType=1, fCType=1, fSqlType=1, cbColDef=26, ibScale=0, rgbValue=-41760208, *pcbValue = -777, data_at_exec = 0 [SQLExecute]PGAPI_Execute: entering... PGAPI_Execute: clear errors... recycle statement: self= 136268440 PDATA_free_params: ENTER, self=136268872 PDATA_free_params: EXIT PGAPI_NumParams: entering... Exec_with_parameters_resolved: copying statement params: trans_status=1, len=40, stmt='SELECT * FROM sipaccounts WHERE name = ?' ResolveOneParam: from(fcType)=1, to(fSqlType)=1 stmt_with_params = 'SELECT * FROM sipaccounts WHERE name = 'BruceMcAlisterE61-081ed9f8'' Sending SELECT statement on stmt=136268440, cursor_name='SQL_CUR81f4a98' send_query(): conn=135891512, query='SELECT * FROM sipaccounts WHERE name = 'BruceMcAlisterE61-081ed9f8'' LIBPQ_execute_query: entering ... in QR_Constructor exit QR_Constructor LIBPQ_execute_query: get next result with status = 2 LIBPQ_execute_query: query = SELECT * FROM sipaccounts WHERE name = 'BruceMcAlisterE61-081ed9f8' LIBPQ_execute_query: rest types ... LIBPQ_execute_query: recent_processed_row_count = 0 CC_mapping: entering ... CC_mapping: rows = 0, columns = 56 CC_mapping: column = 0 CC_mapping: set field info: name = id, typ = 1043, typlen = 36, attypmod = 36 CC_mapping: column = 1 CC_mapping: set field info: name = name, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 2 CC_mapping: set field info: name = accountcode, typ = 1043, typlen = 20, attypmod = 20 CC_mapping: column = 3 CC_mapping: set field info: name = amaflags, typ = 1043, typlen = 13, attypmod = 13 CC_mapping: column = 4 CC_mapping: set field info: name = callgroup, typ = 1043, typlen = 10, attypmod = 10 CC_mapping: column = 5 CC_mapping: set field info: name = callerid, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 6 CC_mapping: set field info: name = canreinvite, typ = 1042, typlen = 3, attypmod = 3 CC_mapping: column = 7 CC_mapping: set field info: name = context, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 8 CC_mapping: set field info: name = defaultip, typ = 1043, typlen = 15, attypmod = 15 CC_mapping: column = 9 CC_mapping: set field info: name = dtmfmode, typ = 1043, typlen = 7, attypmod = 7 CC_mapping: column = 10 CC_mapping: set field info: name = fromuser, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 11 CC_mapping: set field info: name = fromdomain, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 12 CC_mapping: set field info: name = fullcontact, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 13 CC_mapping: set field info: name = host, typ = 1043, typlen = 31, attypmod = 31 CC_mapping: column = 14 CC_mapping: set field info: name = insecure, typ = 1043, typlen = 11, attypmod = 11 CC_mapping: column = 15 CC_mapping: set field info: name = language, typ = 1042, typlen = 2, attypmod = 2 CC_mapping: column = 16 CC_mapping: set field info: name = mailbox, typ = 1043, typlen = 50, attypmod = 50 CC_mapping: column = 17 CC_mapping: set field info: name = md5secret, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 18 CC_mapping: set field info: name = nat, typ = 1043, typlen = 5, attypmod = 5 CC_mapping: column = 19 CC_mapping: set field info: name = deny, typ = 1043, typlen = 95, attypmod = 95 CC_mapping: column = 20 CC_mapping: set field info: name = permit, typ = 1043, typlen = 95, attypmod = 95 CC_mapping: column = 21 CC_mapping: set field info: name = mask, typ = 1043, typlen = 95, attypmod = 95 CC_mapping: column = 22 CC_mapping: set field info: name = pickupgroup, typ = 1043, typlen = 10, attypmod = 10 CC_mapping: column = 23 CC_mapping: set field info: name = port, typ = 1043, typlen = 5, attypmod = 5 CC_mapping: column = 24 CC_mapping: set field info: name = qualify, typ = 1042, typlen = 4, attypmod = 4 CC_mapping: column = 25 CC_mapping: set field info: name = restrictcid, typ = 1042, typlen = 1, attypmod = 1 CC_mapping: column = 26 CC_mapping: set field info: name = rtptimeout, typ = 1042, typlen = 3, attypmod = 3 CC_mapping: column = 27 CC_mapping: set field info: name = rtpholdtimeout, typ = 1042, typlen = 5, attypmod = 5 CC_mapping: column = 28 CC_mapping: set field info: name = secret, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 29 CC_mapping: set field info: name = type, typ = 1043, typlen = 6, attypmod = 6 CC_mapping: column = 30 CC_mapping: set field info: name = username, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 31 CC_mapping: set field info: name = disallow, typ = 1043, typlen = 100, attypmod = 100 CC_mapping: column = 32 CC_mapping: set field info: name = allow, typ = 1043, typlen = 100, attypmod = 100 CC_mapping: column = 33 CC_mapping: set field info: name = mohsuggest, typ = 1043, typlen = 100, attypmod = 100 CC_mapping: column = 34 CC_mapping: set field info: name = regseconds, typ = 23, typlen = 4, attypmod = -1 CC_mapping: column = 35 CC_mapping: set field info: name = ipaddr, typ = 1043, typlen = 15, attypmod = 15 CC_mapping: column = 36 CC_mapping: set field info: name = regexten, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 37 CC_mapping: set field info: name = cancallforward, typ = 1042, typlen = 3, attypmod = 3 CC_mapping: column = 38 CC_mapping: set field info: name = setvar, typ = 1043, typlen = 100, attypmod = 100 CC_mapping: column = 39 CC_mapping: set field info: name = inserted, typ = 1184, typlen = 8, attypmod = -1 CC_mapping: column = 40 CC_mapping: set field info: name = lastregister, typ = 1184, typlen = 8, attypmod = -1 CC_mapping: column = 41 CC_mapping: set field info: name = useragent, typ = 1043, typlen = 128, attypmod = 128 CC_mapping: column = 42 CC_mapping: set field info: name = natsendkeepalives, typ = 1042, typlen = 1, attypmod = 1 CC_mapping: column = 43 CC_mapping: set field info: name = natconnectionstate, typ = 1042, typlen = 1, attypmod = 1 CC_mapping: column = 44 CC_mapping: set field info: name = outboundproxyport, typ = 1043, typlen = 5, attypmod = 5 CC_mapping: column = 45 CC_mapping: set field info: name = outboundproxy, typ = 1043, typlen = 31, attypmod = 31 CC_mapping: column = 46 CC_mapping: set field info: name = voicemailextension, typ = 1043, typlen = 128, attypmod = 128 CC_mapping: column = 47 CC_mapping: set field info: name = pstncallerid, typ = 1043, typlen = 24, attypmod = 24 CC_mapping: column = 48 CC_mapping: set field info: name = dialplan, typ = 1043, typlen = 64, attypmod = 64 CC_mapping: column = 49 CC_mapping: set field info: name = whitelabelid, typ = 1043, typlen = 32, attypmod = 32 CC_mapping: column = 50 CC_mapping: set field info: name = localcallprefix, typ = 1043, typlen = 10, attypmod = 10 CC_mapping: column = 51 CC_mapping: set field info: name = comment, typ = 1043, typlen = 512, attypmod = 512 CC_mapping: column = 52 CC_mapping: set field info: name = createdbyuser, typ = 1042, typlen = 3, attypmod = 3 CC_mapping: column = 53 CC_mapping: set field info: name = progressinband, typ = 1043, typlen = 5, attypmod = 5 CC_mapping: column = 54 CC_mapping: set field info: name = call-limit, typ = 23, typlen = 4, attypmod = -1 CC_mapping: column = 55 CC_mapping: set field info: name = regserver, typ = 1043, typlen = 100, attypmod = 100 in TL_Constructor exit TL_Constructor send_query: done sending query with status: 2 QR_fetch_tuples: cursor = '', self->cursor=0 QR_fetch_tuples: past CI_read_fields: num_fields = 56 MALLOC: tuple_size = 100, size = 44800 done sending the query: extend_column_bindings: entering ... self=136268576, bindings_allocated=0, num_columns=56 exit extend_column_bindings [SQLNumResultCols]PGAPI_NumResultCols: entering... SC_pre_execute: status = 3 PGAPI_NumResultCols: result = 136270432, status = 3, numcols = 56 [[SQLFetch]]PGAPI_ExtendedFetch: stmt=136268440 SQL_FETCH_NEXT: num_tuples=0, currtuple=-1 [[SQLFreeHandle]]PGAPI_FreeStmt: entering...hstmt=136268440, fOption=1 QResult: in DESTRUCTOR TupleList: in DESTRUCTOR TupleList: exit DESTRUCTOR QResult: free memory in, fcount=101 QResult: free memory out QResult: exit DESTRUCTOR SC_Destructor: self=136268440, self->result=0, self->hdbc=135891512 APD_free_params: ENTER, self=136268692 APD_free_params: EXIT IPD_free_params: ENTER, self=136268756 IPD_free_params: EXIT PDATA_free_params: ENTER, self=136268872 PDATA_free_params: EXIT ARDFields_free 81f4b20 bookmark=81ea8d8ARD_unbind_cols freeall=1 allocated=56 bindings=81f3d50 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136268576, bindings_allocated=56, icol=1 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136268576, bindings_allocated=56, icol=2 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136268576, bindings_allocated=56, icol=3 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136268576, bindings_allocated=56, icol=4 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136268576, bindings_allocated=56, icol=5 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136268576, bindings_allocated=56, icol=6 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136268576, bindings_allocated=56, icol=7 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136268576, bindings_allocated=56, icol=8 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136268576, bindings_allocated=56, icol=9 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136268576, bindings_allocated=56, icol=10 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136268576, bindings_allocated=56, icol=11 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136268576, bindings_allocated=56, icol=12 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136268576, bindings_allocated=56, icol=13 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136268576, bindings_allocated=56, icol=14 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136268576, bindings_allocated=56, icol=15 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136268576, bindings_allocated=56, icol=16 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136268576, bindings_allocated=56, icol=17 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136268576, bindings_allocated=56, icol=18 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136268576, bindings_allocated=56, icol=19 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136268576, bindings_allocated=56, icol=20 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136268576, bindings_allocated=56, icol=21 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136268576, bindings_allocated=56, icol=22 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136268576, bindings_allocated=56, icol=23 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136268576, bindings_allocated=56, icol=24 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136268576, bindings_allocated=56, icol=25 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136268576, bindings_allocated=56, icol=26 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136268576, bindings_allocated=56, icol=27 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136268576, bindings_allocated=56, icol=28 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136268576, bindings_allocated=56, icol=29 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136268576, bindings_allocated=56, icol=30 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136268576, bindings_allocated=56, icol=31 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136268576, bindings_allocated=56, icol=32 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136268576, bindings_allocated=56, icol=33 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136268576, bindings_allocated=56, icol=34 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136268576, bindings_allocated=56, icol=35 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136268576, bindings_allocated=56, icol=36 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136268576, bindings_allocated=56, icol=37 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136268576, bindings_allocated=56, icol=38 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136268576, bindings_allocated=56, icol=39 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136268576, bindings_allocated=56, icol=40 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136268576, bindings_allocated=56, icol=41 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136268576, bindings_allocated=56, icol=42 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136268576, bindings_allocated=56, icol=43 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136268576, bindings_allocated=56, icol=44 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136268576, bindings_allocated=56, icol=45 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136268576, bindings_allocated=56, icol=46 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136268576, bindings_allocated=56, icol=47 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136268576, bindings_allocated=56, icol=48 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136268576, bindings_allocated=56, icol=49 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136268576, bindings_allocated=56, icol=50 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136268576, bindings_allocated=56, icol=51 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136268576, bindings_allocated=56, icol=52 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136268576, bindings_allocated=56, icol=53 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136268576, bindings_allocated=56, icol=54 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136268576, bindings_allocated=56, icol=55 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136268576, bindings_allocated=56, icol=56 APD_free_params: ENTER, self=136268692 IPD_free_params: ENTER, self=136268756 GDATA_unbind_cols freeall=1 allocated=0 gdata=0 SC_Destructor: EXIT [[SQLAllocHandle]]PGAPI_AllocStmt: entering... SC_Constructor: entering ... SC_Constructor: created stmt = 136269040 **** PGAPI_AllocStmt: hdbc = 135891512, stmt = 136269040 CC_add_statement: self=135891512, stmt=136269040 [[SQLGetStmtAttr]] Handle=136269040 10010 PGAPI_GetStmtAttr Handle=136269040 10010 [[SQLGetStmtAttr]] Handle=136269040 10011 PGAPI_GetStmtAttr Handle=136269040 10011 [[SQLGetStmtAttr]] Handle=136269040 10012 PGAPI_GetStmtAttr Handle=136269040 10012 [[SQLGetStmtAttr]] Handle=136269040 10013 PGAPI_GetStmtAttr Handle=136269040 10013 [SQLPrepare]PGAPI_Prepare: entering... **** PGAPI_Prepare: STMT_ALLOCATED, copy [SQLBindParameter]PGAPI_BindParameter: entering... extend_parameter_bindings: entering ... self=136269292, parameters_allocated=0, num_params=1 exit extend_parameter_bindings extend_iparameter_bindings: entering ... self=136269356, parameters_allocated=0, num_params=1 exit extend_iparameter_bindings extend_putdata_info: entering ... self=136269472, parameters_allocated=0, num_params=1 exit extend_putdata_info PGAPI_BindParamater: ipar=0, paramType=1, fCType=1, fSqlType=1, cbColDef=17, ibScale=0, rgbValue=-41760208, *pcbValue = -777, data_at_exec = 0 [SQLBindParameter]PGAPI_BindParameter: entering... extend_parameter_bindings: entering ... self=136269292, parameters_allocated=1, num_params=2 exit extend_parameter_bindings extend_iparameter_bindings: entering ... self=136269356, parameters_allocated=1, num_params=2 exit extend_iparameter_bindings extend_putdata_info: entering ... self=136269472, parameters_allocated=1, num_params=2 exit extend_putdata_info PGAPI_BindParamater: ipar=1, paramType=1, fCType=1, fSqlType=1, cbColDef=7, ibScale=0, rgbValue=-63433832, *pcbValue = -777, data_at_exec = 0 [SQLExecute]PGAPI_Execute: entering... PGAPI_Execute: clear errors... recycle statement: self= 136269040 PDATA_free_params: ENTER, self=136269472 PDATA_free_params: EXIT PGAPI_NumParams: entering... Exec_with_parameters_resolved: copying statement params: trans_status=1, len=53, stmt='SELECT * FROM sipaccounts WHERE name = ? AND host = ?' ResolveOneParam: from(fcType)=1, to(fSqlType)=1 ResolveOneParam: from(fcType)=1, to(fSqlType)=1 stmt_with_params = 'SELECT * FROM sipaccounts WHERE name = 'BruceMcAlisterE61' AND host = 'dynamic'' Sending SELECT statement on stmt=136269040, cursor_name='SQL_CUR81f4cf0' send_query(): conn=135891512, query='SELECT * FROM sipaccounts WHERE name = 'BruceMcAlisterE61' AND host = 'dynamic'' LIBPQ_execute_query: entering ... in QR_Constructor exit QR_Constructor LIBPQ_execute_query: get next result with status = 2 LIBPQ_execute_query: query = SELECT * FROM sipaccounts WHERE name = 'BruceMcAlisterE61' AND host = 'dynamic' LIBPQ_execute_query: rest types ... LIBPQ_execute_query: recent_processed_row_count = 1 CC_mapping: entering ... CC_mapping: rows = 1, columns = 56 CC_mapping: column = 0 CC_mapping: set field info: name = id, typ = 1043, typlen = 36, attypmod = 36 CC_mapping: column = 1 CC_mapping: set field info: name = name, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 2 CC_mapping: set field info: name = accountcode, typ = 1043, typlen = 20, attypmod = 20 CC_mapping: column = 3 CC_mapping: set field info: name = amaflags, typ = 1043, typlen = 13, attypmod = 13 CC_mapping: column = 4 CC_mapping: set field info: name = callgroup, typ = 1043, typlen = 10, attypmod = 10 CC_mapping: column = 5 CC_mapping: set field info: name = callerid, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 6 CC_mapping: set field info: name = canreinvite, typ = 1042, typlen = 3, attypmod = 3 CC_mapping: column = 7 CC_mapping: set field info: name = context, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 8 CC_mapping: set field info: name = defaultip, typ = 1043, typlen = 15, attypmod = 15 CC_mapping: column = 9 CC_mapping: set field info: name = dtmfmode, typ = 1043, typlen = 7, attypmod = 7 CC_mapping: column = 10 CC_mapping: set field info: name = fromuser, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 11 CC_mapping: set field info: name = fromdomain, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 12 CC_mapping: set field info: name = fullcontact, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 13 CC_mapping: set field info: name = host, typ = 1043, typlen = 31, attypmod = 31 CC_mapping: column = 14 CC_mapping: set field info: name = insecure, typ = 1043, typlen = 11, attypmod = 11 CC_mapping: column = 15 CC_mapping: set field info: name = language, typ = 1042, typlen = 2, attypmod = 2 CC_mapping: column = 16 CC_mapping: set field info: name = mailbox, typ = 1043, typlen = 50, attypmod = 50 CC_mapping: column = 17 CC_mapping: set field info: name = md5secret, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 18 CC_mapping: set field info: name = nat, typ = 1043, typlen = 5, attypmod = 5 CC_mapping: column = 19 CC_mapping: set field info: name = deny, typ = 1043, typlen = 95, attypmod = 95 CC_mapping: column = 20 CC_mapping: set field info: name = permit, typ = 1043, typlen = 95, attypmod = 95 CC_mapping: column = 21 CC_mapping: set field info: name = mask, typ = 1043, typlen = 95, attypmod = 95 CC_mapping: column = 22 CC_mapping: set field info: name = pickupgroup, typ = 1043, typlen = 10, attypmod = 10 CC_mapping: column = 23 CC_mapping: set field info: name = port, typ = 1043, typlen = 5, attypmod = 5 CC_mapping: column = 24 CC_mapping: set field info: name = qualify, typ = 1042, typlen = 4, attypmod = 4 CC_mapping: column = 25 CC_mapping: set field info: name = restrictcid, typ = 1042, typlen = 1, attypmod = 1 CC_mapping: column = 26 CC_mapping: set field info: name = rtptimeout, typ = 1042, typlen = 3, attypmod = 3 CC_mapping: column = 27 CC_mapping: set field info: name = rtpholdtimeout, typ = 1042, typlen = 5, attypmod = 5 CC_mapping: column = 28 CC_mapping: set field info: name = secret, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 29 CC_mapping: set field info: name = type, typ = 1043, typlen = 6, attypmod = 6 CC_mapping: column = 30 CC_mapping: set field info: name = username, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 31 CC_mapping: set field info: name = disallow, typ = 1043, typlen = 100, attypmod = 100 CC_mapping: column = 32 CC_mapping: set field info: name = allow, typ = 1043, typlen = 100, attypmod = 100 CC_mapping: column = 33 CC_mapping: set field info: name = mohsuggest, typ = 1043, typlen = 100, attypmod = 100 CC_mapping: column = 34 CC_mapping: set field info: name = regseconds, typ = 23, typlen = 4, attypmod = -1 CC_mapping: column = 35 CC_mapping: set field info: name = ipaddr, typ = 1043, typlen = 15, attypmod = 15 CC_mapping: column = 36 CC_mapping: set field info: name = regexten, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 37 CC_mapping: set field info: name = cancallforward, typ = 1042, typlen = 3, attypmod = 3 CC_mapping: column = 38 CC_mapping: set field info: name = setvar, typ = 1043, typlen = 100, attypmod = 100 CC_mapping: column = 39 CC_mapping: set field info: name = inserted, typ = 1184, typlen = 8, attypmod = -1 CC_mapping: column = 40 CC_mapping: set field info: name = lastregister, typ = 1184, typlen = 8, attypmod = -1 CC_mapping: column = 41 CC_mapping: set field info: name = useragent, typ = 1043, typlen = 128, attypmod = 128 CC_mapping: column = 42 CC_mapping: set field info: name = natsendkeepalives, typ = 1042, typlen = 1, attypmod = 1 CC_mapping: column = 43 CC_mapping: set field info: name = natconnectionstate, typ = 1042, typlen = 1, attypmod = 1 CC_mapping: column = 44 CC_mapping: set field info: name = outboundproxyport, typ = 1043, typlen = 5, attypmod = 5 CC_mapping: column = 45 CC_mapping: set field info: name = outboundproxy, typ = 1043, typlen = 31, attypmod = 31 CC_mapping: column = 46 CC_mapping: set field info: name = voicemailextension, typ = 1043, typlen = 128, attypmod = 128 CC_mapping: column = 47 CC_mapping: set field info: name = pstncallerid, typ = 1043, typlen = 24, attypmod = 24 CC_mapping: column = 48 CC_mapping: set field info: name = dialplan, typ = 1043, typlen = 64, attypmod = 64 CC_mapping: column = 49 CC_mapping: set field info: name = whitelabelid, typ = 1043, typlen = 32, attypmod = 32 CC_mapping: column = 50 CC_mapping: set field info: name = localcallprefix, typ = 1043, typlen = 10, attypmod = 10 CC_mapping: column = 51 CC_mapping: set field info: name = comment, typ = 1043, typlen = 512, attypmod = 512 CC_mapping: column = 52 CC_mapping: set field info: name = createdbyuser, typ = 1042, typlen = 3, attypmod = 3 CC_mapping: column = 53 CC_mapping: set field info: name = progressinband, typ = 1043, typlen = 5, attypmod = 5 CC_mapping: column = 54 CC_mapping: set field info: name = call-limit, typ = 23, typlen = 4, attypmod = -1 CC_mapping: column = 55 CC_mapping: set field info: name = regserver, typ = 1043, typlen = 100, attypmod = 100 in TL_Constructor exit TL_Constructor CC_mapping: fetch column = id, value = 50f2f1af-18be-404d-b188-4de0a52397b6 CC_mapping: fetch column = name, value = BruceMcAlisterE61 CC_mapping: fetch column = accountcode, value = myaccountcode123456 CC_mapping: fetch column = amaflags, value = NULL CC_mapping: fetch column = callgroup, value = NULL CC_mapping: fetch column = callerid, value = Bruce McAlister <304242> CC_mapping: fetch column = canreinvite, value = no CC_mapping: fetch column = context, value = VoiceMail CC_mapping: fetch column = defaultip, value = CC_mapping: fetch column = dtmfmode, value = rfc2833 CC_mapping: fetch column = fromuser, value = CC_mapping: fetch column = fromdomain, value = CC_mapping: fetch column = fullcontact, value = CC_mapping: fetch column = host, value = dynamic CC_mapping: fetch column = insecure, value = NULL CC_mapping: fetch column = language, value = NULL CC_mapping: fetch column = mailbox, value = 3031 CC_mapping: fetch column = md5secret, value = NULL CC_mapping: fetch column = nat, value = yes CC_mapping: fetch column = deny, value = NULL CC_mapping: fetch column = permit, value = NULL CC_mapping: fetch column = mask, value = NULL CC_mapping: fetch column = pickupgroup, value = NULL CC_mapping: fetch column = port, value = 57274 CC_mapping: fetch column = qualify, value = no CC_mapping: fetch column = restrictcid, value = NULL CC_mapping: fetch column = rtptimeout, value = NULL CC_mapping: fetch column = rtpholdtimeout, value = NULL CC_mapping: fetch column = secret, value = 47p00k$! CC_mapping: fetch column = type, value = friend CC_mapping: fetch column = username, value = BruceMcAlisterE61 CC_mapping: fetch column = disallow, value = CC_mapping: fetch column = allow, value = CC_mapping: fetch column = mohsuggest, value = NULL CC_mapping: fetch column = regseconds, value = 1204282587 CC_mapping: fetch column = ipaddr, value = CC_mapping: fetch column = regexten, value = CC_mapping: fetch column = cancallforward, value = yes CC_mapping: fetch column = setvar, value = CC_mapping: fetch column = inserted, value = 2007-09-01 17:48:54.464028+01 CC_mapping: fetch column = lastregister, value = 2008-02-22 10:45:23+00 CC_mapping: fetch column = useragent, value = X-Lite release 1011s stamp 41150 CC_mapping: fetch column = natsendkeepalives, value = n CC_mapping: fetch column = natconnectionstate, value = d CC_mapping: fetch column = outboundproxyport, value = CC_mapping: fetch column = outboundproxy, value = CC_mapping: fetch column = voicemailextension, value = 3031 CC_mapping: fetch column = pstncallerid, value = 0035318262900 CC_mapping: fetch column = dialplan, value = CC_mapping: fetch column = whitelabelid, value = blueface CC_mapping: fetch column = localcallprefix, value = NULL CC_mapping: fetch column = comment, value = Provisioned by bruce.mcalister on 01 Sep 2007 17:48:54. CC_mapping: fetch column = createdbyuser, value = yes CC_mapping: fetch column = progressinband, value = no CC_mapping: fetch column = call-limit, value = 10 CC_mapping: fetch column = regserver, value = send_query: done sending query with status: 2 QR_fetch_tuples: cursor = '', self->cursor=0 QR_fetch_tuples: past CI_read_fields: num_fields = 56 MALLOC: tuple_size = 100, size = 44800 done sending the query: extend_column_bindings: entering ... self=136269176, bindings_allocated=0, num_columns=56 exit extend_column_bindings [SQLNumResultCols]PGAPI_NumResultCols: entering... SC_pre_execute: status = 3 PGAPI_NumResultCols: result = 136265112, status = 3, numcols = 56 [[SQLFetch]]PGAPI_ExtendedFetch: stmt=136269040 SQL_FETCH_NEXT: num_tuples=1, currtuple=-1 PGAPI_ExtendedFetch: new currTuple = -1 manual_result = 1, use_declarefetch = 0 **** SC_fetch: manual_result extend_getdata_info: entering ... self=136269396, gdata_allocated=0, num_columns=56 exit extend_gdata_info fetch: cols=56, lf=0, opts = 136269176, opts->bindings = 136265240, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=1, opts = 136269176, opts->bindings = 136265240, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=2, opts = 136269176, opts->bindings = 136265240, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=3, opts = 136269176, opts->bindings = 136265240, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=4, opts = 136269176, opts->bindings = 136265240, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=5, opts = 136269176, opts->bindings = 136265240, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=6, opts = 136269176, opts->bindings = 136265240, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=7, opts = 136269176, opts->bindings = 136265240, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=8, opts = 136269176, opts->bindings = 136265240, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=9, opts = 136269176, opts->bindings = 136265240, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=10, opts = 136269176, opts->bindings = 136265240, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=11, opts = 136269176, opts->bindings = 136265240, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=12, opts = 136269176, opts->bindings = 136265240, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=13, opts = 136269176, opts->bindings = 136265240, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=14, opts = 136269176, opts->bindings = 136265240, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=15, opts = 136269176, opts->bindings = 136265240, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=16, opts = 136269176, opts->bindings = 136265240, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=17, opts = 136269176, opts->bindings = 136265240, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=18, opts = 136269176, opts->bindings = 136265240, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=19, opts = 136269176, opts->bindings = 136265240, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=20, opts = 136269176, opts->bindings = 136265240, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=21, opts = 136269176, opts->bindings = 136265240, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=22, opts = 136269176, opts->bindings = 136265240, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=23, opts = 136269176, opts->bindings = 136265240, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=24, opts = 136269176, opts->bindings = 136265240, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=25, opts = 136269176, opts->bindings = 136265240, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=26, opts = 136269176, opts->bindings = 136265240, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=27, opts = 136269176, opts->bindings = 136265240, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=28, opts = 136269176, opts->bindings = 136265240, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=29, opts = 136269176, opts->bindings = 136265240, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=30, opts = 136269176, opts->bindings = 136265240, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=31, opts = 136269176, opts->bindings = 136265240, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=32, opts = 136269176, opts->bindings = 136265240, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=33, opts = 136269176, opts->bindings = 136265240, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=34, opts = 136269176, opts->bindings = 136265240, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=35, opts = 136269176, opts->bindings = 136265240, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=36, opts = 136269176, opts->bindings = 136265240, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=37, opts = 136269176, opts->bindings = 136265240, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=38, opts = 136269176, opts->bindings = 136265240, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=39, opts = 136269176, opts->bindings = 136265240, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=40, opts = 136269176, opts->bindings = 136265240, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=41, opts = 136269176, opts->bindings = 136265240, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=42, opts = 136269176, opts->bindings = 136265240, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=43, opts = 136269176, opts->bindings = 136265240, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=44, opts = 136269176, opts->bindings = 136265240, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=45, opts = 136269176, opts->bindings = 136265240, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=46, opts = 136269176, opts->bindings = 136265240, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=47, opts = 136269176, opts->bindings = 136265240, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=48, opts = 136269176, opts->bindings = 136265240, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=49, opts = 136269176, opts->bindings = 136265240, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=50, opts = 136269176, opts->bindings = 136265240, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=51, opts = 136269176, opts->bindings = 136265240, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=52, opts = 136269176, opts->bindings = 136265240, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=53, opts = 136269176, opts->bindings = 136265240, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=54, opts = 136269176, opts->bindings = 136265240, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=55, opts = 136269176, opts->bindings = 136265240, buffer[] = 0 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.1.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136265112, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=0, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 0 fieldname = 'id' describeCol: col 0 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 0 column_size = 36 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=0, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 0 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 0 *pcbColDef = 36 describeCol: col 0 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 0 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136269040 value = '50f2f1af-18be-404d-b188-4de0a52397b6' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 0, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '50f2f1af-18be-404d-b188-4de0a52397b6' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '50f2f1af-18be-404d-b188-4de0a52397b6', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 36, ptr = '50f2f1af-18be-404d-b188-4de0a52397b6' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 36, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '50f2f1af-18be-404d-b188-4de0a52397b6' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.2.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136265112, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=1, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 1 fieldname = 'name' describeCol: col 1 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 1 column_size = 80 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=1, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 1 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 1 *pcbColDef = 80 describeCol: col 1 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 1 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136269040 value = 'BruceMcAlisterE61' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 1, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = 'BruceMcAlisterE61' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = 'BruceMcAlisterE61', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 17, ptr = 'BruceMcAlisterE61' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 17, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'BruceMcAlisterE61' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.3.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136265112, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=2, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 2 fieldname = 'accountcode' describeCol: col 2 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 2 column_size = 20 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=2, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 2 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 2 *pcbColDef = 20 describeCol: col 2 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 2 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136269040 value = 'myaccountcode123456' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 2, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = 'myaccountcode123456' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = 'myaccountcode123456', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 19, ptr = 'myaccountcode123456' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 19, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'myaccountcode123456' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.4.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136265112, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=3, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 3 fieldname = 'amaflags' describeCol: col 3 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 3 column_size = 13 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=3, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 3 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 3 *pcbColDef = 13 describeCol: col 3 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 3 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136269040 value = '(null)' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 3, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '(null)' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.5.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136265112, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=4, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 4 fieldname = 'callgroup' describeCol: col 4 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 4 column_size = 10 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=4, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 4 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 4 *pcbColDef = 10 describeCol: col 4 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 4 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136269040 value = '(null)' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 4, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '(null)' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.6.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136265112, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=5, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 5 fieldname = 'callerid' describeCol: col 5 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 5 column_size = 80 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=5, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 5 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 5 *pcbColDef = 80 describeCol: col 5 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 5 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136269040 value = 'Bruce McAlister <304242>' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 5, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = 'Bruce McAlister <304242>' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = 'Bruce McAlister <304242>', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 24, ptr = 'Bruce McAlister <304242>' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 24, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'Bruce McAlister <304242>' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.7.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136265112, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=6, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 6 fieldname = 'canreinvite' describeCol: col 6 fieldtype = 1042 describeCol: col 6 column_size = 3 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=6, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 6 *pfSqlType = 1 describeCol: col 6 *pcbColDef = 3 describeCol: col 6 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 6 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136269040 value = 'no ' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 6, fCType = 1, field_type = 1042, value = 'no ' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1042, fctype = 1, value = 'no ', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 3, ptr = 'no ' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 3, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'no ' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.8.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136265112, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=7, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 7 fieldname = 'context' describeCol: col 7 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 7 column_size = 80 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=7, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 7 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 7 *pcbColDef = 80 describeCol: col 7 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 7 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136269040 value = 'VoiceMail' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 7, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = 'VoiceMail' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = 'VoiceMail', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 9, ptr = 'VoiceMail' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 9, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'VoiceMail' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.9.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136265112, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=8, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 8 fieldname = 'defaultip' describeCol: col 8 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 8 column_size = 15 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=8, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 8 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 8 *pcbColDef = 15 describeCol: col 8 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 8 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136269040 value = '' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 8, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 0, ptr = '' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 0, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.10.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136265112, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=9, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 9 fieldname = 'dtmfmode' describeCol: col 9 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 9 column_size = 7 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=9, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 9 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 9 *pcbColDef = 7 describeCol: col 9 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 9 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136269040 value = 'rfc2833' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 9, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = 'rfc2833' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = 'rfc2833', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 7, ptr = 'rfc2833' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 7, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'rfc2833' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.11.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136265112, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=10, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 10 fieldname = 'fromuser' describeCol: col 10 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 10 column_size = 80 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=10, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 10 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 10 *pcbColDef = 80 describeCol: col 10 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 10 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136269040 value = '' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 10, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 0, ptr = '' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 0, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.12.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136265112, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=11, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 11 fieldname = 'fromdomain' describeCol: col 11 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 11 column_size = 80 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=11, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 11 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 11 *pcbColDef = 80 describeCol: col 11 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 11 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136269040 value = '' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 11, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 0, ptr = '' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 0, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.13.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136265112, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=12, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 12 fieldname = 'fullcontact' describeCol: col 12 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 12 column_size = 80 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=12, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 12 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 12 *pcbColDef = 80 describeCol: col 12 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 12 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136269040 value = '' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 12, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 0, ptr = '' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 0, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.14.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136265112, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=13, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 13 fieldname = 'host' describeCol: col 13 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 13 column_size = 31 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=13, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 13 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 13 *pcbColDef = 31 describeCol: col 13 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 13 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136269040 value = 'dynamic' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 13, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = 'dynamic' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = 'dynamic', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 7, ptr = 'dynamic' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 7, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'dynamic' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.15.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136265112, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=14, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 14 fieldname = 'insecure' describeCol: col 14 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 14 column_size = 11 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=14, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 14 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 14 *pcbColDef = 11 describeCol: col 14 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 14 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136269040 value = '(null)' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 14, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '(null)' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.16.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136265112, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=15, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 15 fieldname = 'language' describeCol: col 15 fieldtype = 1042 describeCol: col 15 column_size = 2 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=15, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 15 *pfSqlType = 1 describeCol: col 15 *pcbColDef = 2 describeCol: col 15 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 15 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136269040 value = '(null)' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 15, fCType = 1, field_type = 1042, value = '(null)' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1042, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.17.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136265112, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=16, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 16 fieldname = 'mailbox' describeCol: col 16 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 16 column_size = 50 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=16, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 16 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 16 *pcbColDef = 50 describeCol: col 16 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 16 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136269040 value = '3031' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 16, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '3031' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '3031', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 4, ptr = '3031' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 4, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '3031' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.18.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136265112, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=17, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 17 fieldname = 'md5secret' describeCol: col 17 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 17 column_size = 80 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=17, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 17 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 17 *pcbColDef = 80 describeCol: col 17 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 17 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136269040 value = '(null)' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 17, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '(null)' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.19.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136265112, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=18, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 18 fieldname = 'nat' describeCol: col 18 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 18 column_size = 5 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=18, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 18 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 18 *pcbColDef = 5 describeCol: col 18 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 18 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136269040 value = 'yes' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 18, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = 'yes' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = 'yes', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 3, ptr = 'yes' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 3, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'yes' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.20.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136265112, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=19, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 19 fieldname = 'deny' describeCol: col 19 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 19 column_size = 95 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=19, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 19 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 19 *pcbColDef = 95 describeCol: col 19 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 19 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136269040 value = '(null)' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 19, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '(null)' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.21.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136265112, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=20, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 20 fieldname = 'permit' describeCol: col 20 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 20 column_size = 95 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=20, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 20 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 20 *pcbColDef = 95 describeCol: col 20 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 20 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136269040 value = '(null)' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 20, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '(null)' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.22.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136265112, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=21, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 21 fieldname = 'mask' describeCol: col 21 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 21 column_size = 95 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=21, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 21 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 21 *pcbColDef = 95 describeCol: col 21 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 21 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136269040 value = '(null)' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 21, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '(null)' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.23.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136265112, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=22, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 22 fieldname = 'pickupgroup' describeCol: col 22 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 22 column_size = 10 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=22, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 22 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 22 *pcbColDef = 10 describeCol: col 22 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 22 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136269040 value = '(null)' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 22, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '(null)' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.24.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136265112, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=23, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 23 fieldname = 'port' describeCol: col 23 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 23 column_size = 5 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=23, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 23 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 23 *pcbColDef = 5 describeCol: col 23 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 23 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136269040 value = '57274' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 23, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '57274' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '57274', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 5, ptr = '57274' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 5, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '57274' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.25.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136265112, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=24, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 24 fieldname = 'qualify' describeCol: col 24 fieldtype = 1042 describeCol: col 24 column_size = 4 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=24, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 24 *pfSqlType = 1 describeCol: col 24 *pcbColDef = 4 describeCol: col 24 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 24 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136269040 value = 'no ' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 24, fCType = 1, field_type = 1042, value = 'no ' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1042, fctype = 1, value = 'no ', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 4, ptr = 'no ' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 4, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'no ' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.26.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136265112, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=25, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 25 fieldname = 'restrictcid' describeCol: col 25 fieldtype = 1042 describeCol: col 25 column_size = 1 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=25, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 25 *pfSqlType = 1 describeCol: col 25 *pcbColDef = 1 describeCol: col 25 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 25 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136269040 value = '(null)' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 25, fCType = 1, field_type = 1042, value = '(null)' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1042, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.27.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136265112, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=26, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 26 fieldname = 'rtptimeout' describeCol: col 26 fieldtype = 1042 describeCol: col 26 column_size = 3 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=26, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 26 *pfSqlType = 1 describeCol: col 26 *pcbColDef = 3 describeCol: col 26 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 26 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136269040 value = '(null)' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 26, fCType = 1, field_type = 1042, value = '(null)' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1042, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.28.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136265112, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=27, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 27 fieldname = 'rtpholdtimeout' describeCol: col 27 fieldtype = 1042 describeCol: col 27 column_size = 5 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=27, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 27 *pfSqlType = 1 describeCol: col 27 *pcbColDef = 5 describeCol: col 27 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 27 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136269040 value = '(null)' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 27, fCType = 1, field_type = 1042, value = '(null)' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1042, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.29.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136265112, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=28, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 28 fieldname = 'secret' describeCol: col 28 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 28 column_size = 80 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=28, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 28 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 28 *pcbColDef = 80 describeCol: col 28 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 28 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136269040 value = '47p00k$!' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 28, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '47p00k$!' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '47p00k$!', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 8, ptr = '47p00k$!' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 8, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '47p00k$!' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.30.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136265112, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=29, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 29 fieldname = 'type' describeCol: col 29 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 29 column_size = 6 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=29, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 29 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 29 *pcbColDef = 6 describeCol: col 29 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 29 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136269040 value = 'friend' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 29, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = 'friend' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = 'friend', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 6, ptr = 'friend' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 6, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'friend' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.31.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136265112, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=30, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 30 fieldname = 'username' describeCol: col 30 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 30 column_size = 80 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=30, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 30 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 30 *pcbColDef = 80 describeCol: col 30 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 30 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136269040 value = 'BruceMcAlisterE61' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 30, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = 'BruceMcAlisterE61' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = 'BruceMcAlisterE61', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 17, ptr = 'BruceMcAlisterE61' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 17, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'BruceMcAlisterE61' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.32.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136265112, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=31, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 31 fieldname = 'disallow' describeCol: col 31 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 31 column_size = 100 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=31, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 31 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 31 *pcbColDef = 100 describeCol: col 31 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 31 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136269040 value = '' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 31, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 0, ptr = '' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 0, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.33.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136265112, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=32, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 32 fieldname = 'allow' describeCol: col 32 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 32 column_size = 100 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=32, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 32 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 32 *pcbColDef = 100 describeCol: col 32 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 32 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136269040 value = '' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 32, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 0, ptr = '' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 0, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.34.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136265112, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=33, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 33 fieldname = 'mohsuggest' describeCol: col 33 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 33 column_size = 100 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=33, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 33 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 33 *pcbColDef = 100 describeCol: col 33 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 33 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136269040 value = '(null)' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 33, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '(null)' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.35.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136265112, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 describeCol: col 34 fieldname = 'regseconds' describeCol: col 34 fieldtype = 23 describeCol: col 34 column_size = 10 describeCol: col 34 *pfSqlType = 4 describeCol: col 34 *pcbColDef = 10 describeCol: col 34 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 34 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136269040 value = '1204282587' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 34, fCType = 1, field_type = 23, value = '1204282587' copy_and_convert: field_type = 23, fctype = 1, value = '1204282587', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 10, ptr = '1204282587' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 10, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '1204282587' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.36.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136265112, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=35, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 35 fieldname = 'ipaddr' describeCol: col 35 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 35 column_size = 15 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=35, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 35 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 35 *pcbColDef = 15 describeCol: col 35 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 35 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136269040 value = '' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 35, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 12, ptr = '' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 12, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.37.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136265112, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=36, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 36 fieldname = 'regexten' describeCol: col 36 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 36 column_size = 80 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=36, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 36 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 36 *pcbColDef = 80 describeCol: col 36 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 36 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136269040 value = '' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 36, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 0, ptr = '' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 0, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.38.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136265112, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=37, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 37 fieldname = 'cancallforward' describeCol: col 37 fieldtype = 1042 describeCol: col 37 column_size = 3 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=37, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 37 *pfSqlType = 1 describeCol: col 37 *pcbColDef = 3 describeCol: col 37 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 37 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136269040 value = 'yes' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 37, fCType = 1, field_type = 1042, value = 'yes' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1042, fctype = 1, value = 'yes', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 3, ptr = 'yes' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 3, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'yes' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.39.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136265112, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=38, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 38 fieldname = 'setvar' describeCol: col 38 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 38 column_size = 100 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=38, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 38 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 38 *pcbColDef = 100 describeCol: col 38 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 38 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136269040 value = '' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 38, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 0, ptr = '' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 0, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.40.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136265112, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getTimestampColumnSize: type=1184, col=39 getTimestampDecimalDigits: type=1184, col=39 atttypmod1=-1 atttypmod2=-1 getTimestampDecimalDigits: type=1184, col=39 atttypmod1=-1 atttypmod2=-1 describeCol: col 39 fieldname = 'inserted' describeCol: col 39 fieldtype = 1184 describeCol: col 39 column_size = 26 describeCol: col 39 *pfSqlType = 93 describeCol: col 39 *pcbColDef = 26 describeCol: col 39 *pibScale = 6 describeCol: col 39 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136269040 value = '2007-09-01 17:48:54.464028+01' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 39, fCType = 1, field_type = 1184, value = '2007-09-01 17:48:54.464028+01' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1184, fctype = 1, value = '2007-09-01 17:48:54.464028+01', cbValueMax=2048 2stime fr=464028000 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.41.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136265112, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getTimestampColumnSize: type=1184, col=40 getTimestampDecimalDigits: type=1184, col=40 atttypmod1=-1 atttypmod2=-1 getTimestampDecimalDigits: type=1184, col=40 atttypmod1=-1 atttypmod2=-1 describeCol: col 40 fieldname = 'lastregister' describeCol: col 40 fieldtype = 1184 describeCol: col 40 column_size = 26 describeCol: col 40 *pfSqlType = 93 describeCol: col 40 *pcbColDef = 26 describeCol: col 40 *pibScale = 6 describeCol: col 40 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136269040 value = '2008-02-22 10:45:23+00' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 40, fCType = 1, field_type = 1184, value = '2008-02-22 10:45:23+00' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1184, fctype = 1, value = '2008-02-22 10:45:23+00', cbValueMax=2048 2stime fr=0 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.42.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136265112, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=41, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 41 fieldname = 'useragent' describeCol: col 41 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 41 column_size = 128 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=41, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 41 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 41 *pcbColDef = 128 describeCol: col 41 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 41 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136269040 value = 'X-Lite release 1011s stamp 41150' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 41, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = 'X-Lite release 1011s stamp 41150' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = 'X-Lite release 1011s stamp 41150', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 32, ptr = 'X-Lite release 1011s stamp 41150' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 32, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'X-Lite release 1011s stamp 41150' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.43.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136265112, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=42, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 42 fieldname = 'natsendkeepalives' describeCol: col 42 fieldtype = 1042 describeCol: col 42 column_size = 1 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=42, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 42 *pfSqlType = 1 describeCol: col 42 *pcbColDef = 1 describeCol: col 42 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 42 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136269040 value = 'n' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 42, fCType = 1, field_type = 1042, value = 'n' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1042, fctype = 1, value = 'n', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 1, ptr = 'n' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 1, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'n' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.44.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136265112, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=43, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 43 fieldname = 'natconnectionstate' describeCol: col 43 fieldtype = 1042 describeCol: col 43 column_size = 1 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=43, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 43 *pfSqlType = 1 describeCol: col 43 *pcbColDef = 1 describeCol: col 43 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 43 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136269040 value = 'd' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 43, fCType = 1, field_type = 1042, value = 'd' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1042, fctype = 1, value = 'd', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 1, ptr = 'd' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 1, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'd' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.45.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136265112, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=44, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 44 fieldname = 'outboundproxyport' describeCol: col 44 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 44 column_size = 5 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=44, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 44 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 44 *pcbColDef = 5 describeCol: col 44 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 44 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136269040 value = '' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 44, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 0, ptr = '' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 0, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.46.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136265112, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=45, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 45 fieldname = 'outboundproxy' describeCol: col 45 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 45 column_size = 31 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=45, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 45 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 45 *pcbColDef = 31 describeCol: col 45 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 45 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136269040 value = '' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 45, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 0, ptr = '' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 0, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.47.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136265112, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=46, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 46 fieldname = 'voicemailextension' describeCol: col 46 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 46 column_size = 128 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=46, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 46 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 46 *pcbColDef = 128 describeCol: col 46 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 46 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136269040 value = '3031' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 46, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '3031' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '3031', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 4, ptr = '3031' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 4, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '3031' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.48.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136265112, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=47, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 47 fieldname = 'pstncallerid' describeCol: col 47 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 47 column_size = 24 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=47, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 47 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 47 *pcbColDef = 24 describeCol: col 47 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 47 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136269040 value = '0035318262900' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 47, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '0035318262900' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '0035318262900', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 13, ptr = '0035318262900' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 13, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '0035318262900' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.49.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136265112, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=48, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 48 fieldname = 'dialplan' describeCol: col 48 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 48 column_size = 64 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=48, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 48 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 48 *pcbColDef = 64 describeCol: col 48 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 48 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136269040 value = '' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 48, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 0, ptr = '' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 0, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.50.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136265112, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=49, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 49 fieldname = 'whitelabelid' describeCol: col 49 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 49 column_size = 32 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=49, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 49 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 49 *pcbColDef = 32 describeCol: col 49 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 49 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136269040 value = 'blueface' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 49, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = 'blueface' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = 'blueface', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 8, ptr = 'blueface' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 8, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'blueface' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.51.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136265112, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=50, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 50 fieldname = 'localcallprefix' describeCol: col 50 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 50 column_size = 10 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=50, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 50 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 50 *pcbColDef = 10 describeCol: col 50 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 50 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136269040 value = '(null)' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 50, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '(null)' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.52.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136265112, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=51, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 51 fieldname = 'comment' describeCol: col 51 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 51 column_size = 512 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=51, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 51 *pfSqlType = -1 describeCol: col 51 *pcbColDef = 512 describeCol: col 51 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 51 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136269040 value = 'Provisioned by bruce.mcalister on 01 Sep 2007 17:48:54.' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 51, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = 'Provisioned by bruce.mcalister on 01 Sep 2007 17:48:54.' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = 'Provisioned by bruce.mcalister on 01 Sep 2007 17:48:54.', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 55, ptr = 'Provisioned by bruce.mcalister on 01 Sep 2007 17:48:54.' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 55, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'Provisioned by bruce.mcalister on 01 Sep 2007 17:48:54.' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.53.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136265112, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=52, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 52 fieldname = 'createdbyuser' describeCol: col 52 fieldtype = 1042 describeCol: col 52 column_size = 3 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=52, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 52 *pfSqlType = 1 describeCol: col 52 *pcbColDef = 3 describeCol: col 52 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 52 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136269040 value = 'yes' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 52, fCType = 1, field_type = 1042, value = 'yes' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1042, fctype = 1, value = 'yes', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 3, ptr = 'yes' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 3, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'yes' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.54.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136265112, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=53, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 53 fieldname = 'progressinband' describeCol: col 53 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 53 column_size = 5 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=53, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 53 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 53 *pcbColDef = 5 describeCol: col 53 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 53 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136269040 value = 'no' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 53, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = 'no' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = 'no', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 2, ptr = 'no' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 2, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'no' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.55.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136265112, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 describeCol: col 54 fieldname = 'call-limit' describeCol: col 54 fieldtype = 23 describeCol: col 54 column_size = 10 describeCol: col 54 *pfSqlType = 4 describeCol: col 54 *pcbColDef = 10 describeCol: col 54 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 54 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136269040 value = '10' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 54, fCType = 1, field_type = 23, value = '10' copy_and_convert: field_type = 23, fctype = 1, value = '10', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 2, ptr = '10' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 2, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '10' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.56.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136265112, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=55, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 55 fieldname = 'regserver' describeCol: col 55 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 55 column_size = 100 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=55, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 55 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 55 *pcbColDef = 100 describeCol: col 55 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 55 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136269040 value = '' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 55, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 0, ptr = '' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 0, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '' [[SQLFreeHandle]]PGAPI_FreeStmt: entering...hstmt=136269040, fOption=1 QResult: in DESTRUCTOR TupleList: in DESTRUCTOR TupleList: exit DESTRUCTOR QResult: free memory in, fcount=101 QResult: free memory out QResult: exit DESTRUCTOR SC_Destructor: self=136269040, self->result=0, self->hdbc=135891512 APD_free_params: ENTER, self=136269292 APD_free_params: EXIT IPD_free_params: ENTER, self=136269356 IPD_free_params: EXIT PDATA_free_params: ENTER, self=136269472 PDATA_free_params: EXIT ARDFields_free 81f4d78 bookmark=81ea838ARD_unbind_cols freeall=1 allocated=56 bindings=81f3e18 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136269176, bindings_allocated=56, icol=1 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136269176, bindings_allocated=56, icol=2 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136269176, bindings_allocated=56, icol=3 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136269176, bindings_allocated=56, icol=4 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136269176, bindings_allocated=56, icol=5 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136269176, bindings_allocated=56, icol=6 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136269176, bindings_allocated=56, icol=7 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136269176, bindings_allocated=56, icol=8 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136269176, bindings_allocated=56, icol=9 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136269176, bindings_allocated=56, icol=10 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136269176, bindings_allocated=56, icol=11 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136269176, bindings_allocated=56, icol=12 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136269176, bindings_allocated=56, icol=13 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136269176, bindings_allocated=56, icol=14 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136269176, bindings_allocated=56, icol=15 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136269176, bindings_allocated=56, icol=16 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136269176, bindings_allocated=56, icol=17 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136269176, bindings_allocated=56, icol=18 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136269176, bindings_allocated=56, icol=19 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136269176, bindings_allocated=56, icol=20 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136269176, bindings_allocated=56, icol=21 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136269176, bindings_allocated=56, icol=22 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136269176, bindings_allocated=56, icol=23 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136269176, bindings_allocated=56, icol=24 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136269176, bindings_allocated=56, icol=25 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136269176, bindings_allocated=56, icol=26 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136269176, bindings_allocated=56, icol=27 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136269176, bindings_allocated=56, icol=28 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136269176, bindings_allocated=56, icol=29 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136269176, bindings_allocated=56, icol=30 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136269176, bindings_allocated=56, icol=31 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136269176, bindings_allocated=56, icol=32 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136269176, bindings_allocated=56, icol=33 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136269176, bindings_allocated=56, icol=34 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136269176, bindings_allocated=56, icol=35 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136269176, bindings_allocated=56, icol=36 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136269176, bindings_allocated=56, icol=37 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136269176, bindings_allocated=56, icol=38 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136269176, bindings_allocated=56, icol=39 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136269176, bindings_allocated=56, icol=40 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136269176, bindings_allocated=56, icol=41 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136269176, bindings_allocated=56, icol=42 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136269176, bindings_allocated=56, icol=43 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136269176, bindings_allocated=56, icol=44 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136269176, bindings_allocated=56, icol=45 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136269176, bindings_allocated=56, icol=46 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136269176, bindings_allocated=56, icol=47 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136269176, bindings_allocated=56, icol=48 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136269176, bindings_allocated=56, icol=49 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136269176, bindings_allocated=56, icol=50 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136269176, bindings_allocated=56, icol=51 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136269176, bindings_allocated=56, icol=52 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136269176, bindings_allocated=56, icol=53 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136269176, bindings_allocated=56, icol=54 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136269176, bindings_allocated=56, icol=55 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136269176, bindings_allocated=56, icol=56 APD_free_params: ENTER, self=136269292 IPD_free_params: ENTER, self=136269356 GDATA_unbind_cols freeall=1 allocated=56 gdata=82079b8 SC_Destructor: EXIT [[SQLAllocHandle]]PGAPI_AllocStmt: entering... SC_Constructor: entering ... SC_Constructor: created stmt = 136261048 **** PGAPI_AllocStmt: hdbc = 135891512, stmt = 136261048 CC_add_statement: self=135891512, stmt=136261048 [[SQLGetStmtAttr]] Handle=136261048 10010 PGAPI_GetStmtAttr Handle=136261048 10010 [[SQLGetStmtAttr]] Handle=136261048 10011 PGAPI_GetStmtAttr Handle=136261048 10011 [[SQLGetStmtAttr]] Handle=136261048 10012 PGAPI_GetStmtAttr Handle=136261048 10012 [[SQLGetStmtAttr]] Handle=136261048 10013 PGAPI_GetStmtAttr Handle=136261048 10013 [SQLPrepare]PGAPI_Prepare: entering... **** PGAPI_Prepare: STMT_ALLOCATED, copy [SQLBindParameter]PGAPI_BindParameter: entering... extend_parameter_bindings: entering ... self=136261300, parameters_allocated=0, num_params=1 exit extend_parameter_bindings extend_iparameter_bindings: entering ... self=136261364, parameters_allocated=0, num_params=1 exit extend_iparameter_bindings extend_putdata_info: entering ... self=136261480, parameters_allocated=0, num_params=1 exit extend_putdata_info PGAPI_BindParamater: ipar=0, paramType=1, fCType=1, fSqlType=1, cbColDef=4, ibScale=0, rgbValue=-88176352, *pcbValue = -777, data_at_exec = 0 [SQLBindParameter]PGAPI_BindParameter: entering... extend_parameter_bindings: entering ... self=136261300, parameters_allocated=1, num_params=2 exit extend_parameter_bindings extend_iparameter_bindings: entering ... self=136261364, parameters_allocated=1, num_params=2 exit extend_iparameter_bindings extend_putdata_info: entering ... self=136261480, parameters_allocated=1, num_params=2 exit extend_putdata_info PGAPI_BindParamater: ipar=1, paramType=1, fCType=1, fSqlType=1, cbColDef=13, ibScale=0, rgbValue=-88180623, *pcbValue = -777, data_at_exec = 0 [SQLExecute]PGAPI_Execute: entering... PGAPI_Execute: clear errors... recycle statement: self= 136261048 PDATA_free_params: ENTER, self=136261480 PDATA_free_params: EXIT PGAPI_NumParams: entering... Exec_with_parameters_resolved: copying statement params: trans_status=1, len=65, stmt='SELECT * FROM voicemailaccounts WHERE mailbox = ? AND context = ?' ResolveOneParam: from(fcType)=1, to(fSqlType)=1 ResolveOneParam: from(fcType)=1, to(fSqlType)=1 stmt_with_params = 'SELECT * FROM voicemailaccounts WHERE mailbox = '3031' AND context = 'bluefaceusers'' Sending SELECT statement on stmt=136261048, cursor_name='SQL_CUR81f2db8' send_query(): conn=135891512, query='SELECT * FROM voicemailaccounts WHERE mailbox = '3031' AND context = 'bluefaceusers'' LIBPQ_execute_query: entering ... in QR_Constructor exit QR_Constructor LIBPQ_execute_query: get next result with status = 2 LIBPQ_execute_query: query = SELECT * FROM voicemailaccounts WHERE mailbox = '3031' AND context = 'bluefaceusers' LIBPQ_execute_query: rest types ... LIBPQ_execute_query: recent_processed_row_count = 1 CC_mapping: entering ... CC_mapping: rows = 1, columns = 29 CC_mapping: column = 0 CC_mapping: set field info: name = uniqueid, typ = 1043, typlen = 36, attypmod = 36 CC_mapping: column = 1 CC_mapping: set field info: name = accountcode, typ = 1043, typlen = 20, attypmod = 20 CC_mapping: column = 2 CC_mapping: set field info: name = context, typ = 1043, typlen = 50, attypmod = 50 CC_mapping: column = 3 CC_mapping: set field info: name = mailbox, typ = 1043, typlen = 11, attypmod = 11 CC_mapping: column = 4 CC_mapping: set field info: name = password, typ = 1043, typlen = 6, attypmod = 6 CC_mapping: column = 5 CC_mapping: set field info: name = fullname, typ = 1043, typlen = 150, attypmod = 150 CC_mapping: column = 6 CC_mapping: set field info: name = email, typ = 1043, typlen = 1024, attypmod = 1024 CC_mapping: column = 7 CC_mapping: set field info: name = pager, typ = 1043, typlen = 50, attypmod = 50 CC_mapping: column = 8 CC_mapping: set field info: name = tz, typ = 1043, typlen = 10, attypmod = 10 CC_mapping: column = 9 CC_mapping: set field info: name = attach, typ = 1043, typlen = 4, attypmod = 4 CC_mapping: column = 10 CC_mapping: set field info: name = saycid, typ = 1043, typlen = 4, attypmod = 4 CC_mapping: column = 11 CC_mapping: set field info: name = dialout, typ = 1043, typlen = 10, attypmod = 10 CC_mapping: column = 12 CC_mapping: set field info: name = callback, typ = 1043, typlen = 10, attypmod = 10 CC_mapping: column = 13 CC_mapping: set field info: name = review, typ = 1043, typlen = 4, attypmod = 4 CC_mapping: column = 14 CC_mapping: set field info: name = operator, typ = 1043, typlen = 4, attypmod = 4 CC_mapping: column = 15 CC_mapping: set field info: name = envelope, typ = 1043, typlen = 4, attypmod = 4 CC_mapping: column = 16 CC_mapping: set field info: name = sayduration, typ = 1043, typlen = 4, attypmod = 4 CC_mapping: column = 17 CC_mapping: set field info: name = saydurationm, typ = 21, typlen = 2, attypmod = -1 CC_mapping: column = 18 CC_mapping: set field info: name = sendvoicemail, typ = 1043, typlen = 4, attypmod = 4 CC_mapping: column = 19 CC_mapping: set field info: name = delete, typ = 1043, typlen = 4, attypmod = 4 CC_mapping: column = 20 CC_mapping: set field info: name = nextaftercmd, typ = 1043, typlen = 4, attypmod = 4 CC_mapping: column = 21 CC_mapping: set field info: name = forcename, typ = 1043, typlen = 4, attypmod = 4 CC_mapping: column = 22 CC_mapping: set field info: name = forcegreetings, typ = 1043, typlen = 4, attypmod = 4 CC_mapping: column = 23 CC_mapping: set field info: name = hidefromdir, typ = 1043, typlen = 4, attypmod = 4 CC_mapping: column = 24 CC_mapping: set field info: name = stamp, typ = 1114, typlen = 8, attypmod = -1 CC_mapping: column = 25 CC_mapping: set field info: name = mwi, typ = 1043, typlen = 4, attypmod = 4 CC_mapping: column = 26 CC_mapping: set field info: name = mwilastupdated, typ = 1114, typlen = 8, attypmod = -1 CC_mapping: column = 27 CC_mapping: set field info: name = playinstructions, typ = 16, typlen = 1, attypmod = -1 CC_mapping: column = 28 CC_mapping: set field info: name = vmmpasswordprompt, typ = 16, typlen = 1, attypmod = -1 in TL_Constructor exit TL_Constructor CC_mapping: fetch column = uniqueid, value = fcdadd0c-a2b3-4e77-88d0-e2d37ab185f2 CC_mapping: fetch column = accountcode, value = myaccountcode123456 CC_mapping: fetch column = context, value = bluefaceusers CC_mapping: fetch column = mailbox, value = 3031 CC_mapping: fetch column = password, value = 12345 CC_mapping: fetch column = fullname, value = Bruce McAlister CC_mapping: fetch column = email, value = CC_mapping: fetch column = pager, value = CC_mapping: fetch column = tz, value = IST CC_mapping: fetch column = attach, value = yes CC_mapping: fetch column = saycid, value = yes CC_mapping: fetch column = dialout, value = CC_mapping: fetch column = callback, value = CC_mapping: fetch column = review, value = no CC_mapping: fetch column = operator, value = no CC_mapping: fetch column = envelope, value = no CC_mapping: fetch column = sayduration, value = no CC_mapping: fetch column = saydurationm, value = 1 CC_mapping: fetch column = sendvoicemail, value = no CC_mapping: fetch column = delete, value = no CC_mapping: fetch column = nextaftercmd, value = yes CC_mapping: fetch column = forcename, value = no CC_mapping: fetch column = forcegreetings, value = no CC_mapping: fetch column = hidefromdir, value = yes CC_mapping: fetch column = stamp, value = 2006-04-18 13:33:25.062 CC_mapping: fetch column = mwi, value = no CC_mapping: fetch column = mwilastupdated, value = 2008-02-17 10:48:14.515525 CC_mapping: fetch column = playinstructions, value = t CC_mapping: fetch column = vmmpasswordprompt, value = t send_query: done sending query with status: 2 QR_fetch_tuples: cursor = '', self->cursor=0 QR_fetch_tuples: past CI_read_fields: num_fields = 29 MALLOC: tuple_size = 100, size = 23200 done sending the query: extend_column_bindings: entering ... self=136261184, bindings_allocated=0, num_columns=29 exit extend_column_bindings [SQLNumResultCols]PGAPI_NumResultCols: entering... SC_pre_execute: status = 3 PGAPI_NumResultCols: result = 136271272, status = 3, numcols = 29 [[SQLFetch]]PGAPI_ExtendedFetch: stmt=136261048 SQL_FETCH_NEXT: num_tuples=1, currtuple=-1 PGAPI_ExtendedFetch: new currTuple = -1 manual_result = 1, use_declarefetch = 0 **** SC_fetch: manual_result extend_getdata_info: entering ... self=136261404, gdata_allocated=0, num_columns=29 exit extend_gdata_info fetch: cols=29, lf=0, opts = 136261184, opts->bindings = 136322136, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=29, lf=1, opts = 136261184, opts->bindings = 136322136, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=29, lf=2, opts = 136261184, opts->bindings = 136322136, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=29, lf=3, opts = 136261184, opts->bindings = 136322136, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=29, lf=4, opts = 136261184, opts->bindings = 136322136, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=29, lf=5, opts = 136261184, opts->bindings = 136322136, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=29, lf=6, opts = 136261184, opts->bindings = 136322136, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=29, lf=7, opts = 136261184, opts->bindings = 136322136, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=29, lf=8, opts = 136261184, opts->bindings = 136322136, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=29, lf=9, opts = 136261184, opts->bindings = 136322136, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=29, lf=10, opts = 136261184, opts->bindings = 136322136, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=29, lf=11, opts = 136261184, opts->bindings = 136322136, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=29, lf=12, opts = 136261184, opts->bindings = 136322136, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=29, lf=13, opts = 136261184, opts->bindings = 136322136, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=29, lf=14, opts = 136261184, opts->bindings = 136322136, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=29, lf=15, opts = 136261184, opts->bindings = 136322136, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=29, lf=16, opts = 136261184, opts->bindings = 136322136, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=29, lf=17, opts = 136261184, opts->bindings = 136322136, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=29, lf=18, opts = 136261184, opts->bindings = 136322136, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=29, lf=19, opts = 136261184, opts->bindings = 136322136, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=29, lf=20, opts = 136261184, opts->bindings = 136322136, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=29, lf=21, opts = 136261184, opts->bindings = 136322136, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=29, lf=22, opts = 136261184, opts->bindings = 136322136, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=29, lf=23, opts = 136261184, opts->bindings = 136322136, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=29, lf=24, opts = 136261184, opts->bindings = 136322136, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=29, lf=25, opts = 136261184, opts->bindings = 136322136, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=29, lf=26, opts = 136261184, opts->bindings = 136322136, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=29, lf=27, opts = 136261184, opts->bindings = 136322136, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=29, lf=28, opts = 136261184, opts->bindings = 136322136, buffer[] = 0 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.1.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136271272, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=0, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 0 fieldname = 'uniqueid' describeCol: col 0 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 0 column_size = 36 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=0, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 0 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 0 *pcbColDef = 36 describeCol: col 0 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 0 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136261048 value = 'fcdadd0c-a2b3-4e77-88d0-e2d37ab185f2' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 0, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = 'fcdadd0c-a2b3-4e77-88d0-e2d37ab185f2' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = 'fcdadd0c-a2b3-4e77-88d0-e2d37ab185f2', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 36, ptr = 'fcdadd0c-a2b3-4e77-88d0-e2d37ab185f2' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 36, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'fcdadd0c-a2b3-4e77-88d0-e2d37ab185f2' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.2.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136271272, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=1, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 1 fieldname = 'accountcode' describeCol: col 1 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 1 column_size = 20 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=1, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 1 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 1 *pcbColDef = 20 describeCol: col 1 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 1 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136261048 value = 'myaccountcode123456' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 1, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = 'myaccountcode123456' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = 'myaccountcode123456', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 19, ptr = 'myaccountcode123456' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 19, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'myaccountcode123456' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.3.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136271272, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=2, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 2 fieldname = 'context' describeCol: col 2 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 2 column_size = 50 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=2, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 2 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 2 *pcbColDef = 50 describeCol: col 2 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 2 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136261048 value = 'bluefaceusers' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 2, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = 'bluefaceusers' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = 'bluefaceusers', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 13, ptr = 'bluefaceusers' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 13, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'bluefaceusers' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.4.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136271272, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=3, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 3 fieldname = 'mailbox' describeCol: col 3 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 3 column_size = 11 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=3, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 3 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 3 *pcbColDef = 11 describeCol: col 3 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 3 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136261048 value = '3031' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 3, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '3031' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '3031', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 4, ptr = '3031' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 4, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '3031' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.5.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136271272, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=4, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 4 fieldname = 'password' describeCol: col 4 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 4 column_size = 6 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=4, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 4 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 4 *pcbColDef = 6 describeCol: col 4 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 4 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136261048 value = '12345' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 4, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '12345' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '12345', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 5, ptr = '12345' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 5, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '12345' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.6.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136271272, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=5, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 5 fieldname = 'fullname' describeCol: col 5 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 5 column_size = 150 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=5, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 5 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 5 *pcbColDef = 150 describeCol: col 5 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 5 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136261048 value = 'Bruce McAlister' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 5, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = 'Bruce McAlister' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = 'Bruce McAlister', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 15, ptr = 'Bruce McAlister' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 15, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'Bruce McAlister' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.7.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136271272, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=6, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 6 fieldname = 'email' describeCol: col 6 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 6 column_size = 1024 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=6, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 6 *pfSqlType = -1 describeCol: col 6 *pcbColDef = 1024 describeCol: col 6 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 6 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136261048 value = '' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 6, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 26, ptr = '' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 26, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.8.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136271272, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=7, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 7 fieldname = 'pager' describeCol: col 7 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 7 column_size = 50 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=7, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 7 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 7 *pcbColDef = 50 describeCol: col 7 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 7 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136261048 value = '' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 7, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 0, ptr = '' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 0, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.9.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136271272, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=8, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 8 fieldname = 'tz' describeCol: col 8 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 8 column_size = 10 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=8, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 8 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 8 *pcbColDef = 10 describeCol: col 8 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 8 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136261048 value = 'IST' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 8, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = 'IST' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = 'IST', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 3, ptr = 'IST' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 3, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'IST' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.10.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136271272, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=9, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 9 fieldname = 'attach' describeCol: col 9 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 9 column_size = 4 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=9, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 9 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 9 *pcbColDef = 4 describeCol: col 9 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 9 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136261048 value = 'yes' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 9, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = 'yes' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = 'yes', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 3, ptr = 'yes' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 3, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'yes' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.11.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136271272, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=10, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 10 fieldname = 'saycid' describeCol: col 10 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 10 column_size = 4 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=10, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 10 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 10 *pcbColDef = 4 describeCol: col 10 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 10 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136261048 value = 'yes' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 10, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = 'yes' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = 'yes', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 3, ptr = 'yes' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 3, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'yes' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.12.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136271272, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=11, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 11 fieldname = 'dialout' describeCol: col 11 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 11 column_size = 10 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=11, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 11 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 11 *pcbColDef = 10 describeCol: col 11 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 11 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136261048 value = '' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 11, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 0, ptr = '' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 0, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.13.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136271272, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=12, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 12 fieldname = 'callback' describeCol: col 12 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 12 column_size = 10 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=12, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 12 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 12 *pcbColDef = 10 describeCol: col 12 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 12 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136261048 value = '' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 12, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 0, ptr = '' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 0, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.14.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136271272, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=13, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 13 fieldname = 'review' describeCol: col 13 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 13 column_size = 4 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=13, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 13 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 13 *pcbColDef = 4 describeCol: col 13 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 13 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136261048 value = 'no' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 13, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = 'no' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = 'no', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 2, ptr = 'no' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 2, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'no' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.15.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136271272, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=14, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 14 fieldname = 'operator' describeCol: col 14 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 14 column_size = 4 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=14, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 14 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 14 *pcbColDef = 4 describeCol: col 14 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 14 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136261048 value = 'no' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 14, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = 'no' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = 'no', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 2, ptr = 'no' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 2, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'no' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.16.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136271272, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=15, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 15 fieldname = 'envelope' describeCol: col 15 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 15 column_size = 4 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=15, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 15 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 15 *pcbColDef = 4 describeCol: col 15 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 15 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136261048 value = 'no' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 15, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = 'no' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = 'no', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 2, ptr = 'no' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 2, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'no' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.17.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136271272, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=16, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 16 fieldname = 'sayduration' describeCol: col 16 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 16 column_size = 4 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=16, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 16 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 16 *pcbColDef = 4 describeCol: col 16 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 16 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136261048 value = 'no' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 16, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = 'no' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = 'no', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 2, ptr = 'no' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 2, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'no' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.18.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136271272, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 describeCol: col 17 fieldname = 'saydurationm' describeCol: col 17 fieldtype = 21 describeCol: col 17 column_size = 5 describeCol: col 17 *pfSqlType = 5 describeCol: col 17 *pcbColDef = 5 describeCol: col 17 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 17 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136261048 value = '1' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 17, fCType = 1, field_type = 21, value = '1' copy_and_convert: field_type = 21, fctype = 1, value = '1', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 1, ptr = '1' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 1, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '1' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.19.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136271272, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=18, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 18 fieldname = 'sendvoicemail' describeCol: col 18 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 18 column_size = 4 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=18, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 18 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 18 *pcbColDef = 4 describeCol: col 18 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 18 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136261048 value = 'no' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 18, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = 'no' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = 'no', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 2, ptr = 'no' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 2, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'no' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.20.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136271272, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=19, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 19 fieldname = 'delete' describeCol: col 19 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 19 column_size = 4 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=19, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 19 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 19 *pcbColDef = 4 describeCol: col 19 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 19 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136261048 value = 'no' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 19, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = 'no' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = 'no', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 2, ptr = 'no' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 2, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'no' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.21.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136271272, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=20, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 20 fieldname = 'nextaftercmd' describeCol: col 20 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 20 column_size = 4 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=20, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 20 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 20 *pcbColDef = 4 describeCol: col 20 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 20 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136261048 value = 'yes' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 20, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = 'yes' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = 'yes', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 3, ptr = 'yes' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 3, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'yes' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.22.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136271272, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=21, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 21 fieldname = 'forcename' describeCol: col 21 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 21 column_size = 4 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=21, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 21 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 21 *pcbColDef = 4 describeCol: col 21 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 21 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136261048 value = 'no' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 21, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = 'no' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = 'no', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 2, ptr = 'no' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 2, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'no' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.23.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136271272, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=22, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 22 fieldname = 'forcegreetings' describeCol: col 22 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 22 column_size = 4 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=22, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 22 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 22 *pcbColDef = 4 describeCol: col 22 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 22 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136261048 value = 'no' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 22, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = 'no' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = 'no', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 2, ptr = 'no' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 2, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'no' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.24.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136271272, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=23, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 23 fieldname = 'hidefromdir' describeCol: col 23 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 23 column_size = 4 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=23, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 23 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 23 *pcbColDef = 4 describeCol: col 23 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 23 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136261048 value = 'yes' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 23, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = 'yes' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = 'yes', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 3, ptr = 'yes' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 3, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'yes' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.25.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136271272, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getTimestampColumnSize: type=1114, col=24 getTimestampDecimalDigits: type=1114, col=24 atttypmod1=-1 atttypmod2=-1 getTimestampDecimalDigits: type=1114, col=24 atttypmod1=-1 atttypmod2=-1 describeCol: col 24 fieldname = 'stamp' describeCol: col 24 fieldtype = 1114 describeCol: col 24 column_size = 26 describeCol: col 24 *pfSqlType = 93 describeCol: col 24 *pcbColDef = 26 describeCol: col 24 *pibScale = 6 describeCol: col 24 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136261048 value = '2006-04-18 13:33:25.062' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 24, fCType = 1, field_type = 1114, value = '2006-04-18 13:33:25.062' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1114, fctype = 1, value = '2006-04-18 13:33:25.062', cbValueMax=2048 2stime fr=62000000 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.26.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136271272, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=25, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 25 fieldname = 'mwi' describeCol: col 25 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 25 column_size = 4 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=25, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 25 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 25 *pcbColDef = 4 describeCol: col 25 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 25 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136261048 value = 'no' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 25, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = 'no' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = 'no', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 2, ptr = 'no' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 2, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'no' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.27.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136271272, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getTimestampColumnSize: type=1114, col=26 getTimestampDecimalDigits: type=1114, col=26 atttypmod1=-1 atttypmod2=-1 getTimestampDecimalDigits: type=1114, col=26 atttypmod1=-1 atttypmod2=-1 describeCol: col 26 fieldname = 'mwilastupdated' describeCol: col 26 fieldtype = 1114 describeCol: col 26 column_size = 26 describeCol: col 26 *pfSqlType = 93 describeCol: col 26 *pcbColDef = 26 describeCol: col 26 *pibScale = 6 describeCol: col 26 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136261048 value = '2008-02-17 10:48:14.515525' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 26, fCType = 1, field_type = 1114, value = '2008-02-17 10:48:14.515525' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1114, fctype = 1, value = '2008-02-17 10:48:14.515525', cbValueMax=2048 2stime fr=515525000 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.28.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136271272, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 describeCol: col 27 fieldname = 'playinstructions' describeCol: col 27 fieldtype = 16 describeCol: col 27 column_size = 1 describeCol: col 27 *pfSqlType = 1 describeCol: col 27 *pcbColDef = 1 describeCol: col 27 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 27 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136261048 value = 't' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 27, fCType = 1, field_type = 16, value = 't' copy_and_convert: field_type = 16, fctype = 1, value = 't', cbValueMax=2048 PG_TYPE_BOOL: rgbValueBindRow = '1' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.29.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136271272, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 describeCol: col 28 fieldname = 'vmmpasswordprompt' describeCol: col 28 fieldtype = 16 describeCol: col 28 column_size = 1 describeCol: col 28 *pfSqlType = 1 describeCol: col 28 *pcbColDef = 1 describeCol: col 28 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 28 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136261048 value = 't' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 28, fCType = 1, field_type = 16, value = 't' copy_and_convert: field_type = 16, fctype = 1, value = 't', cbValueMax=2048 PG_TYPE_BOOL: rgbValueBindRow = '1' [[SQLFreeHandle]]PGAPI_FreeStmt: entering...hstmt=136261048, fOption=1 QResult: in DESTRUCTOR TupleList: in DESTRUCTOR TupleList: exit DESTRUCTOR QResult: free memory in, fcount=101 QResult: free memory out QResult: exit DESTRUCTOR SC_Destructor: self=136261048, self->result=0, self->hdbc=135891512 APD_free_params: ENTER, self=136261300 APD_free_params: EXIT IPD_free_params: ENTER, self=136261364 IPD_free_params: EXIT PDATA_free_params: ENTER, self=136261480 PDATA_free_params: EXIT ARDFields_free 81f2e40 bookmark=81ea8f8ARD_unbind_cols freeall=1 allocated=29 bindings=8201c58 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136261184, bindings_allocated=29, icol=1 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136261184, bindings_allocated=29, icol=2 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136261184, bindings_allocated=29, icol=3 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136261184, bindings_allocated=29, icol=4 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136261184, bindings_allocated=29, icol=5 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136261184, bindings_allocated=29, icol=6 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136261184, bindings_allocated=29, icol=7 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136261184, bindings_allocated=29, icol=8 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136261184, bindings_allocated=29, icol=9 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136261184, bindings_allocated=29, icol=10 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136261184, bindings_allocated=29, icol=11 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136261184, bindings_allocated=29, icol=12 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136261184, bindings_allocated=29, icol=13 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136261184, bindings_allocated=29, icol=14 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136261184, bindings_allocated=29, icol=15 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136261184, bindings_allocated=29, icol=16 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136261184, bindings_allocated=29, icol=17 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136261184, bindings_allocated=29, icol=18 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136261184, bindings_allocated=29, icol=19 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136261184, bindings_allocated=29, icol=20 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136261184, bindings_allocated=29, icol=21 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136261184, bindings_allocated=29, icol=22 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136261184, bindings_allocated=29, icol=23 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136261184, bindings_allocated=29, icol=24 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136261184, bindings_allocated=29, icol=25 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136261184, bindings_allocated=29, icol=26 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136261184, bindings_allocated=29, icol=27 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136261184, bindings_allocated=29, icol=28 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136261184, bindings_allocated=29, icol=29 APD_free_params: ENTER, self=136261300 IPD_free_params: ENTER, self=136261364 GDATA_unbind_cols freeall=1 allocated=29 gdata=8201ea8 SC_Destructor: EXIT [[SQLAllocHandle]]PGAPI_AllocStmt: entering... SC_Constructor: entering ... SC_Constructor: created stmt = 136261864 **** PGAPI_AllocStmt: hdbc = 135981656, stmt = 136261864 CC_add_statement: self=135981656, stmt=136261864 [[SQLGetStmtAttr]] Handle=136261864 10010 PGAPI_GetStmtAttr Handle=136261864 10010 [[SQLGetStmtAttr]] Handle=136261864 10011 PGAPI_GetStmtAttr Handle=136261864 10011 [[SQLGetStmtAttr]] Handle=136261864 10012 PGAPI_GetStmtAttr Handle=136261864 10012 [[SQLGetStmtAttr]] Handle=136261864 10013 PGAPI_GetStmtAttr Handle=136261864 10013 [SQLPrepare]PGAPI_Prepare: entering... **** PGAPI_Prepare: STMT_ALLOCATED, copy [SQLBindParameter]PGAPI_BindParameter: entering... extend_parameter_bindings: entering ... self=136262116, parameters_allocated=0, num_params=1 exit extend_parameter_bindings extend_iparameter_bindings: entering ... self=136262180, parameters_allocated=0, num_params=1 exit extend_iparameter_bindings extend_putdata_info: entering ... self=136262296, parameters_allocated=0, num_params=1 exit extend_putdata_info PGAPI_BindParamater: ipar=0, paramType=1, fCType=1, fSqlType=1, cbColDef=56, ibScale=0, rgbValue=-88176272, *pcbValue = -777, data_at_exec = 0 [SQLExecute]PGAPI_Execute: entering... PGAPI_Execute: clear errors... recycle statement: self= 136261864 PDATA_free_params: ENTER, self=136262296 PDATA_free_params: EXIT PGAPI_NumParams: entering... Exec_with_parameters_resolved: copying statement params: trans_status=1, len=50, stmt='SELECT COUNT(*) FROM voicemailmessages WHERE dir=?' ResolveOneParam: from(fcType)=1, to(fSqlType)=1 stmt_with_params = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM voicemailmessages WHERE dir='/opt/asterisk/var/spool/voicemail/bluefaceusers/3031/Old'' Sending SELECT statement on stmt=136261864, cursor_name='SQL_CUR81f30e8' send_query(): conn=135981656, query='SELECT COUNT(*) FROM voicemailmessages WHERE dir='/opt/asterisk/var/spool/voicemail/bluefaceusers/3031/Old'' LIBPQ_execute_query: entering ... in QR_Constructor exit QR_Constructor LIBPQ_execute_query: get next result with status = 2 LIBPQ_execute_query: query = SELECT COUNT(*) FROM voicemailmessages WHERE dir='/opt/asterisk/var/spool/voicemail/bluefaceusers/3031/Old' LIBPQ_execute_query: rest types ... LIBPQ_execute_query: recent_processed_row_count = 1 CC_mapping: entering ... CC_mapping: rows = 1, columns = 1 CC_mapping: column = 0 CC_mapping: set field info: name = count, typ = 20, typlen = 8, attypmod = -1 in TL_Constructor exit TL_Constructor CC_mapping: fetch column = count, value = 2 send_query: done sending query with status: 2 QR_fetch_tuples: cursor = '', self->cursor=0 QR_fetch_tuples: past CI_read_fields: num_fields = 1 MALLOC: tuple_size = 100, size = 800 done sending the query: extend_column_bindings: entering ... self=136262000, bindings_allocated=0, num_columns=1 exit extend_column_bindings [[SQLFetch]]PGAPI_ExtendedFetch: stmt=136261864 SQL_FETCH_NEXT: num_tuples=1, currtuple=-1 PGAPI_ExtendedFetch: new currTuple = -1 manual_result = 1, use_declarefetch = 0 **** SC_fetch: manual_result extend_getdata_info: entering ... self=136262220, gdata_allocated=0, num_columns=1 exit extend_gdata_info fetch: cols=1, lf=0, opts = 136262000, opts->bindings = 136226936, buffer[] = 0 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136261864 value = '2' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 0, fCType = 1, field_type = 20, value = '2' copy_and_convert: field_type = 20, fctype = 1, value = '2', cbValueMax=20 DEFAULT: len = 1, ptr = '2' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 1, cbValueMax = 20, rgbValueBindRow = '2' [[SQLFreeHandle]]PGAPI_FreeStmt: entering...hstmt=136261864, fOption=1 QResult: in DESTRUCTOR TupleList: in DESTRUCTOR TupleList: exit DESTRUCTOR QResult: free memory in, fcount=101 QResult: free memory out QResult: exit DESTRUCTOR SC_Destructor: self=136261864, self->result=0, self->hdbc=135981656 APD_free_params: ENTER, self=136262116 APD_free_params: EXIT IPD_free_params: ENTER, self=136262180 IPD_free_params: EXIT PDATA_free_params: ENTER, self=136262296 PDATA_free_params: EXIT ARDFields_free 81f3170 bookmark=81ea838ARD_unbind_cols freeall=1 allocated=1 bindings=81ea878 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136262000, bindings_allocated=1, icol=1 APD_free_params: ENTER, self=136262116 IPD_free_params: ENTER, self=136262180 GDATA_unbind_cols freeall=1 allocated=1 gdata=81e8190 SC_Destructor: EXIT [[SQLAllocHandle]]PGAPI_AllocStmt: entering... SC_Constructor: entering ... SC_Constructor: created stmt = 136261864 **** PGAPI_AllocStmt: hdbc = 135981656, stmt = 136261864 CC_add_statement: self=135981656, stmt=136261864 [[SQLGetStmtAttr]] Handle=136261864 10010 PGAPI_GetStmtAttr Handle=136261864 10010 [[SQLGetStmtAttr]] Handle=136261864 10011 PGAPI_GetStmtAttr Handle=136261864 10011 [[SQLGetStmtAttr]] Handle=136261864 10012 PGAPI_GetStmtAttr Handle=136261864 10012 [[SQLGetStmtAttr]] Handle=136261864 10013 PGAPI_GetStmtAttr Handle=136261864 10013 [SQLPrepare]PGAPI_Prepare: entering... **** PGAPI_Prepare: STMT_ALLOCATED, copy [SQLBindParameter]PGAPI_BindParameter: entering... extend_parameter_bindings: entering ... self=136262116, parameters_allocated=0, num_params=1 exit extend_parameter_bindings extend_iparameter_bindings: entering ... self=136262180, parameters_allocated=0, num_params=1 exit extend_iparameter_bindings extend_putdata_info: entering ... self=136262296, parameters_allocated=0, num_params=1 exit extend_putdata_info PGAPI_BindParamater: ipar=0, paramType=1, fCType=1, fSqlType=1, cbColDef=56, ibScale=0, rgbValue=-88176272, *pcbValue = -777, data_at_exec = 0 [SQLExecute]PGAPI_Execute: entering... PGAPI_Execute: clear errors... recycle statement: self= 136261864 PDATA_free_params: ENTER, self=136262296 PDATA_free_params: EXIT PGAPI_NumParams: entering... Exec_with_parameters_resolved: copying statement params: trans_status=1, len=50, stmt='SELECT COUNT(*) FROM voicemailmessages WHERE dir=?' ResolveOneParam: from(fcType)=1, to(fSqlType)=1 stmt_with_params = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM voicemailmessages WHERE dir='/opt/asterisk/var/spool/voicemail/bluefaceusers/3031/Old'' Sending SELECT statement on stmt=136261864, cursor_name='SQL_CUR81f30e8' send_query(): conn=135981656, query='SELECT COUNT(*) FROM voicemailmessages WHERE dir='/opt/asterisk/var/spool/voicemail/bluefaceusers/3031/Old'' LIBPQ_execute_query: entering ... in QR_Constructor exit QR_Constructor LIBPQ_execute_query: get next result with status = 2 LIBPQ_execute_query: query = SELECT COUNT(*) FROM voicemailmessages WHERE dir='/opt/asterisk/var/spool/voicemail/bluefaceusers/3031/Old' LIBPQ_execute_query: rest types ... LIBPQ_execute_query: recent_processed_row_count = 1 CC_mapping: entering ... CC_mapping: rows = 1, columns = 1 CC_mapping: column = 0 CC_mapping: set field info: name = count, typ = 20, typlen = 8, attypmod = -1 in TL_Constructor exit TL_Constructor CC_mapping: fetch column = count, value = 2 send_query: done sending query with status: 2 QR_fetch_tuples: cursor = '', self->cursor=0 QR_fetch_tuples: past CI_read_fields: num_fields = 1 MALLOC: tuple_size = 100, size = 800 done sending the query: extend_column_bindings: entering ... self=136262000, bindings_allocated=0, num_columns=1 exit extend_column_bindings [[SQLFetch]]PGAPI_ExtendedFetch: stmt=136261864 SQL_FETCH_NEXT: num_tuples=1, currtuple=-1 PGAPI_ExtendedFetch: new currTuple = -1 manual_result = 1, use_declarefetch = 0 **** SC_fetch: manual_result extend_getdata_info: entering ... self=136262220, gdata_allocated=0, num_columns=1 exit extend_gdata_info fetch: cols=1, lf=0, opts = 136262000, opts->bindings = 136226936, buffer[] = 0 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136261864 value = '2' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 0, fCType = 1, field_type = 20, value = '2' copy_and_convert: field_type = 20, fctype = 1, value = '2', cbValueMax=20 DEFAULT: len = 1, ptr = '2' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 1, cbValueMax = 20, rgbValueBindRow = '2' [[SQLFreeHandle]]PGAPI_FreeStmt: entering...hstmt=136261864, fOption=1 QResult: in DESTRUCTOR TupleList: in DESTRUCTOR TupleList: exit DESTRUCTOR QResult: free memory in, fcount=101 QResult: free memory out QResult: exit DESTRUCTOR SC_Destructor: self=136261864, self->result=0, self->hdbc=135981656 APD_free_params: ENTER, self=136262116 APD_free_params: EXIT IPD_free_params: ENTER, self=136262180 IPD_free_params: EXIT PDATA_free_params: ENTER, self=136262296 PDATA_free_params: EXIT ARDFields_free 81f3170 bookmark=81ea8d8ARD_unbind_cols freeall=1 allocated=1 bindings=81ea878 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136262000, bindings_allocated=1, icol=1 APD_free_params: ENTER, self=136262116 IPD_free_params: ENTER, self=136262180 GDATA_unbind_cols freeall=1 allocated=1 gdata=81e8190 SC_Destructor: EXIT [[SQLAllocHandle]]PGAPI_AllocStmt: entering... SC_Constructor: entering ... SC_Constructor: created stmt = 136261864 **** PGAPI_AllocStmt: hdbc = 135981656, stmt = 136261864 CC_add_statement: self=135981656, stmt=136261864 [[SQLGetStmtAttr]] Handle=136261864 10010 PGAPI_GetStmtAttr Handle=136261864 10010 [[SQLGetStmtAttr]] Handle=136261864 10011 PGAPI_GetStmtAttr Handle=136261864 10011 [[SQLGetStmtAttr]] Handle=136261864 10012 PGAPI_GetStmtAttr Handle=136261864 10012 [[SQLGetStmtAttr]] Handle=136261864 10013 PGAPI_GetStmtAttr Handle=136261864 10013 [SQLPrepare]PGAPI_Prepare: entering... **** PGAPI_Prepare: STMT_ALLOCATED, copy [SQLBindParameter]PGAPI_BindParameter: entering... extend_parameter_bindings: entering ... self=136262116, parameters_allocated=0, num_params=1 exit extend_parameter_bindings extend_iparameter_bindings: entering ... self=136262180, parameters_allocated=0, num_params=1 exit extend_iparameter_bindings extend_putdata_info: entering ... self=136262296, parameters_allocated=0, num_params=1 exit extend_putdata_info PGAPI_BindParamater: ipar=0, paramType=1, fCType=1, fSqlType=1, cbColDef=58, ibScale=0, rgbValue=-88176272, *pcbValue = -777, data_at_exec = 0 [SQLExecute]PGAPI_Execute: entering... PGAPI_Execute: clear errors... recycle statement: self= 136261864 PDATA_free_params: ENTER, self=136262296 PDATA_free_params: EXIT PGAPI_NumParams: entering... Exec_with_parameters_resolved: copying statement params: trans_status=1, len=50, stmt='SELECT COUNT(*) FROM voicemailmessages WHERE dir=?' ResolveOneParam: from(fcType)=1, to(fSqlType)=1 stmt_with_params = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM voicemailmessages WHERE dir='/opt/asterisk/var/spool/voicemail/bluefaceusers/3031/INBOX'' Sending SELECT statement on stmt=136261864, cursor_name='SQL_CUR81f30e8' send_query(): conn=135981656, query='SELECT COUNT(*) FROM voicemailmessages WHERE dir='/opt/asterisk/var/spool/voicemail/bluefaceusers/3031/INBOX'' LIBPQ_execute_query: entering ... in QR_Constructor exit QR_Constructor LIBPQ_execute_query: get next result with status = 2 LIBPQ_execute_query: query = SELECT COUNT(*) FROM voicemailmessages WHERE dir='/opt/asterisk/var/spool/voicemail/bluefaceusers/3031/INBOX' LIBPQ_execute_query: rest types ... LIBPQ_execute_query: recent_processed_row_count = 1 CC_mapping: entering ... CC_mapping: rows = 1, columns = 1 CC_mapping: column = 0 CC_mapping: set field info: name = count, typ = 20, typlen = 8, attypmod = -1 in TL_Constructor exit TL_Constructor CC_mapping: fetch column = count, value = 0 send_query: done sending query with status: 2 QR_fetch_tuples: cursor = '', self->cursor=0 QR_fetch_tuples: past CI_read_fields: num_fields = 1 MALLOC: tuple_size = 100, size = 800 done sending the query: extend_column_bindings: entering ... self=136262000, bindings_allocated=0, num_columns=1 exit extend_column_bindings [[SQLFetch]]PGAPI_ExtendedFetch: stmt=136261864 SQL_FETCH_NEXT: num_tuples=1, currtuple=-1 PGAPI_ExtendedFetch: new currTuple = -1 manual_result = 1, use_declarefetch = 0 **** SC_fetch: manual_result extend_getdata_info: entering ... self=136262220, gdata_allocated=0, num_columns=1 exit extend_gdata_info fetch: cols=1, lf=0, opts = 136262000, opts->bindings = 136226936, buffer[] = 0 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136261864 value = '0' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 0, fCType = 1, field_type = 20, value = '0' copy_and_convert: field_type = 20, fctype = 1, value = '0', cbValueMax=20 DEFAULT: len = 1, ptr = '0' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 1, cbValueMax = 20, rgbValueBindRow = '0' [[SQLFreeHandle]]PGAPI_FreeStmt: entering...hstmt=136261864, fOption=1 QResult: in DESTRUCTOR TupleList: in DESTRUCTOR TupleList: exit DESTRUCTOR QResult: free memory in, fcount=101 QResult: free memory out QResult: exit DESTRUCTOR SC_Destructor: self=136261864, self->result=0, self->hdbc=135981656 APD_free_params: ENTER, self=136262116 APD_free_params: EXIT IPD_free_params: ENTER, self=136262180 IPD_free_params: EXIT PDATA_free_params: ENTER, self=136262296 PDATA_free_params: EXIT ARDFields_free 81f3170 bookmark=81ea838ARD_unbind_cols freeall=1 allocated=1 bindings=81ea878 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136262000, bindings_allocated=1, icol=1 APD_free_params: ENTER, self=136262116 IPD_free_params: ENTER, self=136262180 GDATA_unbind_cols freeall=1 allocated=1 gdata=81e8190 SC_Destructor: EXIT [[SQLAllocHandle]]PGAPI_AllocStmt: entering... SC_Constructor: entering ... SC_Constructor: created stmt = 136261864 **** PGAPI_AllocStmt: hdbc = 135981656, stmt = 136261864 CC_add_statement: self=135981656, stmt=136261864 [[SQLGetStmtAttr]] Handle=136261864 10010 PGAPI_GetStmtAttr Handle=136261864 10010 [[SQLGetStmtAttr]] Handle=136261864 10011 PGAPI_GetStmtAttr Handle=136261864 10011 [[SQLGetStmtAttr]] Handle=136261864 10012 PGAPI_GetStmtAttr Handle=136261864 10012 [[SQLGetStmtAttr]] Handle=136261864 10013 PGAPI_GetStmtAttr Handle=136261864 10013 [SQLPrepare]PGAPI_Prepare: entering... **** PGAPI_Prepare: STMT_ALLOCATED, copy [SQLBindParameter]PGAPI_BindParameter: entering... extend_parameter_bindings: entering ... self=136262116, parameters_allocated=0, num_params=1 exit extend_parameter_bindings extend_iparameter_bindings: entering ... self=136262180, parameters_allocated=0, num_params=1 exit extend_iparameter_bindings extend_putdata_info: entering ... self=136262296, parameters_allocated=0, num_params=1 exit extend_putdata_info PGAPI_BindParamater: ipar=0, paramType=1, fCType=1, fSqlType=1, cbColDef=58, ibScale=0, rgbValue=-88176272, *pcbValue = -777, data_at_exec = 0 [SQLExecute]PGAPI_Execute: entering... PGAPI_Execute: clear errors... recycle statement: self= 136261864 PDATA_free_params: ENTER, self=136262296 PDATA_free_params: EXIT PGAPI_NumParams: entering... Exec_with_parameters_resolved: copying statement params: trans_status=1, len=50, stmt='SELECT COUNT(*) FROM voicemailmessages WHERE dir=?' ResolveOneParam: from(fcType)=1, to(fSqlType)=1 stmt_with_params = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM voicemailmessages WHERE dir='/opt/asterisk/var/spool/voicemail/bluefaceusers/3031/INBOX'' Sending SELECT statement on stmt=136261864, cursor_name='SQL_CUR81f30e8' send_query(): conn=135981656, query='SELECT COUNT(*) FROM voicemailmessages WHERE dir='/opt/asterisk/var/spool/voicemail/bluefaceusers/3031/INBOX'' LIBPQ_execute_query: entering ... in QR_Constructor exit QR_Constructor LIBPQ_execute_query: get next result with status = 2 LIBPQ_execute_query: query = SELECT COUNT(*) FROM voicemailmessages WHERE dir='/opt/asterisk/var/spool/voicemail/bluefaceusers/3031/INBOX' LIBPQ_execute_query: rest types ... LIBPQ_execute_query: recent_processed_row_count = 1 CC_mapping: entering ... CC_mapping: rows = 1, columns = 1 CC_mapping: column = 0 CC_mapping: set field info: name = count, typ = 20, typlen = 8, attypmod = -1 in TL_Constructor exit TL_Constructor CC_mapping: fetch column = count, value = 0 send_query: done sending query with status: 2 QR_fetch_tuples: cursor = '', self->cursor=0 QR_fetch_tuples: past CI_read_fields: num_fields = 1 MALLOC: tuple_size = 100, size = 800 done sending the query: extend_column_bindings: entering ... self=136262000, bindings_allocated=0, num_columns=1 exit extend_column_bindings [[SQLFetch]]PGAPI_ExtendedFetch: stmt=136261864 SQL_FETCH_NEXT: num_tuples=1, currtuple=-1 PGAPI_ExtendedFetch: new currTuple = -1 manual_result = 1, use_declarefetch = 0 **** SC_fetch: manual_result extend_getdata_info: entering ... self=136262220, gdata_allocated=0, num_columns=1 exit extend_gdata_info fetch: cols=1, lf=0, opts = 136262000, opts->bindings = 136226936, buffer[] = 0 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136261864 value = '0' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 0, fCType = 1, field_type = 20, value = '0' copy_and_convert: field_type = 20, fctype = 1, value = '0', cbValueMax=20 DEFAULT: len = 1, ptr = '0' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 1, cbValueMax = 20, rgbValueBindRow = '0' [[SQLFreeHandle]]PGAPI_FreeStmt: entering...hstmt=136261864, fOption=1 QResult: in DESTRUCTOR TupleList: in DESTRUCTOR TupleList: exit DESTRUCTOR QResult: free memory in, fcount=101 QResult: free memory out QResult: exit DESTRUCTOR SC_Destructor: self=136261864, self->result=0, self->hdbc=135981656 APD_free_params: ENTER, self=136262116 APD_free_params: EXIT IPD_free_params: ENTER, self=136262180 IPD_free_params: EXIT PDATA_free_params: ENTER, self=136262296 PDATA_free_params: EXIT ARDFields_free 81f3170 bookmark=81ea8d8ARD_unbind_cols freeall=1 allocated=1 bindings=81ea878 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136262000, bindings_allocated=1, icol=1 APD_free_params: ENTER, self=136262116 IPD_free_params: ENTER, self=136262180 GDATA_unbind_cols freeall=1 allocated=1 gdata=81e8190 SC_Destructor: EXIT [[SQLAllocHandle]]PGAPI_AllocStmt: entering... SC_Constructor: entering ... SC_Constructor: created stmt = 136261864 **** PGAPI_AllocStmt: hdbc = 135981656, stmt = 136261864 CC_add_statement: self=135981656, stmt=136261864 [[SQLGetStmtAttr]] Handle=136261864 10010 PGAPI_GetStmtAttr Handle=136261864 10010 [[SQLGetStmtAttr]] Handle=136261864 10011 PGAPI_GetStmtAttr Handle=136261864 10011 [[SQLGetStmtAttr]] Handle=136261864 10012 PGAPI_GetStmtAttr Handle=136261864 10012 [[SQLGetStmtAttr]] Handle=136261864 10013 PGAPI_GetStmtAttr Handle=136261864 10013 [SQLPrepare]PGAPI_Prepare: entering... **** PGAPI_Prepare: STMT_ALLOCATED, copy [SQLBindParameter]PGAPI_BindParameter: entering... extend_parameter_bindings: entering ... self=136262116, parameters_allocated=0, num_params=1 exit extend_parameter_bindings extend_iparameter_bindings: entering ... self=136262180, parameters_allocated=0, num_params=1 exit extend_iparameter_bindings extend_putdata_info: entering ... self=136262296, parameters_allocated=0, num_params=1 exit extend_putdata_info PGAPI_BindParamater: ipar=0, paramType=1, fCType=1, fSqlType=1, cbColDef=56, ibScale=0, rgbValue=-88176272, *pcbValue = -777, data_at_exec = 0 [SQLExecute]PGAPI_Execute: entering... PGAPI_Execute: clear errors... recycle statement: self= 136261864 PDATA_free_params: ENTER, self=136262296 PDATA_free_params: EXIT PGAPI_NumParams: entering... Exec_with_parameters_resolved: copying statement params: trans_status=1, len=50, stmt='SELECT COUNT(*) FROM voicemailmessages WHERE dir=?' ResolveOneParam: from(fcType)=1, to(fSqlType)=1 stmt_with_params = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM voicemailmessages WHERE dir='/opt/asterisk/var/spool/voicemail/bluefaceusers/3031/Old'' Sending SELECT statement on stmt=136261864, cursor_name='SQL_CUR81f30e8' send_query(): conn=135981656, query='SELECT COUNT(*) FROM voicemailmessages WHERE dir='/opt/asterisk/var/spool/voicemail/bluefaceusers/3031/Old'' LIBPQ_execute_query: entering ... in QR_Constructor exit QR_Constructor LIBPQ_execute_query: get next result with status = 2 LIBPQ_execute_query: query = SELECT COUNT(*) FROM voicemailmessages WHERE dir='/opt/asterisk/var/spool/voicemail/bluefaceusers/3031/Old' LIBPQ_execute_query: rest types ... LIBPQ_execute_query: recent_processed_row_count = 1 CC_mapping: entering ... CC_mapping: rows = 1, columns = 1 CC_mapping: column = 0 CC_mapping: set field info: name = count, typ = 20, typlen = 8, attypmod = -1 in TL_Constructor exit TL_Constructor CC_mapping: fetch column = count, value = 2 send_query: done sending query with status: 2 QR_fetch_tuples: cursor = '', self->cursor=0 QR_fetch_tuples: past CI_read_fields: num_fields = 1 MALLOC: tuple_size = 100, size = 800 done sending the query: extend_column_bindings: entering ... self=136262000, bindings_allocated=0, num_columns=1 exit extend_column_bindings [[SQLFetch]]PGAPI_ExtendedFetch: stmt=136261864 SQL_FETCH_NEXT: num_tuples=1, currtuple=-1 PGAPI_ExtendedFetch: new currTuple = -1 manual_result = 1, use_declarefetch = 0 **** SC_fetch: manual_result extend_getdata_info: entering ... self=136262220, gdata_allocated=0, num_columns=1 exit extend_gdata_info fetch: cols=1, lf=0, opts = 136262000, opts->bindings = 136226936, buffer[] = 0 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136261864 value = '2' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 0, fCType = 1, field_type = 20, value = '2' copy_and_convert: field_type = 20, fctype = 1, value = '2', cbValueMax=20 DEFAULT: len = 1, ptr = '2' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 1, cbValueMax = 20, rgbValueBindRow = '2' [[SQLFreeHandle]]PGAPI_FreeStmt: entering...hstmt=136261864, fOption=1 QResult: in DESTRUCTOR TupleList: in DESTRUCTOR TupleList: exit DESTRUCTOR QResult: free memory in, fcount=101 QResult: free memory out QResult: exit DESTRUCTOR SC_Destructor: self=136261864, self->result=0, self->hdbc=135981656 APD_free_params: ENTER, self=136262116 APD_free_params: EXIT IPD_free_params: ENTER, self=136262180 IPD_free_params: EXIT PDATA_free_params: ENTER, self=136262296 PDATA_free_params: EXIT ARDFields_free 81f3170 bookmark=81ea838ARD_unbind_cols freeall=1 allocated=1 bindings=81ea878 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136262000, bindings_allocated=1, icol=1 APD_free_params: ENTER, self=136262116 IPD_free_params: ENTER, self=136262180 GDATA_unbind_cols freeall=1 allocated=1 gdata=81e8190 SC_Destructor: EXIT [[SQLAllocHandle]]PGAPI_AllocStmt: entering... SC_Constructor: entering ... SC_Constructor: created stmt = 136261864 **** PGAPI_AllocStmt: hdbc = 135981656, stmt = 136261864 CC_add_statement: self=135981656, stmt=136261864 [[SQLGetStmtAttr]] Handle=136261864 10010 PGAPI_GetStmtAttr Handle=136261864 10010 [[SQLGetStmtAttr]] Handle=136261864 10011 PGAPI_GetStmtAttr Handle=136261864 10011 [[SQLGetStmtAttr]] Handle=136261864 10012 PGAPI_GetStmtAttr Handle=136261864 10012 [[SQLGetStmtAttr]] Handle=136261864 10013 PGAPI_GetStmtAttr Handle=136261864 10013 [SQLPrepare]PGAPI_Prepare: entering... **** PGAPI_Prepare: STMT_ALLOCATED, copy [SQLBindParameter]PGAPI_BindParameter: entering... extend_parameter_bindings: entering ... self=136262116, parameters_allocated=0, num_params=1 exit extend_parameter_bindings extend_iparameter_bindings: entering ... self=136262180, parameters_allocated=0, num_params=1 exit extend_iparameter_bindings extend_putdata_info: entering ... self=136262296, parameters_allocated=0, num_params=1 exit extend_putdata_info PGAPI_BindParamater: ipar=0, paramType=1, fCType=1, fSqlType=1, cbColDef=56, ibScale=0, rgbValue=-88176272, *pcbValue = -777, data_at_exec = 0 [SQLExecute]PGAPI_Execute: entering... PGAPI_Execute: clear errors... recycle statement: self= 136261864 PDATA_free_params: ENTER, self=136262296 PDATA_free_params: EXIT PGAPI_NumParams: entering... Exec_with_parameters_resolved: copying statement params: trans_status=1, len=50, stmt='SELECT COUNT(*) FROM voicemailmessages WHERE dir=?' ResolveOneParam: from(fcType)=1, to(fSqlType)=1 stmt_with_params = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM voicemailmessages WHERE dir='/opt/asterisk/var/spool/voicemail/bluefaceusers/3031/Old'' Sending SELECT statement on stmt=136261864, cursor_name='SQL_CUR81f30e8' send_query(): conn=135981656, query='SELECT COUNT(*) FROM voicemailmessages WHERE dir='/opt/asterisk/var/spool/voicemail/bluefaceusers/3031/Old'' LIBPQ_execute_query: entering ... in QR_Constructor exit QR_Constructor LIBPQ_execute_query: get next result with status = 2 LIBPQ_execute_query: query = SELECT COUNT(*) FROM voicemailmessages WHERE dir='/opt/asterisk/var/spool/voicemail/bluefaceusers/3031/Old' LIBPQ_execute_query: rest types ... LIBPQ_execute_query: recent_processed_row_count = 1 CC_mapping: entering ... CC_mapping: rows = 1, columns = 1 CC_mapping: column = 0 CC_mapping: set field info: name = count, typ = 20, typlen = 8, attypmod = -1 in TL_Constructor exit TL_Constructor CC_mapping: fetch column = count, value = 2 send_query: done sending query with status: 2 QR_fetch_tuples: cursor = '', self->cursor=0 QR_fetch_tuples: past CI_read_fields: num_fields = 1 MALLOC: tuple_size = 100, size = 800 done sending the query: extend_column_bindings: entering ... self=136262000, bindings_allocated=0, num_columns=1 exit extend_column_bindings [[SQLFetch]]PGAPI_ExtendedFetch: stmt=136261864 SQL_FETCH_NEXT: num_tuples=1, currtuple=-1 PGAPI_ExtendedFetch: new currTuple = -1 manual_result = 1, use_declarefetch = 0 **** SC_fetch: manual_result extend_getdata_info: entering ... self=136262220, gdata_allocated=0, num_columns=1 exit extend_gdata_info fetch: cols=1, lf=0, opts = 136262000, opts->bindings = 136226936, buffer[] = 0 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136261864 value = '2' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 0, fCType = 1, field_type = 20, value = '2' copy_and_convert: field_type = 20, fctype = 1, value = '2', cbValueMax=20 DEFAULT: len = 1, ptr = '2' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 1, cbValueMax = 20, rgbValueBindRow = '2' [[SQLFreeHandle]]PGAPI_FreeStmt: entering...hstmt=136261864, fOption=1 QResult: in DESTRUCTOR TupleList: in DESTRUCTOR TupleList: exit DESTRUCTOR QResult: free memory in, fcount=101 QResult: free memory out QResult: exit DESTRUCTOR SC_Destructor: self=136261864, self->result=0, self->hdbc=135981656 APD_free_params: ENTER, self=136262116 APD_free_params: EXIT IPD_free_params: ENTER, self=136262180 IPD_free_params: EXIT PDATA_free_params: ENTER, self=136262296 PDATA_free_params: EXIT ARDFields_free 81f3170 bookmark=81ea8d8ARD_unbind_cols freeall=1 allocated=1 bindings=81ea878 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136262000, bindings_allocated=1, icol=1 APD_free_params: ENTER, self=136262116 IPD_free_params: ENTER, self=136262180 GDATA_unbind_cols freeall=1 allocated=1 gdata=81e8190 SC_Destructor: EXIT [[SQLAllocHandle]]PGAPI_AllocStmt: entering... SC_Constructor: entering ... SC_Constructor: created stmt = 136261864 **** PGAPI_AllocStmt: hdbc = 135891512, stmt = 136261864 CC_add_statement: self=135891512, stmt=136261864 [[SQLGetStmtAttr]] Handle=136261864 10010 PGAPI_GetStmtAttr Handle=136261864 10010 [[SQLGetStmtAttr]] Handle=136261864 10011 PGAPI_GetStmtAttr Handle=136261864 10011 [[SQLGetStmtAttr]] Handle=136261864 10012 PGAPI_GetStmtAttr Handle=136261864 10012 [[SQLGetStmtAttr]] Handle=136261864 10013 PGAPI_GetStmtAttr Handle=136261864 10013 [SQLPrepare]PGAPI_Prepare: entering... **** PGAPI_Prepare: STMT_ALLOCATED, copy [SQLBindParameter]PGAPI_BindParameter: entering... extend_parameter_bindings: entering ... self=136262116, parameters_allocated=0, num_params=1 exit extend_parameter_bindings extend_iparameter_bindings: entering ... self=136262180, parameters_allocated=0, num_params=1 exit extend_iparameter_bindings extend_putdata_info: entering ... self=136262296, parameters_allocated=0, num_params=1 exit extend_putdata_info PGAPI_BindParamater: ipar=0, paramType=1, fCType=1, fSqlType=1, cbColDef=5, ibScale=0, rgbValue=-88180752, *pcbValue = -777, data_at_exec = 0 [SQLBindParameter]PGAPI_BindParameter: entering... extend_parameter_bindings: entering ... self=136262116, parameters_allocated=1, num_params=2 exit extend_parameter_bindings extend_iparameter_bindings: entering ... self=136262180, parameters_allocated=1, num_params=2 exit extend_iparameter_bindings extend_putdata_info: entering ... self=136262296, parameters_allocated=1, num_params=2 exit extend_putdata_info PGAPI_BindParamater: ipar=1, paramType=1, fCType=1, fSqlType=1, cbColDef=19, ibScale=0, rgbValue=-88176588, *pcbValue = -777, data_at_exec = 0 [SQLExecute]PGAPI_Execute: entering... PGAPI_Execute: clear errors... recycle statement: self= 136261864 PDATA_free_params: ENTER, self=136262296 PDATA_free_params: EXIT PGAPI_NumParams: entering... Exec_with_parameters_resolved: copying statement params: trans_status=1, len=56, stmt='UPDATE voicemailaccounts SET password=? WHERE uniqueid=?' ResolveOneParam: from(fcType)=1, to(fSqlType)=1 ResolveOneParam: from(fcType)=1, to(fSqlType)=1 stmt_with_params = 'UPDATE voicemailaccounts SET password='56789' WHERE uniqueid='fcdadd0c-a2b3-4e77-'' it's NOT a select statement: stmt=136261864 send_query(): conn=135891512, query='UPDATE voicemailaccounts SET password='56789' WHERE uniqueid='fcdadd0c-a2b3-4e77-'' LIBPQ_execute_query: entering ... in QR_Constructor exit QR_Constructor LIBPQ_execute_query: get next result with status = 1 LIBPQ_execute_query: query = UPDATE voicemailaccounts SET password='56789' WHERE uniqueid='fcdadd0c-a2b3-4e77-' LIBPQ_execute_query: recent_processed_row_count = 0 The query was executed successfully and the query did not return any result send_query: done sending command [SQLRowCount]PGAPI_RowCount: entering... **** PGAPI_RowCount(): THE ROWS: *pcrow = 0 [[SQLFreeHandle]]PGAPI_FreeStmt: entering...hstmt=136261864, fOption=1 QResult: in DESTRUCTOR QResult: free memory in, fcount=0 QResult: free memory out QResult: exit DESTRUCTOR SC_Destructor: self=136261864, self->result=0, self->hdbc=135891512 APD_free_params: ENTER, self=136262116 APD_free_params: EXIT IPD_free_params: ENTER, self=136262180 IPD_free_params: EXIT PDATA_free_params: ENTER, self=136262296 PDATA_free_params: EXIT ARDFields_free 81f3170 bookmark=81ea838ARD_unbind_cols freeall=1 allocated=0 bindings=0 APD_free_params: ENTER, self=136262116 IPD_free_params: ENTER, self=136262180 GDATA_unbind_cols freeall=1 allocated=0 gdata=0 SC_Destructor: EXIT [[SQLAllocHandle]]PGAPI_AllocStmt: entering... SC_Constructor: entering ... SC_Constructor: created stmt = 136303888 **** PGAPI_AllocStmt: hdbc = 135981656, stmt = 136303888 CC_add_statement: self=135981656, stmt=136303888 [[SQLGetStmtAttr]] Handle=136303888 10010 PGAPI_GetStmtAttr Handle=136303888 10010 [[SQLGetStmtAttr]] Handle=136303888 10011 PGAPI_GetStmtAttr Handle=136303888 10011 [[SQLGetStmtAttr]] Handle=136303888 10012 PGAPI_GetStmtAttr Handle=136303888 10012 [[SQLGetStmtAttr]] Handle=136303888 10013 PGAPI_GetStmtAttr Handle=136303888 10013 [SQLPrepare]PGAPI_Prepare: entering... **** PGAPI_Prepare: STMT_ALLOCATED, copy [SQLBindParameter]PGAPI_BindParameter: entering... extend_parameter_bindings: entering ... self=136304140, parameters_allocated=0, num_params=1 exit extend_parameter_bindings extend_iparameter_bindings: entering ... self=136304204, parameters_allocated=0, num_params=1 exit extend_iparameter_bindings extend_putdata_info: entering ... self=136304320, parameters_allocated=0, num_params=1 exit extend_putdata_info PGAPI_BindParamater: ipar=0, paramType=1, fCType=1, fSqlType=1, cbColDef=56, ibScale=0, rgbValue=-88176272, *pcbValue = -777, data_at_exec = 0 [SQLBindParameter]PGAPI_BindParameter: entering... extend_parameter_bindings: entering ... self=136304140, parameters_allocated=1, num_params=2 exit extend_parameter_bindings extend_iparameter_bindings: entering ... self=136304204, parameters_allocated=1, num_params=2 exit extend_iparameter_bindings extend_putdata_info: entering ... self=136304320, parameters_allocated=1, num_params=2 exit extend_putdata_info PGAPI_BindParamater: ipar=1, paramType=1, fCType=1, fSqlType=1, cbColDef=1, ibScale=0, rgbValue=-88181808, *pcbValue = -777, data_at_exec = 0 [SQLExecute]PGAPI_Execute: entering... PGAPI_Execute: clear errors... recycle statement: self= 136303888 PDATA_free_params: ENTER, self=136304320 PDATA_free_params: EXIT PGAPI_NumParams: entering... Exec_with_parameters_resolved: copying statement params: trans_status=1, len=63, stmt='SELECT COUNT(*) FROM voicemailmessages WHERE dir=? AND msgnum=?' ResolveOneParam: from(fcType)=1, to(fSqlType)=1 ResolveOneParam: from(fcType)=1, to(fSqlType)=1 stmt_with_params = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM voicemailmessages WHERE dir='/opt/asterisk/var/spool/voicemail/bluefaceusers/3031/Old' AND msgnum='0'' Sending SELECT statement on stmt=136303888, cursor_name='SQL_CUR81fd510' send_query(): conn=135981656, query='SELECT COUNT(*) FROM voicemailmessages WHERE dir='/opt/asterisk/var/spool/voicemail/bluefaceusers/3031/Old' AND msgnum='0'' LIBPQ_execute_query: entering ... in QR_Constructor exit QR_Constructor LIBPQ_execute_query: get next result with status = 2 LIBPQ_execute_query: query = SELECT COUNT(*) FROM voicemailmessages WHERE dir='/opt/asterisk/var/spool/voicemail/bluefaceusers/3031/Old' AND msgnum='0' LIBPQ_execute_query: rest types ... LIBPQ_execute_query: recent_processed_row_count = 1 CC_mapping: entering ... CC_mapping: rows = 1, columns = 1 CC_mapping: column = 0 CC_mapping: set field info: name = count, typ = 20, typlen = 8, attypmod = -1 in TL_Constructor exit TL_Constructor CC_mapping: fetch column = count, value = 1 send_query: done sending query with status: 2 QR_fetch_tuples: cursor = '', self->cursor=0 QR_fetch_tuples: past CI_read_fields: num_fields = 1 MALLOC: tuple_size = 100, size = 800 done sending the query: extend_column_bindings: entering ... self=136304024, bindings_allocated=0, num_columns=1 exit extend_column_bindings [[SQLFetch]]PGAPI_ExtendedFetch: stmt=136303888 SQL_FETCH_NEXT: num_tuples=1, currtuple=-1 PGAPI_ExtendedFetch: new currTuple = -1 manual_result = 1, use_declarefetch = 0 **** SC_fetch: manual_result extend_getdata_info: entering ... self=136304244, gdata_allocated=0, num_columns=1 exit extend_gdata_info fetch: cols=1, lf=0, opts = 136304024, opts->bindings = 136226808, buffer[] = 0 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136303888 value = '1' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 0, fCType = 1, field_type = 20, value = '1' copy_and_convert: field_type = 20, fctype = 1, value = '1', cbValueMax=20 DEFAULT: len = 1, ptr = '1' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 1, cbValueMax = 20, rgbValueBindRow = '1' [[SQLFreeHandle]]PGAPI_FreeStmt: entering...hstmt=136303888, fOption=1 QResult: in DESTRUCTOR TupleList: in DESTRUCTOR TupleList: exit DESTRUCTOR QResult: free memory in, fcount=101 QResult: free memory out QResult: exit DESTRUCTOR SC_Destructor: self=136303888, self->result=0, self->hdbc=135981656 APD_free_params: ENTER, self=136304140 APD_free_params: EXIT IPD_free_params: ENTER, self=136304204 IPD_free_params: EXIT PDATA_free_params: ENTER, self=136304320 PDATA_free_params: EXIT ARDFields_free 81fd598 bookmark=81ea838ARD_unbind_cols freeall=1 allocated=1 bindings=81ea7f8 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136304024, bindings_allocated=1, icol=1 APD_free_params: ENTER, self=136304140 IPD_free_params: ENTER, self=136304204 GDATA_unbind_cols freeall=1 allocated=1 gdata=817f860 SC_Destructor: EXIT [[SQLAllocHandle]]PGAPI_AllocStmt: entering... SC_Constructor: entering ... SC_Constructor: created stmt = 136303888 **** PGAPI_AllocStmt: hdbc = 135981656, stmt = 136303888 CC_add_statement: self=135981656, stmt=136303888 [[SQLGetStmtAttr]] Handle=136303888 10010 PGAPI_GetStmtAttr Handle=136303888 10010 [[SQLGetStmtAttr]] Handle=136303888 10011 PGAPI_GetStmtAttr Handle=136303888 10011 [[SQLGetStmtAttr]] Handle=136303888 10012 PGAPI_GetStmtAttr Handle=136303888 10012 [[SQLGetStmtAttr]] Handle=136303888 10013 PGAPI_GetStmtAttr Handle=136303888 10013 [SQLPrepare]PGAPI_Prepare: entering... **** PGAPI_Prepare: STMT_ALLOCATED, copy [SQLBindParameter]PGAPI_BindParameter: entering... extend_parameter_bindings: entering ... self=136304140, parameters_allocated=0, num_params=1 exit extend_parameter_bindings extend_iparameter_bindings: entering ... self=136304204, parameters_allocated=0, num_params=1 exit extend_iparameter_bindings extend_putdata_info: entering ... self=136304320, parameters_allocated=0, num_params=1 exit extend_putdata_info PGAPI_BindParamater: ipar=0, paramType=1, fCType=1, fSqlType=1, cbColDef=56, ibScale=0, rgbValue=-88176272, *pcbValue = -777, data_at_exec = 0 [SQLBindParameter]PGAPI_BindParameter: entering... extend_parameter_bindings: entering ... self=136304140, parameters_allocated=1, num_params=2 exit extend_parameter_bindings extend_iparameter_bindings: entering ... self=136304204, parameters_allocated=1, num_params=2 exit extend_iparameter_bindings extend_putdata_info: entering ... self=136304320, parameters_allocated=1, num_params=2 exit extend_putdata_info PGAPI_BindParamater: ipar=1, paramType=1, fCType=1, fSqlType=1, cbColDef=1, ibScale=0, rgbValue=-88181808, *pcbValue = -777, data_at_exec = 0 [SQLExecute]PGAPI_Execute: entering... PGAPI_Execute: clear errors... recycle statement: self= 136303888 PDATA_free_params: ENTER, self=136304320 PDATA_free_params: EXIT PGAPI_NumParams: entering... Exec_with_parameters_resolved: copying statement params: trans_status=1, len=63, stmt='SELECT COUNT(*) FROM voicemailmessages WHERE dir=? AND msgnum=?' ResolveOneParam: from(fcType)=1, to(fSqlType)=1 ResolveOneParam: from(fcType)=1, to(fSqlType)=1 stmt_with_params = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM voicemailmessages WHERE dir='/opt/asterisk/var/spool/voicemail/bluefaceusers/3031/Old' AND msgnum='1'' Sending SELECT statement on stmt=136303888, cursor_name='SQL_CUR81fd510' send_query(): conn=135981656, query='SELECT COUNT(*) FROM voicemailmessages WHERE dir='/opt/asterisk/var/spool/voicemail/bluefaceusers/3031/Old' AND msgnum='1'' LIBPQ_execute_query: entering ... in QR_Constructor exit QR_Constructor LIBPQ_execute_query: get next result with status = 2 LIBPQ_execute_query: query = SELECT COUNT(*) FROM voicemailmessages WHERE dir='/opt/asterisk/var/spool/voicemail/bluefaceusers/3031/Old' AND msgnum='1' LIBPQ_execute_query: rest types ... LIBPQ_execute_query: recent_processed_row_count = 1 CC_mapping: entering ... CC_mapping: rows = 1, columns = 1 CC_mapping: column = 0 CC_mapping: set field info: name = count, typ = 20, typlen = 8, attypmod = -1 in TL_Constructor exit TL_Constructor CC_mapping: fetch column = count, value = 1 send_query: done sending query with status: 2 QR_fetch_tuples: cursor = '', self->cursor=0 QR_fetch_tuples: past CI_read_fields: num_fields = 1 MALLOC: tuple_size = 100, size = 800 done sending the query: extend_column_bindings: entering ... self=136304024, bindings_allocated=0, num_columns=1 exit extend_column_bindings [[SQLFetch]]PGAPI_ExtendedFetch: stmt=136303888 SQL_FETCH_NEXT: num_tuples=1, currtuple=-1 PGAPI_ExtendedFetch: new currTuple = -1 manual_result = 1, use_declarefetch = 0 **** SC_fetch: manual_result extend_getdata_info: entering ... self=136304244, gdata_allocated=0, num_columns=1 exit extend_gdata_info fetch: cols=1, lf=0, opts = 136304024, opts->bindings = 136226808, buffer[] = 0 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136303888 value = '1' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 0, fCType = 1, field_type = 20, value = '1' copy_and_convert: field_type = 20, fctype = 1, value = '1', cbValueMax=20 DEFAULT: len = 1, ptr = '1' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 1, cbValueMax = 20, rgbValueBindRow = '1' [[SQLFreeHandle]]PGAPI_FreeStmt: entering...hstmt=136303888, fOption=1 QResult: in DESTRUCTOR TupleList: in DESTRUCTOR TupleList: exit DESTRUCTOR QResult: free memory in, fcount=101 QResult: free memory out QResult: exit DESTRUCTOR SC_Destructor: self=136303888, self->result=0, self->hdbc=135981656 APD_free_params: ENTER, self=136304140 APD_free_params: EXIT IPD_free_params: ENTER, self=136304204 IPD_free_params: EXIT PDATA_free_params: ENTER, self=136304320 PDATA_free_params: EXIT ARDFields_free 81fd598 bookmark=81ea878ARD_unbind_cols freeall=1 allocated=1 bindings=81ea7f8 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136304024, bindings_allocated=1, icol=1 APD_free_params: ENTER, self=136304140 IPD_free_params: ENTER, self=136304204 GDATA_unbind_cols freeall=1 allocated=1 gdata=817f860 SC_Destructor: EXIT [[SQLAllocHandle]]PGAPI_AllocStmt: entering... SC_Constructor: entering ... SC_Constructor: created stmt = 136303888 **** PGAPI_AllocStmt: hdbc = 135981656, stmt = 136303888 CC_add_statement: self=135981656, stmt=136303888 [[SQLGetStmtAttr]] Handle=136303888 10010 PGAPI_GetStmtAttr Handle=136303888 10010 [[SQLGetStmtAttr]] Handle=136303888 10011 PGAPI_GetStmtAttr Handle=136303888 10011 [[SQLGetStmtAttr]] Handle=136303888 10012 PGAPI_GetStmtAttr Handle=136303888 10012 [[SQLGetStmtAttr]] Handle=136303888 10013 PGAPI_GetStmtAttr Handle=136303888 10013 [SQLPrepare]PGAPI_Prepare: entering... **** PGAPI_Prepare: STMT_ALLOCATED, copy [SQLBindParameter]PGAPI_BindParameter: entering... extend_parameter_bindings: entering ... self=136304140, parameters_allocated=0, num_params=1 exit extend_parameter_bindings extend_iparameter_bindings: entering ... self=136304204, parameters_allocated=0, num_params=1 exit extend_iparameter_bindings extend_putdata_info: entering ... self=136304320, parameters_allocated=0, num_params=1 exit extend_putdata_info PGAPI_BindParamater: ipar=0, paramType=1, fCType=1, fSqlType=1, cbColDef=56, ibScale=0, rgbValue=-88176272, *pcbValue = -777, data_at_exec = 0 [SQLBindParameter]PGAPI_BindParameter: entering... extend_parameter_bindings: entering ... self=136304140, parameters_allocated=1, num_params=2 exit extend_parameter_bindings extend_iparameter_bindings: entering ... self=136304204, parameters_allocated=1, num_params=2 exit extend_iparameter_bindings extend_putdata_info: entering ... self=136304320, parameters_allocated=1, num_params=2 exit extend_putdata_info PGAPI_BindParamater: ipar=1, paramType=1, fCType=1, fSqlType=1, cbColDef=1, ibScale=0, rgbValue=-88181808, *pcbValue = -777, data_at_exec = 0 [SQLExecute]PGAPI_Execute: entering... PGAPI_Execute: clear errors... recycle statement: self= 136303888 PDATA_free_params: ENTER, self=136304320 PDATA_free_params: EXIT PGAPI_NumParams: entering... Exec_with_parameters_resolved: copying statement params: trans_status=1, len=63, stmt='SELECT COUNT(*) FROM voicemailmessages WHERE dir=? AND msgnum=?' ResolveOneParam: from(fcType)=1, to(fSqlType)=1 ResolveOneParam: from(fcType)=1, to(fSqlType)=1 stmt_with_params = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM voicemailmessages WHERE dir='/opt/asterisk/var/spool/voicemail/bluefaceusers/3031/Old' AND msgnum='2'' Sending SELECT statement on stmt=136303888, cursor_name='SQL_CUR81fd510' send_query(): conn=135981656, query='SELECT COUNT(*) FROM voicemailmessages WHERE dir='/opt/asterisk/var/spool/voicemail/bluefaceusers/3031/Old' AND msgnum='2'' LIBPQ_execute_query: entering ... in QR_Constructor exit QR_Constructor LIBPQ_execute_query: get next result with status = 2 LIBPQ_execute_query: query = SELECT COUNT(*) FROM voicemailmessages WHERE dir='/opt/asterisk/var/spool/voicemail/bluefaceusers/3031/Old' AND msgnum='2' LIBPQ_execute_query: rest types ... LIBPQ_execute_query: recent_processed_row_count = 1 CC_mapping: entering ... CC_mapping: rows = 1, columns = 1 CC_mapping: column = 0 CC_mapping: set field info: name = count, typ = 20, typlen = 8, attypmod = -1 in TL_Constructor exit TL_Constructor CC_mapping: fetch column = count, value = 0 send_query: done sending query with status: 2 QR_fetch_tuples: cursor = '', self->cursor=0 QR_fetch_tuples: past CI_read_fields: num_fields = 1 MALLOC: tuple_size = 100, size = 800 done sending the query: extend_column_bindings: entering ... self=136304024, bindings_allocated=0, num_columns=1 exit extend_column_bindings [[SQLFetch]]PGAPI_ExtendedFetch: stmt=136303888 SQL_FETCH_NEXT: num_tuples=1, currtuple=-1 PGAPI_ExtendedFetch: new currTuple = -1 manual_result = 1, use_declarefetch = 0 **** SC_fetch: manual_result extend_getdata_info: entering ... self=136304244, gdata_allocated=0, num_columns=1 exit extend_gdata_info fetch: cols=1, lf=0, opts = 136304024, opts->bindings = 136226808, buffer[] = 0 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136303888 value = '0' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 0, fCType = 1, field_type = 20, value = '0' copy_and_convert: field_type = 20, fctype = 1, value = '0', cbValueMax=20 DEFAULT: len = 1, ptr = '0' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 1, cbValueMax = 20, rgbValueBindRow = '0' [[SQLFreeHandle]]PGAPI_FreeStmt: entering...hstmt=136303888, fOption=1 QResult: in DESTRUCTOR TupleList: in DESTRUCTOR TupleList: exit DESTRUCTOR QResult: free memory in, fcount=101 QResult: free memory out QResult: exit DESTRUCTOR SC_Destructor: self=136303888, self->result=0, self->hdbc=135981656 APD_free_params: ENTER, self=136304140 APD_free_params: EXIT IPD_free_params: ENTER, self=136304204 IPD_free_params: EXIT PDATA_free_params: ENTER, self=136304320 PDATA_free_params: EXIT ARDFields_free 81fd598 bookmark=81ea838ARD_unbind_cols freeall=1 allocated=1 bindings=81ea7f8 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136304024, bindings_allocated=1, icol=1 APD_free_params: ENTER, self=136304140 IPD_free_params: ENTER, self=136304204 GDATA_unbind_cols freeall=1 allocated=1 gdata=817f860 SC_Destructor: EXIT [[SQLAllocHandle]]PGAPI_AllocStmt: entering... SC_Constructor: entering ... SC_Constructor: created stmt = 136303888 **** PGAPI_AllocStmt: hdbc = 135981656, stmt = 136303888 CC_add_statement: self=135981656, stmt=136303888 [[SQLGetStmtAttr]] Handle=136303888 10010 PGAPI_GetStmtAttr Handle=136303888 10010 [[SQLGetStmtAttr]] Handle=136303888 10011 PGAPI_GetStmtAttr Handle=136303888 10011 [[SQLGetStmtAttr]] Handle=136303888 10012 PGAPI_GetStmtAttr Handle=136303888 10012 [[SQLGetStmtAttr]] Handle=136303888 10013 PGAPI_GetStmtAttr Handle=136303888 10013 [SQLPrepare]PGAPI_Prepare: entering... **** PGAPI_Prepare: STMT_ALLOCATED, copy [SQLExecute]PGAPI_Execute: entering... PGAPI_Execute: clear errors... recycle statement: self= 136303888 PDATA_free_params: ENTER, self=136304320 PGAPI_NumParams: entering... Exec_with_parameters_resolved: copying statement params: trans_status=1, len=111, stmt='SELECT COUNT(*) FROM voicemailmessages WHERE dir = '/opt/asterisk/var/spool/voicemail/bluefaceusers/3031/INBOX'' stmt_with_params = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM voicemailmessages WHERE dir = '/opt/asterisk/var/spool/voicemail/bluefaceusers/3031/INBOX'' Sending SELECT statement on stmt=136303888, cursor_name='SQL_CUR81fd510' send_query(): conn=135981656, query='SELECT COUNT(*) FROM voicemailmessages WHERE dir = '/opt/asterisk/var/spool/voicemail/bluefaceusers/3031/INBOX'' LIBPQ_execute_query: entering ... in QR_Constructor exit QR_Constructor LIBPQ_execute_query: get next result with status = 2 LIBPQ_execute_query: query = SELECT COUNT(*) FROM voicemailmessages WHERE dir = '/opt/asterisk/var/spool/voicemail/bluefaceusers/3031/INBOX' LIBPQ_execute_query: rest types ... LIBPQ_execute_query: recent_processed_row_count = 1 CC_mapping: entering ... CC_mapping: rows = 1, columns = 1 CC_mapping: column = 0 CC_mapping: set field info: name = count, typ = 20, typlen = 8, attypmod = -1 in TL_Constructor exit TL_Constructor CC_mapping: fetch column = count, value = 0 send_query: done sending query with status: 2 QR_fetch_tuples: cursor = '', self->cursor=0 QR_fetch_tuples: past CI_read_fields: num_fields = 1 MALLOC: tuple_size = 100, size = 800 done sending the query: extend_column_bindings: entering ... self=136304024, bindings_allocated=0, num_columns=1 exit extend_column_bindings [[SQLFetch]]PGAPI_ExtendedFetch: stmt=136303888 SQL_FETCH_NEXT: num_tuples=1, currtuple=-1 PGAPI_ExtendedFetch: new currTuple = -1 manual_result = 1, use_declarefetch = 0 **** SC_fetch: manual_result extend_getdata_info: entering ... self=136304244, gdata_allocated=0, num_columns=1 exit extend_gdata_info fetch: cols=1, lf=0, opts = 136304024, opts->bindings = 136226872, buffer[] = 0 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136303888 value = '0' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 0, fCType = 1, field_type = 20, value = '0' copy_and_convert: field_type = 20, fctype = 1, value = '0', cbValueMax=20 DEFAULT: len = 1, ptr = '0' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 1, cbValueMax = 20, rgbValueBindRow = '0' [[SQLFreeHandle]]PGAPI_FreeStmt: entering...hstmt=136303888, fOption=1 QResult: in DESTRUCTOR TupleList: in DESTRUCTOR TupleList: exit DESTRUCTOR QResult: free memory in, fcount=101 QResult: free memory out QResult: exit DESTRUCTOR SC_Destructor: self=136303888, self->result=0, self->hdbc=135981656 APD_free_params: ENTER, self=136304140 IPD_free_params: ENTER, self=136304204 PDATA_free_params: ENTER, self=136304320 ARDFields_free 81fd598 bookmark=81ea878ARD_unbind_cols freeall=1 allocated=1 bindings=81ea838 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136304024, bindings_allocated=1, icol=1 APD_free_params: ENTER, self=136304140 IPD_free_params: ENTER, self=136304204 GDATA_unbind_cols freeall=1 allocated=1 gdata=817f860 SC_Destructor: EXIT [[SQLAllocHandle]]PGAPI_AllocStmt: entering... SC_Constructor: entering ... SC_Constructor: created stmt = 136267520 **** PGAPI_AllocStmt: hdbc = 135891512, stmt = 136267520 CC_add_statement: self=135891512, stmt=136267520 [[SQLGetStmtAttr]] Handle=136267520 10010 PGAPI_GetStmtAttr Handle=136267520 10010 [[SQLGetStmtAttr]] Handle=136267520 10011 PGAPI_GetStmtAttr Handle=136267520 10011 [[SQLGetStmtAttr]] Handle=136267520 10012 PGAPI_GetStmtAttr Handle=136267520 10012 [[SQLGetStmtAttr]] Handle=136267520 10013 PGAPI_GetStmtAttr Handle=136267520 10013 [SQLPrepare]PGAPI_Prepare: entering... **** PGAPI_Prepare: STMT_ALLOCATED, copy [SQLBindParameter]PGAPI_BindParameter: entering... extend_parameter_bindings: entering ... self=136267772, parameters_allocated=0, num_params=1 exit extend_parameter_bindings extend_iparameter_bindings: entering ... self=136267836, parameters_allocated=0, num_params=1 exit extend_iparameter_bindings extend_putdata_info: entering ... self=136267952, parameters_allocated=0, num_params=1 exit extend_putdata_info PGAPI_BindParamater: ipar=0, paramType=1, fCType=1, fSqlType=1, cbColDef=17, ibScale=0, rgbValue=-87823776, *pcbValue = -777, data_at_exec = 0 [SQLExecute]PGAPI_Execute: entering... PGAPI_Execute: clear errors... recycle statement: self= 136267520 PDATA_free_params: ENTER, self=136267952 PDATA_free_params: EXIT PGAPI_NumParams: entering... Exec_with_parameters_resolved: copying statement params: trans_status=1, len=40, stmt='SELECT * FROM sipaccounts WHERE name = ?' ResolveOneParam: from(fcType)=1, to(fSqlType)=1 stmt_with_params = 'SELECT * FROM sipaccounts WHERE name = 'BruceMcAlisterE61'' Sending SELECT statement on stmt=136267520, cursor_name='SQL_CUR81f4700' send_query(): conn=135891512, query='SELECT * FROM sipaccounts WHERE name = 'BruceMcAlisterE61'' LIBPQ_execute_query: entering ... in QR_Constructor exit QR_Constructor LIBPQ_execute_query: get next result with status = 2 LIBPQ_execute_query: query = SELECT * FROM sipaccounts WHERE name = 'BruceMcAlisterE61' LIBPQ_execute_query: rest types ... LIBPQ_execute_query: recent_processed_row_count = 1 CC_mapping: entering ... CC_mapping: rows = 1, columns = 56 CC_mapping: column = 0 CC_mapping: set field info: name = id, typ = 1043, typlen = 36, attypmod = 36 CC_mapping: column = 1 CC_mapping: set field info: name = name, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 2 CC_mapping: set field info: name = accountcode, typ = 1043, typlen = 20, attypmod = 20 CC_mapping: column = 3 CC_mapping: set field info: name = amaflags, typ = 1043, typlen = 13, attypmod = 13 CC_mapping: column = 4 CC_mapping: set field info: name = callgroup, typ = 1043, typlen = 10, attypmod = 10 CC_mapping: column = 5 CC_mapping: set field info: name = callerid, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 6 CC_mapping: set field info: name = canreinvite, typ = 1042, typlen = 3, attypmod = 3 CC_mapping: column = 7 CC_mapping: set field info: name = context, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 8 CC_mapping: set field info: name = defaultip, typ = 1043, typlen = 15, attypmod = 15 CC_mapping: column = 9 CC_mapping: set field info: name = dtmfmode, typ = 1043, typlen = 7, attypmod = 7 CC_mapping: column = 10 CC_mapping: set field info: name = fromuser, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 11 CC_mapping: set field info: name = fromdomain, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 12 CC_mapping: set field info: name = fullcontact, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 13 CC_mapping: set field info: name = host, typ = 1043, typlen = 31, attypmod = 31 CC_mapping: column = 14 CC_mapping: set field info: name = insecure, typ = 1043, typlen = 11, attypmod = 11 CC_mapping: column = 15 CC_mapping: set field info: name = language, typ = 1042, typlen = 2, attypmod = 2 CC_mapping: column = 16 CC_mapping: set field info: name = mailbox, typ = 1043, typlen = 50, attypmod = 50 CC_mapping: column = 17 CC_mapping: set field info: name = md5secret, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 18 CC_mapping: set field info: name = nat, typ = 1043, typlen = 5, attypmod = 5 CC_mapping: column = 19 CC_mapping: set field info: name = deny, typ = 1043, typlen = 95, attypmod = 95 CC_mapping: column = 20 CC_mapping: set field info: name = permit, typ = 1043, typlen = 95, attypmod = 95 CC_mapping: column = 21 CC_mapping: set field info: name = mask, typ = 1043, typlen = 95, attypmod = 95 CC_mapping: column = 22 CC_mapping: set field info: name = pickupgroup, typ = 1043, typlen = 10, attypmod = 10 CC_mapping: column = 23 CC_mapping: set field info: name = port, typ = 1043, typlen = 5, attypmod = 5 CC_mapping: column = 24 CC_mapping: set field info: name = qualify, typ = 1042, typlen = 4, attypmod = 4 CC_mapping: column = 25 CC_mapping: set field info: name = restrictcid, typ = 1042, typlen = 1, attypmod = 1 CC_mapping: column = 26 CC_mapping: set field info: name = rtptimeout, typ = 1042, typlen = 3, attypmod = 3 CC_mapping: column = 27 CC_mapping: set field info: name = rtpholdtimeout, typ = 1042, typlen = 5, attypmod = 5 CC_mapping: column = 28 CC_mapping: set field info: name = secret, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 29 CC_mapping: set field info: name = type, typ = 1043, typlen = 6, attypmod = 6 CC_mapping: column = 30 CC_mapping: set field info: name = username, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 31 CC_mapping: set field info: name = disallow, typ = 1043, typlen = 100, attypmod = 100 CC_mapping: column = 32 CC_mapping: set field info: name = allow, typ = 1043, typlen = 100, attypmod = 100 CC_mapping: column = 33 CC_mapping: set field info: name = mohsuggest, typ = 1043, typlen = 100, attypmod = 100 CC_mapping: column = 34 CC_mapping: set field info: name = regseconds, typ = 23, typlen = 4, attypmod = -1 CC_mapping: column = 35 CC_mapping: set field info: name = ipaddr, typ = 1043, typlen = 15, attypmod = 15 CC_mapping: column = 36 CC_mapping: set field info: name = regexten, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 37 CC_mapping: set field info: name = cancallforward, typ = 1042, typlen = 3, attypmod = 3 CC_mapping: column = 38 CC_mapping: set field info: name = setvar, typ = 1043, typlen = 100, attypmod = 100 CC_mapping: column = 39 CC_mapping: set field info: name = inserted, typ = 1184, typlen = 8, attypmod = -1 CC_mapping: column = 40 CC_mapping: set field info: name = lastregister, typ = 1184, typlen = 8, attypmod = -1 CC_mapping: column = 41 CC_mapping: set field info: name = useragent, typ = 1043, typlen = 128, attypmod = 128 CC_mapping: column = 42 CC_mapping: set field info: name = natsendkeepalives, typ = 1042, typlen = 1, attypmod = 1 CC_mapping: column = 43 CC_mapping: set field info: name = natconnectionstate, typ = 1042, typlen = 1, attypmod = 1 CC_mapping: column = 44 CC_mapping: set field info: name = outboundproxyport, typ = 1043, typlen = 5, attypmod = 5 CC_mapping: column = 45 CC_mapping: set field info: name = outboundproxy, typ = 1043, typlen = 31, attypmod = 31 CC_mapping: column = 46 CC_mapping: set field info: name = voicemailextension, typ = 1043, typlen = 128, attypmod = 128 CC_mapping: column = 47 CC_mapping: set field info: name = pstncallerid, typ = 1043, typlen = 24, attypmod = 24 CC_mapping: column = 48 CC_mapping: set field info: name = dialplan, typ = 1043, typlen = 64, attypmod = 64 CC_mapping: column = 49 CC_mapping: set field info: name = whitelabelid, typ = 1043, typlen = 32, attypmod = 32 CC_mapping: column = 50 CC_mapping: set field info: name = localcallprefix, typ = 1043, typlen = 10, attypmod = 10 CC_mapping: column = 51 CC_mapping: set field info: name = comment, typ = 1043, typlen = 512, attypmod = 512 CC_mapping: column = 52 CC_mapping: set field info: name = createdbyuser, typ = 1042, typlen = 3, attypmod = 3 CC_mapping: column = 53 CC_mapping: set field info: name = progressinband, typ = 1043, typlen = 5, attypmod = 5 CC_mapping: column = 54 CC_mapping: set field info: name = call-limit, typ = 23, typlen = 4, attypmod = -1 CC_mapping: column = 55 CC_mapping: set field info: name = regserver, typ = 1043, typlen = 100, attypmod = 100 in TL_Constructor exit TL_Constructor CC_mapping: fetch column = id, value = 50f2f1af-18be-404d-b188-4de0a52397b6 CC_mapping: fetch column = name, value = BruceMcAlisterE61 CC_mapping: fetch column = accountcode, value = myaccountcode123456 CC_mapping: fetch column = amaflags, value = NULL CC_mapping: fetch column = callgroup, value = NULL CC_mapping: fetch column = callerid, value = Bruce McAlister <304242> CC_mapping: fetch column = canreinvite, value = no CC_mapping: fetch column = context, value = VoiceMail CC_mapping: fetch column = defaultip, value = CC_mapping: fetch column = dtmfmode, value = rfc2833 CC_mapping: fetch column = fromuser, value = CC_mapping: fetch column = fromdomain, value = CC_mapping: fetch column = fullcontact, value = CC_mapping: fetch column = host, value = dynamic CC_mapping: fetch column = insecure, value = NULL CC_mapping: fetch column = language, value = NULL CC_mapping: fetch column = mailbox, value = 3031 CC_mapping: fetch column = md5secret, value = NULL CC_mapping: fetch column = nat, value = yes CC_mapping: fetch column = deny, value = NULL CC_mapping: fetch column = permit, value = NULL CC_mapping: fetch column = mask, value = NULL CC_mapping: fetch column = pickupgroup, value = NULL CC_mapping: fetch column = port, value = 57274 CC_mapping: fetch column = qualify, value = no CC_mapping: fetch column = restrictcid, value = NULL CC_mapping: fetch column = rtptimeout, value = NULL CC_mapping: fetch column = rtpholdtimeout, value = NULL CC_mapping: fetch column = secret, value = 47p00k$! CC_mapping: fetch column = type, value = friend CC_mapping: fetch column = username, value = BruceMcAlisterE61 CC_mapping: fetch column = disallow, value = CC_mapping: fetch column = allow, value = CC_mapping: fetch column = mohsuggest, value = NULL CC_mapping: fetch column = regseconds, value = 1204282587 CC_mapping: fetch column = ipaddr, value = CC_mapping: fetch column = regexten, value = CC_mapping: fetch column = cancallforward, value = yes CC_mapping: fetch column = setvar, value = CC_mapping: fetch column = inserted, value = 2007-09-01 17:48:54.464028+01 CC_mapping: fetch column = lastregister, value = 2008-02-22 10:45:23+00 CC_mapping: fetch column = useragent, value = X-Lite release 1011s stamp 41150 CC_mapping: fetch column = natsendkeepalives, value = n CC_mapping: fetch column = natconnectionstate, value = d CC_mapping: fetch column = outboundproxyport, value = CC_mapping: fetch column = outboundproxy, value = CC_mapping: fetch column = voicemailextension, value = 3031 CC_mapping: fetch column = pstncallerid, value = 0035318262900 CC_mapping: fetch column = dialplan, value = CC_mapping: fetch column = whitelabelid, value = blueface CC_mapping: fetch column = localcallprefix, value = NULL CC_mapping: fetch column = comment, value = Provisioned by bruce.mcalister on 01 Sep 2007 17:48:54. CC_mapping: fetch column = createdbyuser, value = yes CC_mapping: fetch column = progressinband, value = no CC_mapping: fetch column = call-limit, value = 10 CC_mapping: fetch column = regserver, value = send_query: done sending query with status: 2 QR_fetch_tuples: cursor = '', self->cursor=0 QR_fetch_tuples: past CI_read_fields: num_fields = 56 MALLOC: tuple_size = 100, size = 44800 done sending the query: extend_column_bindings: entering ... self=136267656, bindings_allocated=0, num_columns=56 exit extend_column_bindings [SQLNumResultCols]PGAPI_NumResultCols: entering... SC_pre_execute: status = 3 PGAPI_NumResultCols: result = 136264384, status = 3, numcols = 56 [[SQLFetch]]PGAPI_ExtendedFetch: stmt=136267520 SQL_FETCH_NEXT: num_tuples=1, currtuple=-1 PGAPI_ExtendedFetch: new currTuple = -1 manual_result = 1, use_declarefetch = 0 **** SC_fetch: manual_result extend_getdata_info: entering ... self=136267876, gdata_allocated=0, num_columns=56 exit extend_gdata_info fetch: cols=56, lf=0, opts = 136267656, opts->bindings = 136275848, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=1, opts = 136267656, opts->bindings = 136275848, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=2, opts = 136267656, opts->bindings = 136275848, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=3, opts = 136267656, opts->bindings = 136275848, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=4, opts = 136267656, opts->bindings = 136275848, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=5, opts = 136267656, opts->bindings = 136275848, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=6, opts = 136267656, opts->bindings = 136275848, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=7, opts = 136267656, opts->bindings = 136275848, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=8, opts = 136267656, opts->bindings = 136275848, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=9, opts = 136267656, opts->bindings = 136275848, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=10, opts = 136267656, opts->bindings = 136275848, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=11, opts = 136267656, opts->bindings = 136275848, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=12, opts = 136267656, opts->bindings = 136275848, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=13, opts = 136267656, opts->bindings = 136275848, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=14, opts = 136267656, opts->bindings = 136275848, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=15, opts = 136267656, opts->bindings = 136275848, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=16, opts = 136267656, opts->bindings = 136275848, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=17, opts = 136267656, opts->bindings = 136275848, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=18, opts = 136267656, opts->bindings = 136275848, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=19, opts = 136267656, opts->bindings = 136275848, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=20, opts = 136267656, opts->bindings = 136275848, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=21, opts = 136267656, opts->bindings = 136275848, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=22, opts = 136267656, opts->bindings = 136275848, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=23, opts = 136267656, opts->bindings = 136275848, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=24, opts = 136267656, opts->bindings = 136275848, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=25, opts = 136267656, opts->bindings = 136275848, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=26, opts = 136267656, opts->bindings = 136275848, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=27, opts = 136267656, opts->bindings = 136275848, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=28, opts = 136267656, opts->bindings = 136275848, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=29, opts = 136267656, opts->bindings = 136275848, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=30, opts = 136267656, opts->bindings = 136275848, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=31, opts = 136267656, opts->bindings = 136275848, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=32, opts = 136267656, opts->bindings = 136275848, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=33, opts = 136267656, opts->bindings = 136275848, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=34, opts = 136267656, opts->bindings = 136275848, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=35, opts = 136267656, opts->bindings = 136275848, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=36, opts = 136267656, opts->bindings = 136275848, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=37, opts = 136267656, opts->bindings = 136275848, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=38, opts = 136267656, opts->bindings = 136275848, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=39, opts = 136267656, opts->bindings = 136275848, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=40, opts = 136267656, opts->bindings = 136275848, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=41, opts = 136267656, opts->bindings = 136275848, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=42, opts = 136267656, opts->bindings = 136275848, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=43, opts = 136267656, opts->bindings = 136275848, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=44, opts = 136267656, opts->bindings = 136275848, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=45, opts = 136267656, opts->bindings = 136275848, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=46, opts = 136267656, opts->bindings = 136275848, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=47, opts = 136267656, opts->bindings = 136275848, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=48, opts = 136267656, opts->bindings = 136275848, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=49, opts = 136267656, opts->bindings = 136275848, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=50, opts = 136267656, opts->bindings = 136275848, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=51, opts = 136267656, opts->bindings = 136275848, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=52, opts = 136267656, opts->bindings = 136275848, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=53, opts = 136267656, opts->bindings = 136275848, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=54, opts = 136267656, opts->bindings = 136275848, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=55, opts = 136267656, opts->bindings = 136275848, buffer[] = 0 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.1.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=0, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 0 fieldname = 'id' describeCol: col 0 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 0 column_size = 36 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=0, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 0 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 0 *pcbColDef = 36 describeCol: col 0 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 0 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267520 value = '50f2f1af-18be-404d-b188-4de0a52397b6' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 0, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '50f2f1af-18be-404d-b188-4de0a52397b6' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '50f2f1af-18be-404d-b188-4de0a52397b6', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 36, ptr = '50f2f1af-18be-404d-b188-4de0a52397b6' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 36, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '50f2f1af-18be-404d-b188-4de0a52397b6' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.2.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=1, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 1 fieldname = 'name' describeCol: col 1 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 1 column_size = 80 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=1, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 1 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 1 *pcbColDef = 80 describeCol: col 1 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 1 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267520 value = 'BruceMcAlisterE61' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 1, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = 'BruceMcAlisterE61' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = 'BruceMcAlisterE61', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 17, ptr = 'BruceMcAlisterE61' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 17, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'BruceMcAlisterE61' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.3.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=2, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 2 fieldname = 'accountcode' describeCol: col 2 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 2 column_size = 20 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=2, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 2 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 2 *pcbColDef = 20 describeCol: col 2 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 2 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267520 value = 'myaccountcode123456' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 2, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = 'myaccountcode123456' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = 'myaccountcode123456', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 19, ptr = 'myaccountcode123456' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 19, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'myaccountcode123456' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.4.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=3, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 3 fieldname = 'amaflags' describeCol: col 3 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 3 column_size = 13 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=3, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 3 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 3 *pcbColDef = 13 describeCol: col 3 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 3 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267520 value = '(null)' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 3, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '(null)' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.5.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=4, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 4 fieldname = 'callgroup' describeCol: col 4 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 4 column_size = 10 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=4, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 4 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 4 *pcbColDef = 10 describeCol: col 4 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 4 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267520 value = '(null)' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 4, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '(null)' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.6.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=5, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 5 fieldname = 'callerid' describeCol: col 5 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 5 column_size = 80 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=5, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 5 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 5 *pcbColDef = 80 describeCol: col 5 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 5 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267520 value = 'Bruce McAlister <304242>' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 5, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = 'Bruce McAlister <304242>' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = 'Bruce McAlister <304242>', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 24, ptr = 'Bruce McAlister <304242>' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 24, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'Bruce McAlister <304242>' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.7.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=6, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 6 fieldname = 'canreinvite' describeCol: col 6 fieldtype = 1042 describeCol: col 6 column_size = 3 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=6, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 6 *pfSqlType = 1 describeCol: col 6 *pcbColDef = 3 describeCol: col 6 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 6 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267520 value = 'no ' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 6, fCType = 1, field_type = 1042, value = 'no ' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1042, fctype = 1, value = 'no ', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 3, ptr = 'no ' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 3, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'no ' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.8.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=7, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 7 fieldname = 'context' describeCol: col 7 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 7 column_size = 80 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=7, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 7 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 7 *pcbColDef = 80 describeCol: col 7 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 7 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267520 value = 'VoiceMail' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 7, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = 'VoiceMail' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = 'VoiceMail', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 9, ptr = 'VoiceMail' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 9, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'VoiceMail' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.9.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=8, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 8 fieldname = 'defaultip' describeCol: col 8 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 8 column_size = 15 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=8, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 8 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 8 *pcbColDef = 15 describeCol: col 8 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 8 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267520 value = '' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 8, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 0, ptr = '' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 0, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.10.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=9, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 9 fieldname = 'dtmfmode' describeCol: col 9 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 9 column_size = 7 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=9, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 9 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 9 *pcbColDef = 7 describeCol: col 9 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 9 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267520 value = 'rfc2833' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 9, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = 'rfc2833' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = 'rfc2833', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 7, ptr = 'rfc2833' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 7, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'rfc2833' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.11.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=10, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 10 fieldname = 'fromuser' describeCol: col 10 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 10 column_size = 80 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=10, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 10 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 10 *pcbColDef = 80 describeCol: col 10 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 10 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267520 value = '' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 10, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 0, ptr = '' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 0, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.12.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=11, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 11 fieldname = 'fromdomain' describeCol: col 11 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 11 column_size = 80 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=11, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 11 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 11 *pcbColDef = 80 describeCol: col 11 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 11 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267520 value = '' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 11, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 0, ptr = '' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 0, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.13.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=12, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 12 fieldname = 'fullcontact' describeCol: col 12 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 12 column_size = 80 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=12, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 12 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 12 *pcbColDef = 80 describeCol: col 12 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 12 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267520 value = '' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 12, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 0, ptr = '' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 0, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.14.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=13, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 13 fieldname = 'host' describeCol: col 13 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 13 column_size = 31 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=13, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 13 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 13 *pcbColDef = 31 describeCol: col 13 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 13 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267520 value = 'dynamic' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 13, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = 'dynamic' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = 'dynamic', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 7, ptr = 'dynamic' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 7, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'dynamic' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.15.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=14, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 14 fieldname = 'insecure' describeCol: col 14 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 14 column_size = 11 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=14, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 14 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 14 *pcbColDef = 11 describeCol: col 14 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 14 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267520 value = '(null)' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 14, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '(null)' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.16.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=15, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 15 fieldname = 'language' describeCol: col 15 fieldtype = 1042 describeCol: col 15 column_size = 2 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=15, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 15 *pfSqlType = 1 describeCol: col 15 *pcbColDef = 2 describeCol: col 15 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 15 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267520 value = '(null)' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 15, fCType = 1, field_type = 1042, value = '(null)' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1042, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.17.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=16, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 16 fieldname = 'mailbox' describeCol: col 16 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 16 column_size = 50 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=16, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 16 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 16 *pcbColDef = 50 describeCol: col 16 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 16 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267520 value = '3031' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 16, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '3031' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '3031', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 4, ptr = '3031' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 4, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '3031' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.18.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=17, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 17 fieldname = 'md5secret' describeCol: col 17 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 17 column_size = 80 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=17, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 17 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 17 *pcbColDef = 80 describeCol: col 17 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 17 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267520 value = '(null)' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 17, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '(null)' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.19.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=18, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 18 fieldname = 'nat' describeCol: col 18 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 18 column_size = 5 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=18, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 18 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 18 *pcbColDef = 5 describeCol: col 18 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 18 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267520 value = 'yes' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 18, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = 'yes' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = 'yes', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 3, ptr = 'yes' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 3, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'yes' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.20.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=19, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 19 fieldname = 'deny' describeCol: col 19 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 19 column_size = 95 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=19, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 19 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 19 *pcbColDef = 95 describeCol: col 19 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 19 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267520 value = '(null)' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 19, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '(null)' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.21.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=20, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 20 fieldname = 'permit' describeCol: col 20 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 20 column_size = 95 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=20, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 20 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 20 *pcbColDef = 95 describeCol: col 20 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 20 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267520 value = '(null)' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 20, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '(null)' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.22.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=21, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 21 fieldname = 'mask' describeCol: col 21 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 21 column_size = 95 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=21, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 21 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 21 *pcbColDef = 95 describeCol: col 21 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 21 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267520 value = '(null)' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 21, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '(null)' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.23.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=22, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 22 fieldname = 'pickupgroup' describeCol: col 22 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 22 column_size = 10 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=22, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 22 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 22 *pcbColDef = 10 describeCol: col 22 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 22 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267520 value = '(null)' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 22, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '(null)' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.24.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=23, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 23 fieldname = 'port' describeCol: col 23 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 23 column_size = 5 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=23, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 23 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 23 *pcbColDef = 5 describeCol: col 23 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 23 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267520 value = '57274' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 23, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '57274' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '57274', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 5, ptr = '57274' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 5, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '57274' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.25.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=24, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 24 fieldname = 'qualify' describeCol: col 24 fieldtype = 1042 describeCol: col 24 column_size = 4 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=24, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 24 *pfSqlType = 1 describeCol: col 24 *pcbColDef = 4 describeCol: col 24 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 24 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267520 value = 'no ' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 24, fCType = 1, field_type = 1042, value = 'no ' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1042, fctype = 1, value = 'no ', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 4, ptr = 'no ' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 4, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'no ' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.26.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=25, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 25 fieldname = 'restrictcid' describeCol: col 25 fieldtype = 1042 describeCol: col 25 column_size = 1 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=25, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 25 *pfSqlType = 1 describeCol: col 25 *pcbColDef = 1 describeCol: col 25 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 25 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267520 value = '(null)' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 25, fCType = 1, field_type = 1042, value = '(null)' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1042, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.27.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=26, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 26 fieldname = 'rtptimeout' describeCol: col 26 fieldtype = 1042 describeCol: col 26 column_size = 3 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=26, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 26 *pfSqlType = 1 describeCol: col 26 *pcbColDef = 3 describeCol: col 26 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 26 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267520 value = '(null)' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 26, fCType = 1, field_type = 1042, value = '(null)' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1042, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.28.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=27, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 27 fieldname = 'rtpholdtimeout' describeCol: col 27 fieldtype = 1042 describeCol: col 27 column_size = 5 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=27, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 27 *pfSqlType = 1 describeCol: col 27 *pcbColDef = 5 describeCol: col 27 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 27 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267520 value = '(null)' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 27, fCType = 1, field_type = 1042, value = '(null)' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1042, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.29.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=28, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 28 fieldname = 'secret' describeCol: col 28 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 28 column_size = 80 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=28, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 28 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 28 *pcbColDef = 80 describeCol: col 28 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 28 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267520 value = '47p00k$!' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 28, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '47p00k$!' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '47p00k$!', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 8, ptr = '47p00k$!' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 8, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '47p00k$!' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.30.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=29, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 29 fieldname = 'type' describeCol: col 29 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 29 column_size = 6 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=29, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 29 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 29 *pcbColDef = 6 describeCol: col 29 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 29 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267520 value = 'friend' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 29, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = 'friend' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = 'friend', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 6, ptr = 'friend' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 6, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'friend' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.31.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=30, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 30 fieldname = 'username' describeCol: col 30 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 30 column_size = 80 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=30, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 30 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 30 *pcbColDef = 80 describeCol: col 30 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 30 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267520 value = 'BruceMcAlisterE61' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 30, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = 'BruceMcAlisterE61' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = 'BruceMcAlisterE61', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 17, ptr = 'BruceMcAlisterE61' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 17, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'BruceMcAlisterE61' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.32.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=31, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 31 fieldname = 'disallow' describeCol: col 31 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 31 column_size = 100 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=31, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 31 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 31 *pcbColDef = 100 describeCol: col 31 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 31 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267520 value = '' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 31, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 0, ptr = '' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 0, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.33.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=32, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 32 fieldname = 'allow' describeCol: col 32 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 32 column_size = 100 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=32, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 32 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 32 *pcbColDef = 100 describeCol: col 32 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 32 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267520 value = '' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 32, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 0, ptr = '' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 0, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.34.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=33, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 33 fieldname = 'mohsuggest' describeCol: col 33 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 33 column_size = 100 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=33, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 33 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 33 *pcbColDef = 100 describeCol: col 33 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 33 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267520 value = '(null)' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 33, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '(null)' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.35.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 describeCol: col 34 fieldname = 'regseconds' describeCol: col 34 fieldtype = 23 describeCol: col 34 column_size = 10 describeCol: col 34 *pfSqlType = 4 describeCol: col 34 *pcbColDef = 10 describeCol: col 34 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 34 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267520 value = '1204282587' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 34, fCType = 1, field_type = 23, value = '1204282587' copy_and_convert: field_type = 23, fctype = 1, value = '1204282587', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 10, ptr = '1204282587' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 10, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '1204282587' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.36.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=35, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 35 fieldname = 'ipaddr' describeCol: col 35 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 35 column_size = 15 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=35, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 35 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 35 *pcbColDef = 15 describeCol: col 35 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 35 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267520 value = '' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 35, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 12, ptr = '' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 12, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.37.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=36, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 36 fieldname = 'regexten' describeCol: col 36 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 36 column_size = 80 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=36, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 36 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 36 *pcbColDef = 80 describeCol: col 36 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 36 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267520 value = '' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 36, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 0, ptr = '' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 0, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.38.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=37, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 37 fieldname = 'cancallforward' describeCol: col 37 fieldtype = 1042 describeCol: col 37 column_size = 3 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=37, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 37 *pfSqlType = 1 describeCol: col 37 *pcbColDef = 3 describeCol: col 37 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 37 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267520 value = 'yes' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 37, fCType = 1, field_type = 1042, value = 'yes' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1042, fctype = 1, value = 'yes', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 3, ptr = 'yes' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 3, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'yes' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.39.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=38, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 38 fieldname = 'setvar' describeCol: col 38 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 38 column_size = 100 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=38, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 38 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 38 *pcbColDef = 100 describeCol: col 38 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 38 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267520 value = '' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 38, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 0, ptr = '' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 0, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.40.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getTimestampColumnSize: type=1184, col=39 getTimestampDecimalDigits: type=1184, col=39 atttypmod1=-1 atttypmod2=-1 getTimestampDecimalDigits: type=1184, col=39 atttypmod1=-1 atttypmod2=-1 describeCol: col 39 fieldname = 'inserted' describeCol: col 39 fieldtype = 1184 describeCol: col 39 column_size = 26 describeCol: col 39 *pfSqlType = 93 describeCol: col 39 *pcbColDef = 26 describeCol: col 39 *pibScale = 6 describeCol: col 39 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267520 value = '2007-09-01 17:48:54.464028+01' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 39, fCType = 1, field_type = 1184, value = '2007-09-01 17:48:54.464028+01' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1184, fctype = 1, value = '2007-09-01 17:48:54.464028+01', cbValueMax=2048 2stime fr=464028000 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.41.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getTimestampColumnSize: type=1184, col=40 getTimestampDecimalDigits: type=1184, col=40 atttypmod1=-1 atttypmod2=-1 getTimestampDecimalDigits: type=1184, col=40 atttypmod1=-1 atttypmod2=-1 describeCol: col 40 fieldname = 'lastregister' describeCol: col 40 fieldtype = 1184 describeCol: col 40 column_size = 26 describeCol: col 40 *pfSqlType = 93 describeCol: col 40 *pcbColDef = 26 describeCol: col 40 *pibScale = 6 describeCol: col 40 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267520 value = '2008-02-22 10:45:23+00' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 40, fCType = 1, field_type = 1184, value = '2008-02-22 10:45:23+00' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1184, fctype = 1, value = '2008-02-22 10:45:23+00', cbValueMax=2048 2stime fr=0 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.42.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=41, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 41 fieldname = 'useragent' describeCol: col 41 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 41 column_size = 128 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=41, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 41 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 41 *pcbColDef = 128 describeCol: col 41 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 41 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267520 value = 'X-Lite release 1011s stamp 41150' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 41, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = 'X-Lite release 1011s stamp 41150' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = 'X-Lite release 1011s stamp 41150', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 32, ptr = 'X-Lite release 1011s stamp 41150' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 32, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'X-Lite release 1011s stamp 41150' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.43.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=42, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 42 fieldname = 'natsendkeepalives' describeCol: col 42 fieldtype = 1042 describeCol: col 42 column_size = 1 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=42, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 42 *pfSqlType = 1 describeCol: col 42 *pcbColDef = 1 describeCol: col 42 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 42 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267520 value = 'n' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 42, fCType = 1, field_type = 1042, value = 'n' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1042, fctype = 1, value = 'n', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 1, ptr = 'n' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 1, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'n' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.44.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=43, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 43 fieldname = 'natconnectionstate' describeCol: col 43 fieldtype = 1042 describeCol: col 43 column_size = 1 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=43, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 43 *pfSqlType = 1 describeCol: col 43 *pcbColDef = 1 describeCol: col 43 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 43 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267520 value = 'd' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 43, fCType = 1, field_type = 1042, value = 'd' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1042, fctype = 1, value = 'd', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 1, ptr = 'd' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 1, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'd' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.45.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=44, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 44 fieldname = 'outboundproxyport' describeCol: col 44 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 44 column_size = 5 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=44, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 44 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 44 *pcbColDef = 5 describeCol: col 44 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 44 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267520 value = '' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 44, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 0, ptr = '' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 0, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.46.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=45, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 45 fieldname = 'outboundproxy' describeCol: col 45 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 45 column_size = 31 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=45, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 45 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 45 *pcbColDef = 31 describeCol: col 45 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 45 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267520 value = '' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 45, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 0, ptr = '' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 0, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.47.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=46, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 46 fieldname = 'voicemailextension' describeCol: col 46 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 46 column_size = 128 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=46, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 46 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 46 *pcbColDef = 128 describeCol: col 46 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 46 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267520 value = '3031' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 46, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '3031' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '3031', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 4, ptr = '3031' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 4, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '3031' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.48.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=47, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 47 fieldname = 'pstncallerid' describeCol: col 47 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 47 column_size = 24 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=47, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 47 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 47 *pcbColDef = 24 describeCol: col 47 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 47 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267520 value = '0035318262900' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 47, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '0035318262900' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '0035318262900', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 13, ptr = '0035318262900' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 13, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '0035318262900' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.49.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=48, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 48 fieldname = 'dialplan' describeCol: col 48 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 48 column_size = 64 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=48, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 48 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 48 *pcbColDef = 64 describeCol: col 48 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 48 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267520 value = '' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 48, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 0, ptr = '' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 0, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.50.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=49, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 49 fieldname = 'whitelabelid' describeCol: col 49 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 49 column_size = 32 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=49, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 49 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 49 *pcbColDef = 32 describeCol: col 49 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 49 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267520 value = 'blueface' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 49, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = 'blueface' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = 'blueface', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 8, ptr = 'blueface' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 8, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'blueface' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.51.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=50, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 50 fieldname = 'localcallprefix' describeCol: col 50 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 50 column_size = 10 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=50, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 50 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 50 *pcbColDef = 10 describeCol: col 50 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 50 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267520 value = '(null)' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 50, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '(null)' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.52.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=51, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 51 fieldname = 'comment' describeCol: col 51 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 51 column_size = 512 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=51, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 51 *pfSqlType = -1 describeCol: col 51 *pcbColDef = 512 describeCol: col 51 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 51 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267520 value = 'Provisioned by bruce.mcalister on 01 Sep 2007 17:48:54.' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 51, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = 'Provisioned by bruce.mcalister on 01 Sep 2007 17:48:54.' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = 'Provisioned by bruce.mcalister on 01 Sep 2007 17:48:54.', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 55, ptr = 'Provisioned by bruce.mcalister on 01 Sep 2007 17:48:54.' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 55, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'Provisioned by bruce.mcalister on 01 Sep 2007 17:48:54.' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.53.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=52, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 52 fieldname = 'createdbyuser' describeCol: col 52 fieldtype = 1042 describeCol: col 52 column_size = 3 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=52, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 52 *pfSqlType = 1 describeCol: col 52 *pcbColDef = 3 describeCol: col 52 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 52 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267520 value = 'yes' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 52, fCType = 1, field_type = 1042, value = 'yes' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1042, fctype = 1, value = 'yes', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 3, ptr = 'yes' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 3, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'yes' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.54.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=53, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 53 fieldname = 'progressinband' describeCol: col 53 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 53 column_size = 5 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=53, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 53 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 53 *pcbColDef = 5 describeCol: col 53 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 53 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267520 value = 'no' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 53, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = 'no' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = 'no', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 2, ptr = 'no' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 2, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'no' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.55.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 describeCol: col 54 fieldname = 'call-limit' describeCol: col 54 fieldtype = 23 describeCol: col 54 column_size = 10 describeCol: col 54 *pfSqlType = 4 describeCol: col 54 *pcbColDef = 10 describeCol: col 54 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 54 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267520 value = '10' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 54, fCType = 1, field_type = 23, value = '10' copy_and_convert: field_type = 23, fctype = 1, value = '10', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 2, ptr = '10' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 2, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '10' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.56.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=55, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 55 fieldname = 'regserver' describeCol: col 55 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 55 column_size = 100 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=55, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 55 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 55 *pcbColDef = 100 describeCol: col 55 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 55 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267520 value = '' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 55, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 0, ptr = '' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 0, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '' [[SQLFreeHandle]]PGAPI_FreeStmt: entering...hstmt=136267520, fOption=1 QResult: in DESTRUCTOR TupleList: in DESTRUCTOR TupleList: exit DESTRUCTOR QResult: free memory in, fcount=101 QResult: free memory out QResult: exit DESTRUCTOR SC_Destructor: self=136267520, self->result=0, self->hdbc=135891512 APD_free_params: ENTER, self=136267772 APD_free_params: EXIT IPD_free_params: ENTER, self=136267836 IPD_free_params: EXIT PDATA_free_params: ENTER, self=136267952 PDATA_free_params: EXIT ARDFields_free 81f4788 bookmark=81ea8f8ARD_unbind_cols freeall=1 allocated=56 bindings=81f6788 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267656, bindings_allocated=56, icol=1 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267656, bindings_allocated=56, icol=2 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267656, bindings_allocated=56, icol=3 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267656, bindings_allocated=56, icol=4 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267656, bindings_allocated=56, icol=5 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267656, bindings_allocated=56, icol=6 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267656, bindings_allocated=56, icol=7 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267656, bindings_allocated=56, icol=8 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267656, bindings_allocated=56, icol=9 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267656, bindings_allocated=56, icol=10 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267656, bindings_allocated=56, icol=11 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267656, bindings_allocated=56, icol=12 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267656, bindings_allocated=56, icol=13 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267656, bindings_allocated=56, icol=14 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267656, bindings_allocated=56, icol=15 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267656, bindings_allocated=56, icol=16 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267656, bindings_allocated=56, icol=17 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267656, bindings_allocated=56, icol=18 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267656, bindings_allocated=56, icol=19 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267656, bindings_allocated=56, icol=20 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267656, bindings_allocated=56, icol=21 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267656, bindings_allocated=56, icol=22 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267656, bindings_allocated=56, icol=23 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267656, bindings_allocated=56, icol=24 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267656, bindings_allocated=56, icol=25 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267656, bindings_allocated=56, icol=26 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267656, bindings_allocated=56, icol=27 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267656, bindings_allocated=56, icol=28 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267656, bindings_allocated=56, icol=29 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267656, bindings_allocated=56, icol=30 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267656, bindings_allocated=56, icol=31 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267656, bindings_allocated=56, icol=32 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267656, bindings_allocated=56, icol=33 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267656, bindings_allocated=56, icol=34 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267656, bindings_allocated=56, icol=35 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267656, bindings_allocated=56, icol=36 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267656, bindings_allocated=56, icol=37 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267656, bindings_allocated=56, icol=38 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267656, bindings_allocated=56, icol=39 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267656, bindings_allocated=56, icol=40 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267656, bindings_allocated=56, icol=41 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267656, bindings_allocated=56, icol=42 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267656, bindings_allocated=56, icol=43 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267656, bindings_allocated=56, icol=44 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267656, bindings_allocated=56, icol=45 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267656, bindings_allocated=56, icol=46 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267656, bindings_allocated=56, icol=47 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267656, bindings_allocated=56, icol=48 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267656, bindings_allocated=56, icol=49 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267656, bindings_allocated=56, icol=50 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267656, bindings_allocated=56, icol=51 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267656, bindings_allocated=56, icol=52 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267656, bindings_allocated=56, icol=53 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267656, bindings_allocated=56, icol=54 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267656, bindings_allocated=56, icol=55 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267656, bindings_allocated=56, icol=56 APD_free_params: ENTER, self=136267772 IPD_free_params: ENTER, self=136267836 GDATA_unbind_cols freeall=1 allocated=56 gdata=820a338 SC_Destructor: EXIT [[SQLAllocHandle]]PGAPI_AllocStmt: entering... SC_Constructor: entering ... SC_Constructor: created stmt = 136267360 **** PGAPI_AllocStmt: hdbc = 135891512, stmt = 136267360 CC_add_statement: self=135891512, stmt=136267360 [[SQLGetStmtAttr]] Handle=136267360 10010 PGAPI_GetStmtAttr Handle=136267360 10010 [[SQLGetStmtAttr]] Handle=136267360 10011 PGAPI_GetStmtAttr Handle=136267360 10011 [[SQLGetStmtAttr]] Handle=136267360 10012 PGAPI_GetStmtAttr Handle=136267360 10012 [[SQLGetStmtAttr]] Handle=136267360 10013 PGAPI_GetStmtAttr Handle=136267360 10013 [SQLPrepare]PGAPI_Prepare: entering... **** PGAPI_Prepare: STMT_ALLOCATED, copy [SQLBindParameter]PGAPI_BindParameter: entering... extend_parameter_bindings: entering ... self=136267612, parameters_allocated=0, num_params=1 exit extend_parameter_bindings extend_iparameter_bindings: entering ... self=136267676, parameters_allocated=0, num_params=1 exit extend_iparameter_bindings extend_putdata_info: entering ... self=136267792, parameters_allocated=0, num_params=1 exit extend_putdata_info PGAPI_BindParamater: ipar=0, paramType=1, fCType=1, fSqlType=1, cbColDef=26, ibScale=0, rgbValue=-41760208, *pcbValue = -777, data_at_exec = 0 [SQLBindParameter]PGAPI_BindParameter: entering... extend_parameter_bindings: entering ... self=136267612, parameters_allocated=1, num_params=2 exit extend_parameter_bindings extend_iparameter_bindings: entering ... self=136267676, parameters_allocated=1, num_params=2 exit extend_iparameter_bindings extend_putdata_info: entering ... self=136267792, parameters_allocated=1, num_params=2 exit extend_putdata_info PGAPI_BindParamater: ipar=1, paramType=1, fCType=1, fSqlType=1, cbColDef=7, ibScale=0, rgbValue=-63433832, *pcbValue = -777, data_at_exec = 0 [SQLExecute]PGAPI_Execute: entering... PGAPI_Execute: clear errors... recycle statement: self= 136267360 PDATA_free_params: ENTER, self=136267792 PDATA_free_params: EXIT PGAPI_NumParams: entering... Exec_with_parameters_resolved: copying statement params: trans_status=1, len=53, stmt='SELECT * FROM sipaccounts WHERE name = ? AND host = ?' ResolveOneParam: from(fcType)=1, to(fSqlType)=1 ResolveOneParam: from(fcType)=1, to(fSqlType)=1 stmt_with_params = 'SELECT * FROM sipaccounts WHERE name = 'BruceMcAlisterE61-081ed9f8' AND host = 'dynamic'' Sending SELECT statement on stmt=136267360, cursor_name='SQL_CUR81f4660' send_query(): conn=135891512, query='SELECT * FROM sipaccounts WHERE name = 'BruceMcAlisterE61-081ed9f8' AND host = 'dynamic'' LIBPQ_execute_query: entering ... in QR_Constructor exit QR_Constructor LIBPQ_execute_query: get next result with status = 2 LIBPQ_execute_query: query = SELECT * FROM sipaccounts WHERE name = 'BruceMcAlisterE61-081ed9f8' AND host = 'dynamic' LIBPQ_execute_query: rest types ... LIBPQ_execute_query: recent_processed_row_count = 0 CC_mapping: entering ... CC_mapping: rows = 0, columns = 56 CC_mapping: column = 0 CC_mapping: set field info: name = id, typ = 1043, typlen = 36, attypmod = 36 CC_mapping: column = 1 CC_mapping: set field info: name = name, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 2 CC_mapping: set field info: name = accountcode, typ = 1043, typlen = 20, attypmod = 20 CC_mapping: column = 3 CC_mapping: set field info: name = amaflags, typ = 1043, typlen = 13, attypmod = 13 CC_mapping: column = 4 CC_mapping: set field info: name = callgroup, typ = 1043, typlen = 10, attypmod = 10 CC_mapping: column = 5 CC_mapping: set field info: name = callerid, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 6 CC_mapping: set field info: name = canreinvite, typ = 1042, typlen = 3, attypmod = 3 CC_mapping: column = 7 CC_mapping: set field info: name = context, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 8 CC_mapping: set field info: name = defaultip, typ = 1043, typlen = 15, attypmod = 15 CC_mapping: column = 9 CC_mapping: set field info: name = dtmfmode, typ = 1043, typlen = 7, attypmod = 7 CC_mapping: column = 10 CC_mapping: set field info: name = fromuser, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 11 CC_mapping: set field info: name = fromdomain, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 12 CC_mapping: set field info: name = fullcontact, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 13 CC_mapping: set field info: name = host, typ = 1043, typlen = 31, attypmod = 31 CC_mapping: column = 14 CC_mapping: set field info: name = insecure, typ = 1043, typlen = 11, attypmod = 11 CC_mapping: column = 15 CC_mapping: set field info: name = language, typ = 1042, typlen = 2, attypmod = 2 CC_mapping: column = 16 CC_mapping: set field info: name = mailbox, typ = 1043, typlen = 50, attypmod = 50 CC_mapping: column = 17 CC_mapping: set field info: name = md5secret, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 18 CC_mapping: set field info: name = nat, typ = 1043, typlen = 5, attypmod = 5 CC_mapping: column = 19 CC_mapping: set field info: name = deny, typ = 1043, typlen = 95, attypmod = 95 CC_mapping: column = 20 CC_mapping: set field info: name = permit, typ = 1043, typlen = 95, attypmod = 95 CC_mapping: column = 21 CC_mapping: set field info: name = mask, typ = 1043, typlen = 95, attypmod = 95 CC_mapping: column = 22 CC_mapping: set field info: name = pickupgroup, typ = 1043, typlen = 10, attypmod = 10 CC_mapping: column = 23 CC_mapping: set field info: name = port, typ = 1043, typlen = 5, attypmod = 5 CC_mapping: column = 24 CC_mapping: set field info: name = qualify, typ = 1042, typlen = 4, attypmod = 4 CC_mapping: column = 25 CC_mapping: set field info: name = restrictcid, typ = 1042, typlen = 1, attypmod = 1 CC_mapping: column = 26 CC_mapping: set field info: name = rtptimeout, typ = 1042, typlen = 3, attypmod = 3 CC_mapping: column = 27 CC_mapping: set field info: name = rtpholdtimeout, typ = 1042, typlen = 5, attypmod = 5 CC_mapping: column = 28 CC_mapping: set field info: name = secret, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 29 CC_mapping: set field info: name = type, typ = 1043, typlen = 6, attypmod = 6 CC_mapping: column = 30 CC_mapping: set field info: name = username, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 31 CC_mapping: set field info: name = disallow, typ = 1043, typlen = 100, attypmod = 100 CC_mapping: column = 32 CC_mapping: set field info: name = allow, typ = 1043, typlen = 100, attypmod = 100 CC_mapping: column = 33 CC_mapping: set field info: name = mohsuggest, typ = 1043, typlen = 100, attypmod = 100 CC_mapping: column = 34 CC_mapping: set field info: name = regseconds, typ = 23, typlen = 4, attypmod = -1 CC_mapping: column = 35 CC_mapping: set field info: name = ipaddr, typ = 1043, typlen = 15, attypmod = 15 CC_mapping: column = 36 CC_mapping: set field info: name = regexten, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 37 CC_mapping: set field info: name = cancallforward, typ = 1042, typlen = 3, attypmod = 3 CC_mapping: column = 38 CC_mapping: set field info: name = setvar, typ = 1043, typlen = 100, attypmod = 100 CC_mapping: column = 39 CC_mapping: set field info: name = inserted, typ = 1184, typlen = 8, attypmod = -1 CC_mapping: column = 40 CC_mapping: set field info: name = lastregister, typ = 1184, typlen = 8, attypmod = -1 CC_mapping: column = 41 CC_mapping: set field info: name = useragent, typ = 1043, typlen = 128, attypmod = 128 CC_mapping: column = 42 CC_mapping: set field info: name = natsendkeepalives, typ = 1042, typlen = 1, attypmod = 1 CC_mapping: column = 43 CC_mapping: set field info: name = natconnectionstate, typ = 1042, typlen = 1, attypmod = 1 CC_mapping: column = 44 CC_mapping: set field info: name = outboundproxyport, typ = 1043, typlen = 5, attypmod = 5 CC_mapping: column = 45 CC_mapping: set field info: name = outboundproxy, typ = 1043, typlen = 31, attypmod = 31 CC_mapping: column = 46 CC_mapping: set field info: name = voicemailextension, typ = 1043, typlen = 128, attypmod = 128 CC_mapping: column = 47 CC_mapping: set field info: name = pstncallerid, typ = 1043, typlen = 24, attypmod = 24 CC_mapping: column = 48 CC_mapping: set field info: name = dialplan, typ = 1043, typlen = 64, attypmod = 64 CC_mapping: column = 49 CC_mapping: set field info: name = whitelabelid, typ = 1043, typlen = 32, attypmod = 32 CC_mapping: column = 50 CC_mapping: set field info: name = localcallprefix, typ = 1043, typlen = 10, attypmod = 10 CC_mapping: column = 51 CC_mapping: set field info: name = comment, typ = 1043, typlen = 512, attypmod = 512 CC_mapping: column = 52 CC_mapping: set field info: name = createdbyuser, typ = 1042, typlen = 3, attypmod = 3 CC_mapping: column = 53 CC_mapping: set field info: name = progressinband, typ = 1043, typlen = 5, attypmod = 5 CC_mapping: column = 54 CC_mapping: set field info: name = call-limit, typ = 23, typlen = 4, attypmod = -1 CC_mapping: column = 55 CC_mapping: set field info: name = regserver, typ = 1043, typlen = 100, attypmod = 100 in TL_Constructor exit TL_Constructor send_query: done sending query with status: 2 QR_fetch_tuples: cursor = '', self->cursor=0 QR_fetch_tuples: past CI_read_fields: num_fields = 56 MALLOC: tuple_size = 100, size = 44800 done sending the query: extend_column_bindings: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=0, num_columns=56 exit extend_column_bindings [SQLNumResultCols]PGAPI_NumResultCols: entering... SC_pre_execute: status = 3 PGAPI_NumResultCols: result = 136264384, status = 3, numcols = 56 [[SQLFetch]]PGAPI_ExtendedFetch: stmt=136267360 SQL_FETCH_NEXT: num_tuples=0, currtuple=-1 [[SQLFreeHandle]]PGAPI_FreeStmt: entering...hstmt=136267360, fOption=1 QResult: in DESTRUCTOR TupleList: in DESTRUCTOR TupleList: exit DESTRUCTOR QResult: free memory in, fcount=101 QResult: free memory out QResult: exit DESTRUCTOR SC_Destructor: self=136267360, self->result=0, self->hdbc=135891512 APD_free_params: ENTER, self=136267612 APD_free_params: EXIT IPD_free_params: ENTER, self=136267676 IPD_free_params: EXIT PDATA_free_params: ENTER, self=136267792 PDATA_free_params: EXIT ARDFields_free 81f46e8 bookmark=81ea8b8ARD_unbind_cols freeall=1 allocated=56 bindings=81f2630 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=1 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=2 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=3 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=4 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=5 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=6 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=7 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=8 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=9 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=10 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=11 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=12 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=13 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=14 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=15 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=16 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=17 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=18 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=19 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=20 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=21 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=22 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=23 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=24 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=25 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=26 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=27 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=28 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=29 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=30 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=31 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=32 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=33 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=34 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=35 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=36 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=37 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=38 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=39 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=40 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=41 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=42 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=43 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=44 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=45 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=46 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=47 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=48 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=49 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=50 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=51 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=52 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=53 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=54 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=55 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=56 APD_free_params: ENTER, self=136267612 IPD_free_params: ENTER, self=136267676 GDATA_unbind_cols freeall=1 allocated=0 gdata=0 SC_Destructor: EXIT [[SQLAllocHandle]]PGAPI_AllocStmt: entering... SC_Constructor: entering ... SC_Constructor: created stmt = 136267360 **** PGAPI_AllocStmt: hdbc = 135891512, stmt = 136267360 CC_add_statement: self=135891512, stmt=136267360 [[SQLGetStmtAttr]] Handle=136267360 10010 PGAPI_GetStmtAttr Handle=136267360 10010 [[SQLGetStmtAttr]] Handle=136267360 10011 PGAPI_GetStmtAttr Handle=136267360 10011 [[SQLGetStmtAttr]] Handle=136267360 10012 PGAPI_GetStmtAttr Handle=136267360 10012 [[SQLGetStmtAttr]] Handle=136267360 10013 PGAPI_GetStmtAttr Handle=136267360 10013 [SQLPrepare]PGAPI_Prepare: entering... **** PGAPI_Prepare: STMT_ALLOCATED, copy [SQLBindParameter]PGAPI_BindParameter: entering... extend_parameter_bindings: entering ... self=136267612, parameters_allocated=0, num_params=1 exit extend_parameter_bindings extend_iparameter_bindings: entering ... self=136267676, parameters_allocated=0, num_params=1 exit extend_iparameter_bindings extend_putdata_info: entering ... self=136267792, parameters_allocated=0, num_params=1 exit extend_putdata_info PGAPI_BindParamater: ipar=0, paramType=1, fCType=1, fSqlType=1, cbColDef=26, ibScale=0, rgbValue=-41760208, *pcbValue = -777, data_at_exec = 0 [SQLExecute]PGAPI_Execute: entering... PGAPI_Execute: clear errors... recycle statement: self= 136267360 PDATA_free_params: ENTER, self=136267792 PDATA_free_params: EXIT PGAPI_NumParams: entering... Exec_with_parameters_resolved: copying statement params: trans_status=1, len=40, stmt='SELECT * FROM sipaccounts WHERE name = ?' ResolveOneParam: from(fcType)=1, to(fSqlType)=1 stmt_with_params = 'SELECT * FROM sipaccounts WHERE name = 'BruceMcAlisterE61-081ed9f8'' Sending SELECT statement on stmt=136267360, cursor_name='SQL_CUR81f4660' send_query(): conn=135891512, query='SELECT * FROM sipaccounts WHERE name = 'BruceMcAlisterE61-081ed9f8'' LIBPQ_execute_query: entering ... in QR_Constructor exit QR_Constructor LIBPQ_execute_query: get next result with status = 2 LIBPQ_execute_query: query = SELECT * FROM sipaccounts WHERE name = 'BruceMcAlisterE61-081ed9f8' LIBPQ_execute_query: rest types ... LIBPQ_execute_query: recent_processed_row_count = 0 CC_mapping: entering ... CC_mapping: rows = 0, columns = 56 CC_mapping: column = 0 CC_mapping: set field info: name = id, typ = 1043, typlen = 36, attypmod = 36 CC_mapping: column = 1 CC_mapping: set field info: name = name, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 2 CC_mapping: set field info: name = accountcode, typ = 1043, typlen = 20, attypmod = 20 CC_mapping: column = 3 CC_mapping: set field info: name = amaflags, typ = 1043, typlen = 13, attypmod = 13 CC_mapping: column = 4 CC_mapping: set field info: name = callgroup, typ = 1043, typlen = 10, attypmod = 10 CC_mapping: column = 5 CC_mapping: set field info: name = callerid, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 6 CC_mapping: set field info: name = canreinvite, typ = 1042, typlen = 3, attypmod = 3 CC_mapping: column = 7 CC_mapping: set field info: name = context, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 8 CC_mapping: set field info: name = defaultip, typ = 1043, typlen = 15, attypmod = 15 CC_mapping: column = 9 CC_mapping: set field info: name = dtmfmode, typ = 1043, typlen = 7, attypmod = 7 CC_mapping: column = 10 CC_mapping: set field info: name = fromuser, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 11 CC_mapping: set field info: name = fromdomain, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 12 CC_mapping: set field info: name = fullcontact, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 13 CC_mapping: set field info: name = host, typ = 1043, typlen = 31, attypmod = 31 CC_mapping: column = 14 CC_mapping: set field info: name = insecure, typ = 1043, typlen = 11, attypmod = 11 CC_mapping: column = 15 CC_mapping: set field info: name = language, typ = 1042, typlen = 2, attypmod = 2 CC_mapping: column = 16 CC_mapping: set field info: name = mailbox, typ = 1043, typlen = 50, attypmod = 50 CC_mapping: column = 17 CC_mapping: set field info: name = md5secret, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 18 CC_mapping: set field info: name = nat, typ = 1043, typlen = 5, attypmod = 5 CC_mapping: column = 19 CC_mapping: set field info: name = deny, typ = 1043, typlen = 95, attypmod = 95 CC_mapping: column = 20 CC_mapping: set field info: name = permit, typ = 1043, typlen = 95, attypmod = 95 CC_mapping: column = 21 CC_mapping: set field info: name = mask, typ = 1043, typlen = 95, attypmod = 95 CC_mapping: column = 22 CC_mapping: set field info: name = pickupgroup, typ = 1043, typlen = 10, attypmod = 10 CC_mapping: column = 23 CC_mapping: set field info: name = port, typ = 1043, typlen = 5, attypmod = 5 CC_mapping: column = 24 CC_mapping: set field info: name = qualify, typ = 1042, typlen = 4, attypmod = 4 CC_mapping: column = 25 CC_mapping: set field info: name = restrictcid, typ = 1042, typlen = 1, attypmod = 1 CC_mapping: column = 26 CC_mapping: set field info: name = rtptimeout, typ = 1042, typlen = 3, attypmod = 3 CC_mapping: column = 27 CC_mapping: set field info: name = rtpholdtimeout, typ = 1042, typlen = 5, attypmod = 5 CC_mapping: column = 28 CC_mapping: set field info: name = secret, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 29 CC_mapping: set field info: name = type, typ = 1043, typlen = 6, attypmod = 6 CC_mapping: column = 30 CC_mapping: set field info: name = username, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 31 CC_mapping: set field info: name = disallow, typ = 1043, typlen = 100, attypmod = 100 CC_mapping: column = 32 CC_mapping: set field info: name = allow, typ = 1043, typlen = 100, attypmod = 100 CC_mapping: column = 33 CC_mapping: set field info: name = mohsuggest, typ = 1043, typlen = 100, attypmod = 100 CC_mapping: column = 34 CC_mapping: set field info: name = regseconds, typ = 23, typlen = 4, attypmod = -1 CC_mapping: column = 35 CC_mapping: set field info: name = ipaddr, typ = 1043, typlen = 15, attypmod = 15 CC_mapping: column = 36 CC_mapping: set field info: name = regexten, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 37 CC_mapping: set field info: name = cancallforward, typ = 1042, typlen = 3, attypmod = 3 CC_mapping: column = 38 CC_mapping: set field info: name = setvar, typ = 1043, typlen = 100, attypmod = 100 CC_mapping: column = 39 CC_mapping: set field info: name = inserted, typ = 1184, typlen = 8, attypmod = -1 CC_mapping: column = 40 CC_mapping: set field info: name = lastregister, typ = 1184, typlen = 8, attypmod = -1 CC_mapping: column = 41 CC_mapping: set field info: name = useragent, typ = 1043, typlen = 128, attypmod = 128 CC_mapping: column = 42 CC_mapping: set field info: name = natsendkeepalives, typ = 1042, typlen = 1, attypmod = 1 CC_mapping: column = 43 CC_mapping: set field info: name = natconnectionstate, typ = 1042, typlen = 1, attypmod = 1 CC_mapping: column = 44 CC_mapping: set field info: name = outboundproxyport, typ = 1043, typlen = 5, attypmod = 5 CC_mapping: column = 45 CC_mapping: set field info: name = outboundproxy, typ = 1043, typlen = 31, attypmod = 31 CC_mapping: column = 46 CC_mapping: set field info: name = voicemailextension, typ = 1043, typlen = 128, attypmod = 128 CC_mapping: column = 47 CC_mapping: set field info: name = pstncallerid, typ = 1043, typlen = 24, attypmod = 24 CC_mapping: column = 48 CC_mapping: set field info: name = dialplan, typ = 1043, typlen = 64, attypmod = 64 CC_mapping: column = 49 CC_mapping: set field info: name = whitelabelid, typ = 1043, typlen = 32, attypmod = 32 CC_mapping: column = 50 CC_mapping: set field info: name = localcallprefix, typ = 1043, typlen = 10, attypmod = 10 CC_mapping: column = 51 CC_mapping: set field info: name = comment, typ = 1043, typlen = 512, attypmod = 512 CC_mapping: column = 52 CC_mapping: set field info: name = createdbyuser, typ = 1042, typlen = 3, attypmod = 3 CC_mapping: column = 53 CC_mapping: set field info: name = progressinband, typ = 1043, typlen = 5, attypmod = 5 CC_mapping: column = 54 CC_mapping: set field info: name = call-limit, typ = 23, typlen = 4, attypmod = -1 CC_mapping: column = 55 CC_mapping: set field info: name = regserver, typ = 1043, typlen = 100, attypmod = 100 in TL_Constructor exit TL_Constructor send_query: done sending query with status: 2 QR_fetch_tuples: cursor = '', self->cursor=0 QR_fetch_tuples: past CI_read_fields: num_fields = 56 MALLOC: tuple_size = 100, size = 44800 done sending the query: extend_column_bindings: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=0, num_columns=56 exit extend_column_bindings [SQLNumResultCols]PGAPI_NumResultCols: entering... SC_pre_execute: status = 3 PGAPI_NumResultCols: result = 136264384, status = 3, numcols = 56 [[SQLFetch]]PGAPI_ExtendedFetch: stmt=136267360 SQL_FETCH_NEXT: num_tuples=0, currtuple=-1 [[SQLFreeHandle]]PGAPI_FreeStmt: entering...hstmt=136267360, fOption=1 QResult: in DESTRUCTOR TupleList: in DESTRUCTOR TupleList: exit DESTRUCTOR QResult: free memory in, fcount=101 QResult: free memory out QResult: exit DESTRUCTOR SC_Destructor: self=136267360, self->result=0, self->hdbc=135891512 APD_free_params: ENTER, self=136267612 APD_free_params: EXIT IPD_free_params: ENTER, self=136267676 IPD_free_params: EXIT PDATA_free_params: ENTER, self=136267792 PDATA_free_params: EXIT ARDFields_free 81f46e8 bookmark=81ea8f8ARD_unbind_cols freeall=1 allocated=56 bindings=81f2630 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=1 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=2 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=3 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=4 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=5 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=6 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=7 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=8 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=9 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=10 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=11 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=12 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=13 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=14 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=15 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=16 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=17 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=18 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=19 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=20 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=21 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=22 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=23 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=24 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=25 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=26 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=27 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=28 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=29 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=30 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=31 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=32 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=33 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=34 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=35 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=36 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=37 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=38 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=39 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=40 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=41 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=42 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=43 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=44 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=45 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=46 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=47 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=48 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=49 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=50 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=51 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=52 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=53 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=54 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=55 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=56 APD_free_params: ENTER, self=136267612 IPD_free_params: ENTER, self=136267676 GDATA_unbind_cols freeall=1 allocated=0 gdata=0 SC_Destructor: EXIT [[SQLAllocHandle]]PGAPI_AllocStmt: entering... SC_Constructor: entering ... SC_Constructor: created stmt = 136267360 **** PGAPI_AllocStmt: hdbc = 135891512, stmt = 136267360 CC_add_statement: self=135891512, stmt=136267360 [[SQLGetStmtAttr]] Handle=136267360 10010 PGAPI_GetStmtAttr Handle=136267360 10010 [[SQLGetStmtAttr]] Handle=136267360 10011 PGAPI_GetStmtAttr Handle=136267360 10011 [[SQLGetStmtAttr]] Handle=136267360 10012 PGAPI_GetStmtAttr Handle=136267360 10012 [[SQLGetStmtAttr]] Handle=136267360 10013 PGAPI_GetStmtAttr Handle=136267360 10013 [SQLPrepare]PGAPI_Prepare: entering... **** PGAPI_Prepare: STMT_ALLOCATED, copy [SQLBindParameter]PGAPI_BindParameter: entering... extend_parameter_bindings: entering ... self=136267612, parameters_allocated=0, num_params=1 exit extend_parameter_bindings extend_iparameter_bindings: entering ... self=136267676, parameters_allocated=0, num_params=1 exit extend_iparameter_bindings extend_putdata_info: entering ... self=136267792, parameters_allocated=0, num_params=1 exit extend_putdata_info PGAPI_BindParamater: ipar=0, paramType=1, fCType=1, fSqlType=1, cbColDef=17, ibScale=0, rgbValue=-41760208, *pcbValue = -777, data_at_exec = 0 [SQLBindParameter]PGAPI_BindParameter: entering... extend_parameter_bindings: entering ... self=136267612, parameters_allocated=1, num_params=2 exit extend_parameter_bindings extend_iparameter_bindings: entering ... self=136267676, parameters_allocated=1, num_params=2 exit extend_iparameter_bindings extend_putdata_info: entering ... self=136267792, parameters_allocated=1, num_params=2 exit extend_putdata_info PGAPI_BindParamater: ipar=1, paramType=1, fCType=1, fSqlType=1, cbColDef=7, ibScale=0, rgbValue=-63433832, *pcbValue = -777, data_at_exec = 0 [SQLExecute]PGAPI_Execute: entering... PGAPI_Execute: clear errors... recycle statement: self= 136267360 PDATA_free_params: ENTER, self=136267792 PDATA_free_params: EXIT PGAPI_NumParams: entering... Exec_with_parameters_resolved: copying statement params: trans_status=1, len=53, stmt='SELECT * FROM sipaccounts WHERE name = ? AND host = ?' ResolveOneParam: from(fcType)=1, to(fSqlType)=1 ResolveOneParam: from(fcType)=1, to(fSqlType)=1 stmt_with_params = 'SELECT * FROM sipaccounts WHERE name = 'BruceMcAlisterE61' AND host = 'dynamic'' Sending SELECT statement on stmt=136267360, cursor_name='SQL_CUR81f4660' send_query(): conn=135891512, query='SELECT * FROM sipaccounts WHERE name = 'BruceMcAlisterE61' AND host = 'dynamic'' LIBPQ_execute_query: entering ... in QR_Constructor exit QR_Constructor LIBPQ_execute_query: get next result with status = 2 LIBPQ_execute_query: query = SELECT * FROM sipaccounts WHERE name = 'BruceMcAlisterE61' AND host = 'dynamic' LIBPQ_execute_query: rest types ... LIBPQ_execute_query: recent_processed_row_count = 1 CC_mapping: entering ... CC_mapping: rows = 1, columns = 56 CC_mapping: column = 0 CC_mapping: set field info: name = id, typ = 1043, typlen = 36, attypmod = 36 CC_mapping: column = 1 CC_mapping: set field info: name = name, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 2 CC_mapping: set field info: name = accountcode, typ = 1043, typlen = 20, attypmod = 20 CC_mapping: column = 3 CC_mapping: set field info: name = amaflags, typ = 1043, typlen = 13, attypmod = 13 CC_mapping: column = 4 CC_mapping: set field info: name = callgroup, typ = 1043, typlen = 10, attypmod = 10 CC_mapping: column = 5 CC_mapping: set field info: name = callerid, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 6 CC_mapping: set field info: name = canreinvite, typ = 1042, typlen = 3, attypmod = 3 CC_mapping: column = 7 CC_mapping: set field info: name = context, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 8 CC_mapping: set field info: name = defaultip, typ = 1043, typlen = 15, attypmod = 15 CC_mapping: column = 9 CC_mapping: set field info: name = dtmfmode, typ = 1043, typlen = 7, attypmod = 7 CC_mapping: column = 10 CC_mapping: set field info: name = fromuser, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 11 CC_mapping: set field info: name = fromdomain, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 12 CC_mapping: set field info: name = fullcontact, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 13 CC_mapping: set field info: name = host, typ = 1043, typlen = 31, attypmod = 31 CC_mapping: column = 14 CC_mapping: set field info: name = insecure, typ = 1043, typlen = 11, attypmod = 11 CC_mapping: column = 15 CC_mapping: set field info: name = language, typ = 1042, typlen = 2, attypmod = 2 CC_mapping: column = 16 CC_mapping: set field info: name = mailbox, typ = 1043, typlen = 50, attypmod = 50 CC_mapping: column = 17 CC_mapping: set field info: name = md5secret, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 18 CC_mapping: set field info: name = nat, typ = 1043, typlen = 5, attypmod = 5 CC_mapping: column = 19 CC_mapping: set field info: name = deny, typ = 1043, typlen = 95, attypmod = 95 CC_mapping: column = 20 CC_mapping: set field info: name = permit, typ = 1043, typlen = 95, attypmod = 95 CC_mapping: column = 21 CC_mapping: set field info: name = mask, typ = 1043, typlen = 95, attypmod = 95 CC_mapping: column = 22 CC_mapping: set field info: name = pickupgroup, typ = 1043, typlen = 10, attypmod = 10 CC_mapping: column = 23 CC_mapping: set field info: name = port, typ = 1043, typlen = 5, attypmod = 5 CC_mapping: column = 24 CC_mapping: set field info: name = qualify, typ = 1042, typlen = 4, attypmod = 4 CC_mapping: column = 25 CC_mapping: set field info: name = restrictcid, typ = 1042, typlen = 1, attypmod = 1 CC_mapping: column = 26 CC_mapping: set field info: name = rtptimeout, typ = 1042, typlen = 3, attypmod = 3 CC_mapping: column = 27 CC_mapping: set field info: name = rtpholdtimeout, typ = 1042, typlen = 5, attypmod = 5 CC_mapping: column = 28 CC_mapping: set field info: name = secret, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 29 CC_mapping: set field info: name = type, typ = 1043, typlen = 6, attypmod = 6 CC_mapping: column = 30 CC_mapping: set field info: name = username, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 31 CC_mapping: set field info: name = disallow, typ = 1043, typlen = 100, attypmod = 100 CC_mapping: column = 32 CC_mapping: set field info: name = allow, typ = 1043, typlen = 100, attypmod = 100 CC_mapping: column = 33 CC_mapping: set field info: name = mohsuggest, typ = 1043, typlen = 100, attypmod = 100 CC_mapping: column = 34 CC_mapping: set field info: name = regseconds, typ = 23, typlen = 4, attypmod = -1 CC_mapping: column = 35 CC_mapping: set field info: name = ipaddr, typ = 1043, typlen = 15, attypmod = 15 CC_mapping: column = 36 CC_mapping: set field info: name = regexten, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 37 CC_mapping: set field info: name = cancallforward, typ = 1042, typlen = 3, attypmod = 3 CC_mapping: column = 38 CC_mapping: set field info: name = setvar, typ = 1043, typlen = 100, attypmod = 100 CC_mapping: column = 39 CC_mapping: set field info: name = inserted, typ = 1184, typlen = 8, attypmod = -1 CC_mapping: column = 40 CC_mapping: set field info: name = lastregister, typ = 1184, typlen = 8, attypmod = -1 CC_mapping: column = 41 CC_mapping: set field info: name = useragent, typ = 1043, typlen = 128, attypmod = 128 CC_mapping: column = 42 CC_mapping: set field info: name = natsendkeepalives, typ = 1042, typlen = 1, attypmod = 1 CC_mapping: column = 43 CC_mapping: set field info: name = natconnectionstate, typ = 1042, typlen = 1, attypmod = 1 CC_mapping: column = 44 CC_mapping: set field info: name = outboundproxyport, typ = 1043, typlen = 5, attypmod = 5 CC_mapping: column = 45 CC_mapping: set field info: name = outboundproxy, typ = 1043, typlen = 31, attypmod = 31 CC_mapping: column = 46 CC_mapping: set field info: name = voicemailextension, typ = 1043, typlen = 128, attypmod = 128 CC_mapping: column = 47 CC_mapping: set field info: name = pstncallerid, typ = 1043, typlen = 24, attypmod = 24 CC_mapping: column = 48 CC_mapping: set field info: name = dialplan, typ = 1043, typlen = 64, attypmod = 64 CC_mapping: column = 49 CC_mapping: set field info: name = whitelabelid, typ = 1043, typlen = 32, attypmod = 32 CC_mapping: column = 50 CC_mapping: set field info: name = localcallprefix, typ = 1043, typlen = 10, attypmod = 10 CC_mapping: column = 51 CC_mapping: set field info: name = comment, typ = 1043, typlen = 512, attypmod = 512 CC_mapping: column = 52 CC_mapping: set field info: name = createdbyuser, typ = 1042, typlen = 3, attypmod = 3 CC_mapping: column = 53 CC_mapping: set field info: name = progressinband, typ = 1043, typlen = 5, attypmod = 5 CC_mapping: column = 54 CC_mapping: set field info: name = call-limit, typ = 23, typlen = 4, attypmod = -1 CC_mapping: column = 55 CC_mapping: set field info: name = regserver, typ = 1043, typlen = 100, attypmod = 100 in TL_Constructor exit TL_Constructor CC_mapping: fetch column = id, value = 50f2f1af-18be-404d-b188-4de0a52397b6 CC_mapping: fetch column = name, value = BruceMcAlisterE61 CC_mapping: fetch column = accountcode, value = myaccountcode123456 CC_mapping: fetch column = amaflags, value = NULL CC_mapping: fetch column = callgroup, value = NULL CC_mapping: fetch column = callerid, value = Bruce McAlister <304242> CC_mapping: fetch column = canreinvite, value = no CC_mapping: fetch column = context, value = VoiceMail CC_mapping: fetch column = defaultip, value = CC_mapping: fetch column = dtmfmode, value = rfc2833 CC_mapping: fetch column = fromuser, value = CC_mapping: fetch column = fromdomain, value = CC_mapping: fetch column = fullcontact, value = CC_mapping: fetch column = host, value = dynamic CC_mapping: fetch column = insecure, value = NULL CC_mapping: fetch column = language, value = NULL CC_mapping: fetch column = mailbox, value = 3031 CC_mapping: fetch column = md5secret, value = NULL CC_mapping: fetch column = nat, value = yes CC_mapping: fetch column = deny, value = NULL CC_mapping: fetch column = permit, value = NULL CC_mapping: fetch column = mask, value = NULL CC_mapping: fetch column = pickupgroup, value = NULL CC_mapping: fetch column = port, value = 57274 CC_mapping: fetch column = qualify, value = no CC_mapping: fetch column = restrictcid, value = NULL CC_mapping: fetch column = rtptimeout, value = NULL CC_mapping: fetch column = rtpholdtimeout, value = NULL CC_mapping: fetch column = secret, value = 47p00k$! CC_mapping: fetch column = type, value = friend CC_mapping: fetch column = username, value = BruceMcAlisterE61 CC_mapping: fetch column = disallow, value = CC_mapping: fetch column = allow, value = CC_mapping: fetch column = mohsuggest, value = NULL CC_mapping: fetch column = regseconds, value = 1204282587 CC_mapping: fetch column = ipaddr, value = CC_mapping: fetch column = regexten, value = CC_mapping: fetch column = cancallforward, value = yes CC_mapping: fetch column = setvar, value = CC_mapping: fetch column = inserted, value = 2007-09-01 17:48:54.464028+01 CC_mapping: fetch column = lastregister, value = 2008-02-22 10:45:23+00 CC_mapping: fetch column = useragent, value = X-Lite release 1011s stamp 41150 CC_mapping: fetch column = natsendkeepalives, value = n CC_mapping: fetch column = natconnectionstate, value = d CC_mapping: fetch column = outboundproxyport, value = CC_mapping: fetch column = outboundproxy, value = CC_mapping: fetch column = voicemailextension, value = 3031 CC_mapping: fetch column = pstncallerid, value = 0035318262900 CC_mapping: fetch column = dialplan, value = CC_mapping: fetch column = whitelabelid, value = blueface CC_mapping: fetch column = localcallprefix, value = NULL CC_mapping: fetch column = comment, value = Provisioned by bruce.mcalister on 01 Sep 2007 17:48:54. CC_mapping: fetch column = createdbyuser, value = yes CC_mapping: fetch column = progressinband, value = no CC_mapping: fetch column = call-limit, value = 10 CC_mapping: fetch column = regserver, value = send_query: done sending query with status: 2 QR_fetch_tuples: cursor = '', self->cursor=0 QR_fetch_tuples: past CI_read_fields: num_fields = 56 MALLOC: tuple_size = 100, size = 44800 done sending the query: extend_column_bindings: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=0, num_columns=56 exit extend_column_bindings [SQLNumResultCols]PGAPI_NumResultCols: entering... SC_pre_execute: status = 3 PGAPI_NumResultCols: result = 136264384, status = 3, numcols = 56 [[SQLFetch]]PGAPI_ExtendedFetch: stmt=136267360 SQL_FETCH_NEXT: num_tuples=1, currtuple=-1 PGAPI_ExtendedFetch: new currTuple = -1 manual_result = 1, use_declarefetch = 0 **** SC_fetch: manual_result extend_getdata_info: entering ... self=136267716, gdata_allocated=0, num_columns=56 exit extend_gdata_info fetch: cols=56, lf=0, opts = 136267496, opts->bindings = 136259120, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=1, opts = 136267496, opts->bindings = 136259120, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=2, opts = 136267496, opts->bindings = 136259120, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=3, opts = 136267496, opts->bindings = 136259120, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=4, opts = 136267496, opts->bindings = 136259120, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=5, opts = 136267496, opts->bindings = 136259120, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=6, opts = 136267496, opts->bindings = 136259120, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=7, opts = 136267496, opts->bindings = 136259120, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=8, opts = 136267496, opts->bindings = 136259120, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=9, opts = 136267496, opts->bindings = 136259120, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=10, opts = 136267496, opts->bindings = 136259120, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=11, opts = 136267496, opts->bindings = 136259120, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=12, opts = 136267496, opts->bindings = 136259120, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=13, opts = 136267496, opts->bindings = 136259120, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=14, opts = 136267496, opts->bindings = 136259120, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=15, opts = 136267496, opts->bindings = 136259120, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=16, opts = 136267496, opts->bindings = 136259120, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=17, opts = 136267496, opts->bindings = 136259120, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=18, opts = 136267496, opts->bindings = 136259120, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=19, opts = 136267496, opts->bindings = 136259120, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=20, opts = 136267496, opts->bindings = 136259120, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=21, opts = 136267496, opts->bindings = 136259120, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=22, opts = 136267496, opts->bindings = 136259120, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=23, opts = 136267496, opts->bindings = 136259120, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=24, opts = 136267496, opts->bindings = 136259120, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=25, opts = 136267496, opts->bindings = 136259120, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=26, opts = 136267496, opts->bindings = 136259120, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=27, opts = 136267496, opts->bindings = 136259120, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=28, opts = 136267496, opts->bindings = 136259120, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=29, opts = 136267496, opts->bindings = 136259120, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=30, opts = 136267496, opts->bindings = 136259120, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=31, opts = 136267496, opts->bindings = 136259120, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=32, opts = 136267496, opts->bindings = 136259120, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=33, opts = 136267496, opts->bindings = 136259120, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=34, opts = 136267496, opts->bindings = 136259120, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=35, opts = 136267496, opts->bindings = 136259120, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=36, opts = 136267496, opts->bindings = 136259120, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=37, opts = 136267496, opts->bindings = 136259120, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=38, opts = 136267496, opts->bindings = 136259120, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=39, opts = 136267496, opts->bindings = 136259120, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=40, opts = 136267496, opts->bindings = 136259120, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=41, opts = 136267496, opts->bindings = 136259120, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=42, opts = 136267496, opts->bindings = 136259120, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=43, opts = 136267496, opts->bindings = 136259120, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=44, opts = 136267496, opts->bindings = 136259120, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=45, opts = 136267496, opts->bindings = 136259120, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=46, opts = 136267496, opts->bindings = 136259120, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=47, opts = 136267496, opts->bindings = 136259120, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=48, opts = 136267496, opts->bindings = 136259120, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=49, opts = 136267496, opts->bindings = 136259120, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=50, opts = 136267496, opts->bindings = 136259120, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=51, opts = 136267496, opts->bindings = 136259120, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=52, opts = 136267496, opts->bindings = 136259120, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=53, opts = 136267496, opts->bindings = 136259120, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=54, opts = 136267496, opts->bindings = 136259120, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=55, opts = 136267496, opts->bindings = 136259120, buffer[] = 0 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.1.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=0, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 0 fieldname = 'id' describeCol: col 0 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 0 column_size = 36 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=0, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 0 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 0 *pcbColDef = 36 describeCol: col 0 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 0 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267360 value = '50f2f1af-18be-404d-b188-4de0a52397b6' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 0, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '50f2f1af-18be-404d-b188-4de0a52397b6' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '50f2f1af-18be-404d-b188-4de0a52397b6', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 36, ptr = '50f2f1af-18be-404d-b188-4de0a52397b6' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 36, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '50f2f1af-18be-404d-b188-4de0a52397b6' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.2.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=1, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 1 fieldname = 'name' describeCol: col 1 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 1 column_size = 80 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=1, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 1 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 1 *pcbColDef = 80 describeCol: col 1 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 1 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267360 value = 'BruceMcAlisterE61' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 1, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = 'BruceMcAlisterE61' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = 'BruceMcAlisterE61', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 17, ptr = 'BruceMcAlisterE61' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 17, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'BruceMcAlisterE61' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.3.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=2, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 2 fieldname = 'accountcode' describeCol: col 2 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 2 column_size = 20 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=2, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 2 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 2 *pcbColDef = 20 describeCol: col 2 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 2 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267360 value = 'myaccountcode123456' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 2, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = 'myaccountcode123456' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = 'myaccountcode123456', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 19, ptr = 'myaccountcode123456' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 19, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'myaccountcode123456' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.4.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=3, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 3 fieldname = 'amaflags' describeCol: col 3 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 3 column_size = 13 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=3, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 3 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 3 *pcbColDef = 13 describeCol: col 3 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 3 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267360 value = '(null)' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 3, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '(null)' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.5.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=4, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 4 fieldname = 'callgroup' describeCol: col 4 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 4 column_size = 10 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=4, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 4 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 4 *pcbColDef = 10 describeCol: col 4 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 4 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267360 value = '(null)' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 4, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '(null)' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.6.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=5, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 5 fieldname = 'callerid' describeCol: col 5 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 5 column_size = 80 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=5, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 5 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 5 *pcbColDef = 80 describeCol: col 5 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 5 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267360 value = 'Bruce McAlister <304242>' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 5, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = 'Bruce McAlister <304242>' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = 'Bruce McAlister <304242>', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 24, ptr = 'Bruce McAlister <304242>' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 24, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'Bruce McAlister <304242>' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.7.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=6, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 6 fieldname = 'canreinvite' describeCol: col 6 fieldtype = 1042 describeCol: col 6 column_size = 3 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=6, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 6 *pfSqlType = 1 describeCol: col 6 *pcbColDef = 3 describeCol: col 6 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 6 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267360 value = 'no ' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 6, fCType = 1, field_type = 1042, value = 'no ' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1042, fctype = 1, value = 'no ', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 3, ptr = 'no ' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 3, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'no ' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.8.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=7, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 7 fieldname = 'context' describeCol: col 7 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 7 column_size = 80 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=7, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 7 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 7 *pcbColDef = 80 describeCol: col 7 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 7 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267360 value = 'VoiceMail' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 7, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = 'VoiceMail' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = 'VoiceMail', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 9, ptr = 'VoiceMail' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 9, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'VoiceMail' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.9.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=8, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 8 fieldname = 'defaultip' describeCol: col 8 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 8 column_size = 15 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=8, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 8 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 8 *pcbColDef = 15 describeCol: col 8 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 8 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267360 value = '' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 8, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 0, ptr = '' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 0, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.10.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=9, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 9 fieldname = 'dtmfmode' describeCol: col 9 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 9 column_size = 7 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=9, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 9 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 9 *pcbColDef = 7 describeCol: col 9 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 9 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267360 value = 'rfc2833' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 9, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = 'rfc2833' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = 'rfc2833', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 7, ptr = 'rfc2833' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 7, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'rfc2833' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.11.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=10, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 10 fieldname = 'fromuser' describeCol: col 10 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 10 column_size = 80 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=10, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 10 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 10 *pcbColDef = 80 describeCol: col 10 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 10 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267360 value = '' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 10, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 0, ptr = '' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 0, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.12.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=11, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 11 fieldname = 'fromdomain' describeCol: col 11 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 11 column_size = 80 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=11, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 11 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 11 *pcbColDef = 80 describeCol: col 11 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 11 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267360 value = '' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 11, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 0, ptr = '' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 0, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.13.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=12, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 12 fieldname = 'fullcontact' describeCol: col 12 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 12 column_size = 80 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=12, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 12 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 12 *pcbColDef = 80 describeCol: col 12 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 12 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267360 value = '' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 12, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 0, ptr = '' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 0, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.14.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=13, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 13 fieldname = 'host' describeCol: col 13 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 13 column_size = 31 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=13, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 13 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 13 *pcbColDef = 31 describeCol: col 13 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 13 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267360 value = 'dynamic' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 13, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = 'dynamic' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = 'dynamic', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 7, ptr = 'dynamic' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 7, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'dynamic' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.15.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=14, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 14 fieldname = 'insecure' describeCol: col 14 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 14 column_size = 11 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=14, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 14 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 14 *pcbColDef = 11 describeCol: col 14 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 14 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267360 value = '(null)' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 14, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '(null)' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.16.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=15, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 15 fieldname = 'language' describeCol: col 15 fieldtype = 1042 describeCol: col 15 column_size = 2 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=15, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 15 *pfSqlType = 1 describeCol: col 15 *pcbColDef = 2 describeCol: col 15 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 15 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267360 value = '(null)' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 15, fCType = 1, field_type = 1042, value = '(null)' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1042, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.17.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=16, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 16 fieldname = 'mailbox' describeCol: col 16 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 16 column_size = 50 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=16, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 16 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 16 *pcbColDef = 50 describeCol: col 16 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 16 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267360 value = '3031' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 16, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '3031' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '3031', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 4, ptr = '3031' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 4, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '3031' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.18.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=17, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 17 fieldname = 'md5secret' describeCol: col 17 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 17 column_size = 80 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=17, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 17 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 17 *pcbColDef = 80 describeCol: col 17 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 17 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267360 value = '(null)' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 17, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '(null)' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.19.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=18, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 18 fieldname = 'nat' describeCol: col 18 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 18 column_size = 5 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=18, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 18 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 18 *pcbColDef = 5 describeCol: col 18 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 18 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267360 value = 'yes' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 18, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = 'yes' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = 'yes', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 3, ptr = 'yes' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 3, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'yes' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.20.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=19, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 19 fieldname = 'deny' describeCol: col 19 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 19 column_size = 95 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=19, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 19 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 19 *pcbColDef = 95 describeCol: col 19 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 19 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267360 value = '(null)' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 19, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '(null)' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.21.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=20, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 20 fieldname = 'permit' describeCol: col 20 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 20 column_size = 95 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=20, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 20 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 20 *pcbColDef = 95 describeCol: col 20 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 20 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267360 value = '(null)' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 20, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '(null)' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.22.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=21, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 21 fieldname = 'mask' describeCol: col 21 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 21 column_size = 95 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=21, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 21 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 21 *pcbColDef = 95 describeCol: col 21 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 21 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267360 value = '(null)' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 21, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '(null)' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.23.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=22, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 22 fieldname = 'pickupgroup' describeCol: col 22 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 22 column_size = 10 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=22, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 22 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 22 *pcbColDef = 10 describeCol: col 22 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 22 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267360 value = '(null)' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 22, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '(null)' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.24.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=23, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 23 fieldname = 'port' describeCol: col 23 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 23 column_size = 5 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=23, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 23 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 23 *pcbColDef = 5 describeCol: col 23 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 23 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267360 value = '57274' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 23, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '57274' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '57274', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 5, ptr = '57274' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 5, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '57274' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.25.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=24, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 24 fieldname = 'qualify' describeCol: col 24 fieldtype = 1042 describeCol: col 24 column_size = 4 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=24, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 24 *pfSqlType = 1 describeCol: col 24 *pcbColDef = 4 describeCol: col 24 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 24 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267360 value = 'no ' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 24, fCType = 1, field_type = 1042, value = 'no ' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1042, fctype = 1, value = 'no ', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 4, ptr = 'no ' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 4, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'no ' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.26.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=25, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 25 fieldname = 'restrictcid' describeCol: col 25 fieldtype = 1042 describeCol: col 25 column_size = 1 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=25, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 25 *pfSqlType = 1 describeCol: col 25 *pcbColDef = 1 describeCol: col 25 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 25 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267360 value = '(null)' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 25, fCType = 1, field_type = 1042, value = '(null)' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1042, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.27.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=26, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 26 fieldname = 'rtptimeout' describeCol: col 26 fieldtype = 1042 describeCol: col 26 column_size = 3 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=26, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 26 *pfSqlType = 1 describeCol: col 26 *pcbColDef = 3 describeCol: col 26 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 26 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267360 value = '(null)' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 26, fCType = 1, field_type = 1042, value = '(null)' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1042, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.28.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=27, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 27 fieldname = 'rtpholdtimeout' describeCol: col 27 fieldtype = 1042 describeCol: col 27 column_size = 5 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=27, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 27 *pfSqlType = 1 describeCol: col 27 *pcbColDef = 5 describeCol: col 27 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 27 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267360 value = '(null)' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 27, fCType = 1, field_type = 1042, value = '(null)' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1042, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.29.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=28, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 28 fieldname = 'secret' describeCol: col 28 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 28 column_size = 80 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=28, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 28 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 28 *pcbColDef = 80 describeCol: col 28 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 28 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267360 value = '47p00k$!' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 28, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '47p00k$!' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '47p00k$!', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 8, ptr = '47p00k$!' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 8, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '47p00k$!' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.30.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=29, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 29 fieldname = 'type' describeCol: col 29 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 29 column_size = 6 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=29, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 29 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 29 *pcbColDef = 6 describeCol: col 29 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 29 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267360 value = 'friend' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 29, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = 'friend' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = 'friend', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 6, ptr = 'friend' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 6, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'friend' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.31.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=30, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 30 fieldname = 'username' describeCol: col 30 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 30 column_size = 80 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=30, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 30 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 30 *pcbColDef = 80 describeCol: col 30 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 30 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267360 value = 'BruceMcAlisterE61' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 30, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = 'BruceMcAlisterE61' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = 'BruceMcAlisterE61', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 17, ptr = 'BruceMcAlisterE61' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 17, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'BruceMcAlisterE61' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.32.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=31, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 31 fieldname = 'disallow' describeCol: col 31 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 31 column_size = 100 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=31, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 31 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 31 *pcbColDef = 100 describeCol: col 31 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 31 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267360 value = '' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 31, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 0, ptr = '' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 0, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.33.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=32, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 32 fieldname = 'allow' describeCol: col 32 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 32 column_size = 100 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=32, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 32 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 32 *pcbColDef = 100 describeCol: col 32 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 32 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267360 value = '' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 32, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 0, ptr = '' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 0, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.34.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=33, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 33 fieldname = 'mohsuggest' describeCol: col 33 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 33 column_size = 100 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=33, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 33 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 33 *pcbColDef = 100 describeCol: col 33 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 33 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267360 value = '(null)' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 33, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '(null)' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.35.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 describeCol: col 34 fieldname = 'regseconds' describeCol: col 34 fieldtype = 23 describeCol: col 34 column_size = 10 describeCol: col 34 *pfSqlType = 4 describeCol: col 34 *pcbColDef = 10 describeCol: col 34 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 34 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267360 value = '1204282587' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 34, fCType = 1, field_type = 23, value = '1204282587' copy_and_convert: field_type = 23, fctype = 1, value = '1204282587', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 10, ptr = '1204282587' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 10, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '1204282587' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.36.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=35, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 35 fieldname = 'ipaddr' describeCol: col 35 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 35 column_size = 15 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=35, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 35 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 35 *pcbColDef = 15 describeCol: col 35 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 35 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267360 value = '' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 35, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 12, ptr = '' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 12, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.37.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=36, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 36 fieldname = 'regexten' describeCol: col 36 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 36 column_size = 80 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=36, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 36 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 36 *pcbColDef = 80 describeCol: col 36 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 36 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267360 value = '' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 36, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 0, ptr = '' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 0, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.38.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=37, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 37 fieldname = 'cancallforward' describeCol: col 37 fieldtype = 1042 describeCol: col 37 column_size = 3 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=37, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 37 *pfSqlType = 1 describeCol: col 37 *pcbColDef = 3 describeCol: col 37 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 37 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267360 value = 'yes' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 37, fCType = 1, field_type = 1042, value = 'yes' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1042, fctype = 1, value = 'yes', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 3, ptr = 'yes' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 3, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'yes' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.39.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=38, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 38 fieldname = 'setvar' describeCol: col 38 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 38 column_size = 100 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=38, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 38 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 38 *pcbColDef = 100 describeCol: col 38 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 38 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267360 value = '' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 38, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 0, ptr = '' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 0, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.40.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getTimestampColumnSize: type=1184, col=39 getTimestampDecimalDigits: type=1184, col=39 atttypmod1=-1 atttypmod2=-1 getTimestampDecimalDigits: type=1184, col=39 atttypmod1=-1 atttypmod2=-1 describeCol: col 39 fieldname = 'inserted' describeCol: col 39 fieldtype = 1184 describeCol: col 39 column_size = 26 describeCol: col 39 *pfSqlType = 93 describeCol: col 39 *pcbColDef = 26 describeCol: col 39 *pibScale = 6 describeCol: col 39 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267360 value = '2007-09-01 17:48:54.464028+01' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 39, fCType = 1, field_type = 1184, value = '2007-09-01 17:48:54.464028+01' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1184, fctype = 1, value = '2007-09-01 17:48:54.464028+01', cbValueMax=2048 2stime fr=464028000 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.41.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getTimestampColumnSize: type=1184, col=40 getTimestampDecimalDigits: type=1184, col=40 atttypmod1=-1 atttypmod2=-1 getTimestampDecimalDigits: type=1184, col=40 atttypmod1=-1 atttypmod2=-1 describeCol: col 40 fieldname = 'lastregister' describeCol: col 40 fieldtype = 1184 describeCol: col 40 column_size = 26 describeCol: col 40 *pfSqlType = 93 describeCol: col 40 *pcbColDef = 26 describeCol: col 40 *pibScale = 6 describeCol: col 40 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267360 value = '2008-02-22 10:45:23+00' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 40, fCType = 1, field_type = 1184, value = '2008-02-22 10:45:23+00' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1184, fctype = 1, value = '2008-02-22 10:45:23+00', cbValueMax=2048 2stime fr=0 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.42.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=41, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 41 fieldname = 'useragent' describeCol: col 41 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 41 column_size = 128 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=41, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 41 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 41 *pcbColDef = 128 describeCol: col 41 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 41 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267360 value = 'X-Lite release 1011s stamp 41150' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 41, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = 'X-Lite release 1011s stamp 41150' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = 'X-Lite release 1011s stamp 41150', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 32, ptr = 'X-Lite release 1011s stamp 41150' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 32, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'X-Lite release 1011s stamp 41150' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.43.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=42, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 42 fieldname = 'natsendkeepalives' describeCol: col 42 fieldtype = 1042 describeCol: col 42 column_size = 1 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=42, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 42 *pfSqlType = 1 describeCol: col 42 *pcbColDef = 1 describeCol: col 42 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 42 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267360 value = 'n' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 42, fCType = 1, field_type = 1042, value = 'n' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1042, fctype = 1, value = 'n', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 1, ptr = 'n' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 1, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'n' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.44.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=43, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 43 fieldname = 'natconnectionstate' describeCol: col 43 fieldtype = 1042 describeCol: col 43 column_size = 1 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=43, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 43 *pfSqlType = 1 describeCol: col 43 *pcbColDef = 1 describeCol: col 43 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 43 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267360 value = 'd' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 43, fCType = 1, field_type = 1042, value = 'd' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1042, fctype = 1, value = 'd', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 1, ptr = 'd' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 1, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'd' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.45.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=44, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 44 fieldname = 'outboundproxyport' describeCol: col 44 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 44 column_size = 5 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=44, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 44 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 44 *pcbColDef = 5 describeCol: col 44 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 44 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267360 value = '' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 44, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 0, ptr = '' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 0, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.46.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=45, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 45 fieldname = 'outboundproxy' describeCol: col 45 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 45 column_size = 31 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=45, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 45 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 45 *pcbColDef = 31 describeCol: col 45 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 45 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267360 value = '' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 45, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 0, ptr = '' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 0, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.47.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=46, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 46 fieldname = 'voicemailextension' describeCol: col 46 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 46 column_size = 128 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=46, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 46 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 46 *pcbColDef = 128 describeCol: col 46 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 46 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267360 value = '3031' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 46, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '3031' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '3031', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 4, ptr = '3031' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 4, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '3031' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.48.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=47, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 47 fieldname = 'pstncallerid' describeCol: col 47 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 47 column_size = 24 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=47, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 47 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 47 *pcbColDef = 24 describeCol: col 47 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 47 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267360 value = '0035318262900' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 47, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '0035318262900' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '0035318262900', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 13, ptr = '0035318262900' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 13, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '0035318262900' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.49.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=48, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 48 fieldname = 'dialplan' describeCol: col 48 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 48 column_size = 64 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=48, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 48 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 48 *pcbColDef = 64 describeCol: col 48 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 48 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267360 value = '' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 48, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 0, ptr = '' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 0, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.50.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=49, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 49 fieldname = 'whitelabelid' describeCol: col 49 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 49 column_size = 32 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=49, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 49 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 49 *pcbColDef = 32 describeCol: col 49 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 49 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267360 value = 'blueface' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 49, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = 'blueface' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = 'blueface', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 8, ptr = 'blueface' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 8, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'blueface' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.51.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=50, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 50 fieldname = 'localcallprefix' describeCol: col 50 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 50 column_size = 10 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=50, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 50 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 50 *pcbColDef = 10 describeCol: col 50 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 50 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267360 value = '(null)' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 50, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '(null)' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.52.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=51, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 51 fieldname = 'comment' describeCol: col 51 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 51 column_size = 512 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=51, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 51 *pfSqlType = -1 describeCol: col 51 *pcbColDef = 512 describeCol: col 51 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 51 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267360 value = 'Provisioned by bruce.mcalister on 01 Sep 2007 17:48:54.' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 51, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = 'Provisioned by bruce.mcalister on 01 Sep 2007 17:48:54.' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = 'Provisioned by bruce.mcalister on 01 Sep 2007 17:48:54.', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 55, ptr = 'Provisioned by bruce.mcalister on 01 Sep 2007 17:48:54.' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 55, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'Provisioned by bruce.mcalister on 01 Sep 2007 17:48:54.' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.53.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=52, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 52 fieldname = 'createdbyuser' describeCol: col 52 fieldtype = 1042 describeCol: col 52 column_size = 3 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=52, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 52 *pfSqlType = 1 describeCol: col 52 *pcbColDef = 3 describeCol: col 52 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 52 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267360 value = 'yes' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 52, fCType = 1, field_type = 1042, value = 'yes' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1042, fctype = 1, value = 'yes', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 3, ptr = 'yes' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 3, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'yes' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.54.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=53, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 53 fieldname = 'progressinband' describeCol: col 53 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 53 column_size = 5 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=53, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 53 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 53 *pcbColDef = 5 describeCol: col 53 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 53 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267360 value = 'no' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 53, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = 'no' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = 'no', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 2, ptr = 'no' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 2, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'no' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.55.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 describeCol: col 54 fieldname = 'call-limit' describeCol: col 54 fieldtype = 23 describeCol: col 54 column_size = 10 describeCol: col 54 *pfSqlType = 4 describeCol: col 54 *pcbColDef = 10 describeCol: col 54 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 54 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267360 value = '10' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 54, fCType = 1, field_type = 23, value = '10' copy_and_convert: field_type = 23, fctype = 1, value = '10', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 2, ptr = '10' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 2, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '10' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.56.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=55, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 55 fieldname = 'regserver' describeCol: col 55 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 55 column_size = 100 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=55, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 55 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 55 *pcbColDef = 100 describeCol: col 55 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 55 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267360 value = '' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 55, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 0, ptr = '' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 0, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '' [[SQLFreeHandle]]PGAPI_FreeStmt: entering...hstmt=136267360, fOption=1 QResult: in DESTRUCTOR TupleList: in DESTRUCTOR TupleList: exit DESTRUCTOR QResult: free memory in, fcount=101 QResult: free memory out QResult: exit DESTRUCTOR SC_Destructor: self=136267360, self->result=0, self->hdbc=135891512 APD_free_params: ENTER, self=136267612 APD_free_params: EXIT IPD_free_params: ENTER, self=136267676 IPD_free_params: EXIT PDATA_free_params: ENTER, self=136267792 PDATA_free_params: EXIT ARDFields_free 81f46e8 bookmark=81ea918ARD_unbind_cols freeall=1 allocated=56 bindings=81f2630 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=1 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=2 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=3 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=4 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=5 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=6 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=7 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=8 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=9 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=10 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=11 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=12 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=13 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=14 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=15 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=16 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=17 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=18 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=19 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=20 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=21 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=22 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=23 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=24 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=25 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=26 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=27 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=28 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=29 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=30 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=31 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=32 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=33 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=34 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=35 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=36 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=37 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=38 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=39 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=40 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=41 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=42 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=43 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=44 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=45 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=46 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=47 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=48 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=49 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=50 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=51 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=52 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=53 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=54 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=55 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=56 APD_free_params: ENTER, self=136267612 IPD_free_params: ENTER, self=136267676 GDATA_unbind_cols freeall=1 allocated=56 gdata=820a338 SC_Destructor: EXIT [[SQLAllocHandle]]PGAPI_AllocStmt: entering... SC_Constructor: entering ... SC_Constructor: created stmt = 136267360 **** PGAPI_AllocStmt: hdbc = 135891512, stmt = 136267360 CC_add_statement: self=135891512, stmt=136267360 [[SQLGetStmtAttr]] Handle=136267360 10010 PGAPI_GetStmtAttr Handle=136267360 10010 [[SQLGetStmtAttr]] Handle=136267360 10011 PGAPI_GetStmtAttr Handle=136267360 10011 [[SQLGetStmtAttr]] Handle=136267360 10012 PGAPI_GetStmtAttr Handle=136267360 10012 [[SQLGetStmtAttr]] Handle=136267360 10013 PGAPI_GetStmtAttr Handle=136267360 10013 [SQLPrepare]PGAPI_Prepare: entering... **** PGAPI_Prepare: STMT_ALLOCATED, copy [SQLBindParameter]PGAPI_BindParameter: entering... extend_parameter_bindings: entering ... self=136267612, parameters_allocated=0, num_params=1 exit extend_parameter_bindings extend_iparameter_bindings: entering ... self=136267676, parameters_allocated=0, num_params=1 exit extend_iparameter_bindings extend_putdata_info: entering ... self=136267792, parameters_allocated=0, num_params=1 exit extend_putdata_info PGAPI_BindParamater: ipar=0, paramType=1, fCType=1, fSqlType=1, cbColDef=17, ibScale=0, rgbValue=-63840848, *pcbValue = -777, data_at_exec = 0 [SQLExecute]PGAPI_Execute: entering... PGAPI_Execute: clear errors... recycle statement: self= 136267360 PDATA_free_params: ENTER, self=136267792 PDATA_free_params: EXIT PGAPI_NumParams: entering... Exec_with_parameters_resolved: copying statement params: trans_status=1, len=40, stmt='SELECT * FROM sipaccounts WHERE name = ?' ResolveOneParam: from(fcType)=1, to(fSqlType)=1 stmt_with_params = 'SELECT * FROM sipaccounts WHERE name = 'BruceMcAlisterE61'' Sending SELECT statement on stmt=136267360, cursor_name='SQL_CUR81f4660' send_query(): conn=135891512, query='SELECT * FROM sipaccounts WHERE name = 'BruceMcAlisterE61'' LIBPQ_execute_query: entering ... in QR_Constructor exit QR_Constructor LIBPQ_execute_query: get next result with status = 2 LIBPQ_execute_query: query = SELECT * FROM sipaccounts WHERE name = 'BruceMcAlisterE61' LIBPQ_execute_query: rest types ... LIBPQ_execute_query: recent_processed_row_count = 1 CC_mapping: entering ... CC_mapping: rows = 1, columns = 56 CC_mapping: column = 0 CC_mapping: set field info: name = id, typ = 1043, typlen = 36, attypmod = 36 CC_mapping: column = 1 CC_mapping: set field info: name = name, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 2 CC_mapping: set field info: name = accountcode, typ = 1043, typlen = 20, attypmod = 20 CC_mapping: column = 3 CC_mapping: set field info: name = amaflags, typ = 1043, typlen = 13, attypmod = 13 CC_mapping: column = 4 CC_mapping: set field info: name = callgroup, typ = 1043, typlen = 10, attypmod = 10 CC_mapping: column = 5 CC_mapping: set field info: name = callerid, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 6 CC_mapping: set field info: name = canreinvite, typ = 1042, typlen = 3, attypmod = 3 CC_mapping: column = 7 CC_mapping: set field info: name = context, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 8 CC_mapping: set field info: name = defaultip, typ = 1043, typlen = 15, attypmod = 15 CC_mapping: column = 9 CC_mapping: set field info: name = dtmfmode, typ = 1043, typlen = 7, attypmod = 7 CC_mapping: column = 10 CC_mapping: set field info: name = fromuser, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 11 CC_mapping: set field info: name = fromdomain, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 12 CC_mapping: set field info: name = fullcontact, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 13 CC_mapping: set field info: name = host, typ = 1043, typlen = 31, attypmod = 31 CC_mapping: column = 14 CC_mapping: set field info: name = insecure, typ = 1043, typlen = 11, attypmod = 11 CC_mapping: column = 15 CC_mapping: set field info: name = language, typ = 1042, typlen = 2, attypmod = 2 CC_mapping: column = 16 CC_mapping: set field info: name = mailbox, typ = 1043, typlen = 50, attypmod = 50 CC_mapping: column = 17 CC_mapping: set field info: name = md5secret, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 18 CC_mapping: set field info: name = nat, typ = 1043, typlen = 5, attypmod = 5 CC_mapping: column = 19 CC_mapping: set field info: name = deny, typ = 1043, typlen = 95, attypmod = 95 CC_mapping: column = 20 CC_mapping: set field info: name = permit, typ = 1043, typlen = 95, attypmod = 95 CC_mapping: column = 21 CC_mapping: set field info: name = mask, typ = 1043, typlen = 95, attypmod = 95 CC_mapping: column = 22 CC_mapping: set field info: name = pickupgroup, typ = 1043, typlen = 10, attypmod = 10 CC_mapping: column = 23 CC_mapping: set field info: name = port, typ = 1043, typlen = 5, attypmod = 5 CC_mapping: column = 24 CC_mapping: set field info: name = qualify, typ = 1042, typlen = 4, attypmod = 4 CC_mapping: column = 25 CC_mapping: set field info: name = restrictcid, typ = 1042, typlen = 1, attypmod = 1 CC_mapping: column = 26 CC_mapping: set field info: name = rtptimeout, typ = 1042, typlen = 3, attypmod = 3 CC_mapping: column = 27 CC_mapping: set field info: name = rtpholdtimeout, typ = 1042, typlen = 5, attypmod = 5 CC_mapping: column = 28 CC_mapping: set field info: name = secret, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 29 CC_mapping: set field info: name = type, typ = 1043, typlen = 6, attypmod = 6 CC_mapping: column = 30 CC_mapping: set field info: name = username, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 31 CC_mapping: set field info: name = disallow, typ = 1043, typlen = 100, attypmod = 100 CC_mapping: column = 32 CC_mapping: set field info: name = allow, typ = 1043, typlen = 100, attypmod = 100 CC_mapping: column = 33 CC_mapping: set field info: name = mohsuggest, typ = 1043, typlen = 100, attypmod = 100 CC_mapping: column = 34 CC_mapping: set field info: name = regseconds, typ = 23, typlen = 4, attypmod = -1 CC_mapping: column = 35 CC_mapping: set field info: name = ipaddr, typ = 1043, typlen = 15, attypmod = 15 CC_mapping: column = 36 CC_mapping: set field info: name = regexten, typ = 1043, typlen = 80, attypmod = 80 CC_mapping: column = 37 CC_mapping: set field info: name = cancallforward, typ = 1042, typlen = 3, attypmod = 3 CC_mapping: column = 38 CC_mapping: set field info: name = setvar, typ = 1043, typlen = 100, attypmod = 100 CC_mapping: column = 39 CC_mapping: set field info: name = inserted, typ = 1184, typlen = 8, attypmod = -1 CC_mapping: column = 40 CC_mapping: set field info: name = lastregister, typ = 1184, typlen = 8, attypmod = -1 CC_mapping: column = 41 CC_mapping: set field info: name = useragent, typ = 1043, typlen = 128, attypmod = 128 CC_mapping: column = 42 CC_mapping: set field info: name = natsendkeepalives, typ = 1042, typlen = 1, attypmod = 1 CC_mapping: column = 43 CC_mapping: set field info: name = natconnectionstate, typ = 1042, typlen = 1, attypmod = 1 CC_mapping: column = 44 CC_mapping: set field info: name = outboundproxyport, typ = 1043, typlen = 5, attypmod = 5 CC_mapping: column = 45 CC_mapping: set field info: name = outboundproxy, typ = 1043, typlen = 31, attypmod = 31 CC_mapping: column = 46 CC_mapping: set field info: name = voicemailextension, typ = 1043, typlen = 128, attypmod = 128 CC_mapping: column = 47 CC_mapping: set field info: name = pstncallerid, typ = 1043, typlen = 24, attypmod = 24 CC_mapping: column = 48 CC_mapping: set field info: name = dialplan, typ = 1043, typlen = 64, attypmod = 64 CC_mapping: column = 49 CC_mapping: set field info: name = whitelabelid, typ = 1043, typlen = 32, attypmod = 32 CC_mapping: column = 50 CC_mapping: set field info: name = localcallprefix, typ = 1043, typlen = 10, attypmod = 10 CC_mapping: column = 51 CC_mapping: set field info: name = comment, typ = 1043, typlen = 512, attypmod = 512 CC_mapping: column = 52 CC_mapping: set field info: name = createdbyuser, typ = 1042, typlen = 3, attypmod = 3 CC_mapping: column = 53 CC_mapping: set field info: name = progressinband, typ = 1043, typlen = 5, attypmod = 5 CC_mapping: column = 54 CC_mapping: set field info: name = call-limit, typ = 23, typlen = 4, attypmod = -1 CC_mapping: column = 55 CC_mapping: set field info: name = regserver, typ = 1043, typlen = 100, attypmod = 100 in TL_Constructor exit TL_Constructor CC_mapping: fetch column = id, value = 50f2f1af-18be-404d-b188-4de0a52397b6 CC_mapping: fetch column = name, value = BruceMcAlisterE61 CC_mapping: fetch column = accountcode, value = myaccountcode123456 CC_mapping: fetch column = amaflags, value = NULL CC_mapping: fetch column = callgroup, value = NULL CC_mapping: fetch column = callerid, value = Bruce McAlister <304242> CC_mapping: fetch column = canreinvite, value = no CC_mapping: fetch column = context, value = VoiceMail CC_mapping: fetch column = defaultip, value = CC_mapping: fetch column = dtmfmode, value = rfc2833 CC_mapping: fetch column = fromuser, value = CC_mapping: fetch column = fromdomain, value = CC_mapping: fetch column = fullcontact, value = CC_mapping: fetch column = host, value = dynamic CC_mapping: fetch column = insecure, value = NULL CC_mapping: fetch column = language, value = NULL CC_mapping: fetch column = mailbox, value = 3031 CC_mapping: fetch column = md5secret, value = NULL CC_mapping: fetch column = nat, value = yes CC_mapping: fetch column = deny, value = NULL CC_mapping: fetch column = permit, value = NULL CC_mapping: fetch column = mask, value = NULL CC_mapping: fetch column = pickupgroup, value = NULL CC_mapping: fetch column = port, value = 57274 CC_mapping: fetch column = qualify, value = no CC_mapping: fetch column = restrictcid, value = NULL CC_mapping: fetch column = rtptimeout, value = NULL CC_mapping: fetch column = rtpholdtimeout, value = NULL CC_mapping: fetch column = secret, value = 47p00k$! CC_mapping: fetch column = type, value = friend CC_mapping: fetch column = username, value = BruceMcAlisterE61 CC_mapping: fetch column = disallow, value = CC_mapping: fetch column = allow, value = CC_mapping: fetch column = mohsuggest, value = NULL CC_mapping: fetch column = regseconds, value = 1204282587 CC_mapping: fetch column = ipaddr, value = CC_mapping: fetch column = regexten, value = CC_mapping: fetch column = cancallforward, value = yes CC_mapping: fetch column = setvar, value = CC_mapping: fetch column = inserted, value = 2007-09-01 17:48:54.464028+01 CC_mapping: fetch column = lastregister, value = 2008-02-22 10:45:23+00 CC_mapping: fetch column = useragent, value = X-Lite release 1011s stamp 41150 CC_mapping: fetch column = natsendkeepalives, value = n CC_mapping: fetch column = natconnectionstate, value = d CC_mapping: fetch column = outboundproxyport, value = CC_mapping: fetch column = outboundproxy, value = CC_mapping: fetch column = voicemailextension, value = 3031 CC_mapping: fetch column = pstncallerid, value = 0035318262900 CC_mapping: fetch column = dialplan, value = CC_mapping: fetch column = whitelabelid, value = blueface CC_mapping: fetch column = localcallprefix, value = NULL CC_mapping: fetch column = comment, value = Provisioned by bruce.mcalister on 01 Sep 2007 17:48:54. CC_mapping: fetch column = createdbyuser, value = yes CC_mapping: fetch column = progressinband, value = no CC_mapping: fetch column = call-limit, value = 10 CC_mapping: fetch column = regserver, value = send_query: done sending query with status: 2 QR_fetch_tuples: cursor = '', self->cursor=0 QR_fetch_tuples: past CI_read_fields: num_fields = 56 MALLOC: tuple_size = 100, size = 44800 done sending the query: extend_column_bindings: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=0, num_columns=56 exit extend_column_bindings [SQLNumResultCols]PGAPI_NumResultCols: entering... SC_pre_execute: status = 3 PGAPI_NumResultCols: result = 136264384, status = 3, numcols = 56 [[SQLFetch]]PGAPI_ExtendedFetch: stmt=136267360 SQL_FETCH_NEXT: num_tuples=1, currtuple=-1 PGAPI_ExtendedFetch: new currTuple = -1 manual_result = 1, use_declarefetch = 0 **** SC_fetch: manual_result extend_getdata_info: entering ... self=136267716, gdata_allocated=0, num_columns=56 exit extend_gdata_info fetch: cols=56, lf=0, opts = 136267496, opts->bindings = 136259120, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=1, opts = 136267496, opts->bindings = 136259120, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=2, opts = 136267496, opts->bindings = 136259120, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=3, opts = 136267496, opts->bindings = 136259120, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=4, opts = 136267496, opts->bindings = 136259120, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=5, opts = 136267496, opts->bindings = 136259120, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=6, opts = 136267496, opts->bindings = 136259120, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=7, opts = 136267496, opts->bindings = 136259120, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=8, opts = 136267496, opts->bindings = 136259120, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=9, opts = 136267496, opts->bindings = 136259120, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=10, opts = 136267496, opts->bindings = 136259120, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=11, opts = 136267496, opts->bindings = 136259120, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=12, opts = 136267496, opts->bindings = 136259120, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=13, opts = 136267496, opts->bindings = 136259120, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=14, opts = 136267496, opts->bindings = 136259120, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=15, opts = 136267496, opts->bindings = 136259120, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=16, opts = 136267496, opts->bindings = 136259120, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=17, opts = 136267496, opts->bindings = 136259120, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=18, opts = 136267496, opts->bindings = 136259120, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=19, opts = 136267496, opts->bindings = 136259120, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=20, opts = 136267496, opts->bindings = 136259120, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=21, opts = 136267496, opts->bindings = 136259120, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=22, opts = 136267496, opts->bindings = 136259120, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=23, opts = 136267496, opts->bindings = 136259120, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=24, opts = 136267496, opts->bindings = 136259120, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=25, opts = 136267496, opts->bindings = 136259120, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=26, opts = 136267496, opts->bindings = 136259120, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=27, opts = 136267496, opts->bindings = 136259120, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=28, opts = 136267496, opts->bindings = 136259120, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=29, opts = 136267496, opts->bindings = 136259120, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=30, opts = 136267496, opts->bindings = 136259120, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=31, opts = 136267496, opts->bindings = 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buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=44, opts = 136267496, opts->bindings = 136259120, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=45, opts = 136267496, opts->bindings = 136259120, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=46, opts = 136267496, opts->bindings = 136259120, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=47, opts = 136267496, opts->bindings = 136259120, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=48, opts = 136267496, opts->bindings = 136259120, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=49, opts = 136267496, opts->bindings = 136259120, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=50, opts = 136267496, opts->bindings = 136259120, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=51, opts = 136267496, opts->bindings = 136259120, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=52, opts = 136267496, opts->bindings = 136259120, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=53, opts = 136267496, opts->bindings = 136259120, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=54, opts = 136267496, opts->bindings = 136259120, buffer[] = 0 fetch: cols=56, lf=55, opts = 136267496, opts->bindings = 136259120, buffer[] = 0 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.1.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=0, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 0 fieldname = 'id' describeCol: col 0 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 0 column_size = 36 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=0, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 0 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 0 *pcbColDef = 36 describeCol: col 0 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 0 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267360 value = '50f2f1af-18be-404d-b188-4de0a52397b6' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 0, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '50f2f1af-18be-404d-b188-4de0a52397b6' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '50f2f1af-18be-404d-b188-4de0a52397b6', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 36, ptr = '50f2f1af-18be-404d-b188-4de0a52397b6' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 36, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '50f2f1af-18be-404d-b188-4de0a52397b6' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.2.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=1, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 1 fieldname = 'name' describeCol: col 1 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 1 column_size = 80 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=1, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 1 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 1 *pcbColDef = 80 describeCol: col 1 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 1 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267360 value = 'BruceMcAlisterE61' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 1, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = 'BruceMcAlisterE61' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = 'BruceMcAlisterE61', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 17, ptr = 'BruceMcAlisterE61' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 17, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'BruceMcAlisterE61' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.3.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=2, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 2 fieldname = 'accountcode' describeCol: col 2 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 2 column_size = 20 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=2, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 2 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 2 *pcbColDef = 20 describeCol: col 2 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 2 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267360 value = 'myaccountcode123456' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 2, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = 'myaccountcode123456' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = 'myaccountcode123456', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 19, ptr = 'myaccountcode123456' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 19, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'myaccountcode123456' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.4.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=3, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 3 fieldname = 'amaflags' describeCol: col 3 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 3 column_size = 13 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=3, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 3 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 3 *pcbColDef = 13 describeCol: col 3 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 3 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267360 value = '(null)' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 3, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '(null)' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.5.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=4, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 4 fieldname = 'callgroup' describeCol: col 4 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 4 column_size = 10 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=4, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 4 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 4 *pcbColDef = 10 describeCol: col 4 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 4 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267360 value = '(null)' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 4, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '(null)' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.6.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=5, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 5 fieldname = 'callerid' describeCol: col 5 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 5 column_size = 80 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=5, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 5 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 5 *pcbColDef = 80 describeCol: col 5 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 5 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267360 value = 'Bruce McAlister <304242>' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 5, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = 'Bruce McAlister <304242>' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = 'Bruce McAlister <304242>', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 24, ptr = 'Bruce McAlister <304242>' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 24, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'Bruce McAlister <304242>' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.7.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=6, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 6 fieldname = 'canreinvite' describeCol: col 6 fieldtype = 1042 describeCol: col 6 column_size = 3 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=6, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 6 *pfSqlType = 1 describeCol: col 6 *pcbColDef = 3 describeCol: col 6 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 6 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267360 value = 'no ' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 6, fCType = 1, field_type = 1042, value = 'no ' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1042, fctype = 1, value = 'no ', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 3, ptr = 'no ' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 3, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'no ' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.8.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=7, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 7 fieldname = 'context' describeCol: col 7 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 7 column_size = 80 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=7, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 7 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 7 *pcbColDef = 80 describeCol: col 7 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 7 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267360 value = 'VoiceMail' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 7, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = 'VoiceMail' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = 'VoiceMail', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 9, ptr = 'VoiceMail' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 9, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'VoiceMail' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.9.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=8, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 8 fieldname = 'defaultip' describeCol: col 8 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 8 column_size = 15 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=8, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 8 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 8 *pcbColDef = 15 describeCol: col 8 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 8 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267360 value = '' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 8, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 0, ptr = '' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 0, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.10.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=9, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 9 fieldname = 'dtmfmode' describeCol: col 9 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 9 column_size = 7 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=9, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 9 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 9 *pcbColDef = 7 describeCol: col 9 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 9 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267360 value = 'rfc2833' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 9, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = 'rfc2833' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = 'rfc2833', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 7, ptr = 'rfc2833' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 7, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'rfc2833' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.11.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=10, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 10 fieldname = 'fromuser' describeCol: col 10 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 10 column_size = 80 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=10, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 10 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 10 *pcbColDef = 80 describeCol: col 10 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 10 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267360 value = '' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 10, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 0, ptr = '' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 0, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.12.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=11, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 11 fieldname = 'fromdomain' describeCol: col 11 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 11 column_size = 80 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=11, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 11 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 11 *pcbColDef = 80 describeCol: col 11 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 11 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267360 value = '' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 11, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 0, ptr = '' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 0, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.13.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=12, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 12 fieldname = 'fullcontact' describeCol: col 12 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 12 column_size = 80 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=12, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 12 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 12 *pcbColDef = 80 describeCol: col 12 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 12 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267360 value = '' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 12, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 0, ptr = '' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 0, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.14.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=13, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 13 fieldname = 'host' describeCol: col 13 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 13 column_size = 31 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=13, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 13 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 13 *pcbColDef = 31 describeCol: col 13 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 13 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267360 value = 'dynamic' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 13, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = 'dynamic' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = 'dynamic', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 7, ptr = 'dynamic' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 7, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'dynamic' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.15.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=14, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 14 fieldname = 'insecure' describeCol: col 14 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 14 column_size = 11 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=14, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 14 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 14 *pcbColDef = 11 describeCol: col 14 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 14 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267360 value = '(null)' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 14, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '(null)' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.16.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=15, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 15 fieldname = 'language' describeCol: col 15 fieldtype = 1042 describeCol: col 15 column_size = 2 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=15, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 15 *pfSqlType = 1 describeCol: col 15 *pcbColDef = 2 describeCol: col 15 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 15 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267360 value = '(null)' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 15, fCType = 1, field_type = 1042, value = '(null)' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1042, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.17.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=16, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 16 fieldname = 'mailbox' describeCol: col 16 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 16 column_size = 50 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=16, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 16 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 16 *pcbColDef = 50 describeCol: col 16 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 16 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267360 value = '3031' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 16, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '3031' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '3031', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 4, ptr = '3031' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 4, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '3031' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.18.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=17, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 17 fieldname = 'md5secret' describeCol: col 17 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 17 column_size = 80 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=17, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 17 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 17 *pcbColDef = 80 describeCol: col 17 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 17 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267360 value = '(null)' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 17, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '(null)' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.19.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=18, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 18 fieldname = 'nat' describeCol: col 18 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 18 column_size = 5 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=18, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 18 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 18 *pcbColDef = 5 describeCol: col 18 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 18 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267360 value = 'yes' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 18, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = 'yes' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = 'yes', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 3, ptr = 'yes' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 3, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'yes' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.20.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=19, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 19 fieldname = 'deny' describeCol: col 19 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 19 column_size = 95 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=19, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 19 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 19 *pcbColDef = 95 describeCol: col 19 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 19 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267360 value = '(null)' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 19, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '(null)' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.21.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=20, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 20 fieldname = 'permit' describeCol: col 20 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 20 column_size = 95 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=20, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 20 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 20 *pcbColDef = 95 describeCol: col 20 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 20 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267360 value = '(null)' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 20, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '(null)' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.22.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=21, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 21 fieldname = 'mask' describeCol: col 21 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 21 column_size = 95 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=21, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 21 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 21 *pcbColDef = 95 describeCol: col 21 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 21 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267360 value = '(null)' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 21, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '(null)' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.23.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=22, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 22 fieldname = 'pickupgroup' describeCol: col 22 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 22 column_size = 10 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=22, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 22 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 22 *pcbColDef = 10 describeCol: col 22 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 22 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267360 value = '(null)' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 22, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '(null)' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.24.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=23, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 23 fieldname = 'port' describeCol: col 23 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 23 column_size = 5 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=23, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 23 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 23 *pcbColDef = 5 describeCol: col 23 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 23 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267360 value = '57274' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 23, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '57274' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '57274', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 5, ptr = '57274' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 5, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '57274' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.25.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=24, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 24 fieldname = 'qualify' describeCol: col 24 fieldtype = 1042 describeCol: col 24 column_size = 4 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=24, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 24 *pfSqlType = 1 describeCol: col 24 *pcbColDef = 4 describeCol: col 24 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 24 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267360 value = 'no ' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 24, fCType = 1, field_type = 1042, value = 'no ' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1042, fctype = 1, value = 'no ', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 4, ptr = 'no ' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 4, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'no ' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.26.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=25, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 25 fieldname = 'restrictcid' describeCol: col 25 fieldtype = 1042 describeCol: col 25 column_size = 1 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=25, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 25 *pfSqlType = 1 describeCol: col 25 *pcbColDef = 1 describeCol: col 25 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 25 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267360 value = '(null)' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 25, fCType = 1, field_type = 1042, value = '(null)' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1042, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.27.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=26, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 26 fieldname = 'rtptimeout' describeCol: col 26 fieldtype = 1042 describeCol: col 26 column_size = 3 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=26, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 26 *pfSqlType = 1 describeCol: col 26 *pcbColDef = 3 describeCol: col 26 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 26 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267360 value = '(null)' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 26, fCType = 1, field_type = 1042, value = '(null)' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1042, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.28.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=27, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 27 fieldname = 'rtpholdtimeout' describeCol: col 27 fieldtype = 1042 describeCol: col 27 column_size = 5 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=27, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 27 *pfSqlType = 1 describeCol: col 27 *pcbColDef = 5 describeCol: col 27 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 27 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267360 value = '(null)' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 27, fCType = 1, field_type = 1042, value = '(null)' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1042, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.29.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=28, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 28 fieldname = 'secret' describeCol: col 28 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 28 column_size = 80 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=28, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 28 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 28 *pcbColDef = 80 describeCol: col 28 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 28 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267360 value = '47p00k$!' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 28, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '47p00k$!' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '47p00k$!', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 8, ptr = '47p00k$!' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 8, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '47p00k$!' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.30.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=29, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 29 fieldname = 'type' describeCol: col 29 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 29 column_size = 6 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=29, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 29 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 29 *pcbColDef = 6 describeCol: col 29 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 29 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267360 value = 'friend' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 29, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = 'friend' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = 'friend', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 6, ptr = 'friend' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 6, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'friend' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.31.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=30, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 30 fieldname = 'username' describeCol: col 30 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 30 column_size = 80 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=30, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 30 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 30 *pcbColDef = 80 describeCol: col 30 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 30 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267360 value = 'BruceMcAlisterE61' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 30, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = 'BruceMcAlisterE61' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = 'BruceMcAlisterE61', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 17, ptr = 'BruceMcAlisterE61' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 17, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'BruceMcAlisterE61' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.32.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=31, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 31 fieldname = 'disallow' describeCol: col 31 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 31 column_size = 100 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=31, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 31 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 31 *pcbColDef = 100 describeCol: col 31 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 31 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267360 value = '' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 31, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 0, ptr = '' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 0, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.33.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=32, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 32 fieldname = 'allow' describeCol: col 32 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 32 column_size = 100 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=32, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 32 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 32 *pcbColDef = 100 describeCol: col 32 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 32 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267360 value = '' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 32, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 0, ptr = '' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 0, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.34.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=33, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 33 fieldname = 'mohsuggest' describeCol: col 33 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 33 column_size = 100 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=33, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 33 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 33 *pcbColDef = 100 describeCol: col 33 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 33 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267360 value = '(null)' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 33, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '(null)' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.35.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 describeCol: col 34 fieldname = 'regseconds' describeCol: col 34 fieldtype = 23 describeCol: col 34 column_size = 10 describeCol: col 34 *pfSqlType = 4 describeCol: col 34 *pcbColDef = 10 describeCol: col 34 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 34 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267360 value = '1204282587' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 34, fCType = 1, field_type = 23, value = '1204282587' copy_and_convert: field_type = 23, fctype = 1, value = '1204282587', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 10, ptr = '1204282587' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 10, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '1204282587' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.36.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=35, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 35 fieldname = 'ipaddr' describeCol: col 35 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 35 column_size = 15 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=35, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 35 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 35 *pcbColDef = 15 describeCol: col 35 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 35 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267360 value = '' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 35, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 12, ptr = '' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 12, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.37.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=36, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 36 fieldname = 'regexten' describeCol: col 36 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 36 column_size = 80 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=36, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 36 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 36 *pcbColDef = 80 describeCol: col 36 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 36 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267360 value = '' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 36, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 0, ptr = '' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 0, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.38.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=37, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 37 fieldname = 'cancallforward' describeCol: col 37 fieldtype = 1042 describeCol: col 37 column_size = 3 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=37, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 37 *pfSqlType = 1 describeCol: col 37 *pcbColDef = 3 describeCol: col 37 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 37 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267360 value = 'yes' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 37, fCType = 1, field_type = 1042, value = 'yes' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1042, fctype = 1, value = 'yes', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 3, ptr = 'yes' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 3, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'yes' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.39.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=38, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 38 fieldname = 'setvar' describeCol: col 38 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 38 column_size = 100 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=38, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 38 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 38 *pcbColDef = 100 describeCol: col 38 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 38 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267360 value = '' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 38, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 0, ptr = '' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 0, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.40.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getTimestampColumnSize: type=1184, col=39 getTimestampDecimalDigits: type=1184, col=39 atttypmod1=-1 atttypmod2=-1 getTimestampDecimalDigits: type=1184, col=39 atttypmod1=-1 atttypmod2=-1 describeCol: col 39 fieldname = 'inserted' describeCol: col 39 fieldtype = 1184 describeCol: col 39 column_size = 26 describeCol: col 39 *pfSqlType = 93 describeCol: col 39 *pcbColDef = 26 describeCol: col 39 *pibScale = 6 describeCol: col 39 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267360 value = '2007-09-01 17:48:54.464028+01' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 39, fCType = 1, field_type = 1184, value = '2007-09-01 17:48:54.464028+01' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1184, fctype = 1, value = '2007-09-01 17:48:54.464028+01', cbValueMax=2048 2stime fr=464028000 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.41.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getTimestampColumnSize: type=1184, col=40 getTimestampDecimalDigits: type=1184, col=40 atttypmod1=-1 atttypmod2=-1 getTimestampDecimalDigits: type=1184, col=40 atttypmod1=-1 atttypmod2=-1 describeCol: col 40 fieldname = 'lastregister' describeCol: col 40 fieldtype = 1184 describeCol: col 40 column_size = 26 describeCol: col 40 *pfSqlType = 93 describeCol: col 40 *pcbColDef = 26 describeCol: col 40 *pibScale = 6 describeCol: col 40 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267360 value = '2008-02-22 10:45:23+00' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 40, fCType = 1, field_type = 1184, value = '2008-02-22 10:45:23+00' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1184, fctype = 1, value = '2008-02-22 10:45:23+00', cbValueMax=2048 2stime fr=0 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.42.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=41, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 41 fieldname = 'useragent' describeCol: col 41 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 41 column_size = 128 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=41, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 41 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 41 *pcbColDef = 128 describeCol: col 41 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 41 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267360 value = 'X-Lite release 1011s stamp 41150' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 41, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = 'X-Lite release 1011s stamp 41150' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = 'X-Lite release 1011s stamp 41150', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 32, ptr = 'X-Lite release 1011s stamp 41150' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 32, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'X-Lite release 1011s stamp 41150' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.43.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=42, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 42 fieldname = 'natsendkeepalives' describeCol: col 42 fieldtype = 1042 describeCol: col 42 column_size = 1 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=42, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 42 *pfSqlType = 1 describeCol: col 42 *pcbColDef = 1 describeCol: col 42 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 42 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267360 value = 'n' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 42, fCType = 1, field_type = 1042, value = 'n' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1042, fctype = 1, value = 'n', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 1, ptr = 'n' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 1, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'n' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.44.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=43, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 43 fieldname = 'natconnectionstate' describeCol: col 43 fieldtype = 1042 describeCol: col 43 column_size = 1 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=43, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 43 *pfSqlType = 1 describeCol: col 43 *pcbColDef = 1 describeCol: col 43 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 43 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267360 value = 'd' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 43, fCType = 1, field_type = 1042, value = 'd' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1042, fctype = 1, value = 'd', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 1, ptr = 'd' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 1, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'd' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.45.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=44, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 44 fieldname = 'outboundproxyport' describeCol: col 44 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 44 column_size = 5 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=44, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 44 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 44 *pcbColDef = 5 describeCol: col 44 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 44 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267360 value = '' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 44, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 0, ptr = '' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 0, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.46.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=45, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 45 fieldname = 'outboundproxy' describeCol: col 45 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 45 column_size = 31 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=45, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 45 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 45 *pcbColDef = 31 describeCol: col 45 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 45 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267360 value = '' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 45, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 0, ptr = '' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 0, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.47.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=46, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 46 fieldname = 'voicemailextension' describeCol: col 46 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 46 column_size = 128 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=46, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 46 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 46 *pcbColDef = 128 describeCol: col 46 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 46 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267360 value = '3031' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 46, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '3031' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '3031', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 4, ptr = '3031' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 4, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '3031' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.48.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=47, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 47 fieldname = 'pstncallerid' describeCol: col 47 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 47 column_size = 24 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=47, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 47 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 47 *pcbColDef = 24 describeCol: col 47 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 47 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267360 value = '0035318262900' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 47, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '0035318262900' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '0035318262900', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 13, ptr = '0035318262900' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 13, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '0035318262900' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.49.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=48, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 48 fieldname = 'dialplan' describeCol: col 48 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 48 column_size = 64 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=48, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 48 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 48 *pcbColDef = 64 describeCol: col 48 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 48 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267360 value = '' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 48, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 0, ptr = '' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 0, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.50.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=49, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 49 fieldname = 'whitelabelid' describeCol: col 49 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 49 column_size = 32 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=49, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 49 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 49 *pcbColDef = 32 describeCol: col 49 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 49 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267360 value = 'blueface' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 49, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = 'blueface' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = 'blueface', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 8, ptr = 'blueface' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 8, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'blueface' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.51.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=50, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 50 fieldname = 'localcallprefix' describeCol: col 50 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 50 column_size = 10 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=50, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 50 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 50 *pcbColDef = 10 describeCol: col 50 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 50 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267360 value = '(null)' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 50, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '(null)' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.52.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=51, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 51 fieldname = 'comment' describeCol: col 51 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 51 column_size = 512 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=51, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 51 *pfSqlType = -1 describeCol: col 51 *pcbColDef = 512 describeCol: col 51 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 51 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267360 value = 'Provisioned by bruce.mcalister on 01 Sep 2007 17:48:54.' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 51, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = 'Provisioned by bruce.mcalister on 01 Sep 2007 17:48:54.' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = 'Provisioned by bruce.mcalister on 01 Sep 2007 17:48:54.', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 55, ptr = 'Provisioned by bruce.mcalister on 01 Sep 2007 17:48:54.' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 55, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'Provisioned by bruce.mcalister on 01 Sep 2007 17:48:54.' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.53.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=52, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 52 fieldname = 'createdbyuser' describeCol: col 52 fieldtype = 1042 describeCol: col 52 column_size = 3 getCharColumnSize: type=1042, col=52, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 52 *pfSqlType = 1 describeCol: col 52 *pcbColDef = 3 describeCol: col 52 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 52 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267360 value = 'yes' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 52, fCType = 1, field_type = 1042, value = 'yes' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1042, fctype = 1, value = 'yes', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 3, ptr = 'yes' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 3, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'yes' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.54.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=53, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 53 fieldname = 'progressinband' describeCol: col 53 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 53 column_size = 5 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=53, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 53 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 53 *pcbColDef = 5 describeCol: col 53 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 53 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267360 value = 'no' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 53, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = 'no' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = 'no', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 2, ptr = 'no' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 2, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = 'no' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.55.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 describeCol: col 54 fieldname = 'call-limit' describeCol: col 54 fieldtype = 23 describeCol: col 54 column_size = 10 describeCol: col 54 *pfSqlType = 4 describeCol: col 54 *pcbColDef = 10 describeCol: col 54 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 54 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267360 value = '10' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 54, fCType = 1, field_type = 23, value = '10' copy_and_convert: field_type = 23, fctype = 1, value = '10', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 2, ptr = '10' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 2, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '10' [SQLDescribeCol]PGAPI_DescribeCol: entering.56.. SC_pre_execute: status = 3 **** PGAPI_DescribeCol: res = 136264384, stmt->status = 3, !finished=0, !premature=1 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=55, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 55 fieldname = 'regserver' describeCol: col 55 fieldtype = 1043 describeCol: col 55 column_size = 100 getCharColumnSize: type=1043, col=55, unknown = 0 describeCol: col 55 *pfSqlType = 12 describeCol: col 55 *pcbColDef = 100 describeCol: col 55 *pibScale = 0 describeCol: col 55 *pfNullable = 1 [SQLGetData]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=136267360 value = '' **** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 55, fCType = 1, field_type = 1043, value = '' copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=2048 DEFAULT: len = 0, ptr = '' SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 0, cbValueMax = 2048, rgbValueBindRow = '' [[SQLFreeHandle]]PGAPI_FreeStmt: entering...hstmt=136267360, fOption=1 QResult: in DESTRUCTOR TupleList: in DESTRUCTOR TupleList: exit DESTRUCTOR QResult: free memory in, fcount=101 QResult: free memory out QResult: exit DESTRUCTOR SC_Destructor: self=136267360, self->result=0, self->hdbc=135891512 APD_free_params: ENTER, self=136267612 APD_free_params: EXIT IPD_free_params: ENTER, self=136267676 IPD_free_params: EXIT PDATA_free_params: ENTER, self=136267792 PDATA_free_params: EXIT ARDFields_free 81f46e8 bookmark=81ea878ARD_unbind_cols freeall=1 allocated=56 bindings=81f2630 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=1 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=2 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=3 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=4 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=5 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=6 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=7 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=8 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=9 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=10 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=11 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=12 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=13 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=14 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=15 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=16 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=17 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=18 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=19 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=20 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=21 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=22 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=23 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=24 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=25 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=26 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=27 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=28 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=29 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=30 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=31 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=32 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=33 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=34 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=35 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=36 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=37 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=38 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=39 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=40 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=41 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=42 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=43 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=44 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=45 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=46 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=47 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=48 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=49 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=50 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=51 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=52 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=53 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=54 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=55 reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=136267496, bindings_allocated=56, icol=56 APD_free_params: ENTER, self=136267612 IPD_free_params: ENTER, self=136267676 GDATA_unbind_cols freeall=1 allocated=56 gdata=820a338 SC_Destructor: EXIT