pbx*CLI> -- Executing [00197699014447@default:1] Dial("SIP/1100008-08229898", "H323/00197699014447") in new stack -- Requested transfer capability: 0x00 - SPEECH -- Making call to 00197699014447 using gatekeeper. 2:34.437 ThreadID=0xb5dcebb0 h323ep.cxx(1583) H323 Making call to: 00197699014447 2:34.438 ThreadID=0xb5dcebb0 rfc2833.cxx(81) RFC2833 Handler created pbx*CLI>== New H.323 Connection created. 2:34.438 ThreadID=0xb5dcebb0 h323ep.cxx(1672) H323 Created new connection: ip$localhost/76 pbx*CLI>-- root is calling host 00197699014447 pbx*CLI>-- Call token is ip$localhost/76 pbx*CLI>-- Call reference is 76 pbx*CLI>-- DTMF Payload is [pt=101] -- Called 00197699014447 2:34.439 H225 Caller:8226990 h323ep.cxx(880) H225 Started call thread 2:34.440 H225 Caller:8226990 h323trans.cxx(534) Trans Making request: admissionRequest 2:34.440 H225 Caller:8226990 h323pdu.cxx(553) Trans Sending PDU [ip$$] : admissionRequest { requestSeqNum = 26688 callType = pointToPoint <> endpointIdentifier = 9 characters { 0038 0031 0035 0030 005f 0065 006e 0064 8150_end 0070 p }LI> destinationInfo = 1 entries { [0]=dialedDigits "00197699014447" }LI> srcInfo = 1 entries { [0]=dialedDigits "1100008" }LI> bandWidth = 1280 callReferenceValue = 76 conferenceID = 16 octets { 0e 77 c3 16 c3 c2 dc 11 89 27 00 13 20 38 4f 84 .w.......'.. 8O. }LI> activeMC = FALSE answerCall = FALSE canMapAlias = TRUE callIdentifier = { guid = 16 octets { fa 76 c3 16 c3 c2 dc 11 89 27 00 13 20 38 4f 84 .v.......'.. 8O. }> }LI> gatekeeperIdentifier = 11 characters { 0062 006f 006c 0064 0073 006f 0066 0074 boldsoft 005f 0067 006b _gk }LI> willSupplyUUIEs = TRUE canMapSrcAlias = FALSE }*CLI> Raw PDU: size=71 pos=7fffffff.0 { 000 26 80 68 3f 02 00 00 38 00 31 00 35 00 30 00 5f & h? 8 1 5 0 _ 00 65 00 6e 00 64 00 70 01 06 80 33 4c a9 cc 34 e n d p 3L 4 77 7a 01 03 00 44 33 33 b4 05 00 00 4c 0e 77 c3 wz D33 L w 16 c3 c2 dc 11 89 27 00 13 20 38 4f 84 09 64 20 ' 8O d 10 01 80 11 00 fa 76 c3 16 c3 c2 dc 11 89 27 00 v ' 13 20 38 4f 84 17 14 00 62 00 6f 00 6c 00 64 00 8O b o l d 73 00 6f 00 66 00 74 00 5f 00 67 00 6b 01 80 01 s o f t _ g k 00 }*CLI> 2:34.444 H225 Caller:8226990 h323trans.cxx(665) Trans Waiting on response to seqnum=26688 for 3.0 seconds 2:34.447 Transactor:81d4cb0 h323pdu.cxx(553) H225RAS Receiving PDU [ip$$] : admissionConfirm { requestSeqNum = 26688 bandWidth = 1280 callModel = gatekeeperRouted <> destCallSignalAddress = ipAddress { ip = 4 octets { 7a fe 5d 17 z.]. } port = 1720 } irrFrequency = 120 willRespondToIRR = FALSE uuiesRequested = { setup = FALSE callProceeding = FALSE connect = FALSE alerting = FALSE information = FALSE releaseComplete = FALSE facility = FALSE progress = FALSE empty = FALSE status = FALSE statusInquiry = FALSE setupAcknowledge = FALSE notify = FALSE } } Raw PDU: size=21 pos=21.0 { 000 2b 00 68 3f 40 05 00 40 7a fe 5d 17 06 b8 00 77 + h?@ @z ] w 14 00 c0 01 00 0b 80 01 f8 01 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 } 2:34.448 Transactor:81d4cb0 h323trans.cxx(607) Trans Using credentials from request: H235AnnexD_Procedure1,CAT,H235AnnexD_Procedure1,CAT,MD5 2:34.448 Transactor:81d4cb0 h323trans.cxx(373) Trans Reading PDU 2:34.449 H225 Caller:8226990 h323.cxx(4919) H323 Bandwidth used: 0 2:34.449 H225 Caller:8226990 transports.cxx(1658) H323TCP Connecting to (local port=0) 2:34.450 H225 Caller:8226990 transports.cxx(1559) H323TCP Started connection: host=, if=, handle=57 2:34.450 H225 Caller:8226990 ast_h323.cxx(1470) H225 Sending Setup PDU Setting capabilities to 0x4010f (g723|gsm|ulaw|alaw|g729|h261) Capabilities in preference order is (g723|g729) 2:34.450 H225 Caller:8226990 h323caps.cxx(2143) H323 Added capability: G.723.1A <1> 2:34.450 H225 Caller:8226990 h323caps.cxx(2143) H323 Added capability: G.723.1 <2> 2:34.451 H225 Caller:8226990 h323caps.cxx(2143) H323 Added capability: G.729A <3> 2:34.451 H225 Caller:8226990 h323caps.cxx(2143) H323 Added capability: G.729 <4> 2:34.451 H225 Caller:8226990 h323caps.cxx(2143) H323 Added capability: GSM-06.10 <5> 2:34.451 H225 Caller:8226990 h323caps.cxx(2143) H323 Added capability: G.711-uLaw-64k <6> 2:34.451 H225 Caller:8226990 h323caps.cxx(2143) H323 Added capability: G.711-ALaw-64k <7> 2:34.451 H225 Caller:8226990 h323caps.cxx(2143) H323 Added capability: UserInput/hookflash <8> 2:34.451 H225 Caller:8226990 h323caps.cxx(2143) H323 Added capability: UserInput/RFC2833 <9> 2:34.452 H225 Caller:8226990 h323caps.cxx(2143) H323 Added capability: UserInput/dtmf <10> Allowed Codecs: pbx*CLI> Table: G.723.1A <1> G.723.1 <2> G.729A <3> G.729 <4> GSM-06.10 <5> G.711-uLaw-64k <6> G.711-ALaw-64k <7> UserInput/hookflash <8> UserInput/RFC2833 <9> UserInput/dtmf <10> Set:LI> 0:LI> 0:> G.723.1A <1> G.723.1 <2> G.729A <3> G.729 <4> GSM-06.10 <5> G.711-uLaw-64k <6> G.711-ALaw-64k <7> 1:> UserInput/hookflash <8> 2:> UserInput/RFC2833 <9> UserInput/dtmf <10> pbx*CLI> 2:34.454 H225 Caller:8226990 ast_h323.cxx(1488) H225 Check for Fast start by local endpoint 2:34.454 H225 Caller:8226990 h323.cxx(4445) H245 Default OnSelectLogicalChannels, FastStartInitiate 2:34.455 H225 Caller:8226990 ast_h323.cxx(1494) H225 Fast start begun by local endpoint 2:34.455 H225 Caller:8226990 channels.cxx(920) H323RTP OnSendingPDU 2:34.456 H225 Caller:8226990 ast_h323.cxx(1285) H225 Build fastStart: pbx*CLI>{ forwardLogicalChannelNumber = 1 forwardLogicalChannelParameters = { dataType = nullData <> multiplexParameters = none <> }LI> reverseLogicalChannelParameters = { dataType = audioData g7231 { maxAl_sduAudioFrames = 10 silenceSuppression = TRUE }> multiplexParameters = h2250LogicalChannelParameters { sessionID = 1 mediaChannel = unicastAddress iPAddress { network = 4 octets { 7f 00 00 01 .... } tsapIdentifier = 46260 } mediaGuaranteedDelivery = FALSE mediaControlChannel = unicastAddress iPAddress { network = 4 octets { 7f 00 00 01 .... } tsapIdentifier = 46261 } silenceSuppression = FALSE }> }LI> }*CLI> 2:34.458 H225 Caller:8226990 ast_h323.cxx(1290) H225 Built fastStart for G.723.1A <1> 2:34.458 H225 Caller:8226990 channels.cxx(920) H323RTP OnSendingPDU 2:34.459 H225 Caller:8226990 ast_h323.cxx(1285) H225 Build fastStart: pbx*CLI>{ forwardLogicalChannelNumber = 101 forwardLogicalChannelParameters = { dataType = audioData g7231 { maxAl_sduAudioFrames = 10 silenceSuppression = TRUE }> multiplexParameters = h2250LogicalChannelParameters { sessionID = 1 mediaGuaranteedDelivery = FALSE mediaControlChannel = unicastAddress iPAddress { network = 4 octets { 7f 00 00 01 .... } tsapIdentifier = 46261 } silenceSuppression = FALSE }> }LI> }*CLI> 2:34.461 H225 Caller:8226990 ast_h323.cxx(1290) H225 Built fastStart for G.723.1A <1> 2:34.461 H225 Caller:8226990 channels.cxx(920) H323RTP OnSendingPDU 2:34.461 H225 Caller:8226990 ast_h323.cxx(1285) H225 Build fastStart: pbx*CLI>{ forwardLogicalChannelNumber = 1 forwardLogicalChannelParameters = { dataType = nullData <> multiplexParameters = none <> }LI> reverseLogicalChannelParameters = { dataType = audioData g7231 { maxAl_sduAudioFrames = 10 silenceSuppression = FALSE }> multiplexParameters = h2250LogicalChannelParameters { sessionID = 1 mediaChannel = unicastAddress iPAddress { network = 4 octets { 7f 00 00 01 .... } tsapIdentifier = 46260 } mediaGuaranteedDelivery = FALSE mediaControlChannel = unicastAddress iPAddress { network = 4 octets { 7f 00 00 01 .... } tsapIdentifier = 46261 } silenceSuppression = FALSE }> }LI> }*CLI> 2:34.464 H225 Caller:8226990 ast_h323.cxx(1290) H225 Built fastStart for G.723.1 <2> 2:34.464 H225 Caller:8226990 channels.cxx(920) H323RTP OnSendingPDU 2:34.464 H225 Caller:8226990 ast_h323.cxx(1285) H225 Build fastStart: pbx*CLI>{ forwardLogicalChannelNumber = 102 forwardLogicalChannelParameters = { dataType = audioData g7231 { maxAl_sduAudioFrames = 10 silenceSuppression = FALSE }> multiplexParameters = h2250LogicalChannelParameters { sessionID = 1 mediaGuaranteedDelivery = FALSE mediaControlChannel = unicastAddress iPAddress { network = 4 octets { 7f 00 00 01 .... } tsapIdentifier = 46261 } silenceSuppression = FALSE }> }LI> }*CLI> 2:34.466 H225 Caller:8226990 ast_h323.cxx(1290) H225 Built fastStart for G.723.1 <2> 2:34.466 H225 Caller:8226990 channels.cxx(920) H323RTP OnSendingPDU 2:34.467 H225 Caller:8226990 ast_h323.cxx(1285) H225 Build fastStart: pbx*CLI>{ forwardLogicalChannelNumber = 1 forwardLogicalChannelParameters = { dataType = nullData <> multiplexParameters = none <> }LI> reverseLogicalChannelParameters = { dataType = audioData g729AnnexA 23 multiplexParameters = h2250LogicalChannelParameters { sessionID = 1 mediaChannel = unicastAddress iPAddress { network = 4 octets { 7f 00 00 01 .... } tsapIdentifier = 46260 } mediaGuaranteedDelivery = FALSE mediaControlChannel = unicastAddress iPAddress { network = 4 octets { 7f 00 00 01 .... } tsapIdentifier = 46261 } silenceSuppression = FALSE }> }LI> }*CLI> 2:34.469 H225 Caller:8226990 ast_h323.cxx(1290) H225 Built fastStart for G.729A <3> 2:34.469 H225 Caller:8226990 channels.cxx(920) H323RTP OnSendingPDU 2:34.469 H225 Caller:8226990 ast_h323.cxx(1285) H225 Build fastStart: pbx*CLI>{ forwardLogicalChannelNumber = 103 forwardLogicalChannelParameters = { dataType = audioData g729AnnexA 23 multiplexParameters = h2250LogicalChannelParameters { sessionID = 1 mediaGuaranteedDelivery = FALSE mediaControlChannel = unicastAddress iPAddress { network = 4 octets { 7f 00 00 01 .... } tsapIdentifier = 46261 } silenceSuppression = FALSE }> }LI> }*CLI> 2:34.470 H225 Caller:8226990 ast_h323.cxx(1290) H225 Built fastStart for G.729A <3> 2:34.470 H225 Caller:8226990 channels.cxx(920) H323RTP OnSendingPDU 2:34.470 H225 Caller:8226990 ast_h323.cxx(1285) H225 Build fastStart: pbx*CLI>{ forwardLogicalChannelNumber = 1 forwardLogicalChannelParameters = { dataType = nullData <> multiplexParameters = none <> }LI> reverseLogicalChannelParameters = { dataType = audioData g729 23 multiplexParameters = h2250LogicalChannelParameters { sessionID = 1 mediaChannel = unicastAddress iPAddress { network = 4 octets { 7f 00 00 01 .... } tsapIdentifier = 46260 } mediaGuaranteedDelivery = FALSE mediaControlChannel = unicastAddress iPAddress { network = 4 octets { 7f 00 00 01 .... } tsapIdentifier = 46261 } silenceSuppression = FALSE }> }LI> }*CLI> 2:34.472 H225 Caller:8226990 ast_h323.cxx(1290) H225 Built fastStart for G.729 <4> 2:34.472 H225 Caller:8226990 channels.cxx(920) H323RTP OnSendingPDU 2:34.472 H225 Caller:8226990 ast_h323.cxx(1285) H225 Build fastStart: pbx*CLI>{ forwardLogicalChannelNumber = 104 forwardLogicalChannelParameters = { dataType = audioData g729 23 multiplexParameters = h2250LogicalChannelParameters { sessionID = 1 mediaGuaranteedDelivery = FALSE mediaControlChannel = unicastAddress iPAddress { network = 4 octets { 7f 00 00 01 .... } tsapIdentifier = 46261 } silenceSuppression = FALSE }> }LI> }*CLI> 2:34.473 H225 Caller:8226990 ast_h323.cxx(1290) H225 Built fastStart for G.729 <4> 2:34.473 H225 Caller:8226990 channels.cxx(920) H323RTP OnSendingPDU 2:34.473 H225 Caller:8226990 ast_h323.cxx(1285) H225 Build fastStart: { forwardLogicalChannelNumber = 1 forwardLogicalChannelParameters = { dataType = nullData <> multiplexParameters = none <> } reverseLogicalChannelParameters = { dataType = audioData gsmFullRate { audioUnitSize = 256 comfortNoise = FALSE scrambled = FALSE } multiplexParameters = h2250LogicalChannelParameters { sessionID = 1 mediaChannel = unicastAddress iPAddress { network = 4 octets { 7f 00 00 01 .... } tsapIdentifier = 46260 } mediaGuaranteedDelivery = FALSE mediaControlChannel = unicastAddress iPAddress { network = 4 octets { 7f 00 00 01 .... } tsapIdentifier = 46261 } silenceSuppression = FALSE } } } 2:34.474 H225 Caller:8226990 ast_h323.cxx(1290) H225 Built fastStart for GSM-06.10 <5> 2:34.475 H225 Caller:8226990 channels.cxx(920) H323RTP OnSendingPDU 2:34.475 H225 Caller:8226990 ast_h323.cxx(1285) H225 Build fastStart: { forwardLogicalChannelNumber = 105 forwardLogicalChannelParameters = { dataType = audioData gsmFullRate { audioUnitSize = 256 comfortNoise = FALSE scrambled = FALSE } multiplexParameters = h2250LogicalChannelParameters { sessionID = 1 mediaGuaranteedDelivery = FALSE mediaControlChannel = unicastAddress iPAddress { network = 4 octets { 7f 00 00 01 .... } tsapIdentifier = 46261 } silenceSuppression = FALSE } } } 2:34.476 H225 Caller:8226990 ast_h323.cxx(1290) H225 Built fastStart for GSM-06.10 <5> 2:34.476 H225 Caller:8226990 channels.cxx(920) H323RTP OnSendingPDU 2:34.476 H225 Caller:8226990 ast_h323.cxx(1285) H225 Build fastStart: { forwardLogicalChannelNumber = 1 forwardLogicalChannelParameters = { dataType = nullData <> multiplexParameters = none <> } reverseLogicalChannelParameters = { dataType = audioData g711Ulaw64k 150 multiplexParameters = h2250LogicalChannelParameters { sessionID = 1 mediaChannel = unicastAddress iPAddress { network = 4 octets { 7f 00 00 01 .... } tsapIdentifier = 46260 } mediaGuaranteedDelivery = FALSE mediaControlChannel = unicastAddress iPAddress { network = 4 octets { 7f 00 00 01 .... } tsapIdentifier = 46261 } silenceSuppression = FALSE } } } 2:34.477 H225 Caller:8226990 ast_h323.cxx(1290) H225 Built fastStart for G.711-uLaw-64k <6> 2:34.477 H225 Caller:8226990 channels.cxx(920) H323RTP OnSendingPDU 2:34.477 H225 Caller:8226990 ast_h323.cxx(1285) H225 Build fastStart: { forwardLogicalChannelNumber = 106 forwardLogicalChannelParameters = { dataType = audioData g711Ulaw64k 150 multiplexParameters = h2250LogicalChannelParameters { sessionID = 1 mediaGuaranteedDelivery = FALSE mediaControlChannel = unicastAddress iPAddress { network = 4 octets { 7f 00 00 01 .... } tsapIdentifier = 46261 } silenceSuppression = FALSE } } } 2:34.478 H225 Caller:8226990 ast_h323.cxx(1290) H225 Built fastStart for G.711-uLaw-64k <6> 2:34.478 H225 Caller:8226990 channels.cxx(920) H323RTP OnSendingPDU 2:34.478 H225 Caller:8226990 ast_h323.cxx(1285) H225 Build fastStart: { forwardLogicalChannelNumber = 1 forwardLogicalChannelParameters = { dataType = nullData <> multiplexParameters = none <> } reverseLogicalChannelParameters = { dataType = audioData g711Alaw64k 150 multiplexParameters = h2250LogicalChannelParameters { sessionID = 1 mediaChannel = unicastAddress iPAddress { network = 4 octets { 7f 00 00 01 .... } tsapIdentifier = 46260 } mediaGuaranteedDelivery = FALSE mediaControlChannel = unicastAddress iPAddress { network = 4 octets { 7f 00 00 01 .... } tsapIdentifier = 46261 } silenceSuppression = FALSE } } } 2:34.479 H225 Caller:8226990 ast_h323.cxx(1290) H225 Built fastStart for G.711-ALaw-64k <7> 2:34.479 H225 Caller:8226990 channels.cxx(920) H323RTP OnSendingPDU 2:34.480 H225 Caller:8226990 ast_h323.cxx(1285) H225 Build fastStart: { forwardLogicalChannelNumber = 107 forwardLogicalChannelParameters = { dataType = audioData g711Alaw64k 150 multiplexParameters = h2250LogicalChannelParameters { sessionID = 1 mediaGuaranteedDelivery = FALSE mediaControlChannel = unicastAddress iPAddress { network = 4 octets { 7f 00 00 01 .... } tsapIdentifier = 46261 } silenceSuppression = FALSE } } } 2:34.480 H225 Caller:8226990 ast_h323.cxx(1290) H225 Built fastStart for G.711-ALaw-64k <7> -- Sending SETUP message 2:34.480 H225 Caller:8226990 h323.cxx(3592) H245 Started control channel 2:34.481 H225 Caller:8226990 h323neg.cxx(560) H245 Sending TerminalCapabilitySet: outSeq=1 2:34.481 H225 Caller:8226990 h323caps.cxx(2231) H323 FindCapability: "UserInput/RFC2833" 2:34.481 H225 Caller:8226990 h323caps.cxx(2240) H323 Found capability: UserInput/RFC2833 <9> 2:34.481 H225 Caller:8226990 h323.cxx(4257) H323 User Input RFC2833 payload type set to [pt=101] -- Transmitting RFC2833 on payload 101 2:34.481 H225 Caller:8226990 h323pdu.cxx(553) H245 Sending PDU [(noaddr)/(noaddr)] : request terminalCapabilitySet { sequenceNumber = 1 protocolIdentifier = multiplexCapability = h2250Capability { maximumAudioDelayJitter = 250 receiveMultipointCapability = { multicastCapability = FALSE multiUniCastConference = FALSE mediaDistributionCapability = 1 entries { [0]={ centralizedControl = FALSE distributedControl = FALSE centralizedAudio = FALSE distributedAudio = FALSE centralizedVideo = FALSE distributedVideo = FALSE } } } transmitMultipointCapability = { multicastCapability = FALSE multiUniCastConference = FALSE mediaDistributionCapability = 1 entries { [0]={ centralizedControl = FALSE distributedControl = FALSE centralizedAudio = FALSE distributedAudio = FALSE centralizedVideo = FALSE distributedVideo = FALSE } } } receiveAndTransmitMultipointCapability = { multicastCapability = FALSE multiUniCastConference = FALSE mediaDistributionCapability = 1 entries { [0]={ centralizedControl = FALSE distributedControl = FALSE centralizedAudio = FALSE distributedAudio = FALSE centralizedVideo = FALSE distributedVideo = FALSE } } } mcCapability = { centralizedConferenceMC = FALSE decentralizedConferenceMC = FALSE } rtcpVideoControlCapability = FALSE mediaPacketizationCapability = { h261aVideoPacketization = FALSE } logicalChannelSwitchingCapability = FALSE t120DynamicPortCapability = TRUE } capabilityTable = 10 entries { [0]={ capabilityTableEntryNumber = 1 capability = receiveAudioCapability g7231 { maxAl_sduAudioFrames = 1 silenceSuppression = TRUE } } [1]={ capabilityTableEntryNumber = 2 capability = receiveAudioCapability g7231 { maxAl_sduAudioFrames = 1 silenceSuppression = FALSE } } [2]={ capabilityTableEntryNumber = 3 capability = receiveAudioCapability g729AnnexA 2 } [3]={ capabilityTableEntryNumber = 4 capability = receiveAudioCapability g729 2 } [4]={ capabilityTableEntryNumber = 5 capability = receiveAudioCapability gsmFullRate { audioUnitSize = 33 comfortNoise = FALSE scrambled = FALSE } } [5]={ capabilityTableEntryNumber = 6 capability = receiveAudioCapability g711Ulaw64k 20 } [6]={ capabilityTableEntryNumber = 7 capability = receiveAudioCapability g711Alaw64k 20 } [7]={ capabilityTableEntryNumber = 8 capability = receiveUserInputCapability hookflash <> } [8]={ capabilityTableEntryNumber = 9 capability = receiveRTPAudioTelephonyEventCapability { dynamicRTPPayloadType = 101 audioTelephoneEvent = "0-16" } } [9]={ capabilityTableEntryNumber = 10 capability = receiveUserInputCapability dtmf <> } } capabilityDescriptors = 1 entries { [0]={ capabilityDescriptorNumber = 1 simultaneousCapabilities = 3 entries { [0]=7 entries { [0]=1 [1]=2 [2]=3 [3]=4 [4]=5 [5]=6 [6]=7 } [1]=1 entries { [0]=8 } [2]=2 entries { [0]=9 [1]=10 } } } } } Raw PDU: size=7f pos=7fffffff.0 { 000 02 70 01 06 00 08 81 75 00 0b 80 13 80 00 fa 00 p u 01 00 00 01 00 00 01 00 00 0c c0 01 00 01 80 09 80 00 00 22 00 00 c0 00 01 22 00 00 40 00 02 22 " " @ " c0 01 80 00 03 22 80 01 80 00 04 24 18 03 00 20 " $ 00 80 00 05 20 c0 13 80 00 06 20 40 13 80 00 07 @ 83 01 50 80 00 08 8a 06 14 04 30 2d 31 36 80 00 P 0-16 09 83 01 40 00 80 01 02 06 00 00 00 01 00 02 00 @ 03 00 04 00 05 00 06 00 00 07 01 00 08 00 09 } 2:34.486 H225 Caller:8226990 h323neg.cxx(323) H245 Sending MasterSlaveDetermination 2:34.486 H225 Caller:8226990 h323pdu.cxx(553) H245 Sending PDU [(noaddr)/(noaddr)] : request masterSlaveDetermination { terminalType = 50 statusDeterminationNumber = 14132838 } Raw PDU: size=7 pos=7fffffff.0 { 000 01 00 32 80 d7 a6 66 2 f } 2:34.487 H225 Caller:8226990 h323pdu.cxx(553) H225 Sending PDU [ip$$] : { q931pdu = { protocolDiscriminator = 8 callReference = 76 from = originator messageType = Setup IE: Bearer-Capability = { 80 90 a5 ... } IE: Display = { 42 61 6c 67 61 61 20 53 49 50 20 73 6f 66 74 70 Balgaa SIP softp 68 6f 6e 65 00 hone. } IE: Calling-Party-Number = { 00 80 31 31 30 30 30 30 38 ..1100008 } IE: Called-Party-Number = { 81 30 30 31 39 37 36 39 39 30 31 34 34 34 37 .00197699014447 } IE: User-User = { 20 b8 06 00 08 91 4a 00 04 01 03 00 44 33 33 b2 .....J.....D33. 2c 09 00 00 3d 36 54 68 65 20 4e 75 46 6f 6e 65 ,...=6The NuFone 20 4e 65 74 77 6f 72 6b 73 20 48 2e 33 32 33 20 Networks H.323 43 68 61 6e 6e 65 6c 20 44 72 69 76 65 72 20 66 Channel Driver f 6f 72 20 41 73 74 65 72 69 73 6b 00 00 19 31 2e or Asterisk...1. 30 2e 30 20 28 4f 70 65 6e 48 33 32 33 20 76 31 0.0 (OpenH323 v1 2e 31 38 2e 30 29 00 00 00 01 06 80 33 4c a9 cc .18.0)......3L.. 34 77 7a 00 7a fe 5d 17 06 b8 00 0e 77 c3 16 c3 4wz.z.].....w... c2 dc 11 89 27 00 13 20 38 4f 84 00 c5 1f 80 04 ....'.. 8O...... 07 00 7a fe 5d 20 93 18 11 00 fa 76 c3 16 c3 c2 ..z.] .....v.... dc 11 89 27 00 13 20 38 4f 84 81 70 0e 1f 40 00 ...'.. 8O..p..@. 00 06 04 01 00 4d 00 09 c0 00 12 1d 00 01 00 7f .....M.......... 00 00 01 b4 b4 00 7f 00 00 01 b4 b5 00 14 00 00 ................ 64 0d 00 09 c0 00 0b 0d 00 01 00 7f 00 00 01 b4 d............... b5 00 1f 40 00 00 06 04 01 00 4d 00 09 40 00 12 ...@......M..@.. 1d 00 01 00 7f 00 00 01 b4 b4 00 7f 00 00 01 b4 ................ b5 00 14 00 00 65 0d 00 09 40 00 0b 0d 00 01 00 .....e...@...... 7f 00 00 01 b4 b5 00 1e 40 00 00 06 04 01 00 4d ........@......M 60 16 80 12 1d 00 01 00 7f 00 00 01 b4 b4 00 7f `............... 00 00 01 b4 b5 00 13 00 00 66 0d 60 16 80 0b 0d .........f.`.... 00 01 00 7f 00 00 01 b4 b5 00 1e 40 00 00 06 04 ...........@.... 01 00 4d 40 16 80 12 1d 00 01 00 7f 00 00 01 b4 ..M@............ b4 00 7f 00 00 01 b4 b5 00 13 00 00 67 0d 40 16 ............g.@. 80 0b 0d 00 01 00 7f 00 00 01 b4 b5 00 21 40 00 .............!@. 00 06 04 01 00 4e 0c 03 00 ff 00 80 12 1d 00 01 .....N.......... 00 7f 00 00 01 b4 b4 00 7f 00 00 01 b4 b5 00 16 ................ 00 00 68 0e 0c 03 00 ff 00 80 0b 0d 00 01 00 7f ..h............. 00 00 01 b4 b5 00 1e 40 00 00 06 04 01 00 4c 60 .......@......L` 95 80 12 1d 00 01 00 7f 00 00 01 b4 b4 00 7f 00 ................ 00 01 b4 b5 00 13 00 00 69 0c 60 95 80 0b 0d 00 ........i.`..... 01 00 7f 00 00 01 b4 b5 00 1e 40 00 00 06 04 01 ..........@..... 00 4c 20 95 80 12 1d 00 01 00 7f 00 00 01 b4 b4 .L ............. 00 7f 00 00 01 b4 b5 00 13 00 00 6a 0c 20 95 80 ...........j. .. 0b 0d 00 01 00 7f 00 00 01 b4 b5 00 01 00 01 00 ................ 13 10 00 38 00 31 00 35 00 30 00 5f 00 65 00 6e ... 00 64 00 70 01 00 01 00 80 89 02 7f 02 70 01 06 .d.p.........p.. 00 08 81 75 00 0b 80 13 80 00 fa 00 01 00 00 01 ...u............ 00 00 01 00 00 0c c0 01 00 01 80 09 80 00 00 22 ..............." 00 00 c0 00 01 22 00 00 40 00 02 22 c0 01 80 00 ....."..@..".... 03 22 80 01 80 00 04 24 18 03 00 20 00 80 00 05 .".....$... .... 20 c0 13 80 00 06 20 40 13 80 00 07 83 01 50 80 ..... @......P. 00 08 8a 06 14 04 30 2d 31 36 80 00 09 83 01 40 ......0-16.....@ 00 80 01 02 06 00 00 00 01 00 02 00 03 00 04 00 ................ 05 00 06 00 00 07 01 00 08 00 09 07 01 00 32 80 ..............2. d7 a6 66 02 80 01 80 ..f.... } } h225pdu = { h323_uu_pdu = { h323_message_body = setup { protocolIdentifier = sourceAddress = 1 entries { [0]=dialedDigits "1100008" } sourceInfo = { vendor = { vendor = { t35CountryCode = 9 t35Extension = 0 manufacturerCode = 61 } productId = 55 octets { 54 68 65 20 4e 75 46 6f 6e 65 20 4e 65 74 77 6f The NuFone Netwo 72 6b 73 20 48 2e 33 32 33 20 43 68 61 6e 6e 65 rks H.323 Channe 6c 20 44 72 69 76 65 72 20 66 6f 72 20 41 73 74 l Driver for Ast 65 72 69 73 6b 00 00 erisk.. } versionId = 26 octets { 31 2e 30 2e 30 20 28 4f 70 65 6e 48 33 32 33 20 1.0.0 (OpenH323 76 31 2e 31 38 2e 30 29 00 00 v1.18.0).. } } terminal = { } mc = FALSE undefinedNode = FALSE } destinationAddress = 1 entries { [0]=dialedDigits "00197699014447" } destCallSignalAddress = ipAddress { ip = 4 octets { 7a fe 5d 17 z.]. } port = 1720 } activeMC = FALSE conferenceID = 16 octets { 0e 77 c3 16 c3 c2 dc 11 89 27 00 13 20 38 4f 84 .w.......'.. 8O. } conferenceGoal = create <> callType = pointToPoint <> sourceCallSignalAddress = ipAddress { ip = 4 octets { 7a fe 5d 20 z.] } port = 37656 } callIdentifier = { guid = 16 octets { fa 76 c3 16 c3 c2 dc 11 89 27 00 13 20 38 4f 84 .v.......'.. 8O. } } fastStart = 14 entries { [0]= 31 octets { 40 00 00 06 04 01 00 4d 00 09 c0 00 12 1d 00 01 @......M........ 00 7f 00 00 01 b4 b4 00 7f 00 00 01 b4 b5 00 ............... } [1]= 20 octets { 00 00 64 0d 00 09 c0 00 0b 0d 00 01 00 7f 00 00 ..d............. 01 b4 b5 00 .... } [2]= 31 octets { 40 00 00 06 04 01 00 4d 00 09 40 00 12 1d 00 01 @......M..@..... 00 7f 00 00 01 b4 b4 00 7f 00 00 01 b4 b5 00 ............... } [3]= 20 octets { 00 00 65 0d 00 09 40 00 0b 0d 00 01 00 7f 00 00 ..e...@......... 01 b4 b5 00 .... } [4]= 30 octets { 40 00 00 06 04 01 00 4d 60 16 80 12 1d 00 01 00 @......M`....... 7f 00 00 01 b4 b4 00 7f 00 00 01 b4 b5 00 .............. } [5]= 19 octets { 00 00 66 0d 60 16 80 0b 0d 00 01 00 7f 00 00 01 ..f.`........... b4 b5 00 ... } [6]= 30 octets { 40 00 00 06 04 01 00 4d 40 16 80 12 1d 00 01 00 @......M@....... 7f 00 00 01 b4 b4 00 7f 00 00 01 b4 b5 00 .............. } [7]= 19 octets { 00 00 67 0d 40 16 80 0b 0d 00 01 00 7f 00 00 01 ..g.@........... b4 b5 00 ... } [8]= 33 octets { 40 00 00 06 04 01 00 4e 0c 03 00 ff 00 80 12 1d @......N........ 00 01 00 7f 00 00 01 b4 b4 00 7f 00 00 01 b4 b5 ................ 00 . } [9]= 22 octets { 00 00 68 0e 0c 03 00 ff 00 80 0b 0d 00 01 00 7f ..h............. 00 00 01 b4 b5 00 ...... } [10]= 30 octets { 40 00 00 06 04 01 00 4c 60 95 80 12 1d 00 01 00 @......L`....... 7f 00 00 01 b4 b4 00 7f 00 00 01 b4 b5 00 .............. } [11]= 19 octets { 00 00 69 0c 60 95 80 0b 0d 00 01 00 7f 00 00 01 ..i.`........... b4 b5 00 ... } [12]= 30 octets { 40 00 00 06 04 01 00 4c 20 95 80 12 1d 00 01 00 @......L ....... 7f 00 00 01 b4 b4 00 7f 00 00 01 b4 b5 00 .............. } [13]= 19 octets { 00 00 6a 0c 20 95 80 0b 0d 00 01 00 7f 00 00 01 ..j. ........... b4 b5 00 ... } } mediaWaitForConnect = FALSE canOverlapSend = FALSE endpointIdentifier = 9 characters { 0038 0031 0035 0030 005f 0065 006e 0064 8150_end 0070 p } multipleCalls = FALSE maintainConnection = FALSE parallelH245Control = 2 entries { [0]= 127 octets { 02 70 01 06 00 08 81 75 00 0b 80 13 80 00 fa 00 .p.....u........ 01 00 00 01 00 00 01 00 00 0c c0 01 00 01 80 09 ................ 80 00 00 22 00 00 c0 00 01 22 00 00 40 00 02 22 ..."....."..@.." c0 01 80 00 03 22 80 01 80 00 04 24 18 03 00 20 .....".....$... 00 80 00 05 20 c0 13 80 00 06 20 40 13 80 00 07 .... ..... @.... 83 01 50 80 00 08 8a 06 14 04 30 2d 31 36 80 00 ..P.......0-16.. 09 83 01 40 00 80 01 02 06 00 00 00 01 00 02 00 ...@............ 03 00 04 00 05 00 06 00 00 07 01 00 08 00 09 ............... } [1]= 7 octets { 01 00 32 80 d7 a6 66 ..2...f } } } h245Tunneling = TRUE } } } Raw PDU: 08 02 00 4c 05 04 03 80 90 a5 28 15 42 61 6c 67 ...L......(.Balg 61 61 20 53 49 50 20 73 6f 66 74 70 68 6f 6e 65 aa SIP softphone 00 6c 09 00 80 31 31 30 30 30 30 38 70 0f 81 30 .l...1100008p..0 30 31 39 37 36 39 39 30 31 34 34 34 37 7e 02 c8 0197699014447~.. 05 20 b8 06 00 08 91 4a 00 04 01 03 00 44 33 33 . .....J.....D33 b2 2c 09 00 00 3d 36 54 68 65 20 4e 75 46 6f 6e .,...=6The NuFon 65 20 4e 65 74 77 6f 72 6b 73 20 48 2e 33 32 33 e Networks H.323 20 43 68 61 6e 6e 65 6c 20 44 72 69 76 65 72 20 Channel Driver 66 6f 72 20 41 73 74 65 72 69 73 6b 00 00 19 31 for Asterisk...1 2e 30 2e 30 20 28 4f 70 65 6e 48 33 32 33 20 76 .0.0 (OpenH323 v 31 2e 31 38 2e 30 29 00 00 00 01 06 80 33 4c a9 1.18.0)......3L. cc 34 77 7a 00 7a fe 5d 17 06 b8 00 0e 77 c3 16 .4wz.z.].....w.. c3 c2 dc 11 89 27 00 13 20 38 4f 84 00 c5 1f 80 .....'.. 8O..... 04 07 00 7a fe 5d 20 93 18 11 00 fa 76 c3 16 c3 ...z.] .....v... c2 dc 11 89 27 00 13 20 38 4f 84 81 70 0e 1f 40 ....'.. 8O..p..@ 00 00 06 04 01 00 4d 00 09 c0 00 12 1d 00 01 00 ......M......... 7f 00 00 01 b4 b4 00 7f 00 00 01 b4 b5 00 14 00 ................ 00 64 0d 00 09 c0 00 0b 0d 00 01 00 7f 00 00 01 .d.............. b4 b5 00 1f 40 00 00 06 04 01 00 4d 00 09 40 00 ....@......M..@. 12 1d 00 01 00 7f 00 00 01 b4 b4 00 7f 00 00 01 ................ b4 b5 00 14 00 00 65 0d 00 09 40 00 0b 0d 00 01 ......e...@..... 00 7f 00 00 01 b4 b5 00 1e 40 00 00 06 04 01 00 .........@...... 4d 60 16 80 12 1d 00 01 00 7f 00 00 01 b4 b4 00 M`.............. 7f 00 00 01 b4 b5 00 13 00 00 66 0d 60 16 80 0b ..........f.`... 0d 00 01 00 7f 00 00 01 b4 b5 00 1e 40 00 00 06 ............@... 04 01 00 4d 40 16 80 12 1d 00 01 00 7f 00 00 01 ...M@........... b4 b4 00 7f 00 00 01 b4 b5 00 13 00 00 67 0d 40 .............g.@ 16 80 0b 0d 00 01 00 7f 00 00 01 b4 b5 00 21 40 ..............!@ 00 00 06 04 01 00 4e 0c 03 00 ff 00 80 12 1d 00 ......N......... 01 00 7f 00 00 01 b4 b4 00 7f 00 00 01 b4 b5 00 ................ 16 00 00 68 0e 0c 03 00 ff 00 80 0b 0d 00 01 00 ...h............ 7f 00 00 01 b4 b5 00 1e 40 00 00 06 04 01 00 4c ........@......L 60 95 80 12 1d 00 01 00 7f 00 00 01 b4 b4 00 7f `............... 00 00 01 b4 b5 00 13 00 00 69 0c 60 95 80 0b 0d .........i.`.... 00 01 00 7f 00 00 01 b4 b5 00 1e 40 00 00 06 04 ...........@.... 01 00 4c 20 95 80 12 1d 00 01 00 7f 00 00 01 b4 ..L ............ b4 00 7f 00 00 01 b4 b5 00 13 00 00 6a 0c 20 95 ............j. . 80 0b 0d 00 01 00 7f 00 00 01 b4 b5 00 01 00 01 ................ 00 13 10 00 38 00 31 00 35 00 30 00 5f 00 65 00 .... 6e 00 64 00 70 01 00 01 00 80 89 02 7f 02 70 01 n.d.p.........p. 06 00 08 81 75 00 0b 80 13 80 00 fa 00 01 00 00 ....u........... 01 00 00 01 00 00 0c c0 01 00 01 80 09 80 00 00 ................ 22 00 00 c0 00 01 22 00 00 40 00 02 22 c0 01 80 "....."..@.."... 00 03 22 80 01 80 00 04 24 18 03 00 20 00 80 00 ..".....$... ... 05 20 c0 13 80 00 06 20 40 13 80 00 07 83 01 50 . ..... @......P 80 00 08 8a 06 14 04 30 2d 31 36 80 00 09 83 01 .......0-16..... 40 00 80 01 02 06 00 00 00 01 00 02 00 03 00 04 @............... 00 05 00 06 00 00 07 01 00 08 00 09 07 01 00 32 ...............2 80 d7 a6 66 02 80 01 80 ...f.... 2:34.496 H225 Caller:8226990 h323.cxx(1816) H225 Reading PDUs: callRef=76 2:34.542 H225 Caller:8226990 h323pdu.cxx(553) H225 Receiving PDU [ip$$] : { q931pdu = { protocolDiscriminator = 8 callReference = 76 from = destination messageType = CallProceeding IE: User-User = { 21 80 06 00 08 91 4a 00 04 28 00 b5 00 00 12 40 !.....J..(.....@ 01 38 08 8e 00 11 00 fa 76 c3 16 c3 c2 dc 11 89 .8......v....... 27 00 13 20 38 4f 84 39 02 19 00 00 66 0d 60 16 '.. 8O.9....f.`. 80 11 14 00 01 00 ca 48 f2 16 48 32 00 ca 48 f2 .......H..H2..H. 16 48 33 1d 40 00 00 06 04 01 00 4d 60 16 80 11 .H3.@......M`... 14 00 01 00 7f 00 00 01 b4 b4 00 ca 48 f2 16 48 ............H..H 33 01 00 01 00 10 80 01 80 3........ } } h225pdu = { h323_uu_pdu = { h323_message_body = callProceeding { protocolIdentifier = destinationInfo = { vendor = { vendor = { t35CountryCode = 181 t35Extension = 0 manufacturerCode = 18 } } gateway = { protocol = 1 entries { [0]=voice { supportedPrefixes = 0 entries { } } } } mc = FALSE undefinedNode = FALSE } callIdentifier = { guid = 16 octets { fa 76 c3 16 c3 c2 dc 11 89 27 00 13 20 38 4f 84 .v.......'.. 8O. } } fastStart = 2 entries { [0]= 25 octets { 00 00 66 0d 60 16 80 11 14 00 01 00 ca 48 f2 16 ..f.`........H.. 48 32 00 ca 48 f2 16 48 33 H2..H..H3 } [1]= 29 octets { 40 00 00 06 04 01 00 4d 60 16 80 11 14 00 01 00 @......M`....... 7f 00 00 01 b4 b4 00 ca 48 f2 16 48 33 ........H..H3 } } multipleCalls = FALSE maintainConnection = FALSE } h245Tunneling = TRUE } } } Raw PDU: 08 02 80 4c 02 7e 00 6a 05 21 80 06 00 08 91 4a ...L.~.j.!.....J 00 04 28 00 b5 00 00 12 40 01 38 08 8e 00 11 00 ..(.....@.8..... fa 76 c3 16 c3 c2 dc 11 89 27 00 13 20 38 4f 84 .v.......'.. 8O. 39 02 19 00 00 66 0d 60 16 80 11 14 00 01 00 ca 9....f.`........ 48 f2 16 48 32 00 ca 48 f2 16 48 33 1d 40 00 00 H..H2..H..H3.@.. 06 04 01 00 4d 60 16 80 11 14 00 01 00 7f 00 00 ....M`.......... 01 b4 b4 00 ca 48 f2 16 48 33 01 00 01 00 10 80 .....H..H3...... 01 80 .. 2:34.544 H225 Caller:8226990 h323.cxx(1876) H225 Handling PDU: CallProceeding callRef=76 2:34.544 H225 Caller:8226990 h323.cxx(2142) H225 Set protocol version to 4 and implying H.245 version 7 2:34.544 H225 Caller:8226990 h323.cxx(2393) H225 Set remote party name: "00197699014447" 2:34.544 H225 Caller:8226990 h323.cxx(2401) H225 Set remote application name: "Cisco IOS 12.2 181/18" 2:34.544 H225 Caller:8226990 h323.cxx(3401) H225 Fast start accepted by remote endpoint 2:34.544 H225 Caller:8226990 h323.cxx(3411) H225 Fast start open: { forwardLogicalChannelNumber = 103 forwardLogicalChannelParameters = { dataType = audioData g729AnnexA 23 multiplexParameters = h2250LogicalChannelParameters { sessionID = 1 mediaChannel = unicastAddress iPAddress { network = 4 octets { ca 48 f2 16 .H.. } tsapIdentifier = 18482 } mediaControlChannel = unicastAddress iPAddress { network = 4 octets { ca 48 f2 16 .H.. } tsapIdentifier = 18483 } } } } 2:34.545 H225 Caller:8226990 h323caps.cxx(2330) H323 FindCapability: audioData 2:34.545 H225 Caller:8226990 h323caps.cxx(1022) H323 Capability tx frames left at 23 as remote allows 23 2:34.545 H225 Caller:8226990 h323caps.cxx(2375) H323 Found capability: G.729A <3> 2:34.545 H225 Caller:8226990 channels.cxx(979) H323RTP OnReceivedPDU for channel: T-103 2:34.545 H225 Caller:8226990 h323caps.cxx(1022) H323 Capability tx frames left at 23 as remote allows 23 2:34.545 H225 Caller:8226990 h323caps.cxx(2267) H323 FindCapability: G.729A <3> 2:34.545 H225 Caller:8226990 h323caps.cxx(2153) H323 Added capability: G.729A <3> -- Started logical channel: sending G.729A -- channelsOpen = 1 pbx*CLI> External RTP Session Starting RTP channel id 1 parameters: -- remoteIpAddress: -- remotePort: 18482 -- ExternalIpAddress: -- ExternalPort: 46260 2:34.546 H225 Caller:8226990 h323.cxx(3411) H225 Fast start open: { forwardLogicalChannelNumber = 1 forwardLogicalChannelParameters = { dataType = nullData <> multiplexParameters = none <> } reverseLogicalChannelParameters = { dataType = audioData g729AnnexA 23 multiplexParameters = h2250LogicalChannelParameters { sessionID = 1 mediaChannel = unicastAddress iPAddress { network = 4 octets { 7f 00 00 01 .... } tsapIdentifier = 46260 } mediaControlChannel = unicastAddress iPAddress { network = 4 octets { ca 48 f2 16 .H.. } tsapIdentifier = 18483 } } } } 2:34.547 H225 Caller:8226990 h323caps.cxx(2330) H323 FindCapability: audioData 2:34.547 H225 Caller:8226990 h323caps.cxx(1022) H323 Capability tx frames left at 23 as remote allows 23 2:34.547 H225 Caller:8226990 h323caps.cxx(2375) H323 Found capability: G.729A <3> 2:34.547 H225 Caller:8226990 channels.cxx(979) H323RTP OnReceivedPDU for channel: R-1 2:34.547 H225 Caller:8226990 h323caps.cxx(1022) H323 Capability rx frames left at 2 as remote allows 23 -- Started logical channel: receiving G.729A -- channelsOpen = 2 External RTP Session Starting RTP channel id 1 parameters: -- remoteIpAddress: -- remotePort: 18482 -- ExternalIpAddress: -- ExternalPort: 46260 ExternalRTPChannel Destroyed 2:34.547 H225 Caller:8226990 h323.cxx(4932) H323 Bandwidth request: -0.0kb/s, available: 128.0kb/s ExternalRTPChannel Destroyed 2:34.547 H225 Caller:8226990 h323.cxx(4932) H323 Bandwidth request: -0.0kb/s, available: 128.0kb/s ExternalRTPChannel Destroyed 2:34.547 H225 Caller:8226990 h323.cxx(4932) H323 Bandwidth request: -0.0kb/s, available: 128.0kb/s ExternalRTPChannel Destroyed 2:34.548 H225 Caller:8226990 h323.cxx(4932) H323 Bandwidth request: -0.0kb/s, available: 128.0kb/s ExternalRTPChannel Destroyed 2:34.548 H225 Caller:8226990 h323.cxx(4932) H323 Bandwidth request: -0.0kb/s, available: 128.0kb/s ExternalRTPChannel Destroyed 2:34.548 H225 Caller:8226990 h323.cxx(4932) H323 Bandwidth request: -0.0kb/s, available: 128.0kb/s ExternalRTPChannel Destroyed 2:34.548 H225 Caller:8226990 h323.cxx(4932) H323 Bandwidth request: -0.0kb/s, available: 128.0kb/s ExternalRTPChannel Destroyed 2:34.548 H225 Caller:8226990 h323.cxx(4932) H323 Bandwidth request: -0.0kb/s, available: 128.0kb/s ExternalRTPChannel Destroyed 2:34.548 H225 Caller:8226990 h323.cxx(4932) H323 Bandwidth request: -0.0kb/s, available: 128.0kb/s ExternalRTPChannel Destroyed 2:34.548 H225 Caller:8226990 h323.cxx(4932) H323 Bandwidth request: -0.0kb/s, available: 128.0kb/s ExternalRTPChannel Destroyed 2:34.548 H225 Caller:8226990 h323.cxx(4932) H323 Bandwidth request: -0.0kb/s, available: 128.0kb/s ExternalRTPChannel Destroyed 2:34.548 H225 Caller:8226990 h323.cxx(4932) H323 Bandwidth request: -0.0kb/s, available: 128.0kb/s 2:34.548 H225 Caller:8226990 h323.cxx(3472) H225 Fast starting 2 channels 2:34.548 H225 Caller:8226990 h323.cxx(4374) H323 InternalEstablishedConnectionCheck: connectionState=AwaitingSignalConnect fastStartState=FastStartAcknowledged 2:34.616 H225 Caller:8226990 h323pdu.cxx(553) H225 Receiving PDU [ip$$] : { q931pdu = { protocolDiscriminator = 8 callReference = 76 from = destination messageType = Alerting IE: Progress-Indicator = { 80 88 .. } IE: Signal = { 02 . } IE: User-User = { 23 80 06 00 08 91 4a 00 04 28 00 b5 00 00 12 40 #.....J..(.....@ 01 38 0d 86 00 11 00 fa 76 c3 16 c3 c2 dc 11 89 .8......v....... 27 00 13 20 38 4f 84 01 00 01 00 10 a0 01 80 17 '.. 8O.......... 01 40 b5 00 00 12 10 60 01 01 00 01 18 09 18 03 .@.....`........ a9 83 81 1e 02 82 88 ....... } } h225pdu = { h323_uu_pdu = { h323_message_body = alerting { protocolIdentifier = destinationInfo = { vendor = { vendor = { t35CountryCode = 181 t35Extension = 0 manufacturerCode = 18 } } gateway = { protocol = 1 entries { [0]=voice { supportedPrefixes = 0 entries { } } } } mc = FALSE undefinedNode = FALSE } callIdentifier = { guid = 16 octets { fa 76 c3 16 c3 c2 dc 11 89 27 00 13 20 38 4f 84 .v.......'.. 8O. } } multipleCalls = FALSE maintainConnection = FALSE } h245Tunneling = TRUE nonStandardControl = 1 entries { [0]={ nonStandardIdentifier = h221NonStandard { t35CountryCode = 181 t35Extension = 0 manufacturerCode = 18 } data = 16 octets { 60 01 01 00 01 18 09 18 03 a9 83 81 1e 02 82 88 `............... } } } } } } Raw PDU: 08 02 80 4c 01 1e 02 80 88 34 01 02 7e 00 48 05 ...L.....4..~.H. 23 80 06 00 08 91 4a 00 04 28 00 b5 00 00 12 40 #.....J..(.....@ 01 38 0d 86 00 11 00 fa 76 c3 16 c3 c2 dc 11 89 .8......v....... 27 00 13 20 38 4f 84 01 00 01 00 10 a0 01 80 17 '.. 8O.......... 01 40 b5 00 00 12 10 60 01 01 00 01 18 09 18 03 .@.....`........ a9 83 81 1e 02 82 88 ....... Received non-standard Cisco extension data 16 octets { 60 01 01 00 01 18 09 18 03 a9 83 81 1e 02 82 88 `............... } H323_UU_NonStdInfo = { version = 1 protoParam = { qsigNonStdInfo = { iei = 24 rawMesg = 9 octets { 18 03 a9 83 81 1e 02 82 88 ......... } } } } Information elements collected:{ protocolDiscriminator = 8 callReference = 0 from = originator messageType = Escape IE: Channel-Identification = { a9 83 81 ... } IE: Progress-Indicator = { 82 88 .. } } 2:34.619 H225 Caller:8226990 h323.cxx(1876) H225 Handling PDU: Alerting callRef=76 2:34.619 H225 Caller:8226990 h323.cxx(2142) H225 Set protocol version to 4 and implying H.245 version 7 2:34.619 H225 Caller:8226990 h323.cxx(2393) H225 Set remote party name: "00197699014447" 2:34.619 H225 Caller:8226990 h323.cxx(2401) H225 Set remote application name: "Cisco IOS 12.2 181/18" =-= In OnAlerting for call 76: sessionId=0 -- Ringing phone for "00197699014447" pbx*CLI> - Progress Indicator: 8 2:34.620 H225 Caller:8226990 h323.cxx(2034) H225 H.245 in SETUP ignored - resetting H.245 negotiations 2:34.620 H225 Caller:8226990 h323neg.cxx(340) H245 Stopping MasterSlaveDetermination: state=Outgoing 2:34.620 H225 Caller:8226990 h323neg.cxx(572) H245 Stopping TerminalCapabilitySet: state=InProgress 2:34.620 H225 Caller:8226990 h323.cxx(4374) H323 InternalEstablishedConnectionCheck: connectionState=AwaitingSignalConnect fastStartState=FastStartAcknowledged -- H323/00197699014447-3 is making progress passing it to SIP/1100008-08229898 -- H323/00197699014447-3 is ringing 3:28.659 GkMonitor:81d29a0 transports.cxx(1036) TCP Appending H.225 transport ip$ using associated transport Transport[remote=ip$ if=ip$] 3:28.660 GkMonitor:81d29a0 h323.cxx(4919) H323 Bandwidth used: 0 3:28.660 GkMonitor:81d29a0 gkclient.cxx(1806) RAS Sending unsolicited IRR and without acknowledgement 3:28.660 GkMonitor:81d29a0 h323pdu.cxx(553) Trans Sending PDU [ip$$] : infoRequestResponse { requestSeqNum = 26689 endpointType = { vendor = { vendor = { t35CountryCode = 9 t35Extension = 0 manufacturerCode = 61 } productId = 55 octets { 54 68 65 20 4e 75 46 6f 6e 65 20 4e 65 74 77 6f The NuFone Netwo 72 6b 73 20 48 2e 33 32 33 20 43 68 61 6e 6e 65 rks H.323 Channe 6c 20 44 72 69 76 65 72 20 66 6f 72 20 41 73 74 l Driver for Ast 65 72 69 73 6b 00 00 erisk.. } versionId = 26 octets { 31 2e 30 2e 30 20 28 4f 70 65 6e 48 33 32 33 20 1.0.0 (OpenH323 76 31 2e 31 38 2e 30 29 00 00 v1.18.0).. } } terminal = { } mc = FALSE undefinedNode = FALSE } endpointIdentifier = 9 characters { 0038 0031 0035 0030 005f 0065 006e 0064 8150_end 0070 p } rasAddress = ipAddress { ip = 4 octets { 7a fe 5d 20 z.] } port = 32886 } callSignalAddress = 1 entries { [0]=ipAddress { ip = 4 octets { 7a fe 5d 20 z.] } port = 1720 } } endpointAlias = 1 entries { [0]=h323_ID 4 characters { 0072 006f 006f 0074 root } } perCallInfo = 1 entries { [0]={ callReferenceValue = 76 conferenceID = 16 octets { 0e 77 c3 16 c3 c2 dc 11 89 27 00 13 20 38 4f 84 .w.......'.. 8O. } originator = TRUE h245 = { } callSignaling = { } callType = pointToPoint <> bandWidth = 0 callModel = gatekeeperRouted <> callIdentifier = { guid = 16 octets { fa 76 c3 16 c3 c2 dc 11 89 27 00 13 20 38 4f 84 .v.......'.. 8O. } } substituteConfIDs = 0 entries { } usageInformation = { nonStandardUsageFields = 0 entries { } alertingTime = 1200503207 } } } needResponse = FALSE unsolicited = TRUE } Raw PDU: size=c6 pos=7fffffff.0 { 000 5a c0 68 40 22 c0 09 00 00 3d 36 54 68 65 20 4e Z h@" =6The N 75 46 6f 6e 65 20 4e 65 74 77 6f 72 6b 73 20 48 uFone Networks H 2e 33 32 33 20 43 68 61 6e 6e 65 6c 20 44 72 69 .323 Channel Dri 76 65 72 20 66 6f 72 20 41 73 74 65 72 69 73 6b ver for Asterisk 00 00 19 31 2e 30 2e 30 20 28 4f 70 65 6e 48 33 1.0.0 (OpenH3 32 33 20 76 31 2e 31 38 2e 30 29 00 00 01 00 00 23 v1.18.0) 38 00 31 00 35 00 30 00 5f 00 65 00 6e 00 64 00 8 1 5 0 _ e n d 70 00 7a fe 5d 20 80 76 01 00 7a fe 5d 20 06 b8 p z ] v z ] 01 40 03 00 72 00 6f 00 6f 00 74 01 a0 00 4c 0e @ r o o t L 77 c3 16 c3 c2 dc 11 89 27 00 13 20 38 4f 84 80 w ' 8O 00 00 43 49 11 00 fa 76 c3 16 c3 c2 dc 11 89 27 CI v ' 00 13 20 38 4f 84 01 00 07 40 00 c0 47 8e 39 a6 8O @ G 9 0c 24 01 00 01 80 $ } 3:54.908 H225 Caller:8226990 h323pdu.cxx(553) H225 Receiving PDU [ip$$] : { q931pdu = { protocolDiscriminator = 8 callReference = 76 from = destination messageType = ReleaseComplete IE: Cause - Normal unspecified = { 80 9f .. } IE: User-User = { 25 80 06 00 08 91 4a 00 04 11 00 11 00 fa 76 c3 %.....J.......v. 16 c3 c2 dc 11 89 27 00 13 20 38 4f 84 10 a0 01 ......'.. 8O.... 80 1f 01 40 b5 00 00 12 18 e0 01 01 00 01 08 08 ...@............ 08 02 84 9f 1e 02 82 88 04 80 06 00 04 00 00 00 ................ 08 . } } h225pdu = { h323_uu_pdu = { h323_message_body = releaseComplete { protocolIdentifier = callIdentifier = { guid = 16 octets { fa 76 c3 16 c3 c2 dc 11 89 27 00 13 20 38 4f 84 .v.......'.. 8O. } } } h245Tunneling = TRUE nonStandardControl = 1 entries { [0]={ nonStandardIdentifier = h221NonStandard { t35CountryCode = 181 t35Extension = 0 manufacturerCode = 18 } data = 24 octets { e0 01 01 00 01 08 08 08 02 84 9f 1e 02 82 88 04 ................ 80 06 00 04 00 00 00 08 ........ } } } } } } Raw PDU: 08 02 80 4c 5a 08 02 80 9f 7e 00 42 05 25 80 06 ...LZ....~.B.%.. 00 08 91 4a 00 04 11 00 11 00 fa 76 c3 16 c3 c2 ...J.......v.... dc 11 89 27 00 13 20 38 4f 84 10 a0 01 80 1f 01 ...'.. 8O....... 40 b5 00 00 12 18 e0 01 01 00 01 08 08 08 02 84 @............... 9f 1e 02 82 88 04 80 06 00 04 00 00 00 08 .............. Received non-standard Cisco extension data 24 octets { e0 01 01 00 01 08 08 08 02 84 9f 1e 02 82 88 04 ................ 80 06 00 04 00 00 00 08 ........ } H323_UU_NonStdInfo = { version = 1 protoParam = { qsigNonStdInfo = { iei = 8 rawMesg = 8 octets { 08 02 84 9f 1e 02 82 88 ........ } } } progIndParam = { progIndIEinfo = { progIndIE = 4 octets { 00 00 00 08 .... } } } } Information elements collected:{ protocolDiscriminator = 8 callReference = 0 from = originator messageType = Escape IE: Cause - Normal unspecified = { 84 9f .. } IE: Progress-Indicator = { 82 88 .. } } 3:54.909 H225 Caller:8226990 h323.cxx(1876) H225 Handling PDU: ReleaseComplete callRef=76 -- Received RELEASE COMPLETE message... 3:54.910 H225 Caller:8226990 h323.cxx(2142) H225 Set protocol version to 4 and implying H.245 version 7 -- ClearCall: Request to clear call with token ip$localhost/76, cause EndedByQ931Cause 3:54.910 H225 Caller:8226990 h323ep.cxx(2119) H323 Clearing connection ip$localhost/76 reason=EndedByQ931Cause 3:54.910 H225 Caller:8226990 h323.cxx(1629) H323 Call end reason for ip$localhost/76 set to EndedByQ931Cause 3:54.910 H225 Caller:8226990 h323.cxx(1647) H225 Sending release complete PDU: callRef=76 -- Sending RELEASE COMPLETE 3:54.910 H225 Caller:8226990 h323pdu.cxx(553) H245 Sending PDU [(noaddr)/(noaddr)] : command endSessionCommand disconnect <> Raw PDU: size=2 pos=7fffffff.0 { 000 4a 40 J@ } 3:54.910 H225 Caller:8226990 h323pdu.cxx(553) H225 Sending PDU [ip$$] : { q931pdu = { protocolDiscriminator = 8 callReference = 76 from = originator messageType = ReleaseComplete IE: Cause - Normal unspecified = { 80 9f .. } IE: User-User = { 25 80 06 00 08 91 4a 00 04 01 11 00 fa 76 c3 16 %.....J......v.. c3 c2 dc 11 89 27 00 13 20 38 4f 84 04 c0 01 80 .....'.. 8O..... 04 01 02 4a 40 ...J@ } } h225pdu = { h323_uu_pdu = { h323_message_body = releaseComplete { protocolIdentifier = callIdentifier = { guid = 16 octets { fa 76 c3 16 c3 c2 dc 11 89 27 00 13 20 38 4f 84 .v.......'.. 8O. } } } h245Tunneling = TRUE h245Control = 1 entries { [0]= 2 octets { 4a 40 J@ } } } } } Raw PDU: 08 02 00 4c 5a 08 02 80 9f 7e 00 26 05 25 80 06 ...LZ....~.&.%.. 00 08 91 4a 00 04 01 11 00 fa 76 c3 16 c3 c2 dc ...J......v..... 11 89 27 00 13 20 38 4f 84 04 c0 01 80 04 01 02 ..'.. 8O........ 4a 40 J@ -- ClearCall: Request to clear call with token ip$localhost/76, cause EndedByTransportFail 3:54.911 H225 Caller:8226990 h323ep.cxx(2119) H323 Clearing connection ip$localhost/76 reason=EndedByTransportFail 3:54.911 H225 Caller:8226990 h323.cxx(1866) H225 Signal channel closed. == Everyone is busy/congested at this time (1:0/0/1) == Auto fallthrough, channel 'SIP/1100008-08229898' status is 'CHANUNAVAIL' 3:54.912 H323 Cleaner h323ep.cxx(2176) H323 Cleaning up connections 3:54.913 H323 Cleaner h323.cxx(1689) H323 Connection ip$localhost/76 closing: connectionState=AwaitingSignalConnect 3:54.913 H323 Cleaner h323neg.cxx(340) H245 Stopping MasterSlaveDetermination: state=Idle 3:54.913 H323 Cleaner h323neg.cxx(572) H245 Stopping TerminalCapabilitySet: state=Idle 3:54.913 H323 Cleaner channels.cxx(685) LogChan Cleaning up T-103 channelsOpen = 1 3:54.913 H323 Cleaner h323ep.cxx(2509) H323 Stopped sending logical channel: G.729A <3> 3:54.913 H323 Cleaner channels.cxx(713) LogChan Cleaned up T-103 3:54.913 H323 Cleaner channels.cxx(685) LogChan Cleaning up R-1 channelsOpen = 0 3:54.913 H323 Cleaner h323ep.cxx(2509) H323 Stopped receiving logical channel: G.729A <3> 3:54.913 H323 Cleaner channels.cxx(713) LogChan Cleaned up R-1 pbx*CLI>ExternalRTPChannel Destroyed 3:54.914 H323 Cleaner h323.cxx(4932) H323 Bandwidth request: -0.0kb/s, available: 128.0kb/s pbx*CLI>ExternalRTPChannel Destroyed 3:54.914 H323 Cleaner h323.cxx(4932) H323 Bandwidth request: -0.0kb/s, available: 128.0kb/s 3:54.914 H323 Cleaner h323.cxx(1732) H323 Awaiting end session from remote for 9.996 seconds 3:54.915 H323 Cleaner transports.cxx(1143) H323 H323Transport::Close 3:54.915 H323 Cleaner transports.cxx(1240) H323 H323Transport::CleanUpOnTermination for H225 Caller:8226990 3:54.915 H323 Cleaner h323trans.cxx(534) Trans Making request: disengageRequest 3:54.915 H323 Cleaner h323pdu.cxx(553) Trans Sending PDU [ip$$] : disengageRequest { requestSeqNum = 26690 endpointIdentifier = 9 characters { 0038 0031 0035 0030 005f 0065 006e 0064 8150_end 0070 p } conferenceID = 16 octets { 0e 77 c3 16 c3 c2 dc 11 89 27 00 13 20 38 4f 84 .w.......'.. 8O. } callReferenceValue = 76 disengageReason = normalDrop <> callIdentifier = { guid = 16 octets { fa 76 c3 16 c3 c2 dc 11 89 27 00 13 20 38 4f 84 .v.......'.. 8O. } } gatekeeperIdentifier = 11 characters { 0062 006f 006c 0064 0073 006f 0066 0074 boldsoft 005f 0067 006b _gk } answeredCall = FALSE usageInformation = { nonStandardUsageFields = 0 entries { } alertingTime = 1200503207 endTime = 1200503287 } terminationCause = releaseCompleteCauseIE 2 octets { 80 80 .. } } Raw PDU: size=68 pos=7fffffff.0 { 000 3e 68 41 10 00 38 00 31 00 35 00 30 00 5f 00 65 >hA 8 1 5 0 _ e 00 6e 00 64 00 70 0e 77 c3 16 c3 c2 dc 11 89 27 n d p w ' 00 13 20 38 4f 84 00 4c 22 b1 18 11 00 fa 76 c3 8O L" v 16 c3 c2 dc 11 89 27 00 13 20 38 4f 84 17 14 00 ' 8O 62 00 6f 00 6c 00 64 00 73 00 6f 00 66 00 74 00 b o l d s o f t 5f 00 67 00 6b 01 00 0c 50 00 c0 47 8e 39 a6 c0 _ g k P G 9 47 8e 39 f6 03 40 80 80 G 9 @ } 3:54.916 H323 Cleaner h323trans.cxx(665) Trans Waiting on response to seqnum=26690 for 3.0 seconds 3:54.918 Transactor:81d4cb0 h323pdu.cxx(553) H225RAS Receiving PDU [ip$$] : disengageConfirm { requestSeqNum = 26690 } Raw PDU: size=3 pos=3.0 { 000 40 68 41 @hA } 3:54.918 Transactor:81d4cb0 h323trans.cxx(607) Trans Using credentials from request: H235AnnexD_Procedure1,CAT,H235AnnexD_Procedure1,CAT,MD5 3:54.919 Transactor:81d4cb0 h323trans.cxx(373) Trans Reading PDU 3:54.919 H323 Cleaner h323.cxx(1757) H323 Connection ip$localhost/76 terminated. -- Call with 00197699014447 completed (EndedByQ931Cause) == H.323 Connection deleted. 3:54.919 H323 Cleaner h323.cxx(1579) H323 Connection ip$localhost/76 deleted. 3:54.919 H323 Cleaner h323ep.cxx(2176) H323 Cleaning up connections pbx*CLI>