Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/format_wav.so Core was generated by `/usr/sbin/asterisk -f -U asterisk -G asterisk -vvvvvcg'. Program terminated with signal 11, Segmentation fault. #0 0x08132629 in ast_copy_string (dst=0xb4819890 "", src=0x0, size=80) at /usr/src/voip/asterisk-trunk/asterisk-97657.orig/include/asterisk/strings.h:180 180 AST_INLINE_API( (gdb) (gdb) bt #0 0x08132629 in ast_copy_string (dst=0xb4819890 "", src=0x0, size=80) at /usr/src/voip/asterisk-trunk/asterisk-97657.orig/include/asterisk/strings.h:180 #1 0xb6c28c37 in group_count_function_read (chan=0x83049e0, cmd=0xb4819970 "GROUP_COUNT", data=0xb481997c "", buf=0xb48199f0 "", len=4096) at func_groupcount.c:56 #2 0x080e8394 in ast_func_read (chan=0x83049e0, function=0xb481aa00 "GROUP_COUNT()", workspace=0xb48199f0 "", len=4096) at pbx.c:2341 #3 0x080e88a2 in pbx_substitute_variables_helper_full (c=0x83049e0, headp=0x8304de8, cp1=0xb481caf0 "${GROUP_COUNT()} >= ${STK_LIMIT}", cp2=0xb481bae0 "", count=4095) at pbx.c:2475 #4 0x080e8cd4 in pbx_substitute_variables_helper_full (c=0x83049e0, headp=0x8304de8, cp1=0x8248af8 "$[${GROUP_COUNT()} >= ${STK_LIMIT}] ?limit", cp2=0xb481fd18 "", count=8191) at pbx.c:2547 #5 0x080e8e09 in pbx_substitute_variables_helper (c=0x83049e0, cp1=0x8248af8 "$[${GROUP_COUNT()} >= ${STK_LIMIT}] ?limit", cp2=0xb481fd18 "", count=8191) at pbx.c:2567 #6 0x080e8ee2 in pbx_substitute_variables (passdata=0xb481fd18 "", datalen=8192, c=0x83049e0, e=0x8248b28) at pbx.c:2589 #7 0x080e910a in pbx_extension_helper (c=0x83049e0, con=0x0, context=0x8304c24 "macro-dialout-omskelecom", exten=0x8304c74 "s", priority=2, label=0x0, callerid=0x82d28a0 "104", action=E_SPAWN, found=0xb4822498, combined_find_spawn=1) at pbx.c:2651 #8 0x080eaf04 in ast_spawn_extension (c=0x83049e0, context=0x8304c24 "macro-dialout-omskelecom", exten=0x8304c74 "s", priority=2, callerid=0x82d28a0 "104", found=0xb4822498, combined_find_spawn=1) at pbx.c:3162 #9 0xb5e4c158 in _macro_exec (chan=0x83049e0, data=0xb4824eb8, exclusive=0) at app_macro.c:295 #10 0xb5e4d364 in macro_exec (chan=0x83049e0, data=0xb4824eb8) at app_macro.c:465 #11 0x080e377d in pbx_exec (c=0x83049e0, app=0x82ae8d0, data=0xb4824eb8) at pbx.c:722 #12 0x080e937c in pbx_extension_helper (c=0x83049e0, con=0x0, context=0x8304c24 "macro-dialout-omskelecom", exten=0x8304c74 "s", priority=1, label=0x0, callerid=0x82d28a0 "104", action=E_SPAWN, found=0xb48272fc, combined_find_spawn=1) at pbx.c:2671 #13 0x080eaf04 in ast_spawn_extension (c=0x83049e0, context=0x8304c24 "macro-dialout-omskelecom", exten=0x8304c74 "s", priority=1, callerid=0x82d28a0 "104", found=0xb48272fc, combined_find_spawn=1) at pbx.c:3162 #14 0x080eb63a in __ast_pbx_run (c=0x83049e0) at pbx.c:3261 #15 0x080ec845 in pbx_thread (data=0x83049e0) at pbx.c:3519 #16 0x081344f4 in dummy_start (data=0x8306ad8) at utils.c:857 #17 0xb7dad192 in start_thread () from /lib/libpthread.so.0 #18 0xb7cca02e in clone () from /lib/libc.so.6 (gdb) (gdb) bt full #0 0x08132629 in ast_copy_string (dst=0xb4819890 "", src=0x0, size=80) at /usr/src/voip/asterisk-trunk/asterisk-97657.orig/include/asterisk/strings.h:180 No locals. #1 0xb6c28c37 in group_count_function_read (chan=0x83049e0, cmd=0xb4819970 "GROUP_COUNT", data=0xb481997c "", buf=0xb48199f0 "", len=4096) at func_groupcount.c:56 gi = (struct ast_group_info *) 0x8306718 count = -1 group = "OMSKELECOM", '\0' category = '\0' __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "group_count_function_read" #2 0x080e8394 in ast_func_read (chan=0x83049e0, function=0xb481aa00 "GROUP_COUNT()", workspace=0xb48199f0 "", len=4096) at pbx.c:2341 res = 0 u = (struct ast_module_user *) 0x83060a0 copy = 0xb4819970 "GROUP_COUNT" args = 0xb481997c "" acfptr = (struct ast_custom_function *) 0xb6c2b080 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "ast_func_read" #3 0x080e88a2 in pbx_substitute_variables_helper_full (c=0x83049e0, headp=0x8304de8, cp1=0xb481caf0 "${GROUP_COUNT()} >= ${STK_LIMIT}", cp2=0xb481bae0 "", count=4095) at pbx.c:2475 cp4 = 0x0 tmp = 0xb481caf0 "${GROUP_COUNT()} >= ${STK_LIMIT}" whereweare = 0xb481cb00 " >= ${STK_LIMIT}" length = 0 offset = 0 offset2 = 2147483647 isfunction = 1 workspace = 0xb48199f0 "" ltmp = 0x0 var = 0xb481aa00 "GROUP_COUNT()" nextvar = 0xb481caf0 "${GROUP_COUNT()} >= ${STK_LIMIT}" nextexp = 0x0 nextthing = 0xb481caf0 "${GROUP_COUNT()} >= ${STK_LIMIT}" vars = 0xb481aa00 "GROUP_COUNT()" vare = 0xb481cb00 " >= ${STK_LIMIT}" pos = 0 brackets = 0 needsub = 0 len = 13 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "pbx_substitute_variables_helper_full" #4 0x080e8cd4 in pbx_substitute_variables_helper_full (c=0x83049e0, headp=0x8304de8, cp1=0x8248af8 "$[${GROUP_COUNT()} >= ${STK_LIMIT}] ?limit", cp2=0xb481fd18 "", count=8191) at pbx.c:2547 cp4 = 0x81324b1 "\211EÝ\203}Ý" tmp = 0x8248af8 "$[${GROUP_COUNT()} >= ${STK_LIMIT}] ?limit" whereweare = 0x8248b1b " ?limit" length = -1266558072 offset = -1266558088 offset2 = 137383028 isfunction = -1243283468 workspace = 0x0 ltmp = 0xb481bae0 "" var = 0xb481caf0 "${GROUP_COUNT()} >= ${STK_LIMIT}" nextvar = 0x0 nextexp = 0x8248af8 "$[${GROUP_COUNT()} >= ${STK_LIMIT}] ?limit" nextthing = 0x8248af8 "$[${GROUP_COUNT()} >= ${STK_LIMIT}] ?limit" vars = 0x8248afa "${GROUP_COUNT()} >= ${STK_LIMIT}] ?limit" vare = 0x8248b1b " ?limit" pos = 0 brackets = 0 needsub = 2 len = 32 ---Type to continue, or q to quit--- __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "pbx_substitute_variables_helper_full" #5 0x080e8e09 in pbx_substitute_variables_helper (c=0x83049e0, cp1=0x8248af8 "$[${GROUP_COUNT()} >= ${STK_LIMIT}] ?limit", cp2=0xb481fd18 "", count=8191) at pbx.c:2567 No locals. #6 0x080e8ee2 in pbx_substitute_variables (passdata=0xb481fd18 "", datalen=8192, c=0x83049e0, e=0x8248b28) at pbx.c:2589 tmp = 0x8248af8 "$[${GROUP_COUNT()} >= ${STK_LIMIT}] ?limit" #7 0x080e910a in pbx_extension_helper (c=0x83049e0, con=0x0, context=0x8304c24 "macro-dialout-omskelecom", exten=0x8304c74 "s", priority=2, label=0x0, callerid=0x82d28a0 "104", action=E_SPAWN, found=0xb4822498, combined_find_spawn=1) at pbx.c:2651 e = (struct ast_exten *) 0x8248b28 app = (struct ast_app *) 0x81f7150 res = 137447488 q = {incstack = {0x0 }, stacklen = 0, status = 5, swo = 0x0, data = 0x0, foundcontext = 0x8304c24 "macro-dialout-omskelecom"} passdata = "\000ROUP()=OMSKELECOM", '\0' , "1Òç¯u!ø¯\220{\202ª$L0\b(\v\202ª¦$\023\b\000\000\000\000\234\aø¯1Òç¯\000\000\000\000\001\000\000\000¦R0\b1Òç¯\220{\202ª$L0\b\220{\202ªX\v\202ªA?\023\b+Z0\b\234\aø¯h\v\202ª\220{\202ª\001\000\000\000\220{\202ªX\v\202ª\220{\202ª$L0\b\220{\202ª¬\v\202ªÐo\016\b\\J0\bîâ\030\b\210\v\202ªN=\023\b+Z0\b(\b\000\000\210\v\202ª\fm\016\b\034K0\b¦R0\bõ\v\202ª%l\016\b\\J0\b"... matching_action = 0 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "pbx_extension_helper" #8 0x080eaf04 in ast_spawn_extension (c=0x83049e0, context=0x8304c24 "macro-dialout-omskelecom", exten=0x8304c74 "s", priority=2, callerid=0x82d28a0 "104", found=0xb4822498, combined_find_spawn=1) at pbx.c:3162 No locals. #9 0xb5e4c158 in _macro_exec (chan=0x83049e0, data=0xb4824eb8, exclusive=0) at app_macro.c:295 c = (struct ast_context *) 0x8248750 e = (struct ast_exten *) 0x8248b28 foundx = 1 s = 0x0 tmp = 0xb4821fb0 "dialout-omskelecom" cur = 0x0 rest = 0x0 macro = 0xb4821fb0 "dialout-omskelecom" fullmacro = "macro-dialout-omskelecom\000{\202ªtL0\b$L0\b¬,\202ªA?\023\b+Z0\b\234\aø¯T,\202ª\220{\202ª\001\000\000\000$L0\b¬,\202ª\220{\202ªtL0\b" varname = "ARG1\000Òç¯u!ø¯\220{\202ªÜM\202ªH,\202ª¦$\023\b\000\000\000\000\234\aø¯1Òç¯u!ø¯\001\000\000\000¦R0\b1Òç¯u!ø¯\220{\202ªtL0\bx,\202ª¦$\023\b\000\000\000" runningapp = "GotoIf\000ª\220{\202ªÜM\202ª\220{\202ªÜ+\202ªA?\023\b+Z0\b\234\aø¯\b,\202ª\220{\202ª\001\000\000\000\220{\202ªÜ+\202ª\220{\202ªÜM\202ª\220{\202ªH,\202ª+9\r\b(\210\032\b" runningdata = "$[${GROUP_COUNT()} >= ${STK_LIMIT}] ?limit\000\b", '\0' , "8(\202ªÒ_ñ¯ª(\202ª\203\231ê¯Ò_ñ¯T)\202ªs\207õ¯\003\000\000\000-¦ÿ¯ª(\202ª", '\0' , "/", '\0' , "\001", '\0' , "Íßô¯", '\0' , "\005\b\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000tç\b\000º\201\000\000\003", '\0' , "z\a\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\020\000\000\b\000\000\000\000\000\000\000hL\205G\000\000\000\000L"... oldargs = {0x0 } argc = 2 x = 135059090 res = 0 oldexten = "220372", '\0' oldpriority = 1 gosub_level = 0 pc = "1", '\0' , "Ä*\202ª\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\220{\202ª\000\000\000\000Ѧô¯S[0\bÜ-\202ª-\000\000\000zÀ\030\bzÀ\030\b\217[0\bþ+\202ªyÀ\030\b@,\202ª" depthc = "1\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000" oldcontext = "default", '\0' inhangupc = 0x0 offset = 0 depth = 0 maxdepth = 7 setmacrocontext = 1 autoloopflag = 512 dead = 0 inhangup = 0 save_macro_exten = 0x0 save_macro_context = 0x0 ---Type to continue, or q to quit--- save_macro_priority = 0x0 save_macro_offset = 0x0 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "_macro_exec" #10 0xb5e4d364 in macro_exec (chan=0x83049e0, data=0xb4824eb8) at app_macro.c:465 No locals. #11 0x080e377d in pbx_exec (c=0x83049e0, app=0x82ae8d0, data=0xb4824eb8) at pbx.c:722 res = 135831187 u = (struct ast_module_user *) 0x8306090 saved_c_appl = 0x0 saved_c_data = 0x0 #12 0x080e937c in pbx_extension_helper (c=0x83049e0, con=0x0, context=0x8304c24 "macro-dialout-omskelecom", exten=0x8304c74 "s", priority=1, label=0x0, callerid=0x82d28a0 "104", action=E_SPAWN, found=0xb48272fc, combined_find_spawn=1) at pbx.c:2671 e = (struct ast_exten *) 0x82507f8 app = (struct ast_app *) 0x82ae8d0 res = -1266517104 q = {incstack = {0x824f75c "default", 0x0 }, stacklen = 1, status = 5, swo = 0x0, data = 0x0, foundcontext = 0x824f878 "local-calls"} passdata = "dialout-omskelecom,220372", '\0' matching_action = 0 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "pbx_extension_helper" #13 0x080eaf04 in ast_spawn_extension (c=0x83049e0, context=0x8304c24 "macro-dialout-omskelecom", exten=0x8304c74 "s", priority=1, callerid=0x82d28a0 "104", found=0xb48272fc, combined_find_spawn=1) at pbx.c:3162 No locals. #14 0x080eb63a in __ast_pbx_run (c=0x83049e0) at pbx.c:3261 dst_exten = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000Þ´ÿ¯\000\000\000\000@qñ¯lqñ¯lqñ¯\000\000\000\000pqñ¯\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000Êòô¯Ò_ñ¯@qñ¯(\b\000\000\034r\202ª Ñô¯", '\0' , "\220tñ¯@\b\000\000pqñ¯\000\000\000\0001\b\000\000X\000\000\000\002", '\0' , "pqñ¯¬R0\b\000\000\000\000Ò_ñ¯@qñ¯(\b\000\000¦R0\bD\v㯦R0\b\000\000\000\000,\b\000\000L\201\002\000XN1\b(\b\000\000Ò©ø¯\000\000\000\000\220{\202ª\210r\202ª\017\"\023\b\001\000\000\000(\b\000\000\000\000\000" pos = 0 digit = 0 found = 1 res = 0 autoloopflag = 0 error = 0 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "__ast_pbx_run" #15 0x080ec845 in pbx_thread (data=0x83049e0) at pbx.c:3519 c = (struct ast_channel *) 0x83049e0 #16 0x081344f4 in dummy_start (data=0x8306ad8) at utils.c:857 __cancel_buf = {__cancel_jmp_buf = {{__cancel_jmp_buf = {-1210335244, 0, -1266517104, -1266519096, -408544107, -976791060}, __mask_was_saved = 0}}, __pad = {0xb4827480, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}} __cancel_routine = (void (*)(void *)) 0x80701c8 __cancel_arg = (void *) 0xb4827b90 not_first_call = 0 ret = (void *) 0x0 a = {start_routine = 0x80ec82e , data = 0x83049e0, name = 0x8306ae8 "pbx_thread", ' ' , "started at [ 3540] pbx.c ast_pbx_start()"} lock_info = (struct thr_lock_info *) 0x83052b0 mutex_attr = {__size = "\001\000\000", __align = 1} #17 0xb7dad192 in start_thread () from /lib/libpthread.so.0 No symbol table info available. #18 0xb7cca02e in clone () from /lib/libc.so.6 No symbol table info available. (gdb)