-- BACKTRACE -- #0 ast_log (level=0, file=0xb728f945 "chan_zap.c", line=1573, function=0xb7297037 "set_actual_rxgain", fmt=0xb728f985 "Failed to read gains: %s\n") at logger.c:689 #1 0xb726185f in set_actual_rxgain (fd=11, chan=, gain=0, law=1) at chan_zap.c:1573 #2 0xb7270a51 in mkintf (channel=1, conf= {chan = {lock = {__m_reserved = 0, __m_count = 0, __m_owner = 0x0, __m_kind = 0, __m_lock = {__status = 0, __spinlock = 0}}, owner = 0x0, sub_unused = {zfd = 0, owner = 0x0, chan = 0, buffer = {0 }, f = {frametype = 0, subclass = 0, datalen = 0, samples = 0, mallocd = 0, mallocd_hdr_len = 0, offset = 0, src = 0x0, data = 0x0, delivery = {tv_sec = 0, tv_usec = 0}, frame_list = {next = 0x0}, has_timing_info = 0, ts = 0, len = 0, seqno = 0}, needringing = 0, needbusy = 0, needcongestion = 0, needcallerid = 0, needanswer = 0, needflash = 0, needhold = 0, needunhold = 0, linear = 0, inthreeway = 0, curconf = {chan = 0, confno = 0, confmode = 0}}, subs = {{zfd = 0, owner = 0x0, chan = 0, buffer = {0 }, f = {frametype = 0, subclass = 0, datalen = 0, samples = 0, mallocd = 0, mallocd_hdr_len = 0, offset = 0, src = 0x0, data = 0x0, delivery = {tv_sec = 0, tv_usec = 0}, frame_list = {next = 0x0}, has_timing_info = 0, ts = 0, len = 0, seqno = 0}, needringing = 0, needbusy = 0, needcongestion = 0, needcallerid = 0, needanswer = 0, needflash = 0, needhold = 0, needunhold = 0, linear = 0, inthreeway = 0, curconf = {chan = 0, confno = 0, confmode = 0}}, {zfd = 0, owner = 0x0, chan = 0, buffer = {0 }, f = {frametype = 0, subclass = 0, datalen = 0, samples = 0, mallocd = 0, mallocd_hdr_len = 0, offset = 0, src = 0x0, data = 0x0, delivery = {tv_sec = 0, tv_usec = 0}, frame_list = {next = 0x0}, has_timing_info = 0, ts = 0, len = 0, seqno = 0}, needringing = 0, needbusy = 0, needcongestion = 0, needcallerid = 0, needanswer = 0, needflash = 0, needhold = 0, needunhold = 0, linear = 0, inthreeway = 0, curconf = {chan = 0, confno = 0, confmode = 0}}, {zfd = 0, owner = 0x0, chan = 0, buffer = {0 }, f = {frametype = 0, subclass = 0, datalen = 0, samples = 0, mallocd = 0, mallocd_hdr_len = 0, offset = 0, src = 0x0, data = 0x0, delivery = {tv_sec = 0, tv_usec = 0}, frame_list = {next = 0x0}, has_timing_info = 0, ts = 0, len = 0, seqno = 0}, needringing = 0, needbusy = 0, needcongestion = 0, needcallerid = 0, needanswer = 0, needflash = 0, needhold = 0, needunhold = 0, linear = 0, inthreeway = 0, curconf = {chan = 0, confno = 0, confmode = 0}}}, saveconf = {chan = 0, confno = 0, confmode = 0}, slaves = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, master = 0x0, inconference = 0, sig = 128, radio = 0, outsigmod = -1, oprmode = 0, oprpeer = 0x0, rxgain = 0, txgain = 0, tonezone = -1, next = 0x0, prev = 0x0, adsi = 0, answeronpolarityswitch = 0, busydetect = 0, callreturn = 1, callwaiting = 1, callwaitingcallerid = 1, cancallforward = 1, canpark = 1, confirmanswer = 0, destroy = 0, didtdd = 0, dialednone = 0, dialing = 0, digital = 0, dnd = 0, echobreak = 0, echocanbridged = 0, echocanon = 0, faxhandled = 0, firstradio = 0, hanguponpolarityswitch = 0, hardwaredtmf = 0, hidecallerid = 0, hidecalleridname = 0, ignoredtmf = 0, immediate = 0, inalarm = 0, mate = 0, outgoing = 0, overlapdial = 0, permcallwaiting = 0, permhidecallerid = 0, priindication_oob = 0, priexclusive = 0, pulse = 0, pulsedial = 0, restrictcid = 0, threewaycalling = 1, transfer = 1, use_callerid = 1, use_callingpres = 1, usedistinctiveringdetection = 0, zaptrcallerid = 0, transfertobusy = 1, alerting = 0, alreadyhungup = 0, isidlecall = 0, proceeding = 0, progress = 0, resetting = 0, setup_ack = 0, use_smdi = 0, smdi_iface = 0x0, drings = {ringnum = {{ring = {0, 0, 0}}, {ring = {0, 0, 0}}, {ring = {0, 0, 0}}}, ringContext = {{contextData = '\0' }, {contextData = '\0' }, {contextData = '\0' }}}, context = "pri\000ult", '\0' , defcontext = '\0' , exten = '\0' , language = "en", '\0' , mohinterpret = "default", '\0' , mohsuggest = "default", '\0' , cid_ani = '\0' , cid_num = '\0' , cid_ton = 0, cid_name = '\0' , lastcid_num = '\0' , lastcid_name = '\0' , origcid_num = 0x0, origcid_name = 0x0, callwait_num = '\0' , callwait_name = '\0' , rdnis = '\0' , dnid = '\0' , group = 2, law = 0, confno = 0, confusers = 0, propconfno = 0, callgroup = 2, pickupgroup = 2, channel = 0, span = 0, guardtime = 0, cid_signalling = 1, cid_start = 1, callingpres = 0, callwaitingrepeat = 0, cidcwexpire = 0, cidspill = 0x0, cidpos = 0, cidlen = 0, ringt = 0, ringt_base = 0, stripmsd = 0, callwaitcas = 0, callwaitrings = 0, echocancel = 128, echotraining = 0, echorest = '\0' , busycount = 3, busy_tonelength = 0, busy_quietlength = 0, callprogress = 6, flashtime = {tv_sec = 0, tv_usec = 0}, dsp = 0x0, cref = 0, dop = {op = 0, dialstr = '\0' }, whichwink = 0, finaldial = '\0' , accountcode = '\0' , amaflags = 0, tdd = 0x0, call_forward = '\0' , mailbox = '\0' , dialdest = '\0' , onhooktime = 0, msgstate = 0, distinctivering = 0, cidrings = 0, dtmfrelax = 2048, fake_event = 0, polarityonanswerdelay = 600, polaritydelaytv = {tv_sec = 0, tv_usec = 0}, sendcalleridafter = 1, pri = 0x0, bearer = 0x0, realcall = 0x0, call = 0x0, prioffset = 0, logicalspan = 0, polarity = 0, dsp_features = 0, begindigit = 0 '\0'}, pri = {master = 0, lock = {__m_reserved = 0, __m_count = 0, __m_owner = 0x0, __m_kind = 0, __m_lock = {__status = 0, __spinlock = 0}}, idleext = '\0' , idlecontext = '\0' , idledial = '\0' , minunused = 2, minidle = 0, nodetype = 2, switchtype = 1, nsf = -1, dialplan = 34, localdialplan = 34, internationalprefix = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000", nationalprefix = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000", localprefix = '\0' , privateprefix = '\0' , unknownprefix = '\0' , dchannels = {0, 0, 0, 0}, trunkgroup = 0, mastertrunkgroup = 0, prilogicalspan = 0, numchans = 0, overlapdial = 0, facilityenable = 0, dchans = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, dchanavail = {0, 0, 0, 0}, pri = 0x0, debug = 0, fds = {0, 0, 0, 0}, offset = 0, span = 0, resetting = 0, resetpos = 0, lastreset = 0, resetinterval = 3600, pvts = {0x0 }, crvs = 0x0, crvend = 0x0}, timing = {channo = 0, spanno = 0, chanpos = 0, sigtype = 0, sigcap = 0, rxisoffhook = 0, rxbits = 0, txbits = 0, txhooksig = 0, rxhooksig = 0, curlaw = 0, idlebits = 0, name = '\0' , prewinktime = -1, preflashtime = -1, winktime = -1, flashtime = -1, starttime = -1, rxwinktime = -1, rxflashtime = -1, debouncetime = -1, pulsebreaktime = 0, pulsemaketime = 0, pulseaftertime = 0}, smdi_port = "/dev/ttyS0", '\0' }, pri=0x0, reloading=1) at chan_zap.c:1584 #3 0xb727221c in build_channels (conf= {chan = {lock = {__m_reserved = 0, __m_count = 0, __m_owner = 0x0, __m_kind = 0, __m_lock = {__status = 0, __spinlock = 0}}, owner = 0x0, sub_unused = {zfd = 0, owner = 0x0, chan = 0, buffer = {0 }, f = {frametype = 0, subclass = 0, datalen = 0, samples = 0, mallocd = 0, mallocd_hdr_len = 0, offset = 0, src = 0x0, data = 0x0, delivery = {tv_sec = 0, tv_usec = 0}, frame_list = {next = 0x0}, has_timing_info = 0, ts = 0, len = 0, seqno = 0}, needringing = 0, needbusy = 0, needcongestion = 0, needcallerid = 0, needanswer = 0, needflash = 0, needhold = 0, needunhold = 0, linear = 0, inthreeway = 0, curconf = {chan = 0, confno = 0, confmode = 0}}, subs = {{zfd = 0, owner = 0x0, chan = 0, buffer = {0 }, f = {frametype = 0, subclass = 0, datalen = 0, samples = 0, mallocd = 0, mallocd_hdr_len = 0, offset = 0, src = 0x0, data = 0x0, delivery = {tv_sec = 0, tv_usec = 0}, frame_list = {next = 0x0}, has_timing_info = 0, ts = 0, len = 0, seqno = 0}, needringing = 0, needbusy = 0, needcongestion = 0, needcallerid = 0, needanswer = 0, needflash = 0, needhold = 0, needunhold = 0, linear = 0, inthreeway = 0, curconf = {chan = 0, confno = 0, confmode = 0}}, {zfd = 0, owner = 0x0, chan = 0, buffer = {0 }, f = {frametype = 0, subclass = 0, datalen = 0, samples = 0, mallocd = 0, mallocd_hdr_len = 0, offset = 0, src = 0x0, data = 0x0, delivery = {tv_sec = 0, tv_usec = 0}, frame_list = {next = 0x0}, has_timing_info = 0, ts = 0, len = 0, seqno = 0}, needringing = 0, needbusy = 0, needcongestion = 0, needcallerid = 0, needanswer = 0, needflash = 0, needhold = 0, needunhold = 0, linear = 0, inthreeway = 0, curconf = {chan = 0, confno = 0, confmode = 0}}, {zfd = 0, owner = 0x0, chan = 0, buffer = {0 }, f = {frametype = 0, subclass = 0, datalen = 0, samples = 0, mallocd = 0, mallocd_hdr_len = 0, offset = 0, src = 0x0, data = 0x0, delivery = {tv_sec = 0, tv_usec = 0}, frame_list = {next = 0x0}, has_timing_info = 0, ts = 0, len = 0, seqno = 0}, needringing = 0, needbusy = 0, needcongestion = 0, needcallerid = 0, needanswer = 0, needflash = 0, needhold = 0, needunhold = 0, linear = 0, inthreeway = 0, curconf = {chan = 0, confno = 0, confmode = 0}}}, saveconf = {chan = 0, confno = 0, confmode = 0}, slaves = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, master = 0x0, inconference = 0, sig = -1, radio = 0, outsigmod = -1, oprmode = 0, oprpeer = 0x0, rxgain = 0, txgain = 0, tonezone = -1, next = 0x0, prev = 0x0, adsi = 0, answeronpolarityswitch = 0, busydetect = 0, callreturn = 1, callwaiting = 1, callwaitingcallerid = 1, cancallforward = 1, canpark = 1, confirmanswer = 0, destroy = 0, didtdd = 0, dialednone = 0, dialing = 0, digital = 0, dnd = 0, echobreak = 0, echocanbridged = 0, echocanon = 0, faxhandled = 0, firstradio = 0, hanguponpolarityswitch = 0, hardwaredtmf = 0, hidecallerid = 0, hidecalleridname = 0, ignoredtmf = 0, immediate = 0, inalarm = 0, mate = 0, outgoing = 0, overlapdial = 0, permcallwaiting = 0, permhidecallerid = 0, priindication_oob = 0, priexclusive = 0, pulse = 0, pulsedial = 0, restrictcid = 0, threewaycalling = 1, transfer = 1, use_callerid = 1, use_callingpres = 1, usedistinctiveringdetection = 0, zaptrcallerid = 0, transfertobusy = 1, alerting = 0, alreadyhungup = 0, isidlecall = 0, proceeding = 0, progress = 0, resetting = 0, setup_ack = 0, use_smdi = 0, smdi_iface = 0x0, drings = {ringnum = {{ring = {0, 0, 0}}, {ring = {0, 0, 0}}, {ring = {0, 0, 0}}}, ringContext = {{contextData = '\0' }, {contextData = '\0' }, {contextData = '\0' }}}, context = "pri\000ult", '\0' , defcontext = '\0' , exten = '\0' , language = "en", '\0' , mohinterpret = "default", '\0' , mohsuggest = "default", '\0' , cid_ani = '\0' , cid_num = '\0' , cid_ton = 0, cid_name = '\0' , lastcid_num = '\0' , lastcid_name = '\0' , origcid_num = 0x0, origcid_name = 0x0, callwait_num = '\0' , callwait_name = '\0' , rdnis = '\0' , dnid = '\0' , group = 2, law = 0, confno = 0, confusers = 0, propconfno = 0, callgroup = 2, pickupgroup = 2, channel = 0, span = 0, guardtime = 0, cid_signalling = 1, cid_start = 1, callingpres = 0, callwaitingrepeat = 0, cidcwexpire = 0, cidspill = 0x0, cidpos = 0, cidlen = 0, ringt = 0, ringt_base = 0, stripmsd = 0, callwaitcas = 0, callwaitrings = 0, echocancel = 128, echotraining = 0, echorest = '\0' , busycount = 3, busy_tonelength = 0, busy_quietlength = 0, callprogress = 6, flashtime = {tv_sec = 0, tv_usec = 0}, dsp = 0x0, cref = 0, dop = {op = 0, dialstr = '\0' }, whichwink = 0, finaldial = '\0' , accountcode = '\0' , amaflags = 0, tdd = 0x0, call_forward = '\0' , mailbox = '\0' , dialdest = '\0' , onhooktime = 0, msgstate = 0, distinctivering = 0, cidrings = 0, dtmfrelax = 2048, fake_event = 0, polarityonanswerdelay = 600, polaritydelaytv = {tv_sec = 0, tv_usec = 0}, sendcalleridafter = 1, pri = 0x0, bearer = 0x0, realcall = 0x0, call = 0x0, prioffset = 0, logicalspan = 0, polarity = 0, dsp_features = 0, begindigit = 0 '\0'}, pri = {master = 0, lock = {__m_reserved = 0, __m_count = 0, __m_owner = 0x0, __m_kind = 0, __m_lock = {__status = 0, __spinlock = 0}}, idleext = '\0' , idlecontext = '\0' , idledial = '\0' , minunused = 2, minidle = 0, nodetype = 2, switchtype = 1, nsf = -1, dialplan = 34, localdialplan = 34, internationalprefix = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000", nationalprefix = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000", localprefix = '\0' , privateprefix = '\0' , unknownprefix = '\0' , dchannels = {0, 0, 0, 0}, trunkgroup = 0, mastertrunkgroup = 0, prilogicalspan = 0, numchans = 0, overlapdial = 0, facilityenable = 0, dchans = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, dchanavail = {0, 0, 0, 0}, pri = 0x0, debug = 0, fds = {0, 0, 0, 0}, offset = 0, span = 0, resetting = 0, resetpos = 0, lastreset = 0, resetinterval = 3600, pvts = {0x0 }, crvs = 0x0, crvend = 0x0}, timing = {channo = 0, spanno = 0, chanpos = 0, sigtype = 0, sigcap = 0, rxisoffhook = 0, rxbits = 0, txbits = 0, txhooksig = 0, rxhooksig = 0, curlaw = 0, idlebits = 0, name = '\0' , prewinktime = -1, preflashtime = -1, winktime = -1, flashtime = -1, starttime = -1, rxwinktime = -1, rxflashtime = -1, debouncetime = -1, pulsebreaktime = 0, pulsemaketime = 0, pulseaftertime = 0}, smdi_port = "/dev/ttyS0", '\0' }, iscrv=0, value=0x81d4f90 "1-23", reload=1, lineno=111, found_pseudo=0xb6e49d04) at chan_zap.c:10465 #4 0xb7272bb6 in process_zap (confp=0xb6e4bd2c, v=0x81d4f68, reload=1, skipchannels=0) at chan_zap.c:10514 #5 0xb7276984 in setup_zap (reload=1) at chan_zap.c:11251 #6 0xb7277cec in reload () at chan_zap.c:11445 #7 0x080a6123 in ast_module_reload (name=0x81d44af "chan_zap.so") at loader.c:592 #8 0x0808753d in handle_reload_deprecated (fd=39, argc=2, argv=0xb6e4de64) at cli.c:171 #9 0x0808a9bb in ast_cli_command (fd=39, s=0xb6e4dfcc "reload chan_zap.so ") at cli.c:1982 #10 0x0808ac26 in ast_cli_command_multiple (fd=39, size=20, s=0xb6e4e1fc "reload chan_zap.so ") at cli.c:2021 #11 0x08068fc6 in netconsole (vconsole=0x815fb80) at asterisk.c:941 #12 0xb7f130bd in start_thread () from /lib/tls/libpthread.so.0 #13 0xb7e2dace in clone () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6 -- BACKTRACE FULL -- #0 ast_log (level=0, file=0xb728f945 "chan_zap.c", line=1573, function=0xb7297037 "set_actual_rxgain", fmt=0xb728f985 "Failed to read gains: %s\n") at logger.c:689 chan = buf = (struct ast_dynamic_str *) 0x81d4664 t = 0 tm = {tm_sec = -1222046796, tm_min = -1226540028, tm_hour = 136136292, tm_mday = 0, tm_mon = -1226549236, tm_year = -1209466892, tm_wday = 22, tm_yday = 0, tm_isdst = -1226549352, tm_gmtoff = -1210263823, tm_zone = 0x16
} date = "\020Uä¶\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\231\231\231\031\005", '\0' , "\027\000\000\000\000\000\000\000ôÿè·\000\000\000\000\000\001\000\000ðT䶿èØ·\020Uä¶\020[ä¶\n\000\000\000\000\000\000\000@\002é·\000\000\000\000([ä¶z²Ú·ÔZä¶\000\000\000\000\n", '\0' , "É\226ØE23\000\000\bZ]G\000\000\000\000\2347\001\000\000\000\000\000@Uä¶ß\235Ü·À\024é·\017\000\000\000ôÿè·\017\000\000\000=8è·`Uä¶6ÖÜ·\020Þ\026\b=8è·+#Þ·ôÿè·\020Þ\026\b\000\000\000\000ÔUä¶v\024Þ·=8"... ap = __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "ast_log" #1 0xb726185f in set_actual_rxgain (fd=11, chan=, gain=0, law=1) at chan_zap.c:1573 g = {chan = 0, rxgain = '\0' , txgain = '\0' } res = -1 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "set_actual_rxgain" #2 0xb7270a51 in mkintf (channel=1, conf= {chan = {lock = {__m_reserved = 0, __m_count = 0, __m_owner = 0x0, __m_kind = 0, __m_lock = {__status = 0, __spinlock = 0}}, owner = 0x0, sub_unused = {zfd = 0, owner = 0x0, chan = 0, buffer = {0 }, f = {frametype = 0, subclass = 0, datalen = 0, samples = 0, mallocd = 0, mallocd_hdr_len = 0, offset = 0, src = 0x0, data = 0x0, delivery = {tv_sec = 0, tv_usec = 0}, frame_list = {next = 0x0}, has_timing_info = 0, ts = 0, len = 0, seqno = 0}, needringing = 0, needbusy = 0, needcongestion = 0, needcallerid = 0, needanswer = 0, needflash = 0, needhold = 0, needunhold = 0, linear = 0, inthreeway = 0, curconf = {chan = 0, confno = 0, confmode = 0}}, subs = {{zfd = 0, owner = 0x0, chan = 0, buffer = {0 }, f = {frametype = 0, subclass = 0, datalen = 0, samples = 0, mallocd = 0, mallocd_hdr_len = 0, offset = 0, src = 0x0, data = 0x0, delivery = {tv_sec = 0, tv_usec = 0}, frame_list = {next = 0x0}, has_timing_info = 0, ts = 0, len = 0, seqno = 0}, needringing = 0, needbusy = 0, needcongestion = 0, needcallerid = 0, needanswer = 0, needflash = 0, needhold = 0, needunhold = 0, linear = 0, inthreeway = 0, curconf = {chan = 0, confno = 0, confmode = 0}}, {zfd = 0, owner = 0x0, chan = 0, buffer = {0 }, f = {frametype = 0, subclass = 0, datalen = 0, samples = 0, mallocd = 0, mallocd_hdr_len = 0, offset = 0, src = 0x0, data = 0x0, delivery = {tv_sec = 0, tv_usec = 0}, frame_list = {next = 0x0}, has_timing_info = 0, ts = 0, len = 0, seqno = 0}, needringing = 0, needbusy = 0, needcongestion = 0, needcallerid = 0, needanswer = 0, needflash = 0, needhold = 0, needunhold = 0, linear = 0, inthreeway = 0, curconf = {chan = 0, confno = 0, confmode = 0}}, {zfd = 0, owner = 0x0, chan = 0, buffer = {0 }, f = {frametype = 0, subclass = 0, datalen = 0, samples = 0, mallocd = 0, mallocd_hdr_len = 0, offset = 0, src = 0x0, data = 0x0, delivery = {tv_sec = 0, tv_usec = 0}, frame_list = {next = 0x0}, has_timing_info = 0, ts = 0, len = 0, seqno = 0}, needringing = 0, needbusy = 0, needcongestion = 0, needcallerid = 0, needanswer = 0, needflash = 0, needhold = 0, needunhold = 0, linear = 0, inthreeway = 0, curconf = {chan = 0, confno = 0, confmode = 0}}}, saveconf = {chan = 0, confno = 0, confmode = 0}, slaves = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, master = 0x0, inconference = 0, sig = 128, radio = 0, outsigmod = -1, oprmode = 0, oprpeer = 0x0, rxgain = 0, txgain = 0, tonezone = -1, next = 0x0, prev = 0x0, adsi = 0, answeronpolarityswitch = 0, busydetect = 0, callreturn = 1, callwaiting = 1, callwaitingcallerid = 1, cancallforward = 1, canpark = 1, confirmanswer = 0, destroy = 0, didtdd = 0, dialednone = 0, dialing = 0, digital = 0, dnd = 0, echobreak = 0, echocanbridged = 0, echocanon = 0, faxhandled = 0, firstradio = 0, hanguponpolarityswitch = 0, hardwaredtmf = 0, hidecallerid = 0, hidecalleridname = 0, ignoredtmf = 0, immediate = 0, inalarm = 0, mate = 0, outgoing = 0, overlapdial = 0, permcallwaiting = 0, permhidecallerid = 0, priindication_oob = 0, priexclusive = 0, pulse = 0, pulsedial = 0, restrictcid = 0, threewaycalling = 1, transfer = 1, use_callerid = 1, use_callingpres = 1, usedistinctiveringdetection = 0, zaptrcallerid = 0, transfertobusy = 1, alerting = 0, alreadyhungup = 0, isidlecall = 0, proceeding = 0, progress = 0, resetting = 0, setup_ack = 0, use_smdi = 0, smdi_iface = 0x0, drings = {ringnum = {{ring = {0, 0, 0}}, {ring = {0, 0, 0}}, {ring = {0, 0, 0}}}, ringContext = {{contextData = '\0' }, {contextData = '\0' }, {contextData = '\0' }}}, context = "pri\000ult", '\0' , defcontext = '\0' , exten = '\0' , language = "en", '\0' , mohinterpret = "default", '\0' , mohsuggest = "default", '\0' , cid_ani = '\0' , cid_num = '\0' , cid_ton = 0, cid_name = '\0' , lastcid_num = '\0' , lastcid_name = '\0' , origcid_num = 0x0, origcid_name = 0x0, callwait_num = '\0' , callwait_name = '\0' , rdnis = '\0' , dnid = '\0' , group = 2, law = 0, confno = 0, confusers = 0, propconfno = 0, callgroup = 2, pickupgroup = 2, channel = 0, span = 0, guardtime = 0, cid_signalling = 1, cid_start = 1, callingpres = 0, callwaitingrepeat = 0, cidcwexpire = 0, cidspill = 0x0, cidpos = 0, cidlen = 0, ringt = 0, ringt_base = 0, stripmsd = 0, callwaitcas = 0, callwaitrings = 0, echocancel = 128, echotraining = 0, echorest = '\0' , busycount = 3, busy_tonelength = 0, busy_quietlength = 0, callprogress = 6, flashtime = {tv_sec = 0, tv_usec = 0}, dsp = 0x0, cref = 0, dop = {op = 0, dialstr = '\0' }, whichwink = 0, finaldial = '\0' , accountcode = '\0' , amaflags = 0, tdd = 0x0, call_forward = '\0' , mailbox = '\0' , dialdest = '\0' , onhooktime = 0, msgstate = 0, distinctivering = 0, cidrings = 0, dtmfrelax = 2048, fake_event = 0, polarityonanswerdelay = 600, polaritydelaytv = {tv_sec = 0, tv_usec = 0}, sendcalleridafter = 1, pri = 0x0, bearer = 0x0, realcall = 0x0, call = 0x0, prioffset = 0, logicalspan = 0, polarity = 0, dsp_features = 0, begindigit = 0 '\0'}, pri = {master = 0, lock = {__m_reserved = 0, __m_count = 0, __m_owner = 0x0, __m_kind = 0, __m_lock = {__status = 0, __spinlock = 0}}, idleext = '\0' , idlecontext = '\0' , idledial = '\0' , minunused = 2, minidle = 0, nodetype = 2, switchtype = 1, nsf = -1, dialplan = 34, localdialplan = 34, internationalprefix = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000", nationalprefix = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000", localprefix = '\0' , privateprefix = '\0' , unknownprefix = '\0' , dchannels = {0, 0, 0, 0}, trunkgroup = 0, mastertrunkgroup = 0, prilogicalspan = 0, numchans = 0, overlapdial = 0, facilityenable = 0, dchans = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, dchanavail = {0, 0, 0, 0}, pri = 0x0, debug = 0, fds = {0, 0, 0, 0}, offset = 0, span = 0, resetting = 0, resetpos = 0, lastreset = 0, resetinterval = 3600, pvts = {0x0 }, crvs = 0x0, crvend = 0x0}, timing = {channo = 0, spanno = 0, chanpos = 0, sigtype = 0, sigcap = 0, rxisoffhook = 0, rxbits = 0, txbits = 0, txhooksig = 0, rxhooksig = 0, curlaw = 0, idlebits = 0, name = '\0' , prewinktime = -1, preflashtime = -1, winktime = -1, flashtime = -1, starttime = -1, rxwinktime = -1, rxflashtime = -1, debouncetime = -1, pulsebreaktime = 0, pulsemaketime = 0, pulseaftertime = 0}, smdi_port = "/dev/ttyS0", '\0' }, pri=0x0, reloading=1) at chan_zap.c:1584 tmp = (struct zt_pvt *) 0x81a74a8 tmp2 = fn = '\0' , "ÿÿÿÿ", '\0' bi = {txbufpolicy = -1209468000, rxbufpolicy = 0, numbufs = -1210343743, bufsize = -1209466892, readbufs = -1226540160, writebufs = -1226548216} si = {spanno = -1226549998, name = " \\ä¶\v¬Ú·ôÿè·D[ä¶Ô{ä¶", desc = "ì[ä¶9\237Û·D[ä¶á\000)·\030\\ä¶\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\001\200­û\204{ä¶\204{ä¶", alarms = -1226540160, txlevel = -1226540160, rxlevel = -1226540160, bpvcount = -1226540160, crc4count = -1226540160, ebitcount = -1226540156, fascount = 0, irqmisses = 0, syncsrc = 0, numchans = 0, totalchans = 0, totalspans = 0, lbo = 0, lineconfig = 0} res = span = 1 here = 1 wlist = (struct zt_pvt **) 0xb729a180 wend = (struct zt_pvt **) 0xb729a3a4 p = {channo = 1, spanno = 1, chanpos = 1, sigtype = 128, sigcap = 504063, rxisoffhook = 0, rxbits = -1, txbits = -1, txhooksig = -1, rxhooksig = -1, curlaw = 1, idlebits = 0, name = "WPT1/0/1", '\0' , prewinktime = 50, preflashtime = 50, winktime = 150, flashtime = 750, starttime = 1500, rxwinktime = 300, rxflashtime = 1250, debouncetime = 600, pulsebreaktime = 50, pulsemaketime = 50, pulseaftertime = 750} __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "mkintf" #3 0xb727221c in build_channels (conf= {chan = {lock = {__m_reserved = 0, __m_count = 0, __m_owner = 0x0, __m_kind = 0, __m_lock = {__status = 0, __spinlock = 0}}, owner = 0x0, sub_unused = {zfd = 0, owner = 0x0, chan = 0, buffer = {0 }, f = {frametype = 0, subclass = 0, datalen = 0, samples = 0, mallocd = 0, mallocd_hdr_len = 0, offset = 0, src = 0x0, data = 0x0, delivery = {tv_sec = 0, tv_usec = 0}, frame_list = {next = 0x0}, has_timing_info = 0, ts = 0, len = 0, seqno = 0}, needringing = 0, needbusy = 0, needcongestion = 0, needcallerid = 0, needanswer = 0, needflash = 0, needhold = 0, needunhold = 0, linear = 0, inthreeway = 0, curconf = {chan = 0, confno = 0, confmode = 0}}, subs = {{zfd = 0, owner = 0x0, chan = 0, buffer = {0 }, f = {frametype = 0, subclass = 0, datalen = 0, samples = 0, mallocd = 0, mallocd_hdr_len = 0, offset = 0, src = 0x0, data = 0x0, delivery = {tv_sec = 0, tv_usec = 0}, frame_list = {next = 0x0}, has_timing_info = 0, ts = 0, len = 0, seqno = 0}, needringing = 0, needbusy = 0, needcongestion = 0, needcallerid = 0, needanswer = 0, needflash = 0, needhold = 0, needunhold = 0, linear = 0, inthreeway = 0, curconf = {chan = 0, confno = 0, confmode = 0}}, {zfd = 0, owner = 0x0, chan = 0, buffer = {0 }, f = {frametype = 0, subclass = 0, datalen = 0, samples = 0, mallocd = 0, mallocd_hdr_len = 0, offset = 0, src = 0x0, data = 0x0, delivery = {tv_sec = 0, tv_usec = 0}, frame_list = {next = 0x0}, has_timing_info = 0, ts = 0, len = 0, seqno = 0}, needringing = 0, needbusy = 0, needcongestion = 0, needcallerid = 0, needanswer = 0, needflash = 0, needhold = 0, needunhold = 0, linear = 0, inthreeway = 0, curconf = {chan = 0, confno = 0, confmode = 0}}, {zfd = 0, owner = 0x0, chan = 0, buffer = {0 }, f = {frametype = 0, subclass = 0, datalen = 0, samples = 0, mallocd = 0, mallocd_hdr_len = 0, offset = 0, src = 0x0, data = 0x0, delivery = {tv_sec = 0, tv_usec = 0}, frame_list = {next = 0x0}, has_timing_info = 0, ts = 0, len = 0, seqno = 0}, needringing = 0, needbusy = 0, needcongestion = 0, needcallerid = 0, needanswer = 0, needflash = 0, needhold = 0, needunhold = 0, linear = 0, inthreeway = 0, curconf = {chan = 0, confno = 0, confmode = 0}}}, saveconf = {chan = 0, confno = 0, confmode = 0}, slaves = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, master = 0x0, inconference = 0, sig = -1, radio = 0, outsigmod = -1, oprmode = 0, oprpeer = 0x0, rxgain = 0, txgain = 0, tonezone = -1, next = 0x0, prev = 0x0, adsi = 0, answeronpolarityswitch = 0, busydetect = 0, callreturn = 1, callwaiting = 1, callwaitingcallerid = 1, cancallforward = 1, canpark = 1, confirmanswer = 0, destroy = 0, didtdd = 0, dialednone = 0, dialing = 0, digital = 0, dnd = 0, echobreak = 0, echocanbridged = 0, echocanon = 0, faxhandled = 0, firstradio = 0, hanguponpolarityswitch = 0, hardwaredtmf = 0, hidecallerid = 0, hidecalleridname = 0, ignoredtmf = 0, immediate = 0, inalarm = 0, mate = 0, outgoing = 0, overlapdial = 0, permcallwaiting = 0, permhidecallerid = 0, priindication_oob = 0, priexclusive = 0, pulse = 0, pulsedial = 0, restrictcid = 0, threewaycalling = 1, transfer = 1, use_callerid = 1, use_callingpres = 1, usedistinctiveringdetection = 0, zaptrcallerid = 0, transfertobusy = 1, alerting = 0, alreadyhungup = 0, isidlecall = 0, proceeding = 0, progress = 0, resetting = 0, setup_ack = 0, use_smdi = 0, smdi_iface = 0x0, drings = {ringnum = {{ring = {0, 0, 0}}, {ring = {0, 0, 0}}, {ring = {0, 0, 0}}}, ringContext = {{contextData = '\0' }, {contextData = '\0' }, {contextData = '\0' }}}, context = "pri\000ult", '\0' , defcontext = '\0' , exten = '\0' , language = "en", '\0' , mohinterpret = "default", '\0' , mohsuggest = "default", '\0' , cid_ani = '\0' , cid_num = '\0' , cid_ton = 0, cid_name = '\0' , lastcid_num = '\0' , lastcid_name = '\0' , origcid_num = 0x0, origcid_name = 0x0, callwait_num = '\0' , callwait_name = '\0' , rdnis = '\0' , dnid = '\0' , group = 2, law = 0, confno = 0, confusers = 0, propconfno = 0, callgroup = 2, pickupgroup = 2, channel = 0, span = 0, guardtime = 0, cid_signalling = 1, cid_start = 1, callingpres = 0, callwaitingrepeat = 0, cidcwexpire = 0, cidspill = 0x0, cidpos = 0, cidlen = 0, ringt = 0, ringt_base = 0, stripmsd = 0, callwaitcas = 0, callwaitrings = 0, echocancel = 128, echotraining = 0, echorest = '\0' , busycount = 3, busy_tonelength = 0, busy_quietlength = 0, callprogress = 6, flashtime = {tv_sec = 0, tv_usec = 0}, dsp = 0x0, cref = 0, dop = {op = 0, dialstr = '\0' }, whichwink = 0, finaldial = '\0' , accountcode = '\0' , amaflags = 0, tdd = 0x0, call_forward = '\0' , mailbox = '\0' , dialdest = '\0' , onhooktime = 0, msgstate = 0, distinctivering = 0, cidrings = 0, dtmfrelax = 2048, fake_event = 0, polarityonanswerdelay = 600, polaritydelaytv = {tv_sec = 0, tv_usec = 0}, sendcalleridafter = 1, pri = 0x0, bearer = 0x0, realcall = 0x0, call = 0x0, prioffset = 0, logicalspan = 0, polarity = 0, dsp_features = 0, begindigit = 0 '\0'}, pri = {master = 0, lock = {__m_reserved = 0, __m_count = 0, __m_owner = 0x0, __m_kind = 0, __m_lock = {__status = 0, __spinlock = 0}}, idleext = '\0' , idlecontext = '\0' , idledial = '\0' , minunused = 2, minidle = 0, nodetype = 2, switchtype = 1, nsf = -1, dialplan = 34, localdialplan = 34, internationalprefix = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000", nationalprefix = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000", localprefix = '\0' , privateprefix = '\0' , unknownprefix = '\0' , dchannels = {0, 0, 0, 0}, trunkgroup = 0, mastertrunkgroup = 0, prilogicalspan = 0, numchans = 0, overlapdial = 0, facilityenable = 0, dchans = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, dchanavail = {0, 0, 0, 0}, pri = 0x0, debug = 0, fds = {0, 0, 0, 0}, offset = 0, span = 0, resetting = 0, resetpos = 0, lastreset = 0, resetinterval = 3600, pvts = {0x0 }, crvs = 0x0, crvend = 0x0}, timing = {channo = 0, spanno = 0, chanpos = 0, sigtype = 0, sigcap = 0, rxisoffhook = 0, rxbits = 0, txbits = 0, txhooksig = 0, rxhooksig = 0, curlaw = 0, idlebits = 0, name = '\0' , prewinktime = -1, preflashtime = -1, winktime = -1, flashtime = -1, starttime = -1, rxwinktime = -1, rxflashtime = -1, debouncetime = -1, pulsebreaktime = 0, pulsemaketime = 0, pulseaftertime = 0}, smdi_port = "/dev/ttyS0", '\0' }, iscrv=0, value=0x81d4f90 "1-23", reload=1, lineno=111, found_pseudo=0xb6e49d04) at chan_zap.c:10465 __r1 = 0 '\0' __r2 = c = 0x0 chan = x = start = 1 finish = 23 tmp = pri = (struct zt_pri *) 0x0 trunkgroup = 135211701 y = 2 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "build_channels" #4 0xb7272bb6 in process_zap (confp=0xb6e4bd2c, v=0x81d4f68, reload=1, skipchannels=0) at chan_zap.c:10514 __r1 = 0 '\0' __r2 = timerc = c = 0x81d4840 "channels" timeridx = tmp = y = 0 found_pseudo = 0 zapchan = '\0' __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "process_zap" #5 0xb7276984 in setup_zap (reload=1) at chan_zap.c:11251 cfg = (struct ast_config *) 0x81d44c0 v = (struct ast_variable *) 0x16 conf = {chan = {lock = {__m_reserved = 0, __m_count = 0, __m_owner = 0x0, __m_kind = 0, __m_lock = {__status = 0, __spinlock = 0}}, owner = 0x0, sub_unused = {zfd = 0, owner = 0x0, chan = 0, buffer = {0 }, f = {frametype = 0, subclass = 0, datalen = 0, samples = 0, mallocd = 0, mallocd_hdr_len = 0, offset = 0, src = 0x0, data = 0x0, delivery = {tv_sec = 0, tv_usec = 0}, frame_list = {next = 0x0}, has_timing_info = 0, ts = 0, len = 0, seqno = 0}, needringing = 0, needbusy = 0, needcongestion = 0, needcallerid = 0, needanswer = 0, needflash = 0, needhold = 0, needunhold = 0, linear = 0, inthreeway = 0, curconf = {chan = 0, confno = 0, confmode = 0}}, subs = {{zfd = 0, owner = 0x0, chan = 0, buffer = {0 }, f = {frametype = 0, subclass = 0, datalen = 0, samples = 0, mallocd = 0, mallocd_hdr_len = 0, offset = 0, src = 0x0, data = 0x0, delivery = {tv_sec = 0, tv_usec = 0}, frame_list = {next = 0x0}, has_timing_info = 0, ts = 0, len = 0, seqno = 0}, needringing = 0, needbusy = 0, needcongestion = 0, needcallerid = 0, needanswer = 0, needflash = 0, needhold = 0, needunhold = 0, linear = 0, inthreeway = 0, curconf = {chan = 0, confno = 0, confmode = 0}}, {zfd = 0, owner = 0x0, chan = 0, buffer = {0 }, f = {frametype = 0, subclass = 0, datalen = 0, samples = 0, mallocd = 0, mallocd_hdr_len = 0, offset = 0, src = 0x0, data = 0x0, delivery = {tv_sec = 0, tv_usec = 0}, frame_list = {next = 0x0}, has_timing_info = 0, ts = 0, len = 0, seqno = 0}, needringing = 0, needbusy = 0, needcongestion = 0, needcallerid = 0, needanswer = 0, needflash = 0, needhold = 0, needunhold = 0, linear = 0, inthreeway = 0, curconf = {chan = 0, confno = 0, confmode = 0}}, {zfd = 0, owner = 0x0, chan = 0, buffer = {0 }, f = { frametype = 0, subclass = 0, datalen = 0, samples = 0, mallocd = 0, mallocd_hdr_len = 0, offset = 0, src = 0x0, data = 0x0, delivery = {tv_sec = 0, tv_usec = 0}, frame_list = {next = 0x0}, has_timing_info = 0, ts = 0, len = 0, seqno = 0}, needringing = 0, needbusy = 0, needcongestion = 0, needcallerid = 0, needanswer = 0, needflash = 0, needhold = 0, needunhold = 0, linear = 0, inthreeway = 0, curconf = {chan = 0, confno = 0, confmode = 0}}}, saveconf = {chan = 0, confno = 0, confmode = 0}, slaves = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, master = 0x0, inconference = 0, sig = -1, radio = 0, outsigmod = -1, oprmode = 0, oprpeer = 0x0, rxgain = 0, txgain = 0, tonezone = -1, next = 0x0, prev = 0x0, adsi = 0, answeronpolarityswitch = 0, busydetect = 0, callreturn = 1, callwaiting = 1, callwaitingcallerid = 1, cancallforward = 1, canpark = 1, confirmanswer = 0, destroy = 0, didtdd = 0, dialednone = 0, dialing = 0, digital = 0, dnd = 0, echobreak = 0, echocanbridged = 0, echocanon = 0, faxhandled = 0, firstradio = 0, hanguponpolarityswitch = 0, hardwaredtmf = 0, hidecallerid = 0, hidecalleridname = 0, ignoredtmf = 0, immediate = 0, inalarm = 0, mate = 0, outgoing = 0, overlapdial = 0, permcallwaiting = 0, permhidecallerid = 0, priindication_oob = 0, priexclusive = 0, pulse = 0, pulsedial = 0, restrictcid = 0, threewaycalling = 1, transfer = 1, use_callerid = 1, use_callingpres = 1, usedistinctiveringdetection = 0, zaptrcallerid = 0, transfertobusy = 1, alerting = 0, alreadyhungup = 0, isidlecall = 0, proceeding = 0, progress = 0, resetting = 0, setup_ack = 0, use_smdi = 0, smdi_iface = 0x0, drings = {ringnum = {{ring = {0, 0, 0}}, { ring = {0, 0, 0}}, {ring = {0, 0, 0}}}, ringContext = {{contextData = '\0' }, {contextData = '\0' }, { contextData = '\0' }}}, context = "pri\000ult", '\0' , defcontext = '\0' , exten = '\0' , language = "en", '\0' , mohinterpret = "default", '\0' , mohsuggest = "default", '\0' , cid_ani = '\0' , cid_num = '\0' , cid_ton = 0, cid_name = '\0' , lastcid_num = '\0' , lastcid_name = '\0' , origcid_num = 0x0, origcid_name = 0x0, callwait_num = '\0' , callwait_name = '\0' , rdnis = '\0' , dnid = '\0' , group = 2, law = 0, confno = 0, confusers = 0, propconfno = 0, callgroup = 2, pickupgroup = 2, channel = 0, span = 0, guardtime = 0, cid_signalling = 1, cid_start = 1, callingpres = 0, callwaitingrepeat = 0, cidcwexpire = 0, cidspill = 0x0, cidpos = 0, cidlen = 0, ringt = 0, ringt_base = 0, stripmsd = 0, callwaitcas = 0, callwaitrings = 0, echocancel = 128, echotraining = 0, echorest = '\0' , busycount = 3, busy_tonelength = 0, busy_quietlength = 0, callprogress = 6, flashtime = {tv_sec = 0, tv_usec = 0}, dsp = 0x0, cref = 0, dop = {op = 0, dialstr = '\0' }, whichwink = 0, finaldial = '\0' , accountcode = '\0' , amaflags = 0, tdd = 0x0, call_forward = '\0' , mailbox = '\0' , dialdest = '\0' , onhooktime = 0, msgstate = 0, distinctivering = 0, cidrings = 0, dtmfrelax = 2048, fake_event = 0, polarityonanswerdelay = 600, polaritydelaytv = {tv_sec = 0, tv_usec = 0}, sendcalleridafter = 1, pri = 0x0, bearer = 0x0, realcall = 0x0, call = 0x0, prioffset = 0, logicalspan = 0, polarity = 0, dsp_features = 0, begindigit = 0 '\0'}, pri = {master = 0, lock = {__m_reserved = 0, __m_count = 0, __m_owner = 0x0, __m_kind = 0, __m_lock = {__status = 0, __spinlock = 0}}, idleext = '\0' , idlecontext = '\0' , idledial = '\0' , minunused = 2, minidle = 0, nodetype = 2, switchtype = 1, nsf = -1, dialplan = 34, localdialplan = 34, internationalprefix = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000", nationalprefix = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000", localprefix = '\0' , privateprefix = '\0' , unknownprefix = '\0' , dchannels = {0, 0, 0, 0}, trunkgroup = 0, mastertrunkgroup = 0, prilogicalspan = 0, numchans = 0, overlapdial = 0, facilityenable = 0, dchans = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, dchanavail = {0, 0, 0, 0}, pri = 0x0, debug = 0, fds = {0, 0, 0, 0}, offset = 0, span = 0, resetting = 0, resetpos = 0, lastreset = 0, resetinterval = 3600, pvts = {0x0 }, crvs = 0x0, crvend = 0x0}, timing = {channo = 0, spanno = 0, chanpos = 0, sigtype = 0, sigcap = 0, rxisoffhook = 0, rxbits = 0, txbits = 0, txhooksig = 0, rxhooksig = 0, curlaw = 0, idlebits = 0, name = '\0' , prewinktime = -1, preflashtime = -1, winktime = -1, flashtime = -1, starttime = -1, rxwinktime = -1, rxflashtime = -1, debouncetime = -1, pulsebreaktime = 0, pulsemaketime = 0, pulseaftertime = 0}, smdi_port = "/dev/ttyS0", '\0' } res = c = i = 0 x = logicalspan = dchannels = {7303936, 134896239, 135946452, 135446426} __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "setup_zap" #6 0xb7277cec in reload () at chan_zap.c:11445 res = __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "reload" #7 0x080a6123 in ast_module_reload (name=0x81d44af "chan_zap.so") at loader.c:592 info = (const struct ast_module_info *) 0xb7299b00 cur = (struct ast_module *) 0x81a6098 res = 0 i = #8 0x0808753d in handle_reload_deprecated (fd=39, argc=2, argv=0xb6e4de64) at cli.c:171 x = 1 res = #9 0x0808a9bb in ast_cli_command (fd=39, s=0xb6e4dfcc "reload chan_zap.so ") at cli.c:1982 argv = {0x81d44a8 "reload", 0x81d44af "chan_zap.so", 0x0, 0x81d4505 "htype", 0x0 } e = (struct ast_cli_entry *) 0x8147560 x = 2 dup = 0x81d44a8 "reload" tws = 1 #10 0x0808ac26 in ast_cli_command_multiple (fd=39, size=20, s=0xb6e4e1fc "reload chan_zap.so ") at cli.c:2021 cmd = "reload chan_zap.so \000Y \"reload chan_za\" \"chan_za\"", '\0' , "1112", '\0' , "\a\000\000\000?\000\000\000Øáä¶\016fâ·üãä¶\207àä¶\a\000\000\000\207àä¶\000\000Linuxdð\234ò·làä¶i`ó·Þý\004\bü\234ò·ôÿó·\b\005ò\000,ùð·Èàä¶E\031ó·í\024ñ·%W\005\bÌàä¶\000\000\000\000h³\004\b¥\220~\000\\'\005\b\020ii\r\031\000\000\000@\235ò·ìïð·\\\004ñ·"... x = 20 y = -1209521285 count = 0 #11 0x08068fc6 in netconsole (vconsole=0x815fb80) at asterisk.c:941 hostname = "local", '\0' tmp = "reload chan_zap.so \000\000 \"reload chan_za\" \"chan_za\"\000\0000\000logger mute silent", '\0' res = fds = {{fd = 39, events = 1, revents = 1}, {fd = 40, events = 1, revents = 0}} __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "netconsole" #12 0xb7f130bd in start_thread () from /lib/tls/libpthread.so.0 No symbol table info available. #13 0xb7e2dace in clone () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6 No symbol table info available. -- THREAD APPLY ALL BT -- Thread 25 (process 1112): #0 0xb7e23fd9 in poll () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6 #1 0x0806b871 in main (argc=Cannot access memory at address 0x1 ) at asterisk.c:2524 #2 0xb7d76ea8 in __libc_start_main () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6 #3 0x08057831 in ?? () at ../sysdeps/i386/elf/start.S:119 Thread 24 (process 1114): #0 0xb7e23fd9 in poll () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6 #1 0x0806d3ae in listener (unused=0x0) at asterisk.c:980 #2 0xb7f130bd in start_thread () from /lib/tls/libpthread.so.0 #3 0xb7e2dace in clone () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6 Thread 23 (process 1115): #0 0xb7f15c01 in pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 () from /lib/tls/libpthread.so.0 #1 0x0809131a in do_devstate_changes (data=0x0) at /usr/local/src/asterisk-1.4.15/include/asterisk/lock.h:732 #2 0xb7f130bd in start_thread () from /lib/tls/libpthread.so.0 #3 0xb7e2dace in clone () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6 Thread 22 (process 1116): #0 0xb7e26787 in select () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6 #1 0xb7b3cc24 in do_parking_thread (ignore=0x0) at /usr/local/src/asterisk-1.4.15/include/asterisk/channel.h:1295 #2 0xb7f130bd in start_thread () from /lib/tls/libpthread.so.0 #3 0xb7e2dace in clone () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6 Thread 21 (process 1117): #0 0xb7f15c01 in pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 () from /lib/tls/libpthread.so.0 #1 0xb78217da in sla_thread (data=0x0) at /usr/local/src/asterisk-1.4.15/include/asterisk/lock.h:732 #2 0xb7f130bd in start_thread () from /lib/tls/libpthread.so.0 #3 0xb7e2dace in clone () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6 Thread 20 (process 1118): #0 0xb7f15c01 in pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 () from /lib/tls/libpthread.so.0 #1 0xb77b16a8 in device_state_thread (data=0x0) at /usr/local/src/asterisk-1.4.15/include/asterisk/lock.h:732 #2 0xb7f130bd in start_thread () from /lib/tls/libpthread.so.0 #3 0xb7e2dace in clone () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6 Thread 19 (process 1119): #0 0xb7f15c01 in pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 () from /lib/tls/libpthread.so.0 #1 0xb75c4fef in iax2_process_thread (data=0x81993f0) at /usr/local/src/asterisk-1.4.15/include/asterisk/lock.h:732 #2 0xb7f130bd in start_thread () from /lib/tls/libpthread.so.0 #3 0xb7e2dace in clone () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6 Thread 18 (process 1120): #0 0xb7f15c01 in pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 () from /lib/tls/libpthread.so.0 #1 0xb75c4fef in iax2_process_thread (data=0x819a4f8) at /usr/local/src/asterisk-1.4.15/include/asterisk/lock.h:732 #2 0xb7f130bd in start_thread () from /lib/tls/libpthread.so.0 #3 0xb7e2dace in clone () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6 Thread 17 (process 1121): #0 0xb7f15c01 in pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 () from /lib/tls/libpthread.so.0 #1 0xb75c4fef in iax2_process_thread (data=0x819b600) at /usr/local/src/asterisk-1.4.15/include/asterisk/lock.h:732 #2 0xb7f130bd in start_thread () from /lib/tls/libpthread.so.0 #3 0xb7e2dace in clone () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6 Thread 16 (process 1122): #0 0xb7f15c01 in pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 () from /lib/tls/libpthread.so.0 #1 0xb75c4fef in iax2_process_thread (data=0x819c708) at /usr/local/src/asterisk-1.4.15/include/asterisk/lock.h:732 #2 0xb7f130bd in start_thread () from /lib/tls/libpthread.so.0 #3 0xb7e2dace in clone () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6 Thread 15 (process 1123): #0 0xb7f15c01 in pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 () from /lib/tls/libpthread.so.0 #1 0xb75c4fef in iax2_process_thread (data=0x819d810) at /usr/local/src/asterisk-1.4.15/include/asterisk/lock.h:732 #2 0xb7f130bd in start_thread () from /lib/tls/libpthread.so.0 #3 0xb7e2dace in clone () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6 Thread 14 (process 1124): #0 0xb7f15c01 in pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 () from /lib/tls/libpthread.so.0 #1 0xb75c4fef in iax2_process_thread (data=0x819e918) at /usr/local/src/asterisk-1.4.15/include/asterisk/lock.h:732 #2 0xb7f130bd in start_thread () from /lib/tls/libpthread.so.0 #3 0xb7e2dace in clone () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6 Thread 13 (process 1125): #0 0xb7f15c01 in pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 () from /lib/tls/libpthread.so.0 #1 0xb75c4fef in iax2_process_thread (data=0x819fa20) at /usr/local/src/asterisk-1.4.15/include/asterisk/lock.h:732 #2 0xb7f130bd in start_thread () from /lib/tls/libpthread.so.0 #3 0xb7e2dace in clone () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6 Thread 12 (process 1126): #0 0xb7f15c01 in pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 () from /lib/tls/libpthread.so.0 #1 0xb75c4fef in iax2_process_thread (data=0x81a0b28) at /usr/local/src/asterisk-1.4.15/include/asterisk/lock.h:732 #2 0xb7f130bd in start_thread () from /lib/tls/libpthread.so.0 #3 0xb7e2dace in clone () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6 Thread 11 (process 1127): #0 0xb7f15c01 in pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 () from /lib/tls/libpthread.so.0 #1 0xb75c4fef in iax2_process_thread (data=0x81a1c30) at /usr/local/src/asterisk-1.4.15/include/asterisk/lock.h:732 #2 0xb7f130bd in start_thread () from /lib/tls/libpthread.so.0 #3 0xb7e2dace in clone () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6 Thread 10 (process 1128): #0 0xb7f15c01 in pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 () from /lib/tls/libpthread.so.0 #1 0xb75c4fef in iax2_process_thread (data=0x81a2d38) at /usr/local/src/asterisk-1.4.15/include/asterisk/lock.h:732 #2 0xb7f130bd in start_thread () from /lib/tls/libpthread.so.0 #3 0xb7e2dace in clone () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6 Thread 9 (process 1129): #0 0xb7f15e62 in pthread_cond_timedwait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 () from /lib/tls/libpthread.so.0 #1 0xb75a7499 in sched_thread (ignore=0x0) at /usr/local/src/asterisk-1.4.15/include/asterisk/lock.h:737 #2 0xb7f130bd in start_thread () from /lib/tls/libpthread.so.0 #3 0xb7e2dace in clone () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6 Thread 8 (process 1130): #0 0xb7e23fd9 in poll () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6 #1 0x080a4994 in ast_io_wait (ioc=0x8197208, howlong=-1) at io.c:266 #2 0xb75b1a35 in network_thread (ignore=0x0) at chan_iax2.c:8790 #3 0xb7f130bd in start_thread () from /lib/tls/libpthread.so.0 #4 0xb7e2dace in clone () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6 Thread 7 (process 1131): #0 0xb7e23fd9 in poll () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6 #1 0x080a4994 in ast_io_wait (ioc=0x81a4478, howlong=1000) at io.c:266 #2 0xb73049da in do_monitor (data=0x0) at chan_sip.c:15487 #3 0xb7f130bd in start_thread () from /lib/tls/libpthread.so.0 #4 0xb7e2dace in clone () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6 Thread 6 (process 1132): #0 0xb7e23fd9 in poll () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6 #1 0xb727d55f in pri_dchannel (vpri=0xb729a860) at chan_zap.c:8452 #2 0xb7f130bd in start_thread () from /lib/tls/libpthread.so.0 #3 0xb7e2dace in clone () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6 Thread 5 (process 1133): #0 0xb7e23fd9 in poll () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6 #1 0xb7279a3e in do_monitor (data=0x0) at chan_zap.c:6829 #2 0xb7f130bd in start_thread () from /lib/tls/libpthread.so.0 #3 0xb7e2dace in clone () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6 Thread 4 (process 1134): #0 0xb7e23fd9 in poll () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6 #1 0x080a4994 in ast_io_wait (ioc=0x8176ae8, howlong=1000) at io.c:266 #2 0xb6e8710b in network_thread (ignore=0x0) at pbx_dundi.c:2145 #3 0xb7f130bd in start_thread () from /lib/tls/libpthread.so.0 #4 0xb7e2dace in clone () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6 Thread 3 (process 1135): #0 0xb7df013c in nanosleep () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6 #1 0xb7deff6e in sleep () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6 #2 0xb6e906bd in process_precache (ign=0x0) at pbx_dundi.c:2188 #3 0xb7f130bd in start_thread () from /lib/tls/libpthread.so.0 #4 0xb7e2dace in clone () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6 Thread 2 (process 1136): #0 0xb7df013c in nanosleep () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6 #1 0xb7deff6e in sleep () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6 #2 0xb6e62d5f in scan_thread (unused=0x0) at pbx_spool.c:437 #3 0xb7f130bd in start_thread () from /lib/tls/libpthread.so.0 #4 0xb7e2dace in clone () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6 Thread 1 (process 1139): #0 ast_log (level=0, file=0xb728f945 "chan_zap.c", line=1573, function=0xb7297037 "set_actual_rxgain", fmt=0xb728f985 "Failed to read gains: %s\n") at logger.c:689 #1 0xb726185f in set_actual_rxgain (fd=11, chan=, gain=0, law=1) at chan_zap.c:1573 #2 0xb7270a51 in mkintf (channel=1, conf= {chan = {lock = {__m_reserved = 0, __m_count = 0, __m_owner = 0x0, __m_kind = 0, __m_lock = {__status = 0, __spinlock = 0}}, owner = 0x0, sub_unused = {zfd = 0, owner = 0x0, chan = 0, buffer = {0 }, f = {frametype = 0, subclass = 0, datalen = 0, samples = 0, mallocd = 0, mallocd_hdr_len = 0, offset = 0, src = 0x0, data = 0x0, delivery = {tv_sec = 0, tv_usec = 0}, frame_list = {next = 0x0}, has_timing_info = 0, ts = 0, len = 0, seqno = 0}, needringing = 0, needbusy = 0, needcongestion = 0, needcallerid = 0, needanswer = 0, needflash = 0, needhold = 0, needunhold = 0, linear = 0, inthreeway = 0, curconf = {chan = 0, confno = 0, confmode = 0}}, subs = {{zfd = 0, owner = 0x0, chan = 0, buffer = {0 }, f = {frametype = 0, subclass = 0, datalen = 0, samples = 0, mallocd = 0, mallocd_hdr_len = 0, offset = 0, src = 0x0, data = 0x0, delivery = {tv_sec = 0, tv_usec = 0}, frame_list = {next = 0x0}, has_timing_info = 0, ts = 0, len = 0, seqno = 0}, needringing = 0, needbusy = 0, needcongestion = 0, needcallerid = 0, needanswer = 0, needflash = 0, needhold = 0, needunhold = 0, linear = 0, inthreeway = 0, curconf = {chan = 0, confno = 0, confmode = 0}}, {zfd = 0, owner = 0x0, chan = 0, buffer = {0 }, f = {frametype = 0, subclass = 0, datalen = 0, samples = 0, mallocd = 0, mallocd_hdr_len = 0, offset = 0, src = 0x0, data = 0x0, delivery = {tv_sec = 0, tv_usec = 0}, frame_list = {next = 0x0}, has_timing_info = 0, ts = 0, len = 0, seqno = 0}, needringing = 0, needbusy = 0, needcongestion = 0, needcallerid = 0, needanswer = 0, needflash = 0, needhold = 0, needunhold = 0, linear = 0, inthreeway = 0, curconf = {chan = 0, confno = 0, confmode = 0}}, {zfd = 0, owner = 0x0, chan = 0, buffer = {0 }, f = {frametype = 0, subclass = 0, datalen = 0, samples = 0, mallocd = 0, mallocd_hdr_len = 0, offset = 0, src = 0x0, data = 0x0, delivery = {tv_sec = 0, tv_usec = 0}, frame_list = {next = 0x0}, has_timing_info = 0, ts = 0, len = 0, seqno = 0}, needringing = 0, needbusy = 0, needcongestion = 0, needcallerid = 0, needanswer = 0, needflash = 0, needhold = 0, needunhold = 0, linear = 0, inthreeway = 0, curconf = {chan = 0, confno = 0, confmode = 0}}}, saveconf = {chan = 0, confno = 0, confmode = 0}, slaves = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, master = 0x0, inconference = 0, sig = 128, radio = 0, outsigmod = -1, oprmode = 0, oprpeer = 0x0, rxgain = 0, txgain = 0, tonezone = -1, next = 0x0, prev = 0x0, adsi = 0, answeronpolarityswitch = 0, busydetect = 0, callreturn = 1, callwaiting = 1, callwaitingcallerid = 1, cancallforward = 1, canpark = 1, confirmanswer = 0, destroy = 0, didtdd = 0, dialednone = 0, dialing = 0, digital = 0, dnd = 0, echobreak = 0, echocanbridged = 0, echocanon = 0, faxhandled = 0, firstradio = 0, hanguponpolarityswitch = 0, hardwaredtmf = 0, hidecallerid = 0, hidecalleridname = 0, ignoredtmf = 0, immediate = 0, inalarm = 0, mate = 0, outgoing = 0, overlapdial = 0, permcallwaiting = 0, permhidecallerid = 0, priindication_oob = 0, priexclusive = 0, pulse = 0, pulsedial = 0, restrictcid = 0, threewaycalling = 1, transfer = 1, use_callerid = 1, use_callingpres = 1, usedistinctiveringdetection = 0, zaptrcallerid = 0, transfertobusy = 1, alerting = 0, alreadyhungup = 0, isidlecall = 0, proceeding = 0, progress = 0, resetting = 0, setup_ack = 0, use_smdi = 0, smdi_iface = 0x0, drings = {ringnum = {{ring = {0, 0, 0}}, {ring = {0, 0, 0}}, {ring = {0, 0, 0}}}, ringContext = {{contextData = '\0' }, {contextData = '\0' }, {contextData = '\0' }}}, context = "pri\000ult", '\0' , defcontext = '\0' , exten = '\0' , language = "en", '\0' , mohinterpret = "default", '\0' , mohsuggest = "default", '\0' , cid_ani = '\0' , cid_num = '\0' , cid_ton = 0, cid_name = '\0' , lastcid_num = '\0' , lastcid_name = '\0' , origcid_num = 0x0, origcid_name = 0x0, callwait_num = '\0' , callwait_name = '\0' , rdnis = '\0' , dnid = '\0' , group = 2, law = 0, confno = 0, confusers = 0, propconfno = 0, callgroup = 2, pickupgroup = 2, channel = 0, span = 0, guardtime = 0, cid_signalling = 1, cid_start = 1, callingpres = 0, callwaitingrepeat = 0, cidcwexpire = 0, cidspill = 0x0, cidpos = 0, cidlen = 0, ringt = 0, ringt_base = 0, stripmsd = 0, callwaitcas = 0, callwaitrings = 0, echocancel = 128, echotraining = 0, echorest = '\0' , busycount = 3, busy_tonelength = 0, busy_quietlength = 0, callprogress = 6, flashtime = {tv_sec = 0, tv_usec = 0}, dsp = 0x0, cref = 0, dop = {op = 0, dialstr = '\0' }, whichwink = 0, finaldial = '\0' , accountcode = '\0' , amaflags = 0, tdd = 0x0, call_forward = '\0' , mailbox = '\0' , dialdest = '\0' , onhooktime = 0, msgstate = 0, distinctivering = 0, cidrings = 0, dtmfrelax = 2048, fake_event = 0, polarityonanswerdelay = 600, polaritydelaytv = {tv_sec = 0, tv_usec = 0}, sendcalleridafter = 1, pri = 0x0, bearer = 0x0, realcall = 0x0, call = 0x0, prioffset = 0, logicalspan = 0, polarity = 0, dsp_features = 0, begindigit = 0 '\0'}, pri = {master = 0, lock = {__m_reserved = 0, __m_count = 0, __m_owner = 0x0, __m_kind = 0, __m_lock = {__status = 0, __spinlock = 0}}, idleext = '\0' , idlecontext = '\0' , idledial = '\0' , minunused = 2, minidle = 0, nodetype = 2, switchtype = 1, nsf = -1, dialplan = 34, localdialplan = 34, internationalprefix = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000", nationalprefix = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000", localprefix = '\0' , privateprefix = '\0' , unknownprefix = '\0' , dchannels = {0, 0, 0, 0}, trunkgroup = 0, mastertrunkgroup = 0, prilogicalspan = 0, numchans = 0, overlapdial = 0, facilityenable = 0, dchans = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, dchanavail = {0, 0, 0, 0}, pri = 0x0, debug = 0, fds = {0, 0, 0, 0}, offset = 0, span = 0, resetting = 0, resetpos = 0, lastreset = 0, resetinterval = 3600, pvts = {0x0 }, crvs = 0x0, crvend = 0x0}, timing = {channo = 0, spanno = 0, chanpos = 0, sigtype = 0, sigcap = 0, rxisoffhook = 0, rxbits = 0, txbits = 0, txhooksig = 0, rxhooksig = 0, curlaw = 0, idlebits = 0, name = '\0' , prewinktime = -1, preflashtime = -1, winktime = -1, flashtime = -1, starttime = -1, rxwinktime = -1, rxflashtime = -1, debouncetime = -1, pulsebreaktime = 0, pulsemaketime = 0, pulseaftertime = 0}, smdi_port = "/dev/ttyS0", '\0' }, pri=0x0, reloading=1) at chan_zap.c:1584 #3 0xb727221c in build_channels (conf= {chan = {lock = {__m_reserved = 0, __m_count = 0, __m_owner = 0x0, __m_kind = 0, __m_lock = {__status = 0, __spinlock = 0}}, owner = 0x0, sub_unused = {zfd = 0, owner = 0x0, chan = 0, buffer = {0 }, f = {frametype = 0, subclass = 0, datalen = 0, samples = 0, mallocd = 0, mallocd_hdr_len = 0, offset = 0, src = 0x0, data = 0x0, delivery = {tv_sec = 0, tv_usec = 0}, frame_list = {next = 0x0}, has_timing_info = 0, ts = 0, len = 0, seqno = 0}, needringing = 0, needbusy = 0, needcongestion = 0, needcallerid = 0, needanswer = 0, needflash = 0, needhold = 0, needunhold = 0, linear = 0, inthreeway = 0, curconf = {chan = 0, confno = 0, confmode = 0}}, subs = {{zfd = 0, owner = 0x0, chan = 0, buffer = {0 }, f = {frametype = 0, subclass = 0, datalen = 0, samples = 0, mallocd = 0, mallocd_hdr_len = 0, offset = 0, src = 0x0, data = 0x0, delivery = {tv_sec = 0, tv_usec = 0}, frame_list = {next = 0x0}, has_timing_info = 0, ts = 0, len = 0, seqno = 0}, needringing = 0, needbusy = 0, needcongestion = 0, needcallerid = 0, needanswer = 0, needflash = 0, needhold = 0, needunhold = 0, linear = 0, inthreeway = 0, curconf = {chan = 0, confno = 0, confmode = 0}}, {zfd = 0, owner = 0x0, chan = 0, buffer = {0 }, f = {frametype = 0, subclass = 0, datalen = 0, samples = 0, mallocd = 0, mallocd_hdr_len = 0, offset = 0, src = 0x0, data = 0x0, delivery = {tv_sec = 0, tv_usec = 0}, frame_list = {next = 0x0}, has_timing_info = 0, ts = 0, len = 0, seqno = 0}, needringing = 0, needbusy = 0, needcongestion = 0, needcallerid = 0, needanswer = 0, needflash = 0, needhold = 0, needunhold = 0, linear = 0, inthreeway = 0, curconf = {chan = 0, confno = 0, confmode = 0}}, {zfd = 0, owner = 0x0, chan = 0, buffer = {0 }, f = {frametype = 0, subclass = 0, datalen = 0, samples = 0, mallocd = 0, mallocd_hdr_len = 0, offset = 0, src = 0x0, data = 0x0, delivery = {tv_sec = 0, tv_usec = 0}, frame_list = {next = 0x0}, has_timing_info = 0, ts = 0, len = 0, seqno = 0}, needringing = 0, needbusy = 0, needcongestion = 0, needcallerid = 0, needanswer = 0, needflash = 0, needhold = 0, needunhold = 0, linear = 0, inthreeway = 0, curconf = {chan = 0, confno = 0, confmode = 0}}}, saveconf = {chan = 0, confno = 0, confmode = 0}, slaves = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, master = 0x0, inconference = 0, sig = -1, radio = 0, outsigmod = -1, oprmode = 0, oprpeer = 0x0, rxgain = 0, txgain = 0, tonezone = -1, next = 0x0, prev = 0x0, adsi = 0, answeronpolarityswitch = 0, busydetect = 0, callreturn = 1, callwaiting = 1, callwaitingcallerid = 1, cancallforward = 1, canpark = 1, confirmanswer = 0, destroy = 0, didtdd = 0, dialednone = 0, dialing = 0, digital = 0, dnd = 0, echobreak = 0, echocanbridged = 0, echocanon = 0, faxhandled = 0, firstradio = 0, hanguponpolarityswitch = 0, hardwaredtmf = 0, hidecallerid = 0, hidecalleridname = 0, ignoredtmf = 0, immediate = 0, inalarm = 0, mate = 0, outgoing = 0, overlapdial = 0, permcallwaiting = 0, permhidecallerid = 0, priindication_oob = 0, priexclusive = 0, pulse = 0, pulsedial = 0, restrictcid = 0, threewaycalling = 1, transfer = 1, use_callerid = 1, use_callingpres = 1, usedistinctiveringdetection = 0, zaptrcallerid = 0, transfertobusy = 1, alerting = 0, alreadyhungup = 0, isidlecall = 0, proceeding = 0, progress = 0, resetting = 0, setup_ack = 0, use_smdi = 0, smdi_iface = 0x0, drings = {ringnum = {{ring = {0, 0, 0}}, {ring = {0, 0, 0}}, {ring = {0, 0, 0}}}, ringContext = {{contextData = '\0' }, {contextData = '\0' }, {contextData = '\0' }}}, context = "pri\000ult", '\0' , defcontext = '\0' , exten = '\0' , language = "en", '\0' , mohinterpret = "default", '\0' , mohsuggest = "default", '\0' , cid_ani = '\0' , cid_num = '\0' , cid_ton = 0, cid_name = '\0' , lastcid_num = '\0' , lastcid_name = '\0' , origcid_num = 0x0, origcid_name = 0x0, callwait_num = '\0' , callwait_name = '\0' , rdnis = '\0' , dnid = '\0' , group = 2, law = 0, confno = 0, confusers = 0, propconfno = 0, callgroup = 2, pickupgroup = 2, channel = 0, span = 0, guardtime = 0, cid_signalling = 1, cid_start = 1, callingpres = 0, callwaitingrepeat = 0, cidcwexpire = 0, cidspill = 0x0, cidpos = 0, cidlen = 0, ringt = 0, ringt_base = 0, stripmsd = 0, callwaitcas = 0, callwaitrings = 0, echocancel = 128, echotraining = 0, echorest = '\0' , busycount = 3, busy_tonelength = 0, busy_quietlength = 0, callprogress = 6, flashtime = {tv_sec = 0, tv_usec = 0}, dsp = 0x0, cref = 0, dop = {op = 0, dialstr = '\0' }, whichwink = 0, finaldial = '\0' , accountcode = '\0' , amaflags = 0, tdd = 0x0, call_forward = '\0' , mailbox = '\0' , dialdest = '\0' , onhooktime = 0, msgstate = 0, distinctivering = 0, cidrings = 0, dtmfrelax = 2048, fake_event = 0, polarityonanswerdelay = 600, polaritydelaytv = {tv_sec = 0, tv_usec = 0}, sendcalleridafter = 1, pri = 0x0, bearer = 0x0, realcall = 0x0, call = 0x0, prioffset = 0, logicalspan = 0, polarity = 0, dsp_features = 0, begindigit = 0 '\0'}, pri = {master = 0, lock = {__m_reserved = 0, __m_count = 0, __m_owner = 0x0, __m_kind = 0, __m_lock = {__status = 0, __spinlock = 0}}, idleext = '\0' , idlecontext = '\0' , idledial = '\0' , minunused = 2, minidle = 0, nodetype = 2, switchtype = 1, nsf = -1, dialplan = 34, localdialplan = 34, internationalprefix = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000", nationalprefix = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000", localprefix = '\0' , privateprefix = '\0' , unknownprefix = '\0' , dchannels = {0, 0, 0, 0}, trunkgroup = 0, mastertrunkgroup = 0, prilogicalspan = 0, numchans = 0, overlapdial = 0, facilityenable = 0, dchans = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, dchanavail = {0, 0, 0, 0}, pri = 0x0, debug = 0, fds = {0, 0, 0, 0}, offset = 0, span = 0, resetting = 0, resetpos = 0, lastreset = 0, resetinterval = 3600, pvts = {0x0 }, crvs = 0x0, crvend = 0x0}, timing = {channo = 0, spanno = 0, chanpos = 0, sigtype = 0, sigcap = 0, rxisoffhook = 0, rxbits = 0, txbits = 0, txhooksig = 0, rxhooksig = 0, curlaw = 0, idlebits = 0, name = '\0' , prewinktime = -1, preflashtime = -1, winktime = -1, flashtime = -1, starttime = -1, rxwinktime = -1, rxflashtime = -1, debouncetime = -1, pulsebreaktime = 0, pulsemaketime = 0, pulseaftertime = 0}, smdi_port = "/dev/ttyS0", '\0' }, iscrv=0, value=0x81d4f90 "1-23", reload=1, lineno=111, found_pseudo=0xb6e49d04) at chan_zap.c:10465 #4 0xb7272bb6 in process_zap (confp=0xb6e4bd2c, v=0x81d4f68, reload=1, skipchannels=0) at chan_zap.c:10514 #5 0xb7276984 in setup_zap (reload=1) at chan_zap.c:11251 #6 0xb7277cec in reload () at chan_zap.c:11445 #7 0x080a6123 in ast_module_reload (name=0x81d44af "chan_zap.so") at loader.c:592 #8 0x0808753d in handle_reload_deprecated (fd=39, argc=2, argv=0xb6e4de64) at cli.c:171 #9 0x0808a9bb in ast_cli_command (fd=39, s=0xb6e4dfcc "reload chan_zap.so ") at cli.c:1982 #10 0x0808ac26 in ast_cli_command_multiple (fd=39, size=20, s=0xb6e4e1fc "reload chan_zap.so ") at cli.c:2021 #11 0x08068fc6 in netconsole (vconsole=0x815fb80) at asterisk.c:941 #12 0xb7f130bd in start_thread () from /lib/tls/libpthread.so.0 #13 0xb7e2dace in clone () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6