localhost*CLI> <--- SIP read from ---> INVITE sip:601@ SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-d87543-b9255d78f46b382c-1--d87543-;rport Max-Forwards: 70 Contact: To: "601" From: "1000";tag=b82f1225 Call-ID: NDAyZDhmOTE1MjY2NGVhYjM2M2Y2YjBiZmJlZmQzNjk. CSeq: 1 INVITE Session-Expires: 1800 Min-SE: 90 Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, OPTIONS, BYE, REFER, NOTIFY, MESSAGE, SUBSCRIBE, INFO Content-Type: application/sdp Supported: timer User-Agent: X-Lite release 1011s stamp 41150 Content-Length: 424 v=0 o=- 6 2 IN IP4 s=CounterPath X-Lite 3.0 c=IN IP4 t=0 0 m=audio 5063 RTP/AVP 107 119 100 106 0 105 98 8 101 a=alt:1 1 : vN42eorf 5ZCI5gd6 5063 a=fmtp:101 0-15 a=rtpmap:107 BV32/16000 a=rtpmap:119 BV32-FEC/16000 a=rtpmap:100 SPEEX/16000 a=rtpmap:106 SPEEX-FEC/16000 a=rtpmap:105 SPEEX-FEC/8000 a=rtpmap:98 iLBC/8000 a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000 a=sendrecv <-------------> --- (15 headers 16 lines) --- Sending to : 5061 (NAT) Using INVITE request as basis request - NDAyZDhmOTE1MjY2NGVhYjM2M2Y2YjBiZmJlZmQzNjk. Found peer '1000' <--- Reliably Transmitting (NAT) to ---> SIP/2.0 407 Proxy Authentication Required Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-d87543-b9255d78f46b382c-1--d87543-;received=;rport=5061 From: "1000";tag=b82f1225 To: "601";tag=as21f0bcb9 Call-ID: NDAyZDhmOTE1MjY2NGVhYjM2M2Y2YjBiZmJlZmQzNjk. CSeq: 1 INVITE User-Agent: Asterisk PBX Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, OPTIONS, BYE, REFER, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY Supported: replaces Proxy-Authenticate: Digest algorithm=MD5, realm="asterisk", nonce="00383a2c" Content-Length: 0 <------------> Scheduling destruction of SIP dialog 'NDAyZDhmOTE1MjY2NGVhYjM2M2Y2YjBiZmJlZmQzNjk.' in 32000 ms (Method: INVITE) localhost*CLI> <--- SIP read from ---> ACK sip:601@ SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-d87543-b9255d78f46b382c-1--d87543-;rport To: "601";tag=as21f0bcb9 From: "1000";tag=b82f1225 Call-ID: NDAyZDhmOTE1MjY2NGVhYjM2M2Y2YjBiZmJlZmQzNjk. CSeq: 1 ACK Content-Length: 0 <-------------> --- (7 headers 0 lines) --- <--- SIP read from ---> INVITE sip:601@ SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-d87543-8c753550e652e730-1--d87543-;rport Max-Forwards: 70 Contact: To: "601" From: "1000";tag=b82f1225 Call-ID: NDAyZDhmOTE1MjY2NGVhYjM2M2Y2YjBiZmJlZmQzNjk. CSeq: 2 INVITE Session-Expires: 1800 Min-SE: 90 Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, OPTIONS, BYE, REFER, NOTIFY, MESSAGE, SUBSCRIBE, INFO Content-Type: application/sdp Proxy-Authorization: Digest username="1000",realm="asterisk",nonce="00383a2c",uri="sip:601@",response="a84db222378741fce98491187f59b50d",algorithm=MD5 Supported: timer User-Agent: X-Lite release 1011s stamp 41150 Content-Length: 424 v=0 o=- 6 2 IN IP4 s=CounterPath X-Lite 3.0 c=IN IP4 t=0 0 m=audio 5063 RTP/AVP 107 119 100 106 0 105 98 8 101 a=alt:1 1 : vN42eorf 5ZCI5gd6 5063 a=fmtp:101 0-15 a=rtpmap:107 BV32/16000 a=rtpmap:119 BV32-FEC/16000 a=rtpmap:100 SPEEX/16000 a=rtpmap:106 SPEEX-FEC/16000 a=rtpmap:105 SPEEX-FEC/8000 a=rtpmap:98 iLBC/8000 a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000 a=sendrecv <-------------> --- (16 headers 16 lines) --- Sending to : 5061 (NAT) Using INVITE request as basis request - NDAyZDhmOTE1MjY2NGVhYjM2M2Y2YjBiZmJlZmQzNjk. Found peer '1000' Found RTP audio format 107 Found RTP audio format 119 Found RTP audio format 100 Found RTP audio format 106 Found RTP audio format 0 Found RTP audio format 105 Found RTP audio format 98 Found RTP audio format 8 Found RTP audio format 101 Peer audio RTP is at port Got unsupported a:fmtp in SDP offer Found description format BV32 for ID 107 Found description format BV32-FEC for ID 119 Found description format SPEEX for ID 100 Found description format SPEEX-FEC for ID 106 Found description format SPEEX-FEC for ID 105 Found description format iLBC for ID 98 Found description format telephone-event for ID 101 Capabilities: us - 0xe (gsm|ulaw|alaw), peer - audio=0x60c (ulaw|alaw|speex|ilbc)/video=0x0 (nothing), combined - 0xc (ulaw|alaw) Non-codec capabilities (dtmf): us - 0x1 (telephone-event), peer - 0x1 (telephone-event), combined - 0x1 (telephone-event) Peer audio RTP is at port Looking for 601 in default (domain list_route: hop: <--- Transmitting (NAT) to ---> SIP/2.0 100 Trying Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-d87543-8c753550e652e730-1--d87543-;received=;rport=5061 From: "1000";tag=b82f1225 To: "601" Call-ID: NDAyZDhmOTE1MjY2NGVhYjM2M2Y2YjBiZmJlZmQzNjk. CSeq: 2 INVITE User-Agent: Asterisk PBX Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, OPTIONS, BYE, REFER, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY Supported: replaces Contact: Content-Length: 0 <------------> -- Executing [601@default:1] Wait("SIP/1000-08972360", "1") in new stack -- Executing [601@default:2] MusicOnHold("SIP/1000-08972360", "") in new stack Audio is at port 18672 Adding codec 0x4 (ulaw) to SDP Adding codec 0x8 (alaw) to SDP Adding non-codec 0x1 (telephone-event) to SDP <--- Transmitting (NAT) to ---> SIP/2.0 183 Session Progress Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-d87543-8c753550e652e730-1--d87543-;received=;rport=5061 From: "1000";tag=b82f1225 To: "601";tag=as56727146 Call-ID: NDAyZDhmOTE1MjY2NGVhYjM2M2Y2YjBiZmJlZmQzNjk. CSeq: 2 INVITE User-Agent: Asterisk PBX Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, OPTIONS, BYE, REFER, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY Supported: replaces Contact: Content-Type: application/sdp Content-Length: 268 v=0 o=root 31180 31180 IN IP4 s=session c=IN IP4 t=0 0 m=audio 18672 RTP/AVP 0 8 101 a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000 a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000 a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000 a=fmtp:101 0-16 a=silenceSupp:off - - - - a=ptime:20 a=sendrecv <------------> -- Started music on hold, class 'default', on SIP/1000-08972360 localhost*CLI> localhost*CLI> localhost*CLI> localhost*CLI> <--- SIP read from ---> CANCEL sip:601@ SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-d87543-8c753550e652e730-1--d87543-;rport To: "601" From: "1000";tag=b82f1225 Call-ID: NDAyZDhmOTE1MjY2NGVhYjM2M2Y2YjBiZmJlZmQzNjk. CSeq: 2 CANCEL Proxy-Authorization: Digest username="1000",realm="asterisk",nonce="00383a2c",uri="sip:601@",response="0ebc2652b57cfb45ebdf60fe0d627787",algorithm=MD5 User-Agent: X-Lite release 1011s stamp 41150 Content-Length: 0 <-------------> --- (9 headers 0 lines) --- Sending to : 5061 (NAT) <--- Reliably Transmitting (NAT) to ---> SIP/2.0 487 Request Terminated Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-d87543-8c753550e652e730-1--d87543-;received=;rport=5061 From: "1000";tag=b82f1225 To: "601";tag=as56727146 Call-ID: NDAyZDhmOTE1MjY2NGVhYjM2M2Y2YjBiZmJlZmQzNjk. CSeq: 2 INVITE User-Agent: Asterisk PBX Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, OPTIONS, BYE, REFER, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY Supported: replaces Content-Length: 0 <------------> <--- Transmitting (NAT) to ---> SIP/2.0 200 OK Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-d87543-8c753550e652e730-1--d87543-;received=;rport=5061 From: "1000";tag=b82f1225 To: "601";tag=as56727146 Call-ID: NDAyZDhmOTE1MjY2NGVhYjM2M2Y2YjBiZmJlZmQzNjk. CSeq: 2 CANCEL User-Agent: Asterisk PBX Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, OPTIONS, BYE, REFER, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY Supported: replaces Contact: Content-Length: 0 <------------> -- Stopped music on hold on SIP/1000-08972360 == Spawn extension (default, 601, 2) exited non-zero on 'SIP/1000-08972360' localhost*CLI> <--- SIP read from ---> ACK sip:601@ SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-d87543-8c753550e652e730-1--d87543-;rport To: "601";tag=as56727146 From: "1000";tag=b82f1225 Call-ID: NDAyZDhmOTE1MjY2NGVhYjM2M2Y2YjBiZmJlZmQzNjk. CSeq: 2 ACK Content-Length: 0 <-------------> --- (7 headers 0 lines) --- Really destroying SIP dialog 'NDAyZDhmOTE1MjY2NGVhYjM2M2Y2YjBiZmJlZmQzNjk.' Method: ACK localhost*CLI>