P[ 1] MGMT: SSTATUS: L2_RELEASED P[ 1] handle_frm: frm->addr:42000103 frm->prim:3f082 P[ 1] handle_frm: frm->addr:42000103 frm->prim:30582 P[ 1] set_channel: bc->channel:0 channel:1 P[ 1] I IND :NEW_CHANNEL oad:692690842 dad:935748256 pid:8 state:none P[ 1] --> channel:1 mode:TE cause:16 ocause:16 rad: cad: P[ 1] --> info_dad: onumplan:2 dnumplan:2 rnumplan: cpnnumplan:0 P[ 1] --> caps:Speech pi:0 keypad: sending_complete:1 P[ 1] --> screen:0 --> pres:0 P[ 1] --> addr:0 l3id:20007 b_stid:0 layer_id:50010180 P[ 1] --> facility:Fac_None out_facility:Fac_None P[ 1] --> bc_state:BCHAN_CLEANED P[ 1] Chan not existing at the moment bc->l3id:20007 bc:0x87a8848 event:NEW_CHANNEL port:1 channel:1 P[ 1] NO USERUESRINFO P[ 1] --> found chan (preselected): 1 P[ 1] set_chan_in_stack: 1 P[ 1] I IND :SETUP oad:692690842 dad:935748256 pid:8 state:none P[ 1] --> channel:1 mode:TE cause:16 ocause:16 rad: cad: P[ 1] --> info_dad: onumplan:2 dnumplan:2 rnumplan: cpnnumplan:0 P[ 1] --> caps:Speech pi:0 keypad: sending_complete:1 P[ 1] --> screen:0 --> pres:0 P[ 1] --> addr:0 l3id:20007 b_stid:0 layer_id:50010180 P[ 1] --> facility:Fac_None out_facility:Fac_None P[ 1] --> bc_state:BCHAN_CLEANED P[ 1] --> Bearer: Speech P[ 1] --> Codec: Alaw P[ 1] --> Bearer: Speech P[ 1] --> Codec: Alaw P[ 0] --> * NEW CHANNEL dad:935748256 oad:692690842 P[ 1] read_config: Getting Config P[ 1] --> CTON: Unknown P[ 1] --> EXPORT_PID: pid:8 P[ 1] --> PRES: Restricted (0) P[ 1] --> SCREEN: Unscreened (0) P[ 1] * Queuing chan 0x87e3160 P[ 1] I SEND:PROCEEDING oad:692690842 dad:935748256 pid:8 P[ 1] --> bc_state:BCHAN_CLEANED P[ 1] --> channel:1 mode:TE cause:16 ocause:16 rad: cad: P[ 1] --> info_dad: onumplan:2 dnumplan:2 rnumplan: cpnnumplan:0 P[ 1] --> caps:Speech pi:0 keypad: sending_complete:1 P[ 1] --> screen:0 --> pres:0 P[ 1] --> addr:0 l3id:20007 b_stid:0 layer_id:50010180 P[ 1] --> facility:Fac_None out_facility:Fac_None P[ 1] * Starting Ast ctx:incoming dad:935748256 oad:692690842 with 's' extension P[ 1] Sending msg, prim:30280 addr:41000104 dinfo:20007 P[ 1] GOT SETUP OK -- Executing [s@incoming:1] Answer("mISDN/1-u6", "") in new stack P[ 1] * ANSWER: P[ 1] --> Connection is without BF encryption P[ 1] --> None P[ 1] --> empty cad using dad P[ 1] I SEND:CONNECT oad:692690842 dad:935748256 pid:8 P[ 1] --> bc_state:BCHAN_CLEANED P[ 1] --> channel:1 mode:TE cause:16 ocause:16 rad: cad:935748256 P[ 1] --> info_dad: onumplan:2 dnumplan:2 rnumplan: cpnnumplan:0 P[ 1] --> caps:Speech pi:0 keypad: sending_complete:1 P[ 1] --> screen:0 --> pres:0 P[ 1] --> addr:0 l3id:20007 b_stid:0 layer_id:50010180 P[ 1] --> facility:Fac_None out_facility:Fac_None P[ 1] Sending msg, prim:30780 addr:41000104 dinfo:20007 -- Executing [s@incoming:2] Wait("mISDN/1-u6", "3") in new stack P[ 1] MGMT: SSTATUS: L2_ESTABLISH P[ 1] handle_frm: frm->addr:42000103 frm->prim:30f82 P[ 1] setup_bc: with dsp P[ 1] --> Channel is 1 P[ 1] --> TRANSPARENT Mode P[ 1] ph_control: c1:2100 c2:0 P[ 1] ec_enable P[ 1] Sending Control ECHOCAN_ON taps:128 P[ 1] Taps is 128 P[ 1] I IND :CONNECT_ACKNOWLEDGE oad:692690842 dad:935748256 pid:8 state:CONNECTED P[ 1] --> channel:1 mode:TE cause:16 ocause:16 rad: cad:935748256 P[ 1] --> info_dad: onumplan:2 dnumplan:2 rnumplan: cpnnumplan:0 P[ 1] --> caps:Speech pi:0 keypad: sending_complete:1 P[ 1] --> screen:0 --> pres:0 P[ 1] --> addr:50010102 l3id:20007 b_stid:10010100 layer_id:50010180 P[ 1] --> facility:Fac_None out_facility:Fac_None P[ 1] --> bc_state:BCHAN_ACTIVATED P[ 1] BCHAN: bchan ACT Confirm pid:8 -- Executing [s@incoming:3] Set("mISDN/1-u6", "LANGUAGE()=es") in new stack -- Executing [s@incoming:4] BackGround("mISDN/1-u6", "/var/lib/asterisk/sounds/es/capatres/CAPATRES-bienvenida") in new stack -- Playing '/var/lib/asterisk/sounds/es/capatres/CAPATRES-bienvenida' (language 'es') -- Executing [s@incoming:5] WaitMusicOnHold("mISDN/1-u6", "4") in new stack -- Started music on hold, class 'default', on mISDN/1-u6 -- Stopped music on hold on mISDN/1-u6 [Sep 19 15:37:22] WARNING[2195]: pbx.c:1512 func_args: Can't find trailing parenthesis? -- Executing [s@incoming:6] GotoIf("mISDN/1-u6", "0)}?incoming|s|107") in new stack -- Executing [s@incoming:7] Macro("mISDN/1-u6", "calendario|incoming|s|8|capatres") in new stack -- Executing [s@macro-calendario:1] Goto("mISDN/1-u6", "cal-capatres|1") in new stack -- Goto (macro-calendario,cal-capatres,1) -- Executing [cal-capatres@macro-calendario:1] GotoIfTime("mISDN/1-u6", "*|*|*|jan?macro-calendario|cal-capatres-jan|1") in new stack -- Executing [cal-capatres@macro-calendario:2] GotoIfTime("mISDN/1-u6", "*|*|*|feb?macro-calendario|cal-capatres-feb|1") in new stack -- Executing [cal-capatres@macro-calendario:3] GotoIfTime("mISDN/1-u6", "*|*|*|mar?macro-calendario|cal-capatres-mar|1") in new stack -- Executing [cal-capatres@macro-calendario:4] GotoIfTime("mISDN/1-u6", "*|*|*|apr?macro-calendario|cal-capatres-apr|1") in new stack -- Executing [cal-capatres@macro-calendario:5] GotoIfTime("mISDN/1-u6", "*|*|*|may?macro-calendario|cal-capatres-may|1") in new stack -- Executing [cal-capatres@macro-calendario:6] GotoIfTime("mISDN/1-u6", "*|*|*|jun?macro-calendario|cal-capatres-jun|1") in new stack -- Executing [cal-capatres@macro-calendario:7] GotoIfTime("mISDN/1-u6", "*|*|*|jul?macro-calendario|cal-capatres-jul|1") in new stack -- Executing [cal-capatres@macro-calendario:8] GotoIfTime("mISDN/1-u6", "*|*|*|aug?macro-calendario|cal-capatres-aug|1") in new stack -- Executing [cal-capatres@macro-calendario:9] GotoIfTime("mISDN/1-u6", "*|*|*|sep?macro-calendario|cal-capatres-sep|1") in new stack -- Goto (macro-calendario,cal-capatres-sep,1) -- Executing [cal-capatres-sep@macro-calendario:1] GotoIfTime("mISDN/1-u6", "*|sat-sun|*|sep?macro-calendario|festivo|1") in new stack -- Executing [cal-capatres-sep@macro-calendario:2] GotoIfTime("mISDN/1-u6", "*|*|10|sep?macro-calendario|festivo|1") in new stack -- Executing [cal-capatres-sep@macro-calendario:3] GotoIfTime("mISDN/1-u6", "*|*|11|sep?macro-calendario|festivo|1") in new stack -- Executing [cal-capatres-sep@macro-calendario:4] Goto("mISDN/1-u6", "cal-capatres|20") in new stack -- Goto (macro-calendario,cal-capatres,20) -- Executing [cal-capatres@macro-calendario:20] Goto("mISDN/1-u6", "incoming|s|8") in new stack -- Goto (incoming,s,8) == Channel 'mISDN/1-u6' jumping out of macro 'calendario' -- Executing [s@incoming:8] Macro("mISDN/1-u6", "horario|incoming|s|9|capatres") in new stack -- Executing [s@macro-horario:1] Goto("mISDN/1-u6", "macro-horario|hor-capatres|1") in new stack -- Goto (macro-horario,hor-capatres,1) -- Executing [hor-capatres@macro-horario:1] GotoIfTime("mISDN/1-u6", "18:01-08:59|mon-thu|*|*?macro-horario|hor-capatres|10000") in new stack -- Executing [hor-capatres@macro-horario:2] GotoIfTime("mISDN/1-u6", "15:01-08:59|mon-fri|*|aug?macro-horario|hor-capatres|30000") in new stack -- Executing [hor-capatres@macro-horario:3] GotoIfTime("mISDN/1-u6", "15:01-08:59|fri|*|*?macro-horario|hor-capatres|10000") in new stack -- Executing [hor-capatres@macro-horario:4] GotoIfTime("mISDN/1-u6", "13:30-15:00|mon-fri|*|*?macro-horario|hor-capatres|20000") in new stack -- Executing [hor-capatres@macro-horario:5] Goto("mISDN/1-u6", "incoming|s|9") in new stack -- Goto (incoming,s,9) == Channel 'mISDN/1-u6' jumping out of macro 'horario' -- Executing [s@incoming:9] BackGround("mISDN/1-u6", "/var/lib/asterisk/sounds/es/CAPATRES/seleccione_una_opcion") in new stack -- Playing '/var/lib/asterisk/sounds/es/CAPATRES/seleccione_una_opcion' (language 'es') P[ 1] PH_CONTROL: channel:1 oad2:692690842 dad2:935748256 P[ 1] --> DTMF TONE: 1 P[ 1] I IND :DTMF_TONE oad:692690842 dad:935748256 pid:8 state:CONNECTED P[ 1] --> channel:1 mode:TE cause:16 ocause:16 rad: cad:935748256 P[ 1] --> info_dad: onumplan:2 dnumplan:2 rnumplan: cpnnumplan:0 P[ 1] --> caps:Speech pi:0 keypad: sending_complete:1 P[ 1] --> screen:0 --> pres:0 P[ 1] --> addr:50010102 l3id:20007 b_stid:10010100 layer_id:50010180 P[ 1] --> facility:Fac_None out_facility:Fac_None P[ 1] --> bc_state:BCHAN_ACTIVATED P[ 1] --> DTMF:1 == CDR updated on mISDN/1-u6 -- Executing [1@incoming:1] Dial("mISDN/1-u6", "SIP/502&SIP/503|60|tTwWm") in new stack -- Called 502 -- Called 503 -- Started music on hold, class 'default', on mISDN/1-u6 P[ 1] --> * IND : progress pid:8 P[ 1] I SEND:PROGRESS oad:692690842 dad:935748256 pid:8 P[ 1] --> bc_state:BCHAN_ACTIVATED P[ 1] --> channel:1 mode:TE cause:16 ocause:16 rad: cad:935748256 P[ 1] --> info_dad: onumplan:2 dnumplan:2 rnumplan: cpnnumplan:0 P[ 1] --> caps:Speech pi:0 keypad: sending_complete:1 P[ 1] --> screen:0 --> pres:0 P[ 1] --> addr:50010102 l3id:20007 b_stid:10010100 layer_id:50010180 P[ 1] --> facility:Fac_None out_facility:Fac_None P[ 1] Sending msg, prim:30380 addr:41000104 dinfo:20007 -- SIP/503-087f3158 is ringing -- SIP/502-087c2a20 is ringing P[ 1] handle_frm: frm->addr:42000103 frm->prim:37d82 P[ 1] I IND :STATUS oad:692690842 dad:935748256 pid:8 state:CONNECTED P[ 1] --> channel:1 mode:TE cause:96 ocause:16 rad: cad:935748256 P[ 1] --> info_dad: onumplan:2 dnumplan:2 rnumplan: cpnnumplan:0 P[ 1] --> caps:Speech pi:0 keypad: sending_complete:1 P[ 1] --> screen:0 --> pres:0 P[ 1] --> addr:50010102 l3id:20007 b_stid:10010100 layer_id:50010180 P[ 1] --> facility:Fac_None out_facility:Fac_None P[ 1] --> bc_state:BCHAN_ACTIVATED -- SIP/503-087f3158 is ringing -- SIP/502-087c2a20 is ringing -- SIP/503-087f3158 is ringing -- SIP/502-087c2a20 is ringing -- SIP/503-087f3158 answered mISDN/1-u6 -- Stopped music on hold on mISDN/1-u6 == Spawn extension (incoming, 1, 1) exited non-zero on 'mISDN/1-u6' -- Executing [h@incoming:1] Hangup("mISDN/1-u6", "") in new stack == Spawn extension (incoming, h, 1) exited non-zero on 'mISDN/1-u6' P[ 1] * IND : HANGUP pid:8 ctx:incoming dad:h oad:692690842 State:CONNECTED P[ 1] --> l3id:20007 P[ 1] --> cause:96 P[ 1] --> out_cause:16 P[ 1] --> state:CONNECTED P[ 1] I SEND:DISCONNECT oad:692690842 dad:935748256 pid:8 P[ 1] --> bc_state:BCHAN_ACTIVATED P[ 1] --> channel:1 mode:TE cause:96 ocause:16 rad: cad:935748256 P[ 1] --> info_dad: onumplan:2 dnumplan:2 rnumplan: cpnnumplan:0 P[ 1] --> caps:Speech pi:0 keypad: sending_complete:1 P[ 1] --> screen:0 --> pres:0 P[ 1] --> addr:50010102 l3id:20007 b_stid:10010100 layer_id:50010180 P[ 1] --> facility:Fac_None out_facility:Fac_None P[ 1] --> Channel: mISDN/1-u6 hanguped new state:CLEANING P[ 1] Sending msg, prim:34580 addr:41000104 dinfo:20007 P[ 1] handle_frm: frm->addr:42000103 frm->prim:34d82 P[ 1] I IND :RELEASE oad:692690842 dad:935748256 pid:8 state:CLEANING P[ 1] --> channel:1 mode:TE cause:96 ocause:16 rad: cad:935748256 P[ 1] --> info_dad: onumplan:2 dnumplan:2 rnumplan: cpnnumplan:0 P[ 1] --> caps:Speech pi:0 keypad: sending_complete:1 P[ 1] --> screen:0 --> pres:0 P[ 1] --> addr:50010102 l3id:20007 b_stid:10010100 layer_id:50010180 P[ 1] --> facility:Fac_None out_facility:Fac_None P[ 1] --> bc_state:BCHAN_ACTIVATED P[ 1] ast_hangup already called, so we have no ast ptr anymore in event(RELEASE) P[ 1] --> No need to queue hangup P[ 1] Cannot hangup chan, no ast P[ 1] I SEND:RELEASE_COMPLETE oad:692690842 dad:935748256 pid:8 P[ 1] --> bc_state:BCHAN_ACTIVATED P[ 1] --> channel:1 mode:TE cause:96 ocause:16 rad: cad:935748256 P[ 1] --> info_dad: onumplan:2 dnumplan:2 rnumplan: cpnnumplan:0 P[ 1] --> caps:Speech pi:0 keypad: sending_complete:1 P[ 1] --> screen:0 --> pres:0 P[ 1] --> addr:50010102 l3id:20007 b_stid:10010100 layer_id:50010180 P[ 1] --> facility:Fac_None out_facility:Fac_None P[ 1] $$$ CLEANUP CALLED pid:8 P[ 1] $$$ Cleaning up bc with stid :10010100 pid:8 P[ 1] --> ec_disable P[ 1] Sending Control ECHOCAN_OFF P[ 1] ph_control: c1:2319 c2:0 P[ 1] empty_chan_in_stack: 1 P[ 1] handle_frm: frm->addr:42000103 frm->prim:3f182 P[ 1] --> lib: RELEASE_CR Ind with l3id:20007 P[ 1] --> lib: CLEANING UP l3id: 20007 P[ 1] $$$ CLEANUP CALLED pid:8 P[ 1] BCHAN: DeACT Conf pid:8 P[ 1] BCHAN: MGR_DELLAYER|CNF pid:8 P[ 1] Sending msg, prim:35a80 addr:41000104 dinfo:20007