#0 0xb7d438d1 in strcasecmp () from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libc.so.6 No symbol table info available. #1 0xb734d6ce in set_insecure_flags (flags=0xb7340ef8, value=0xb7e04240 "\200.�� 1��`1�� 5��@0��", lineno=-1210169760) at chan_sip.c:15686 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "set_insecure_flags" #2 0xb7364d0a in find_peer (peer=0x0, sin=0x8245748, realtime=1) at chan_sip.c:2485 p = #3 0xb73857a6 in check_user_full (p=0x8245570, req=0xb7343f9c, sipmethod=5, uri=0xb73441bf "sip:0475705932@iptel.be.ip-ology.net:5060", reliable=XMIT_RELIABLE, sin=0xb73452c0, authpeer=0x0) at chan_sip.c:9276 __zz__ = 0x8141560 "" __dlen__ = 8 user = (struct sip_user *) 0x0 peer = from = "\"Meeting Private\" , "SIP/2.0/UDP\00081.82.223.72\0005060\000branch=z9hG4bK116135C\000\000\000\000\000\205\0244�\000\000\000\000\232\0244�\000\000\000\000�\0244�\000\000\000\000�\0244�\000\000\000\000\002\0254�", '\0' , "�8�\000\034v:��r:�\000\000\000\000\b\0224��+5��\021"... of = 0xb73410ab "24009957" rpid_num = "24009957\00081.82.223.72>;party=calling;screen=yes;p" rpid = 0xb734423d "\"Meeting Private\" ;party=calling;screen=yes;privacy=off" res = t = 0xb7340f64 "0475705932@iptel.be.ip-ology.net:5060" calleridname = "Meeting Private", '\0' debug = 0 tmpvar = v = __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "check_user_full" #4 0xb7392498 in handle_request_invite (p=0x8245570, req=0xb7343f9c, debug=0, seqno=101, sin=0xb73452c0, recount=0xb73452d0, e=0xb73441bf "sip:0475705932@iptel.be.ip-ology.net:5060", nounlock=0xb73452d4) at chan_sip.c:9416 msg = res = gotdest = p_replaces = 0x0 replace_id = 0x0 required = 0xb73a1805 "" required_profile = c = reinvite = __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "handle_request_invite" #5 0xb7395c02 in handle_request (p=0x8245570, req=0xb7343f9c, sin=0xb73452c0, recount=0xb73452d0, nounlock=0xb73452d4) at chan_sip.c:14988 __zz__ = 0x8141560 "" __dlen__ = 12 tag = "1E44530-2645\000\2369�\027\220��\024>4�\020\000\000\000\004\000\000\000�k\"\b�\020:�\034v:��z:�`\025\024\b�>4�\r\2175��z:�\000\225:�\220U$\b%\000\000\000�\2369���!\b�\023\000\000��\037~�$:�\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\020\0000\000@\226:��\227:�`\227:�\000\225:�\001\000\000" cmd = cseq = useragent = 0xb73443ea "Cisco-SIPGateway/IOS-12.x" seqno = 101 len = ignore = 0 respid = res = debug = 0 e = 0xb73441bf "sip:0475705932@iptel.be.ip-ology.net:5060" e = 0xb73441bf "sip:0475705932@iptel.be.ip-ology.net:5060" ---Type to continue, or q to quit--- __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "handle_request" #6 0xb7398503 in sipsock_read (id=0x81f27c0, fd=42, events=1, ignore=0x0) at chan_sip.c:15136 r = req = {rlPart1 = 0xb73441b8 "INVITE", rlPart2 = 0xb73441bf "sip:0475705932@iptel.be.ip-ology.net:5060", len = 1330, headers = 22, method = 5, lines = 13, flags = 0, header = {0xb73441b8 "INVITE", 0xb73441f2 "Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK116135C", 0xb734422c "Remote-Party-ID: \"Meeting Private\" ;party=calling;screen=yes;privacy=off", 0xb7344291 "From: \"Meeting Private\" ;tag=1E44530-2645", 0xb73442d7 "To: ", 0xb7344303 "Date: Thu, 09 Aug 2007 07:43:35 GMT", 0xb7344328 "Call-ID: 11BC9923-458311DC-810EF2B7-B39354F2@", 0xb7344363 "Supported: 100rel,timer,resource-priority,replaces", 0xb7344397 "Min-SE: 1800", 0xb73443a6 "Cisco-Guid: 279332196-1166217692-2164912823-3012777202", 0xb73443de "User-Agent: Cisco-SIPGateway/IOS-12.x", 0xb7344405 "Allow: INVITE, OPTIONS, BYE, CANCEL, ACK, PRACK, UPDATE, REFER, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY, INFO, REGISTER", 0xb7344468 "CSeq: 101 INVITE", 0xb734447a "Max-Forwards: 70", 0xb734448c "Timestamp: 1186645415", 0xb73444a3 "Contact: ", 0xb73444ce "Call-Info: ;method=\"NOTIFY;Event=telephone-event;Duration=2000\"", 0xb7344526 "Expires: 180", 0xb7344534 "Allow-Events: telephone-event", 0xb7344553 "Content-Type: application/sdp", 0xb7344572 "Content-Disposition: session;handling=required", 0xb73445a2 "Content-Length: 305", 0xb73445b7 "", 0x0 }, line = {0xb73445b9 "v=0", 0xb73445be "o=CiscoSystemsSIP-GW-UserAgent 5354 441 IN IP4", 0xb73445fb "s=SIP Call", 0xb7344607 "c=IN IP4", 0xb734461e "t=0 0", 0xb7344625 "m=audio 17880 RTP/AVP 18 8 0 101", 0xb7344647 "c=IN IP4", 0xb734465e "a=rtpmap:18 G729/8000", 0xb7344675 "a=fmtp:18 annexb=no", 0xb734468a "a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000", 0xb73446a0 "a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000", 0xb73446b6 "a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000", 0xb73446d9 "a=fmtp:101 0-16", 0xb73446ea "", 0x0 }, data = "INVITE\000sip:0475705932@iptel.be.ip-ology.net:5060\000SIP/2.0\000\000Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK116135C\000\000Remote-Party-ID: \"Meeting Private\" ;party=calling;screen="..., sdp_start = 0, sdp_end = 0} sin = {sin_family = 2, sin_port = 48068, sin_addr = {s_addr = 1222595153}, sin_zero = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"} p = (struct sip_pvt *) 0x8245570 res = len = 16 nounlock = 0 recount = 0 lockretry = 100 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "sipsock_read" #7 0x080a7b50 in ast_io_wait (ioc=0x81f11d8, howlong=456) at io.c:279 res = 1 x = 0 origcnt = 1 #8 0xb736ddd4 in do_monitor (data=0x0) at chan_sip.c:15342 prev = res = sip = (struct sip_pvt *) 0x0 t = 1186645413 fastrestart = 0 lastpeernum = -1 curpeernum = 114305 reloading = 0 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "do_monitor" #9 0x080f5f20 in dummy_start (data=0x81f3228) at utils.c:775 _buffer = {__routine = 0x806a180 , __arg = 0xb7345bb0, __canceltype = 0, __prev = 0x0} ret = #10 0xb7f77240 in start_thread () from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libpthread.so.0 No symbol table info available. #11 0xb7da23de in clone () from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libc.so.6 No symbol table info available.