---------Date 08/01/07--------- 07:54:05:073 Signalling IP address is set to Y.Y.Y.Y 07:54:05:073 Listen port number is set to 1720 07:54:05:073 Gatekeeper Mode - RasUseSpecificGatekeeper 07:54:05:074 Gatekeeper IP:port set to - X.X.X.X:1719 07:54:05:074 Enabled RFC2833 DTMF capability for end-point 07:54:05:074 H323 listener creation - successful 07:54:05:074 Creating CMD listener at Y.Y.Y.Y:7575 07:54:05:074 CMD listener creation - successful 07:54:05:078 H.323 Endpoint Configuration is as follows: 07:54:05:078 Trace File: /var/log/asterisk/h323_log 07:54:05:078 FastStart - enabled 07:54:05:078 H245 Tunneling - enabled 07:54:05:078 MediaWaitForConnect - enabled 07:54:05:078 AutoAnswer - disabled 07:54:05:078 Terminal Type - 50 07:54:05:078 T35 CountryCode - 1 07:54:05:078 T35 Extension - 0 07:54:05:078 Manufacturer Code - 71 07:54:05:078 ProductID - objsys 07:54:05:078 VersionID - v0.8.3 07:54:05:078 Local signalling IP address - Y.Y.Y.Y 07:54:05:078 H225 ListenPort - 1720 07:54:05:078 CallerID - asterisk 07:54:05:078 Call Establishment Timeout - 60 seconds 07:54:05:078 MasterSlaveDetermination Timeout - 30 seconds 07:54:05:078 TerminalCapabilityExchange Timeout - 30 seconds 07:54:05:078 LogicalChannel Timeout - 30 seconds 07:54:05:078 Session Timeout - 15 seconds 07:54:05:078 Gatekeeper Client Configuration: 07:54:05:078 Gatekeeper mode - UseSpecificGatekeeper 07:54:05:078 Gatekeeper To Use - X.X.X.X:1719 07:54:05:079 H323 RAS channel creation - successful 07:54:05:080 Sent GRQ message 07:54:05:082 Gatekeeper Confirmed (GCF) message received. 07:54:05:082 Gatekeeper Confirmed 07:54:05:084 Sent RRQ message 07:54:05:245 Registration Confirm (RCF) message received 07:54:05:246 Gatekeeper supports KeepAlive, Registration TTL is 300 07:54:14:581 Cmd connection accepted 07:54:14:581 Processing MakeCall command ooh323c_o_1 07:54:14:582 Created a new call (outgoing, ooh323c_o_1) 07:54:14:582 Enabled RFC2833 DTMF capability for (outgoing, ooh323c_o_1) 07:54:14:582 Parsing destination 11002808 07:54:14:583 Destination is parsed as dialed digits 11002808 07:54:14:583 Admission Request message sent for (outgoing, ooh323c_o_1) 07:54:14:586 Admission Confirm (ACF) message received 07:54:14:586 Gatekeeper changed call model from direct to GkRouted. (outgoing, ooh323c_o_1) 07:54:14:586 Admission Confirm message received for (outgoing, ooh323c_o_1) 07:54:14:586 Trying to connect to remote endpoint(X.X.X.X:1721) to setup H2250 channel (outgoing, ooh323c_o_1) 07:54:14:589 H2250 transmiter channel creation - succesful (outgoing, ooh323c_o_1) 07:54:14:589 Created new logical channel entry (outgoing, ooh323c_o_1) 07:54:14:589 Receive channel of type audio started (outgoing, ooh323c_o_1) 07:54:14:590 Created new logical channel entry (outgoing, ooh323c_o_1) 07:54:14:591 Sent Message - Setup (outgoing, ooh323c_o_1) 07:54:14:869 H.225 Call Proceeding message received (outgoing, ooh323c_o_1) 07:54:14:869 H.225 Alerting message received (outgoing, ooh323c_o_1) 07:54:18:576 H.225 Connect message received (outgoing, ooh323c_o_1) 07:54:18:576 Remote endpoint changed forwardLogicalChannelNumberfrom 1001 to 101 (outgoing, ooh323c_o_1) 07:54:18:578 Sent Message - Facility(OOTerminalCapabilitySet) (outgoing, ooh323c_o_1) 07:54:18:578 Tunneled Message - TerminalCapabilitySet (outgoing, ooh323c_o_1) 07:54:18:578 Sent Message - Facility(OOMasterSlaveDetermination) (outgoing, ooh323c_o_1) 07:54:18:578 Tunneled Message - MasterSlaveDetermination (outgoing, ooh323c_o_1) 07:54:18:601 H.225 Facility message Received (outgoing, ooh323c_o_1) 07:54:18:611 Sent Message - Facility(OOTerminalCapabilitySetAck) (outgoing, ooh323c_o_1) 07:54:18:611 Tunneled Message - TerminalCapabilitySetAck (outgoing, ooh323c_o_1) 07:54:18:611 H.225 Facility message Received (outgoing, ooh323c_o_1) 07:54:18:612 MasterSlaveDetermination done - Master(outgoing, ooh323c_o_1) 07:54:18:613 Sent Message - Facility(OOMasterSlaveAck) (outgoing, ooh323c_o_1) 07:54:18:613 Tunneled Message - MasterSlaveDeterminationAck (outgoing, ooh323c_o_1) 07:55:05:975 H.225 Release Complete message received (outgoing, ooh323c_o_1) 07:55:05:976 Closing H.245 connection (outgoing, ooh323c_o_1) 07:55:05:976 Sending disengage Request for call. (outgoing, ooh323c_o_1) 07:55:05:976 Cleaning Call (outgoing, ooh323c_o_1)- reason:OO_REASON_REMOTE_CLEARED 07:55:05:976 Clearing all logical channels (outgoing, ooh323c_o_1) 07:55:05:976 Stopped Receive channel 101 (outgoing, ooh323c_o_1) 07:55:05:976 Stopped Transmit channel 1002 (outgoing, ooh323c_o_1) 07:55:05:977 Removed call (outgoing, ooh323c_o_1) from list 07:55:05:977 Received disengage confirm 07:55:07:630 Created a new call (incoming, ooh323c_1) 07:55:07:631 Received SETUP message (incoming, ooh323c_1) 07:55:07:631 Call has tunneling active (incoming,ooh323c_1) 07:55:07:631 FastStart enabled for call(incoming, ooh323c_1) 07:55:07:631 Enabled RFC2833 DTMF capability for (incoming, ooh323c_1) 07:55:07:632 Admission Request message sent for (incoming, ooh323c_1) 07:55:07:632 Sent Message - CallProceeding (incoming, ooh323c_1) 07:55:07:634 Admission Confirm (ACF) message received 07:55:07:634 Gatekeeper changed call model from direct to GkRouted. (incoming, ooh323c_1) 07:55:07:634 Admission Confirm message received for (incoming, ooh323c_1) 07:55:07:635 Transmit Channel data type supported 07:55:07:635 Created new logical channel entry (incoming, ooh323c_1) 07:55:07:635 Transmit channel of type audio started (incoming, ooh323c_1) 07:55:07:635 Receive Channel data type supported 07:55:07:635 Created new logical channel entry (incoming, ooh323c_1) 07:55:07:635 Receive channel of type audio started (incoming, ooh323c_1) 07:55:07:636 Sent Message - Alerting (incoming, ooh323c_1) 07:55:10:883 Processing Answer Call command for ooh323c_1 07:55:10:884 Sent Message - Connect (incoming, ooh323c_1) 07:55:10:902 H.225 Facility message Received (incoming, ooh323c_1) 07:55:10:902 Sent Message - Facility(OOTerminalCapabilitySetAck) (incoming, ooh323c_1) 07:55:10:902 Tunneled Message - TerminalCapabilitySetAck (incoming, ooh323c_1) 07:55:10:903 Sent Message - Facility(OOTerminalCapabilitySet) (incoming, ooh323c_1) 07:55:10:903 Tunneled Message - TerminalCapabilitySet (incoming, ooh323c_1) 07:55:10:903 H.225 Facility message Received (incoming, ooh323c_1) 07:55:10:903 Master Slave Determination received (incoming, ooh323c_1) 07:55:10:903 MasterSlaveDetermination done - Master(incoming, ooh323c_1) 07:55:10:903 Sent Message - Facility(OOMasterSlaveAck) (incoming, ooh323c_1) 07:55:10:903 Tunneled Message - MasterSlaveDeterminationAck (incoming, ooh323c_1) 07:55:10:994 Processing Hang call command ooh323c_1 07:55:10:994 Hanging up call (incoming, ooh323c_1) 07:55:10:994 Clearing all logical channels. (incoming, ooh323c_1) 07:55:10:994 Clearing all logical channels (incoming, ooh323c_1) 07:55:10:994 Stopped Transmit channel 1001 (incoming, ooh323c_1) 07:55:10:994 Stopped Receive channel 101 (incoming, ooh323c_1) 07:55:10:995 Sent Message - ReleaseComplete (incoming, ooh323c_1) 07:55:10:995 Sending disengage Request for call. (incoming, ooh323c_1) 07:55:11:002 Warn:RemoteEndpoint closed connection (incoming, ooh323c_1) 07:55:11:002 Cleaning Call (incoming, ooh323c_1)- reason:OO_REASON_UNKNOWN 07:55:11:002 Closing H.245 connection (incoming, ooh323c_1) 07:55:11:002 Removed call (incoming, ooh323c_1) from list 07:55:11:002 Received disengage confirm 07:55:29:818 Created a new call (incoming, ooh323c_2) 07:55:29:818 Received SETUP message (incoming, ooh323c_2) 07:55:29:818 Call has tunneling active (incoming,ooh323c_2) 07:55:29:819 Enabled RFC2833 DTMF capability for (incoming, ooh323c_2) 07:55:29:819 Admission Request message sent for (incoming, ooh323c_2) 07:55:29:819 Sent Message - CallProceeding (incoming, ooh323c_2) 07:55:29:823 Admission Confirm (ACF) message received 07:55:29:823 Gatekeeper changed call model from direct to GkRouted. (incoming, ooh323c_2) 07:55:29:823 Admission Confirm message received for (incoming, ooh323c_2) 07:55:29:824 Sent Message - Alerting (incoming, ooh323c_2) 07:55:32:116 Processing Answer Call command for ooh323c_2 07:55:32:116 Sent Message - Connect (incoming, ooh323c_2) 07:55:32:223 Processing Hang call command ooh323c_2 07:55:32:223 Hanging up call (incoming, ooh323c_2) 07:55:32:223 Sent Message - ReleaseComplete (incoming, ooh323c_2) 07:55:32:223 Sending disengage Request for call. (incoming, ooh323c_2) 07:55:32:230 Received disengage confirm 07:55:32:230 Warn:RemoteEndpoint closed connection (incoming, ooh323c_2) 07:55:32:230 Cleaning Call (incoming, ooh323c_2)- reason:OO_REASON_UNKNOWN 07:55:32:230 Closing H.245 connection (incoming, ooh323c_2) 07:55:32:230 Removed call (incoming, ooh323c_2) from list 07:55:53:760 Created a new call (incoming, ooh323c_3) 07:55:53:760 Received SETUP message (incoming, ooh323c_3) 07:55:53:760 Tunneling disabled by remote endpoint. (incoming, ooh323c_3) 07:55:53:760 Enabled RFC2833 DTMF capability for (incoming, ooh323c_3) 07:55:53:760 Admission Request message sent for (incoming, ooh323c_3) 07:55:53:761 Sent Message - CallProceeding (incoming, ooh323c_3) 07:55:53:762 Admission Confirm (ACF) message received 07:55:53:762 Gatekeeper changed call model from direct to GkRouted. (incoming, ooh323c_3) 07:55:53:762 Admission Confirm message received for (incoming, ooh323c_3) 07:55:53:763 Sent Message - Alerting (incoming, ooh323c_3) 07:55:56:343 Processing Answer Call command for ooh323c_3 07:55:56:343 Creating H245 listener 07:55:56:344 H245 listener creation - successful(port 12032) (incoming, ooh323c_3) 07:55:56:344 H.245 Listerner socket being monitored (incoming, ooh323c_3) 07:55:56:344 Sent Message - Connect (incoming, ooh323c_3) 07:55:56:344 H.245 Listerner socket being monitored (incoming, ooh323c_3) 07:55:56:350 H.245 connection established (incoming, ooh323c_3) 07:55:56:351 Sent Message - TerminalCapabilitySet (incoming, ooh323c_3) 07:55:56:351 Sent Message - MasterSlaveDetermination (incoming, ooh323c_3) 07:55:56:454 Master Slave Determination received (incoming, ooh323c_3) 07:55:56:454 MasterSlaveDetermination done - Slave(incoming, ooh323c_3) 07:55:56:454 Sent Message - TerminalCapabilitySetAck (incoming, ooh323c_3) 07:55:56:454 Sent Message - MasterSlaveDeterminationAck (incoming, ooh323c_3) 07:55:56:456 Opening logical channels (incoming, ooh323c_3) 07:55:56:456 Looking for matching capabilities. (incoming, ooh323c_3) 07:55:56:456 Created new logical channel entry (incoming, ooh323c_3) 07:55:56:456 Sent Message - OpenLogicalChannel(1001). (incoming, ooh323c_3) 07:55:56:462 Processing Hang call command ooh323c_3 07:55:56:462 Hanging up call (incoming, ooh323c_3) 07:55:56:462 Clearing all logical channels. (incoming, ooh323c_3) 07:55:56:462 Clearing all logical channels (incoming, ooh323c_3) 07:55:56:463 Sent Message - EndSessionCommand (incoming, ooh323c_3) 07:55:56:463 Sent Message - ReleaseComplete (incoming, ooh323c_3) 07:55:56:464 Sending disengage Request for call. (incoming, ooh323c_3) 07:55:56:471 Received disengage confirm 07:55:56:471 Warn:RemoteEndpoint closed connection (incoming, ooh323c_3) 07:55:56:472 Cleaning Call (incoming, ooh323c_3)- reason:OO_REASON_UNKNOWN 07:55:56:472 Closing H.245 connection (incoming, ooh323c_3) 07:55:56:472 Closing H.245 Listener (incoming, ooh323c_3) 07:55:56:472 Removed call (incoming, ooh323c_3) from list 07:56:09:130 Created a new call (incoming, ooh323c_4) 07:56:09:131 Received SETUP message (incoming, ooh323c_4) 07:56:09:131 Call has tunneling active (incoming,ooh323c_4) 07:56:09:131 FastStart enabled for call(incoming, ooh323c_4) 07:56:09:131 Enabled RFC2833 DTMF capability for (incoming, ooh323c_4) 07:56:09:132 Admission Request message sent for (incoming, ooh323c_4) 07:56:09:132 Sent Message - CallProceeding (incoming, ooh323c_4) 07:56:09:136 Admission Confirm (ACF) message received 07:56:09:136 Gatekeeper changed call model from direct to GkRouted. (incoming, ooh323c_4) 07:56:09:136 Admission Confirm message received for (incoming, ooh323c_4) 07:56:09:136 Transmit Channel data type supported 07:56:09:137 Created new logical channel entry (incoming, ooh323c_4) 07:56:09:137 Transmit channel of type audio started (incoming, ooh323c_4) 07:56:09:137 Receive Channel data type supported 07:56:09:137 Created new logical channel entry (incoming, ooh323c_4) 07:56:09:137 Receive channel of type audio started (incoming, ooh323c_4) 07:56:09:137 Sent Message - Alerting (incoming, ooh323c_4) 07:56:14:517 Processing Answer Call command for ooh323c_4 07:56:14:518 Sent Message - Connect (incoming, ooh323c_4) 07:56:14:536 H.225 Facility message Received (incoming, ooh323c_4) 07:56:14:537 Sent Message - Facility(OOTerminalCapabilitySetAck) (incoming, ooh323c_4) 07:56:14:537 Tunneled Message - TerminalCapabilitySetAck (incoming, ooh323c_4) 07:56:14:537 Sent Message - Facility(OOTerminalCapabilitySet) (incoming, ooh323c_4) 07:56:14:537 Tunneled Message - TerminalCapabilitySet (incoming, ooh323c_4) 07:56:14:537 H.225 Facility message Received (incoming, ooh323c_4) 07:56:14:537 Master Slave Determination received (incoming, ooh323c_4) 07:56:14:537 MasterSlaveDetermination done - Master(incoming, ooh323c_4) 07:56:14:537 Sent Message - Facility(OOMasterSlaveAck) (incoming, ooh323c_4) 07:56:14:537 Tunneled Message - MasterSlaveDeterminationAck (incoming, ooh323c_4) 07:56:14:630 Processing Hang call command ooh323c_4 07:56:14:630 Hanging up call (incoming, ooh323c_4) 07:56:14:630 Clearing all logical channels. (incoming, ooh323c_4) 07:56:14:630 Clearing all logical channels (incoming, ooh323c_4) 07:56:14:630 Stopped Transmit channel 1001 (incoming, ooh323c_4) 07:56:14:630 Stopped Receive channel 101 (incoming, ooh323c_4) 07:56:14:630 Sent Message - ReleaseComplete (incoming, ooh323c_4) 07:56:14:630 Sending disengage Request for call. (incoming, ooh323c_4) 07:56:14:833 Warn:RemoteEndpoint closed connection (incoming, ooh323c_4) 07:56:14:833 Cleaning Call (incoming, ooh323c_4)- reason:OO_REASON_UNKNOWN 07:56:14:833 Closing H.245 connection (incoming, ooh323c_4) 07:56:14:833 Removed call (incoming, ooh323c_4) from list 07:56:14:834 Received disengage confirm 07:58:45:247 Sending RRQ for re-registration (with EndpointID) 07:58:45:247 Sent RRQ message 07:58:45:249 Registration Confirm (RCF) message received 07:58:45:249 Gatekeeper supports KeepAlive, Registration TTL is 300 08:01:10:199 Created a new call (incoming, ooh323c_5) 08:01:10:200 Received SETUP message (incoming, ooh323c_5) 08:01:10:200 Call has tunneling active (incoming,ooh323c_5) 08:01:10:200 FastStart enabled for call(incoming, ooh323c_5) 08:01:10:200 Enabled RFC2833 DTMF capability for (incoming, ooh323c_5) 08:01:10:201 Admission Request message sent for (incoming, ooh323c_5) 08:01:10:201 Sent Message - CallProceeding (incoming, ooh323c_5) 08:01:10:204 Admission Confirm (ACF) message received 08:01:10:204 Gatekeeper changed call model from direct to GkRouted. (incoming, ooh323c_5) 08:01:10:204 Admission Confirm message received for (incoming, ooh323c_5) 08:01:10:204 Transmit Channel data type supported 08:01:10:204 Created new logical channel entry (incoming, ooh323c_5) 08:01:10:204 Transmit channel of type audio started (incoming, ooh323c_5) 08:01:10:204 Receive Channel data type supported 08:01:10:204 Created new logical channel entry (incoming, ooh323c_5) 08:01:10:204 Receive channel of type audio started (incoming, ooh323c_5) 08:01:10:205 Sent Message - Alerting (incoming, ooh323c_5) 08:01:17:807 Processing Answer Call command for ooh323c_5 08:01:17:808 Sent Message - Connect (incoming, ooh323c_5) 08:01:17:827 H.225 Facility message Received (incoming, ooh323c_5) 08:01:17:828 Sent Message - Facility(OOTerminalCapabilitySetAck) (incoming, ooh323c_5) 08:01:17:828 Tunneled Message - TerminalCapabilitySetAck (incoming, ooh323c_5) 08:01:17:828 Sent Message - Facility(OOTerminalCapabilitySet) (incoming, ooh323c_5) 08:01:17:828 Tunneled Message - TerminalCapabilitySet (incoming, ooh323c_5) 08:01:17:829 H.225 Facility message Received (incoming, ooh323c_5) 08:01:17:829 Master Slave Determination received (incoming, ooh323c_5) 08:01:17:829 MasterSlaveDetermination done - Slave(incoming, ooh323c_5) 08:01:17:829 Sent Message - Facility(OOMasterSlaveAck) (incoming, ooh323c_5) 08:01:17:829 Tunneled Message - MasterSlaveDeterminationAck (incoming, ooh323c_5) 08:01:17:976 H.225 Facility message Received (incoming, ooh323c_5) 08:01:18:017 H.225 Facility message Received (incoming, ooh323c_5) 08:01:18:231 Processing Hang call command ooh323c_5 08:01:18:231 Hanging up call (incoming, ooh323c_5) 08:01:18:231 Clearing all logical channels. (incoming, ooh323c_5) 08:01:18:231 Clearing all logical channels (incoming, ooh323c_5) 08:01:18:231 Stopped Transmit channel 1001 (incoming, ooh323c_5) 08:01:18:231 Stopped Receive channel 101 (incoming, ooh323c_5) 08:01:18:232 Sent Message - ReleaseComplete (incoming, ooh323c_5) 08:01:18:232 Sending disengage Request for call. (incoming, ooh323c_5) 08:01:18:239 Received disengage confirm 08:01:18:239 Warn:RemoteEndpoint closed connection (incoming, ooh323c_5) 08:01:18:239 Cleaning Call (incoming, ooh323c_5)- reason:OO_REASON_UNKNOWN 08:01:18:239 Closing H.245 connection (incoming, ooh323c_5) 08:01:18:239 Removed call (incoming, ooh323c_5) from list 08:02:15:782 Processing MakeCall command ooh323c_o_2 08:02:15:782 Created a new call (outgoing, ooh323c_o_2) 08:02:15:784 Enabled RFC2833 DTMF capability for (outgoing, ooh323c_o_2) 08:02:15:784 Parsing destination 11002808 08:02:15:784 Destination is parsed as dialed digits 11002808 08:02:15:784 Admission Request message sent for (outgoing, ooh323c_o_2) 08:02:15:787 Admission Confirm (ACF) message received 08:02:15:787 Gatekeeper changed call model from direct to GkRouted. (outgoing, ooh323c_o_2) 08:02:15:787 Admission Confirm message received for (outgoing, ooh323c_o_2) 08:02:15:787 Trying to connect to remote endpoint(X.X.X.X:1721) to setup H2250 channel (outgoing, ooh323c_o_2) 08:02:15:789 H2250 transmiter channel creation - succesful (outgoing, ooh323c_o_2) 08:02:15:789 Created new logical channel entry (outgoing, ooh323c_o_2) 08:02:15:789 Receive channel of type audio started (outgoing, ooh323c_o_2) 08:02:15:789 Created new logical channel entry (outgoing, ooh323c_o_2) 08:02:15:789 Sent Message - Setup (outgoing, ooh323c_o_2) 08:02:15:925 H.225 Call Proceeding message received (outgoing, ooh323c_o_2) 08:02:15:926 H.225 Alerting message received (outgoing, ooh323c_o_2) 08:02:18:573 H.225 Connect message received (outgoing, ooh323c_o_2) 08:02:18:573 Remote endpoint changed forwardLogicalChannelNumberfrom 1001 to 101 (outgoing, ooh323c_o_2) 08:02:18:573 Sent Message - Facility(OOTerminalCapabilitySet) (outgoing, ooh323c_o_2) 08:02:18:573 Tunneled Message - TerminalCapabilitySet (outgoing, ooh323c_o_2) 08:02:18:574 Sent Message - Facility(OOMasterSlaveDetermination) (outgoing, ooh323c_o_2) 08:02:18:574 Tunneled Message - MasterSlaveDetermination (outgoing, ooh323c_o_2) 08:02:18:600 H.225 Facility message Received (outgoing, ooh323c_o_2) 08:02:18:601 Sent Message - Facility(OOTerminalCapabilitySetAck) (outgoing, ooh323c_o_2) 08:02:18:601 Tunneled Message - TerminalCapabilitySetAck (outgoing, ooh323c_o_2) 08:02:18:604 H.225 Facility message Received (outgoing, ooh323c_o_2) 08:02:18:604 MasterSlaveDetermination done - Master(outgoing, ooh323c_o_2) 08:02:18:604 Sent Message - Facility(OOMasterSlaveAck) (outgoing, ooh323c_o_2) 08:02:18:604 Tunneled Message - MasterSlaveDeterminationAck (outgoing, ooh323c_o_2) 08:02:35:512 Processing Hang call command ooh323c_o_2 08:02:35:512 Hanging up call (outgoing, ooh323c_o_2) 08:02:35:513 Clearing all logical channels. (outgoing, ooh323c_o_2) 08:02:35:513 Clearing all logical channels (outgoing, ooh323c_o_2) 08:02:35:513 Stopped Receive channel 101 (outgoing, ooh323c_o_2) 08:02:35:513 Stopped Transmit channel 1002 (outgoing, ooh323c_o_2) 08:02:35:513 Sent Message - ReleaseComplete (outgoing, ooh323c_o_2) 08:02:35:513 Sending disengage Request for call. (outgoing, ooh323c_o_2) 08:02:35:525 Received disengage confirm 08:02:35:526 Warn:RemoteEndpoint closed connection (outgoing, ooh323c_o_2) 08:02:35:526 Cleaning Call (outgoing, ooh323c_o_2)- reason:OO_REASON_UNKNOWN 08:02:35:526 Closing H.245 connection (outgoing, ooh323c_o_2) 08:02:35:526 Removed call (outgoing, ooh323c_o_2) from list 08:03:25:253 Sending RRQ for re-registration (with EndpointID) 08:03:25:253 Sent RRQ message 08:03:25:255 Registration Confirm (RCF) message received 08:03:25:255 Gatekeeper supports KeepAlive, Registration TTL is 300 08:08:05:259 Sending RRQ for re-registration (with EndpointID) 08:08:05:259 Sent RRQ message 08:08:05:261 Registration Confirm (RCF) message received 08:08:05:261 Gatekeeper supports KeepAlive, Registration TTL is 300 08:12:45:264 Sending RRQ for re-registration (with EndpointID) 08:12:45:264 Sent RRQ message 08:12:45:266 Registration Confirm (RCF) message received 08:12:45:266 Gatekeeper supports KeepAlive, Registration TTL is 300 08:17:25:270 Sending RRQ for re-registration (with EndpointID) 08:17:25:270 Sent RRQ message 08:17:25:272 Registration Confirm (RCF) message received 08:17:25:272 Gatekeeper supports KeepAlive, Registration TTL is 300 08:22:05:275 Sending RRQ for re-registration (with EndpointID) 08:22:05:276 Sent RRQ message 08:22:05:278 Registration Confirm (RCF) message received 08:22:05:278 Gatekeeper supports KeepAlive, Registration TTL is 300 08:26:45:281 Sending RRQ for re-registration (with EndpointID) 08:26:45:282 Sent RRQ message 08:26:45:283 Registration Confirm (RCF) message received 08:26:45:283 Gatekeeper supports KeepAlive, Registration TTL is 300 08:31:25:287 Sending RRQ for re-registration (with EndpointID) 08:31:25:287 Sent RRQ message 08:31:25:289 Registration Confirm (RCF) message received 08:31:25:289 Gatekeeper supports KeepAlive, Registration TTL is 300 08:36:05:293 Sending RRQ for re-registration (with EndpointID) 08:36:05:293 Sent RRQ message 08:36:05:295 Registration Confirm (RCF) message received 08:36:05:295 Gatekeeper supports KeepAlive, Registration TTL is 300 08:40:45:302 Sending RRQ for re-registration (with EndpointID) 08:40:45:302 Sent RRQ message 08:40:45:304 Registration Confirm (RCF) message received 08:40:45:304 Gatekeeper supports KeepAlive, Registration TTL is 300 08:40:47:839 Created a new call (incoming, ooh323c_6) 08:40:47:840 Received SETUP message (incoming, ooh323c_6) 08:40:47:840 Call has tunneling active (incoming,ooh323c_6) 08:40:47:840 FastStart enabled for call(incoming, ooh323c_6) 08:40:47:840 Enabled RFC2833 DTMF capability for (incoming, ooh323c_6) 08:40:47:841 Admission Request message sent for (incoming, ooh323c_6) 08:40:47:841 Sent Message - CallProceeding (incoming, ooh323c_6) 08:40:47:844 Admission Confirm (ACF) message received 08:40:47:844 Gatekeeper changed call model from direct to GkRouted. (incoming, ooh323c_6) 08:40:47:844 Admission Confirm message received for (incoming, ooh323c_6) 08:40:47:844 Transmit Channel data type supported 08:40:47:844 Created new logical channel entry (incoming, ooh323c_6) 08:40:47:844 Transmit channel of type audio started (incoming, ooh323c_6) 08:40:47:844 Receive Channel data type supported 08:40:47:844 Created new logical channel entry (incoming, ooh323c_6) 08:40:47:844 Receive channel of type audio started (incoming, ooh323c_6) 08:40:47:845 Sent Message - Alerting (incoming, ooh323c_6) 08:40:50:981 Processing Answer Call command for ooh323c_6 08:40:50:981 Sent Message - Connect (incoming, ooh323c_6) 08:40:50:998 H.225 Facility message Received (incoming, ooh323c_6) 08:40:50:999 Sent Message - Facility(OOTerminalCapabilitySetAck) (incoming, ooh323c_6) 08:40:50:999 Tunneled Message - TerminalCapabilitySetAck (incoming, ooh323c_6) 08:40:50:999 Sent Message - Facility(OOTerminalCapabilitySet) (incoming, ooh323c_6) 08:40:50:999 Tunneled Message - TerminalCapabilitySet (incoming, ooh323c_6) 08:40:50:999 H.225 Facility message Received (incoming, ooh323c_6) 08:40:50:999 Master Slave Determination received (incoming, ooh323c_6) 08:40:51:000 MasterSlaveDetermination done - Master(incoming, ooh323c_6) 08:40:51:000 Sent Message - Facility(OOMasterSlaveAck) (incoming, ooh323c_6) 08:40:51:000 Tunneled Message - MasterSlaveDeterminationAck (incoming, ooh323c_6) 08:40:51:104 Processing Hang call command ooh323c_6 08:40:51:105 Hanging up call (incoming, ooh323c_6) 08:40:51:105 Clearing all logical channels. (incoming, ooh323c_6) 08:40:51:105 Clearing all logical channels (incoming, ooh323c_6) 08:40:51:105 Stopped Transmit channel 1001 (incoming, ooh323c_6) 08:40:51:105 Stopped Receive channel 101 (incoming, ooh323c_6) 08:40:51:105 Sent Message - ReleaseComplete (incoming, ooh323c_6) 08:40:51:105 Sending disengage Request for call. (incoming, ooh323c_6) 08:40:51:114 Received disengage confirm 08:40:51:114 Warn:RemoteEndpoint closed connection (incoming, ooh323c_6) 08:40:51:114 Cleaning Call (incoming, ooh323c_6)- reason:OO_REASON_UNKNOWN 08:40:51:114 Closing H.245 connection (incoming, ooh323c_6) 08:40:51:114 Removed call (incoming, ooh323c_6) from list 08:40:58:045 Processing MakeCall command ooh323c_o_3 08:40:58:045 Created a new call (outgoing, ooh323c_o_3) 08:40:58:046 Enabled RFC2833 DTMF capability for (outgoing, ooh323c_o_3) 08:40:58:046 Parsing destination 11002808 08:40:58:046 Destination is parsed as dialed digits 11002808 08:40:58:047 Admission Request message sent for (outgoing, ooh323c_o_3) 08:40:58:050 Admission Confirm (ACF) message received 08:40:58:051 Gatekeeper changed call model from direct to GkRouted. (outgoing, ooh323c_o_3) 08:40:58:051 Admission Confirm message received for (outgoing, ooh323c_o_3) 08:40:58:051 Trying to connect to remote endpoint(X.X.X.X:1721) to setup H2250 channel (outgoing, ooh323c_o_3) 08:40:58:052 H2250 transmiter channel creation - succesful (outgoing, ooh323c_o_3) 08:40:58:052 Created new logical channel entry (outgoing, ooh323c_o_3) 08:40:58:053 Receive channel of type audio started (outgoing, ooh323c_o_3) 08:40:58:053 Created new logical channel entry (outgoing, ooh323c_o_3) 08:40:58:053 Sent Message - Setup (outgoing, ooh323c_o_3) 08:40:58:204 H.225 Call Proceeding message received (outgoing, ooh323c_o_3) 08:40:58:204 H.225 Alerting message received (outgoing, ooh323c_o_3) 08:41:02:996 H.225 Connect message received (outgoing, ooh323c_o_3) 08:41:02:997 Remote endpoint changed forwardLogicalChannelNumberfrom 1001 to 101 (outgoing, ooh323c_o_3) 08:41:02:997 Sent Message - Facility(OOTerminalCapabilitySet) (outgoing, ooh323c_o_3) 08:41:02:997 Tunneled Message - TerminalCapabilitySet (outgoing, ooh323c_o_3) 08:41:02:998 Sent Message - Facility(OOMasterSlaveDetermination) (outgoing, ooh323c_o_3) 08:41:02:998 Tunneled Message - MasterSlaveDetermination (outgoing, ooh323c_o_3) 08:41:03:026 H.225 Facility message Received (outgoing, ooh323c_o_3) 08:41:03:027 Sent Message - Facility(OOTerminalCapabilitySetAck) (outgoing, ooh323c_o_3) 08:41:03:027 Tunneled Message - TerminalCapabilitySetAck (outgoing, ooh323c_o_3) 08:41:03:029 H.225 Facility message Received (outgoing, ooh323c_o_3) 08:41:03:030 MasterSlaveDetermination done - Master(outgoing, ooh323c_o_3) 08:41:03:030 Sent Message - Facility(OOMasterSlaveAck) (outgoing, ooh323c_o_3) 08:41:03:030 Tunneled Message - MasterSlaveDeterminationAck (outgoing, ooh323c_o_3) 08:41:10:434 H.225 Release Complete message received (outgoing, ooh323c_o_3) 08:41:10:434 Closing H.245 connection (outgoing, ooh323c_o_3) 08:41:10:434 Sending disengage Request for call. (outgoing, ooh323c_o_3) 08:41:10:435 Cleaning Call (outgoing, ooh323c_o_3)- reason:OO_REASON_REMOTE_CLEARED 08:41:10:435 Clearing all logical channels (outgoing, ooh323c_o_3) 08:41:10:435 Stopped Receive channel 101 (outgoing, ooh323c_o_3) 08:41:10:435 Stopped Transmit channel 1002 (outgoing, ooh323c_o_3) 08:41:10:435 Removed call (outgoing, ooh323c_o_3) from list 08:41:10:438 Received disengage confirm 08:45:25:308 Sending RRQ for re-registration (with EndpointID) 08:45:25:308 Sent RRQ message 08:45:25:310 Registration Confirm (RCF) message received 08:45:25:310 Gatekeeper supports KeepAlive, Registration TTL is 300