(gdb) bt #0 0x0809d986 in get_sample (buffer=0xb6ffeef4, len=0xb6ffef54) at fskmodem.c:48 #1 0x0809da5c in fsk_serie (fskd=0xb6f4d008, buffer=0xb7051000, len=0xb6ffef54, outbyte=0xb6ffef4c) at fskmodem.c:225 #2 0x0809a2b5 in callerid_feed (cid=0xb6f4d008, ubuf=0xb6fff2a0 "^F???3,*/O???R1'\033\026#3;M????\236\230\222\217\217\221\226\235??????U@/##,)!!\026\017\021\024\030\033\035!%'-=}?\237\231\235???????;#'/;J??Us??????D/E???\227\225\237???DJK7*\035\027\022\017\021\021\026\035#!$)3P???\237???\236\231\221\221\224\230\234\237?????G-\035\032\036'$\036*)\037.??????", len=160, codec=4) at callerid.c:274 #3 0xb7cb6bf2 in ss_thread (data=0xb7501ec0) at chan_zap.c:6275 #4 0x00ce91d5 in start_thread () from /lib/tls/libpthread.so.0 #5 0x00b692da in clone () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6 (gdb) bt full #0 0x0809d986 in get_sample (buffer=0xb6ffeef4, len=0xb6ffef54) at fskmodem.c:48 retval = -2.44620096e-05 #1 0x0809da5c in fsk_serie (fskd=0xb6f4d008, buffer=0xb7051000, len=0xb6ffef54, outbyte=0xb6ffef4c) at fskmodem.c:225 a = -1224737872 i = 0 j = -1211288636 n1 = 324 r = -1224736752 samples = 66413 olen = -1224741144 #2 0x0809a2b5 in callerid_feed (cid=0xb6f4d008, ubuf=0xb6fff2a0 "^F???3,*/O???R1'\033\026#3;M????\236\230\222\217\217\221\226\235??????U@/##,)!!\026\017\021\024\030\033\035!%'-=}?\237\231\235???????;#'/;J??Us??????D/E???\227\225\237???DJK7*\035\027\022\017\021\021\026\035#!$)3P???\237???\236\231\221\221\224\230\234\237?????G-\035\032\036'$\036*)\037.??????", len=160, codec=4) at callerid.c:274 mylen = -66250 olen = 162 b = 88 res = 0 x = 160 buf = (short int *) 0xb7030928 obuf = (short int *) 0xb7030928 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "callerid_feed" #3 0xb7cb6bf2 in ss_thread (data=0xb7501ec0) at chan_zap.c:6275 chan = (struct ast_channel *) 0xb7501ec0 p = (struct zt_pvt *) 0x81a51f8 exten = '\0' exten2 = '\0' buf = "^F???3,*/O???R1'\033\026#3;M????\236\230\222\217\217\221\226\235??????U@/##,)!!\026\017\021\024\030\033\035!%'-=}?\237\231\235???????;#'/;J??Us??????D/E???\227\225\237???DJK7*\035\027\022\017\021\021\026\035#!$)3P???\237???\236\231\221\221\224\230\234\237?????G-\035\032\036'$\---Type to continue, or q to quit--- 036*)\037.??????", '\0' dtmfcid = '\0' dtmfbuf = '\0' cs = (struct callerid_state *) 0xb6f4d008 name = 0x0 number = 0x0 distMatches = 0 curRingData = {0, 0, 0} receivedRingT = 0 counter1 = 0 counter = 0 cidcounter = 0 samples = 3360 flags = 0 i = 1 timeout = 0 getforward = 0 s1 = 0x0 s2 = 0x0 len = 0 res = 160 index = 0 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "ss_thread" #4 0x00ce91d5 in start_thread () from /lib/tls/libpthread.so.0 No symbol table info available. #5 0x00b692da in clone () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6 No symbol table info available. (gdb)