++OPC 65 - Siemens EWSD ++DPC 69 - Asterisk PBX ++SS7 link trace +---------+---------------------------------------------+------------------------------------+ |BITMASK |ID Name |Comment or Value | +---------+---------------------------------------------+------------------------------------+ |121 3:1-1 (Rx):1 IAM 69 65 | |MTP Level 2 (MTP-L2) MSU (= Message Signal Unit) | |Message Signal Unit | |-0001010 |Backward Sequence Number |10 | |1------- |Backward Indicator Bit |1 | |-0001001 |Forward Sequence Number |9 | |1------- |Forward Indicator Bit |1 | |--011111 |Length Indicator |31 | |00------ |Spare |0 | |----0101 |Service Indicator |ISDN User Part | |--00---- |Sub-Service: Priority |Spare/priority 0 (U.S.A. only) | |10------ |Sub-Service: Network Ind |National message | |**b14*** |Destination Point Code |65 | |**b14*** |Originating Point Code |69 | |ITU-T White Book ISDN User Part, Version 1999, Amd. 1, Corr. 1 (ISUP) IAM (= Initial Address) | |Initial Address | |0010---- |Signalling Link Selection |2 | |**b12*** |Circuit Ident Code |000-02 | |0000---- |Spare |0 | |00000001 |Message Type |1 | |------00 |Satellite Indicator |No satellite circuit | |----00-- |Continuity Chk Indicator |Cont Check not required | |---0---- |Echo Control Device Ind |O/G echo ctrl not incl | |000----- |Spare |0 | |-------0 |Nat./Internat. Indicator |Treat as a national call | |-----00- |End-to-End Method Ind |No end-to-end method available | |----0--- |Interworking Indicator |No interworking encountered | |---0---- |End/End Information Ind |No end-to-end info available | |--1----- |ISDN User Part Indicator |ISDN-UP used all the way | |01------ |ISDN-UP Preference Ind |ISDN-UP not reqd all the way | |-------1 |ISDN Access Indicator |Originating access ISDN | |-----00- |SCCP Method Indicator |No indication | |----0--- |Spare |0 | |0000---- |National use |0 | |00001010 |Calling Party's Category |Ordinary calling subscriber | |00000000 |Transmission Medium Reqt |Speech | |00000010 |Pointer to parameter |2 | |00001001 |Pointer to parameter |9 | |Called party number | |00000111 |Parameter Length |7 | |-0000011 |Nature of Address |National (significant) number | |1------- |Odd/Even Indicator |Odd number of address signals | |----0000 |Spare |0 | |-001---- |Numbering Plan Indicator |ISDN Nr.plan (E.164) | |0------- |Internal Network No. Ind |Routing to INN allowed | |**b36*** |Called Address Signals |`22441515f` | |0000---- |Filler |0 | |Calling party number | |00001010 |Parameter Name |Calling Party Number | |00000101 |Parameter Length |5 | |-0000011 |Nature of Address |National (significant) number | |0------- |Odd/Even Indicator |Even number of address signals | |------01 |Screening Indicator |User provided, verified passed | |----00-- |Presentation Restr. Ind |Presentation allowed | |-001---- |Numbering Plan Indicator |ISDN Nr.plan (E.164) | |0------- |Callg No. Incomplete Ind |Complete | |***B3*** |Calling Address Signals |`440447` | |End of optional parameters | |00000000 |Parameter name |End of Optional Params | +----+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ |HEX |0 |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |6 |7 |8 |9 |A |B |C |D |E |F | +----+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ |0 |8a|89|1f|85|41|40|11|20|02|00|01|00|60|01|0a|00| |10 |02|09|07|83|10|22|44|51|51|0f|0a|05|03|11|44|40| |20 |74|00| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +---------+---------------------------------------------+------------------------------------+ |BITMASK |ID Name |Comment or Value | +---------+---------------------------------------------+------------------------------------+ |124 3:1-2 (Rx):1 ACM 65 69 | |MTP Level 2 (MTP-L2) MSU (= Message Signal Unit) | |Message Signal Unit | |-0001001 |Backward Sequence Number |9 | |1------- |Backward Indicator Bit |1 | |-0001011 |Forward Sequence Number |11 | |1------- |Forward Indicator Bit |1 | |--001111 |Length Indicator |15 | |00------ |Spare |0 | |----0101 |Service Indicator |ISDN User Part | |--00---- |Sub-Service: Priority |Spare/priority 0 (U.S.A. only) | |10------ |Sub-Service: Network Ind |National message | |**b14*** |Destination Point Code |69 | |**b14*** |Originating Point Code |65 | |ITU-T White Book ISDN User Part, Version 1999, Amd. 1, Corr. 1 (ISUP) ACM (= Address Complete) | |Address Complete | |0010---- |Signalling Link Selection |2 | |**b12*** |Circuit Ident Code |000-02 | |0000---- |Spare |0 | |00000110 |Message Type |6 | |------10 |Charge Indicator |Charge | |----01-- |Called Party's Status Ind |Subscriber free | |--01---- |Called Party's Category |Ordinary subscriber | |00------ |End-to-End Method Ind |No end-to-end method available | |-------0 |Interworking Indicator |No interworking encountered | |------0- |End/End Information Ind |No end-to-end info available | |-----1-- |ISDN User Part Indicator |ISDN-UP used all the way | |----0--- |Holding Indicator |Holding not requested | |---0---- |ISDN Access Indicator |Terminating access non-ISDN | |--0----- |Echo Control Device Ind |I/C echo ctrl not incl | |00------ |SCCP Method Indicator |No indication | |00000001 |Pointer to parameter |1 | |Optional backward call ind. | |00101001 |Parameter Name |Optional backward call ind. | |00000001 |Parameter Length |1 | |-------1 |In-band Information Ind |In-band info/pattern available | |------1- |Call diversion indicator |Call diversion may occur | |-----0-- |Simple Segmentation ind. |No additional information | |----0--- |MLPP user indicator |No indication | |0000---- |Spare |0 | |End of optional parameters | |00000000 |Parameter name |End of Optional Params | +----+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ |HEX |0 |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |6 |7 |8 |9 |A |B |C |D |E |F | +----+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ |0 |89|8b|0f|85|45|40|10|20|02|00|06|16|04|01|29|01| |10 |03|00| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +---------+---------------------------------------------+------------------------------------+ |BITMASK |ID Name |Comment or Value | +---------+---------------------------------------------+------------------------------------+ |127 3:1-2 (Rx):1 CPG 65 69 | |MTP Level 2 (MTP-L2) MSU (= Message Signal Unit) | |Message Signal Unit | |-0001001 |Backward Sequence Number |9 | |1------- |Backward Indicator Bit |1 | |-0001100 |Forward Sequence Number |12 | |1------- |Forward Indicator Bit |1 | |--011111 |Length Indicator |31 | |00------ |Spare |0 | |----0101 |Service Indicator |ISDN User Part | |--00---- |Sub-Service: Priority |Spare/priority 0 (U.S.A. only) | |10------ |Sub-Service: Network Ind |National message | |**b14*** |Destination Point Code |69 | |**b14*** |Originating Point Code |65 | |ITU-T White Book ISDN User Part, Version 1999, Amd. 1, Corr. 1 (ISUP) CPG (= Call Progress) | |Call Progress | |0010---- |Signalling Link Selection |2 | |**b12*** |Circuit Ident Code |000-02 | |0000---- |Spare |0 | |00101100 |Message Type |44 | |-0000010 |Event Indicator |Progress | |0------- |Event Presentation Ind |No indication | |00000001 |Pointer to parameter |1 | |Call diversion information | |00110110 |Parameter Name |Call diversion info | |00000001 |Parameter Length |1 | |-----010 |Notification subscription |Present. with redir. number | |-0010--- |Redirection reason |No reply | |0------- |Spare |0 | |Redirection number | |00001100 |Parameter Name |Redirection Number | |00000110 |Parameter Length |6 | |-0000011 |Nature of Address |National (significant) number | |0------- |Odd/Even Indicator |Even number of address signals | |----0000 |Spare |0 | |-001---- |Numbering Plan Indicator |ISDN Nr.plan (E.164) | |0------- |Internal Network No. Ind |Routing to INN allowed | |***B4*** |Redirection Address Sigs |`99945051` | |Generic notification | |00101100 |Parameter Name |Generic notification | |00000001 |Parameter Length |1 | |-1111011 |Notification indicator |Call is diverting | |1------- |Extension Indicator 1 |Last octet | |Parameter compatibility inform | |00111001 |Parameter Name |Parameter compatibility | |00000100 |Parameter Length |4 | |00110110 |1st upgraded parameter |54 | |-------0 |Transit interm. exchange |Transit interpretation | |------0- |PCOMPI Release call ind. |Do not release call | |-----0-- |Send notification ind |Do not send notification | |----0--- |Discard message ind |Do not discard message | |---0---- |Discard parameter ind |Do not discard parameter | |-10----- |Pass on not possible ind |Discard parameter | |1------- |Extension Indicator |Last octet | |00101100 |2nd upgraded parameter |44 | |-------0 |Transit interm. exchange |Transit interpretation | |------0- |PCOMPI Release call ind. |Do not release call | |-----0-- |Send notification ind |Do not send notification | |----0--- |Discard message ind |Do not discard message | |---0---- |Discard parameter ind |Do not discard parameter | |-10----- |Pass on not possible ind |Discard parameter | |1------- |Extension Indicator |Last octet | |End of optional parameters | |00000000 |Parameter name |End of Optional Params | +----+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ |HEX |0 |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |6 |7 |8 |9 |A |B |C |D |E |F | +----+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ |0 |89|8c|1f|85|45|40|10|20|02|00|2c|02|01|36|01|12| |10 |0c|06|03|10|99|49|05|15|2c|01|fb|39|04|36|c0|2c| |20 |c0|00| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +---------+---------------------------------------------+------------------------------------+ |BITMASK |ID Name |Comment or Value | +---------+---------------------------------------------+------------------------------------+ |130 3:1-2 (Rx):1 CPG 65 69 | |MTP Level 2 (MTP-L2) MSU (= Message Signal Unit) | |Message Signal Unit | |-0001001 |Backward Sequence Number |9 | |1------- |Backward Indicator Bit |1 | |-0001101 |Forward Sequence Number |13 | |1------- |Forward Indicator Bit |1 | |--001111 |Length Indicator |15 | |00------ |Spare |0 | |----0101 |Service Indicator |ISDN User Part | |--00---- |Sub-Service: Priority |Spare/priority 0 (U.S.A. only) | |10------ |Sub-Service: Network Ind |National message | |**b14*** |Destination Point Code |69 | |**b14*** |Originating Point Code |65 | |ITU-T White Book ISDN User Part, Version 1999, Amd. 1, Corr. 1 (ISUP) CPG (= Call Progress) | |Call Progress | |0010---- |Signalling Link Selection |2 | |**b12*** |Circuit Ident Code |000-02 | |0000---- |Spare |0 | |00101100 |Message Type |44 | |-0000001 |Event Indicator |Alerting | |0------- |Event Presentation Ind |No indication | |00000001 |Pointer to parameter |1 | |Backward call indicators | |00010001 |Parameter Name |Backward call indicators | |00000010 |Parameter Length |2 | |------10 |Charge Indicator |Charge | |----01-- |Called Party's Status Ind |Subscriber free | |--01---- |Called Party's Category |Ordinary subscriber | |00------ |End-to-End Method Ind |No end-to-end method available | |-------0 |Interworking Indicator |No interworking encountered | |------0- |End/End Information Ind |No end-to-end info available | |-----1-- |ISDN User Part Indicator |ISDN-UP used all the way | |----0--- |Holding Indicator |Holding not requested | |---0---- |ISDN Access Indicator |Terminating access non-ISDN | |--0----- |Echo Control Device Ind |I/C echo ctrl not incl | |00------ |SCCP Method Indicator |No indication | |End of optional parameters | |00000000 |Parameter name |End of Optional Params | +----+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ |HEX |0 |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |6 |7 |8 |9 |A |B |C |D |E |F | +----+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ |0 |89|8d|0f|85|45|40|10|20|02|00|2c|01|01|11|02|16| |10 |04|00| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ++Further information is not available. Link crashes. ++Corresponding SS7 linkset debug tandem*CLI> [1] Len = 34 [ [1] 8a [1] 89 [1] 1f [1] 85 [1] 41 [1] 40 [1] 11 [1] 20 [1] 02 [1] 00 [1] 01 [1] 00 [1] 60 [1] 01 [1] 0a [1] 00 [1] 02 [1] 09 [1] 07 [1] 83 [1] 10 [1] 22 [1] 44 [1] 51 [1] 51 [1] 0f [1] 0a [1] 05 [1] 03 [1] 11 [1] 44 [1] 40 [1] 74 [1] 00 [1] ] [1] [ [1] 8a [1] 89 [1] 1f [1] ] [1] FSN: 9 FIB 1 [1] BSN: 10 BIB 1 [1] >[0] MSU [1] [1] [ [1] 85 [1] ] [1] Network Indicator: 2 Priority: 0 User Part: ISUP [1] [1] [ [1] 41 [1] 40 [1] 11 [1] 20 [1] ] [1] OPC 69 DPC 65 SLS 2 [1] [1] [1] [ [1] 02 [1] 00 [1] ] [1] CIC: 2 [1] [1] [1] [ [1] 01 [1] ] [1] Message Type: IAM [1] [1] Len = 16 [ [1] 89 [1] 8b [1] 0f [1] 85 [1] 45 [1] 40 [1] 10 [1] 20 [1] 02 [1] 00 [1] 06 [1] 16 [1] 04 [1] 01 [1] 29 [1] 01 [1] ] [1] [ [1] 89 [1] 8b [1] 0f [1] ] [1] FSN: 11 FIB 1 [1] BSN: 9 BIB 1 [1] <[0] MSU [1] [1] [ [1] 85 [1] ] [1] Network Indicator: 2 Priority: 0 User Part: ISUP [1] [1] [ [1] 45 [1] 40 [1] 10 [1] 20 [1] ] [1] OPC 65 DPC 69 SLS 2 [1] [1] [1] [ [1] 02 [1] 00 [1] ] [1] CIC: 2 [1] [1] [1] [ [1] 06 [1] ] [1] Message Type: ACM [1] [1] Len = 32 [ [1] 89 [1] 8c [1] 1f [1] 85 [1] 45 [1] 40 [1] 10 [1] 20 [1] 02 [1] 00 [1] 2c [1] 02 [1] 01 [1] 36 [1] 01 [1] 12 [1] 0c [1] 06 [1] 03 [1] 10 [1] 99 [1] 49 [1] 05 [1] 15 [1] 2c [1] 01 [1] fb [1] 39 [1] 04 [1] 36 [1] c0 [1] 2c [1] ] [1] [ [1] 89 [1] 8c [1] 1f [1] ] [1] FSN: 12 FIB 1 [1] BSN: 9 BIB 1 [1] <[0] MSU [1] [1] [ [1] 85 [1] ] [1] Network Indicator: 2 Priority: 0 User Part: ISUP [1] [1] [ [1] 45 [1] 40 [1] 10 [1] 20 [1] ] [1] OPC 65 DPC 69 SLS 2 [1] [1] [1] [ [1] 02 [1] 00 [1] ] [1] CIC: 2 [1] [1] [1] [ [1] 2c [1] ] [1] Message Type: CPG [1] [1] Unhandled optional parameter 0x36 'Unknown' [1] [[1] 0x12 [1] ] [1] Unhandled optional parameter 0xc 'Unknown' [1] [[1] 0x3 [1] 0x10 [1] 0x99 [1] 0x49 [1] 0x5 [1] 0x15 [1] ] [1] Unhandled optional parameter 0x2c 'Generic Notification Indication' [1] [[1] 0xfb [1] ] [1] Unhandled optional parameter 0x39 'Unknown' [1] [[1] 0x36 [1] 0xc0 [1] 0x2c [1] 0xc0 [1] ] ++Further information is not available. Link crashes.