#0 0x00a8b7a2 in _dl_sysinfo_int80 () from /lib/ld-linux.so.2 (gdb) bt #0 0x00a8b7a2 in _dl_sysinfo_int80 () from /lib/ld-linux.so.2 #1 0x00acb955 in raise () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6 #2 0x00acd319 in abort () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6 #3 0x00b04a1b in malloc_printerr () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6 #4 0x00b054ba in free () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6 #5 0x08069708 in ast_channel_bridge (c0=0x8482ad0, c1=0x8553a88, config=0xb4dd1b50, fo=0xb4dd1010, rc=0xb4dd1014) at channel.c:3445 #6 0xb7eafd15 in ast_bridge_call (chan=0x8482ad0, peer=0x8553a88, config=0xb4dd1b50) at res_features.c:1325 #7 0xb777a08a in dial_exec_full (chan=0x8482ad0, data=0xb4dd1b50, peerflags=0xb4dd21f8, continue_exec=0x0) at app_dial.c:1633 #8 0xb777ca03 in dial_exec (chan=0x0, data=0x6) at app_dial.c:1680 #9 0x08085ecd in pbx_exec (c=0x8482ad0, app=0x8139390, data=0xb4dd255a, newstack=1) at pbx.c:574 #10 0xb7d4ef0c in handle_exec (chan=0x0, agi=0x0, argc=3, argv=0x8482ad0) at res_agi.c:1113 #11 0xb7d51072 in agi_exec_full (chan=0x8482ad0, data=0xb7d57400, enhanced=0, dead=0) at res_agi.c:1842 #12 0x0809163d in pbx_extension_helper (c=0x8482ad0, con=0xb4ddf0b0, context=0x8482c20 "macro-extdial", exten=0x8482d14 "s", priority=2, label=0x0, callerid=0xb4dd7b40 "agi://", action=-1213999176) at pbx.c:574 #13 0x08091bfc in ast_spawn_extension (c=0x0, context=0x6 "", exten=0x6 "", priority=6, callerid=0x6 "") at pbx.c:2250 #14 0xb794aed0 in macro_exec (chan=0x8482ad0, data=0x8482c20) at app_macro.c:297 #15 0x0809163d in pbx_extension_helper (c=0x8482ad0, con=0x0, context=0x8482c20 "macro-extdial", exten=0x8482d14 "s", priority=2, label=0x0, callerid=0xb4ddf0b0 "extdial|10228434|2097", action=0) at pbx.c:574 #16 0x08092916 in __ast_pbx_run (c=0x8482ad0) at pbx.c:2250 #17 0x080944bc in pbx_thread (data=0x0) at pbx.c:2537 #18 0x00ce91d5 in start_thread () from /lib/tls/libpthread.so.0 #19 0x00b692da in clone () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6 (gdb) bt full No symbol table info available. #1 0x00acb955 in raise () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6 No symbol table info available. #2 0x00acd319 in abort () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6 No symbol table info available. #3 0x00b04a1b in malloc_printerr () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6 No symbol table info available. #4 0x00b054ba in free () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6 No symbol table info available. #5 0x08069708 in ast_channel_bridge (c0=0x8482ad0, c1=0x8553a88, config=0xb4dd1b50, fo=0xb4dd1010, rc=0xb4dd1014) at channel.c:3445 now = warning: Unhandled dwarf expresion opcode DW_OP_piece {tv_sec = 12349428, tv_usec = 12355584} to = -1 res = AST_BRIDGE_COMPLETE nativefailed = 0 firstpass = 1 o0nativeformats = 64 o1nativeformats = 4 time_left_ms = 12349428 nexteventts = {tv_sec = 0, tv_usec = 0} caller_warning = 0 '\0' callee_warning = 0 '\0' __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "ast_channel_bridge" #6 0xb7eafd15 in ast_bridge_call (chan=0x8482ad0, peer=0x8553a88, config=0xb4dd1b50) at res_features.c:1325 tmp = "H\210?\000\000\210?\000æC\000\000\000\210?\000\000\210?\000\000\000\000\000H\210?\000-\225\005\b?¡Î\000p", '\0' , "I\023?\000\230\020???\016\006\b\214'H\b\000\210?\000\000\210?\000\000\000\020\000?¡Î\000?\000\000\000r\000\000\000Ù\227\221?\210\001S\b\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000??\005\b\200á\021\b\000\000\000\000 \004\000\000Ù\227\221?\002\000\000\000\000\000\000\000Ù\227\221?0|\221? peer_featurecode = '\0' hasfeatures = 0 hadfeatures = -1260580724 aoh = (struct ast_option_header *) 0x687a backup_config = {features_caller = {flags = 0}, features_callee = {flags = 0}, start_time = {tv_sec = 0, tv_usec = 0}, feature_timer = 0, timelimit = 0, play_warning = 0, warning_freq = 0, warning_sound = 0x0, end_sound = 0x0, start_sound = 0x0, firstpass = 0, flags = 0} monitor_exec = 0x0 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "ast_bridge_call" #7 0xb777a08a in dial_exec_full (chan=0x8482ad0, data=0xb4dd1b50, peerflags=0xb4dd21f8, continue_exec=0x0) at app_dial.c:1633 newcid = 0x0 res = 0 u = (struct localuser *) 0x84c31c0 number = 0x0 rest = 0x0 cur = 0x0 privcid = "Ð*H\bö ??? ??\220!??L\216R?@!?? !??\000\210?\000d&?\000\000\000\000\000(\000\000\000\000ºK\b\000\210?\000?o?\000\000\210?\000 ?K\b,!???T?\000\000\210?\000 ?K\b?o?\000\r\000\000\000\016\000\000\000?!??ð??\000 ?K\b ?K\b\r\000\000\000 ?K\b\000\000\000\000\r\000\000\000\000\200­? ?K\b ?K\b ?K\b?^?\000?o?\000x!?????\000????\002\000\000\000?!???^?\000\230!??$??\000\032\000\000\000H\024?\000E\002\000\000\000 ??\000\004\000\000"... privintro = "d&?\000Ð\027a\b(\000\000\000\000ºK\bG-Õ??o?\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\f\035???T?\000\000\210?\000 ?K\b?o?\000\021\000\000\000\022\000\000\000Ù\035??ð??\000 ?K\b ?K\b\021\000\000\000 ?K\b\000\000\000\000\021\000\000\000\000\200­? ?K\b ?K\b ?K\b ?K\b??K\b\004ºK\b ?K\b\004ºK\b\000\000\000\000!N?", '\0' , "\001\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\230\035??\031\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\032\000\000\000\000\000\000\0000È\000\000\032\000\000\000????\032\000\000\000\000\000\000\000?uH\bÏuH"... outgoing = (struct localuser *) 0x0 tmp = (struct localuser *) 0x837a750 to = 50043 numbusy = 0 numcongestion = 0 numnochan = 0 cause = 0 numsubst = "2097\000\000\000\000!N?\000x\000\000\000\000\210?\000\000\210?\000\035\000\000\000H\210?\000h\"??i\000\000\000Ð\027a\b\001\000\000\000????", '\0' , "\210?" restofit = '\0' , "\n", '\0' , "\035\000\000\000\001\000\000\0008\"??\030!??D-Õ?\r\000\000" cidname = "\000\000\000\000H\210?\000\000\210?\000?o?\000\000\210?\000\030\000\000\0000\034???h?\000\000\210?\000P?7\b", '\0' , "h\000\000\000??d \000\000\000\000\001\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000" toast = "!N?\000\025?­\000H!??\030\035??", '\0' , "\031", '\0' , "$U?", '\0' , "X\210?\000\000\000\000" l = 0xb4dd1b50 "" privdb_val = 0 calldurationlimit = 0 config = {features_caller = {flags = 0}, features_callee = {flags = 0}, start_time = {tv_sec = 1182569888, tv_usec = 279052}, feature_timer = 0, timelimit = 0, play_warning = 0, warning_freq = 0, warning_sound = 0x0, end_sound = 0x0, start_sound = 0x0, firstpass = 0, flags = 0} timelimit = 0 play_warning = 0 warning_freq = 0 warning_sound = 0x0 end_sound = 0x0 start_sound = 0x0 dtmfcalled = 0x0 dtmfcalling = 0x0 var = 0x0 status = "ANSWER\000R\000GS", '\0' play_to_caller = -1260577968 play_to_callee = 0 sentringing = 0 moh = 0 outbound_group = 0xb4dd1b50 "" macro_result = 0xb4dd1b50 "" macro_transfer_dest = 0xb4dd1b50 "" digit = 0 result = 0 start_time = 1182569877 answer_time = 1182569888 end_time = 1182569865 app = (struct ast_app *) 0x50 parse = 0xb4dd11d0 "SIP" args = {argc = 3, argv = 0xb4dd1a34, peers = 0xb4dd11d0 "SIP", timeout = 0xb4dd11d9 "60", options = 0xb4dd11dc "Crg", url = 0x0} opts = {flags = 131106} opt_args = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xb4dd11c1 ">U\b\020", 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0} __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "dial_exec_full" #8 0xb777ca03 in dial_exec (chan=0x0, data=0x6) at app_dial.c:1680 peerflags = {flags = 32} #9 0x08085ecd in pbx_exec (c=0x8482ad0, app=0x8139390, data=0xb4dd255a, newstack=1) at pbx.c:574 res = 0 saved_c_appl = 0x8139390 "AGI" saved_c_data = 0xb4dd7b40 "agi://" execute = (int (*)(struct ast_channel *, void *)) 0xb777c9e0 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "pbx_exec" #10 0xb7d4ef0c in handle_exec (chan=0x0, agi=0x0, argc=3, argv=0x8482ad0) at res_agi.c:1113 res = 138947280 app = (struct ast_app *) 0x6 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "handle_exec" #11 0xb7d51072 in agi_exec_full (chan=0x8482ad0, data=0xb7d57400, enhanced=0, dead=0) at res_agi.c:1842 c = (struct ast_channel *) 0x0 ms = -1 returnstatus = 0 buf = "EXEC\000Dial\000SIP/2097|60|Crg\000\000N\000\000@OUT\000\000\000\0000:15000)\000\000\000\"", '\0' , "d&?\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000?o?\000?'??\230'??q9?\000?'??6)??\r9?2\000\000\000\000\r9???o?\000?@\020\b\2149???(??vÝ?\000?'???@\020\b?9??6)??\000\000\000\000\\(???'??\001\200­?6)??6)??6)??6)??\003*??\r9??6)??\r9??", '\0' ... outfd = 581 f = (struct ast_frame *) 0xb7d57400 readf = (FILE *) 0x8136ef0 retry = 3 res = -1260572848 u = (struct localuser *) 0x8135ed0 argv = {0xb4dd2f60 "agi://", 0x0 , 0x6c6c6163
, 0x6c6c612c
, 0x0 , 0xb7d516be "\201Ã*-", 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0} buf = "agi://", '\0' tmp = 0x0 argc = 1 fds = {581, 581} efd = -1 pid = -1 agi = {fd = 581, audio = -1, ctrl = 581} __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "agi_exec_full" #12 0x0809163d in pbx_extension_helper (c=0x8482ad0, con=0xb4ddf0b0, context=0x8482c20 "macro-extdial", exten=0x8482d14 "s", priority=2, label=0x0, callerid=0xb4dd7b40 "agi://", action=-1213999176) at pbx.c:574 e = (struct ast_exten *) 0x81fb008 sw = (struct ast_switch *) 0x0 data = 0x0 foundcontext = 0x8482c20 "macro-extdial" newstack = 1 res = -1213999176 status = 5 incstack = {0xb6f0356c "31.WAV", 0x40044a2a
, 0xb4dd9b78 "\001", 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xb6f0356c "31.WAV", 0x1 "", 0xb4dd9bb0 "\005", 0x1 "", 0xb4dd9be0 "?¡Î", 0xb6f034a0 "??\177f\030", 0x8061f6a "?\205Ü\003", 0xb6f034a0 "??\177f\030", 0xb4dd9bb0 "\005", 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x5 "", 0x0 , 0xceacb7 "\201Ã=\203", 0x0, 0x0, 0xb7b84b88 " Ê\004", 0x5 "", 0xb6f034a0 "??\177f\030", 0xb6f7c620 "", 0xb7b48491 "\213D$,\213\234$|\022", 0xb6f7c620 "", 0x1 "", 0x0, 0x0, 0xb02664 "\201Ã\220I\f", 0x0, 0x0, 0xbc6ff4 ", 0x0, 0xb4ddae7f "", 0xbc6ff4 ", 0xb4ddae30 "ARG2", 0xb4ddae30 "ARG2", 0xb4ddae30 "ARG2", 0xbc8848 "", 0xbc8800 "\002", 0x28 "", 0xbc8800 "\002", 0xbc8800 "\002", 0x0, 0xbc8848 "", 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xb4dda730 "1", 0x0, 0xb4dda730 "1", 0xb4000000 "\020", 0x0, 0xb4dda730 "1", 0xb4dda73b "", 0xb04e21 "\201ÃÓ!\f", 0x0, 0x800 "", 0x0, 0x0, 0x3 "", 0x20 "", 0xbc6ff4 ", 0xc830
, 0x16 "", 0x86117d0 " ?", 0xb "", 0xb794c2ef "MACRO_DEPTH", 0x1 "", 0x8482e98 "0?\023\b\030:9\b", 0x80c4669 "\017?\036\211Á\204?\017\225ÂA\017\225?\017??ð\027\215t&", 0xb4dda730 "1", 0x1 "", 0x855b5e8 "È\2206\b??U\bMACRO_DEPTH", 0xb4dd9d48 "\230.H\b8Þ\224?Ð*H\b ,H\bæ????\033\t\b ,H\b\024-H\b\002", 0xb054ba "e\203=\f", 0xbc8800 "\002", 0x855b5e8 "È\2206\b??U\bMACRO_DEPTH", 0x855b5e8 "È\2206\b??U\bMACRO_DEPTH"} passdata = "agi://", '\0' stacklen = 0 tmp = '\0' tmp2 = '\0' tmp3 = "\000\000\000\000d&?\000\000\000\000\000@7H\b?o?\000?Z??ÜZ??q9?\000?Z??L\\???128\000\000\000\000?????o?\000L\\???Z??d&?\000?\215?\000?Z??\000\000\000\000@[??\034[??q9?\000@[s \000\000\000\000????", '\0' , "he??\000\000\000\000Ü[??@[d \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000s\000\000\000\002\000\000\000La???_??n???\023\000\000\000????", '\0' , "\n\000\000\000\000\000\000\000 \\??", '\0' , "s\000"... atmp = "1¤??U¤??\027ð­\000 `??1¤??\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000?Ú???", '\0' , "?[????U\b\025?­\0008`??\b\\??\000\000\000\000Ì\233??\000\000\000\000\000\000\000" atmp2 = '\0' , "Ä'?\000ÔS?\000\000\000\000\000QЭ\000\000\000\000\000?o?\000\000\000\000\000S\226º\000?F??\027ð­\000ÌF??S\226º", '\0' , "Ä'?\000ÔS?\000¤?U\b,\000\000\000\000\000\000\000?o?\000\000\000\000\000t???ñF??\027ð­\000\020G??t???\002", '\0' , "Ä'?\000Ä'?\000ÔS?\000\234F??lB??\000\000\000\000?o?\000\000\000\000\000#???U¤??\027ð­\000PG??#???\001", '\0' , "\025?­\000ÙF???B?"... __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "pbx_extension_helper" #13 0x08091bfc in ast_spawn_extension (c=0x0, context=0x6 "", exten=0x6 "", priority=6, callerid=0x6 "") at pbx.c:2250 No locals. #14 0xb794aed0 in macro_exec (chan=0x8482ad0, data=0x8482c20) at app_macro.c:297 c = (struct ast_context *) 0x8482ad0 e = (struct ast_exten *) 0x81fb008 tmp = 0x6 "" rest = 0x0 fullmacro = "macro-extdial", '\0' varname = "ARG2", '\0' runningapp = "AGI", '\0' runningdata = "agi://${ARG1}&A02=${ARG2}", '\0' oldargs = {0x0 } argc = 3 x = 138947280 res = 0 oldexten = "2097", '\0' oldpriority = 2 gosub_level = 0 pc = "2", '\0' depthc = "1\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000" oldcontext = "myphones", '\0' offsets = 0x6 "" s = 0x6 "" inhangupc = 0x6 "" offset = 1852785418 depth = 0 maxdepth = 7 setmacrocontext = 1 dead = 0 inhangup = 0 save_macro_exten = 0x0 save_macro_context = 0x0 save_macro_priority = 0x0 save_macro_offset = 0x0 u = (struct localuser *) 0x8487838 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "macro_exec" #15 0x0809163d in pbx_extension_helper (c=0x8482ad0, con=0x0, context=0x8482c20 "macro-extdial", exten=0x8482d14 "s", priority=2, label=0x0, callerid=0xb4ddf0b0 "extdial|10228434|2097", action=0) at pbx.c:574 e = (struct ast_exten *) 0x82073b8 sw = (struct ast_switch *) 0x0 data = 0x0 foundcontext = 0x81fac51 "myextens" newstack = 1 res = 0 status = 5 incstack = {0x81fa968 "myphones", 0x81fb320 "vservices", 0xb4de1400 "", 0xb792e408 "\215P\001\203?\037\203Üö)Ä\215|$;\203åö\211T$\b\211<$\211t$\004æÎ???\211Ç?/", 0xb7844928 "SIP/2726", 0xb78543e4 "0Z\205?2722", 0x9 "", 0xb793f274 "\2301\001", 0x2f504953
, 0x36323732
, 0xb4de1400 "", 0xb792e408 "\215P\001\203?\037\203Üö)Ä\215|$;\203åö\211T$\b\211<$\211t$\004æÎ???\211Ç?/", 0xb7844ed0 "SIP/2720", 0xb78543e4 "0Z\205?2722", 0x9 "", 0xb793f274 "\2301\001", 0x2f504953
, 0x30323732
, 0xb4de1400 "", 0xb792e408 "\215P\001\203?\037\203Üö)Ä\215|$;\203åö\211T$\b\211<$\211t$\004æÎ???\211Ç?/", 0xb7845478 "SIP/2722", 0xb78543e4 "0Z\205?2722", 0x9 "", 0xb793f274 "\2301\001", 0x2f504953
, 0x32323732
, 0xb4de1400 "", 0xb792e408 "\215P\001\203?\037\203Üö)Ä\215|$;\203åö\211T$\b\211<$\211t$\004æÎ???\211Ç?/", 0xb7845a20 "SIP/2711", 0xb78543e4 "0Z\205?2722", 0x9 "", 0xb793f274 "\2301\001", 0x2f504953
, 0x31313732
, 0xb4de1400 "", 0xb792e408 "\215P\001\203?\037\203Üö)Ä\215|$;\203åö\211T$\b\211<$\211t$\004æÎ???\211Ç?/", 0xb7845fc8 "SIP/2712", 0xb78543e4 "0Z\205?2722", 0x9 "", 0xb793f274 "\2301\001", 0x2f504953
, 0x32313732
, 0xb4de1400 "", 0xb792e408 "\215P\001\203?\037\203Üö)Ä\215|$;\203åö\211T$\b\211<$\211t$\004æÎ???\211Ç?/", 0xb7846570 "SIP/2704", 0xb78543e4 "0Z\205?2722", 0x9 "", 0xb793f274 "\2301\001", 0x2f504953
, 0x34303732
, 0xb4de1400 "", 0xb792e408 "\215P\001\203?\037\203Üö)Ä\215|$;\203åö\211T$\b\211<$\211t$\004æÎ???\211Ç?/", 0xb7846b18 "SIP/2719", 0xb78543e4 "0Z\205?2722", 0x9 "", 0xb793f274 "\2301\001", 0x2f504953
, 0x39313732
, 0xb4de1400 "", 0xb792e408 "\215P\001\203?\037\203Üö)Ä\215|$;\203åö\211T$\b\211<$\211t$\004æÎ???\211Ç?/", 0xb78470c0 "SIP/2718", 0xb78543e4 "0Z\205?2722", 0x9 "", 0xb793f274 "\2301\001", 0x2f504953
, 0x38313732
, 0xb4de1400 "", 0xb792e408 "\215P\001\203?\037\203Üö)Ä\215|$;\203åö\211T$\b\211<$\211t$\004æÎ???\211Ç?/", 0xb7847668 "SIP/2705", 0xb04a31 "\201ÃÃ%\f", 0x9 "", 0x18 "", 0x20 "", 0xbc8848 "", 0x0, 0xbc8834 "æwH\b", 0xbc8838 "", 0xbc8800 "\002", 0xbc6ff4 ", 0xb4de128c "", 0xb0575d "\215v", 0xb792e408 "\215P\001\203?\037\203Üö)Ä\215|$;\203åö\211T$\b\211<$\211t$\004æÎ???\211Ç?/", 0xb78481b8 "SIP/2296", 0xb78543e4 "0Z\205?2722", 0x9 "", 0xb793f274 "\2301\001", 0x2f504953
, 0xbc8860 "X\210?", 0xb05524 "\201ÃÐ\032\f", 0x0, 0xbc8848 "", 0xbc8800 "\002", 0xb4de1bb0 "?\033??T9\207??\033??\001", 0x80a6537 "\205ò\017\204?\002", 0xb4de1261 "0228434", 0x0, 0x4f "", 0xb792e408 "\215P\001\203?\037\203Üö)Ä\215|$;\203åö\211T$\b\211<$\211t$\004æÎ???\211Ç?/", 0xb7848830 "SIP/2706", 0xb78543e4 "0Z\205?2722", 0x9 "", 0xb793f274 "\2301\001", 0x2f504953
, 0x36303732
, 0xb4de1400 "", 0x837a788 "10228434", 0x32323031
, 0x34333438
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