(gdb) bt #0 0xb7d7f847 in raise () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6 #1 0xb7d810d9 in abort () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6 #2 0xb7db3616 in __libc_message () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6 #3 0xb7db9d4f in _int_free () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6 #4 0xb7dba0ea in free () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6 #5 0xb7293c0f in send_proc (proc=0x82096a0, op=1, arg=0x0) at net_l3.c:2461 #6 0xb729059f in l3dss1_release (pc=0x82096a0, pr=77, arg=0x820f468) at net_l3.c:916 #7 0xb7293d0b in send_proc (proc=0x82096a0, op=2, arg=0xb6a58298) at net_l3.c:2481 #8 0xb7294763 in dl_data_mux (l3=0x816f4f0, hh=0x820f4a8, msg=0x820f468) at net_l3.c:2684 #9 0xb7294816 in l3_muxer (nst=0x81a7650, msg=0x820f468) at net_l3.c:2701 #10 0xb72881ec in if_newhead (arg=0x81a7650, func=0xb7294786 , prim=1180290, dinfo=0, msg=0x820f468) at /usr/src/mISDNuser-1_1_3/include/isdn_net.h:231 #11 0xb72881b0 in l2up (l2=0x816f358, prim=1180290, dinfo=0, msg=0x820f468) at net_l2.c:93 #12 0xb728ad76 in l2_got_iframe (fi=0x816f390, event=7, arg=0x820f468) at net_l2.c:1127 #13 0xb7287f23 in FsmEvent (fi=0x816f390, event=7, arg=0x820f468) at fsm.c:61 #14 0xb728c2ec in ph_data_mux (nst=0x81a7650, frm=0x820f49c, msg=0x820f468) at net_l2.c:1748 #15 0xb728c7cd in l2muxer (nst=0x81a7650, msg=0x820f468) at net_l2.c:1843 #16 0xb72bef09 in handle_frm_nt (msg=0x820f468) at isdn_lib.c:2556 #17 0xb72c1405 in manager_isdn_handler (frm=0x820f49c, msg=0x820f468) at isdn_lib.c:3549 #18 0xb72bfe0e in misdn_lib_isdn_event_catcher (arg=0x816db88) at isdn_lib.c:2971 #19 0xb7f4320e in start_thread () from /lib/tls/libpthread.so.0 #20 0xb7e200de in clone () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6 (gdb) bt full #0 0xb7d7f847 in raise () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6 No symbol table info available. #1 0xb7d810d9 in abort () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6 No symbol table info available. #2 0xb7db3616 in __libc_message () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6 No symbol table info available. #3 0xb7db9d4f in _int_free () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6 No symbol table info available. #4 0xb7dba0ea in free () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6 No symbol table info available. #5 0xb7293c0f in send_proc (proc=0x82096a0, op=1, arg=0x0) at net_l3.c:2461 i = 136426860 selp = (layer3_proc_t *) 0xb729c576 l3m = (struct _l3_msg *) 0x0 l3msg = {mt = 3, msg = 0x0} __FUNCTION__ = "send_proc" #6 0xb729059f in l3dss1_release (pc=0x82096a0, pr=77, arg=0x820f468) at net_l3.c:916 umsg = (msg_t *) 0x820ca68 msg = (msg_t *) 0x820f468 rel = (RELEASE_t *) 0x820caa4 cause = 0 #7 0xb7293d0b in send_proc (proc=0x82096a0, op=2, arg=0xb6a58298) at net_l3.c:2481 i = 11 selp = (layer3_proc_t *) 0xb6a582b8 l3m = (struct _l3_msg *) 0xb6a58298 l3msg = {mt = -1209516448, msg = 0x4666d409} __FUNCTION__ = "send_proc" #8 0xb7294763 in dl_data_mux (l3=0x816f4f0, hh=0x820f4a8, msg=0x820f468) at net_l3.c:2684 proc = (layer3_proc_t *) 0x82096a0 ret = -22 cr = 32771 l3m = {mt = 77, msg = 0x820f468} __FUNCTION__ = "dl_data_mux" #9 0xb7294816 in l3_muxer (nst=0x81a7650, msg=0x820f468) at net_l3.c:2701 hh = (mISDNuser_head_t *) 0x820f4a8 ret = -22 __FUNCTION__ = "l3_muxer" #10 0xb72881ec in if_newhead (arg=0x81a7650, func=0xb7294786 , prim=1180290, dinfo=0, msg=0x820f468) at /usr/src/mISDNuser-1_1_3/include/isdn_net.h:231 No locals. #11 0xb72881b0 in l2up (l2=0x816f358, prim=1180290, dinfo=0, msg=0x820f468) at net_l2.c:93 No locals. #12 0xb728ad76 in l2_got_iframe (fi=0x816f390, event=7, arg=0x820f468) at net_l2.c:1127 l2 = (layer2_t *) 0x816f358 msg = (msg_t *) 0x820f468 PollFlag = 0 ns = 4 i = 2 nr = 5 #13 0xb7287f23 in FsmEvent (fi=0x816f390, event=7, arg=0x820f468) at fsm.c:61 r = (FSMFNPTR) 0xb728aba6 #14 0xb728c2ec in ph_data_mux (nst=0x81a7650, frm=0x820f49c, msg=0x820f468) at net_l2.c:1748 datap = (u_char *) 0x820f4ae "" l2 = (layer2_t *) 0x816f358 ret = -22 psapi = 0 ptei = 0 hh = (mISDNuser_head_t *) 0xb7dd3229 c = 0 __FUNCTION__ = "ph_data_mux" #15 0xb728c7cd in l2muxer (nst=0x81a7650, msg=0x820f468) at net_l2.c:1843 frm = (iframe_t *) 0x820f49c ret = -22 __FUNCTION__ = "l2muxer" #16 0xb72bef09 in handle_frm_nt (msg=0x820f468) at isdn_lib.c:2556 frm = (iframe_t *) 0x820f49c stack = (struct misdn_stack *) 0x81a7650 err = 0 #17 0xb72c1405 in manager_isdn_handler (frm=0x820f49c, msg=0x820f468) at isdn_lib.c:3549 No locals. #18 0xb72bfe0e in misdn_lib_isdn_event_catcher (arg=0x816db88) at isdn_lib.c:2971 msg = (msg_t *) 0x820f468 frm = (iframe_t *) 0x820f49c mgr = (struct misdn_lib *) 0x816db88 zero_frm = 0 fff_frm = 0 midev = 14 port = 0 #19 0xb7f4320e in start_thread () from /lib/tls/libpthread.so.0 No symbol table info available. #20 0xb7e200de in clone () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6 No symbol table info available. (gdb) thread apply all bt Thread 22 (process 21844): #0 0xb7f48251 in __read_nocancel () from /lib/tls/libpthread.so.0 #1 0x080d6588 in read_char (el=0x81302b8, cp=0xbff9d2a7 "\bÿÿÿÿì\200\020") at read.c:296 #2 0x080d66af in el_getc (el=0x81302b8, cp=0xbff9d2a7 "\bÿÿÿÿì\200\020") at read.c:347 #3 0x080d6492 in read_getcmd (el=0x81302b8, cmdnum=0xbff9d2af "", ch=0xbff9d2a7 "\bÿÿÿÿì\200\020") at read.c:243 #4 0x080d68cd in el_gets (el=0x81302b8, nread=0xbff9d45c) at read.c:443 #5 0x080b8051 in main (argc=7, argv=0xbff9d674) at asterisk.c:2459 Thread 21 (process 21848): #0 0xb7e1674a in poll () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6 #1 0x080b2d1d in listener (unused=0x0) at asterisk.c:600 #2 0xb7f4320e in start_thread () from /lib/tls/libpthread.so.0 #3 0xb7e200de in clone () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6 Thread 20 (process 21849): #0 0xb7f4844e in accept () from /lib/tls/libpthread.so.0 #1 0x080b0fa6 in accept_thread (ignore=0x0) at manager.c:1455 #2 0xb7f4320e in start_thread () from /lib/tls/libpthread.so.0 #3 0xb7e200de in clone () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6 Thread 19 (process 21850): #0 0xb7f45b11 in pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 () from /lib/tls/libpthread.so.0 #1 0x080c818a in ast_cond_wait (cond=0x8125ae0, t=0x8120dc8) at include/asterisk/lock.h:635 #2 0x080c816d in do_devstate_changes (data=0x0) at devicestate.c:267 #3 0xb7f4320e in start_thread () from /lib/tls/libpthread.so.0 #4 0xb7e200de in clone () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6 Thread 18 (process 21851): #0 0xb7e18d57 in ___newselect_nocancel () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6 #1 0xb7acda92 in ast_select (nfds=0, rfds=0xb7ac5310, wfds=0x0, efds=0xb7ac5290, tvp=0x0) at ../include/asterisk/channel.h:1150 #2 0xb7acda4f in do_parking_thread (ignore=0x0) at res_features.c:1662 #3 0xb7f4320e in start_thread () from /lib/tls/libpthread.so.0 #4 0xb7e200de in clone () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6 Thread 17 (process 21852): #0 0xb7de2f1c in __nanosleep_nocancel () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6 #1 0xb7de2d1d in sleep () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6 #2 0xb7a78729 in scan_thread (unused=0x0) at pbx_spool.c:365 #3 0xb7f4320e in start_thread () from /lib/tls/libpthread.so.0 #4 0xb7e200de in clone () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6 Thread 16 (process 21853): #0 0xb7e1674a in poll () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6 #1 0x08056064 in ast_io_wait (ioc=0x815fba8, howlong=1000) at io.c:271 #2 0xb7894891 in network_thread (ignore=0x0) at pbx_dundi.c:2112 #3 0xb7f4320e in start_thread () from /lib/tls/libpthread.so.0 #4 0xb7e200de in clone () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6 Thread 15 (process 21854): #0 0xb7de2f1c in __nanosleep_nocancel () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6 #1 0xb7de2d1d in sleep () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6 #2 0xb78949eb in process_precache (ign=0x0) at pbx_dundi.c:2152 #3 0xb7f4320e in start_thread () from /lib/tls/libpthread.so.0 #4 0xb7e200de in clone () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6 Thread 14 (process 21855): #0 0xb7e1674a in poll () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6 #1 0x08056064 in ast_io_wait (ioc=0x81908b0, howlong=1000) at io.c:271 #2 0xb76d9e5d in do_monitor (data=0x0) at chan_sip.c:11742 #3 0xb7f4320e in start_thread () from /lib/tls/libpthread.so.0 #4 0xb7e200de in clone () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6 Thread 13 (process 21856): #0 0xb7e1674a in poll () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6 #1 0x08056064 in ast_io_wait (ioc=0x8169e58, howlong=1000) at io.c:271 #2 0xb7655444 in do_monitor (data=0x0) at chan_mgcp.c:3442 #3 0xb7f4320e in start_thread () from /lib/tls/libpthread.so.0 #4 0xb7e200de in clone () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6 Thread 12 (process 21857): #0 0xb7e1674a in poll () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6 #1 0x08056064 in ast_io_wait (ioc=0x816b808, howlong=1000) at io.c:271 #2 0xb74d5623 in network_thread (ignore=0x0) at chan_iax2.c:8136 #3 0xb7f4320e in start_thread () from /lib/tls/libpthread.so.0 #4 0xb7e200de in clone () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6 Thread 11 (process 21858): #0 0xb7e1674a in poll () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6 #1 0x08056064 in ast_io_wait (ioc=0x8192610, howlong=1000) at io.c:271 #2 0xb7455b38 in do_monitor (data=0x0) at chan_skinny.c:2998 #3 0xb7f4320e in start_thread () from /lib/tls/libpthread.so.0 #4 0xb7e200de in clone () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6 Thread 10 (process 21859): #0 0xb7e18d57 in ___newselect_nocancel () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6 #1 0xb74094f3 in ast_select (nfds=0, rfds=0xb7404400, wfds=0x0, efds=0xb7404380, tvp=0x0) at ../include/asterisk/channel.h:1150 #2 0xb74092ff in do_monitor (data=0x0) at chan_phone.c:1033 #3 0xb7f4320e in start_thread () from /lib/tls/libpthread.so.0 #4 0xb7e200de in clone () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6 Thread 9 (process 21860): #0 0xb7e1674a in poll () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6 #1 0xb738f16d in do_monitor (data=0x0) at chan_zap.c:6675 #2 0xb7f4320e in start_thread () from /lib/tls/libpthread.so.0 #3 0xb7e200de in clone () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6 Thread 8 (process 21865): #0 0xb7f4782b in sem_wait@GLIBC_2.0 () from /lib/tls/libpthread.so.0 #1 0xb7f4cff4 in ?? () from /lib/tls/libpthread.so.0 #2 0xb72c18a6 in manager_event_handler (arg=0x816db88) at isdn_lib.c:3711 #3 0xb7f4320e in start_thread () from /lib/tls/libpthread.so.0 #4 0xb7e200de in clone () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6 Thread 7 (process 21867): #0 0xb7e18d57 in ___newselect_nocancel () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6 #1 0xb61318f2 in ast_select (nfds=0, rfds=0xb612e3c0, wfds=0x0, efds=0xb612e340, tvp=0x0) at ../include/asterisk/channel.h:1150 #2 0xb61318af in do_valetparking_thread (ignore=0x0) at app_valetparking.c:484 #3 0xb7f4320e in start_thread () from /lib/tls/libpthread.so.0 #4 0xb7e200de in clone () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6 Thread 6 (process 21869): #0 0xb7e1674a in poll () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6 #1 0x080b6cab in monitor_sig_flags (unused=0x0) at asterisk.c:2018 #2 0xb7f4320e in start_thread () from /lib/tls/libpthread.so.0 #3 0xb7e200de in clone () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6 Thread 5 (process 21885): #0 0xb7e1674a in poll () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6 #1 0x080b0b2f in get_input (s=0x8139c88, output=0xb5d3a464 "") at manager.c:1372 #2 0x080b0cca in session_do (data=0x8139c88) at manager.c:1407 #3 0xb7f4320e in start_thread () from /lib/tls/libpthread.so.0 #4 0xb7e200de in clone () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6 Thread 4 (process 21901): #0 0xb7e1674a in poll () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6 #1 0x080b2ae8 in netconsole (vconsole=0x812ca60) at asterisk.c:549 #2 0xb7f4320e in start_thread () from /lib/tls/libpthread.so.0 ---Type to continue, or q to quit--- #3 0xb7e200de in clone () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6 Thread 3 (process 21903): #0 0xb7e1674a in poll () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6 #1 0x080b2ae8 in netconsole (vconsole=0x812ca70) at asterisk.c:549 #2 0xb7f4320e in start_thread () from /lib/tls/libpthread.so.0 #3 0xb7e200de in clone () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6 Thread 2 (process 21923): #0 0xb7e1674a in poll () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6 #1 0xb72aab0d in misdn_tasks_thread_func (data=0xb6a57780) at chan_misdn.c:475 #2 0xb7f4320e in start_thread () from /lib/tls/libpthread.so.0 #3 0xb7e200de in clone () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6 Thread 1 (process 21866): #0 0xb7d7f847 in raise () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6 #1 0xb7d810d9 in abort () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6 #2 0xb7db3616 in __libc_message () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6 #3 0xb7db9d4f in _int_free () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6 #4 0xb7dba0ea in free () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6 #5 0xb7293c0f in send_proc (proc=0x82096a0, op=1, arg=0x0) at net_l3.c:2461 #6 0xb729059f in l3dss1_release (pc=0x82096a0, pr=77, arg=0x820f468) at net_l3.c:916 #7 0xb7293d0b in send_proc (proc=0x82096a0, op=2, arg=0xb6a58298) at net_l3.c:2481 #8 0xb7294763 in dl_data_mux (l3=0x816f4f0, hh=0x820f4a8, msg=0x820f468) at net_l3.c:2684 #9 0xb7294816 in l3_muxer (nst=0x81a7650, msg=0x820f468) at net_l3.c:2701 #10 0xb72881ec in if_newhead (arg=0x81a7650, func=0xb7294786 , prim=1180290, dinfo=0, msg=0x820f468) at /usr/src/mISDNuser-1_1_3/include/isdn_net.h:231 #11 0xb72881b0 in l2up (l2=0x816f358, prim=1180290, dinfo=0, msg=0x820f468) at net_l2.c:93 #12 0xb728ad76 in l2_got_iframe (fi=0x816f390, event=7, arg=0x820f468) at net_l2.c:1127 #13 0xb7287f23 in FsmEvent (fi=0x816f390, event=7, arg=0x820f468) at fsm.c:61 #14 0xb728c2ec in ph_data_mux (nst=0x81a7650, frm=0x820f49c, msg=0x820f468) at net_l2.c:1748 #15 0xb728c7cd in l2muxer (nst=0x81a7650, msg=0x820f468) at net_l2.c:1843 #16 0xb72bef09 in handle_frm_nt (msg=0x820f468) at isdn_lib.c:2556 #17 0xb72c1405 in manager_isdn_handler (frm=0x820f49c, msg=0x820f468) at isdn_lib.c:3549 #18 0xb72bfe0e in misdn_lib_isdn_event_catcher (arg=0x816db88) at isdn_lib.c:2971 #19 0xb7f4320e in start_thread () from /lib/tls/libpthread.so.0 #20 0xb7e200de in clone () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6 (gdb) quit