[May 24 15:23:25] Asterisk 1.4.4, Copyright (C) 1999 - 2006 Digium, Inc. and others. [May 24 15:23:25] Created by Mark Spencer [May 24 15:23:25] Asterisk comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; type 'core show warranty' for details. [May 24 15:23:25] This is free software, with components licensed under the GNU General Public [May 24 15:23:25] License version 2 and other licenses; you are welcome to redistribute it under [May 24 15:23:25] certain conditions. Type 'core show license' for details. [May 24 15:23:25] ========================================================================= [May 24 15:23:25] == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf': Parsing /etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf [May 24 15:23:25] Found [May 24 15:23:25] == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/extconfig.conf': Parsing /etc/asterisk/extconfig.conf [May 24 15:23:25] Found [May 24 15:23:25] == Binding sipusers to odbc/mysql_config/sip [May 24 15:23:25] == Binding sippeers to odbc/mysql_config/sip [May 24 15:23:25] == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/logger.conf': Parsing /etc/asterisk/logger.conf [May 24 15:23:25] Found [May 24 15:23:25] Asterisk Event Logger Started /var/log/asterisk/event_log [May 24 15:23:25] Asterisk Dynamic Loader Starting: [May 24 15:23:25] == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/modules.conf': [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: config.c:839 config_text_file_load: Parsing /etc/asterisk/modules.conf [May 24 15:23:25] Found [May 24 15:23:25] == Manager registered action Ping [May 24 15:23:25] == Manager registered action Events [May 24 15:23:25] == Manager registered action Logoff [May 24 15:23:25] == Manager registered action Hangup [May 24 15:23:25] == Manager registered action Status [May 24 15:23:25] == Manager registered action Setvar [May 24 15:23:25] == Manager registered action Getvar [May 24 15:23:25] == Manager registered action GetConfig [May 24 15:23:25] == Manager registered action UpdateConfig [May 24 15:23:25] == Manager registered action Redirect [May 24 15:23:25] == Manager registered action Originate [May 24 15:23:25] == Manager registered action Command [May 24 15:23:25] == Manager registered action ExtensionState [May 24 15:23:25] == Manager registered action AbsoluteTimeout [May 24 15:23:25] == Manager registered action MailboxStatus [May 24 15:23:25] == Manager registered action MailboxCount [May 24 15:23:25] == Manager registered action ListCommands [May 24 15:23:25] == Manager registered action UserEvent [May 24 15:23:25] == Manager registered action WaitEvent [May 24 15:23:25] NOTICE[3557]: manager.c:2738 init_manager: Unable to open management configuration manager.conf. Call management disabled. [May 24 15:23:25] == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/cdr.conf': [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: config.c:839 config_text_file_load: Parsing /etc/asterisk/cdr.conf [May 24 15:23:25] Found [May 24 15:23:25] NOTICE[3557]: cdr.c:1283 do_reload: CDR simple logging enabled. [May 24 15:23:25] == RTP Allocating from port range 5000 -> 31000 [May 24 15:23:25] == UDPTL allocating from port range 4500 -> 4999 [May 24 15:23:25] Asterisk PBX Core Initializing [May 24 15:23:25] Registering builtin applications: [May 24 15:23:25] [Answer] [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'Answer' [May 24 15:23:25] [BackGround] [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'BackGround' [May 24 15:23:25] [Busy] [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'Busy' [May 24 15:23:25] [Congestion] [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'Congestion' [May 24 15:23:25] [Goto] [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'Goto' [May 24 15:23:25] [GotoIf] [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'GotoIf' [May 24 15:23:25] [GotoIfTime] [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'GotoIfTime' [May 24 15:23:25] [ExecIfTime] [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'ExecIfTime' [May 24 15:23:25] [Hangup] [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'Hangup' [May 24 15:23:25] [NoOp] [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'NoOp' [May 24 15:23:25] [Progress] [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'Progress' [May 24 15:23:25] [ResetCDR] [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'ResetCDR' [May 24 15:23:25] [Ringing] [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'Ringing' [May 24 15:23:25] [SayNumber] [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'SayNumber' [May 24 15:23:25] [SayDigits] [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'SayDigits' [May 24 15:23:25] [SayAlpha] [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'SayAlpha' [May 24 15:23:25] [SayPhonetic] [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'SayPhonetic' [May 24 15:23:25] [SetAMAFlags] [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'SetAMAFlags' [May 24 15:23:25] [SetGlobalVar] [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'SetGlobalVar' [May 24 15:23:25] [Set] [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'Set' [May 24 15:23:25] [ImportVar] [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'ImportVar' [May 24 15:23:25] [Wait] [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'Wait' [May 24 15:23:25] [WaitExten] [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'WaitExten' [May 24 15:23:25] == Manager registered action DBGet [May 24 15:23:25] == Manager registered action DBPut [May 24 15:23:25] Asterisk Dynamic Loader Starting: [May 24 15:23:25] == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/modules.conf': [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: config.c:839 config_text_file_load: Parsing /etc/asterisk/modules.conf [May 24 15:23:25] Found [May 24 15:23:25] NOTICE[3557]: loader.c:799 load_modules: 139 modules will be loaded. [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'MusicOnHold' [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'WaitMusicOnHold' [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'SetMusicOnHold' [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'StartMusicOnHold' [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'StopMusicOnHold' [May 24 15:23:25] WARNING[3557]: res_musiconhold.c:1270 load_module: No music on hold classes configured, disabling music on hold. [May 24 15:23:25] res_musiconhold.so => (Music On Hold Resource) [May 24 15:23:25] == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/features.conf': [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: config.c:839 config_text_file_load: Parsing /etc/asterisk/features.conf [May 24 15:23:25] Found [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: pbx.c:3871 __ast_context_create: Registered context 'parkedcalls' [May 24 15:23:25] -- Registered extension context 'parkedcalls' [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: pbx.c:4843 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '700' priority 1 to parkedcalls [May 24 15:23:25] -- Added extension '700' priority 1 to parkedcalls [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: res_features.c:279 notify_metermaids: Notification of state change to metermaids 700@parkedcalls [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: devicestate.c:303 __ast_device_state_changed_literal: Notification of state change to be queued on device/channel park:700@parkedcalls [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'ParkedCall' [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'Park' [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3561]: devicestate.c:157 ast_device_state: [May 24 15:23:25] == Manager registered action ParkedCalls Checking if I can find provider for "park" - number: 700@parkedcalls [May 24 15:23:25] == Manager registered action Park [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3561]: devicestate.c:287 do_state_change: Changing state for park:700@parkedcalls - state 4 (Invalid) [May 24 15:23:25] res_features.so => (Call Features Resource) [May 24 15:23:25] res_speech.so => (Generic Speech Recognition API) [May 24 15:23:25] NOTICE[3557]: config.c:1172 ast_config_engine_register: Registered Config Engine odbc [May 24 15:23:25] res_config_odbc loaded. [May 24 15:23:25] res_config_odbc.so => (ODBC Configuration) [May 24 15:23:25] res_adsi.so => (ADSI Resource) [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'Monitor' [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'StopMonitor' [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'ChangeMonitor' [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'PauseMonitor' [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'UnpauseMonitor' [May 24 15:23:25] == Manager registered action Monitor [May 24 15:23:25] == Manager registered action StopMonitor [May 24 15:23:25] == Manager registered action ChangeMonitor [May 24 15:23:25] == Manager registered action PauseMonitor [May 24 15:23:25] == Manager registered action UnpauseMonitor [May 24 15:23:25] res_monitor.so => (Call Monitoring Resource) [May 24 15:23:25] == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/res_odbc.conf': [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: config.c:839 config_text_file_load: Parsing /etc/asterisk/res_odbc.conf [May 24 15:23:25] Found [May 24 15:23:25] NOTICE[3557]: res_odbc.c:228 load_odbc_config: Adding ENV var: INFORMIXSERVER=my_special_database [May 24 15:23:25] NOTICE[3557]: res_odbc.c:228 load_odbc_config: Adding ENV var: INFORMIXDIR=/opt/informix [May 24 15:23:25] NOTICE[3557]: res_odbc.c:502 odbc_obj_connect: Connecting asterisk [May 24 15:23:25] WARNING[3557]: res_odbc.c:513 odbc_obj_connect: res_odbc: Error SQLConnect=-1 errno=0 [unixODBC][Driver Manager]Data source name not found, and no default driver specified [May 24 15:23:25] WARNING[3557]: res_odbc.c:435 ast_odbc_request_obj: Failed to connect to asterisk [May 24 15:23:25] NOTICE[3557]: res_odbc.c:301 load_odbc_config: Registered ODBC class 'asterisk' dsn->[asterisk] [May 24 15:23:25] NOTICE[3557]: res_odbc.c:502 odbc_obj_connect: Connecting mysql_cdr [May 24 15:23:25] NOTICE[3557]: res_odbc.c:516 odbc_obj_connect: res_odbc: Connected to mysql_cdr [MySQL-asterisk] [May 24 15:23:25] NOTICE[3557]: res_odbc.c:301 load_odbc_config: Registered ODBC class 'mysql_cdr' dsn->[MySQL-asterisk] [May 24 15:23:25] NOTICE[3557]: res_odbc.c:502 odbc_obj_connect: Connecting mysql_config [May 24 15:23:25] NOTICE[3557]: res_odbc.c:516 odbc_obj_connect: res_odbc: Connected to mysql_config [MySQL-asterisk] [May 24 15:23:25] NOTICE[3557]: res_odbc.c:301 load_odbc_config: Registered ODBC class 'mysql_config' dsn->[MySQL-asterisk] [May 24 15:23:25] NOTICE[3557]: res_odbc.c:678 load_module: res_odbc loaded. [May 24 15:23:25] res_odbc.so => (ODBC Resource) [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'SendURL' [May 24 15:23:25] app_url.so => (Send URL Applications) [May 24 15:23:25] WARNING[3557]: translate.c:675 __ast_register_translator: plc_samples 160 format 6 [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered translator 'ulawtolin' from format ulaw to slin, cost 1 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:425 rebuild_matrix: Resetting translation matrix [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered translator 'lintoulaw' from format slin to ulaw, cost 1 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:425 rebuild_matrix: Resetting translation matrix [May 24 15:23:25] codec_ulaw.so => (mu-Law Coder/Decoder) [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered file format g729, extension(s) g729 [May 24 15:23:25] format_g729.so => (Raw G729 data) [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered file format wav49, extension(s) WAV|wav49 [May 24 15:23:25] format_wav_gsm.so => (Microsoft WAV format (Proprietary GSM)) [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered file format vox, extension(s) vox [May 24 15:23:25] format_vox.so => (Dialogic VOX (ADPCM) File Format) [May 24 15:23:25] WARNING[3557]: translate.c:675 __ast_register_translator: plc_samples 160 format 6 [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered translator 'adpcmtolin' from format adpcm to slin, cost 1 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:425 rebuild_matrix: Resetting translation matrix [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to gsm, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered translator 'lintoadpcm' from format slin to adpcm, cost 1 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:425 rebuild_matrix: Resetting translation matrix [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from gsm to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to gsm, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] codec_adpcm.so => (Adaptive Differential PCM Coder/Decoder) [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered custom function VMCOUNT [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'HasVoicemail' [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'HasNewVoicemail' [May 24 15:23:25] app_hasnewvoicemail.so => (Indicator for whether a voice mailbox has messages in a given folder.) [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'ExternalIVR' [May 24 15:23:25] app_externalivr.so => (External IVR Interface Application) [May 24 15:23:25] NOTICE[3557]: app_queue.c:3737 reload_queues: No call queueing config file (queues.conf), so no call queues [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'ZapSendKeypadFacility' [May 24 15:23:25] == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/zapata.conf': [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: config.c:839 config_text_file_load: Parsing /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf [May 24 15:23:25] Found [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: chan_zap.c:1403 update_conf: Updated conferencing on 1, with 0 conference users [May 24 15:23:25] -- Registered channel 1, FXS Kewlstart signalling [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: chan_zap.c:1403 update_conf: Updated conferencing on 2, with 0 conference users [May 24 15:23:25] -- Registered channel 2, FXS Kewlstart signalling [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: chan_zap.c:1403 update_conf: Updated conferencing on 3, with 0 conference users [May 24 15:23:25] -- Registered channel 3, FXS Kewlstart signalling [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: chan_zap.c:1403 update_conf: Updated conferencing on 4, with 0 conference users [May 24 15:23:25] -- Registered channel 4, FXS Kewlstart signalling [May 24 15:23:25] -- Automatically generated pseudo channel [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: channel.c:532 ast_channel_register: Registered handler for 'Zap' (Zapata Telephony Driver w/PRI) [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered channel type 'Zap' (Zapata Telephony Driver w/PRI) [May 24 15:23:25] == Manager registered action ZapTransfer [May 24 15:23:25] == Manager registered action ZapHangup [May 24 15:23:25] == Manager registered action ZapDialOffhook [May 24 15:23:25] == Manager registered action ZapDNDon [May 24 15:23:25] == Manager registered action ZapDNDoff [May 24 15:23:25] == Manager registered action ZapShowChannels [May 24 15:23:25] == Manager registered action ZapRestart [May 24 15:23:25] chan_zap.so => (Zapata Telephony) [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'Transfer' [May 24 15:23:25] app_transfer.so => (Transfer) [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'SpeechCreate' [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'SpeechLoadGrammar' [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'SpeechUnloadGrammar' [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'SpeechActivateGrammar' [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'SpeechDeactivateGrammar' [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'SpeechStart' [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'SpeechBackground' [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'SpeechDestroy' [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'SpeechProcessingSound' [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered custom function SPEECH [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered custom function SPEECH_SCORE [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered custom function SPEECH_TEXT [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered custom function SPEECH_GRAMMAR [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered custom function SPEECH_ENGINE [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered custom function SPEECH_RESULTS_TYPE [May 24 15:23:25] app_speech_utils.so => (Dialplan Speech Applications) [May 24 15:23:25] pbx_realtime.so => (Realtime Switch) [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'ControlPlayback' [May 24 15:23:25] app_controlplayback.so => (Control Playback Application) [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'SayCountPL' [May 24 15:23:25] app_saycountpl.so => (Say polish counting words) [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'Record' [May 24 15:23:25] app_record.so => (Trivial Record Application) [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'DISA' [May 24 15:23:25] app_disa.so => (DISA (Direct Inward System Access) Application) [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'VoiceMail' [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'VoiceMailMain' [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'MailboxExists' [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'VMAuthenticate' [May 24 15:23:25] == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/voicemail.conf': [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: config.c:839 config_text_file_load: Parsing /etc/asterisk/voicemail.conf [May 24 15:23:25] Found [May 24 15:23:25] WARNING[3557]: config.c:718 process_text_line: Unknown directive 'imapflags=notls/debug' at line 16 of /etc/asterisk/voicemail.conf [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: app_voicemail.c:7397 load_config: VM Review Option disabled globally [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: app_voicemail.c:7405 load_config: VM Temperary Greeting Reminder Option disabled globally [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: app_voicemail.c:7415 load_config: VM Operator break disabled globally [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: app_voicemail.c:7422 load_config: VM CID Info before msg disabled globally [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: app_voicemail.c:7436 load_config: ENVELOPE before msg enabled globally [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: app_voicemail.c:7443 load_config: Duration info before msg enabled globally [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: app_voicemail.c:7459 load_config: We are not going to skip to the next msg after save/delete [May 24 15:23:25] app_voicemail.so => (Comedian Mail (Voicemail System) with IMAP Storage) [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'Exec' [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'TryExec' [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'ExecIf' [May 24 15:23:25] app_exec.so => (Executes dialplan applications) [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered custom function GLOBAL [May 24 15:23:25] func_global.so => (Global variable dialplan functions) [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'MixMonitor' [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'StopMixMonitor' [May 24 15:23:25] app_mixmonitor.so => (Mixed Audio Monitoring Application) [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered custom function CDR [May 24 15:23:25] func_cdr.so => (CDR dialplan function) [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered translator 'alawtoulaw' from format alaw to ulaw, cost 1 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:425 rebuild_matrix: Resetting translation matrix [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from gsm to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 2 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 2 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to gsm, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered translator 'ulawtoalaw' from format ulaw to alaw, cost 1 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:425 rebuild_matrix: Resetting translation matrix [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from gsm to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 2 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 2 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to gsm, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 2 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 2 [May 24 15:23:25] codec_a_mu.so => (A-law and Mulaw direct Coder/Decoder) [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered custom function FIELDQTY [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered custom function FILTER [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered custom function REGEX [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered custom function ARRAY [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered custom function QUOTE [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered custom function LEN [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered custom function STRFTIME [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered custom function STRPTIME [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered custom function EVAL [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered custom function KEYPADHASH [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered custom function SPRINTF [May 24 15:23:25] func_strings.so => (String handling dialplan functions) [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'DeadAGI' [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'EAGI' [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'AGI' [May 24 15:23:25] res_agi.so => (Asterisk Gateway Interface (AGI)) [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'SetCallerPres' [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'SetCallerID' [May 24 15:23:25] app_setcallerid.so => (Set CallerID Application) [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'DumpChan' [May 24 15:23:25] app_dumpchan.so => (Dump Info About The Calling Channel) [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'ParkAndAnnounce' [May 24 15:23:25] app_parkandannounce.so => (Call Parking and Announce Application) [May 24 15:23:25] == Manager registered action MeetmeMute [May 24 15:23:25] == Manager registered action MeetmeUnmute [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'MeetMeAdmin' [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'MeetMeCount' [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'MeetMe' [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'SLAStation' [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'SLATrunk' [May 24 15:23:25] app_meetme.so => (MeetMe conference bridge) [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered custom function BASE64_ENCODE [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered custom function BASE64_DECODE [May 24 15:23:25] func_base64.so => (base64 encode/decode dialplan functions) [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'Flash' [May 24 15:23:25] app_flash.so => (Flash channel application) [May 24 15:23:25] pbx_spool.so => (Outgoing Spool Support) [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'ZapScan' [May 24 15:23:25] app_zapscan.so => (Scan Zap channels application) [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered custom function BLACKLIST [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'LookupBlacklist' [May 24 15:23:25] app_lookupblacklist.so => (Look up Caller*ID name/number from blacklist database) [May 24 15:23:25] == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/cdr.conf': [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: config.c:839 config_text_file_load: Parsing /etc/asterisk/cdr.conf [May 24 15:23:25] Found [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: cdr_csv.c:124 load_config: logging time in GMT [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: cdr_csv.c:132 load_config: logging CDR field UNIQUEID [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: cdr_csv.c:140 load_config: logging CDR user-defined field [May 24 15:23:25] cdr_csv.so => (Comma Separated Values CDR Backend) [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered file format h263, extension(s) h263 [May 24 15:23:25] format_h263.so => (Raw H.263 data) [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'Authenticate' [May 24 15:23:25] app_authenticate.so => (Authentication Application) [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'LookupCIDName' [May 24 15:23:25] app_lookupcidname.so => (Look up CallerID Name from local database) [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: channel.c:532 ast_channel_register: Registered handler for 'Local' (Local Proxy Channel Driver) [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered channel type 'Local' (Local Proxy Channel Driver) [May 24 15:23:25] chan_local.so => (Local Proxy Channel) [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'ICES' [May 24 15:23:25] app_ices.so => (Encode and Stream via icecast and ices) [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'Random' [May 24 15:23:25] app_random.so => (Random goto) [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'Echo' [May 24 15:23:25] app_echo.so => (Simple Echo Application) [May 24 15:23:25] WARNING[3557]: translate.c:675 __ast_register_translator: plc_samples 160 format 6 [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered translator 'gsmtolin' from format gsm to slin, cost 2 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:425 rebuild_matrix: Resetting translation matrix [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from g723 to gsm, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from g723 to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from gsm to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 2 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 2 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to gsm, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 2 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from g723 to unknown, via 2 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 2 [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered translator 'lintogsm' from format slin to gsm, cost 5 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:425 rebuild_matrix: Resetting translation matrix [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from g723 to gsm, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from g723 to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 6 cost path from gsm to g723, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from gsm to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 7 cost path from unknown to g723, via 2 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 2 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 2 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 6 cost path from unknown to g723, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to gsm, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 2 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from g723 to unknown, via 2 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 10 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 1 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 2 [May 24 15:23:25] codec_gsm.so => (GSM Coder/Decoder) [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered custom function LANGUAGE [May 24 15:23:25] func_language.so => (Channel language dialplan function) [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'SendText' [May 24 15:23:25] app_sendtext.so => (Send Text Applications) [May 24 15:23:25] == Manager registered action PlayDTMF [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'SendDTMF' [May 24 15:23:25] app_senddtmf.so => (Send DTMF digits Application) [May 24 15:23:25] NOTICE[3557]: chan_oss.c:1837 load_module: Unable to load config oss.conf [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'Milliwatt' [May 24 15:23:25] app_milliwatt.so => (Digital Milliwatt (mu-law) Test Application) [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'Playback' [May 24 15:23:25] app_playback.so => (Sound File Playback Application) [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'SendImage' [May 24 15:23:25] app_image.so => (Image Transmission Application) [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered custom function IAXPEER [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'IAX2Provision' [May 24 15:23:25] == Manager registered action IAXpeers [May 24 15:23:25] == Manager registered action IAXnetstats [May 24 15:23:25] == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/iax.conf': [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: config.c:839 config_text_file_load: Parsing /etc/asterisk/iax.conf [May 24 15:23:25] Found [May 24 15:23:25] > doing dnsmgr_lookup for '' [May 24 15:23:25] == Using TOS bits 0 [May 24 15:23:25] == Binding IAX2 to default address [May 24 15:23:25] > doing dnsmgr_lookup for '' [May 24 15:23:25] > doing dnsmgr_lookup for '' [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: channel.c:532 ast_channel_register: Registered handler for 'IAX2' (Inter Asterisk eXchange Driver (Ver 2)) [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered channel type 'IAX2' (Inter Asterisk eXchange Driver (Ver 2)) [May 24 15:23:25] == 10 helper threaads started [May 24 15:23:25] == IAX Ready and Listening [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: chan_iax2.c:7726 iax2_do_register: Allocate call number [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: chan_iax2.c:7732 iax2_do_register: Registration created on call 1 [May 24 15:23:25] == Loaded firmware 'iaxy.bin' [May 24 15:23:25] NOTICE[3557]: iax2-provision.c:518 iax_provision_reload: No IAX provisioning configuration found, IAX provisioning disabled. [May 24 15:23:25] chan_iax2.so => (Inter Asterisk eXchange (Ver 2)) [May 24 15:23:25] == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/cdr_odbc.conf': [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: config.c:839 config_text_file_load: Parsing /etc/asterisk/cdr_odbc.conf [May 24 15:23:25] Found [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: cdr_odbc.c:314 odbc_load_module: cdr_odbc: Not logging uniqueid [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: cdr_odbc.c:327 odbc_load_module: cdr_odbc: Not logging in GMT [May 24 15:23:25] -- cdr_odbc: dsn is MySQL-asterisk [May 24 15:23:25] -- cdr_odbc: username is asterisk [May 24 15:23:25] -- cdr_odbc: password is [secret] [May 24 15:23:25] -- cdr_odbc: table is cdr [May 24 15:23:25] cdr_odbc.so => (ODBC CDR Backend) [May 24 15:23:25] == No hardware transcoders found. [May 24 15:23:25] codec_zap.so => (Generic Zaptel Transcoder Codec Translator) [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'MacroExit' [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'MacroIf' [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'MacroExclusive' [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'Macro' [May 24 15:23:25] app_macro.so => (Extension Macros) [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'ForkCDR' [May 24 15:23:25] app_forkcdr.so => (Fork The CDR into 2 separate entities) [May 24 15:23:25] WARNING[3557]: translate.c:675 __ast_register_translator: plc_samples 180 format 6 [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered translator 'lpc10tolin' from format lpc10 to slin, cost 4 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:425 rebuild_matrix: Resetting translation matrix [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from g723 to gsm, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from g723 to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 6 cost path from gsm to g723, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from gsm to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 7 cost path from unknown to g723, via 2 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 2 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 2 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 6 cost path from unknown to g723, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to gsm, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 2 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 9 cost path from unknown to g723, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 5 cost path from unknown to gsm, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 6 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 5 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from g723 to unknown, via 2 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 10 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 1 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 2 [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered translator 'lintolpc10' from format slin to lpc10, cost 7 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:425 rebuild_matrix: Resetting translation matrix [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from g723 to gsm, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from g723 to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 9 cost path from g723 to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 6 cost path from gsm to g723, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from gsm to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 8 cost path from gsm to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 7 cost path from unknown to g723, via 2 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 2 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 2 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 9 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 2 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 6 cost path from unknown to g723, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to gsm, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 8 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 2 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 9 cost path from unknown to g723, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 5 cost path from unknown to gsm, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 6 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 5 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from g723 to unknown, via 2 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 10 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 1 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 2 [May 24 15:23:25] codec_lpc10.so => (LPC10 2.4kbps Coder/Decoder) [May 24 15:23:25] == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/func_odbc.conf': [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: config.c:839 config_text_file_load: Parsing /etc/asterisk/func_odbc.conf [May 24 15:23:25] Found [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered custom function ODBC_SQL [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered custom function ODBC_ANTIGF [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered custom function ODBC_PRESENCE [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered custom function SQL_ESC [May 24 15:23:25] func_odbc.so => (ODBC lookups) [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered custom function TIMEOUT [May 24 15:23:25] func_timeout.so => (Channel timeout dialplan functions) [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'SayUnixTime' [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'DateTime' [May 24 15:23:25] app_sayunixtime.so => (Say time) [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered file format iLBC, extension(s) ilbc [May 24 15:23:25] format_ilbc.so => (Raw iLBC data) [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered file format gsm, extension(s) gsm [May 24 15:23:25] format_gsm.so => (Raw GSM data) [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'ChanSpy' [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'ExtenSpy' [May 24 15:23:25] app_chanspy.so => (Listen to the audio of an active channel) [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'WaitForRing' [May 24 15:23:25] app_waitforring.so => (Waits until first ring after time) [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'Pickup' [May 24 15:23:25] app_directed_pickup.so => (Directed Call Pickup Application) [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered file format wav, extension(s) wav [May 24 15:23:25] format_wav.so => (Microsoft WAV format (8000Hz Signed Linear)) [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered custom function ENV [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered custom function STAT [May 24 15:23:25] func_env.so => (Environment/filesystem dialplan functions) [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered file format g726-40, extension(s) g726-40 [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered file format g726-32, extension(s) g726-32 [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered file format g726-24, extension(s) g726-24 [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered file format g726-16, extension(s) g726-16 [May 24 15:23:25] format_g726.so => (Raw G.726 (16/24/32/40kbps) data) [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered custom function CUT [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered custom function SORT [May 24 15:23:25] func_cut.so => (Cut out information from a string) [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered custom function ENUMLOOKUP [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered custom function TXTCIDNAME [May 24 15:23:25] func_enum.so => (ENUM related dialplan functions) [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'SetCDRUserField' [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'AppendCDRUserField' [May 24 15:23:25] == Manager registered action SetCDRUserField [May 24 15:23:25] app_setcdruserfield.so => (CDR user field apps) [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'MP3Player' [May 24 15:23:25] app_mp3.so => (Silly MP3 Application) [May 24 15:23:25] -- Registered IAX2 to '', who sees us as with no messages waiting [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered translator 'ilbctolin' from format ilbc to slin, cost 7 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:425 rebuild_matrix: Resetting translation matrix [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from g723 to gsm, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from g723 to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 9 cost path from g723 to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 6 cost path from gsm to g723, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from gsm to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 8 cost path from gsm to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 7 cost path from unknown to g723, via 2 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 2 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 2 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 9 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 2 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 6 cost path from unknown to g723, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to gsm, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 8 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 2 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 9 cost path from unknown to g723, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 5 cost path from unknown to gsm, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 6 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 5 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 12 cost path from unknown to g723, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 8 cost path from unknown to gsm, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 9 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 8 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 14 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from g723 to unknown, via 2 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 10 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 1 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 2 [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered translator 'lintoilbc' from format slin to ilbc, cost 47 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:425 rebuild_matrix: Resetting translation matrix [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from g723 to gsm, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from g723 to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 9 cost path from g723 to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 49 cost path from g723 to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 6 cost path from gsm to g723, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from gsm to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 8 cost path from gsm to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 48 cost path from gsm to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 7 cost path from unknown to g723, via 2 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 2 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 2 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 9 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 2 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 49 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 2 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 6 cost path from unknown to g723, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to gsm, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 8 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 48 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 2 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 9 cost path from unknown to g723, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 5 cost path from unknown to gsm, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 6 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 5 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 51 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 12 cost path from unknown to g723, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 8 cost path from unknown to gsm, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 9 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 8 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 14 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from g723 to unknown, via 2 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 10 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 1 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 2 [May 24 15:23:25] codec_ilbc.so => (iLBC Coder/Decoder) [May 24 15:23:25] == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/sip.conf': [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: config.c:839 config_text_file_load: Parsing /etc/asterisk/sip.conf [May 24 15:23:25] Found [May 24 15:23:25] == SIP Listening on [May 24 15:23:25] == Using SIP TOS: none [May 24 15:23:25] == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/sip_notify.conf': [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: config.c:839 config_text_file_load: Parsing /etc/asterisk/sip_notify.conf [May 24 15:23:25] Found [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: channel.c:532 ast_channel_register: Registered handler for 'SIP' (Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)) [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered channel type 'SIP' (Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)) [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'SIPDtmfMode' [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'SIPAddHeader' [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered custom function SIP_HEADER [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered custom function SIPPEER [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered custom function SIPCHANINFO [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered custom function CHECKSIPDOMAIN [May 24 15:23:25] == Manager registered action SIPpeers [May 24 15:23:25] == Manager registered action SIPshowpeer [May 24 15:23:25] chan_sip.so => (Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)) [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered custom function GROUP_COUNT [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered custom function GROUP_MATCH_COUNT [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered custom function GROUP_LIST [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered custom function GROUP [May 24 15:23:25] func_groupcount.so => (Channel group dialplan functions) [May 24 15:23:25] WARNING[3557]: app_festival.c:545 load_module: No such configuration file festival.conf [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'SetTransferCapability' [May 24 15:23:25] app_settransfercapability.so => (Set ISDN Transfer Capability) [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'Page' [May 24 15:23:25] app_page.so => (Page Multiple Phones) [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'Read' [May 24 15:23:25] app_read.so => (Read Variable Application) [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered file format g723sf, extension(s) g723|g723sf [May 24 15:23:25] format_g723.so => (G.723.1 Simple Timestamp File Format) [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'UserEvent' [May 24 15:23:25] app_userevent.so => (Custom User Event Application) [May 24 15:23:25] > AlarmReceiver: No config file [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered file format pcm, extension(s) pcm|ulaw|ul|mu [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered file format alaw, extension(s) alaw|al [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered file format au, extension(s) au [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered file format g722, extension(s) g722 [May 24 15:23:25] format_pcm.so => (Raw/Sun uLaw/ALaw 8KHz Audio support (PCM,PCMA,AU) and G.722 16Khz Audio Support) [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered file format h264, extension(s) h264 [May 24 15:23:25] format_h264.so => (Raw H.264 data) [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered custom function ISNULL [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered custom function SET [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered custom function EXISTS [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered custom function IF [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered custom function IFTIME [May 24 15:23:25] func_logic.so => (Logical dialplan functions) [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'Dictate' [May 24 15:23:25] app_dictate.so => (Virtual Dictation Machine) [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'StackPop' [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'Return' [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'GosubIf' [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'Gosub' [May 24 15:23:25] app_stack.so => (Stack Routines) [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'NoCDR' [May 24 15:23:25] app_cdr.so => (Tell Asterisk to not maintain a CDR for the current call) [May 24 15:23:25] ERROR[3557]: chan_phone.c:1330 load_module: Unable to load config phone.conf [May 24 15:23:25] pbx_loopback.so => (Loopback Switch) [May 24 15:23:25] res_clioriginate.so => (Call origination from the CLI) [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'NBScat' [May 24 15:23:25] app_nbscat.so => (Silly NBS Stream Application) [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered custom function REALTIME [May 24 15:23:25] func_realtime.so => (Read/Write values from a RealTime repository) [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'TestClient' [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'TestServer' [May 24 15:23:25] app_test.so => (Interface Test Application) [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered custom function DB [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered custom function DB_EXISTS [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered custom function DB_DELETE [May 24 15:23:25] func_db.so => (Database (astdb) related dialplan functions) [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'Zapateller' [May 24 15:23:25] app_zapateller.so => (Block Telemarketers with Special Information Tone) [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'ChannelRedirect' [May 24 15:23:25] app_channelredirect.so => (Channel Redirect) [May 24 15:23:25] == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/extensions.conf': [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: config.c:839 config_text_file_load: Parsing /etc/asterisk/extensions.conf [May 24 15:23:25] Found [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: pbx.c:3871 __ast_context_create: Registered context 'macro-stdexten' [May 24 15:23:25] -- Registered extension context 'macro-stdexten' [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: pbx.c:4843 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-stdexten [May 24 15:23:25] -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-stdexten [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: pbx.c:4843 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 2 to macro-stdexten [May 24 15:23:25] -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to macro-stdexten [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: pbx.c:4843 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's-NOANSWER' priority 1 to macro-stdexten [May 24 15:23:25] -- Added extension 's-NOANSWER' priority 1 to macro-stdexten [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: pbx.c:4843 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's-NOANSWER' priority 2 to macro-stdexten [May 24 15:23:25] -- Added extension 's-NOANSWER' priority 2 to macro-stdexten [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: pbx.c:4843 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's-BUSY' priority 1 to macro-stdexten [May 24 15:23:25] -- Added extension 's-BUSY' priority 1 to macro-stdexten [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: pbx.c:4843 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's-BUSY' priority 2 to macro-stdexten [May 24 15:23:25] -- Added extension 's-BUSY' priority 2 to macro-stdexten [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: pbx.c:4843 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_s-.' priority 1 to macro-stdexten [May 24 15:23:25] -- Added extension '_s-.' priority 1 to macro-stdexten [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: pbx.c:4843 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 'a' priority 1 to macro-stdexten [May 24 15:23:25] -- Added extension 'a' priority 1 to macro-stdexten [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: pbx.c:3871 __ast_context_create: Registered context 'default' [May 24 15:23:25] -- Registered extension context 'default' [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: pbx.c:3871 __ast_context_create: Registered context 'sip-internal' [May 24 15:23:25] -- Registered extension context 'sip-internal' [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: pbx.c:4843 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '2300' priority 1 to sip-internal [May 24 15:23:25] -- Added extension '2300' priority 1 to sip-internal [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: pbx.c:4843 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '2400' priority 1 to sip-internal [May 24 15:23:25] -- Added extension '2400' priority 1 to sip-internal [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: pbx.c:4843 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '2500' priority 1 to sip-internal [May 24 15:23:25] -- Added extension '2500' priority 1 to sip-internal [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: pbx.c:4843 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '7777' priority 1 to sip-internal [May 24 15:23:25] -- Added extension '7777' priority 1 to sip-internal [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: pbx.c:4843 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 1 to sip-internal [May 24 15:23:25] -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to sip-internal [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: pbx.c:3871 __ast_context_create: Registered context 'iax-default' [May 24 15:23:25] -- Registered extension context 'iax-default' [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: pbx.c:4843 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 1 to iax-default [May 24 15:23:25] -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to iax-default [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: pbx.c:3946 ast_merge_contexts_and_delete: must remove any reg pbx_config [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: pbx.c:5284 __ast_context_destroy: check ctx parkedcalls res_features [May 24 15:23:25] pbx_config.so => (Text Extension Configuration) [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'PrivacyManager' [May 24 15:23:25] app_privacy.so => (Require phone number to be entered, if no CallerID sent) [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered custom function MUSICCLASS [May 24 15:23:25] func_moh.so => (Music-on-hold dialplan function) [May 24 15:23:25] res_convert.so => (File format conversion CLI command) [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered custom function MATH [May 24 15:23:25] func_math.so => (Mathematical dialplan function) [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'ZapRAS' [May 24 15:23:25] app_zapras.so => (Zap RAS Application) [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'BackgroundDetect' [May 24 15:23:25] app_talkdetect.so => (Playback with Talk Detection) [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered custom function MD5 [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered custom function CHECK_MD5 [May 24 15:23:25] func_md5.so => (MD5 digest dialplan functions) [May 24 15:23:25] WARNING[3557]: translate.c:675 __ast_register_translator: plc_samples 160 format 6 [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered translator 'alawtolin' from format alaw to slin, cost 1 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:425 rebuild_matrix: Resetting translation matrix [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from g723 to gsm, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from g723 to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 9 cost path from g723 to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 49 cost path from g723 to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 6 cost path from gsm to g723, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from gsm to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 8 cost path from gsm to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 48 cost path from gsm to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 7 cost path from unknown to g723, via 2 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 2 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 9 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 2 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 49 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 2 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 6 cost path from unknown to g723, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 8 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 48 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 6 cost path from unknown to g723, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to gsm, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 8 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 48 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 2 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 9 cost path from unknown to g723, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 5 cost path from unknown to gsm, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 6 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 5 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 51 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 12 cost path from unknown to g723, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 8 cost path from unknown to gsm, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 9 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 8 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 14 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from g723 to unknown, via 2 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 10 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 1 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 2 [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered translator 'lintoalaw' from format slin to alaw, cost 1 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:425 rebuild_matrix: Resetting translation matrix [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from g723 to gsm, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from g723 to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from g723 to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 9 cost path from g723 to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 49 cost path from g723 to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 6 cost path from gsm to g723, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from gsm to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 8 cost path from gsm to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 48 cost path from gsm to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 7 cost path from unknown to g723, via 2 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 2 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 9 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 2 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 49 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 2 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 6 cost path from unknown to g723, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 8 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 48 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 6 cost path from unknown to g723, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to gsm, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 8 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 48 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 9 cost path from unknown to g723, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 5 cost path from unknown to gsm, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 5 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 5 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 51 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 12 cost path from unknown to g723, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 8 cost path from unknown to gsm, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 8 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 8 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 14 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] codec_alaw.so => (A-law Coder/Decoder) [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'Directory' [May 24 15:23:25] app_directory.so => (Extension Directory) [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'DBdel' [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'DBdeltree' [May 24 15:23:25] app_db.so => (Database Access Functions) [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'SMS' [May 24 15:23:25] app_sms.so => (SMS/PSTN handler) [May 24 15:23:25] WARNING[3557]: translate.c:675 __ast_register_translator: plc_samples 160 format 6 [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered translator 'g726tolin' from format g726 to slin, cost 3 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:425 rebuild_matrix: Resetting translation matrix [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from g723 to gsm, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from g723 to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from g723 to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 9 cost path from g723 to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 49 cost path from g723 to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 6 cost path from gsm to g723, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from gsm to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 8 cost path from gsm to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 48 cost path from gsm to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 7 cost path from unknown to g723, via 2 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 2 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 9 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 2 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 49 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 2 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 6 cost path from unknown to g723, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 8 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 48 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 6 cost path from unknown to g723, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to gsm, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 8 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 48 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 9 cost path from unknown to g723, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 5 cost path from unknown to gsm, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 5 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 5 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 51 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 12 cost path from unknown to g723, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 8 cost path from unknown to gsm, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 8 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 8 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 14 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 8 cost path from unknown to g723, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from unknown to gsm, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 10 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 50 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered translator 'lintog726' from format slin to g726, cost 3 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:425 rebuild_matrix: Resetting translation matrix [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from g723 to gsm, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from g723 to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from g723 to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 9 cost path from g723 to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 49 cost path from g723 to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 5 cost path from g723 to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 6 cost path from gsm to g723, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from gsm to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 8 cost path from gsm to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 48 cost path from gsm to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from gsm to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 7 cost path from unknown to g723, via 2 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 2 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 9 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 2 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 49 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 2 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 5 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 2 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 6 cost path from unknown to g723, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 8 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 48 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 6 cost path from unknown to g723, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to gsm, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 8 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 48 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 9 cost path from unknown to g723, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 5 cost path from unknown to gsm, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 5 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 5 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 51 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 7 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 12 cost path from unknown to g723, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 8 cost path from unknown to gsm, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 8 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 8 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 14 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 10 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 8 cost path from unknown to g723, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from unknown to gsm, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 10 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 50 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] WARNING[3557]: translate.c:675 __ast_register_translator: plc_samples 160 format 6 [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered translator 'g726aal2tolin' from format g726aal2 to slin, cost 3 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:425 rebuild_matrix: Resetting translation matrix [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from g723 to gsm, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from g723 to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from g723 to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 9 cost path from g723 to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 49 cost path from g723 to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 5 cost path from g723 to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 6 cost path from gsm to g723, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from gsm to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 8 cost path from gsm to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 48 cost path from gsm to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from gsm to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 7 cost path from unknown to g723, via 2 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 2 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 9 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 2 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 49 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 2 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 5 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 2 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 6 cost path from unknown to g723, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 8 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 48 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 8 cost path from ulaw to g723, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from ulaw to gsm, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from ulaw to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from ulaw to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 10 cost path from ulaw to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 50 cost path from ulaw to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 6 cost path from ulaw to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 6 cost path from unknown to g723, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to gsm, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 8 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 48 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 9 cost path from unknown to g723, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 5 cost path from unknown to gsm, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 5 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 5 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 51 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 7 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 12 cost path from unknown to g723, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 8 cost path from unknown to gsm, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 8 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 8 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 14 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 10 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 8 cost path from unknown to g723, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from unknown to gsm, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 10 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 50 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered translator 'lintog726aal2' from format slin to g726aal2, cost 3 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:425 rebuild_matrix: Resetting translation matrix [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from g723 to gsm, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from g723 to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 5 cost path from g723 to ulaw, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from g723 to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 9 cost path from g723 to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 49 cost path from g723 to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 5 cost path from g723 to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 6 cost path from gsm to g723, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from gsm to ulaw, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from gsm to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 8 cost path from gsm to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 48 cost path from gsm to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from gsm to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 7 cost path from unknown to g723, via 2 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 5 cost path from unknown to ulaw, via 2 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 2 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 9 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 2 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 49 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 2 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 5 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 2 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 6 cost path from unknown to g723, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from unknown to ulaw, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 8 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 48 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 8 cost path from ulaw to g723, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from ulaw to gsm, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from ulaw to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from ulaw to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 10 cost path from ulaw to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 50 cost path from ulaw to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 6 cost path from ulaw to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 6 cost path from unknown to g723, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to gsm, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from unknown to ulaw, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 8 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 48 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 9 cost path from unknown to g723, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 5 cost path from unknown to gsm, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 5 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 7 cost path from unknown to ulaw, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 5 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 51 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 7 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 12 cost path from unknown to g723, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 8 cost path from unknown to gsm, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 8 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 10 cost path from unknown to ulaw, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 8 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 14 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 10 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 8 cost path from unknown to g723, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from unknown to gsm, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 6 cost path from unknown to ulaw, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 10 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 50 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered translator 'g726aal2tog726' from format g726aal2 to g726, cost 1 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:425 rebuild_matrix: Resetting translation matrix [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from g723 to gsm, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from g723 to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 5 cost path from g723 to ulaw, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from g723 to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 9 cost path from g723 to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 49 cost path from g723 to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 5 cost path from g723 to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 6 cost path from gsm to g723, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from gsm to ulaw, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from gsm to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 8 cost path from gsm to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 48 cost path from gsm to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from gsm to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 7 cost path from unknown to g723, via 2 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 5 cost path from unknown to ulaw, via 2 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 2 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 9 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 2 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 49 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 2 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 5 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 2 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 6 cost path from unknown to g723, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from unknown to ulaw, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 8 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 48 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 8 cost path from ulaw to g723, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from ulaw to gsm, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from ulaw to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from ulaw to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 10 cost path from ulaw to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 50 cost path from ulaw to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 6 cost path from unknown to g723, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to gsm, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from unknown to ulaw, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 8 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 48 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 9 cost path from unknown to g723, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 5 cost path from unknown to gsm, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 5 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 7 cost path from unknown to ulaw, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 5 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 51 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 7 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 12 cost path from unknown to g723, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 8 cost path from unknown to gsm, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 8 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 10 cost path from unknown to ulaw, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 8 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 14 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 10 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 8 cost path from unknown to g723, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from unknown to gsm, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 6 cost path from unknown to ulaw, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 10 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 50 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered translator 'g726tog726aal2' from format g726 to g726aal2, cost 1 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:425 rebuild_matrix: Resetting translation matrix [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from g723 to gsm, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from g723 to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 5 cost path from g723 to ulaw, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from g723 to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 9 cost path from g723 to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 49 cost path from g723 to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 5 cost path from g723 to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 6 cost path from gsm to g723, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from gsm to ulaw, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from gsm to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 8 cost path from gsm to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 48 cost path from gsm to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from gsm to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 7 cost path from unknown to g723, via 2 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 5 cost path from unknown to ulaw, via 2 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 2 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 9 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 2 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 49 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 2 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 5 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 2 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 6 cost path from unknown to g723, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from unknown to ulaw, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 8 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 48 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 8 cost path from ulaw to g723, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from ulaw to gsm, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from ulaw to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from ulaw to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 10 cost path from ulaw to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 50 cost path from ulaw to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 6 cost path from unknown to g723, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to gsm, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from unknown to ulaw, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 8 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 48 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 9 cost path from unknown to g723, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 5 cost path from unknown to gsm, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 5 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 7 cost path from unknown to ulaw, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 5 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 51 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 7 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 12 cost path from unknown to g723, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 8 cost path from unknown to gsm, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 8 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 10 cost path from unknown to ulaw, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 8 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 14 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 10 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 9 cost path from unknown to g723, via 4 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 5 cost path from unknown to gsm, via 4 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 5 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 4 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 5 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 4 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 11 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 4 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 51 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 4 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 8 cost path from unknown to g723, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from unknown to gsm, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 10 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: translate.c:480 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 50 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [May 24 15:23:25] codec_g726.so => (ITU G.726-32kbps G726 Transcoder) [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'ZapBarge' [May 24 15:23:25] app_zapbarge.so => (Barge in on Zap channel application) [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered custom function CALLERID [May 24 15:23:25] func_callerid.so => (Caller ID related dialplan function) [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered custom function RAND [May 24 15:23:25] func_rand.so => (Random number dialplan function) [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'ChanIsAvail' [May 24 15:23:25] app_chanisavail.so => (Check channel availability) [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'SoftHangup' [May 24 15:23:25] app_softhangup.so => (Hangs up the requested channel) [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'While' [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'EndWhile' [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'ExitWhile' [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'ContinueWhile' [May 24 15:23:25] app_while.so => (While Loops and Conditional Execution) [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'GetCPEID' [May 24 15:23:25] app_getcpeid.so => (Get ADSI CPE ID) [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'ReadFile' [May 24 15:23:25] app_readfile.so => (Stores output of file into a variable) [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'Morsecode' [May 24 15:23:25] app_morsecode.so => (Morse code) [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'WaitForSilence' [May 24 15:23:25] app_waitforsilence.so => (Wait For Silence) [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered custom function URIDECODE [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered custom function URIENCODE [May 24 15:23:25] func_uri.so => (URI encode/decode dialplan functions) [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered format 'jpg' (JPEG (Joint Picture Experts Group)) [May 24 15:23:25] format_jpeg.so => (JPEG (Joint Picture Experts Group) Image Format) [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered file format sln, extension(s) sln|raw [May 24 15:23:25] format_sln.so => (Raw Signed Linear Audio support (SLN)) [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'ADSIProg' [May 24 15:23:25] app_adsiprog.so => (Asterisk ADSI Programming Application) [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered custom function CHANNEL [May 24 15:23:25] func_channel.so => (Channel information dialplan function) [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered custom function SHA1 [May 24 15:23:25] func_sha1.so => (SHA-1 computation dialplan function) [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'Log' [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'Verbose' [May 24 15:23:25] app_verbose.so => (Send verbose output) [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'RealTimeUpdate' [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'RealTime' [May 24 15:23:25] app_realtime.so => (Realtime Data Lookup/Rewrite) [May 24 15:23:25] DEBUG[3557]: channel.c:532 ast_channel_register: Registered handler for 'Feature' (Feature Proxy Channel Driver) [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered channel type 'Feature' (Feature Proxy Channel Driver) [May 24 15:23:25] chan_features.so => (Feature Proxy Channel) [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'TrySystem' [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'System' [May 24 15:23:25] app_system.so => (Generic System() application) [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'Dial' [May 24 15:23:25] == Registered application 'RetryDial' [May 24 15:23:25] app_dial.so => (Dialing Application) [May 24 15:23:25] Asterisk Ready. ]1;Asterisk]2;Asterisk Console on 'CapPBX' (pid 3557)*CLI> [May 24 15:23:26] DEBUG[3577]: chan_sip.c:4312 sip_alloc: Allocating new SIP dialog for f1eed69f-b2aa6cb9-5a7ddca6@ - REGISTER (No RTP) [May 24 15:23:26] DEBUG[3577]: chan_sip.c:14709 handle_request: **** Received REGISTER (2) - Command in SIP REGISTER [May 24 15:23:26] DEBUG[3577]: chan_sip.c:16161 build_peer: Bah, we're expired (184/1180034422/1180034606)! [May 24 15:23:26] DEBUG[3577]: db.c:197 ast_db_get: Unable to find key '3200' in family 'SIP/Registry' [May 24 15:23:26] DEBUG[3577]: chan_sip.c:2360 sip_destroy_peer: Destroying SIP peer 3200 [May 24 15:23:26] DEBUG[3577]: chan_sip.c:4365 find_call: = Found Their Call ID: f1eed69f-b2aa6cb9-5a7ddca6@ Their Tag 563B2983-5B446DC8 Our tag: as0feda64d [May 24 15:23:26] DEBUG[3577]: chan_sip.c:14709 handle_request: **** Received REGISTER (2) - Command in SIP REGISTER [May 24 15:23:26] DEBUG[3577]: db.c:236 ast_db_del: Unable to find key '3200' in family 'SIP/Registry' [May 24 15:23:26] DEBUG[3577]: chan_sip.c:16161 build_peer: Bah, we're expired (184/1180034422/1180034606)! [May 24 15:23:26] DEBUG[3577]: db.c:197 ast_db_get: Unable to find key '3200' in family 'SIP/Registry' [May 24 15:23:26] -- Registered SIP '3200' at port 5060 expires 3600 [May 24 15:23:26] -- Saved useragent "PolycomSoundPointIP-SPIP_501-UA/" for peer 3200 [May 24 15:23:26] DEBUG[3577]: devicestate.c:303 __ast_device_state_changed_literal: Notification of state change to be queued on device/channel SIP/3200 [May 24 15:23:26] DEBUG[3577]: chan_sip.c:2360 sip_destroy_peer: Destroying SIP peer 3200 [May 24 15:23:26] DEBUG[3561]: devicestate.c:161 ast_device_state: No provider found, checking channel drivers for SIP - 3200 [May 24 15:23:26] DEBUG[3561]: chan_sip.c:15321 sip_devicestate: Checking device state for peer 3200 [May 24 15:23:26] DEBUG[3561]: chan_sip.c:7646 reg_source_db: SIP Seeding peer from astdb: '3200' at 3200@ for 3600 [May 24 15:23:26] DEBUG[3561]: chan_sip.c:2360 sip_destroy_peer: Destroying SIP peer 3200 [May 24 15:23:26] DEBUG[3561]: devicestate.c:287 do_state_change: Changing state for SIP/3200 - state 1 (Not in use) [May 24 15:23:28] DEBUG[3577]: chan_sip.c:4365 find_call: = No match Their Call ID: f1eed69f-b2aa6cb9-5a7ddca6@ Their Tag 563B2983-5B446DC8 Our tag: as0feda64d [May 24 15:23:28] DEBUG[3577]: chan_sip.c:4312 sip_alloc: Allocating new SIP dialog for d81ecddc-c20c99ce-152d3d27@ - REGISTER (No RTP) [May 24 15:23:28] DEBUG[3577]: chan_sip.c:14709 handle_request: **** Received REGISTER (2) - Command in SIP REGISTER [May 24 15:23:28] DEBUG[3577]: chan_sip.c:7646 reg_source_db: SIP Seeding peer from astdb: '3200' at 3200@ for 3600 [May 24 15:23:28] DEBUG[3577]: chan_sip.c:2360 sip_destroy_peer: Destroying SIP peer 3200 [May 24 15:23:28] DEBUG[3577]: chan_sip.c:4365 find_call: = Found Their Call ID: d81ecddc-c20c99ce-152d3d27@ Their Tag A9D7AFB0-2A68D501 Our tag: as5987178d [May 24 15:23:28] DEBUG[3577]: chan_sip.c:14709 handle_request: **** Received REGISTER (2) - Command in SIP REGISTER [May 24 15:23:28] DEBUG[3577]: chan_sip.c:7646 reg_source_db: SIP Seeding peer from astdb: '3200' at 3200@ for 3600 [May 24 15:23:28] -- Saved useragent "PolycomSoundPointIP-SPIP_501-UA/" for peer 3200 [May 24 15:23:28] DEBUG[3577]: devicestate.c:303 __ast_device_state_changed_literal: Notification of state change to be queued on device/channel SIP/3200 [May 24 15:23:28] DEBUG[3561]: devicestate.c:161 ast_device_state: No provider found, checking channel drivers for SIP - 3200 [May 24 15:23:28] DEBUG[3577]: chan_sip.c:2360 sip_destroy_peer: Destroying SIP peer 3200 [May 24 15:23:28] DEBUG[3561]: chan_sip.c:15321 sip_devicestate: Checking device state for peer 3200 [May 24 15:23:28] DEBUG[3561]: chan_sip.c:7646 reg_source_db: SIP Seeding peer from astdb: '3200' at 3200@ for 3600 [May 24 15:23:28] DEBUG[3561]: chan_sip.c:2360 sip_destroy_peer: Destroying SIP peer 3200 [May 24 15:23:28] DEBUG[3561]: devicestate.c:287 do_state_change: Changing state for SIP/3200 - state 1 (Not in use) reload[May 24 15:23:39] DEBUG[3577]: chan_sip.c:4365 find_call: = No match Their Call ID: d81ecddc-c20c99ce-152d3d27@ Their Tag A9D7AFB0-2A68D501 Our tag: as5987178d [May 24 15:23:39] DEBUG[3577]: chan_sip.c:4365 find_call: = No match Their Call ID: f1eed69f-b2aa6cb9-5a7ddca6@ Their Tag 563B2983-5B446DC8 Our tag: as0feda64d [May 24 15:23:39] DEBUG[3577]: chan_sip.c:2576 do_setnat: Setting NAT on RTP to Off [May 24 15:23:39] DEBUG[3577]: chan_sip.c:4312 sip_alloc: Allocating new SIP dialog for 7bee061f-155e5149-d716a710@ - INVITE (With RTP) [May 24 15:23:39] DEBUG[3577]: chan_sip.c:14709 handle_request: **** Received INVITE (5) - Command in SIP INVITE [May 24 15:23:39] DEBUG[3577]: chan_sip.c:2576 do_setnat: Setting NAT on RTP to Off [May 24 15:23:39] DEBUG[3577]: chan_sip.c:2501 sip_destroy_user: Destroying user object from memory: 2400 [May 24 15:23:39] DEBUG[3577]: chan_sip.c:4365 find_call: = Found Their Call ID: 7bee061f-155e5149-d716a710@ Their Tag 1BD1493-DEC16D0A Our tag: as4d521d27 [May 24 15:23:39] DEBUG[3577]: chan_sip.c:14709 handle_request: **** Received ACK (6) - Command in SIP ACK [May 24 15:23:39] DEBUG[3577]: chan_sip.c:2090 __sip_ack: Stopping retransmission on '7bee061f-155e5149-d716a710@' of Response 1: Match Not Found [May 24 15:23:39] DEBUG[3577]: chan_sip.c:4365 find_call: = Found Their Call ID: 7bee061f-155e5149-d716a710@ Their Tag 1BD1493-DEC16D0A Our tag: as4d521d27 [May 24 15:23:39] DEBUG[3577]: chan_sip.c:14709 handle_request: **** Received INVITE (5) - Command in SIP INVITE [May 24 15:23:39] DEBUG[3577]: chan_sip.c:2576 do_setnat: Setting NAT on RTP to Off [May 24 15:23:39] DEBUG[3577]: chan_sip.c:2501 sip_destroy_user: Destroying user object from memory: 2400 [May 24 15:23:39] DEBUG[3577]: chan_sip.c:5136 process_sdp: T38 state changed to 0 on channel [May 24 15:23:39] DEBUG[3577]: chan_sip.c:5216 process_sdp: We're settling with these formats: 0xc (ulaw|alaw) [May 24 15:23:39] DEBUG[3577]: chan_sip.c:13418 handle_request_invite: Checking SIP call limits for device 2400 [May 24 15:23:39] DEBUG[3577]: chan_sip.c:3004 update_call_counter: Updating call counter for incoming call [May 24 15:23:39] DEBUG[3577]: chan_sip.c:3806 sip_new: *** Our native formats are 0x4 (ulaw) [May 24 15:23:39] DEBUG[3577]: chan_sip.c:3807 sip_new: *** Joint capabilities are 0xc (ulaw|alaw) [May 24 15:23:39] DEBUG[3577]: chan_sip.c:3808 sip_new: *** Our capabilities are 0xe (gsm|ulaw|alaw) [May 24 15:23:39] DEBUG[3577]: chan_sip.c:3809 sip_new: *** AST_CODEC_CHOOSE formats are 0x4 (ulaw) [May 24 15:23:39] DEBUG[3577]: chan_sip.c:3832 sip_new: This channel will not be able to handle video. [May 24 15:23:39] DEBUG[3577]: chan_sip.c:7994 build_route: build_route: Contact hop: [May 24 15:23:39] DEBUG[3577]: chan_sip.c:13492 handle_request_invite: SIP/2400-08221068: New call is still down.... Trying... [May 24 15:23:39] DEBUG[3577]: devicestate.c:303 __ast_device_state_changed_literal: Notification of state change to be queued on device/channel SIP/2400-08221068 [May 24 15:23:39] DEBUG[3561]: devicestate.c:161 ast_device_state: No provider found, checking channel drivers for SIP - 2400 [May 24 15:23:39] DEBUG[3561]: chan_sip.c:15321 sip_devicestate: Checking device state for peer 2400 [May 24 15:23:39] DEBUG[3579]: pbx.c:1809 pbx_extension_helper: Launching 'VoiceMailMain' [May 24 15:23:39] -- Executing [7777@sip-internal:1] VoiceMailMain("SIP/2400-08221068", "2500@default") in new stack [May 24 15:23:39] DEBUG[3579]: app_voicemail.c:6254 vm_execmain: Before ast_answer [May 24 15:23:39] DEBUG[3579]: devicestate.c:303 __ast_device_state_changed_literal: Notification of state change to be queued on device/channel SIP/2400-08221068 [May 24 15:23:39] DEBUG[3579]: chan_sip.c:3464 sip_answer: SIP answering channel: SIP/2400-08221068 [May 24 15:23:39] DEBUG[3579]: chan_sip.c:6432 transmit_response_with_sdp: Setting framing from config on incoming call [May 24 15:23:39] DEBUG[3579]: chan_sip.c:6198 add_sdp: ** Our capability: 0xc (ulaw|alaw) Video flag: True [May 24 15:23:39] DEBUG[3579]: chan_sip.c:6199 add_sdp: ** Our prefcodec: 0x0 (nothing) [May 24 15:23:39] DEBUG[3579]: chan_sip.c:6330 add_sdp: -- Done with adding codecs to SDP [May 24 15:23:39] DEBUG[3579]: channel.c:2447 ast_internal_timing_enabled: Internal timing is disabled (option_internal_timing=0 chan->timingfd=23) [May 24 15:23:39] DEBUG[3579]: chan_sip.c:6375 add_sdp: Done building SDP. Settling with this capability: 0xc (ulaw|alaw) [May 24 15:23:39] DEBUG[3561]: chan_sip.c:7646 reg_source_db: SIP Seeding peer from astdb: '2400' at 2400@ for 3600 [May 24 15:23:39] DEBUG[3561]: chan_sip.c:2360 sip_destroy_peer: Destroying SIP peer 2400 [May 24 15:23:39] DEBUG[3561]: devicestate.c:287 do_state_change: Changing state for SIP/2400 - state 1 (Not in use) [May 24 15:23:39] DEBUG[3561]: devicestate.c:161 ast_device_state: No provider found, checking channel drivers for SIP - 2400 [May 24 15:23:39] DEBUG[3561]: chan_sip.c:15321 sip_devicestate: Checking device state for peer 2400 [May 24 15:23:39] DEBUG[3579]: app_voicemail.c:6161 vm_authenticate: Before find user for mailbox 2500 [May 24 15:23:39] DEBUG[3561]: chan_sip.c:7646 reg_source_db: SIP Seeding peer from astdb: '2400' at 2400@ for 3600 [May 24 15:23:39] DEBUG[3561]: chan_sip.c:2360 sip_destroy_peer: Destroying SIP peer 2400 [May 24 15:23:39] DEBUG[3561]: devicestate.c:287 do_state_change: Changing state for SIP/2400 - state 1 (Not in use) [May 24 15:23:39] DEBUG[3579]: rtp.c:2701 ast_rtp_write: Ooh, format changed from unknown to ulaw [May 24 15:23:39] DEBUG[3579]: rtp.c:2718 ast_rtp_write: Created smoother: format: 4 ms: 20 len: 160 [May 24 15:23:39] DEBUG[3579]: channel.c:2030 ast_settimeout: Scheduling timer at 160 sample intervals [May 24 15:23:39] -- Playing 'vm-password' (language 'fr') [May 24 15:23:39] DEBUG[3577]: chan_sip.c:4365 find_call: = Found Their Call ID: 7bee061f-155e5149-d716a710@ Their Tag 1BD1493-DEC16D0A Our tag: as31b43ac4 [May 24 15:23:39] DEBUG[3577]: chan_sip.c:14709 handle_request: **** Received ACK (6) - Command in SIP ACK [May 24 15:23:39] DEBUG[3577]: chan_sip.c:2090 __sip_ack: Stopping retransmission on '7bee061f-155e5149-d716a710@' of Response 2: Match Not Found [May 24 15:23:39] DEBUG[3579]: rtp.c:875 ast_rtcp_read: Got RTCP report of 76 bytes [May 24 15:23:40] DEBUG[3579]: channel.c:2030 ast_settimeout: Scheduling timer at 106 sample intervals [May 24 15:23:40] DEBUG[3579]: channel.c:2030 ast_settimeout: Scheduling timer at 0 sample intervals [May 24 15:23:40] DEBUG[3579]: channel.c:2030 ast_settimeout: Scheduling timer at 0 sample intervals [May 24 15:23:43] DEBUG[3579]: rtp.c:727 process_rfc2833: - RTP 2833 Event: 00000004 (len = 4) [May 24 15:23:43] DEBUG[3579]: rtp.c:626 send_dtmf: Sending dtmf: 52 (4), at [May 24 15:23:43] DEBUG[3579]: rtp.c:727 process_rfc2833: - RTP 2833 Event: 00000004 (len = 4) [May 24 15:23:43] DEBUG[3579]: rtp.c:727 process_rfc2833: - RTP 2833 Event: 00000004 (len = 4) [May 24 15:23:43] DEBUG[3579]: rtp.c:727 process_rfc2833: - RTP 2833 Event: 00000004 (len = 4) [May 24 15:23:43] DEBUG[3579]: rtp.c:727 process_rfc2833: - RTP 2833 Event: 00000004 (len = 4) [May 24 15:23:43] DEBUG[3579]: rtp.c:626 send_dtmf: Sending dtmf: 52 (4), at [May 24 15:23:43] DEBUG[3579]: rtp.c:727 process_rfc2833: - RTP 2833 Event: 00000004 (len = 4) [May 24 15:23:43] DEBUG[3579]: rtp.c:727 process_rfc2833: - RTP 2833 Event: 00000004 (len = 4) [May 24 15:23:43] DEBUG[3579]: rtp.c:727 process_rfc2833: - RTP 2833 Event: 00000003 (len = 4) [May 24 15:23:43] DEBUG[3579]: rtp.c:626 send_dtmf: Sending dtmf: 51 (3), at [May 24 15:23:43] DEBUG[3579]: rtp.c:727 process_rfc2833: - RTP 2833 Event: 00000003 (len = 4) [May 24 15:23:43] DEBUG[3579]: rtp.c:727 process_rfc2833: - RTP 2833 Event: 00000003 (len = 4) [May 24 15:23:43] DEBUG[3579]: rtp.c:727 process_rfc2833: - RTP 2833 Event: 00000003 (len = 4) [May 24 15:23:43] DEBUG[3579]: rtp.c:727 process_rfc2833: - RTP 2833 Event: 00000003 (len = 4) [May 24 15:23:43] DEBUG[3579]: rtp.c:727 process_rfc2833: - RTP 2833 Event: 00000003 (len = 4) [May 24 15:23:43] DEBUG[3579]: rtp.c:727 process_rfc2833: - RTP 2833 Event: 00000003 (len = 4) [May 24 15:23:43] DEBUG[3579]: rtp.c:626 send_dtmf: Sending dtmf: 51 (3), at [May 24 15:23:43] DEBUG[3579]: rtp.c:727 process_rfc2833: - RTP 2833 Event: 00000003 (len = 4) [May 24 15:23:43] DEBUG[3579]: rtp.c:727 process_rfc2833: - RTP 2833 Event: 00000003 (len = 4) [May 24 15:23:43] DEBUG[3579]: rtp.c:727 process_rfc2833: - RTP 2833 Event: 00000002 (len = 4) [May 24 15:23:43] DEBUG[3579]: rtp.c:626 send_dtmf: Sending dtmf: 50 (2), at [May 24 15:23:43] DEBUG[3579]: rtp.c:727 process_rfc2833: - RTP 2833 Event: 00000002 (len = 4) [May 24 15:23:43] DEBUG[3579]: rtp.c:727 process_rfc2833: - RTP 2833 Event: 00000002 (len = 4) [May 24 15:23:43] DEBUG[3579]: rtp.c:727 process_rfc2833: - RTP 2833 Event: 00000002 (len = 4) [May 24 15:23:43] DEBUG[3579]: rtp.c:727 process_rfc2833: - RTP 2833 Event: 00000002 (len = 4) [May 24 15:23:43] DEBUG[3579]: rtp.c:727 process_rfc2833: - RTP 2833 Event: 00000002 (len = 4) [May 24 15:23:43] DEBUG[3579]: rtp.c:626 send_dtmf: Sending dtmf: 50 (2), at [May 24 15:23:43] DEBUG[3579]: rtp.c:727 process_rfc2833: - RTP 2833 Event: 00000002 (len = 4) [May 24 15:23:43] DEBUG[3579]: rtp.c:727 process_rfc2833: - RTP 2833 Event: 00000002 (len = 4) [May 24 15:23:43] DEBUG[3579]: rtp.c:727 process_rfc2833: - RTP 2833 Event: 00000001 (len = 4) [May 24 15:23:43] DEBUG[3579]: rtp.c:626 send_dtmf: Sending dtmf: 49 (1), at [May 24 15:23:43] DEBUG[3579]: rtp.c:727 process_rfc2833: - RTP 2833 Event: 00000001 (len = 4) [May 24 15:23:43] DEBUG[3579]: rtp.c:727 process_rfc2833: - RTP 2833 Event: 00000001 (len = 4) [May 24 15:23:43] DEBUG[3579]: rtp.c:727 process_rfc2833: - RTP 2833 Event: 00000001 (len = 4) [May 24 15:23:43] DEBUG[3579]: rtp.c:727 process_rfc2833: - RTP 2833 Event: 00000001 (len = 4) [May 24 15:23:43] DEBUG[3579]: rtp.c:727 process_rfc2833: - RTP 2833 Event: 00000001 (len = 4) [May 24 15:23:43] DEBUG[3579]: rtp.c:727 process_rfc2833: - RTP 2833 Event: 00000001 (len = 4) [May 24 15:23:43] DEBUG[3579]: rtp.c:727 process_rfc2833: - RTP 2833 Event: 00000001 (len = 4) [May 24 15:23:43] DEBUG[3579]: rtp.c:626 send_dtmf: Sending dtmf: 49 (1), at [May 24 15:23:43] DEBUG[3579]: rtp.c:727 process_rfc2833: - RTP 2833 Event: 00000001 (len = 4) [May 24 15:23:43] DEBUG[3579]: rtp.c:727 process_rfc2833: - RTP 2833 Event: 00000001 (len = 4) [May 24 15:23:45] DEBUG[3579]: app_voicemail.c:6337 vm_execmain: After vm_authenticate [May 24 15:23:45] DEBUG[3579]: app_voicemail.c:8701 get_vm_state_by_mailbox: Mailbox set to 2500 [May 24 15:23:45] DEBUG[3579]: app_voicemail.c:8723 get_vm_state_by_mailbox: 2500 not found in vmstates [May 24 15:23:45] DEBUG[3579]: app_voicemail.c:8766 vmstate_insert: Inserting vm_state for user:, mailbox 2500 [May 24 15:23:45] DEBUG[3579]: app_voicemail.c:6373 vm_execmain: Before open_mailbox [May 24 15:23:45] DEBUG[3579]: app_voicemail.c:4721 open_mailbox: Before init_mailstream, user is sdess [May 24 15:23:45] DEBUG[3579]: app_voicemail.c:4674 init_mailstream: vm_state user is:sdess [May 24 15:23:45] DEBUG[3579]: app_voicemail.c:4677 init_mailstream: mailstream not set. [May 24 15:23:45] DEBUG[3579]: app_voicemail.c:8511 mm_log: IMAP Info: Trying IP address [] [May 24 15:23:45] DEBUG[3579]: app_voicemail.c:8511 mm_log: IMAP Info: Dovecot ready. [May 24 15:23:45] WARNING[3579]: app_voicemail.c:8515 mm_log: IMAP Warning: SECURITY PROBLEM: insecure server advertised AUTH=PLAIN [May 24 15:23:45] DEBUG[3579]: app_voicemail.c:8535 mm_login: Entering callback mm_login [May 24 15:23:45] DEBUG[3579]: app_voicemail.c:8420 mm_exists: Entering EXISTS callback for message 0 [May 24 15:23:45] DEBUG[3579]: app_voicemail.c:8511 mm_log: IMAP Info: Mailbox is empty [May 24 15:23:45] DEBUG[3579]: app_voicemail.c:8460 mm_list: Delimiter set to / and mailbox {localhost}jdoe [May 24 15:23:45] DEBUG[3579]: app_voicemail.c:8462 mm_list: no inferiors [May 24 15:23:45] DEBUG[3579]: app_voicemail.c:8468 mm_list: unmarked [May 24 15:23:45] DEBUG[3579]: app_voicemail.c:8460 mm_list: Delimiter set to / and mailbox {localhost}var [May 24 15:23:45] DEBUG[3579]: app_voicemail.c:8464 mm_list: no select [May 24 15:23:45] DEBUG[3579]: app_voicemail.c:8460 mm_list: Delimiter set to / and mailbox {localhost}var/vmail [May 24 15:23:45] DEBUG[3579]: app_voicemail.c:8464 mm_list: no select [May 24 15:23:45] DEBUG[3579]: app_voicemail.c:8460 mm_list: Delimiter set to / and mailbox {localhost}Courrier ind&AOk-sirable [May 24 15:23:45] DEBUG[3579]: app_voicemail.c:8462 mm_list: no inferiors [May 24 15:23:45] DEBUG[3579]: app_voicemail.c:8468 mm_list: unmarked [May 24 15:23:45] DEBUG[3579]: app_voicemail.c:8460 mm_list: Delimiter set to / and mailbox {localhost}sdess [May 24 15:23:45] DEBUG[3579]: app_voicemail.c:8462 mm_list: no inferiors [May 24 15:23:45] DEBUG[3579]: app_voicemail.c:8468 mm_list: unmarked [May 24 15:23:45] DEBUG[3579]: app_voicemail.c:8460 mm_list: Delimiter set to / and mailbox {localhost}johndoe [May 24 15:23:45] DEBUG[3579]: app_voicemail.c:8462 mm_list: no inferiors [May 24 15:23:45] DEBUG[3579]: app_voicemail.c:8468 mm_list: unmarked [May 24 15:23:45] DEBUG[3579]: app_voicemail.c:8460 mm_list: Delimiter set to / and mailbox {localhost}INBOX [May 24 15:23:45] DEBUG[3579]: app_voicemail.c:8462 mm_list: no inferiors [May 24 15:23:45] DEBUG[3579]: app_voicemail.c:8468 mm_list: unmarked [May 24 15:23:45] DEBUG[3579]: app_voicemail.c:4703 init_mailstream: Before mail_open, server: {localhost:143/imap/authuser=asterisk/notls/user=sdess}INBOX, box:1 [May 24 15:23:45] DEBUG[3579]: app_voicemail.c:8511 mm_log: IMAP Info: Reusing connection to localhost/user="sdess" [May 24 15:23:45] DEBUG[3579]: app_voicemail.c:8420 mm_exists: Entering EXISTS callback for message 0 [May 24 15:23:45] DEBUG[3579]: app_voicemail.c:8511 mm_log: IMAP Info: Mailbox is empty [May 24 15:23:45] ERROR[3579]: app_voicemail.c:8518 mm_log: IMAP Error: Quota not available on this IMAP server [May 24 15:23:45] DEBUG[3579]: app_voicemail.c:4752 open_mailbox: Before mail_search_full, user is sdess [May 24 15:23:45] DEBUG[3579]: app_voicemail.c:6379 vm_execmain: Number of old messages: 0 [May 24 15:23:45] DEBUG[3579]: app_voicemail.c:4721 open_mailbox: Before init_mailstream, user is sdess [May 24 15:23:45] DEBUG[3579]: app_voicemail.c:4674 init_mailstream: vm_state user is:sdess [May 24 15:23:45] DEBUG[3579]: app_voicemail.c:4703 init_mailstream: Before mail_open, server: {localhost:143/imap/authuser=asterisk/notls/user=sdess}INBOX, box:0 [May 24 15:23:45] DEBUG[3579]: app_voicemail.c:8511 mm_log: IMAP Info: Reusing connection to localhost/user="sdess" [May 24 15:23:45] DEBUG[3579]: app_voicemail.c:8420 mm_exists: Entering EXISTS callback for message 0 [May 24 15:23:45] DEBUG[3579]: app_voicemail.c:8511 mm_log: IMAP Info: Mailbox is empty [May 24 15:23:45] ERROR[3579]: app_voicemail.c:8518 mm_log: IMAP Error: Quota not available on this IMAP server [May 24 15:23:45] DEBUG[3579]: app_voicemail.c:4752 open_mailbox: Before mail_search_full, user is sdess [May 24 15:23:45] DEBUG[3579]: app_voicemail.c:6386 vm_execmain: Number of new messages: 0 [May 24 15:23:45] DEBUG[3579]: app_voicemail.c:6431 vm_execmain: Checking quotas: comparing 0 to 0 [May 24 15:23:45] DEBUG[3579]: rtp.c:2571 ast_rtp_raw_write: Difference is 43880, ms is 5505 [May 24 15:23:45] DEBUG[3579]: channel.c:2030 ast_settimeout: Scheduling timer at 160 sample intervals [May 24 15:23:45] -- Playing 'vm-youhave' (language 'fr') [May 24 15:23:46] DEBUG[3579]: channel.c:2030 ast_settimeout: Scheduling timer at 1 sample intervals [May 24 15:23:46] DEBUG[3579]: channel.c:2030 ast_settimeout: Scheduling timer at 0 sample intervals [May 24 15:23:46] DEBUG[3579]: channel.c:2030 ast_settimeout: Scheduling timer at 0 sample intervals [May 24 15:23:46] DEBUG[3579]: channel.c:2030 ast_settimeout: Scheduling timer at 160 sample intervals [May 24 15:23:46] -- Playing 'vm-no' (language 'fr') [May 24 15:23:47] DEBUG[3579]: channel.c:2030 ast_settimeout: Scheduling timer at 17 sample intervals [May 24 15:23:47] DEBUG[3579]: channel.c:2030 ast_settimeout: Scheduling timer at 0 sample intervals [May 24 15:23:47] DEBUG[3579]: channel.c:2030 ast_settimeout: Scheduling timer at 0 sample intervals [May 24 15:23:47] DEBUG[3579]: channel.c:2030 ast_settimeout: Scheduling timer at 160 sample intervals [May 24 15:23:47] -- Playing 'vm-messages' (language 'fr') [May 24 15:23:48] DEBUG[3579]: channel.c:2030 ast_settimeout: Scheduling timer at 136 sample intervals [May 24 15:23:48] DEBUG[3579]: channel.c:2030 ast_settimeout: Scheduling timer at 0 sample intervals [May 24 15:23:48] DEBUG[3579]: channel.c:2030 ast_settimeout: Scheduling timer at 0 sample intervals [May 24 15:23:48] DEBUG[3579]: channel.c:2030 ast_settimeout: Scheduling timer at 160 sample intervals [May 24 15:23:48] -- Playing 'vm-opts' (language 'fr') [May 24 15:23:49] DEBUG[3579]: rtp.c:875 ast_rtcp_read: Got RTCP report of 76 bytes [May 24 15:23:49] DEBUG[3579]: rtp.c:727 process_rfc2833: - RTP 2833 Event: 00000000 (len = 4) [May 24 15:23:49] DEBUG[3579]: rtp.c:626 send_dtmf: Sending dtmf: 48 (0), at [May 24 15:23:50] DEBUG[3579]: rtp.c:727 process_rfc2833: - RTP 2833 Event: 00000000 (len = 4) [May 24 15:23:50] DEBUG[3579]: rtp.c:727 process_rfc2833: - RTP 2833 Event: 00000000 (len = 4) [May 24 15:23:50] DEBUG[3579]: rtp.c:727 process_rfc2833: - RTP 2833 Event: 00000000 (len = 4) [May 24 15:23:50] DEBUG[3579]: rtp.c:727 process_rfc2833: - RTP 2833 Event: 00000000 (len = 4) [May 24 15:23:50] DEBUG[3579]: rtp.c:727 process_rfc2833: - RTP 2833 Event: 00000000 (len = 4) [May 24 15:23:50] DEBUG[3579]: rtp.c:727 process_rfc2833: - RTP 2833 Event: 00000000 (len = 4) [May 24 15:23:50] DEBUG[3579]: rtp.c:727 process_rfc2833: - RTP 2833 Event: 00000000 (len = 4) [May 24 15:23:50] DEBUG[3579]: rtp.c:727 process_rfc2833: - RTP 2833 Event: 00000000 (len = 4) [May 24 15:23:50] DEBUG[3579]: rtp.c:727 process_rfc2833: - RTP 2833 Event: 00000000 (len = 4) [May 24 15:23:50] DEBUG[3579]: rtp.c:626 send_dtmf: Sending dtmf: 48 (0), at [May 24 15:23:50] DEBUG[3579]: channel.c:2030 ast_settimeout: Scheduling timer at 0 sample intervals [May 24 15:23:50] DEBUG[3579]: channel.c:2030 ast_settimeout: Scheduling timer at 160 sample intervals [May 24 15:23:50] -- Playing 'vm-options' (language 'fr') [May 24 15:23:50] DEBUG[3579]: rtp.c:727 process_rfc2833: - RTP 2833 Event: 00000000 (len = 4) [May 24 15:23:50] DEBUG[3579]: rtp.c:727 process_rfc2833: - RTP 2833 Event: 00000000 (len = 4) [May 24 15:23:54] DEBUG[3579]: rtp.c:727 process_rfc2833: - RTP 2833 Event: 00000004 (len = 4) [May 24 15:23:54] DEBUG[3579]: rtp.c:626 send_dtmf: Sending dtmf: 52 (4), at [May 24 15:23:54] DEBUG[3579]: rtp.c:727 process_rfc2833: - RTP 2833 Event: 00000004 (len = 4) [May 24 15:23:54] DEBUG[3579]: rtp.c:727 process_rfc2833: - RTP 2833 Event: 00000004 (len = 4) [May 24 15:23:54] DEBUG[3579]: rtp.c:727 process_rfc2833: - RTP 2833 Event: 00000004 (len = 4) [May 24 15:23:54] DEBUG[3579]: rtp.c:727 process_rfc2833: - RTP 2833 Event: 00000004 (len = 4) [May 24 15:23:54] DEBUG[3579]: rtp.c:727 process_rfc2833: - RTP 2833 Event: 00000004 (len = 4) [May 24 15:23:54] DEBUG[3579]: rtp.c:727 process_rfc2833: - RTP 2833 Event: 00000004 (len = 4) [May 24 15:23:54] DEBUG[3579]: rtp.c:727 process_rfc2833: - RTP 2833 Event: 00000004 (len = 4) [May 24 15:23:54] DEBUG[3579]: rtp.c:727 process_rfc2833: - RTP 2833 Event: 00000004 (len = 4) [May 24 15:23:54] DEBUG[3579]: rtp.c:626 send_dtmf: Sending dtmf: 52 (4), at [May 24 15:23:54] DEBUG[3579]: channel.c:2030 ast_settimeout: Scheduling timer at 0 sample intervals [May 24 15:23:54] DEBUG[3579]: channel.c:2030 ast_settimeout: Scheduling timer at 160 sample intervals [May 24 15:23:54] -- Playing 'vm-tempgreeting2' (language 'fr') [May 24 15:23:54] DEBUG[3579]: rtp.c:727 process_rfc2833: - RTP 2833 Event: 00000004 (len = 4) [May 24 15:23:54] DEBUG[3579]: rtp.c:727 process_rfc2833: - RTP 2833 Event: 00000004 (len = 4) [May 24 15:23:58] DEBUG[3577]: chan_sip.c:2011 __sip_autodestruct: Auto destroying SIP dialog 'f1eed69f-b2aa6cb9-5a7ddca6@' [May 24 15:23:58] DEBUG[3577]: chan_sip.c:3110 sip_destroy: Destroying SIP dialog f1eed69f-b2aa6cb9-5a7ddca6@ [May 24 15:23:58] Really destroying SIP dialog 'f1eed69f-b2aa6cb9-5a7ddca6@' Method: REGISTER [May 24 15:23:59] DEBUG[3579]: rtp.c:727 process_rfc2833: - RTP 2833 Event: 00000001 (len = 4) [May 24 15:23:59] DEBUG[3579]: rtp.c:626 send_dtmf: Sending dtmf: 49 (1), at [May 24 15:23:59] DEBUG[3579]: rtp.c:727 process_rfc2833: - RTP 2833 Event: 00000001 (len = 4) [May 24 15:23:59] DEBUG[3579]: rtp.c:727 process_rfc2833: - RTP 2833 Event: 00000001 (len = 4) [May 24 15:23:59] DEBUG[3579]: rtp.c:727 process_rfc2833: - RTP 2833 Event: 00000001 (len = 4) [May 24 15:23:59] DEBUG[3579]: rtp.c:727 process_rfc2833: - RTP 2833 Event: 00000001 (len = 4) [May 24 15:23:59] DEBUG[3579]: rtp.c:727 process_rfc2833: - RTP 2833 Event: 00000001 (len = 4) [May 24 15:23:59] DEBUG[3579]: rtp.c:727 process_rfc2833: - RTP 2833 Event: 00000001 (len = 4) [May 24 15:23:59] DEBUG[3579]: rtp.c:727 process_rfc2833: - RTP 2833 Event: 00000001 (len = 4) [May 24 15:23:59] DEBUG[3579]: rtp.c:727 process_rfc2833: - RTP 2833 Event: 00000001 (len = 4) [May 24 15:23:59] DEBUG[3579]: rtp.c:626 send_dtmf: Sending dtmf: 49 (1), at [May 24 15:23:59] DEBUG[3579]: channel.c:2030 ast_settimeout: Scheduling timer at 0 sample intervals [May 24 15:23:59] -- Recording the message [May 24 15:23:59] DEBUG[3579]: app.c:516 __ast_play_and_record: play_and_record: vm-rec-temp, /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/2500/temp, 'gsm|wav49' [May 24 15:23:59] DEBUG[3579]: channel.c:2030 ast_settimeout: Scheduling timer at 160 sample intervals [May 24 15:23:59] -- Playing 'vm-rec-temp' (language 'fr') [May 24 15:23:59] DEBUG[3579]: rtp.c:727 process_rfc2833: - RTP 2833 Event: 00000001 (len = 4) [May 24 15:23:59] DEBUG[3579]: rtp.c:727 process_rfc2833: - RTP 2833 Event: 00000001 (len = 4) [May 24 15:23:59] DEBUG[3579]: rtp.c:875 ast_rtcp_read: Got RTCP report of 76 bytes [May 24 15:24:00] DEBUG[3577]: chan_sip.c:2011 __sip_autodestruct: Auto destroying SIP dialog 'd81ecddc-c20c99ce-152d3d27@' [May 24 15:24:00] DEBUG[3577]: chan_sip.c:3110 sip_destroy: Destroying SIP dialog d81ecddc-c20c99ce-152d3d27@ [May 24 15:24:00] Really destroying SIP dialog 'd81ecddc-c20c99ce-152d3d27@' Method: REGISTER [May 24 15:24:04] DEBUG[3579]: channel.c:2030 ast_settimeout: Scheduling timer at 145 sample intervals [May 24 15:24:04] DEBUG[3579]: channel.c:2030 ast_settimeout: Scheduling timer at 0 sample intervals [May 24 15:24:04] DEBUG[3579]: channel.c:2030 ast_settimeout: Scheduling timer at 0 sample intervals [May 24 15:24:04] DEBUG[3579]: channel.c:2030 ast_settimeout: Scheduling timer at 160 sample intervals [May 24 15:24:04] -- Playing 'beep' (language 'fr') [May 24 15:24:04] DEBUG[3579]: channel.c:2030 ast_settimeout: Scheduling timer at 45 sample intervals [May 24 15:24:04] DEBUG[3579]: channel.c:2030 ast_settimeout: Scheduling timer at 0 sample intervals [May 24 15:24:04] DEBUG[3579]: channel.c:2030 ast_settimeout: Scheduling timer at 0 sample intervals [May 24 15:24:04] DEBUG[3579]: app.c:538 __ast_play_and_record: Recording Formats: sfmts=gsm [May 24 15:24:04] -- x=0, open writing: /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/2500/temp format: gsm, 0x821ea78 [May 24 15:24:04] -- x=1, open writing: /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/2500/temp format: wav49, 0x821ed48 [May 24 15:24:04] DEBUG[3579]: channel.c:2911 set_format: Set channel SIP/2400-08221068 to read format slin [May 24 15:24:07] DEBUG[3579]: rtp.c:727 process_rfc2833: - RTP 2833 Event: 0000000b (len = 4) [May 24 15:24:07] DEBUG[3579]: rtp.c:626 send_dtmf: Sending dtmf: 35 (#), at [May 24 15:24:07] DEBUG[3579]: rtp.c:727 process_rfc2833: - RTP 2833 Event: 0000000b (len = 4) [May 24 15:24:07] DEBUG[3579]: rtp.c:727 process_rfc2833: - RTP 2833 Event: 0000000b (len = 4) [May 24 15:24:07] DEBUG[3579]: rtp.c:727 process_rfc2833: - RTP 2833 Event: 0000000b (len = 4) [May 24 15:24:07] DEBUG[3579]: rtp.c:727 process_rfc2833: - RTP 2833 Event: 0000000b (len = 4) [May 24 15:24:07] DEBUG[3579]: rtp.c:727 process_rfc2833: - RTP 2833 Event: 0000000b (len = 4) [May 24 15:24:07] DEBUG[3579]: rtp.c:727 process_rfc2833: - RTP 2833 Event: 0000000b (len = 4) [May 24 15:24:07] DEBUG[3579]: rtp.c:626 send_dtmf: Sending dtmf: 35 (#), at [May 24 15:24:07] -- User ended message by pressing # [May 24 15:24:07] DEBUG[3579]: channel.c:2911 set_format: Set channel SIP/2400-08221068 to read format ulaw [May 24 15:24:07] DEBUG[3579]: rtp.c:2571 ast_rtp_raw_write: Difference is 25200, ms is 3170 [May 24 15:24:07] DEBUG[3579]: channel.c:2030 ast_settimeout: Scheduling timer at 160 sample intervals [May 24 15:24:07] -- Playing 'auth-thankyou' (language 'fr') [May 24 15:24:07] DEBUG[3579]: rtp.c:727 process_rfc2833: - RTP 2833 Event: 0000000b (len = 4) [May 24 15:24:07] DEBUG[3579]: rtp.c:727 process_rfc2833: - RTP 2833 Event: 0000000b (len = 4) [May 24 15:24:08] DEBUG[3579]: channel.c:2030 ast_settimeout: Scheduling timer at 78 sample intervals [May 24 15:24:08] DEBUG[3579]: channel.c:2030 ast_settimeout: Scheduling timer at 0 sample intervals [May 24 15:24:08] DEBUG[3579]: channel.c:2030 ast_settimeout: Scheduling timer at 0 sample intervals [May 24 15:24:08] DEBUG[3579]: channel.c:2030 ast_settimeout: Scheduling timer at 160 sample intervals [May 24 15:24:08] -- Playing 'vm-review' (language 'fr') [May 24 15:24:09] DEBUG[3579]: rtp.c:875 ast_rtcp_read: Got RTCP report of 76 bytes [May 24 15:24:15] DEBUG[3579]: channel.c:2030 ast_settimeout: Scheduling timer at 53 sample intervals [May 24 15:24:15] DEBUG[3579]: channel.c:2030 ast_settimeout: Scheduling timer at 0 sample intervals [May 24 15:24:15] DEBUG[3579]: channel.c:2030 ast_settimeout: Scheduling timer at 0 sample intervals [May 24 15:24:15] DEBUG[3579]: rtp.c:727 process_rfc2833: - RTP 2833 Event: 00000001 (len = 4) [May 24 15:24:15] DEBUG[3579]: rtp.c:626 send_dtmf: Sending dtmf: 49 (1), at [May 24 15:24:15] DEBUG[3579]: rtp.c:727 process_rfc2833: - RTP 2833 Event: 00000001 (len = 4) [May 24 15:24:15] DEBUG[3579]: rtp.c:727 process_rfc2833: - RTP 2833 Event: 00000001 (len = 4) [May 24 15:24:15] DEBUG[3579]: rtp.c:727 process_rfc2833: - RTP 2833 Event: 00000001 (len = 4) [May 24 15:24:15] DEBUG[3579]: rtp.c:727 process_rfc2833: - RTP 2833 Event: 00000001 (len = 4) [May 24 15:24:15] DEBUG[3569]: chan_iax2.c:7726 iax2_do_register: Allocate call number [May 24 15:24:15] DEBUG[3569]: chan_iax2.c:7732 iax2_do_register: Registration created on call 2 [May 24 15:24:15] DEBUG[3579]: rtp.c:727 process_rfc2833: - RTP 2833 Event: 00000001 (len = 4) [May 24 15:24:15] DEBUG[3579]: rtp.c:626 send_dtmf: Sending dtmf: 49 (1), at [May 24 15:24:15] -- Saving message as is [May 24 15:24:15] DEBUG[3579]: rtp.c:2571 ast_rtp_raw_write: Difference is 1912, ms is 259 [May 24 15:24:15] DEBUG[3579]: channel.c:2030 ast_settimeout: Scheduling timer at 160 sample intervals [May 24 15:24:15] -- Playing 'vm-msgsaved' (language 'fr') [May 24 15:24:15] DEBUG[3579]: rtp.c:727 process_rfc2833: - RTP 2833 Event: 00000001 (len = 4) [May 24 15:24:15] DEBUG[3579]: rtp.c:727 process_rfc2833: - RTP 2833 Event: 00000001 (len = 4) [May 24 15:24:17] DEBUG[3579]: channel.c:2030 ast_settimeout: Scheduling timer at 35 sample intervals [May 24 15:24:17] DEBUG[3579]: channel.c:2030 ast_settimeout: Scheduling timer at 0 sample intervals [May 24 15:24:17] DEBUG[3579]: channel.c:2030 ast_settimeout: Scheduling timer at 0 sample intervals [May 24 15:24:17] DEBUG[3579]: app_voicemail.c:2407 imap_store_file: Storing file '/var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/2500/temp/msg-001', format 'gsm' [May 24 15:24:17] DEBUG[3579]: app_voicemail.c:1972 make_email_file: newtmp: /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/2500/tmp/S1LhpK [May 24 15:24:17] WARNING[3579]: app_voicemail.c:1701 base_encode: Failed to open log file: /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/2500/temp/msg-001.gsm: No such file or directory [May 24 15:24:17] ERROR[3579]: app_voicemail.c:4670 init_mailstream: vm_state is NULL!