pbx*CLI> show queue 300 300 has 1 calls (max unlimited) in 'rrmemory' strategy (4s holdtime), W:0, C:580, A:1220, SL:0.0% within 0s Members: Local/400@default with penalty 2 (Unknown) has taken 7 calls (last was 408389 secs ago) SIP/147 with penalty 1 (Ringing) has taken 316 calls (last was 321034 secs ago) SIP/163 with penalty 1 (In use) has taken 257 calls (last was 320611 secs ago) Callers: 1. Local/13@default-7feb,2 (wait: 5342:29, prio: 0) pbx*CLI> show channels Channel Location State Application(Data) SIP/149-0ab0fc90 (None) Up Bridged Call(mISDN/4-2) mISDN/4-2 s@macro-dial-queue:3 Up Queue(400|t|||120) SIP/151-0ab30720 (None) Up Bridged Call(mISDN/4-1) mISDN/4-1 s@macro-dial:8 Up Dial(SIP/151|15|Tt) mISDN/1-1 s@macro-dial-queue:3 Up Bridged Call(Local/154@default SIP/144-0ab54fe8 (None) Up Bridged Call(Local/154@default Local/154@default-f0 s@macro-dial:8 Up Dial(SIP/144|15|Tt) Local/154@default-f0 s@default:1 Up Transferred Call(mISDN/1-1) mISDN/1-u8542 759308@misdn:1 Up Bridged Call(SIP/146-b432b5b8) SIP/146-b432b5b8 s@macro-dialout:2 Up Dial(mISDN/g:isdn/759308|50|T) SIP/147-0a4b7318 (None) Ringing AppQueue((Outgoing Line)) 11 active channels 19 active calls pbx*CLI> show channel SIP/147-0a4b7318 -- General -- Name: SIP/147-0a4b7318 Type: SIP UniqueID: 1178272240.62529 Caller ID: 209 Caller ID Name: Volohina DNID Digits: (N/A) State: Ringing (5) Rings: 0 NativeFormat: 8 WriteFormat: 8 ReadFormat: 8 1st File Descriptor: 198 Frames in: 1 Frames out: 0 Time to Hangup: 0 Elapsed Time: N/A Direct Bridge: Indirect Bridge: -- PBX -- Context: default Extension: Priority: 1 Call Group: 8 Pickup Group: 8 Application: AppQueue Data: (Outgoing Line) Blocking in: (Not Blocking) T38 mode on: No Variables: SIPCALLID=2e585a86770bddca3624acd977776d09@