(gdb) bt #0 0xb7f81304 in pthread_mutex_lock () from /lib/libpthread.so.0 #1 0x0806001b in ast_mutex_lock (pmutex=0xcc) at include/asterisk/lock.h:601 #2 0x08067502 in ast_do_masquerade (original=0x81c4ac0) at channel.c:2976 #3 0xb7b769b7 in ?? () from /usr/lib/pbx/modules/res_features.so #4 0x08084644 in pbx_exec (c=0x81c3d38, app=0x814eda0, data=0xb704c064, newstack=1) at pbx.c:574 #5 0x08087c93 in pbx_extension_helper (c=0x81c3d38, con=0x0, context=0x81c3e88 "bridge", exten=0x81c3f7c "s", priority=2, label=0x0, callerid=0x81375f0 "1003", action=1) at pbx.c:1717 #6 0x08088f57 in ast_spawn_extension (c=0x81c3d38, context=0x81c3e88 "bridge", exten=0x81c3f7c "s", priority=2, callerid=0x81375f0 "1003") at pbx.c:2250 #7 0x080893a4 in __ast_pbx_run (c=0x81c3d38) at pbx.c:2316 #8 0x0808a0ff in pbx_thread (data=0x81c3d38) at pbx.c:2537 #9 0xb7f7f294 in start_thread () from /lib/libpthread.so.0 #10 0xb7e6c71e in clone () from /lib/libc.so.6 (gdb) bt full #0 0xb7f81304 in pthread_mutex_lock () from /lib/libpthread.so.0 No symbol table info available. #1 0x0806001b in ast_mutex_lock (pmutex=0xcc) at include/asterisk/lock.h:601 No locals. #2 0x08067502 in ast_do_masquerade (original=0x81c4ac0) at channel.c:2976 x = 1 i = 1 res = 0 origstate = -1212750529 cur = (struct ast_frame *) 0xb7b6d000 prev = (struct ast_frame *) 0xe50c t = (const struct ast_channel_tech *) 0x804cd68 t_pvt = (void *) 0xb7b7b3ec tmpcid = {cid_dnid = 0x804cd68 "�+", cid_num = 0xb7fb26c0 "", cid_name = 0xb7fb1fbc "��\001", cid_ani = 0x1
, cid_rdnis = 0x814ea18 "", cid_pres = -1224442480, cid_ani2 = -1208335276, cid_ton = 135588808, cid_tns = 0} clone = (struct ast_channel *) 0x0 spy_list = (struct ast_channel_spy_list *) 0x81d3570 spy = (struct ast_channel_spy *) 0x0 rformat = 64 wformat = 64 newn = '\0' , "call,all\000\000\000\000\200}\004�\030�\024\b?嶷�\022�\000U\025\202\003\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\bU\034\bP\000\000\000\224}\004�(}\004��\033��8}\004�.\000\006\b\214K\034\b\bU\034\b�}\004�\035p\006\b\214K\034\b" orig = "U\025\202\003?嶷\000\000\000\000\026\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\2068\005\bh�\004\b", '\0' , "��\025\b\000\000\000\000�\037����\024\bD}\004�X}\004��\006��D}\004� (��\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\001\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\001\000\000\000\000\000\000" masqn = '\0' , "�\003��\000\033\005\b?嶷\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000�ڶ�" zombn = '\0' __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "ast_do_masquerade" #3 0xb7b769b7 in ?? () from /usr/lib/pbx/modules/res_features.so No symbol table info available. #4 0x08084644 in pbx_exec (c=0x81c3d38, app=0x814eda0, data=0xb704c064, newstack=1) at pbx.c:574 res = 0 saved_c_appl = 0x0 saved_c_data = 0x0 execute = (int (*)(struct ast_channel *, void *)) 0xb7b76680 <__dso_handle+307520> __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "pbx_exec" #5 0x08087c93 in pbx_extension_helper (c=0x81c3d38, con=0x0, context=0x81c3e88 "bridge", exten=0x81c3f7c "s", priority=2, label=0x0, callerid=0x81375f0 "1003", action=1) at pbx.c:1717 e = (struct ast_exten *) 0x8179768 app = (struct ast_app *) 0x814eda0 sw = (struct ast_switch *) 0x0 data = 0x0 foundcontext = 0x81c3e88 "bridge" newstack = 1 res = 0 status = 5 incstack = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xb7eca900 "", 0x0 , 0xb7e12664 "\201�\220\211\v", 0xb704e0e0 "\f�\004�\205������", 0x60
, 0x60
, 0xb704e0e0 "\f�\004�\205������", 0xb7e5e504 "X=\001���s\001���.\004", 0x60
, 0xb7e0f8b7 "\205�y�\213E\b\203\b \213M\020)�\213E\b\213xP\213pL\205�x\020\211�\231\001�\021�\213U\b\211rL\211zP\203�\f\211�^_]�\213M\020)���\211t$\b\211|$\004\213B8\211\004$���\004", 0x1
, 0xb7f95000 "SIP/1002-081ce030 is already going to masquerade as Local/s@originate-b079,1\n;40m:\033[1;37;40m2846\033[0;37;40m \033[1;37;40mast_channel_masquerade\033[0;37;40m: ew stack\n\033[0;37;40m\") in new stack\nck\n", 0x60
, 0xb7ecb4c0 "\204*��", 0xb7ecb4c0 "\204*��", 0xb704e10c "\030�\004�_�������<�\004�N\001�����", 0xb7e0f585 "\211�\017�FD\205�\017\205}", 0xb7ecb4c0 "\204*��", 0xb7f95000 "SIP/1002-081ce030 is already going to masquerade as Local/s@originate-b079,1\n;40m:\033[1;37;40m2846\033[0;37;40m \033[1;37;40mast_channel_masquerade\033[0;37;40m: ew stack\n\033[0;37;40m\") in new stack\nck\n", 0x60
, 0x50
, 0x60
, 0xb7f95000 "SIP/1002-081ce030 is already going to masquerade as Local/s@originate-b079,1\n;40m:\033[1;37;40m2846\033[0;37;40m \033[1;37;40mast_channel_masquerade\033[0;37;40m: ew stack\n\033[0;37;40m\") in new stack\nck\n", 0xb7ecaff4 "\\�\021", 0x60
, 0xb7ecb4c0 "\204*��", 0xb704e118 "<�\004�N\001�����", 0xb7e0f85f "�����9�u���\215�", 0xffffffff
, 0xb704e13c "l�\004�?����������F", 0xb7e1014e "�d���\213G\020\211<$)�\211T$\b\211D$\004�����@\017\205C���������>���\215�&", 0xb7ecb4c0 "\204*��", 0xb7f95000 "SIP/1002-081ce030 is already going to masquerade as Local/s@originate-b079,1\n;40m:\033[1;37;40m2846\033[0;37;40m \033[1;37;40mast_channel_masquerade\033[0;37;40m: ew stack\n\033[0;37;40m\") in new stack\nck\n", 0x60
, 0x343b3033
, 0xb7ecaff4 "\\�\021", 0x0, 0xb7ecb4c0 "\204*��", 0xb704e16c "\230�\004��������\230�\004��M��\230�\004�\027", 0xb7e0f73f "\203��\017\205\230", 0xb7ecb4c0 "\204*��", 0xffffffff
, 0x46
, 0xb7f9501a "dy going to masquerade as Local/s@originate-b079,1\n;40m:\033[1;37;40m2846\033[0;37;40m \033[1;37;40mast_channel_masquerade\033[0;37;40m: ew stack\n\033[0;37;40m\") in new stack\nck\n", 0x1
, 0x8120c2b ";37;40m\", \"\033[1;35;40mSIP/1002-081ce030\033[0;37;40m\") in new stack\n", 0xb7e0ff74 "\201�\200�\v", 0xb7ecaff4 "\\�\021", 0xb7ecb4c0 "\204*��", 0xb704eba0 "��\004�PI\031\b��\004�\001", 0xb704e198 "\030�\004�\020M\v\b�ʷ\027", 0xb7ecaff4 "\\�\021", 0xb7ecb4c0 "\204*��", 0xb704e198 "\030�\004�\020M\v\b�ʷ\027", 0xb7e04da2 "\203�\001\213\006\031���%", 0xb704e198 "\030�\004�\020M\v\b�ʷ\027", 0x17
, 0x73fa
, 0xb7f833c3 "\207�1�=", 0x0, 0x8120c2c "37;40m\", \"\033[1;35;40mSIP/1002-081ce030\033[0;37;40m\") in new stack\n", 0xb704e218 "��\004��\216\005\b@\230\021\b�<\017\b\213\003", 0x80b4d10 "��U\211�\203�\004�\026\213E\b\017�", 0xb7caa8c0 "�ʷ(�ʷ�ʷ\001", 0x17
, 0x8120be0 " -- Executing \033[1;36;40mBridge\033[0;37;40m(\"\033[1;35;40mSIP/1003-081be7f8\033[0;37;40m\", \"\033[1;35;40mSIP/1002-081ce030\033[0;37;40m\") in new stack\n", 0x8107379 " == ", 0x0, 0x0, 0xb7ecc158 "", 0x81d3a80 "", 0xb7ecc120 "", 0x3b315b1b
, 0x343b3033
, 0x20206d30
, 0x1b203d3d
, 0x80
, 0xb704e218 "��\004��\216\005\b@\230\021\b�<\017\b\213\003", 0x80b36c5 "\213}���U\211�W\201�\204\002", 0x8120be0 " -- Executing \033[1;36;40mBridge\033[0;37;40m(\"\033[1;35;40mSIP/1003-081be7f8\033[0;37;40m\", \"\033[1;35;40mSIP/1002-081ce030\033[0;37;40m\") in new stack\n", 0xb7ecc120 "", 0x4c
, 0xb7f81a6b "\201�\211\205", 0x4c
, 0x1000
, 0x0, 0x8120c2c "37;40m\", \"\033[1;35;40mSIP/1002-081ce030\033[0;37;40m\") in new stack\n", 0xb704e208 "\030�\004��v\005\b@\230\021\b", 0xb7f81be0 "]�\215\001�g1", 0xb704e218 "��\004��\216\005\b@\230\021\b�<\017\b\213\003", 0x80576a5 "��U\211�\203�8�\004$X\230\021\b�������\v\022\b\205�\017\204\210", 0x8119840 "", 0x1000
, 0xb704e2c8 "H�\004��\223\b\b8=\034\b\210>\034\b|?\034\b\002", 0x8058ef9 "\215e�[_]�U\211�\203�(�\004$@\230\021\b�o�����\v\022\b\211E��.\213E�\213", 0x8119840 "", 0x80f3cd8 "logger.c", 0x38b
, 0x80f453d "ast_verbose", 0x80f3da4 "%s", 0x8120be0 " -- Executing \033[1;36;40mBridge\033[0;37;40m(\"\033[1;35;40mSIP/1003-081be7f8\033[0;37;40m\", \"\033[1;35;40mSIP/1002-081ce030\033[0;37;40m\") in new stack\n", 0x0, 0xb704e278 "��\024\b\001", 0x8120be0 " -- Executing \033[1;36;40mBridge\033[0;37;40m(\"\033[1;35;40mSIP/1003-081be7f8\033[0;37;40m\", \"\033[1;35;40mSIP/1002-081ce030\033[0;37;40m\") in new stack\n", 0x0, 0xb7e2ce16 "\211�=\001���s\001���E\a", 0x80c5590 "\213E�\213U�\211\003\211S\004\211�\203�$[]�\004", 0xb704e26c "", 0x0, 0xb7ecc158 "", 0xb7ecc128 "", 0x0} passdata = "SIP/1002-081ce030", '\0' stacklen = 0 tmp = "\033[1;36;40mBridge\033[0;37;40m\0000m", '\0' tmp2 = "\033[1;35;40mSIP/1003-081be7f8\033[0;37;40m", '\0' tmp3 = "\033[1;35;40mSIP/1002-081ce030\033[0;37;40m\000002-081ce030\033[0;37;40m\0000m", '\0' atmp = '\0' atmp2 = '\0' __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "pbx_extension_helper" #6 0x08088f57 in ast_spawn_extension (c=0x81c3d38, context=0x81c3e88 "bridge", exten=0x81c3f7c "s", priority=2, callerid=0x81375f0 "1003") at pbx.c:2250 No locals. #7 0x080893a4 in __ast_pbx_run (c=0x81c3d38) at pbx.c:2316 firstpass = 0 digit = 0 exten = '\0' pos = 0 waittime = 0 res = 0 autoloopflag = 0 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "__ast_pbx_run" #8 0x0808a0ff in pbx_thread (data=0x81c3d38) at pbx.c:2537 c = (struct ast_channel *) 0x81c3d38 #9 0xb7f7f294 in start_thread () from /lib/libpthread.so.0 No symbol table info available. #10 0xb7e6c71e in clone () from /lib/libc.so.6 No symbol table info available. (gdb) thread apply all bt Thread 23 (process 29690): #0 0xb7f96410 in ?? () #1 0xbf881f58 in ?? () #2 0x00000001 in ?? () #3 0xbf881fde in ?? () #4 0xb7f8503b in ?? () from /lib/libpthread.so.0 #5 0x080d7afd in read_char (el=0x812e9c0, cp=0xbf881fde "\177\004\006") at read.c:296 #6 0x080d7bfc in el_getc (el=0x812e9c0, cp=0xbf881fde "\177\004\006") at read.c:347 #7 0x080d79bb in read_getcmd (el=0x812e9c0, cmdnum=0xbf881fdf "\004\006", ch=0xbf881fde "\177\004\006") at read.c:243 #8 0x080d7e2c in el_gets (el=0x812e9c0, nread=0xbf882170) at read.c:443 #9 0x080b8cf1 in main (argc=7, argv=0xbf8823b4) at asterisk.c:2461 Thread 22 (process 29692): #0 0xb7f96410 in ?? () #1 0xb7ca9388 in ?? () #2 0xffffffff in ?? () #3 0x00000001 in ?? () #4 0xb7e63903 in poll () from /lib/libc.so.6 #5 0x080b39e6 in listener (unused=0x0) at asterisk.c:600 #6 0xb7f7f294 in start_thread () from /lib/libpthread.so.0 #7 0xb7e6c71e in clone () from /lib/libc.so.6 Thread 21 (process 29693): #0 0xb7f96410 in ?? () #1 0xb7c68468 in ?? () #2 0xb7f89ff4 in ?? () from /lib/libpthread.so.0 #3 0xb7c68400 in ?? () #4 0xb7f85258 in accept () from /lib/libpthread.so.0 #5 0x080b1c3a in accept_thread (ignore=0x0) at manager.c:1454 #6 0xb7f7f294 in start_thread () from /lib/libpthread.so.0 #7 0xb7e6c71e in clone () from /lib/libc.so.6 Thread 20 (process 29694): #0 0xb7f96410 in ?? () #1 0xb7c27448 in ?? () #2 0x00000017 in ?? () #3 0x00000000 in ?? () Thread 19 (process 29695): #0 0xb7f96410 in ?? () #1 0xb7bd2ce8 in ?? () #2 0xb7be6150 in ?? () from /usr/lib/pbx/modules/res_musiconhold.so #3 0x00000000 in ?? () Thread 18 (process 29696): #0 0xb7f96410 in ?? () #1 0xb7b6c468 in ?? () #2 0x00000000 in ?? () Thread 17 (process 29700): #0 0xb7f96410 in ?? () #1 0xb7954088 in ?? () #2 0xb7ecaff4 in ?? () from /lib/libc.so.6 #3 0xb7954074 in ?? () #4 0xb7e3b516 in nanosleep () from /lib/libc.so.6 #5 0xb7e3b33e in sleep () from /lib/libc.so.6 #6 0xb7956a39 in ?? () from /usr/lib/pbx/modules/pbx_spool.so #7 0xb7f7f294 in start_thread () from /lib/libpthread.so.0 #8 0xb7e6c71e in clone () from /lib/libc.so.6 Thread 16 (process 29701): #0 0xb7f96410 in ?? () #1 0xb78f8388 in ?? () #2 0x000003e8 in ?? () #3 0x00000001 in ?? () #4 0xb7e63903 in poll () from /lib/libc.so.6 #5 0x08055ea8 in ast_io_wait (ioc=0x8174f80, howlong=1000) at io.c:271 #6 0xb78ff5ed in ?? () from /usr/lib/pbx/modules/pbx_dundi.so #7 0xb7f7f294 in start_thread () from /lib/libpthread.so.0 #8 0xb7e6c71e in clone () from /lib/libc.so.6 Thread 15 (process 29702): #0 0xb7f96410 in ?? () #1 0xb78b7228 in ?? () #2 0xb7ecaff4 in ?? () from /lib/libc.so.6 #3 0xb78b7214 in ?? () #4 0xb7e3b516 in nanosleep () from /lib/libc.so.6 #5 0xb7e3b33e in sleep () from /lib/libc.so.6 #6 0xb7907b1b in ?? () from /usr/lib/pbx/modules/pbx_dundi.so #7 0xb7f7f294 in start_thread () from /lib/libpthread.so.0 #8 0xb7e6c71e in clone () from /lib/libc.so.6 Thread 14 (process 29703): #0 0xb7f96410 in ?? () #1 0xb7816ec8 in ?? () #2 0x000003e8 in ?? () #3 0x00000001 in ?? () #4 0xb7e63903 in poll () from /lib/libc.so.6 #5 0x08055ea8 in ast_io_wait (ioc=0x817bf60, howlong=1000) at io.c:271 #6 0xb783dfcf in ?? () from /usr/lib/pbx/modules/chan_sip.so #7 0xb7f7f294 in start_thread () from /lib/libpthread.so.0 #8 0xb7e6c71e in clone () from /lib/libc.so.6 Thread 13 (process 29704): #0 0xb7f96410 in ?? () #1 0xb77b83e8 in ?? () #2 0x000003e8 in ?? () #3 0x00000001 in ?? () #4 0xb7e63903 in poll () from /lib/libc.so.6 #5 0x08055ea8 in ast_io_wait (ioc=0x8177198, howlong=1000) at io.c:271 #6 0xb77c7066 in ?? () from /usr/lib/pbx/modules/chan_mgcp.so #7 0xb7f7f294 in start_thread () from /lib/libpthread.so.0 #8 0xb7e6c71e in clone () from /lib/libc.so.6 Thread 12 (process 29705): #0 0xb7f96410 in ?? () #1 0xb76243d8 in ?? () #2 0x000003e8 in ?? () #3 0x00000001 in ?? () #4 0xb7e63903 in poll () from /lib/libc.so.6 #5 0x08055ea8 in ast_io_wait (ioc=0x8181d38, howlong=1000) at io.c:271 #6 0xb762eab0 in ?? () from /usr/lib/pbx/modules/chan_iax2.so #7 0xb7f7f294 in start_thread () from /lib/libpthread.so.0 #8 0xb7e6c71e in clone () from /lib/libc.so.6 Thread 11 (process 29706): #0 0xb7f96410 in ?? () #1 0xb75c744c in ?? () #2 0xb75d4218 in ?? () from /usr/lib/pbx/modules/chan_skinny.so #3 0xb75c73c0 in ?? () #4 0xb7f85258 in accept () from /lib/libpthread.so.0 #5 0xb75ccdda in ?? () from /usr/lib/pbx/modules/chan_skinny.so #6 0xb7f7f294 in start_thread () from /lib/libpthread.so.0 #7 0xb7e6c71e in clone () from /lib/libc.so.6 Thread 10 (process 29707): #0 0xb7f96410 in ?? () #1 0xb7586408 in ?? () #2 0x000003e8 in ?? () #3 0x00000000 in ?? () Thread 9 (process 29708): #0 0xb7f96410 in ?? () Thread 8 (process 29709): #0 0xb7f96410 in ?? () #1 0xb74ef2a0 in __dso_handle () from /usr/lib/pbx/modules/chan_phone.so #2 0x00000000 in ?? () Thread 7 (process 29710): #0 0xb7f96410 in ?? () #1 0xb744ffc8 in ?? () #2 0x000003e8 in ?? () #3 0x00000000 in ?? () Thread 6 (process 29711): #0 0xb7f96410 in ?? () #1 0xb711b438 in ?? () #2 0xffffffff in ?? () #3 0x00000001 in ?? () #4 0xb7e63903 in poll () from /lib/libc.so.6 #5 0x080b796f in monitor_sig_flags (unused=0x0) at asterisk.c:2020 #6 0xb7f7f294 in start_thread () from /lib/libpthread.so.0 #7 0xb7e6c71e in clone () from /lib/libc.so.6 Thread 5 (process 29726): #0 0xb7f96410 in ?? () #1 0xb70cb3a8 in ?? () #2 0xffffffff in ?? () #3 0x00000001 in ?? () #4 0xb7e63903 in poll () from /lib/libc.so.6 #5 0x080b1784 in get_input (s=0x814c600, output=0xb70cb454 "") at manager.c:1371 #6 0x080b1938 in session_do (data=0x814c600) at manager.c:1406 #7 0xb7f7f294 in start_thread () from /lib/libpthread.so.0 #8 0xb7e6c71e in clone () from /lib/libc.so.6 Thread 4 (process 29741): #0 0xb7f96410 in ?? () #1 0xb7088c18 in ?? () #2 0x0000000b in ?? () #3 0x00000003 in ?? () #4 0xb7e63903 in poll () from /lib/libc.so.6 #5 0x08063967 in ast_waitfor_nandfds (c=0xb7088da0, n=1, fds=0x0, nfds=0, exception=0x0, outfd=0x0, ms=0xb7088da4) at channel.c:1626 #6 0x08063d63 in ast_waitfor_n (c=0xb7088da0, n=1, ms=0xb7088da4) at channel.c:1703 #7 0x08063d8b in ast_waitfor (c=0x81af7d0, ms=11) at channel.c:1711 #8 0x0806ee1d in ast_waitstream (c=0x81af7d0, breakon=0xb747f873 "") at file.c:1007 #9 0xb747ef67 in ?? () from /usr/lib/pbx/modules/app_playback.so #10 0x08084644 in pbx_exec (c=0x81af7d0, app=0x81894a8, data=0xb708d064, newstack=1) at pbx.c:574 #11 0x08087c93 in pbx_extension_helper (c=0x81af7d0, con=0x0, context=0x81af920 "message", exten=0x81afa14 "s", priority=2, label=0x0, callerid=0x81770c0 "1004", action=1) at pbx.c:1717 #12 0x08088f57 in ast_spawn_extension (c=0x81af7d0, context=0x81af920 "message", exten=0x81afa14 "s", priority=2, callerid=0x81770c0 "1004") at pbx.c:2250 #13 0x080893a4 in __ast_pbx_run (c=0x81af7d0) at pbx.c:2316 #14 0x0808a0ff in pbx_thread (data=0x81af7d0) at pbx.c:2537 #15 0xb7f7f294 in start_thread () from /lib/libpthread.so.0 #16 0xb7e6c71e in clone () from /lib/libc.so.6 Thread 3 (process 29747): #0 0xb7f96410 in ?? () #1 0xb6fc4a48 in ?? () #2 0xffffffff in ?? () #3 0x00000004 in ?? () #4 0xb7e63903 in poll () from /lib/libc.so.6 #5 0x08063967 in ast_waitfor_nandfds (c=0xb6fc4c28, n=2, fds=0x0, nfds=0, exception=0x0, outfd=0x0, ms=0xb6fc4c24) at channel.c:1626 #6 0x08063d63 in ast_waitfor_n (c=0xb6fc4c28, n=2, ms=0xb6fc4c24) at channel.c:1703 #7 0x080686bb in ast_generic_bridge (c0=0x81c5508, c1=0x81d3570, config=0xb6fc5dac, fo=0xb6fc4f88, rc=0xb6fc4f84, bridge_end= {tv_sec = 0, tv_usec = 0}) at channel.c:3368 #8 0x08069905 in ast_channel_bridge (c0=0x81c5508, c1=0x81d3570, config=0xb6fc5dac, fo=0xb6fc4f88, rc=0xb6fc4f84) at channel.c:3659 #9 0xb7b75ec1 in ast_bridge_call (chan=0x81c5508, peer=0x81d3570, config=0xb6fc5dac) at res_features.c:1349 #10 0xb740924f in ?? () from /usr/lib/pbx/modules/app_dial.so #11 0xb740b591 in ?? () from /usr/lib/pbx/modules/app_dial.so #12 0x08084644 in pbx_exec (c=0x81c5508, app=0x81789d0, data=0xb6fca064, newstack=1) at pbx.c:574 #13 0x08087c93 in pbx_extension_helper (c=0x81c5508, con=0x0, context=0x81c5658 "outcoming", exten=0x81c574c "s", priority=1, label=0x0, callerid=0x81795b0 "103", action=1) at pbx.c:1717 #14 0x08088f57 in ast_spawn_extension (c=0x81c5508, context=0x81c5658 "outcoming", exten=0x81c574c "s", priority=1, callerid=0x81795b0 "103") at pbx.c:2250 #15 0x080893a4 in __ast_pbx_run (c=0x81c5508) at pbx.c:2316 #16 0x0808a0ff in pbx_thread (data=0x81c5508) at pbx.c:2537 #17 0xb7f7f294 in start_thread () from /lib/libpthread.so.0 #18 0xb7e6c71e in clone () from /lib/libc.so.6 Thread 2 (process 29750): #0 0xb7f96410 in ?? () #1 0xb6f84c88 in ?? () #2 0x00057e40 in ?? () #3 0x00000001 in ?? () #4 0xb7e63903 in poll () from /lib/libc.so.6 #5 0x08063967 in ast_waitfor_nandfds (c=0xb6f84e10, n=1, fds=0x0, nfds=0, exception=0x0, outfd=0x0, ms=0xb6f84e14) at channel.c:1626 #6 0x08063d63 in ast_waitfor_n (c=0xb6f84e10, n=1, ms=0xb6f84e14) at channel.c:1703 #7 0x08063d8b in ast_waitfor (c=0x81c50f8, ms=360000) at channel.c:1711 #8 0x0806141e in ast_safe_sleep (chan=0x81c50f8, ms=360000) at channel.c:848 #9 0x08091640 in pbx_builtin_wait (chan=0x81c50f8, data=0xb6f89064) at pbx.c:5681 #10 0x08084644 in pbx_exec (c=0x81c50f8, app=0x81398b8, data=0xb6f89064, newstack=1) at pbx.c:574 #11 0x08087c93 in pbx_extension_helper (c=0x81c50f8, con=0x0, context=0x81c5248 "wait", exten=0x81c533c "s", priority=1, label=0x0, callerid=0x818a3c0 "103", action=1) at pbx.c:1717 #12 0x08088f57 in ast_spawn_extension (c=0x81c50f8, context=0x81c5248 "wait", exten=0x81c533c "s", priority=1, callerid=0x818a3c0 "103") at pbx.c:2250 #13 0x080893a4 in __ast_pbx_run (c=0x81c50f8) at pbx.c:2316 #14 0x0808a0ff in pbx_thread (data=0x81c50f8) at pbx.c:2537 #15 0xb7f7f294 in start_thread () from /lib/libpthread.so.0 #16 0xb7e6c71e in clone () from /lib/libc.so.6 Thread 1 (process 29744): #0 0xb7f81304 in pthread_mutex_lock () from /lib/libpthread.so.0 #1 0x0806001b in ast_mutex_lock (pmutex=0xcc) at include/asterisk/lock.h:601 #2 0x08067502 in ast_do_masquerade (original=0x81c4ac0) at channel.c:2976 #3 0xb7b769b7 in ?? () from /usr/lib/pbx/modules/res_features.so #4 0x08084644 in pbx_exec (c=0x81c3d38, app=0x814eda0, data=0xb704c064, newstack=1) at pbx.c:574 #5 0x08087c93 in pbx_extension_helper (c=0x81c3d38, con=0x0, context=0x81c3e88 "bridge", exten=0x81c3f7c "s", priority=2, label=0x0, callerid=0x81375f0 "1003", action=1) at pbx.c:1717 #6 0x08088f57 in ast_spawn_extension (c=0x81c3d38, context=0x81c3e88 "bridge", exten=0x81c3f7c "s", priority=2, callerid=0x81375f0 "1003") at pbx.c:2250 #7 0x080893a4 in __ast_pbx_run (c=0x81c3d38) at pbx.c:2316 #8 0x0808a0ff in pbx_thread (data=0x81c3d38) at pbx.c:2537 #9 0xb7f7f294 in start_thread () from /lib/libpthread.so.0 #10 0xb7e6c71e in clone () from /lib/libc.so.6