12 17:20:24 DEBUG[2242] chan_sip.c: Checking SIP call limits for device 2615 12 17:20:24 DEBUG[2242] chan_sip.c: build_route: Contact hop: 2615 12 17:20:24 DEBUG[2227] channel.c: Avoiding initial deadlock for 'SIP/2615-09fcefe0' 12 17:20:24 VERBOSE[5630] logger.c: -- Executing Dial("SIP/2615-09fcefe0", "Local/89169172678@internal/n|100|tr") in new stack 12 17:20:24 VERBOSE[5630] logger.c: -- Called 89169172678@internal/n 12 17:20:24 VERBOSE[5631] logger.c: -- Executing Macro("Local/89169172678@internal-a882,2", "dialout|79169172678|6") in new stack 12 17:20:24 VERBOSE[5631] logger.c: -- Executing NoOp("Local/89169172678@internal-a882,2", "Arg1 = 79169172678| Arg2 = 6| Arg3 = | gn = sspbx") in new stack 12 17:20:24 VERBOSE[5631] logger.c: -- Executing Macro("Local/89169172678@internal-a882,2", "webcall") in new stack 12 17:20:24 DEBUG[5631] pbx.c: Function result is '0' 12 17:20:24 DEBUG[5631] pbx.c: Expression result is '1' 12 17:20:24 VERBOSE[5631] logger.c: -- Executing GotoIf("Local/89169172678@internal-a882,2", "1?nowebcall") in new stack 12 17:20:24 VERBOSE[5631] logger.c: -- Goto (macro-webcall,s,4) 12 17:20:24 VERBOSE[5631] logger.c: -- Executing NoOp("Local/89169172678@internal-a882,2", "Exit from macro WebCall") in new stack 12 17:20:24 VERBOSE[5631] logger.c: -- Executing Set("Local/89169172678@internal-a882,2", "GROUP=sspbx") in new stack 12 17:20:24 DEBUG[5631] pbx.c: Function result is '0' 12 17:20:24 DEBUG[5631] pbx.c: Expression result is '1' 12 17:20:24 VERBOSE[5631] logger.c: -- Executing GotoIf("Local/89169172678@internal-a882,2", "1?dial") in new stack 12 17:20:24 VERBOSE[5631] logger.c: -- Goto (macro-dialout,s,6) 12 17:20:24 VERBOSE[5631] logger.c: -- Executing Macro("Local/89169172678@internal-a882,2", "enableoutgoingrecord|79169172678") in new stack 12 17:20:24 VERBOSE[5631] logger.c: -- Executing NoOp("Local/89169172678@internal-a882,2", "Is agent calling?") in new stack 12 17:20:24 DEBUG[5631] pbx.c: Function result is '2615' 12 17:20:24 VERBOSE[5631] logger.c: -- Executing Set("Local/89169172678@internal-a882,2", "UNIQCLID=2615") in new stack 12 17:20:24 DEBUG[5631] pbx.c: Function result is '1' 12 17:20:24 VERBOSE[5631] logger.c: -- Executing GotoIf("Local/89169172678@internal-a882,2", "1?agent|1:ext|1") in new stack 12 17:20:24 VERBOSE[5631] logger.c: -- Goto (macro-enableoutgoingrecord,agent,1) 12 17:20:24 VERBOSE[5631] logger.c: -- Executing NoOp("Local/89169172678@internal-a882,2", "Agent is calling. Lets find out who is calling") in new stack 12 17:20:24 DEBUG[5631] pbx.c: Function result is '106' 12 17:20:24 VERBOSE[5631] logger.c: -- Executing Set("Local/89169172678@internal-a882,2", "AGENT_NUMBER=106") in new stack 12 17:20:24 VERBOSE[5631] logger.c: -- Executing NoOp("Local/89169172678@internal-a882,2", "Agent/106 is calling to ext. 79169172678") in new stack 12 17:20:24 DEBUG[5631] pbx.c: Expression result is '0' 12 17:20:24 VERBOSE[5631] logger.c: -- Executing GotoIf("Local/89169172678@internal-a882,2", "0?exitagent|1") in new stack 12 17:20:24 DEBUG[5631] pbx.c: Not taking any branch 12 17:20:24 VERBOSE[5631] logger.c: -- Executing NoOp("Local/89169172678@internal-a882,2", "Recording is needed. We have to create filename") in new stack 12 17:20:24 DEBUG[5631] pbx.c: Function result is '1176384024' 12 17:20:24 VERBOSE[5631] logger.c: -- Executing Set("Local/89169172678@internal-a882,2", "UNIQUEID1=1176384024") in new stack 12 17:20:24 DEBUG[5631] pbx.c: Function result is '55621' 12 17:20:24 VERBOSE[5631] logger.c: -- Executing Set("Local/89169172678@internal-a882,2", "UNIQUEID2=55621") in new stack 12 17:20:24 VERBOSE[5631] logger.c: -- Executing Set("Local/89169172678@internal-a882,2", "FILENAME=1176384024-55621") in new stack 12 17:20:24 VERBOSE[5631] logger.c: -- Executing System("Local/89169172678@internal-a882,2", "echo "1176384024|1176384024.55621|Ext/2615|Agent/106|OUTGOING|79169172678|1176384024-55621" >> /var/log/asterisk/queue_log") in new stack 12 17:20:24 VERBOSE[5631] logger.c: -- Executing MixMonitor("Local/89169172678@internal-a882,2", "/var/calls/1176384024-55621.wav|ab") in new stack 12 17:20:24 DEBUG[5631] channel.c: Spy MixMonitor added to channel Local/89169172678@internal-a882,2 12 17:20:24 VERBOSE[5631] logger.c: -- Executing Macro("Local/89169172678@internal-a882,2", "user-callerid") in new stack 12 17:20:24 DEBUG[5631] pbx.c: Expression result is '1' 12 17:20:24 VERBOSE[5631] logger.c: -- Executing GotoIf("Local/89169172678@internal-a882,2", "1?report") in new stack 12 17:20:24 VERBOSE[5631] logger.c: -- Goto (macro-user-callerid,s,7) 12 17:20:24 DEBUG[5631] pbx.c: Function result is '"2615" <2615>' 12 17:20:24 VERBOSE[5631] logger.c: -- Executing NoOp("Local/89169172678@internal-a882,2", "Using CallerID "2615" <2615>") in new stack 12 17:20:24 DEBUG[5631] pbx.c: Function result is '2615' 12 17:20:24 DEBUG[5631] pbx.c: Function result is '0' 12 17:20:24 DEBUG[5631] pbx.c: Expression result is '1' 12 17:20:24 VERBOSE[5631] logger.c: -- Executing GotoIf("Local/89169172678@internal-a882,2", "1?ldp") in new stack 12 17:20:24 VERBOSE[5631] logger.c: -- Goto (macro-dialout,s,11) 12 17:20:24 DEBUG[5631] pbx.c: Function result is '2615' 12 17:20:24 DEBUG[5631] pbx.c: Function result is '0' 12 17:20:24 DEBUG[5631] pbx.c: Expression result is '1' 12 17:20:24 VERBOSE[5635] logger.c: == Begin MixMonitor Recording Local/89169172678@internal-a882,2 12 17:20:24 VERBOSE[5631] logger.c: -- Executing GotoIf("Local/89169172678@internal-a882,2", "1?trunk") in new stack 12 17:20:24 VERBOSE[5631] logger.c: -- Goto (macro-dialout,s,14) 12 17:20:24 DEBUG[5631] pbx.c: Function result is '11' 12 17:20:24 DEBUG[5631] pbx.c: Expression result is '0' 12 17:20:24 VERBOSE[5631] logger.c: -- Executing GotoIf("Local/89169172678@internal-a882,2", "0?startdial") in new stack 12 17:20:24 DEBUG[5631] pbx.c: Not taking any branch 12 17:20:24 VERBOSE[5631] logger.c: -- Executing Set("Local/89169172678@internal-a882,2", "CALLERID(num)=74959505678") in new stack 12 17:20:24 VERBOSE[5631] logger.c: -- Executing Dial("Local/89169172678@internal-a882,2", "SIP/sspbx/79169172678|100|T") in new stack 12 17:20:24 DEBUG[5631] chan_sip.c: Setting NAT on RTP to 0 12 17:20:24 DEBUG[5631] chan_sip.c: Outgoing Call for 79169172678 12 17:20:24 VERBOSE[5631] logger.c: -- Called sspbx/79169172678 12 17:20:24 DEBUG[2242] chan_sip.c: (Provisional) Stopping retransmission (but retaining packet) on '32f8edec6e33e36e1d1045c735eff44d@' Request 102: Found 12 17:20:24 DEBUG[2242] chan_sip.c: SIP message could not be handled, bad request: 6F7FB66F-81B0-432E-AD44-1103CBDF330E@ 12 17:20:24 NOTICE[5621] rtp.c: Comfort noise support incomplete in Asterisk (RFC 3389). Please turn off on client if possible. Client IP: 12 17:20:25 NOTICE[5611] rtp.c: Comfort noise support incomplete in Asterisk (RFC 3389). Please turn off on client if possible. Client IP: 12 17:20:26 DEBUG[2242] chan_sip.c: Acked pending invite 102 12 17:20:26 DEBUG[2242] chan_sip.c: Stopping retransmission on '49319d3c48abbf5c2baf3f477944ea57@' of Request 102: Match Found 12 17:20:26 DEBUG[2242] chan_sip.c: build_route: Contact hop: 12 17:20:26 VERBOSE[5611] logger.c: -- SIP/sspbx-094f99d8 answered SIP/506-b0a65190 12 17:20:29 DEBUG[2242] chan_sip.c: (Provisional) Stopping retransmission (but retaining packet) on '32f8edec6e33e36e1d1045c735eff44d@' Request 102: Found 12 17:20:29 VERBOSE[5631] logger.c: -- SIP/sspbx-09c97358 is making progress passing it to Local/89169172678@internal-a882,2 12 17:20:29 VERBOSE[5630] logger.c: -- Local/89169172678@internal-a882,1 is making progress passing it to SIP/2615-09fcefe0 12 17:20:29 DEBUG[5631] channel.c: Building translator from alaw to SLINEAR for spies on channel Local/89169172678@internal-a882,2 12 17:20:31 VERBOSE[2242] logger.c: -- Started music on hold, class 'default', on Local/121@internal-32bb,2 12 17:20:31 DEBUG[2242] channel.c: Scheduling timer at 160 sample intervals 12 17:20:31 DEBUG[5511] channel.c: Generator got voice, switching to phase locked mode 12 17:20:31 DEBUG[5511] channel.c: Scheduling timer at 0 sample intervals 12 17:20:31 DEBUG[2242] chan_sip.c: Stopping retransmission on '0570c7b5032b417303d54ed060568d2e@' of Response 101: Match Found 12 17:20:34 VERBOSE[2242] logger.c: -- Started music on hold, class 'default', on Local/121@internal-32bb,1 12 17:20:34 DEBUG[2242] channel.c: Scheduling timer at 160 sample intervals 12 17:20:34 DEBUG[5290] channel.c: Generator got voice, switching to phase locked mode 12 17:20:34 DEBUG[5290] channel.c: Scheduling timer at 0 sample intervals 12 17:20:35 DEBUG[2242] chan_sip.c: Stopping retransmission on '05da4e190ab881ae598ea8726260e88d@' of Response 2: Match Found 12 17:20:35 DEBUG[2242] chan_sip.c: Acked pending invite 102 12 17:20:35 DEBUG[2242] chan_sip.c: Stopping retransmission on '32f8edec6e33e36e1d1045c735eff44d@' of Request 102: Match Found 12 17:20:35 DEBUG[2242] chan_sip.c: build_route: Contact hop: 12 17:20:35 VERBOSE[5631] logger.c: -- SIP/sspbx-09c97358 answered Local/89169172678@internal-a882,2 12 17:20:35 VERBOSE[5630] logger.c: -- Local/89169172678@internal-a882,1 answered SIP/2615-09fcefe0 12 17:20:35 DEBUG[2227] channel.c: Avoiding initial deadlock for 'SIP/2615-09fcefe0' 12 17:20:35 DEBUG[2242] chan_sip.c: Stopping retransmission on 'f1b94839-4e1ba27a@' of Response 102: Match Found 12 17:20:35 DEBUG[5631] channel.c: Building translator from alaw to SLINEAR for spies on channel Local/89169172678@internal-a882,2 12 17:20:44 DEBUG[5668] manager.c: Manager received command 'login'