For $1.00 (One Dollar) and other good and valuable consideration, the sufficiency of which is acknowledged, received from Linux Support Services, Inc., a Delaware corporation, ("Owner") the undersigned German Aracil Boned ("Contributer") does hereby agree as follows as of this 13 day of 2, 2007. 1.(a) Contributer hereby agrees to grant to Owner, and does hereby grant, a non-exclusive, royalty-free and non-cancellable right to use changes and/or enhancements made to the programs Asterisk, Gnophone, Phonecore, libiax (herein called the Program), as Owner sees fit. Provided, however, that this grant does not limit Contributer's rights or any public rights to said changes. (b) The rights made in Para. 1(a) of this Agreement applies to all past and future contributions of Contributer that constitute changes and enhancements to the Program. 2. Contributer shall report to Owner all changes and/or enhancements to the Program which are covered by this Agreement, and (to the extent known to Contributer) any outstanding rights, or claims of rights, of any person, that might be adverse to the rights of Contributer or Owner. 3. The parties shall execute such documents and undertake such acts as may be reasonbly requested by the other to implement the letter and spirit of this Agreement and any conveyance stated herein. 4. Contributer hereby agrees that if he has or acquires any patent or interface copyright or other intellectual property interest dominating the Works (i.e. the Contributer's changes and/or enhancements, not the Program that they change or enhance), the Program, the Program as enhanced by the Works, or other enhancements to the Program, or to the use of any of those, such dominating interest will not be used to undermine the effect of the rights granted, i.e. the Owner and the general public will be licensed to use, in that program or programs and their derivative works, without royalty or limitation, the subject matter of the dominating interest. This license provision will be binding on the assignees of, or other successors to, the dominating interest, as well as on the Contributer. This license grant is nonexclusive, royalty-free, and non-cancellable. 5. (a) Contributer warrants to Owner that his reports in accordance with Para. 2 above are and will be accurate and complete, and that to the best of his knowledge, he is the sole copyright holder of the Works, rights to which are conveyed either now or in the future pursuant to Agreement. (b) Contributer makes no other express or implied warranty with respects to the Works, and specifically disclaims any warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE with respect to the Works. 6. This Agreement and all conveyances made pursuant hereto are deemed made in Alabama, this Agreement and all such conveyances being deemed made under seal, as of the date of fixation of any work covered hereby in tangible form and, also, as of the date of execution of this Agreement by Contributer. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed according to the statutes and law of the State of Alabama. Contributer: German Aracil Boned ___________________ Signature: German Aracil Boned______________________ ACCEPTED: Linux Support Services, Inc. By: ___________________________________ Mark Spencer, President SCHEDULE A List of changes and enhancements made by Contributer as of date of Agreement: Title of File Date(s) of Contributer's Work Only 1.chan_sip.patch __________________ 02/13/2007________________________ 2._________________________________ __________________________________ 3._________________________________ __________________________________ 4._________________________________ __________________________________ 5._________________________________ __________________________________