Current CLI Tree (cli-audit-branch) -- Round 2 abort shutdown (deprecated) --> core abort shutdown ael debug (deprecated) --> ael set contexts macros off read tokens reload set debug contexts macros *off (change) --> read tokens agent logoff show online agi dump dumphtml (deprecated) --> agi dump html exec set debug show cdr show status status (deprecated) --> cdr show status console active answer autoanswer boost device dial flash hangup mute send transfer unmute core abort shutdown clear profile restart gracefully now when convenient set chanvar debug atleast channel [off] (change) --> works, but need CLI to reflect change (when tabbing) for the 'channel all' command NOTE: I suggest 'core set debug on' be an alias for 'core set debug channel all on' 'core set debug off' be an alias for 'core set debug channel all off' verbose atleast off (change) --> NOTE: I suggest 'on' = 4 global show application applications calls channel channels channeltype channeltypes codec codecs config file function functions globals hint hints image license profile settings switches sysinfo threads translation uptime version warranty stop gracefully now when convenient database del deltree get put show showkey debug channel all (deprecated) --> core set debug channel [all] dialplan add extension ignorepat include reload remove extension ignorepat include save set extenpatternmatchnew (change) --> has no usage information (change) --> change true/false to on/off show [context] dnsmgr refresh reload status dundi flush stats lookup no debug (deprecated) --> dundi set debug store history (deprecated) --> dundi store history precache query set debug show entityid mappings peer peers precache requests trans store history no (change) --> shown twice... feature show channels features reload show file convert funcdevstate (change) --> devstate list group show channels gtalk reload show help http show status iax2 provision prune reload set debug jb off on off (change) --> shown twice off on jb (change) --> shown twice trunk off on off (change) --> shown twice mtu show cache channels firmware netstats peer peers provisioning registry stats threads users [like] test unregister indication add remove show jabber debug off (change) --> debug reload show buddies connected test jingle reload show channels keys init show load .so (deprecated) --> module load .so local show channels logger mute reload rotate show channels manager debug reload show command commands connected eventq user users meetme concise (?) --> a real command? kick list lock mute unlock unmute mgcp audit endpoint reload set debug off (change) --> debug show endpoints minivm list accounts [for] templates zones reload show settings stats mixmonitor start [args] stop module load reload show [like] unload moh reload show classes files no debug channel (deprecated) --> core set debug channel odbc show all originate application [appdata] extension [exten@][context] osp show parkedcalls show phoneprov show routes queue add member remove member rules reload show set penalty show pause member unpause member radio key set debug [off] (change) --> debug tune auxvoice dump nocap rxcap rxnoise rxsquelch rxtone rxtracecap rxvoice save txcap txtone txtracecap txvoice unkey realtime ldap status load pgsql status update reload [.so] (deprecated) --> module reload [.so] restart (deprecated) --> core restart gracefully now when convenient rpt debug level <0-7> dump lstats reload restart stats rtcp debug (deprecated) --> rtcp set debug ip off set debug ip off on stats off on stats (deprecated) --> rtcp set stats rtp debug (deprecated) --> rtp set debug set debug ip off on say load new old show parkedcalls sip history (deprecated) --> sip set history notify prune realtime all all (change) --> duplicate like peer [] user [] reload set history debug ip off on peer show channel channels domains history inuse objects peer peers registry settings subscriptions tcp user users unregister skinny reset set off (change) --> show device devices line lines settings sla show stations trunks soft hangup stop (deprecated) --> core stop gracefully now when convenient stun debug (deprecated) --> stun set debug set debug off on transcoder show udptl debug (deprecated) --> udptl set debug set debug ip off on ulimit -c -d -f -l -m -n -s -t -u -v unistim info reload set debug off on sp unload (deprecated) --> module unload .so voicemail reload show users for zones zap destroy channel restart set dnd hwgain swgain show cadences channel channels status version