Parsing /etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf Parsing /etc/asterisk/extconfig.conf [Mar 9 23:16:00] Running as user 'asterisk' [Mar 9 23:16:00] Asterisk 1.2.10-BRIstuffed-0.3.0-PRE-1q, Copyright (C) 1999 - 2006 Digium, Inc. and others. [Mar 9 23:16:00] Created by Mark Spencer [Mar 9 23:16:00] Asterisk comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; type 'show warranty' for details. [Mar 9 23:16:00] This is free software, with components licensed under the GNU General Public [Mar 9 23:16:00] License version 2 and other licenses; you are welcome to redistribute it under [Mar 9 23:16:00] certain conditions. Type 'show license' for details. [Mar 9 23:16:00] ========================================================================= [Mar 9 23:16:00] Asterisk Event Logger Started /var/log/asterisk/event_log [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: config.c:595 config_text_file_load: Parsing /etc/asterisk/dnsmgr.conf [Mar 9 23:16:00] Asterisk Dynamic Loader loading preload modules: [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: config.c:595 config_text_file_load: Parsing /etc/asterisk/modules.conf [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Manager registered action Ping [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Manager registered action Events [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Manager registered action Logoff [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Manager registered action Hangup [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Manager registered action Status [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Manager registered action Setvar [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Manager registered action Getvar [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Manager registered action Redirect [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Manager registered action Originate [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Manager registered action Command [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Manager registered action ExtensionState [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Manager registered action AbsoluteTimeout [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Manager registered action MailboxStatus [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Manager registered action MailboxCount [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Manager registered action ListCommands [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: config.c:595 config_text_file_load: Parsing /etc/asterisk/manager.conf [Mar 9 23:16:00] Asterisk Management interface listening on port 5038 [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: config.c:595 config_text_file_load: Parsing /etc/asterisk/cdr.conf [Mar 9 23:16:00] NOTICE[28311]: cdr.c:1191 do_reload: CDR simple logging enabled. [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: config.c:595 config_text_file_load: Parsing /etc/asterisk/rtp.conf [Mar 9 23:16:00] == RTP Allocating from port range 10000 -> 20000 [Mar 9 23:16:00] Asterisk PBX Core Initializing [Mar 9 23:16:00] Registering builtin applications: [Mar 9 23:16:00] [AbsoluteTimeout] [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Registered application 'AbsoluteTimeout' [Mar 9 23:16:00] [Answer] [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Registered application 'Answer' [Mar 9 23:16:00] [BackGround] [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Registered application 'BackGround' [Mar 9 23:16:00] [Busy] [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Registered application 'Busy' [Mar 9 23:16:00] [Congestion] [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Registered application 'Congestion' [Mar 9 23:16:00] [DigitTimeout] [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Registered application 'DigitTimeout' [Mar 9 23:16:00] [Goto] [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Registered application 'Goto' [Mar 9 23:16:00] [GotoIf] [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Registered application 'GotoIf' [Mar 9 23:16:00] [GotoIfTime] [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Registered application 'GotoIfTime' [Mar 9 23:16:00] [ExecIfTime] [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Registered application 'ExecIfTime' [Mar 9 23:16:00] [Hangup] [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Registered application 'Hangup' [Mar 9 23:16:00] [NoOp] [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Registered application 'NoOp' [Mar 9 23:16:00] [Progress] [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Registered application 'Progress' [Mar 9 23:16:00] [ResetCDR] [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Registered application 'ResetCDR' [Mar 9 23:16:00] [ResponseTimeout] [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Registered application 'ResponseTimeout' [Mar 9 23:16:00] [Ringing] [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Registered application 'Ringing' [Mar 9 23:16:00] [SayNumber] [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Registered application 'SayNumber' [Mar 9 23:16:00] [SayDigits] [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Registered application 'SayDigits' [Mar 9 23:16:00] [SayAlpha] [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Registered application 'SayAlpha' [Mar 9 23:16:00] [SayPhonetic] [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Registered application 'SayPhonetic' [Mar 9 23:16:00] [SetAccount] [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Registered application 'SetAccount' [Mar 9 23:16:00] [SetAMAFlags] [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Registered application 'SetAMAFlags' [Mar 9 23:16:00] [SetGlobalVar] [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Registered application 'SetGlobalVar' [Mar 9 23:16:00] [SetLanguage] [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Registered application 'SetLanguage' [Mar 9 23:16:00] [Set] [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Registered application 'Set' [Mar 9 23:16:00] [SetVar] [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Registered application 'SetVar' [Mar 9 23:16:00] [ImportVar] [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Registered application 'ImportVar' [Mar 9 23:16:00] [Wait] [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Registered application 'Wait' [Mar 9 23:16:00] [WaitExten] [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Registered application 'WaitExten' [Mar 9 23:16:00] Asterisk Dynamic Loader Starting: [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: config.c:595 config_text_file_load: Parsing /etc/asterisk/modules.conf [Mar 9 23:16:00] [][Mar 9 23:16:00] => (Indications Configuration) [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: config.c:595 config_text_file_load: Parsing /etc/asterisk/indications.conf [Mar 9 23:16:00] -- Registered indication country 'at' [Mar 9 23:16:00] -- Setting default indication country to 'at' [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Registered application 'PlayTones' [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Registered application 'StopPlayTones' [Mar 9 23:16:00] [][Mar 9 23:16:00] => (ADSI Resource) [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: config.c:595 config_text_file_load: Parsing /etc/asterisk/adsi.conf [Mar 9 23:16:00] [][Mar 9 23:16:00] => (Asterisk Gateway Interface (AGI)) [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Registered application 'DeadAGI' [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Registered application 'EAGI' [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Registered application 'XAGI' [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Registered application 'AGI' [Mar 9 23:16:00] [][Mar 9 23:16:00] => (Call Features Resource) [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: config.c:595 config_text_file_load: Parsing /etc/asterisk/features.conf [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Remapping feature Blind Transfer (blindxfer) to sequence '#1' [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Remapping feature One Touch Monitor (automon) to sequence '*2' [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Remapping feature Attended Transfer (atxfer) to sequence '*1' [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:3675 ast_context_create: Registered context 'parkedcalls' [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4876 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '700' priority 1 to parkedcalls [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Registered application 'ParkedCall' [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Registered application 'Park' [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Manager registered action ParkedCalls [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Registered application 'HoldedCall' [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Registered application 'AutoanswerLogin' [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Registered application 'Autoanswer' [Mar 9 23:16:00] [][Mar 9 23:16:00] => (Music On Hold Resource) [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Registered application 'MusicOnHold' [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Registered application 'WaitMusicOnHold' [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Registered application 'SetMusicOnHold' [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Registered application 'StartMusicOnHold' [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Registered application 'StopMusicOnHold' [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: config.c:595 config_text_file_load: Parsing /etc/asterisk/musiconhold.conf [Mar 9 23:16:00] [][Mar 9 23:16:00] => (Call Monitoring Resource) [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Registered application 'Monitor' [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Registered application 'StopMonitor' [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Registered application 'ChangeMonitor' [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Manager registered action Monitor [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Manager registered action StopMonitor [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Manager registered action ChangeMonitor [Mar 9 23:16:00] [][Mar 9 23:16:00] => (Outgoing Spool Support) [Mar 9 23:16:00] [][Mar 9 23:16:00] => (Realtime Switch) [Mar 9 23:16:00] [][Mar 9 23:16:00] => (Builtin dialplan functions) [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Registered custom function MD5 [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Registered custom function CHECK_MD5 [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Registered custom function MATH [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Registered custom function GROUP_COUNT [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Registered custom function GROUP_MATCH_COUNT [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Registered custom function GROUP [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Registered custom function GROUP_LIST [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Registered custom function FIELDQTY [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Registered custom function REGEX [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Registered custom function LEN [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Registered custom function STRFTIME [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Registered custom function EVAL [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Registered custom function CDR [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Registered custom function ISNULL [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Registered custom function SET [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Registered custom function EXISTS [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Registered custom function IF [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Registered custom function IFTIME [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Registered custom function ENV [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Registered custom function DB [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Registered custom function DB_EXISTS [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Registered custom function TIMEOUT [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Registered custom function LANGUAGE [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Registered custom function MUSICCLASS [Mar 9 23:16:00] [][Mar 9 23:16:00] => (Asterisk Extension Language Compiler) [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Setting global variable 'DELAY_DFLT' to '25' [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Setting global variable 'DELAY_NIKI' to '17' [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Setting global variable 'TRUNK' to 'CAPI/contr1' [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Setting global variable 'TRUNK_MSN' to '391964' [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Setting global variable 'FAX_MSN' to '391985' [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Setting global variable 'NIKI_MSN' to '391985' [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Setting global variable 'NIKI' to 'SIP/sip1&Zap/g1/22' [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Setting global variable 'ELTERN' to 'Zap/g1/20&Zap/g1/23' [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Setting global variable 'ALL' to 'SIP/sip1&Zap/g1/20&Zap/g1/22' [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:3675 ast_context_create: Registered context 'macro-hangup-when-bchan-busy' [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4876 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-hangup-when-bchan-busy [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 3 to macro-hangup-when-bchan-busy [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 4 to macro-hangup-when-bchan-busy [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 5 to macro-hangup-when-bchan-busy [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4828 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 2 to macro-hangup-when-bchan-busy [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:3675 ast_context_create: Registered context 'macro-isJajahCallback' [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4876 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-isJajahCallback [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 2 to macro-isJajahCallback [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:3675 ast_context_create: Registered context 'macro-handle-rudi' [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4876 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-handle-rudi [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 3 to macro-handle-rudi [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 4 to macro-handle-rudi [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 5 to macro-handle-rudi [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 6 to macro-handle-rudi [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 7 to macro-handle-rudi [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 8 to macro-handle-rudi [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4828 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 2 to macro-handle-rudi [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:3675 ast_context_create: Registered context 'macro-set-clir-if-set' [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4876 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-set-clir-if-set [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 2 to macro-set-clir-if-set [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 4 to macro-set-clir-if-set [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 5 to macro-set-clir-if-set [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 6 to macro-set-clir-if-set [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 7 to macro-set-clir-if-set [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4828 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 3 to macro-set-clir-if-set [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:3675 ast_context_create: Registered context 'macro-call-monitor-clir' [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4876 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-call-monitor-clir [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 2 to macro-call-monitor-clir [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 4 to macro-call-monitor-clir [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 6 to macro-call-monitor-clir [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 7 to macro-call-monitor-clir [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4828 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 3 to macro-call-monitor-clir [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4828 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 5 to macro-call-monitor-clir [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 8 to macro-call-monitor-clir [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:3675 ast_context_create: Registered context 'macro-MyDial' [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4876 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-MyDial [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 2 to macro-MyDial [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 3 to macro-MyDial [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 4 to macro-MyDial [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 5 to macro-MyDial [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 7 to macro-MyDial [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 8 to macro-MyDial [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 10 to macro-MyDial [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 12 to macro-MyDial [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 15 to macro-MyDial [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 17 to macro-MyDial [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 18 to macro-MyDial [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4828 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 14 to macro-MyDial [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4828 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 16 to macro-MyDial [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 19 to macro-MyDial [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4828 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 11 to macro-MyDial [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4828 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 13 to macro-MyDial [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 20 to macro-MyDial [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4828 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 6 to macro-MyDial [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4828 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 9 to macro-MyDial [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 21 to macro-MyDial [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 22 to macro-MyDial [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:3675 ast_context_create: Registered context 'faxout' [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4876 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 1 to faxout [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 2 to faxout [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 3 to faxout [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 4 to faxout [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 6 to faxout [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 8 to faxout [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 9 to faxout [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4828 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 5 to faxout [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4828 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 7 to faxout [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 10 to faxout [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 11 to faxout [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:3675 ast_context_create: Registered context 'Weckruf' [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4876 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 'n' priority 1 to Weckruf [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 'n' priority 2 to Weckruf [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 'n' priority 3 to Weckruf [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:3675 ast_context_create: Registered context 'handle_fax' [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4876 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 1 to handle_fax [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 2 to handle_fax [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 3 to handle_fax [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 4 to handle_fax [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 5 to handle_fax [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4861 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 'h' priority 1 to handle_fax [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:3675 ast_context_create: Registered context 'gsm-in' [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:3675 ast_context_create: Registered context 'skype-in' [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4876 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 'skype1' priority 1 to skype-in [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 'skype1' priority 2 to skype-in [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 'skype1' priority 3 to skype-in [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:3675 ast_context_create: Registered context 'capi-in' [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4876 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 1 to capi-in [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 2 to capi-in [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 3 to capi-in [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 4 to capi-in [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 5 to capi-in [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 6 to capi-in [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 7 to capi-in [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 8 to capi-in [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 9 to capi-in [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4861 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '391985' priority 1 to capi-in [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '391985' priority 2 to capi-in [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '391985' priority 3 to capi-in [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '391985' priority 4 to capi-in [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '391985' priority 5 to capi-in [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '391985' priority 6 to capi-in [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '391985' priority 7 to capi-in [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '391985' priority 8 to capi-in [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '391985' priority 9 to capi-in [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '391985' priority 10 to capi-in [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4861 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 'fax' priority 1 to capi-in [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:3675 ast_context_create: Registered context 'zentrale' [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4876 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 1 to zentrale [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 2 to zentrale [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4861 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '1' priority 1 to zentrale [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '1' priority 2 to zentrale [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4861 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '2' priority 1 to zentrale [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '2' priority 2 to zentrale [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '2' priority 3 to zentrale [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '2' priority 4 to zentrale [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4876 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 't' priority 1 to zentrale [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 't' priority 2 to zentrale [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4861 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 'i' priority 1 to zentrale [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 'i' priority 2 to zentrale [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:3675 ast_context_create: Registered context 'jajah' [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4876 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 1 to jajah [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 2 to jajah [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 3 to jajah [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 4 to jajah [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 5 to jajah [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 7 to jajah [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 8 to jajah [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 9 to jajah [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 10 to jajah [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 11 to jajah [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 12 to jajah [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 13 to jajah [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4828 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 6 to jajah [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4876 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 't' priority 1 to jajah [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 't' priority 2 to jajah [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 't' priority 3 to jajah [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 't' priority 4 to jajah [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:3675 ast_context_create: Registered context 'internal' [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4876 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 's' priority 1 to internal [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4876 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_1001.' priority 1 to internal [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4861 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '10' priority 1 to internal [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4861 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '11' priority 1 to internal [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4861 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '12' priority 1 to internal [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4861 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '13' priority 1 to internal [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4876 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_[23]X' priority 1 to internal [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_[23]X' priority 2 to internal [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_[23]X' priority 3 to internal [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_[23]X' priority 4 to internal [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_[23]X' priority 5 to internal [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_[23]X' priority 6 to internal [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4861 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_1*.' priority 1 to internal [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_1*.' priority 3 to internal [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_1*.' priority 4 to internal [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4828 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_1*.' priority 2 to internal [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4861 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '1111' priority 1 to internal [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4861 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '2222' priority 1 to internal [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4861 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '2223' priority 1 to internal [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '2223' priority 2 to internal [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4861 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '2224' priority 1 to internal [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '2224' priority 2 to internal [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4861 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '3333' priority 1 to internal [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '3333' priority 2 to internal [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4861 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_2*XXXXXXXXXXXX' priority 1 to internal [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_2*XXXXXXXXXXXX' priority 2 to internal [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_2*XXXXXXXXXXXX' priority 3 to internal [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_2*XXXXXXXXXXXX' priority 4 to internal [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_2*XXXXXXXXXXXX' priority 5 to internal [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_2*XXXXXXXXXXXX' priority 6 to internal [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_2*XXXXXXXXXXXX' priority 7 to internal [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_2*XXXXXXXXXXXX' priority 8 to internal [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_2*XXXXXXXXXXXX' priority 9 to internal [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_2*XXXXXXXXXXXX' priority 10 to internal [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_2*XXXXXXXXXXXX' priority 11 to internal [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_2*XXXXXXXXXXXX' priority 12 to internal [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_2*XXXXXXXXXXXX' priority 13 to internal [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_2*XXXXXXXXXXXX' priority 14 to internal [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_2*XXXXXXXXXXXX' priority 15 to internal [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_2*XXXXXXXXXXXX' priority 16 to internal [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_2*XXXXXXXXXXXX' priority 17 to internal [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_2*XXXXXXXXXXXX' priority 18 to internal [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_2*XXXXXXXXXXXX' priority 19 to internal [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_2*XXXXXXXXXXXX' priority 20 to internal [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_2*XXXXXXXXXXXX' priority 21 to internal [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_2*XXXXXXXXXXXX' priority 22 to internal [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_2*XXXXXXXXXXXX' priority 23 to internal [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_2*XXXXXXXXXXXX' priority 24 to internal [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_2*XXXXXXXXXXXX' priority 25 to internal [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_2*XXXXXXXXXXXX' priority 26 to internal [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_2*XXXXXXXXXXXX' priority 27 to internal [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_2*XXXXXXXXXXXX' priority 28 to internal [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_2*XXXXXXXXXXXX' priority 29 to internal [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4861 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_ZXXXX.' priority 1 to internal [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4861 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_0316ZX.' priority 1 to internal [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4861 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_06[5689][049]ZX.' priority 1 to internal [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4861 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_0ZXX.' priority 1 to internal [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4861 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_00ZX.' priority 1 to internal [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4861 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_+ZX.' priority 1 to internal [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4861 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '112' priority 1 to internal [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4861 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '122' priority 1 to internal [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4861 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '133' priority 1 to internal [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4861 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '144' priority 1 to internal [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4861 ast_add_extension2: Added extension '_0800X.' priority 1 to internal [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4861 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 'i' priority 1 to internal [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 'i' priority 2 to internal [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 'i' priority 3 to internal [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 'i' priority 4 to internal [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: pbx.c:4842 ast_add_extension2: Added extension 'i' priority 5 to internal [Mar 9 23:16:00] [][Mar 9 23:16:00] => (Caller ID related dialplan function) [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Registered custom function CALLERID [Mar 9 23:16:00] [][Mar 9 23:16:00] => (ODBC CDR Backend) [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: config.c:595 config_text_file_load: Parsing /etc/asterisk/cdr_odbc.conf [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: cdr_odbc.c:310 odbc_load_module: cdr_odbc: Logging uniqueid [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: cdr_odbc.c:325 odbc_load_module: cdr_odbc: Not logging in GMT [Mar 9 23:16:00] -- cdr_odbc: dsn is MySQL-Asterisk [Mar 9 23:16:00] -- cdr_odbc: username is asterisk [Mar 9 23:16:00] -- cdr_odbc: password is [secret] [Mar 9 23:16:00] -- cdr_odbc: table is cdr [Mar 9 23:16:00] > cdr_odbc: Connected to MySQL-Asterisk [Mar 9 23:16:00] [][Mar 9 23:16:00] => (Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)) [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: config.c:595 config_text_file_load: Parsing /etc/asterisk/sip.conf [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: chan_sip.c:12840 reload_config: Setting User Agent Name to Asterisk [Mar 9 23:16:00] -- SIP Seeding peer from astdb: 'sip1' at sip1@ for 3600 [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: db.c:200 ast_db_get: Unable to find key 'skype' in family 'SIP/Registry' [Mar 9 23:16:00] == SIP Listening on [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Using TOS bits 0 [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: config.c:595 config_text_file_load: Parsing /etc/asterisk/sip_notify.conf [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: channel.c:344 ast_channel_register: Registered handler for 'SIP' (Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)) [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Registered channel type 'SIP' (Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)) [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Registered application 'SIPDtmfMode' [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Registered application 'SIPAddHeader' [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Registered application 'SIPGetHeader' [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Registered custom function SIP_HEADER [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Registered custom function SIPPEER [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Registered custom function SIPCHANINFO [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Registered custom function CHECKSIPDOMAIN [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Manager registered action SIPpeers [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Manager registered action SIPshowpeer [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Manager registered action SIPNotify [Mar 9 23:16:00] [][Mar 9 23:16:00] => (Common ISDN API for Asterisk) [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: config.c:595 config_text_file_load: Parsing /etc/asterisk/capi.conf [Mar 9 23:16:00] -- Registering at CAPI (blocksize=160) [Mar 9 23:16:00] == This box has 1 capi controller(s). [Mar 9 23:16:00] -- CAPI/contr1 supports DTMF [Mar 9 23:16:00] -- CAPI/contr1 supports supplementary services [Mar 9 23:16:00] > FACILITY_CONF INFO = 0 [Mar 9 23:16:00] > supplementary services : 0x000003ff [Mar 9 23:16:00] > [Mar 9 23:16:00] HOLD/RETRIEVE [Mar 9 23:16:00] TERMINAL-PORTABILITY [Mar 9 23:16:00] ECT [Mar 9 23:16:00] 3PTY [Mar 9 23:16:00] CF [Mar 9 23:16:00] CD [Mar 9 23:16:00] MCID [Mar 9 23:16:00] CCBS [Mar 9 23:16:00] MWI [Mar 9 23:16:00] CCNR [Mar 9 23:16:00] [Mar 9 23:16:00] -- CAPI/contr1 private options=0x01000001 [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Reading config for ISDN1 [Mar 9 23:16:00] -- capi D ISDN1#00 (*:capi-in) contr=1 devs=2 EC=1,opt=4,tail=0 [Mar 9 23:16:00] -- capi B ISDN1#01 (*:capi-in) contr=1 devs=2 EC=1,opt=4,tail=0 [Mar 9 23:16:00] -- capi B ISDN1#02 (*:capi-in) contr=1 devs=2 EC=1,opt=4,tail=0 [Mar 9 23:16:00] -- listening on contr1 CIPmask = 0x1fff03ff [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: channel.c:344 ast_channel_register: Registered handler for 'CAPI' (Common ISDN API Driver (1.0.0)) [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Registered channel type 'CAPI' (Common ISDN API Driver (1.0.0)) [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Registered application 'capiCommand' [Mar 9 23:16:00] [][Mar 9 23:16:00] => (Zapata Telephony w/PRI) [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: config.c:595 config_text_file_load: Parsing /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: chan_zap.c:1709 set_actual_txgain: Failed to read gains: Invalid argument [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: chan_zap.c:1727 set_actual_rxgain: Failed to read gains: Invalid argument [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: chan_zap.c:1560 update_conf: Updated conferencing on 1, with 0 conference users [Mar 9 23:16:00] -- Registered channel 1, PRI Signalling signalling [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: chan_zap.c:1709 set_actual_txgain: Failed to read gains: Invalid argument [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: chan_zap.c:1727 set_actual_rxgain: Failed to read gains: Invalid argument [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: chan_zap.c:1560 update_conf: Updated conferencing on 2, with 0 conference users [Mar 9 23:16:00] -- Registered channel 2, PRI Signalling signalling [Mar 9 23:16:00] -- Automatically generated pseudo channel [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Starting D-Channel on span 1 [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: channel.c:344 ast_channel_register: Registered handler for 'Zap' (Zapata Telephony Driver w/PRI) [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Registered channel type 'Zap' (Zapata Telephony Driver w/PRI) [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Manager registered action ZapTransfer [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Manager registered action ZapHangup [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Manager registered action ZapDialOffhook [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Manager registered action ZapDNDon [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Manager registered action ZapDNDoff [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Manager registered action ZapShowChannels [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Registered application 'zapEC' [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Registered application 'zapCD' [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Registered application 'zapInband' [Mar 9 23:16:00] [][Mar 9 23:16:00] => (Bluetooth Cellphone Driver) [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: config.c:595 config_text_file_load: Parsing /etc/asterisk/cellphone.conf [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: chan_cellphone.c:1519 cel_load_config: Loading device T68i. [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Registered application 'CellStatus' [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Registered application 'CellSendSMS' [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: channel.c:344 ast_channel_register: Registered handler for 'CELL' (Bluetooth Cellphone Driver) [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Registered channel type 'CELL' (Bluetooth Cellphone Driver) [Mar 9 23:16:00] [][Mar 9 23:16:00] => (Skype Channel Driver) [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: config.c:595 config_text_file_load: Parsing /etc/asterisk/skype.conf [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Skype device skype1 initialized [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: channel.c:344 ast_channel_register: Registered handler for 'Skype' (Skype Channel Driver) [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Registered channel type 'Skype' (Skype Channel Driver) [Mar 9 23:16:00] [][Mar 9 23:16:00] => (Adaptive Differential PCM Coder/Decoder) [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: config.c:595 config_text_file_load: Parsing /etc/asterisk/codecs.conf [Mar 9 23:16:00] -- codec_adpcm: using generic PLC [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Registered translator 'adpcmtolin' from format adpcm to slin, cost 1 [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: translate.c:278 rebuild_matrix: Resetting translation matrix [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Registered translator 'lintoadpcm' from format slin to adpcm, cost 1 [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: translate.c:278 rebuild_matrix: Resetting translation matrix [Mar 9 23:16:00] [][Mar 9 23:16:00] => (ITU G.726-32kbps G726 Transcoder) [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: config.c:595 config_text_file_load: Parsing /etc/asterisk/codecs.conf [Mar 9 23:16:00] -- codec_g726: using generic PLC [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Registered translator 'g726tolin' from format g726 to slin, cost 2 [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: translate.c:278 rebuild_matrix: Resetting translation matrix [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: translate.c:322 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from ulaw to unknown, via 6 [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Registered translator 'lintog726' from format slin to g726, cost 18 [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: translate.c:278 rebuild_matrix: Resetting translation matrix [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: translate.c:322 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from ulaw to unknown, via 6 [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: translate.c:322 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 19 cost path from unknown to ulaw, via 6 [Mar 9 23:16:00] [][Mar 9 23:16:00] => (A-law Coder/Decoder) [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: config.c:595 config_text_file_load: Parsing /etc/asterisk/codecs.conf [Mar 9 23:16:00] -- codec_alaw: using generic PLC [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Registered translator 'alawtolin' from format alaw to slin, cost 1 [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: translate.c:278 rebuild_matrix: Resetting translation matrix [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: translate.c:322 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 19 cost path from unknown to ulaw, via 6 [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: translate.c:322 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: translate.c:322 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from ulaw to unknown, via 6 [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: translate.c:322 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 19 cost path from unknown to ulaw, via 6 [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Registered translator 'lintoalaw' from format slin to alaw, cost 1 [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: translate.c:278 rebuild_matrix: Resetting translation matrix [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: translate.c:322 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 19 cost path from unknown to ulaw, via 6 [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: translate.c:322 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: translate.c:322 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from ulaw to unknown, via 6 [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: translate.c:322 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from ulaw to unknown, via 6 [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: translate.c:322 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: translate.c:322 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 19 cost path from unknown to ulaw, via 6 [Mar 9 23:16:00] [][Mar 9 23:16:00] => (GSM/PCM16 (signed linear) Codec Translator) [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: config.c:595 config_text_file_load: Parsing /etc/asterisk/codecs.conf [Mar 9 23:16:00] -- codec_gsm: using generic PLC [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Registered translator 'gsmtolin' from format gsm to slin, cost 4 [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: translate.c:278 rebuild_matrix: Resetting translation matrix [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: translate.c:322 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 5 cost path from g723 to unknown, via 6 [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: translate.c:322 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 22 cost path from g723 to ulaw, via 6 [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: translate.c:322 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 5 cost path from g723 to unknown, via 6 [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: translate.c:322 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 19 cost path from unknown to ulaw, via 6 [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: translate.c:322 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: translate.c:322 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from ulaw to unknown, via 6 [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: translate.c:322 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from ulaw to unknown, via 6 [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: translate.c:322 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: translate.c:322 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 19 cost path from unknown to ulaw, via 6 [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Registered translator 'lintogsm' from format slin to gsm, cost 7 [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: translate.c:278 rebuild_matrix: Resetting translation matrix [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: translate.c:322 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 5 cost path from g723 to unknown, via 6 [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: translate.c:322 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 22 cost path from g723 to ulaw, via 6 [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: translate.c:322 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 5 cost path from g723 to unknown, via 6 [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: translate.c:322 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 8 cost path from unknown to g723, via 6 [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: translate.c:322 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 19 cost path from unknown to ulaw, via 6 [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: translate.c:322 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: translate.c:322 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 9 cost path from ulaw to g723, via 6 [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: translate.c:322 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from ulaw to unknown, via 6 [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: translate.c:322 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from ulaw to unknown, via 6 [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: translate.c:322 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 8 cost path from unknown to g723, via 6 [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: translate.c:322 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: translate.c:322 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 19 cost path from unknown to ulaw, via 6 [Mar 9 23:16:00] [][Mar 9 23:16:00] => (A-law and Mulaw direct Coder/Decoder) [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Registered translator 'alawtoulaw' from format alaw to ulaw, cost 1 [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: translate.c:278 rebuild_matrix: Resetting translation matrix [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: translate.c:322 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 5 cost path from g723 to unknown, via 6 [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: translate.c:322 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 22 cost path from g723 to ulaw, via 6 [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: translate.c:322 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 5 cost path from g723 to unknown, via 6 [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: translate.c:322 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 8 cost path from unknown to g723, via 6 [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: translate.c:322 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 19 cost path from unknown to ulaw, via 6 [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: translate.c:322 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: translate.c:322 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 9 cost path from ulaw to g723, via 6 [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: translate.c:322 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from ulaw to unknown, via 6 [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: translate.c:322 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from ulaw to unknown, via 6 [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: translate.c:322 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 8 cost path from unknown to g723, via 6 [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: translate.c:322 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: translate.c:322 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 19 cost path from unknown to ulaw, via 6 [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: translate.c:322 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to gsm, via 3 [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: translate.c:322 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 6 cost path from g723 to gsm, via 3 [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: translate.c:322 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 15 cost path from ulaw to gsm, via 1 [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: translate.c:322 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from ulaw to gsm, via 3 [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: translate.c:322 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 14 cost path from unknown to gsm, via 1 [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: translate.c:322 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to gsm, via 3 [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Registered translator 'ulawtoalaw' from format ulaw to alaw, cost 1 [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: translate.c:278 rebuild_matrix: Resetting translation matrix [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: translate.c:322 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 5 cost path from g723 to unknown, via 6 [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: translate.c:322 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 22 cost path from g723 to ulaw, via 6 [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: translate.c:322 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 5 cost path from g723 to unknown, via 6 [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: translate.c:322 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from gsm to unknown, via 3 [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: translate.c:322 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 9 cost path from gsm to g723, via 6 [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: translate.c:322 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 20 cost path from gsm to ulaw, via 6 [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: translate.c:322 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from gsm to unknown, via 6 [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: translate.c:322 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 10 cost path from unknown to g723, via 2 [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: translate.c:322 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 21 cost path from unknown to ulaw, via 2 [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: translate.c:322 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 2 [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: translate.c:322 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 8 cost path from unknown to g723, via 6 [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: translate.c:322 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 19 cost path from unknown to ulaw, via 6 [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: translate.c:322 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: translate.c:322 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 9 cost path from ulaw to g723, via 6 [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: translate.c:322 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from ulaw to unknown, via 6 [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: translate.c:322 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from ulaw to unknown, via 6 [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: translate.c:322 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 8 cost path from unknown to g723, via 6 [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: translate.c:322 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to unknown, via 6 [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: translate.c:322 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 19 cost path from unknown to ulaw, via 6 [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: translate.c:322 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 2 cost path from unknown to gsm, via 3 [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: translate.c:322 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 6 cost path from g723 to gsm, via 3 [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: translate.c:322 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 15 cost path from ulaw to gsm, via 1 [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: translate.c:322 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 4 cost path from ulaw to gsm, via 3 [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: translate.c:322 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 14 cost path from unknown to gsm, via 1 [Mar 9 23:16:00] DEBUG[28311]: translate.c:322 rebuild_matrix: Discovered 3 cost path from unknown to gsm, via 3 [Mar 9 23:16:00] [][Mar 9 23:16:00] => (G.723.1 Simple Timestamp File Format) [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Registered file format g723sf, extension(s) g723|g723sf [Mar 9 23:16:00] [][Mar 9 23:16:00] => (Raw GSM data) [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Registered file format gsm, extension(s) gsm [Mar 9 23:16:00] [][Mar 9 23:16:00] => (Raw Signed Linear Audio support (SLN)) [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Registered file format sln, extension(s) sln|raw [Mar 9 23:16:00] [][Mar 9 23:16:00] => (Microsoft WAV format (8000hz Signed Linear)) [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Registered file format wav, extension(s) wav [Mar 9 23:16:00] [][Mar 9 23:16:00] => (Raw G.726 (16/24/32/40kbps) data) [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Registered file format g726-40, extension(s) g726-40 [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Registered file format g726-32, extension(s) g726-32 [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Registered file format g726-24, extension(s) g726-24 [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Registered file format g726-16, extension(s) g726-16 [Mar 9 23:16:00] [][Mar 9 23:16:00] => (Raw h263 data) [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Registered file format h263, extension(s) h263 [Mar 9 23:16:00] [][Mar 9 23:16:00] => (Raw aLaw 8khz PCM Audio support) [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Registered file format alaw, extension(s) alaw|al [Mar 9 23:16:00] [][Mar 9 23:16:00] => (Dialogic VOX (ADPCM) File Format) [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Registered file format vox, extension(s) vox [Mar 9 23:16:00] [][Mar 9 23:16:00] => (Sun Microsystems AU format (signed linear)) [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Registered file format au, extension(s) au [Mar 9 23:16:00] [][Mar 9 23:16:00] => (Raw G729 data) [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Registered file format g729, extension(s) g729 [Mar 9 23:16:00] [][Mar 9 23:16:00] => (Raw iLBC data) [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Registered file format iLBC, extension(s) ilbc [Mar 9 23:16:00] [][Mar 9 23:16:00] => (Raw uLaw 8khz Audio support (PCM)) [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Registered file format pcm, extension(s) pcm|ulaw|ul|mu [Mar 9 23:16:00] [][Mar 9 23:16:00] => (Microsoft WAV format (Proprietary GSM)) [Mar 9 23:16:00] == Registered file format wav49, extension(s) WAV|wav49 [Mar 9 23:16:00] [][Mar 9 23:16:01] => (MeetMe conference bridge) [Mar 9 23:16:01] == Registered application 'MeetMeAdmin' [Mar 9 23:16:01] == Registered application 'MeetMeCount' [Mar 9 23:16:01] == Registered application 'MeetMe' [Mar 9 23:16:01] [][Mar 9 23:16:01] => (Newman's fax detection application) [Mar 9 23:16:01] == Registered application 'NVFaxDetect' [Mar 9 23:16:01] [][Mar 9 23:16:01] => (True Call Queueing) [Mar 9 23:16:01] == Registered application 'Queue' [Mar 9 23:16:01] == Manager registered action Queues [Mar 9 23:16:01] == Manager registered action QueueStatus [Mar 9 23:16:01] == Manager registered action QueueAdd [Mar 9 23:16:01] == Manager registered action QueueRemove [Mar 9 23:16:01] == Manager registered action QueuePause [Mar 9 23:16:01] == Registered application 'AddQueueMember' [Mar 9 23:16:01] == Registered application 'RemoveQueueMember' [Mar 9 23:16:01] == Registered application 'PauseQueueMember' [Mar 9 23:16:01] == Registered application 'UnpauseQueueMember' [Mar 9 23:16:01] == Registered custom function QUEUEAGENTCOUNT [Mar 9 23:16:01] DEBUG[28311]: config.c:595 config_text_file_load: Parsing /etc/asterisk/queues.conf [Mar 9 23:16:01] [][Mar 9 23:16:01] => (Dialing Application) [Mar 9 23:16:01] == Registered application 'Dial' [Mar 9 23:16:01] == Registered application 'RetryDial' [Mar 9 23:16:01] [][Mar 9 23:16:01] => (Sound File Playback Application) [Mar 9 23:16:01] == Registered application 'Playback' [Mar 9 23:16:01] [][Mar 9 23:16:01] => (Extension Macros) [Mar 9 23:16:01] == Registered application 'MacroExit' [Mar 9 23:16:01] == Registered application 'MacroIf' [Mar 9 23:16:01] == Registered application 'Macro' [Mar 9 23:16:01] [][Mar 9 23:16:01] => (Comedian Mail (Voicemail System)) [Mar 9 23:16:01] == Registered application 'VoiceMail' [Mar 9 23:16:01] == Registered application 'VoiceMailMain' [Mar 9 23:16:01] == Registered application 'MailboxExists' [Mar 9 23:16:01] == Registered application 'VMAuthenticate' [Mar 9 23:16:01] DEBUG[28311]: config.c:595 config_text_file_load: Parsing /etc/asterisk/voicemail.conf [Mar 9 23:16:01] DEBUG[28311]: app_voicemail.c:6131 load_config: VM Review Option disabled globally [Mar 9 23:16:01] DEBUG[28311]: app_voicemail.c:6137 load_config: VM Operator break disabled globally [Mar 9 23:16:01] DEBUG[28311]: app_voicemail.c:6143 load_config: VM CID Info before msg disabled globally [Mar 9 23:16:01] DEBUG[28311]: app_voicemail.c:6155 load_config: ENVELOPE before msg enabled globally [Mar 9 23:16:01] DEBUG[28311]: app_voicemail.c:6161 load_config: Duration info before msg enabled globally [Mar 9 23:16:01] DEBUG[28311]: app_voicemail.c:6176 load_config: We are not going to skip to the next msg after save/delete [Mar 9 23:16:01] [][Mar 9 23:16:01] => (Transfer) [Mar 9 23:16:01] == Registered application 'Transfer' [Mar 9 23:16:01] [][Mar 9 23:16:01] => (Set CallerID Application) [Mar 9 23:16:01] == Registered application 'SetCallerPres' [Mar 9 23:16:01] == Registered application 'SetCallerID' [Mar 9 23:16:01] [][Mar 9 23:16:01] => (Database Access Functions) [Mar 9 23:16:01] == Registered application 'DBget' [Mar 9 23:16:01] == Registered application 'DBput' [Mar 9 23:16:01] == Registered application 'DBdel' [Mar 9 23:16:01] == Registered application 'DBdeltree' [Mar 9 23:16:01] [][Mar 9 23:16:01] => (Generic System() application) [Mar 9 23:16:01] == Registered application 'TrySystem' [Mar 9 23:16:01] == Registered application 'System' [Mar 9 23:16:01] == Manager registered action DBget [Mar 9 23:16:01] == Manager registered action DBput [Mar 9 23:16:01] == Manager registered action DBdel [Mar 9 23:16:01] Asterisk Ready. *CLI> [Mar 9 23:16:04] -- Bluetooth Device T68i has connected. [Mar 9 23:16:04] DEBUG[28344]: chan_cellphone.c:840 rfcomm_write: rfcomm_write() (T68i) [AT+BRSF=4 ] [Mar 9 23:16:11] DEBUG[28325]: chan_sip.c:3147 sip_alloc: Allocating new SIP dialog for be6c86d1205d77ac@ - INVITE (With RTP) [Mar 9 23:16:11] DEBUG[28325]: chan_sip.c:11361 handle_request: **** Received INVITE (5) - Command in SIP INVITE [Mar 9 23:16:11] DEBUG[28325]: chan_sip.c:1039 parse_sip_options: * SIP extension value: 1 for call be6c86d1205d77ac@ [Mar 9 23:16:11] DEBUG[28325]: chan_sip.c:7258 check_user_full: Setting NAT on RTP to 0 [Mar 9 23:16:11] DEBUG[28325]: chan_sip.c:7262 check_user_full: Setting NAT on VRTP to 0 [Mar 9 23:16:11] DEBUG[28325]: chan_sip.c:3209 find_call: = Found Their Call ID: be6c86d1205d77ac@ Their Tag 327a991fad21f7c5 Our tag: as6b885556 [Mar 9 23:16:11] DEBUG[28325]: chan_sip.c:11361 handle_request: **** Received ACK (6) - Command in SIP ACK [Mar 9 23:16:11] DEBUG[28325]: chan_sip.c:1407 __sip_ack: Stopping retransmission on 'be6c86d1205d77ac@' of Response 16826: Match Found [Mar 9 23:16:11] DEBUG[28325]: chan_sip.c:3209 find_call: = Found Their Call ID: be6c86d1205d77ac@ Their Tag 327a991fad21f7c5 Our tag: as6b885556 [Mar 9 23:16:11] DEBUG[28325]: chan_sip.c:11361 handle_request: **** Received INVITE (5) - Command in SIP INVITE [Mar 9 23:16:11] DEBUG[28325]: chan_sip.c:7258 check_user_full: Setting NAT on RTP to 0 [Mar 9 23:16:11] DEBUG[28325]: chan_sip.c:7262 check_user_full: Setting NAT on VRTP to 0 [Mar 9 23:16:11] DEBUG[28325]: chan_sip.c:10652 handle_request_invite: Checking SIP call limits for device sip1 [Mar 9 23:16:11] DEBUG[28325]: chan_sip.c:2212 update_call_counter: Updating call counter for incoming call [Mar 9 23:16:11] DEBUG[28325]: chan_sip.c:6169 build_route: build_route: Contact hop: [Mar 9 23:16:12] DEBUG[28316]: chan_sip.c:11940 sip_devicestate: Checking device state for peer sip1 [Mar 9 23:16:12] DEBUG[28316]: devicestate.c:189 do_state_change: Changing state for SIP/sip1 - state 2 (In use) [Mar 9 23:16:12] DEBUG[28361]: pbx.c:1678 pbx_extension_helper: Launching 'Dial' [Mar 9 23:16:12] -- Executing Dial("SIP/sip1-081a5548", "CELL/T68i/069981857275") in new stack [Mar 9 23:16:12] DEBUG[28361]: channel.c:2911 ast_channel_inherit_variables: Not copying variable STACK-internal-3333-1. [Mar 9 23:16:12] DEBUG[28361]: channel.c:2911 ast_channel_inherit_variables: Not copying variable SIPCALLID. [Mar 9 23:16:12] DEBUG[28361]: channel.c:2911 ast_channel_inherit_variables: Not copying variable SIPUSERAGENT. [Mar 9 23:16:12] DEBUG[28361]: channel.c:2911 ast_channel_inherit_variables: Not copying variable SIPDOMAIN. [Mar 9 23:16:12] DEBUG[28361]: channel.c:2911 ast_channel_inherit_variables: Not copying variable SIPURI. [Mar 9 23:16:12] DEBUG[28361]: chan_cellphone.c:462 cel_call: Calling T68i/069981857275 on CELL/T68i-6615 [Mar 9 23:16:12] -- Called T68i/069981857275 [Mar 9 23:16:12] DEBUG[28361]: channel.c:2392 set_format: Set channel CELL/T68i-6615 to read format slin [Mar 9 23:16:12] DEBUG[28361]: channel.c:2392 set_format: Set channel SIP/sip1-081a5548 to write format slin [Mar 9 23:16:12] DEBUG[28361]: channel.c:2392 set_format: Set channel SIP/sip1-081a5548 to read format slin [Mar 9 23:16:12] DEBUG[28361]: channel.c:2392 set_format: Set channel CELL/T68i-6615 to write format slin [Mar 9 23:16:12] DEBUG[28362]: app_queue.c:490 changethread: Device 'SIP/sip1' changed to state '2' (In use) but we don't care because they're not a member of any queue. [Mar 9 23:16:12] DEBUG[28344]: chan_cellphone.c:840 rfcomm_write: rfcomm_write() (T68i) [ATD069981857275; ] [Mar 9 23:16:15] DEBUG[28325]: chan_sip.c:3209 find_call: = Found Their Call ID: be6c86d1205d77ac@ Their Tag 327a991fad21f7c5 Our tag: as603ffb56 [Mar 9 23:16:15] DEBUG[28325]: chan_sip.c:11361 handle_request: **** Received CANCEL (14) - Command in SIP CANCEL [Mar 9 23:16:15] DEBUG[28361]: channel.c:1365 ast_hangup: Hanging up channel 'CELL/T68i-6615' [Mar 9 23:16:15] DEBUG[28361]: chan_cellphone.c:484 cel_hangup: Hanging up device T68i. [Mar 9 23:16:15] DEBUG[28361]: chan_cellphone.c:840 rfcomm_write: rfcomm_write() (T68i) [AT+CHUP ] [Mar 9 23:16:15] DEBUG[28361]: app_dial.c:1658 dial_exec_full: Exiting with DIALSTATUS=CANCEL. [Mar 9 23:16:15] DEBUG[28361]: pbx.c:2317 __ast_pbx_run: Spawn extension (internal,3333,1) exited non-zero on 'SIP/sip1-081a5548' [Mar 9 23:16:15] DEBUG[28316]: chan_cellphone.c:735 cel_devicestate: Checking device state for device T68i [Mar 9 23:16:15] DEBUG[28316]: devicestate.c:189 do_state_change: Changing state for CELL/T68i - state 1 (Not in use) [Mar 9 23:16:15] > cdr_odbc: Query Successful! [Mar 9 23:16:15] DEBUG[28361]: channel.c:1365 ast_hangup: Hanging up channel 'SIP/sip1-081a5548' [Mar 9 23:16:15] DEBUG[28361]: chan_sip.c:2421 sip_hangup: Hangup call SIP/sip1-081a5548, SIP callid be6c86d1205d77ac@ [Mar 9 23:16:15] DEBUG[28361]: chan_sip.c:2429 sip_hangup: update_call_counter(sip1) - decrement call limit counter [Mar 9 23:16:15] DEBUG[28361]: chan_sip.c:2212 update_call_counter: Updating call counter for incoming call [Mar 9 23:16:15] DEBUG[28316]: chan_sip.c:11940 sip_devicestate: Checking device state for peer sip1 [Mar 9 23:16:15] DEBUG[28316]: devicestate.c:189 do_state_change: Changing state for SIP/sip1 - state 1 (Not in use) [Mar 9 23:16:15] DEBUG[28374]: app_queue.c:490 changethread: Device 'CELL/T68i' changed to state '1' (Not in use) but we don't care because they're not a member of any queue. [Mar 9 23:16:15] DEBUG[28375]: app_queue.c:490 changethread: Device 'SIP/sip1' changed to state '1' (Not in use) but we don't care because they're not a member of any queue. [Mar 9 23:16:15] DEBUG[28325]: chan_sip.c:3209 find_call: = Found Their Call ID: be6c86d1205d77ac@ Their Tag 327a991fad21f7c5 Our tag: as603ffb56 [Mar 9 23:16:15] DEBUG[28325]: chan_sip.c:11361 handle_request: **** Received ACK (6) - Command in SIP ACK [Mar 9 23:16:15] DEBUG[28325]: chan_sip.c:1407 __sip_ack: Stopping retransmission on 'be6c86d1205d77ac@' of Response 16827: Match Found [Mar 9 23:16:16] DEBUG[28325]: chan_sip.c:3147 sip_alloc: Allocating new SIP dialog for be6c86d1205d77ac@ - ACK (No RTP) [Mar 9 23:16:16] DEBUG[28325]: chan_sip.c:11361 handle_request: **** Received ACK (6) - Command in SIP ACK stop noiww [Mar 9 23:16:19] Beginning asterisk shutdown.... [Mar 9 23:16:19] Executing last minute cleanups [Mar 9 23:16:19] == Destroying musiconhold processes [Mar 9 23:16:19] DEBUG[28311]: res_musiconhold.c:1087 ast_moh_destroy: killing 28322! [Mar 9 23:16:19] DEBUG[28311]: res_musiconhold.c:1102 ast_moh_destroy: mpg123 pid 28322 and child died after 4226048 bytes read [Mar 9 23:16:19] Asterisk cleanly ending (0).