Asterisk SVN-trunk-r50784M, Copyright (C) 1999 - 2006 Digium, Inc. and others. Created by Mark Spencer Asterisk comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; type 'core show warranty' for details. This is free software, with components licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2 and other licenses; you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Type 'core show license' for details. ========================================================================= NOTE: This is a development version of Asterisk, and should not be used in production installations. == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf': Parsing /etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf Found  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/extconfig.conf': Parsing /etc/asterisk/extconfig.conf Found Parsing /etc/asterisk/logger.conf  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/logger.conf': Found Asterisk Event Logger Started /var/log/asterisk/event_log Asterisk Dynamic Loader Starting:  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/modules.conf': Found  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/dnsmgr.conf': Found  == Manager registered action Ping  == Manager registered action Events  == Manager registered action Logoff  == Manager registered action Login  == Manager registered action Challenge  == Manager registered action Hangup  == Manager registered action Status  == Manager registered action Setvar  == Manager registered action Getvar  == Manager registered action GetConfig  == Manager registered action UpdateConfig  == Manager registered action Redirect  == Manager registered action Originate  == Manager registered action Command  == Manager registered action ExtensionState  == Manager registered action AbsoluteTimeout  == Manager registered action MailboxStatus  == Manager registered action MailboxCount  == Manager registered action ListCommands  == Manager registered action SendText  == Manager registered action UserEvent  == Manager registered action WaitEvent  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/manager.conf': Found  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/cdr.conf': Found [Jan 17 09:12:39] NOTICE[11640]: cdr.c:1093 do_reload: CDR simple logging enabled.  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/rtp.conf': Found  == RTP Allocating from port range 6991 -> 7170  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/udptl.conf': Found  == UDPTL allocating from port range 4000 -> 4999 Asterisk PBX Core Initializing Registering builtin applications:  [Answer]  == Registered application 'Answer'  [BackGround]  == Registered application 'BackGround'  [Busy]  == Registered application 'Busy'  [Congestion]  == Registered application 'Congestion'  [ExecIfTime]  == Registered application 'ExecIfTime'  [Goto]  == Registered application 'Goto'  [GotoIf]  == Registered application 'GotoIf'  [GotoIfTime]  == Registered application 'GotoIfTime'  [ImportVar]  == Registered application 'ImportVar'  [Hangup]  == Registered application 'Hangup'  [NoOp]  == Registered application 'NoOp'  [Progress]  == Registered application 'Progress'  [ResetCDR]  == Registered application 'ResetCDR'  [Ringing]  == Registered application 'Ringing'  [SayAlpha]  == Registered application 'SayAlpha'  [SayDigits]  == Registered application 'SayDigits'  [SayNumber]  == Registered application 'SayNumber'  [SayPhonetic]  == Registered application 'SayPhonetic'  [Set]  == Registered application 'Set'  [SetAMAFlags]  == Registered application 'SetAMAFlags'  [Wait]  == Registered application 'Wait'  [WaitExten]  == Registered application 'WaitExten'  == Manager registered action ShowDialPlan  == Manager registered action DBGet  == Manager registered action DBPut  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/enum.conf': Found Asterisk Dynamic Loader Starting:  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/modules.conf': Found [Jan 17 09:12:39] NOTICE[11640]: loader.c:793 load_modules: 146 modules will be loaded.  == Registered application 'MusicOnHold'  == Registered application 'WaitMusicOnHold'  == Registered application 'SetMusicOnHold'  == Registered application 'StartMusicOnHold'  == Registered application 'StopMusicOnHold'  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/musiconhold.conf': Found => (Music On Hold Resource)  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/features.conf': Found  == Remapping feature Park Call (parkcall) to sequence '#72'  -- Registered extension context 'parkedcalls'  -- Added extension '700' priority 1 to parkedcalls  == Registered application 'ParkedCall'  == Registered application 'Park'  == Manager registered action ParkedCalls  == Manager registered action Park => (Call Features Resource)  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/adsi.conf': Found => (ADSI Resource (not optional))  -- Loaded PUBLIC key 'iaxtel'  -- Loaded PUBLIC key 'freeworlddialup' => (Cryptographic Digital Signatures)  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/indications.conf': Found  -- Registered indication country 'cl'  -- Registered indication country 'tw'  -- Registered indication country 'us'  -- Registered indication country 'au'  -- Registered indication country 'fr'  -- Registered indication country 'de'  -- Registered indication country 'nl'  -- Registered indication country 'uk'  -- Registered indication country 'fi'  -- Registered indication country 'no'  -- Registered indication country 'br'  -- Registered indication country 'za'  -- Registered indication country 'it'  -- Registered indication country 'us-o'  -- Registered indication country 'gr'  -- Registered indication country 'ru'  -- Registered indication country 'nz'  -- Registered indication country 'sg'  -- Registered indication country 'hu'  -- Registered indication country 'lt'  -- Registered indication country 'pl'  -- Registered indication country 'pt'  -- Registered indication country 'ee'  -- Registered indication country 'mx'  -- Setting default indication country to 'pl'  == Registered application 'PlayTones'  == Registered application 'StopPlayTones' => (Indications Resource)  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/jabber.conf': Found  == Manager registered action JabberSend  == Registered application 'JabberSend'  == Registered application 'JabberStatus' [Jan 17 09:12:40] NOTICE[11640]: res_jabber.c:2416 load_module: loaded. => (AJI - Asterisk Jabber Interface)  == Registered application 'Monitor'  == Registered application 'StopMonitor'  == Registered application 'ChangeMonitor'  == Registered application 'PauseMonitor'  == Registered application 'UnpauseMonitor'  == Manager registered action Monitor  == Manager registered action StopMonitor  == Manager registered action ChangeMonitor  == Manager registered action PauseMonitor  == Manager registered action UnpauseMonitor => (Call Monitoring Resource)  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/smdi.conf': Found JABBER: reconnecting. [Jan 17 09:12:40] WARNING[11640]: res_smdi.c:725 load_module: No SMDI interfaces are available to listen on, not starting SDMI listener. => (Generic Speech Recognition API)  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/oss.conf': Found  == Registered channel type 'Console' (OSS Console Channel Driver) => (OSS Console Channel Driver)  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/codecs.conf': Found  -- codec_zap: using generic PLC  == No hardware transcoders found. => (Generic Zaptel Transcoder Codec Translator)  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/codecs.conf': Found  -- codec_g722: using generic PLC [Jan 17 09:12:40] WARNING[11640]: translate.c:600 __ast_register_translator: plc_samples 160 format 6  == Registered translator 'g722tolin' from format g722 to slin, cost 8  == Registered translator 'lintog722' from format slin to g722, cost 9 => (ITU G.722-64kbps G722 Transcoder)  == Registered file format sln, extension(s) sln|raw => (Raw Signed Linear Audio support (SLN))  == Registered application 'ICES' => (Encode and Stream via icecast and ices)  == Registered application 'MacroExit'  == Registered application 'MacroIf'  == Registered application 'MacroExclusive'  == Registered application 'Macro' => (Extension Macros)  == Registered application 'Milliwatt' => (Digital Milliwatt (mu-law) Test Application)  == Registered application 'Echo' => (Simple Echo Application)  == Registered file format pcm, extension(s) pcm|ulaw|ul|mu  == Registered file format alaw, extension(s) alaw|al  == Registered file format au, extension(s) au  == Registered file format g722, extension(s) g722 => (Raw/Sun uLaw/ALaw 8KHz Audio support (PCM,PCMA,AU) and G.722 16Khz Audio Support)  == Registered application 'Flash' => (Flash channel application)  == Registered custom function ENUMLOOKUP  == Registered custom function TXTCIDNAME => (ENUM related dialplan functions)  == Registered application 'ForkCDR' => (Fork The CDR into 2 separate entities)  == Registered application 'ParkAndAnnounce' => (Call Parking and Announce Application)  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/codecs.conf': Found  -- codec_gsm: using generic PLC [Jan 17 09:12:40] WARNING[11640]: translate.c:600 __ast_register_translator: plc_samples 160 format 6  == Registered translator 'gsmtolin' from format gsm to slin, cost 4  == Registered translator 'lintogsm' from format slin to gsm, cost 9 => (GSM Coder/Decoder)  == Registered custom function IAXPEER  == Registered application 'IAX2Provision'  == Manager registered action IAXpeers  == Manager registered action IAXnetstats  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/iax.conf': Found  == Parsing '/usr/local/etc/asterisk/bindaddr.conf': Found  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/local/additional_IAX-general.conf': Found  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/local/iax.d/134': Found  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/local/iax.d/135': Found  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/local/iax.d/a2billing.conf': Found  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/local/iax.d/freevoip': Found  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/local/iax.d/iaxmodem': Found  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/local/iax.d/tootaiAudio': Found JABBER: googletalk OUTGOING:  == Using TOS bits 184  == Binding IAX2 to ''  == Using TOS bits 184  == Binding IAX2 to ''  == Using TOS bits 184  == Binding IAX2 to ''  > doing dnsmgr_lookup for '' JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: JABBER: googletalk OUTGOING: JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: X-GOOGLE-TOKEN JABBER: googletalk OUTGOING: JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: PLAINX-GOOGLE-TOKEN JABBER: googletalk OUTGOING: AHRvb3RhaW5ldAAubmV0bWRwMQA=  > doing dnsmgr_lookup for '' JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: JABBER: googletalk OUTGOING: JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: JABBER: googletalk OUTGOING: Talk JABBER: googletalk OUTGOING: JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: JABBER: googletalk OUTGOING: "Voice calls only" JABBER: googletalk OUTGOING: JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: JABBER: googletalk INCOMING:  > doing dnsmgr_lookup for ''  > doing dnsmgr_lookup for ''  > doing dnsmgr_lookup for ''  > doing dnsmgr_lookup for ''  > doing dnsmgr_lookup for ''  > doing dnsmgr_lookup for ''  > doing dnsmgr_lookup for ''  > doing dnsmgr_lookup for ''  > doing dnsmgr_lookup for ''  > doing dnsmgr_lookup for ''  > doing dnsmgr_lookup for ''  -- Seeding 'fax-line1' at for 60  -- Seeding 'fax-line2' at for 60  > doing dnsmgr_lookup for ''  == Registered channel type 'IAX2' (Inter Asterisk eXchange Driver (Ver 2))  == 30 helper threaads started  == IAX Ready and Listening  == Loaded firmware 'iaxy.bin'  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/iaxprov.conf': Found  -- Loaded provisioning template 'default' => (Inter Asterisk eXchange (Ver 2))  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/codecs.conf': Found  -- codec_alaw: using generic PLC [Jan 17 09:12:51] WARNING[11640]: translate.c:600 __ast_register_translator: plc_samples 160 format 6  == Registered translator 'alawtolin' from format alaw to slin, cost 1  == Registered translator 'lintoalaw' from format slin to alaw, cost 1 => (A-law Coder/Decoder)  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/amd.conf': Found  -- AMD defaults: initialSilence [2500] greeting [1500] afterGreetingSilence [800] totalAnalysisTime [5000] minimumWordLength [100] betweenWordsSilence [50] maximumNumberOfWords [3] silenceThreshold [256]  == Registered application 'AMD' => (Answering Machine Detection Application)  == Registered application 'ReadFile' => (Stores output of file into a variable)  == Registered application 'BackgroundDetect' => (Playback with Talk Detection) [Jan 17 09:12:51] NOTICE[11640]: codec_g729.c:385 load_module: G.729 transcoding module Copyright (C) 1999-2006 Digium, Inc. [Jan 17 09:12:51] NOTICE[11640]: codec_g729.c:386 load_module: This module is supplied under a commercial license granted by Digium, Inc. [Jan 17 09:12:51] NOTICE[11640]: codec_g729.c:387 load_module: Please see the full license text supplied by the accompanying [Jan 17 09:12:51] NOTICE[11640]: codec_g729.c:388 load_module: "register" utility, or ask for a copy from Digium.  -- Registered IAX2 to '', who sees us as with no messages waiting  -- Registered IAX2 to '', who sees us as with no messages waiting  == G.729 Host-ID: 3e:6f:74:b6:6c:68:a8:e2:10:e7:8d:07:0f:b1:69:c9:8a:bd:63:02  == Found license 'G729-13DA1F8C' providing 1 channels  == Found total of 1 G.729 licenses  == Registered translator 'g729tolin' from format g729 to slin, cost 3  == Registered translator 'lintog729' from format slin to g729, cost 14 => (Annex A/B (floating point) G.729 Codec (optimized for i686))  == Registered custom function CDR => (CDR dialplan function)  == Registered custom function CHANNEL => (Channel information dialplan function)  == Registered custom function MATH => (Mathematical dialplan function)  == Registered application 'PrivacyManager' => (Require phone number to be entered, if no CallerID sent)  == Registered application 'Playback' => (Sound File Playback Application)  == Registered custom function SHA1 => (SHA-1 computation dialplan function)  == Registered application 'NoCDR' => (Tell Asterisk to not maintain a CDR for the current call)  == Registered channel type 'Local' (Local Proxy Channel Driver) => (Local Proxy Channel)  == Registered application 'DumpChan' => (Dump Info About The Calling Channel)  == Registered file format gsm, extension(s) gsm => (Raw GSM data)  == Registered application 'SendImage'  -- Registered IAX2 to '', who sees us as with no messages waiting => (Image Transmission Application)  == Registered application 'SetCallerPres' => (Set CallerID Presentation Application)  == Registered application 'ZapRAS' => (Zap RAS Application) => (File format conversion CLI command)  == Registered application 'MP3Player' => (Silly MP3 Application)  == Registered application 'SoftHangup' => (Hangs up the requested channel)  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/gtalk.conf': Found  == Registered channel type 'Gtalk' (Gtalk Channel Driver) => (Gtalk Channel Driver)  == Registered application 'Exec'  == Registered application 'TryExec'  == Registered application 'ExecIf' => (Executes dialplan applications)  == Registered application 'Page' => (Page Multiple Phones)  == Registered application 'TestClient'  == Registered application 'TestServer' => (Interface Test Application)  == Registered file format h263, extension(s) h263 => (Raw H.263 data)  == Registered file format wav, extension(s) wav => (Microsoft WAV format (8000Hz Signed Linear))  == Registered custom function ENV  == Registered custom function STAT => (Environment/filesystem dialplan functions)  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/zapata.conf': Found  -- cadence 'r1' added: 250,1500,1500,3000,1500,3000  -- Registered channel 1, FXS Kewlstart signalling  -- Automatically generated pseudo channel  == Registered channel type 'Zap' (Zapata Telephony Driver)  == Manager registered action ZapTransfer  == Manager registered action ZapHangup  == Manager registered action ZapDialOffhook  == Manager registered action ZapDNDon  == Manager registered action ZapDNDoff  == Manager registered action ZapShowChannels  == Manager registered action ZapRestart => (Zapata Telephony)  == Registered application 'ADSIProg' => (Asterisk ADSI Programming Application)  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/cdr_custom.conf': Found => (Customizable Comma Separated Values CDR Backend)  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/alarmreceiver.conf': Found  == Registered application 'AlarmReceiver' => (Alarm Receiver for Asterisk)  == Registered translator 'alawtoulaw' from format alaw to ulaw, cost 1  == Registered translator 'ulawtoalaw' from format ulaw to alaw, cost 1 => (A-law and Mulaw direct Coder/Decoder)  == Registered application 'Authenticate' => (Authentication Application)  == Registered application 'Dial'  == Registered application 'RetryDial' => (Dialing Application)  == Registered application 'Directory' => (Extension Directory)  == Registered application 'GetCPEID' => (Get ADSI CPE ID)  == Manager registered action PlayDTMF  == Registered application 'SendDTMF' => (Send DTMF digits Application)  == Registered application 'TrySystem'  == Registered application 'System' => (Generic System() application)  == Registered application 'While'  == Registered application 'EndWhile'  == Registered application 'ExitWhile'  == Registered application 'ContinueWhile' => (While Loops and Conditional Execution) => (Outgoing Spool Support)  == Registered application 'DBdel'  == Registered application 'DBdeltree' => (Database Access Functions)  == Registered application 'ExternalIVR' => (External IVR Interface Application)  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/festival.conf': Found  == Registered application 'Festival' => (Simple Festival Interface)  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/queues.conf': Found [Jan 17 09:12:51] NOTICE[11640]: app_queue.c:3074 reload_queue_members: Queue members successfully reloaded from database.  == Registered application 'Queue'  == Registered application 'AddQueueMember'  == Registered application 'RemoveQueueMember'  == Registered application 'PauseQueueMember'  == Registered application 'UnpauseQueueMember'  == Registered application 'QueueLog'  == Manager registered action Queues  == Manager registered action QueueStatus  == Manager registered action QueueSummary  == Manager registered action QueueAdd  == Manager registered action QueueRemove  == Manager registered action QueuePause  == Manager registered action QueueLog  == Registered custom function QUEUE_VARIABLES  == Registered custom function QUEUE_MEMBER_COUNT  == Registered custom function QUEUE_MEMBER_LIST  == Registered custom function QUEUE_WAITING_COUNT => (True Call Queueing)  == Registered application 'StackPop'  == Registered application 'Return'  == Registered application 'GosubIf'  == Registered application 'Gosub' => (Stack Routines)  == Registered application 'NBScat' => (Silly NBS Stream Application)  == Registered application 'SendURL' => (Send URL Applications)  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/codecs.conf': Found  -- codec_lpc10: using generic PLC [Jan 17 09:12:51] WARNING[11640]: translate.c:600 __ast_register_translator: plc_samples 180 format 6  == Registered translator 'lpc10tolin' from format lpc10 to slin, cost 6  == Registered translator 'lintolpc10' from format slin to lpc10, cost 16 => (LPC10 2.4kbps Coder/Decoder)  == Registered custom function DB  == Registered custom function DB_EXISTS  == Registered custom function DB_DELETE => (Database (astdb) related dialplan functions)  == Manager registered action MeetmeMute  == Manager registered action MeetmeUnmute  == Registered application 'MeetMeAdmin'  == Registered application 'MeetMeCount'  == Registered application 'MeetMe'  == Registered application 'SLAStation'  == Registered application 'SLATrunk'  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/meetme.conf': Found => (MeetMe conference bridge)  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/cdr.conf': Found  == Registered application 'Read' => (Read Variable Application)  == Registered application 'Transfer' => (Transfer)  == Registered application 'UserEvent' => (Custom User Event Application)  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/codecs.conf': Found  -- codec_g726: using generic PLC [Jan 17 09:12:51] WARNING[11640]: translate.c:600 __ast_register_translator: plc_samples 160 format 6  == Registered translator 'g726tolin' from format g726 to slin, cost 7  == Registered translator 'lintog726' from format slin to g726, cost 7 [Jan 17 09:12:51] WARNING[11640]: translate.c:600 __ast_register_translator: plc_samples 160 format 6  == Registered translator 'g726aal2tolin' from format g726aal2 to slin, cost 6  == Registered translator 'lintog726aal2' from format slin to g726aal2, cost 7  == Registered translator 'g726aal2tog726' from format g726aal2 to g726, cost 1  == Registered translator 'g726tog726aal2' from format g726 to g726aal2, cost 1 => (ITU G.726-32kbps G726 Transcoder)  == Registered custom function CURL => (Load external URL)  == Registered custom function SHELL => (SHELL dialplan function)  == Registered application 'DISA' => (DISA (Direct Inward System Access) Application)  == Registered file format g726-40, extension(s) g726-40  == Registered file format g726-32, extension(s) g726-32  == Registered file format g726-24, extension(s) g726-24  == Registered file format g726-16, extension(s) g726-16 => (Raw G.726 (16/24/32/40kbps) data)  == Registered file format iLBC, extension(s) ilbc => (Raw iLBC data)  == Registered custom function CUT  == Registered custom function SORT => (Cut out information from a string)  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/codecs.conf': Found  -- codec_ulaw: using generic PLC [Jan 17 09:12:51] WARNING[11640]: translate.c:600 __ast_register_translator: plc_samples 160 format 6  == Registered translator 'ulawtolin' from format ulaw to slin, cost 1  == Registered translator 'lintoulaw' from format slin to ulaw, cost 1 => (mu-Law Coder/Decoder)  == Registered format 'jpg' (JPEG (Joint Picture Experts Group)) => (JPEG (Joint Picture Experts Group) Image Format)  == Registered custom function ISNULL  == Registered custom function SET  == Registered custom function EXISTS  == Registered custom function IF  == Registered custom function IFTIME => (Logical dialplan functions)  == Registered file format g723sf, extension(s) g723|g723sf => (G.723.1 Simple Timestamp File Format)  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/cdr_manager.conf': Found => (Asterisk Manager Interface CDR Backend)  == Registered custom function BASE64_ENCODE  == Registered custom function BASE64_DECODE => (base64 encode/decode dialplan functions)  == Registered custom function CALLERID => (Caller ID related dialplan function)  == Registered application 'Record' => (Trivial Record Application)  == Registered file format vox, extension(s) vox => (Dialogic VOX (ADPCM) File Format)  == Registered custom function REALTIME => (Read/Write values from a RealTime repository)  == Registered application 'MixMonitor'  == Registered application 'StopMixMonitor' => (Mixed Audio Monitoring Application)  == Registered channel type 'Feature' (Feature Proxy Channel Driver) => (Feature Proxy Channel) => (Realtime Data Lookup/Rewrite)  == Registered application 'Zapateller' => (Block Telemarketers with Special Information Tone)  == Registered application 'WaitForRing' => (Waits until first ring after time)  == Registered application 'WaitForSilence' => (Wait For Silence)  == Registered application 'VoiceMail'  == Registered application 'VoiceMailMain'  == Registered application 'MailboxExists'  == Registered application 'VMAuthenticate'  == Registered custom function MAILBOX_EXISTS  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/voicemail.conf': Found [Jan 17 09:12:51] WARNING[11640]: app_voicemail.c:7343 load_config: Setting 'maxmessage' has been deprecated in favor of 'maxsecs'. => (Comedian Mail (Voicemail System))  == Registered application 'SayUnixTime'  == Registered application 'DateTime' => (Say time)  == Registered application 'SendText' => (Send Text Applications)  == Registered application 'ZapBarge' => (Barge in on Zap channel application)  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/codecs.conf': Found  -- CODEC SPEEX: Setting Quality to 3  -- CODEC SPEEX: Setting Complexity to 2  -- CODEC SPEEX: Perceptual Enhancement Mode. [on]  -- CODEC SPEEX: VAD Mode. [on]  -- CODEC SPEEX: VBR Mode. [on]  -- CODEC SPEEX: Disabling ABR  -- CODEC SPEEX: Setting VBR Quality to 4.000000  -- CODEC SPEEX: DTX Mode. [off]  -- CODEC SPEEX: Preprocessing. [off]  -- CODEC SPEEX: Preprocessor VAD. [off]  -- CODEC SPEEX: Preprocessor AGC. [off]  -- CODEC SPEEX: Setting preprocessor AGC Level to 8000.000000  -- CODEC SPEEX: Preprocessor Denoise. [off]  -- CODEC SPEEX: Preprocessor Dereverb. [off]  -- CODEC SPEEX: Setting preprocessor Dereverb Decay to 0.400000  -- CODEC SPEEX: Setting preprocessor Dereverb Level to 0.300000  == Registered translator 'speextolin' from format speex to slin, cost 2  == Registered translator 'lintospeex' from format slin to speex, cost 34 => (Speex Coder/Decoder)  == Registered application 'ChanIsAvail' => (Check channel availability)  == Registered application 'ChanSpy'  == Registered application 'ExtenSpy' => (Listen to the audio of an active channel)  == Registered application 'ControlPlayback' => (Control Playback Application)  == Registered application 'Dictate' => (Virtual Dictation Machine)  == Registered file format wav49, extension(s) WAV|wav49 => (Microsoft WAV format (Proprietary GSM))  == Registered custom function URIDECODE  == Registered custom function URIENCODE => (URI encode/decode dialplan functions)  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/jingle.conf': Found  == Registered channel type 'Jingle' (Jingle Channel Driver) => (Jingle Channel Driver)  == Registered application 'Log'  == Registered application 'Verbose' => (Send verbose output)  == Registered file format g729, extension(s) g729 => (Raw G729 data)  == Registered custom function MD5 => (MD5 digest dialplan functions)  == Registered custom function RAND => (Random number dialplan function)  == Registered custom function VMCOUNT => (Indicator for whether a voice mailbox has messages in a given folder.)  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/phone.conf': Found  == Registered channel type 'Phone' (Standard Linux Telephony API Driver) => (Linux Telephony API Support)  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/extensions.conf': Found  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/local/variables': Found  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/local/extensions.d/81-NotAffected': Found  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/local/extensions.d/82-NotAffected': Found  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/local/extensions.d/Addressbook': Found  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/local/extensions.d/FINAREA': Found  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/local/extensions.d/FREEPHONIE': Found  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/local/extensions.d/GSM': Found  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/local/extensions.d/MeetMe': Found  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/local/extensions.d/NUMBERING': Found  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/local/extensions.d/PSTN': Found  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/local/extensions.d/PTM': Found  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/local/extensions.d/Phonebook': Found  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/local/extensions.d/SIPGATE': Found  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/local/extensions.d/SipBROKER': Found  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/local/extensions.d/TNET': Found  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/local/extensions.d/TOOTAiAudio': Found  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/local/extensions.d/VoipTALK': Found  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/local/extensions.d/WENGO': Found  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/local/extensions.d/callLimitNew.sample': Found  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/local/extensions.d/callingservice': Found  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/local/extensions.d/calllimit.sample': Found  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/local/extensions.d/checkGWLimit': Found  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/local/extensions.d/fax-stuff': Found  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/local/extensions.d/freevoip': Found  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/local/extensions.d/from-134': Found  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/local/extensions.d/from-audio-pstn': Found  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/local/extensions.d/from-to-JABBER': Found  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/local/extensions.d/googletalk': Found  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/local/extensions.d/macros_AND_includes': Found  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/local/extensions.d/mainphone-stuff': Found  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/local/extensions.d/rrPeers': Found  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/local/extensions.d/sipphone': Found  == Setting global variable 'CONSOLE' to 'Console/dsp'  == Setting global variable 'PSTN' to 'Zap/1'  == Setting global variable 'PSTN_ID' to '48322855276'  == Setting global variable 'PSTN_SIP_GW' to ''  == Setting global variable 'PHONE1' to '106'  == Setting global variable 'PHONE2' to '107'  == Setting global variable 'SERVICE' to '106'  == Setting global variable 'H323GK' to ''  == Setting global variable 'H323PORT' to '1720'  == Setting global variable 'SIP1_USER' to '5553238'  == Setting global variable 'SIP1_CID_PREFIX' to '1801777'  == Setting global variable 'SIP2_USER' to '0369570063'  == Setting global variable 'SIP2_CID_PREFIX' to '+33'  == Setting global variable 'IAXINFO' to 'guest'  == Setting global variable 'IAX1_USER' to '84811672'  == Setting global variable 'IAX2_USER' to '422493'  == Setting global variable 'IAX3_USER' to 'tootai'  == Setting global variable 'SIPTIMERING' to '60'  == Setting global variable 'H323TIMERING' to '60'  == Setting global variable 'IAXTIMERING' to '60'  == Setting global variable 'RINGING_DEVICES' to 'SIP/107'  == Setting global variable 'FAILOVER_DEVICES' to 'SIP/106&SIP/107'  == Setting global variable 'DIALOPT' to 'rTt'  == Setting global variable 'DIALEDNUMBER' to ''  == Setting global variable 'LD_CHANNEL' to ''  == Setting global variable 'callMacro' to ''  == Setting global variable 'nationalPrefix' to ''  == Setting global variable 'NATIONALDEFAULT' to '48'  == Setting global variable 'IMPERATIVE' to 'no'  == Setting global variable 'VAR_PATH' to '/etc/asterisk/local/variables.nonvolatiles'  == Setting global variable 'REDIRECT_TO' to ''  == Setting global variable 'callLimitMax' to ''  == Setting global variable 'callLimitInt' to ''  == Setting global variable 'callInUseInt' to ''  == Setting global variable 'callInUseNat' to ''  == Setting global variable 'callPrefix' to ''  == Setting global variable 'callCounter' to ''  == Setting global variable 'ISP' to ''  == Setting global variable 'stringToFormat' to ''  == Setting global variable 'RRPEERS' to 'VD-tootai,,,!48'  == Setting global variable 'RRPEERS' to 'VD-tootai,,,!48+IC-tootai,,,33'  == Setting global variable 'RRPEERS' to 'VD-tootai,,,!48+IC-tootai,,,33+TOOTAi,001,IAX2'  == Setting global variable 'RRNEXT' to '1'  == Setting global variable 'PEERSNAME' to '"VD=VOIPDISCOUNT+VC=VOIPCHEAP+VB=VOIPBUSTER+VS=VOIPSTUNT+IC=INTERNETCALLS+SD=SIPDISCOUNT"'  -- Registered extension context 'default'  -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to default  -- Added extension 't' priority 1 to default  -- Added extension 't' priority 2 to default  -- Added extension 'h' priority 1 to default  -- Added extension 'info' priority 1 to default  -- Added extension '_X.' priority 1 to default  -- Registered extension context 'fromh323'  -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to fromh323  -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to fromh323  -- Added extension 't' priority 1 to fromh323  -- Added extension 't' priority 2 to fromh323  -- Added extension 'h' priority 1 to fromh323  -- Added extension '_X.' priority 1 to fromh323  -- Added extension '_X.' priority 2 to fromh323  -- Registered extension context 'incoming-iaxguest'  -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to incoming-iaxguest  -- Added extension '134' priority 1 to incoming-iaxguest  -- Registered extension context 'incoming-sipguest'  -- Added extension '101' priority 1 to incoming-sipguest  -- Added extension 'info' priority 1 to incoming-sipguest  -- Registered extension context 'incoming-iaxtel'  -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to incoming-iaxtel  -- Registered extension context 'fromfwd-iax'  -- Added extension '422493' priority 1 to fromfwd-iax  -- Added extension '422493.' priority 1 to fromfwd-iax  -- Registered extension context 'fromfwd-sip'  -- Added extension '422493' priority 1 to fromfwd-sip  -- Added extension '422493.' priority 1 to fromfwd-sip  -- Registered extension context ''  -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to  -- Registered extension context ''  -- Added extension '_88299.' priority 1 to  -- Registered extension context 'fromadlp'  -- Including context 'LocalExtensions' in context 'fromadlp'  -- Registered extension context 'fromterek'  -- Including context 'LocalExtensions' in context 'fromterek'  -- Added extension '200' priority 1 to fromterek  -- Registered extension context 'from-broadvoice'  -- Including context 'FaxOrTalk' in context 'from-broadvoice'  -- Added extension '9496137038' priority 1 to from-broadvoice  -- Added extension '9496137038' priority 2 to from-broadvoice  -- Added extension '9496137038' priority 3 to from-broadvoice  -- Added extension '9496137038' priority 4 to from-broadvoice  -- Added extension 't' priority 1 to from-broadvoice  -- Added extension 't' priority 2 to from-broadvoice  -- Registered extension context 'from-directcentrex'  -- Including context 'FaxOrTalk' in context 'from-directcentrex'  -- Added extension '0870442938' priority 1 to from-directcentrex  -- Added extension '0870442938' priority 2 to from-directcentrex  -- Added extension '0870442938' priority 3 to from-directcentrex  -- Added extension '0870442938' priority 4 to from-directcentrex  -- Added extension 't' priority 1 to from-directcentrex  -- Added extension 't' priority 2 to from-directcentrex  -- Registered extension context 'faxtest'  -- Including context 'FaxOrTalk' in context 'faxtest'  -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to faxtest  -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to faxtest  -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to faxtest  -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to faxtest  -- Added extension 't' priority 1 to faxtest  -- Added extension 't' priority 2 to faxtest  -- Registered extension context 'fromuserSIP'  -- Including context 'UserServiceExtensions' in context 'fromuserSIP'  -- Including context 'GeneralNumbers' in context 'fromuserSIP'  -- Including context 'IsFAX?' in context 'fromuserSIP'  -- Including context 'incoming-sipguest' in context 'fromuserSIP'  -- Including context 'incoming-FINAREA' in context 'fromuserSIP'  -- Registered extension context 'fromuserIAX'  -- Including context 'UserServiceExtensions' in context 'fromuserIAX'  -- Including context 'GeneralNumbers' in context 'fromuserIAX'  -- Registered extension context 'from-CHB'  -- Including context 'fromuserSIP' in context 'from-CHB'  -- Including context 'wengo' in context 'from-CHB'  -- Added extension '_97XXXXXXXXX.' priority 1 to from-CHB  -- Registered extension context 'from106042'  -- Including context 'fromuserIAX' in context 'from106042'  -- Added extension '_91.' priority 1 to from106042  -- Registered extension context 'fromADAM'  -- Including context 'wengo' in context 'fromADAM'  -- Including context 'fromuserSIP' in context 'fromADAM'  -- Added extension '_91.' priority 1 to fromADAM  -- Added extension '950' priority 1 to fromADAM  -- Added extension '951' priority 1 to fromADAM  -- Added extension '952' priority 1 to fromADAM  -- Registered extension context 'from-88012DA01491'  -- Including context 'UserServiceExtensions' in context 'from-88012DA01491'  -- Added extension '_9XXXXXXXXXX' priority 1 to from-88012DA01491  -- Added extension '_91XXXNXXXXXX' priority 1 to from-88012DA01491  -- Added extension '_9XXXXXXXXXX.' priority 1 to from-88012DA01491  -- Added extension '_8XXXXXXXXXX.' priority 1 to from-88012DA01491  -- Registered extension context 'LocalExtensions'  -- Including context 'IsFAX?' in context 'LocalExtensions'  -- Including context 'Phonebook' in context 'LocalExtensions'  -- Including context 'GeneralNumbers' in context 'LocalExtensions'  -- Including context 'LocalAffected' in context 'LocalExtensions'  -- Added extension 't' priority 1 to LocalExtensions  -- Added extension 't' priority 2 to LocalExtensions  -- Registered extension context 'UserServiceExtensions'  -- Added extension '*90' priority 1 to UserServiceExtensions  -- Added extension '*90' priority 2 to UserServiceExtensions  -- Added extension '*90' priority 3 to UserServiceExtensions  -- Added extension '*91' priority 1 to UserServiceExtensions  -- Added extension '*98' priority 1 to UserServiceExtensions  -- Added extension '100' priority 1 to UserServiceExtensions  -- Added extension '101' priority 1 to UserServiceExtensions  -- Added extension '800' priority 1 to UserServiceExtensions  -- Added extension '820' priority 1 to UserServiceExtensions  -- Added extension '821' priority 1 to UserServiceExtensions  -- Registered extension context 'ManagerServiceExtensions'  -- Including context 'MSE-resetGatewayCounters' in context 'ManagerServiceExtensions'  -- Added extension '*0' priority 1 to ManagerServiceExtensions  -- Added extension '*11' priority 1 to ManagerServiceExtensions  -- Added extension '*12' priority 1 to ManagerServiceExtensions  -- Added extension '*12' priority 2 to ManagerServiceExtensions  -- Added extension '*13' priority 1 to ManagerServiceExtensions  -- Added extension '*13' priority 2 to ManagerServiceExtensions  -- Added extension '*13' priority 3 to ManagerServiceExtensions  -- Added extension '*14' priority 1 to ManagerServiceExtensions  -- Added extension '*15' priority 1 to ManagerServiceExtensions  -- Added extension '*15' priority 2 to ManagerServiceExtensions  -- Added extension '*15' priority 3 to ManagerServiceExtensions  -- Added extension '*15' priority 4 to ManagerServiceExtensions  -- Added extension '*20' priority 1 to ManagerServiceExtensions  -- Added extension '*21' priority 1 to ManagerServiceExtensions  -- Added extension '*21' priority 2 to ManagerServiceExtensions  -- Added extension '*22' priority 1 to ManagerServiceExtensions  -- Added extension '*22' priority 2 to ManagerServiceExtensions  -- Added extension '*23' priority 1 to ManagerServiceExtensions  -- Added extension 'i' priority 1 to ManagerServiceExtensions  -- Added extension 'i' priority 2 to ManagerServiceExtensions  -- Registered extension context 'WholeExtensions'  -- Including context 'parkedcalls' in context 'WholeExtensions'  -- Including context 'UserServiceExtensions' in context 'WholeExtensions'  -- Including context 'ManagerServiceExtensions' in context 'WholeExtensions'  -- Including context 'LocalExtensions' in context 'WholeExtensions'  -- Including context 'PrivShortcuts' in context 'WholeExtensions'  -- Including context 'IsPSTN?' in context 'WholeExtensions'  -- Including context 'IsGW?' in context 'WholeExtensions'  -- Including context 'IsSIP?' in context 'WholeExtensions'  -- Including context 'IsIAX?' in context 'WholeExtensions'  -- Including context 'IsH323gw?' in context 'WholeExtensions'  -- Including context 'gtalk' in context 'WholeExtensions'  -- Including context 'NotValid' in context 'WholeExtensions'  -- Registered extension context 'GeneralNumbers'  -- Added extension '48322855276' priority 1 to GeneralNumbers  -- Added extension '48322855276' priority 2 to GeneralNumbers  -- Added extension '48322855276' priority 102 to GeneralNumbers  -- Added extension '48322855276' priority 103 to GeneralNumbers  -- Added extension '101' priority 1 to GeneralNumbers  -- Registered extension context 'PrivShortcuts'  -- Added extension '48322855276' priority 1 to PrivShortcuts  -- Added extension '48322855276' priority 2 to PrivShortcuts  -- Added extension '48322855276' priority 102 to PrivShortcuts  -- Added extension '48322855276' priority 103 to PrivShortcuts  -- Added extension '910' priority 1 to PrivShortcuts  -- Added extension '911' priority 1 to PrivShortcuts  -- Added extension '912' priority 1 to PrivShortcuts  -- Added extension '913' priority 1 to PrivShortcuts  -- Added extension '920' priority 1 to PrivShortcuts  -- Added extension '922' priority 1 to PrivShortcuts  -- Added extension '923' priority 1 to PrivShortcuts  -- Added extension '924' priority 1 to PrivShortcuts  -- Added extension '925' priority 1 to PrivShortcuts  -- Added extension '930' priority 1 to PrivShortcuts  -- Added extension '940' priority 1 to PrivShortcuts  -- Added extension '941' priority 1 to PrivShortcuts  -- Added extension '950' priority 1 to PrivShortcuts  -- Added extension '951' priority 1 to PrivShortcuts  -- Added extension '952' priority 1 to PrivShortcuts  -- Added extension '960' priority 1 to PrivShortcuts  -- Added extension '980' priority 1 to PrivShortcuts  -- Added extension '989' priority 1 to PrivShortcuts  -- Added extension '989' priority 2 to PrivShortcuts  -- Added extension '989' priority 3 to PrivShortcuts  -- Added extension '989' priority 4 to PrivShortcuts  -- Added extension '989' priority 5 to PrivShortcuts  -- Added extension '989' priority 6 to PrivShortcuts  -- Added extension '9000' priority 1 to PrivShortcuts  -- Added extension '_9000.' priority 1 to PrivShortcuts  -- Added extension '_*9000.' priority 1 to PrivShortcuts  -- Added extension '9001' priority 1 to PrivShortcuts  -- Added extension '9002' priority 1 to PrivShortcuts  -- Added extension '9003' priority 1 to PrivShortcuts  -- Added extension '9004' priority 1 to PrivShortcuts  -- Added extension '9005' priority 1 to PrivShortcuts  -- Added extension '9006' priority 1 to PrivShortcuts  -- Added extension '9007' priority 1 to PrivShortcuts  -- Added extension '9008' priority 1 to PrivShortcuts  -- Added extension '9009' priority 1 to PrivShortcuts  -- Added extension '9010' priority 1 to PrivShortcuts  -- Added extension '9011' priority 1 to PrivShortcuts  -- Added extension '9012' priority 1 to PrivShortcuts  -- Added extension '9013' priority 1 to PrivShortcuts  -- Added extension '9014' priority 1 to PrivShortcuts  -- Added extension '9015' priority 1 to PrivShortcuts  -- Added extension '9016' priority 1 to PrivShortcuts  -- Added extension '9017' priority 1 to PrivShortcuts  -- Added extension '9018' priority 1 to PrivShortcuts  -- Registered extension context 'IsSIP?'  -- Including context '81-NotAffected' in context 'IsSIP?'  -- Added extension '_1747NXXXXXX' priority 1 to IsSIP?  -- Added extension '8100' priority 1 to IsSIP?  -- Added extension '8101' priority 1 to IsSIP?  -- Added extension '8102' priority 1 to IsSIP?  -- Added extension '8103' priority 1 to IsSIP?  -- Added extension '8104' priority 1 to IsSIP?  -- Added extension '8105' priority 1 to IsSIP?  -- Added extension '8106' priority 1 to IsSIP?  -- Registered extension context 'IsIAX?'  -- Including context '82-NotAffected' in context 'IsIAX?'  -- Added extension '_17XXNXXXXXX' priority 1 to IsIAX?  -- Added extension '_1800NXXXXXX' priority 1 to IsIAX?  -- Added extension '_1866NXXXXXX' priority 1 to IsIAX?  -- Added extension '_1877NXXXXXX' priority 1 to IsIAX?  -- Added extension '_1888NXXXXXX' priority 1 to IsIAX?  -- Added extension '_3[13]800XXXXXX' priority 1 to IsIAX?  -- Added extension '_44[58]00XXXXXX' priority 1 to IsIAX?  -- Added extension '_44808XXXXXX' priority 1 to IsIAX?  -- Added extension '8200' priority 1 to IsIAX?  -- Added extension '8201' priority 1 to IsIAX?  -- Added extension '8202' priority 1 to IsIAX?  -- Added extension '8203' priority 1 to IsIAX?  -- Added extension '8204' priority 1 to IsIAX?  -- Added extension '8205' priority 1 to IsIAX?  -- Added extension '8206' priority 1 to IsIAX?  -- Added extension '8207' priority 1 to IsIAX?  -- Added extension '8208' priority 1 to IsIAX?  -- Added extension '8209' priority 1 to IsIAX?  -- Added extension '8210' priority 1 to IsIAX?  -- Added extension '8211' priority 1 to IsIAX?  -- Added extension '8212' priority 1 to IsIAX?  -- Added extension '8213' priority 1 to IsIAX?  -- Added extension '8214' priority 1 to IsIAX?  -- Added extension '8215' priority 1 to IsIAX?  -- Added extension '8216' priority 1 to IsIAX?  -- Added extension '8217' priority 1 to IsIAX?  -- Added extension '8218' priority 1 to IsIAX?  -- Added extension '8219' priority 1 to IsIAX?  -- Added extension '8220' priority 1 to IsIAX?  -- Added extension '8221' priority 1 to IsIAX?  -- Added extension '8222' priority 1 to IsIAX?  -- Added extension '8223' priority 1 to IsIAX?  -- Added extension '8224' priority 1 to IsIAX?  -- Added extension '8225' priority 1 to IsIAX?  -- Added extension '8226' priority 1 to IsIAX?  -- Added extension '8227' priority 1 to IsIAX?  -- Added extension '8228' priority 1 to IsIAX?  -- Added extension '8229' priority 1 to IsIAX?  -- Added extension '8230' priority 1 to IsIAX?  -- Registered extension context 'IsGW?'  -- Including context 'numbering' in context 'IsGW?'  -- Including context 'voiptalk' in context 'IsGW?'  -- Including context 'directcentrex' in context 'IsGW?'  -- Including context 'sipgate' in context 'IsGW?'  -- Including context 'wengo' in context 'IsGW?'  -- Including context 'tootaiaudio' in context 'IsGW?'  -- Including context 'freephonie' in context 'IsGW?'  -- Including context 'netappel' in context 'IsGW?'  -- Added extension '_810XX.' priority 1 to IsGW?  -- Added extension '_810XX.' priority 2 to IsGW?  -- Added extension '_810[*#a-z].' priority 3 to IsGW?  -- Added extension '_811XX.' priority 1 to IsGW?  -- Added extension '_811[*#a-z].' priority 1 to IsGW?  -- Added extension '_812XX.' priority 1 to IsGW?  -- Added extension '_812[*#a-z].' priority 1 to IsGW?  -- Added extension '_813XX.' priority 1 to IsGW?  -- Added extension '_813[*#a-z].' priority 1 to IsGW?  -- Added extension '_814XX.' priority 1 to IsGW?  -- Added extension '_814[*#a-z].' priority 1 to IsGW?  -- Added extension '_815XX.' priority 1 to IsGW?  -- Added extension '_815[*#a-z].' priority 1 to IsGW?  -- Added extension '_816XX.' priority 1 to IsGW?  -- Added extension '_816[*#a-z].' priority 2 to IsGW?  -- Added extension '_817X.' priority 1 to IsGW?  -- Added extension '_817[*#a-z].' priority 1 to IsGW?  -- Added extension '_818X.' priority 1 to IsGW?  -- Added extension '_818[*#a-z].' priority 1 to IsGW?  -- Added extension '_819X.' priority 1 to IsGW?  -- Added extension '_819[*#a-z].' priority 1 to IsGW?  -- Added extension '_820XX.' priority 1 to IsGW?  -- Added extension '_820[*#a-z].' priority 1 to IsGW?  -- Added extension '_821XX.' priority 1 to IsGW?  -- Added extension '_821[*#a-z].' priority 1 to IsGW?  -- Added extension '_822XX.' priority 1 to IsGW?  -- Added extension '_822[*#a-z].' priority 1 to IsGW?  -- Added extension '_823XX.' priority 1 to IsGW?  -- Added extension '_823[*#a-z].' priority 1 to IsGW?  -- Added extension '_824XX.' priority 1 to IsGW?  -- Added extension '_824[*#a-z].' priority 1 to IsGW?  -- Added extension '_825XX.' priority 1 to IsGW?  -- Added extension '_825[*#a-z].' priority 1 to IsGW?  -- Added extension '_826XX.' priority 1 to IsGW?  -- Added extension '_826[*#a-z].' priority 1 to IsGW?  -- Registered extension context 'IsH323gw?'  -- Registered extension context 'LocalAffected'  -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to LocalAffected  -- Added extension '_12X' priority 1 to LocalAffected  -- Added extension '_350' priority 1 to LocalAffected  -- Added extension '_1[01]X' priority 1 to LocalAffected  -- Added extension '_71[123]' priority 1 to LocalAffected  -- Added extension '_71[123]' priority 2 to LocalAffected  -- Added extension '_7[23]X' priority 1 to LocalAffected  -- Added extension '_1[34]X' priority 1 to LocalAffected  -- Added extension '_1[5-9]X' priority 1 to LocalAffected  -- Added extension '_7[4-9]X' priority 1 to LocalAffected  -- Registered extension context 'NotValid'  -- Added extension '.' priority 1 to NotValid  -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to NotValid  -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to NotValid  -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to NotValid  -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to NotValid  -- Registered extension context 'LocalNotAffected'  -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to LocalNotAffected  -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to LocalNotAffected  -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to LocalNotAffected  -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to LocalNotAffected  -- Registered extension context 'demo'  -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to demo  -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to demo  -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to demo  -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to demo  -- Registered extension context 'record'  -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to record  -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to record  -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to record  -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to record  -- Added extension 's' priority 5 to record  -- Added extension 'i' priority 1 to record  -- Added extension 'h' priority 1 to record  -- Registered extension context 'macro-playback'  -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-playback  -- Registered extension context 'macro-dialBUSTER'  -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-dialBUSTER  -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to macro-dialBUSTER  -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to macro-dialBUSTER  -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to macro-dialBUSTER  -- Added extension 's' priority 5 to macro-dialBUSTER  -- Added extension 's' priority 6 to macro-dialBUSTER  -- Added extension 's' priority 7 to macro-dialBUSTER  -- Added extension 's' priority 8 to macro-dialBUSTER  -- Registered extension context 'voipbuster'  -- Added extension '_96ZXXXXXXX.' priority 1 to voipbuster  -- Added extension '_960XXXXXXX.' priority 1 to voipbuster  -- Registered extension context 'macro-dialBV'  -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-dialBV  -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to macro-dialBV  -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to macro-dialBV  -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to macro-dialBV  -- Added extension 's' priority 5 to macro-dialBV  -- Added extension 's' priority 6 to macro-dialBV  -- Added extension 's' priority 7 to macro-dialBV  -- Added extension 's' priority 8 to macro-dialBV  -- Registered extension context 'broadvoice'  -- Added extension '_971XXXNXXXXXX' priority 1 to broadvoice  -- Added extension '_97XXXXXXXXX.' priority 1 to broadvoice  -- Registered extension context 'macro-dialDC'  -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-dialDC  -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to macro-dialDC  -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to macro-dialDC  -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to macro-dialDC  -- Added extension 's' priority 5 to macro-dialDC  -- Added extension 's' priority 6 to macro-dialDC  -- Added extension 's' priority 7 to macro-dialDC  -- Added extension 's' priority 8 to macro-dialDC  -- Registered extension context 'directcentrex'  -- Added extension '_93XXXXXXXX.' priority 1 to directcentrex  -- Registered extension context 'macro-dialLD_CHANNEL'  -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-dialLD_CHANNEL  -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to macro-dialLD_CHANNEL  -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to macro-dialLD_CHANNEL  -- Registered extension context 'macro-dialADLP'  -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-dialADLP  -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to macro-dialADLP  -- Registered extension context 'macro-dialTEREK'  -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-dialTEREK  -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to macro-dialTEREK  -- Registered extension context 'macro-dialSCOOTER'  -- Including context 'parkedcalls' in context 'macro-dialSCOOTER'  -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-dialSCOOTER  -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to macro-dialSCOOTER  -- Registered extension context 'macro-dialFWD'  -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-dialFWD  -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to macro-dialFWD  -- Registered extension context 'macro-dialIAXTEL'  -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-dialIAXTEL  -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to macro-dialIAXTEL  -- Registered extension context 'macro-dialIAX'  -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-dialIAX  -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to macro-dialIAX  -- Registered extension context 'macro-dialIAX-local'  -- Including context 'parkedcalls' in context 'macro-dialIAX-local'  -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-dialIAX-local  -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to macro-dialIAX-local  -- Added extension 's-CONGESTION' priority 1 to macro-dialIAX-local  -- Added extension '_s-.' priority 1 to macro-dialIAX-local  -- Including context 'LocalNotAffected' in context 'macro-dialIAX-local'  -- Registered extension context 'macro-dialADLP-SIP'  -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-dialADLP-SIP  -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to macro-dialADLP-SIP  -- Registered extension context 'macro-dialSIP'  -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-dialSIP  -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to macro-dialSIP  -- Registered extension context 'macro-dialSIP-local'  -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-dialSIP-local  -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to macro-dialSIP-local  -- Added extension 's-CONGESTION' priority 1 to macro-dialSIP-local  -- Added extension '_s-.' priority 1 to macro-dialSIP-local  -- Including context 'LocalNotAffected' in context 'macro-dialSIP-local'  -- Registered extension context 'macro-dialH323'  -- Including context 'parkedcalls' in context 'macro-dialH323'  -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-dialH323  -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to macro-dialH323  -- Registered extension context 'macro-dial-Info'  -- Including context 'parkedcalls' in context 'macro-dial-Info'  -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-dial-Info  -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to macro-dial-Info  -- Registered extension context 'macro-james'  -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-james  -- Registered extension context 'macro-mesTests'  -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-mesTests  -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to macro-mesTests  -- Registered extension context 'enumTestNumber'  -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to enumTestNumber  -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to enumTestNumber  -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to enumTestNumber  -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to enumTestNumber  -- Added extension 's' priority 5 to enumTestNumber  -- Added extension 's' priority 6 to enumTestNumber  -- Added extension 's' priority 7 to enumTestNumber  -- Added extension 's' priority 8 to enumTestNumber  -- Added extension 's' priority 9 to enumTestNumber  -- Added extension 's' priority 10 to enumTestNumber  -- Added extension 's' priority 11 to enumTestNumber  -- Added extension 's' priority 12 to enumTestNumber  -- Added extension 's' priority 13 to enumTestNumber  -- Added extension 's' priority 14 to enumTestNumber  -- Added extension 's' priority 15 to enumTestNumber  -- Added extension 's' priority 16 to enumTestNumber  -- Added extension 'i' priority 1 to enumTestNumber  -- Added extension '#' priority 1 to enumTestNumber  -- Registered extension context '81-NotAffected'  -- Added extension '_81.' priority 1 to 81-NotAffected  -- Added extension '_81.' priority 2 to 81-NotAffected  -- Registered extension context '82-NotAffected'  -- Added extension '_82.' priority 1 to 82-NotAffected  -- Added extension '_82.' priority 2 to 82-NotAffected  -- Registered extension context 'incoming-FINAREA'  -- Including context 'FaxOrTalk' in context 'incoming-FINAREA'  -- Added extension 'tootai' priority 1 to incoming-FINAREA  -- Added extension 'tootai_1' priority 2 to incoming-FINAREA  -- Added extension 'tootai_sd' priority 1 to incoming-FINAREA  -- Added extension 'tootai_sd' priority 2 to incoming-FINAREA  -- Added extension 'tootai_ic' priority 1 to incoming-FINAREA  -- Added extension 'tootai_ic' priority 2 to incoming-FINAREA  -- Added extension 'tootaiNET' priority 1 to incoming-FINAREA  -- Added extension 'tootaiNET' priority 2 to incoming-FINAREA  -- Added extension 'blobi33vs' priority 1 to incoming-FINAREA  -- Added extension 'blobi33vs' priority 2 to incoming-FINAREA  -- Added extension 'FaxDetect' priority 1 to incoming-FINAREA  -- Added extension 'FaxDetect' priority 2 to incoming-FINAREA  -- Added extension 'FaxDetect' priority 3 to incoming-FINAREA  -- Added extension 't' priority 1 to incoming-FINAREA  -- Added extension 't' priority 2 to incoming-FINAREA  -- Registered extension context 'macro-dialNETAPPEL'  -- Including context 'outgoing-FRANCE' in context 'macro-dialNETAPPEL'  -- Including context 'outgoing-International-00' in context 'macro-dialNETAPPEL'  -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-dialNETAPPEL  -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to macro-dialNETAPPEL  -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to macro-dialNETAPPEL  -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to macro-dialNETAPPEL  -- Added extension 's' priority 5 to macro-dialNETAPPEL  -- Added extension 's' priority 6 to macro-dialNETAPPEL  -- Added extension 's' priority 7 to macro-dialNETAPPEL  -- Added extension 's' priority 8 to macro-dialNETAPPEL  -- Added extension 's' priority 9 to macro-dialNETAPPEL  -- Added extension 's' priority 10 to macro-dialNETAPPEL  -- Added extension 's' priority 11 to macro-dialNETAPPEL  -- Registered extension context 'netappel'  -- Added extension '_98XXXXXXXX.' priority 1 to netappel  -- Added extension '_98[*#a-z].' priority 1 to netappel  -- Registered extension context 'macro-dialVOICETRADING'  -- Including context 'outgoing-FRANCE' in context 'macro-dialVOICETRADING'  -- Including context 'outgoing-GERMANY' in context 'macro-dialVOICETRADING'  -- Including context 'outgoing-BRITAIN' in context 'macro-dialVOICETRADING'  -- Including context 'outgoing-POLAND' in context 'macro-dialVOICETRADING'  -- Including context 'outgoing-International-00' in context 'macro-dialVOICETRADING'  -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-dialVOICETRADING  -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to macro-dialVOICETRADING  -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to macro-dialVOICETRADING  -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to macro-dialVOICETRADING  -- Added extension 's' priority 5 to macro-dialVOICETRADING  -- Added extension 's' priority 6 to macro-dialVOICETRADING  -- Added extension 's' priority 7 to macro-dialVOICETRADING  -- Added extension 's' priority 8 to macro-dialVOICETRADING  -- Added extension 's' priority 9 to macro-dialVOICETRADING  -- Added extension 's' priority 10 to macro-dialVOICETRADING  -- Added extension 's' priority 11 to macro-dialVOICETRADING  -- Registered extension context 'macro-dialFREEPHONIE'  -- Including context 'outgoing-FRANCE' in context 'macro-dialFREEPHONIE'  -- Including context 'outgoing-International-00' in context 'macro-dialFREEPHONIE'  -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-dialFREEPHONIE  -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to macro-dialFREEPHONIE  -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to macro-dialFREEPHONIE  -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to macro-dialFREEPHONIE  -- Added extension 's' priority 5 to macro-dialFREEPHONIE  -- Added extension 's' priority 6 to macro-dialFREEPHONIE  -- Added extension 's' priority 7 to macro-dialFREEPHONIE  -- Added extension 's' priority 8 to macro-dialFREEPHONIE  -- Added extension 's' priority 9 to macro-dialFREEPHONIE  -- Added extension 's' priority 10 to macro-dialFREEPHONIE  -- Added extension 's' priority 11 to macro-dialFREEPHONIE  -- Added extension 's' priority 12 to macro-dialFREEPHONIE  -- Registered extension context 'freephonie'  -- Added extension '_97XXXXXXXX.' priority 1 to freephonie  -- Added extension '_97[*#a-z].' priority 1 to freephonie  -- Registered extension context 'incoming-freephonie'  -- Added extension '_087[024].' priority 1 to incoming-freephonie  -- Added extension '_087[024].' priority 2 to incoming-freephonie  -- Registered extension context 'IsGSM?' [Jan 17 09:12:52] WARNING[11640]: pbx_config.c:1486 pbx_load_config: ==!!== Unknown directive: ${DIALOPT} at line 293 -- IGNORING!!!  -- Added extension '_9[56]XXXXXXXX' priority 1 to IsGSM?  -- Added extension '_9[56]XXXXXXXX' priority 2 to IsGSM?  -- Added extension '_90[56]XXXXXXXX' priority 1 to IsGSM?  -- Added extension '_90[56]XXXXXXXX' priority 2 to IsGSM?  -- Added extension 'i' priority 1 to IsGSM?  -- Added extension 'i' priority 2 to IsGSM?  -- Registered extension context 'MeetMe'  -- Added extension '*990' priority 1 to MeetMe  -- Added extension '*990' priority 2 to MeetMe  -- Added extension '*990' priority 3 to MeetMe  -- Registered extension context 'macro-dialNUMBERING-H323'  -- Including context 'NUMBERING-core' in context 'macro-dialNUMBERING-H323'  -- Including context 'outgoing-BRITAIN' in context 'macro-dialNUMBERING-H323'  -- Including context 'outgoing-International-00' in context 'macro-dialNUMBERING-H323'  -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-dialNUMBERING-H323  -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to macro-dialNUMBERING-H323  -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to macro-dialNUMBERING-H323  -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to macro-dialNUMBERING-H323  -- Added extension 's' priority 5 to macro-dialNUMBERING-H323  -- Registered extension context 'macro-dialNUMBERING'  -- Including context 'NUMBERING-core' in context 'macro-dialNUMBERING'  -- Including context 'outgoing-BRITAIN' in context 'macro-dialNUMBERING'  -- Including context 'outgoing-International-00' in context 'macro-dialNUMBERING'  -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-dialNUMBERING  -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to macro-dialNUMBERING  -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to macro-dialNUMBERING  -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to macro-dialNUMBERING  -- Added extension 's' priority 5 to macro-dialNUMBERING  -- Registered extension context 'NUMBERING-core'  -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to NUMBERING-core  -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to NUMBERING-core  -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to NUMBERING-core  -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to NUMBERING-core  -- Added extension 's' priority 5 to NUMBERING-core  -- Added extension 's' priority 6 to NUMBERING-core  -- Added extension 's' priority 7 to NUMBERING-core  -- Added extension '_XXX' priority 20 to NUMBERING-core  -- Added extension '_XXX' priority 21 to NUMBERING-core  -- Registered extension context 'numbering'  -- Added extension '_91XXXXXXXX.' priority 1 to numbering  -- Added extension '_91[*#a-z].' priority 1 to numbering  -- Registered extension context 'IsPSTN?' [Jan 17 09:12:52] WARNING[11640]: pbx_config.c:1486 pbx_load_config: ==!!== Unknown directive: ${DIALOPT} at line 378 -- IGNORING!!!  -- Added extension '_9ZXXXXXX' priority 1 to IsPSTN?  -- Added extension '_90ZXXXXXXXX' priority 1 to IsPSTN?  -- Added extension '_90ZXXXXXXXX.' priority 1 to IsPSTN?  -- Added extension '_9[56]XXXXXXXX' priority 1 to IsPSTN?  -- Added extension '_99X' priority 1 to IsPSTN?  -- Added extension '_99XXX' priority 1 to IsPSTN?  -- Registered extension context 'macro-dialTPSA-mobile'  -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-dialTPSA-mobile  -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to macro-dialTPSA-mobile  -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to macro-dialTPSA-mobile  -- Registered extension context 'macro-dialTPSA-emergency'  -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-dialTPSA-emergency  -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to macro-dialTPSA-emergency  -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to macro-dialTPSA-emergency  -- Registered extension context 'macro-dialTPSA-short'  -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-dialTPSA-short  -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to macro-dialTPSA-short  -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to macro-dialTPSA-short  -- Registered extension context 'macro-dialTPSA'  -- Including context 'parkedcalls' in context 'macro-dialTPSA'  -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-dialTPSA  -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to macro-dialTPSA  -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to macro-dialTPSA  -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to macro-dialTPSA  -- Added extension 's' priority 5 to macro-dialTPSA  -- Added extension 's' priority 6 to macro-dialTPSA  -- Added extension 's' priority 7 to macro-dialTPSA  -- Added extension 's' priority 8 to macro-dialTPSA  -- Added extension 's' priority 9 to macro-dialTPSA  -- Added extension 's' priority 107 to macro-dialTPSA  -- Added extension 's' priority 108 to macro-dialTPSA  -- Added extension 's' priority 208 to macro-dialTPSA  -- Registered extension context 'macro-dialTO-is-local'  -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-dialTO-is-local  -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to macro-dialTO-is-local  -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to macro-dialTO-is-local  -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to macro-dialTO-is-local  -- Registered extension context 'macro-dialTO-is-national'  -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-dialTO-is-national  -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to macro-dialTO-is-national  -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to macro-dialTO-is-national  -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to macro-dialTO-is-national  -- Registered extension context 'macro-dialTO-is-international'  -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-dialTO-is-international  -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to macro-dialTO-is-international  -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to macro-dialTO-is-international  -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to macro-dialTO-is-international  -- Registered extension context 'PSTN-BestRoute'  -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to PSTN-BestRoute  -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to PSTN-BestRoute  -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to PSTN-BestRoute  -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to PSTN-BestRoute  -- Added extension 's' priority 5 to PSTN-BestRoute  -- Added extension 's' priority 6 to PSTN-BestRoute  -- Added extension 's' priority 7 to PSTN-BestRoute  -- Added extension '1' priority 1 to PSTN-BestRoute  -- Added extension '1' priority 2 to PSTN-BestRoute  -- Added extension '1' priority 3 to PSTN-BestRoute  -- Added extension '#' priority 1 to PSTN-BestRoute  -- Added extension 't' priority 1 to PSTN-BestRoute  -- Added extension 'T' priority 1 to PSTN-BestRoute  -- Added extension 'i' priority 1 to PSTN-BestRoute  -- Registered extension context 'macro-dialTPSA-Sip3k'  -- Including context 'parkedcalls' in context 'macro-dialTPSA-Sip3k'  -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-dialTPSA-Sip3k  -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to macro-dialTPSA-Sip3k  -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to macro-dialTPSA-Sip3k  -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to macro-dialTPSA-Sip3k  -- Added extension 's' priority 104 to macro-dialTPSA-Sip3k  -- Registered extension context 'fromrtc'  -- Including context 'FaxOrTalk' in context 'fromrtc'  -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to fromrtc  -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to fromrtc  -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to fromrtc  -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to fromrtc  -- Added extension 's' priority 5 to fromrtc  -- Added extension 's' priority 6 to fromrtc  -- Added extension 's' priority 7 to fromrtc  -- Added extension 's' priority 8 to fromrtc  -- Added extension 's' priority 9 to fromrtc  -- Added extension 't' priority 1 to fromrtc  -- Added extension 't' priority 2 to fromrtc  -- Added extension '9866' priority 1 to fromrtc  -- Added extension 'h' priority 1 to fromrtc  -- Added extension 'T' priority 1 to fromrtc  -- Added extension 'T' priority 2 to fromrtc  -- Added extension 'info' priority 1 to fromrtc  -- Added extension 'dh' priority 1 to fromrtc  -- Added extension 'is' priority 1 to fromrtc  -- Added extension 'sip' priority 1 to fromrtc  -- Registered extension context 'macro-dialPTM'  -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-dialPTM  -- Registered extension context 'Phonebook'  -- Added extension '1' priority 1 to Phonebook  -- Added extension '1' priority 2 to Phonebook  -- Added extension '1' priority 3 to Phonebook  -- Added extension '1' priority 4 to Phonebook  -- Added extension '1' priority 5 to Phonebook  -- Added extension '1' priority 6 to Phonebook  -- Added extension '1' priority 7 to Phonebook  -- Registered extension context 'macro-dialSIPGATE'  -- Including context 'outgoing-GERMANY' in context 'macro-dialSIPGATE'  -- Including context 'outgoing-International-00' in context 'macro-dialSIPGATE'  -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-dialSIPGATE  -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to macro-dialSIPGATE  -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to macro-dialSIPGATE  -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to macro-dialSIPGATE  -- Added extension 's' priority 5 to macro-dialSIPGATE  -- Added extension 's' priority 6 to macro-dialSIPGATE  -- Added extension 's' priority 7 to macro-dialSIPGATE  -- Added extension 's' priority 8 to macro-dialSIPGATE  -- Added extension 's' priority 9 to macro-dialSIPGATE  -- Added extension 's' priority 10 to macro-dialSIPGATE  -- Added extension 's' priority 11 to macro-dialSIPGATE  -- Added extension '_XXXXX' priority 20 to macro-dialSIPGATE  -- Added extension '_XXXXX' priority 21 to macro-dialSIPGATE  -- Registered extension context 'sipgate'  -- Added extension '_94XXXXXXXX.' priority 1 to sipgate  -- Added extension '_94[*#a-z].' priority 1 to sipgate  -- Registered extension context 'incoming-sipgate'  -- Added extension '5553238' priority 1 to incoming-sipgate  -- Added extension '5553238' priority 2 to incoming-sipgate  -- Registered extension context 'macro-dialSIPBROKER'  -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-dialSIPBROKER  -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to macro-dialSIPBROKER  -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to macro-dialSIPBROKER  -- Registered extension context 'incoming-TNET'  -- Added extension '0224346431' priority 1 to incoming-TNET  -- Added extension '0224346431' priority 2 to incoming-TNET  -- Registered extension context 'macro-dialTOOTAiAudio'  -- Including context 'outgoing-POLAND' in context 'macro-dialTOOTAiAudio'  -- Including context 'outgoing-International-00' in context 'macro-dialTOOTAiAudio'  -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-dialTOOTAiAudio  -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to macro-dialTOOTAiAudio  -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to macro-dialTOOTAiAudio  -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to macro-dialTOOTAiAudio  -- Added extension 's' priority 5 to macro-dialTOOTAiAudio  -- Added extension 's' priority 6 to macro-dialTOOTAiAudio  -- Added extension 's' priority 7 to macro-dialTOOTAiAudio  -- Added extension 's' priority 8 to macro-dialTOOTAiAudio  -- Added extension 's' priority 9 to macro-dialTOOTAiAudio  -- Added extension 's' priority 10 to macro-dialTOOTAiAudio  -- Added extension 's' priority 11 to macro-dialTOOTAiAudio  -- Added extension '_817X.' priority 20 to macro-dialTOOTAiAudio  -- Added extension '_818X.' priority 20 to macro-dialTOOTAiAudio  -- Added extension 'i' priority 1 to macro-dialTOOTAiAudio  -- Registered extension context 'tootaiaudio'  -- Added extension '_96XXXXXXXX.' priority 1 to tootaiaudio  -- Added extension '_96[*#a-z].' priority 1 to tootaiaudio  -- Registered extension context 'macro-dialVOIPTALK'  -- Including context 'outgoing-BRITAIN' in context 'macro-dialVOIPTALK'  -- Including context 'outgoing-International-00' in context 'macro-dialVOIPTALK'  -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-dialVOIPTALK  -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to macro-dialVOIPTALK  -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to macro-dialVOIPTALK  -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to macro-dialVOIPTALK  -- Added extension 's' priority 5 to macro-dialVOIPTALK  -- Added extension 's' priority 6 to macro-dialVOIPTALK  -- Added extension 's' priority 7 to macro-dialVOIPTALK  -- Added extension 's' priority 8 to macro-dialVOIPTALK  -- Added extension 's' priority 9 to macro-dialVOIPTALK  -- Added extension 's' priority 10 to macro-dialVOIPTALK  -- Added extension 's' priority 11 to macro-dialVOIPTALK  -- Registered extension context 'voiptalk'  -- Added extension '_92XXXXXXXX.' priority 1 to voiptalk  -- Added extension '_92[*#a-z].' priority 1 to voiptalk  -- Registered extension context 'macro-dialWENGO'  -- Including context 'outgoing-FRANCE' in context 'macro-dialWENGO'  -- Including context 'outgoing-International-00' in context 'macro-dialWENGO'  -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-dialWENGO  -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to macro-dialWENGO  -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to macro-dialWENGO  -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to macro-dialWENGO  -- Added extension 's' priority 5 to macro-dialWENGO  -- Added extension 's' priority 6 to macro-dialWENGO  -- Added extension 's' priority 7 to macro-dialWENGO  -- Added extension 's' priority 8 to macro-dialWENGO  -- Added extension 's' priority 9 to macro-dialWENGO  -- Added extension 's' priority 10 to macro-dialWENGO  -- Added extension 's' priority 11 to macro-dialWENGO  -- Added extension '_XXX' priority 20 to macro-dialWENGO  -- Added extension '_XXX' priority 21 to macro-dialWENGO  -- Registered extension context 'wengo'  -- Added extension '_95XXXXXXXX.' priority 1 to wengo  -- Added extension '_95[*#a-z].' priority 1 to wengo  -- Registered extension context 'incoming-wengo'  -- Added extension 'tootai' priority 1 to incoming-wengo  -- Added extension 'tootai' priority 2 to incoming-wengo  -- Registered extension context 'dialLimitNew'  -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to dialLimitNew  -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to dialLimitNew  -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to dialLimitNew  -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to dialLimitNew  -- Added extension 's' priority 5 to dialLimitNew  -- Added extension 's' priority 6 to dialLimitNew  -- Added extension 's' priority 7 to dialLimitNew  -- Added extension 's' priority 8 to dialLimitNew  -- Added extension 's' priority 9 to dialLimitNew  -- Added extension 's' priority 10 to dialLimitNew  -- Added extension 's' priority 11 to dialLimitNew  -- Added extension 's' priority 12 to dialLimitNew  -- Added extension 's' priority 13 to dialLimitNew  -- Added extension 's' priority 14 to dialLimitNew  -- Added extension 's' priority 15 to dialLimitNew  -- Added extension 's' priority 16 to dialLimitNew  -- Added extension 's' priority 17 to dialLimitNew  -- Added extension 's' priority 18 to dialLimitNew  -- Added extension 's' priority 19 to dialLimitNew  -- Added extension 's' priority 20 to dialLimitNew  -- Added extension 's' priority 21 to dialLimitNew  -- Added extension 's' priority 22 to dialLimitNew  -- Added extension 's' priority 23 to dialLimitNew  -- Added extension 's' priority 24 to dialLimitNew  -- Added extension 's' priority 25 to dialLimitNew  -- Added extension 's' priority 26 to dialLimitNew  -- Added extension 's' priority 27 to dialLimitNew  -- Added extension 's' priority 28 to dialLimitNew  -- Added extension 's' priority 29 to dialLimitNew  -- Added extension 's' priority 30 to dialLimitNew  -- Added extension 's' priority 31 to dialLimitNew  -- Added extension '_s-.' priority 1 to dialLimitNew  -- Added extension '_s-.' priority 2 to dialLimitNew  -- Added extension '_s-.' priority 3 to dialLimitNew  -- Added extension '_s-.' priority 4 to dialLimitNew  -- Added extension '_s-.' priority 5 to dialLimitNew  -- Added extension '_s-.' priority 6 to dialLimitNew  -- Added extension '_s-.' priority 7 to dialLimitNew  -- Added extension '_s-.' priority 8 to dialLimitNew  -- Added extension '_s-.' priority 9 to dialLimitNew  -- Added extension '_s-.' priority 10 to dialLimitNew  -- Added extension '_s-.' priority 11 to dialLimitNew  -- Added extension '_s-.' priority 12 to dialLimitNew  -- Added extension '_s-.' priority 13 to dialLimitNew  -- Added extension '_s-.' priority 14 to dialLimitNew  -- Added extension '_s-.' priority 15 to dialLimitNew  -- Added extension 'T' priority 1 to dialLimitNew  -- Added extension 't' priority 1 to dialLimitNew  -- Added extension 'h' priority 1 to dialLimitNew  -- Added extension 'i' priority 1 to dialLimitNew  -- Registered extension context 'callingservice'  -- Including context 'UserServiceExtensions' in context 'callingservice'  -- Including context 'NotValid' in context 'callingservice'  -- Added extension '_825XXX' priority 1 to callingservice  -- Added extension '_825XXX' priority 2 to callingservice  -- Added extension '_XXXXXX.' priority 1 to callingservice  -- Added extension '_XXXXXX.' priority 2 to callingservice  -- Added extension '_XXXXXX.' priority 3 to callingservice  -- Added extension '_XXXXXX.' priority 4 to callingservice  -- Added extension '_XXXXXX.' priority 5 to callingservice  -- Registered extension context 'dialLimited'  -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to dialLimited  -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to dialLimited  -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to dialLimited  -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to dialLimited  -- Added extension 's' priority 5 to dialLimited  -- Added extension 's' priority 6 to dialLimited  -- Added extension 's' priority 7 to dialLimited  -- Added extension 's' priority 8 to dialLimited  -- Added extension 's' priority 9 to dialLimited  -- Added extension 's' priority 10 to dialLimited  -- Added extension '_s-.' priority 1 to dialLimited  -- Added extension '_s-.' priority 2 to dialLimited  -- Added extension '_s-.' priority 3 to dialLimited  -- Added extension '_s-.' priority 4 to dialLimited  -- Added extension '_s-.' priority 5 to dialLimited  -- Added extension 'T' priority 1 to dialLimited  -- Added extension 't' priority 1 to dialLimited  -- Added extension 'h' priority 1 to dialLimited  -- Registered extension context 'macro-checkGWLimit'  -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-checkGWLimit  -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to macro-checkGWLimit  -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to macro-checkGWLimit  -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to macro-checkGWLimit  -- Added extension 's' priority 5 to macro-checkGWLimit  -- Added extension 's' priority 6 to macro-checkGWLimit  -- Added extension 's' priority 7 to macro-checkGWLimit  -- Added extension 's' priority 8 to macro-checkGWLimit  -- Added extension 's' priority 9 to macro-checkGWLimit  -- Added extension 's' priority 10 to macro-checkGWLimit  -- Added extension 's' priority 11 to macro-checkGWLimit  -- Added extension 's' priority 12 to macro-checkGWLimit  -- Added extension 's' priority 13 to macro-checkGWLimit  -- Added extension 's' priority 14 to macro-checkGWLimit  -- Added extension 's' priority 15 to macro-checkGWLimit  -- Added extension 's' priority 16 to macro-checkGWLimit  -- Added extension 's' priority 17 to macro-checkGWLimit  -- Added extension 's' priority 18 to macro-checkGWLimit  -- Added extension 's' priority 19 to macro-checkGWLimit  -- Added extension 's' priority 20 to macro-checkGWLimit  -- Added extension 's' priority 21 to macro-checkGWLimit  -- Added extension 's' priority 22 to macro-checkGWLimit  -- Added extension 's' priority 23 to macro-checkGWLimit  -- Added extension 's' priority 24 to macro-checkGWLimit  -- Added extension 's' priority 25 to macro-checkGWLimit  -- Added extension 's' priority 26 to macro-checkGWLimit  -- Added extension 's' priority 27 to macro-checkGWLimit  -- Added extension 's' priority 28 to macro-checkGWLimit  -- Added extension 's' priority 29 to macro-checkGWLimit  -- Added extension 's' priority 30 to macro-checkGWLimit  -- Added extension 's' priority 31 to macro-checkGWLimit  -- Added extension 's' priority 32 to macro-checkGWLimit  -- Added extension 's' priority 33 to macro-checkGWLimit  -- Added extension 's' priority 34 to macro-checkGWLimit  -- Added extension 's' priority 35 to macro-checkGWLimit  -- Added extension 's' priority 36 to macro-checkGWLimit  -- Added extension 's' priority 37 to macro-checkGWLimit  -- Added extension 's' priority 38 to macro-checkGWLimit  -- Added extension 's' priority 39 to macro-checkGWLimit  -- Added extension 's' priority 40 to macro-checkGWLimit  -- Added extension 's' priority 41 to macro-checkGWLimit  -- Added extension 's' priority 42 to macro-checkGWLimit  -- Added extension 's' priority 43 to macro-checkGWLimit  -- Added extension 's' priority 44 to macro-checkGWLimit  -- Added extension 's' priority 45 to macro-checkGWLimit  -- Added extension 's' priority 46 to macro-checkGWLimit  -- Added extension '_s-.' priority 1 to macro-checkGWLimit  -- Added extension 'h' priority 1 to macro-checkGWLimit  -- Added extension 't' priority 1 to macro-checkGWLimit  -- Added extension 'T' priority 1 to macro-checkGWLimit  -- Added extension 'i' priority 1 to macro-checkGWLimit  -- Registered extension context 'macro-callDecrease'  -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-callDecrease  -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to macro-callDecrease  -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to macro-callDecrease  -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to macro-callDecrease  -- Added extension 's' priority 5 to macro-callDecrease  -- Added extension 's' priority 6 to macro-callDecrease  -- Added extension 's' priority 7 to macro-callDecrease  -- Added extension 's' priority 8 to macro-callDecrease  -- Added extension 's' priority 9 to macro-callDecrease  -- Added extension 's' priority 10 to macro-callDecrease  -- Added extension 's' priority 11 to macro-callDecrease  -- Added extension 's' priority 12 to macro-callDecrease  -- Added extension 's' priority 13 to macro-callDecrease  -- Registered extension context 'FaxOrTalk'  -- Added extension 'fax' priority 1 to FaxOrTalk  -- Added extension 'fax' priority 2 to FaxOrTalk  -- Added extension 'fax' priority 3 to FaxOrTalk  -- Added extension 'fax' priority 4 to FaxOrTalk  -- Added extension 'fax' priority 5 to FaxOrTalk  -- Added extension 's-BUSY' priority 1 to FaxOrTalk  -- Added extension 's-BUSY' priority 2 to FaxOrTalk  -- Added extension 's-CHANUNAVAIL' priority 1 to FaxOrTalk  -- Added extension 's-CONGESTION' priority 1 to FaxOrTalk  -- Added extension '_s.' priority 1 to FaxOrTalk  -- Added extension 't' priority 1 to FaxOrTalk  -- Added extension 'T' priority 1 to FaxOrTalk  -- Added extension 'talk' priority 1 to FaxOrTalk  -- Added extension 'talk' priority 2 to FaxOrTalk  -- Added extension 'talk' priority 3 to FaxOrTalk  -- Registered extension context 'IsFAX?'  -- Added extension '_0.' priority 1 to IsFAX?  -- Added extension '_0.' priority 2 to IsFAX?  -- Added extension '_0.' priority 3 to IsFAX?  -- Added extension '200' priority 1 to IsFAX?  -- Added extension '200' priority 2 to IsFAX?  -- Added extension '200' priority 3 to IsFAX?  -- Added extension '201' priority 1 to IsFAX?  -- Added extension '201' priority 2 to IsFAX?  -- Added extension '201' priority 3 to IsFAX?  -- Registered extension context 'from-hylafax'  -- Including context 'IsFAX?' in context 'from-hylafax'  -- Added extension '_XXXXXXX' priority 1 to from-hylafax  -- Added extension '_XXXXXXX' priority 2 to from-hylafax  -- Added extension '_XXXXXXX' priority 3 to from-hylafax  -- Added extension '_XXXXXXX' priority 4 to from-hylafax  -- Added extension '_XXXXXXX' priority 5 to from-hylafax  -- Added extension '_032XXXXXXX' priority 1 to from-hylafax  -- Added extension '_032XXXXXXX' priority 2 to from-hylafax  -- Added extension '_032XXXXXXX' priority 3 to from-hylafax  -- Added extension '_032XXXXXXX' priority 4 to from-hylafax  -- Added extension '_032XXXXXXX' priority 5 to from-hylafax  -- Added extension '_0XXXXXXXXX' priority 1 to from-hylafax  -- Added extension '_0XXXXXXXXX' priority 2 to from-hylafax  -- Added extension '_0XXXXXXXXX' priority 3 to from-hylafax  -- Added extension '_0XXXXXXXXX' priority 4 to from-hylafax  -- Added extension '_0XXXXXXXXX' priority 5 to from-hylafax  -- Added extension '_ZXXXXXXX.' priority 1 to from-hylafax  -- Added extension '_ZXXXXXXX.' priority 2 to from-hylafax  -- Added extension '_ZXXXXXXX.' priority 3 to from-hylafax  -- Added extension '_ZXXXXXXX.' priority 4 to from-hylafax  -- Added extension '_ZXXXXXXX.' priority 5 to from-hylafax  -- Added extension '_00ZXXXXXXX.' priority 1 to from-hylafax  -- Added extension '_00ZXXXXXXX.' priority 2 to from-hylafax  -- Added extension '_00ZXXXXXXX.' priority 3 to from-hylafax  -- Added extension '_00ZXXXXXXX.' priority 4 to from-hylafax  -- Added extension '_00ZXXXXXXX.' priority 5 to from-hylafax  -- Registered extension context 'macro-dialFREEVOIP'  -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-dialFREEVOIP  -- Registered extension context 'from-FREEVOIP'  -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to from-FREEVOIP  -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to from-FREEVOIP  -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to from-FREEVOIP  -- Registered extension context 'from-134'  -- Added extension '_X.' priority 1 to from-134  -- Added extension '_X.' priority 2 to from-134  -- Added extension '_X.' priority 3 to from-134  -- Added extension '_X.' priority 4 to from-134  -- Added extension '_X.' priority 5 to from-134  -- Added extension '_X.' priority 6 to from-134  -- Registered extension context 'macro-checkGWLimit2'  -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-checkGWLimit2  -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to macro-checkGWLimit2  -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to macro-checkGWLimit2  -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to macro-checkGWLimit2  -- Added extension 's' priority 5 to macro-checkGWLimit2  -- Added extension 's' priority 6 to macro-checkGWLimit2  -- Added extension 's' priority 7 to macro-checkGWLimit2  -- Added extension 's' priority 8 to macro-checkGWLimit2  -- Added extension 's' priority 9 to macro-checkGWLimit2  -- Added extension 's' priority 10 to macro-checkGWLimit2  -- Added extension 's' priority 11 to macro-checkGWLimit2  -- Added extension 's' priority 12 to macro-checkGWLimit2  -- Added extension 's' priority 13 to macro-checkGWLimit2  -- Added extension 's' priority 14 to macro-checkGWLimit2  -- Added extension 's' priority 15 to macro-checkGWLimit2  -- Added extension 's' priority 16 to macro-checkGWLimit2  -- Added extension 's' priority 17 to macro-checkGWLimit2  -- Added extension 's' priority 18 to macro-checkGWLimit2  -- Added extension 's' priority 19 to macro-checkGWLimit2  -- Added extension 's' priority 20 to macro-checkGWLimit2  -- Added extension 's' priority 21 to macro-checkGWLimit2  -- Added extension 's' priority 22 to macro-checkGWLimit2  -- Added extension 's' priority 23 to macro-checkGWLimit2  -- Added extension 's' priority 24 to macro-checkGWLimit2  -- Added extension 's' priority 25 to macro-checkGWLimit2  -- Added extension 's' priority 26 to macro-checkGWLimit2  -- Added extension 's' priority 27 to macro-checkGWLimit2  -- Added extension 's' priority 28 to macro-checkGWLimit2  -- Added extension 's' priority 29 to macro-checkGWLimit2  -- Added extension 's' priority 30 to macro-checkGWLimit2  -- Added extension 's' priority 31 to macro-checkGWLimit2  -- Added extension 's' priority 32 to macro-checkGWLimit2  -- Added extension 's' priority 33 to macro-checkGWLimit2  -- Added extension 's' priority 34 to macro-checkGWLimit2  -- Added extension 's' priority 35 to macro-checkGWLimit2  -- Added extension 's' priority 36 to macro-checkGWLimit2  -- Added extension 's' priority 37 to macro-checkGWLimit2  -- Added extension 's' priority 38 to macro-checkGWLimit2  -- Added extension 's' priority 39 to macro-checkGWLimit2  -- Added extension 's' priority 40 to macro-checkGWLimit2  -- Added extension 's' priority 41 to macro-checkGWLimit2  -- Added extension 's' priority 42 to macro-checkGWLimit2  -- Added extension 's' priority 43 to macro-checkGWLimit2  -- Added extension 'S' priority 44 to macro-checkGWLimit2  -- Added extension 's' priority 45 to macro-checkGWLimit2  -- Added extension 's' priority 46 to macro-checkGWLimit2  -- Added extension 's' priority 47 to macro-checkGWLimit2  -- Added extension 's' priority 48 to macro-checkGWLimit2  -- Added extension 's' priority 49 to macro-checkGWLimit2  -- Added extension 's' priority 50 to macro-checkGWLimit2  -- Added extension 's' priority 51 to macro-checkGWLimit2  -- Added extension 's' priority 52 to macro-checkGWLimit2  -- Added extension 's' priority 53 to macro-checkGWLimit2  -- Added extension 's' priority 54 to macro-checkGWLimit2  -- Added extension 's' priority 55 to macro-checkGWLimit2  -- Added extension 's' priority 56 to macro-checkGWLimit2  -- Registered extension context 'macro-limitDecrease'  -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-limitDecrease  -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to macro-limitDecrease  -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to macro-limitDecrease  -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to macro-limitDecrease  -- Added extension 's' priority 5 to macro-limitDecrease  -- Added extension 's' priority 6 to macro-limitDecrease  -- Added extension 's' priority 7 to macro-limitDecrease  -- Added extension 's' priority 8 to macro-limitDecrease  -- Added extension 's' priority 9 to macro-limitDecrease  -- Registered extension context 'macro-updateGWcount2'  -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-updateGWcount2  -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to macro-updateGWcount2  -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to macro-updateGWcount2  -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to macro-updateGWcount2  -- Registered extension context 'from-audio-pstn'  -- Including context 'FaxOrTalk' in context 'from-audio-pstn'  -- Added extension '0048222124228' priority 1 to from-audio-pstn  -- Added extension '0048222124228' priority 2 to from-audio-pstn  -- Added extension '0048222124228' priority 3 to from-audio-pstn  -- Added extension '0048222124228' priority 4 to from-audio-pstn  -- Added extension '0048222123396' priority 1 to from-audio-pstn  -- Added extension '0048222123396' priority 2 to from-audio-pstn  -- Added extension '0048222123396' priority 3 to from-audio-pstn  -- Added extension '0048222123396' priority 4 to from-audio-pstn  -- Added extension '0048222124207' priority 1 to from-audio-pstn  -- Added extension '0048222124207' priority 2 to from-audio-pstn  -- Added extension '0048222124207' priority 3 to from-audio-pstn  -- Added extension '0048222124207' priority 4 to from-audio-pstn  -- Added extension '0048222124207' priority 5 to from-audio-pstn  -- Added extension 't' priority 1 to from-audio-pstn  -- Added extension 't' priority 2 to from-audio-pstn  -- Registered extension context 'default-jabber'  -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to default-jabber  -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to default-jabber  -- Added extension '11' priority 1 to default-jabber  -- Registered extension context 'incoming-jabberguest'  -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to incoming-jabberguest  -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to incoming-jabberguest  -- Registered extension context 'gtalk'  -- Added extension '400' priority 1 to gtalk  -- Added extension '400' priority 2 to gtalk  -- Registered extension context 'incoming-gtalk'  -- Added extension '' priority 1 to incoming-gtalk  -- Added extension '' priority 2 to incoming-gtalk  -- Added extension '' priority 3 to incoming-gtalk  -- Registered extension context 'macro-lookENUM'  -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-lookENUM  -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to macro-lookENUM  -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to macro-lookENUM  -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to macro-lookENUM  -- Added extension 's' priority 5 to macro-lookENUM  -- Added extension 'h' priority 1 to macro-lookENUM  -- Added extension 't' priority 1 to macro-lookENUM  -- Added extension 'T' priority 1 to macro-lookENUM  -- Registered extension context 'macro-bestRoute'  -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-bestRoute  -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to macro-bestRoute  -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to macro-bestRoute  -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to macro-bestRoute  -- Added extension 's' priority 5 to macro-bestRoute  -- Added extension 's' priority 6 to macro-bestRoute  -- Added extension 's' priority 7 to macro-bestRoute  -- Registered extension context 'macro-setCallVariables'  -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-setCallVariables  -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to macro-setCallVariables  -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to macro-setCallVariables  -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to macro-setCallVariables  -- Added extension 's' priority 5 to macro-setCallVariables  -- Registered extension context 'macro-formatCIDNumber'  -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-formatCIDNumber  -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to macro-formatCIDNumber  -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to macro-formatCIDNumber  -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to macro-formatCIDNumber  -- Added extension 's' priority 5 to macro-formatCIDNumber  -- Added extension 's' priority 6 to macro-formatCIDNumber  -- Added extension 's' priority 7 to macro-formatCIDNumber  -- Added extension 's' priority 8 to macro-formatCIDNumber  -- Registered extension context 'macro-removeCharInString'  -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-removeCharInString  -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to macro-removeCharInString  -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to macro-removeCharInString  -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to macro-removeCharInString  -- Added extension 's' priority 5 to macro-removeCharInString  -- Added extension 's' priority 6 to macro-removeCharInString  -- Added extension 's' priority 7 to macro-removeCharInString  -- Added extension 's' priority 8 to macro-removeCharInString  -- Added extension 's' priority 9 to macro-removeCharInString  -- Registered extension context 'macro-dial-WaitingDialTone'  -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-dial-WaitingDialTone  -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to macro-dial-WaitingDialTone  -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to macro-dial-WaitingDialTone  -- Registered extension context 'macro-SendSMS-WaitingDialTone'  -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-SendSMS-WaitingDialTone  -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to macro-SendSMS-WaitingDialTone  -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to macro-SendSMS-WaitingDialTone  -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to macro-SendSMS-WaitingDialTone  -- Registered extension context 'MSE-resetGatewayCounters'  -- Added extension '_**0XX' priority 1 to MSE-resetGatewayCounters  -- Added extension '_**0XX' priority 2 to MSE-resetGatewayCounters  -- Added extension '_**0XX' priority 3 to MSE-resetGatewayCounters  -- Added extension '_**0XX' priority 4 to MSE-resetGatewayCounters  -- Added extension '_**0XX' priority 5 to MSE-resetGatewayCounters  -- Added extension '_**0XXX' priority 1 to MSE-resetGatewayCounters  -- Added extension '_**0XXX' priority 2 to MSE-resetGatewayCounters  -- Added extension '_**0XXX' priority 3 to MSE-resetGatewayCounters  -- Added extension '_**0XXX' priority 4 to MSE-resetGatewayCounters  -- Added extension '_**0XXX' priority 5 to MSE-resetGatewayCounters  -- Added extension '_**0XXXX' priority 1 to MSE-resetGatewayCounters  -- Added extension '_**0XXXX' priority 2 to MSE-resetGatewayCounters  -- Added extension '_**0XXXX' priority 3 to MSE-resetGatewayCounters  -- Added extension '_**0XXXX' priority 4 to MSE-resetGatewayCounters  -- Added extension '_**0XXXX' priority 5 to MSE-resetGatewayCounters  -- Registered extension context 'standardIncomingCall'  -- Including context 'FaxOrTalk' in context 'standardIncomingCall'  -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to standardIncomingCall  -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to standardIncomingCall  -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to standardIncomingCall  -- Added extension 't' priority 1 to standardIncomingCall  -- Added extension 't' priority 2 to standardIncomingCall  -- Registered extension context 'outgoing-FRANCE'  -- Added extension '_0ZXXXXXXXX' priority 20 to outgoing-FRANCE  -- Added extension '_0ZXXXXXXXX' priority 21 to outgoing-FRANCE  -- Added extension '_0ZXXXXXXXX' priority 22 to outgoing-FRANCE  -- Added extension '_ZXXXXXXXX' priority 20 to outgoing-FRANCE  -- Added extension '_ZXXXXXXXX' priority 21 to outgoing-FRANCE  -- Added extension '_ZXXXXXXXX' priority 22 to outgoing-FRANCE  -- Added extension '_33ZXXXXXXXX' priority 20 to outgoing-FRANCE  -- Added extension '_33ZXXXXXXXX' priority 21 to outgoing-FRANCE  -- Registered extension context 'outgoing-BRITAIN'  -- Added extension '_0ZXXXXXXXX' priority 20 to outgoing-BRITAIN  -- Added extension '_0ZXXXXXXXX' priority 21 to outgoing-BRITAIN  -- Added extension '_0ZXXXXXXXX' priority 22 to outgoing-BRITAIN  -- Added extension '_ZXXXXXXXX' priority 20 to outgoing-BRITAIN  -- Added extension '_ZXXXXXXXX' priority 21 to outgoing-BRITAIN  -- Added extension '_ZXXXXXXXX' priority 22 to outgoing-BRITAIN  -- Added extension '_44ZXXXXXXXX' priority 20 to outgoing-BRITAIN  -- Added extension '_44ZXXXXXXXX' priority 21 to outgoing-BRITAIN  -- Registered extension context 'outgoing-POLAND'  -- Added extension '_0ZXXXXXXXX' priority 20 to outgoing-POLAND  -- Added extension '_0ZXXXXXXXX' priority 21 to outgoing-POLAND  -- Added extension '_0ZXXXXXXXX' priority 22 to outgoing-POLAND  -- Added extension '_ZXXXXXXXX' priority 20 to outgoing-POLAND  -- Added extension '_ZXXXXXXXX' priority 21 to outgoing-POLAND  -- Added extension '_ZXXXXXXXX' priority 22 to outgoing-POLAND  -- Added extension '_48ZXXXXXXXX' priority 20 to outgoing-POLAND  -- Added extension '_48ZXXXXXXXX' priority 21 to outgoing-POLAND  -- Registered extension context 'outgoing-GERMANY'  -- Added extension '_0ZXXXXXXXX' priority 20 to outgoing-GERMANY  -- Added extension '_0ZXXXXXXXX' priority 21 to outgoing-GERMANY  -- Added extension '_0ZXXXXXXXX' priority 22 to outgoing-GERMANY  -- Added extension '_ZXXXXXXXX' priority 20 to outgoing-GERMANY  -- Added extension '_ZXXXXXXXX' priority 21 to outgoing-GERMANY  -- Added extension '_ZXXXXXXXX' priority 22 to outgoing-GERMANY  -- Added extension '_49ZXXXXXXXX' priority 20 to outgoing-GERMANY  -- Added extension '_49ZXXXXXXXX' priority 21 to outgoing-GERMANY  -- Registered extension context 'outgoing-International-00'  -- Added extension '_00ZXXXXXXX.' priority 20 to outgoing-International-00  -- Added extension '_00ZXXXXXXX.' priority 21 to outgoing-International-00  -- Added extension '_00ZXXXXXXX.' priority 22 to outgoing-International-00  -- Added extension '_ZXXXXXXXX.' priority 20 to outgoing-International-00  -- Added extension '_ZXXXXXXXX.' priority 21 to outgoing-International-00  -- Registered extension context 'setMainPhone'  -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to setMainPhone  -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to setMainPhone  -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to setMainPhone  -- Added extension '0' priority 1 to setMainPhone  -- Added extension '1' priority 1 to setMainPhone  -- Added extension '2' priority 1 to setMainPhone  -- Added extension '3' priority 1 to setMainPhone  -- Added extension '#' priority 1 to setMainPhone  -- Added extension '#' priority 2 to setMainPhone  -- Added extension 'h' priority 1 to setMainPhone  -- Added extension 'T' priority 1 to setMainPhone  -- Added extension 't' priority 1 to setMainPhone  -- Added extension 'i' priority 1 to setMainPhone  -- Registered extension context 'MainPhoneDefault'  -- Added extension '0' priority 1 to MainPhoneDefault  -- Added extension '0' priority 2 to MainPhoneDefault  -- Added extension '0' priority 3 to MainPhoneDefault  -- Added extension '0' priority 4 to MainPhoneDefault  -- Added extension '0' priority 5 to MainPhoneDefault  -- Registered extension context 'MainPhoneGSM-dh'  -- Added extension '1' priority 1 to MainPhoneGSM-dh  -- Added extension '1' priority 2 to MainPhoneGSM-dh  -- Added extension '1' priority 3 to MainPhoneGSM-dh  -- Added extension '1' priority 4 to MainPhoneGSM-dh  -- Added extension '1' priority 5 to MainPhoneGSM-dh  -- Registered extension context 'MainPhoneGSM-is'  -- Added extension '2' priority 1 to MainPhoneGSM-is  -- Added extension '2' priority 2 to MainPhoneGSM-is  -- Added extension '2' priority 3 to MainPhoneGSM-is  -- Added extension '2' priority 4 to MainPhoneGSM-is  -- Added extension '2' priority 5 to MainPhoneGSM-is  -- Registered extension context 'MainPhone-FR'  -- Added extension '3' priority 1 to MainPhone-FR  -- Added extension '3' priority 2 to MainPhone-FR  -- Added extension '3' priority 3 to MainPhone-FR  -- Added extension '3' priority 4 to MainPhone-FR  -- Added extension '3' priority 5 to MainPhone-FR  -- Registered extension context 'macro-ringMainPhone'  -- Including context 'onDialstatus' in context 'macro-ringMainPhone'  -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-ringMainPhone  -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to macro-ringMainPhone  -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to macro-ringMainPhone  -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to macro-ringMainPhone  -- Added extension 's' priority 5 to macro-ringMainPhone  -- Added extension 's' priority 6 to macro-ringMainPhone  -- Added extension 's' priority 7 to macro-ringMainPhone  -- Added extension 's' priority 8 to macro-ringMainPhone  -- Added extension 's' priority 9 to macro-ringMainPhone  -- Added extension 's' priority 10 to macro-ringMainPhone  -- Added extension 's' priority 11 to macro-ringMainPhone  -- Added extension 's' priority 12 to macro-ringMainPhone  -- Added extension 's' priority 13 to macro-ringMainPhone  -- Added extension 's' priority 14 to macro-ringMainPhone  -- Added extension '_s-.' priority 1 to macro-ringMainPhone  -- Added extension '_s-.' priority 2 to macro-ringMainPhone  -- Registered extension context 'onDialstatus'  -- Added extension 's-CHANUNAVAIL' priority 20 to onDialstatus  -- Added extension 's-CHANUNAVAIL' priority 21 to onDialstatus  -- Added extension 's-CHANUNAVAIL' priority 22 to onDialstatus  -- Added extension 's-CONGESTION' priority 20 to onDialstatus  -- Added extension 's-CONGESTION' priority 21 to onDialstatus  -- Added extension 's-CONGESTION' priority 22 to onDialstatus  -- Added extension 's-NOANSWER' priority 20 to onDialstatus  -- Added extension 's-NOANSWER' priority 21 to onDialstatus  -- Added extension 's-BUSY' priority 20 to onDialstatus  -- Added extension 's-BUSY' priority 21 to onDialstatus  -- Added extension 's-BUSY' priority 22 to onDialstatus  -- Added extension 's-ANSWER' priority 20 to onDialstatus  -- Added extension 's-CANCEL' priority 20 to onDialstatus  -- Added extension '#' priority 1 to onDialstatus  -- Added extension '#' priority 2 to onDialstatus  -- Added extension 't' priority 1 to onDialstatus  -- Added extension 't' priority 2 to onDialstatus  -- Added extension 'T' priority 3 to onDialstatus  -- Added extension 'T' priority 4 to onDialstatus  -- Added extension 'h' priority 1 to onDialstatus  -- Added extension 'i' priority 1 to onDialstatus  -- Added extension 'ringFailover' priority 1 to onDialstatus  -- Added extension 'ringFailover' priority 2 to onDialstatus  -- Added extension 'ringFailover' priority 3 to onDialstatus  -- Added extension 'ringFailover' priority 4 to onDialstatus  -- Added extension 'ringFailover' priority 5 to onDialstatus  -- Added extension 'ringFailover' priority 6 to onDialstatus  -- Added extension 's-ANSWER' priority 40 to onDialstatus  -- Added extension 's-CANCEL' priority 40 to onDialstatus  -- Added extension 's-NOANSWER' priority 40 to onDialstatus  -- Added extension 's-NOANSWER' priority 41 to onDialstatus  -- Added extension 's-CHANUNAVAIL' priority 40 to onDialstatus  -- Added extension 's-CHANUNAVAIL' priority 41 to onDialstatus  -- Added extension 's-CONGESTION' priority 40 to onDialstatus  -- Added extension 's-CONGESTION' priority 41 to onDialstatus  -- Added extension 's-BUSY' priority 40 to onDialstatus  -- Added extension 's-BUSY' priority 41 to onDialstatus  -- Registered extension context 'macro-rrPeers'  -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-rrPeers  -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to macro-rrPeers  -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to macro-rrPeers  -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to macro-rrPeers  -- Added extension 's' priority 5 to macro-rrPeers  -- Added extension 's' priority 6 to macro-rrPeers  -- Added extension 's' priority 7 to macro-rrPeers  -- Added extension 's' priority 8 to macro-rrPeers  -- Added extension 's' priority 9 to macro-rrPeers  -- Added extension 's' priority 10 to macro-rrPeers  -- Added extension 's' priority 11 to macro-rrPeers  -- Added extension 's' priority 12 to macro-rrPeers  -- Added extension 's' priority 13 to macro-rrPeers  -- Added extension 's' priority 14 to macro-rrPeers  -- Added extension 's' priority 15 to macro-rrPeers  -- Added extension 's' priority 16 to macro-rrPeers  -- Added extension 's' priority 17 to macro-rrPeers  -- Added extension 's' priority 18 to macro-rrPeers  -- Added extension 's' priority 19 to macro-rrPeers  -- Added extension 's' priority 20 to macro-rrPeers  -- Added extension 's' priority 21 to macro-rrPeers  -- Added extension 's' priority 22 to macro-rrPeers  -- Added extension 's' priority 23 to macro-rrPeers  -- Added extension 's' priority 24 to macro-rrPeers  -- Added extension 's' priority 25 to macro-rrPeers  -- Added extension 's' priority 26 to macro-rrPeers  -- Added extension 's' priority 27 to macro-rrPeers  -- Registered extension context 'macro-formatAC'  -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-formatAC  -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to macro-formatAC  -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to macro-formatAC  -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to macro-formatAC  -- Added extension 's' priority 5 to macro-formatAC  -- Added extension 's' priority 6 to macro-formatAC  -- Added extension 's' priority 7 to macro-formatAC  -- Added extension 's' priority 8 to macro-formatAC  -- Added extension 's' priority 9 to macro-formatAC  -- Added extension 's' priority 10 to macro-formatAC  -- Added extension 's' priority 11 to macro-formatAC  -- Added extension 's' priority 12 to macro-formatAC  -- Added extension 's' priority 13 to macro-formatAC  -- Added extension 's' priority 14 to macro-formatAC  -- Added extension 's' priority 15 to macro-formatAC  -- Added extension 's' priority 16 to macro-formatAC  -- Added extension 's' priority 17 to macro-formatAC  -- Added extension 's' priority 18 to macro-formatAC  -- Added extension 's' priority 19 to macro-formatAC  -- Added extension 's' priority 20 to macro-formatAC  -- Added extension 's' priority 21 to macro-formatAC  -- Added extension 's' priority 22 to macro-formatAC  -- Added extension 's' priority 23 to macro-formatAC  -- Added extension 's' priority 24 to macro-formatAC  -- Added extension 's' priority 25 to macro-formatAC  -- Added extension 's' priority 26 to macro-formatAC  -- Added extension 's' priority 27 to macro-formatAC  -- Added extension 's' priority 28 to macro-formatAC  -- Added extension 's' priority 29 to macro-formatAC  -- Added extension 's' priority 30 to macro-formatAC  -- Added extension 's' priority 31 to macro-formatAC  -- Added extension 's' priority 32 to macro-formatAC  -- Added extension 's' priority 33 to macro-formatAC  -- Added extension 's' priority 34 to macro-formatAC  -- Added extension 's' priority 35 to macro-formatAC  -- Added extension 's' priority 36 to macro-formatAC  -- Added extension 's' priority 37 to macro-formatAC  -- Added extension 's' priority 38 to macro-formatAC  -- Added extension 's' priority 39 to macro-formatAC  -- Registered extension context 'from-sipphone'  -- Including context 'FaxOrTalk' in context 'from-sipphone'  -- Added extension '17476302499' priority 1 to from-sipphone  -- Added extension '17476302499' priority 2 to from-sipphone  -- Added extension '17476302499' priority 3 to from-sipphone  -- Added extension '17476302499' priority 4 to from-sipphone  -- Added extension '17476302499' priority 5 to from-sipphone  -- Added extension 't' priority 1 to from-sipphone  -- Added extension 't' priority 2 to from-sipphone  -- Registered extension context 'macro-dialSIPPHONE'  -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-dialSIPPHONE  -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to macro-dialSIPPHONE  -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to macro-dialSIPPHONE  -- Added extension 's' priority 4 to macro-dialSIPPHONE => (Text Extension Configuration) => (Call origination from the CLI) => (Loopback Switch) => (Realtime Switch)  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/codecs.conf': Found  -- codec_adpcm: using generic PLC [Jan 17 09:12:52] WARNING[11640]: translate.c:600 __ast_register_translator: plc_samples 160 format 6  == Registered translator 'adpcmtolin' from format adpcm to slin, cost 1  == Registered translator 'lintoadpcm' from format slin to adpcm, cost 1 => (Adaptive Differential PCM Coder/Decoder)  == Registered application 'SMS' => (SMS/PSTN handler)  == Registered translator 'ilbctolin' from format ilbc to slin, cost 8  == Registered translator 'lintoilbc' from format slin to ilbc, cost 61 => (iLBC Coder/Decoder) => (Resource limits)  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/sip.conf': Found  == Parsing '/usr/local/etc/asterisk/externip.conf': Found  == Parsing '/usr/local/etc/asterisk/localnet.conf': Found  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/local/additional_SIP-general.conf': Found  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/local/sip.d/000_OldStuff': Found  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/local/sip.d/700Series': Found  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/local/sip.d/DirectCentrex': Found  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/local/sip.d/FWD': Found  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/local/sip.d/Finarea': Found  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/local/sip.d/Freephonie': Found  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/local/sip.d/Numbering': Found  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/local/sip.d/SipBROKER': Found  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/local/sip.d/Sipgate': Found  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/local/sip.d/TNET': Found  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/local/sip.d/WENGO': Found  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/local/sip.d/a2billing.conf': Found  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/local/sip.d/adlp': Found  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/local/sip.d/sipphone': Found  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/local/sip.d/terek': Found  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/local/sip.d/tootaiAudio': Found  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/local/sip.d/voipEP': Found  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060  -- SIP Seeding peer from astdb: '107' at 107@ for 300  == SIP Listening on  == Using SIP TOS: CS3  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/sip_notify.conf': Found  == Registered channel type 'SIP' (Session Initiation Protocol (SIP))  == Registered application 'SIPDtmfMode'  == Registered application 'SIPAddHeader'  == Registered custom function SIP_HEADER  == Registered custom function SIPPEER  == Registered custom function SIPCHANINFO  == Registered custom function CHECKSIPDOMAIN  == Manager registered action SIPpeers  == Manager registered action SIPshowpeer => (Session Initiation Protocol (SIP))  == Registered custom function FIELDQTY  == Registered custom function FILTER  == Registered custom function REGEX  == Registered custom function ARRAY  == Registered custom function QUOTE  == Registered custom function LEN  == Registered custom function STRFTIME  == Registered custom function STRPTIME  == Registered custom function EVAL  == Registered custom function KEYPADHASH  == Registered custom function SPRINTF  == Registered custom function HASHKEYS  == Registered custom function HASH  == Registered application 'ClearHash' => (String handling dialplan functions)  == Registered custom function TIMEOUT => (Channel timeout dialplan functions)  == Registered custom function VERSION => (Get Asterisk Version/Build Info)  == Registered application 'DeadAGI'  == Registered application 'EAGI'  == Registered application 'AGI' => (Asterisk Gateway Interface (AGI))  == Registered channel type 'Agent' (Call Agent Proxy Channel)  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/agents.conf': Found  == Registered application 'AgentLogin'  == Registered application 'AgentMonitorOutgoing'  == Manager registered action Agents  == Manager registered action AgentLogoff  == Registered custom function AGENT => (Agent Proxy Channel)  == Registered application 'ChannelRedirect' => (Channel Redirect)  == Registered application 'Pickup' => (Directed Call Pickup Application)  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/followme.conf': Found *CLI>  == Registered application 'FollowMe' => (Find-Me/Follow-Me Application)  == Registered application 'Morsecode' => (Morse code)  == Registered application 'SpeechCreate'  == Registered application 'SpeechLoadGrammar'  == Registered application 'SpeechUnloadGrammar'  == Registered application 'SpeechActivateGrammar'  == Registered application 'SpeechDeactivateGrammar'  == Registered application 'SpeechStart'  == Registered application 'SpeechBackground'  == Registered application 'SpeechDestroy'  == Registered application 'SpeechProcessingSound'  == Registered custom function SPEECH  == Registered custom function SPEECH_SCORE  == Registered custom function SPEECH_TEXT  == Registered custom function SPEECH_GRAMMAR  == Registered custom function SPEECH_ENGINE => (Dialplan Speech Applications)  == Registered application 'ZapScan' => (Scan Zap channels application)  == Registered file format h264, extension(s) h264 => (Raw H.264 data)  == Registered file format ogg_vorbis, extension(s) ogg => (OGG/Vorbis audio)  == Registered custom function BLACKLIST => (Look up Caller*ID name/number from blacklist database)  == Registered custom function GLOBAL => (Global variable dialplan functions)  == Registered custom function GROUP_COUNT  == Registered custom function GROUP_MATCH_COUNT  == Registered custom function GROUP_LIST  == Registered custom function GROUP => (Channel group dialplan functions)  == Registered custom function IFMODULE => (Checks if Asterisk module is loaded in memory) Asterisk Ready. Really destroying SIP dialog '5ee29f4e0a5997c52110454b4df8f04d@' Method: NOTIFY REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to 0874586959@freephonie [Jan 17 09:13:13] WARNING[11640]: chan_sip.c:12112 handle_response_register: Got 423 Interval too brief for service 0874586959@freephonie, minimum is 1800 seconds REGISTER attempt 2 to 0874586959@freephonie Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 3 to 0874586959@freephonie REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to 1710548309@  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to [Jan 17 09:13:15] WARNING[11640]: chan_sip.c:12090 handle_response_register: Forbidden - wrong password on authentication for REGISTER for '6839026' to '' Really destroying SIP dialog '6cef2d901cfe41b962a942de679eea1f@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 2 to 1710548309@ REGISTER attempt 2 to [Jan 17 09:13:15] WARNING[11640]: chan_sip.c:12139 handle_response_register: Got 200 OK on REGISTER that isn't a register Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER [Jan 17 09:13:15] WARNING[11640]: chan_sip.c:12090 handle_response_register: Forbidden - wrong password on authentication for REGISTER for '1710548309' to '' Really destroying SIP dialog '53e2bb8e5e3c53537f4c989f4d4588ec@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '292e60850044c6ee207d9aef120bbecb@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '596b665b3144ee623e22161503ac6f88@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '317ef320675a155b6fcc90507eebdf5b@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '3660177d23ecd1143aac6eb77a5ac62e@' Method: OPTIONS  -- Saved useragent "TMS320V5000 TI50002.0.8.3" for peer 107 REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: Really destroying SIP dialog '3ddadd7c134db36521b176737d343df4@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f174f42675d418719c61fd06ffe107b@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to  -- Executing [90227742494@WholeExtensions:1] Macro("SIP/106-0824e5f8", "dialTO-is-national|227742494|rTt") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-dialTO-is-national:1] Set("SIP/106-0824e5f8", "GLOBAL(DIALEDPREFIX)=0048") in new stack  == Setting global variable 'DIALEDPREFIX' to '0048'  -- Executing [s@macro-dialTO-is-national:2] Set("SIP/106-0824e5f8", "GLOBAL(DIALEDNUMBER)=227742494") in new stack  == Setting global variable 'DIALEDNUMBER' to '227742494'  -- Executing [s@macro-dialTO-is-national:3] Set("SIP/106-0824e5f8", "GLOBAL(DIALOPT)=rTt") in new stack  == Setting global variable 'DIALOPT' to 'rTt'  -- Executing [s@macro-dialTO-is-national:4] Goto("SIP/106-0824e5f8", "PSTN-BestRoute|s|1") in new stack  -- Goto (PSTN-BestRoute,s,1)  == Channel 'SIP/106-0824e5f8' jumping out of macro 'dialTO-is-national'  -- Executing [s@PSTN-BestRoute:1] NoOp("SIP/106-0824e5f8", "Validate PSTN route for 227742494") in new stack  -- Executing [s@PSTN-BestRoute:2] Set("SIP/106-0824e5f8", "CHANNEL(language)=fr") in new stack  -- Executing [s@PSTN-BestRoute:3] BackGround("SIP/106-0824e5f8", "2tai-PSTN-valid") in new stack [Jan 17 09:18:43] ERROR[11640]: chan_sip.c:14906 sipsock_read: We could NOT get the channel lock for SIP/106-0824e5f8! [Jan 17 09:18:43] ERROR[11640]: chan_sip.c:14907 sipsock_read: SIP transaction failed: ec6a9b-323e7e01@  -- Playing '2tai-PSTN-valid' (language 'fr')  == CDR updated on SIP/106-0824e5f8  -- Executing [1@PSTN-BestRoute:1] NoOp("SIP/106-0824e5f8", "We use TPSA for 0048227742494") in new stack  -- Executing [1@PSTN-BestRoute:2] Set("SIP/106-0824e5f8", "GLOBAL(OnNoENUM)=dialTPSA") in new stack  == Setting global variable 'OnNoENUM' to 'dialTPSA'  -- Executing [1@PSTN-BestRoute:3] Goto("SIP/106-0824e5f8", "s|enum") in new stack  -- Goto (PSTN-BestRoute,s,7)  -- Executing [s@PSTN-BestRoute:7] Macro("SIP/106-0824e5f8", "lookENUM|0048227742494") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-lookENUM:1] NoOp("SIP/106-0824e5f8", "ENUM look: 0048227742494") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-lookENUM:2] Set("SIP/106-0824e5f8", "GLOBAL(IMPERATIVE)=no") in new stack  == Setting global variable 'IMPERATIVE' to 'no'  -- Executing [s@macro-lookENUM:3] Set("SIP/106-0824e5f8", "NoENUMmacro=dialTPSA") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-lookENUM:4] Set("SIP/106-0824e5f8", "ENUMEXTEN=") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-lookENUM:5] Macro("SIP/106-0824e5f8", "dialTPSA") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-dialTPSA:1] NoOp("SIP/106-0824e5f8", "Outgoing TPSA call") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-dialTPSA:2] GotoIf("SIP/106-0824e5f8", "0?dial1") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-dialTPSA:3] GotoIf("SIP/106-0824e5f8", "0?dial1") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-dialTPSA:4] GotoIf("SIP/106-0824e5f8", "0?dial1") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-dialTPSA:5] Set("SIP/106-0824e5f8", "GLOBAL(DIALEDNUMBER)=0227742494") in new stack  == Setting global variable 'DIALEDNUMBER' to '0227742494'  -- Executing [s@macro-dialTPSA:6] Set("SIP/106-0824e5f8", "CALLERID(name)=") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-dialTPSA:7] Set("SIP/106-0824e5f8", "CALLERID(num)=+48322855276") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-dialTPSA:8] Dial("SIP/106-0824e5f8", "Zap/1/0227742494||rTt") in new stack  -- Called 1/0227742494  -- Zap/1-1 answered SIP/106-0824e5f8 Really destroying SIP dialog '29fd3a8337132a521b5dbdd359c0f4b0@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '5e04dd8b76bf20b023af9caa2876a79a@' Method: OPTIONS  -- Hungup 'Zap/1-1'  == Spawn extension (macro-dialTPSA, s, 8) exited non-zero on 'SIP/106-0824e5f8' Really destroying SIP dialog 'ec6a9b-323e7e01@' Method: BYE REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '58cf95b84a0b4cc5139e7b7e3a27b684@' Method: OPTIONS JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '20d0e2337623f9ef7febd318344ef30e@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '4c9c4c4e6b8a91412661b31e47acb0f1@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '2d019918140dad70306142684a4a137e@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '58e682835c7ae0f71e4ce8a75ab22d79@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '6fc57dfa10e803f936edbb9401a70ab6@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: Really destroying SIP dialog '49ac628652e2f81013c299440309de0c@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '33728dcd55908c306458cc56149a0871@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '47ee5fac0b76e9940af949715938c06c@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0c7049d160a2997a20ed17593e9fb121@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '5ba96f1752303b114cfe96296dc93ce8@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: Really destroying SIP dialog '1ffd789233b7711d197410c20ec22125@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '1ace62fe5575e34d300946134f7c419c@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '3f405f0a0509fa931edff125537d57b8@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '2791aca1597abddc0ce64a197b613b8a@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '455817443c90964511a731d774cc2a7a@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '24472aef182bebf3611761742f9e2e1a@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '681c56240b71d1532862551e52966949@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '4ddf4883725378f1155828903f7fbb18@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '74ce510544ec6ffc1409d3515b79a9aa@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0078ec934ae63e247b1f31470ccb15a6@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '6142c3e434dd64a347d4a49e41830402@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '0795bcb623efe4f06523e3b932635315@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to 0874586959@freephonie REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0733e9a66ab69e533d2982244fd2af8e@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '45fe4e603ca02e6a5b424e6e092b4e43@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '39e67abf50e687276c81b31746955288@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO JABBER: googletalk INCOMING:  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '0f321b9a0849fcb86aa1ad553fba721b@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '527ad9ad1b2e82ef60c67529550b9d42@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '2517ca9128aa4330007ac7241af74a57@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '2d8054cb4844655b46e1372f2cb79bf8@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '2a6a1def53062e532f56a02230451a0c@' Method: OPTIONS JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '07a8bc66355054cf5a0c213b5dcbc527@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '5a92684f28cdf1404a17c1902a1279ff@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '7eb35e461501ad213d8fab1d5038bae5@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '5f41577e6e32da880defaa7671123d7f@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '14684777712b8017070b7701681d6d1e@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: Really destroying SIP dialog '2d40fbeb6a5a35bc4e85649c2804c445@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0818db030fb1886b2ebbe72c657b7ae4@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '34593e8152b6da190d04640f5a06b457@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '00c3bb0c7a8d5cfe041ecde648d7239d@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '6ed0d6472b2d97317f6056541fc8ff6e@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: Really destroying SIP dialog '41595a2547eae77848564fbf2e83341b@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '50b8d6fd7573d3c230d96bea33bc5dec@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '556ac4263af85a5010e9c0802d476b68@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0c08727f67a5e2e21f41f1932be0bbc0@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '699bb69a7321a0fe72afef67578a3ad5@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: Really destroying SIP dialog '257238d878e6e733448bfb6f497699b6@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '17f7d8426c62dc7062d6dd875655af14@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '5d9ea4c831f3f31454fe3a1357dba97f@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '66825704600e5f4b2968a21e4f13be63@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '71cc98d671925ada5da7ddce0dd5663b@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '597bdc4546cf53d121c804787de3c3db@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to 0874586959@freephonie REGISTER attempt 2 to 0874586959@freephonie REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '17d0f5e55a9709080139585712c6cd0e@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '23b77dc81c4b41a16f604094545d4ce6@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '39b71879176d56ae1fc1291f5913d250@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0cde6e50516c0975106a971551608907@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '4da08fc66cc75d881553e64e044c0b2d@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '31842f7e71b65fcb1c917feb71cfabb4@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '5b9a88214ac2c61c4ad783855b88d1be@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '4c26c51966d190d35426bc1e000e36ef@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '2256f53955d3e4315fa0bf10357c62a3@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '42242fc3528635a36c1fa375405408d2@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '33acf48b0816b68d678dc1d103e4aeb2@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '48be3eb36f7bf4093f660768470544e5@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0f7294af512d6aa72d58ed273bcca7aa@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '61e902dc55f83e62680b35ac09b21ccd@' Method: OPTIONS JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '6fee0d4e0c5352234b25c0c62f55e442@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '448a599e1a0e3ad5046685a7624eeaee@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '7a7b4e4406698fb75704638213537e9e@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '2ac678fd5207ec004e0d75b14f93ddd7@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '13d910b14dae13b5452b92f177bef266@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '1a012bcd5f442151794b7ba811c7f695@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '25a4cd870a86953779f5aee55ca3021c@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '27018c685e12cea336a6ff68332dbac6@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '071be35b2fcc77522db1728d10e3c8ce@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '2c45647e51927ecf1edc0c82659006fd@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: Really destroying SIP dialog '0c7604e3409ee26213cac52d2ed98338@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7764b59651627ae34f888da01f99a14c@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '344db31930265691272af3a16795b2fd@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '6d2b87d234928e6b3084579c4c2886d4@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '4fdbbcd64f702ba60dfa9c5d4a08daac@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '1f17061b26c791d16bd200ef5f8c9b78@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to 0874586959@freephonie REGISTER attempt 2 to 0874586959@freephonie REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '4cac140e2d0779284bd88cce49847af1@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '68c036b05df04e6466fa77a36c6dd85f@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '21e73af22df26c597dcc5eeb206dcd83@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '3dc8cc3d5d8da0651472656802c0e43a@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '22e163d4278b8312511e1f5756e6a6d4@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '6732f906583b51d97eb6dbd360983be9@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0cc3ff6f63b5b1fa4964eec265149636@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '126b2d6a4a95dd0558a4a0271f0a61d0@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '4738efb574d5922962d3516135dfc3d0@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '51c76369507d06dc164f62d7662f5806@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '6377630f0182f8d573313fb60a60b522@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '3338043b5172f3e70d92ae323941b714@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '29919d8f46cd6f3a24afe6f7494c80d1@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '4558ae1d50264c4f49df50861d73f362@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '67202f053eb8752c524a272d730569aa@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '325adc913a446aa154242b3c62f0ba79@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '3abf61f3239ac96f35545ae162cb0c67@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '67f893ed54ddfc4f2d37214920bfce42@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0ab965586200f67029908b9e11951f33@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '7e8886652e7090b42f7d10c861bc3029@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '5ebe1c1a665026e26b1432633dd67c7e@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '02f1db624f5dc56c20cffe0f2824a197@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '2cdf2e3211f9d00f09a2369711423536@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '42190b857882b441341021043c5374bb@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: Really destroying SIP dialog '0e8ec9d51aa2a4bb505123e94e020cfa@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '547688f15a9d0f0c32ef57ce798f65f2@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '774a680576fe666822b9d20f082a99c9@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo  -- Accepting UNAUTHENTICATED call from > requested format = g726aal2, > requested prefs = (g726|g729|ulaw|alaw), > actual format = ulaw, > host prefs = (gsm|ulaw|alaw|g726), > priority = mine  -- Executing [s@incoming-iaxguest:1] Macro("IAX2/scooter-gw-3", "ringMainPhone|60|t|IaxGuest") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-ringMainPhone:1] NoOp("IAX2/scooter-gw-3", "Call from IaxGuest") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-ringMainPhone:2] Set("IAX2/scooter-gw-3", "REDIRECT_TO=") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-ringMainPhone:3] GotoIf("IAX2/scooter-gw-3", "0?AtHome:") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-ringMainPhone:4] GotoIf("IAX2/scooter-gw-3", "0?InTravel:") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-ringMainPhone:5] Set("IAX2/scooter-gw-3", "timeToRing=20") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-ringMainPhone:6] Dial("IAX2/scooter-gw-3", "SIP/107|20|t") in new stack  -- Called 107  -- SIP/107-082495b8 is ringing Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER  -- Nobody picked up in 20000 ms  -- Executing [s@macro-ringMainPhone:7] Goto("IAX2/scooter-gw-3", "s-NOANSWER|1") in new stack  -- Goto (macro-ringMainPhone,s-NOANSWER,1)  -- Executing [s-NOANSWER@macro-ringMainPhone:1] NoOp("IAX2/scooter-gw-3", "Ring devices end status is NOANSWER with hangup cause 0") in new stack  -- Executing [s-NOANSWER@macro-ringMainPhone:2] Goto("IAX2/scooter-gw-3", "onStatus") in new stack  -- Goto (macro-ringMainPhone,s-NOANSWER,20)  -- Executing [s-NOANSWER@macro-ringMainPhone:20] Goto("IAX2/scooter-gw-3", "ringFailover|1") in new stack  -- Goto (macro-ringMainPhone,ringFailover,1)  -- Executing [ringFailover@macro-ringMainPhone:1] NoOp("IAX2/scooter-gw-3", "Failover in action") in new stack  -- Executing [ringFailover@macro-ringMainPhone:2] Set("IAX2/scooter-gw-3", "dialopt=t") in new stack  -- Executing [ringFailover@macro-ringMainPhone:3] GotoIf("IAX2/scooter-gw-3", "0?:startDial") in new stack  -- Goto (macro-ringMainPhone,ringFailover,5)  -- Executing [ringFailover@macro-ringMainPhone:5] Dial("IAX2/scooter-gw-3", "SIP/106&SIP/107|20|t") in new stack  -- Called 106  -- Called 107  -- SIP/107-0825a540 is ringing  -- SIP/106-08246d50 is ringing Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER  == Spawn extension (macro-ringMainPhone, ringFailover, 5) exited non-zero on 'IAX2/scooter-gw-3'  -- Executing [h@macro-ringMainPhone:1] Hangup("IAX2/scooter-gw-3", "") in new stack  == Spawn extension (macro-ringMainPhone, h, 1) exited non-zero on 'IAX2/scooter-gw-3'  -- Hungup 'IAX2/scooter-gw-3' Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7050db0b1af7b699721ca41e3189e7ea@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '1d90112b424056263a6f24e7300cae74@' Method: INVITE Really destroying SIP dialog '5a910e766033f5e23378f598493ada90@' Method: INVITE Really destroying SIP dialog '2790616e32d7e8c743ba657a054d918d@' Method: INVITE REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '3ba1980e178f9ea82c905b8901c74b6a@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '2102eead35e2313b6dede2b561e04522@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to 0874586959@freephonie REGISTER attempt 2 to 0874586959@freephonie REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '69d85c044eee699a35cf8d39633b1cf3@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '2b0fb74317bef2075d7601562f5f7407@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '097d1563314c82382e27d8b42e7570f3@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '324cfcee2e3875d93a5e8e2442973e2a@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '2ac071f44b8731ed416bed2871574e24@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '0dc8db4f13db173b5c4d93477d7792e8@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '4da7a4a557efecdd6865dac048212c1a@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '29b0bf8658d9156444eceaee16290628@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '741055456c6824ff1632841626fdbe6f@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '4d4d6946765f560a50b9b32e5fe2e798@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '02ba45677a16c96b17a59a9b70bc1e94@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '215514c96a63d99b0e44c91325ba7ec5@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '4823e9be2ebe39867d96b48f34e397de@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '4c86a0f00b3149bb60be98a437fe599a@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO JABBER: googletalk INCOMING:  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '1808629b28541ba339e4984c3e4d8105@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '4274ccc261b2523f1501d0d86c0fae51@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '010f18572069b5e72b0d73ee443f2976@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '13d63bc45464b32c1767d8003fad8b25@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '110ffb894ff2cbaf62a95af0607c7b39@' Method: OPTIONS JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '58b2108e12aec4ed3627a7ba36f3311d@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '6a4f75a6200d9c4b0b3e43b96a1c1931@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '5d958e3d203d45f72158e19564f03896@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '6dc7ca5a06c5c818680cd16327d0bd19@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '37e2763c254c69c2016f47b55d8ca22f@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '356689197e4921132b8381aa50b81d43@' Method: OPTIONS  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '29ee49a7574368931af1dc407670e39c@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '1f229e413a05b0cc202703af21ef4b03@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '31c710656ff9c2134dafddc47a1ac408@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '41792e1d2fb9f7485ed5424f7b6114e8@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER  -- Registered IAX2 to '', who sees us as with no messages waiting Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to 0874586959@freephonie REGISTER attempt 2 to 0874586959@freephonie Really destroying SIP dialog '3884d91f6b4819494653991839e9e721@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '585292255bfa36e141af33d9011c96e5@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '6a73549363b2018320903196154867ac@' Method: OPTIONS  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7571876766e369405671cd0517db7453@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '204c47d872ccbe8c46c2db3d1ea04111@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '5b0a11644d648b2e205750197c885acf@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '149fed8c31c2dc184f2d5e602c5082cd@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '65e1c9a955d5662f6db1913075100ab5@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '6c9dfb863e2ffbaa7715e9207edcae46@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '55e4ffbf47b6e2eb45c5d85801c0bf53@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '41ad0f2b16dab1fb6480fce87cbc4b65@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '0101a888168c526f513725cb07794b41@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '29a6341b7432b63d4d87a4423e1b4e5a@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '2e3cd21d2feb85035362cccd15d8465e@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '6d12345d1de27be37c2069a66defd585@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO JABBER: googletalk INCOMING:  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '1dee0d486bea25d23ca7be0b56f58e80@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '333131fb2292eda01f3603f73d39ec8a@' Method: OPTIONS  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '3534f55c180d003f72910fcc2bcf5bf7@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '489299a11b47e0e239f4ee1e4b5a098f@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '3e9b0e2749ceede070cafb85720da105@' Method: OPTIONS JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '7376121c72b5a58601e6adfe0894f325@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '13458eb002beb4434ee5988800ee3f4a@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '0118f84a04acd92267fe84c5226591f3@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '45efb0711545fba17f0544ab1a2b86e1@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '749f7ed72efe144617db9f606699b457@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '1f96aa8d2597d0440462672029970251@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '19ef981d33b404d735d1d53b31333573@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '3867ed096a88da531e56132f3e28f3c3@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '68af8b6030d0239a58d1732d39cbcc49@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '7d364d7944cd63ce0a66196e4620573e@' Method: OPTIONS JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to 0874586959@freephonie REGISTER attempt 2 to 0874586959@freephonie REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '57ac67cb3c66235c3afa673b115e506a@' Method: OPTIONS  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '16fbf91f241bc10a59cd0fd43fdae8e0@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '108de2e730387b1133a0dfe56636ae6a@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '6f6d3a647c74723f034562dd3bd3f274@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: Really destroying SIP dialog '6bf739045e233f424621e598700e30dc@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '1731fcaa5a8ed8ff7a97f90c70bc0501@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '1faaba2b4d882bfd13ee891d19d9e0f0@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '726ecf6123817fb1196548532065a66e@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '6c7278905c30f8a724bdc9550909dbd2@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '7c504b946b3797f05161760239eb1a7b@' Method: OPTIONS JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '5d95b46954de9ace5537f7191bc62c68@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '505ef05d090a40784dc821c07aedd11c@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '18db24d90f715c022c773c9a05370ecf@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '305d463a653018df00150b1438b86715@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '6666672304139b0f02c6719153343fa3@' Method: OPTIONS  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '4ba98d4d599ccd7261166a25667104f5@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '07865d1d241a16c74da0d3015b8c283d@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '34d373ff2f1977373ddaed9e4ef81eb3@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '585ee7b84722317c10dae2261c5ad9e5@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: Really destroying SIP dialog '36adfbc473102668727273bf55e80a36@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '5539e365236356bd53d75dfe572283fe@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '58cfb1b4479dc2de1637649433395382@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '53c94f8802ab6b07574ef60b09408ccc@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '17bce5064cb57bbb02bafd635c3b19bc@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7467d33c0b9bb801247d13e15444126a@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '16a39b900b8cbe9a143525fc765651a8@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '419b55317fc74c445cc7e39c186ed336@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '6f313ada5a9290f2552b20e53efe4d14@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '720c261d5677865a3d8360280f3a793e@' Method: OPTIONS  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '26b124137d983e3919aadbc40c648ecf@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to 0874586959@freephonie REGISTER attempt 2 to 0874586959@freephonie REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '276ddcf3279b0c9b161cd6f56f50f9c0@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '2724e7d2659f06726898444e62e42591@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '39e1c24c6a0d486b61c365884fc74e38@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '763dd98c4a5242941a3090ca70cd62f3@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '50effc574371e6dd3470c87d4c6a5aef@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '7745a6cd1409bcad3366103810adfe3a@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '11a041e328315aa7652ce7e32f37e95f@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '28dadcda67d80f163adc384a00cd95b1@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '5d3de09d220e26322d9145262f589f52@' Method: OPTIONS  -- Executing [90322853898@WholeExtensions:1] Macro("SIP/107-082458e0", "dialTO-is-national|322853898|rTt") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-dialTO-is-national:1] Set("SIP/107-082458e0", "GLOBAL(DIALEDPREFIX)=0048") in new stack  == Setting global variable 'DIALEDPREFIX' to '0048'  -- Executing [s@macro-dialTO-is-national:2] Set("SIP/107-082458e0", "GLOBAL(DIALEDNUMBER)=322853898") in new stack  == Setting global variable 'DIALEDNUMBER' to '322853898'  -- Executing [s@macro-dialTO-is-national:3] Set("SIP/107-082458e0", "GLOBAL(DIALOPT)=rTt") in new stack  == Setting global variable 'DIALOPT' to 'rTt'  -- Executing [s@macro-dialTO-is-national:4] Goto("SIP/107-082458e0", "PSTN-BestRoute|s|1") in new stack  -- Goto (PSTN-BestRoute,s,1)  == Channel 'SIP/107-082458e0' jumping out of macro 'dialTO-is-national'  -- Executing [s@PSTN-BestRoute:1] NoOp("SIP/107-082458e0", "Validate PSTN route for 322853898") in new stack  -- Executing [s@PSTN-BestRoute:2] Set("SIP/107-082458e0", "CHANNEL(language)=fr") in new stack  -- Executing [s@PSTN-BestRoute:3] BackGround("SIP/107-082458e0", "2tai-PSTN-valid") in new stack [Jan 17 12:50:15] ERROR[11640]: chan_sip.c:14906 sipsock_read: We could NOT get the channel lock for SIP/107-082458e0! [Jan 17 12:50:15] ERROR[11640]: chan_sip.c:14907 sipsock_read: SIP transaction failed: 17e984d7635d0493@  -- Playing '2tai-PSTN-valid' (language 'fr') Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER  == CDR updated on SIP/107-082458e0  -- Executing [1@PSTN-BestRoute:1] NoOp("SIP/107-082458e0", "We use TPSA for 0048322853898") in new stack  -- Executing [1@PSTN-BestRoute:2] Set("SIP/107-082458e0", "GLOBAL(OnNoENUM)=dialTPSA") in new stack  == Setting global variable 'OnNoENUM' to 'dialTPSA'  -- Executing [1@PSTN-BestRoute:3] Goto("SIP/107-082458e0", "s|enum") in new stack  -- Goto (PSTN-BestRoute,s,7)  -- Executing [s@PSTN-BestRoute:7] Macro("SIP/107-082458e0", "lookENUM|0048322853898") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-lookENUM:1] NoOp("SIP/107-082458e0", "ENUM look: 0048322853898") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-lookENUM:2] Set("SIP/107-082458e0", "GLOBAL(IMPERATIVE)=no") in new stack  == Setting global variable 'IMPERATIVE' to 'no'  -- Executing [s@macro-lookENUM:3] Set("SIP/107-082458e0", "NoENUMmacro=dialTPSA") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-lookENUM:4] Set("SIP/107-082458e0", "ENUMEXTEN=") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-lookENUM:5] Macro("SIP/107-082458e0", "dialTPSA") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-dialTPSA:1] NoOp("SIP/107-082458e0", "Outgoing TPSA call") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-dialTPSA:2] GotoIf("SIP/107-082458e0", "0?dial1") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-dialTPSA:3] GotoIf("SIP/107-082458e0", "0?dial1") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-dialTPSA:4] GotoIf("SIP/107-082458e0", "0?dial1") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-dialTPSA:5] Set("SIP/107-082458e0", "GLOBAL(DIALEDNUMBER)=0322853898") in new stack  == Setting global variable 'DIALEDNUMBER' to '0322853898'  -- Executing [s@macro-dialTPSA:6] Set("SIP/107-082458e0", "CALLERID(name)=") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-dialTPSA:7] Set("SIP/107-082458e0", "CALLERID(num)=+48322855276") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-dialTPSA:8] Dial("SIP/107-082458e0", "Zap/1/0322853898||rTt") in new stack  -- Called 1/0322853898  -- Zap/1-1 answered SIP/107-082458e0 REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO JABBER: googletalk INCOMING:  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER  -- Hungup 'Zap/1-1'  == Spawn extension (macro-dialTPSA, s, 8) exited non-zero on 'SIP/107-082458e0' Really destroying SIP dialog '17e984d7635d0493@' Method: BYE Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '5ed70c3f53ebaead5addc2f0527eff77@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '37ecb8b112eeffd51d2584521fde8ac1@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '6a20b3340a0753e71302b3133e2d396c@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '1d3bd63365f766e86a27b3217dd33765@' Method: OPTIONS  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '3d23aad243a445cd500671021e9f0fb4@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '63edbaa27ca4c3303753a90e32f18bfd@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '53325d8b3df923ab4ac76469732214ae@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '67bd7f7b18d59cdc36f01c4a5acdfe67@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '266919476b8fbb207012898369a94c71@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '1433cf1e387a979d7e13494e5f143e54@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '55fec2bb167b01024f9f8b6a7acceaf2@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '2f8684c52bdb110a18acde526c288aba@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '231f89ba595c55581b96b25440a0e983@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '6589ba7b6dacb28323907f92037dec47@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '64adf9545d5a39d201e7308b35994fa3@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '6fe0386728946cbf0c37fca949237c2d@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '61df9142668d40dc233046d67a351b79@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '7dc97382235e71766dfb8cdf1dd6afc4@' Method: OPTIONS  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '293ddd9755523fe619ba6eab6dc1eeef@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '324f38984e3469bc3fd33dab4cca67e4@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '75c117f13de8b5037c3073290e15f084@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to 0874586959@freephonie REGISTER attempt 2 to 0874586959@freephonie Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '240be3c7796e8dfd28892e9301dec3df@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '67cb13797c1170b13b30177127c0fcf0@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '19d3f2372eead7d8279fe2c728d924f7@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '41d4e1613ca9954d46a4a35b569a0d49@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '54fa70204048b0bf3d147a330eed4eb4@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '09f39f1371b4792322d13bea6f3dae7a@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '264164f404ea156332ad7bc06f16e213@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '1b46c1a6759eb82b010c1d6b222ecfa0@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7107aaf772739ccc7ae00cb70a8a8077@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO JABBER: googletalk INCOMING:  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '3ddc9cc60b55b73c16419faa33d05b47@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '21e75f030619d9042de34d2e6904a3f7@' Method: OPTIONS  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '110b9f846d8b830a139912c600e1f30c@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '2d20fee012fa60c65739de1a46f33f6e@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '79f9adab170d36fe41cb954e255a0004@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '5ceda700676b7e4615db77d26d13d090@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo  -- Executing [90322853898@WholeExtensions:1] Macro("SIP/107-0824c7a0", "dialTO-is-national|322853898|rTt") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-dialTO-is-national:1] Set("SIP/107-0824c7a0", "GLOBAL(DIALEDPREFIX)=0048") in new stack  == Setting global variable 'DIALEDPREFIX' to '0048'  -- Executing [s@macro-dialTO-is-national:2] Set("SIP/107-0824c7a0", "GLOBAL(DIALEDNUMBER)=322853898") in new stack  == Setting global variable 'DIALEDNUMBER' to '322853898'  -- Executing [s@macro-dialTO-is-national:3] Set("SIP/107-0824c7a0", "GLOBAL(DIALOPT)=rTt") in new stack  == Setting global variable 'DIALOPT' to 'rTt'  -- Executing [s@macro-dialTO-is-national:4] Goto("SIP/107-0824c7a0", "PSTN-BestRoute|s|1") in new stack  -- Goto (PSTN-BestRoute,s,1)  == Channel 'SIP/107-0824c7a0' jumping out of macro 'dialTO-is-national'  -- Executing [s@PSTN-BestRoute:1] NoOp("SIP/107-0824c7a0", "Validate PSTN route for 322853898") in new stack  -- Executing [s@PSTN-BestRoute:2] Set("SIP/107-0824c7a0", "CHANNEL(language)=fr") in new stack  -- Executing [s@PSTN-BestRoute:3] BackGround("SIP/107-0824c7a0", "2tai-PSTN-valid") in new stack [Jan 17 13:26:38] ERROR[11640]: chan_sip.c:14906 sipsock_read: We could NOT get the channel lock for SIP/107-0824c7a0! [Jan 17 13:26:38] ERROR[11640]: chan_sip.c:14907 sipsock_read: SIP transaction failed: 5e08759e0d1b5651@  -- Playing '2tai-PSTN-valid' (language 'fr')  == CDR updated on SIP/107-0824c7a0  -- Executing [1@PSTN-BestRoute:1] NoOp("SIP/107-0824c7a0", "We use TPSA for 0048322853898") in new stack  -- Executing [1@PSTN-BestRoute:2] Set("SIP/107-0824c7a0", "GLOBAL(OnNoENUM)=dialTPSA") in new stack  == Setting global variable 'OnNoENUM' to 'dialTPSA'  -- Executing [1@PSTN-BestRoute:3] Goto("SIP/107-0824c7a0", "s|enum") in new stack  -- Goto (PSTN-BestRoute,s,7)  -- Executing [s@PSTN-BestRoute:7] Macro("SIP/107-0824c7a0", "lookENUM|0048322853898") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-lookENUM:1] NoOp("SIP/107-0824c7a0", "ENUM look: 0048322853898") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-lookENUM:2] Set("SIP/107-0824c7a0", "GLOBAL(IMPERATIVE)=no") in new stack  == Setting global variable 'IMPERATIVE' to 'no'  -- Executing [s@macro-lookENUM:3] Set("SIP/107-0824c7a0", "NoENUMmacro=dialTPSA") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-lookENUM:4] Set("SIP/107-0824c7a0", "ENUMEXTEN=") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-lookENUM:5] Macro("SIP/107-0824c7a0", "dialTPSA") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-dialTPSA:1] NoOp("SIP/107-0824c7a0", "Outgoing TPSA call") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-dialTPSA:2] GotoIf("SIP/107-0824c7a0", "0?dial1") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-dialTPSA:3] GotoIf("SIP/107-0824c7a0", "0?dial1") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-dialTPSA:4] GotoIf("SIP/107-0824c7a0", "0?dial1") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-dialTPSA:5] Set("SIP/107-0824c7a0", "GLOBAL(DIALEDNUMBER)=0322853898") in new stack  == Setting global variable 'DIALEDNUMBER' to '0322853898'  -- Executing [s@macro-dialTPSA:6] Set("SIP/107-0824c7a0", "CALLERID(name)=") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-dialTPSA:7] Set("SIP/107-0824c7a0", "CALLERID(num)=+48322855276") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-dialTPSA:8] Dial("SIP/107-0824c7a0", "Zap/1/0322853898||rTt") in new stack  -- Called 1/0322853898 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to  -- Zap/1-1 answered SIP/107-0824c7a0 Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '046ae95c6bace06d7207825540211833@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '34e1add53ab38a292aad809b22f6ccd9@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '591563eb76d37e741a1850b0381c004a@' Method: OPTIONS  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '5b25e527683cb3ab67c366ba498f4f34@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO  -- Hungup 'Zap/1-1'  == Spawn extension (macro-dialTPSA, s, 8) exited non-zero on 'SIP/107-0824c7a0' Really destroying SIP dialog '5e08759e0d1b5651@' Method: BYE  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '580a1e1c268e68ca23ad69350bbbe92f@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '5d1fb00b4dd5c32a6c544c3a6b97512e@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '6349993a351b066a0bdfd75c588086f1@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f2695eb760cd19603554ecb5670378c@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '528d09ab2577379162ea663d47a1f970@' Method: OPTIONS JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '7b3defc1305128fe2272154a11cb1d6d@' Method: OPTIONS  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '76be7fd07bd401843ee5ddac41cede2f@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to  -- Executing [90322853207@WholeExtensions:1] Macro("SIP/107-08248d08", "dialTO-is-national|322853207|rTt") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-dialTO-is-national:1] Set("SIP/107-08248d08", "GLOBAL(DIALEDPREFIX)=0048") in new stack  == Setting global variable 'DIALEDPREFIX' to '0048'  -- Executing [s@macro-dialTO-is-national:2] Set("SIP/107-08248d08", "GLOBAL(DIALEDNUMBER)=322853207") in new stack  == Setting global variable 'DIALEDNUMBER' to '322853207'  -- Executing [s@macro-dialTO-is-national:3] Set("SIP/107-08248d08", "GLOBAL(DIALOPT)=rTt") in new stack  == Setting global variable 'DIALOPT' to 'rTt'  -- Executing [s@macro-dialTO-is-national:4] Goto("SIP/107-08248d08", "PSTN-BestRoute|s|1") in new stack  -- Goto (PSTN-BestRoute,s,1)  == Channel 'SIP/107-08248d08' jumping out of macro 'dialTO-is-national'  -- Executing [s@PSTN-BestRoute:1] NoOp("SIP/107-08248d08", "Validate PSTN route for 322853207") in new stack  -- Executing [s@PSTN-BestRoute:2] Set("SIP/107-08248d08", "CHANNEL(language)=fr") in new stack  -- Executing [s@PSTN-BestRoute:3] BackGround("SIP/107-08248d08", "2tai-PSTN-valid") in new stack [Jan 17 13:37:30] ERROR[11640]: chan_sip.c:14906 sipsock_read: We could NOT get the channel lock for SIP/107-08248d08! [Jan 17 13:37:30] ERROR[11640]: chan_sip.c:14907 sipsock_read: SIP transaction failed: 3084de524ce1a636@  -- Playing '2tai-PSTN-valid' (language 'fr')  == CDR updated on SIP/107-08248d08  -- Executing [1@PSTN-BestRoute:1] NoOp("SIP/107-08248d08", "We use TPSA for 0048322853207") in new stack  -- Executing [1@PSTN-BestRoute:2] Set("SIP/107-08248d08", "GLOBAL(OnNoENUM)=dialTPSA") in new stack  == Setting global variable 'OnNoENUM' to 'dialTPSA'  -- Executing [1@PSTN-BestRoute:3] Goto("SIP/107-08248d08", "s|enum") in new stack  -- Goto (PSTN-BestRoute,s,7)  -- Executing [s@PSTN-BestRoute:7] Macro("SIP/107-08248d08", "lookENUM|0048322853207") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-lookENUM:1] NoOp("SIP/107-08248d08", "ENUM look: 0048322853207") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-lookENUM:2] Set("SIP/107-08248d08", "GLOBAL(IMPERATIVE)=no") in new stack  == Setting global variable 'IMPERATIVE' to 'no'  -- Executing [s@macro-lookENUM:3] Set("SIP/107-08248d08", "NoENUMmacro=dialTPSA") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-lookENUM:4] Set("SIP/107-08248d08", "ENUMEXTEN=") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-lookENUM:5] Macro("SIP/107-08248d08", "dialTPSA") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-dialTPSA:1] NoOp("SIP/107-08248d08", "Outgoing TPSA call") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-dialTPSA:2] GotoIf("SIP/107-08248d08", "0?dial1") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-dialTPSA:3] GotoIf("SIP/107-08248d08", "0?dial1") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-dialTPSA:4] GotoIf("SIP/107-08248d08", "0?dial1") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-dialTPSA:5] Set("SIP/107-08248d08", "GLOBAL(DIALEDNUMBER)=0322853207") in new stack  == Setting global variable 'DIALEDNUMBER' to '0322853207'  -- Executing [s@macro-dialTPSA:6] Set("SIP/107-08248d08", "CALLERID(name)=") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-dialTPSA:7] Set("SIP/107-08248d08", "CALLERID(num)=+48322855276") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-dialTPSA:8] Dial("SIP/107-08248d08", "Zap/1/0322853207||rTt") in new stack  -- Called 1/0322853207 Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER  -- Zap/1-1 answered SIP/107-08248d08 REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '56b2cc9b0223faca2979e71d4535a778@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER  -- Hungup 'Zap/1-1'  == Spawn extension (macro-dialTPSA, s, 8) exited non-zero on 'SIP/107-08248d08' Really destroying SIP dialog '3084de524ce1a636@' Method: BYE REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '587f2a18550532635a92effb11115acd@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '1211ecf131431e30436513a27fc17ed3@' Method: OPTIONS JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to 0874586959@freephonie REGISTER attempt 2 to 0874586959@freephonie Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '26314b541caad12b7e69724a0958d847@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '6ba0d3ba5f41823513ed76641f1718d6@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '6d4dacbc49b664b57f22c46006c3a2e5@' Method: OPTIONS  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '41b457627b39e0215acd88ae1b7120e8@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO JABBER: googletalk INCOMING:  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '2fc43a78782a1b9458c94d9e660e2855@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '6428b3f40c402587490ed9167cd3b9fb@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '398645a47229ec2f53e8e8457e1b9b56@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '118708921431e92879e71c871e986c5b@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '46b625c7217a938754af73d274f0612e@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '58bdd1c25e5c08344e748e6c077dbe7b@' Method: OPTIONS  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '3f51872a288a06fe3743aef3116ac866@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '78c63c287f60ee3b021793a106197ea1@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '1305b4370c2797a11ebf14dc49473ca5@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '22c11a154a82f1c80ccb4c1265ed2d27@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: Really destroying SIP dialog '620c687a4e85b0553a7d4e5b58f9ab64@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '1a3eddb468bb3a855d473e9003433e23@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '20f1e37c3f016a400f945dbc2482959e@' Method: OPTIONS  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '37220d3d6f0ebce75f5c0de2101a17c7@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '5ea7e7d016605fd33c5f80986568cbe6@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '327f026214802e35130f8af0578cc226@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '4b1bf4cb66c7c7b47cdc4129364ff846@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '6958e53c299ddd6406659d102578fe6f@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '746092ec21b7199c5617fe1004b53c86@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7fc945f72a92441868de40ee6301c9ca@' Method: OPTIONS  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '038de976300e00d42ea09fac03bf6840@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '582df8ae21891465460b671e2ca1cf72@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '2352683e60014b036b2dd9a33325a179@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '793786bf4cc49c4f27ccdc510b78ec06@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '67e1394919c76c284a9d9a7c5eeeddfb@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '1a4319b40f3dd69f44a2aa882880d760@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to 0874586959@freephonie REGISTER attempt 2 to 0874586959@freephonie REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '73819eb4280813aa4290dfeb2a2b27d4@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '64bc66330bbc0683029c7334609249cd@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '70ae0d6c7431f33e39a6ae2332e40e22@' Method: OPTIONS  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '7e8ff186364a80cb1f1119c36f163c61@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER JABBER: googletalk INCOMING:  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '487f3cb94986b1c74759b50b081ee892@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '17f3fc4b719037ce18fc6b1f0c82e542@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '34918ce4345844350c5d9ce24f78d500@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '664f50e92e60b5bf68a845a63e941728@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '225a3b827068e5f7576be7db0115f688@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '113713ab34beb13e03fdcc6c0ffa7ac6@' Method: OPTIONS  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER  -- Executing [90338193586@WholeExtensions:1] Macro("SIP/107-0824c7a0", "dialTO-is-national|338193586|rTt") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-dialTO-is-national:1] Set("SIP/107-0824c7a0", "GLOBAL(DIALEDPREFIX)=0048") in new stack  == Setting global variable 'DIALEDPREFIX' to '0048'  -- Executing [s@macro-dialTO-is-national:2] Set("SIP/107-0824c7a0", "GLOBAL(DIALEDNUMBER)=338193586") in new stack  == Setting global variable 'DIALEDNUMBER' to '338193586'  -- Executing [s@macro-dialTO-is-national:3] Set("SIP/107-0824c7a0", "GLOBAL(DIALOPT)=rTt") in new stack  == Setting global variable 'DIALOPT' to 'rTt'  -- Executing [s@macro-dialTO-is-national:4] Goto("SIP/107-0824c7a0", "PSTN-BestRoute|s|1") in new stack  -- Goto (PSTN-BestRoute,s,1)  == Channel 'SIP/107-0824c7a0' jumping out of macro 'dialTO-is-national'  -- Executing [s@PSTN-BestRoute:1] NoOp("SIP/107-0824c7a0", "Validate PSTN route for 338193586") in new stack  -- Executing [s@PSTN-BestRoute:2] Set("SIP/107-0824c7a0", "CHANNEL(language)=fr") in new stack  -- Executing [s@PSTN-BestRoute:3] BackGround("SIP/107-0824c7a0", "2tai-PSTN-valid") in new stack [Jan 17 14:21:07] ERROR[11640]: chan_sip.c:14906 sipsock_read: We could NOT get the channel lock for SIP/107-0824c7a0! [Jan 17 14:21:07] ERROR[11640]: chan_sip.c:14907 sipsock_read: SIP transaction failed: 3adac22bfaa9aa02@  -- Playing '2tai-PSTN-valid' (language 'fr') REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo  == CDR updated on SIP/107-0824c7a0  -- Executing [1@PSTN-BestRoute:1] NoOp("SIP/107-0824c7a0", "We use TPSA for 0048338193586") in new stack  -- Executing [1@PSTN-BestRoute:2] Set("SIP/107-0824c7a0", "GLOBAL(OnNoENUM)=dialTPSA") in new stack  == Setting global variable 'OnNoENUM' to 'dialTPSA'  -- Executing [1@PSTN-BestRoute:3] Goto("SIP/107-0824c7a0", "s|enum") in new stack  -- Goto (PSTN-BestRoute,s,7)  -- Executing [s@PSTN-BestRoute:7] Macro("SIP/107-0824c7a0", "lookENUM|0048338193586") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-lookENUM:1] NoOp("SIP/107-0824c7a0", "ENUM look: 0048338193586") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-lookENUM:2] Set("SIP/107-0824c7a0", "GLOBAL(IMPERATIVE)=no") in new stack  == Setting global variable 'IMPERATIVE' to 'no'  -- Executing [s@macro-lookENUM:3] Set("SIP/107-0824c7a0", "NoENUMmacro=dialTPSA") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-lookENUM:4] Set("SIP/107-0824c7a0", "ENUMEXTEN=") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-lookENUM:5] Macro("SIP/107-0824c7a0", "dialTPSA") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-dialTPSA:1] NoOp("SIP/107-0824c7a0", "Outgoing TPSA call") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-dialTPSA:2] GotoIf("SIP/107-0824c7a0", "0?dial1") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-dialTPSA:3] GotoIf("SIP/107-0824c7a0", "0?dial1") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-dialTPSA:4] GotoIf("SIP/107-0824c7a0", "0?dial1") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-dialTPSA:5] Set("SIP/107-0824c7a0", "GLOBAL(DIALEDNUMBER)=0338193586") in new stack  == Setting global variable 'DIALEDNUMBER' to '0338193586'  -- Executing [s@macro-dialTPSA:6] Set("SIP/107-0824c7a0", "CALLERID(name)=") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-dialTPSA:7] Set("SIP/107-0824c7a0", "CALLERID(num)=+48322855276") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-dialTPSA:8] Dial("SIP/107-0824c7a0", "Zap/1/0338193586||rTt") in new stack  -- Called 1/0338193586 Really destroying SIP dialog '4a76f4a56c56426f7f5dcc4b534fc3d2@' Method: OPTIONS  -- Zap/1-1 answered SIP/107-0824c7a0 REGISTER attempt 1 to  -- Hungup 'Zap/1-1'  == Spawn extension (macro-dialTPSA, s, 8) exited non-zero on 'SIP/107-0824c7a0' Really destroying SIP dialog '3adac22bfaa9aa02@' Method: ACK REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '6b1abab576910fe716356c320d820d01@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '49c3cc7222daab3857d227dd744c9715@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '68f96a076bba091c49a958115208cc6d@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '3415e5a21d1df2dc7686734753a493fe@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '11d1e0aa0a0b217f53c2c5f626b883c8@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0951dad111084ee41af878326cbca4c1@' Method: OPTIONS  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '7889ebbd114951805209b0b9427f7747@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to  -- Accepting UNAUTHENTICATED call from > requested format = g726aal2, > requested prefs = (g726|g729|ulaw|alaw), > actual format = ulaw, > host prefs = (gsm|ulaw|alaw|g726), > priority = mine  -- Executing [s@incoming-iaxguest:1] Macro("IAX2/scooter-gw-4", "ringMainPhone|60|t|IaxGuest") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-ringMainPhone:1] NoOp("IAX2/scooter-gw-4", "Call from IaxGuest") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-ringMainPhone:2] Set("IAX2/scooter-gw-4", "REDIRECT_TO=") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-ringMainPhone:3] GotoIf("IAX2/scooter-gw-4", "0?AtHome:") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-ringMainPhone:4] GotoIf("IAX2/scooter-gw-4", "0?InTravel:") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-ringMainPhone:5] Set("IAX2/scooter-gw-4", "timeToRing=20") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-ringMainPhone:6] Dial("IAX2/scooter-gw-4", "SIP/107|20|t") in new stack  -- Called 107  -- SIP/107-08255440 is ringing REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac --- set_address_from_contact host ''  -- SIP/107-08255440 answered IAX2/scooter-gw-4 [Jan 17 14:28:38] NOTICE[11640]: sched.c:284 ast_sched_del: Attempted to delete nonexistent schedule entry 11109! REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '3ce701ae3b6714e479fbb32f75050d3b@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '0ed34ad9263bb43914c7253936ce10ba@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to  == Spawn extension (macro-ringMainPhone, s, 6) exited non-zero on 'IAX2/scooter-gw-4'  -- Executing [h@macro-ringMainPhone:1] Hangup("IAX2/scooter-gw-4", "") in new stack  == Spawn extension (macro-ringMainPhone, h, 1) exited non-zero on 'IAX2/scooter-gw-4'  -- Hungup 'IAX2/scooter-gw-4' Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '5f2dd5762c8dbb4c7abc2c4a23baa4df@' Method: BYE Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '3c00874a5a364d7148141977338d27cb@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '0c143aec5315000744d4493e2133cb4e@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '3b85f4db3d13e314256a50993158a12a@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '14a4286d29ce60425c0de8632f273011@' Method: OPTIONS  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '70bb5ca44a505d2f71dd3bf54b217eeb@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to REGISTER attempt 1 to 77181@TNET-ipac REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER [Jan 17 14:35:51] NOTICE[11640]: chan_sip.c:7189 sip_reg_timeout: -- Registration for '77181@TNET-ipac' timed out, trying again (Attempt #1) REGISTER attempt 2 to 77181@TNET-ipac Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 3 to 77181@TNET-ipac Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7a45c7305100774d688b46253fd86e5c@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '6c3db7472e132489340a2b910baa386b@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '13be2ff56f5efb3d55372a0d297ff0b8@' Method: OPTIONS REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '2ce2d58957adad5802a56bd200bd197f@' Method: OPTIONS Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to 0874586959@freephonie REGISTER attempt 2 to 0874586959@freephonie REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo  -- Got SIP response 482 "Loop Detected" back from Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to [Jan 17 14:51:23] NOTICE[11640]: chan_sip.c:7189 sip_reg_timeout: -- Registration for 'tootai@wengo' timed out, trying again (Attempt #2) REGISTER attempt 3 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 4 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER  -- Executing [90338193586@WholeExtensions:1] Macro("SIP/107-082458e0", "dialTO-is-national|338193586|rTt") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-dialTO-is-national:1] Set("SIP/107-082458e0", "GLOBAL(DIALEDPREFIX)=0048") in new stack  == Setting global variable 'DIALEDPREFIX' to '0048'  -- Executing [s@macro-dialTO-is-national:2] Set("SIP/107-082458e0", "GLOBAL(DIALEDNUMBER)=338193586") in new stack  == Setting global variable 'DIALEDNUMBER' to '338193586'  -- Executing [s@macro-dialTO-is-national:3] Set("SIP/107-082458e0", "GLOBAL(DIALOPT)=rTt") in new stack  == Setting global variable 'DIALOPT' to 'rTt'  -- Executing [s@macro-dialTO-is-national:4] Goto("SIP/107-082458e0", "PSTN-BestRoute|s|1") in new stack  -- Goto (PSTN-BestRoute,s,1)  == Channel 'SIP/107-082458e0' jumping out of macro 'dialTO-is-national'  -- Executing [s@PSTN-BestRoute:1] NoOp("SIP/107-082458e0", "Validate PSTN route for 338193586") in new stack  -- Executing [s@PSTN-BestRoute:2] Set("SIP/107-082458e0", "CHANNEL(language)=fr") in new stack  -- Executing [s@PSTN-BestRoute:3] BackGround("SIP/107-082458e0", "2tai-PSTN-valid") in new stack [Jan 17 15:08:07] ERROR[11640]: chan_sip.c:14906 sipsock_read: We could NOT get the channel lock for SIP/107-082458e0! [Jan 17 15:08:07] ERROR[11640]: chan_sip.c:14907 sipsock_read: SIP transaction failed: a4520b84b8711dd9@  -- Playing '2tai-PSTN-valid' (language 'fr') Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER  == CDR updated on SIP/107-082458e0  -- Executing [1@PSTN-BestRoute:1] NoOp("SIP/107-082458e0", "We use TPSA for 0048338193586") in new stack  -- Executing [1@PSTN-BestRoute:2] Set("SIP/107-082458e0", "GLOBAL(OnNoENUM)=dialTPSA") in new stack  == Setting global variable 'OnNoENUM' to 'dialTPSA'  -- Executing [1@PSTN-BestRoute:3] Goto("SIP/107-082458e0", "s|enum") in new stack  -- Goto (PSTN-BestRoute,s,7)  -- Executing [s@PSTN-BestRoute:7] Macro("SIP/107-082458e0", "lookENUM|0048338193586") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-lookENUM:1] NoOp("SIP/107-082458e0", "ENUM look: 0048338193586") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-lookENUM:2] Set("SIP/107-082458e0", "GLOBAL(IMPERATIVE)=no") in new stack  == Setting global variable 'IMPERATIVE' to 'no'  -- Executing [s@macro-lookENUM:3] Set("SIP/107-082458e0", "NoENUMmacro=dialTPSA") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-lookENUM:4] Set("SIP/107-082458e0", "ENUMEXTEN=") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-lookENUM:5] Macro("SIP/107-082458e0", "dialTPSA") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-dialTPSA:1] NoOp("SIP/107-082458e0", "Outgoing TPSA call") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-dialTPSA:2] GotoIf("SIP/107-082458e0", "0?dial1") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-dialTPSA:3] GotoIf("SIP/107-082458e0", "0?dial1") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-dialTPSA:4] GotoIf("SIP/107-082458e0", "0?dial1") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-dialTPSA:5] Set("SIP/107-082458e0", "GLOBAL(DIALEDNUMBER)=0338193586") in new stack  == Setting global variable 'DIALEDNUMBER' to '0338193586'  -- Executing [s@macro-dialTPSA:6] Set("SIP/107-082458e0", "CALLERID(name)=") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-dialTPSA:7] Set("SIP/107-082458e0", "CALLERID(num)=+48322855276") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-dialTPSA:8] Dial("SIP/107-082458e0", "Zap/1/0338193586||rTt") in new stack  -- Called 1/0338193586  -- Zap/1-1 answered SIP/107-082458e0  -- Hungup 'Zap/1-1'  == Spawn extension (macro-dialTPSA, s, 8) exited non-zero on 'SIP/107-082458e0' Really destroying SIP dialog 'a4520b84b8711dd9@' Method: ACK  -- Executing [90338193586@WholeExtensions:1] Macro("SIP/107-0824c7a0", "dialTO-is-national|338193586|rTt") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-dialTO-is-national:1] Set("SIP/107-0824c7a0", "GLOBAL(DIALEDPREFIX)=0048") in new stack  == Setting global variable 'DIALEDPREFIX' to '0048'  -- Executing [s@macro-dialTO-is-national:2] Set("SIP/107-0824c7a0", "GLOBAL(DIALEDNUMBER)=338193586") in new stack  == Setting global variable 'DIALEDNUMBER' to '338193586'  -- Executing [s@macro-dialTO-is-national:3] Set("SIP/107-0824c7a0", "GLOBAL(DIALOPT)=rTt") in new stack  == Setting global variable 'DIALOPT' to 'rTt'  -- Executing [s@macro-dialTO-is-national:4] Goto("SIP/107-0824c7a0", "PSTN-BestRoute|s|1") in new stack  -- Goto (PSTN-BestRoute,s,1)  == Channel 'SIP/107-0824c7a0' jumping out of macro 'dialTO-is-national'  -- Executing [s@PSTN-BestRoute:1] NoOp("SIP/107-0824c7a0", "Validate PSTN route for 338193586") in new stack  -- Executing [s@PSTN-BestRoute:2] Set("SIP/107-0824c7a0", "CHANNEL(language)=fr") in new stack  -- Executing [s@PSTN-BestRoute:3] BackGround("SIP/107-0824c7a0", "2tai-PSTN-valid") in new stack [Jan 17 15:08:33] ERROR[11640]: chan_sip.c:14906 sipsock_read: We could NOT get the channel lock for SIP/107-0824c7a0! [Jan 17 15:08:33] ERROR[11640]: chan_sip.c:14907 sipsock_read: SIP transaction failed: a5557d9773b6e61f@  -- Playing '2tai-PSTN-valid' (language 'fr')  == CDR updated on SIP/107-0824c7a0  -- Executing [1@PSTN-BestRoute:1] NoOp("SIP/107-0824c7a0", "We use TPSA for 0048338193586") in new stack  -- Executing [1@PSTN-BestRoute:2] Set("SIP/107-0824c7a0", "GLOBAL(OnNoENUM)=dialTPSA") in new stack  == Setting global variable 'OnNoENUM' to 'dialTPSA'  -- Executing [1@PSTN-BestRoute:3] Goto("SIP/107-0824c7a0", "s|enum") in new stack  -- Goto (PSTN-BestRoute,s,7)  -- Executing [s@PSTN-BestRoute:7] Macro("SIP/107-0824c7a0", "lookENUM|0048338193586") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-lookENUM:1] NoOp("SIP/107-0824c7a0", "ENUM look: 0048338193586") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-lookENUM:2] Set("SIP/107-0824c7a0", "GLOBAL(IMPERATIVE)=no") in new stack  == Setting global variable 'IMPERATIVE' to 'no'  -- Executing [s@macro-lookENUM:3] Set("SIP/107-0824c7a0", "NoENUMmacro=dialTPSA") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-lookENUM:4] Set("SIP/107-0824c7a0", "ENUMEXTEN=") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-lookENUM:5] Macro("SIP/107-0824c7a0", "dialTPSA") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-dialTPSA:1] NoOp("SIP/107-0824c7a0", "Outgoing TPSA call") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-dialTPSA:2] GotoIf("SIP/107-0824c7a0", "0?dial1") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-dialTPSA:3] GotoIf("SIP/107-0824c7a0", "0?dial1") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-dialTPSA:4] GotoIf("SIP/107-0824c7a0", "0?dial1") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-dialTPSA:5] Set("SIP/107-0824c7a0", "GLOBAL(DIALEDNUMBER)=0338193586") in new stack  == Setting global variable 'DIALEDNUMBER' to '0338193586'  -- Executing [s@macro-dialTPSA:6] Set("SIP/107-0824c7a0", "CALLERID(name)=") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-dialTPSA:7] Set("SIP/107-0824c7a0", "CALLERID(num)=+48322855276") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-dialTPSA:8] Dial("SIP/107-0824c7a0", "Zap/1/0338193586||rTt") in new stack  -- Called 1/0338193586  -- Zap/1-1 answered SIP/107-0824c7a0 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to 0874586959@freephonie REGISTER attempt 2 to 0874586959@freephonie REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to  -- Hungup 'Zap/1-1'  == Spawn extension (macro-dialTPSA, s, 8) exited non-zero on 'SIP/107-0824c7a0' Really destroying SIP dialog 'a5557d9773b6e61f@' Method: BYE Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo JABBER: googletalk INCOMING:  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to 0874586959@freephonie REGISTER attempt 2 to 0874586959@freephonie REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER  -- Executing [90338193586@WholeExtensions:1] Macro("SIP/107-082458e0", "dialTO-is-national|338193586|rTt") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-dialTO-is-national:1] Set("SIP/107-082458e0", "GLOBAL(DIALEDPREFIX)=0048") in new stack  == Setting global variable 'DIALEDPREFIX' to '0048'  -- Executing [s@macro-dialTO-is-national:2] Set("SIP/107-082458e0", "GLOBAL(DIALEDNUMBER)=338193586") in new stack  == Setting global variable 'DIALEDNUMBER' to '338193586'  -- Executing [s@macro-dialTO-is-national:3] Set("SIP/107-082458e0", "GLOBAL(DIALOPT)=rTt") in new stack  == Setting global variable 'DIALOPT' to 'rTt'  -- Executing [s@macro-dialTO-is-national:4] Goto("SIP/107-082458e0", "PSTN-BestRoute|s|1") in new stack  -- Goto (PSTN-BestRoute,s,1)  == Channel 'SIP/107-082458e0' jumping out of macro 'dialTO-is-national'  -- Executing [s@PSTN-BestRoute:1] NoOp("SIP/107-082458e0", "Validate PSTN route for 338193586") in new stack  -- Executing [s@PSTN-BestRoute:2] Set("SIP/107-082458e0", "CHANNEL(language)=fr") in new stack  -- Executing [s@PSTN-BestRoute:3] BackGround("SIP/107-082458e0", "2tai-PSTN-valid") in new stack [Jan 17 16:01:29] ERROR[11640]: chan_sip.c:14906 sipsock_read: We could NOT get the channel lock for SIP/107-082458e0! [Jan 17 16:01:29] ERROR[11640]: chan_sip.c:14907 sipsock_read: SIP transaction failed: 383700898698a9f0@  -- Playing '2tai-PSTN-valid' (language 'fr')  == CDR updated on SIP/107-082458e0  -- Executing [1@PSTN-BestRoute:1] NoOp("SIP/107-082458e0", "We use TPSA for 0048338193586") in new stack  -- Executing [1@PSTN-BestRoute:2] Set("SIP/107-082458e0", "GLOBAL(OnNoENUM)=dialTPSA") in new stack  == Setting global variable 'OnNoENUM' to 'dialTPSA'  -- Executing [1@PSTN-BestRoute:3] Goto("SIP/107-082458e0", "s|enum") in new stack  -- Goto (PSTN-BestRoute,s,7)  -- Executing [s@PSTN-BestRoute:7] Macro("SIP/107-082458e0", "lookENUM|0048338193586") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-lookENUM:1] NoOp("SIP/107-082458e0", "ENUM look: 0048338193586") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-lookENUM:2] Set("SIP/107-082458e0", "GLOBAL(IMPERATIVE)=no") in new stack  == Setting global variable 'IMPERATIVE' to 'no'  -- Executing [s@macro-lookENUM:3] Set("SIP/107-082458e0", "NoENUMmacro=dialTPSA") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-lookENUM:4] Set("SIP/107-082458e0", "ENUMEXTEN=") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-lookENUM:5] Macro("SIP/107-082458e0", "dialTPSA") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-dialTPSA:1] NoOp("SIP/107-082458e0", "Outgoing TPSA call") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-dialTPSA:2] GotoIf("SIP/107-082458e0", "0?dial1") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-dialTPSA:3] GotoIf("SIP/107-082458e0", "0?dial1") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-dialTPSA:4] GotoIf("SIP/107-082458e0", "0?dial1") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-dialTPSA:5] Set("SIP/107-082458e0", "GLOBAL(DIALEDNUMBER)=0338193586") in new stack  == Setting global variable 'DIALEDNUMBER' to '0338193586'  -- Executing [s@macro-dialTPSA:6] Set("SIP/107-082458e0", "CALLERID(name)=") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-dialTPSA:7] Set("SIP/107-082458e0", "CALLERID(num)=+48322855276") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-dialTPSA:8] Dial("SIP/107-082458e0", "Zap/1/0338193586||rTt") in new stack  -- Called 1/0338193586 REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO  -- Zap/1-1 answered SIP/107-082458e0 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER  -- Hungup 'Zap/1-1'  == Spawn extension (macro-dialTPSA, s, 8) exited non-zero on 'SIP/107-082458e0' Really destroying SIP dialog '383700898698a9f0@' Method: BYE Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo JABBER: googletalk INCOMING:  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to 0874586959@freephonie REGISTER attempt 2 to 0874586959@freephonie REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to JABBER: googletalk INCOMING:  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to 0874586959@freephonie REGISTER attempt 2 to 0874586959@freephonie Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: REGISTER attempt 1 to  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to 0874586959@freephonie REGISTER attempt 2 to 0874586959@freephonie Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to 0874586959@freephonie REGISTER attempt 2 to 0874586959@freephonie Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to  -- Starting simple switch on 'Zap/1-1' [Jan 17 17:57:53] NOTICE[11640]: chan_zap.c:6705 ss_thread: Got event 18 (Ring Begin)... [Jan 17 17:57:54] NOTICE[11640]: chan_zap.c:6705 ss_thread: Got event 2 (Ring/Answered)...  -- Executing [s@fromrtc:1] Set("Zap/1-1", "GLOBAL(DIALOPT)=rt") in new stack  == Setting global variable 'DIALOPT' to 'rt'  -- Executing [s@fromrtc:2] Set("Zap/1-1", "ISP=PSTN") in new stack  -- Executing [s@fromrtc:3] NoOp("Zap/1-1", "Incoming PSTN from ") in new stack  -- Executing [s@fromrtc:4] Ringing("Zap/1-1", "") in new stack  -- Executing [s@fromrtc:5] Answer("Zap/1-1", "") in new stack  -- Executing [s@fromrtc:6] NoOp("Zap/1-1", "FaxDetect All undetected| next priority: goto TALK") in new stack  -- Executing [s@fromrtc:7] Set("Zap/1-1", "TIMEOUT(digit)=5") in new stack  -- Digit timeout set to 5  -- Executing [s@fromrtc:8] BackGround("Zap/1-1", "beep") in new stack  -- Playing 'beep' (language 'en')  -- Executing [s@fromrtc:9] Goto("Zap/1-1", "talk|1") in new stack  -- Goto (fromrtc,talk,1)  -- Executing [talk@fromrtc:1] NoOp("Zap/1-1", "Incoming call is: TALK from ") in new stack  -- Executing [talk@fromrtc:2] Macro("Zap/1-1", "ringMainPhone|60|"rT"|") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-ringMainPhone:1] NoOp("Zap/1-1", "Call from ") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-ringMainPhone:2] Set("Zap/1-1", "REDIRECT_TO=") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-ringMainPhone:3] GotoIf("Zap/1-1", "0?AtHome:") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-ringMainPhone:4] GotoIf("Zap/1-1", "0?InTravel:") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-ringMainPhone:5] Set("Zap/1-1", "timeToRing=20") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-ringMainPhone:6] Dial("Zap/1-1", "SIP/107|20|"rT"") in new stack  -- Called 107  -- SIP/107-0825c928 is ringing --- set_address_from_contact host ''  -- SIP/107-0825c928 answered Zap/1-1 JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER JABBER: googletalk INCOMING:  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to 0874586959@freephonie REGISTER attempt 2 to 0874586959@freephonie Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to *CLI> sip show registry Host Username Refresh State Reg.Time wengo:5060 tootai 105 Registered Wed, 17 Jan 2007 18:16:01 tootaiAUDIO:5060 tootaiVOIP 105 Registered Wed, 17 Jan 2007 18:16:29 freephonie:5060 0874586959 1785 Registered Wed, 17 Jan 2007 18:08:48 Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo  -- Started music on hold, class 'default', on Zap/1-1 REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO  -- Stopped music on hold on Zap/1-1 Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER JABBER: googletalk INCOMING:  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to REGISTER attempt 1 to 0874586959@freephonie REGISTER attempt 2 to 0874586959@freephonie  == Spawn extension (macro-ringMainPhone, s, 6) exited non-zero on 'Zap/1-1'  -- Executing [h@macro-ringMainPhone:1] Hangup("Zap/1-1", "") in new stack  == Spawn extension (macro-ringMainPhone, h, 1) exited non-zero on 'Zap/1-1'  -- Hungup 'Zap/1-1' Really destroying SIP dialog '7644a0b4377033f55708fc2c15380422@' Method: BYE Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '8f855200-fd8971b2@' Method: ACK  -- Executing [711@WholeExtensions:1] Macro("SIP/106-0825dea8", "dialPTM|701") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-dialPTM:1] Dial("SIP/106-0825dea8", "IAX2/tootaiAUDIO/701") in new stack  -- Called tootaiAUDIO/701  -- Call accepted by (format gsm)  -- Format for call is gsm  -- IAX2/tootaiAUDIO-1 is ringing Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo  -- Hungup 'IAX2/tootaiAUDIO-1'  -- No one is available to answer at this time (1:0/0/0)  -- Executing [711@WholeExtensions:2] Hangup("SIP/106-0825dea8", "") in new stack  == Spawn extension (WholeExtensions, 711, 2) exited non-zero on 'SIP/106-0825dea8' REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO [Jan 17 18:44:48] WARNING[11640]: chan_sip.c:1925 retrans_pkt: Maximum retries exceeded on transmission eba601c2-64d1b87a@ for seqno 101 (Critical Response) Really destroying SIP dialog 'eba601c2-64d1b87a@' Method: INVITE Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to REGISTER attempt 1 to JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER JABBER: googletalk INCOMING:  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to 0874586959@freephonie REGISTER attempt 2 to 0874586959@freephonie Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER JABBER: googletalk INCOMING:  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to 0874586959@freephonie REGISTER attempt 2 to 0874586959@freephonie REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER  -- Executing [800@WholeExtensions:1] Goto("SIP/107-082458e0", "demo|s|1") in new stack  -- Goto (demo,s,1)  -- Executing [s@demo:1] Ringing("SIP/107-082458e0", "") in new stack  -- Executing [s@demo:2] Wait("SIP/107-082458e0", "1") in new stack  -- Executing [s@demo:3] BackGround("SIP/107-082458e0", "demo-instruct") in new stack [Jan 17 19:58:04] ERROR[11640]: chan_sip.c:14906 sipsock_read: We could NOT get the channel lock for SIP/107-082458e0! [Jan 17 19:58:04] ERROR[11640]: chan_sip.c:14907 sipsock_read: SIP transaction failed: 8d5ca69e1c831de3@  -- Playing 'demo-instruct' (language 'en')  == Spawn extension (demo, s, 3) exited non-zero on 'SIP/107-082458e0' Really destroying SIP dialog '8d5ca69e1c831de3@' Method: BYE REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER JABBER: googletalk INCOMING:  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO  -- Executing [9648227724211@WholeExtensions:1] Macro("SIP/106-0825c928", "dialTOOTAiAudio|48227724211|rt") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-dialTOOTAiAudio:1] NoOp("SIP/106-0825c928", "Outgoing TOOTAiAudio call") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-dialTOOTAiAudio:2] Macro("SIP/106-0825c928", "setCallVariables|48227724211|rt|dialLD_CHANNEL-06") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-setCallVariables:1] Set("SIP/106-0825c928", "GLOBAL(DIALEDNUMBER)=48227724211") in new stack  == Setting global variable 'DIALEDNUMBER' to '48227724211'  -- Executing [s@macro-setCallVariables:2] GotoIf("SIP/106-0825c928", "1?Dialopt") in new stack  -- Goto (macro-setCallVariables,s,4)  -- Executing [s@macro-setCallVariables:4] Set("SIP/106-0825c928", "GLOBAL(DIALOPT)=rt") in new stack  == Setting global variable 'DIALOPT' to 'rt'  -- Executing [s@macro-setCallVariables:5] Set("SIP/106-0825c928", "GLOBAL(OnNoENUM)=dialLD_CHANNEL-06") in new stack  == Setting global variable 'OnNoENUM' to 'dialLD_CHANNEL-06'  -- Executing [s@macro-dialTOOTAiAudio:3] Goto("SIP/106-0825c928", "48227724211|formatDialednumber") in new stack  -- Goto (macro-dialTOOTAiAudio,48227724211,20)  -- Executing [48227724211@macro-dialTOOTAiAudio:20] Set("SIP/106-0825c928", "calledNumber=0227724211") in new stack  -- Executing [48227724211@macro-dialTOOTAiAudio:21] Goto("SIP/106-0825c928", "s|afterFormatDialednumber") in new stack  -- Goto (macro-dialTOOTAiAudio,s,4)  -- Executing [s@macro-dialTOOTAiAudio:4] Set("SIP/106-0825c928", "GLOBAL(LD_CHANNEL)="IAX2/tootaiAUDIO/48227724211|60|rt"") in new stack  == Setting global variable 'LD_CHANNEL' to 'IAX2/tootaiAUDIO/48227724211|60|rt'  -- Executing [s@macro-dialTOOTAiAudio:5] Set("SIP/106-0825c928", "CALLERID(name) = ") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-dialTOOTAiAudio:6] Set("SIP/106-0825c928", "CALLERID(num) = +48322855276") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-dialTOOTAiAudio:7] Set("SIP/106-0825c928", "GLOBAL(callMacro)="lookENUM|48227724211"") in new stack  == Setting global variable 'callMacro' to 'lookENUM|48227724211'  -- Executing [s@macro-dialTOOTAiAudio:8] GotoIf("SIP/106-0825c928", "1?NoBestRoute:NoBestRoute") in new stack  -- Goto (macro-dialTOOTAiAudio,s,10)  -- Executing [s@macro-dialTOOTAiAudio:10] Macro("SIP/106-0825c928", "lookENUM|48227724211") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-lookENUM:1] NoOp("SIP/106-0825c928", "ENUM look: 48227724211") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-lookENUM:2] Set("SIP/106-0825c928", "GLOBAL(IMPERATIVE)=no") in new stack  == Setting global variable 'IMPERATIVE' to 'no'  -- Executing [s@macro-lookENUM:3] Set("SIP/106-0825c928", "NoENUMmacro=dialLD_CHANNEL") in new stack REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo  -- Executing [s@macro-lookENUM:4] Set("SIP/106-0825c928", "ENUMEXTEN=") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-lookENUM:5] Macro("SIP/106-0825c928", "dialLD_CHANNEL") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-dialLD_CHANNEL:1] Set("SIP/106-0825c928", "gwRange=06") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-dialLD_CHANNEL:2] Set("SIP/106-0825c928", "gwNationalPrefix=") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-dialLD_CHANNEL:3] Macro("SIP/106-0825c928", "checkGWLimit|06|") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-checkGWLimit:1] Set("SIP/106-0825c928", "GLOBAL(callLimitMax)=1") in new stack  == Setting global variable 'callLimitMax' to '1'  -- Executing [s@macro-checkGWLimit:2] Set("SIP/106-0825c928", "GLOBAL(callLimitInt)=1") in new stack  == Setting global variable 'callLimitInt' to '1'  -- Executing [s@macro-checkGWLimit:3] Set("SIP/106-0825c928", "GLOBAL(callInUseInt)=0") in new stack  == Setting global variable 'callInUseInt' to '0'  -- Executing [s@macro-checkGWLimit:4] Set("SIP/106-0825c928", "GLOBAL(callInUseNat)=0") in new stack  == Setting global variable 'callInUseNat' to '0'  -- Executing [s@macro-checkGWLimit:5] Set("SIP/106-0825c928", "GLOBAL(nationalPrefix)=") in new stack  == Setting global variable 'nationalPrefix' to ''  -- Executing [s@macro-checkGWLimit:6] Set("SIP/106-0825c928", "GLOBAL(callPrefix)=48") in new stack  == Setting global variable 'callPrefix' to '48'  -- Executing [s@macro-checkGWLimit:7] Set("SIP/106-0825c928", "GLOBAL(callCounter)=0") in new stack  == Setting global variable 'callCounter' to '0'  -- Executing [s@macro-checkGWLimit:8] GotoIf("SIP/106-0825c928", "0?:checkLimitInt") in new stack  -- Goto (macro-checkGWLimit,s,10)  -- Executing [s@macro-checkGWLimit:10] GotoIf("SIP/106-0825c928", "0?:checkLimitMaxInt") in new stack  -- Goto (macro-checkGWLimit,s,12)  -- Executing [s@macro-checkGWLimit:12] GotoIf("SIP/106-0825c928", "0?:checkInUseInt") in new stack  -- Goto (macro-checkGWLimit,s,14)  -- Executing [s@macro-checkGWLimit:14] GotoIf("SIP/106-0825c928", "0?:checkInUseNat") in new stack  -- Goto (macro-checkGWLimit,s,16)  -- Executing [s@macro-checkGWLimit:16] GotoIf("SIP/106-0825c928", "0?:checkNationalPrefix") in new stack  -- Goto (macro-checkGWLimit,s,18)  -- Executing [s@macro-checkGWLimit:18] GotoIf("SIP/106-0825c928", "1?:checkOK") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-checkGWLimit:19] Set("SIP/106-0825c928", "GLOBAL(nationalPrefix)=48") in new stack  == Setting global variable 'nationalPrefix' to '48'  -- Executing [s@macro-checkGWLimit:20] Set("SIP/106-0825c928", "callInUse=0") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-checkGWLimit:21] GotoIf("SIP/106-0825c928", "0?callDial:") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-checkGWLimit:22] Set("SIP/106-0825c928", "ErrTxt="At this time: 0 lines(s) of the GLOBAL 1 authorized are in use"") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-checkGWLimit:23] NoOp("SIP/106-0825c928", "Call(s) 0 are out of 1 - New call is for destination 48") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-checkGWLimit:24] GotoIf("SIP/106-0825c928", "1?:callRejected") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-checkGWLimit:25] GotoIf("SIP/106-0825c928", "1?limitNat:") in new stack  -- Goto (macro-checkGWLimit,s,31)  -- Executing [s@macro-checkGWLimit:31] Set("SIP/106-0825c928", "callLeft=1") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-checkGWLimit:32] Set("SIP/106-0825c928", "ErrTxt="At this time: 0 NATIONAL line(s) of the 1 authorized are in use"") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-checkGWLimit:33] NoOp("SIP/106-0825c928", "National Call(s) 0 are out of 1") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-checkGWLimit:34] GotoIf("SIP/106-0825c928", "1?:callRejected") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-checkGWLimit:35] Set("SIP/106-0825c928", "GLOBAL(callInUseNat)=1") in new stack  == Setting global variable 'callInUseNat' to '1'  -- Executing [s@macro-checkGWLimit:36] Set("SIP/106-0825c928", "callInUse=1") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-checkGWLimit:37] Set("SIP/106-0825c928", "ENV(AST_GW06)=1-1-0-1") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-checkGWLimit:38] Set("SIP/106-0825c928", "GLOBAL(callCounter)=1") in new stack  == Setting global variable 'callCounter' to '1'  -- Executing [s@macro-checkGWLimit:39] NoOp("SIP/106-0825c928", "1 <= 1: call is passing") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-checkGWLimit:40] System("SIP/106-0825c928", "echo "1-1-0-1">"/etc/asterisk/local/variables.nonvolatiles/AST_GW06"") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-checkGWLimit:41] Dial("SIP/106-0825c928", "IAX2/tootaiAUDIO/48227724211|60|rt") in new stack  -- Called tootaiAUDIO/48227724211  -- Call accepted by (format gsm)  -- Format for call is gsm  -- IAX2/tootaiAUDIO-7 is ringing  -- IAX2/tootaiAUDIO-7 answered SIP/106-0825c928 [Jan 17 20:05:30] ERROR[11640]: chan_sip.c:14906 sipsock_read: We could NOT get the channel lock for SIP/106-0825c928! [Jan 17 20:05:30] ERROR[11640]: chan_sip.c:14907 sipsock_read: SIP transaction failed: 296add87-bfedfbbe@ Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER  -- Hungup 'IAX2/tootaiAUDIO-7'  == Spawn extension (macro-checkGWLimit, s, 41) exited non-zero on 'SIP/106-0825c928'  -- Executing [h@macro-checkGWLimit:1] Macro("SIP/106-0825c928", "callDecrease") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-callDecrease:1] GotoIf("SIP/106-0825c928", "0?end") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-callDecrease:2] NoOp("SIP/106-0825c928", "HangupCause=16") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-callDecrease:3] NoOp("SIP/106-0825c928", "DialStatus=ANSWER") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-callDecrease:4] GotoIf("SIP/106-0825c928", "1?decreaseNat:") in new stack  -- Goto (macro-callDecrease,s,9)  -- Executing [s@macro-callDecrease:9] Set("SIP/106-0825c928", "GLOBAL(callInUseNat)=0") in new stack  == Setting global variable 'callInUseNat' to '0'  -- Executing [s@macro-callDecrease:10] GotoIf("SIP/106-0825c928", "1?SetAST_GW:") in new stack  -- Goto (macro-callDecrease,s,12)  -- Executing [s@macro-callDecrease:12] Set("SIP/106-0825c928", "ENV(AST_GW06)=1-1-0-0") in new stack  -- Executing [s@macro-callDecrease:13] Set("SIP/106-0825c928", "GLOBAL(callCounter)=0") in new stack  == Setting global variable 'callCounter' to '0' Really destroying SIP dialog '296add87-bfedfbbe@' Method: BYE REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to 0874586959@freephonie REGISTER attempt 2 to 0874586959@freephonie REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER JABBER: googletalk INCOMING:  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to 0874586959@freephonie REGISTER attempt 2 to 0874586959@freephonie  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER JABBER: googletalk INCOMING:  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 2 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 1 to 0874586959@freephonie REGISTER attempt 2 to 0874586959@freephonie  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo JABBER: googletalk INCOMING:  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: REGISTER attempt 1 to 0874586959@freephonie REGISTER attempt 2 to 0874586959@freephonie REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to 0874586959@freephonie REGISTER attempt 2 to 0874586959@freephonie JABBER: googletalk INCOMING:  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER JABBER: googletalk INCOMING:  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: REGISTER attempt 1 to 0874586959@freephonie REGISTER attempt 2 to 0874586959@freephonie Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER JABBER: googletalk INCOMING:  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to 0874586959@freephonie REGISTER attempt 2 to 0874586959@freephonie Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER JABBER: googletalk INCOMING:  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to 0874586959@freephonie REGISTER attempt 2 to 0874586959@freephonie Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to REGISTER attempt 1 to 0874586959@freephonie REGISTER attempt 2 to 0874586959@freephonie Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to JABBER: googletalk INCOMING:  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: REGISTER attempt 1 to  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to 0874586959@freephonie REGISTER attempt 2 to 0874586959@freephonie REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to JABBER: googletalk INCOMING:  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to JABBER: googletalk INCOMING:  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to REGISTER attempt 2 to  -- parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060 REGISTER attempt 1 to Really destroying SIP dialog '0e0ff7e93cb3db7b6fdcdc7c0fb751d5@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootai@wengo REGISTER attempt 2 to tootai@wengo JABBER: googletalk INCOMING: Really destroying SIP dialog '7f40bb110a695f69677930327e0747c0@' Method: REGISTER REGISTER attempt 1 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO REGISTER attempt 2 to tootaiVOIP@tootaiAUDIO Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '9af39448c91f1289@' Method: REGISTER Really destroying SIP dialog '36338b44048a52d936b9a913430d5020@' Method: REGISTER  -- Remote UNIX connection Beginning asterisk shutdown.... Executing last minute cleanups  == Destroying musiconhold processes Asterisk cleanly ending (0).