{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Arial;}} {\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20 Only G729 is allowed through the IAX trunk\par \par -- Executing Macro("SIP/901-b7e12c98", "DialOut|00402042997|60|T|g1") in new stack\par -- Executing GotoIf("SIP/901-b7e12c98", "0?21:2") in new stack\par -- Goto (macro-DialOut,s,2)\par -- Executing GotoIf("SIP/901-b7e12c98", "0?31:3") in new stack\par -- Goto (macro-DialOut,s,3)\par -- Executing GotoIf("SIP/901-b7e12c98", "0?41:4") in new stack\par -- Goto (macro-DialOut,s,4)\par -- Executing GotoIf("SIP/901-b7e12c98", "1?51:5") in new stack\par -- Goto (macro-DialOut,s,51)\par -- Executing Macro("SIP/901-b7e12c98", "DialTrunk|00402042997|60|T") in new stack\par -- Executing Set("SIP/901-b7e12c98", "CALLERID(number)=894230900") in new stack\par -- Executing Set("SIP/901-b7e12c98", "SIP_CODEC=g729") in new stack\par -- Executing Dial("SIP/901-b7e12c98", "IAX2/IAXTRUNK01/00402042997|60|T") in new stack\par Oct 5 08:57:48 WARNING[8637]: chan_iax2.c:8003 iax2_request: Unable to create translator path for unknown to ulaw on IAX2/IAXTRUNK01-16384\par -- Hungup 'IAX2/IAXTRUNK01-16384'\par Oct 5 08:57:48 NOTICE[8637]: app_dial.c:1049 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'IAX2' (cause 0 - Unknown)\par \par /var/log/asterisk/messages\par Oct 5 09:46:14 WARNING[10816] chan_iax2.c: Unable to create translator path for unknown to ulaw on IAX2/IAXTRUNK01-16384\par Oct 5 09:46:14 NOTICE[10816] app_dial.c: Unable to create channel of type 'IAX2' (cause 0 - Unknown)\par Oct 5 09:47:14 WARNING[10850] chan_iax2.c: Unable to create translator path for unknown to ulaw on IAX2/IAXTRUNK01-16385\par Oct 5 09:47:14 NOTICE[10850] app_dial.c: Unable to create channel of type 'IAX2' (cause 0 - Unknown)\par \par \par After allowing G711ulaw through the IAX2 trunk\par \par \par -- Executing Macro("SIP/901-08527208", "DialOut|00402042997|60|T|g1") in new stack\par -- Executing GotoIf("SIP/901-08527208", "0?21:2") in new stack\par -- Goto (macro-DialOut,s,2)\par -- Executing GotoIf("SIP/901-08527208", "0?31:3") in new stack\par -- Goto (macro-DialOut,s,3)\par -- Executing GotoIf("SIP/901-08527208", "0?41:4") in new stack\par -- Goto (macro-DialOut,s,4)\par -- Executing GotoIf("SIP/901-08527208", "1?51:5") in new stack\par -- Goto (macro-DialOut,s,51)\par -- Executing Macro("SIP/901-08527208", "DialTrunk|00402042997|60|T") in new stack\par -- Executing Set("SIP/901-08527208", "CALLERID(number)=894230900") in new stack\par -- Executing Set("SIP/901-08527208", "SIP_CODEC=g729") in new stack\par -- Executing Dial("SIP/901-08527208", "IAX2/IAXTRUNK01/00402042997|60|T") in new stack\par -- Called IAXTRUNK01/00402042997\par -- Call accepted by (format g729)\par -- Format for call is g729\par Oct 5 09:00:11 WARNING[8719]: channel.c:2341 set_format: Unable to find a codec translation path from g729 to ulaw\par Oct 5 09:00:11 WARNING[8719]: channel.c:2341 set_format: Unable to find a codec translation path from g729 to ulaw\par Oct 5 09:00:18 WARNING[8719]: channel.c:2341 set_format: Unable to find a codec translation path from g729 to ulaw\par Oct 5 09:00:18 WARNING[8764]: chan_sip.c:2552 sip_write: Asked to transmit frame type 256, while native formats is 4 (read/write = 4/4)\par -- IAX2/IAXTRUNK01-16385 is making progress passing it to SIP/901-08527208\par Oct 5 09:00:18 NOTICE[8764]: chan_sip.c:2510 try_suggested_sip_codec: Changing codec to 'g729' for this call because of $\{SIP_CODEC) variable\par Oct 5 09:00:18 WARNING[8764]: chan_sip.c:2552 sip_write: Asked to transmit frame type 256, while native formats is 4 (read/write = 4/4)\par Oct 5 09:00:18 WARNING[8764]: chan_sip.c:2552 sip_write: Asked to transmit frame type 256, while native formats is 4 (read/write = 4/4)\par Oct 5 09:00:18 WARNING[8764]: chan_sip.c:2552 sip_write: Asked to transmit frame type 256, while native formats is 4 (read/write = 4/4)\par Oct 5 09:00:18 WARNING[8764]: chan_sip.c:2552 sip_write: Asked to transmit frame type 256, while native formats is 4 (read/write = 4/4)\par Oct 5 09:00:18 WARNING[8764]: chan_sip.c:2552 sip_write: Asked to transmit frame type 256, while native formats is 4 (read/write = 4/4)\par Oct 5 09:00:18 WARNING[8764]: chan_sip.c:2552 sip_write: Asked to transmit frame type 256, while native formats is 4 (read/write = 4/4)\par Oct 5 09:00:18 WARNING[8764]: chan_sip.c:2552 sip_write: Asked to transmit frame type 256, while native formats is 4 (read/write = 4/4)\par Oct 5 09:00:18 WARNING[8764]: chan_sip.c:2552 sip_write: Asked to transmit frame type 256, while native formats is 4 (read/write = 4/4)\par Oct 5 09:00:18 WARNING[8764]: chan_sip.c:2552 sip_write: Asked to transmit frame type 256, while native formats is 4 (read/write = 4/4)\par Oct 5 09:00:18 WARNING[8764]: chan_sip.c:2552 sip_write: Asked to transmit frame type 256, while native formats is 4 (read/write = 4/4)\par Oct 5 09:00:18 WARNING[8764]: channel.c:2341 set_format: Unable to find a codec translation path from g729 to ulaw\par Oct 5 09:00:18 WARNING[8764]: channel.c:2341 set_format: Unable to find a codec translation path from g729 to ulaw\par -- IAX2/IAXTRUNK01-16385 answered SIP/901-08527208\par Oct 5 09:00:22 NOTICE[8764]: chan_sip.c:2510 try_suggested_sip_codec: Changing codec to 'g729' for this call because of $\{SIP_CODEC) variable\par Oct 5 09:00:22 NOTICE[8764]: chan_sip.c:2510 try_suggested_sip_codec: Changing codec to 'g729' for this call because of $\{SIP_CODEC) variable\par \par \par With sip debug and iax2 debug turned on.\par \par <-- SIP read from \par INVITE sip:00402042997@;user=phone SIP/2.0\par Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-yhccsv6wrdbp;rport\par From: "Island test" ;tag=2lmw5oebdb\par To: \par Call-ID: 3c2673165f37-agv4vpcj3y9g@snom360-000413230EE8\par CSeq: 1 INVITE\par Max-Forwards: 70\par Contact: ;flow-id=1\par P-Key-Flags: resolution="31x13", keys="4"\par User-Agent: snom360/6.2.3\par Accept: application/sdp\par Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, BYE, REFER, OPTIONS, NOTIFY, SUBSCRIBE, PRACK, MESSAGE, INFO\par Allow-Events: talk, hold, refer\par Supported: timer, 100rel, replaces, callerid\par Session-Expires: 3600;refresher=uas\par Min-SE: 90\par Content-Type: application/sdp\par Content-Length: 359\par \par v=0\par o=root 1058298768 1058298768 IN IP4\par s=call\par c=IN IP4\par t=0 0\par m=audio 63164 RTP/AVP 18 0 101\par a=crypto:1 AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_32 inline:pbkRnuLG99vM64pntZaFExu4O3nDayNla/5dXyXZ\par =rtpmap:18 g729/8000\par a=rtpmap:0 pcmu/8000\par a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000\par a=fmtp:101 0-16\par a=ptime:20\par a=encryption:optional\par a=sendrecv\par \par --- (18 headers 14 lines)---\par Using INVITE request as basis request - 3c2673165f37-agv4vpcj3y9g@snom360-000413230EE8\par Sending to : 2051 (NAT)\par Found user '901'\par Found RTP audio format 18\par Found RTP audio format 0\par Found RTP audio format 101\par Peer audio RTP is at port\par Found description format g729\par Found description format pcmu\par Found description format telephone-event\par Capabilities: us - 0x104 (ulaw|g729), peer - audio=0x104 (ulaw|g729)/video=0x0 (nothing), combined - 0x104 (ulaw|g729)\par Non-codec capabilities: us - 0x1 (telephone-event), peer - 0x1 (telephone-event), combined - 0x1 (telephone-event)\par Looking for 00402042997 in internal-sip (domain\par list_route: hop: \par Transmitting (no NAT) to\par SIP/2.0 100 Trying\par Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-yhccsv6wrdbp;rport;received=\par From: "Island test" ;tag=2lmw5oebdb\par To: \par Call-ID: 3c2673165f37-agv4vpcj3y9g@snom360-000413230EE8\par CSeq: 1 INVITE\par User-Agent: Asterisk PBX\par Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, OPTIONS, BYE, REFER, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY\par Contact: \par Content-Length: 0\par \par \par ---\par -- Executing Macro("SIP/901-09d7d3a8", "DialOut|00402042997|60|T|g1") in new stack\par -- Executing GotoIf("SIP/901-09d7d3a8", "0?21:2") in new stack\par -- Goto (macro-DialOut,s,2)\par -- Executing GotoIf("SIP/901-09d7d3a8", "0?31:3") in new stack\par -- Goto (macro-DialOut,s,3)\par -- Executing GotoIf("SIP/901-09d7d3a8", "0?41:4") in new stack\par -- Goto (macro-DialOut,s,4)\par -- Executing GotoIf("SIP/901-09d7d3a8", "1?51:5") in new stack\par -- Goto (macro-DialOut,s,51)\par -- Executing Macro("SIP/901-09d7d3a8", "DialTrunk|00402042997|60|T") in new stack\par -- Executing Set("SIP/901-09d7d3a8", "CALLERID(number)=894230900") in new stack\par -- Executing Dial("SIP/901-09d7d3a8", "IAX2/IAXTRUNK01/00402042997|60|T") in new stack\par Oct 5 09:52:00 WARNING[11103]: chan_iax2.c:8003 iax2_request: Unable to create translator path for unknown to ulaw on IAX2/IAXTRUNK01-16384\par Tx-Frame Retry[000] -- OSeqno: 000 ISeqno: 000 Type: IAX Subclass: HANGUP \par Timestamp: 00011ms SCall: 16384 DCall: 00000 []\par CAUSE CODE : 0\par \par -- Hungup 'IAX2/IAXTRUNK01-16384'\par Rx-Frame Retry[ No] -- OSeqno: 000 ISeqno: 000 Type: IAX Subclass: INVAL \par Timestamp: 00000ms SCall: 00000 DCall: 16384 []\par Oct 5 09:52:00 NOTICE[11103]: app_dial.c:1049 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'IAX2' (cause 0 - Unknown)\par == Everyone is busy/congested at this time (1:0/0/1)\par localhost*CLI> \par <-- SIP read from \par CANCEL sip:00402042997@;user=phone SIP/2.0\par Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-yhccsv6wrdbp;rport\par From: "Island test" ;tag=2lmw5oebdb\par To: \par Call-ID: 3c2673165f37-agv4vpcj3y9g@snom360-000413230EE8\par CSeq: 1 CANCEL\par Max-Forwards: 70\par Contact: ;flow-id=1\par Reason: SIP;cause=487;text="Request terminated by user"\par Content-Length: 0\par \par \par --- (10 headers 0 lines)---\par Sending to : 2051 (NAT)\par Reliably Transmitting (NAT) to\par SIP/2.0 487 Request Terminated\par Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-yhccsv6wrdbp;received=;rport=2051\par From: "Island test" ;tag=2lmw5oebdb\par To: ;tag=as11509ee9\par Call-ID: 3c2673165f37-agv4vpcj3y9g@snom360-000413230EE8\par CSeq: 1 INVITE\par User-Agent: Asterisk PBX\par Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, OPTIONS, BYE, REFER, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY\par Contact: \par Content-Length: 0\par \par \par ---\par Transmitting (NAT) to\par SIP/2.0 200 OK\par Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-yhccsv6wrdbp;received=;rport=2051\par From: "Island test" ;tag=2lmw5oebdb\par To: ;tag=as11509ee9\par Call-ID: 3c2673165f37-agv4vpcj3y9g@snom360-000413230EE8\par CSeq: 1 CANCEL\par User-Agent: Asterisk PBX\par Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, OPTIONS, BYE, REFER, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY\par Contact: \par Content-Length: 0\par }