---------Date 10/02/06--------- 16:38:48:637 Signalling IP address is set to 16:38:48:637 Listen port number is set to 1720 16:38:48:637 Added alias: DialedDigits - 100 16:38:48:637 Added alias: H323ID - Keycom Test 16:38:48:637 Adding endpoint capability OO_G729ANNEXA. 16:38:48:638 Adding endpoint capability OO_G729. 16:38:48:638 Enabled RFC2833 DTMF capability for end-point 16:38:48:638 H323 listener creation - successful 16:38:48:638 Creating CMD listener at 16:38:48:638 CMD listener creation - successful 16:38:48:639 H.323 Endpoint Configuration is as follows: 16:38:48:639 Trace File: /var/log/asterisk/h323_log 16:38:48:639 FastStart - enabled 16:38:48:639 H245 Tunneling - enabled 16:38:48:639 MediaWaitForConnect - disabled 16:38:48:640 AutoAnswer - disabled 16:38:48:640 Terminal Type - 50 16:38:48:640 T35 CountryCode - 1 16:38:48:640 T35 Extension - 0 16:38:48:640 Manufacturer Code - 71 16:38:48:640 ProductID - objsys 16:38:48:640 VersionID - v0.8.2 16:38:48:640 Local signalling IP address - 16:38:48:640 H225 ListenPort - 1720 16:38:48:737 CallerID - KeycomH323 16:38:48:737 Call Establishment Timeout - 60 seconds 16:38:48:737 MasterSlaveDetermination Timeout - 30 seconds 16:38:48:737 TerminalCapabilityExchange Timeout - 30 seconds 16:38:48:737 LogicalChannel Timeout - 30 seconds 16:38:48:737 Session Timeout - 15 seconds 16:38:56:581 New connection at H225 receiver 16:38:56:581 Created a new call (incoming, ooh323c_1) 16:38:56:581 Determining IP address for incoming call in multihomed mode (incoming, ooh323c_1) 16:38:56:582 Using Local IP address for incoming call in multihomed mode. (incoming, ooh323c_1) 16:38:56:583 Receiving H.2250 message (incoming, ooh323c_1) 16:38:56:583 Received Q.931 message: (incoming, ooh323c_1) 16:38:56:583 Received H.2250 Message = { 16:38:56:583 protocolDiscriminator = 8 16:38:56:583 callReference = 4583 16:38:56:583 from = originator 16:38:56:583 messageType = 5 16:38:56:583 Bearer-Capability IE = { 16:38:56:584 88, c0, a5 } 16:38:56:584 Display IE = { 16:38:56:584 KeycomH323 16:38:56:584 } 16:38:56:584 CallingPartyNumber IE = { 16:38:56:584 1785717408 16:38:56:585 } 16:38:56:585 CalledPartyNumber IE = { 16:38:56:585 407017247 16:38:56:585 } 16:38:56:585 h323_uu_pdu = { 16:38:56:586 h323_message_body = { 16:38:56:587 setup = { 16:38:56:588 protocolIdentifier = { 16:38:56:589 { 16:38:56:591 0 0 8 2250 0 4 } 16:38:56:591 } 16:38:56:592 sourceAddress = { 16:38:56:594 elem[0] = { 16:38:56:596 dialedDigits = { 16:38:56:598 "1785717408" 16:38:56:600 } 16:38:56:601 } 16:38:56:603 } 16:38:56:604 sourceInfo = { 16:38:56:605 vendor = { 16:38:56:607 vendor = { 16:38:56:609 t35CountryCode = { 16:38:56:611 1 16:38:56:613 } 16:38:56:615 t35Extension = { 16:38:56:618 0 16:38:56:620 } 16:38:56:622 manufacturerCode = { 16:38:56:624 71 16:38:56:626 } 16:38:56:628 } 16:38:56:630 productId = { 16:38:56:632 '6f626a737973'H 16:38:56:634 } 16:38:56:636 versionId = { 16:38:56:638 '76302e38'H 16:38:56:640 } 16:38:56:642 } 16:38:56:643 terminal = { 16:38:56:645 } 16:38:56:646 mc = { 16:38:56:648 FALSE 16:38:56:650 } 16:38:56:651 undefinedNode = { 16:38:56:653 FALSE 16:38:56:654 } 16:38:56:656 } 16:38:56:657 destinationAddress = { 16:38:56:658 elem[0] = { 16:38:56:660 dialedDigits = { 16:38:56:662 "407017247" 16:38:56:664 } 16:38:56:666 } 16:38:56:667 } 16:38:56:668 destCallSignalAddress = { 16:38:56:670 ipAddress = { 16:38:56:671 ip = { 16:38:56:673 'c0a80168'H 16:38:56:675 } 16:38:56:677 port = { 16:38:56:679 1720 16:38:56:681 } 16:38:56:683 } 16:38:56:684 } 16:38:56:685 activeMC = { 16:38:56:687 FALSE 16:38:56:688 } 16:38:56:689 conferenceID = { 16:38:56:691 '0102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f10'H 16:38:56:692 } 16:38:56:693 conferenceGoal = { 16:38:56:695 create = { 16:38:56:696 NULL 16:38:56:698 } 16:38:56:700 } 16:38:56:701 callType = { 16:38:56:702 pointToPoint = { 16:38:56:704 NULL 16:38:56:706 } 16:38:56:707 } 16:38:56:708 sourceCallSignalAddress = { 16:38:56:710 ipAddress = { 16:38:56:711 ip = { 16:38:56:713 'd4096097'H 16:38:56:715 } 16:38:56:717 port = { 16:38:56:719 12109 16:38:56:721 } 16:38:56:723 } 16:38:56:724 } 16:38:56:725 callIdentifier = { 16:38:56:727 guid = { 16:38:56:728 '6f6f68333233632d0d54050000000080'H 16:38:56:730 } 16:38:56:732 } 16:38:56:733 fastStart = { 16:38:56:734 elem[0] = { 16:38:56:736 '4003e8060401004d6017801114000100d40960973a4e00d40960973a4f'H 16:38:56:738 } 16:38:56:739 elem[1] = { 16:38:56:741 '0003e90d6005800a04000100d40960973a4f'H 16:38:56:743 } 16:38:56:744 } 16:38:56:746 mediaWaitForConnect = { 16:38:56:747 FALSE 16:38:56:748 } 16:38:56:750 canOverlapSend = { 16:38:56:751 FALSE 16:38:56:752 } 16:38:56:754 multipleCalls = { 16:38:56:755 FALSE 16:38:56:756 } 16:38:56:758 maintainConnection = { 16:38:56:759 FALSE 16:38:56:760 } 16:38:56:762 presentationIndicator = { 16:38:56:763 presentationAllowed = { 16:38:56:765 NULL 16:38:56:766 } 16:38:56:768 } 16:38:56:769 screeningIndicator = { 16:38:56:771 0 16:38:56:772 } 16:38:56:773 } 16:38:56:774 } 16:38:56:775 h245Tunneling = { 16:38:56:776 TRUE 16:38:56:777 } 16:38:56:777 } 16:38:56:778 UUIE decode successful 16:38:56:778 Decoded Q931 message (incoming, ooh323c_1) 16:38:56:778 } 16:38:56:778 Received SETUP message (incoming, ooh323c_1) 16:38:56:778 Call has tunneling active (incoming,ooh323c_1) 16:38:56:778 FastStart enabled for call(incoming, ooh323c_1) 16:38:56:778 FastStart Elements = { 16:38:56:779 forwardLogicalChannelNumber = { 16:38:56:779 1001 16:38:56:780 } 16:38:56:780 forwardLogicalChannelParameters = { 16:38:56:781 dataType = { 16:38:56:781 nullData = { 16:38:56:782 NULL 16:38:56:784 } 16:38:56:785 } 16:38:56:785 multiplexParameters = { 16:38:56:786 none = { 16:38:56:787 NULL 16:38:56:788 } 16:38:56:789 } 16:38:56:790 } 16:38:56:790 reverseLogicalChannelParameters = { 16:38:56:791 dataType = { 16:38:56:791 audioData = { 16:38:56:793 g729AnnexA = { 16:38:56:794 24 16:38:56:795 } 16:38:56:797 } 16:38:56:798 } 16:38:56:798 multiplexParameters = { 16:38:56:799 h2250LogicalChannelParameters = { 16:38:56:800 sessionID = { 16:38:56:801 1 16:38:56:803 } 16:38:56:804 mediaChannel = { 16:38:56:805 unicastAddress = { 16:38:56:807 iPAddress = { 16:38:56:809 network = { 16:38:56:811 'd4096097'H 16:38:56:813 } 16:38:56:815 tsapIdentifier = { 16:38:56:817 14926 16:38:56:820 } 16:38:56:822 } 16:38:56:824 } 16:38:56:825 } 16:38:56:826 mediaControlChannel = { 16:38:56:828 unicastAddress = { 16:38:56:829 iPAddress = { 16:38:56:831 network = { 16:38:56:833 'd4096097'H 16:38:56:835 } 16:38:56:837 tsapIdentifier = { 16:38:56:840 14927 16:38:56:842 } 16:38:56:844 } 16:38:56:846 } 16:38:56:847 } 16:38:56:848 } 16:38:56:849 } 16:38:56:850 } 16:38:56:850 forwardLogicalChannelNumber = { 16:38:56:851 1002 16:38:56:851 } 16:38:56:852 forwardLogicalChannelParameters = { 16:38:56:852 dataType = { 16:38:56:853 audioData = { 16:38:56:854 g729AnnexA = { 16:38:56:855 6 16:38:56:857 } 16:38:56:858 } 16:38:56:859 } 16:38:56:860 multiplexParameters = { 16:38:56:860 h2250LogicalChannelParameters = { 16:38:56:861 sessionID = { 16:38:56:863 1 16:38:56:864 } 16:38:56:865 mediaControlChannel = { 16:38:56:867 unicastAddress = { 16:38:56:868 iPAddress = { 16:38:56:870 network = { 16:38:56:872 'd4096097'H 16:38:56:875 } 16:38:56:877 tsapIdentifier = { 16:38:56:879 14927 16:38:56:881 } 16:38:56:883 } 16:38:56:885 } 16:38:56:886 } 16:38:56:887 } 16:38:56:888 } 16:38:56:889 } 16:38:56:889 } 16:38:56:890 Enabled RFC2833 DTMF capability for (incoming, ooh323c_1) 16:38:56:890 Adding call specific capability OO_G729ANNEXA. (incoming, ooh323c_1) 16:38:56:890 Adding call specific capability OO_G729. (incoming, ooh323c_1) 16:38:56:890 Configured mediainfo for cap OO_G729ANNEXA (incoming, ooh323c_1) 16:38:56:891 Configured mediainfo for cap OO_G729ANNEXA (incoming, ooh323c_1) 16:38:56:891 Configured mediainfo for cap OO_G729 (incoming, ooh323c_1) 16:38:56:891 Configured mediainfo for cap OO_G729 (incoming, ooh323c_1) 16:38:56:891 Building CallProceeding (incoming, ooh323c_1) 16:38:56:891 Built Call Proceeding(incoming, ooh323c_1) 16:38:56:892 UserInfo encoding - successful 16:38:56:892 Q931 Message = { 16:38:56:892 protocolDiscriminator = 8 16:38:56:892 callReference = 4583 16:38:56:892 from = destination 16:38:56:892 messageType = 2 16:38:56:893 Display IE = { 16:38:56:893 KeycomH323 16:38:56:893 } 16:38:56:893 h323_uu_pdu = { 16:38:56:893 h323_message_body = { 16:38:56:894 callProceeding = { 16:38:56:895 protocolIdentifier = { 16:38:56:896 { 16:38:56:898 0 0 8 2250 0 4 } 16:38:56:899 } 16:38:56:900 destinationInfo = { 16:38:56:901 vendor = { 16:38:56:903 vendor = { 16:38:56:905 t35CountryCode = { 16:38:56:907 1 16:38:56:909 } 16:38:56:911 t35Extension = { 16:38:56:913 0 16:38:56:915 } 16:38:56:918 manufacturerCode = { 16:38:56:920 71 16:38:56:922 } 16:38:56:924 } 16:38:56:926 productId = { 16:38:56:928 '6f626a737973'H 16:38:56:930 } 16:38:56:931 versionId = { 16:38:56:933 '76302e382e32'H 16:38:56:935 } 16:38:56:937 } 16:38:56:939 terminal = { 16:38:56:940 } 16:38:56:942 mc = { 16:38:56:943 FALSE 16:38:56:945 } 16:38:56:946 undefinedNode = { 16:38:56:948 FALSE 16:38:56:950 } 16:38:56:951 } 16:38:56:952 callIdentifier = { 16:38:56:954 guid = { 16:38:56:955 '6f6f68333233632d0d54050000000080'H 16:38:56:957 } 16:38:56:959 } 16:38:56:960 multipleCalls = { 16:38:56:961 FALSE 16:38:56:963 } 16:38:56:964 maintainConnection = { 16:38:56:965 FALSE 16:38:56:967 } 16:38:56:968 } 16:38:56:969 } 16:38:56:969 h245Tunneling = { 16:38:56:970 TRUE 16:38:56:971 } 16:38:56:972 } 16:38:56:972 UUIE decode successful 16:38:56:972 } 16:38:56:972 Queued H225 messages 1. (incoming, ooh323c_1) 16:38:56:973 Processing received reverse olc 1001 (incoming, ooh323c_1) 16:38:56:973 Looking for data type support. (incoming, ooh323c_1) 16:38:56:973 Looking for audio dataType support. (incoming, ooh323c_1) 16:38:56:973 Determined Simple audio data type to be of type OO_G729ANNEXA. Searching for matching capability.(incoming, ooh323c_1) 16:38:56:973 Local cap being compared OO_G729ANNEXA. (incoming, ooh323c_1) 16:38:56:973 Found matching simple audio capability type OO_G729ANNEXA. Comparing other parameters. (incoming, ooh323c_1) 16:38:56:973 We can transmit Simple capability OO_G729ANNEXA. (incoming, ooh323c_1) 16:38:56:973 Returning copy of matched transmit capability OO_G729ANNEXA.(incoming, ooh323c_1) 16:38:56:974 Transmit Channel data type supported 16:38:56:974 ooPrepareFastStartResponseOLC for transmit Capability (incoming, ooh323c_1) 16:38:56:974 Adding new media channel for cap 12 dir transmit (incoming, ooh323c_1) 16:38:56:974 Adding new channel with cap 12 (incoming, ooh323c_1) 16:38:56:974 Using configured media info (incoming, ooh323c_1) 16:38:56:974 Created new logical channel entry (incoming, ooh323c_1) 16:38:56:974 Building reverse olc. (incoming, ooh323c_1) 16:38:56:975 Transmit channel of type audio started (incoming, ooh323c_1) 16:38:56:975 FastStart Element = { 16:38:56:975 forwardLogicalChannelNumber = { 16:38:56:976 1001 16:38:56:976 } 16:38:56:977 forwardLogicalChannelParameters = { 16:38:56:977 dataType = { 16:38:56:978 nullData = { 16:38:56:979 NULL 16:38:56:980 } 16:38:56:981 } 16:38:56:982 multiplexParameters = { 16:38:56:983 none = { 16:38:56:984 NULL 16:38:56:985 } 16:38:56:986 } 16:38:56:986 } 16:38:56:987 reverseLogicalChannelParameters = { 16:38:56:987 dataType = { 16:38:56:988 audioData = { 16:38:56:989 g729AnnexA = { 16:38:56:990 24 16:38:56:992 } 16:38:56:993 } 16:38:56:994 } 16:38:56:995 multiplexParameters = { 16:38:56:995 h2250LogicalChannelParameters = { 16:38:56:996 sessionID = { 16:38:56:998 1 16:38:56:999 } 16:38:57:000 mediaControlChannel = { 16:38:57:002 unicastAddress = { 16:38:57:003 iPAddress = { 16:38:57:005 network = { 16:38:57:007 'c0a80168'H 16:38:57:010 } 16:38:57:012 tsapIdentifier = { 16:38:57:014 14663 16:38:57:016 } 16:38:57:018 } 16:38:57:020 } 16:38:57:021 } 16:38:57:023 } 16:38:57:024 } 16:38:57:024 } 16:38:57:025 } 16:38:57:025 Processing received forward olc 1002 (incoming, ooh323c_1) 16:38:57:025 Looking for data type support. (incoming, ooh323c_1) 16:38:57:025 Looking for audio dataType support. (incoming, ooh323c_1) 16:38:57:025 Determined Simple audio data type to be of type OO_G729ANNEXA. Searching for matching capability.(incoming, ooh323c_1) 16:38:57:025 Local cap being compared OO_G729ANNEXA. (incoming, ooh323c_1) 16:38:57:025 Found matching simple audio capability type OO_G729ANNEXA. Comparing other parameters. (incoming, ooh323c_1) 16:38:57:025 We can receive Simple capability OO_G729ANNEXA. (incoming, ooh323c_1) 16:38:57:026 Returning copy of matched receive capability OO_G729ANNEXA. (incoming, ooh323c_1) 16:38:57:026 Receive Channel data type supported 16:38:57:026 ooPrepareFastStartResponseOLC for Receive Capability (incoming, ooh323c_1) 16:38:57:026 Adding new media channel for cap 12 dir receive (incoming, ooh323c_1) 16:38:57:026 Adding new channel with cap 12 (incoming, ooh323c_1) 16:38:57:026 Using configured media info (incoming, ooh323c_1) 16:38:57:026 Created new logical channel entry (incoming, ooh323c_1) 16:38:57:026 Preparing olc for receive channel. (incoming, ooh323c_1) 16:38:57:026 Receive channel of type audio started (incoming, ooh323c_1) 16:38:57:027 FastStart Element = { 16:38:57:027 forwardLogicalChannelNumber = { 16:38:57:027 1002 16:38:57:028 } 16:38:57:028 forwardLogicalChannelParameters = { 16:38:57:029 dataType = { 16:38:57:030 audioData = { 16:38:57:031 g729AnnexA = { 16:38:57:032 6 16:38:57:033 } 16:38:57:035 } 16:38:57:035 } 16:38:57:036 multiplexParameters = { 16:38:57:037 h2250LogicalChannelParameters = { 16:38:57:038 sessionID = { 16:38:57:039 1 16:38:57:041 } 16:38:57:042 mediaChannel = { 16:38:57:043 unicastAddress = { 16:38:57:045 iPAddress = { 16:38:57:047 network = { 16:38:57:049 'c0a80168'H 16:38:57:051 } 16:38:57:053 tsapIdentifier = { 16:38:57:055 14662 16:38:57:058 } 16:38:57:060 } 16:38:57:062 } 16:38:57:063 } 16:38:57:064 mediaControlChannel = { 16:38:57:066 unicastAddress = { 16:38:57:067 iPAddress = { 16:38:57:069 network = { 16:38:57:071 'c0a80168'H 16:38:57:073 } 16:38:57:075 tsapIdentifier = { 16:38:57:078 14663 16:38:57:080 } 16:38:57:082 } 16:38:57:084 } 16:38:57:085 } 16:38:57:086 } 16:38:57:087 } 16:38:57:088 } 16:38:57:088 } 16:38:57:088 Added 2 fast start elements to message (incoming, ooh323c_1) 16:38:57:089 Built Alerting (incoming, ooh323c_1) 16:38:57:089 UserInfo encoding - successful 16:38:57:089 Q931 Message = { 16:38:57:089 protocolDiscriminator = 8 16:38:57:089 callReference = 4583 16:38:57:090 from = destination 16:38:57:090 messageType = 1 16:38:57:090 Display IE = { 16:38:57:090 KeycomH323 16:38:57:090 } 16:38:57:090 h323_uu_pdu = { 16:38:57:091 h323_message_body = { 16:38:57:091 alerting = { 16:38:57:092 protocolIdentifier = { 16:38:57:094 { 16:38:57:095 0 0 8 2250 0 4 } 16:38:57:096 } 16:38:57:097 destinationInfo = { 16:38:57:098 vendor = { 16:38:57:100 vendor = { 16:38:57:102 t35CountryCode = { 16:38:57:104 1 16:38:57:106 } 16:38:57:108 t35Extension = { 16:38:57:110 0 16:38:57:113 } 16:38:57:115 manufacturerCode = { 16:38:57:117 71 16:38:57:119 } 16:38:57:121 } 16:38:57:123 productId = { 16:38:57:125 '6f626a737973'H 16:38:57:127 } 16:38:57:129 versionId = { 16:38:57:130 '76302e382e32'H 16:38:57:132 } 16:38:57:134 } 16:38:57:136 terminal = { 16:38:57:137 } 16:38:57:139 mc = { 16:38:57:140 FALSE 16:38:57:142 } 16:38:57:144 undefinedNode = { 16:38:57:145 FALSE 16:38:57:147 } 16:38:57:148 } 16:38:57:150 callIdentifier = { 16:38:57:151 guid = { 16:38:57:152 '6f6f68333233632d0d54050000000080'H 16:38:57:154 } 16:38:57:156 } 16:38:57:157 fastStart = { 16:38:57:158 elem[0] = { 16:38:57:160 '4003e8060401004d6017800a04000100c0a801683947'H 16:38:57:162 } 16:38:57:163 elem[1] = { 16:38:57:165 '0003e90d6005801114000100c0a80168394600c0a801683947'H 16:38:57:167 } 16:38:57:168 } 16:38:57:169 multipleCalls = { 16:38:57:171 FALSE 16:38:57:172 } 16:38:57:173 maintainConnection = { 16:38:57:175 FALSE 16:38:57:176 } 16:38:57:177 alertingAddress = { 16:38:57:179 elem[0] = { 16:38:57:180 dialedDigits = { 16:38:57:182 "407017247" 16:38:57:184 } 16:38:57:186 } 16:38:57:187 } 16:38:57:189 presentationIndicator = { 16:38:57:190 presentationAllowed = { 16:38:57:192 NULL 16:38:57:193 } 16:38:57:195 } 16:38:57:196 screeningIndicator = { 16:38:57:197 0 16:38:57:199 } 16:38:57:200 } 16:38:57:201 } 16:38:57:202 h245Tunneling = { 16:38:57:202 TRUE 16:38:57:203 } 16:38:57:204 } 16:38:57:204 UUIE decode successful 16:38:57:204 } 16:38:57:205 Queued H225 messages 2. (incoming, ooh323c_1) 16:38:57:205 Sending H225 message (incoming, ooh323c_1) 16:38:57:205 Sending Q931 message (incoming, ooh323c_1) 16:38:57:205 H2250/Q931 Message sent successfully (incoming, ooh323c_1) 16:38:57:205 Sent Message - CallProceeding (incoming, ooh323c_1) 16:38:57:205 Sending H225 message (incoming, ooh323c_1) 16:38:57:206 Sending Q931 message (incoming, ooh323c_1) 16:38:57:206 H2250/Q931 Message sent successfully (incoming, ooh323c_1) 16:38:57:206 Sent Message - Alerting (incoming, ooh323c_1) 16:38:57:209 Cmd connection accepted 16:38:57:209 Processing Answer Call command for ooh323c_1 16:38:57:210 Built H.225 Connect message (incoming, ooh323c_1) 16:38:57:210 UserInfo encoding - successful 16:38:57:210 Q931 Message = { 16:38:57:210 protocolDiscriminator = 8 16:38:57:210 callReference = 4583 16:38:57:211 from = destination 16:38:57:211 messageType = 7 16:38:57:211 Bearer-Capability IE = { 16:38:57:211 88, c0, a5 } 16:38:57:211 Display IE = { 16:38:57:211 KeycomH323 16:38:57:211 } 16:38:57:212 h323_uu_pdu = { 16:38:57:212 h323_message_body = { 16:38:57:213 connect = { 16:38:57:214 protocolIdentifier = { 16:38:57:215 { 16:38:57:217 0 0 8 2250 0 4 } 16:38:57:217 } 16:38:57:219 destinationInfo = { 16:38:57:220 vendor = { 16:38:57:221 vendor = { 16:38:57:223 t35CountryCode = { 16:38:57:226 1 16:38:57:228 } 16:38:57:230 t35Extension = { 16:38:57:232 0 16:38:57:234 } 16:38:57:236 manufacturerCode = { 16:38:57:239 71 16:38:57:241