Output from Verbose level 20 -- Starting simple switch on 'Zap/6-1' -- Executing [772@workext:1] Verbose("Zap/6-1", "1|Start Test Call In workext") in new stack Start Test Call In workext -- Executing [772@workext:2] Macro("Zap/6-1", "level1|precall") in new stack -- Executing [s@macro-level1:1] Set("Zap/6-1", "ref=precall") in new stack -- Executing [s@macro-level1:2] Goto("Zap/6-1", "sw-342-precall|1") in new stack -- Goto (macro-level1,sw-342-precall,1) -- Executing [sw-342-precall@macro-level1:1] Verbose("Zap/6-1", "1|Entering macro-level1 with ARG1 = precall") in new stack Entering macro-level1 with ARG1 = precall -- Executing [sw-342-precall@macro-level1:2] Macro("Zap/6-1", "level2|precall") in new stack -- Executing [s@macro-level2:1] Set("Zap/6-1", "ref=precall") in new stack -- Executing [s@macro-level2:2] Goto("Zap/6-1", "sw-343-precall|1") in new stack -- Goto (macro-level2,sw-343-precall,1) -- Executing [sw-343-precall@macro-level2:1] Verbose("Zap/6-1", "1|Entering macro-level2 with ARG1 = precall") in new stack Entering macro-level2 with ARG1 = precall -- Executing [sw-343-precall@macro-level2:2] Macro("Zap/6-1", "level3|"This should be output ONLY during PRECALL"") in new stack -- Executing [s@macro-level3:1] Set("Zap/6-1", "ref="This should be output ONLY during PRECALL"") in new stack -- Executing [s@macro-level3:2] Verbose("Zap/6-1", "1|Entering macro-level3 with ARG1 = "This should be output ONLY during PRECALL"") in new stack Entering macro-level3 with ARG1 = "This should be output ONLY during PRECALL" -- Executing [s@macro-level3:3] Verbose("Zap/6-1", "1|This should be output ONLY during PRECALL") in new stack This should be output ONLY during PRECALL -- Executing [s@macro-level3:4] Verbose("Zap/6-1", "1|Exiting macro-level3") in new stack Exiting macro-level3 -- Executing [sw-343-precall@macro-level2:3] Verbose("Zap/6-1", "1|Exiting macro-level2") in new stack Exiting macro-level2 -- Executing [sw-343-precall@macro-level2:4] Goto("Zap/6-1", "s|3") in new stack -- Goto (macro-level2,s,3) -- Executing [s@macro-level2:3] NoOp("Zap/6-1", "Finish switch-level2-343") in new stack -- Executing [sw-342-precall@macro-level1:3] Verbose("Zap/6-1", "1|Exiting macro-level1") in new stack Exiting macro-level1 -- Executing [sw-342-precall@macro-level1:4] Goto("Zap/6-1", "s|3") in new stack -- Goto (macro-level1,s,3) -- Executing [s@macro-level1:3] NoOp("Zap/6-1", "Finish switch-level1-342") in new stack -- Executing [772@workext:3] Dial("Zap/6-1", "Zap/1/13075878001|60|g") in new stack -- Called 1/13075878001 -- Zap/1-1 answered Zap/6-1 -- Native bridging Zap/6-1 and Zap/1-1 -- Hungup 'Zap/1-1' -- Executing [772@workext:4] Verbose("Zap/6-1", "1|Far side hung up| manually hanging up local side and continuing to h exten") in new stack Far side hung up| manually hanging up local side and continuing to h exten -- Executing [772@workext:5] SoftHangup("Zap/6-1", "Zap/6-1") in new stack -- Executing [h@workext:1] NoOp("Zap/6-1", "Hey-- you just hung up| there!!") in new stack -- Executing [h@workext:2] Verbose("Zap/6-1", "1|Entering h extension in workext") in new stack Entering h extension in workext -- Executing [h@workext:3] Macro("Zap/6-1", "level1|postcall") in new stack -- Executing [s@macro-level1:1] Set("Zap/6-1", "ref=postcall") in new stack -- Executing [s@macro-level1:2] Goto("Zap/6-1", "sw-342-postcall|1") in new stack -- Goto (macro-level1,sw-342-postcall,1) -- Executing [sw-342-postcall@macro-level1:1] Verbose("Zap/6-1", "1|Entering macro-level1 with ARG1 = postcall") in new stack Entering macro-level1 with ARG1 = postcall -- Executing [sw-342-postcall@macro-level1:2] Macro("Zap/6-1", "level2|postcall") in new stack -- Executing [s@macro-level2:1] Set("Zap/6-1", "ref=postcall") in new stack -- Executing [sw-342-postcall@macro-level1:3] Verbose("Zap/6-1", "1|Exiting macro-level1") in new stack Exiting macro-level1 -- Executing [sw-342-postcall@macro-level1:4] Goto("Zap/6-1", "s|3") in new stack -- Goto (macro-level1,s,3) -- Executing [s@macro-level1:3] NoOp("Zap/6-1", "Finish switch-level1-342") in new stack -- Executing [h@workext:4] Verbose("Zap/6-1", "1|ALL 3 macros should have been run| check your output") in new stack ALL 3 macros should have been run| check your output -- Executing [h@workext:5] Verbose("Zap/6-1", "1|Finishing post call processing") in new stack Finishing post call processing -- Hungup 'Zap/6-1'