Dec 6 10:31:48 VERBOSE[31512] logger.c: -- Accepting AUTHENTICATED call from > requested format = ulaw, > requested prefs = (gsm|ulaw), > actual format = ulaw, > host prefs = (ulaw|alaw|gsm), > priority = mine Dec 6 10:31:48 DEBUG[31501] chan_iax2.c: Checking device state for device 4357 Dec 6 10:31:48 DEBUG[31501] chan_iax2.c: iax2_devicestate: Found peer. What's device state of 4357? addr=206350528, defaddr=0 maxms=0, lastms=0 Dec 6 10:31:48 DEBUG[31501] devicestate.c: Changing state for IAX2/4357 - state 2 (In use) Dec 6 10:31:48 DEBUG[31501] chan_iax2.c: Checking device state for device 4357 Dec 6 10:31:48 DEBUG[31501] chan_iax2.c: iax2_devicestate: Found peer. What's device state of 4357? addr=206350528, defaddr=0 maxms=0, lastms=0 Dec 6 10:31:48 DEBUG[510] pbx.c: Launching 'Answer' Dec 6 10:31:48 DEBUG[511] app_queue.c: Device 'IAX2/4357' changed to state '2' (In use) but we don't care because they're not a member of any queue. Dec 6 10:31:48 VERBOSE[510] logger.c: -- Executing Answer("IAX2/4357-2", "") in new stack Dec 6 10:31:48 DEBUG[510] chan_iax2.c: Answering IAX2 call Dec 6 10:31:48 DEBUG[510] pbx.c: Expression result is '1' Dec 6 10:31:48 DEBUG[510] pbx.c: Launching 'GotoIf' Dec 6 10:31:48 VERBOSE[510] logger.c: -- Executing GotoIf("IAX2/4357-2", "1?USERCID:SETCID") in new stack Dec 6 10:31:48 VERBOSE[510] logger.c: -- Goto (from-internal,1060,3) Dec 6 10:31:48 DEBUG[510] pbx.c: Launching 'Macro' Dec 6 10:31:48 VERBOSE[510] logger.c: -- Executing Macro("IAX2/4357-2", "user-callerid|") in new stack Dec 6 10:31:48 DEBUG[510] pbx.c: Expression result is '0' Dec 6 10:31:48 DEBUG[510] pbx.c: Launching 'GotoIf' Dec 6 10:31:48 DEBUG[31501] chan_iax2.c: Checking device state for device 4357 Dec 6 10:31:48 DEBUG[31501] chan_iax2.c: iax2_devicestate: Found peer. What's device state of 4357? addr=206350528, defaddr=0 maxms=0, lastms=0 Dec 6 10:31:48 VERBOSE[510] logger.c: -- Executing GotoIf("IAX2/4357-2", "0?report") in new stack Dec 6 10:31:48 DEBUG[31501] devicestate.c: Changing state for IAX2/4357 - state 2 (In use) Dec 6 10:31:48 DEBUG[31501] chan_iax2.c: Checking device state for device 4357 Dec 6 10:31:48 DEBUG[31501] chan_iax2.c: iax2_devicestate: Found peer. What's device state of 4357? addr=206350528, defaddr=0 maxms=0, lastms=0 Dec 6 10:31:48 DEBUG[510] pbx.c: Not taking any branch Dec 6 10:31:48 DEBUG[512] app_queue.c: Device 'IAX2/4357' changed to state '2' (In use) but we don't care because they're not a member of any queue. Dec 6 10:31:48 DEBUG[510] pbx.c: Expression result is '0' Dec 6 10:31:48 DEBUG[510] pbx.c: Launching 'GotoIf' Dec 6 10:31:48 VERBOSE[510] logger.c: -- Executing GotoIf("IAX2/4357-2", "0?start") in new stack Dec 6 10:31:48 DEBUG[510] pbx.c: Not taking any branch Dec 6 10:31:48 DEBUG[510] pbx.c: Function result is '4357' Dec 6 10:31:48 DEBUG[510] pbx.c: Launching 'Set' Dec 6 10:31:48 VERBOSE[510] logger.c: -- Executing Set("IAX2/4357-2", "REALCALLERIDNUM=4357") in new stack Dec 6 10:31:48 DEBUG[510] pbx.c: Launching 'NoOp' Dec 6 10:31:48 VERBOSE[510] logger.c: -- Executing NoOp("IAX2/4357-2", "REALCALLERIDNUM is 4357") in new stack Dec 6 10:31:48 DEBUG[510] pbx.c: Function result is '4357' Dec 6 10:31:48 DEBUG[510] pbx.c: Launching 'Set' Dec 6 10:31:48 VERBOSE[510] logger.c: -- Executing Set("IAX2/4357-2", "AMPUSER=4357") in new stack Dec 6 10:31:48 DEBUG[510] pbx.c: Function result is 'HELP - Call Brian' Dec 6 10:31:48 DEBUG[510] pbx.c: Launching 'Set' Dec 6 10:31:48 VERBOSE[510] logger.c: -- Executing Set("IAX2/4357-2", "AMPUSERCIDNAME=HELP - Call Brian") in new stack Dec 6 10:31:48 DEBUG[510] pbx.c: Expression result is '0' Dec 6 10:31:48 DEBUG[510] pbx.c: Launching 'GotoIf' Dec 6 10:31:48 VERBOSE[510] logger.c: -- Executing GotoIf("IAX2/4357-2", "0?report") in new stack Dec 6 10:31:48 DEBUG[510] pbx.c: Not taking any branch Dec 6 10:31:48 DEBUG[510] pbx.c: Launching 'Set' Dec 6 10:31:48 VERBOSE[510] logger.c: -- Executing Set("IAX2/4357-2", "CALLERID(all)=HELP - Call Brian <4357>") in new stack Dec 6 10:31:48 DEBUG[510] pbx.c: Function result is '"HELP - Call Brian" <4357>' Dec 6 10:31:48 DEBUG[510] pbx.c: Launching 'NoOp' Dec 6 10:31:48 VERBOSE[510] logger.c: -- Executing NoOp("IAX2/4357-2", "Using CallerID "HELP - Call Brian" <4357>") in new stack Dec 6 10:31:48 DEBUG[510] pbx.c: Launching 'Set' Dec 6 10:31:48 VERBOSE[510] logger.c: -- Executing Set("IAX2/4357-2", "CALLERID(name)=alb:HELP - Call Brian") in new stack Dec 6 10:31:48 DEBUG[510] pbx.c: Launching 'Set' Dec 6 10:31:48 VERBOSE[510] logger.c: -- Executing Set("IAX2/4357-2", "MONITOR_FILENAME=/var/spool/asterisk/monitor/q1060-20061206-103148-1165419108.28") in new stack Dec 6 10:31:48 DEBUG[510] pbx.c: Launching 'Playback' Dec 6 10:31:48 VERBOSE[510] logger.c: -- Executing Playback("IAX2/4357-2", "custom/TYFC-E-Generic") in new stack Dec 6 10:31:48 DEBUG[510] channel.c: Set channel IAX2/4357-2 to write format slin Dec 6 10:31:48 DEBUG[510] channel.c: Scheduling timer at 160 sample intervals Dec 6 10:31:48 VERBOSE[510] logger.c: -- Playing 'custom/TYFC-E-Generic' (language 'en') Dec 6 10:31:48 DEBUG[31512] chan_iax2.c: Ooh, voice format changed to 4 Dec 6 10:31:48 DEBUG[31512] channel.c: Set channel IAX2/4357-2 to read format ulaw Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[510] channel.c: Scheduling timer at 58 sample intervals Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[510] channel.c: Scheduling timer at 0 sample intervals Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[510] channel.c: Scheduling timer at 0 sample intervals Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[510] channel.c: Set channel IAX2/4357-2 to write format ulaw Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[510] pbx.c: Launching 'Queue' Dec 6 10:31:52 VERBOSE[510] logger.c: -- Executing Queue("IAX2/4357-2", "1060|t|||180") in new stack Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[510] app_queue.c: NO QUEUE_PRIO variable found. Using default. Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[510] app_queue.c: queue: 1060, options: t, url: , announce: , expires: 1165419292, priority: 0 Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[510] app_queue.c: Queue '1060' Join, Channel 'IAX2/4357-2', Position '1' Dec 6 10:31:52 VERBOSE[510] logger.c: -- Started music on hold, class 'MOHDisplayCenter', on IAX2/4357-2 Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[510] channel.c: Scheduling timer at 160 sample intervals Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[510] app_queue.c: It's our turn (IAX2/4357-2). Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[510] app_queue.c: IAX2/4357-2 is trying to call a queue member. Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[510] app_queue.c: Queue with URL=_ Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[510] app_queue.c: Queue with URL=_ Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[510] app_queue.c: Queue with URL=_ Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[510] app_queue.c: (Parallel) Trying 'Local/1011@from-internal/n' with metric 0 Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[31501] devicestate.c: Changing state for Local/1011@from-internal - state 2 (In use) Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[510] channel.c: Not copying variable STACK-from-internal-1060-7. Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[510] channel.c: Not copying variable PLAYBACKSTATUS. Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[510] channel.c: Not copying variable STACK-from-internal-1060-6. Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[510] channel.c: Not copying variable MONITOR_FILENAME. Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[510] channel.c: Not copying variable STACK-from-internal-1060-5. Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[510] channel.c: Not copying variable STACK-from-internal-1060-4. Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[510] channel.c: Not copying variable MACRO_DEPTH. Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[510] channel.c: Not copying variable STACK-macro-user-callerid-s-9. Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[510] channel.c: Not copying variable STACK-macro-user-callerid-s-8. Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[510] channel.c: Not copying variable STACK-macro-user-callerid-s-7. Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[510] channel.c: Not copying variable AMPUSERCIDNAME. Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[510] channel.c: Not copying variable STACK-macro-user-callerid-s-6. Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[510] channel.c: Not copying variable DB_RESULT. Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[510] channel.c: Not copying variable AMPUSER. Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[510] channel.c: Not copying variable STACK-macro-user-callerid-s-5. Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[510] channel.c: Not copying variable STACK-macro-user-callerid-s-4. Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[510] channel.c: Not copying variable REALCALLERIDNUM. Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[510] channel.c: Not copying variable STACK-macro-user-callerid-s-3. Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[510] channel.c: Not copying variable STACK-macro-user-callerid-s-2. Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[510] channel.c: Not copying variable STACK-macro-user-callerid-s-1. Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[510] channel.c: Not copying variable STACK-from-internal-1060-3. Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[510] channel.c: Not copying variable STACK-from-internal-1060-2. Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[510] channel.c: Not copying variable STACK-from-internal-1060-1. Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[513] app_queue.c: Device 'Local/1011@from-internal' changed to state '2' (In use) Dec 6 10:31:52 VERBOSE[510] logger.c: -- Called Local/1011@from-internal/n Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[510] app_queue.c: (Parallel) Trying 'Local/1013@from-internal/n' with metric 0 Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[31501] devicestate.c: Changing state for Local/1013@from-internal - state 2 (In use) Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[515] app_queue.c: Device 'Local/1013@from-internal' changed to state '2' (In use) Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[510] channel.c: Not copying variable STACK-from-internal-1060-7. Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[510] channel.c: Not copying variable PLAYBACKSTATUS. Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[510] channel.c: Not copying variable STACK-from-internal-1060-6. Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[510] channel.c: Not copying variable MONITOR_FILENAME. Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[510] channel.c: Not copying variable STACK-from-internal-1060-5. Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[510] channel.c: Not copying variable STACK-from-internal-1060-4. Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[510] channel.c: Not copying variable MACRO_DEPTH. Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[510] channel.c: Not copying variable STACK-macro-user-callerid-s-9. Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[510] channel.c: Not copying variable STACK-macro-user-callerid-s-8. Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[510] channel.c: Not copying variable STACK-macro-user-callerid-s-7. Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[510] channel.c: Not copying variable AMPUSERCIDNAME. Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[510] channel.c: Not copying variable STACK-macro-user-callerid-s-6. Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[510] channel.c: Not copying variable DB_RESULT. Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[510] channel.c: Not copying variable AMPUSER. Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[510] channel.c: Not copying variable STACK-macro-user-callerid-s-5. Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[510] channel.c: Not copying variable STACK-macro-user-callerid-s-4. Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[510] channel.c: Not copying variable REALCALLERIDNUM. Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[510] channel.c: Not copying variable STACK-macro-user-callerid-s-3. Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[510] channel.c: Not copying variable STACK-macro-user-callerid-s-2. Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[510] channel.c: Not copying variable STACK-macro-user-callerid-s-1. Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[510] channel.c: Not copying variable STACK-from-internal-1060-3. Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[510] channel.c: Not copying variable STACK-from-internal-1060-2. Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[510] channel.c: Not copying variable STACK-from-internal-1060-1. Dec 6 10:31:52 VERBOSE[510] logger.c: -- Called Local/1013@from-internal/n Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[510] app_queue.c: (Parallel) Trying 'Local/1010@from-internal/n' with metric 0 Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[31501] devicestate.c: Changing state for Local/1010@from-internal - state 2 (In use) Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[510] channel.c: Not copying variable STACK-from-internal-1060-7. Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[510] channel.c: Not copying variable PLAYBACKSTATUS. Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[510] channel.c: Not copying variable STACK-from-internal-1060-6. Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[510] channel.c: Not copying variable MONITOR_FILENAME. Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[510] channel.c: Not copying variable STACK-from-internal-1060-5. Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[510] channel.c: Not copying variable STACK-from-internal-1060-4. Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[510] channel.c: Not copying variable MACRO_DEPTH. Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[510] channel.c: Not copying variable STACK-macro-user-callerid-s-9. Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[510] channel.c: Not copying variable STACK-macro-user-callerid-s-8. Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[510] channel.c: Not copying variable STACK-macro-user-callerid-s-7. Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[510] channel.c: Not copying variable AMPUSERCIDNAME. Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[510] channel.c: Not copying variable STACK-macro-user-callerid-s-6. Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[510] channel.c: Not copying variable DB_RESULT. Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[510] channel.c: Not copying variable AMPUSER. Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[510] channel.c: Not copying variable STACK-macro-user-callerid-s-5. Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[510] channel.c: Not copying variable STACK-macro-user-callerid-s-4. Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[510] channel.c: Not copying variable REALCALLERIDNUM. Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[510] channel.c: Not copying variable STACK-macro-user-callerid-s-3. Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[510] channel.c: Not copying variable STACK-macro-user-callerid-s-2. Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[510] channel.c: Not copying variable STACK-macro-user-callerid-s-1. Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[510] channel.c: Not copying variable STACK-from-internal-1060-3. Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[510] channel.c: Not copying variable STACK-from-internal-1060-2. Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[510] channel.c: Not copying variable STACK-from-internal-1060-1. Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[517] app_queue.c: Device 'Local/1010@from-internal' changed to state '2' (In use) Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[516] pbx.c: Launching 'Macro' Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[514] pbx.c: Launching 'Macro' Dec 6 10:31:52 VERBOSE[510] logger.c: -- Called Local/1010@from-internal/n Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[518] pbx.c: Launching 'Macro' Dec 6 10:31:52 VERBOSE[516] logger.c: -- Executing Macro("Local/1013@from-internal-c0fb,2", "exten-vm|1013|1013") in new stack Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[516] pbx.c: Launching 'Macro' Dec 6 10:31:52 VERBOSE[516] logger.c: -- Executing Macro("Local/1013@from-internal-c0fb,2", "user-callerid") in new stack Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[516] pbx.c: Expression result is '1' Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[516] pbx.c: Launching 'GotoIf' Dec 6 10:31:52 VERBOSE[516] logger.c: -- Executing GotoIf("Local/1013@from-internal-c0fb,2", "1?report") in new stack Dec 6 10:31:52 VERBOSE[516] logger.c: -- Goto (macro-user-callerid,s,9) Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[516] pbx.c: Function result is '"alb:HELP - Call Brian" <4357>' Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[516] pbx.c: Launching 'NoOp' Dec 6 10:31:52 VERBOSE[516] logger.c: -- Executing NoOp("Local/1013@from-internal-c0fb,2", "Using CallerID "alb:HELP - Call Brian" <4357>") in new stack Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[516] pbx.c: Launching 'Set' Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[510] channel.c: Generator got voice, switching to phase locked mode Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[510] channel.c: Scheduling timer at 0 sample intervals Dec 6 10:31:52 VERBOSE[516] logger.c: -- Executing Set("Local/1013@from-internal-c0fb,2", "FROMCONTEXT=exten-vm") in new stack Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[516] pbx.c: Launching 'Set' Dec 6 10:31:52 VERBOSE[518] logger.c: -- Executing Macro("Local/1010@from-internal-c826,2", "exten-vm|1010|1010") in new stack Dec 6 10:31:52 VERBOSE[514] logger.c: -- Executing Macro("Local/1011@from-internal-7c89,2", "exten-vm|1011|1011") in new stack Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[510] channel.c: Set channel IAX2/4357-2 to write format slin Dec 6 10:31:52 VERBOSE[516] logger.c: -- Executing Set("Local/1013@from-internal-c0fb,2", "VMBOX=1013") in new stack Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[518] pbx.c: Launching 'Macro' Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[516] pbx.c: Launching 'Set' Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[514] pbx.c: Launching 'Macro' Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[510] res_musiconhold.c: IAX2/4357-2 Opened file 0 '/var/lib/asterisk/mohmp3/MOHDisplayCenter//EazyLift MOH - Display Center' Dec 6 10:31:52 VERBOSE[518] logger.c: -- Executing Macro("Local/1010@from-internal-c826,2", "user-callerid") in new stack Dec 6 10:31:52 VERBOSE[516] logger.c: -- Executing Set("Local/1013@from-internal-c0fb,2", "EXTTOCALL=1013") in new stack Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[516] db.c: Unable to find key '1013' in family 'CFU' Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[516] func_db.c: DB: CFU/1013 not found in database. Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[516] pbx.c: Function result is '' Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[516] pbx.c: Launching 'Set' Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[518] pbx.c: Expression result is '1' Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[518] pbx.c: Launching 'GotoIf' Dec 6 10:31:52 VERBOSE[516] logger.c: -- Executing Set("Local/1013@from-internal-c0fb,2", "CFUEXT=") in new stack Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[516] pbx.c: Expression result is '1' Dec 6 10:31:52 VERBOSE[518] logger.c: -- Executing GotoIf("Local/1010@from-internal-c826,2", "1?report") in new stack Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[516] pbx.c: Expression result is '0' Dec 6 10:31:52 VERBOSE[514] logger.c: -- Executing Macro("Local/1011@from-internal-7c89,2", "user-callerid") in new stack Dec 6 10:31:52 VERBOSE[518] logger.c: -- Goto (macro-user-callerid,s,9) Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[514] pbx.c: Expression result is '1' Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[514] pbx.c: Launching 'GotoIf' Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[518] pbx.c: Function result is '"alb:HELP - Call Brian" <4357>' Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[518] pbx.c: Launching 'NoOp' Dec 6 10:31:52 VERBOSE[514] logger.c: -- Executing GotoIf("Local/1011@from-internal-7c89,2", "1?report") in new stack Dec 6 10:31:52 VERBOSE[514] logger.c: -- Goto (macro-user-callerid,s,9) Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[514] pbx.c: Function result is '"alb:HELP - Call Brian" <4357>' Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[514] pbx.c: Launching 'NoOp' Dec 6 10:31:52 VERBOSE[518] logger.c: -- Executing NoOp("Local/1010@from-internal-c826,2", "Using CallerID "alb:HELP - Call Brian" <4357>") in new stack Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[516] pbx.c: Expression result is '1' Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[518] pbx.c: Launching 'Set' Dec 6 10:31:52 VERBOSE[514] logger.c: -- Executing NoOp("Local/1011@from-internal-7c89,2", "Using CallerID "alb:HELP - Call Brian" <4357>") in new stack Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[514] pbx.c: Launching 'Set' Dec 6 10:31:52 VERBOSE[518] logger.c: -- Executing Set("Local/1010@from-internal-c826,2", "FROMCONTEXT=exten-vm") in new stack Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[516] pbx.c: Function result is '20' Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[516] pbx.c: Launching 'Set' Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[518] pbx.c: Launching 'Set' Dec 6 10:31:52 VERBOSE[516] logger.c: -- Executing Set("Local/1013@from-internal-c0fb,2", "RT=20") in new stack Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[516] pbx.c: Launching 'Macro' Dec 6 10:31:52 VERBOSE[518] logger.c: -- Executing Set("Local/1010@from-internal-c826,2", "VMBOX=1010") in new stack Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[518] pbx.c: Launching 'Set' Dec 6 10:31:52 VERBOSE[516] logger.c: -- Executing Macro("Local/1013@from-internal-c0fb,2", "record-enable|1013|IN") in new stack Dec 6 10:31:52 VERBOSE[514] logger.c: -- Executing Set("Local/1011@from-internal-7c89,2", "FROMCONTEXT=exten-vm") in new stack Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[514] pbx.c: Launching 'Set' Dec 6 10:31:52 VERBOSE[518] logger.c: -- Executing Set("Local/1010@from-internal-c826,2", "EXTTOCALL=1010") in new stack Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[516] pbx.c: Function result is '0' Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[516] pbx.c: Launching 'GotoIf' Dec 6 10:31:52 VERBOSE[514] logger.c: -- Executing Set("Local/1011@from-internal-7c89,2", "VMBOX=1011") in new stack Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[518] db.c: Unable to find key '1010' in family 'CFU' Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[514] pbx.c: Launching 'Set' Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[518] func_db.c: DB: CFU/1010 not found in database. Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[518] pbx.c: Function result is '' Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[518] pbx.c: Launching 'Set' Dec 6 10:31:52 VERBOSE[514] logger.c: -- Executing Set("Local/1011@from-internal-7c89,2", "EXTTOCALL=1011") in new stack Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[514] db.c: Unable to find key '1011' in family 'CFU' Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[514] func_db.c: DB: CFU/1011 not found in database. Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[514] pbx.c: Function result is '' Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[514] pbx.c: Launching 'Set' Dec 6 10:31:52 VERBOSE[514] logger.c: -- Executing Set("Local/1011@from-internal-7c89,2", "CFUEXT=") in new stack Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[514] pbx.c: Expression result is '1' Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[514] pbx.c: Expression result is '0' Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[514] pbx.c: Expression result is '1' Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[514] pbx.c: Function result is '20' Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[514] pbx.c: Launching 'Set' Dec 6 10:31:52 VERBOSE[514] logger.c: -- Executing Set("Local/1011@from-internal-7c89,2", "RT=20") in new stack Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[514] pbx.c: Launching 'Macro' Dec 6 10:31:52 VERBOSE[514] logger.c: -- Executing Macro("Local/1011@from-internal-7c89,2", "record-enable|1011|IN") in new stack Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[514] pbx.c: Function result is '0' Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[514] pbx.c: Launching 'GotoIf' Dec 6 10:31:52 VERBOSE[514] logger.c: -- Executing GotoIf("Local/1011@from-internal-7c89,2", "0 > 0?2:4") in new stack Dec 6 10:31:52 VERBOSE[514] logger.c: -- Goto (macro-record-enable,s,4) Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[514] pbx.c: Launching 'AGI' Dec 6 10:31:52 VERBOSE[514] logger.c: -- Executing AGI("Local/1011@from-internal-7c89,2", "recordingcheck|20061206-103152|1165419112.30") in new stack Dec 6 10:31:52 VERBOSE[516] logger.c: -- Executing GotoIf("Local/1013@from-internal-c0fb,2", "0 > 0?2:4") in new stack Dec 6 10:31:52 VERBOSE[518] logger.c: -- Executing Set("Local/1010@from-internal-c826,2", "CFUEXT=") in new stack Dec 6 10:31:52 VERBOSE[514] logger.c: -- Launched AGI Script /var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin/recordingcheck Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[518] pbx.c: Expression result is '1' Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[518] pbx.c: Expression result is '0' Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[518] pbx.c: Expression result is '1' Dec 6 10:31:52 VERBOSE[516] logger.c: -- Goto (macro-record-enable,s,4) Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[518] pbx.c: Function result is '20' Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[518] pbx.c: Launching 'Set' Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[516] pbx.c: Launching 'AGI' Dec 6 10:31:52 VERBOSE[518] logger.c: -- Executing Set("Local/1010@from-internal-c826,2", "RT=20") in new stack Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[518] pbx.c: Launching 'Macro' Dec 6 10:31:52 VERBOSE[516] logger.c: -- Executing AGI("Local/1013@from-internal-c0fb,2", "recordingcheck|20061206-103152|1165419112.32") in new stack Dec 6 10:31:52 VERBOSE[518] logger.c: -- Executing Macro("Local/1010@from-internal-c826,2", "record-enable|1010|IN") in new stack Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[518] pbx.c: Function result is '0' Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[518] pbx.c: Launching 'GotoIf' Dec 6 10:31:52 VERBOSE[518] logger.c: -- Executing GotoIf("Local/1010@from-internal-c826,2", "0 > 0?2:4") in new stack Dec 6 10:31:52 VERBOSE[518] logger.c: -- Goto (macro-record-enable,s,4) Dec 6 10:31:52 DEBUG[518] pbx.c: Launching 'AGI' Dec 6 10:31:52 VERBOSE[518] logger.c: -- Executing AGI("Local/1010@from-internal-c826,2", "recordingcheck|20061206-103152|1165419112.34") in new stack Dec 6 10:31:52 VERBOSE[516] logger.c: -- Launched AGI Script /var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin/recordingcheck Dec 6 10:31:52 VERBOSE[518] logger.c: -- Launched AGI Script /var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin/recordingcheck Dec 6 10:31:53 VERBOSE[514] logger.c: recordingcheck|20061206-103152|1165419112.30: Inbound recording enabled. Dec 6 10:31:53 VERBOSE[514] logger.c: recordingcheck|20061206-103152|1165419112.30: CALLFILENAME=20061206-103152-1165419112.30 Dec 6 10:31:53 VERBOSE[516] logger.c: recordingcheck|20061206-103152|1165419112.32: Inbound recording enabled. Dec 6 10:31:53 VERBOSE[516] logger.c: recordingcheck|20061206-103152|1165419112.32: CALLFILENAME=20061206-103152-1165419112.32 Dec 6 10:31:53 VERBOSE[514] logger.c: -- AGI Script recordingcheck completed, returning 0 Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[514] pbx.c: Launching 'Monitor' Dec 6 10:31:53 VERBOSE[514] logger.c: -- Executing Monitor("Local/1011@from-internal-7c89,2", "wav49|20061206-103152-1165419112.30| mb") in new stack Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[514] pbx.c: Expression result is '1' Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[514] pbx.c: Launching 'GotoIf' Dec 6 10:31:53 VERBOSE[514] logger.c: -- Executing GotoIf("Local/1011@from-internal-7c89,2", "1?dolocaldial|1") in new stack Dec 6 10:31:53 VERBOSE[514] logger.c: -- Goto (macro-exten-vm,dolocaldial,1) Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[514] pbx.c: Launching 'Macro' Dec 6 10:31:53 VERBOSE[514] logger.c: -- Executing Macro("Local/1011@from-internal-7c89,2", "dial||tr|1011") in new stack Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[514] pbx.c: Launching 'AGI' Dec 6 10:31:53 VERBOSE[514] logger.c: -- Executing AGI("Local/1011@from-internal-7c89,2", "dialparties.agi") in new stack Dec 6 10:31:53 VERBOSE[514] logger.c: -- Launched AGI Script /var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin/dialparties.agi Dec 6 10:31:53 VERBOSE[516] logger.c: -- AGI Script recordingcheck completed, returning 0 Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[516] pbx.c: Launching 'Monitor' Dec 6 10:31:53 VERBOSE[516] logger.c: -- Executing Monitor("Local/1013@from-internal-c0fb,2", "wav49|20061206-103152-1165419112.32| mb") in new stack Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[516] pbx.c: Expression result is '1' Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[516] pbx.c: Launching 'GotoIf' Dec 6 10:31:53 VERBOSE[516] logger.c: -- Executing GotoIf("Local/1013@from-internal-c0fb,2", "1?dolocaldial|1") in new stack Dec 6 10:31:53 VERBOSE[516] logger.c: -- Goto (macro-exten-vm,dolocaldial,1) Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[516] pbx.c: Launching 'Macro' Dec 6 10:31:53 VERBOSE[516] logger.c: -- Executing Macro("Local/1013@from-internal-c0fb,2", "dial||tr|1013") in new stack Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[516] pbx.c: Launching 'AGI' Dec 6 10:31:53 VERBOSE[516] logger.c: -- Executing AGI("Local/1013@from-internal-c0fb,2", "dialparties.agi") in new stack Dec 6 10:31:53 VERBOSE[516] logger.c: -- Launched AGI Script /var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin/dialparties.agi Dec 6 10:31:53 VERBOSE[518] logger.c: recordingcheck|20061206-103152|1165419112.34: Inbound recording enabled. Dec 6 10:31:53 VERBOSE[518] logger.c: recordingcheck|20061206-103152|1165419112.34: CALLFILENAME=20061206-103152-1165419112.34 Dec 6 10:31:53 VERBOSE[518] logger.c: -- AGI Script recordingcheck completed, returning 0 Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[518] pbx.c: Launching 'Monitor' Dec 6 10:31:53 VERBOSE[518] logger.c: -- Executing Monitor("Local/1010@from-internal-c826,2", "wav49|20061206-103152-1165419112.34| mb") in new stack Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[518] pbx.c: Expression result is '1' Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[518] pbx.c: Launching 'GotoIf' Dec 6 10:31:53 VERBOSE[518] logger.c: -- Executing GotoIf("Local/1010@from-internal-c826,2", "1?dolocaldial|1") in new stack Dec 6 10:31:53 VERBOSE[518] logger.c: -- Goto (macro-exten-vm,dolocaldial,1) Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[518] pbx.c: Launching 'Macro' Dec 6 10:31:53 VERBOSE[518] logger.c: -- Executing Macro("Local/1010@from-internal-c826,2", "dial||tr|1010") in new stack Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[518] pbx.c: Launching 'AGI' Dec 6 10:31:53 VERBOSE[518] logger.c: -- Executing AGI("Local/1010@from-internal-c826,2", "dialparties.agi") in new stack Dec 6 10:31:53 VERBOSE[518] logger.c: -- Launched AGI Script /var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin/dialparties.agi Dec 6 10:31:53 VERBOSE[514] logger.c: dialparties.agi: Starting New Dialparties.agi Dec 6 10:31:53 VERBOSE[514] logger.c: -- dialparties.agi: priority is 1 Dec 6 10:31:53 VERBOSE[514] logger.c: dialparties.agi: Caller ID name is 'alb:HELP - Call Brian' number is '4357' Dec 6 10:31:53 VERBOSE[514] logger.c: dialparties.agi: Methodology of ring is 'none' Dec 6 10:31:53 VERBOSE[514] logger.c: -- dialparties.agi: Added extension 1011 to extension map Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[514] db.c: Unable to find key '1011' in family 'CF' Dec 6 10:31:53 VERBOSE[514] logger.c: -- dialparties.agi: Extension 1011 cf is disabled Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[514] db.c: Unable to find key '1011' in family 'DND' Dec 6 10:31:53 VERBOSE[514] logger.c: -- dialparties.agi: Extension 1011 do not disturb is disabled Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[514] db.c: Unable to find key '1011' in family 'CW' Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[514] db.c: Unable to find key '1011' in family 'CFB' Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[514] db.c: Unable to find key '1011' in family 'CFU' Dec 6 10:31:53 VERBOSE[514] logger.c: > dialparties.agi: extnum: 1011 Dec 6 10:31:53 VERBOSE[514] logger.c: > dialparties.agi: exthascw: 0 Dec 6 10:31:53 VERBOSE[514] logger.c: > dialparties.agi: exthascfb: 0 Dec 6 10:31:53 VERBOSE[514] logger.c: > dialparties.agi: extcfb: Dec 6 10:31:53 VERBOSE[514] logger.c: > dialparties.agi: exthascfu: 0 Dec 6 10:31:53 VERBOSE[514] logger.c: > dialparties.agi: extcfu: Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[527] manager.c: Manager received command 'login' Dec 6 10:31:53 VERBOSE[527] logger.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/manager.conf': Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[527] config.c: Parsing /etc/asterisk/manager.conf Dec 6 10:31:53 VERBOSE[527] logger.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/manager.conf': Found Dec 6 10:31:53 VERBOSE[527] logger.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/manager_custom.conf': Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[527] config.c: Parsing /etc/asterisk/manager_custom.conf Dec 6 10:31:53 VERBOSE[527] logger.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/manager_custom.conf': Found Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[527] acl.c: appended to acl for peer Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[527] acl.c: appended to acl for peer Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[527] acl.c: appended to acl for peer Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[527] acl.c: ##### Testing with Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[527] acl.c: ##### Testing with Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[527] acl.c: ##### Testing with Dec 6 10:31:53 VERBOSE[527] logger.c: == Manager 'admin' logged on from Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[527] manager.c: Manager received command 'ExtensionState' Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[527] manager.c: Manager received command 'Logoff' Dec 6 10:31:53 VERBOSE[527] logger.c: == Manager 'admin' logged off from Dec 6 10:31:53 VERBOSE[514] logger.c: > dialparties.agi: ExtensionState: -1 Dec 6 10:31:53 VERBOSE[514] logger.c: -- dialparties.agi: Checking CW and CFB status for extension 1011 Dec 6 10:31:53 VERBOSE[514] logger.c: -- dialparties.agi: DbSet CALLTRACE/1011 to 4357 Dec 6 10:31:53 VERBOSE[514] logger.c: -- AGI Script dialparties.agi completed, returning 0 Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[514] pbx.c: Launching 'Dial' Dec 6 10:31:53 VERBOSE[514] logger.c: -- Executing Dial("Local/1011@from-internal-7c89,2", "SIP/1031||tr") in new stack Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[514] chan_sip.c: Allocating new SIP dialog for (No Call-ID) - INVITE (With RTP) Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[514] chan_sip.c: Setting NAT on RTP to 0 Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[514] channel.c: Not copying variable STACK-macro-dial-s-10. Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[514] channel.c: Not copying variable MACRO_DEPTH. Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[514] channel.c: Not copying variable ds. Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[514] channel.c: Not copying variable STACK-macro-dial-s-1. Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[514] channel.c: Not copying variable ARG3. Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[514] channel.c: Not copying variable ARG2. Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[514] channel.c: Not copying variable ARG1. Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[514] channel.c: Not copying variable MACRO_PRIORITY. Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[514] channel.c: Not copying variable MACRO_CONTEXT. Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[514] channel.c: Not copying variable MACRO_EXTEN. Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[514] channel.c: Not copying variable STACK-macro-exten-vm-dolocaldial-1. Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[514] channel.c: Not copying variable STACK-macro-exten-vm-s-8. Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[514] channel.c: Not copying variable AUTO_MONITOR. Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[514] channel.c: Not copying variable STACK-macro-record-enable-s-999. Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[514] channel.c: Not copying variable CALLFILENAME. Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[514] channel.c: Not copying variable STACK-macro-record-enable-s-4. Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[514] channel.c: Not copying variable STACK-macro-record-enable-s-1. Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[514] channel.c: Not copying variable STACK-macro-exten-vm-s-7. Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[514] channel.c: Not copying variable RT. Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[514] channel.c: Not copying variable STACK-macro-exten-vm-s-6. Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[514] channel.c: Not copying variable CFUEXT. Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[514] channel.c: Not copying variable STACK-macro-exten-vm-s-5. Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[514] channel.c: Not copying variable EXTTOCALL. Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[514] channel.c: Not copying variable STACK-macro-exten-vm-s-4. Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[514] channel.c: Not copying variable VMBOX. Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[514] channel.c: Not copying variable STACK-macro-exten-vm-s-3. Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[514] channel.c: Not copying variable FROMCONTEXT. Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[514] channel.c: Not copying variable STACK-macro-exten-vm-s-2. Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[514] channel.c: Not copying variable STACK-macro-user-callerid-s-9. Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[514] channel.c: Not copying variable STACK-macro-user-callerid-s-1. Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[514] channel.c: Not copying variable STACK-macro-exten-vm-s-1. Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[514] channel.c: Not copying variable STACK-from-internal-1011-1. Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[514] chan_sip.c: Outgoing Call for 1031 Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[514] chan_sip.c: Updating call counter for outgoing call Dec 6 10:31:53 VERBOSE[514] logger.c: We're at port 15170 Dec 6 10:31:53 VERBOSE[514] logger.c: Adding codec 0x4 (ulaw) to SDP Dec 6 10:31:53 VERBOSE[514] logger.c: Adding codec 0x8 (alaw) to SDP Dec 6 10:31:53 VERBOSE[514] logger.c: Adding non-codec 0x1 (telephone-event) to SDP Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[514] chan_sip.c: Header 0: INVITE sip:1031@;transport=udp SIP/2.0 (56) Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[514] chan_sip.c: Header 1: Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK2172535f (57) Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[514] chan_sip.c: Header 2: From: "alb:HELP - Call Brian" ;tag=as024d2ddf (68) Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[514] chan_sip.c: Header 3: To: (47) Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[514] chan_sip.c: Header 4: Contact: (32) Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[514] chan_sip.c: Header 5: Call-ID: 1e070f8a510085e8343c56301c81ad67@ (54) Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[514] chan_sip.c: Header 6: CSeq: 102 INVITE (16) Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[514] chan_sip.c: Header 7: User-Agent: Asterisk PBX (24) Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[514] chan_sip.c: Header 8: Max-Forwards: 70 (16) Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[514] chan_sip.c: Header 9: Date: Wed, 06 Dec 2006 15:31:53 GMT (35) Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[514] chan_sip.c: Header 10: Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, OPTIONS, BYE, REFER, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY (66) Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[514] chan_sip.c: Header 11: Content-Type: application/sdp (29) Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[514] chan_sip.c: Header 12: Content-Length: 240 (19) Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[514] chan_sip.c: Header 13: (0) Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[514] chan_sip.c: Line: v=0 (3) Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[514] chan_sip.c: Line: o=root 31419 31419 IN IP4 (38) Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[514] chan_sip.c: Line: s=session (9) Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[514] chan_sip.c: Line: c=IN IP4 (21) Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[514] chan_sip.c: Line: t=0 0 (5) Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[514] chan_sip.c: Line: m=audio 15170 RTP/AVP 0 8 101 (29) Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[514] chan_sip.c: Line: a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000 (20) Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[514] chan_sip.c: Line: a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000 (20) Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[514] chan_sip.c: Line: a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000 (33) Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[514] chan_sip.c: Line: a=fmtp:101 0-16 (15) Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[514] chan_sip.c: Line: a=silenceSupp:off - - - - (25) Dec 6 10:31:53 VERBOSE[514] logger.c: 13 headers, 11 lines Dec 6 10:31:53 VERBOSE[514] logger.c: Reliably Transmitting (no NAT) to INVITE sip:1031@;transport=udp SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK2172535f From: "alb:HELP - Call Brian" ;tag=as024d2ddf To: Contact: Call-ID: 1e070f8a510085e8343c56301c81ad67@ CSeq: 102 INVITE User-Agent: Asterisk PBX Max-Forwards: 70 Date: Wed, 06 Dec 2006 15:31:53 GMT Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, OPTIONS, BYE, REFER, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY Content-Type: application/sdp Content-Length: 240 v=0 o=root 31419 31419 IN IP4 s=session c=IN IP4 t=0 0 m=audio 15170 RTP/AVP 0 8 101 a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000 a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000 a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000 a=fmtp:101 0-16 a=silenceSupp:off - - - - --- Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[514] chan_sip.c: *** SIP TIMER: Initalizing retransmit timer on packet: Id #106 Dec 6 10:31:53 VERBOSE[514] logger.c: -- Called 1031 Dec 6 10:31:53 VERBOSE[510] logger.c: -- Local/1011@from-internal-7c89,1 is ringing Dec 6 10:31:53 VERBOSE[516] logger.c: dialparties.agi: Starting New Dialparties.agi Dec 6 10:31:53 VERBOSE[516] logger.c: -- dialparties.agi: priority is 1 Dec 6 10:31:53 VERBOSE[516] logger.c: dialparties.agi: Caller ID name is 'alb:HELP - Call Brian' number is '4357' Dec 6 10:31:53 VERBOSE[518] logger.c: dialparties.agi: Starting New Dialparties.agi Dec 6 10:31:53 VERBOSE[516] logger.c: dialparties.agi: Methodology of ring is 'none' Dec 6 10:31:53 VERBOSE[518] logger.c: -- dialparties.agi: priority is 1 Dec 6 10:31:53 VERBOSE[516] logger.c: -- dialparties.agi: Added extension 1013 to extension map Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[516] db.c: Unable to find key '1013' in family 'CF' Dec 6 10:31:53 VERBOSE[518] logger.c: dialparties.agi: Caller ID name is 'alb:HELP - Call Brian' number is '4357' Dec 6 10:31:53 VERBOSE[516] logger.c: -- dialparties.agi: Extension 1013 cf is disabled Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[516] db.c: Unable to find key '1013' in family 'DND' Dec 6 10:31:53 VERBOSE[518] logger.c: dialparties.agi: Methodology of ring is 'none' Dec 6 10:31:53 VERBOSE[516] logger.c: -- dialparties.agi: Extension 1013 do not disturb is disabled Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[516] db.c: Unable to find key '1013' in family 'CW' Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[516] db.c: Unable to find key '1013' in family 'CFB' Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[516] db.c: Unable to find key '1013' in family 'CFU' Dec 6 10:31:53 VERBOSE[518] logger.c: -- dialparties.agi: Added extension 1010 to extension map Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[518] db.c: Unable to find key '1010' in family 'CF' Dec 6 10:31:53 VERBOSE[516] logger.c: > dialparties.agi: extnum: 1013 Dec 6 10:31:53 VERBOSE[518] logger.c: -- dialparties.agi: Extension 1010 cf is disabled Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[518] db.c: Unable to find key '1010' in family 'DND' Dec 6 10:31:53 VERBOSE[516] logger.c: > dialparties.agi: exthascw: 0 Dec 6 10:31:53 VERBOSE[518] logger.c: -- dialparties.agi: Extension 1010 do not disturb is disabled Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[518] db.c: Unable to find key '1010' in family 'CW' Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[518] db.c: Unable to find key '1010' in family 'CFB' Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[518] db.c: Unable to find key '1010' in family 'CFU' Dec 6 10:31:53 VERBOSE[516] logger.c: > dialparties.agi: exthascfb: 0 Dec 6 10:31:53 VERBOSE[518] logger.c: > dialparties.agi: extnum: 1010 Dec 6 10:31:53 VERBOSE[516] logger.c: > dialparties.agi: extcfb: Dec 6 10:31:53 VERBOSE[518] logger.c: > dialparties.agi: exthascw: 0 Dec 6 10:31:53 VERBOSE[516] logger.c: > dialparties.agi: exthascfu: 0 Dec 6 10:31:53 VERBOSE[518] logger.c: > dialparties.agi: exthascfb: 0 Dec 6 10:31:53 VERBOSE[516] logger.c: > dialparties.agi: extcfu: Dec 6 10:31:53 VERBOSE[518] logger.c: > dialparties.agi: extcfb: Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[530] manager.c: Manager received command 'login' Dec 6 10:31:53 VERBOSE[530] logger.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/manager.conf': Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[530] config.c: Parsing /etc/asterisk/manager.conf Dec 6 10:31:53 VERBOSE[530] logger.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/manager.conf': Found Dec 6 10:31:53 VERBOSE[530] logger.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/manager_custom.conf': Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[530] config.c: Parsing /etc/asterisk/manager_custom.conf Dec 6 10:31:53 VERBOSE[530] logger.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/manager_custom.conf': Found Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[530] acl.c: appended to acl for peer Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[530] acl.c: appended to acl for peer Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[530] acl.c: appended to acl for peer Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[530] acl.c: ##### Testing with Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[530] acl.c: ##### Testing with Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[530] acl.c: ##### Testing with Dec 6 10:31:53 VERBOSE[530] logger.c: == Manager 'admin' logged on from Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[530] manager.c: Manager received command 'ExtensionState' Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[530] manager.c: Manager received command 'Logoff' Dec 6 10:31:53 VERBOSE[530] logger.c: == Manager 'admin' logged off from Dec 6 10:31:53 VERBOSE[518] logger.c: > dialparties.agi: exthascfu: 0 Dec 6 10:31:53 VERBOSE[516] logger.c: > dialparties.agi: ExtensionState: -1 Dec 6 10:31:53 VERBOSE[518] logger.c: > dialparties.agi: extcfu: Dec 6 10:31:53 VERBOSE[516] logger.c: -- dialparties.agi: Checking CW and CFB status for extension 1013 Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[533] manager.c: Manager received command 'login' Dec 6 10:31:53 VERBOSE[533] logger.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/manager.conf': Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[533] config.c: Parsing /etc/asterisk/manager.conf Dec 6 10:31:53 VERBOSE[533] logger.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/manager.conf': Found Dec 6 10:31:53 VERBOSE[533] logger.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/manager_custom.conf': Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[533] config.c: Parsing /etc/asterisk/manager_custom.conf Dec 6 10:31:53 VERBOSE[533] logger.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/manager_custom.conf': Found Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[533] acl.c: appended to acl for peer Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[533] acl.c: appended to acl for peer Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[533] acl.c: appended to acl for peer Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[533] acl.c: ##### Testing with Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[533] acl.c: ##### Testing with Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[533] acl.c: ##### Testing with Dec 6 10:31:53 VERBOSE[533] logger.c: == Manager 'admin' logged on from Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[533] manager.c: Manager received command 'ExtensionState' Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[533] manager.c: Manager received command 'Logoff' Dec 6 10:31:53 VERBOSE[533] logger.c: == Manager 'admin' logged off from Dec 6 10:31:53 VERBOSE[518] logger.c: > dialparties.agi: ExtensionState: -1 Dec 6 10:31:53 VERBOSE[516] logger.c: -- dialparties.agi: DbSet CALLTRACE/1013 to 4357 Dec 6 10:31:53 VERBOSE[516] logger.c: -- AGI Script dialparties.agi completed, returning 0 Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[516] pbx.c: Launching 'Dial' Dec 6 10:31:53 VERBOSE[516] logger.c: -- Executing Dial("Local/1013@from-internal-c0fb,2", "SIP/1032||tr") in new stack Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[516] chan_sip.c: Allocating new SIP dialog for (No Call-ID) - INVITE (With RTP) Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[516] chan_sip.c: Setting NAT on RTP to 0 Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[516] channel.c: Not copying variable STACK-macro-dial-s-10. Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[516] channel.c: Not copying variable MACRO_DEPTH. Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[516] channel.c: Not copying variable ds. Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[516] channel.c: Not copying variable STACK-macro-dial-s-1. Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[516] channel.c: Not copying variable ARG3. Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[516] channel.c: Not copying variable ARG2. Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[516] channel.c: Not copying variable ARG1. Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[516] channel.c: Not copying variable MACRO_PRIORITY. Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[516] channel.c: Not copying variable MACRO_CONTEXT. Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[516] channel.c: Not copying variable MACRO_EXTEN. Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[516] channel.c: Not copying variable STACK-macro-exten-vm-dolocaldial-1. Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[516] channel.c: Not copying variable STACK-macro-exten-vm-s-8. Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[516] channel.c: Not copying variable AUTO_MONITOR. Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[516] channel.c: Not copying variable STACK-macro-record-enable-s-999. Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[516] channel.c: Not copying variable CALLFILENAME. Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[516] channel.c: Not copying variable STACK-macro-record-enable-s-4. Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[516] channel.c: Not copying variable STACK-macro-record-enable-s-1. Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[516] channel.c: Not copying variable STACK-macro-exten-vm-s-7. Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[516] channel.c: Not copying variable RT. Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[516] channel.c: Not copying variable STACK-macro-exten-vm-s-6. Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[516] channel.c: Not copying variable CFUEXT. Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[516] channel.c: Not copying variable STACK-macro-exten-vm-s-5. Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[516] channel.c: Not copying variable EXTTOCALL. Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[516] channel.c: Not copying variable STACK-macro-exten-vm-s-4. Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[516] channel.c: Not copying variable VMBOX. Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[516] channel.c: Not copying variable STACK-macro-exten-vm-s-3. Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[516] channel.c: Not copying variable FROMCONTEXT. Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[516] channel.c: Not copying variable STACK-macro-exten-vm-s-2. Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[516] channel.c: Not copying variable STACK-macro-user-callerid-s-9. Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[516] channel.c: Not copying variable STACK-macro-user-callerid-s-1. Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[516] channel.c: Not copying variable STACK-macro-exten-vm-s-1. Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[516] channel.c: Not copying variable STACK-from-internal-1013-1. Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[516] chan_sip.c: Outgoing Call for 1032 Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[516] chan_sip.c: Updating call counter for outgoing call Dec 6 10:31:53 VERBOSE[516] logger.c: We're at port 15058 Dec 6 10:31:53 VERBOSE[516] logger.c: Adding codec 0x4 (ulaw) to SDP Dec 6 10:31:53 VERBOSE[516] logger.c: Adding codec 0x8 (alaw) to SDP Dec 6 10:31:53 VERBOSE[516] logger.c: Adding non-codec 0x1 (telephone-event) to SDP Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[516] chan_sip.c: Header 0: INVITE sip:1032@;transport=udp SIP/2.0 (56) Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[516] chan_sip.c: Header 1: Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK5ccfa040 (57) Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[516] chan_sip.c: Header 2: From: "alb:HELP - Call Brian" ;tag=as7c7af329 (68) Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[516] chan_sip.c: Header 3: To: (47) Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[516] chan_sip.c: Header 4: Contact: (32) Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[516] chan_sip.c: Header 5: Call-ID: 554d13bf5f79b2fe52fcbad426758e5f@ (54) Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[516] chan_sip.c: Header 6: CSeq: 102 INVITE (16) Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[516] chan_sip.c: Header 7: User-Agent: Asterisk PBX (24) Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[516] chan_sip.c: Header 8: Max-Forwards: 70 (16) Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[516] chan_sip.c: Header 9: Date: Wed, 06 Dec 2006 15:31:53 GMT (35) Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[516] chan_sip.c: Header 10: Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, OPTIONS, BYE, REFER, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY (66) Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[516] chan_sip.c: Header 11: Content-Type: application/sdp (29) Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[516] chan_sip.c: Header 12: Content-Length: 240 (19) Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[516] chan_sip.c: Header 13: (0) Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[516] chan_sip.c: Line: v=0 (3) Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[516] chan_sip.c: Line: o=root 31419 31419 IN IP4 (38) Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[516] chan_sip.c: Line: s=session (9) Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[516] chan_sip.c: Line: c=IN IP4 (21) Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[516] chan_sip.c: Line: t=0 0 (5) Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[516] chan_sip.c: Line: m=audio 15058 RTP/AVP 0 8 101 (29) Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[516] chan_sip.c: Line: a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000 (20) Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[516] chan_sip.c: Line: a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000 (20) Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[516] chan_sip.c: Line: a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000 (33) Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[516] chan_sip.c: Line: a=fmtp:101 0-16 (15) Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[516] chan_sip.c: Line: a=silenceSupp:off - - - - (25) Dec 6 10:31:53 VERBOSE[518] logger.c: -- dialparties.agi: Checking CW and CFB status for extension 1010 Dec 6 10:31:53 VERBOSE[516] logger.c: 13 headers, 11 lines Dec 6 10:31:53 VERBOSE[516] logger.c: Reliably Transmitting (no NAT) to INVITE sip:1032@;transport=udp SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK5ccfa040 From: "alb:HELP - Call Brian" ;tag=as7c7af329 To: Contact: Call-ID: 554d13bf5f79b2fe52fcbad426758e5f@ CSeq: 102 INVITE User-Agent: Asterisk PBX Max-Forwards: 70 Date: Wed, 06 Dec 2006 15:31:53 GMT Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, OPTIONS, BYE, REFER, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY Content-Type: application/sdp Content-Length: 240 v=0 o=root 31419 31419 IN IP4 s=session c=IN IP4 t=0 0 m=audio 15058 RTP/AVP 0 8 101 a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000 a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000 a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000 a=fmtp:101 0-16 a=silenceSupp:off - - - - --- Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[516] chan_sip.c: *** SIP TIMER: Initalizing retransmit timer on packet: Id #107 Dec 6 10:31:53 VERBOSE[516] logger.c: -- Called 1032 Dec 6 10:31:53 VERBOSE[510] logger.c: -- Local/1013@from-internal-c0fb,1 is ringing Dec 6 10:31:53 VERBOSE[518] logger.c: -- dialparties.agi: DbSet CALLTRACE/1010 to 4357 Dec 6 10:31:53 VERBOSE[518] logger.c: -- AGI Script dialparties.agi completed, returning 0 Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[518] pbx.c: Launching 'Dial' Dec 6 10:31:53 VERBOSE[518] logger.c: -- Executing Dial("Local/1010@from-internal-c826,2", "SIP/1030||tr") in new stack Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[518] chan_sip.c: Allocating new SIP dialog for (No Call-ID) - INVITE (With RTP) Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[518] chan_sip.c: Setting NAT on RTP to 0 Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[518] channel.c: Not copying variable STACK-macro-dial-s-10. Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[518] channel.c: Not copying variable MACRO_DEPTH. Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[518] channel.c: Not copying variable ds. Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[518] channel.c: Not copying variable STACK-macro-dial-s-1. Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[518] channel.c: Not copying variable ARG3. Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[518] channel.c: Not copying variable ARG2. Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[518] channel.c: Not copying variable ARG1. Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[518] channel.c: Not copying variable MACRO_PRIORITY. Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[518] channel.c: Not copying variable MACRO_CONTEXT. Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[518] channel.c: Not copying variable MACRO_EXTEN. Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[518] channel.c: Not copying variable STACK-macro-exten-vm-dolocaldial-1. Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[518] channel.c: Not copying variable STACK-macro-exten-vm-s-8. Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[518] channel.c: Not copying variable AUTO_MONITOR. Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[518] channel.c: Not copying variable STACK-macro-record-enable-s-999. Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[518] channel.c: Not copying variable CALLFILENAME. Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[518] channel.c: Not copying variable STACK-macro-record-enable-s-4. Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[518] channel.c: Not copying variable STACK-macro-record-enable-s-1. Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[518] channel.c: Not copying variable STACK-macro-exten-vm-s-7. Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[518] channel.c: Not copying variable RT. Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[518] channel.c: Not copying variable STACK-macro-exten-vm-s-6. Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[518] channel.c: Not copying variable CFUEXT. Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[518] channel.c: Not copying variable STACK-macro-exten-vm-s-5. Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[518] channel.c: Not copying variable EXTTOCALL. Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[518] channel.c: Not copying variable STACK-macro-exten-vm-s-4. Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[518] channel.c: Not copying variable VMBOX. Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[518] channel.c: Not copying variable STACK-macro-exten-vm-s-3. Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[518] channel.c: Not copying variable FROMCONTEXT. Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[518] channel.c: Not copying variable STACK-macro-exten-vm-s-2. Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[518] channel.c: Not copying variable STACK-macro-user-callerid-s-9. Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[518] channel.c: Not copying variable STACK-macro-user-callerid-s-1. Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[518] channel.c: Not copying variable STACK-macro-exten-vm-s-1. Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[518] channel.c: Not copying variable STACK-from-internal-1010-1. Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[518] chan_sip.c: Outgoing Call for 1030 Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[518] chan_sip.c: Updating call counter for outgoing call Dec 6 10:31:53 VERBOSE[518] logger.c: We're at port 19198 Dec 6 10:31:53 VERBOSE[518] logger.c: Adding codec 0x4 (ulaw) to SDP Dec 6 10:31:53 VERBOSE[518] logger.c: Adding codec 0x8 (alaw) to SDP Dec 6 10:31:53 VERBOSE[518] logger.c: Adding non-codec 0x1 (telephone-event) to SDP Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[518] chan_sip.c: Header 0: INVITE sip:1030@;transport=udp SIP/2.0 (56) Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[518] chan_sip.c: Header 1: Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK32d70ef8 (57) Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[518] chan_sip.c: Header 2: From: "alb:HELP - Call Brian" ;tag=as3bef5cba (68) Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[518] chan_sip.c: Header 3: To: (47) Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[518] chan_sip.c: Header 4: Contact: (32) Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[518] chan_sip.c: Header 5: Call-ID: 7f840c2632edafe67a4bd889641aca72@ (54) Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[518] chan_sip.c: Header 6: CSeq: 102 INVITE (16) Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[518] chan_sip.c: Header 7: User-Agent: Asterisk PBX (24) Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[518] chan_sip.c: Header 8: Max-Forwards: 70 (16) Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[518] chan_sip.c: Header 9: Date: Wed, 06 Dec 2006 15:31:53 GMT (35) Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[518] chan_sip.c: Header 10: Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, OPTIONS, BYE, REFER, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY (66) Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[518] chan_sip.c: Header 11: Content-Type: application/sdp (29) Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[518] chan_sip.c: Header 12: Content-Length: 240 (19) Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[518] chan_sip.c: Header 13: (0) Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[518] chan_sip.c: Line: v=0 (3) Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[518] chan_sip.c: Line: o=root 31419 31419 IN IP4 (38) Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[518] chan_sip.c: Line: s=session (9) Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[518] chan_sip.c: Line: c=IN IP4 (21) Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[518] chan_sip.c: Line: t=0 0 (5) Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[518] chan_sip.c: Line: m=audio 19198 RTP/AVP 0 8 101 (29) Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[518] chan_sip.c: Line: a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000 (20) Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[518] chan_sip.c: Line: a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000 (20) Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[518] chan_sip.c: Line: a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000 (33) Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[518] chan_sip.c: Line: a=fmtp:101 0-16 (15) Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[518] chan_sip.c: Line: a=silenceSupp:off - - - - (25) Dec 6 10:31:53 VERBOSE[518] logger.c: 13 headers, 11 lines Dec 6 10:31:53 VERBOSE[518] logger.c: Reliably Transmitting (no NAT) to INVITE sip:1030@;transport=udp SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK32d70ef8 From: "alb:HELP - Call Brian" ;tag=as3bef5cba To: Contact: Call-ID: 7f840c2632edafe67a4bd889641aca72@ CSeq: 102 INVITE User-Agent: Asterisk PBX Max-Forwards: 70 Date: Wed, 06 Dec 2006 15:31:53 GMT Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, OPTIONS, BYE, REFER, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY Content-Type: application/sdp Content-Length: 240 v=0 o=root 31419 31419 IN IP4 s=session c=IN IP4 t=0 0 m=audio 19198 RTP/AVP 0 8 101 a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000 a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000 a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000 a=fmtp:101 0-16 a=silenceSupp:off - - - - --- Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[518] chan_sip.c: *** SIP TIMER: Initalizing retransmit timer on packet: Id #108 Dec 6 10:31:53 VERBOSE[518] logger.c: -- Called 1030 Dec 6 10:31:53 VERBOSE[510] logger.c: -- Local/1010@from-internal-c826,1 is ringing Dec 6 10:31:53 VERBOSE[31513] logger.c: <-- SIP read from SIP/2.0 100 Trying Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK5ccfa040 From: "alb:HELP - Call Brian" ;tag=as7c7af329 To: Call-ID: 554d13bf5f79b2fe52fcbad426758e5f@ Date: Wed, 06 Dec 2006 GMT CSeq: 102 INVITE Server: Cisco-CP7961G/8.0 Contact: Allow: ACK,BYE,CANCEL,INVITE,NOTIFY,OPTIONS,REFER,REGISTER,UPDATE,SUBSCRIBE Remote-Party-ID: "1032" ;party=called;id-type=subscriber;privacy=off;screen=yes Allow-Events: kpml,dialog Content-Length: 0 Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Header 0: SIP/2.0 100 Trying (18) Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Header 1: Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK5ccfa040 (57) Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Header 2: From: "alb:HELP - Call Brian" ;tag=as7c7af329 (68) Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Header 3: To: (47) Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Header 4: Call-ID: 554d13bf5f79b2fe52fcbad426758e5f@ (54) Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Header 5: Date: Wed, 06 Dec 2006 GMT (27) Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Header 6: CSeq: 102 INVITE (16) Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Header 7: Server: Cisco-CP7961G/8.0 (25) Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Header 8: Contact: (52) Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Header 9: Allow: ACK,BYE,CANCEL,INVITE,NOTIFY,OPTIONS,REFER,REGISTER,UPDATE,SUBSCRIBE (75) Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Header 10: Remote-Party-ID: "1032" ;party=called;id-type=subscriber;privacy=off;screen=yes (103) Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Header 11: Allow-Events: kpml,dialog (25) Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Header 12: Content-Length: 0 (17) Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Header 13: (0) Dec 6 10:31:53 VERBOSE[31513] logger.c: --- (13 headers 0 lines) --- Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: = No match Their Call ID: 7f840c2632edafe67a4bd889641aca72@ Their Tag Our tag: as3bef5cba Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: = Found Their Call ID: 554d13bf5f79b2fe52fcbad426758e5f@ Their Tag Our tag: as7c7af329 Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: *** SIP TIMER: Cancelling retransmission #107 - INVITE (got response) Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: (Provisional) Stopping retransmission (but retaining packet) on '554d13bf5f79b2fe52fcbad426758e5f@' Request 102: Found Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: SIP response 100 to standard invite Dec 6 10:31:53 VERBOSE[31513] logger.c: <-- SIP read from SIP/2.0 100 Trying Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK2172535f From: "alb:HELP - Call Brian" ;tag=as024d2ddf To: Call-ID: 1e070f8a510085e8343c56301c81ad67@ Date: Wed, 06 Dec 2006 GMT CSeq: 102 INVITE Server: Cisco-CP7961G/8.0 Contact: Allow: ACK,BYE,CANCEL,INVITE,NOTIFY,OPTIONS,REFER,REGISTER,UPDATE,SUBSCRIBE Remote-Party-ID: "1031" ;party=called;id-type=subscriber;privacy=off;screen=yes Allow-Events: kpml,dialog Content-Length: 0 Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Header 0: SIP/2.0 100 Trying (18) Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Header 1: Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK2172535f (57) Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Header 2: From: "alb:HELP - Call Brian" ;tag=as024d2ddf (68) Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Header 3: To: (47) Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Header 4: Call-ID: 1e070f8a510085e8343c56301c81ad67@ (54) Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Header 5: Date: Wed, 06 Dec 2006 GMT (27) Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Header 6: CSeq: 102 INVITE (16) Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Header 7: Server: Cisco-CP7961G/8.0 (25) Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Header 8: Contact: (52) Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Header 9: Allow: ACK,BYE,CANCEL,INVITE,NOTIFY,OPTIONS,REFER,REGISTER,UPDATE,SUBSCRIBE (75) Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Header 10: Remote-Party-ID: "1031" ;party=called;id-type=subscriber;privacy=off;screen=yes (103) Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Header 11: Allow-Events: kpml,dialog (25) Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Header 12: Content-Length: 0 (17) Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Header 13: (0) Dec 6 10:31:53 VERBOSE[31513] logger.c: --- (13 headers 0 lines) --- Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: = No match Their Call ID: 7f840c2632edafe67a4bd889641aca72@ Their Tag Our tag: as3bef5cba Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: = No match Their Call ID: 554d13bf5f79b2fe52fcbad426758e5f@ Their Tag Our tag: as7c7af329 Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: = Found Their Call ID: 1e070f8a510085e8343c56301c81ad67@ Their Tag Our tag: as024d2ddf Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: *** SIP TIMER: Cancelling retransmission #106 - INVITE (got response) Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: (Provisional) Stopping retransmission (but retaining packet) on '1e070f8a510085e8343c56301c81ad67@' Request 102: Found Dec 6 10:31:53 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: SIP response 100 to standard invite Dec 6 10:31:54 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: SIP TIMER: Rescheduling retransmission #108 (1) INVITE - 5 Dec 6 10:31:54 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: ** SIP timers: Rescheduling retransmission 2 to 1000 ms (t1 500 ms (Retrans id #108)) Dec 6 10:31:54 VERBOSE[31513] logger.c: Retransmitting #1 (no NAT) to INVITE sip:1030@;transport=udp SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK32d70ef8 From: "alb:HELP - Call Brian" ;tag=as3bef5cba To: Contact: Call-ID: 7f840c2632edafe67a4bd889641aca72@ CSeq: 102 INVITE User-Agent: Asterisk PBX Max-Forwards: 70 Date: Wed, 06 Dec 2006 15:31:53 GMT Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, OPTIONS, BYE, REFER, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY Content-Type: application/sdp Content-Length: 240 v=0 o=root 31419 31419 IN IP4 s=session c=IN IP4 t=0 0 m=audio 19198 RTP/AVP 0 8 101 a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000 a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000 a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000 a=fmtp:101 0-16 a=silenceSupp:off - - - - --- Dec 6 10:31:54 VERBOSE[31513] logger.c: <-- SIP read from SIP/2.0 180 Ringing Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK32d70ef8 From: "alb:HELP - Call Brian" ;tag=as3bef5cba To: ;tag=0017e0575d840007488eedcb-9a4dfda6 Call-ID: 7f840c2632edafe67a4bd889641aca72@ Date: Wed, 06 Dec 2006 GMT CSeq: 102 INVITE Server: Cisco-CP7961G/8.0 Contact: Allow: ACK,BYE,CANCEL,INVITE,NOTIFY,OPTIONS,REFER,REGISTER,UPDATE,SUBSCRIBE Remote-Party-ID: "1030" ;party=called;id-type=subscriber;privacy=off;screen=yes Allow-Events: kpml,dialog Content-Length: 0 Dec 6 10:31:54 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Header 0: SIP/2.0 180 Ringing (19) Dec 6 10:31:54 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Header 1: Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK32d70ef8 (57) Dec 6 10:31:54 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Header 2: From: "alb:HELP - Call Brian" ;tag=as3bef5cba (68) Dec 6 10:31:54 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Header 3: To: ;tag=0017e0575d840007488eedcb-9a4dfda6 (85) Dec 6 10:31:54 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Header 4: Call-ID: 7f840c2632edafe67a4bd889641aca72@ (54) Dec 6 10:31:54 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Header 5: Date: Wed, 06 Dec 2006 GMT (27) Dec 6 10:31:54 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Header 6: CSeq: 102 INVITE (16) Dec 6 10:31:54 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Header 7: Server: Cisco-CP7961G/8.0 (25) Dec 6 10:31:54 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Header 8: Contact: (52) Dec 6 10:31:54 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Header 9: Allow: ACK,BYE,CANCEL,INVITE,NOTIFY,OPTIONS,REFER,REGISTER,UPDATE,SUBSCRIBE (75) Dec 6 10:31:54 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Header 10: Remote-Party-ID: "1030" ;party=called;id-type=subscriber;privacy=off;screen=yes (103) Dec 6 10:31:54 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Header 11: Allow-Events: kpml,dialog (25) Dec 6 10:31:54 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Header 12: Content-Length: 0 (17) Dec 6 10:31:54 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Header 13: (0) Dec 6 10:31:54 VERBOSE[31513] logger.c: --- (13 headers 0 lines) --- Dec 6 10:31:54 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: = Found Their Call ID: 7f840c2632edafe67a4bd889641aca72@ Their Tag Our tag: as3bef5cba Dec 6 10:31:54 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: *** SIP TIMER: Cancelling retransmission #108 - INVITE (got response) Dec 6 10:31:54 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: (Provisional) Stopping retransmission (but retaining packet) on '7f840c2632edafe67a4bd889641aca72@' Request 102: Found Dec 6 10:31:54 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: SIP response 180 to standard invite Dec 6 10:31:54 DEBUG[31501] chan_sip.c: Checking device state for peer 1030 Dec 6 10:31:54 DEBUG[31501] devicestate.c: Changing state for SIP/1030 - state 6 (Ringing) Dec 6 10:31:54 VERBOSE[518] logger.c: -- SIP/1030-b790d168 is ringing Dec 6 10:31:54 DEBUG[534] app_queue.c: Device 'SIP/1030' changed to state '6' (Ringing) but we don't care because they're not a member of any queue. Dec 6 10:31:56 VERBOSE[31513] logger.c: <-- SIP read from SIP/2.0 200 OK Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK32d70ef8 From: "alb:HELP - Call Brian" ;tag=as3bef5cba To: ;tag=0017e0575d840007488eedcb-9a4dfda6 Call-ID: 7f840c2632edafe67a4bd889641aca72@ Date: Wed, 06 Dec 2006 GMT CSeq: 102 INVITE Server: Cisco-CP7961G/8.0 Contact: Allow: ACK,BYE,CANCEL,INVITE,NOTIFY,OPTIONS,REFER,REGISTER,UPDATE,SUBSCRIBE Remote-Party-ID: "1030" ;party=called;id-type=subscriber;privacy=off;screen=yes Supported: replaces,join,norefersub Allow-Events: kpml,dialog Content-Length: 207 Content-Type: application/sdp Content-Disposition: session;handling=optional v=0 o=Cisco-SIPUA 24264 0 IN IP4 s=SIP Call t=0 0 m=audio 23674 RTP/AVP 0 101 c=IN IP4 a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000 a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000 a=fmtp:101 0-15 a=sendrecv Dec 6 10:31:56 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Header 0: SIP/2.0 200 OK (14) Dec 6 10:31:56 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Header 1: Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK32d70ef8 (57) Dec 6 10:31:56 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Header 2: From: "alb:HELP - Call Brian" ;tag=as3bef5cba (68) Dec 6 10:31:56 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Header 3: To: ;tag=0017e0575d840007488eedcb-9a4dfda6 (85) Dec 6 10:31:56 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Header 4: Call-ID: 7f840c2632edafe67a4bd889641aca72@ (54) Dec 6 10:31:56 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Header 5: Date: Wed, 06 Dec 2006 GMT (27) Dec 6 10:31:56 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Header 6: CSeq: 102 INVITE (16) Dec 6 10:31:56 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Header 7: Server: Cisco-CP7961G/8.0 (25) Dec 6 10:31:56 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Header 8: Contact: (52) Dec 6 10:31:56 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Header 9: Allow: ACK,BYE,CANCEL,INVITE,NOTIFY,OPTIONS,REFER,REGISTER,UPDATE,SUBSCRIBE (75) Dec 6 10:31:56 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Header 10: Remote-Party-ID: "1030" ;party=called;id-type=subscriber;privacy=off;screen=yes (103) Dec 6 10:31:56 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Header 11: Supported: replaces,join,norefersub (35) Dec 6 10:31:56 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Header 12: Allow-Events: kpml,dialog (25) Dec 6 10:31:56 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Header 13: Content-Length: 207 (19) Dec 6 10:31:56 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Header 14: Content-Type: application/sdp (29) Dec 6 10:31:56 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Header 15: Content-Disposition: session;handling=optional (46) Dec 6 10:31:56 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Header 16: (0) Dec 6 10:31:56 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Line: v=0 (3) Dec 6 10:31:56 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Line: o=Cisco-SIPUA 24264 0 IN IP4 (42) Dec 6 10:31:56 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Line: s=SIP Call (10) Dec 6 10:31:56 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Line: t=0 0 (5) Dec 6 10:31:56 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Line: m=audio 23674 RTP/AVP 0 101 (27) Dec 6 10:31:56 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Line: c=IN IP4 (22) Dec 6 10:31:56 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Line: a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000 (20) Dec 6 10:31:56 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Line: a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000 (33) Dec 6 10:31:56 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Line: a=fmtp:101 0-15 (15) Dec 6 10:31:56 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Line: a=sendrecv (10) Dec 6 10:31:56 VERBOSE[31513] logger.c: --- (16 headers 10 lines) --- Dec 6 10:31:56 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: = Found Their Call ID: 7f840c2632edafe67a4bd889641aca72@ Their Tag 0017e0575d840007488eedcb-9a4dfda6 Our tag: as3bef5cba Dec 6 10:31:56 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Acked pending invite 102 Dec 6 10:31:56 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Stopping retransmission on '7f840c2632edafe67a4bd889641aca72@' of Request 102: Match Found Dec 6 10:31:56 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: SIP response 200 to standard invite Dec 6 10:31:56 VERBOSE[31513] logger.c: Found RTP audio format 0 Dec 6 10:31:56 VERBOSE[31513] logger.c: Found RTP audio format 101 Dec 6 10:31:56 VERBOSE[31513] logger.c: Peer audio RTP is at port Dec 6 10:31:56 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Peer audio RTP is at port Dec 6 10:31:56 VERBOSE[31513] logger.c: Found description format PCMU Dec 6 10:31:56 VERBOSE[31513] logger.c: Found description format telephone-event Dec 6 10:31:56 VERBOSE[31513] logger.c: Capabilities: us - 0xc (ulaw|alaw), peer - audio=0x4 (ulaw)/video=0x0 (nothing), combined - 0x4 (ulaw) Dec 6 10:31:56 VERBOSE[31513] logger.c: Non-codec capabilities: us - 0x1 (telephone-event), peer - 0x1 (telephone-event), combined - 0x1 (telephone-event) Dec 6 10:31:56 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: build_route: Contact hop: Dec 6 10:31:56 VERBOSE[31513] logger.c: list_route: hop: Dec 6 10:31:56 VERBOSE[31513] logger.c: set_destination: Parsing for address/port to send to Dec 6 10:31:56 VERBOSE[31513] logger.c: set_destination: set destination to, port 5060 Dec 6 10:31:56 VERBOSE[31513] logger.c: Transmitting (no NAT) to ACK sip:1030@;transport=udp SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK0cc8f5fe From: "alb:HELP - Call Brian" ;tag=as3bef5cba To: ;tag=0017e0575d840007488eedcb-9a4dfda6 Contact: Call-ID: 7f840c2632edafe67a4bd889641aca72@ CSeq: 102 ACK User-Agent: Asterisk PBX Max-Forwards: 70 Content-Length: 0 --- Dec 6 10:31:56 VERBOSE[518] logger.c: -- SIP/1030-b790d168 answered Local/1010@from-internal-c826,2 Dec 6 10:31:56 DEBUG[510] app_queue.c: Dunno what to do with control type -1 Dec 6 10:31:56 DEBUG[31501] chan_sip.c: Checking device state for peer 1030 Dec 6 10:31:56 DEBUG[31501] devicestate.c: Changing state for SIP/1030 - state 2 (In use) Dec 6 10:31:56 DEBUG[535] app_queue.c: Device 'SIP/1030' changed to state '2' (In use) but we don't care because they're not a member of any queue. Dec 6 10:31:56 DEBUG[31501] channel.c: Avoiding initial deadlock for 'Local/1010@from-internal-c826,2' Dec 6 10:31:56 VERBOSE[510] logger.c: -- Local/1010@from-internal-c826,1 answered IAX2/4357-2 Dec 6 10:31:56 DEBUG[510] channel.c: Hanging up channel 'Local/1011@from-internal-7c89,1' Dec 6 10:31:56 DEBUG[514] channel.c: Hanging up channel 'SIP/1031-08a0f918' Dec 6 10:31:56 DEBUG[514] chan_sip.c: Hangup call SIP/1031-08a0f918, SIP callid 1e070f8a510085e8343c56301c81ad67@ Dec 6 10:31:56 DEBUG[514] chan_sip.c: update_call_counter(1031) - decrement call limit counter Dec 6 10:31:56 DEBUG[514] chan_sip.c: Updating call counter for outgoing call Dec 6 10:31:56 DEBUG[510] channel.c: Hanging up channel 'Local/1013@from-internal-c0fb,1' Dec 6 10:31:56 VERBOSE[514] logger.c: Scheduling destruction of call '1e070f8a510085e8343c56301c81ad67@' in 32000 ms Dec 6 10:31:56 DEBUG[516] channel.c: Hanging up channel 'SIP/1032-b7906f50' Dec 6 10:31:56 VERBOSE[510] logger.c: -- Stopped music on hold on IAX2/4357-2 Dec 6 10:31:56 DEBUG[516] chan_sip.c: Hangup call SIP/1032-b7906f50, SIP callid 554d13bf5f79b2fe52fcbad426758e5f@ Dec 6 10:31:56 DEBUG[516] chan_sip.c: update_call_counter(1032) - decrement call limit counter Dec 6 10:31:56 DEBUG[516] chan_sip.c: Updating call counter for outgoing call Dec 6 10:31:56 VERBOSE[516] logger.c: Scheduling destruction of call '554d13bf5f79b2fe52fcbad426758e5f@' in 32000 ms Dec 6 10:31:56 DEBUG[516] chan_sip.c: Acked pending invite 102 Dec 6 10:31:56 DEBUG[516] chan_sip.c: Stopping retransmission on '554d13bf5f79b2fe52fcbad426758e5f@' of Request 102: Match Found Dec 6 10:31:56 DEBUG[516] app_dial.c: Exiting with DIALSTATUS=CANCEL. Dec 6 10:31:56 DEBUG[516] app_macro.c: Spawn extension (macro-dial,s,10) exited non-zero on 'Local/1013@from-internal-c0fb,2' in macro 'dial' Dec 6 10:31:56 VERBOSE[516] logger.c: == Spawn extension (macro-dial, s, 10) exited non-zero on 'Local/1013@from-internal-c0fb,2' in macro 'dial' Dec 6 10:31:56 DEBUG[516] app_macro.c: Spawn extension (macro-dial,s,10) exited non-zero on 'Local/1013@from-internal-c0fb,2' in macro 'exten-vm' Dec 6 10:31:56 VERBOSE[516] logger.c: == Spawn extension (macro-dial, s, 10) exited non-zero on 'Local/1013@from-internal-c0fb,2' in macro 'exten-vm' Dec 6 10:31:56 DEBUG[516] pbx.c: Spawn extension (macro-dial,s,10) exited non-zero on 'Local/1013@from-internal-c0fb,2' Dec 6 10:31:56 VERBOSE[516] logger.c: == Spawn extension (macro-dial, s, 10) exited non-zero on 'Local/1013@from-internal-c0fb,2' Dec 6 10:31:56 DEBUG[510] channel.c: Set channel IAX2/4357-2 to write format ulaw Dec 6 10:31:56 DEBUG[510] channel.c: Scheduling timer at 0 sample intervals Dec 6 10:31:56 DEBUG[514] chan_sip.c: Acked pending invite 102 Dec 6 10:31:56 DEBUG[31501] devicestate.c: Changing state for Local/1010@from-internal - state 2 (In use) Dec 6 10:31:56 DEBUG[516] cdr_addon_mysql.c: cdr_mysql: inserting a CDR record. Dec 6 10:31:56 DEBUG[516] cdr_addon_mysql.c: cdr_mysql: SQL command as follows: INSERT INTO cdr (calldate,clid,src,dst,dcontext,channel,dstchannel,lastapp,lastdata,duration,billsec,disposition,amaflags,accountcode,uniqueid) VALUES ('200 6-12-06 10:31:52','\"alb:HELP - Call Brian\" <4357>','4357','1013','from-internal', 'Local/1013@from-internal-c0fb,2','SIP/1032-b7906f50','Dial','SIP/1032||tr',4,0,'NO ANSWER',3,'','1165419112.32') Dec 6 10:31:56 DEBUG[537] app_queue.c: Device 'Local/1010@from-internal' changed to state '2' (In use) Dec 6 10:31:56 DEBUG[514] chan_sip.c: Stopping retransmission on '1e070f8a510085e8343c56301c81ad67@' of Request 102: Match Found Dec 6 10:31:56 DEBUG[516] pbx.c: Function result is '"alb:HELP - Call Brian" <4357>' Dec 6 10:31:56 DEBUG[514] app_dial.c: Exiting with DIALSTATUS=CANCEL. Dec 6 10:31:56 DEBUG[514] app_macro.c: Spawn extension (macro-dial,s,10) exited non-zero on 'Local/1011@from-internal-7c89,2' in macro 'dial' Dec 6 10:31:56 VERBOSE[514] logger.c: == Spawn extension (macro-dial, s, 10) exited non-zero on 'Local/1011@from-internal-7c89,2' in macro 'dial' Dec 6 10:31:56 DEBUG[514] app_macro.c: Spawn extension (macro-dial,s,10) exited non-zero on 'Local/1011@from-internal-7c89,2' in macro 'exten-vm' Dec 6 10:31:56 VERBOSE[514] logger.c: == Spawn extension (macro-dial, s, 10) exited non-zero on 'Local/1011@from-internal-7c89,2' in macro 'exten-vm' Dec 6 10:31:56 DEBUG[514] pbx.c: Spawn extension (macro-dial,s,10) exited non-zero on 'Local/1011@from-internal-7c89,2' Dec 6 10:31:56 VERBOSE[514] logger.c: == Spawn extension (macro-dial, s, 10) exited non-zero on 'Local/1011@from-internal-7c89,2' Dec 6 10:31:56 DEBUG[31501] devicestate.c: Changing state for Local/1010@from-internal - state 2 (In use) Dec 6 10:31:56 DEBUG[516] pbx.c: Function result is '4357' Dec 6 10:31:56 DEBUG[516] pbx.c: Function result is '1013' Dec 6 10:31:56 DEBUG[516] pbx.c: Function result is 'from-internal' Dec 6 10:31:56 DEBUG[538] app_queue.c: Device 'Local/1010@from-internal' changed to state '2' (In use) Dec 6 10:31:56 DEBUG[516] pbx.c: Function result is 'Local/1013@from-internal-c0fb,2' Dec 6 10:31:56 DEBUG[516] pbx.c: Function result is 'SIP/1032-b7906f50' Dec 6 10:31:56 DEBUG[516] pbx.c: Function result is 'Dial' Dec 6 10:31:56 DEBUG[516] pbx.c: Function result is 'SIP/1032||tr' Dec 6 10:31:56 DEBUG[516] pbx.c: Function result is '2006-12-06 10:31:52' Dec 6 10:31:56 DEBUG[516] pbx.c: Function result is '(null)' Dec 6 10:31:56 DEBUG[516] pbx.c: Function result is '2006-12-06 10:31:56' Dec 6 10:31:56 DEBUG[516] pbx.c: Function result is '4' Dec 6 10:31:56 DEBUG[516] pbx.c: Function result is '0' Dec 6 10:31:56 DEBUG[516] pbx.c: Function result is 'NO ANSWER' Dec 6 10:31:56 DEBUG[516] pbx.c: Function result is 'DOCUMENTATION' Dec 6 10:31:56 DEBUG[516] pbx.c: Function result is '(null)' Dec 6 10:31:56 DEBUG[516] pbx.c: Function result is '1165419112.32' Dec 6 10:31:56 DEBUG[516] pbx.c: Function result is '(null)' Dec 6 10:31:56 DEBUG[516] channel.c: Hanging up channel 'Local/1013@from-internal-c0fb,2' Dec 6 10:31:56 DEBUG[31501] channel.c: Avoiding initial deadlock for 'Local/1011@from-internal-7c89,2' Dec 6 10:31:56 DEBUG[514] cdr_addon_mysql.c: cdr_mysql: inserting a CDR record. Dec 6 10:31:56 DEBUG[514] cdr_addon_mysql.c: cdr_mysql: SQL command as follows: INSERT INTO cdr (calldate,clid,src,dst,dcontext,channel,dstchannel,lastapp,lastdata,duration,billsec,disposition,amaflags,accountcode,uniqueid) VALUES ('200 6-12-06 10:31:52','\"alb:HELP - Call Brian\" <4357>','4357','1011','from-internal', 'Local/1011@from-internal-7c89,2','SIP/1031-08a0f918','Dial','SIP/1031||tr',4,0,'NO ANSWER',3,'','1165419112.30') Dec 6 10:31:56 DEBUG[514] pbx.c: Function result is '"alb:HELP - Call Brian" <4357>' Dec 6 10:31:56 DEBUG[514] pbx.c: Function result is '4357' Dec 6 10:31:56 DEBUG[514] pbx.c: Function result is '1011' Dec 6 10:31:56 DEBUG[514] pbx.c: Function result is 'from-internal' Dec 6 10:31:56 DEBUG[514] pbx.c: Function result is 'Local/1011@from-internal-7c89,2' Dec 6 10:31:56 DEBUG[514] pbx.c: Function result is 'SIP/1031-08a0f918' Dec 6 10:31:56 DEBUG[514] pbx.c: Function result is 'Dial' Dec 6 10:31:56 DEBUG[514] pbx.c: Function result is 'SIP/1031||tr' Dec 6 10:31:56 DEBUG[514] pbx.c: Function result is '2006-12-06 10:31:52' Dec 6 10:31:56 DEBUG[514] pbx.c: Function result is '(null)' Dec 6 10:31:56 DEBUG[514] pbx.c: Function result is '2006-12-06 10:31:56' Dec 6 10:31:56 DEBUG[514] pbx.c: Function result is '4' Dec 6 10:31:56 DEBUG[514] pbx.c: Function result is '0' Dec 6 10:31:56 DEBUG[514] pbx.c: Function result is 'NO ANSWER' Dec 6 10:31:56 DEBUG[514] pbx.c: Function result is 'DOCUMENTATION' Dec 6 10:31:56 DEBUG[514] pbx.c: Function result is '(null)' Dec 6 10:31:56 DEBUG[514] pbx.c: Function result is '1165419112.30' Dec 6 10:31:56 DEBUG[514] pbx.c: Function result is '(null)' Dec 6 10:31:56 DEBUG[514] channel.c: Hanging up channel 'Local/1011@from-internal-7c89,2' Dec 6 10:31:56 DEBUG[31501] devicestate.c: Changing state for Local/1011@from-internal - state 0 (Unknown) Dec 6 10:31:56 DEBUG[31501] devicestate.c: Changing state for Local/1013@from-internal - state 0 (Unknown) Dec 6 10:31:56 DEBUG[31501] chan_sip.c: Checking device state for peer 1032 Dec 6 10:31:56 DEBUG[31501] devicestate.c: Changing state for SIP/1032 - state 1 (Not in use) Dec 6 10:31:56 DEBUG[31501] chan_sip.c: Checking device state for peer 1031 Dec 6 10:31:56 DEBUG[31501] devicestate.c: Changing state for SIP/1031 - state 1 (Not in use) Dec 6 10:31:56 DEBUG[31501] devicestate.c: Changing state for Local/1013@from-internal - state 0 (Unknown) Dec 6 10:31:56 DEBUG[31501] devicestate.c: Changing state for Local/1011@from-internal - state 0 (Unknown) Dec 6 10:31:56 DEBUG[539] app_queue.c: Device 'Local/1011@from-internal' changed to state '0' (Unknown) Dec 6 10:31:56 DEBUG[540] app_queue.c: Device 'Local/1013@from-internal' changed to state '0' (Unknown) Dec 6 10:31:56 DEBUG[541] app_queue.c: Device 'SIP/1032' changed to state '1' (Not in use) but we don't care because they're not a member of any queue. Dec 6 10:31:56 DEBUG[542] app_queue.c: Device 'SIP/1031' changed to state '1' (Not in use) but we don't care because they're not a member of any queue. Dec 6 10:31:56 DEBUG[543] app_queue.c: Device 'Local/1013@from-internal' changed to state '0' (Unknown) Dec 6 10:31:56 DEBUG[544] app_queue.c: Device 'Local/1011@from-internal' changed to state '0' (Unknown) Dec 6 10:31:56 DEBUG[518] rtp.c: Ooh, format changed from unknown to ulaw Dec 6 10:32:01 DEBUG[545] manager.c: Manager received command 'login' Dec 6 10:32:01 VERBOSE[545] logger.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/manager.conf': Dec 6 10:32:01 DEBUG[545] config.c: Parsing /etc/asterisk/manager.conf Dec 6 10:32:01 VERBOSE[545] logger.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/manager.conf': Found Dec 6 10:32:01 VERBOSE[545] logger.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/manager_custom.conf': Dec 6 10:32:01 DEBUG[545] config.c: Parsing /etc/asterisk/manager_custom.conf Dec 6 10:32:01 VERBOSE[545] logger.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/manager_custom.conf': Found Dec 6 10:32:01 DEBUG[545] acl.c: appended to acl for peer Dec 6 10:32:01 DEBUG[545] acl.c: appended to acl for peer Dec 6 10:32:01 DEBUG[545] acl.c: appended to acl for peer Dec 6 10:32:01 DEBUG[545] acl.c: ##### Testing with Dec 6 10:32:01 DEBUG[545] acl.c: ##### Testing with Dec 6 10:32:01 DEBUG[545] acl.c: ##### Testing with Dec 6 10:32:01 VERBOSE[545] logger.c: == Manager 'admin' logged on from Dec 6 10:32:01 DEBUG[545] manager.c: Manager received command 'Command' Dec 6 10:32:01 DEBUG[545] manager.c: Manager received command 'Command' Dec 6 10:32:01 DEBUG[545] manager.c: Manager received command 'Command' Dec 6 10:32:01 DEBUG[545] manager.c: Manager received command 'Command' Dec 6 10:32:01 DEBUG[545] db.c: Unable to find key '1110' in family 'DND' Dec 6 10:32:01 DEBUG[545] manager.c: Manager received command 'QueueStatus' Dec 6 10:32:01 DEBUG[545] manager.c: Manager received command 'Logoff' Dec 6 10:32:01 VERBOSE[545] logger.c: == Manager 'admin' logged off from Dec 6 10:32:01 DEBUG[566] manager.c: Manager received command 'Login' Dec 6 10:32:01 VERBOSE[566] logger.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/manager.conf': Dec 6 10:32:01 DEBUG[566] config.c: Parsing /etc/asterisk/manager.conf Dec 6 10:32:01 VERBOSE[566] logger.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/manager.conf': Found Dec 6 10:32:01 VERBOSE[566] logger.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/manager_custom.conf': Dec 6 10:32:01 DEBUG[566] config.c: Parsing /etc/asterisk/manager_custom.conf Dec 6 10:32:01 VERBOSE[566] logger.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/manager_custom.conf': Found Dec 6 10:32:01 DEBUG[566] acl.c: appended to acl for peer Dec 6 10:32:01 DEBUG[566] acl.c: appended to acl for peer Dec 6 10:32:01 DEBUG[566] acl.c: appended to acl for peer Dec 6 10:32:01 DEBUG[566] acl.c: ##### Testing with Dec 6 10:32:01 DEBUG[566] acl.c: ##### Testing with Dec 6 10:32:01 DEBUG[566] acl.c: ##### Testing with Dec 6 10:32:01 VERBOSE[566] logger.c: == Manager 'cacti' logged on from Dec 6 10:32:01 DEBUG[566] manager.c: Manager received command 'COMMAND' Dec 6 10:32:01 DEBUG[566] manager.c: Manager received command 'Logoff' Dec 6 10:32:01 VERBOSE[566] logger.c: == Manager 'cacti' logged off from Dec 6 10:32:01 DEBUG[570] manager.c: Manager received command 'Login' Dec 6 10:32:01 VERBOSE[570] logger.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/manager.conf': Dec 6 10:32:01 DEBUG[570] config.c: Parsing /etc/asterisk/manager.conf Dec 6 10:32:01 VERBOSE[570] logger.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/manager.conf': Found Dec 6 10:32:01 VERBOSE[570] logger.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/manager_custom.conf': Dec 6 10:32:01 DEBUG[570] config.c: Parsing /etc/asterisk/manager_custom.conf Dec 6 10:32:01 VERBOSE[570] logger.c: == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/manager_custom.conf': Found Dec 6 10:32:01 DEBUG[570] acl.c: appended to acl for peer Dec 6 10:32:01 DEBUG[570] acl.c: appended to acl for peer Dec 6 10:32:01 DEBUG[570] acl.c: appended to acl for peer Dec 6 10:32:01 DEBUG[570] acl.c: ##### Testing with Dec 6 10:32:01 DEBUG[570] acl.c: ##### Testing with Dec 6 10:32:01 DEBUG[570] acl.c: ##### Testing with Dec 6 10:32:01 VERBOSE[570] logger.c: == Manager 'cacti' logged on from Dec 6 10:32:01 DEBUG[570] manager.c: Manager received command 'COMMAND' Dec 6 10:32:01 DEBUG[570] manager.c: Manager received command 'Logoff' Dec 6 10:32:01 VERBOSE[570] logger.c: == Manager 'cacti' logged off from Dec 6 10:32:10 DEBUG[31512] chan_iax2.c: Immediately destroying 2, having received hangup Dec 6 10:32:10 DEBUG[510] channel.c: Didn't get a frame from channel: IAX2/4357-2 Dec 6 10:32:10 DEBUG[510] channel.c: Bridge stops bridging channels IAX2/4357-2 and Local/1010@from-internal-c826,1 Dec 6 10:32:10 DEBUG[510] channel.c: Hanging up channel 'Local/1010@from-internal-c826,1' Dec 6 10:32:10 DEBUG[518] channel.c: Didn't get a frame from channel: Local/1010@from-internal-c826,2 Dec 6 10:32:10 DEBUG[518] channel.c: Bridge stops bridging channels Local/1010@from-internal-c826,2 and SIP/1030-b790d168 Dec 6 10:32:10 DEBUG[510] res_monitor.c: monitor executing ( nice -n 19 soxmix "//var/spool/asterisk/monitor/q1060-20061206-103148-1165419108.28-in.wav" "//var/spool/asterisk/monitor/q1060-20061206-103148-1165419108.28-out.wav" "//var/s pool/asterisk/monitor/q1060-20061206-103148-1165419108.28.wav" && rm -f "//var/spool/asterisk/monitor/q1060-20061206-103148-1165419108.28-"* ) & Dec 6 10:32:10 DEBUG[518] channel.c: Hanging up channel 'SIP/1030-b790d168' Dec 6 10:32:10 DEBUG[518] chan_sip.c: Hangup call SIP/1030-b790d168, SIP callid 7f840c2632edafe67a4bd889641aca72@ Dec 6 10:32:10 DEBUG[518] chan_sip.c: update_call_counter(1030) - decrement call limit counter Dec 6 10:32:10 DEBUG[518] chan_sip.c: Updating call counter for outgoing call Dec 6 10:32:10 VERBOSE[518] logger.c: Scheduling destruction of call '7f840c2632edafe67a4bd889641aca72@' in 32000 ms Dec 6 10:32:10 VERBOSE[518] logger.c: set_destination: Parsing for address/port to send to Dec 6 10:32:10 VERBOSE[518] logger.c: set_destination: set destination to, port 5060 Dec 6 10:32:10 VERBOSE[518] logger.c: Reliably Transmitting (no NAT) to BYE sip:1030@;transport=udp SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK35ae16f7 From: "alb:HELP - Call Brian" ;tag=as3bef5cba To: ;tag=0017e0575d840007488eedcb-9a4dfda6 Call-ID: 7f840c2632edafe67a4bd889641aca72@ CSeq: 103 BYE User-Agent: Asterisk PBX Max-Forwards: 70 Content-Length: 0 --- Dec 6 10:32:10 DEBUG[518] chan_sip.c: *** SIP TIMER: Initalizing retransmit timer on packet: Id #112 Dec 6 10:32:10 DEBUG[31501] devicestate.c: Changing state for Local/1010@from-internal - state 2 (In use) Dec 6 10:32:10 DEBUG[510] pbx.c: Spawn extension (from-internal,1060,7) exited non-zero on 'IAX2/4357-2' Dec 6 10:32:10 DEBUG[518] app_dial.c: Exiting with DIALSTATUS=ANSWER. Dec 6 10:32:10 DEBUG[31501] chan_sip.c: Checking device state for peer 1030 Dec 6 10:32:10 DEBUG[31501] devicestate.c: Changing state for SIP/1030 - state 1 (Not in use) Dec 6 10:32:10 DEBUG[518] app_macro.c: Spawn extension (macro-dial,s,10) exited non-zero on 'Local/1010@from-internal-c826,2' in macro 'dial' Dec 6 10:32:10 VERBOSE[510] logger.c: == Spawn extension (from-internal, 1060, 7) exited non-zero on 'IAX2/4357-2' Dec 6 10:32:10 DEBUG[677] app_queue.c: Device 'Local/1010@from-internal' changed to state '2' (In use) Dec 6 10:32:10 DEBUG[678] app_queue.c: Device 'SIP/1030' changed to state '1' (Not in use) but we don't care because they're not a member of any queue. Dec 6 10:32:10 VERBOSE[518] logger.c: == Spawn extension (macro-dial, s, 10) exited non-zero on 'Local/1010@from-internal-c826,2' in macro 'dial' Dec 6 10:32:10 DEBUG[518] app_macro.c: Spawn extension (macro-dial,s,10) exited non-zero on 'Local/1010@from-internal-c826,2' in macro 'exten-vm' Dec 6 10:32:10 VERBOSE[518] logger.c: == Spawn extension (macro-dial, s, 10) exited non-zero on 'Local/1010@from-internal-c826,2' in macro 'exten-vm' Dec 6 10:32:10 DEBUG[518] pbx.c: Spawn extension (macro-dial,s,10) exited non-zero on 'Local/1010@from-internal-c826,2' Dec 6 10:32:10 VERBOSE[518] logger.c: == Spawn extension (macro-dial, s, 10) exited non-zero on 'Local/1010@from-internal-c826,2' Dec 6 10:32:10 DEBUG[510] pbx.c: Launching 'Macro' Dec 6 10:32:10 VERBOSE[510] logger.c: -- Executing Macro("IAX2/4357-2", "hangupcall") in new stack Dec 6 10:32:10 DEBUG[510] pbx.c: Launching 'ResetCDR' Dec 6 10:32:10 VERBOSE[510] logger.c: -- Executing ResetCDR("IAX2/4357-2", "w") in new stack Dec 6 10:32:10 DEBUG[518] cdr_addon_mysql.c: cdr_mysql: inserting a CDR record. Dec 6 10:32:10 DEBUG[518] cdr_addon_mysql.c: cdr_mysql: SQL command as follows: INSERT INTO cdr (calldate,clid,src,dst,dcontext,channel,dstchannel,lastapp,lastdata,duration,billsec,disposition,amaflags,accountcode,uniqueid) VALUES ('200 6-12-06 10:31:52','\"alb:HELP - Call Brian\" <4357>','4357','1010','from-internal', 'Local/1010@from-internal-c826,2','SIP/1030-b790d168','Monitor','wav49|20061206-103152-1165419112.34| mX',18,14,'ANSWERED',3,'','1165419112.34') Dec 6 10:32:10 DEBUG[518] pbx.c: Function result is '"alb:HELP - Call Brian" <4357>' Dec 6 10:32:10 DEBUG[518] pbx.c: Function result is '4357' Dec 6 10:32:10 DEBUG[518] pbx.c: Function result is '1010' Dec 6 10:32:10 DEBUG[518] pbx.c: Function result is 'from-internal' Dec 6 10:32:10 DEBUG[518] pbx.c: Function result is 'Local/1010@from-internal-c826,2' Dec 6 10:32:10 DEBUG[518] pbx.c: Function result is 'SIP/1030-b790d168' Dec 6 10:32:10 DEBUG[518] pbx.c: Function result is 'Monitor' Dec 6 10:32:10 DEBUG[518] pbx.c: Function result is 'wav49|20061206-103152-1165419112.34| mX' Dec 6 10:32:10 DEBUG[518] pbx.c: Function result is '2006-12-06 10:31:52' Dec 6 10:32:10 DEBUG[518] pbx.c: Function result is '2006-12-06 10:31:56' Dec 6 10:32:10 DEBUG[518] pbx.c: Function result is '2006-12-06 10:32:10' Dec 6 10:32:10 DEBUG[518] pbx.c: Function result is '18' Dec 6 10:32:10 DEBUG[518] pbx.c: Function result is '14' Dec 6 10:32:10 DEBUG[518] pbx.c: Function result is 'ANSWERED' Dec 6 10:32:10 DEBUG[518] pbx.c: Function result is 'DOCUMENTATION' Dec 6 10:32:10 DEBUG[518] pbx.c: Function result is '(null)' Dec 6 10:32:10 DEBUG[518] pbx.c: Function result is '1165419112.34' Dec 6 10:32:10 DEBUG[518] pbx.c: Function result is '(null)' Dec 6 10:32:10 DEBUG[518] channel.c: Hanging up channel 'Local/1010@from-internal-c826,2' Dec 6 10:32:10 DEBUG[518] res_monitor.c: monitor executing ( nice -n 19 soxmix "/var/spool/asterisk/monitor/20061206-103152-1165419112.34-in.WAV" "/var/spool/asterisk/monitor/20061206-103152-1165419112.34-out.WAV" "/var/spool/asterisk/m onitor/20061206-103152-1165419112.34.WAV" && rm -f "/var/spool/asterisk/monitor/20061206-103152-1165419112.34-"* ) & Dec 6 10:32:10 DEBUG[510] cdr_addon_mysql.c: cdr_mysql: inserting a CDR record. Dec 6 10:32:10 DEBUG[510] cdr_addon_mysql.c: cdr_mysql: SQL command as follows: INSERT INTO cdr (calldate,clid,src,dst,dcontext,channel,dstchannel,lastapp,lastdata,duration,billsec,disposition,amaflags,accountcode,uniqueid) VALUES ('200 6-12-06 10:31:48','\"alb:HELP - Call Brian\" <4357>','4357','1060','from-internal', 'IAX2/4357-2','Local/1010@from-internal-c826,1','ResetCDR','w',22,22,'ANSWERED',3,'','1165419108.28') Dec 6 10:32:10 DEBUG[510] pbx.c: Function result is '"alb:HELP - Call Brian" <4357>' Dec 6 10:32:10 DEBUG[510] pbx.c: Function result is '4357' Dec 6 10:32:10 DEBUG[510] pbx.c: Function result is '1060' Dec 6 10:32:10 DEBUG[510] pbx.c: Function result is 'from-internal' Dec 6 10:32:10 DEBUG[510] pbx.c: Function result is 'IAX2/4357-2' Dec 6 10:32:10 DEBUG[510] pbx.c: Function result is 'Local/1010@from-internal-c826,1' Dec 6 10:32:10 DEBUG[510] pbx.c: Function result is 'ResetCDR' Dec 6 10:32:10 DEBUG[510] pbx.c: Function result is 'w' Dec 6 10:32:10 DEBUG[510] pbx.c: Function result is '2006-12-06 10:31:48' Dec 6 10:32:10 DEBUG[510] pbx.c: Function result is '2006-12-06 10:31:48' Dec 6 10:32:10 DEBUG[510] pbx.c: Function result is '2006-12-06 10:32:10' Dec 6 10:32:10 DEBUG[510] pbx.c: Function result is '22' Dec 6 10:32:10 DEBUG[510] pbx.c: Function result is '22' Dec 6 10:32:10 DEBUG[510] pbx.c: Function result is 'ANSWERED' Dec 6 10:32:10 DEBUG[510] pbx.c: Function result is 'DOCUMENTATION' Dec 6 10:32:10 DEBUG[510] pbx.c: Function result is '(null)' Dec 6 10:32:10 DEBUG[510] pbx.c: Function result is '1165419108.28' Dec 6 10:32:10 DEBUG[510] pbx.c: Function result is '(null)' Dec 6 10:32:10 DEBUG[510] pbx.c: Launching 'NoCDR' Dec 6 10:32:10 VERBOSE[510] logger.c: -- Executing NoCDR("IAX2/4357-2", "") in new stack Dec 6 10:32:10 NOTICE[510] cdr.c: CDR on channel 'IAX2/4357-2' not posted Dec 6 10:32:10 NOTICE[510] cdr.c: CDR on channel 'IAX2/4357-2' lacks end Dec 6 10:32:10 DEBUG[510] pbx.c: Launching 'Wait' Dec 6 10:32:10 VERBOSE[510] logger.c: -- Executing Wait("IAX2/4357-2", "5") in new stack Dec 6 10:32:10 DEBUG[510] app_macro.c: Spawn extension (macro-hangupcall,s,3) exited non-zero on 'IAX2/4357-2' in macro 'hangupcall' Dec 6 10:32:10 VERBOSE[510] logger.c: == Spawn extension (macro-hangupcall, s, 3) exited non-zero on 'IAX2/4357-2' in macro 'hangupcall' Dec 6 10:32:10 DEBUG[510] pbx.c: Spawn extension (macro-hangupcall,s,3) exited non-zero on 'IAX2/4357-2' Dec 6 10:32:10 VERBOSE[510] logger.c: == Spawn extension (macro-hangupcall, s, 3) exited non-zero on 'IAX2/4357-2' Dec 6 10:32:10 DEBUG[510] channel.c: Hanging up channel 'IAX2/4357-2' Dec 6 10:32:10 DEBUG[510] chan_iax2.c: We're hanging up IAX2/4357-2 now... Dec 6 10:32:10 DEBUG[510] chan_iax2.c: Really destroying IAX2/4357-2 now... Dec 6 10:32:10 VERBOSE[510] logger.c: -- Hungup 'IAX2/4357-2' Dec 6 10:32:10 DEBUG[31501] devicestate.c: Changing state for Local/1010@from-internal - state 0 (Unknown) Dec 6 10:32:10 DEBUG[31501] chan_iax2.c: Checking device state for device 4357 Dec 6 10:32:10 DEBUG[31501] chan_iax2.c: iax2_devicestate: Found peer. What's device state of 4357? addr=206350528, defaddr=0 maxms=0, lastms=0 Dec 6 10:32:10 DEBUG[31501] devicestate.c: Changing state for IAX2/4357 - state 1 (Not in use) Dec 6 10:32:10 DEBUG[31501] chan_iax2.c: Checking device state for device 4357 Dec 6 10:32:10 DEBUG[31501] chan_iax2.c: iax2_devicestate: Found peer. What's device state of 4357? addr=206350528, defaddr=0 maxms=0, lastms=0 Dec 6 10:32:10 DEBUG[682] app_queue.c: Device 'Local/1010@from-internal' changed to state '0' (Unknown) Dec 6 10:32:10 DEBUG[683] app_queue.c: Device 'IAX2/4357' changed to state '1' (Not in use) but we don't care because they're not a member of any queue. Dec 6 10:32:10 VERBOSE[31513] logger.c: <-- SIP read from SIP/2.0 200 OK Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK35ae16f7 From: "alb:HELP - Call Brian" ;tag=as3bef5cba To: ;tag=0017e0575d840007488eedcb-9a4dfda6 Call-ID: 7f840c2632edafe67a4bd889641aca72@ Date: Wed, 06 Dec 2006 GMT CSeq: 103 BYE Server: Cisco-CP7961G/8.0 Content-Length: 0 RTP-RxStat: Dur=13,Pkt=642,Oct=110424,LatePkt=0,LostPkt=0,AvgJit=1 RTP-TxStat: Dur=13,Pkt=642,Oct=110424 Dec 6 10:32:10 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Header 0: SIP/2.0 200 OK (14) Dec 6 10:32:10 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Header 1: Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK35ae16f7 (57) Dec 6 10:32:10 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Header 2: From: "alb:HELP - Call Brian" ;tag=as3bef5cba (68) Dec 6 10:32:10 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Header 3: To: ;tag=0017e0575d840007488eedcb-9a4dfda6 (85) Dec 6 10:32:10 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Header 4: Call-ID: 7f840c2632edafe67a4bd889641aca72@ (54) Dec 6 10:32:10 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Header 5: Date: Wed, 06 Dec 2006 GMT (27) Dec 6 10:32:10 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Header 6: CSeq: 103 BYE (13) Dec 6 10:32:10 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Header 7: Server: Cisco-CP7961G/8.0 (25) Dec 6 10:32:10 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Header 8: Content-Length: 0 (17) Dec 6 10:32:10 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Header 9: RTP-RxStat: Dur=13,Pkt=642,Oct=110424,LatePkt=0,LostPkt=0,AvgJit=1 (66) Dec 6 10:32:10 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Header 10: RTP-TxStat: Dur=13,Pkt=642,Oct=110424 (37) Dec 6 10:32:10 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Header 11: (0) Dec 6 10:32:10 VERBOSE[31513] logger.c: --- (11 headers 0 lines) --- Dec 6 10:32:10 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: = Found Their Call ID: 7f840c2632edafe67a4bd889641aca72@ Their Tag 0017e0575d840007488eedcb-9a4dfda6 Our tag: as3bef5cba Dec 6 10:32:10 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: ** SIP TIMER: Cancelling retransmit of packet (reply received) Retransid #112 Dec 6 10:32:10 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Stopping retransmission on '7f840c2632edafe67a4bd889641aca72@' of Request 103: Match Found Dec 6 10:32:10 VERBOSE[31513] logger.c: Destroying call '7f840c2632edafe67a4bd889641aca72@' Dec 6 10:32:11 VERBOSE[31513] logger.c: <-- SIP read from SIP/2.0 200 OK Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK5ccfa040 From: "alb:HELP - Call Brian" ;tag=as7c7af329 To: ;tag=00179405dc2800ee35993d6c-78fbdb54 Call-ID: 554d13bf5f79b2fe52fcbad426758e5f@ Date: Wed, 06 Dec 2006 GMT CSeq: 102 INVITE Server: Cisco-CP7961G/8.0 Contact: Allow: ACK,BYE,CANCEL,INVITE,NOTIFY,OPTIONS,REFER,REGISTER,UPDATE,SUBSCRIBE Remote-Party-ID: "1032" ;party=called;id-type=subscriber;privacy=off;screen=yes Supported: replaces,join,norefersub Allow-Events: kpml,dialog Content-Length: 207 Content-Type: application/sdp Content-Disposition: session;handling=optional v=0 o=Cisco-SIPUA 13738 0 IN IP4 s=SIP Call t=0 0 m=audio 29700 RTP/AVP 0 101 c=IN IP4 a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000 a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000 a=fmtp:101 0-15 a=sendrecv Dec 6 10:32:11 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Header 0: SIP/2.0 200 OK (14) Dec 6 10:32:11 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Header 1: Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK5ccfa040 (57) Dec 6 10:32:11 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Header 2: From: "alb:HELP - Call Brian" ;tag=as7c7af329 (68) Dec 6 10:32:11 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Header 3: To: ;tag=00179405dc2800ee35993d6c-78fbdb54 (85) Dec 6 10:32:11 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Header 4: Call-ID: 554d13bf5f79b2fe52fcbad426758e5f@ (54) Dec 6 10:32:11 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Header 5: Date: Wed, 06 Dec 2006 GMT (27) Dec 6 10:32:11 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Header 6: CSeq: 102 INVITE (16) Dec 6 10:32:11 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Header 7: Server: Cisco-CP7961G/8.0 (25) Dec 6 10:32:11 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Header 8: Contact: (52) Dec 6 10:32:11 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Header 9: Allow: ACK,BYE,CANCEL,INVITE,NOTIFY,OPTIONS,REFER,REGISTER,UPDATE,SUBSCRIBE (75) Dec 6 10:32:11 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Header 10: Remote-Party-ID: "1032" ;party=called;id-type=subscriber;privacy=off;screen=yes (103) Dec 6 10:32:11 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Header 11: Supported: replaces,join,norefersub (35) Dec 6 10:32:11 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Header 12: Allow-Events: kpml,dialog (25) Dec 6 10:32:11 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Header 13: Content-Length: 207 (19) Dec 6 10:32:11 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Header 14: Content-Type: application/sdp (29) Dec 6 10:32:11 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Header 15: Content-Disposition: session;handling=optional (46) Dec 6 10:32:11 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Header 16: (0) Dec 6 10:32:11 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Line: v=0 (3) Dec 6 10:32:11 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Line: o=Cisco-SIPUA 13738 0 IN IP4 (42) Dec 6 10:32:11 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Line: s=SIP Call (10) Dec 6 10:32:11 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Line: t=0 0 (5) Dec 6 10:32:11 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Line: m=audio 29700 RTP/AVP 0 101 (27) Dec 6 10:32:11 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Line: c=IN IP4 (22) Dec 6 10:32:11 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Line: a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000 (20) Dec 6 10:32:11 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Line: a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000 (33) Dec 6 10:32:11 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Line: a=fmtp:101 0-15 (15) Dec 6 10:32:11 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Line: a=sendrecv (10) Dec 6 10:32:11 VERBOSE[31513] logger.c: --- (16 headers 10 lines) --- Dec 6 10:32:11 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: = Found Their Call ID: 554d13bf5f79b2fe52fcbad426758e5f@ Their Tag Our tag: as7c7af329 Dec 6 10:32:11 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Stopping retransmission on '554d13bf5f79b2fe52fcbad426758e5f@' of Request 102: Match Not Found Dec 6 10:32:11 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: SIP response 200 to standard invite Dec 6 10:32:11 VERBOSE[31513] logger.c: Found RTP audio format 0 Dec 6 10:32:11 VERBOSE[31513] logger.c: Found RTP audio format 101 Dec 6 10:32:11 VERBOSE[31513] logger.c: Peer audio RTP is at port Dec 6 10:32:11 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Peer audio RTP is at port Dec 6 10:32:11 VERBOSE[31513] logger.c: Found description format PCMU Dec 6 10:32:11 VERBOSE[31513] logger.c: Found description format telephone-event Dec 6 10:32:11 VERBOSE[31513] logger.c: Capabilities: us - 0xc (ulaw|alaw), peer - audio=0x4 (ulaw)/video=0x0 (nothing), combined - 0x4 (ulaw) Dec 6 10:32:11 VERBOSE[31513] logger.c: Non-codec capabilities: us - 0x1 (telephone-event), peer - 0x1 (telephone-event), combined - 0x1 (telephone-event) Dec 6 10:32:11 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: build_route: Contact hop: Dec 6 10:32:11 VERBOSE[31513] logger.c: list_route: hop: Dec 6 10:32:11 VERBOSE[31513] logger.c: set_destination: Parsing for address/port to send to Dec 6 10:32:11 VERBOSE[31513] logger.c: set_destination: set destination to, port 5060 Dec 6 10:32:11 VERBOSE[31513] logger.c: Transmitting (no NAT) to ACK sip:1032@;transport=udp SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK6ae68a37 From: "alb:HELP - Call Brian" ;tag=as7c7af329 To: ;tag=00179405dc2800ee35993d6c-78fbdb54 Contact: Call-ID: 554d13bf5f79b2fe52fcbad426758e5f@ CSeq: 102 ACK User-Agent: Asterisk PBX Max-Forwards: 70 Content-Length: 0 --- Dec 6 10:32:11 VERBOSE[31513] logger.c: set_destination: Parsing for address/port to send to Dec 6 10:32:11 VERBOSE[31513] logger.c: set_destination: set destination to, port 5060 Dec 6 10:32:11 VERBOSE[31513] logger.c: Reliably Transmitting (no NAT) to BYE sip:1032@;transport=udp SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK6fbc7b8e From: "alb:HELP - Call Brian" ;tag=as7c7af329 To: ;tag=00179405dc2800ee35993d6c-78fbdb54 Call-ID: 554d13bf5f79b2fe52fcbad426758e5f@ CSeq: 103 BYE User-Agent: Asterisk PBX Max-Forwards: 70 Content-Length: 0 --- Dec 6 10:32:11 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: *** SIP TIMER: Initalizing retransmit timer on packet: Id #113 Dec 6 10:32:11 VERBOSE[31513] logger.c: Scheduling destruction of call '554d13bf5f79b2fe52fcbad426758e5f@' in 32000 ms Dec 6 10:32:12 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: SIP TIMER: Rescheduling retransmission #113 (1) BYE - 8 Dec 6 10:32:12 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: ** SIP timers: Rescheduling retransmission 2 to 1000 ms (t1 500 ms (Retrans id #113)) Dec 6 10:32:12 VERBOSE[31513] logger.c: Retransmitting #1 (no NAT) to BYE sip:1032@;transport=udp SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK6fbc7b8e From: "alb:HELP - Call Brian" ;tag=as7c7af329 To: ;tag=00179405dc2800ee35993d6c-78fbdb54 Call-ID: 554d13bf5f79b2fe52fcbad426758e5f@ CSeq: 103 BYE User-Agent: Asterisk PBX Max-Forwards: 70 Content-Length: 0 --- Dec 6 10:32:13 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: SIP TIMER: Rescheduling retransmission #113 (2) BYE - 8 Dec 6 10:32:13 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: ** SIP timers: Rescheduling retransmission 3 to 2000 ms (t1 500 ms (Retrans id #113)) Dec 6 10:32:13 VERBOSE[31513] logger.c: Retransmitting #2 (no NAT) to BYE sip:1032@;transport=udp SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK6fbc7b8e From: "alb:HELP - Call Brian" ;tag=as7c7af329 To: ;tag=00179405dc2800ee35993d6c-78fbdb54 Call-ID: 554d13bf5f79b2fe52fcbad426758e5f@ CSeq: 103 BYE User-Agent: Asterisk PBX Max-Forwards: 70 Content-Length: 0 --- Dec 6 10:32:13 VERBOSE[31513] logger.c: <-- SIP read from SIP/2.0 200 OK Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK6fbc7b8e From: "alb:HELP - Call Brian" ;tag=as7c7af329 To: ;tag=00179405dc2800ee35993d6c-78fbdb54 Call-ID: 554d13bf5f79b2fe52fcbad426758e5f@ Date: Wed, 06 Dec 2006 GMT CSeq: 103 BYE Server: Cisco-CP7961G/8.0 Content-Length: 0 RTP-RxStat: Dur=1165419130,Pkt=0,Oct=0,LatePkt=0,LostPkt=0,AvgJit=0 RTP-TxStat: Dur=0,Pkt=2,Oct=344 Dec 6 10:32:13 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Header 0: SIP/2.0 200 OK (14) Dec 6 10:32:13 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Header 1: Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK6fbc7b8e (57) Dec 6 10:32:13 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Header 2: From: "alb:HELP - Call Brian" ;tag=as7c7af329 (68) Dec 6 10:32:13 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Header 3: To: ;tag=00179405dc2800ee35993d6c-78fbdb54 (85) Dec 6 10:32:13 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Header 4: Call-ID: 554d13bf5f79b2fe52fcbad426758e5f@ (54) Dec 6 10:32:13 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Header 5: Date: Wed, 06 Dec 2006 GMT (27) Dec 6 10:32:13 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Header 6: CSeq: 103 BYE (13) Dec 6 10:32:13 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Header 7: Server: Cisco-CP7961G/8.0 (25) Dec 6 10:32:13 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Header 8: Content-Length: 0 (17) Dec 6 10:32:13 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Header 9: RTP-RxStat: Dur=1165419130,Pkt=0,Oct=0,LatePkt=0,LostPkt=0,AvgJit=0 (67) Dec 6 10:32:13 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Header 10: RTP-TxStat: Dur=0,Pkt=2,Oct=344 (31) Dec 6 10:32:13 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Header 11: (0) Dec 6 10:32:13 VERBOSE[31513] logger.c: --- (11 headers 0 lines) --- Dec 6 10:32:13 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: = Found Their Call ID: 554d13bf5f79b2fe52fcbad426758e5f@ Their Tag 00179405dc2800ee35993d6c-78fbdb54 Our tag: as7c7af329 Dec 6 10:32:13 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: ** SIP TIMER: Cancelling retransmit of packet (reply received) Retransid #113 Dec 6 10:32:13 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Stopping retransmission on '554d13bf5f79b2fe52fcbad426758e5f@' of Request 103: Match Found Dec 6 10:32:13 VERBOSE[31513] logger.c: Destroying call '554d13bf5f79b2fe52fcbad426758e5f@' Dec 6 10:32:14 DEBUG[31501] chan_iax2.c: Checking device state for device 4357 Dec 6 10:32:14 DEBUG[31501] chan_iax2.c: iax2_devicestate: Found peer. What's device state of 4357? addr=206350528, defaddr=0 maxms=0, lastms=0 Dec 6 10:32:14 DEBUG[31501] devicestate.c: Changing state for IAX2/4357 - state 1 (Not in use) Dec 6 10:32:14 DEBUG[31501] chan_iax2.c: Checking device state for device 4357 Dec 6 10:32:14 DEBUG[31501] chan_iax2.c: iax2_devicestate: Found peer. What's device state of 4357? addr=206350528, defaddr=0 maxms=0, lastms=0 Dec 6 10:32:14 DEBUG[725] app_queue.c: Device 'IAX2/4357' changed to state '1' (Not in use) but we don't care because they're not a member of any queue. Dec 6 10:32:14 DEBUG[31501] chan_iax2.c: Checking device state for device 4357 Dec 6 10:32:14 DEBUG[31501] chan_iax2.c: iax2_devicestate: Found peer. What's device state of 4357? addr=206350528, defaddr=0 maxms=0, lastms=0 Dec 6 10:32:14 DEBUG[31501] devicestate.c: Changing state for IAX2/4357 - state 1 (Not in use) Dec 6 10:32:14 DEBUG[31501] chan_iax2.c: Checking device state for device 4357 Dec 6 10:32:14 DEBUG[31501] chan_iax2.c: iax2_devicestate: Found peer. What's device state of 4357? addr=206350528, defaddr=0 maxms=0, lastms=0 Dec 6 10:32:14 DEBUG[726] app_queue.c: Device 'IAX2/4357' changed to state '1' (Not in use) but we don't care because they're not a member of any queue. Dec 6 10:32:14 VERBOSE[31513] logger.c: <-- SIP read from SIP/2.0 200 OK Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK2172535f From: "alb:HELP - Call Brian" ;tag=as024d2ddf To: ;tag=00179405c65e011caac415cf-9635aa0e Call-ID: 1e070f8a510085e8343c56301c81ad67@ Date: Wed, 06 Dec 2006 GMT CSeq: 102 INVITE Server: Cisco-CP7961G/8.0 Contact: Allow: ACK,BYE,CANCEL,INVITE,NOTIFY,OPTIONS,REFER,REGISTER,UPDATE,SUBSCRIBE Remote-Party-ID: "1031" ;party=called;id-type=subscriber;privacy=off;screen=yes Supported: replaces,join,norefersub Allow-Events: kpml,dialog Content-Length: 207 Content-Type: application/sdp Content-Disposition: session;handling=optional v=0 o=Cisco-SIPUA 24028 0 IN IP4 s=SIP Call t=0 0 m=audio 25330 RTP/AVP 0 101 c=IN IP4 a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000 a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000 a=fmtp:101 0-15 a=sendrecv Dec 6 10:32:14 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Header 0: SIP/2.0 200 OK (14) Dec 6 10:32:14 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Header 1: Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK2172535f (57) Dec 6 10:32:14 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Header 2: From: "alb:HELP - Call Brian" ;tag=as024d2ddf (68) Dec 6 10:32:14 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Header 3: To: ;tag=00179405c65e011caac415cf-9635aa0e (85) Dec 6 10:32:14 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Header 4: Call-ID: 1e070f8a510085e8343c56301c81ad67@ (54) Dec 6 10:32:14 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Header 5: Date: Wed, 06 Dec 2006 GMT (27) Dec 6 10:32:14 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Header 6: CSeq: 102 INVITE (16) Dec 6 10:32:14 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Header 7: Server: Cisco-CP7961G/8.0 (25) Dec 6 10:32:14 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Header 8: Contact: (52) Dec 6 10:32:14 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Header 9: Allow: ACK,BYE,CANCEL,INVITE,NOTIFY,OPTIONS,REFER,REGISTER,UPDATE,SUBSCRIBE (75) Dec 6 10:32:14 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Header 10: Remote-Party-ID: "1031" ;party=called;id-type=subscriber;privacy=off;screen=yes (103) Dec 6 10:32:14 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Header 11: Supported: replaces,join,norefersub (35) Dec 6 10:32:14 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Header 12: Allow-Events: kpml,dialog (25) Dec 6 10:32:14 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Header 13: Content-Length: 207 (19) Dec 6 10:32:14 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Header 14: Content-Type: application/sdp (29) Dec 6 10:32:14 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Header 15: Content-Disposition: session;handling=optional (46) Dec 6 10:32:14 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Header 16: (0) Dec 6 10:32:14 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Line: v=0 (3) Dec 6 10:32:14 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Line: o=Cisco-SIPUA 24028 0 IN IP4 (42) Dec 6 10:32:14 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Line: s=SIP Call (10) Dec 6 10:32:14 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Line: t=0 0 (5) Dec 6 10:32:14 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Line: m=audio 25330 RTP/AVP 0 101 (27) Dec 6 10:32:14 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Line: c=IN IP4 (22) Dec 6 10:32:14 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Line: a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000 (20) Dec 6 10:32:14 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Line: a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000 (33) Dec 6 10:32:14 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Line: a=fmtp:101 0-15 (15) Dec 6 10:32:14 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Line: a=sendrecv (10) Dec 6 10:32:14 VERBOSE[31513] logger.c: --- (16 headers 10 lines) --- Dec 6 10:32:14 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: = Found Their Call ID: 1e070f8a510085e8343c56301c81ad67@ Their Tag Our tag: as024d2ddf Dec 6 10:32:14 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Stopping retransmission on '1e070f8a510085e8343c56301c81ad67@' of Request 102: Match Not Found Dec 6 10:32:14 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: SIP response 200 to standard invite Dec 6 10:32:14 VERBOSE[31513] logger.c: Found RTP audio format 0 Dec 6 10:32:14 VERBOSE[31513] logger.c: Found RTP audio format 101 Dec 6 10:32:14 VERBOSE[31513] logger.c: Peer audio RTP is at port Dec 6 10:32:14 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Peer audio RTP is at port Dec 6 10:32:14 VERBOSE[31513] logger.c: Found description format PCMU Dec 6 10:32:14 VERBOSE[31513] logger.c: Found description format telephone-event Dec 6 10:32:14 VERBOSE[31513] logger.c: Capabilities: us - 0xc (ulaw|alaw), peer - audio=0x4 (ulaw)/video=0x0 (nothing), combined - 0x4 (ulaw) Dec 6 10:32:14 VERBOSE[31513] logger.c: Non-codec capabilities: us - 0x1 (telephone-event), peer - 0x1 (telephone-event), combined - 0x1 (telephone-event) Dec 6 10:32:14 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: build_route: Contact hop: Dec 6 10:32:14 VERBOSE[31513] logger.c: list_route: hop: Dec 6 10:32:14 VERBOSE[31513] logger.c: set_destination: Parsing for address/port to send to Dec 6 10:32:14 VERBOSE[31513] logger.c: set_destination: set destination to, port 5060 Dec 6 10:32:14 VERBOSE[31513] logger.c: Transmitting (no NAT) to ACK sip:1031@;transport=udp SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK7106cd38 From: "alb:HELP - Call Brian" ;tag=as024d2ddf To: ;tag=00179405c65e011caac415cf-9635aa0e Contact: Call-ID: 1e070f8a510085e8343c56301c81ad67@ CSeq: 102 ACK User-Agent: Asterisk PBX Max-Forwards: 70 Content-Length: 0 --- Dec 6 10:32:14 VERBOSE[31513] logger.c: set_destination: Parsing for address/port to send to Dec 6 10:32:14 VERBOSE[31513] logger.c: set_destination: set destination to, port 5060 Dec 6 10:32:14 VERBOSE[31513] logger.c: Reliably Transmitting (no NAT) to BYE sip:1031@;transport=udp SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK380eedbb From: "alb:HELP - Call Brian" ;tag=as024d2ddf To: ;tag=00179405c65e011caac415cf-9635aa0e Call-ID: 1e070f8a510085e8343c56301c81ad67@ CSeq: 103 BYE User-Agent: Asterisk PBX Max-Forwards: 70 Content-Length: 0 --- Dec 6 10:32:14 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: *** SIP TIMER: Initalizing retransmit timer on packet: Id #115 Dec 6 10:32:14 VERBOSE[31513] logger.c: Scheduling destruction of call '1e070f8a510085e8343c56301c81ad67@' in 32000 ms Dec 6 10:32:15 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: SIP TIMER: Rescheduling retransmission #115 (1) BYE - 8 Dec 6 10:32:15 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: ** SIP timers: Rescheduling retransmission 2 to 1000 ms (t1 500 ms (Retrans id #115)) Dec 6 10:32:15 VERBOSE[31513] logger.c: Retransmitting #1 (no NAT) to BYE sip:1031@;transport=udp SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK380eedbb From: "alb:HELP - Call Brian" ;tag=as024d2ddf To: ;tag=00179405c65e011caac415cf-9635aa0e Call-ID: 1e070f8a510085e8343c56301c81ad67@ CSeq: 103 BYE User-Agent: Asterisk PBX Max-Forwards: 70 Content-Length: 0 --- Dec 6 10:32:16 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: SIP TIMER: Rescheduling retransmission #115 (2) BYE - 8 Dec 6 10:32:16 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: ** SIP timers: Rescheduling retransmission 3 to 2000 ms (t1 500 ms (Retrans id #115)) Dec 6 10:32:16 VERBOSE[31513] logger.c: Retransmitting #2 (no NAT) to BYE sip:1031@;transport=udp SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK380eedbb From: "alb:HELP - Call Brian" ;tag=as024d2ddf To: ;tag=00179405c65e011caac415cf-9635aa0e Call-ID: 1e070f8a510085e8343c56301c81ad67@ CSeq: 103 BYE User-Agent: Asterisk PBX Max-Forwards: 70 Content-Length: 0 --- Dec 6 10:32:16 VERBOSE[31513] logger.c: <-- SIP read from SIP/2.0 200 OK Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK380eedbb From: "alb:HELP - Call Brian" ;tag=as024d2ddf To: ;tag=00179405c65e011caac415cf-9635aa0e Call-ID: 1e070f8a510085e8343c56301c81ad67@ Date: Wed, 06 Dec 2006 GMT CSeq: 103 BYE Server: Cisco-CP7961G/8.0 Content-Length: 0 RTP-RxStat: Dur=1165419130,Pkt=0,Oct=0,LatePkt=0,LostPkt=0,AvgJit=0 RTP-TxStat: Dur=0,Pkt=1,Oct=172 Dec 6 10:32:16 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Header 0: SIP/2.0 200 OK (14) Dec 6 10:32:16 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Header 1: Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK380eedbb (57) Dec 6 10:32:16 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Header 2: From: "alb:HELP - Call Brian" ;tag=as024d2ddf (68) Dec 6 10:32:16 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Header 3: To: ;tag=00179405c65e011caac415cf-9635aa0e (85) Dec 6 10:32:16 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Header 4: Call-ID: 1e070f8a510085e8343c56301c81ad67@ (54) Dec 6 10:32:16 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Header 5: Date: Wed, 06 Dec 2006 GMT (27) Dec 6 10:32:16 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Header 6: CSeq: 103 BYE (13) Dec 6 10:32:16 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Header 7: Server: Cisco-CP7961G/8.0 (25) Dec 6 10:32:16 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Header 8: Content-Length: 0 (17) Dec 6 10:32:16 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Header 9: RTP-RxStat: Dur=1165419130,Pkt=0,Oct=0,LatePkt=0,LostPkt=0,AvgJit=0 (67) Dec 6 10:32:16 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Header 10: RTP-TxStat: Dur=0,Pkt=1,Oct=172 (31) Dec 6 10:32:16 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Header 11: (0) Dec 6 10:32:16 VERBOSE[31513] logger.c: --- (11 headers 0 lines) --- Dec 6 10:32:16 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: = Found Their Call ID: 1e070f8a510085e8343c56301c81ad67@ Their Tag 00179405c65e011caac415cf-9635aa0e Our tag: as024d2ddf Dec 6 10:32:16 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: ** SIP TIMER: Cancelling retransmit of packet (reply received) Retransid #115 Dec 6 10:32:16 DEBUG[31513] chan_sip.c: Stopping retransmission on '1e070f8a510085e8343c56301c81ad67@' of Request 103: Match Found Dec 6 10:32:16 VERBOSE[31513] logger.c: Destroying call '1e070f8a510085e8343c56301c81ad67@'