-- Registered SIP 'XXXXX335204' at XX.XX.XX.134 port 5080 expires 3600 -- Executing call("SIP/17864335213-3f32", "") in new stack -- Dialing: OOH323/XXXXX560597@XX.XX.XX.5|90|oS(7200). -- Setting call duration limit to 7200 seconds. -- Called XXXXX560597@XX.XX.XX.5 -- OOH323/XX.XX.XX.5-6e90 is ringing -- OOH323/XX.XX.XX.5-6e90 answered SIP/XXXXXX35213-3f32 -- Attempting native bridge of SIP/XXXXXX35213-3f32 and OOH323/XX.XX.XX.5-6e90 -- Music class default requested but no musiconhold loaded. -- Executing call("SIP/XXXXXX35213-8763", "") in new stack -- Dialing: OOH323/XXXXX560597@XX.XX.XX.5|90|oS(7200). -- Setting call duration limit to 7200 seconds. -- Called XXXXX560597@XX.XX.XX.5 -- OOH323/XX.XX.XX.5-2147 is ringing -- OOH323/XX.XX.XX.5-2147 answered SIP/XXXXXX35213-8763 -- Attempting native bridge of SIP/XXXXXX35213-8763 and OOH323/XX.XX.XX.5-2147 -- Executing Hangup("SIP/XXXXXX35213-3f32", "") in new stack == Spawn extension (from-input, h, 1) exited non-zero on 'SIP/XXXXXX35213-3f32' -- Executing Hangup("OOH323/XX.XX.XX.5-6e90", "") in new stack == Spawn extension (from-input, h, 1) exited non-zero on 'OOH323/XX.XX.XX.5-6e90' Jul 5 17:54:31 WARNING[11198]: channel.c:911 ast_channel_free: Channel 'OOH323/XX.XX.XX.5-6e90' may not have been hung up properly XXXXXXXX-usa-01*CLI>