Jul 6 17:09:12 VERBOSE[2954] logger.c: Asterisk Event Logger restarted Jul 6 17:09:12 VERBOSE[2954] logger.c: Asterisk Queue Logger restarted Jul 6 17:09:21 DEBUG[2938] chan_sip.c: Setting NAT on RTP to 524288 Jul 6 17:09:21 DEBUG[2938] chan_sip.c: Stopping retransmission on 'xhqJuYoPkAP39US4@' of Response 1: Match Found Jul 6 17:09:21 DEBUG[2938] chan_sip.c: Setting NAT on RTP to 524288 Jul 6 17:09:21 DEBUG[2938] chan_sip.c: Checking SIP call limits for device 3050 Jul 6 17:09:21 DEBUG[2938] chan_sip.c: build_route: Contact hop: Jul 6 17:09:21 DEBUG[2967] pbx.c: Expression result is '0' Jul 6 17:09:21 VERBOSE[2967] logger.c: -- Executing GotoIf("SIP/3050-08e94f08", "0 ? 1000") in new stack Jul 6 17:09:21 DEBUG[2967] pbx.c: Not taking any branch Jul 6 17:09:21 DEBUG[2967] pbx.c: Expression result is '0' Jul 6 17:09:21 VERBOSE[2967] logger.c: -- Executing GotoIf("SIP/3050-08e94f08", "0 ? 400") in new stack Jul 6 17:09:21 DEBUG[2967] pbx.c: Not taking any branch Jul 6 17:09:21 DEBUG[2967] pbx.c: Expression result is '0' Jul 6 17:09:21 VERBOSE[2967] logger.c: -- Executing GotoIf("SIP/3050-08e94f08", "0 ? 400:200") in new stack Jul 6 17:09:21 VERBOSE[2967] logger.c: -- Goto (3050_aux,3097,200) Jul 6 17:09:21 VERBOSE[2967] logger.c: -- Executing DBget("SIP/3050-08e94f08", "ramalbloqueado=BLOQUEIORAMAL/3050") in new stack Jul 6 17:09:21 WARNING[2967] app_db.c: This application has been deprecated, please use the ${DB(family/key)} function instead. Jul 6 17:09:21 VERBOSE[2967] logger.c: -- DBget: varname=ramalbloqueado, family=BLOQUEIORAMAL, key=3050 Jul 6 17:09:21 DEBUG[2967] db.c: Unable to find key '3050' in family 'BLOQUEIORAMAL' Jul 6 17:09:21 VERBOSE[2967] logger.c: -- DBget: Value not found in database. Jul 6 17:09:21 VERBOSE[2967] logger.c: -- Executing Goto("SIP/3050-08e94f08", "400") in new stack Jul 6 17:09:21 VERBOSE[2967] logger.c: -- Goto (3050_aux,3097,400) Jul 6 17:09:21 VERBOSE[2967] logger.c: -- Executing SetVar("SIP/3050-08e94f08", "NUMERODISCADO=3097") in new stack Jul 6 17:09:21 WARNING[2967] pbx.c: SetVar is deprecated, please use Set instead. Jul 6 17:09:21 DEBUG[2967] pbx.c: Expression result is '0' Jul 6 17:09:21 VERBOSE[2967] logger.c: -- Executing GotoIf("SIP/3050-08e94f08", "0 ? 404") in new stack Jul 6 17:09:21 DEBUG[2967] pbx.c: Not taking any branch Jul 6 17:09:21 VERBOSE[2967] logger.c: -- Executing SetVar("SIP/3050-08e94f08", "TRANSFER_CONTEXT=3050_aux") in new stack Jul 6 17:09:21 VERBOSE[2967] logger.c: -- Executing Set("SIP/3050-08e94f08", "GROUP=3050") in new stack Jul 6 17:09:21 VERBOSE[2967] logger.c: -- Executing SetVar("SIP/3050-08e94f08", "LIMIT_WARNING_FILE=beep") in new stack Jul 6 17:09:21 VERBOSE[2967] logger.c: -- Executing SetVar("SIP/3050-08e94f08", "LIMIT_TIMEOUT_FILE=beep5") in new stack Jul 6 17:09:21 VERBOSE[2967] logger.c: -- Executing Goto("SIP/3050-08e94f08", "500") in new stack Jul 6 17:09:21 VERBOSE[2967] logger.c: -- Goto (3050_aux,3097,500) Jul 6 17:09:21 DEBUG[2967] pbx.c: Expression result is '0' Jul 6 17:09:21 VERBOSE[2967] logger.c: -- Executing GotoIf("SIP/3050-08e94f08", "0 ? 700") in new stack Jul 6 17:09:21 DEBUG[2967] pbx.c: Not taking any branch Jul 6 17:09:21 VERBOSE[2967] logger.c: -- Executing DBget("SIP/3050-08e94f08", "GRAVACAOCHAMADASAIDA=GRAVACAOCHAMADASAIDA/3050") in new stack Jul 6 17:09:21 VERBOSE[2967] logger.c: -- DBget: varname=GRAVACAOCHAMADASAIDA, family=GRAVACAOCHAMADASAIDA, key=3050 Jul 6 17:09:21 DEBUG[2967] db.c: Unable to find key '3050' in family 'GRAVACAOCHAMADASAIDA' Jul 6 17:09:21 VERBOSE[2967] logger.c: -- DBget: Value not found in database. Jul 6 17:09:21 VERBOSE[2967] logger.c: -- Executing Goto("SIP/3050-08e94f08", "700") in new stack Jul 6 17:09:21 VERBOSE[2967] logger.c: -- Goto (3050_aux,3097,700) Jul 6 17:09:21 DEBUG[2967] pbx.c: Expression result is '0' Jul 6 17:09:21 VERBOSE[2967] logger.c: -- Executing GotoIf("SIP/3050-08e94f08", "0 ? 750") in new stack Jul 6 17:09:21 DEBUG[2967] pbx.c: Not taking any branch Jul 6 17:09:21 VERBOSE[2967] logger.c: -- Executing Goto("SIP/3050-08e94f08", "3050_out|3097|1") in new stack Jul 6 17:09:21 VERBOSE[2967] logger.c: -- Goto (3050_out,3097,1) Jul 6 17:09:21 DEBUG[2967] pbx.c: Expression result is '1' Jul 6 17:09:21 VERBOSE[2967] logger.c: -- Executing GotoIf("SIP/3050-08e94f08", "1 ? 2:5") in new stack Jul 6 17:09:21 VERBOSE[2967] logger.c: -- Goto (3050_out,3097,2) Jul 6 17:09:21 DEBUG[2967] pbx.c: Expression result is '1' Jul 6 17:09:21 VERBOSE[2967] logger.c: -- Executing GotoIf("SIP/3050-08e94f08", "1 ? 3:5") in new stack Jul 6 17:09:21 VERBOSE[2967] logger.c: -- Goto (3050_out,3097,3) Jul 6 17:09:21 VERBOSE[2967] logger.c: -- Executing SetVar("SIP/3050-08e94f08", "CHAMADAINTERNA=T") in new stack Jul 6 17:09:21 VERBOSE[2967] logger.c: -- Executing SetCIDNum("SIP/3050-08e94f08", "3050") in new stack Jul 6 17:09:21 WARNING[2967] app_setcidnum.c: SetCIDNum is deprecated, please use Set(CALLERID(number)=value) instead. Jul 6 17:09:21 VERBOSE[2967] logger.c: -- Executing Goto("SIP/3050-08e94f08", "disca|3097|1") in new stack Jul 6 17:09:21 VERBOSE[2967] logger.c: -- Goto (disca,3097,1) Jul 6 17:09:21 VERBOSE[2967] logger.c: -- Executing Goto("SIP/3050-08e94f08", "fila_desenvolvimento|3097|1") in new stack Jul 6 17:09:21 VERBOSE[2967] logger.c: -- Goto (fila_desenvolvimento,3097,1) Jul 6 17:09:21 VERBOSE[2967] logger.c: -- Executing SetLanguage("SIP/3050-08e94f08", "br") in new stack Jul 6 17:09:21 WARNING[2967] pbx.c: SetLanguage is deprecated, please use Set(LANGUAGE()=language) instead. Jul 6 17:09:21 VERBOSE[2967] logger.c: -- Executing Goto("SIP/3050-08e94f08", "3") in new stack Jul 6 17:09:21 VERBOSE[2967] logger.c: -- Goto (fila_desenvolvimento,3097,3) Jul 6 17:09:21 VERBOSE[2967] logger.c: -- Executing Wait("SIP/3050-08e94f08", "1") in new stack Jul 6 17:09:22 VERBOSE[2967] logger.c: -- Executing SetCIDName("SIP/3050-08e94f08", "Fila:desenvolvimento:Ramal Teste") in new stack Jul 6 17:09:22 WARNING[2967] app_setcidname.c: SetCIDName is deprecated, please use Set(CALLERID(name)=value) instead. Jul 6 17:09:22 VERBOSE[2967] logger.c: -- Executing SetVar("SIP/3050-08e94f08", "NOMEFILA=desenvolvimento") in new stack Jul 6 17:09:22 VERBOSE[2967] logger.c: -- Executing SetVar("SIP/3050-08e94f08", "MONITOR_FILENAME=1152216561.0-filadesenvolvimento-3097-in-20060706-170922-3050") in new stack Jul 6 17:09:22 VERBOSE[2967] logger.c: -- Executing Goto("SIP/3050-08e94f08", "8") in new stack Jul 6 17:09:22 VERBOSE[2967] logger.c: -- Goto (fila_desenvolvimento,3097,8) Jul 6 17:09:22 VERBOSE[2967] logger.c: -- Executing SetVar("SIP/3050-08e94f08", "DATAENTRADAFILA=1152216562") in new stack Jul 6 17:09:22 VERBOSE[2967] logger.c: -- Executing SetVar("SIP/3050-08e94f08", "NUMEROCLIENTE=666") in new stack Jul 6 17:09:22 VERBOSE[2967] logger.c: -- Executing SetVar("SIP/3050-08e94f08", "IDTSOLICITANTE=C") in new stack Jul 6 17:09:22 VERBOSE[2967] logger.c: -- Executing SetVar("SIP/3050-08e94f08", "NUMEROTELEFCHAMADO=3097") in new stack Jul 6 17:09:22 VERBOSE[2967] logger.c: -- Executing Queue("SIP/3050-08e94f08", "desenvolvimento|tr|||600") in new stack Jul 6 17:09:22 VERBOSE[2967] logger.c: -- outgoing agentcall, to agent '3054', on 'Local/3054@dac_suporte-f944,1' Jul 6 17:09:22 VERBOSE[2967] logger.c: -- Called Agent/3054 Jul 6 17:09:22 VERBOSE[2969] logger.c: -- Executing Set("Local/3054@dac_suporte-f944,2", "GROUP=3054") in new stack Jul 6 17:09:22 DEBUG[2969] pbx.c: Function result is '1' Jul 6 17:09:22 VERBOSE[2969] logger.c: -- Executing NoOp("Local/3054@dac_suporte-f944,2", "Group: 3054 Count: 1") in new stack Jul 6 17:09:22 DEBUG[2969] pbx.c: Function result is '1' Jul 6 17:09:22 DEBUG[2969] pbx.c: Expression result is '0' Jul 6 17:09:22 VERBOSE[2969] logger.c: -- Executing GotoIf("Local/3054@dac_suporte-f944,2", "0 ? 1000") in new stack Jul 6 17:09:22 DEBUG[2969] pbx.c: Not taking any branch Jul 6 17:09:22 VERBOSE[2969] logger.c: -- Executing Goto("Local/3054@dac_suporte-f944,2", "200") in new stack Jul 6 17:09:22 VERBOSE[2969] logger.c: -- Goto (dac_suporte,3054,200) Jul 6 17:09:22 VERBOSE[2969] logger.c: -- Executing SetVar("Local/3054@dac_suporte-f944,2", "CHAMADAINTERNA=T") in new stack Jul 6 17:09:22 VERBOSE[2969] logger.c: -- Executing Dial("Local/3054@dac_suporte-f944,2", "SIP/3054|15|T") in new stack Jul 6 17:09:22 DEBUG[2969] chan_sip.c: Setting NAT on RTP to 0 Jul 6 17:09:22 DEBUG[2969] chan_sip.c: Outgoing Call for 3054 Jul 6 17:09:22 VERBOSE[2969] logger.c: -- Called 3054 Jul 6 17:09:22 DEBUG[2938] chan_sip.c: (Provisional) Stopping retransmission (but retaining packet) on '1a275b697266c9ea4014d229343d34b9@' Request 102: Found Jul 6 17:09:22 DEBUG[2938] chan_sip.c: (Provisional) Stopping retransmission (but retaining packet) on '1a275b697266c9ea4014d229343d34b9@' Request 102: Found Jul 6 17:09:22 VERBOSE[2969] logger.c: -- SIP/3054-08e9d3c0 is ringing Jul 6 17:09:22 VERBOSE[2967] logger.c: -- Agent/3054 is ringing Jul 6 17:09:23 DEBUG[2938] chan_sip.c: Acked pending invite 102 Jul 6 17:09:23 DEBUG[2938] chan_sip.c: Stopping retransmission on '1a275b697266c9ea4014d229343d34b9@' of Request 102: Match Found Jul 6 17:09:23 DEBUG[2938] chan_sip.c: build_route: Contact hop: Jul 6 17:09:23 VERBOSE[2969] logger.c: -- SIP/3054-08e9d3c0 answered Local/3054@dac_suporte-f944,2 Jul 6 17:09:23 DEBUG[2967] app_queue.c: Dunno what to do with control type -1 Jul 6 17:09:23 VERBOSE[2967] logger.c: -- Agent/3054 answered SIP/3050-08e94f08 Jul 6 17:09:23 DEBUG[2969] channel.c: Planning to masquerade channel SIP/3054-08e9d3c0 into the structure of Local/3054@dac_suporte-f944,1 Jul 6 17:09:23 DEBUG[2969] channel.c: Done planning to masquerade channel SIP/3054-08e9d3c0 into the structure of Local/3054@dac_suporte-f944,1 Jul 6 17:09:23 DEBUG[2969] chan_local.c: Not posting to queue since already masked on 'Local/3054@dac_suporte-f944,2' Jul 6 17:09:23 DEBUG[2967] channel.c: Got clone lock for masquerade on 'SIP/3054-08e9d3c0' at 0x8ea2a64 Jul 6 17:09:23 DEBUG[2967] channel.c: Putting channel SIP/3054-08e9d3c0 in 8/8 formats Jul 6 17:09:23 DEBUG[2967] channel.c: Released clone lock on 'Local/3054@dac_suporte-f944,1' Jul 6 17:09:23 DEBUG[2967] channel.c: Done Masquerading SIP/3054-08e9d3c0 (6) Jul 6 17:09:23 DEBUG[2967] chan_agent.c: Bridge on 'SIP/3054-08e9d3c0' being set to 'Agent/3054' (3) Jul 6 17:09:23 DEBUG[2969] channel.c: Didn't get a frame from channel: Local/3054@dac_suporte-f944,1 Jul 6 17:09:23 DEBUG[2969] channel.c: Bridge stops bridging channels Local/3054@dac_suporte-f944,2 and Local/3054@dac_suporte-f944,1 Jul 6 17:09:23 DEBUG[2969] app_dial.c: Exiting with DIALSTATUS=ANSWER. Jul 6 17:09:23 VERBOSE[2969] logger.c: == Spawn extension (dac_suporte, 3054, 201) exited non-zero on 'Local/3054@dac_suporte-f944,2' Jul 6 17:09:23 DEBUG[2923] channel.c: Avoiding initial deadlock for 'Local/3054@dac_suporte-f944,2' Jul 6 17:09:23 DEBUG[2923] channel.c: Avoiding initial deadlock for 'Local/3054@dac_suporte-f944,2' Jul 6 17:09:23 DEBUG[2923] channel.c: Avoiding initial deadlock for 'Local/3054@dac_suporte-f944,2' Jul 6 17:09:23 DEBUG[2923] channel.c: Avoiding initial deadlock for 'Local/3054@dac_suporte-f944,2' Jul 6 17:09:23 DEBUG[2923] channel.c: Avoiding initial deadlock for 'Local/3054@dac_suporte-f944,2' Jul 6 17:09:23 DEBUG[2923] channel.c: Avoiding initial deadlock for 'Local/3054@dac_suporte-f944,2' Jul 6 17:09:23 DEBUG[2923] channel.c: Avoiding initial deadlock for 'Local/3054@dac_suporte-f944,2' Jul 6 17:09:23 DEBUG[2923] channel.c: Avoiding initial deadlock for 'Local/3054@dac_suporte-f944,2' Jul 6 17:09:23 DEBUG[2923] channel.c: Avoiding initial deadlock for 'Local/3054@dac_suporte-f944,2' Jul 6 17:09:23 DEBUG[2923] channel.c: Avoiding initial deadlock for 'Local/3054@dac_suporte-f944,2' Jul 6 17:09:23 WARNING[2923] channel.c: Avoided initial deadlock for '0x8e9bf80', 10 retries! Jul 6 17:09:24 DEBUG[2938] chan_sip.c: Stopping retransmission on 'xhqJuYoPkAP39US4@' of Response 2: Match Found Jul 6 17:09:27 VERBOSE[2938] logger.c: -- Started music on hold, class 'planetarium', on channel 'SIP/3050-08e94f08' Jul 6 17:09:27 DEBUG[2938] channel.c: Scheduling timer at 160 sample intervals Jul 6 17:09:27 DEBUG[2938] chan_sip.c: Stopping retransmission on '1a275b697266c9ea4014d229343d34b9@' of Response 35899: Match Found Jul 6 17:09:27 DEBUG[2967] channel.c: Generator got voice, switching to phase locked mode Jul 6 17:09:27 DEBUG[2967] channel.c: Scheduling timer at 0 sample intervals Jul 6 17:09:29 DEBUG[2938] chan_sip.c: Setting NAT on RTP to 0 Jul 6 17:09:29 DEBUG[2938] chan_sip.c: Stopping retransmission on '8df47f2b1d29ac38@' of Response 37791: Match Found Jul 6 17:09:29 DEBUG[2938] chan_sip.c: Setting NAT on RTP to 0 Jul 6 17:09:29 DEBUG[2938] chan_sip.c: Checking SIP call limits for device 3054 Jul 6 17:09:29 DEBUG[2938] chan_sip.c: build_route: Contact hop: Jul 6 17:09:29 DEBUG[2981] pbx.c: Expression result is '0' Jul 6 17:09:29 VERBOSE[2981] logger.c: -- Executing GotoIf("SIP/3054-08edc298", "0 ? 1000") in new stack Jul 6 17:09:29 DEBUG[2981] pbx.c: Not taking any branch Jul 6 17:09:29 DEBUG[2981] pbx.c: Expression result is '0' Jul 6 17:09:29 VERBOSE[2981] logger.c: -- Executing GotoIf("SIP/3054-08edc298", "0 ? 400") in new stack Jul 6 17:09:29 DEBUG[2981] pbx.c: Not taking any branch Jul 6 17:09:29 DEBUG[2981] pbx.c: Expression result is '0' Jul 6 17:09:29 VERBOSE[2981] logger.c: -- Executing GotoIf("SIP/3054-08edc298", "0 ? 400:200") in new stack Jul 6 17:09:29 VERBOSE[2981] logger.c: -- Goto (3054_aux,3053,200) Jul 6 17:09:29 VERBOSE[2981] logger.c: -- Executing DBget("SIP/3054-08edc298", "ramalbloqueado=BLOQUEIORAMAL/3054") in new stack Jul 6 17:09:29 VERBOSE[2981] logger.c: -- DBget: varname=ramalbloqueado, family=BLOQUEIORAMAL, key=3054 Jul 6 17:09:29 DEBUG[2981] db.c: Unable to find key '3054' in family 'BLOQUEIORAMAL' Jul 6 17:09:29 VERBOSE[2981] logger.c: -- DBget: Value not found in database. Jul 6 17:09:29 VERBOSE[2981] logger.c: -- Executing Goto("SIP/3054-08edc298", "400") in new stack Jul 6 17:09:29 VERBOSE[2981] logger.c: -- Goto (3054_aux,3053,400) Jul 6 17:09:29 VERBOSE[2981] logger.c: -- Executing SetVar("SIP/3054-08edc298", "NUMERODISCADO=3053") in new stack Jul 6 17:09:29 DEBUG[2981] pbx.c: Expression result is '0' Jul 6 17:09:29 VERBOSE[2981] logger.c: -- Executing GotoIf("SIP/3054-08edc298", "0 ? 404") in new stack Jul 6 17:09:29 DEBUG[2981] pbx.c: Not taking any branch Jul 6 17:09:29 VERBOSE[2981] logger.c: -- Executing SetVar("SIP/3054-08edc298", "TRANSFER_CONTEXT=3054_aux") in new stack Jul 6 17:09:29 VERBOSE[2981] logger.c: -- Executing Set("SIP/3054-08edc298", "GROUP=3054") in new stack Jul 6 17:09:29 VERBOSE[2981] logger.c: -- Executing SetVar("SIP/3054-08edc298", "LIMIT_WARNING_FILE=beep") in new stack Jul 6 17:09:29 VERBOSE[2981] logger.c: -- Executing SetVar("SIP/3054-08edc298", "LIMIT_TIMEOUT_FILE=beep5") in new stack Jul 6 17:09:29 VERBOSE[2981] logger.c: -- Executing Goto("SIP/3054-08edc298", "500") in new stack Jul 6 17:09:29 VERBOSE[2981] logger.c: -- Goto (3054_aux,3053,500) Jul 6 17:09:29 DEBUG[2981] pbx.c: Expression result is '0' Jul 6 17:09:29 VERBOSE[2981] logger.c: -- Executing GotoIf("SIP/3054-08edc298", "0 ? 700") in new stack Jul 6 17:09:29 DEBUG[2981] pbx.c: Not taking any branch Jul 6 17:09:29 VERBOSE[2981] logger.c: -- Executing DBget("SIP/3054-08edc298", "GRAVACAOCHAMADASAIDA=GRAVACAOCHAMADASAIDA/3054") in new stack Jul 6 17:09:29 VERBOSE[2981] logger.c: -- DBget: varname=GRAVACAOCHAMADASAIDA, family=GRAVACAOCHAMADASAIDA, key=3054 Jul 6 17:09:29 DEBUG[2981] db.c: Unable to find key '3054' in family 'GRAVACAOCHAMADASAIDA' Jul 6 17:09:29 VERBOSE[2981] logger.c: -- DBget: Value not found in database. Jul 6 17:09:29 VERBOSE[2981] logger.c: -- Executing Goto("SIP/3054-08edc298", "700") in new stack Jul 6 17:09:29 VERBOSE[2981] logger.c: -- Goto (3054_aux,3053,700) Jul 6 17:09:29 DEBUG[2981] pbx.c: Expression result is '0' Jul 6 17:09:29 VERBOSE[2981] logger.c: -- Executing GotoIf("SIP/3054-08edc298", "0 ? 750") in new stack Jul 6 17:09:29 DEBUG[2981] pbx.c: Not taking any branch Jul 6 17:09:29 VERBOSE[2981] logger.c: -- Executing Goto("SIP/3054-08edc298", "3054_out|3053|1") in new stack Jul 6 17:09:29 VERBOSE[2981] logger.c: -- Goto (3054_out,3053,1) Jul 6 17:09:29 DEBUG[2981] pbx.c: Expression result is '1' Jul 6 17:09:29 VERBOSE[2981] logger.c: -- Executing GotoIf("SIP/3054-08edc298", "1 ? 2:5") in new stack Jul 6 17:09:29 VERBOSE[2981] logger.c: -- Goto (3054_out,3053,2) Jul 6 17:09:29 DEBUG[2981] pbx.c: Expression result is '1' Jul 6 17:09:29 VERBOSE[2981] logger.c: -- Executing GotoIf("SIP/3054-08edc298", "1 ? 3:5") in new stack Jul 6 17:09:29 VERBOSE[2981] logger.c: -- Goto (3054_out,3053,3) Jul 6 17:09:29 VERBOSE[2981] logger.c: -- Executing SetVar("SIP/3054-08edc298", "CHAMADAINTERNA=T") in new stack Jul 6 17:09:29 VERBOSE[2981] logger.c: -- Executing SetCIDNum("SIP/3054-08edc298", "3054") in new stack Jul 6 17:09:29 VERBOSE[2981] logger.c: -- Executing Goto("SIP/3054-08edc298", "disca|3053|1") in new stack Jul 6 17:09:29 VERBOSE[2981] logger.c: -- Goto (disca,3053,1) Jul 6 17:09:29 VERBOSE[2981] logger.c: -- Executing Goto("SIP/3054-08edc298", "3053_in|3053|1") in new stack Jul 6 17:09:29 VERBOSE[2981] logger.c: -- Goto (3053_in,3053,1) Jul 6 17:09:29 VERBOSE[2981] logger.c: -- Executing Goto("SIP/3054-08edc298", "1000") in new stack Jul 6 17:09:29 VERBOSE[2981] logger.c: -- Goto (3053_in,3053,1000) Jul 6 17:09:29 VERBOSE[2981] logger.c: -- Executing Macro("SIP/3054-08edc298", "atende|SIP/3053|3053") in new stack Jul 6 17:09:29 VERBOSE[2981] logger.c: -- Executing SetLanguage("SIP/3054-08edc298", "br") in new stack Jul 6 17:09:29 VERBOSE[2981] logger.c: -- Executing SetVar("SIP/3054-08edc298", "DIALTECHRAMAL=SIP/3053") in new stack Jul 6 17:09:29 VERBOSE[2981] logger.c: -- Executing Goto("SIP/3054-08edc298", "100") in new stack Jul 6 17:09:29 VERBOSE[2981] logger.c: -- Goto (macro-atende,s,100) Jul 6 17:09:29 VERBOSE[2981] logger.c: -- Executing DBget("SIP/3054-08edc298", "RAMALREDIR=SIGAME/3053") in new stack Jul 6 17:09:29 VERBOSE[2981] logger.c: -- DBget: varname=RAMALREDIR, family=SIGAME, key=3053 Jul 6 17:09:29 DEBUG[2981] db.c: Unable to find key '3053' in family 'SIGAME' Jul 6 17:09:29 VERBOSE[2981] logger.c: -- DBget: Value not found in database. Jul 6 17:09:29 VERBOSE[2981] logger.c: -- Executing Goto("SIP/3054-08edc298", "s|150") in new stack Jul 6 17:09:29 VERBOSE[2981] logger.c: -- Goto (macro-atende,s,150) Jul 6 17:09:29 VERBOSE[2981] logger.c: -- Executing DBget("SIP/3054-08edc298", "RAMALREDIR=SIGAMEEXTERNO/3053") in new stack Jul 6 17:09:29 VERBOSE[2981] logger.c: -- DBget: varname=RAMALREDIR, family=SIGAMEEXTERNO, key=3053 Jul 6 17:09:29 DEBUG[2981] db.c: Unable to find key '3053' in family 'SIGAMEEXTERNO' Jul 6 17:09:29 VERBOSE[2981] logger.c: -- DBget: Value not found in database. Jul 6 17:09:29 VERBOSE[2981] logger.c: -- Executing Goto("SIP/3054-08edc298", "s|300") in new stack Jul 6 17:09:29 VERBOSE[2981] logger.c: -- Goto (macro-atende,s,300) Jul 6 17:09:29 DEBUG[2981] pbx.c: Expression result is '1' Jul 6 17:09:29 VERBOSE[2981] logger.c: -- Executing GotoIf("SIP/3054-08edc298", "1 ? 301:302") in new stack Jul 6 17:09:29 VERBOSE[2981] logger.c: -- Goto (macro-atende,s,301) Jul 6 17:09:29 VERBOSE[2981] logger.c: -- Executing SetVar("SIP/3054-08edc298", "RAMALFINAL=3053") in new stack Jul 6 17:09:29 VERBOSE[2981] logger.c: -- Executing DBput("SIP/3054-08edc298", "ULTIMOCHAMADO/3053=3054") in new stack Jul 6 17:09:29 WARNING[2981] app_db.c: This application has been deprecated, please use the ${DB(family/key)} function instead. Jul 6 17:09:29 VERBOSE[2981] logger.c: -- DBput: family=ULTIMOCHAMADO, key=3053, value=3054 Jul 6 17:09:29 DEBUG[2981] pbx.c: Expression result is '0' Jul 6 17:09:29 VERBOSE[2981] logger.c: -- Executing GotoIf("SIP/3054-08edc298", "0 ? 304:305") in new stack Jul 6 17:09:29 VERBOSE[2981] logger.c: -- Goto (macro-atende,s,305) Jul 6 17:09:29 VERBOSE[2981] logger.c: -- Executing Goto("SIP/3054-08edc298", "350") in new stack Jul 6 17:09:29 VERBOSE[2981] logger.c: -- Goto (macro-atende,s,350) Jul 6 17:09:29 DEBUG[2981] pbx.c: Expression result is '1' Jul 6 17:09:29 VERBOSE[2981] logger.c: -- Executing GotoIf("SIP/3054-08edc298", "1 ? 500") in new stack Jul 6 17:09:29 VERBOSE[2981] logger.c: -- Goto (macro-atende,s,500) Jul 6 17:09:29 VERBOSE[2981] logger.c: -- Executing Set("SIP/3054-08edc298", "OUTBOUND_GROUP=3053") in new stack Jul 6 17:09:29 VERBOSE[2981] logger.c: -- Executing DBget("SIP/3054-08edc298", "MAXLIGACOES=MAXLIGACOES/3053") in new stack Jul 6 17:09:29 VERBOSE[2981] logger.c: -- DBget: varname=MAXLIGACOES, family=MAXLIGACOES, key=3053 Jul 6 17:09:29 DEBUG[2981] db.c: Unable to find key '3053' in family 'MAXLIGACOES' Jul 6 17:09:29 VERBOSE[2981] logger.c: -- DBget: Value not found in database. Jul 6 17:09:29 VERBOSE[2981] logger.c: -- Executing Goto("SIP/3054-08edc298", "s|700") in new stack Jul 6 17:09:29 VERBOSE[2981] logger.c: -- Goto (macro-atende,s,700) Jul 6 17:09:29 VERBOSE[2981] logger.c: -- Executing StopMonitor("SIP/3054-08edc298", "") in new stack Jul 6 17:09:29 VERBOSE[2981] logger.c: -- Executing DBget("SIP/3054-08edc298", "GRAVACAOCHAMADA=GRAVACAOCHAMADA/3053") in new stack Jul 6 17:09:29 VERBOSE[2981] logger.c: -- DBget: varname=GRAVACAOCHAMADA, family=GRAVACAOCHAMADA, key=3053 Jul 6 17:09:29 DEBUG[2981] db.c: Unable to find key '3053' in family 'GRAVACAOCHAMADA' Jul 6 17:09:29 VERBOSE[2981] logger.c: -- DBget: Value not found in database. Jul 6 17:09:29 VERBOSE[2981] logger.c: -- Executing Goto("SIP/3054-08edc298", "s|900") in new stack Jul 6 17:09:29 VERBOSE[2981] logger.c: -- Goto (macro-atende,s,900) Jul 6 17:09:29 VERBOSE[2981] logger.c: -- Executing Dial("SIP/3054-08edc298", "SIP/3053|30|tT") in new stack Jul 6 17:09:29 DEBUG[2981] chan_sip.c: Setting NAT on RTP to 0 Jul 6 17:09:29 DEBUG[2981] chan_sip.c: Outgoing Call for 3053 Jul 6 17:09:29 VERBOSE[2981] logger.c: -- Called 3053 Jul 6 17:09:29 DEBUG[2938] chan_sip.c: (Provisional) Stopping retransmission (but retaining packet) on '6527ccaa69d09e0304e358a81790b2c1@' Request 102: Found Jul 6 17:09:29 DEBUG[2938] chan_sip.c: (Provisional) Stopping retransmission (but retaining packet) on '6527ccaa69d09e0304e358a81790b2c1@' Request 102: Found Jul 6 17:09:29 VERBOSE[2981] logger.c: -- SIP/3053-08ee1848 is ringing Jul 6 17:09:31 DEBUG[2938] chan_sip.c: Acked pending invite 102 Jul 6 17:09:31 DEBUG[2938] chan_sip.c: Stopping retransmission on '6527ccaa69d09e0304e358a81790b2c1@' of Request 102: Match Found Jul 6 17:09:31 DEBUG[2938] chan_sip.c: build_route: Contact hop: Jul 6 17:09:31 VERBOSE[2981] logger.c: -- SIP/3053-08ee1848 answered SIP/3054-08edc298 Jul 6 17:09:31 VERBOSE[2981] logger.c: -- Attempting native bridge of SIP/3054-08edc298 and SIP/3053-08ee1848 Jul 6 17:09:31 DEBUG[2938] chan_sip.c: Stopping retransmission on '8df47f2b1d29ac38@' of Response 37792: Match Found Jul 6 17:09:33 VERBOSE[2938] logger.c: -- Started music on hold, class 'planetarium', on channel 'SIP/3053-08ee1848' Jul 6 17:09:33 DEBUG[2938] channel.c: Scheduling timer at 160 sample intervals Jul 6 17:09:33 DEBUG[2938] chan_sip.c: Assigning Replace-Call-ID Info 8df47f2b1d29ac38@ to REPLACE_CALL_ID Jul 6 17:09:33 DEBUG[2938] chan_sip.c: 202 Accepted (supervised) Jul 6 17:09:33 VERBOSE[2938] logger.c: -- Stopped music on hold on SIP/3050-08e94f08 Jul 6 17:09:33 DEBUG[2938] channel.c: Scheduling timer at 0 sample intervals Jul 6 17:09:33 VERBOSE[2938] logger.c: -- Stopped music on hold on SIP/3053-08ee1848 Jul 6 17:09:33 DEBUG[2938] channel.c: Scheduling timer at 0 sample intervals Jul 6 17:09:33 DEBUG[2938] channel.c: Planning to masquerade channel Agent/3054 into the structure of SIP/3054-08edc298 Jul 6 17:09:33 DEBUG[2938] channel.c: Done planning to masquerade channel Agent/3054 into the structure of SIP/3054-08edc298 Jul 6 17:09:33 DEBUG[2981] channel.c: Got clone lock for masquerade on 'Agent/3054' at 0x8e9c5fc Jul 6 17:09:33 DEBUG[2981] chan_sip.c: update_call_counter(3054) - decrement call limit counter Jul 6 17:09:33 DEBUG[2981] channel.c: Putting channel Agent/3054 in 8/8 formats Jul 6 17:09:33 DEBUG[2981] channel.c: Released clone lock on 'SIP/3054-08edc298' Jul 6 17:09:33 DEBUG[2981] channel.c: Done Masquerading Agent/3054 (6) Jul 6 17:09:33 DEBUG[2967] channel.c: Didn't get a frame from channel: SIP/3054-08edc298 Jul 6 17:09:33 DEBUG[2967] channel.c: Bridge stops bridging channels SIP/3050-08e94f08 and SIP/3054-08edc298 Jul 6 17:09:33 VERBOSE[2967] logger.c: == Spawn extension (fila_desenvolvimento, 3097, 12) exited non-zero on 'SIP/3050-08e94f08' Jul 6 17:09:33 DEBUG[2967] chan_sip.c: update_call_counter(3050) - decrement call limit counter Jul 6 17:09:33 DEBUG[2938] chan_sip.c: Stopping retransmission on '8df47f2b1d29ac38@' of Response 37793: Match Found Jul 6 17:09:33 DEBUG[2938] chan_sip.c: Stopping retransmission on '1a275b697266c9ea4014d229343d34b9@' of Request 103: Match Found Jul 6 17:09:33 DEBUG[2938] chan_sip.c: Stopping retransmission on '1a275b697266c9ea4014d229343d34b9@' of Request 104: Match Found Jul 6 17:09:33 DEBUG[2938] chan_sip.c: Stopping retransmission on '8df47f2b1d29ac38@' of Request 101: Match Found Jul 6 17:09:33 DEBUG[2938] chan_sip.c: Got 200 OK on CANCEL Jul 6 17:09:33 DEBUG[2938] chan_sip.c: Stopping retransmission on 'xhqJuYoPkAP39US4@' of Request 102: Match Found