-- Registered SIP 'xlite' at port 43188 expires 3600 [Nov 11 17:16:17] NOTICE[1818]: chan_sip.c:14912 sip_devicestate: sip_devicestate(xlite) returning Not in use call-lim=-101, inuse=-101, onHold=-101, inRinging=-101 [Nov 11 17:16:17] NOTICE[1818]: chan_sip.c:14912 sip_devicestate: sip_devicestate(xlite) returning Not in use call-lim=-101, inuse=-101, onHold=-101, inRinging=-101 [Nov 11 17:16:17] NOTICE[1825]: chan_sip.c:11842 handle_response_peerpoke: Peer 'xlite' is now Reachable. (2ms / 2000ms) [Nov 11 17:16:17] NOTICE[1818]: chan_sip.c:14912 sip_devicestate: sip_devicestate(xlite) returning Not in use call-lim=-101, inuse=-101, onHold=-101, inRinging=-101 [Nov 11 17:16:17] NOTICE[1818]: chan_sip.c:14912 sip_devicestate: sip_devicestate(xlite) returning Not in use call-lim=-101, inuse=-101, onHold=-101, inRinging=-101 -- Registered SIP 'sjphone' at port 5060 expires 120 [Nov 11 17:16:20] NOTICE[1818]: chan_sip.c:14912 sip_devicestate: sip_devicestate(sjphone) returning Not in use call-lim=-101, inuse=-101, onHold=-101, inRinging=-101 [Nov 11 17:16:20] NOTICE[1818]: chan_sip.c:14912 sip_devicestate: sip_devicestate(sjphone) returning Not in use call-lim=-101, inuse=-101, onHold=-101, inRinging=-101 [Nov 11 17:16:20] NOTICE[1825]: chan_sip.c:11842 handle_response_peerpoke: Peer 'sjphone' is now Reachable. (2ms / 2000ms) [Nov 11 17:16:20] NOTICE[1818]: chan_sip.c:14912 sip_devicestate: sip_devicestate(sjphone) returning Not in use call-lim=-101, inuse=-101, onHold=-101, inRinging=-101 [Nov 11 17:16:20] NOTICE[1818]: chan_sip.c:14912 sip_devicestate: sip_devicestate(sjphone) returning Not in use call-lim=-101, inuse=-101, onHold=-101, inRinging=-101 ilha1*CLI> show queues fila has 0 calls (max unlimited) in 'rrmemory' strategy (0s holdtime), W:0, C:0, A:0, SL:0.0% within 0s Members: SIP/sjphone (Not in use) has taken no calls yet SIP/xlite (Not in use) has taken no calls yet No Callers ilha1*CLI> -- Executing [5000@default:1] Dial("SIP/xlite-08edc9d0", "SIP/sjphone") in new stack -- Called sjphone [Nov 11 17:16:34] NOTICE[1818]: chan_sip.c:14912 sip_devicestate: sip_devicestate(xlite) returning Not in use call-lim=-101, inuse=-101, onHold=-101, inRinging=-101 [Nov 11 17:16:34] NOTICE[1818]: chan_sip.c:14912 sip_devicestate: sip_devicestate(xlite) returning Not in use call-lim=-101, inuse=-101, onHold=-101, inRinging=-101 -- SIP/sjphone-08ee1e90 is ringing [Nov 11 17:16:34] NOTICE[1818]: chan_sip.c:14912 sip_devicestate: sip_devicestate(sjphone) returning Not in use call-lim=-101, inuse=-101, onHold=-101, inRinging=-101 [Nov 11 17:16:34] NOTICE[1818]: chan_sip.c:14912 sip_devicestate: sip_devicestate(sjphone) returning Not in use call-lim=-101, inuse=-101, onHold=-101, inRinging=-101 ilha1*CLI> show queues fila has 0 calls (max unlimited) in 'rrmemory' strategy (0s holdtime), W:0, C:0, A:0, SL:0.0% within 0s Members: SIP/sjphone (Not in use) has taken no calls yet SIP/xlite (Not in use) has taken no calls yet No Callers [Nov 11 17:16:43] NOTICE[1818]: chan_sip.c:14912 sip_devicestate: sip_devicestate(sjphone) returning Not in use call-lim=-101, inuse=-101, onHold=-101, inRinging=-101 [Nov 11 17:16:43] NOTICE[1818]: chan_sip.c:14912 sip_devicestate: sip_devicestate(sjphone) returning Not in use call-lim=-101, inuse=-101, onHold=-101, inRinging=-101 -- SIP/sjphone-08ee1e90 answered SIP/xlite-08edc9d0 [Nov 11 17:16:43] NOTICE[1818]: chan_sip.c:14912 sip_devicestate: sip_devicestate(xlite) returning Not in use call-lim=-101, inuse=-101, onHold=-101, inRinging=-101 [Nov 11 17:16:43] NOTICE[1818]: chan_sip.c:14912 sip_devicestate: sip_devicestate(xlite) returning Not in use call-lim=-101, inuse=-101, onHold=-101, inRinging=-101 -- Packet2Packet bridging SIP/xlite-08edc9d0 and SIP/sjphone-08ee1e90 ilha1*CLI> show queues fila has 0 calls (max unlimited) in 'rrmemory' strategy (0s holdtime), W:0, C:0, A:0, SL:0.0% within 0s Members: SIP/sjphone (Not in use) has taken no calls yet SIP/xlite (Not in use) has taken no calls yet No Callers [Nov 11 17:16:50] NOTICE[1818]: chan_sip.c:14912 sip_devicestate: sip_devicestate(sjphone) returning Not in use call-lim=-101, inuse=-101, onHold=-101, inRinging=-101 [Nov 11 17:16:50] NOTICE[1818]: chan_sip.c:14912 sip_devicestate: sip_devicestate(sjphone) returning Not in use call-lim=-101, inuse=-101, onHold=-101, inRinging=-101 == Spawn extension (default, 5000, 1) exited non-zero on 'SIP/xlite-08edc9d0' [Nov 11 17:16:50] NOTICE[1818]: chan_sip.c:14912 sip_devicestate: sip_devicestate(xlite) returning Not in use call-lim=-101, inuse=-101, onHold=-101, inRinging=-101 [Nov 11 17:16:50] NOTICE[1818]: chan_sip.c:14912 sip_devicestate: sip_devicestate(xlite) returning Not in use call-lim=-101, inuse=-101, onHold=-101, inRinging=-101 ilha1*CLI> show queues fila has 0 calls (max unlimited) in 'rrmemory' strategy (0s holdtime), W:0, C:0, A:0, SL:0.0% within 0s Members: SIP/sjphone (Not in use) has taken no calls yet SIP/xlite (Not in use) has taken no calls yet No Callers [Nov 11 17:16:58] NOTICE[1818]: chan_sip.c:14912 sip_devicestate: sip_devicestate(sjphone) returning Not in use call-lim=-101, inuse=-101, onHold=-101, inRinging=-101 [Nov 11 17:16:58] NOTICE[1818]: chan_sip.c:14912 sip_devicestate: sip_devicestate(sjphone) returning Not in use call-lim=-101, inuse=-101, onHold=-101, inRinging=-101 -- Executing [4000@default:1] Dial("SIP/sjphone-08ed8950", "SIP/xlite") in new stack -- Called xlite [Nov 11 17:16:58] NOTICE[1818]: chan_sip.c:14912 sip_devicestate: sip_devicestate(xlite) returning Not in use call-lim=-101, inuse=-101, onHold=-101, inRinging=-101 [Nov 11 17:16:58] NOTICE[1818]: chan_sip.c:14912 sip_devicestate: sip_devicestate(xlite) returning Not in use call-lim=-101, inuse=-101, onHold=-101, inRinging=-101 -- SIP/xlite-08edc890 is ringing ilha1*CLI> show queues fila has 0 calls (max unlimited) in 'rrmemory' strategy (0s holdtime), W:0, C:0, A:0, SL:0.0% within 0s Members: SIP/sjphone (Not in use) has taken no calls yet SIP/xlite (Not in use) has taken no calls yet No Callers -- SIP/xlite-08edc890 answered SIP/sjphone-08ed8950 -- Packet2Packet bridging SIP/sjphone-08ed8950 and SIP/xlite-08edc890 [Nov 11 17:17:03] NOTICE[1818]: chan_sip.c:14912 sip_devicestate: sip_devicestate(xlite) returning Not in use call-lim=-101, inuse=-101, onHold=-101, inRinging=-101 [Nov 11 17:17:03] NOTICE[1818]: chan_sip.c:14912 sip_devicestate: sip_devicestate(xlite) returning Not in use call-lim=-101, inuse=-101, onHold=-101, inRinging=-101 [Nov 11 17:17:03] NOTICE[1818]: chan_sip.c:14912 sip_devicestate: sip_devicestate(sjphone) returning Not in use call-lim=-101, inuse=-101, onHold=-101, inRinging=-101 [Nov 11 17:17:03] NOTICE[1818]: chan_sip.c:14912 sip_devicestate: sip_devicestate(sjphone) returning Not in use call-lim=-101, inuse=-101, onHold=-101, inRinging=-101 ilha1*CLI> show queues fila has 0 calls (max unlimited) in 'rrmemory' strategy (0s holdtime), W:0, C:0, A:0, SL:0.0% within 0s Members: SIP/sjphone (Not in use) has taken no calls yet SIP/xlite (Not in use) has taken no calls yet No Callers == Spawn extension (default, 4000, 1) exited non-zero on 'SIP/sjphone-08ed8950' [Nov 11 17:17:10] NOTICE[1818]: chan_sip.c:14912 sip_devicestate: sip_devicestate(xlite) returning Not in use call-lim=-101, inuse=-101, onHold=-101, inRinging=-101 [Nov 11 17:17:10] NOTICE[1818]: chan_sip.c:14912 sip_devicestate: sip_devicestate(xlite) returning Not in use call-lim=-101, inuse=-101, onHold=-101, inRinging=-101 [Nov 11 17:17:10] NOTICE[1818]: chan_sip.c:14912 sip_devicestate: sip_devicestate(sjphone) returning Not in use call-lim=-101, inuse=-101, onHold=-101, inRinging=-101 [Nov 11 17:17:10] NOTICE[1818]: chan_sip.c:14912 sip_devicestate: sip_devicestate(sjphone) returning Not in use call-lim=-101, inuse=-101, onHold=-101, inRinging=-101 ilha1*CLI> show queues fila has 0 calls (max unlimited) in 'rrmemory' strategy (0s holdtime), W:0, C:0, A:0, SL:0.0% within 0s Members: SIP/sjphone (Not in use) has taken no calls yet SIP/xlite (Not in use) has taken no calls yet No Callers [Nov 11 17:17:18] NOTICE[1818]: chan_sip.c:14912 sip_devicestate: sip_devicestate(xlite) returning Not in use call-lim=-101, inuse=-101, onHold=-101, inRinging=-101 [Nov 11 17:17:18] NOTICE[1818]: chan_sip.c:14912 sip_devicestate: sip_devicestate(xlite) returning Not in use call-lim=-101, inuse=-101, onHold=-101, inRinging=-101 -- Executing [5000@default:1] Dial("SIP/xlite-08ed8950", "SIP/sjphone") in new stack -- Called sjphone -- SIP/sjphone-08edc890 is ringing [Nov 11 17:17:18] NOTICE[1818]: chan_sip.c:14912 sip_devicestate: sip_devicestate(sjphone) returning Not in use call-lim=-101, inuse=-101, onHold=-101, inRinging=-101 [Nov 11 17:17:18] NOTICE[1818]: chan_sip.c:14912 sip_devicestate: sip_devicestate(sjphone) returning Not in use call-lim=-101, inuse=-101, onHold=-101, inRinging=-101 -- SIP/sjphone-08edc890 answered SIP/xlite-08ed8950 -- Packet2Packet bridging SIP/xlite-08ed8950 and SIP/sjphone-08edc890 [Nov 11 17:17:22] NOTICE[1818]: chan_sip.c:14912 sip_devicestate: sip_devicestate(sjphone) returning Not in use call-lim=-101, inuse=-101, onHold=-101, inRinging=-101 [Nov 11 17:17:22] NOTICE[1818]: chan_sip.c:14912 sip_devicestate: sip_devicestate(sjphone) returning Not in use call-lim=-101, inuse=-101, onHold=-101, inRinging=-101 [Nov 11 17:17:22] NOTICE[1818]: chan_sip.c:14912 sip_devicestate: sip_devicestate(xlite) returning Not in use call-lim=-101, inuse=-101, onHold=-101, inRinging=-101 [Nov 11 17:17:22] NOTICE[1818]: chan_sip.c:14912 sip_devicestate: sip_devicestate(xlite) returning Not in use call-lim=-101, inuse=-101, onHold=-101, inRinging=-101 ilha1*CLI> show queues fila has 0 calls (max unlimited) in 'rrmemory' strategy (0s holdtime), W:0, C:0, A:0, SL:0.0% within 0s Members: SIP/sjphone (Not in use) has taken no calls yet SIP/xlite (Not in use) has taken no calls yet No Callers [Nov 11 17:17:27] NOTICE[1825]: chan_sip.c:8027 sip_peer_hold: onHold now: 1; hold arg was: 1 -- Started music on hold, class 'default', on SIP/sjphone-08edc890 [Nov 11 17:17:27] NOTICE[1818]: chan_sip.c:14912 sip_devicestate: sip_devicestate(xlite) returning On Hold call-lim=-101, inuse=-101, onHold=-101, inRinging=-101 [Nov 11 17:17:27] NOTICE[1818]: chan_sip.c:14912 sip_devicestate: sip_devicestate(xlite) returning On Hold call-lim=-101, inuse=-101, onHold=-101, inRinging=-101 [Nov 11 17:17:28] NOTICE[1886]: rtp.c:902 ast_rtcp_read: Unknown RTCP packet (pt=207) received from ilha1*CLI> show queues fila has 0 calls (max unlimited) in 'rrmemory' strategy (0s holdtime), W:0, C:0, A:0, SL:0.0% within 0s Members: SIP/sjphone (Not in use) has taken no calls yet SIP/xlite (On Hold) has taken no calls yet No Callers [Nov 11 17:17:34] NOTICE[1825]: chan_sip.c:8027 sip_peer_hold: onHold now: 0; hold arg was: 0 -- Stopped music on hold on SIP/sjphone-08edc890 [Nov 11 17:17:34] NOTICE[1818]: chan_sip.c:14912 sip_devicestate: sip_devicestate(xlite) returning Not in use call-lim=-101, inuse=-101, onHold=-101, inRinging=-101 [Nov 11 17:17:34] NOTICE[1818]: chan_sip.c:14912 sip_devicestate: sip_devicestate(xlite) returning Not in use call-lim=-101, inuse=-101, onHold=-101, inRinging=-101 ilha1*CLI> show queues fila has 0 calls (max unlimited) in 'rrmemory' strategy (0s holdtime), W:0, C:0, A:0, SL:0.0% within 0s Members: SIP/sjphone (Not in use) has taken no calls yet SIP/xlite (Not in use) has taken no calls yet No Callers == Spawn extension (default, 5000, 1) exited non-zero on 'SIP/xlite-08ed8950' [Nov 11 17:17:41] NOTICE[1818]: chan_sip.c:14912 sip_devicestate: sip_devicestate(sjphone) returning Not in use call-lim=-101, inuse=-101, onHold=-101, inRinging=-101 [Nov 11 17:17:41] NOTICE[1818]: chan_sip.c:14912 sip_devicestate: sip_devicestate(sjphone) returning Not in use call-lim=-101, inuse=-101, onHold=-101, inRinging=-101 [Nov 11 17:17:41] NOTICE[1818]: chan_sip.c:14912 sip_devicestate: sip_devicestate(xlite) returning Not in use call-lim=-101, inuse=-101, onHold=-101, inRinging=-101 [Nov 11 17:17:41] NOTICE[1818]: chan_sip.c:14912 sip_devicestate: sip_devicestate(xlite) returning Not in use call-lim=-101, inuse=-101, onHold=-101, inRinging=-101 ilha1*CLI> show queues fila has 0 calls (max unlimited) in 'rrmemory' strategy (0s holdtime), W:0, C:0, A:0, SL:0.0% within 0s Members: SIP/sjphone (Not in use) has taken no calls yet SIP/xlite (Not in use) has taken no calls yet No Callers [Nov 11 17:17:46] NOTICE[1818]: chan_sip.c:14912 sip_devicestate: sip_devicestate(sjphone) returning Not in use call-lim=-101, inuse=-101, onHold=-101, inRinging=-101 [Nov 11 17:17:46] NOTICE[1818]: chan_sip.c:14912 sip_devicestate: sip_devicestate(sjphone) returning Not in use call-lim=-101, inuse=-101, onHold=-101, inRinging=-101 -- Executing [4000@default:1] Dial("SIP/sjphone-08ed8950", "SIP/xlite") in new stack -- Called xlite -- SIP/xlite-08edc890 is ringing [Nov 11 17:17:46] NOTICE[1818]: chan_sip.c:14912 sip_devicestate: sip_devicestate(xlite) returning Not in use call-lim=-101, inuse=-101, onHold=-101, inRinging=-101 [Nov 11 17:17:46] NOTICE[1818]: chan_sip.c:14912 sip_devicestate: sip_devicestate(xlite) returning Not in use call-lim=-101, inuse=-101, onHold=-101, inRinging=-101 -- SIP/xlite-08edc890 answered SIP/sjphone-08ed8950 -- Packet2Packet bridging SIP/sjphone-08ed8950 and SIP/xlite-08edc890 [Nov 11 17:17:48] NOTICE[1818]: chan_sip.c:14912 sip_devicestate: sip_devicestate(xlite) returning Not in use call-lim=-101, inuse=-101, onHold=-101, inRinging=-101 [Nov 11 17:17:48] NOTICE[1818]: chan_sip.c:14912 sip_devicestate: sip_devicestate(xlite) returning Not in use call-lim=-101, inuse=-101, onHold=-101, inRinging=-101 [Nov 11 17:17:48] NOTICE[1818]: chan_sip.c:14912 sip_devicestate: sip_devicestate(sjphone) returning Not in use call-lim=-101, inuse=-101, onHold=-101, inRinging=-101 [Nov 11 17:17:48] NOTICE[1818]: chan_sip.c:14912 sip_devicestate: sip_devicestate(sjphone) returning Not in use call-lim=-101, inuse=-101, onHold=-101, inRinging=-101 ilha1*CLI> show queues fila has 0 calls (max unlimited) in 'rrmemory' strategy (0s holdtime), W:0, C:0, A:0, SL:0.0% within 0s Members: SIP/sjphone (Not in use) has taken no calls yet SIP/xlite (Not in use) has taken no calls yet No Callers [Nov 11 17:17:57] NOTICE[1825]: chan_sip.c:8027 sip_peer_hold: onHold now: 1; hold arg was: 1 -- Started music on hold, class 'default', on SIP/xlite-08edc890 [Nov 11 17:17:57] NOTICE[1818]: chan_sip.c:14912 sip_devicestate: sip_devicestate(sjphone) returning On Hold call-lim=-101, inuse=-101, onHold=-101, inRinging=-101 [Nov 11 17:17:57] NOTICE[1818]: chan_sip.c:14912 sip_devicestate: sip_devicestate(sjphone) returning On Hold call-lim=-101, inuse=-101, onHold=-101, inRinging=-101 ilha1*CLI> show queues fila has 0 calls (max unlimited) in 'rrmemory' strategy (0s holdtime), W:0, C:0, A:0, SL:0.0% within 0s Members: SIP/sjphone (On Hold) has taken no calls yet SIP/xlite (Not in use) has taken no calls yet No Callers [Nov 11 17:18:00] NOTICE[1905]: rtp.c:902 ast_rtcp_read: Unknown RTCP packet (pt=207) received from -- Stopped music on hold on SIP/xlite-08edc890 ilha1*CLI> show queues fila has 0 calls (max unlimited) in 'rrmemory' strategy (0s holdtime), W:0, C:0, A:0, SL:0.0% within 0s Members: SIP/sjphone (On Hold) has taken no calls yet SIP/xlite (Not in use) has taken no calls yet No Callers [Nov 11 17:18:08] NOTICE[1825]: chan_sip.c:8027 sip_peer_hold: onHold now: 2; hold arg was: 1 -- Started music on hold, class 'default', on SIP/xlite-08edc890 [Nov 11 17:18:08] NOTICE[1818]: chan_sip.c:14912 sip_devicestate: sip_devicestate(sjphone) returning On Hold call-lim=-101, inuse=-101, onHold=-101, inRinging=-101 [Nov 11 17:18:08] NOTICE[1818]: chan_sip.c:14912 sip_devicestate: sip_devicestate(sjphone) returning On Hold call-lim=-101, inuse=-101, onHold=-101, inRinging=-101 [Nov 11 17:18:08] NOTICE[1905]: rtp.c:902 ast_rtcp_read: Unknown RTCP packet (pt=207) received from ilha1*CLI> show queues fila has 0 calls (max unlimited) in 'rrmemory' strategy (0s holdtime), W:0, C:0, A:0, SL:0.0% within 0s Members: SIP/sjphone (On Hold) has taken no calls yet SIP/xlite (Not in use) has taken no calls yet No Callers -- Stopped music on hold on SIP/xlite-08edc890 ilha1*CLI> show queues fila has 0 calls (max unlimited) in 'rrmemory' strategy (0s holdtime), W:0, C:0, A:0, SL:0.0% within 0s Members: SIP/sjphone (On Hold) has taken no calls yet SIP/xlite (Not in use) has taken no calls yet No Callers [Nov 11 17:18:16] NOTICE[1825]: chan_sip.c:8027 sip_peer_hold: onHold now: 3; hold arg was: 1 -- Started music on hold, class 'default', on SIP/xlite-08edc890 [Nov 11 17:18:16] NOTICE[1818]: chan_sip.c:14912 sip_devicestate: sip_devicestate(sjphone) returning On Hold call-lim=-101, inuse=-101, onHold=-101, inRinging=-101 [Nov 11 17:18:16] NOTICE[1818]: chan_sip.c:14912 sip_devicestate: sip_devicestate(sjphone) returning On Hold call-lim=-101, inuse=-101, onHold=-101, inRinging=-101 ilha1*CLI> show queues fila has 0 calls (max unlimited) in 'rrmemory' strategy (0s holdtime), W:0, C:0, A:0, SL:0.0% within 0s Members: SIP/sjphone (On Hold) has taken no calls yet SIP/xlite (Not in use) has taken no calls yet No Callers [Nov 11 17:18:18] NOTICE[1905]: rtp.c:902 ast_rtcp_read: Unknown RTCP packet (pt=207) received from -- Stopped music on hold on SIP/xlite-08edc890 [Nov 11 17:18:20] NOTICE[1818]: chan_sip.c:14912 sip_devicestate: sip_devicestate(sjphone) returning On Hold call-lim=-101, inuse=-101, onHold=-101, inRinging=-101 [Nov 11 17:18:20] NOTICE[1818]: chan_sip.c:14912 sip_devicestate: sip_devicestate(sjphone) returning On Hold call-lim=-101, inuse=-101, onHold=-101, inRinging=-101 ilha1*CLI> show queues fila has 0 calls (max unlimited) in 'rrmemory' strategy (0s holdtime), W:0, C:0, A:0, SL:0.0% within 0s Members: SIP/sjphone (On Hold) has taken no calls yet SIP/xlite (Not in use) has taken no calls yet No Callers == Spawn extension (default, 4000, 1) exited non-zero on 'SIP/sjphone-08ed8950' [Nov 11 17:18:24] NOTICE[1818]: chan_sip.c:14912 sip_devicestate: sip_devicestate(xlite) returning Not in use call-lim=-101, inuse=-101, onHold=-101, inRinging=-101 [Nov 11 17:18:24] NOTICE[1818]: chan_sip.c:14912 sip_devicestate: sip_devicestate(xlite) returning Not in use call-lim=-101, inuse=-101, onHold=-101, inRinging=-101 [Nov 11 17:18:24] NOTICE[1818]: chan_sip.c:14912 sip_devicestate: sip_devicestate(sjphone) returning On Hold call-lim=-101, inuse=-101, onHold=-101, inRinging=-101 [Nov 11 17:18:24] NOTICE[1818]: chan_sip.c:14912 sip_devicestate: sip_devicestate(sjphone) returning On Hold call-lim=-101, inuse=-101, onHold=-101, inRinging=-101 ilha1*CLI> show queues fila has 0 calls (max unlimited) in 'rrmemory' strategy (0s holdtime), W:0, C:0, A:0, SL:0.0% within 0s Members: SIP/sjphone (On Hold) has taken no calls yet SIP/xlite (Not in use) has taken no calls yet No Callers ilha1*CLI> quit