== Parsing '/home/hk/proj/sunpkg/asterisk/installed-': Found Asterisk, Copyright (C) 1999 - 2006 Digium, Inc. and others. Created by Mark Spencer Asterisk comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; type 'show warranty' for details. This is free software, with components licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2 and other licenses; you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Type 'show license' for details. =========================================================================  == Parsing '/opt/local/etc/asterisk/logger.conf': Found Asterisk Event Logger Started /var/log/asterisk/event_log Asterisk Dynamic Loader loading preload modules:  == Parsing '/opt/local/etc/asterisk/modules.conf': Found  == Manager registered action Ping  == Manager registered action Events  == Manager registered action Logoff  == Manager registered action Hangup  == Manager registered action Status  == Manager registered action Setvar  == Manager registered action Getvar  == Manager registered action Redirect  == Manager registered action Originate  == Manager registered action Command  == Manager registered action ExtensionState  == Manager registered action AbsoluteTimeout  == Manager registered action MailboxStatus  == Manager registered action MailboxCount  == Manager registered action ListCommands  == Parsing '/opt/local/etc/asterisk/manager.conf': Found May 10 10:38:34 NOTICE[20299]: cdr.c:1191 do_reload: CDR simple logging enabled.  == RTP Allocating from port range 5000 -> 31000 Asterisk PBX Core Initializing Registering builtin applications:  [AbsoluteTimeout]  == Registered application 'AbsoluteTimeout'  [Answer]  == Registered application 'Answer'  [BackGround]  == Registered application 'BackGround'  [Busy]  == Registered application 'Busy'  [Congestion]  == Registered application 'Congestion'  [DigitTimeout]  == Registered application 'DigitTimeout'  [Goto]  == Registered application 'Goto'  [GotoIf]  == Registered application 'GotoIf'  [GotoIfTime]  == Registered application 'GotoIfTime'  [ExecIfTime]  == Registered application 'ExecIfTime'  [Hangup]  == Registered application 'Hangup'  [NoOp]  == Registered application 'NoOp'  [Progress]  == Registered application 'Progress'  [ResetCDR]  == Registered application 'ResetCDR'  [ResponseTimeout]  == Registered application 'ResponseTimeout'  [Ringing]  == Registered application 'Ringing'  [SayNumber]  == Registered application 'SayNumber'  [SayDigits]  == Registered application 'SayDigits'  [SayAlpha]  == Registered application 'SayAlpha'  [SayPhonetic]  == Registered application 'SayPhonetic'  [SetAccount]  == Registered application 'SetAccount'  [SetAMAFlags]  == Registered application 'SetAMAFlags'  [SetGlobalVar]  == Registered application 'SetGlobalVar'  [SetLanguage]  == Registered application 'SetLanguage'  [Set]  == Registered application 'Set'  [SetVar]  == Registered application 'SetVar'  [ImportVar]  == Registered application 'ImportVar'  [Wait]  == Registered application 'Wait'  [WaitExten]  == Registered application 'WaitExten' Asterisk Dynamic Loader Starting:  == Parsing '/opt/local/etc/asterisk/modules.conf': Found  [res_musiconhold.so] => (Music On Hold Resource)  == Registered application 'MusicOnHold'  == Registered application 'WaitMusicOnHold'  == Registered application 'SetMusicOnHold'  == Registered application 'StartMusicOnHold'  == Registered application 'StopMusicOnHold'  == Parsing '/opt/local/etc/asterisk/musiconhold.conf': Found  [res_indications.so] => (Indications Configuration)  == Parsing '/opt/local/etc/asterisk/indications.conf': Found  -- Registered indication country 'at'  -- Registered indication country 'au'  -- Registered indication country 'br'  -- Registered indication country 'be'  -- Registered indication country 'ch'  -- Registered indication country 'cl'  -- Registered indication country 'cn'  -- Registered indication country 'cz'  -- Registered indication country 'de'  -- Registered indication country 'dk'  -- Registered indication country 'ee'  -- Registered indication country 'es'  -- Registered indication country 'fi'  -- Registered indication country 'fr'  -- Registered indication country 'gr'  -- Registered indication country 'hu'  -- Registered indication country 'it'  -- Registered indication country 'lt'  -- Registered indication country 'mx'  -- Registered indication country 'nl'  -- Registered indication country 'no'  -- Registered indication country 'nz'  -- Registered indication country 'pl'  -- Registered indication country 'pt'  -- Registered indication country 'ru'  -- Registered indication country 'se'  -- Registered indication country 'sg'  -- Registered indication country 'uk'  -- Registered indication country 'us'  -- Registered indication country 'us-o'  -- Registered indication country 'tw'  -- Registered indication country 'za'  -- Setting default indication country to 'de'  == Registered application 'PlayTones'  == Registered application 'StopPlayTones'  [res_features.so] => (Call Features Resource)  == Parsing '/opt/local/etc/asterisk/features.conf': Found  == Remapping feature Attended Transfer (atxfer) to sequence '*2'  -- Registered extension context 'parkedcalls'  -- Added extension '900' priority 1 to parkedcalls  == Registered application 'ParkedCall'  == Registered application 'Park'  == Manager registered action ParkedCalls  [res_agi.so] => (Asterisk Gateway Interface (AGI))  == Registered application 'DeadAGI'  == Registered application 'EAGI'  == Registered application 'AGI'  [res_crypto.so] => (Cryptographic Digital Signatures)  -- Loaded PUBLIC key 'iaxtel'  -- Loaded PUBLIC key 'freeworlddialup'  [res_adsi.so] => (ADSI Resource)  [res_monitor.so] => (Call Monitoring Resource)  == Registered application 'Monitor'  == Registered application 'StopMonitor'  == Registered application 'ChangeMonitor'  == Manager registered action Monitor  == Manager registered action StopMonitor  == Manager registered action ChangeMonitor  [skipping pbx_dundi.so]  [pbx_functions.so] => (Builtin dialplan functions)  == Registered custom function MD5  == Registered custom function CHECK_MD5  == Registered custom function MATH  == Registered custom function GROUP_COUNT  == Registered custom function GROUP_MATCH_COUNT  == Registered custom function GROUP  == Registered custom function GROUP_LIST  == Registered custom function FIELDQTY  == Registered custom function REGEX  == Registered custom function LEN  == Registered custom function STRFTIME  == Registered custom function EVAL  == Registered custom function CDR  == Registered custom function ISNULL  == Registered custom function SET  == Registered custom function EXISTS  == Registered custom function IF  == Registered custom function IFTIME  == Registered custom function ENV  == Registered custom function DB  == Registered custom function DB_EXISTS  == Registered custom function TIMEOUT  == Registered custom function LANGUAGE  == Registered custom function MUSICCLASS  [pbx_ael.so] => (Asterisk Extension Language Compiler) May 10 10:38:34 WARNING[20299]: pbx_ael.c:1146 ast_ael_compile: Unable to open '/opt/local/etc/asterisk/extensions.ael': No such file or directory May 10 10:38:34 WARNING[20299]: pbx.c:3758 ast_merge_contexts_and_delete: Requested contexts didn't get merged  [pbx_spool.so] => (Outgoing Spool Support)  [pbx_loopback.so] => (Loopback Switch)  [pbx_config.so] => (Text Extension Configuration)  == Parsing '/opt/local/etc/asterisk/extensions.conf': Found  == Parsing '/opt/local/etc/asterisk/Macros.conf': Found  == Parsing '/opt/local/etc/asterisk/Ext.conf': Found  == Setting global variable 'OUR_CID' to '8320'  == Setting global variable 'CIDL' to '2'  == Setting global variable 'VORWAL' to '6221'  == Setting global variable 'SOFT_FAX' to '5108'  == Setting global variable 'SOFT_FAX_TO' to 'hk@simulina.se'  == Setting global variable 'SOFT_FAX_FROM' to 'fax@simulina.se'  -- Registered extension context 'macro-std'  -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-std  -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to macro-std  -- Added extension 's-NOANSWER' priority 1 to macro-std  -- Added extension 's-NOANSWER' priority 2 to macro-std  -- Added extension 's-NOANSWER' priority 102 to macro-std  -- Added extension 's-BUSY' priority 1 to macro-std  -- Added extension 's-CHANUNAVAIL' priority 1 to macro-std  -- Added extension 's-CHANUNAVAIL' priority 2 to macro-std  -- Added extension 's-CHANUNAVAIL' priority 3 to macro-std  -- Added extension 's-CONGESTION' priority 1 to macro-std  -- Added extension 's-CONGESTION' priority 2 to macro-std  -- Added extension 's-CONGESTION' priority 3 to macro-std  -- Added extension '_s-.' priority 1 to macro-std  -- Added extension 'a' priority 1 to macro-std  -- Added extension 'i' priority 1 to macro-std  -- Added extension 'i' priority 2 to macro-std  -- Added extension 'i' priority 3 to macro-std  -- Registered extension context 'macro-call'  -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-call  -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to macro-call  -- Added extension 's-NOANSWER' priority 1 to macro-call  -- Added extension 's-NOANSWER' priority 2 to macro-call  -- Added extension 's-NOANSWER' priority 3 to macro-call  -- Added extension 's-NOANSWER' priority 4 to macro-call  -- Added extension 's-NOANSWER' priority 5 to macro-call  -- Added extension 's-NOANSWER' priority 6 to macro-call  -- Added extension 's-NOANSWER' priority 106 to macro-call  -- Added extension 's-BUSY' priority 1 to macro-call  -- Added extension 's-CHANUNAVAIL' priority 1 to macro-call  -- Added extension 's-CHANUNAVAIL' priority 2 to macro-call  -- Added extension 's-CHANUNAVAIL' priority 3 to macro-call  -- Added extension 's-CONGESTION' priority 1 to macro-call  -- Added extension 's-CONGESTION' priority 2 to macro-call  -- Added extension 's-CONGESTION' priority 3 to macro-call  -- Added extension '_s-.' priority 1 to macro-call  -- Added extension 'a' priority 1 to macro-call  -- Registered extension context 'default'  -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to default  -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to default  -- Registered extension context 'users'  -- Added extension '115' priority 1 to users  -- Added extension '666' priority 1 to users  -- Added extension '667' priority 1 to users  -- Added extension '668' priority 1 to users  -- Added extension '777' priority 1 to users  -- Added extension '556' priority 1 to users  -- Added extension '555' priority 1 to users  -- Added extension '999' priority 1 to users  -- Added extension '888' priority 1 to users  -- Added extension '720' priority 1 to users  -- Added extension '720' priority 2 to users  -- Added extension '720' priority 3 to users  -- Added extension '730' priority 1 to users  -- Added extension '730' priority 2 to users  -- Added extension '730' priority 3 to users  -- Registered extension context 'queues'  -- Registered extension context 'features'  -- Added extension '701' priority 1 to features  -- Added extension '702' priority 1 to features  -- Added extension '703' priority 1 to features  -- Added extension '800' priority 1 to features  -- Added extension '801' priority 1 to features  -- Added extension '*55' priority 1 to features  -- Added extension '*55' priority 2 to features  -- Added extension '*55' priority 3 to features  -- Added extension '*55' priority 4 to features  -- Added extension '*55' priority 5 to features  -- Added extension '*55' priority 6 to features  -- Registered extension context 'out'  -- Added extension '_555X.' priority 1 to out  -- Added extension '_ZXX.' priority 1 to out  -- Added extension '_ZXX.' priority 2 to out  -- Added extension '_*ZXX' priority 1 to out  -- Added extension '_*ZXX' priority 2 to out  -- Added extension '_0X.' priority 1 to out  -- Added extension '_0X.' priority 2 to out  -- Added extension '_11X.' priority 1 to out  -- Added extension '_11X.' priority 2 to out  -- Registered extension context 'SoftFax'  -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to SoftFax  -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to SoftFax  -- Added extension 'h' priority 1 to SoftFax  -- Added extension 'h' priority 2 to SoftFax  -- Added extension 'h' priority 3 to SoftFax  -- Registered extension context 'SoftFaxOut'  -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to SoftFaxOut  -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to SoftFaxOut  -- Added extension 'h' priority 1 to SoftFaxOut  -- Registered extension context 'from_se'  -- Added extension '_XXX' priority 1 to from_se  -- Registered extension context 'from_de'  -- Added extension '_XXX' priority 1 to from_de  -- Registered extension context 'from_azlan'  -- Added extension '_XXX' priority 1 to from_azlan  -- Added extension '_XXX' priority 2 to from_azlan  -- Registered extension context 'from_tc1'  -- Added extension '_XXX' priority 1 to from_tc1  -- Added extension '_XXX' priority 2 to from_tc1  -- Registered extension context 'from_kista'  -- Added extension '_XXX' priority 1 to from_kista  -- Added extension '_XXX' priority 2 to from_kista  -- Registered extension context 'from_qpc'  -- Added extension '_XXX' priority 1 to from_qpc  -- Added extension '_XXX' priority 2 to from_qpc  -- Registered extension context 'from_pcl'  -- Added extension '_XXX' priority 1 to from_pcl  -- Added extension '_XXX' priority 2 to from_pcl  -- Registered extension context 'from_us'  -- Added extension '_11*.' priority 1 to from_us  -- Added extension '_22*.' priority 1 to from_us  -- Added extension '_33*.' priority 1 to from_us  -- Added extension '_111*.' priority 1 to from_us  -- Added extension '_222*.' priority 1 to from_us  -- Added extension '_333*.' priority 1 to from_us  -- Added extension '_444*.' priority 1 to from_us  -- Including context 'features' in context 'from_us'  -- Including context 'users' in context 'from_us'  -- Including context 'out' in context 'from_us'  -- Registered extension context 'from_1und1'  -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to from_1und1  -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to from_1und1  -- Added extension 't' priority 1 to from_1und1  -- Added extension 'i' priority 1 to from_1und1  -- Registered extension context 'from_sip'  -- Including context 'users' in context 'from_sip'  -- Including context 'out' in context 'from_sip'  -- Registered extension context 'from_iax'  -- Including context 'users' in context 'from_iax'  -- Including context 'out' in context 'from_iax'  -- Registered extension context 'from_zap'  -- Added extension '_8320X' priority 1 to from_zap  -- Added extension '_8320X' priority 2 to from_zap  -- Added extension '_8320X' priority 3 to from_zap  -- Added extension 's-more' priority 1 to from_zap  -- Added extension 's-more' priority 2 to from_zap  -- Added extension '_8320XXX' priority 3 to from_zap  -- Added extension '_83200' priority 4 to from_zap  -- Registered extension context 'from_zap_int'  -- Including context 'users' in context 'from_zap_int'  -- Including context 'out' in context 'from_zap_int'  -- Registered extension context 'from_misdn'  -- Added extension '5102' priority 1 to from_misdn  -- Added extension '5103' priority 1 to from_misdn  -- Added extension '5104' priority 1 to from_misdn  -- Added extension '5105' priority 1 to from_misdn  -- Added extension '5106' priority 1 to from_misdn  -- Added extension '5108' priority 1 to from_misdn  -- Added extension '5108' priority 2 to from_misdn  -- Added extension '5115' priority 1 to from_misdn  -- Registered extension context 'from_misdn_int'  -- Registered extension context 'from_cli'  -- Including context 'users' in context 'from_cli'  -- Including context 'out' in context 'from_cli'  -- Registered extension context 'from_analog'  [pbx_realtime.so] => (Realtime Switch)  [skipping chan_mgcp.so]  [chan_zap.so] => (Zapata Telephony w/PRI)  == Parsing '/opt/local/etc/asterisk/zapata.conf': Found  -- Automatically generated pseudo channel  == Registered channel type 'Zap' (Zapata Telephony Driver w/PRI)  == Manager registered action ZapTransfer  == Manager registered action ZapHangup  == Manager registered action ZapDialOffhook  == Manager registered action ZapDNDon  == Manager registered action ZapDNDoff  == Manager registered action ZapShowChannels  [chan_misdn.so] => (Channel driver for mISDN Support (Bri/Pri))  == Parsing '/opt/local/etc/asterisk/misdn.conf': Found P[ 0] Got: 1,2,3 from get_ports P[ 0] stack_init: port:1 lowerId:40000103 upperId:40000104 P[ 0] BC_STATE_CHANGE: from:BCHAN_CLEANED to:BCHAN_EMPTY P[ 0] BC_NEXT_STATE_CHANGE: from:BCHAN_CLEANED to:BCHAN_EMPTY P[ 0] BC_STATE_CHANGE: from:BCHAN_EMPTY to:BCHAN_CLEANED P[ 0] BC_STATE_CHANGE: from:BCHAN_CLEANED to:BCHAN_EMPTY P[ 0] BC_NEXT_STATE_CHANGE: from:BCHAN_CLEANED to:BCHAN_EMPTY P[ 0] BC_STATE_CHANGE: from:BCHAN_EMPTY to:BCHAN_CLEANED P[ 0] stack_init: port:2 lowerId:40000203 upperId:40000204 P[ 0] BC_STATE_CHANGE: from:BCHAN_CLEANED to:BCHAN_EMPTY P[ 0] BC_NEXT_STATE_CHANGE: from:BCHAN_CLEANED to:BCHAN_EMPTY P[ 0] BC_STATE_CHANGE: from:BCHAN_EMPTY to:BCHAN_CLEANED P[ 0] BC_STATE_CHANGE: from:BCHAN_CLEANED to:BCHAN_EMPTY P[ 0] BC_NEXT_STATE_CHANGE: from:BCHAN_CLEANED to:BCHAN_EMPTY P[ 0] BC_STATE_CHANGE: from:BCHAN_EMPTY to:BCHAN_CLEANED P[ 0] stack_init: port:3 lowerId:40000303 upperId:40000304 P[ 0] BC_STATE_CHANGE: from:BCHAN_CLEANED to:BCHAN_EMPTY P[ 0] BC_NEXT_STATE_CHANGE: from:BCHAN_CLEANED to:BCHAN_EMPTY P[ 0] BC_STATE_CHANGE: from:BCHAN_EMPTY to:BCHAN_CLEANED P[ 0] BC_STATE_CHANGE: from:BCHAN_CLEANED to:BCHAN_EMPTY P[ 0] BC_NEXT_STATE_CHANGE: from:BCHAN_CLEANED to:BCHAN_EMPTY P[ 0] BC_STATE_CHANGE: from:BCHAN_EMPTY to:BCHAN_CLEANED  == Registered channel type 'mISDN' (Channel driver for mISDN Support (Bri/Pri))  == Registered application 'misdn_set_opt'  == Registered application 'misdn_facility' P[ 0] -- mISDN Channel Driver Registred -- (BE AWARE THIS DRIVER IS EXPERIMENTAL!)  [chan_local.so] => (Local Proxy Channel)  == Registered channel type 'Local' (Local Proxy Channel Driver)  [chan_iax2.so] => (Inter Asterisk eXchange (Ver 2))  == Registered custom function IAXPEER P[ 1] MGMT: Short status dinfo 1000001 P[ 1] MGMT: SSTATUS: L1_ACTIVATED P[ 1] MGMT: Short status dinfo 2000001 P[ 1] MGMT: SSTATUS: L2_ESTABLISH P[ 2] MGMT: Short status dinfo 1000001 P[ 2] MGMT: SSTATUS: L1_ACTIVATED P[ 2] MGMT: Short status dinfo 2000001 P[ 2] MGMT: SSTATUS: L2_ESTABLISH P[ 3] MGMT: Short status dinfo 1000001 P[ 3] MGMT: SSTATUS: L1_ACTIVATED P[ 3] MGMT: Short status dinfo 2000001 P[ 3] MGMT: SSTATUS: L2_ESTABLISH  == Registered application 'IAX2Provision'  == Manager registered action IAXpeers  == Manager registered action IAXnetstats  == Parsing '/opt/local/etc/asterisk/iax.conf': Found  == Parsing '/opt/local/etc/asterisk/Iax.conf': Found  == Using TOS bits 16  == Binding IAX2 to default address  -- Seeding 'hk-iaxy' at for 60  -- Seeding 'hk-atc' at for 60  -- Seeding '555' at for 60  == Registered channel type 'IAX2' (Inter Asterisk eXchange Driver (Ver 2))  == IAX Ready and Listening  == Loaded firmware 'iaxy.bin' May 10 10:38:34 NOTICE[20299]: iax2-provision.c:515 iax_provision_reload: No IAX provisioning configuration found, IAX provisioning disabled.  [chan_agent.so] => (Agent Proxy Channel)  == Registered channel type 'Agent' (Call Agent Proxy Channel)  == Registered application 'AgentLogin'  == Registered application 'AgentCallbackLogin'  == Registered application 'AgentMonitorOutgoing'  == Manager registered action Agents  == Manager registered action AgentLogoff  == Manager registered action AgentCallbackLogin  == Parsing '/opt/local/etc/asterisk/agents.conf': Found  == Setting global variable 'AGENTBYCALLERID_666' to '666'  == Setting global variable 'AGENTBYCALLERID_777' to '777' May 10 10:38:34 NOTICE[20299]: chan_agent.c:2365 reload_agents: Agents successfully reloaded from database.  [skipping chan_phone.so]  [skipping chan_skinny.so]  [chan_features.so] => (Feature Proxy Channel)  == Registered channel type 'Feature' (Feature Proxy Channel Driver)  [chan_oss.so] => (OSS Console Channel Driver)  == Parsing '/opt/local/etc/asterisk/oss.conf': Found  == Registered channel type 'Console' (OSS Console Channel Driver)  [chan_sip.so] => (Session Initiation Protocol (SIP))  == Parsing '/opt/local/etc/asterisk/sip.conf': Found  == Parsing '/opt/local/etc/asterisk/Sip.conf': Found May 10 10:38:34 WARNING[20299]: chan_sip.c:12539 reload_config: Empty context specified at line 22 for domain ''  -- SIP Seeding peer from astdb: '666' at 666@ for 1800  -- SIP Seeding peer from astdb: '667' at 667@ for 1800  -- SIP Seeding peer from astdb: '668' at 668@ for 1800  -- Registered IAX2 to '', who sees us as with no messages waiting  == SIP Listening on  == Using TOS bits 16  == Registered channel type 'SIP' (Session Initiation Protocol (SIP))  == Registered application 'SIPDtmfMode'  == Registered application 'SIPAddHeader'  == Registered application 'SIPGetHeader'  == Registered custom function SIP_HEADER  == Registered custom function SIPPEER  == Registered custom function SIPCHANINFO  == Registered custom function CHECKSIPDOMAIN  == Manager registered action SIPpeers  == Manager registered action SIPshowpeer  [app_sms.so] => (SMS/PSTN handler)  == Registered application 'SMS'  [cdr_custom.so] => (Customizable Comma Separated Values CDR Backend) May 10 10:38:34 WARNING[20299]: cdr_custom.c:98 load_config: Failed to load configuration file. Module not activated.  [app_hasnewvoicemail.so] => (Indicator for whether a voice mailbox has messages in a given folder.[)  == Registered custom function VMCOUNT  == Registered application 'HasVoicemail'  == Registered application 'HasNewVoicemail'  [format_wav_gsm.so] => (Microsoft WAV format (Proprietary GSM))  == Registered file format wav49, extension(s) WAV|wav49  [app_url.so] => (Send URL Applications)  == Registered application 'SendURL'  [app_test.so] => (Interface Test Application)  == Registered application 'TestClient'  == Registered application 'TestServer'  [skipping chan_mgcp.so]  [app_eval.so] => (Reevaluates strings)  == Registered application 'Eval'  [app_chanspy.so] => (Listen to the audio of an active channel )  == Registered application 'ChanSpy'  [app_sendtext.so] => (Send Text Applications)  == Registered application 'SendText'  [skipping pbx_dundi.so]  [app_exec.so] => (Executes applications)  == Registered application 'Exec'  [app_txtcidname.so] => (TXTCIDName)  == Registered application 'TXTCIDName'  [cdr_manager.so] => (Asterisk Call Manager CDR Backend)  [app_txfax.so] => (Trivial FAX Transmit Application)  == Registered application 'TxFAX'  [app_directory.so] => (Extension Directory)  == Registered application 'Directory'  [app_playback.so] => (Sound File Playback Application)  == Registered application 'Playback'  [codec_adpcm.so] => (Adaptive Differential PCM Coder/Decoder)  == Registered translator 'adpcmtolin' from format adpcm to slin, cost 1  == Registered translator 'lintoadpcm' from format slin to adpcm, cost 1  [app_groupcount.so] => (Group Management Routines)  == Registered application 'GetGroupCount'  == Registered application 'SetGroup'  == Registered application 'CheckGroup'  == Registered application 'GetGroupMatchCount'  [app_adsiprog.so] => (Asterisk ADSI Programming Application)  == Registered application 'ADSIProg'  [app_chanisavail.so] => (Check channel availability)  == Registered application 'ChanIsAvail'  [app_softhangup.so] => (Hangs up the requested channel)  == Registered application 'SoftHangup'  [codec_lpc10.so] => (LPC10 2.4kbps (signed linear) Voice Coder)  -- Registered IAX2 to '', who sees us as with no messages waiting  == Registered translator 'lpc10tolin' from format lpc10 to slin, cost 3  -- Message count requested for mailbox 666@default but voicemail not loaded.  == Registered translator 'lintolpc10' from format slin to lpc10, cost 9  [app_setcidname.so] => (Set CallerID Name)  == Registered application 'SetCIDName'  [format_g723.so] => (G.723.1 Simple Timestamp File Format)  == Registered file format g723sf, extension(s) g723|g723sf  [format_g726.so] => (Raw G.726 (16/24/32/40kbps) data)  == Registered file format g726-40, extension(s) g726-40  == Registered file format g726-32, extension(s) g726-32  == Registered file format g726-24, extension(s) g726-24  == Registered file format g726-16, extension(s) g726-16  [format_g729.so] => (Raw G729 data)  == Registered file format g729, extension(s) g729  [app_userevent.so] => (Custom User Event Application)  == Registered application 'UserEvent'  [codec_gsm.so] => (GSM/PCM16 (signed linear) Codec Translator)  -- Registered IAX2 to '', who sees us as with no messages waiting  == Registered translator 'gsmtolin' from format gsm to slin, cost 2  == Registered translator 'lintogsm' from format slin to gsm, cost 5  [app_authenticate.so] => (Authentication Application)  == Registered application 'Authenticate'  [format_pcm_alaw.so] => (Raw aLaw 8khz PCM Audio support)  == Registered file format alaw, extension(s) alaw|al  [format_ilbc.so] => (Raw iLBC data)  == Registered file format iLBC, extension(s) ilbc  [format_h263.so] => (Raw h263 data)  == Registered file format h263, extension(s) h263  [func_uri.so] => (URI encode/decode functions)  == Registered custom function URIDECODE  == Registered custom function URIENCODE  [app_forkcdr.so] => (Fork The CDR into 2 separate entities.)  == Registered application 'ForkCDR'  [app_page.so] => (Page Multiple Phones)  == Registered application 'Page'  [app_ices.so] -- Registered IAX2 to '', who sees us as with no messages waiting  => (Encode and Stream via icecast and ices)  == Registered application 'ICES'  [app_nbscat.so] => (Silly NBS Stream Application)  == Registered application 'NBScat'  [codec_a_mu.so] => (A-law and Mulaw direct Coder/Decoder)  == Registered translator 'alawtoulaw' from format alaw to ulaw, cost 1  == Registered translator 'ulawtoalaw' from format ulaw to alaw, cost 1  [app_system.so] => (Generic System() application)  == Registered application 'TrySystem'  == Registered application 'System'  [app_record.so] => (Trivial Record Application)  == Registered application 'Record'  [app_milliwatt.so] => (Digital Milliwatt (mu-law) Test Application)  == Registered application 'Milliwatt'  [app_parkandannounce.so] => (Call Parking and Announce Application)  == Registered application 'ParkAndAnnounce'  [app_sayunixtime.so] => (Say time)  == Registered application 'SayUnixTime'  == Registered application 'DateTime'  [app_dumpchan.so] => (Dump Info About The Calling Channel)  == Registered application 'DumpChan'  [app_zapscan.so] => (Scan Zap channels application)  == Registered application 'ZapScan'  [app_macro.so] => (Extension Macros)  == Registered application 'MacroExit'  == Registered application 'MacroIf'  == Registered application 'Macro'  [app_random.so] => (Random goto)  == Registered application 'Random'  [app_settransfercapability.so] => (Set ISDN Transfer Capability)  == Registered application 'SetTransferCapability'  [codec_ulaw.so] => (Mu-law Coder/Decoder)  == Registered translator 'ulawtolin' from format ulaw to slin, cost 1  -- Registered IAX2 to '', who sees us as with no messages waiting  == Registered translator 'lintoulaw' from format slin to ulaw, cost 1  [app_zapras.so] => (Zap RAS Application)  == Registered application 'ZapRAS'  [app_controlplayback.so] => (Control Playback Application)  == Registered application 'ControlPlayback'  [format_au.so] => (Sun Microsystems AU format (signed linear))  == Registered file format au, extension(s) au  [format_jpeg.so] => (JPEG (Joint Picture Experts Group) Image Format)  == Registered format 'jpg' (JPEG (Joint Picture Experts Group))  [codec_alaw.so] => (A-law Coder/Decoder)  == Registered translator 'alawtolin' from format alaw to slin, cost 1  == Registered translator 'lintoalaw' from format slin to alaw, cost 1  [app_transfer.so] => (Transfer)  == Registered application 'Transfer'  [cdr_csv.so] => (Comma Separated Values CDR Backend)  [app_externalivr.so] => (External IVR Interface Application)  == Registered application 'ExternalIVR'  [app_voicemail.so] => (Comedian Mail (Voicemail System))  == Registered application 'VoiceMail'  == Registered application 'VoiceMailMain'  == Registered application 'MailboxExists'  == Registered application 'VMAuthenticate'  == Parsing '/opt/local/etc/asterisk/voicemail.conf': Found  [app_while.so] => (While Loops and Conditional Execution)  == Registered application 'While'  == Registered application 'ExecIf'  == Registered application 'EndWhile'  [codec_speex.so] => (Speex/PCM16 (signed linear) Codec Translator)  == Registered translator 'speextolin' from format speex to slin, cost 1  == Registered translator 'lintospeex' from format slin to speex, cost 21  [app_verbose.so] => (Send verbose output)  == Registered application 'Verbose'  [app_setcdruserfield.so] => (CDR user field apps)  == Registered application 'SetCDRUserField'  == Registered application 'AppendCDRUserField'  == Manager registered action SetCDRUserField  [codec_g726.so] => (ITU G.726-32kbps G726 Transcoder)  == Registered translator 'g726tolin' from format g726 to slin, cost 3  == Registered translator 'lintog726' from format slin to g726, cost 3  [codec_g729.so] => (G729/PCM16 (signed linear) Codec Translator, based on IPP)  == Registered translator 'g729tolin' from format g729 to slin, cost 3  == Registered translator 'lintog729' from format slin to g729, cost 13  [app_lookupblacklist.so] => (Look up Caller*ID name/number from blacklist database)  == Registered application 'LookupBlacklist'  [app_zapbarge.so] => (Barge in on Zap channel application)  == Registered application 'ZapBarge'  [app_mixmonitor.so] => (Mixed Audio Monitoring Application)  == Registered application 'MixMonitor'  [app_getcpeid.so] => (Get ADSI CPE ID)  == Registered application 'GetCPEID'  [app_enumlookup.so] => (ENUM Lookup)  == Registered application 'EnumLookup' May 10 10:38:35 NOTICE[20299]: app_enumlookup.c:216 load_config: No ENUM Config file, using defaults  [codec_ilbc.so] => (iLBC/PCM16 (signed linear) Codec Translator)  == Registered translator 'ilbctolin' from format ilbc to slin, cost 2  == Registered translator 'lintoilbc' from format slin to ilbc, cost 12  [app_dictate.so] => (Virtual Dictation Machine)  == Registered application 'Dictate'  [app_read.so] => (Read Variable Application)  == Registered application 'Read'  [app_alarmreceiver.so] => (Alarm Receiver for Asterisk)  == Registered application 'AlarmReceiver'  [format_gsm.so] => (Raw GSM data)  == Registered file format gsm, extension(s) gsm  [app_dial.so] => (Dialing Application)  == Registered application 'Dial'  == Registered application 'RetryDial'  [app_disa.so] => (DISA (Direct Inward System Access) Application)  == Registered application 'DISA'  [app_realtime.so] => (Realtime Data Lookup/Rewrite)  == Registered application 'RealTimeUpdate'  == Registered application 'RealTime'  [app_cdr.so] => (Tell Asterisk to not maintain a CDR for the current call)  == Registered application 'NoCDR'  [app_image.so] => (Image Transmission Application)  == Registered application 'SendImage'  [app_curl.so] => (Load external URL)  == Registered custom function CURL  == Registered application 'Curl'  [func_callerid.so] => (Caller ID related dialplan function)  == Registered custom function CALLERID  [func_enum.so] => (ENUM Related Functions)  == Registered custom function ENUMLOOKUP  == Registered custom function TXTCIDNAME  [app_cut.so] => (Cut out information from a string)  == Registered custom function CUT  == Registered custom function SORT  == Registered application 'Sort'  == Registered application 'Cut'  [format_mp3.so] => (MP3 format [Any rate but 8000hz mono optimal])  == Registered file format mp3, extension(s) mp3  [app_setrdnis.so] => (Set RDNIS Number)  == Registered application 'SetRDNIS'  [app_festival.so] => (Simple Festival Interface)  == Registered application 'Festival'  [app_meetme.so] => (MeetMe conference bridge)  == Parsing '/opt/local/etc/asterisk/meetme.conf': Found  == Registered application 'MeetMeAdmin'  == Registered application 'MeetMeCount'  == Registered application 'MeetMe'  [app_echo.so] => (Simple Echo Application)  == Registered application 'Echo'  [skipping chan_phone.so]  [format_pcm.so] => (Raw uLaw 8khz Audio support (PCM))  == Registered file format pcm, extension(s) pcm|ulaw|ul|mu  [app_privacy.so] => (Require phone number to be entered, if no CallerID sent)  == Registered application 'PrivacyManager'  [app_flash.so] => (Flash zap trunk application)  == Registered application 'Flash'  [app_setcallerid.so] => (Set CallerID Application)  == Registered application 'SetCallerPres'  == Registered application 'SetCallerID'  [app_stack.so] => (Stack Routines)  == Registered application 'StackPop'  == Registered application 'Return'  == Registered application 'GosubIf'  == Registered application 'Gosub'  [skipping chan_skinny.so]  [format_sln.so] => (Raw Signed Linear Audio support (SLN))  == Registered file format sln, extension(s) sln|raw  [app_zapateller.so] => (Block Telemarketers with Special Information Tone)  == Registered application 'Zapateller'  [app_queue.so] => (True Call Queueing)  == Registered application 'Queue'  == Manager registered action Queues  == Manager registered action QueueStatus  == Manager registered action QueueAdd  == Manager registered action QueueRemove  == Manager registered action QueuePause  == Registered application 'AddQueueMember'  == Registered application 'RemoveQueueMember'  == Registered application 'PauseQueueMember'  == Registered application 'UnpauseQueueMember'  == Registered custom function QUEUEAGENTCOUNT  == Parsing '/opt/local/etc/asterisk/queues.conf': Found  [app_md5.so] => (MD5 checksum applications)  == Registered application 'MD5Check'  == Registered application 'MD5'  [app_mp3.so] => (Silly MP3 Application)  == Registered application 'MP3Player'  [app_rxfax.so] => (Trivial FAX Receive Application)  == Registered application 'RxFAX'  [app_lookupcidname.so] => (Look up CallerID Name from local database)  == Registered application 'LookupCIDName'  [format_wav.so] => (Microsoft WAV format (8000hz Signed Linear))  == Registered file format wav, extension(s) wav  [app_senddtmf.so] => (Send DTMF digits Application)  == Registered application 'SendDTMF'  [format_vox.so] => (Dialogic VOX (ADPCM) File Format)  == Registered file format vox, extension(s) vox  [app_directed_pickup.so] => (Directed Call Pickup Application)  == Registered application 'Pickup'  [app_waitforring.so] => (Waits until first ring after time)  == Registered application 'WaitForRing'  [app_readfile.so] => (Stores output of file into a variable)  == Registered application 'ReadFile'  [app_setcidnum.so] => (Set CallerID Number)  == Registered application 'SetCIDNum'  [app_talkdetect.so] => (Playback with Talk Detection)  == Registered application 'BackgroundDetect'  [app_math.so] => (Basic Math Functions)  == Registered application 'Math'  [app_db.so] => (Database Access Functions)  == Registered application 'DBget'  == Registered application 'DBput'  == Registered application 'DBdel'  == Registered application 'DBdeltree'  [app_waitforsilence.so] => (Wait For Silence)  == Registered application 'WaitForSilence'  == Manager registered action DBGet  == Manager registered action DBPut Asterisk Ready. ]1;Asterisk]2;Asterisk Console on 'meg1' (pid 20299)*CLI> -- Got SIP response 481 "Call Leg/Transaction Does Not Exist" back from  -- Got SIP response 481 "Call Leg/Transaction Does Not Exist" back from  -- Got SIP response 481 "Call Leg/Transaction Does Not Exist" back from May 10 10:38:38 NOTICE[20314]: chan_iax2.c:7787 iax2_poke_noanswer: Peer 'hk-gfu' is now UNREACHABLE! Time: 0 May 10 10:38:38 NOTICE[20316]: chan_sip.c:11396 sip_poke_noanswer: Peer '665' is now UNREACHABLE! Last qualify: 0  -- Accepted AUTHENTICATED TBD call from  -- Got SIP response 481 "Call Leg/Transaction Does Not Exist" back from  -- Got SIP response 481 "Call Leg/Transaction Does Not Exist" back from  -- Got SIP response 481 "Call Leg/Transaction Does Not Exist" back from  -- Accepting DIAL from, formats = 0x4  -- Executing Dial("IAX2/hk-iaxy-18", "Local/720@users") in new stack  -- Called 720@users  -- Executing SetCallerID("Local/720@users-3960,2", "Hakan Kallberg ") in new stack  -- Executing Queue("Local/720@users-3960,2", "extrabit|rt|||40") in new stack  -- Local/720@users-3960,1 is ringing  -- outgoing agentcall, to agent '777', on 'Local/777@users-5a6c,1'  -- Called Agent/777  -- Executing Macro("Local/777@users-5a6c,2", "call|IAX2/hk-atc&IAX2/hk-iaxy|777|Local/01716002062@out|t") in new stack  -- Executing Dial("Local/777@users-5a6c,2", "IAX2/hk-atc&IAX2/hk-iaxy|16|t") in new stack  -- Called hk-atc  -- Called hk-iaxy  -- Call accepted by (format ulaw)  -- Format for call is ulaw  -- IAX2/hk-iaxy-21 is busy  -- Hungup 'IAX2/hk-iaxy-21'  -- Call accepted by (format ulaw)  -- Format for call is ulaw  -- IAX2/hk-atc-20 is ringing  -- Agent/777 is ringing  -- IAX2/hk-atc-20 answered Local/777@users-5a6c,2  -- Agent/777 answered Local/720@users-3960,2  -- Playing 'local/Supportanfrage' (language 'en')  == Spawn extension (macro-call, s, 1) exited non-zero on 'Local/777@users-5a6c,2' in macro 'call'  == Spawn extension (macro-call, s, 1) exited non-zero on 'Local/777@users-5a6c,2'  -- Local/720@users-3960,1 answered IAX2/hk-iaxy-18  == Spawn extension (users, 720, 2) exited non-zero on 'Local/720@users-3960,2'  -- Hungup 'IAX2/hk-atc-20' May 10 10:38:59 ERROR[20324]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:319 __ast_pthread_mutex_unlock: chan_agent.c line 839 (agent_hangup): attempted unlock mutex '&p->app_lock' without owning it! May 10 10:38:59 ERROR[20324]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:321 __ast_pthread_mutex_unlock: chan_agent.c line 983 (agent_new): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:38:59 ERROR[20324]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:342 __ast_pthread_mutex_unlock: chan_agent.c line 839 (agent_hangup): Error releasing mutex: Operation not permitted  == Spawn extension (from_us, 888, 1) exited non-zero on 'IAX2/hk-iaxy-18'  -- Hungup 'IAX2/hk-iaxy-18'  -- Accepted AUTHENTICATED TBD call from  -- Accepting DIAL from, formats = 0x4  -- Executing Dial("IAX2/hk-iaxy-33", "Local/720@users") in new stack  -- Called 720@users  -- Executing SetCallerID("Local/720@users-ac52,2", "Hakan Kallberg ") in new stack  -- Executing Queue("Local/720@users-ac52,2", "extrabit|rt|||40") in new stack  -- Local/720@users-ac52,1 is ringing May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:19 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here.  == Spawn extension (from_us, 888, 1) exited non-zero on 'IAX2/hk-iaxy-33'  -- Hungup 'IAX2/hk-iaxy-33' May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:24 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:25 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:29 ERROR[20484]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 474 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&q->lock'? May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20481]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 2068 (try_calling): '&q->lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20483]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: chan_agent.c line 988 (agent_new): Deadlock? waited 15 sec for mutex '&p->app_lock'? May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20480]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: (null) line 0 ((null)): '&p->app_lock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 10 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:30 ERROR[20482]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20485]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here. May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:236 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): Deadlock? waited 5 sec for mutex '&qlock'? May 10 10:39:32 ERROR[20486]: ../include/asterisk/lock.h:239 __ast_pthread_mutex_lock: app_queue.c line 472 (changethread): '&qlock' was locked here.