Test tool: SIPp 1.1rc6 : http://sipp.sourceforge.net/index.html Asterisk SVN-trunk-r48400M OS : Scientific Linux 4.1 full install : https://www.scientificlinux.org/ CPU:Intel Pentium 4 3G/HT disable RAM:1G DDR2 eth0: gateway eth1: (we do test on this interface) DISABLE FIREWALL / IPTABLES Dowanload and make sipp: #tar zxvf sipp-1.1rc6.tar.gz #cd sipp-1.1rc6 #make ossl You will get a executable file named sipp. Create SSL key for SIPp: 1.openssl genrsa -out cakey.pem 1024 2.openssl req -new -key cakey.pem -out trustcerts.pem 3.openssl req -x509 -key cakey.pem -in trustcerts.pem > cacert.pem P.S SIPp needs cakey.pem and cacert.pem to enable ssl func.Just put thest two files in sipp-1.1rc6 directory. Now we can start,There are 4 mode to test: A:TCP one socket B:TCP multi socket C:TLS one socket D:TLS multi socket Src: sipp client Dst: an random conference room ,in this doc. we use 133 for the conforence number. Action: use the following command to make a sipp call,when sipp has 56(or more) calls for asterisk,press ctrl+c to shutdown sipp.So we can see if asterisk handles the error or not. = = = Test command(normal test): A mode:./sipp -s 133 -r 3 -rp 2000 -p 4456 -l 56 -sn uac -t t1 -mp 5788 B mode:./sipp -s 133 -r 3 -rp 2000 -p 4456 -l 56 -sn uac -t tn -mp 5788 C mode:./sipp -s 133 -r 3 -rp 2000 -p 4456 -l 56 -sn uac -t l1 -mp 5788 D mode:./sipp -s 133 -r 3 -rp 2000 -p 4456 -l 56 -sn uac -t ln -mp 5788 Result: A:ok B:ok C:ok D:system response "[Dec 12 11:39:04] ERROR[30065]: chan_sip.c:15507 siptls_accept: SSL accept error : wrong version number" = = = Test command(error test,where test.xml is an incomplete SIPp script): A mode:./sipp -s 133 -r 3 -rp 2000 -p 4456 -l 56 -sf test.xml -t t1 -mp 5788 B mode:./sipp -s 133 -r 3 -rp 2000 -p 4456 -l 56 -sf test.xml -t tn -mp 5788 C mode:./sipp -s 133 -r 3 -rp 2000 -p 4456 -l 56 -sf test.xml -t l1 -mp 5788 D mode:./sipp -s 133 -r 3 -rp 2000 -p 4456 -l 56 -sf test.xml -t ln -mp 5788 Result: A:ok B:system hangup and no response till shutdown sipp ,system response " == Accepted TCP connection fd 16 from" C:ok,thought system response [Dec 12 11:41:30] ERROR[30065]: chan_sip.c:15189 sipsock_read: TLS SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL D:system response "[Dec 12 11:42:05] ERROR[30065]: chan_sip.c:15507 siptls_accept: SSL accept error : wrong version number" = = = Test command(error test Part II,this time we tell SIPp that we did use eth1): A mode:./sipp -s 133 -r 3 -rp 2000 -p 4456 -l 56 -sf test.xml -t t1 -mp 5788 -i B mode:./sipp -s 133 -r 3 -rp 2000 -p 4456 -l 56 -sf test.xml -t tn -mp 5788 -i C mode:./sipp -s 133 -r 3 -rp 2000 -p 4456 -l 56 -sf test.xml -t l1 -mp 5788 -i D mode:./sipp -s 133 -r 3 -rp 2000 -p 4456 -l 56 -sf test.xml -t ln -mp 5788 -i Result: A:ok B:system hangup and no response till shutdown sipp ,system response " == Accepted TCP connection fd 23 from" then stop response. C:ok D:system response "ERROR[2609]: chan_sip.c:13038 siptls_accept: SSL accept error : wrong version number"