Apr 18 15:22:50 DEBUG[6474] chan_h323.c: Sending RTP 'US' Apr 18 15:22:50 DEBUG[6474] chan_h323.c: Sending RTP 'US' Apr 18 15:22:50 VERBOSE[6476] logger.c: -- Executing NoOp("H323/ip$", "") in new stack Apr 18 15:22:50 VERBOSE[6476] logger.c: -- Executing Dial("H323/ip$", "SIP/722||tA(aviel/faxlinecall)") in new stack Apr 18 15:22:50 DEBUG[6476] chan_sip.c: Setting NAT on RTP to 0 Apr 18 15:22:50 DEBUG[6476] chan_sip.c: Outgoing Call for 722 Apr 18 15:22:50 VERBOSE[6476] logger.c: -- Called 722 Apr 18 15:22:50 DEBUG[5734] chan_sip.c: (Provisional) Stopping retransmission (but retaining packet) on '726d98dc58bc337670de137711c28ca3@' Request 102: Found Apr 18 15:22:50 DEBUG[5734] chan_sip.c: (Provisional) Stopping retransmission (but retaining packet) on '726d98dc58bc337670de137711c28ca3@' Request 102: Found Apr 18 15:22:50 VERBOSE[6476] logger.c: -- SIP/722-9ae3 is ringing Apr 18 15:22:50 DEBUG[6476] channel.c: Driver for channel 'H323/ip$' does not support indication 3, emulating it Apr 18 15:22:50 DEBUG[6476] channel.c: Prodding channel 'H323/ip$' Apr 18 15:22:54 DEBUG[5734] chan_sip.c: Acked pending invite 102 Apr 18 15:22:54 DEBUG[5734] chan_sip.c: Stopping retransmission on '726d98dc58bc337670de137711c28ca3@' of Request 102: Found Apr 18 15:22:54 DEBUG[5734] chan_sip.c: build_route: Contact hop: Apr 18 15:22:54 VERBOSE[6476] logger.c: -- SIP/722-9ae3 answered H323/ip$ Apr 18 15:22:54 VERBOSE[6476] logger.c: -- Playing 'aviel/faxlinecall' (language 'en') Apr 18 15:22:56 DEBUG[6478] chan_h323.c: Sending RTP 'US' Apr 18 15:23:08 DEBUG[6479] chan_h323.c: Sending RTP 'US' Apr 18 15:23:08 DEBUG[6479] chan_h323.c: Sending RTP 'US' Apr 18 15:23:08 VERBOSE[6482] logger.c: -- Executing Wait("H323/ip$", "1") in new stack Apr 18 15:23:09 WARNING[6482] ast_expr.y: ast_yyerror(): syntax error: syntax error; Input: 0 == 1 ^ ^ Apr 18 15:23:09 DEBUG[6482] pbx.c: Expression is '0' Apr 18 15:23:09 VERBOSE[6482] logger.c: -- Executing GotoIf("H323/ip$", "0 ? 4") in new stack Apr 18 15:23:09 DEBUG[6482] pbx.c: Not taking any branch Apr 18 15:23:09 VERBOSE[6482] logger.c: -- Executing Dial("H323/ip$", "H323/3@DVG1104") in new stack Apr 18 15:23:09 DEBUG[6482] chan_h323.c: type=H323, format=4, data=3@DVG1104. Apr 18 15:23:09 DEBUG[6482] chan_h323.c: Extension: 3 Host: DVG1104 Apr 18 15:23:09 DEBUG[6482] chan_h323.c: Found peer DVG1104 by name Apr 18 15:23:09 DEBUG[6482] chan_h323.c: Setting NAT on RTP to 0 Apr 18 15:23:09 DEBUG[6482] chan_h323.c: Placing outgoing call to 3@, 101 Apr 18 15:23:09 VERBOSE[6482] logger.c: -- Called 3@DVG1104 Apr 18 15:23:09 DEBUG[6483] chan_h323.c: Sending RTP 'US' Apr 18 15:23:09 DEBUG[6483] chan_h323.c: Sending RTP 'US' Apr 18 15:23:09 DEBUG[6483] chan_h323.c: Hanging up connection to ip$localhost/3329 with cause 16 Apr 18 15:23:09 VERBOSE[6482] logger.c: == No one is available to answer at this time (1:0/0/0) Apr 18 15:23:09 DEBUG[6482] app_dial.c: Exiting with DIALSTATUS=NOANSWER. Apr 18 15:23:09 DEBUG[6482] pbx.c: Expression is '0' Apr 18 15:23:09 VERBOSE[6482] logger.c: -- Executing GotoIf("H323/ip$", "0?9-end") in new stack Apr 18 15:23:09 DEBUG[6482] pbx.c: Not taking any branch Apr 18 15:23:09 VERBOSE[6482] logger.c: -- Executing Dial("H323/ip$", "H323/2@DVG1104") in new stack Apr 18 15:23:09 DEBUG[6482] chan_h323.c: type=H323, format=4, data=2@DVG1104. Apr 18 15:23:09 DEBUG[6482] chan_h323.c: Extension: 2 Host: DVG1104 Apr 18 15:23:09 DEBUG[6482] chan_h323.c: Found peer DVG1104 by name Apr 18 15:23:09 DEBUG[6482] chan_h323.c: Setting NAT on RTP to 0 Apr 18 15:23:09 DEBUG[6482] chan_h323.c: Placing outgoing call to 2@, 101 Apr 18 15:23:09 VERBOSE[6482] logger.c: -- Called 2@DVG1104 Apr 18 15:23:09 DEBUG[5755] chan_h323.c: Cleaning connection to ip$localhost/3329 Apr 18 15:23:09 DEBUG[6485] chan_h323.c: Sending RTP 'US' Apr 18 15:23:09 DEBUG[6485] chan_h323.c: Sending RTP 'US' Apr 18 15:23:09 VERBOSE[6482] logger.c: -- H323/DVG1104 answered H323/ip$ Apr 18 15:23:09 DEBUG[6482] channel.c: Dropping duplicate answer! Apr 18 15:23:10 NOTICE[6482] rtp.c: RFC3389 support incomplete. Turn off on client if possible Apr 18 15:23:12 DEBUG[6482] chan_h323.c: Received in-band digit 3. Apr 18 15:23:12 DEBUG[6482] chan_h323.c: Received in-band digit 6. Apr 18 15:23:13 DEBUG[6482] chan_h323.c: Received in-band digit 9. Apr 18 15:23:14 DEBUG[6482] chan_h323.c: Received in-band digit 1. Apr 18 15:23:14 DEBUG[6482] chan_h323.c: Received in-band digit 3. Apr 18 15:23:19 DEBUG[5755] chan_h323.c: Cleaning connection to ip$ Apr 18 15:23:19 DEBUG[6482] channel.c: Didn't get a frame from channel: H323/ip$ Apr 18 15:23:19 DEBUG[6482] channel.c: Bridge stops bridging channels H323/ip$ and H323/DVG1104 Apr 18 15:23:19 DEBUG[6482] app_dial.c: Exiting with DIALSTATUS=ANSWER. Apr 18 15:23:19 VERBOSE[6482] logger.c: == Spawn extension (local, 9, 5) exited non-zero on 'H323/ip$' Apr 18 15:23:19 VERBOSE[6482] logger.c: -- Executing NoOp("H323/ip$", "hereh") in new stack Apr 18 15:23:19 DEBUG[5755] chan_h323.c: Cleaning connection to ip$localhost/3330 Apr 18 15:23:40 DEBUG[6490] chan_h323.c: Sending RTP 'US' Apr 18 15:23:40 DEBUG[6490] chan_h323.c: Sending RTP 'US' Apr 18 15:23:40 VERBOSE[6492] logger.c: -- Executing Goto("H323/ip$", "default|0|1") in new stack Apr 18 15:23:40 VERBOSE[6492] logger.c: -- Goto (default,0,1) Apr 18 15:23:40 VERBOSE[6492] logger.c: -- Executing NoOp("H323/ip$", "") in new stack Apr 18 15:23:40 VERBOSE[6492] logger.c: -- Executing Dial("H323/ip$", "SIP/721&SIP/722||t") in new stack Apr 18 15:23:40 DEBUG[6492] chan_sip.c: Setting NAT on RTP to 0 Apr 18 15:23:40 DEBUG[6492] chan_sip.c: Outgoing Call for 721 Apr 18 15:23:40 VERBOSE[6492] logger.c: -- Called 721 Apr 18 15:23:40 DEBUG[6492] chan_sip.c: Setting NAT on RTP to 0 Apr 18 15:23:40 DEBUG[6492] chan_sip.c: Outgoing Call for 722 Apr 18 15:23:40 VERBOSE[6492] logger.c: -- Called 722 Apr 18 15:23:40 DEBUG[5734] chan_sip.c: (Provisional) Stopping retransmission (but retaining packet) on '7b4c005a456f52382fdb58586db99936@' Request 102: Found Apr 18 15:23:40 DEBUG[5734] chan_sip.c: (Provisional) Stopping retransmission (but retaining packet) on '7b4c005a456f52382fdb58586db99936@' Request 102: Found Apr 18 15:23:40 VERBOSE[6492] logger.c: -- SIP/721-85ae is ringing Apr 18 15:23:40 DEBUG[6492] channel.c: Driver for channel 'H323/ip$' does not support indication 3, emulating it Apr 18 15:23:40 DEBUG[6492] channel.c: Prodding channel 'H323/ip$' Apr 18 15:23:40 DEBUG[5734] chan_sip.c: (Provisional) Stopping retransmission (but retaining packet) on '51f4af104d2ae42e116d7b044942af93@' Request 102: Found Apr 18 15:23:40 DEBUG[5734] chan_sip.c: (Provisional) Stopping retransmission (but retaining packet) on '51f4af104d2ae42e116d7b044942af93@' Request 102: Found Apr 18 15:23:40 VERBOSE[6492] logger.c: -- SIP/722-d9c8 is ringing Apr 18 15:23:43 DEBUG[5734] chan_sip.c: Acked pending invite 102 Apr 18 15:23:43 DEBUG[5734] chan_sip.c: Stopping retransmission on '7b4c005a456f52382fdb58586db99936@' of Request 102: Found Apr 18 15:23:43 DEBUG[5734] chan_sip.c: build_route: Contact hop: Apr 18 15:23:43 VERBOSE[6492] logger.c: -- SIP/721-85ae answered H323/ip$ Apr 18 15:23:43 DEBUG[6492] chan_sip.c: update_user_counter(722) - decrement outUse counter Apr 18 15:23:43 DEBUG[5734] chan_sip.c: Acked pending invite 102 Apr 18 15:23:43 DEBUG[5734] chan_sip.c: Stopping retransmission on '51f4af104d2ae42e116d7b044942af93@' of Request 102: Found Apr 18 15:23:43 DEBUG[5734] chan_sip.c: Stopping retransmission on '51f4af104d2ae42e116d7b044942af93@' of Request 102: Found Apr 18 15:23:43 DEBUG[6496] chan_h323.c: Sending RTP 'US' Apr 18 15:23:57 DEBUG[6492] channel.c: Didn't get a frame from channel: SIP/721-85ae Apr 18 15:23:57 DEBUG[6492] channel.c: Bridge stops bridging channels H323/ip$ and SIP/721-85ae Apr 18 15:23:57 DEBUG[6492] chan_sip.c: update_user_counter(721) - decrement outUse counter Apr 18 15:23:57 DEBUG[6492] app_dial.c: Exiting with DIALSTATUS=ANSWER. Apr 18 15:23:57 VERBOSE[6492] logger.c: == Spawn extension (default, 0, 2) exited non-zero on 'H323/ip$' Apr 18 15:23:57 DEBUG[5755] chan_h323.c: Cleaning connection to ip$ Apr 18 15:24:01 DEBUG[5734] chan_sip.c: Setting NAT on RTP to 0 Apr 18 15:24:01 DEBUG[5734] chan_sip.c: Check for res for 721 Apr 18 15:24:01 DEBUG[5734] chan_sip.c: build_route: Contact hop: Apr 18 15:24:01 VERBOSE[6500] logger.c: -- Executing Wait("SIP/721-d7b8", "1") in new stack Apr 18 15:24:02 WARNING[6500] ast_expr.y: ast_yyerror(): syntax error: syntax error; Input: 0 == 1 ^ ^ Apr 18 15:24:02 DEBUG[6500] pbx.c: Expression is '0' Apr 18 15:24:02 VERBOSE[6500] logger.c: -- Executing GotoIf("SIP/721-d7b8", "0 ? 4") in new stack Apr 18 15:24:02 DEBUG[6500] pbx.c: Not taking any branch Apr 18 15:24:02 VERBOSE[6500] logger.c: -- Executing Dial("SIP/721-d7b8", "H323/3@DVG1104") in new stack Apr 18 15:24:02 DEBUG[6500] chan_h323.c: type=H323, format=4, data=3@DVG1104. Apr 18 15:24:02 DEBUG[6500] chan_h323.c: Extension: 3 Host: DVG1104 Apr 18 15:24:02 DEBUG[6500] chan_h323.c: Found peer DVG1104 by name Apr 18 15:24:02 DEBUG[6500] chan_h323.c: Setting NAT on RTP to 0 Apr 18 15:24:02 DEBUG[6500] chan_h323.c: Placing outgoing call to 3@, 101 Apr 18 15:24:02 VERBOSE[6500] logger.c: -- Called 3@DVG1104 Apr 18 15:24:02 DEBUG[6501] chan_h323.c: Sending RTP 'US' Apr 18 15:24:02 DEBUG[6501] chan_h323.c: Sending RTP 'US' Apr 18 15:24:02 DEBUG[6501] chan_h323.c: Hanging up connection to ip$localhost/3331 with cause 16 Apr 18 15:24:02 VERBOSE[6500] logger.c: == No one is available to answer at this time (1:0/0/0) Apr 18 15:24:02 DEBUG[6500] app_dial.c: Exiting with DIALSTATUS=NOANSWER. Apr 18 15:24:02 DEBUG[6500] pbx.c: Expression is '0' Apr 18 15:24:02 VERBOSE[6500] logger.c: -- Executing GotoIf("SIP/721-d7b8", "0?9-end") in new stack Apr 18 15:24:02 DEBUG[6500] pbx.c: Not taking any branch Apr 18 15:24:02 VERBOSE[6500] logger.c: -- Executing Dial("SIP/721-d7b8", "H323/2@DVG1104") in new stack Apr 18 15:24:02 DEBUG[6500] chan_h323.c: type=H323, format=4, data=2@DVG1104. Apr 18 15:24:02 DEBUG[6500] chan_h323.c: Extension: 2 Host: DVG1104 Apr 18 15:24:02 DEBUG[6500] chan_h323.c: Found peer DVG1104 by name Apr 18 15:24:02 DEBUG[6500] chan_h323.c: Setting NAT on RTP to 0 Apr 18 15:24:02 DEBUG[6500] chan_h323.c: Placing outgoing call to 2@, 101 Apr 18 15:24:02 VERBOSE[6500] logger.c: -- Called 2@DVG1104 Apr 18 15:24:02 DEBUG[5755] chan_h323.c: Cleaning connection to ip$localhost/3331 Apr 18 15:24:02 DEBUG[6503] chan_h323.c: Sending RTP 'US' Apr 18 15:24:02 DEBUG[6503] chan_h323.c: Sending RTP 'US' Apr 18 15:24:02 VERBOSE[6500] logger.c: -- H323/DVG1104 answered SIP/721-d7b8 Apr 18 15:24:02 DEBUG[6500] channel.c: Dropping duplicate answer! Apr 18 15:24:02 DEBUG[5734] chan_sip.c: Stopping retransmission on '3762129604@' of Response 1: Found Apr 18 15:24:12 DEBUG[6506] chan_h323.c: Sending RTP 'US' Apr 18 15:24:12 DEBUG[6506] chan_h323.c: Sending RTP 'US' Apr 18 15:24:12 VERBOSE[6509] logger.c: -- Executing Wait("H323/ip$", "1") in new stack Apr 18 15:24:13 WARNING[6509] ast_expr.y: ast_yyerror(): syntax error: syntax error; Input: 0 == 1 ^ ^ Apr 18 15:24:13 DEBUG[6509] pbx.c: Expression is '0' Apr 18 15:24:13 VERBOSE[6509] logger.c: -- Executing GotoIf("H323/ip$", "0 ? 4") in new stack Apr 18 15:24:13 DEBUG[6509] pbx.c: Not taking any branch Apr 18 15:24:13 VERBOSE[6509] logger.c: -- Executing Dial("H323/ip$", "H323/3@DVG1104") in new stack Apr 18 15:24:13 DEBUG[6509] chan_h323.c: type=H323, format=4, data=3@DVG1104. Apr 18 15:24:13 DEBUG[6509] chan_h323.c: Extension: 3 Host: DVG1104 Apr 18 15:24:13 DEBUG[6509] chan_h323.c: Found peer DVG1104 by name Apr 18 15:24:13 DEBUG[6509] chan_h323.c: Setting NAT on RTP to 0 Apr 18 15:24:13 DEBUG[6509] chan_h323.c: Placing outgoing call to 3@, 101 Apr 18 15:24:13 VERBOSE[6509] logger.c: -- Called 3@DVG1104 Apr 18 15:24:13 DEBUG[6510] chan_h323.c: Sending RTP 'US' Apr 18 15:24:13 DEBUG[6510] chan_h323.c: Sending RTP 'US' Apr 18 15:24:14 DEBUG[6510] chan_h323.c: Hanging up connection to ip$localhost/3333 with cause 16 Apr 18 15:24:14 VERBOSE[6509] logger.c: == No one is available to answer at this time (1:0/0/0) Apr 18 15:24:14 DEBUG[6509] app_dial.c: Exiting with DIALSTATUS=NOANSWER. Apr 18 15:24:14 DEBUG[6509] pbx.c: Expression is '0' Apr 18 15:24:14 VERBOSE[6509] logger.c: -- Executing GotoIf("H323/ip$", "0?9-end") in new stack Apr 18 15:24:14 DEBUG[6509] pbx.c: Not taking any branch Apr 18 15:24:14 VERBOSE[6509] logger.c: -- Executing Dial("H323/ip$", "H323/2@DVG1104") in new stack Apr 18 15:24:14 DEBUG[6509] chan_h323.c: type=H323, format=4, data=2@DVG1104. Apr 18 15:24:14 DEBUG[6509] chan_h323.c: Extension: 2 Host: DVG1104 Apr 18 15:24:14 DEBUG[6509] chan_h323.c: Found peer DVG1104 by name Apr 18 15:24:14 DEBUG[6509] chan_h323.c: Setting NAT on RTP to 0 Apr 18 15:24:14 DEBUG[5755] chan_h323.c: Cleaning connection to ip$localhost/3333 Apr 18 15:24:14 DEBUG[6509] chan_h323.c: Placing outgoing call to 2@, 101 Apr 18 15:24:14 VERBOSE[6509] logger.c: -- Called 2@DVG1104 Apr 18 15:24:14 DEBUG[6512] chan_h323.c: Sending RTP 'US' Apr 18 15:24:14 DEBUG[6512] chan_h323.c: Sending RTP 'US' Apr 18 15:24:14 DEBUG[6512] chan_h323.c: Hanging up connection to ip$localhost/3334 with cause 16 Apr 18 15:24:14 VERBOSE[6509] logger.c: == No one is available to answer at this time (1:0/0/0) Apr 18 15:24:14 DEBUG[6509] app_dial.c: Exiting with DIALSTATUS=NOANSWER. Apr 18 15:24:14 DEBUG[6509] pbx.c: Expression is '0' Apr 18 15:24:14 VERBOSE[6509] logger.c: -- Executing GotoIf("H323/ip$", "0?9-end") in new stack Apr 18 15:24:14 DEBUG[6509] pbx.c: Not taking any branch Apr 18 15:24:14 VERBOSE[6509] logger.c: -- Executing Dial("H323/ip$", "H323/1@DVG1104") in new stack Apr 18 15:24:14 DEBUG[6509] chan_h323.c: type=H323, format=4, data=1@DVG1104. Apr 18 15:24:14 DEBUG[6509] chan_h323.c: Extension: 1 Host: DVG1104 Apr 18 15:24:14 DEBUG[6509] chan_h323.c: Found peer DVG1104 by name Apr 18 15:24:14 DEBUG[6509] chan_h323.c: Setting NAT on RTP to 0 Apr 18 15:24:14 DEBUG[5755] chan_h323.c: Cleaning connection to ip$localhost/3334 Apr 18 15:24:14 DEBUG[6509] chan_h323.c: Placing outgoing call to 1@, 101 Apr 18 15:24:14 VERBOSE[6509] logger.c: -- Called 1@DVG1104 Apr 18 15:24:14 DEBUG[6514] chan_h323.c: Sending RTP 'US' Apr 18 15:24:14 DEBUG[6514] chan_h323.c: Sending RTP 'US' Apr 18 15:24:14 NOTICE[6509] rtp.c: RFC3389 support incomplete. Turn off on client if possible Apr 18 15:24:14 DEBUG[6500] channel.c: Didn't get a frame from channel: SIP/721-d7b8 Apr 18 15:24:14 DEBUG[6500] channel.c: Bridge stops bridging channels SIP/721-d7b8 and H323/DVG1104 Apr 18 15:24:14 DEBUG[6500] app_dial.c: Exiting with DIALSTATUS=ANSWER. Apr 18 15:24:14 VERBOSE[6500] logger.c: == Spawn extension (local, 9, 5) exited non-zero on 'SIP/721-d7b8' Apr 18 15:24:14 VERBOSE[6500] logger.c: -- Executing NoOp("SIP/721-d7b8", "hereh") in new stack Apr 18 15:24:14 DEBUG[6500] chan_sip.c: update_user_counter(721) - decrement inUse counter Apr 18 15:24:14 DEBUG[5755] chan_h323.c: Cleaning connection to ip$localhost/3332 Apr 18 15:24:15 VERBOSE[6509] logger.c: -- H323/DVG1104 answered H323/ip$ Apr 18 15:24:15 DEBUG[6509] channel.c: Dropping duplicate answer! Apr 18 15:24:15 DEBUG[6509] chan_h323.c: Received in-band digit 3. Apr 18 15:24:16 DEBUG[6509] chan_h323.c: Received in-band digit 6. Apr 18 15:24:16 DEBUG[6509] chan_h323.c: Received in-band digit 9. Apr 18 15:24:17 DEBUG[6509] chan_h323.c: Received in-band digit 1. Apr 18 15:24:17 DEBUG[6509] chan_h323.c: Received in-band digit 3. Apr 18 15:24:29 DEBUG[5755] chan_h323.c: Cleaning connection to ip$ Apr 18 15:24:29 DEBUG[6509] channel.c: Didn't get a frame from channel: H323/ip$ Apr 18 15:24:29 DEBUG[6509] channel.c: Bridge stops bridging channels H323/ip$ and H323/DVG1104 Apr 18 15:24:29 DEBUG[6509] app_dial.c: Exiting with DIALSTATUS=ANSWER. Apr 18 15:24:29 VERBOSE[6509] logger.c: == Spawn extension (local, 9, 7) exited non-zero on 'H323/ip$' Apr 18 15:24:29 VERBOSE[6509] logger.c: -- Executing NoOp("H323/ip$", "hereh") in new stack Apr 18 15:24:29 DEBUG[5755] chan_h323.c: Cleaning connection to ip$localhost/3335 Apr 18 15:25:22 DEBUG[5734] chan_sip.c: Setting NAT on RTP to 0 Apr 18 15:25:22 DEBUG[5734] chan_sip.c: Check for res for 721 Apr 18 15:25:22 DEBUG[5734] chan_sip.c: build_route: Contact hop: Apr 18 15:25:22 VERBOSE[6530] logger.c: -- Executing Wait("SIP/721-c651", "1") in new stack Apr 18 15:25:24 WARNING[6530] ast_expr.y: ast_yyerror(): syntax error: syntax error; Input: 0 == 1 ^ ^ Apr 18 15:25:24 DEBUG[6530] pbx.c: Expression is '0' Apr 18 15:25:24 VERBOSE[6530] logger.c: -- Executing GotoIf("SIP/721-c651", "0 ? 4") in new stack Apr 18 15:25:24 DEBUG[6530] pbx.c: Not taking any branch Apr 18 15:25:24 VERBOSE[6530] logger.c: -- Executing Dial("SIP/721-c651", "H323/3@DVG1104") in new stack Apr 18 15:25:24 DEBUG[6530] chan_h323.c: type=H323, format=4, data=3@DVG1104. Apr 18 15:25:24 DEBUG[6530] chan_h323.c: Extension: 3 Host: DVG1104 Apr 18 15:25:24 DEBUG[6530] chan_h323.c: Found peer DVG1104 by name Apr 18 15:25:24 DEBUG[6530] chan_h323.c: Setting NAT on RTP to 0 Apr 18 15:25:24 DEBUG[6530] chan_h323.c: Placing outgoing call to 3@, 101 Apr 18 15:25:24 VERBOSE[6530] logger.c: -- Called 3@DVG1104 Apr 18 15:25:24 DEBUG[6531] chan_h323.c: Sending RTP 'US' Apr 18 15:25:24 DEBUG[6531] chan_h323.c: Sending RTP 'US' Apr 18 15:25:24 DEBUG[6531] chan_h323.c: Hanging up connection to ip$localhost/3336 with cause 16 Apr 18 15:25:24 VERBOSE[6530] logger.c: == No one is available to answer at this time (1:0/0/0) Apr 18 15:25:24 DEBUG[6530] app_dial.c: Exiting with DIALSTATUS=NOANSWER. Apr 18 15:25:24 DEBUG[6530] pbx.c: Expression is '0' Apr 18 15:25:24 VERBOSE[6530] logger.c: -- Executing GotoIf("SIP/721-c651", "0?9-end") in new stack Apr 18 15:25:24 DEBUG[6530] pbx.c: Not taking any branch Apr 18 15:25:24 VERBOSE[6530] logger.c: -- Executing Dial("SIP/721-c651", "H323/2@DVG1104") in new stack Apr 18 15:25:24 DEBUG[6530] chan_h323.c: type=H323, format=4, data=2@DVG1104. Apr 18 15:25:24 DEBUG[6530] chan_h323.c: Extension: 2 Host: DVG1104 Apr 18 15:25:24 DEBUG[6530] chan_h323.c: Found peer DVG1104 by name Apr 18 15:25:24 DEBUG[6530] chan_h323.c: Setting NAT on RTP to 0 Apr 18 15:25:24 DEBUG[6530] chan_h323.c: Placing outgoing call to 2@, 101 Apr 18 15:25:24 VERBOSE[6530] logger.c: -- Called 2@DVG1104 Apr 18 15:25:24 DEBUG[5755] chan_h323.c: Cleaning connection to ip$localhost/3336 Apr 18 15:25:24 DEBUG[6533] chan_h323.c: Sending RTP 'US' Apr 18 15:25:24 DEBUG[6533] chan_h323.c: Sending RTP 'US' Apr 18 15:25:24 VERBOSE[6530] logger.c: -- H323/DVG1104 answered SIP/721-c651 Apr 18 15:25:24 DEBUG[6530] channel.c: Dropping duplicate answer! Apr 18 15:25:24 DEBUG[5734] chan_sip.c: Stopping retransmission on '4262744049@' of Response 1: Found Apr 18 15:25:33 DEBUG[6530] channel.c: Didn't get a frame from channel: SIP/721-c651 Apr 18 15:25:33 DEBUG[6530] channel.c: Bridge stops bridging channels SIP/721-c651 and H323/DVG1104 Apr 18 15:25:33 DEBUG[6530] app_dial.c: Exiting with DIALSTATUS=ANSWER. Apr 18 15:25:33 VERBOSE[6530] logger.c: == Spawn extension (local, 9, 5) exited non-zero on 'SIP/721-c651' Apr 18 15:25:33 VERBOSE[6530] logger.c: -- Executing NoOp("SIP/721-c651", "hereh") in new stack Apr 18 15:25:33 DEBUG[6530] chan_sip.c: update_user_counter(721) - decrement inUse counter Apr 18 15:25:33 DEBUG[5755] chan_h323.c: Cleaning connection to ip$localhost/3337 Apr 18 15:26:07 DEBUG[6476] channel.c: Didn't get a frame from channel: SIP/722-9ae3 Apr 18 15:26:07 DEBUG[6476] channel.c: Bridge stops bridging channels H323/ip$ and SIP/722-9ae3 Apr 18 15:26:07 DEBUG[6476] chan_sip.c: update_user_counter(722) - decrement outUse counter Apr 18 15:26:07 DEBUG[6476] app_dial.c: Exiting with DIALSTATUS=ANSWER. Apr 18 15:26:07 VERBOSE[6476] logger.c: == Spawn extension (mainmenu, 93, 2) exited non-zero on 'H323/ip$' Apr 18 15:26:07 DEBUG[5755] chan_h323.c: Cleaning connection to ip$ Apr 18 15:27:34 DEBUG[6540] chan_h323.c: Sending RTP 'US' Apr 18 15:27:34 DEBUG[6540] chan_h323.c: Sending RTP 'US' Apr 18 15:27:34 VERBOSE[6542] logger.c: -- Executing Goto("H323/ip$", "default|0|1") in new stack Apr 18 15:27:34 VERBOSE[6542] logger.c: -- Goto (default,0,1) Apr 18 15:27:34 VERBOSE[6542] logger.c: -- Executing NoOp("H323/ip$", "") in new stack Apr 18 15:27:34 VERBOSE[6542] logger.c: -- Executing Dial("H323/ip$", "SIP/721&SIP/722||t") in new stack Apr 18 15:27:34 DEBUG[6542] chan_sip.c: Setting NAT on RTP to 0 Apr 18 15:27:34 DEBUG[6542] chan_sip.c: Outgoing Call for 721 Apr 18 15:27:34 VERBOSE[6542] logger.c: -- Called 721 Apr 18 15:27:34 DEBUG[6542] chan_sip.c: Setting NAT on RTP to 0 Apr 18 15:27:34 DEBUG[6542] chan_sip.c: Outgoing Call for 722 Apr 18 15:27:34 VERBOSE[6542] logger.c: -- Called 722 Apr 18 15:27:34 DEBUG[5734] chan_sip.c: (Provisional) Stopping retransmission (but retaining packet) on '0ce5b5896fd3b7764a9ae6c17aa61e78@' Request 102: Found Apr 18 15:27:34 DEBUG[5734] chan_sip.c: (Provisional) Stopping retransmission (but retaining packet) on '0ce5b5896fd3b7764a9ae6c17aa61e78@' Request 102: Found Apr 18 15:27:34 VERBOSE[6542] logger.c: -- SIP/721-de2e is ringing Apr 18 15:27:34 DEBUG[6542] channel.c: Driver for channel 'H323/ip$' does not support indication 3, emulating it Apr 18 15:27:34 DEBUG[6542] channel.c: Prodding channel 'H323/ip$' Apr 18 15:27:34 DEBUG[5734] chan_sip.c: (Provisional) Stopping retransmission (but retaining packet) on '0861ac135e02389922f70b7b7100d714@' Request 102: Found Apr 18 15:27:34 DEBUG[5734] chan_sip.c: (Provisional) Stopping retransmission (but retaining packet) on '0861ac135e02389922f70b7b7100d714@' Request 102: Found Apr 18 15:27:34 VERBOSE[6542] logger.c: -- SIP/722-daf4 is ringing Apr 18 15:27:36 DEBUG[5734] chan_sip.c: Acked pending invite 102 Apr 18 15:27:36 DEBUG[5734] chan_sip.c: Stopping retransmission on '0ce5b5896fd3b7764a9ae6c17aa61e78@' of Request 102: Found Apr 18 15:27:36 DEBUG[5734] chan_sip.c: build_route: Contact hop: Apr 18 15:27:36 VERBOSE[6542] logger.c: -- SIP/721-de2e answered H323/ip$ Apr 18 15:27:36 DEBUG[6542] chan_sip.c: update_user_counter(722) - decrement outUse counter Apr 18 15:27:36 DEBUG[5734] chan_sip.c: Acked pending invite 102 Apr 18 15:27:36 DEBUG[5734] chan_sip.c: Stopping retransmission on '0861ac135e02389922f70b7b7100d714@' of Request 102: Found Apr 18 15:27:36 DEBUG[5734] chan_sip.c: Stopping retransmission on '0861ac135e02389922f70b7b7100d714@' of Request 102: Found Apr 18 15:27:36 DEBUG[6546] chan_h323.c: Sending RTP 'US' Apr 18 15:28:23 DEBUG[6547] chan_h323.c: Sending RTP 'US' Apr 18 15:28:23 DEBUG[6547] chan_h323.c: Sending RTP 'US' Apr 18 15:28:23 VERBOSE[6550] logger.c: -- Executing Wait("H323/ip$", "1") in new stack Apr 18 15:28:24 WARNING[6550] ast_expr.y: ast_yyerror(): syntax error: syntax error; Input: 0 == 1 ^ ^ Apr 18 15:28:24 DEBUG[6550] pbx.c: Expression is '0' Apr 18 15:28:24 VERBOSE[6550] logger.c: -- Executing GotoIf("H323/ip$", "0 ? 4") in new stack Apr 18 15:28:24 DEBUG[6550] pbx.c: Not taking any branch Apr 18 15:28:24 VERBOSE[6550] logger.c: -- Executing Dial("H323/ip$", "H323/3@DVG1104") in new stack Apr 18 15:28:24 DEBUG[6550] chan_h323.c: type=H323, format=4, data=3@DVG1104. Apr 18 15:28:24 DEBUG[6550] chan_h323.c: Extension: 3 Host: DVG1104 Apr 18 15:28:24 DEBUG[6550] chan_h323.c: Found peer DVG1104 by name Apr 18 15:28:24 DEBUG[6550] chan_h323.c: Setting NAT on RTP to 0 Apr 18 15:28:24 DEBUG[6550] chan_h323.c: Placing outgoing call to 3@, 101 Apr 18 15:28:24 VERBOSE[6550] logger.c: -- Called 3@DVG1104 Apr 18 15:28:24 DEBUG[6551] chan_h323.c: Sending RTP 'US' Apr 18 15:28:24 DEBUG[6551] chan_h323.c: Sending RTP 'US' Apr 18 15:28:24 VERBOSE[6550] logger.c: -- H323/DVG1104 answered H323/ip$ Apr 18 15:28:24 DEBUG[6550] channel.c: Dropping duplicate answer! Apr 18 15:28:25 NOTICE[6550] rtp.c: RFC3389 support incomplete. Turn off on client if possible Apr 18 15:28:26 DEBUG[6550] chan_h323.c: Received in-band digit 3. Apr 18 15:28:27 DEBUG[6550] chan_h323.c: Received in-band digit 6. Apr 18 15:28:27 DEBUG[6550] chan_h323.c: Received in-band digit 9. Apr 18 15:28:28 DEBUG[6550] chan_h323.c: Received in-band digit 1. Apr 18 15:28:29 DEBUG[6550] chan_h323.c: Received in-band digit 3. Apr 18 15:28:34 DEBUG[5755] chan_h323.c: Cleaning connection to ip$ Apr 18 15:28:34 DEBUG[6550] channel.c: Didn't get a frame from channel: H323/ip$ Apr 18 15:28:34 DEBUG[6550] channel.c: Bridge stops bridging channels H323/ip$ and H323/DVG1104 Apr 18 15:28:34 DEBUG[6550] app_dial.c: Exiting with DIALSTATUS=ANSWER. Apr 18 15:28:34 VERBOSE[6550] logger.c: == Spawn extension (local, 9, 3) exited non-zero on 'H323/ip$' Apr 18 15:28:34 VERBOSE[6550] logger.c: -- Executing NoOp("H323/ip$", "hereh") in new stack Apr 18 15:28:34 DEBUG[5755] chan_h323.c: Cleaning connection to ip$localhost/3338 Apr 18 15:28:37 DEBUG[6542] channel.c: Didn't get a frame from channel: SIP/721-de2e Apr 18 15:28:37 DEBUG[6542] channel.c: Bridge stops bridging channels H323/ip$ and SIP/721-de2e Apr 18 15:28:37 DEBUG[6542] chan_sip.c: update_user_counter(721) - decrement outUse counter Apr 18 15:28:37 DEBUG[6542] app_dial.c: Exiting with DIALSTATUS=ANSWER. Apr 18 15:28:37 VERBOSE[6542] logger.c: == Spawn extension (default, 0, 2) exited non-zero on 'H323/ip$' Apr 18 15:28:37 DEBUG[5755] chan_h323.c: Cleaning connection to ip$ Apr 18 15:28:41 DEBUG[5734] chan_sip.c: Setting NAT on RTP to 0 Apr 18 15:28:41 DEBUG[5734] chan_sip.c: Check for res for 721 Apr 18 15:28:41 DEBUG[5734] chan_sip.c: build_route: Contact hop: Apr 18 15:28:41 VERBOSE[6559] logger.c: -- Executing NoOp("SIP/721-4f90", "") in new stack Apr 18 15:28:41 VERBOSE[6559] logger.c: -- Executing Dial("SIP/721-4f90", "H323/723@gw_office||t") in new stack Apr 18 15:28:41 DEBUG[6559] chan_h323.c: type=H323, format=4, data=723@gw_office. Apr 18 15:28:41 DEBUG[6559] chan_h323.c: Extension: 723 Host: gw_office Apr 18 15:28:41 DEBUG[6559] chan_h323.c: Found peer gw_office by name Apr 18 15:28:41 DEBUG[6559] chan_h323.c: Setting NAT on RTP to 0 Apr 18 15:28:41 DEBUG[6559] chan_h323.c: Placing outgoing call to 723@, 101 Apr 18 15:28:41 VERBOSE[6559] logger.c: -- Called 723@gw_office Apr 18 15:28:41 DEBUG[6560] chan_h323.c: Sending RTP 'US' Apr 18 15:28:41 DEBUG[6560] chan_h323.c: Sending RTP 'US' Apr 18 15:28:41 DEBUG[6560] chan_h323.c: Received ALERT/PROGRESS message for self-generated tones Apr 18 15:28:41 VERBOSE[6559] logger.c: -- H323/gw_office is ringing Apr 18 15:28:41 VERBOSE[6559] logger.c: -- H323/gw_office is ringing Apr 18 15:28:56 VERBOSE[6559] logger.c: -- H323/gw_office answered SIP/721-4f90 Apr 18 15:28:56 DEBUG[6559] channel.c: Dropping duplicate answer! Apr 18 15:28:56 DEBUG[5734] chan_sip.c: Stopping retransmission on '1357344904@' of Response 1: Found Apr 18 15:29:03 NOTICE[6559] rtp.c: RFC3389 support incomplete. Turn off on client if possible Apr 18 15:29:06 DEBUG[6563] chan_h323.c: Sending RTP 'US' Apr 18 15:29:06 DEBUG[6563] chan_h323.c: Sending RTP 'US' Apr 18 15:29:06 VERBOSE[6565] logger.c: -- Executing Goto("H323/ip$", "default|0|1") in new stack Apr 18 15:29:06 VERBOSE[6565] logger.c: -- Goto (default,0,1) Apr 18 15:29:06 VERBOSE[6565] logger.c: -- Executing NoOp("H323/ip$", "") in new stack Apr 18 15:29:06 VERBOSE[6565] logger.c: -- Executing Dial("H323/ip$", "SIP/721&SIP/722||t") in new stack Apr 18 15:29:06 DEBUG[6565] chan_sip.c: Setting NAT on RTP to 0 Apr 18 15:29:06 DEBUG[6565] chan_sip.c: Outgoing Call for 721 Apr 18 15:29:06 VERBOSE[6565] logger.c: -- Called 721 Apr 18 15:29:06 DEBUG[6565] chan_sip.c: Setting NAT on RTP to 0 Apr 18 15:29:06 DEBUG[6565] chan_sip.c: Outgoing Call for 722 Apr 18 15:29:06 VERBOSE[6565] logger.c: -- Called 722 Apr 18 15:29:06 DEBUG[5734] chan_sip.c: (Provisional) Stopping retransmission (but retaining packet) on '77de7d6b18afaba55c9703ba1e625162@' Request 102: Found Apr 18 15:29:06 DEBUG[5734] chan_sip.c: (Provisional) Stopping retransmission (but retaining packet) on '77de7d6b18afaba55c9703ba1e625162@' Request 102: Found Apr 18 15:29:06 VERBOSE[6565] logger.c: -- SIP/721-3982 is ringing Apr 18 15:29:06 DEBUG[6565] channel.c: Driver for channel 'H323/ip$' does not support indication 3, emulating it Apr 18 15:29:06 DEBUG[6565] channel.c: Prodding channel 'H323/ip$' Apr 18 15:29:06 DEBUG[5734] chan_sip.c: (Provisional) Stopping retransmission (but retaining packet) on '7cf9f6e94a48e7d01b3c8bdd4f81b20e@' Request 102: Found Apr 18 15:29:06 DEBUG[5734] chan_sip.c: (Provisional) Stopping retransmission (but retaining packet) on '7cf9f6e94a48e7d01b3c8bdd4f81b20e@' Request 102: Found Apr 18 15:29:06 VERBOSE[6565] logger.c: -- SIP/722-7a12 is ringing Apr 18 15:29:09 DEBUG[5734] chan_sip.c: Acked pending invite 102 Apr 18 15:29:09 DEBUG[5734] chan_sip.c: Stopping retransmission on '7cf9f6e94a48e7d01b3c8bdd4f81b20e@' of Request 102: Found Apr 18 15:29:09 DEBUG[5734] chan_sip.c: build_route: Contact hop: Apr 18 15:29:09 VERBOSE[6565] logger.c: -- SIP/722-7a12 answered H323/ip$ Apr 18 15:29:09 DEBUG[6565] chan_sip.c: update_user_counter(721) - decrement outUse counter Apr 18 15:29:09 DEBUG[5734] chan_sip.c: Acked pending invite 102 Apr 18 15:29:09 DEBUG[5734] chan_sip.c: Stopping retransmission on '77de7d6b18afaba55c9703ba1e625162@' of Request 102: Found Apr 18 15:29:09 DEBUG[5734] chan_sip.c: Stopping retransmission on '77de7d6b18afaba55c9703ba1e625162@' of Request 102: Found Apr 18 15:29:09 DEBUG[6569] chan_h323.c: Sending RTP 'US' Apr 18 15:29:38 DEBUG[6570] chan_h323.c: Sending RTP 'US' Apr 18 15:29:38 DEBUG[6570] chan_h323.c: Sending RTP 'US' Apr 18 15:29:38 VERBOSE[6572] logger.c: -- Executing Goto("H323/ip$", "default|0|1") in new stack Apr 18 15:29:38 VERBOSE[6572] logger.c: -- Goto (default,0,1) Apr 18 15:29:38 VERBOSE[6572] logger.c: -- Executing NoOp("H323/ip$", "") in new stack Apr 18 15:29:38 VERBOSE[6572] logger.c: -- Executing Dial("H323/ip$", "SIP/721&SIP/722||t") in new stack Apr 18 15:29:38 DEBUG[6572] chan_sip.c: Setting NAT on RTP to 0 Apr 18 15:29:38 DEBUG[6572] chan_sip.c: Outgoing Call for 721 Apr 18 15:29:38 VERBOSE[6572] logger.c: -- Called 721 Apr 18 15:29:38 DEBUG[6572] chan_sip.c: Setting NAT on RTP to 0 Apr 18 15:29:38 DEBUG[6572] chan_sip.c: Outgoing Call for 722 Apr 18 15:29:38 VERBOSE[6572] logger.c: -- Called 722 Apr 18 15:29:38 DEBUG[5734] chan_sip.c: (Provisional) Stopping retransmission (but retaining packet) on '608424670faffcd86278782208cd1f18@' Request 102: Found Apr 18 15:29:38 DEBUG[5734] chan_sip.c: (Provisional) Stopping retransmission (but retaining packet) on '608424670faffcd86278782208cd1f18@' Request 102: Found Apr 18 15:29:38 VERBOSE[6572] logger.c: -- SIP/721-2179 is ringing Apr 18 15:29:38 DEBUG[6572] channel.c: Driver for channel 'H323/ip$' does not support indication 3, emulating it Apr 18 15:29:38 DEBUG[6572] channel.c: Prodding channel 'H323/ip$' Apr 18 15:29:38 DEBUG[5734] chan_sip.c: (Provisional) Stopping retransmission (but retaining packet) on '72ffe5a8108cfa2966becc7a4dcfe556@' Request 102: Found Apr 18 15:29:38 DEBUG[5734] chan_sip.c: (Provisional) Stopping retransmission (but retaining packet) on '72ffe5a8108cfa2966becc7a4dcfe556@' Request 102: Found Apr 18 15:29:38 VERBOSE[6572] logger.c: -- SIP/722-436d is ringing Apr 18 15:30:10 DEBUG[6570] chan_h323.c: Hanging up connection to ip$ with cause 16 Apr 18 15:30:10 DEBUG[6572] chan_sip.c: update_user_counter(722) - decrement outUse counter Apr 18 15:30:10 DEBUG[6572] chan_sip.c: update_user_counter(721) - decrement outUse counter Apr 18 15:30:10 DEBUG[6572] app_dial.c: Exiting with DIALSTATUS=CANCEL. Apr 18 15:30:10 VERBOSE[6572] logger.c: == Spawn extension (default, 0, 2) exited non-zero on 'H323/ip$' Apr 18 15:30:10 DEBUG[5734] chan_sip.c: Acked pending invite 102 Apr 18 15:30:10 DEBUG[5734] chan_sip.c: Stopping retransmission on '72ffe5a8108cfa2966becc7a4dcfe556@' of Request 102: Found Apr 18 15:30:10 DEBUG[5755] chan_h323.c: Cleaning connection to ip$ Apr 18 15:30:10 DEBUG[5734] chan_sip.c: Stopping retransmission on '72ffe5a8108cfa2966becc7a4dcfe556@' of Request 102: Found Apr 18 15:30:10 DEBUG[5734] chan_sip.c: Acked pending invite 102 Apr 18 15:30:10 DEBUG[5734] chan_sip.c: Stopping retransmission on '608424670faffcd86278782208cd1f18@' of Request 102: Found Apr 18 15:30:10 DEBUG[5734] chan_sip.c: Stopping retransmission on '608424670faffcd86278782208cd1f18@' of Request 102: Found Apr 18 15:30:32 DEBUG[6584] chan_h323.c: Sending RTP 'US' Apr 18 15:30:32 DEBUG[6584] chan_h323.c: Sending RTP 'US' Apr 18 15:30:32 VERBOSE[6586] logger.c: -- Executing Goto("H323/ip$", "default|0|1") in new stack Apr 18 15:30:32 VERBOSE[6586] logger.c: -- Goto (default,0,1) Apr 18 15:30:32 VERBOSE[6586] logger.c: -- Executing NoOp("H323/ip$", "") in new stack Apr 18 15:30:32 VERBOSE[6586] logger.c: -- Executing Dial("H323/ip$", "SIP/721&SIP/722||t") in new stack Apr 18 15:30:32 DEBUG[6586] chan_sip.c: Setting NAT on RTP to 0 Apr 18 15:30:32 DEBUG[6586] chan_sip.c: Outgoing Call for 721 Apr 18 15:30:32 VERBOSE[6586] logger.c: -- Called 721 Apr 18 15:30:32 DEBUG[6586] chan_sip.c: Setting NAT on RTP to 0 Apr 18 15:30:32 DEBUG[6586] chan_sip.c: Outgoing Call for 722 Apr 18 15:30:32 VERBOSE[6586] logger.c: -- Called 722 Apr 18 15:30:32 DEBUG[5734] chan_sip.c: (Provisional) Stopping retransmission (but retaining packet) on '461b4434770362ac4d59337f3cd16899@' Request 102: Found Apr 18 15:30:32 DEBUG[5734] chan_sip.c: (Provisional) Stopping retransmission (but retaining packet) on '461b4434770362ac4d59337f3cd16899@' Request 102: Found Apr 18 15:30:32 VERBOSE[6586] logger.c: -- SIP/721-f804 is ringing Apr 18 15:30:32 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Driver for channel 'H323/ip$' does not support indication 3, emulating it Apr 18 15:30:32 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Prodding channel 'H323/ip$' Apr 18 15:30:32 DEBUG[5734] chan_sip.c: (Provisional) Stopping retransmission (but retaining packet) on '7f2629384856334c2ad24c40746a9014@' Request 102: Found Apr 18 15:30:32 DEBUG[5734] chan_sip.c: (Provisional) Stopping retransmission (but retaining packet) on '7f2629384856334c2ad24c40746a9014@' Request 102: Found Apr 18 15:30:32 VERBOSE[6586] logger.c: -- SIP/722-bebb is ringing Apr 18 15:30:36 DEBUG[6559] channel.c: Didn't get a frame from channel: SIP/721-4f90 Apr 18 15:30:36 DEBUG[6559] channel.c: Bridge stops bridging channels SIP/721-4f90 and H323/gw_office Apr 18 15:30:36 DEBUG[6559] app_dial.c: Exiting with DIALSTATUS=ANSWER. Apr 18 15:30:36 VERBOSE[6559] logger.c: == Spawn extension (local, 723, 2) exited non-zero on 'SIP/721-4f90' Apr 18 15:30:36 VERBOSE[6559] logger.c: -- Executing NoOp("SIP/721-4f90", "hereh") in new stack Apr 18 15:30:36 DEBUG[6559] chan_sip.c: update_user_counter(721) - decrement inUse counter Apr 18 15:30:36 DEBUG[5755] chan_h323.c: Cleaning connection to ip$localhost/3339 Apr 18 15:30:38 DEBUG[5734] chan_sip.c: Acked pending invite 102 Apr 18 15:30:38 DEBUG[5734] chan_sip.c: Stopping retransmission on '461b4434770362ac4d59337f3cd16899@' of Request 102: Found Apr 18 15:30:38 DEBUG[5734] chan_sip.c: build_route: Contact hop: Apr 18 15:30:38 VERBOSE[6586] logger.c: -- SIP/721-f804 answered H323/ip$ Apr 18 15:30:38 DEBUG[6586] chan_sip.c: update_user_counter(722) - decrement outUse counter Apr 18 15:30:38 DEBUG[5734] chan_sip.c: Acked pending invite 102 Apr 18 15:30:38 DEBUG[5734] chan_sip.c: Stopping retransmission on '7f2629384856334c2ad24c40746a9014@' of Request 102: Found Apr 18 15:30:38 DEBUG[5734] chan_sip.c: Stopping retransmission on '7f2629384856334c2ad24c40746a9014@' of Request 102: Found Apr 18 15:30:38 DEBUG[6592] chan_h323.c: Sending RTP 'US' Apr 18 15:31:19 DEBUG[6565] channel.c: Didn't get a frame from channel: SIP/722-7a12 Apr 18 15:31:19 DEBUG[6565] channel.c: Bridge stops bridging channels H323/ip$ and SIP/722-7a12 Apr 18 15:31:19 DEBUG[6565] chan_sip.c: update_user_counter(722) - decrement outUse counter Apr 18 15:31:19 DEBUG[6565] app_dial.c: Exiting with DIALSTATUS=ANSWER. Apr 18 15:31:19 VERBOSE[6565] logger.c: == Spawn extension (default, 0, 2) exited non-zero on 'H323/ip$' Apr 18 15:31:19 DEBUG[5755] chan_h323.c: Cleaning connection to ip$ Apr 18 15:31:47 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Got AST_BRIDGE_DTMF_CHANNEL_1 on c1 (SIP/721-f804) Apr 18 15:31:47 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Bridge stops bridging channels H323/ip$ and SIP/721-f804 Apr 18 15:31:47 DEBUG[6586] res_features.c: Feature interpret: chan=H323/ip$, peer=SIP/721-f804, sense=2, features=2 Apr 18 15:31:47 DEBUG[6586] res_features.c: Executing Attended Transfer H323/ip$, SIP/721-f804 (sense=2) XXX Apr 18 15:31:47 WARNING[6586] chan_h323.c: Don't know how to indicate condition 16 on ip$ Apr 18 15:31:47 VERBOSE[6586] logger.c: -- Started music on hold, class 'default', on H323/ip$ Apr 18 15:31:47 VERBOSE[6586] logger.c: -- Playing 'pbx-transfer' (language 'en') Apr 18 15:31:47 NOTICE[6092] res_musiconhold.c: H323/ip$ Opened file 0 '/var/lib/asterisk/moh-native/fpm-calm-river' Apr 18 15:31:49 VERBOSE[6596] logger.c: -- Executing NoOp("Local/724@local-42c0,2", "") in new stack Apr 18 15:31:49 VERBOSE[6596] logger.c: -- Executing Dial("Local/724@local-42c0,2", "H323/724@gw_office||t") in new stack Apr 18 15:31:49 DEBUG[6596] chan_h323.c: type=H323, format=4, data=724@gw_office. Apr 18 15:31:49 DEBUG[6596] chan_h323.c: Extension: 724 Host: gw_office Apr 18 15:31:49 DEBUG[6596] chan_h323.c: Found peer gw_office by name Apr 18 15:31:49 DEBUG[6596] chan_h323.c: Setting NAT on RTP to 0 Apr 18 15:31:49 DEBUG[6596] chan_h323.c: Placing outgoing call to 724@, 101 Apr 18 15:31:49 VERBOSE[6596] logger.c: -- Called 724@gw_office Apr 18 15:31:49 DEBUG[6597] chan_h323.c: Sending RTP 'US' Apr 18 15:31:49 DEBUG[6597] chan_h323.c: Sending RTP 'US' Apr 18 15:31:49 DEBUG[6597] chan_h323.c: Received ALERT/PROGRESS message for self-generated tones Apr 18 15:31:49 VERBOSE[6596] logger.c: -- H323/gw_office is ringing Apr 18 15:31:49 VERBOSE[6596] logger.c: -- H323/gw_office is ringing Apr 18 15:31:55 DEBUG[6599] chan_h323.c: Sending RTP 'US' Apr 18 15:31:55 DEBUG[6599] chan_h323.c: Sending RTP 'US' Apr 18 15:31:55 VERBOSE[6602] logger.c: -- Executing Wait("H323/ip$", "1") in new stack Apr 18 15:31:56 WARNING[6602] ast_expr.y: ast_yyerror(): syntax error: syntax error; Input: 0 == 1 ^ ^ Apr 18 15:31:56 DEBUG[6602] pbx.c: Expression is '0' Apr 18 15:31:56 VERBOSE[6602] logger.c: -- Executing GotoIf("H323/ip$", "0 ? 4") in new stack Apr 18 15:31:56 DEBUG[6602] pbx.c: Not taking any branch Apr 18 15:31:56 VERBOSE[6602] logger.c: -- Executing Dial("H323/ip$", "H323/3@DVG1104") in new stack Apr 18 15:31:56 DEBUG[6602] chan_h323.c: type=H323, format=4, data=3@DVG1104. Apr 18 15:31:56 DEBUG[6602] chan_h323.c: Extension: 3 Host: DVG1104 Apr 18 15:31:56 DEBUG[6602] chan_h323.c: Found peer DVG1104 by name Apr 18 15:31:56 DEBUG[6602] chan_h323.c: Setting NAT on RTP to 0 Apr 18 15:31:56 DEBUG[6602] chan_h323.c: Placing outgoing call to 3@, 101 Apr 18 15:31:56 VERBOSE[6602] logger.c: -- Called 3@DVG1104 Apr 18 15:31:56 DEBUG[6603] chan_h323.c: Sending RTP 'US' Apr 18 15:31:56 DEBUG[6603] chan_h323.c: Sending RTP 'US' Apr 18 15:31:56 VERBOSE[6602] logger.c: -- H323/DVG1104 answered H323/ip$ Apr 18 15:31:56 DEBUG[6602] channel.c: Dropping duplicate answer! Apr 18 15:31:57 NOTICE[6602] rtp.c: RFC3389 support incomplete. Turn off on client if possible Apr 18 15:31:58 DEBUG[6602] chan_h323.c: Received in-band digit 3. Apr 18 15:31:59 DEBUG[6602] chan_h323.c: Received in-band digit 8. Apr 18 15:31:59 DEBUG[6602] chan_h323.c: Received in-band digit 6. Apr 18 15:31:59 DEBUG[6602] chan_h323.c: Received in-band digit 4. Apr 18 15:32:00 DEBUG[6602] chan_h323.c: Received in-band digit 6. Apr 18 15:32:04 WARNING[6586] res_features.c: Unable to create channel Local/724@local/n do you have chan_local? Apr 18 15:32:04 VERBOSE[6586] logger.c: -- Stopped music on hold on H323/ip$ Apr 18 15:32:04 DEBUG[6596] app_dial.c: Exiting with DIALSTATUS=CANCEL. Apr 18 15:32:04 VERBOSE[6596] logger.c: == Spawn extension (local, 724, 2) exited non-zero on 'Local/724@local-42c0,2' Apr 18 15:32:04 VERBOSE[6596] logger.c: -- Executing NoOp("Local/724@local-42c0,2", "hereh") in new stack Apr 18 15:32:04 WARNING[6586] chan_h323.c: Don't know how to indicate condition 17 on ip$ Apr 18 15:32:04 VERBOSE[6586] logger.c: -- Playing 'aviel/xferfailed' (language 'en') Apr 18 15:32:05 DEBUG[5755] chan_h323.c: Cleaning connection to ip$localhost/3340 Apr 18 15:32:07 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Got AST_BRIDGE_DTMF_CHANNEL_1 on c1 (SIP/721-f804) Apr 18 15:32:07 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Bridge stops bridging channels H323/ip$ and SIP/721-f804 Apr 18 15:32:07 DEBUG[6586] res_features.c: Feature interpret: chan=H323/ip$, peer=SIP/721-f804, sense=2, features=2 Apr 18 15:32:07 DEBUG[6586] res_features.c: Executing Attended Transfer H323/ip$, SIP/721-f804 (sense=2) XXX Apr 18 15:32:07 WARNING[6586] chan_h323.c: Don't know how to indicate condition 16 on ip$ Apr 18 15:32:07 VERBOSE[6586] logger.c: -- Started music on hold, class 'default', on H323/ip$ Apr 18 15:32:07 VERBOSE[6586] logger.c: -- Playing 'pbx-transfer' (language 'en') Apr 18 15:32:07 NOTICE[6092] res_musiconhold.c: H323/ip$ Opened file 0 '/var/lib/asterisk/moh-native/fpm-calm-river' Apr 18 15:32:10 VERBOSE[6610] logger.c: -- Executing NoOp("Local/724@local-5466,2", "") in new stack Apr 18 15:32:10 VERBOSE[6610] logger.c: -- Executing Dial("Local/724@local-5466,2", "H323/724@gw_office||t") in new stack Apr 18 15:32:10 DEBUG[6610] chan_h323.c: type=H323, format=4, data=724@gw_office. Apr 18 15:32:10 DEBUG[6610] chan_h323.c: Extension: 724 Host: gw_office Apr 18 15:32:10 DEBUG[6610] chan_h323.c: Found peer gw_office by name Apr 18 15:32:10 DEBUG[6610] chan_h323.c: Setting NAT on RTP to 0 Apr 18 15:32:10 DEBUG[6610] chan_h323.c: Placing outgoing call to 724@, 101 Apr 18 15:32:10 VERBOSE[6610] logger.c: -- Called 724@gw_office Apr 18 15:32:10 DEBUG[6611] chan_h323.c: Sending RTP 'US' Apr 18 15:32:10 DEBUG[6611] chan_h323.c: Sending RTP 'US' Apr 18 15:32:10 DEBUG[6611] chan_h323.c: Received ALERT/PROGRESS message for self-generated tones Apr 18 15:32:10 VERBOSE[6610] logger.c: -- H323/gw_office is ringing Apr 18 15:32:10 VERBOSE[6610] logger.c: -- H323/gw_office is ringing Apr 18 15:32:25 WARNING[6586] res_features.c: Unable to create channel Local/724@local/n do you have chan_local? Apr 18 15:32:25 VERBOSE[6586] logger.c: -- Stopped music on hold on H323/ip$ Apr 18 15:32:25 DEBUG[6610] app_dial.c: Exiting with DIALSTATUS=CANCEL. Apr 18 15:32:25 VERBOSE[6610] logger.c: == Spawn extension (local, 724, 2) exited non-zero on 'Local/724@local-5466,2' Apr 18 15:32:25 VERBOSE[6610] logger.c: -- Executing NoOp("Local/724@local-5466,2", "hereh") in new stack Apr 18 15:32:25 WARNING[6586] chan_h323.c: Don't know how to indicate condition 17 on ip$ Apr 18 15:32:25 VERBOSE[6586] logger.c: -- Playing 'aviel/xferfailed' (language 'en') Apr 18 15:32:26 DEBUG[5755] chan_h323.c: Cleaning connection to ip$localhost/3342 Apr 18 15:32:28 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Got AST_BRIDGE_DTMF_CHANNEL_1 on c1 (SIP/721-f804) Apr 18 15:32:28 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Bridge stops bridging channels H323/ip$ and SIP/721-f804 Apr 18 15:32:28 DEBUG[6586] res_features.c: Feature interpret: chan=H323/ip$, peer=SIP/721-f804, sense=2, features=2 Apr 18 15:32:28 DEBUG[6586] res_features.c: Executing Attended Transfer H323/ip$, SIP/721-f804 (sense=2) XXX Apr 18 15:32:28 WARNING[6586] chan_h323.c: Don't know how to indicate condition 16 on ip$ Apr 18 15:32:28 VERBOSE[6586] logger.c: -- Started music on hold, class 'default', on H323/ip$ Apr 18 15:32:28 VERBOSE[6586] logger.c: -- Playing 'pbx-transfer' (language 'en') Apr 18 15:32:28 NOTICE[6092] res_musiconhold.c: H323/ip$ Opened file 0 '/var/lib/asterisk/moh-native/fpm-calm-river' Apr 18 15:32:30 VERBOSE[6617] logger.c: -- Executing NoOp("Local/730@local-6d12,2", "") in new stack Apr 18 15:32:30 VERBOSE[6617] logger.c: -- Executing Dial("Local/730@local-6d12,2", "SIP/730||t") in new stack Apr 18 15:32:30 DEBUG[6617] chan_sip.c: Setting NAT on RTP to 0 Apr 18 15:32:30 DEBUG[6617] chan_sip.c: Outgoing Call for 730 Apr 18 15:32:30 VERBOSE[6617] logger.c: -- Called 730 Apr 18 15:32:30 DEBUG[5734] chan_sip.c: (Provisional) Stopping retransmission (but retaining packet) on '538452b6568a6ab11afd5f6247eee2ca@' Request 102: Found Apr 18 15:32:30 DEBUG[5734] chan_sip.c: (Provisional) Stopping retransmission (but retaining packet) on '538452b6568a6ab11afd5f6247eee2ca@' Request 102: Found Apr 18 15:32:30 VERBOSE[6617] logger.c: -- SIP/730-296c is ringing Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[5734] chan_sip.c: Acked pending invite 102 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[5734] chan_sip.c: Stopping retransmission on '538452b6568a6ab11afd5f6247eee2ca@' of Request 102: Found Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[5734] chan_sip.c: build_route: Contact hop: Apr 18 15:32:36 VERBOSE[6617] logger.c: -- SIP/730-296c answered Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Avoiding deadlock for 'Local/730@local-6d12,2' Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:32:36 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue on Local/730@local-6d12,2 Apr 18 15:33:11 DEBUG[6622] chan_h323.c: Sending RTP 'US' Apr 18 15:33:11 DEBUG[6622] chan_h323.c: Sending RTP 'US' Apr 18 15:33:11 VERBOSE[6625] logger.c: -- Executing Wait("H323/ip$", "1") in new stack Apr 18 15:33:12 WARNING[6625] ast_expr.y: ast_yyerror(): syntax error: syntax error; Input: 0 == 1 ^ ^ Apr 18 15:33:12 DEBUG[6625] pbx.c: Expression is '0' Apr 18 15:33:12 VERBOSE[6625] logger.c: -- Executing GotoIf("H323/ip$", "0 ? 4") in new stack Apr 18 15:33:12 DEBUG[6625] pbx.c: Not taking any branch Apr 18 15:33:12 VERBOSE[6625] logger.c: -- Executing Dial("H323/ip$", "H323/3@DVG1104") in new stack Apr 18 15:33:12 DEBUG[6625] chan_h323.c: type=H323, format=4, data=3@DVG1104. Apr 18 15:33:12 DEBUG[6625] chan_h323.c: Extension: 3 Host: DVG1104 Apr 18 15:33:12 DEBUG[6625] chan_h323.c: Found peer DVG1104 by name Apr 18 15:33:12 DEBUG[6625] chan_h323.c: Setting NAT on RTP to 0 Apr 18 15:33:12 DEBUG[6625] chan_h323.c: Placing outgoing call to 3@, 101 Apr 18 15:33:12 VERBOSE[6625] logger.c: -- Called 3@DVG1104 Apr 18 15:33:12 DEBUG[6626] chan_h323.c: Sending RTP 'US' Apr 18 15:33:12 DEBUG[6626] chan_h323.c: Sending RTP 'US' Apr 18 15:33:12 DEBUG[6626] chan_h323.c: Hanging up connection to ip$localhost/3343 with cause 16 Apr 18 15:33:12 VERBOSE[6625] logger.c: == No one is available to answer at this time (1:0/0/0) Apr 18 15:33:12 DEBUG[6625] app_dial.c: Exiting with DIALSTATUS=NOANSWER. Apr 18 15:33:12 DEBUG[6625] pbx.c: Expression is '0' Apr 18 15:33:12 DEBUG[5755] chan_h323.c: Cleaning connection to ip$localhost/3343 Apr 18 15:33:12 VERBOSE[6625] logger.c: -- Executing GotoIf("H323/ip$", "0?9-end") in new stack Apr 18 15:33:12 DEBUG[6625] pbx.c: Not taking any branch Apr 18 15:33:12 VERBOSE[6625] logger.c: -- Executing Dial("H323/ip$", "H323/2@DVG1104") in new stack Apr 18 15:33:12 DEBUG[6625] chan_h323.c: type=H323, format=4, data=2@DVG1104. Apr 18 15:33:12 DEBUG[6625] chan_h323.c: Extension: 2 Host: DVG1104 Apr 18 15:33:12 DEBUG[6625] chan_h323.c: Found peer DVG1104 by name Apr 18 15:33:12 DEBUG[6625] chan_h323.c: Setting NAT on RTP to 0 Apr 18 15:33:12 DEBUG[6625] chan_h323.c: Placing outgoing call to 2@, 101 Apr 18 15:33:12 VERBOSE[6625] logger.c: -- Called 2@DVG1104 Apr 18 15:33:12 DEBUG[6628] chan_h323.c: Sending RTP 'US' Apr 18 15:33:12 DEBUG[6628] chan_h323.c: Sending RTP 'US' Apr 18 15:33:12 NOTICE[6625] rtp.c: RFC3389 support incomplete. Turn off on client if possible Apr 18 15:33:15 DEBUG[6625] chan_h323.c: Received in-band digit 3. Apr 18 15:33:15 DEBUG[5734] chan_sip.c: Setting NAT on RTP to 0 Apr 18 15:33:15 DEBUG[5734] chan_sip.c: Check for res for 722 Apr 18 15:33:15 DEBUG[5734] chan_sip.c: build_route: Contact hop: Apr 18 15:33:15 VERBOSE[6630] logger.c: -- Executing Wait("SIP/722-7e80", "1") in new stack Apr 18 15:33:16 WARNING[6630] ast_expr.y: ast_yyerror(): syntax error: syntax error; Input: 0 == 1 ^ ^ Apr 18 15:33:16 DEBUG[6630] pbx.c: Expression is '0' Apr 18 15:33:16 VERBOSE[6630] logger.c: -- Executing GotoIf("SIP/722-7e80", "0 ? 4") in new stack Apr 18 15:33:16 DEBUG[6630] pbx.c: Not taking any branch Apr 18 15:33:16 VERBOSE[6630] logger.c: -- Executing Dial("SIP/722-7e80", "H323/3@DVG1104") in new stack Apr 18 15:33:16 DEBUG[6630] chan_h323.c: type=H323, format=4, data=3@DVG1104. Apr 18 15:33:16 DEBUG[6630] chan_h323.c: Extension: 3 Host: DVG1104 Apr 18 15:33:16 DEBUG[6630] chan_h323.c: Found peer DVG1104 by name Apr 18 15:33:16 DEBUG[6630] chan_h323.c: Setting NAT on RTP to 0 Apr 18 15:33:16 DEBUG[6630] chan_h323.c: Placing outgoing call to 3@, 101 Apr 18 15:33:22 DEBUG[5734] chan_sip.c: Auto destroying call '779392261@' Apr 18 15:33:22 DEBUG[5734] chan_sip.c: Auto destroying call '1815611682@' Apr 18 15:33:42 DEBUG[5734] chan_sip.c: Stopping retransmission on '3366310405@' of Response 1: Found Apr 18 15:33:53 WARNING[6092] interface.c: Junk at the beginning of frame 00000000 Apr 18 15:33:53 NOTICE[6092] res_musiconhold.c: H323/ip$ Opened file 1 '/var/lib/asterisk/moh-native/fpm-sunshine' Apr 18 15:34:17 DEBUG[6617] channel.c: Didn't get a frame from channel: SIP/730-296c Apr 18 15:34:17 DEBUG[6617] channel.c: Bridge stops bridging channels Local/730@local-6d12,2 and SIP/730-296c Apr 18 15:34:17 DEBUG[6617] chan_sip.c: update_user_counter(730) - decrement outUse counter Apr 18 15:34:17 DEBUG[6617] channel.c: Avoiding initial deadlock for 'H323/DVG1104' Apr 18 15:34:17 DEBUG[6617] channel.c: Avoiding initial deadlock for 'H323/DVG1104' Apr 18 15:34:17 DEBUG[6617] channel.c: Avoiding initial deadlock for 'H323/DVG1104' Apr 18 15:34:17 DEBUG[6617] channel.c: Avoiding initial deadlock for 'H323/DVG1104' Apr 18 15:34:17 DEBUG[6617] channel.c: Avoiding initial deadlock for 'H323/DVG1104' Apr 18 15:34:17 DEBUG[6617] channel.c: Avoiding initial deadlock for 'H323/DVG1104' Apr 18 15:34:17 DEBUG[6617] channel.c: Avoiding initial deadlock for 'H323/DVG1104' Apr 18 15:34:17 DEBUG[6617] channel.c: Avoiding initial deadlock for 'H323/DVG1104' Apr 18 15:34:17 DEBUG[6617] channel.c: Avoiding initial deadlock for 'H323/DVG1104' Apr 18 15:34:17 DEBUG[6617] channel.c: Avoiding initial deadlock for 'H323/DVG1104' Apr 18 15:34:17 WARNING[6617] channel.c: Avoided initial deadlock for 'H323/DVG1104', 10 retries! Apr 18 15:34:17 DEBUG[6617] app_dial.c: Exiting with DIALSTATUS=ANSWER. Apr 18 15:34:17 VERBOSE[6617] logger.c: == Spawn extension (local, 730, 2) exited non-zero on 'Local/730@local-6d12,2' Apr 18 15:34:17 VERBOSE[6617] logger.c: -- Executing NoOp("Local/730@local-6d12,2", "hereh") in new stack Apr 18 15:34:17 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Didn't get a frame from channel: Local/730@local-6d12,1 Apr 18 15:34:17 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Bridge stops bridging channels SIP/721-f804 and Local/730@local-6d12,1 Apr 18 15:34:17 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Avoiding initial deadlock for 'H323/DVG1104' Apr 18 15:34:17 DEBUG[6617] channel.c: Avoiding initial deadlock for 'H323/DVG1104' Apr 18 15:34:17 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Avoiding initial deadlock for 'H323/DVG1104' Apr 18 15:34:17 DEBUG[6617] channel.c: Avoiding initial deadlock for 'H323/DVG1104' Apr 18 15:34:17 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Avoiding initial deadlock for 'H323/DVG1104' Apr 18 15:34:17 DEBUG[6617] channel.c: Avoiding initial deadlock for 'H323/DVG1104' Apr 18 15:34:17 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Avoiding initial deadlock for 'H323/DVG1104' Apr 18 15:34:17 DEBUG[6617] channel.c: Avoiding initial deadlock for 'H323/DVG1104' Apr 18 15:34:17 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Avoiding initial deadlock for 'H323/DVG1104' Apr 18 15:34:17 DEBUG[6617] channel.c: Avoiding initial deadlock for 'H323/DVG1104' Apr 18 15:34:17 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Avoiding initial deadlock for 'H323/DVG1104' Apr 18 15:34:17 DEBUG[6617] channel.c: Avoiding initial deadlock for 'H323/DVG1104' Apr 18 15:34:17 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Avoiding initial deadlock for 'H323/DVG1104' Apr 18 15:34:17 DEBUG[6617] channel.c: Avoiding initial deadlock for 'H323/DVG1104' Apr 18 15:34:17 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Avoiding initial deadlock for 'H323/DVG1104' Apr 18 15:34:17 DEBUG[6617] channel.c: Avoiding initial deadlock for 'H323/DVG1104' Apr 18 15:34:17 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Avoiding initial deadlock for 'H323/DVG1104' Apr 18 15:34:17 DEBUG[6617] channel.c: Avoiding initial deadlock for 'H323/DVG1104' Apr 18 15:34:17 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Avoiding initial deadlock for 'H323/DVG1104' Apr 18 15:34:17 DEBUG[6617] channel.c: Avoiding initial deadlock for 'H323/DVG1104' Apr 18 15:34:17 WARNING[6586] channel.c: Avoided initial deadlock for 'H323/DVG1104', 10 retries! Apr 18 15:34:17 VERBOSE[6586] logger.c: -- Playing 'beep' (language 'en') Apr 18 15:34:17 WARNING[6617] channel.c: Avoided initial deadlock for 'H323/DVG1104', 10 retries! Apr 18 15:34:18 VERBOSE[6586] logger.c: -- Stopped music on hold on H323/ip$ Apr 18 15:34:18 WARNING[6586] chan_h323.c: Don't know how to indicate condition 17 on ip$ Apr 18 15:34:57 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Got AST_BRIDGE_DTMF_CHANNEL_1 on c1 (SIP/721-f804) Apr 18 15:34:57 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Bridge stops bridging channels H323/ip$ and SIP/721-f804 Apr 18 15:34:57 DEBUG[6586] res_features.c: Feature interpret: chan=H323/ip$, peer=SIP/721-f804, sense=2, features=2 Apr 18 15:34:57 DEBUG[6586] res_features.c: Set time limit to 500 Apr 18 15:34:58 DEBUG[6586] channel.c: Bridge stops bridging channels H323/ip$ and SIP/721-f804 Apr 18 15:34:58 DEBUG[6586] res_features.c: Timed out for feature! Apr 18 15:39:25 DEBUG[5734] chan_sip.c: Setting NAT on RTP to 0 Apr 18 15:39:25 DEBUG[5734] chan_sip.c: Check for res for 726 Apr 18 15:39:25 DEBUG[5734] chan_sip.c: build_route: Contact hop: Apr 18 15:39:25 VERBOSE[6648] logger.c: -- Executing Wait("SIP/726-4ca0", "1") in new stack Apr 18 15:39:26 WARNING[6648] ast_expr.y: ast_yyerror(): syntax error: syntax error; Input: 0 == 1 ^ ^ Apr 18 15:39:26 DEBUG[6648] pbx.c: Expression is '0' Apr 18 15:39:26 VERBOSE[6648] logger.c: -- Executing GotoIf("SIP/726-4ca0", "0 ? 4") in new stack Apr 18 15:39:26 DEBUG[6648] pbx.c: Not taking any branch Apr 18 15:39:26 VERBOSE[6648] logger.c: -- Executing Dial("SIP/726-4ca0", "H323/3@DVG1104") in new stack Apr 18 15:39:26 DEBUG[6648] chan_h323.c: type=H323, format=4, data=3@DVG1104. Apr 18 15:39:26 DEBUG[6648] chan_h323.c: Extension: 3 Host: DVG1104 Apr 18 15:39:26 DEBUG[6648] chan_h323.c: Found peer DVG1104 by name Apr 18 15:39:26 DEBUG[6648] chan_h323.c: Setting NAT on RTP to 0 Apr 18 15:39:26 DEBUG[6648] chan_h323.c: Placing outgoing call to 3@, 101 Apr 18 15:39:28 DEBUG[5760] channel.c: Avoiding initial deadlock for 'H323/DVG1104' Apr 18 15:39:28 DEBUG[5760] channel.c: Avoiding initial deadlock for 'H323/DVG1104' Apr 18 15:39:28 DEBUG[5760] channel.c: Avoiding initial deadlock for 'H323/DVG1104' Apr 18 15:39:28 DEBUG[5760] channel.c: Avoiding initial deadlock for 'H323/DVG1104' Apr 18 15:39:28 DEBUG[5760] channel.c: Avoiding initial deadlock for 'H323/DVG1104' Apr 18 15:39:28 DEBUG[5760] channel.c: Avoiding initial deadlock for 'H323/DVG1104' Apr 18 15:39:28 DEBUG[5760] channel.c: Avoiding initial deadlock for 'H323/DVG1104' Apr 18 15:39:28 DEBUG[5760] channel.c: Avoiding initial deadlock for 'H323/DVG1104' Apr 18 15:39:28 DEBUG[5760] channel.c: Avoiding initial deadlock for 'H323/DVG1104' Apr 18 15:39:28 DEBUG[5760] channel.c: Avoiding initial deadlock for 'H323/DVG1104' Apr 18 15:39:28 WARNING[5760] channel.c: Avoided initial deadlock for 'H323/DVG1104', 10 retries! Apr 18 15:39:41 DEBUG[5734] channel.c: Avoiding initial deadlock for 'H323/DVG1104' Apr 18 15:39:41 DEBUG[5734] channel.c: Avoiding initial deadlock for 'H323/DVG1104' Apr 18 15:39:41 DEBUG[5734] channel.c: Avoiding initial deadlock for 'H323/DVG1104' Apr 18 15:39:41 DEBUG[5734] channel.c: Avoiding initial deadlock for 'H323/DVG1104' Apr 18 15:39:41 DEBUG[5734] channel.c: Avoiding initial deadlock for 'H323/DVG1104' Apr 18 15:39:41 DEBUG[5734] channel.c: Avoiding initial deadlock for 'H323/DVG1104' Apr 18 15:39:41 DEBUG[5734] channel.c: Avoiding initial deadlock for 'H323/DVG1104' Apr 18 15:39:41 DEBUG[5734] channel.c: Avoiding initial deadlock for 'H323/DVG1104' Apr 18 15:39:41 DEBUG[5734] channel.c: Avoiding initial deadlock for 'H323/DVG1104' Apr 18 15:39:41 DEBUG[5734] channel.c: Avoiding initial deadlock for 'H323/DVG1104' Apr 18 15:39:41 WARNING[5734] channel.c: Avoided initial deadlock for 'H323/DVG1104', 10 retries! Apr 18 15:39:56 DEBUG[5734] chan_sip.c: Auto destroying call 'a01abe0e7f6ca65f'