#0 0xb7fbbce4 in pthread_mutex_lock () from /lib/tls/libpthread.so.0 No symbol table info available. #1 0xa7a9d91c in sip_fixup (oldchan=0x81bf410, newchan=0x81bf410) at chan_sip.c:1837 p = (struct sip_pvt *) 0x0 #2 0x08061873 in ast_do_masquerade (original=0x81bf410) at channel.c:2387 x = 8 i = 10 res = 0 origstate = 6 varptr = (struct ast_var_t *) 0x9f66aa90 cur = (struct ast_frame *) 0x0 prev = (struct ast_frame *) 0x9f61b720 p = (struct ast_channel_pvt *) 0x9f607278 tmpcid = {cid_dnid = 0x9f6be840 "*8", cid_num = 0x9f69e810 "2218", cid_name = 0x0, cid_ani = 0x0, cid_rdnis = 0x0, cid_pres = 0, cid_ani2 = 0, cid_ton = 0, cid_tns = 0} clone = (struct ast_channel *) 0x81bf410 rformat = 4 wformat = 4 newn = "SIP/2218-6e4c", '\0' orig = "SIP/2218-6e4c", '\0' masqn = "SIP/2218-6e4c", '\0' zombn = "SIP/2218-6e4c\000`\237ð²a\237\210\002\203£\020ô\033\b Cþ\2018:þ\201\212^\005\bð²a\237\210\002\203£Ø?þ\201¨£\202£ð²a\237\002\000\000\000¬Fþ\201", '\0' #3 0x0805e218 in ast_read (chan=0x81bf410) at channel.c:1211 f = (struct ast_frame *) 0x0 blah = 134592034 func = (int (*)(void *)) 0x81fe3d1c data = (void *) 0x0 res = 0 null_frame = {frametype = 5, subclass = 0, datalen = 0, samples = 0, mallocd = 0, offset = 0, src = 0x0, data = 0x0, delivery = {tv_sec = 0, tv_usec = 0}, prev = 0x0, next = 0x0} #4 0x08062a09 in ast_channel_bridge (c0=0x9f68fd80, c1=0x81bf410, config=0x81fe4560, fo=0x81fe3fc8, rc=0x81fe3fc4) at channel.c:2699 flags = 0 cs = {0x81bf410, 0x9f68fd80, 0x9f68fd80} to = -1 f = (struct ast_frame *) 0x9f400020 who = (struct ast_channel *) 0x81bf410 res = 0 nativefailed = 0 firstpass = 1 o0nativeformats = 4 o1nativeformats = 4 start_time = {tv_sec = 1104394682, tv_usec = 597739} precise_now = {tv_sec = 1104394693, tv_usec = 832680} elapsed_ms = 11235 time_left_ms = 7188765 playit = 0 playitagain = 1 first_time = 1 #5 0xb1b8e7d7 in ast_bridge_call (chan=0x9f68fd80, peer=0x81bf410, config=0x81fe4560) at res_features.c:360 len = 0 f = (struct ast_frame *) 0x0 who = (struct ast_channel *) 0x81fe4620 newext = "\002\000\000\000\002\000\000\000\b?þ\201\0066\006\b\004\000\000\000`\207ð·0S\031\b\210\002\203£\020ô\033\b Cþ\201\b?þ\201\000\000\000\000t\003å·\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\020ô\033\bH\000\000\000\220Àû·H?þ\201P\002\000\000\002\000\000\000\002\000\000\000X?þ\201\0066\006\b\004\000\000\000`\207ð·h?þ\201t?þ\201/J\004@Ù+ê·\210\002\203£", '\0' , "\020ô\033\bX?þ\201\220Àû·\230?þ\201]ü\005\bØô\033\b­é\f\bÓ\006\000\000c÷\f\bx÷\f\b\020ô\033\bU×\f\b", '\0' , "\004\000\000\000\004\000\000\000"... ptr = 0xb7f08760 "" res = -2114044200 diff = -1208237936 aoh = (struct ast_option_header *) 0x81fe3eb8 transferer = (struct ast_channel *) 0x81bf410 transferee = (struct ast_channel *) 0x8347760 start = {tv_sec = 1104394682, tv_usec = 597736} end = {tv_sec = -2114044220, tv_usec = 608} transferer_real_context = 0x40044a2f
allowdisconnect_in = 0 allowdisconnect_out = 0 allowredirect_in = 0 allowredirect_out = 0 monitor_exec = 0x0 #6 0xa382cf29 in dial_exec (chan=0x9f68fd80, data=0x81fe4bfa) at app_dial.c:1141 res = 0 u = (struct localuser *) 0x82e15a8 info = 0x81fe4014 "SIP" peers = 0x81fe4014 "SIP" timeout = 0x81fe401d "60" tech = 0x81fe4014 "SIP" number = 0x81fe4018 "2720" rest = 0x0 cur = 0x0 privdb = '\0' s = 0x0 announcemsg = '\0' ann = 0x0 outgoing = (struct localuser *) 0x0 tmp = (struct localuser *) 0x8215dd8 peer = (struct ast_channel *) 0x81bf410 to = 55078 allowredir_in = 0 allowredir_out = 0 allowdisconnect_in = 0 allowdisconnect_out = 0 hasmacro = 0 privacy = 0 announce = 0 resetcdr = 0 numbusy = 0 numcongestion = 0 numnochan = 0 cause = 0 numsubst = "2720", '\0' restofit = "xJþ\201\000\000\000\000Ó¥¹±\001\000\000\000ÿÿÿÿ", '\0' transfer = 0x81fe4020 "r", 'X' newnum = 0x0 l = 0x1d
url = 0x0 current = (struct ast_var_t *) 0x0 headp = (struct varshead *) 0x9f690148 newheadp = (struct varshead *) 0x0 newvar = (struct ast_var_t *) 0x3 go_on = 0 calldurationlimit = 0 cdl = 0x0 now = 0 config = {play_to_caller = 1, play_to_callee = -1, allowredirect_in = 0, allowredirect_out = 0, allowdisconnect_in = 0, allowdisconnect_out = 0, timelimit = 7200000, play_warning = 45000, warning_freq = 15000, warning_sound = 0x81e9d53 "beep", end_sound = 0x81e9d7b "beep", start_sound = 0x0, firstpass = 0} timelimit = 7200000 play_warning = 45000 warning_freq = 15000 warning_sound = 0x81e9d53 "beep" end_sound = 0x81e9d7b "beep" start_sound = 0x0 limitptr = 0x81fe4453 "" limitdata = "7200000\00045000\00015000", '\0' sdtmfptr = 0x0 sdtmfdata = '\0' stack = 0x0 var = 0x81fe444e "15000" mac = 0x0 macroname = 0x0 status = "ANSWER", '\0' toast = '\0' play_to_caller = 1 play_to_callee = -1 playargs = 3 sentringing = 0 moh = 0 varname = 0x9f64f990 "SIPURI" vartype = 0 outbound_group = 0x0 macro_result = 0x0 macro_transfer_dest = 0x0 digit = 0 start_time = 1104394677 answer_time = 1104394682 end_time = 0 app = (struct ast_app *) 0x0 #7 0x08079c97 in pbx_exec (c=0x9f68fd80, app=0x81a2c00, data=0x81fe4bfa, newstack=1) at pbx.c:475 res = 135932928 saved_c_appl = 0x8107860 "AGI" saved_c_data = 0x81fe8010 "ExtensionDial.agi|2218|8|0" execute = (int (*)(struct ast_channel *, void *)) 0xa382a5a1 #8 0xb1b97e60 in handle_exec (chan=0x9f68fd80, agi=0x81fe5450, argc=3, argv=0x81fe49b0) at res_agi.c:918 res = -1313226516 app = (struct ast_app *) 0x81a2c00 #9 0xb1b98fb5 in agi_handle_command (chan=0x9f68fd80, agi=0x81fe5450, buf=0x81fe4bf0 "EXEC") at res_agi.c:1603 argv = {0x81fe4bf0 "EXEC", 0x81fe4bf5 "Dial", 0x81fe4bfa "SIP/2720|60|rL(7200000:45000:15000)", 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x81fe49e0 "\004Åä·Xmê·", 0xb7f06fdc "<}\021", 0x81fe4a14 "\a", 0x0, 0x3
, 0xb7e4c504 "\201Ãت\v", 0xb7ea6d58 "_^[]=", 0x1000
, 0xb7f06fdc "<}\021", 0x81a4358 "\210&­û.Àþ}.Àþ}", 0x81fe4a80 "hVi\237@Vi\237Þ\bO\031", 0xb7e3f671 "¸\001", 0x81a4358 "\210&­û.Àþ}.Àþ}", 0x7dfec000 "EXEC Dial SIP/2720|60|rL(7200000:45000:15000)\n", 0x7dfed000
, 0x1
, 0xffffffff
, 0x0, 0x7
, 0x0, 0x0, 0x394d7
, 0x1180
, 0x1
, 0x0, 0xb7e4fdb4 "\201Ã(r\v", 0xb7e50374 "\201Ãhl\v", 0x0, 0xfffffffc
, 0xb7f08760 "", 0x48
, 0xb7f08760 "", 0x81fe4a78 "\030Kþ\201]w\t\bhVi\237@Vi\237Þ\bO\031", 0xa7ac10f0 "\024°\002", 0x0, 0xb7e67b76 "\211Ó=\001ðÿÿs\001ÃèQ\232\a", 0x8096d0b "\213]\f\213M\f\213U\020¸ÓMb\020÷âÁê\t\213\201È ", 0x9f697708 "aêÒA@~\005", 0x0, 0x81fe4b18 "\003", 0xa7ac10f0 "\024°\002", 0xa7ac10f0 "\024°\002", 0x2
, 0x81fe4b18 "\003", 0x809775d "ëa\213E\b\203¸\204 ", 0x9f695668 "·¹ÓA\006|", 0x9f695640 "\232", 0x194f08de
, 0x0, 0x81fe4af0 "Üoð·XC\032\b@kð·\fKþ\201-Æä·XC\032\bXC\032\bDKþ\201ÃÂä·XC\032\b\003", 0x81fe4aec "", 0x81d86e0 "¨wN\b\b\210ð·lt=0\nen\r\n\nlt\ngi\n.16203\nIE>\nf,2\n 1 ) Up Bridged Call Zap/28-1 \n", 0x1
, 0x81d86e0 "¨wN\b\b\210ð·lt=0\nen\r\n\nlt\ngi\n.16203\nIE>\nf,2\n 1 ) Up Bridged Call Zap/28-1 \n", 0x0, 0x4
, 0x9f695648 "\002", 0x1
, 0x81fe4adc "üJþ\201®\236ä·XC\032\b", 0x1000
, 0x7dfec000 "EXEC Dial SIP/2720|60|rL(7200000:45000:15000)\n", 0x81fe4adc "üJþ\201®\236ä·XC\032\b", 0xb7e9c6d4 "X=\001ðÿÿs\001ÃèôN\004", 0x2e
, 0xb7e4ab98 "\211ì]Ã\211T$\b\211L$\004\213P8\211\024$èÛ\032\005", 0x99
, 0x7dfec000 "EXEC Dial SIP/2720|60|rL(7200000:45000:15000)\n", 0x1000
, 0x81fe4afc "\fKþ\201-Æä·XC\032\bXC\032\bDKþ\201ÃÂä·XC\032\b\003", 0xb7e49eae "\205À\211Â~:\213M\b¸ÿÿÿÿ\001Q\b\205Òt#\213qL\213yP\211ð!ø@t\r\211Ð\231\001Æ\021×\211qL\211yP\213}\b\213G\004\017¶", 0x81a4358 "\210&­û.Àþ}.Àþ}", 0x7dfec000 "EXEC Dial SIP/2720|60|rL(7200000:45000:15000)\n", 0x1000
, 0xb7f06fdc "<}\021", 0x81a4358 "\210&­û.Àþ}.Àþ}", 0xb7f06b40 "", 0x81fe4b0c "DKþ\201ÃÂä·XC\032\b\003", 0xb7e4c62d "ºÿÿÿÿ@t\n\213N\004\017¶\021A\211N\004\213uü\211Ð\211ì]Ã\220\215´&", 0x81a4358 "\210&­û.Àþ}.Àþ}", 0x81a4358 "\210&­û.Àþ}.Àþ}", 0x81fe4b44 "-", 0xb7e4c2c3 "\211Â\203Ä$\211Ð[^_]Ã\2114$è)üÿÿëÙ\215´&", 0x81a4358 "\210&­û.Àþ}.Àþ}", 0x3
, 0x9c
, 0x3
, 0x9d
, 0x3
, 0xa1
, 0x3
, 0x95
, 0xb7f06fdc "<}\021", 0x0, 0x7fe
, 0x2d
, 0xb7e410c4 "\213Eì\213M\b\211A\004\215\004>ë°\211\f$èF±", 0x81fe4bf1 "XEC", 0x7dfec001 "XEC Dial SIP/2720|60|rL(7200000:45000:15000)\n", 0x2d
, 0x7dfec02e "", 0x81fe4bf1 "XEC", 0xb7f06fdc "<}\021", 0x81a4358 "\210&­û.Àþ}.Àþ}", 0x0, 0x81fe4b90 "¸Kþ\201\vÿã·XC\032\bðKþ\201ÿ\a", 0xb7e40fd1 "\213]ü\211ì]Ã\220\215´&", 0x81a4358 "\210&­û.Àþ}.Àþ}", 0x81fe4bf0 "EXEC", 0x7ff
, 0xa
, 0x1
, 0x0, 0xb7f06fdc "<}\021", 0x81fe4bb8 "\030Tþ\201X\223¹±\200ýh\237PTþ\201ðKþ\201\001", 0xb7e3ff0b "\205À\211Át\177\213\026öÂ th\213\203<ÿÿÿe\2038\vt\\\215¶", 0x81a4358 "\210&­û.Àþ}.Àþ}", 0x81fe4bf0 "EXEC", 0x7ff
, 0xa
, 0x1
, 0xb1b9c0ec "\024\220"} argc = 3 res = 0 c = (agi_command *) 0xb1b9ecc0 #10 0xb1b99358 in run_agi (chan=0x9f68fd80, request=0x81fe5480 "ExtensionDial.agi", agi=0x81fe5450, pid=23663, dead=0) at res_agi.c:1683 c = (struct ast_channel *) 0x0 outfd = 153 ms = -1 returnstatus = 0 f = (struct ast_frame *) 0x9f695648 buf = "EXEC\000Dial\000SIP/2720|60|rL(7200000:45000:15000)\000\000\001\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\177\002\000\000\v\000\000\0004Nþ\201DNþ\201{Nþ\201¥Nþ\201ÍNþ\201ÿNþ\201\026Oþ\201.Oþ\201_Oþ\201}Oþ\201\234Oþ\201", '\0' , "s \000\000\000\000ÿÿÿÿïÿÿÿ", '\0' , "HMþ\201\000\000\000\000\002\000\000\000ÌRþ\201xQþ\201\000\000\000\000Ñ£¹±+\000\000\000ÿÿÿÿ", '\0' , "\a\000\000\000³Oþ\201¸Oþ\201"... readf = (FILE *) 0x81a4358 retry = 3 #11 0xb1b99a18 in agi_exec_full (chan=0x9f68fd80, data=0x81fe8010, enhanced=0, dead=0) at res_agi.c:1822 res = 0 u = (struct localuser *) 0x818f860 argv = {0x81fe5480 "ExtensionDial.agi", 0x81fe5492 "2218", 0x81fe5497 "8", 0x81fe5499 "0", 0x0 , 0x838c820 "SIP/2720|60|rL(7200000:45000:15000)"} buf = "ExtensionDial.agi\0002218\0008\0000", '\0' tmp = 0x0 argc = 4 fds = {153, 197} efd = -1 pid = 23663 stringp = 0x0 agi = {fd = 197, audio = -1, ctrl = 153} #12 0xb1b99b74 in agi_exec (chan=0x9f68fd80, data=0x81fe8010) at res_agi.c:1835 No locals. #13 0x08079c97 in pbx_exec (c=0x9f68fd80, app=0x8107850, data=0x81fe8010, newstack=1) at pbx.c:475 res = -2114018592 saved_c_appl = 0x81a1448 "Macro" saved_c_data = 0x81fec7c0 "extdial|2218|8" execute = (int (*)(struct ast_channel *, void *)) 0xb1b99b02 #14 0x0807c312 in pbx_extension_helper (c=0x9f68fd80, con=0x0, context=0x9f68fecc "macro-extdial", exten=0x9f68ffc0 "s", priority=3, label=0x0, callerid=0x9f6ad010 "2218", action=1) at pbx.c:1275 e = (struct ast_exten *) 0x8103b80 app = (struct ast_app *) 0x8107850 sw = (struct ast_switch *) 0x0 data = 0x0 foundcontext = 0x9f68fecc "macro-extdial" newstack = 1 res = 0 status = 5 incstack = { 0x81fea060 "\001\200­û ¥þ\201 ¥þ\201 ¥þ\201 ¥þ\201¤¥þ\201ï¥þ\201 ¥þ\201ï¥þ\201", 0x81fea03c "L¡þ\201`}ä·` þ\201E\223\204£\200¡þ\201 ¥þ\201", 0xb7e4da83 "\211~\020\213E\024\211~\f\211~\004\205Àt$\213U\024\213Mð\211V\024\211N\030\211V\b1ÿ\211¾\230", 0x81fea060 "\001\200­û ¥þ\201 ¥þ\201 ¥þ\201 ¥þ\201¤¥þ\201ï¥þ\201 ¥þ\201ï¥þ\201", 0x81fea5a0 "ARG2", 0x32fea5ef
, 0x0, 0x81fea5ef "", 0xb7f06fdc "<}\021", 0xa3849345 "ARG%d", 0x81fea17c "\003", 0x81fea14c "Àÿh\237\003", 0xb7e47d60 "\213\215\fÿÿÿ\211Â9\2150ÿÿÿt\t\213µ(ÿÿÿÆ\006", 0x81fea060 "\001\200­û ¥þ\201 ¥þ\201 ¥þ\201 ¥þ\201¤¥þ\201ï¥þ\201 ¥þ\201ï¥þ\201", 0xa3849345 "ARG%d", 0x81fea180 "\020Ðj\237", 0x81fea5a0 "ARG2", 0x0, 0x81fea100 "]òä·`\207ð·\017", 0x81fea060 "\001\200­û ¥þ\201 ¥þ\201 ¥þ\201 ¥þ\201¤¥þ\201ï¥þ\201 ¥þ\201ï¥þ\201", 0xfbad8001
, 0x81fea5a0 "ARG2", 0x81fea5a0 "ARG2", 0x81fea5a0 "ARG2", 0x81fea5a0 "ARG2", 0x81fea5a4 "", 0x81fea5ef "", 0x81fea5a0 "ARG2", 0x81fea5ef "", 0x0 , 0xb7e4fdb4 "\201Ã(r\v", 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x81f96a0 "`\206\037\b\031", 0x3
, 0x18
, 0xb7f08760 "", 0xb7f06fdc "<}\021", 0xb7f08760 "", 0x1
, 0x81fea118 "\001", 0xb7e4f25d "\205À\211Çt\031e\203=\f", 0xb7f08760 "", 0xf
, 0x81f96b5 "8"} passdata = "ExtensionDial.agi|2218|8|0", '\0' stacklen = 0 tmp = "\000\000\000\000Ô²ï·", '\0' , "Üoð·0\206þ\201Àað·à\177þ\201Ù\207æ·Üoð·l\201þ\201\\Óæ·=\205þ\201Z\201þ\201\002", '\0' tmp2 = "TZ\000\000\000\000\000\000Üoð·0\206þ\201Àað·Ô\177þ\201³~æ·Ô²ï·èç\017\b", '\0' tmp3 = '\0' , "Qnå·\000\000\000E@\226þ\201°ëþ\201Ðuþ\201øuþ\201ã¯\a\b@\226þ\201Àÿh\237ÿ\017", '\0' , "¡\r\030\b[\000\000\000\200ýh\237°ëþ\201Äêþ\201X¦þ\201Ç·\a\b§\r\030\b@\226þ\201\001\000\000\000@\226þ\201\000\020\000\000H\001i\237\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\005", '\0' , "\001\000\000\000§\r\030\b@vþ\201\000\000\000\000\237\r\030\bEXTEN", '\0' , "\021ïã·", '\0' , "ðÔ\f\b\000\000\000\000\021ïã·û\231â·\020\202þ\201ðÔ"... #15 0x0807d5c2 in ast_spawn_extension (c=0x9f68fd80, context=0x9f68fecc "macro-extdial", exten=0x9f68ffc0 "s", priority=3, callerid=0x9f6ad010 "2218") at pbx.c:1819 No locals. #16 0xa3848357 in macro_exec (chan=0x9f68fd80, data=0x81fec7c0) at app_macro.c:153 tmp = 0x81fea198 "extdial" cur = 0x0 rest = 0x0 macro = 0x81fea198 "extdial" fullmacro = "macro-extdial", '\0' , " È8\b°ëþ\201Äêþ\201h¦þ\201z3\t\b" varname = "ARG2", '\0' oldargs = {0x0 } argc = 3 x = 0 res = 0 oldexten = "8", '\0' oldpriority = 1 pc = "1", '\0' oldcontext = "default", '\0' offsets = 0x0 offset = 0 setmacrocontext = 1 save_macro_exten = 0x0 save_macro_context = 0x0 save_macro_priority = 0x0 save_macro_offset = 0x0 u = (struct localuser *) 0x81176c0 #17 0x08079c97 in pbx_exec (c=0x9f68fd80, app=0x81a1438, data=0x81fec7c0, newstack=1) at pbx.c:475 res = -2114000188 saved_c_appl = 0x0 saved_c_data = 0x0 execute = (int (*)(struct ast_channel *, void *)) 0xa3847c14 #18 0x0807c312 in pbx_extension_helper (c=0x9f68fd80, con=0x0, context=0x9f68fecc "macro-extdial", exten=0x9f68ffc0 "s", priority=1, label=0x0, callerid=0x9f6ad010 "2218", action=1) at pbx.c:1275 e = (struct ast_exten *) 0x821cb38 app = (struct ast_app *) 0x81a1438 sw = (struct ast_switch *) 0x0 data = 0x0 foundcontext = 0x81ea10b "phonix" newstack = 1 res = 0 status = 5 incstack = {0x81ca6b8 "default", 0x0 , 0x838c8b0 "1104394677.16216", 0x81feebb0 "°ëþ\201̬h\237°ëþ\201\001", 0x81fee900 "\001", 0x81fee918 "\210êþ\201áÙ\a\b\200ýh\237Ìþh\237Àÿh\237\001", 0x80937e8 "\213E\b\213\200à\003", 0x838c8b0 "1104394677.16216", 0x9f690124 "1104394677.16216", 0x1f
, 0xb7f06fdc "<}\021", 0xb7f08760 "", 0x1
, 0x81fee8dc "8Ë!\b\200ýh\237", 0xb7e4fe6a "\213Eð\203ÀH\211EÔ\213}ð\213UÔ\213wT\211uä9Ö\017\204«", 0xb7f08760 "", 0x0, 0xb7f087e0 "0j8\b¨¡\034\bØ$\031\b\220qA\bø8\020\bÐ\002\021\b\020*.\bð\220<\b°\226\030\bàÞ\030\b\200Ã2\bh\236:\bØ\206\035\bø?\034\b\230$Q\b\200\017\034\bø\2129\bø\2129\bx\034\030\bp/B\b(Z;\b(Z;\b xP\b\230\221>\bh&O\bH\2357\b", 0x80d86f4 "", 0x38313232
, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0} passdata = "extdial|2218|8", '\0' stacklen = 1 tmp = '\0' tmp2 = '\0' tmp3 = '\0' #19 0x0807d5c2 in ast_spawn_extension (c=0x9f68fd80, context=0x9f68fecc "macro-extdial", exten=0x9f68ffc0 "s", priority=1, callerid=0x9f6ad010 "2218") at pbx.c:1819 No locals. #20 0x0807d9e1 in ast_pbx_run (c=0x9f68fd80) at pbx.c:1881 firstpass = 1 digit = 0 '\0' exten = '\0' pos = 0 waittime = 0 res = 0 #21 0x0807e57c in pbx_thread (data=0x9f68fd80) at pbx.c:2064 c = (struct ast_channel *) 0x9f68fd80 #22 0xb7fb998c in start_thread () from /lib/tls/libpthread.so.0 No symbol table info available. #23 0xb7eaa7da in clone () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6 No symbol table info available.