MGCP read: NTFY 2 aaln/2@office2 MGCP 1.0 X: 0 O: L/hd K: 1 from Verb: 'NTFY', Identifier: '2', Endpoint: 'aaln/2@office2', Version: 'MGCP 1.0' 4 headers, 0 lines Handling request 'NTFY' on aaln/2@office2 Transmitting: 200 2 OK to -- Endpoint 'aaln/2@office2-1' observed 'hd' -- Creating connection for aaln/2@office2-1 in cxmode: sendrecv callid: 42bccfc346ad8199 We're at port 13390 Answering with capability 4 Posting Request: CRCX 244 aaln/2@office2 MGCP 1.0 C: 42bccfc346ad8199 L: p:20, a:PCMU M: sendrecv X: 46ad8199 v=0 o=root 5721 5721 IN IP4 s=session c=IN IP4 t=0 0 m=audio 13390 RTP/AVP 0 a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000 to -- MGCP Asked to indicate tone: L/dl on aaln/2@office2-1 in cxmode: sendrecv Posting Request: RQNT 245 aaln/2@office2 MGCP 1.0 X: 1dae92bb R: L/hu(N),L/hf(N),D/[0-9#*](N) S: L/dl to -- MGCP mgcp_new(MGCP/aaln/2@office2-1) created in state: Down MGCP read: 200 244 OK I: 1 v=0 c=IN IP4 m=audio 16386 RTP/AVP 0 from Verb: '200', Identifier: '244', Endpoint: 'OK', Version: '(null)' 2 headers, 3 lines Capabilities: us - 4, them - 4, combined - 4 Non-codec capabilities: us - 1, them - 0, combined - 0 MGCP read: 200 245 OK from Verb: '200', Identifier: '245', Endpoint: 'OK', Version: '(null)' 1 headers, 0 lines MGCP read: NTFY 3 aaln/2@office2 MGCP 1.0 X: 1dae92bb O: D/5 K: 2 from Verb: 'NTFY', Identifier: '3', Endpoint: 'aaln/2@office2', Version: 'MGCP 1.0' 4 headers, 0 lines Handling request 'NTFY' on aaln/2@office2 Transmitting: 200 3 OK to -- Endpoint 'aaln/2@office2-1' observed '5' -- MGCP Asked to indicate tone: L/dl on aaln/2@office2-1 in cxmode: sendrecv Posting Request: RQNT 246 aaln/2@office2 MGCP 1.0 X: 1dae92bb R: L/hu(N),L/hf(N),D/[0-9#*](N) S: L/dl to -- MGCP asked to indicate -1 'UNKNOWN' condition on channel MGCP/aaln/2@office2-1 -- MGCP Asked to indicate tone: on aaln/2@office2-1 in cxmode: sendrecv Queueing Request: RQNT 247 aaln/2@office2 MGCP 1.0 X: 1dae92bb R: L/hu(N),L/hf(N),D/[0-9#*](N) to -- MGCP asked to indicate -1 'UNKNOWN' condition on channel MGCP/aaln/2@office2-1 -- MGCP Asked to indicate tone: on aaln/2@office2-1 in cxmode: sendrecv Queueing Request: RQNT 248 aaln/2@office2 MGCP 1.0 X: 1dae92bb R: L/hu(N),L/hf(N),D/[0-9#*](N) to MGCP read: 200 246 OK from Verb: '200', Identifier: '246', Endpoint: 'OK', Version: '(null)' 1 headers, 0 lines Posting Queued Request: RQNT 247 aaln/2@office2 MGCP 1.0 X: 1dae92bb R: L/hu(N),L/hf(N),D/[0-9#*](N) to MGCP read: 200 247 OK from Verb: '200', Identifier: '247', Endpoint: 'OK', Version: '(null)' 1 headers, 0 lines Posting Queued Request: RQNT 248 aaln/2@office2 MGCP 1.0 X: 1dae92bb R: L/hu(N),L/hf(N),D/[0-9#*](N) to MGCP read: 200 248 OK from Verb: '200', Identifier: '248', Endpoint: 'OK', Version: '(null)' 1 headers, 0 lines MGCP read: NTFY 4 aaln/2@office2 MGCP 1.0 X: 1dae92bb O: D/8 K: 3 from Verb: 'NTFY', Identifier: '4', Endpoint: 'aaln/2@office2', Version: 'MGCP 1.0' 4 headers, 0 lines Handling request 'NTFY' on aaln/2@office2 Transmitting: 200 4 OK to -- Endpoint 'aaln/2@office2-1' observed '8' -- MGCP Asked to indicate tone: on aaln/2@office2-1 in cxmode: sendrecv Posting Request: RQNT 249 aaln/2@office2 MGCP 1.0 X: 1dae92bb R: L/hu(N),L/hf(N),D/[0-9#*](N) to -- MGCP asked to indicate -1 'UNKNOWN' condition on channel MGCP/aaln/2@office2-1 -- MGCP Asked to indicate tone: on aaln/2@office2-1 in cxmode: sendrecv Queueing Request: RQNT 250 aaln/2@office2 MGCP 1.0 X: 1dae92bb R: L/hu(N),L/hf(N),D/[0-9#*](N) to -- MGCP asked to indicate -1 'UNKNOWN' condition on channel MGCP/aaln/2@office2-1 -- MGCP Asked to indicate tone: on aaln/2@office2-1 in cxmode: sendrecv Queueing Request: RQNT 251 aaln/2@office2 MGCP 1.0 X: 1dae92bb R: L/hu(N),L/hf(N),D/[0-9#*](N) to MGCP read: 200 249 OK from Verb: '200', Identifier: '249', Endpoint: 'OK', Version: '(null)' 1 headers, 0 lines Posting Queued Request: RQNT 250 aaln/2@office2 MGCP 1.0 X: 1dae92bb R: L/hu(N),L/hf(N),D/[0-9#*](N) to MGCP read: 200 250 OK from Verb: '200', Identifier: '250', Endpoint: 'OK', Version: '(null)' 1 headers, 0 lines Posting Queued Request: RQNT 251 aaln/2@office2 MGCP 1.0 X: 1dae92bb R: L/hu(N),L/hf(N),D/[0-9#*](N) to MGCP read: 200 251 OK from Verb: '200', Identifier: '251', Endpoint: 'OK', Version: '(null)' 1 headers, 0 lines MGCP read: NTFY 5 aaln/2@office2 MGCP 1.0 X: 1dae92bb O: D/1 K: 4 from Verb: 'NTFY', Identifier: '5', Endpoint: 'aaln/2@office2', Version: 'MGCP 1.0' 4 headers, 0 lines Handling request 'NTFY' on aaln/2@office2 Transmitting: 200 5 OK to -- Endpoint 'aaln/2@office2-1' observed '1' -- MGCP Asked to indicate tone: on aaln/2@office2-1 in cxmode: sendrecv Posting Request: RQNT 252 aaln/2@office2 MGCP 1.0 X: 1dae92bb R: L/hu(N),L/hf(N),D/[0-9#*](N) to -- MGCP asked to indicate -1 'UNKNOWN' condition on channel MGCP/aaln/2@office2-1 -- MGCP Asked to indicate tone: on aaln/2@office2-1 in cxmode: sendrecv Queueing Request: RQNT 253 aaln/2@office2 MGCP 1.0 X: 1dae92bb R: L/hu(N),L/hf(N),D/[0-9#*](N) to -- MGCP asked to indicate -1 'UNKNOWN' condition on channel MGCP/aaln/2@office2-1 -- MGCP Asked to indicate tone: on aaln/2@office2-1 in cxmode: sendrecv Queueing Request: RQNT 254 aaln/2@office2 MGCP 1.0 X: 1dae92bb R: L/hu(N),L/hf(N),D/[0-9#*](N) to MGCP read: 200 252 OK from Verb: '200', Identifier: '252', Endpoint: 'OK', Version: '(null)' 1 headers, 0 lines Posting Queued Request: RQNT 253 aaln/2@office2 MGCP 1.0 X: 1dae92bb R: L/hu(N),L/hf(N),D/[0-9#*](N) to MGCP read: 200 253 OK from Verb: '200', Identifier: '253', Endpoint: 'OK', Version: '(null)' 1 headers, 0 lines Posting Queued Request: RQNT 254 aaln/2@office2 MGCP 1.0 X: 1dae92bb R: L/hu(N),L/hf(N),D/[0-9#*](N) to MGCP read: 200 254 OK from Verb: '200', Identifier: '254', Endpoint: 'OK', Version: '(null)' 1 headers, 0 lines MGCP read: NTFY 6 aaln/2@office2 MGCP 1.0 X: 1dae92bb O: D/3 K: 5 from Verb: 'NTFY', Identifier: '6', Endpoint: 'aaln/2@office2', Version: 'MGCP 1.0' 4 headers, 0 lines Handling request 'NTFY' on aaln/2@office2 Transmitting: 200 6 OK to -- Endpoint 'aaln/2@office2-1' observed '3' -- MGCP Asked to indicate tone: on aaln/2@office2-1 in cxmode: sendrecv Posting Request: RQNT 255 aaln/2@office2 MGCP 1.0 X: 1dae92bb R: L/hu(N),L/hf(N),D/[0-9#*](N) to -- MGCP asked to indicate -1 'UNKNOWN' condition on channel MGCP/aaln/2@office2-1 -- MGCP Asked to indicate tone: on aaln/2@office2-1 in cxmode: sendrecv Queueing Request: RQNT 256 aaln/2@office2 MGCP 1.0 X: 1dae92bb R: L/hu(N),L/hf(N),D/[0-9#*](N) to -- MGCP asked to indicate -1 'UNKNOWN' condition on channel MGCP/aaln/2@office2-1 -- MGCP Asked to indicate tone: on aaln/2@office2-1 in cxmode: sendrecv Queueing Request: RQNT 257 aaln/2@office2 MGCP 1.0 X: 1dae92bb R: L/hu(N),L/hf(N),D/[0-9#*](N) to MGCP read: 200 255 OK from Verb: '200', Identifier: '255', Endpoint: 'OK', Version: '(null)' 1 headers, 0 lines Posting Queued Request: RQNT 256 aaln/2@office2 MGCP 1.0 X: 1dae92bb R: L/hu(N),L/hf(N),D/[0-9#*](N) to MGCP read: 200 256 OK from Verb: '200', Identifier: '256', Endpoint: 'OK', Version: '(null)' 1 headers, 0 lines Posting Queued Request: RQNT 257 aaln/2@office2 MGCP 1.0 X: 1dae92bb R: L/hu(N),L/hf(N),D/[0-9#*](N) to MGCP read: 200 257 OK from Verb: '200', Identifier: '257', Endpoint: 'OK', Version: '(null)' 1 headers, 0 lines MGCP read: NTFY 7 aaln/2@office2 MGCP 1.0 X: 1dae92bb O: D/4 K: 6 from Verb: 'NTFY', Identifier: '7', Endpoint: 'aaln/2@office2', Version: 'MGCP 1.0' 4 headers, 0 lines Handling request 'NTFY' on aaln/2@office2 Transmitting: 200 7 OK to -- Endpoint 'aaln/2@office2-1' observed '4' -- MGCP Asked to indicate tone: on aaln/2@office2-1 in cxmode: sendrecv Posting Request: RQNT 258 aaln/2@office2 MGCP 1.0 X: 1dae92bb R: L/hu(N),L/hf(N),D/[0-9#*](N) to -- MGCP asked to indicate -1 'UNKNOWN' condition on channel MGCP/aaln/2@office2-1 -- MGCP Asked to indicate tone: on aaln/2@office2-1 in cxmode: sendrecv Queueing Request: RQNT 259 aaln/2@office2 MGCP 1.0 X: 1dae92bb R: L/hu(N),L/hf(N),D/[0-9#*](N) to -- MGCP asked to indicate -1 'UNKNOWN' condition on channel MGCP/aaln/2@office2-1 -- MGCP Asked to indicate tone: on aaln/2@office2-1 in cxmode: sendrecv Queueing Request: RQNT 260 aaln/2@office2 MGCP 1.0 X: 1dae92bb R: L/hu(N),L/hf(N),D/[0-9#*](N) to MGCP read: 200 258 OK from Verb: '200', Identifier: '258', Endpoint: 'OK', Version: '(null)' 1 headers, 0 lines Posting Queued Request: RQNT 259 aaln/2@office2 MGCP 1.0 X: 1dae92bb R: L/hu(N),L/hf(N),D/[0-9#*](N) to MGCP read: 200 259 OK from Verb: '200', Identifier: '259', Endpoint: 'OK', Version: '(null)' 1 headers, 0 lines Posting Queued Request: RQNT 260 aaln/2@office2 MGCP 1.0 X: 1dae92bb R: L/hu(N),L/hf(N),D/[0-9#*](N) to MGCP read: 200 260 OK from Verb: '200', Identifier: '260', Endpoint: 'OK', Version: '(null)' 1 headers, 0 lines MGCP read: NTFY 8 aaln/2@office2 MGCP 1.0 X: 1dae92bb O: D/3 K: 7 from Verb: 'NTFY', Identifier: '8', Endpoint: 'aaln/2@office2', Version: 'MGCP 1.0' 4 headers, 0 lines Handling request 'NTFY' on aaln/2@office2 Transmitting: 200 8 OK to -- Endpoint 'aaln/2@office2-1' observed '3' -- MGCP Asked to indicate tone: on aaln/2@office2-1 in cxmode: sendrecv Posting Request: RQNT 261 aaln/2@office2 MGCP 1.0 X: 1dae92bb R: L/hu(N),L/hf(N),D/[0-9#*](N) to -- MGCP asked to indicate -1 'UNKNOWN' condition on channel MGCP/aaln/2@office2-1 -- MGCP Asked to indicate tone: on aaln/2@office2-1 in cxmode: sendrecv Queueing Request: RQNT 262 aaln/2@office2 MGCP 1.0 X: 1dae92bb R: L/hu(N),L/hf(N),D/[0-9#*](N) to -- MGCP asked to indicate -1 'UNKNOWN' condition on channel MGCP/aaln/2@office2-1 -- MGCP Asked to indicate tone: on aaln/2@office2-1 in cxmode: sendrecv Queueing Request: RQNT 263 aaln/2@office2 MGCP 1.0 X: 1dae92bb R: L/hu(N),L/hf(N),D/[0-9#*](N) to MGCP read: 200 261 OK from Verb: '200', Identifier: '261', Endpoint: 'OK', Version: '(null)' 1 headers, 0 lines Posting Queued Request: RQNT 262 aaln/2@office2 MGCP 1.0 X: 1dae92bb R: L/hu(N),L/hf(N),D/[0-9#*](N) to MGCP read: 200 262 OK from Verb: '200', Identifier: '262', Endpoint: 'OK', Version: '(null)' 1 headers, 0 lines Posting Queued Request: RQNT 263 aaln/2@office2 MGCP 1.0 X: 1dae92bb R: L/hu(N),L/hf(N),D/[0-9#*](N) to MGCP read: 200 263 OK from Verb: '200', Identifier: '263', Endpoint: 'OK', Version: '(null)' 1 headers, 0 lines -- MGCP asked to indicate -1 'UNKNOWN' condition on channel MGCP/aaln/2@office2-1 -- MGCP Asked to indicate tone: on aaln/2@office2-1 in cxmode: sendrecv Posting Request: RQNT 264 aaln/2@office2 MGCP 1.0 X: 1dae92bb R: L/hu(N),L/hf(N),D/[0-9#*](N) to -- MGCP asked to indicate -1 'UNKNOWN' condition on channel MGCP/aaln/2@office2-1 -- MGCP Asked to indicate tone: on aaln/2@office2-1 in cxmode: sendrecv Queueing Request: RQNT 265 aaln/2@office2 MGCP 1.0 X: 1dae92bb R: L/hu(N),L/hf(N),D/[0-9#*](N) to -- Executing Dial("MGCP/aaln/2@office2-1", "IAX2/casper@") in new stack Tx-Frame Retry[000] -- OSeqno: 000 ISeqno: 000 Type: IAX Subclass: NEW Timestamp: 00003ms SCall: 00001 DCall: 00000 [] VERSION : 2 CALLED NUMBER : 581343 CALLING NUMBER : 106 CALLING NAME : Truba LANGUAGE : en CALLED CONTEXT : office-local USERNAME : casper FORMAT : 4 CAPABILITY : 4 ADSICPE : 2 DATE TIME : 158965834 -- Called casper@ Rx-Frame Retry[ No] -- OSeqno: 000 ISeqno: 001 Type: IAX Subclass: ACCEPT Timestamp: 00001ms SCall: 00001 DCall: 00001 [] FORMAT : 4 -- Call accepted by (format ULAW) -- Format for call is ULAW Tx-Frame Retry[-01] -- OSeqno: 001 ISeqno: 001 Type: IAX Subclass: ACK Timestamp: 00001ms SCall: 00001 DCall: 00001 [] MGCP read: 200 264 OK from Verb: '200', Identifier: '264', Endpoint: 'OK', Version: '(null)' 1 headers, 0 lines Posting Queued Request: RQNT 265 aaln/2@office2 MGCP 1.0 X: 1dae92bb R: L/hu(N),L/hf(N),D/[0-9#*](N) to Tx-Frame Retry[000] -- OSeqno: 001 ISeqno: 001 Type: VOICE Subclass: 4 Timestamp: 00070ms SCall: 00001 DCall: 00001 [] Rx-Frame Retry[ No] -- OSeqno: 001 ISeqno: 002 Type: IAX Subclass: ACK Timestamp: 00070ms SCall: 00001 DCall: 00001 [] MGCP read: 200 265 OK from Verb: '200', Identifier: '265', Endpoint: 'OK', Version: '(null)' 1 headers, 0 lines Rx-Frame Retry[ No] -- OSeqno: 001 ISeqno: 002 Type: CONTROL Subclass: RINGING Timestamp: 00004ms SCall: 00001 DCall: 00001 [] Tx-Frame Retry[-01] -- OSeqno: 002 ISeqno: 002 Type: IAX Subclass: ACK Timestamp: 00004ms SCall: 00001 DCall: 00001 [] -- IAX2/ is ringing -- MGCP asked to indicate 3 'Remote end is ringing' condition on channel MGCP/aaln/2@office2-1 -- MGCP Asked to indicate tone: G/rt on aaln/2@office2-1 in cxmode: sendrecv Posting Request: RQNT 266 aaln/2@office2 MGCP 1.0 X: 1dae92bb R: L/hu(N),L/hf(N),D/[0-9#*](N) S: G/rt to MGCP read: 200 266 OK from Verb: '200', Identifier: '266', Endpoint: 'OK', Version: '(null)' 1 headers, 0 lines Rx-Frame Retry[ No] -- OSeqno: 002 ISeqno: 002 Type: VOICE Subclass: 4 Timestamp: 00384ms SCall: 00001 DCall: 00001 [] Tx-Frame Retry[-01] -- OSeqno: 002 ISeqno: 003 Type: IAX Subclass: ACK Timestamp: 00384ms SCall: 00001 DCall: 00001 [] Rx-Frame Retry[ No] -- OSeqno: 003 ISeqno: 002 Type: CONTROL Subclass: (255?) Timestamp: 01147ms SCall: 00001 DCall: 00001 [] Tx-Frame Retry[-01] -- OSeqno: 002 ISeqno: 004 Type: IAX Subclass: ACK Timestamp: 01147ms SCall: 00001 DCall: 00001 [] Rx-Frame Retry[ No] -- OSeqno: 004 ISeqno: 002 Type: CONTROL Subclass: ANSWER Timestamp: 01150ms SCall: 00001 DCall: 00001 [] Tx-Frame Retry[-01] -- OSeqno: 002 ISeqno: 005 Type: IAX Subclass: ACK Timestamp: 01150ms SCall: 00001 DCall: 00001 [] -- IAX2/ stopped sounds -- MGCP asked to indicate -1 'UNKNOWN' condition on channel MGCP/aaln/2@office2-1 -- MGCP Asked to indicate tone: on aaln/2@office2-1 in cxmode: sendrecv Posting Request: RQNT 267 aaln/2@office2 MGCP 1.0 X: 1dae92bb R: L/hu(N),L/hf(N),D/[0-9#*](N) to -- IAX2/ answered MGCP/aaln/2@office2-1 -- Modified aaln/2@office2-1 with new mode: sendrecv on callid: 42bccfc346ad8199 Posting Request: MDCX 268 aaln/2@office2 MGCP 1.0 C: 42bccfc346ad8199 M: sendrecv X: 46ad8199 I: 1 R: L/hu(N),L/hf(N),D/[0-9#*](N) to -- MGCP mgcp_answer(MGCP/aaln/2@office2-1) on aaln/2@office2-1 -- MGCP Asked to indicate tone: on aaln/2@office2-1 in cxmode: sendrecv Queueing Request: RQNT 269 aaln/2@office2 MGCP 1.0 X: 1dae92bb R: L/hu(N),L/hf(N),D/[0-9#*](N) to -- Modified aaln/2@office2-1 with new mode: sendrecv on callid: 42bccfc346ad8199 Queueing Request: MDCX 270 aaln/2@office2 MGCP 1.0 C: 42bccfc346ad8199 M: sendrecv X: 46ad8199 I: 1 R: L/hu(N),L/hf(N),D/[0-9#*](N) to MGCP read: 200 267 OK from Verb: '200', Identifier: '267', Endpoint: 'OK', Version: '(null)' 1 headers, 0 lines Posting Queued Request: RQNT 269 aaln/2@office2 MGCP 1.0 X: 1dae92bb R: L/hu(N),L/hf(N),D/[0-9#*](N) to MGCP read: 200 268 OK from Verb: '200', Identifier: '268', Endpoint: 'OK', Version: '(null)' 1 headers, 0 lines Posting Queued Request: MDCX 270 aaln/2@office2 MGCP 1.0 C: 42bccfc346ad8199 M: sendrecv X: 46ad8199 I: 1 R: L/hu(N),L/hf(N),D/[0-9#*](N) to MGCP read: 200 269 OK from Verb: '200', Identifier: '269', Endpoint: 'OK', Version: '(null)' 1 headers, 0 lines MGCP read: 200 270 OK from Verb: '200', Identifier: '270', Endpoint: 'OK', Version: '(null)' 1 headers, 0 lines Tx-Frame Retry[000] -- OSeqno: 002 ISeqno: 005 Type: IAX Subclass: LAGRQ Timestamp: 10053ms SCall: 00001 DCall: 00001 [] Rx-Frame Retry[ No] -- OSeqno: 005 ISeqno: 003 Type: IAX Subclass: LAGRP Timestamp: 10053ms SCall: 00001 DCall: 00001 [] Tx-Frame Retry[-01] -- OSeqno: 003 ISeqno: 006 Type: IAX Subclass: ACK Timestamp: 10053ms SCall: 00001 DCall: 00001 [] Rx-Frame Retry[ No] -- OSeqno: 006 ISeqno: 003 Type: IAX Subclass: LAGRQ Timestamp: 10002ms SCall: 00001 DCall: 00001 [] Tx-Frame Retry[000] -- OSeqno: 003 ISeqno: 007 Type: IAX Subclass: LAGRP Timestamp: 10002ms SCall: 00001 DCall: 00001 [] Rx-Frame Retry[ No] -- OSeqno: 007 ISeqno: 004 Type: IAX Subclass: ACK Timestamp: 10002ms SCall: 00001 DCall: 00001 [] Rx-Frame Retry[ No] -- OSeqno: 000 ISeqno: 000 Type: IAX Subclass: NEW Timestamp: 00005ms SCall: 00003 DCall: 00000 [] VERSION : 2 CALLED NUMBER : 101 CALLING NUMBER : 572581414 CALLING NAME : LANGUAGE : en CALLED CONTEXT : default USERNAME : centrex FORMAT : 256 CAPABILITY : 65407 ADSICPE : 0 DATE TIME : 158961744 -- Accepting unauthenticated call from, requested format = 256, actual format = 4 -- Executing Dial("IAX2/centrex@", "MGCP/aaln/1@office2|600|tTg") in new stack -- MGCP mgcp_request(aaln/1@office2) -- MGCP cw: -1, dnd: 0, so: 0, sno: 0 -- MGCP mgcp_new(MGCP/aaln/1@office2-0) created in state: Down -- MGCP mgcp_call(MGCP/aaln/1@office2-0) -- Creating connection for aaln/1@office2-0 in cxmode: recvonly callid: 521ed6ff59516cda We're at port 14014 Answering with capability 4 Posting Request: CRCX 271 aaln/1@office2 MGCP 1.0 C: 521ed6ff59516cda L: p:20, a:PCMU M: recvonly X: 59516cda v=0 o=root 6200 6200 IN IP4 s=session c=IN IP4 t=0 0 m=audio 14014 RTP/AVP 0 a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000 to -- MGCP Asked to indicate tone: L/rg,L/ci(11/25/20/02,572581414,) on aaln/1@office2-0 in cxmode: recvonly Posting Request: RQNT 272 aaln/1@office2 MGCP 1.0 X: 1e957077 R: L/hd(N) S: L/rg,L/ci(11/25/20/02,572581414,) to -- Called aaln/1@office2 -- MGCP/aaln/1@office2-0 is ringing Tx-Frame Retry[000] -- OSeqno: 000 ISeqno: 001 Type: IAX Subclass: ACCEPT Timestamp: 00010ms SCall: 00002 DCall: 00003 [] FORMAT : 4 Tx-Frame Retry[000] -- OSeqno: 001 ISeqno: 001 Type: CONTROL Subclass: RINGING Timestamp: 00013ms SCall: 00002 DCall: 00003 [] Rx-Frame Retry[ No] -- OSeqno: 001 ISeqno: 001 Type: IAX Subclass: ACK Timestamp: 00010ms SCall: 00003 DCall: 00002 [] Rx-Frame Retry[ No] -- OSeqno: 001 ISeqno: 002 Type: IAX Subclass: ACK Timestamp: 00013ms SCall: 00003 DCall: 00002 [] MGCP read: 200 271 OK I: 0 v=0 c=IN IP4 m=audio 16384 RTP/AVP 0 from Verb: '200', Identifier: '271', Endpoint: 'OK', Version: '(null)' 2 headers, 3 lines Capabilities: us - 4, them - 4, combined - 4 Non-codec capabilities: us - 1, them - 0, combined - 0 MGCP read: 200 272 OK from Verb: '200', Identifier: '272', Endpoint: 'OK', Version: '(null)' 1 headers, 0 lines MGCP read: NTFY 9 aaln/1@office2 MGCP 1.0 X: 1e957077 O: L/hd K: 8 from Verb: 'NTFY', Identifier: '9', Endpoint: 'aaln/1@office2', Version: 'MGCP 1.0' 4 headers, 0 lines Handling request 'NTFY' on aaln/1@office2 Transmitting: 200 9 OK to -- Endpoint 'aaln/1@office2-0' observed 'hd' -- Modified aaln/1@office2-0 with new mode: sendrecv on callid: 521ed6ff59516cda Posting Request: MDCX 273 aaln/1@office2 MGCP 1.0 C: 521ed6ff59516cda M: sendrecv : 59516cda> I: 0 R: L/hu(N),L/hf(N),D/[0-9#*](N) to -- MGCP Asked to indicate tone: on aaln/1@office2-0 in cxmode: sendrecv Posting Request: RQNT 274 aaln/1@office2 MGCP 1.0 X: 1e957077 R: L/hu(N),L/hf(N),D/[0-9#*](N) to -- MGCP/aaln/1@office2-0 answered IAX2/centrex@ Tx-Frame Retry[000] -- OSeqno: 002 ISeqno: 001 Type: CONTROL Subclass: (255?) Timestamp: 01159ms SCall: 00002 DCall: 00003 [] Tx-Frame Retry[000] -- OSeqno: 003 ISeqno: 001 Type: CONTROL Subclass: ANSWER Timestamp: 01162ms SCall: 00002 DCall: 00003 [] Rx-Frame Retry[ No] -- OSeqno: 001 ISeqno: 003 Type: IAX Subclass: ACK Timestamp: 01159ms SCall: 00003 DCall: 00002 [] Rx-Frame Retry[ No] -- OSeqno: 001 ISeqno: 004 Type: IAX Subclass: ACK Timestamp: 01162ms SCall: 00003 DCall: 00002 [] Rx-Frame Retry[ No] -- OSeqno: 001 ISeqno: 004 Type: VOICE Subclass: 4 Timestamp: 01166ms SCall: 00003 DCall: 00002 [] Tx-Frame Retry[-01] -- OSeqno: 004 ISeqno: 002 Type: IAX Subclass: ACK Timestamp: 01166ms SCall: 00002 DCall: 00003 [] MGCP read: 200 273 OK from Verb: '200', Identifier: '273', Endpoint: 'OK', Version: '(null)' 1 headers, 0 lines MGCP read: 200 274 OK from Verb: '200', Identifier: '274', Endpoint: 'OK', Version: '(null)' 1 headers, 0 lines Tx-Frame Retry[000] -- OSeqno: 004 ISeqno: 002 Type: VOICE Subclass: 4 Timestamp: 01190ms SCall: 00002 DCall: 00003 [] Rx-Frame Retry[ No] -- OSeqno: 002 ISeqno: 005 Type: IAX Subclass: ACK Timestamp: 01190ms SCall: 00003 DCall: 00002 [] Tx-Frame Retry[000] -- OSeqno: 004 ISeqno: 007 Type: IAX Subclass: PING Timestamp: 20053ms SCall: 00001 DCall: 00001 [] Tx-Frame Retry[000] -- OSeqno: 005 ISeqno: 007 Type: IAX Subclass: LAGRQ Timestamp: 20056ms SCall: 00001 DCall: 00001 [] Rx-Frame Retry[ No] -- OSeqno: 007 ISeqno: 005 Type: IAX Subclass: PONG Timestamp: 20053ms SCall: 00001 DCall: 00001 [] Tx-Frame Retry[-01] -- OSeqno: 005 ISeqno: 008 Type: IAX Subclass: ACK Timestamp: 20053ms SCall: 00001 DCall: 00001 [] Rx-Frame Retry[ No] -- OSeqno: 008 ISeqno: 005 Type: IAX Subclass: PING Timestamp: 20000ms SCall: 00001 DCall: 00001 [] Tx-Frame Retry[000] -- OSeqno: 006 ISeqno: 009 Type: IAX Subclass: PONG Timestamp: 20000ms SCall: 00001 DCall: 00001 [] Rx-Frame Retry[ No] -- OSeqno: 009 ISeqno: 005 Type: IAX Subclass: LAGRQ Timestamp: 20003ms SCall: 00001 DCall: 00001 [] Tx-Frame Retry[000] -- OSeqno: 007 ISeqno: 010 Type: IAX Subclass: LAGRP Timestamp: 20003ms SCall: 00001 DCall: 00001 [] Rx-Frame Retry[ No] -- OSeqno: 010 ISeqno: 006 Type: IAX Subclass: LAGRP Timestamp: 20056ms SCall: 00001 DCall: 00001 [] Tx-Frame Retry[-01] -- OSeqno: 006 ISeqno: 011 Type: IAX Subclass: ACK Timestamp: 20056ms SCall: 00001 DCall: 00001 [] Rx-Frame Retry[ No] -- OSeqno: 009 ISeqno: 007 Type: IAX Subclass: ACK Timestamp: 20000ms SCall: 00001 DCall: 00001 [] Rx-Frame Retry[ No] -- OSeqno: 010 ISeqno: 008 Type: IAX Subclass: ACK Timestamp: 20003ms SCall: 00001 DCall: 00001 [] MGCP read: NTFY 10 aaln/1@office2 MGCP 1.0 X: 1e957077 O: L/hf K: 9 from Verb: 'NTFY', Identifier: '10', Endpoint: 'aaln/1@office2', Version: 'MGCP 1.0' 4 headers, 0 lines Handling request 'NTFY' on aaln/1@office2 Transmitting: 200 10 OK to -- Endpoint 'aaln/1@office2-0' observed 'hf' -- MGCP Asked to indicate tone: on aaln/1@office2-0 in cxmode: sendrecv Posting Request: RQNT 275 aaln/1@office2 MGCP 1.0 X: 1e957077 R: L/hu(N),L/hf(N),D/[0-9#*](N) to -- Swapping 0 for 1 on aaln/1@office2 -- MGCP Muting 0 on aaln/1@office2 -- Modified aaln/1@office2-0 with new mode: inactive on callid: 521ed6ff59516cda Posting Request: MDCX 276 aaln/1@office2 MGCP 1.0 C: 521ed6ff59516cda M: inactive X: 59516cda I: 0 R: L/hu(N),L/hf(N),D/[0-9#*](N) to -- Started music on hold, class 'default', on IAX2/centrex@ -- Creating connection for aaln/1@office2-1 in cxmode: recvonly callid: 7e6fdc245d236d38 We're at port 10020 Answering with capability 4 Posting Request: CRCX 277 aaln/1@office2 MGCP 1.0 C: 7e6fdc245d236d38 L: p:20, a:PCMU M: recvonly X: 5d236d38 v=0 o=root 5721 5721 IN IP4 s=session c=IN IP4 t=0 0 m=audio 10020 RTP/AVP 0 a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000 to -- MGCP Asked to indicate tone: L/dl on aaln/1@office2-1 in cxmode: recvonly Queueing Request: RQNT 278 aaln/1@office2 MGCP 1.0 X: 1e957077 R: L/hu(N),L/hf(N),D/[0-9#*](N) S: L/dl to -- MGCP mgcp_new(MGCP/aaln/1@office2-1) created in state: Down MGCP read: 200 275 OK from Verb: '200', Identifier: '275', Endpoint: 'OK', Version: '(null)' 1 headers, 0 lines Posting Queued Request: RQNT 278 aaln/1@office2 MGCP 1.0 X: 1e957077 R: L/hu(N),L/hf(N),D/[0-9#*](N) S: L/dl to MGCP read: 200 276 OK from Verb: '200', Identifier: '276', Endpoint: 'OK', Version: '(null)' 1 headers, 0 lines MGCP read: 200 277 OK I: 2 v=0 c=IN IP4 m=audio 16388 RTP/AVP 0 from Verb: '200', Identifier: '277', Endpoint: 'OK', Version: '(null)' 2 headers, 3 lines Capabilities: us - 4, them - 4, combined - 4 Non-codec capabilities: us - 1, them - 0, combined - 0 MGCP read: 200 278 OK from Verb: '200', Identifier: '278', Endpoint: 'OK', Version: '(null)' 1 headers, 0 lines Rx-Frame Retry[ No] -- OSeqno: 002 ISeqno: 005 Type: IAX Subclass: LAGRQ Timestamp: 10008ms SCall: 00003 DCall: 00002 [] Tx-Frame Retry[000] -- OSeqno: 005 ISeqno: 003 Type: IAX Subclass: LAGRP Timestamp: 10008ms SCall: 00002 DCall: 00003 [] Tx-Frame Retry[000] -- OSeqno: 006 ISeqno: 003 Type: IAX Subclass: LAGRQ Timestamp: 10012ms SCall: 00002 DCall: 00003 [] Rx-Frame Retry[ No] -- OSeqno: 003 ISeqno: 006 Type: IAX Subclass: ACK Timestamp: 10008ms SCall: 00003 DCall: 00002 [] Rx-Frame Retry[ No] -- OSeqno: 003 ISeqno: 007 Type: IAX Subclass: LAGRP Timestamp: 10012ms SCall: 00003 DCall: 00002 [] Tx-Frame Retry[-01] -- OSeqno: 007 ISeqno: 004 Type: IAX Subclass: ACK Timestamp: 10012ms SCall: 00002 DCall: 00003 [] MGCP read: NTFY 11 aaln/1@office2 MGCP 1.0 X: 1e957077 O: D/1 K: 10 from Verb: 'NTFY', Identifier: '11', Endpoint: 'aaln/1@office2', Version: 'MGCP 1.0' 4 headers, 0 lines Handling request 'NTFY' on aaln/1@office2 Transmitting: 200 11 OK to -- Endpoint 'aaln/1@office2-1' observed '1' -- MGCP Asked to indicate tone: L/dl on aaln/1@office2-1 in cxmode: recvonly Posting Request: RQNT 279 aaln/1@office2 MGCP 1.0 X: 1e957077 R: L/hu(N),L/hf(N),D/[0-9#*](N) S: L/dl to -- MGCP asked to indicate -1 'UNKNOWN' condition on channel MGCP/aaln/1@office2-1 -- MGCP Asked to indicate tone: on aaln/1@office2-1 in cxmode: recvonly Queueing Request: RQNT 280 aaln/1@office2 MGCP 1.0 X: 1e957077 R: L/hu(N),L/hf(N),D/[0-9#*](N) to -- MGCP asked to indicate -1 'UNKNOWN' condition on channel MGCP/aaln/1@office2-1 -- MGCP Asked to indicate tone: on aaln/1@office2-1 in cxmode: recvonly Queueing Request: RQNT 281 aaln/1@office2 MGCP 1.0 X: 1e957077 R: L/hu(N),L/hf(N),D/[0-9#*](N) to MGCP read: 200 279 OK from Verb: '200', Identifier: '279', Endpoint: 'OK', Version: '(null)' 1 headers, 0 lines Posting Queued Request: RQNT 280 aaln/1@office2 MGCP 1.0 X: 1e957077 R: L/hu(N),L/hf(N),D/[0-9#*](N) to MGCP read: 200 280 OK from Verb: '200', Identifier: '280', Endpoint: 'OK', Version: '(null)' 1 headers, 0 lines Posting Queued Request: RQNT 281 aaln/1@office2 MGCP 1.0 X: 1e957077 R: L/hu(N),L/hf(N),D/[0-9#*](N) to MGCP read: 200 281 OK from Verb: '200', Identifier: '281', Endpoint: 'OK', Version: '(null)' 1 headers, 0 lines MGCP read: NTFY 12 aaln/1@office2 MGCP 1.0 X: 1e957077 O: D/0 K: 11 from Verb: 'NTFY', Identifier: '12', Endpoint: 'aaln/1@office2', Version: 'MGCP 1.0' 4 headers, 0 lines Handling request 'NTFY' on aaln/1@office2 Transmitting: 200 12 OK to -- Endpoint 'aaln/1@office2-1' observed '0' -- MGCP Asked to indicate tone: on aaln/1@office2-1 in cxmode: recvonly Posting Request: RQNT 282 aaln/1@office2 MGCP 1.0 X: 1e957077 R: L/hu(N),L/hf(N),D/[0-9#*](N) to -- MGCP asked to indicate -1 'UNKNOWN' condition on channel MGCP/aaln/1@office2-1 -- MGCP Asked to indicate tone: on aaln/1@office2-1 in cxmode: recvonly Queueing Request: RQNT 283 aaln/1@office2 MGCP 1.0 X: 1e957077 R: L/hu(N),L/hf(N),D/[0-9#*](N) to -- MGCP asked to indicate -1 'UNKNOWN' condition on channel MGCP/aaln/1@office2-1 -- MGCP Asked to indicate tone: on aaln/1@office2-1 in cxmode: recvonly Queueing Request: RQNT 284 aaln/1@office2 MGCP 1.0 X: 1e957077 R: L/hu(N),L/hf(N),D/[0-9#*](N) to MGCP read: 200 282 OK from Verb: '200', Identifier: '282', Endpoint: 'OK', Version: '(null)' 1 headers, 0 lines Posting Queued Request: RQNT 283 aaln/1@office2 MGCP 1.0 X: 1e957077 R: L/hu(N),L/hf(N),D/[0-9#*](N) to MGCP read: 200 283 OK from Verb: '200', Identifier: '283', Endpoint: 'OK', Version: '(null)' 1 headers, 0 lines Posting Queued Request: RQNT 284 aaln/1@office2 MGCP 1.0 X: 1e957077 R: L/hu(N),L/hf(N),D/[0-9#*](N) to MGCP read: 200 284 OK from Verb: '200', Identifier: '284', Endpoint: 'OK', Version: '(null)' 1 headers, 0 lines MGCP read: NTFY 13 aaln/1@office2 MGCP 1.0 X: 1e957077 O: D/3 K: 12 from Verb: 'NTFY', Identifier: '13', Endpoint: 'aaln/1@office2', Version: 'MGCP 1.0' 4 headers, 0 lines Handling request 'NTFY' on aaln/1@office2 Transmitting: 200 13 OK to -- Endpoint 'aaln/1@office2-1' observed '3' -- MGCP Asked to indicate tone: on aaln/1@office2-1 in cxmode: recvonly Posting Request: RQNT 285 aaln/1@office2 MGCP 1.0 X: 1e957077 R: L/hu(N),L/hf(N),D/[0-9#*](N) to -- MGCP asked to indicate -1 'UNKNOWN' condition on channel MGCP/aaln/1@office2-1 -- MGCP Asked to indicate tone: on aaln/1@office2-1 in cxmode: recvonly Queueing Request: RQNT 286 aaln/1@office2 MGCP 1.0 X: 1e957077 R: L/hu(N),L/hf(N),D/[0-9#*](N) to -- MGCP asked to indicate -1 'UNKNOWN' condition on channel MGCP/aaln/1@office2-1 -- MGCP Asked to indicate tone: on aaln/1@office2-1 in cxmode: recvonly Queueing Request: RQNT 287 aaln/1@office2 MGCP 1.0 X: 1e957077 R: L/hu(N),L/hf(N),D/[0-9#*](N) to -- Executing Dial("MGCP/aaln/1@office2-1", "MGCP/aaln/3@office|600|tTg") in new stack -- MGCP mgcp_request(aaln/3@office) -- MGCP cw: 0, dnd: 0, so: 0, sno: 0 -- MGCP mgcp_new(MGCP/aaln/3@office-1) created in state: Down -- MGCP mgcp_call(MGCP/aaln/3@office-1) -- Creating connection for aaln/3@office-1 in cxmode: recvonly callid: 6a7d455176d4b9c8 We're at port 16420 Answering with capability 4 Posting Request: CRCX 288 aaln/3@office MGCP 1.0 C: 6a7d455176d4b9c8 L: p:20, a:PCMU M: recvonly X: 76d4b9c8 v=0 o=root 6204 6204 IN IP4 s=session c=IN IP4 t=0 0 m=audio 16420 RTP/AVP 0 a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000 to -- MGCP Asked to indicate tone: L/rg,L/ci(11/25/20/02,101,Anton) on aaln/3@office-1 in cxmode: recvonly Posting Request: RQNT 289 aaln/3@office MGCP 1.0 X: 0adf60a0 R: L/hd(N) S: L/rg,L/ci(11/25/20/02,101,Anton) to -- Called aaln/3@office -- MGCP/aaln/3@office-1 is ringing -- MGCP asked to indicate 3 'Remote end is ringing' condition on channel MGCP/aaln/1@office2-1 -- MGCP Asked to indicate tone: G/rt on aaln/1@office2-1 in cxmode: recvonly Queueing Request: RQNT 290 aaln/1@office2 MGCP 1.0 X: 1e957077 R: L/hu(N),L/hf(N),D/[0-9#*](N) S: G/rt to MGCP read: 200 285 OK from Verb: '200', Identifier: '285', Endpoint: 'OK', Version: '(null)' 1 headers, 0 lines Posting Queued Request: RQNT 286 aaln/1@office2 MGCP 1.0 X: 1e957077 R: L/hu(N),L/hf(N),D/[0-9#*](N) to MGCP read: 200 286 OK from Verb: '200', Identifier: '286', Endpoint: 'OK', Version: '(null)' 1 headers, 0 lines Posting Queued Request: RQNT 287 aaln/1@office2 MGCP 1.0 X: 1e957077 R: L/hu(N),L/hf(N),D/[0-9#*](N) to MGCP read: 200 287 OK from Verb: '200', Identifier: '287', Endpoint: 'OK', Version: '(null)' 1 headers, 0 lines Posting Queued Request: RQNT 290 aaln/1@office2 MGCP 1.0 X: 1e957077 R: L/hu(N),L/hf(N),D/[0-9#*](N) S: G/rt to MGCP read: 200 290 OK from Verb: '200', Identifier: '290', Endpoint: 'OK', Version: '(null)' 1 headers, 0 lines MGCP read: 200 288 OK I:c1 v=0 c=IN IP4 m=audio 30000 RTP/AVP 0 from Verb: '200', Identifier: '288', Endpoint: 'OK', Version: '(null)' 2 headers, 3 lines Capabilities: us - 4, them - 4, combined - 4 Non-codec capabilities: us - 1, them - 0, combined - 0 MGCP read: 200 289 OK from Verb: '200', Identifier: '289', Endpoint: 'OK', Version: '(null)' 1 headers, 0 lines Rx-Frame Retry[ No] -- OSeqno: 011 ISeqno: 008 Type: IAX Subclass: LAGRQ Timestamp: 30001ms SCall: 00001 DCall: 00001 [] Tx-Frame Retry[000] -- OSeqno: 008 ISeqno: 012 Type: IAX Subclass: LAGRP Timestamp: 30001ms SCall: 00001 DCall: 00001 [] Tx-Frame Retry[000] -- OSeqno: 009 ISeqno: 012 Type: IAX Subclass: LAGRQ Timestamp: 30073ms SCall: 00001 DCall: 00001 [] Rx-Frame Retry[ No] -- OSeqno: 012 ISeqno: 009 Type: IAX Subclass: ACK Timestamp: 30001ms SCall: 00001 DCall: 00001 [] Rx-Frame Retry[ No] -- OSeqno: 012 ISeqno: 010 Type: IAX Subclass: LAGRP Timestamp: 30073ms SCall: 00001 DCall: 00001 [] Tx-Frame Retry[-01] -- OSeqno: 010 ISeqno: 013 Type: IAX Subclass: ACK Timestamp: 30073ms SCall: 00001 DCall: 00001 [] MGCP read: NTFY 14 aaln/1@office2 MGCP 1.0 X: 1e957077 O: L/hu K: 13 from Verb: 'NTFY', Identifier: '14', Endpoint: 'aaln/1@office2', Version: 'MGCP 1.0' 4 headers, 0 lines Handling request 'NTFY' on aaln/1@office2 Transmitting: 200 14 OK to -- Endpoint 'aaln/1@office2-1' observed 'hu' -- Stopped music on hold on IAX2/centrex@ -- Swapping 1 for 0 on aaln/1@office2 -- Delete connection 2 aaln/1@office2-1 with new mode: recvonly on callid: 7e6fdc245d236d38 Posting Request: DLCX 291 aaln/1@office2 MGCP 1.0 C: 7e6fdc245d236d38 X: 5d236d38 I: 2 to Nov 25 20:02:52 WARNING[5721]: chan_mgcp.c:3101 handle_request: Transfer attempt failed Nov 25 20:02:52 NOTICE[6204]: chan_mgcp.c:1204 mgcp_fixup: mgcp_fixup(IAX2/centrex@, IAX2/centrex@ Nov 25 20:02:52 WARNING[6204]: chan_mgcp.c:1207 mgcp_fixup: old channel wasn't 0x8168e70 but was (nil) Nov 25 20:02:52 WARNING[6204]: channel.c:2290 ast_do_masquerade: Fixup failed on channel IAX2/centrex@, strange things may happen. -- MGCP mgcp_hangup(IAX2/centrex@ on aaln/1@office2 -- MGCP Asked to indicate tone: on aaln/1@office2-1 in cxmode: inactive Posting Request: RQNT 292 aaln/1@office2 MGCP 1.0 X: 1e957077 R: L/hd(N) to MGCP read: 250 291 OK from Verb: '250', Identifier: '291', Endpoint: 'OK', Version: '(null)' 1 headers, 0 lines -- No command found on [office2] for transaction 291. Ignoring... MGCP read: 200 292 OK from Verb: '200', Identifier: '292', Endpoint: 'OK', Version: '(null)' 1 headers, 0 lines MGCP read: NTFY 2527 aaln/3@office MGCP 1.0 NCS 1.0 N:[]:2427 X:0adf60a0 O: hd from Verb: 'NTFY', Identifier: '2527', Endpoint: 'aaln/3@office', Version: 'MGCP 1.0' 4 headers, 0 lines Handling request 'NTFY' on aaln/3@office Transmitting: 200 2527 OK to -- Endpoint 'aaln/3@office-1' observed 'hd' -- Modified aaln/3@office-1 with new mode: sendrecv on callid: 6a7d455176d4b9c8 Posting Request: MDCX 293 aaln/3@office MGCP 1.0 C: 6a7d455176d4b9c8 M: sendrecv X: 76d4b9c8 I: c1 R: L/hu(N),L/hf(N),D/[0-9#*](N) to -- MGCP Asked to indicate tone: on aaln/3@office-1 in cxmode: sendrecv Posting Request: RQNT 294 aaln/3@office MGCP 1.0 X: 0adf60a0 R: L/hu(N),L/hf(N),D/[0-9#*](N) to MGCP read: 200 293 OK from Verb: '200', Identifier: '293', Endpoint: 'OK', Version: '(null)' 1 headers, 0 lines MGCP read: 200 294 OK from Verb: '200', Identifier: '294', Endpoint: 'OK', Version: '(null)' 1 headers, 0 lines -- MGCP/aaln/3@office-1 answered IAX2/centrex@ Nov 25 20:03:01 NOTICE[6204]: rtp.c:289 process_rfc3389: RFC3389 support incomplete. Turn off on client if possible Tx-Frame Retry[000] -- OSeqno: 007 ISeqno: 004 Type: CONTROL Subclass: (255?) Timestamp: 19873ms SCall: 00002 DCall: 00003 [] Rx-Frame Retry[ No] -- OSeqno: 004 ISeqno: 008 Type: IAX Subclass: ACK Timestamp: 19873ms SCall: 00003 DCall: 00002 [] Rx-Frame Retry[ No] -- OSeqno: 004 ISeqno: 008 Type: IAX Subclass: PING Timestamp: 20004ms SCall: 00003 DCall: 00002 [] Tx-Frame Retry[000] -- OSeqno: 008 ISeqno: 005 Type: IAX Subclass: PONG Timestamp: 20004ms SCall: 00002 DCall: 00003 [] Tx-Frame Retry[000] -- OSeqno: 009 ISeqno: 005 Type: IAX Subclass: PING Timestamp: 20010ms SCall: 00002 DCall: 00003 [] Tx-Frame Retry[000] -- OSeqno: 010 ISeqno: 005 Type: IAX Subclass: LAGRQ Timestamp: 20013ms SCall: 00002 DCall: 00003 [] Rx-Frame Retry[ No] -- OSeqno: 005 ISeqno: 008 Type: IAX Subclass: LAGRQ Timestamp: 20007ms SCall: 00003 DCall: 00002 [] Tx-Frame Retry[000] -- OSeqno: 011 ISeqno: 006 Type: IAX Subclass: LAGRP Timestamp: 20007ms SCall: 00002 DCall: 00003 [] Rx-Frame Retry[ No] -- OSeqno: 005 ISeqno: 009 Type: IAX Subclass: ACK Timestamp: 20004ms SCall: 00003 DCall: 00002 [] Rx-Frame Retry[ No] -- OSeqno: 006 ISeqno: 010 Type: IAX Subclass: PONG Timestamp: 20010ms SCall: 00003 DCall: 00002 [] Tx-Frame Retry[-01] -- OSeqno: 010 ISeqno: 007 Type: IAX Subclass: ACK Timestamp: 20010ms SCall: 00002 DCall: 00003 [] Rx-Frame Retry[ No] -- OSeqno: 007 ISeqno: 011 Type: IAX Subclass: LAGRP Timestamp: 20013ms SCall: 00003 DCall: 00002 [] Tx-Frame Retry[-01] -- OSeqno: 011 ISeqno: 008 Type: IAX Subclass: ACK Timestamp: 20013ms SCall: 00002 DCall: 00003 [] Rx-Frame Retry[ No] -- OSeqno: 006 ISeqno: 012 Type: IAX Subclass: ACK Timestamp: 20007ms SCall: 00003 DCall: 00002 [] Tx-Frame Retry[000] -- OSeqno: 010 ISeqno: 013 Type: IAX Subclass: PING Timestamp: 40073ms SCall: 00001 DCall: 00001 [] Tx-Frame Retry[000] -- OSeqno: 011 ISeqno: 013 Type: IAX Subclass: LAGRQ Timestamp: 40076ms SCall: 00001 DCall: 00001 [] Rx-Frame Retry[ No] -- OSeqno: 013 ISeqno: 011 Type: IAX Subclass: PONG Timestamp: 40073ms SCall: 00001 DCall: 00001 [] Tx-Frame Retry[-01] -- OSeqno: 011 ISeqno: 014 Type: IAX Subclass: ACK Timestamp: 40073ms SCall: 00001 DCall: 00001 [] Rx-Frame Retry[ No] -- OSeqno: 014 ISeqno: 011 Type: IAX Subclass: PING Timestamp: 40001ms SCall: 00001 DCall: 00001 [] Tx-Frame Retry[000] -- OSeqno: 012 ISeqno: 015 Type: IAX Subclass: PONG Timestamp: 40001ms SCall: 00001 DCall: 00001 [] Rx-Frame Retry[ No] -- OSeqno: 015 ISeqno: 011 Type: IAX Subclass: LAGRQ Timestamp: 40004ms SCall: 00001 DCall: 00001 [] Tx-Frame Retry[000] -- OSeqno: 013 ISeqno: 016 Type: IAX Subclass: LAGRP Timestamp: 40004ms SCall: 00001 DCall: 00001 [] Rx-Frame Retry[ No] -- OSeqno: 016 ISeqno: 012 Type: IAX Subclass: LAGRP Timestamp: 40076ms SCall: 00001 DCall: 00001 [] Tx-Frame Retry[-01] -- OSeqno: 012 ISeqno: 017 Type: IAX Subclass: ACK Timestamp: 40076ms SCall: 00001 DCall: 00001 [] Rx-Frame Retry[ No] -- OSeqno: 015 ISeqno: 013 Type: IAX Subclass: ACK Timestamp: 40001ms SCall: 00001 DCall: 00001 [] Rx-Frame Retry[ No] -- OSeqno: 016 ISeqno: 014 Type: IAX Subclass: ACK Timestamp: 40004ms SCall: 00001 DCall: 00001 [] MGCP read: NTFY 2528 aaln/3@office MGCP 1.0 NCS 1.0 N:[]:2427 X:0adf60a0 O: # from Verb: 'NTFY', Identifier: '2528', Endpoint: 'aaln/3@office', Version: 'MGCP 1.0' 4 headers, 0 lines Handling request 'NTFY' on aaln/3@office Transmitting: 200 2528 OK to -- Endpoint 'aaln/3@office-1' observed '#' -- MGCP Asked to indicate tone: on aaln/3@office-1 in cxmode: sendrecv Posting Request: RQNT 295 aaln/3@office MGCP 1.0 X: 0adf60a0 R: L/hu(N),L/hf(N),D/[0-9#*](N) to MGCP read: 200 295 OK from Verb: '200', Identifier: '295', Endpoint: 'OK', Version: '(null)' 1 headers, 0 lines -- Started music on hold, class 'default', on IAX2/centrex@ -- Playing 'pbx-transfer' (language 'en') MGCP read: NTFY 2529 aaln/3@office MGCP 1.0 NCS 1.0 N:[]:2427 X:0adf60a0 O: 1 from Verb: 'NTFY', Identifier: '2529', Endpoint: 'aaln/3@office', Version: 'MGCP 1.0' 4 headers, 0 lines Handling request 'NTFY' on aaln/3@office Transmitting: 200 2529 OK to -- Endpoint 'aaln/3@office-1' observed '1' -- MGCP Asked to indicate tone: on aaln/3@office-1 in cxmode: sendrecv Posting Request: RQNT 296 aaln/3@office MGCP 1.0 X: 0adf60a0 R: L/hu(N),L/hf(N),D/[0-9#*](N) to MGCP read: 200 296 OK from Verb: '200', Identifier: '296', Endpoint: 'OK', Version: '(null)' 1 headers, 0 lines MGCP read: NTFY 2530 aaln/3@office MGCP 1.0 NCS 1.0 N:[]:2427 X:0adf60a0 O: 0 from Verb: 'NTFY', Identifier: '2530', Endpoint: 'aaln/3@office', Version: 'MGCP 1.0' 4 headers, 0 lines Handling request 'NTFY' on aaln/3@office Transmitting: 200 2530 OK to -- Endpoint 'aaln/3@office-1' observed '0' -- MGCP Asked to indicate tone: on aaln/3@office-1 in cxmode: sendrecv Posting Request: RQNT 297 aaln/3@office MGCP 1.0 X: 0adf60a0 R: L/hu(N),L/hf(N),D/[0-9#*](N) to MGCP read: 200 297 OK from Verb: '200', Identifier: '297', Endpoint: 'OK', Version: '(null)' 1 headers, 0 lines MGCP read: NTFY 2531 aaln/3@office MGCP 1.0 NCS 1.0 N:[]:2427 X:0adf60a0 O: 1 from Verb: 'NTFY', Identifier: '2531', Endpoint: 'aaln/3@office', Version: 'MGCP 1.0' 4 headers, 0 lines Handling request 'NTFY' on aaln/3@office Transmitting: 200 2531 OK to -- Endpoint 'aaln/3@office-1' observed '1' -- MGCP Asked to indicate tone: on aaln/3@office-1 in cxmode: sendrecv Posting Request: RQNT 298 aaln/3@office MGCP 1.0 X: 0adf60a0 R: L/hu(N),L/hf(N),D/[0-9#*](N) to -- Stopped music on hold on IAX2/centrex@ MGCP read: 200 298 OK from Verb: '200', Identifier: '298', Endpoint: 'OK', Version: '(null)' 1 headers, 0 lines -- MGCP mgcp_hangup(MGCP/aaln/3@office-1) on aaln/3@office -- Delete connection c1 aaln/3@office-1 with new mode: sendrecv on callid: 6a7d455176d4b9c8 Posting Request: DLCX 299 aaln/3@office MGCP 1.0 C: 6a7d455176d4b9c8 X: 76d4b9c8 I: c1 to -- MGCP Asked to indicate tone: L/ro on aaln/3@office-1 in cxmode: sendrecv Posting Request: RQNT 300 aaln/3@office MGCP 1.0 X: 0adf60a0 R: L/hu(N),L/hf(N),D/[0-9#*](N) S: L/ro to -- Executing Dial("IAX2/centrex@", "MGCP/aaln/1@office2|600|tTg") in new stack MGCP read: 250 299 OK P: PS=391,OS=66548,PR=509,OR=87548,PL=0,JI=33,LA=0 from Verb: '250', Identifier: '299', Endpoint: 'OK', Version: '(null)' 2 headers, 0 lines casper*CLI> casper*CLI> casper*CLI> casper*CLI> casper*CLI> casper*CLI> casper*CLI> casper*CLI> casper*CLI> casper*CLI> casper*CLI> show channels Channel (Context Extension Pri ) State Appl. Data IAX2/centrex@ (default 101 1 ) Up Dial MGCP/aaln/1@office2|600|tTg 1 active channel(s) Nov 25 20:03:22 WARNING[5759]: channel.c:495 ast_channel_walk_locked: Avoided deadlock for 'MGCP/aaln/1@office2-0', 10 retries! casper*CLI> casper*CLI> casper*CLI> casper*CLI> casper*CLI> casper*CLI> casper*CLI> casper*CLI>