*CLI> h.323 debug H323 debug enabled *CLI> h.323 trace 5 H.323 trace set to level 5 *CLI> -- Launched AGI Script /usr/local/asterisk/var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin/setclid.agi Urgent handler Starting setclid application Current callerid is 121281212010013 setting callerid 2128121201  -- AGI Script setclid.agi completed, returning 0 Urgent handler Urgent handler -- Making call to 2128129977 using gatekeeper. 0:22.843 ThreadID=0x00040011 h323ep.cxx(1323) H323 Making call to: 2128129977 0:22.851 ThreadID=0x00040011 osutil.cxx(319) PWLib File handle high water mark set: 39 PUDPSocket 0:22.861 ThreadID=0x00040011 h323caps.cxx(1650) H323 Added capability: G.711-uLaw-64k{sw} <1> 0:22.869 ThreadID=0x00040011 h323caps.cxx(1709) H323 FindCapability: 1 0:22.876 ThreadID=0x00040011 h323caps.cxx(1713) H323 Found capability: G.711-uLaw-64k{sw} <1> 0:22.884 ThreadID=0x00040011 rfc2833.cxx(81) RFC2833 Handler created == New H.323 Connection created. 0:22.889 ThreadID=0x00040011 h323ep.cxx(1393) H323 Created new connection: ip$localhost/26885 0:22.898 ThreadID=0x00040011 osutil.cxx(319) PWLib File handle high water mark set: 40 Thread unblock pipe 0:22.907 ThreadID=0x00040011 tlibthrd.cxx(688) PWLib Created thread 0x8133028 H225 Caller:%0x 0:22.915 -- pbx1 is calling host 2128129977 -- Call token is ip$localhost/26885 -- Call reference is 26885  -- Called 2128129977 Urgent handler H225 Caller:8133028 tlibthrd.cxx(1194) PWLib Thread high water mark set: 7 0:22.919 H225 Caller:8133028 tlibthrd.cxx(1199) PWLib Started thread 0x8133028 H225 Caller:8133028 0:22.920 H225 Caller:8133028 h323ep.cxx(712) H225 Started call thread 0:22.926 H225 Caller:8133028 h323trans.cxx(494) Trans Making request: admissionRequest 0:22.927 H225 Caller:8133028 h323pdu.cxx(494) Trans Sending PDU: admissionRequest { requestSeqNum = 22593 callType = pointToPoint <> endpointIdentifier = 9 characters { 0032 0037 0034 0035 005f 0065 006e 0064 2745_end 0070 p } destinationInfo = 1 entries { [0]=dialedDigits "2128129977" } srcInfo = 1 entries { [0]=h323_ID 15 characters { 0022 0022 0020 003c 0032 0031 0032 0038 "" <2128 0031 0032 0031 0032 0030 0031 003e 121201> } } bandWidth = 100000 callReferenceValue = 26885 conferenceID = 16 octets { 10 47 5c 99 0e 25 d8 11 84 49 00 48 54 80 6b 99 .G\..%...I.HT.k. } activeMC = FALSE answerCall = FALSE canMapAlias = TRUE callIdentifier = { guid = 16 octets { 22 cd 5a 99 0e 25 d8 11 84 49 00 48 54 80 6b 99 ".Z..%...I.HT.k. } } gatekeeperIdentifier = 3 characters { 0067 006b 0031 gk1 } willSupplyUUIEs = TRUE } 0:22.949 H225 Caller:8133028 h323trans.cxx(622) Trans Waiting on response to seqnum=22593 for 3.0 seconds 0:22.959 Transactor:8102aa8 h323pdu.cxx(494) H225RAS Receiving PDU: admissionConfirm { requestSeqNum = 22593 bandWidth = 100000 callModel = gatekeeperRouted <> destCallSignalAddress = ipAddress { ip = 4 octets { 42 72 49 06 BrI. } port = 1720 } irrFrequency = 120 willRespondToIRR = FALSE uuiesRequested = { setup = FALSE callProceeding = FALSE connect = FALSE alerting = FALSE information = FALSE releaseComplete = FALSE facility = FALSE progress = FALSE empty = FALSE status = FALSE statusInquiry = FALSE setupAcknowledge = FALSE notify = FALSE } } 0:22.963 Transactor:8102aa8 h323trans.cxx(564) Trans Using credentials from request: H235AnnexD_Procedure1,MD5,CAT 0:22.964 Transactor:8102aa8 h323trans.cxx(333) Trans Reading PDU 0:22.965 H225 Caller:8133028 h323.cxx(4408) H323 Bandwidth used: 0 0:22.967 H225 Caller:8133028 transports.cxx(1578) H323TCP Connecting to (local port=0) 0:22.972 H225 Caller:8133028 osutil.cxx(319) PWLib File handle high water mark set: 41 PTCPSocket 0:22.982 H225 Caller:8133028 transports.cxx(1485) H323TCP Started connection: host=, if=, handle=41 0:22.989 H225 Caller:8133028 h323.cxx(2760) H225 Sending Setup PDU 0:22.990 H225 Caller:8133028 h323.cxx(2775) H225 Check for Fast start by local endpoint 0:22.992 H225 Caller:8133028 h323.cxx(3958) H245 Default OnSelectLogicalChannels, FastStartInitiate =*= In CreateRealTimeLogicalChannel for call 26885 -- externalIpAddress: -- externalPort: 19118 -- SessionID: 1 -- Direction: IsReceiver =*= In CreateRealTimeLogicalChannel for call 26885 -- externalIpAddress: -- externalPort: 19118 -- SessionID: 1 -- Direction: IsTransmitter 0:22.994 H225 Caller:8133028 h323.cxx(2781) H225 Fast start begun by local endpoint 0:22.996 H225 Caller:8133028 channels.cxx(893) H323RTP OnSendingPDU 0:22.999 H225 Caller:8133028 h323.cxx(1856) H225 Build fastStart: { forwardLogicalChannelNumber = 1 forwardLogicalChannelParameters = { dataType = nullData <> multiplexParameters = none <> } reverseLogicalChannelParameters = { dataType = audioData g711Ulaw64k 30 multiplexParameters = h2250LogicalChannelParameters { sessionID = 1 mediaChannel = unicastAddress iPAddress { network = 4 octets { 42 72 4a 46 BrJF } tsapIdentifier = 19118 } mediaGuaranteedDelivery = FALSE mediaControlChannel = unicastAddress iPAddress { network = 4 octets { 42 72 4a 46 BrJF } tsapIdentifier = 19119 } silenceSuppression = FALSE } } } 0:23.016 H225 Caller:8133028 h323.cxx(1861) H225 Built fastStart for G.711-uLaw-64k{sw} <1> 0:23.020 H225 Caller:8133028 channels.cxx(893) H323RTP OnSendingPDU 0:23.022 H225 Caller:8133028 h323.cxx(1856) H225 Build fastStart: { forwardLogicalChannelNumber = 101 forwardLogicalChannelParameters = { dataType = audioData g711Ulaw64k 30 multiplexParameters = h2250LogicalChannelParameters { sessionID = 1 mediaGuaranteedDelivery = FALSE mediaControlChannel = unicastAddress iPAddress { network = 4 octets { 42 72 4a 46 BrJF } tsapIdentifier = 19119 } silenceSuppression = FALSE } } } 0:23.029 H225 Caller:8133028 h323.cxx(1861) H225 Built fastStart for G.711-uLaw-64k{sw} <1> -- Sending SETUP message 0:23.031 H225 Caller:8133028 h323.cxx(3146) H245 Started control channel 0:23.033 H225 Caller:8133028 h323neg.cxx(549) H245 Sending TerminalCapabilitySet: outSeq=1 0:23.036 GkMonitor:80f55d8 osutil.cxx(319) PWLib File handle high water mark set: 42 PUDPSocket 0:23.039 H225 Caller:8133028 h323caps.cxx(1725) H323 FindCapability: "UserInput/RFC2833" 0:23.046 GkMonitor:80f55d8 transports.cxx(974) TCP Appending H.225 transport ip$ using associated transport Transport[remote=ip$ if=ip$] 0:23.048 H225 Caller:8133028 h323pdu.cxx(494) H245 Sending PDU: request terminalCapabilitySet { sequenceNumber = 1 protocolIdentifier = multiplexCapability = h2250Capability { maximumAudioDelayJitter = 250 receiveMultipointCapability = { multicastCapability = FALSE multiUniCastConference = FALSE mediaDistributionCapability = 1 entries { [0]={ centralizedControl = FALSE distributedControl = FALSE centralizedAudio = FALSE distributedAudio = FALSE centralizedVideo = FALSE distributedVideo = FALSE } } } transmitMultipointCapability = { multicastCapability = FALSE multiUniCastConference = FALSE mediaDistributionCapability = 1 entries { [0]={ centralizedControl = FALSE distributedControl = FALSE centralizedAudio = FALSE distributedAudio = FALSE centralizedVideo = FALSE distributedVideo = FALSE } } } receiveAndTransmitMultipointCapability = { multicastCapability = FALSE multiUniCastConference = FALSE mediaDistributionCapability = 1 entries { [0]={ centralizedControl = FALSE distributedControl = FALSE centralizedAudio = FALSE distributedAudio = FALSE centralizedVideo = FALSE distributedVideo = FALSE } } } mcCapability = { centralizedConferenceMC = FALSE decentralizedConferenceMC = FALSE } rtcpVideoControlCapability = FALSE mediaPacketizationCapability = { h261aVideoPacketization = FALSE } logicalChannelSwitchingCapability = FALSE t120DynamicPortCapability = TRUE } capabilityTable = 1 entries { [0]={ capabilityTableEntryNumber = 1 capability = receiveAudioCapability g711Ulaw64k 240 } } capabilityDescriptors = 1 entries { [0]={ capabilityDescriptorNumber = 1 simultaneousCapabilities = 1 entries { [0]=1 entries { [0]=1 } } } } } 0:23.091 H225 Caller:8133028 h323neg.cxx(317) H245 Sending MasterSlaveDetermination 0:23.093 H225 Caller:8133028 h323pdu.cxx(494) H245 Sending PDU: request masterSlaveDetermination { terminalType = 60 statusDeterminationNumber = 16326406 } 0:23.096 H225 Caller:8133028 h323pdu.cxx(494) H225 Sending PDU: { q931pdu = { protocolDiscriminator = 8 callReference = 26885 from = originator messageType = Setup IE: Bearer-Capability = { 80 90 a5 ... } IE: Display = { 22 22 20 3c 32 31 32 38 31 32 31 32 30 31 3e 00 "" <2128121201>. } IE: Called-Party-Number = { 81 32 31 32 38 31 32 39 39 37 37 .2128129977 } IE: User-User = { 20 b8 06 00 08 91 4a 00 04 01 40 03 00 70 00 62 .....J...@..p.b 00 78 00 31 28 c0 09 00 00 3d 37 54 68 65 20 4e .x.1(....=7The N 75 46 6f 6e 65 20 4e 65 74 77 6f 72 6b 27 73 20 uFone Network's 48 2e 33 32 33 20 43 68 61 6e 6e 65 6c 20 44 72 H.323 Channel Dr 69 76 65 72 20 66 6f 72 20 41 73 74 65 72 69 73 iver for Asteris 6b 00 00 19 30 2e 31 2e 30 20 28 4f 70 65 6e 48 k...0.1.0 (OpenH 33 32 33 20 76 31 2e 31 32 2e 32 29 00 00 40 01 323 v1.12.2)..@. 3c 05 07 01 00 c0 45 45 88 80 00 01 04 80 54 5b <.....EE......T[ 45 cc aa 00 42 72 49 06 06 b8 00 10 47 5c 99 0e E...BrI.....G\.. 25 d8 11 84 49 00 48 54 80 6b 99 00 c5 1f 80 04 %...I.HT.k...... 07 00 42 72 4a 46 83 35 11 00 22 cd 5a 99 0e 25 ..BrJF.5..".Z..% d8 11 84 49 00 48 54 80 6b 99 33 02 1d 40 00 00 ...I.HT.k.3..@.. 06 04 00 4c 60 1d 80 12 1d 00 01 00 42 72 4a 46 ...L`.......BrJF 4a ae 00 42 72 4a 46 4a af 00 13 00 00 64 0c 60 J..BrJFJ.....d.` 1d 80 0b 0d 00 01 00 42 72 4a 46 4a af 00 01 00 .......BrJFJ.... 01 00 13 10 00 32 00 37 00 34 00 35 00 5f 00 65 ..... 00 6e 00 64 00 70 01 00 01 00 37 02 2d 02 70 01 .n.d.p....7.-.p. 06 00 08 81 75 00 07 80 13 80 00 fa 00 01 00 00 ....u........... 01 00 00 01 00 00 0c c0 01 00 01 80 00 80 00 00 ................ 20 c0 ef 00 80 01 00 00 00 00 07 01 00 3c 80 f9 ............<.. 1f 06 02 80 01 80 ...... } } h225pdu = { h323_uu_pdu = { h323_message_body = setup { protocolIdentifier = sourceAddress = 1 entries { [0]=h323_ID 4 characters { 0070 0062 0078 0031 pbx1 } } sourceInfo = { vendor = { vendor = { t35CountryCode = 9 t35Extension = 0 manufacturerCode = 61 } productId = 56 octets { 54 68 65 20 4e 75 46 6f 6e 65 20 4e 65 74 77 6f The NuFone Netwo 72 6b 27 73 20 48 2e 33 32 33 20 43 68 61 6e 6e rk's H.323 Chann 65 6c 20 44 72 69 76 65 72 20 66 6f 72 20 41 73 el Driver for As 74 65 72 69 73 6b 00 00 terisk.. } versionId = 26 octets { 30 2e 31 2e 30 20 28 4f 70 65 6e 48 33 32 33 20 0.1.0 (OpenH323 76 31 2e 31 32 2e 32 29 00 00 v1.12.2).. } } gateway = { protocol = 1 entries { [0]=voice { supportedPrefixes = 1 entries { [0]={ prefix = dialedDigits "1212555" } } } } } mc = FALSE undefinedNode = FALSE } destinationAddress = 1 entries { [0]=dialedDigits "2128129977" } destCallSignalAddress = ipAddress { ip = 4 octets { 42 72 49 06 BrI. } port = 1720 } activeMC = FALSE conferenceID = 16 octets { 10 47 5c 99 0e 25 d8 11 84 49 00 48 54 80 6b 99 .G\..%...I.HT.k. } conferenceGoal = create <> callType = pointToPoint <> sourceCallSignalAddress = ipAddress { ip = 4 octets { 42 72 4a 46 BrJF } port = 33589 } callIdentifier = { guid = 16 octets { 22 cd 5a 99 0e 25 d8 11 84 49 00 48 54 80 6b 99 ".Z..%...I.HT.k. } } fastStart = 2 entries { [0]= 29 octets { 40 00 00 06 04 00 4c 60 1d 80 12 1d 00 01 00 42 @.....L`.......B 72 4a 46 4a ae 00 42 72 4a 46 4a af 00 rJFJ..BrJFJ.. } [1]= 19 octets { 00 00 64 0c 60 1d 80 0b 0d 00 01 00 42 72 4a 46 ..d.`.......BrJF 4a af 00 J.. } } mediaWaitForConnect = FALSE canOverlapSend = FALSE endpointIdentifier = 9 characters { 0032 0037 0034 0035 005f 0065 006e 0064 2745_end 0070 p } multipleCalls = FALSE maintainConnection = FALSE parallelH245Control = 2 entries { [0]= 45 octets { 02 70 01 06 00 08 81 75 00 07 80 13 80 00 fa 00 .p.....u........ 01 00 00 01 00 00 01 00 00 0c c0 01 00 01 80 00 ................ 80 00 00 20 c0 ef 00 80 01 00 00 00 00 ... ......... } [1]= 7 octets { 01 00 3c 80 f9 1f 06 ..<.... } } } h245Tunneling = TRUE } } } 0:23.247 H225 Caller:8133028 h323.cxx(1591) H225 Reading PDUs: callRef=26885 0:23.259 GkMonitor:80f55d8 h323.cxx(4408) H323 Bandwidth used: 0 0:23.260 GkMonitor:80f55d8 gkclient.cxx(1741) RAS Sending unsolicited IRR and without acknowledgement 0:23.261 GkMonitor:80f55d8 h323pdu.cxx(494) Trans Sending PDU: infoRequestResponse { requestSeqNum = 22594 endpointType = { vendor = { vendor = { t35CountryCode = 9 t35Extension = 0 manufacturerCode = 61 } productId = 56 octets { 54 68 65 20 4e 75 46 6f 6e 65 20 4e 65 74 77 6f The NuFone Netwo 72 6b 27 73 20 48 2e 33 32 33 20 43 68 61 6e 6e rk's H.323 Chann 65 6c 20 44 72 69 76 65 72 20 66 6f 72 20 41 73 el Driver for As 74 65 72 69 73 6b 00 00 terisk.. } versionId = 26 octets { 30 2e 31 2e 30 20 28 4f 70 65 6e 48 33 32 33 20 0.1.0 (OpenH323 76 31 2e 31 32 2e 32 29 00 00 v1.12.2).. } } gateway = { protocol = 1 entries { [0]=voice { supportedPrefixes = 1 entries { [0]={ prefix = dialedDigits "1212555" } } } } } mc = FALSE undefinedNode = FALSE } endpointIdentifier = 9 characters { 0032 0037 0034 0035 005f 0065 006e 0064 2745_end 0070 p } rasAddress = ipAddress { ip = 4 octets { 42 72 4a 46 BrJF } port = 32842 } callSignalAddress = 1 entries { [0]=ipAddress { ip = 4 octets { 42 72 4a 46 BrJF } port = 1720 } } endpointAlias = 1 entries { [0]=h323_ID 4 characters { 0070 0062 0078 0031 pbx1 } } perCallInfo = 1 entries { [0]={ callReferenceValue = 26885 conferenceID = 16 octets { 10 47 5c 99 0e 25 d8 11 84 49 00 48 54 80 6b 99 .G\..%...I.HT.k. } originator = TRUE h245 = { } callSignaling = { } callType = pointToPoint <> bandWidth = 0 callModel = gatekeeperRouted <> callIdentifier = { guid = 16 octets { 22 cd 5a 99 0e 25 d8 11 84 49 00 48 54 80 6b 99 ".Z..%...I.HT.k. } } substituteConfIDs = 0 entries { } usageInformation = { nonStandardUsageFields = 0 entries { } } } } needResponse = FALSE unsolicited = TRUE } 0:23.843 H225 Caller:8133028 h323pdu.cxx(494) H225 Receiving PDU: { q931pdu = { protocolDiscriminator = 8 callReference = 26885 from = destination messageType = Alerting IE: User-User = { 23 c0 06 00 08 91 4a 00 02 08 80 01 38 00 42 72 #.....J.....8.Br 4c e3 16 b1 09 00 11 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 L............... 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 06 80 01 00 ............ } } h225pdu = { h323_uu_pdu = { h323_message_body = alerting { protocolIdentifier = destinationInfo = { gateway = { protocol = 1 entries { [0]=voice { supportedPrefixes = 0 entries { } } } } mc = FALSE undefinedNode = FALSE } h245Address = ipAddress { ip = 4 octets { 42 72 4c e3 BrL. } port = 5809 } callIdentifier = { guid = 16 octets { 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................ } } } h245Tunneling = FALSE } } } 0:23.860 H225 Caller:8133028 h323.cxx(1644) H225 Handling PDU: Alerting callRef=26885 0:23.862 H225 Caller:8133028 h323neg.cxx(334) H245 Stopping MasterSlaveDetermination: state=Outgoing 0:23.863 H225 Caller:8133028 h323neg.cxx(561) H245 Stopping TerminalCapabilitySet: state=InProgress 0:23.864 H225 Caller:8133028 h323.cxx(1904) H225 Set protocol version to 2 and implying H.245 version 3 0:23.866 H225 Caller:8133028 h323.cxx(2095) H225 Set remote party name: "" 0:23.868 H225 Caller:8133028 transports.cxx(1578) H323TCP Connecting to (local port=0) 0:23.881 H225 Caller:8133028 transports.cxx(1485) H323TCP Started connection: host=, if=, handle=42 0:23.889 H225 Caller:8133028 osutil.cxx(319) PWLib File handle high water mark set: 44 Thread unblock pipe 0:23.890 H225 Caller:8133028 tlibthrd.cxx(688) PWLib Created thread 0x8140c70 H245:%0x -- Ringing phone for "" 0:23.892 H245:8140c70 tlibthrd.cxx(1194) PWLib Thread high water mark set: 8 0:23.892 H245:8140c70 tlibthrd.cxx(1199) PWLib Started thread 0x8140c70 H245:8140c70 0:23.893 H245:8140c70 transports.cxx(571) H245 Started thread 0:23.893 H225 Caller:8133028 h323.cxx(3901) H323 InternalEstablishedConnectionCheck: connectionState=AwaitingSignalConnect fastStartState=FastStartAcknowledged 0:23.895 H245:8140c70 h323.cxx(3146) H245 Started control channel 0:23.896 H245:8140c70 h323neg.cxx(549) H245 Sending TerminalCapabilitySet: outSeq=2 0:23.898 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1725) H323 FindCapability: "UserInput/RFC2833" 0:23.899 H245:8140c70 h323pdu.cxx(494) H245 Sending PDU: request terminalCapabilitySet { sequenceNumber = 2 protocolIdentifier = multiplexCapability = h2250Capability { maximumAudioDelayJitter = 250 receiveMultipointCapability = { multicastCapability = FALSE multiUniCastConference = FALSE mediaDistributionCapability = 1 entries { [0]={ centralizedControl = FALSE distributedControl = FALSE centralizedAudio = FALSE distributedAudio = FALSE centralizedVideo = FALSE distributedVideo = FALSE } } } transmitMultipointCapability = { multicastCapability = FALSE multiUniCastConference = FALSE mediaDistributionCapability = 1 entries { [0]={ centralizedControl = FALSE distributedControl = FALSE centralizedAudio = FALSE distributedAudio = FALSE centralizedVideo = FALSE distributedVideo = FALSE } } } receiveAndTransmitMultipointCapability = { multicastCapability = FALSE multiUniCastConference = FALSE mediaDistributionCapability = 1 entries { [0]={ centralizedControl = FALSE distributedControl = FALSE centralizedAudio = FALSE distributedAudio = FALSE centralizedVideo = FALSE distributedVideo = FALSE } } } mcCapability = { centralizedConferenceMC = FALSE decentralizedConferenceMC = FALSE } rtcpVideoControlCapability = FALSE mediaPacketizationCapability = { h261aVideoPacketization = FALSE } logicalChannelSwitchingCapability = FALSE t120DynamicPortCapability = TRUE } capabilityTable = 1 entries { [0]={ capabilityTableEntryNumber = 1 capability = receiveAudioCapability g711Ulaw64k 240 } } capabilityDescriptors = 1 entries { [0]={ capabilityDescriptorNumber = 1 simultaneousCapabilities = 1 entries { [0]=1 entries { [0]=1 } } } } } 0:23.908 H245:8140c70 h323neg.cxx(317) H245 Sending MasterSlaveDetermination 0:23.909 H245:8140c70 h323pdu.cxx(494) H245 Sending PDU: request masterSlaveDetermination { terminalType = 60 statusDeterminationNumber = 16238054 } 0:23.946 H245:8140c70 h323.cxx(3189) H245 Received TPKT: size=121 pos=0.0 { 02 70 fc 06 00 08 81 75 00 03 80 13 80 00 3c 40 p u <@ 01 15 20 01 15 20 01 15 00 0c c0 01 00 01 00 08 80 00 00 20 40 09 80 00 01 20 c0 09 80 00 02 22 @ " 00 01 40 00 03 22 80 01 80 00 04 22 c0 01 80 00 @ " " 05 20 20 b5 00 00 14 04 52 54 32 34 80 00 06 22 RT24 " 40 01 80 00 08 83 01 40 80 00 09 24 18 03 00 21 @ @ $ ! c0 00 80 01 01 07 00 00 00 01 00 02 00 03 00 04 00 05 00 06 00 09 00 00 08 } 0:23.959 H245:8140c70 h323pdu.cxx(494) H245 Receiving PDU: request terminalCapabilitySet { sequenceNumber = 252 protocolIdentifier = multiplexCapability = h2250Capability { maximumAudioDelayJitter = 60 receiveMultipointCapability = { multicastCapability = TRUE multiUniCastConference = FALSE mediaDistributionCapability = 1 entries { [0]={ centralizedControl = TRUE distributedControl = FALSE centralizedAudio = TRUE distributedAudio = FALSE centralizedVideo = TRUE distributedVideo = FALSE } } } transmitMultipointCapability = { multicastCapability = TRUE multiUniCastConference = FALSE mediaDistributionCapability = 1 entries { [0]={ centralizedControl = TRUE distributedControl = FALSE centralizedAudio = TRUE distributedAudio = FALSE centralizedVideo = TRUE distributedVideo = FALSE } } } receiveAndTransmitMultipointCapability = { multicastCapability = TRUE multiUniCastConference = FALSE mediaDistributionCapability = 1 entries { [0]={ centralizedControl = TRUE distributedControl = FALSE centralizedAudio = TRUE distributedAudio = FALSE centralizedVideo = TRUE distributedVideo = FALSE } } } mcCapability = { centralizedConferenceMC = FALSE decentralizedConferenceMC = FALSE } rtcpVideoControlCapability = FALSE mediaPacketizationCapability = { h261aVideoPacketization = FALSE } logicalChannelSwitchingCapability = FALSE t120DynamicPortCapability = FALSE } capabilityTable = 9 entries { [0]={ capabilityTableEntryNumber = 1 capability = receiveAudioCapability g711Alaw64k 10 } [1]={ capabilityTableEntryNumber = 2 capability = receiveAudioCapability g711Ulaw64k 10 } [2]={ capabilityTableEntryNumber = 3 capability = receiveAudioCapability g7231 { maxAl_sduAudioFrames = 2 silenceSuppression = FALSE } } [3]={ capabilityTableEntryNumber = 4 capability = receiveAudioCapability g729 2 } [4]={ capabilityTableEntryNumber = 5 capability = receiveAudioCapability g729AnnexA 2 } [5]={ capabilityTableEntryNumber = 6 capability = receiveAudioCapability nonStandard { nonStandardIdentifier = h221NonStandard { t35CountryCode = 181 t35Extension = 0 manufacturerCode = 20 } data = 4 octets { 52 54 32 34 RT24 } } } [6]={ capabilityTableEntryNumber = 7 capability = receiveAudioCapability g728 2 } [7]={ capabilityTableEntryNumber = 9 capability = receiveUserInputCapability dtmf <> } [8]={ capabilityTableEntryNumber = 10 capability = receiveAudioCapability gsmFullRate { audioUnitSize = 34 comfortNoise = TRUE scrambled = TRUE } } } capabilityDescriptors = 1 entries { [0]={ capabilityDescriptorNumber = 1 simultaneousCapabilities = 2 entries { [0]=8 entries { [0]=1 [1]=2 [2]=3 [3]=4 [4]=5 [5]=6 [6]=7 [7]=10 } [1]=1 entries { [0]=9 } } } } } 0:23.987 H245:8140c70 h323.cxx(3306) H245 Set protocol version to 3 0:23.988 H245:8140c70 h323neg.cxx(579) H245 Received TerminalCapabilitySet: state=InProgress pduSeq=252 inSeq=4294967295 0:23.988 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1650) H323 Added capability: G.711-uLaw-64k{sw} <1> 0:23.989 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1725) H323 FindCapability: "G.729A{sw}" 0:23.990 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1640) H323 Added capability: G.729A{sw} <2> 0:23.990 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1725) H323 FindCapability: "G.729{sw}" 0:23.991 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1640) H323 Added capability: G.729{sw} <3> 0:23.991 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1725) H323 FindCapability: "G.723.1{sw}" 0:23.992 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1640) H323 Added capability: G.723.1{sw} <4> 0:23.992 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1725) H323 FindCapability: "G.711-uLaw-64k{sw}" 0:23.993 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1734) H323 Found capability: G.711-uLaw-64k{sw} <1> 0:23.994 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1725) H323 FindCapability: "G.711-ALaw-64k{sw}" 0:23.994 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1640) H323 Added capability: G.711-ALaw-64k{sw} <5> 0:23.995 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1725) H323 FindCapability: "G.723.1A(6.3k)-Cisco{hw}" 0:23.995 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1640) H323 Added capability: G.723.1A(6.3k)-Cisco{hw} <6> 0:23.996 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1725) H323 FindCapability: "G.723.1A(5.3k){hw}" 0:23.997 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1640) H323 Added capability: G.723.1A(5.3k){hw} <7> 0:23.997 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1725) H323 FindCapability: "G.723.1A(6.3k){hw}" 0:23.998 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1640) H323 Added capability: G.723.1A(6.3k){hw} <8> 0:24.004 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1725) H323 FindCapability: "G.723.1(5.3k){hw}" 0:24.008 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1640) H323 Added capability: G.723.1(5.3k){hw} <9> 0:24.010 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1725) H323 FindCapability: "G.723.1{hw}" 0:24.011 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1640) H323 Added capability: G.723.1{hw} <10> 0:24.012 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1725) H323 FindCapability: "G.729A/B{hw}" 0:24.013 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1640) H323 Added capability: G.729A/B{hw} <11> 0:24.015 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1725) H323 FindCapability: "G.729B{hw}" 0:24.016 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1640) H323 Added capability: G.729B{hw} <12> 0:24.017 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1725) H323 FindCapability: "G.729A{hw}" 0:24.021 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1640) H323 Added capability: G.729A{hw} <13> 0:24.027 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1725) H323 FindCapability: "G.729{hw}" 0:24.029 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1640) H323 Added capability: G.729{hw} <14> 0:24.030 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1725) H323 FindCapability: "GSM-06.10{hw}" 0:24.032 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1640) H323 Added capability: GSM-06.10{hw} <15> 0:24.033 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1725) H323 FindCapability: "G.728{hw}" 0:24.034 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1640) H323 Added capability: G.728{hw} <16> 0:24.035 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1725) H323 FindCapability: "G.711-uLaw-64k{hw}" 0:24.037 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1640) H323 Added capability: G.711-uLaw-64k{hw} <17> 0:24.040 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1725) H323 FindCapability: "G.711-ALaw-64k{hw}" 0:24.047 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1640) H323 Added capability: G.711-ALaw-64k{hw} <18> 0:24.049 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1725) H323 FindCapability: "GSM-06.10{sw}" 0:24.051 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1640) H323 Added capability: GSM-06.10{sw} <19> 0:24.052 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1725) H323 FindCapability: "MS-IMA-ADPCM{sw}" 0:24.053 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1640) H323 Added capability: MS-IMA-ADPCM{sw} <20> 0:24.055 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1725) H323 FindCapability: "MS-GSM{sw}" 0:24.056 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1640) H323 Added capability: MS-GSM{sw} <21> 0:24.057 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1725) H323 FindCapability: "G.726-16k{sw}" 0:24.059 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1640) H323 Added capability: G.726-16k{sw} <22> 0:24.060 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1725) H323 FindCapability: "G.726-24k{sw}" 0:24.062 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1640) H323 Added capability: G.726-24k{sw} <23> 0:24.063 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1725) H323 FindCapability: "G.726-32k{sw}" 0:24.065 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1640) H323 Added capability: G.726-32k{sw} <24> 0:24.066 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1725) H323 FindCapability: "G.726-40k{sw}" 0:24.068 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1640) H323 Added capability: G.726-40k{sw} <25> 0:24.069 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1725) H323 FindCapability: "LPC-10{sw}" 0:24.071 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1640) H323 Added capability: LPC-10{sw} <26> 0:24.072 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1725) H323 FindCapability: "iLBC-15k2{sw}" 0:24.074 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1640) H323 Added capability: iLBC-15k2{sw} <27> 0:24.075 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1725) H323 FindCapability: "iLBC-13k3{sw}" 0:24.076 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1640) H323 Added capability: iLBC-13k3{sw} <28> 0:24.078 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1725) H323 FindCapability: "SpeexNarrow-18.2k(Xiph){sw}" 0:24.080 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1640) H323 Added capability: SpeexNarrow-18.2k(Xiph){sw} <29> 0:24.081 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1725) H323 FindCapability: "SpeexNarrow-15k(Xiph){sw}" 0:24.083 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1640) H323 Added capability: SpeexNarrow-15k(Xiph){sw} <30> 0:24.084 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1725) H323 FindCapability: "SpeexNarrow-11k(Xiph){sw}" 0:24.086 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1640) H323 Added capability: SpeexNarrow-11k(Xiph){sw} <31> 0:24.088 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1725) H323 FindCapability: "SpeexNarrow-8k(Xiph){sw}" 0:24.089 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1640) H323 Added capability: SpeexNarrow-8k(Xiph){sw} <32> 0:24.091 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1725) H323 FindCapability: "SpeexNarrow-5.95k(Xiph){sw}" 0:24.093 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1640) H323 Added capability: SpeexNarrow-5.95k(Xiph){sw} <33> 0:24.094 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1725) H323 FindCapability: "SpeexNarrow-18.2k{sw}" 0:24.096 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1640) H323 Added capability: SpeexNarrow-18.2k{sw} <34> 0:24.097 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1725) H323 FindCapability: "SpeexNarrow-15k{sw}" 0:24.099 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1640) H323 Added capability: SpeexNarrow-15k{sw} <35> 0:24.101 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1725) H323 FindCapability: "SpeexNarrow-11k{sw}" 0:24.102 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1640) H323 Added capability: SpeexNarrow-11k{sw} <36> 0:24.104 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1725) H323 FindCapability: "SpeexNarrow-8k{sw}" 0:24.106 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1640) H323 Added capability: SpeexNarrow-8k{sw} <37> 0:24.107 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1725) H323 FindCapability: "SpeexNarrow-5.95k{sw}" 0:24.111 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1640) H323 Added capability: SpeexNarrow-5.95k{sw} <38> 0:24.119 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1640) H323 Added capability: UserInput/hookflash <39> 0:24.120 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1640) H323 Added capability: UserInput/basicString <40> 0:24.122 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1640) H323 Added capability: UserInput/dtmf <41> 0:24.124 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1640) H323 Added capability: UserInput/RFC2833 <42> 0:24.125 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1776) H323 FindCapability: receiveAudioCapability 0:24.126 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1939) H323 FindCapability: Audio subtype=1 0:24.128 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1945) H323 Found capability: G.711-ALaw-64k{sw} <5> 0:24.129 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(753) H323 Capability tx frames reduced from 30 to 10 0:24.131 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1776) H323 FindCapability: receiveAudioCapability 0:24.132 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1939) H323 FindCapability: Audio subtype=3 0:24.133 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1945) H323 Found capability: G.711-uLaw-64k{sw} <1> 0:24.135 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(753) H323 Capability tx frames reduced from 30 to 10 0:24.136 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1776) H323 FindCapability: receiveAudioCapability 0:24.137 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1939) H323 FindCapability: Audio subtype=8 0:24.138 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1945) H323 Found capability: G.723.1{sw} <4> 0:24.139 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(753) H323 Capability tx frames reduced from 4 to 2 0:24.139 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1776) H323 FindCapability: receiveAudioCapability 0:24.140 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1939) H323 FindCapability: Audio subtype=10 0:24.140 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1945) H323 Found capability: G.729{sw} <3> 0:24.141 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(753) H323 Capability tx frames reduced from 6 to 2 0:24.142 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1776) H323 FindCapability: receiveAudioCapability 0:24.142 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1939) H323 FindCapability: Audio subtype=11 0:24.143 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1945) H323 Found capability: G.729A{sw} <2> 0:24.143 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(753) H323 Capability tx frames reduced from 6 to 2 0:24.144 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1776) H323 FindCapability: receiveAudioCapability 0:24.144 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1920) H323 FindCapability: Audio nonStandard 0:24.145 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1776) H323 FindCapability: receiveAudioCapability 0:24.146 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1939) H323 FindCapability: Audio subtype=9 0:24.146 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1945) H323 Found capability: G.728{hw} <16> 0:24.147 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(753) H323 Capability tx frames reduced from 20 to 2 0:24.147 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1776) H323 FindCapability: receiveUserInputCapability 0:24.148 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1939) H323 FindCapability: UserInput subtype=4 0:24.155 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1945) H323 Found capability: UserInput/dtmf <41> 0:24.159 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1776) H323 FindCapability: receiveAudioCapability 0:24.160 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1939) H323 FindCapability: Audio subtype=17 0:24.161 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1945) H323 Found capability: GSM-06.10{hw} <15> 0:24.163 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(753) H323 Capability tx frames reduced from 4 to 1 0:24.165 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1761) H323 FindCapability: G.711-ALaw-64k{sw} <1> 0:24.166 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1650) H323 Added capability: G.711-ALaw-64k{sw} <1> 0:24.168 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1761) H323 FindCapability: G.711-uLaw-64k{sw} <2> 0:24.176 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1650) H323 Added capability: G.711-uLaw-64k{sw} <2> 0:24.185 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1761) H323 FindCapability: G.723.1{sw} <3> 0:24.189 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1650) H323 Added capability: G.723.1{sw} <3> 0:24.190 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1761) H323 FindCapability: G.729{sw} <4> 0:24.191 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1650) H323 Added capability: G.729{sw} <4> 0:24.193 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1761) H323 FindCapability: G.729A{sw} <5> 0:24.194 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1650) H323 Added capability: G.729A{sw} <5> 0:24.195 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1761) H323 FindCapability: G.728{hw} <7> 0:24.197 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1650) H323 Added capability: G.728{hw} <7> 0:24.198 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1761) H323 FindCapability: UserInput/dtmf <9> 0:24.206 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1650) H323 Added capability: UserInput/dtmf <9> 0:24.209 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1761) H323 FindCapability: GSM-06.10{hw} <10> 0:24.210 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1650) H323 Added capability: GSM-06.10{hw} <10> 0:24.211 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1709) H323 FindCapability: 1 0:24.212 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1713) H323 Found capability: G.711-ALaw-64k{sw} <1> 0:24.214 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1709) H323 FindCapability: 2 0:24.215 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1713) H323 Found capability: G.711-uLaw-64k{sw} <2> 0:24.216 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1709) H323 FindCapability: 3 0:24.217 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1713) H323 Found capability: G.723.1{sw} <3> 0:24.219 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1709) H323 FindCapability: 4 0:24.220 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1713) H323 Found capability: G.729{sw} <4> 0:24.221 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1709) H323 FindCapability: 5 0:24.222 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1713) H323 Found capability: G.729A{sw} <5> 0:24.224 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1709) H323 FindCapability: 7 0:24.225 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1713) H323 Found capability: G.728{hw} <7> 0:24.226 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1709) H323 FindCapability: 10 0:24.227 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1713) H323 Found capability: GSM-06.10{hw} <10> 0:24.228 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1709) H323 FindCapability: 9 0:24.229 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1713) H323 Found capability: UserInput/dtmf <9> 0:24.229 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(2034) H245 Capability merge result: Table: G.711-ALaw-64k{sw} <1> G.711-uLaw-64k{sw} <2> G.723.1{sw} <3> G.729{sw} <4> G.729A{sw} <5> G.728{hw} <7> UserInput/dtmf <9> GSM-06.10{hw} <10> Set: 0: 0: G.711-ALaw-64k{sw} <1> G.711-uLaw-64k{sw} <2> G.723.1{sw} <3> G.729{sw} <4> G.729A{sw} <5> G.728{hw} <7> GSM-06.10{hw} <10> 1: UserInput/dtmf <9> 0:24.232 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(2036) H245 Received capability set, is accepted 0:24.233 H245:8140c70 h323neg.cxx(535) H245 TerminalCapabilitySet already in progress: outSeq=2 0:24.234 H245:8140c70 h323pdu.cxx(494) H245 Sending PDU: response terminalCapabilitySetAck { sequenceNumber = 252 } 0:24.235 H245:8140c70 h323.cxx(3901) H323 InternalEstablishedConnectionCheck: connectionState=AwaitingSignalConnect fastStartState=FastStartAcknowledged 0:24.237 H245:8140c70 h323.cxx(3189) H245 Received TPKT: size=3 pos=0.0 { 21 80 02 ! } 0:24.239 H245:8140c70 h323pdu.cxx(494) H245 Receiving PDU: response terminalCapabilitySetAck { sequenceNumber = 2 } 0:24.248 H245:8140c70 h323neg.cxx(620) H245 Received TerminalCapabilitySetAck: state=InProgress pduSeq=2 outSeq=2 0:24.249 H245:8140c70 h323neg.cxx(630) H245 TerminalCapabilitySet Sent. 0:24.250 H245:8140c70 h323.cxx(3901) H323 InternalEstablishedConnectionCheck: connectionState=AwaitingSignalConnect fastStartState=FastStartAcknowledged 0:24.251 H245:8140c70 h323.cxx(3189) H245 Received TPKT: size=2 pos=0.0 { 20 80 } 0:24.252 H245:8140c70 h323pdu.cxx(494) H245 Receiving PDU: response masterSlaveDeterminationAck { decision = master <> } 0:24.253 H245:8140c70 h323neg.cxx(406) H245 Received MasterSlaveDeterminationAck: state=Outgoing 0:24.254 H245:8140c70 h323neg.cxx(423) H245 MasterSlaveDetermination: remote is slave 0:24.255 H245:8140c70 h323pdu.cxx(494) H245 Sending PDU: response masterSlaveDeterminationAck { decision = slave <> } 0:24.256 H245:8140c70 h323.cxx(3901) H323 InternalEstablishedConnectionCheck: connectionState=AwaitingSignalConnect fastStartState=FastStartAcknowledged 0:24.257 H245:8140c70 h323caps.cxx(1725) H323 FindCapability: "T.120" *CLI> *CLI> 0:44.479 ThreadID=0x00040011 osutil.cxx(319) PWLib File handle high water mark set: 46 Thread unblock pipe 0:44.480 ThreadID=0x00040011 tlibthrd.cxx(688) PWLib Created thread 0x81418e8 0:44.481 ClearCallT...d:081418e8 tlibthrd.cxx(1194) PWLib Thread high water mark set: 9 0:44.482 ClearCallT...d:081418e8 tlibthrd.cxx(1199) PWLib Started thread 0x81418e8 ClearCallThread:081418e8 -- ClearCall: Request to clear call with token ip$localhost/26885 0:44.482 ClearCallT...d:081418e8 h323ep.cxx(1681) H323 Clearing connection ip$localhost/26885 reason=EndedByLocalUser 0:44.483 ClearCallT...d:081418e8 h323.cxx(1427) H323 Call end reason for ip$localhost/26885 set to EndedByLocalUser 0:44.484 ClearCallT...d:081418e8 h323.cxx(1445) H225 Sending release complete PDU: callRef=26885 -- Sending RELEASE COMPLETE 0:44.486 ClearCallT...d:081418e8 h323pdu.cxx(494) H245 Sending PDU: command endSessionCommand disconnect <> 0:44.487 ClearCallT...d:081418e8 h323pdu.cxx(494) H225 Sending PDU: { q931pdu = { protocolDiscriminator = 8 callReference = 26885 from = originator messageType = ReleaseComplete IE: Cause - Normal call clearing = { 80 90 .. } IE: User-User = { 25 80 06 00 08 91 4a 00 02 01 11 00 22 cd 5a 99 %.....J.....".Z. 0e 25 d8 11 84 49 00 48 54 80 6b 99 02 80 01 00 .%...I.HT.k..... } } h225pdu = { h323_uu_pdu = { h323_message_body = releaseComplete { protocolIdentifier = callIdentifier = { guid = 16 octets { 22 cd 5a 99 0e 25 d8 11 84 49 00 48 54 80 6b 99 ".Z..%...I.HT.k. } } } h245Tunneling = FALSE } } } 0:44.493 H323 Cleaner h323ep.cxx(1738) H323 Cleaning up connections 0:44.493 ClearCallT...d:081418e8 tlibthrd.cxx(1222) PWLib Ended thread 0x81418e8 ClearCallThread:081418e8 0:44.494 H323 Cleaner h323.cxx(1482) H323 Connection ip$localhost/26885 closing: connectionState=AwaitingSignalConnect 0:44.495 H323 Cleaner h323.cxx(4421) H323 Bandwidth request: -0.0kb/s, available: 10000.0kb/s 0:44.495 H323 Cleaner h323.cxx(4421) H323 Bandwidth request: -0.0kb/s, available: 10000.0kb/s 0:44.496 H323 Cleaner h323.cxx(1521) H323 Awaiting end session from remote for 9.988 seconds 0:44.499 H225 Caller:8133028 h323pdu.cxx(1159) H225 Read error (0): 0:44.500 H225 Caller:8133028 transports.cxx(1090) H323 H323Transport::Close 0:44.501 H225 Caller:8133028 h323.cxx(1634) H225 Signal channel closed. 0:44.502 H225 Caller:8133028 tlibthrd.cxx(1222) PWLib Ended thread 0x8133028 H225 Caller:8133028 ERROR[262161]: File cdr_pgsql.c, Line 131 (pgsql_log): cdr_pgsql: Failed to insert call detail record into database! ERROR[262161]: File cdr_pgsql.c, Line 132 (pgsql_log): cdr_pgsql: Reason: ERROR: Relation 'cdr' does not exist 0:44.549 H245:8140c70 h323.cxx(3197) H245 Read error: 0:44.556 H245:8140c70 h323ep.cxx(1681) H323 Clearing connection ip$localhost/26885 reason=EndedByTransportFail 0:44.559 H245:8140c70 h323.cxx(3209) H245 Control channel closed. 0:44.559 H245:8140c70 tlibthrd.cxx(1222) PWLib Ended thread 0x8140c70 H245:8140c70 *CLI> 0:54.488 H323 Cleaner h323.cxx(1523) H323 Did not receive an end session from remote. 0:54.489 H323 Cleaner transports.cxx(1090) H323 H323Transport::Close 0:54.493 H323 Cleaner transports.cxx(1172) H323 H323Transport::CleanUpOnTermination for H245:8140c70 0:54.493 H323 Cleaner tlibthrd.cxx(711) PWLib Destroyed thread 0x8140c70 H245:8140c70 0:54.494 H323 Cleaner transports.cxx(1090) H323 H323Transport::Close 0:54.494 H323 Cleaner transports.cxx(1172) H323 H323Transport::CleanUpOnTermination for H225 Caller:8133028 0:54.495 H323 Cleaner tlibthrd.cxx(711) PWLib Destroyed thread 0x8133028 H225 Caller:8133028 0:54.497 H323 Cleaner h323trans.cxx(494) Trans Making request: disengageRequest 0:54.497 H323 Cleaner h323pdu.cxx(494) Trans Sending PDU: disengageRequest { requestSeqNum = 22595 endpointIdentifier = 9 characters { 0032 0037 0034 0035 005f 0065 006e 0064 2745_end 0070 p } conferenceID = 16 octets { 10 47 5c 99 0e 25 d8 11 84 49 00 48 54 80 6b 99 .G\..%...I.HT.k. } callReferenceValue = 26885 disengageReason = normalDrop <> callIdentifier = { guid = 16 octets { 22 cd 5a 99 0e 25 d8 11 84 49 00 48 54 80 6b 99 ".Z..%...I.HT.k. } } gatekeeperIdentifier = 3 characters { 0067 006b 0031 gk1 } answeredCall = FALSE usageInformation = { nonStandardUsageFields = 0 entries { } alertingTime = 1070573365 endTime = 1070573385 } terminationCause = releaseCompleteCauseIE 2 octets { 80 90 .. } } 0:54.502 H323 Cleaner h323trans.cxx(622) Trans Waiting on response to seqnum=22595 for 3.0 seconds 0:54.507 Transactor:8102aa8 h323pdu.cxx(494) H225RAS Receiving PDU: disengageConfirm { requestSeqNum = 22595 } 0:54.508 Transactor:8102aa8 h323trans.cxx(564) Trans Using credentials from request: H235AnnexD_Procedure1,MD5,CAT 0:54.509 Transactor:8102aa8 h323trans.cxx(333) Trans Reading PDU 0:54.510 H323 Cleaner h323.cxx(1542) H323 Connection ip$localhost/26885 terminated. -- Call with completed == H.323 Connection deleted. 0:54.511 H323 Cleaner h323.cxx(1377) H323 Connection ip$localhost/26885 deleted. 0:54.512 H323 Cleaner h323ep.cxx(1738) H323 Cleaning up connections stop no 0:56.048 GkMonitor:80f55d8 gkclient.cxx(995) RAS Time To Live reregistration 0:56.050 GkMonitor:80f55d8 osutil.cxx(326) PWLib File handle low water mark set: 30 PUDPSocket 0:56.051 GkMonitor:80f55d8 transports.cxx(974) TCP Appending H.225 transport ip$ using associated transport Transport[remote=ip$ if=ip$] 0:56.053 GkMonitor:80f55d8 h323trans.cxx(494) Trans Making request: registrationRequest 0:56.054 GkMonitor:80f55d8 h323pdu.cxx(494) Trans Sending PDU: registrationRequest { requestSeqNum = 22596 protocolIdentifier = discoveryComplete = FALSE callSignalAddress = 1 entries { [0]=ipAddress { ip = 4 octets { 42 72 4a 46 BrJF } port = 1720 } } rasAddress = 1 entries { [0]=ipAddress { ip = 4 octets { 42 72 4a 46 BrJF } port = 32842 } } terminalType = { vendor = { vendor = { t35CountryCode = 9 t35Extension = 0 manufacturerCode = 61 } productId = 56 octets { 54 68 65 20 4e 75 46 6f 6e 65 20 4e 65 74 77 6f The NuFone Netwo 72 6b 27 73 20 48 2e 33 32 33 20 43 68 61 6e 6e rk's H.323 Chann 65 6c 20 44 72 69 76 65 72 20 66 6f 72 20 41 73 el Driver for As 74 65 72 69 73 6b 00 00 terisk.. } versionId = 26 octets { 30 2e 31 2e 30 20 28 4f 70 65 6e 48 33 32 33 20 0.1.0 (OpenH323 76 31 2e 31 32 2e 32 29 00 00 v1.12.2).. } } gateway = { protocol = 1 entries { [0]=voice { supportedPrefixes = 1 entries { [0]={ prefix = dialedDigits "1212555" } } } } } mc = FALSE undefinedNode = FALSE } terminalAlias = 1 entries { [0]=h323_ID 4 characters { 0070 0062 0078 0031 pbx1 } } gatekeeperIdentifier = 3 characters { 0067 006b 0031 gk1 } endpointVendor = { vendor = { t35CountryCode = 9 t35Extension = 0 manufacturerCode = 61 } productId = 56 octets { 54 68 65 20 4e 75 46 6f 6e 65 20 4e 65 74 77 6f The NuFone Netwo 72 6b 27 73 20 48 2e 33 32 33 20 43 68 61 6e 6e rk's H.323 Chann 65 6c 20 44 72 69 76 65 72 20 66 6f 72 20 41 73 el Driver for As 74 65 72 69 73 6b 00 00 terisk.. } versionId = 26 octets { 30 2e 31 2e 30 20 28 4f 70 65 6e 48 33 32 33 20 0.1.0 (OpenH323 76 31 2e 31 32 2e 32 29 00 00 v1.12.2).. } } keepAlive = TRUE endpointIdentifier = 9 characters { 0032 0037 0034 0035 005f 0065 006e 0064 2745_end 0070 p } willSupplyUUIEs = TRUE maintainConnection = FALSE supportsAltGK = <> usageReportingCapability = { nonStandardUsageTypes = 0 entries { } startTime = <> endTime = <> terminationCause = <> } callCreditCapability = { canEnforceDurationLimit = TRUE } } 0:56.069 GkMonitor:80f55d8 h323trans.cxx(622) Trans Waiting on response to seqnum=22596 for 3.0 seconds 0:56.078 Transactor:8102aa8 h323pdu.cxx(494) H225RAS Receiving PDU: registrationConfirm { requestSeqNum = 22596 protocolIdentifier = callSignalAddress = 1 entries { [0]=ipAddress { ip = 4 octets { 42 72 49 06 BrI. } port = 1720 } } gatekeeperIdentifier = 3 characters { 0067 006b 0031 gk1 } endpointIdentifier = 9 characters { 0032 0037 0034 0035 005f 0065 006e 0064 2745_end 0070 p } timeToLive = 60 willRespondToIRR = FALSE maintainConnection = FALSE } 0:56.081 Transactor:8102aa8 h323trans.cxx(564) Trans Using credentials from request: H235AnnexD_Procedure1,MD5,CAT 0:56.082 Transactor:8102aa8 gkclient.cxx(901) RAS Registered 2745_endp with gk1 0:56.083 Transactor:8102aa8 h323trans.cxx(333) Trans Reading PDU w  Beginning asterisk shutdown.... Urgent handler Executing last minute cleanups Urgent handler  == Destroying any remaining musiconhold processes Urgent handler Yuck! Error in buffer handling...: Broken pipe Yuck! Error in buffer handling...: Broken pipe Asterisk cleanly ending (0). Urgent handler root@pbx1:~/ast-logs/2# asterisk -cvvvvvdls h323-latest.log root@pbx1:~/ast-logs/2# exit Script done on Thu Dec 4 16:30:49 2003