;; The MGCP channel supports the following service codes: ;; # - Transfer ;; *67 - Calling Number Delivery Blocking ;; *70 - Cancel Call Waiting ;; *72 - Call Forwarding Activation ;; *73 - Call Forwarding Deactivation ;; *78 - Do Not Disturb Activation ;; *79 - Do Not Disturb Deactivation ;; *8 - Call pick-up ; ; known to work with Swissvoice IP10s ;[] ;context=local ;host= ;callerid = "John Doe" <123> ;callgroup=0 ;pickupgroup=0 ;nat=no ;threewaycalling=yes ;transfer=yes ; transfer requires threewaycalling=yes. Use FLASH to transfer ;callwaiting=yes ; this might be a cause of trouble for ip10s ;cancallforward=yes ;line => aaln/1 ;