
Summary:DAHTOOL-00082: dahdi_span_assignments fails because of missing "spantypes"
Reporter:Tzafrir Cohen (tzafrir)Labels:patch
Date Opened:2019-03-01 17:49:20.000-0600Date Closed:
Versions:2.10.0 Frequency of
Environment:Attachments:( 0) 0001-handle-both-spantypes-and-dahdi_spantypes-in-sysfs.patch
( 1) dahdi_waitfor_span_assignments.patch
Description:With recent dahdi-linux the interface to userspace was slightly modified: the sysfs device attribute "spantypes" was replaced with "dahdi_spantypes".

This causes dahdi_span_assignment and dahdi_span_types to fail.

Attached a fix to handle both the old and the new interface.
Comments:By: Tzafrir Cohen (tzafrir) 2019-03-03 05:07:41.019-0600

Fixed a trivial issue in the patch: left-over variable assignment

By: Oron Peled (oron) 2019-03-18 12:29:24.378-0500

Another minor patch along the same logic is needed in {{dahdi_waitfor_span_assignments}}

By: Oron Peled (oron) 2019-03-18 12:34:45.791-0500

Both patches were tested on {{Debian/buster}} as follows:
* DAHDI and Asterisk were installed directly from Debian repositories.
* The scripts were replaced with the upstream scripts (the patches are against upstream and not older versions included in Debian)
* An Astribank with E1/T1 modules was connected.
* The issue was observed.
* The patches were applied to the 3 scripts.
* After the patch, registration works OK.

As a safety, the patches were tested under old installation:
* A Xorcom Spark (Debian/jessie on armhf -- kernel 4.8.4)
* The scripts were patched (they were already aligned to upstream versions before patch)
* The system was rebooted.
* The built-in devices (FXS + FXO) registered and functioned as before.