
Summary:ASTERISK-24983: IAX deadlock between hangup and scheduled actions (ex. largrq)
Reporter:Y Ateya (yateya)Labels:
Date Opened:2015-04-20 15:16:23Date Closed:2015-06-10 12:21:24
Versions:13.3.2 Frequency of
Environment:UbuntuAttachments:( 0) 0001-ASTERISK-24983-Prevent-deadlock-between-hanup-and-se.patch
( 1) iax_hangup_deadlock.diff
Description:Randomly some of my asterisk servers (SIP-to-IAX) _freezes_. After some investigation I found that this happens because of a deadlock between {{iax2_hangup}} and {{send_lagrq}} (It can happen with {{send_ping}} too).

Here is the sequence of _unfortunate_ events to have this deadlock:
 - When a call starts, {{send_lagrq}} is scheduled to run after some time.
 - {{iax2_hangup}} is called.
 - It locks the call number lock {{ast_mutex_lock(&iaxsl\[callno\])}}. Note that later in hangup procedures, we will try to delete scheduled {{send_lagrq}}.
 - Before Deleting {{send_lagrq}}, context switch happened and scheduler found that it is time to run the scheduled {{send_lagrq}}!
 - {{send_lagrq}} is called and tries to acquire call number lock {{ast_mutex_lock(&iaxsl\[callno\])}}. So {{send_lagrq}} is waiting for hangup to finish.
 - After sometime, {{iax2_hangup}} reaches the place to delete scheduled lagrq and ping events. This occurs in function {{iax2_destroy_helper}} by calling {{AST_SCHED_DEL_SPINLOCK(sched, pvt->lagid, &iaxsl\[pvt->callno\])}}, which calls {{ast_sched_del}}, which finds that {{send_lagrq}} is still being serverd {{else if (con->currently_executing && (id == con->currently_executing->id))}}, so it **wait indefinitly**.
 - *Scheduler is blocked*: All events in the scheduler are waiting for this event to finish.
 - *IAX call is blocked*: every one tries to lock the call lock is locked too. After minutes I ended up with hundreds of locked threads.

I don't know which is better:
 - Fixing chan_iax2 to prevent this deadlock.
 - Fixing scheduler to prevent this deadlock.

Changing scheduler behavior will impact many people, so I decided to change chan_iax to fix the problem AND change scheduler to report when this deadlock happens.

Patch attached, gerrit added too (https://gerrit.asterisk.org/#/c/169/).
Comments:By: Y Ateya (yateya) 2015-04-20 17:01:25.639-0500

Patch againt git master.

By: Y Ateya (yateya) 2015-04-22 15:33:09.674-0500

Updated patch.