Summary: | ASTERISK-24330: Requirement for 'wss' value in Contact header transport parameter on inbound traffic violates RFC7118 | ||||||
Reporter: | Marek Cervenka (cervajs) | Labels: | |||||
Date Opened: | 2014-09-16 12:35:45 | Date Closed: | 2016-12-02 11:30:43.000-0600 | ||||
Priority: | Major | Regression? | |||||
Status: | Closed/Complete | Components: | Channels/chan_sip/WebSocket Resources/res_http_websocket | ||||
Versions: | 11.12.0 | Frequency of Occurrence | |||||
Related Issues: |
| ||||||
Environment: | Attachments: | ||||||
Description: | i'm trying make webrtc client with SIP.js library
i have working asterisk 11.12.0 wss configuration when i REGISTER the header looks like {noformat} REGISTER SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/WSS;branch=z9hG4bK7133687 Max-Forwards: 70 To: <> From: <>;tag=qok8o8thta Call-ID: 1np04l3k9bumr5aqbi6tpr CSeq: 81 REGISTER Contact: <sip:rlr4g88u@;transport=ws>;reg-id=1;+sip.instance="<urn:uuid:f55544fa-c05d-468b-9c51-fd7a837864b5>";expires=600 Allow: ACK,CANCEL,BYE,OPTIONS,INFO,NOTIFY,INVITE Supported: path,gruu,outbound User-Agent: SIP.js/0.6.2 Content-Length: 0 {noformat} the problem is in the contact line {{Contact: <sip:rlr4g88u@;transport=ws>;}} it's correct - but it's not working. if i change the code in SIP.js to transport=wss then it works | ||||||
Comments: | By: Iñaki Baz Castillo (ibc) 2016-03-11 10:01:23.962-0600 ;transport=wss and ;transport=tls do no exist, they are not defined in any RFC. Please Asterisk devs, fix this. By: Chris Coleman (chris_espace) 2016-09-03 02:53:31.678-0500 Please do this simple fix. Get websockets working properly. So clients don't have to attempt any clunky workarounds that violate the RFC. By: Matt Jordan (mjordan) 2016-11-28 13:28:53.635-0600 I actually think this bug occurred with chan_pjsip, and not with chan_sip (although in chan_sip, we do send {{WS}} instead of {{ws}} in the {{;transport=}} attribute). I should have a patch up on Gerrit to tweak both. By: Matt Jordan (mjordan) 2016-11-28 13:43:33.185-0600 Patch for 13/14/master up on Gerrit, tested with JSSIP: *{{chan_sip}}:* {code} JsSIP:Transport received text message: SIP/2.0 200 OK Via: SIP/2.0/WSS mv355e3cim2b.invalid;branch=z9hG4bK8985649;received= From: "webrtc" <sip:webrtc@>;tag=c406nnt75p To: <sip:webrtc@>;tag=as34f4e40e Call-ID: nke8scs73bopit8bp8f4r8 CSeq: 2 REGISTER Server: Asterisk PBX GIT-13- Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, OPTIONS, BYE, REFER, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY, INFO, PUBLISH, MESSAGE Supported: replaces, timer Expires: 600 Contact: <sip:u3gd5q2g@mv355e3cim2b.invalid;transport=ws>;expires=600 Date: Mon, 28 Nov 2016 19:40:40 GMT Content-Length: 0 {code} *{{res_pjsip}}:* {code} JsSIP:Transport received text message: SIP/2.0 200 OK Via: SIP/2.0/WSS cg6elanq9ev8.invalid;rport=37609;received=;branch=z9hG4bK5252818 Call-ID: od04q3nal4ppiqij2n86jq From: "webrtc" <sip:webrtc@>;tag=u7uca7br4t To: <sip:webrtc@>;tag=z9hG4bK5252818 CSeq: 2 REGISTER Date: Mon, 28 Nov 2016 19:42:18 GMT Contact: <sip:htqr4nmd@;transport=ws>;expires=599 Expires: 600 Server: Asterisk PBX GIT-13- Content-Length: 0 {code} By: Friendly Automation (friendly-automation) 2016-12-02 11:30:44.641-0600 Change 4509 merged by Joshua Colp: res_pjsip/chan_sip: Advertise 'ws' in the SIP URI transport parameter [|] By: Friendly Automation (friendly-automation) 2016-12-02 12:19:03.849-0600 Change 4510 merged by Joshua Colp: res_pjsip/chan_sip: Advertise 'ws' in the SIP URI transport parameter [|] By: Friendly Automation (friendly-automation) 2016-12-02 12:28:26.574-0600 Change 4511 merged by Joshua Colp: res_pjsip/chan_sip: Advertise 'ws' in the SIP URI transport parameter [|] By: Jørgen H (jorgen) 2017-02-16 05:57:22.750-0600 This commit breaks tls-based websocket (wss) suport causing error messages like: ERROR[48671]: res_pjsip.c:3616 endpt_send_request: Error 171060 'Unsupported transport (PJSIP_EUNSUPTRANSPORT)' sending OPTIONS request to endpoint xxx Asterisk 14.3.0 with pjsip 2.6.0 FYI: My sipjs (0.7.5) works fine without modifications with wss:// By: Iñaki Baz Castillo (ibc) 2017-02-16 06:01:47.925-0600 That's a bug in PJSIP. As clearly explained above, ";transport=wss" does not exist. By: Joshua C. Colp (jcolp) 2017-02-16 06:04:48.863-0600 This issue was fixed, and I have asked for an actual log on ASTERISK-26796 to see the signaling being done for the registration. By: Joshua C. Colp (jcolp) 2017-02-16 06:09:18.208-0600 Actually it looks like we did it too much, the Via is using WS instead of WSS so the patch filed is correct. By: Iñaki Baz Castillo (ibc) 2017-02-16 06:11:57.871-0600 I'm not tracking the issue in detial, but if you mean that Asterisk is setting Via WS instead of Via WSS when sending a SIP request over a secure WebSocket connection, that's indeed wrong. By: Joshua C. Colp (jcolp) 2017-02-16 06:13:34.444-0600 [~ibc] That is indeed it and the patch from [~jorgen] fixes it so I've cherry picked it to the appropriate places. After that goes in we'll comply. By: Jørgen H (jorgen) 2017-02-16 06:24:00.160-0600 Although it works with my patch, It might not be correct according to rfc if the contact-header should contain ws and not wss. Anyone know? With my patch, asterisk sends: <--- Transmitting SIP response (410 bytes) to WSS: ---> SIP/2.0 200 OK Via: SIP/2.0/WSS phik34tfvglg.invalid;rport=9428;received=;branch=z9hG4bK1222842 Call-ID: 5t8m0qtd1mf8pgpsnvgopa From: <sip:XX>;tag=md844frjls To: <sip:XX>;tag=z9hG4bK1222842 CSeq: 82 REGISTER Date: Thu, 16 Feb 2017 12:09:41 GMT Contact: <sip:jg4f4clc@;transport=WSS>;expires=599 Content-Length: 0 By: Iñaki Baz Castillo (ibc) 2017-02-16 06:26:13.595-0600 That's incorrect. A SIP URI (and that includes the one in the Request-URI or the one in the Contact header) can never have ";transport=wss". By: Joshua C. Colp (jcolp) 2017-02-16 06:35:56.288-0600 Gah PJSIP. Interestingly we change ensure it is ws but it must be changing it elsewhere. By: Jørgen H (jorgen) 2017-02-16 09:35:29.050-0600 Given that you want to register the transport in asterisk as WS and not WSS, then it seems like: res/res_pjsip.c:2740 in sip_dialog_create_from() type = pjsip_transport_get_type_from_name(&sip_uri->transport_param); transport name is WS, so asterisk tries to get transport with name WS and receives the unsecure transport because it is first in the transport list. Solution 1: Remove the registration of the non-TLS'ed websocket transport in asterisk making non-TLS websocket unsupported at all.. Solution 2: pjsip_transport_get_type_from_name must be changed to also check for flags Solution 3: Keep the registration of the TLS-transport as WSS and not WS and perhaps change pjproject-2.6/pjsip/src/pjsip/sip_transport.c and the function pjsip_transport_get_type_name() to return WS instead of WSS in case of TLS-enabled websocket pjsip_transport_type_e (=10) By: Jørgen H (jorgen) 2017-02-16 09:43:30.952-0600 Or perhaps solution 4: Add a new field in the transport struct that defines what the value of transport=<value> in the contact-header should be. Then the representation/protocol name of a transport doesn't necessarily need to match the name in the transport= header. |