Summary: | ASTERISK-23542: Dynamic realtime SIP peers using callbackextension will not register after a 'sip reload' where sip.conf has changed | ||||
Reporter: | Jay Jideliov (jideliov) | Labels: | |||
Date Opened: | 2014-03-26 16:07:45 | Date Closed: | |||
Priority: | Critical | Regression? | |||
Status: | Open/New | Components: | Resources/res_config_odbc Resources/res_odbc Resources/res_realtime | ||
Versions: | SVN 11.4.0 11.8.1 13.18.4 | Frequency of Occurrence | |||
Related Issues: |
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Environment: | Debian Wheezy 64 bits | Attachments: | ( 0) asterisk-23542-regobj-counter_11_v1.diff ( 1) full.txt | ||
Description: | Originally reported here: ASTERISK-22026
But closed due to inactivity. I am now experiencing the same issue, and have attached a full log to this ticket. ______________________________________________________________________ When i use peers in realtime with option callbackextension after "sip reload" the peer change to "unregister" and stay. If i restart asterisk or unload/load chan_sip works again {noformat} debian*CLI> sip show registry Host dnsmgr Username Refresh State Reg.Time xxxxxxxxxxxx:5060 Y xxxx 160 Registered Sat, 06 Jul 2013 10:31:41 1 SIP registration. debian*CLI> sip reload Reloading SIP == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/sip.conf': Found debian*CLI> sip show registry Host dnsmgr Username Refresh State Reg.Time xxxxxxxxxxxx:5060 N xxxxx 120 Unregistered {noformat} Thanks | ||||
Comments: | By: Jay Jideliov (jideliov) 2014-03-26 16:12:08.837-0500 Realtime peer info: id 2 element_type 1 customer_id 1107 username User1107140228200749 name User1107140228200749 port 5060 defaultuser User1107140228200749 host type friend context from-external secret LGD43fDsa canreinvite no dtmfmode rfc2833 directmedia no nat auto_force_rport,auto_comedia disallow all allow ulaw allow alaw insecure invite,port videosupport no fromdomain fromuser User1107140228200749 qualify 600 sendrpid yes callbackextension User1107140228200749 avpf no encryption no icesupport no By: Jay Jideliov (jideliov) 2014-03-26 16:20:47.869-0500 This is also independent of rtcachfriends (same behavior for yes/no) By: Rusty Newton (rnewton) 2014-04-10 16:02:05.904-0500 The key to reproduction was this {quote} debian*CLI> sip reload Reloading SIP == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/sip.conf': Found {quote} Whoever wants to reproduce, must make sure that sip.conf has changed so that the config file will be re-parsed. In that case, the registration always becomes unregistered and does not try to re-register until chan_sip is completely unloaded and loaded back. (or Asterisk is restarted of course) By: Matt Jordan (mjordan) 2014-04-10 18:11:35.255-0500 Jay: I'm pretty sure I've asked you before not to clone issues. Please do *not* clone them again. It makes tracking issues harder. If this issue is fixed, people who reported the original issue are now unlikely to get notifications about the issue being resolved. This creates a suboptimal experience for everyone in the Asterisk project. If you find you can reproduce an issue, please ask a bug marshal to reopen the issue. You can ask in #asterisk-bugs, #asterisk-dev, or on the asterisk-dev mailing list. By: Michael L. Young (elguero) 2014-08-06 16:47:24.569-0500 I just attempted to reproduce this on the latest 11 branch and also with trunk. I was unable to reproduce and I did make sure to change sip.conf in order for it to be re-parsed. Any clues as to what else can be done to re-produce this issue? By: Walter Doekes (wdoekes) 2014-08-07 02:55:53.013-0500 @michael: Just to be clear, you did use *dynamic realtime* peers from a db? By: Michael L. Young (elguero) 2014-08-07 11:32:09.245-0500 @walter: Yes, I did. I setup a peer/friend following the example provided in the comment by Jay using dynamic realtime. By: Michael L. Young (elguero) 2014-08-07 12:56:14.725-0500 Okay, I now am able to reproduce it. The only way I was able to reproduce it was to change the sip.conf, run "sip reload" then change the sip.conf file again and then run "sip reload" again. It seems that the second time around causes this to happen. If you have one peer coming from dynamic realtime with callbackextension set, then it also stops the other non-realtime peers from registering as well and not just this one dynamic realtime peer. By: Michael L. Young (elguero) 2014-08-07 22:32:02.224-0500 What I have found: The registry object counter is being decremented incorrectly. In a case where you have 3 peers (like I did when initially trying to reproduce this problem, one is dynamic realtime with callbackextension and the other 2 are static register=> lines), the counter initially goes to 3 but then becomes 2 after the realtime peer is loaded into memory from the db. At a reload, the counter is decremented as the registries are destroyed resulting in the counter becoming -1. Then the config is loaded up, the counter is at 2 and then goes down to 1. At the next reload, the registries are destroyed and the counter becomes -2. Upon loading the register entries, it becomes 1 and then goes to 0. With the next reload, the counter ends up being -3 when destroying the registries, goes up to 0 and therefore when the function to send sip registers is called, it sees the counter is at 0 and returns without registering any peer. It would appear that when dynamic realtime is involved, the peer is built. During the build, it sees there is a callback extension and adds a registry entry when sip_register is called. When register_realtime_peers_with_callbackextens() is called, the peer is built, loaded into memory and sip_register is called again for the same peer because it has callbackextension set. sip_register() finds a registry object entry already, and proceeds to throw away the reference. The registry object counter is never incremented. The "reg" object that was setup by calling ASTOBJ_INIT is un-referenced by calling registry_unref(). Inside of that function, the registry object counter is decremented, resulting in the problem with the counter. The patch that I am going to attach fixes the issue. It is simple and takes care of the counter. It seems that it is safe to increment the counter since the call to registry_unref() will take care of decrementing the counter for the reg object that was initialized and then subsequently thrown away. But, I don't like to increment the counter when the registry entry is never linked into the list. It doesn't seem the right thing to do. I was attempting to focus on fixing the double call to sip_register for the same dynamic realtime peer with callbackextension but was hitting a mental block right now. Feedback is welcomed. By: nixon nixon (nixon) 2014-08-14 13:33:47.606-0500 I was testing for several days. This is beautiful patch. Thnxs! |