
Summary:ASTERISK-22832: Support AES-GCM mode in SRTP
Reporter:Kristian Kielhofner (krisk)Labels:
Date Opened:2013-11-08 12:10:23.000-0600Date Closed:2016-12-27 05:53:08.000-0600
Versions:SVN Frequency of
is contained byASTERISK-26190 [patch] SRTP: Enable AES-256 and AES-GCM.
Environment:Linux x86_64Attachments:( 0) asterisk_gcm_draft10.patch
( 1) asterisk_gcm.patch
( 2) asterisk-1.8-srtp-crypto_kernel-include.patch
Description:There is a version of libsrtp that supports AES-NI and AES-GCM mode:


More on AES-GCM mode:



AES-GCM mode improves the performance of SRTP on systems with and without support for the AES-NI instruction set.

Performance test results pending.
Comments:By: Kristian Kielhofner (krisk) 2013-11-08 12:11:49.386-0600

This patch supports AEAD_AES_GCM_128_8 with Asterisk trunk. Tested with pjsip 2.1 with AES-GCM patches applied.

pjsip source here:


By: Matt Jordan (mjordan) 2013-11-11 10:51:29.241-0600

Well, that's a fairly straight forward patch. I might recommend re-ordering the {{ast_srtp_suite}} enumeration to line up with the {{#defined}} constants, but that's just a nit-pick. Thanks for the contribution!

By: Rusty Newton (rnewton) 2014-03-12 12:25:40.142-0500

Kristian, you'll want to go ahead and get your patch on reviewboard to get more eyeballs on it.

Here is the [Code Review process|https://wiki.asterisk.org/wiki/display/AST/Code+Review] on the wiki which describe the general process and how to use reviewboard.

By: Kristian Kielhofner (krisk) 2014-03-13 12:53:57.221-0500

Update crypto suite names to latest draft (10).

By: Kristian Kielhofner (krisk) 2014-03-13 12:55:04.229-0500

I also created a ReviewBoard entry with the latest patch:


By: abelbeck (abelbeck) 2014-10-14 09:52:06.380-0500

Adds srtp/crypto_kernel.h include to res/res_srtp.c for libsrtp 1.5.0

By: abelbeck (abelbeck) 2014-10-14 10:06:30.721-0500

Attached is trivial patch to res/res_srtp.c to also include srtp/crypto_kernel.h

This is related to Kristian's issue here as the libsrtp version 1.5.0 ( https://github.com/cisco/libsrtp ) has rearranged some of the header files, and crypto_kernel.h is not longer included in srtp.h.  Without the patch you see:
 [CC] res_srtp.c -> res_srtp.o
res_srtp.c: In function 'ast_srtp_get_random':
res_srtp.c:307: warning: implicit declaration of function 'crypto_get_random'
 [LD] res_srtp.o -> res_srtp.so

The included patch should be backward compatible, and should apply to all versions of Asterisk.

Using libsrtp version 1.5.0  offers OpenSSL support and it's AES optimizations.

By: Alexander Traud (traud) 2016-07-13 07:21:28.083-0500

[~abelbeck], thank you for reporting that issue with {{crypto_get_random}}. It got its own issue report. Therefore, please, continue with ASTERISK-24436.

[~agbsres], the attached patch targeted the master branch at that time, which created Asterisk 13. If you are looking for a backport of AES-GCM for Asterisk 11, please, do give a rationale why you cannot update to Asterisk 13 and why you want AES-GCM. That raises motivation and might help to find an Asterisk team member or a community member, to create such a patch.

In December 2015, that draft matured to RFC 7714. However in June 2014 with draft revision 13, the crypto suite {{AEAD_AES_128_GCM_8}} got dropped. Furthermore even back than, there was a bug in libSRTP because the key length (actually the master salt) was too long. This patch here relied on the fact that the key length was the same as for {{AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_80}}. This is not the case anymore. Therefore, please, let us continue with ASTERISK-26190.

By: Alexander Traud (traud) 2016-12-27 05:53:09.006-0600

Kristian, I am closing this report because sRTP supports AES-GCM since Asterisk 14. Your patch was a helpful starting point.

If you want to see this variant of AES-GCM (discussed here in this report) to be implemented as well, please, re-open this issue report. In that case, please, specify which products still require/rely on this AES-GCM draft.