
Summary:ASTERISK-22787: Call file RetryTime not respected after several retries
Reporter:Jeremy Kister (jkister)Labels:
Date Opened:2013-10-28 18:02:03Date Closed:2013-11-13 09:13:20.000-0600
Versions:11.6.0 11.7.0 Frequency of
duplicatesASTERISK-17069 Callfile retries behave erratically as file size grows
Environment:Debian 6Attachments:
Description:call file retry times are broken possibly because of 'safe_append' function.

[Edit by Rusty Newton - adding comment info to description]

When the file is larger than 512 bytes, Asterisk gets all confused and retries immediately/randomly instead of at the specified RetryTime.

I believe this is because files written in the pbx spool must be done atomically.
Comments:By: Jeremy Kister (jkister) 2013-10-28 18:09:49.393-0500

to reproduce:
cat <<__EOC__ > /var/spool/asterisk/tmp/mycall.tmp
Channel: Local/9999@extensions
Callerid: 1234
MaxRetries: 25
RetryTime: 60
WaitTime: 60
Context: alarm-ack
Extension: s
Priority: 1

mv /var/spool/asterisk/tmp/mycall.tmp /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing/mycall

Do not answer the call when it comes in. Instead, use 'ls -l /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing/mycall' after Asterisk stops ringing the extension.

Asterisk will use pbx/pbx_spool:safe_append to append to the file (in place).  Let this repeat for a few times.  When the file is larger than 512 bytes, Asterisk gets all confused and retries immediately/randomly instead of at the specified RetryTime.

I believe this is because files written in the pbx spool must be done atomically.  

By: Rusty Newton (rnewton) 2013-11-12 19:11:03.345-0600

In my test, I had several retries work on time, 60 seconds apart, as in *Nov 12 18:56:39* to *Nov 12 18:57:39*, but then after the file was 1019 bytes the issue did occur with call attempts happening on times of *Nov 12 18:58:39*, then *Nov 12 18:58:44*  and then *Nov 12 18:59:39* and  *Nov 12 18:59:49*.

Basically, several were 60 seconds apart, and then they became erratic.

For testing I was just using the following dialplan with your callfile example

exten => 9999,1,Wait(5)

exten => s,1,Dial(SIP/6001)

Sounds pretty similar to your results.

By: Jeremy Kister (jkister) 2013-11-12 19:58:09.049-0600

might want to set this related-to (or possibly duplicates) ASTERISK-17069 which i made three years ago and don't remember very much about.  honestly not sure if it's the same core issue or not.

By: Rusty Newton (rnewton) 2013-11-13 09:12:47.760-0600

Yeah, these look similar enough to say it's a duplicate.  I'll close this one out as a duplicate of ASTERISK-17069

By: Jeremy Kister (jkister) 2013-11-13 20:37:32.694-0600

on closer inspection, ASTERISK-17069 seems to be caused by some kind of caching issue because changing the filename fixes the problem.  not sure how important that detail is.