
Summary:ASTERISK-21386: SIP Channel Locks
Reporter:Ross Beer (rossbeer)Labels:
Date Opened:2013-04-06 14:52:32Date Closed:2013-04-11 09:47:55
Versions: 11.4.0 Frequency of
is related toASTERISK-21385 SIP Channel Lock
Environment:CentOSAttachments:( 0) Asterisk_1.8.19.0_Lock_at_10CPS_460_Concurrent_Calls.txt
( 1) Asterisk_1.8.21.0_Lock_at_10CPS_360_Concurrnet_Calls.txt
( 2) Asterisk_10.12.2_Lock_at_10CPS_560_Concurrent_Calls.txt
( 3) Asterisk_11.2.0_Lock_at_10CPS_50_Concurrent_Calls.txt
( 4) Asterisk_11.3.0_Lock_at_10CPS_50_Concurrent_Calls.txt
( 5) ThreadLock2.rtf
Description:This issue occurs when there are 10 calls per second placed or over. The SIP channel is locking and no longer replying to sip calls.

Originally, this looked like an ODBC realtime issue, however the issue is still present when no realtime peers are in use and realtime has been disabled.

A simple test is setup using SIPP which calls an extension in the dialplan that answers the calls and waits 30 seconds. The calls are then hung up.

This issue sounds like it could be related to ASTERISK-21068, however no commands are being run from the CLI.

The CLI shows that there are no replies to critical packets, which suggest that they are not actually being sent.
Comments:By: Ross Beer (rossbeer) 2013-04-07 11:08:39.001-0500

I have been testing with different asterisk versions and have some interesting results:

Asterisk 460 Concurrent Calls Before Lock

Asterisk 360 Concurrent Calls Before Lock

Asterisk 10.12.2 560 Concurrent Calls Before Lock

Asterisk 11.2.0 50 Concurrent Calls Before Lock

Asterisk 11.3.0 50 Concurrent Calls Before Lock

I have attached the lock status for each version. The best performing version is Asterisk 10.

All of the locks appear to be in the same place.