
Summary:ASTERISK-20949: Core dump on ReceiveFax
Reporter:Steven Haigh (crcinau)Labels:
Date Opened:2013-01-17 21:59:45.000-0600Date Closed:2013-01-18 02:22:05.000-0600
Versions:11.1.2 11.2.0 Frequency of
Environment:EL6.3 x86_64Attachments:
Description:When receiving a fax via the res_fax_spandsp resource, Asterisk crashes with a core dump.

exten => s,1,NoOp(Incoming Fax)
exten => s,n,Set(FAXFILE=/faxes/${CALLERID(num)}_${STRFTIME(,,%F-%H%M)}_${RAND(2)}.tiff)
exten => s,n,NoOp(**** Setting FAX Options ****)
exten => s,n,Set(LOCALSTATIONID=+613 8338 0299)
exten => s,n,NoOp(**** Receiving Fax : ${FAXFILE} ****)
exten => s,n,Wait(1)
exten => s,n,Answer(2000)
exten => s,n,ReceiveFAX(${FAXFILE},df)

exten => h,1,NoOp(Fax transmission completed.)
exten => h,n,AGI(email-fax.agi)
exten => h,n,HangUp()

# rpm -qa | grep spandsp

Will attach core dump.
Comments:By: Steven Haigh (crcinau) 2013-01-17 22:02:48.951-0600

Latest Core dump gzip'ed.

By: Steven Haigh (crcinau) 2013-01-17 22:45:21.470-0600

Interestingly, I recompiled with DONT_OPTIMIZE and BETTER_BACKTRACES and I don't get a core dump now.

I do notice that ReceiveFax still exits non-zero and does not create a tiff file as specified.

Trying to receive a fax with verbose 50, debug 50, fax set debug on:
 == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5
   -- Executing [104@phones:1] Goto("SIP/103-00000002", "fax,s,1") in new stack
   -- Goto (fax,s,1)
   -- Executing [s@fax:1] NoOp("SIP/103-00000002", "Incoming Fax") in new stack
   -- Executing [s@fax:2] Set("SIP/103-00000002", "FAXFILE=/faxes/103_2013-01-18-1544_2020657138.tiff") in new stack
   -- Executing [s@fax:3] NoOp("SIP/103-00000002", "**** Setting FAX Options ****") in new stack
   -- Executing [s@fax:4] Set("SIP/103-00000002", "LOCALHEADERINFO=STEVEN HAIGH") in new stack
   -- Executing [s@fax:5] Set("SIP/103-00000002", "LOCALSTATIONID=+613 8338 0299") in new stack
   -- Executing [s@fax:6] NoOp("SIP/103-00000002", "**** Receiving Fax : /faxes/103_2013-01-18-1544_2020657138.tiff ****") in new stack
   -- Executing [s@fax:7] Wait("SIP/103-00000002", "1") in new stack
   -- Executing [s@fax:8] Answer("SIP/103-00000002", "2000") in new stack
   -- Executing [s@fax:9] ReceiveFAX("SIP/103-00000002", "/faxes/103_2013-01-18-1544_2020657138.tiff,df") in new stack
   -- Channel 'SIP/103-00000002' receiving FAX '/faxes/103_2013-01-18-1544_2020657138.tiff'
 == Spawn extension (fax, s, 9) exited non-zero on 'SIP/103-00000002'
   -- Executing [h@fax:1] NoOp("SIP/103-00000002", "Fax transmission completed.") in new stack
   -- Executing [h@fax:2] AGI("SIP/103-00000002", "email-fax.agi") in new stack
   -- Launched AGI Script /var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin/email-fax.agi
   -- <SIP/103-00000002>AGI Script email-fax.agi completed, returning 0
   -- Executing [h@fax:3] Hangup("SIP/103-00000002", "") in new stack
 == Spawn extension (fax, h, 3) exited non-zero on 'SIP/103-00000002'

No file was created in /faxes/ (which is rwxrwxrwx) and no real information as to why anything failed :(

asterisk*CLI> fax show stats

FAX Statistics:

Current Sessions     : 0
Reserved Sessions    : 0
Transmit Attempts    : 0
Receive Attempts     : 3
Completed FAXes      : 0
Failed FAXes         : 0

Spandsp G.711
Success              : 0
Switched to T.38     : 0
Call Dropped         : 0
No FAX               : 0
Negotiation Failed   : 0
Train Failure        : 0
Retries Exceeded     : 0
Protocol Error       : 0
TX Protocol Error    : 0
RX Protocol Error    : 0
File Error           : 0
Memory Error         : 0
Unknown Error        : 0

Spandsp T.38
Success              : 0
Call Dropped         : 0
No FAX               : 0
Negotiation Failed   : 0
Train Failure        : 0
Retries Exceeded     : 0
Protocol Error       : 0
TX Protocol Error    : 0
RX Protocol Error    : 0
File Error           : 0
Memory Error         : 0
Unknown Error        : 0

Just noticed that FAXOPT(error) contains "T38_NEG_ERROR" - which is not very helpful :(

By: Walter Doekes (wdoekes) 2013-01-18 02:22:05.613-0600

09:19 < CRCinAU_> https://issues.asterisk.org/jira/browse/ASTERISK-20949
09:20 < CRCinAU_> I found a config problem on my end.
09:20 < CRCinAU_> however, I have NFI why it was core dumping earlier. :(
09:20 < CRCinAU_> but now I can't reproduce it