
Summary:ASTERISK-20705: Call Recording on Inbound Calls causes Asterisk 10.10.0 to crash (Segfault)
Reporter:Gord Spence (gordspence)Labels:
Date Opened:2012-11-19 12:19:46.000-0600Date Closed:2013-01-30 08:00:35.000-0600
Versions:10.10.0 Frequency of
is related toASTERISK-20834 Call Recording Fails (mixmonitor)
Environment:CentOS 6.2, FreePBX 1.1010.210.62-x86_64, VMWareAttachments:( 0) backtrace.txt
( 1) backtrace-2.txt
Description:Fresh install of FreePBX Distro 1.1010.210.62-x86_64.

When call recording is turned on for an inbound route, or for queues, asterisk appears to crash as soon as the recording is supposed to start (both when set to "always" or "on pickup").

If the recording is set to always on the inbound route, the caller gets nothing but dead air. If the recording is set on the queue instead, the caller gets into the queue, & hears MOH, when the receiver picks up, asterisk immediately crashes and the caller hears silence.

Turning off call recording allows calls to connect normally.
Comments:By: Matt Jordan (mjordan) 2012-11-19 12:28:02.907-0600

Thank you for your bug report. In order to move your issue forward, we require a backtrace[1] from the core file produced after the crash. Also, be sure you have DONT_OPTIMIZE enabled in menuselect within the Compiler Flags section, then:

make install

After enabling, reproduce the crash, and then execute the backtrace[1] instructions. When complete, attach that file to this issue report.

[1] https://wiki.asterisk.org/wiki/display/AST/Getting+a+Backtrace

By: Gord Spence (gordspence) 2012-11-20 08:30:26.115-0600

Alrighty - managed to get the backtrace this morning!

By: Matt Jordan (mjordan) 2012-11-20 09:35:58.156-0600

Unfortunately, that isn't a properly generated backtrace.

In order to get usable backtrace, Asterisk must be compiled with the appropriate build options, as documented in https://wiki.asterisk.org/wiki/display/AST/Getting+a+Backtrace.  This includes enabling both *DONT_OPTIMIZE* and *BETTER_BACKTRACES*.

Please re-compile Asterisk with those options, install, and re-produce the crash.  Thanks!

By: Gord Spence (gordspence) 2012-11-21 07:03:42.701-0600

Drat. Unfortunately I don't have the time / knowledge to recompile asterisk (hence why I'm using a distro instead of building from scratch!) so I'm not going to be able to get a proper backtrace - I'll roll back to a distro with 1.8.xx for the time being. Thanks for your help!

By: Brian McManus (jetsnoc) 2012-12-04 19:12:05.901-0600

I installed the FreePBX 1.1010.210.62-5 version and had the same problem as Gord Spence.  It produced a core in /tmp but as we already know it was not compiled with the correct paramaters.  So I downloaded asterisk-10-current.tar.gz, installed a compilation environment and compiled Asterisk from source with DONT_OPTIMIZE, DEBUG_THREADS, DEBUG_FD_LEAKS, MALLOC_DEBUG and BETTER_BACKTRACES.  Asterisk 10.10.0 compiled in this way from the tarball does not exhibit this behavior.  The Centos 6.2 FreePBX release of Asterisk 10.10.0 does exhibit the behavior.  It crashed when MixMonitor is logged to the CLI.  I will attempt to replicate the problem again tomorrow but at this point it appears to be the specific build of 10.10.0 FreePBX has provided through an RPM?

By: Tommy McNeely (tommythekid) 2013-01-04 02:04:48.585-0600

We are seeing this problem as well. FreePBX 1.1010.210.62-3, Asterisk 10.10

[root@pbx-golden Default_backup]# rpm -qi asterisk10-core
Name        : asterisk10-core              Relocations: (not relocatable)
Version     : 10.10.0                           Vendor: Schmooze Com, Inc.
Release     : 67_centos6                    Build Date: Wed 21 Nov 2012 03:18:03 PM MST
Install Date: Tue 04 Dec 2012 10:08:27 AM MST      Build Host: jenkins6.schmoozecom.net
Group       : Utilities/System              Source RPM: asterisk10-10.10.0-67_centos6.src.rpm
Size        : 9263036                          License: GPL
Signature   : (none)
Packager    : Bryan Walters <bryan.walters@schmoozecom.com>
URL         : http://www.asterisk.org
Summary     : Asterisk core package without any "extras".
Description :
This package contains a base install of Asterisk without any "extras".

Is there a FreePBX bug that should be linked here?

By: Tommy McNeely (tommythekid) 2013-01-04 02:42:24.663-0600

Here is another backtrace from the RPM version. It does not appear to have "<value optimized out>" but it is for sure stripped :(

-- EDIT: Never mind, I figured out I was missing the debugging symbols, once installed, I see all the places where there are "<value optimized out>" .. sorry that backtrace is not very useful.

By: Rusty Newton (rnewton) 2013-01-28 14:20:14.206-0600

Can any of the reporters confirm whether this issue still occurs in a later version of the FreePBX distro as mentioned here: http://www.freepbx.org/forum/freepbx-distro/distro-discussion-help/1-1010-210-62-x86-64-call-recording ?

If it doesn't occur, then I'll check with the FreePBX guys to make sure we get the fix in the appropriate places.

By: Tommy McNeely (tommythekid) 2013-01-29 10:05:28.623-0600

After updating the FreePBX distro version, our call recording is working great.

By: Schmooze Com (schmoozecom) 2013-01-30 08:00:03.116-0600

This was related to https://issues.asterisk.org/jira/browse/ASTERISK-20834

By: Matt Jordan (mjordan) 2013-01-30 08:00:11.515-0600

Talked with Tony about this and it is actually the same issue as ASTERISK-20834. This was fixed in r378655, and should be resolved in Asterisk 10.12.0