
Summary:ASTERISK-20004: DNS manager - multiple queries
Reporter:Maciej Krajewski (jamicque)Labels:
Date Opened:2012-06-14 09:04:46Date Closed:2012-06-14 19:51:28
Versions: Frequency of
Description:I've looked at DNS manager behaviour, and in my opinion it is not working perfectly. DNS manager refreshes the domain name for every peer, every cycle not concerning about the domain names it has already refreshed. For instance if you have 30 peers to one SIP operator who is under one domain name, DNS manager would refresh 30 domain names instead of one every cycle.
In my opinion there should by only one refresh for every occurred domain name.
Comments:By: Michael L. Young (elguero) 2012-06-14 19:50:56.396-0500

Features requests are no longer submitted to or accepted through the issue tracker. Features requests are openly discussed on the mailing lists [1] and Asterisk IRC channels and made note of by Bug Marshals.

[1] http://www.asterisk.org/support/mailing-lists

Your idea is a good idea.  But without a patch, this is not the proper forum to discuss this in.